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Revision 002 to Chemistry Procedure, CP2804M, Vent and Containment Air Pass.
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Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 12/30/2015
From: Urgitis J D
Dominion, Dominion Nuclear Connecticut
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CP2804M, Rev 002
Download: ML16020A039 (82)


To Facility Address:DOCUMENT CONTROL DESK:MP Department:

12/30/15 08:13 Trans No. : 000153271 Total Items: 00001 DOCUMENTS ansmittal Group Id: 1511847 Item Facility Type Sub Document Number/ITitle Sheet Revision Doc Date Copy # Media Copies* 0001 MP PROC CH CP 2804M 002 P 01 UNIT 2 VENT CONTAINMENT AIR PASS Please check the appropriate response and return form to NDS Bldg 475/3 Millstone Power Station or Fax to 860-440-2057.

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[] North Anna LI Surry LI 8. Please check below to indicate the type of administrative correction needed.[] Updating titles, names, phones numbers, document format, procedure numbers, or references LI Misspellings (e.g., "adn" instead of "and")LI Incorrect step number sequence (e.g., "6.3.1, 6.3.3, 6.3.2" instead of "6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3")LI Incorrect page numbers in the headers and attachments (e.g., "PAGE 82 of 80" instead of "PAGE 82 of 82")LI Incorrect pagination, such as incorrect page breaks LI Incorrect transitions, branches, and references (e.g., referenced procedure has been renumbered)

LI Mistakes occurring during duplication (cloning) of procedures (e.g., Unit 1 panel number, equipment location number, or procedure number in a Unit 2 procedure)

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13. Name (Print) "natu #15. Date Jeff D. Urgitis 12/29/15 NOTE: The individual(s) posting an Administrative Correction to EDMS are responsible for ensuring Nuclear E-Forms is updated.16. Nuclear E-Forrns Updated for Site(s)? 17. Nuclear E-Forms Updated Print Name/Signature 118. Date LIMP LINA LISU [MN/A N/A 19. Technical Procedure Number: 120. Revision:
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~Iate/" CPI84M002 Form No. 730689(May 2015)


14]FCP2804M 7 -; <- :

, ST P17INKN NOTE 4 A:' REVIEW...."iew],g' jthe Nuclear<'FuelsSsafety Amalysis is fw" nv.. mo ,,to impact do~se lmit tif n mtoitudly -acl' ti" s. I Approval Date: Effective Date: 12/30/15 12/30/15 Level of Use Continuous Millstone Unit 2 Chemistry Procedure Unit 2 Vent and Containment Air PASS[4.Ref.6.

14]TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE .................................................

3 2. PREREQUISITES...........................................



....... 9 4. INSTRUCTIONS...........................................

10 4.1 Preparation for Sampling .................................

10 4.2 PASS Containment Air Sample Preparation


12 4.3 PASS Containment Air Sample Isolation


14 4.4 PASS Containment Air Sample Retrieval


17 4.5 PASS Containment Air Sample Analysis ......................

19 4.6 PASS Containment Air System Restoration


21 4.