RA-13-097, Sea Turtle Incidental Take Report 2013-6, 2013-7, 2013-8, 2013-9

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Sea Turtle Incidental Take Report 2013-6, 2013-7, 2013-8, 2013-9
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 09/27/2013
From: Peak R R
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13283A016 (18)


A Exelon Generation)yster Creek Generating Station www exeoncorpvcom Route 9 South PO Box 388 Forke Rivefr Ni 08 731 10 CFR 502 SePtember

.1 27, 2013 RA- 13097 US8 NUdeer Re~atOXY Caff0*91Mo DocUMWot COnW Sk2" OY9W Cre* 8W~d "-I. fwf -prs um 0 W Subjec. Se Tuft k dderTsaD foN 201$.7,20134.2W13 Ithe aftache mp~wb prof deiesd iremetumm~

r toeretbit~Ws~aM Lao9erh ea I urm M tWl at OVose CrOA Nucw Oenen 9 Io a -(OCNG8 on SeOpmbw 1.2013,8a deud LoggeheWs ms RWO an Septembe 7, M3, awOn eed. KwW's Mbdy see to*on Sqend 10, M013, an d &Iw kaWb3-7 rIdhy sea am'*o010168e 3,2013.Pismn.t tod- OCN4 hwas -A w 0 0i1 fm MSC)Otradin r("Oft & vor 8Is.A Setui. 01e*.mom 10, or Sosiifer 13 kafts. This klonrmobn wil be wmbwd~ Ow wh mWe on"" of i iidw~ Wins.The Sea Tuftl skgw edtw Svape l4stwoik ---ie Reot MkdW soopyrsel them turtle~ w "lh koedwai Mm dt OCNQB on .My 25, 'A* 26 a*- Augus 12, 2013#(urtles 21420134 end2013-5, r~opermh), woon esow,* awmnd avlby te# you how any 9.sdons or requb. sllbiaD N~wio .plase do notwi~ to oos I*w*f uMel ft Pes*kwInoids Tdo PApofto 200A4,2043-70134, and 2013-0 wW !it !photograps Merkie Aft aW Strand CesnerSTSSI Rpost fmr Of 2b -2013-204,2013-5, and 201 3.76 cc: Julie Crocker U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Region Protected Resources Division 55 Great Republic Drive Gloucester, MA 01930-2275 Jeaenete Bowers-Altm NJ Department of Environmental Protection Diio of Fish, Game, and Wildlife P.O. Box 400 Trenton, NJ 08625.0400 Patrick Mugan NJ Departmoet of Environmental Protection Bureau d Nuclear Engineering P.O. Box 420, Mal Code 33-01 Trenton, NJ 08625-0420 Administrator, Region I US Nuclear Regulory Commission Senior Project Manager US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Senior Resident Inepector Oyster Creek Generating Station Iw~ncina Take 2013-4 Inc~dntal Take 2013-7 OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT:

Obsrv'es ful name,,, Kristen Laning Joe ULquori name: Kristen ,Af Jeronrmo Jlminez Sp.cis ldnt~ffcation (Key at~auhe) Loggerhead

..Loggerhead Site ofhmnpnmem~n (CWS o(_s_ _DWS DWS....Nr.. ... .3 2 at nia obeved ..1-Sept-13 7-Sept-13 Th n , ...07:45 DaI.~ imil ,e, 1 .Sept- 13 7-Sept.13 ,Twm u n oaectd 08:15 06:10ATLLEU LtON:. .. ..... ..... ___........_........

,4 T t.. .. Low ,Id Low Tide s ! .None None tak wa 4 tem~rature 79"F 72.5"F Air temperature 40 S....... .. ..None degree F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 4......... ... ......2 2 A~se 100% 100%________.............

.... 100% 100%i, crr i on: 1-Sept13 7-, ,-13 7:40 AM 4:30 AM-,4 ,;10! .,, i 1-Sept-1371We-13

' 07:27................

........ 1-Sept-13 7-Sept-13_ _ _ _ _ _. .. ... ....... .11:10 11:55 I Aie Dead Incidental Take 2013-6 Incidental Take 2013"7 State A animal wlven Not responsive; significant eted: t damage on shell.State c4 ÷imat when ps J Sea turtle dead with AN" appareAn Injuries.Sea ture dead wth four Alive, small piece of shell 10 Ih "og cuts across Stale ¶@t &eima aig at missing on posterior ght top of Deat side Nbl from propellestrike.

TBD, MMSC still In Burid by MMC, Off possession of turtle beach ac eo~it Curved 68.6 cm (estimated) 69.9 cmLe h S t66.0 cm (estimated 683.5 cmW@ Cu :58.4 cm(s ,a") 57.2 cm aa m ~th ...5,.9 cm (e.t.a.ed).

47.0 cm w T.. 55.0 kat"h N um bL f10 tag ...................

......otag .... ... .______________Yes Yes Yes Yes Loggedal oLoggerhead of£ .......__undet._,_nn ex, urnetennined sex

....dental Take 2013-4 Incidental TaM 2013-9 OPERATIONS D E P A R T M E N T : .. .............


...Observes full namer oglas Hufford Gary Winlder Neprt t nd*.Jeronimo Jlmnlnez Steve Johnston Species ientfficatons (Key att~ci .. ..Kemp's rd ..y Kemp's Ste of Ivmptg~eno (CWS or c~sl:,cws

,,,cws ... .,B&Nobe ,, ,4 2 Late ai observed 1.0-Sept-13 13-S.."-13 T a b e ...00:55 20:00 co!!2aa ceter , 10-St-13 13-Sept-13 l~ 1eamn~lcolctd01:00M5 CQNoI1~Ok's ATStge: H Tkid High Tide 84 i l~0!None Nonea tempers 75"F 78"F Air temerfatu re86~ o?.x dgresF None_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... .... ... .... ..4 4__ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _2 2 t on .100% 100%h______.....

..... .._100% 100%4 &me o las S~r p 12,:30 AM 8:00 PM U VI)N@ LNTAL... ....'___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __10-$W-13 1 S -13 ,___ ____ ___ ____ ___01:45 20:50...... ... ..1, -Se 3 ....... ... ...... .14-Sept-13

__: _ __:_09:45 09:50_ _ _ _ _ __Alive Alive 4 Sea turtle alie with no apparent W noted except heeled crack on arriving at)Uf~V 7


SEA TURTLE STRANDING AND SALVAGE NETWORK -STRANDING REPORT OBSERVER'S NAME / ADDRESS / PHONE: First Danielle M.l. Last Monaghan Affiliation Marine Mammal Stranding Center Address PO Box 773, 3625 Brigantine Blvd., Brigantine, NJ 08203 Arona IPIr~o~nno niimmhtr (qnoý J~~STRANDING DATE: Year 20 13 Month 07 Day 2 5 Turtle number by day 01 Field ID # MMSC-13-108 Coordinator must be notified within 24 hrs; this was done by [ phone (609)266-0538 Elemail n fax SPECIES: (check one)El CC = Loggerhead L- CM = Green LE DC = Leatherback 1- El = Hawksbill 0 LK = Kemp's Ridley 1- LO = Olive Ridley[] UN = Unidentified ,Check Unidentified if not positive.

Do Not Guess.Carcass necropsied? -lYesZNo Photos taken? MYes E]No Species verified by coordinator?


[]Offshore (Atlantic or Gulf beach) [DInshore (bay, river, sound, inlet, etc)State New Jersey County Ocean Descriptive location (be Creek NGS Latitude 39.814088*N

,, gitude 74.207666*W t r:ONDITION: " i : 2-]a;=Alive 0 i =Freshtdead

  • .-I1 2 = Moderately dec6mposed" El 3,= Severely decbr'moed El 4 = Driedcarcass'
  • I- 5= Slotn, bohns only-FINAL DISPOSITION: (check)Ell = Left on beach where found; painted? []Yes* E]No(5)0D2 = Buried: [] on beach / 0 off beach;carcass painted before buried? E] Yes* [D No 03 = Salvaged; j] all El part(s), what/why?1714= Pulled up on beach/lune; painted? []Yes* E]No E36 Alive, released.[]7 = Alive, takqn tp rehab. facility, where?178 =Left floating, not rec overed; painted? []Yes* E]No 19= Dispbsition unknown, explain*if p ainted, w hatcolor?

.....SEX: Z Undetermined El Female 0i Male Does tail extend beyond carapace?E] Yes; how far? Elcm/L-Iin

[] No How was sex determined?

E] Necropsy 17 Tail length (adult only)TAGS.ICoqtact coo kinat&obefore disposipgof aniy l qdarat, Checked for flipper Yes4,Z 9o Check all 4 flipperi.

tf.found, rtqoid tag number(s)

/ tag locatioh.l return address IT tag.scan?' If found, reord numb4*r Ytag locajion Coded wirQ, tag lYe No" I positive..esponse, recdtCIodtqon'(flilhper)

Unabl"to CheCked fOr living tag? ERYesE] No If f6unrd,.record f5cation dute pumber,&Aaide)\*, OACRA'PACt MEASURjEMENTS: (see drawing)Using calipers stoaight length (NOTCH-TIP)

Minimum lngth (NOTCVI-NOTCH)

Straight width (Widest Poin)Usring non-metal measuring tape'Crýd' length (NOTCH-TIP)

Minimum lngth,(NQTCH-NOTCH)

Curved width (Widest Point)Weight [D actual / Li est.Circle unit 18 Scm rlin[Licm[iin 17 0cm Liin Circle unit 18.5 0cm Liin_ _cm Liin 19.2 0cm -lin Circle unit 1.=9 [kg [ibMark wounds / abrrna.l!ties.;6hdiagrams at leftand describe below (note tar or oil, gear or debris entanglemrent,?popeler dpmag, epibiota, papillomas, emaciation, etc.). Please note if no wounds / abnonnfilfies are found.Fresh dead. Found floating in the dilution pool. Scrapes on plastron and underside of all four flippers, as well as on right side of face. Photos and measurements taken by MMSC staff. No cause of death could be confirmed.

I'US 2I I , ,..m ..L,. Ey V "-+ -_I -ri.+ I +.. ... ...+ "+" .--, I NMFS's Acceptable Tniinimum Stiaithl.Cdrapa+ýc4xtgths (SCL) for adult seaturtles:

Any adimal with a SCL's less 1 tt e the -lisjed.Are, considered a juvenile animals; therefore,ý sex Qp ON1 1'Y be determined yja necropsy:".

.+ ~lot, .i4 t t /+ m 4n ,- -C. *A" Loggerhead Green , Kemp's Ridley SCIE>, 90 cm 35+43 inches) , .." SL > 95 cm (37.40 inches)SCL > 60 cm (23.62 inches): .Please, use an envelope andmai origial forma to: MRROBERTSCHOELKOPF.'..


NEW.JERSEY.STSSN COO1W0INA-TOR MARNE MAMMAL STA CENTER -1O BRIGANTINE, J 0.203,, .*, +. ,.-*. .,!.,*,," -: .+ , +, ,, Y7'A_L ./ "?+, '1 ....: , ,.A++ -..g ....%.l SEA TURTLE STRANDING AND SALVAGE NETWORK -STRANDING REPOt.IT -.~T~'I I~Add Area y~.2 I L.wlmm i 6.0 o 24Im ow p i U-S -SPEOSS: (hisok em ,c a CCI DC El~LK STRONO LOCA-IOP Lfm IlJ/IW, DOfte (Aftw*ýof W In hors o( , SOUK hf SiC)melX v 9~, 1~~'A Wa m~~~~~=l w -...~~L.lL t*#11~WAWN2 I kt~L3 J"! t 1 ----)S U' /t t~~0f._ _3 ta:l V<~K wl E h.- .-.I fp~- ~ 4. U A .W2 mm U i~-~A ia5.-... ~U I ~ .L ~ & ~- -'U J -4.-ta~k=? %Ye4sN eWeby vEy F Ji I.E i I Frteh dead 2 ! MoerMl somon 3 E i od 4),., i L twA al/c 0 WUDW ftiffim -ý(ynk meburled?Q0YsQ*()No ye'Ot I , Ove.' 1 i)i 11 t~IW1 U~YVI -~ L rXf ii WV 40(s)I 8N how WSW?NOh Hmiw was mex determinet i Oil V* 0- op" I J7 i bm E Q-f I k~J T*4L u No I r U p~1 r~mum PIT tv scm? ED Yo0 C mu Codwd wire we s,? 0 Yes 0 No I posiW rMspone, rmco d b ifin (kpu -v N W4,,rm toc en (s8 Aw &.....lqo)Ij EqEJ 7==in cUW msu'swdu m Jj0-j-t-V,1( IwWrýi or dbuseft angtrment, propefr don no# no 11 counf I -&-itio,~illIVy. 1 IUULEURVU VI: INIVMJtL'u ul hII un zm U1 3IJI1 UU U !;,ZplI. I* auiuatinin wa21 exaMi-n by Dr. Pahd on 7.30-2013.

He doeemd t aniMl re l Ttie was released at 38W r b in B nt on p.2-2013.

Relie ei was 6.2 lbs. PIT tg #982000149985837 nlaced in left sodulder.

'33j r I ,11 -110 (9bý Is tOIU 3R)OO o1 *s cn~H~TO~"S" CO1~~~~i~~V Pi ai ngia or_K 14 3 "4L A~~o r) iw 0,j~l fý4 4 Qo T SEA TURTLE STRANDING AND SALVAGE NETWORK -STRANDING REPORT OBS VERv'SNAME .ADDRESS /PH NE: .First Ja , M- I _ st( .?aqe .--.Affili tion Marnn4 Wainl SrandinA Cettei 7 'Add ss. PO BoO ,73, 36?5 lgriaýtine Blvd .riqantiie, NJ 08203 Area co eydn~imber (609) 266-0538 L STRANDING DATE: ":Yea20 1"' 1 M6nth- 08 bay Turtle nunueýe l daj 01 Fie'1D # MMSC-1§-142 Coordinator must be notifiedWithin 24 hrs; this was done by (609)266-0538 r-]email [-]fax SPECIES: .qheck one)1 l C rhead E] QD=Leather!ck

/El 1=1 H~wksbill, I_ =Kemp's Rle 4 El .= Olive Itidlo I El WXNzUhdVp~if1 pos itiv. Dot STRANDING LOCATIN: E[lOIfhore (Atlantic or Guff.bQh)

ZInshore (bay, river, sound, iret, etc)State N&' Jdsey ' douVnfj' ,"n 1 Dpescriptive -ctipn.((d specific)

Oyster Creek N~GSL-ýýi xituý_39:84i44oN

.~ Lpngitudeý 74.27657 0 W.14 ý I a ,'--ONDITIOI 0 = Alive Sr 1 = Fresh[Carpass necropsied?

!Ph s taken? 0Yes E]No Speies taiexd hy- C e?10 Yes"[ OSEX: I EK 177 Female Does tail extend El 1 2 Mode-I ' 37=1 Sever"1 4 = Drie"(d Kt (che~konie) dead rately decomppaed ely-dlQomposedLi ton, bbne on= I I I11 ..FINAL DISPOSITION: (check) 2 " I = Left on beach where found; painted? rlYes* r--No(5)[]2 = Buried: [ on beach / E] off beach;carcass pinted before buried? El Yes* El r.o L13 = Salvaged:

El all/[] part(s), .whatwhy?

L." Pulleyj up.oh beadh/durne; paipted?[E]Yes*

$I6No ZEl;=l~ hat fc ýAit~ e?H 8= Left flpatlfignot recovered; paitted iZYes* ::No El9=- Disposition unknown, explain*If painted, what color?___'_

17 Yes; how far? dm/I-lin 2 No How was sex determined?

El Tail length (adult only)iTAGStContact c' o 'rdi'natr before <fiso#g of aManfped animal!Oeicke¢! for flipper tags?., yes El No IChecl 14 flippers.

If found, record tag number(s)

/ tag location / return address PITtag scan? [D Yes E] No If f6und, record number Itag location Coded wire tag scan? E] Yes Z No If positive response, record location (flipper)Unable to check for Checked for living tag? EYes [] No If found, record location (scute number & side)\CARAPACE MEASUREMENTS: (see drawing)Using calipers Straight length (NOTCH-TIP)

Minimum length (NOTCH-NOTCH)

Straight width'(Widest Point) 'Using nonmetal measuring tape Curved length (NOTCH-TIP)

Minimum length.,(NOTCH-NOTCH)

Curved width (Widest Point)weigjht M ictual /IL 6'(.* , K j,,, ,l- t Circle unit 21.3 Scm Elin E cmElin 19 cm Din I Circle unit 22.1 _ cm Elin__ Elcm lin 21.7 _ cm lin Circle unit 3.3 Flkg [Ib 13St Man Mark wounds / abnormalities on diagrams at left and desarila below (note tar or oil, gear or debris entanglement, propeller damage; qpibiota,,papillomg emaciation, etc.). Please note if no wounds / abnormalities are found.Alive, a few barnacles on carapace and some scrapes on plastron.

Active and responsive.

Was examined by our veterinarian and deemed releasable.

Released on the North End Beach in Brigantine, NJ on 8-26-2013.

Release weight 4.1 lbs.

I fil 8N)NMFS's Acceptable minimum Straight Carapace Lengths (SCL) for adult sea turtles. Any animal with a SCL's less than these listed are considered a juvenile animals; therefore, sex can ONLY be determined via necropsy: Leatherback Unknown/undetermined minimum SCL Loggerhead SCL > 90 cm (35.43 inches)Green SCL > 95 cm (37.40 inches)Kemp's Ridley SCL > 60 cm (23.62 inches)Please use an envelope and mail original form to: MR. ROBERT SCHOELKOPF NEW JERSEY STSSN COORDINATOR MARINE MAMMAL STRANDING CENTER P.O. BOX 773 BRIGANTINE, NJ 08203 SEA TURTLE STRANDING AND SALVAGE NETWORK -STRANDING REPORT OBSERVER'S NAME I ADDRESS / PHONE: First Jay M.I. Last Pagel Affiliation Marine Mammal Stranding Center Address PO Box 773, 3625 Brigantine Blvd., B riri~nhinA NJ 0R2O~STRANDING DATE: Year 20 13 Month 09 Day 0 7 Turtle number by day 01 Field ID # MMSC-13-194 Coordinator must be notified within 24 hrs; this was done by [0phone (609)266-0538 E-Temail F-1fax*ia tn NJ=, 08203vI= vvv v Area code/Phone number (609) 266-0538 SPECIES: (check one)Z CC = Loggerhead E- CM = Green 17 DC = Leatherback El El = Hawksbill 1- LK = Kemp's Ridley 1- LO = Olive Ridley nL UN = Unidentified Check Unidentified if not positive.


ElOffshore (Atlantic or Gulf beach) SInshore (bay, river, sound, inlet, etc)State New Jersey County Ocean Descriptive location (be specific)_Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Latitude 39.814141'N Longitude 74.2070000W Carcass necropsied?

[]Yes[No Photos taken? MYes []No Species verified by coordinator?

E Yes F7 No CONDITION: (check one)E] 0 = Alive E] 1 = Fresh dead ED 2 = Moderately decomposed El 3 = Severely decomposed 1- 4 = Dried carcass El 5 = Skeleton, bones only FINAL DISPOSITION: (check)E-l = Left on beach where found; painted? E]Yes* L]No(5)02 = Buried: 17 on beach / S off beach;carcass painted before buried? E] Yes* Z No E]3 = Salvaged:

El all / El part(s), what/why?0l4 = Pulled up on beach/dune; painted? ElYes* E]No E16 = Alive, released[]7 = Alive, taken to rehab. facility, where?[]8 = Left floating, not recovered; painted? ElYes* ElNo[19 = Disposition unknown, explain*If painted, what color?SEX: ED Undetermined El Female E- Male Does tail extend beyond carapace?El Yes; how far? Elcm/Elin E No How was sex determined?

E] Necropsy El Tail length (adult only)TAGS: Contact coordinator before disposing of any tagged animal!!Checked for flipper tags? [D Yes E] No Check all 4 flippers.

If found, record tag number(s)

/ tag location / return address PIT tag scan? Z Yes E] No If found, record number / tag location Coded wire tag scan? [] Yes 0 No If positive response, record location (flipper)--Unable to check for Checked for living tag? 0Yes E] No If found, record location (scute number & side)\CARAPACE MEASUREMENTS: (see drawing)Using calipers Straight length (NOTCH-TIP)

Minimum length (NOTCH-NOTCH)

Straight width (Widest Point)Using non-metal measuring tape Curved length (NOTCH-TIP)

Minimum length (NOTCH-NOTCH)

Curved width (Widest Point)Weight El actual / 0 est.Circle unit 63.5 0cm lin rElcm[lin 47.0 0lcm lin Circle unit 69.9 0cm Elin Ecm Elin 57.2 0cm Elin Circle unit 55.0 rlkg 01b Mark wounds / abnormalities on diagrams at left and describe below (note tar or oil, gear or debris entanglement, propeller damage, epibiota, papillomas, emaciation, etc.). Please note if no wounds / abnormalities are found.Late Code 2. Death likely from propeller strike. The animal had four cuts across the top of its carapace that measured 10 inches long and spaced 7 inches apart. One of the cuts penetrated the back of the neck to the spine. The carapace was beginning to disarticulate due to decomposition.

Measured, photographed and buried by MMSC Staff.

Pig,, Em-oZz;z cooIsdWradZ I NMFS's Acceptable minimum Straight Carapace Lengths (SCL) for adult sea turtles. Any animal with a SCL's less than these listed are considered a juvenile animals; therefore, sex can ONLY be determined via necropsy: Leatherback Unknown/undetermined minimum SCL Loggerhead SCL > 90 cm (35.43 inches)Green SCL > 95 cm (37.40 inches)Kemp's Ridley SCL > 60 cm (23.62 inches)Please use an envelope and mail original form to: MR. ROBERT SCHOELKOPF NEW JERSEY STSSN COORDINATOR MARINE MAMMAL STRANDING CENTER P.O. BOX 773 BRIGANTINE, NJ 08203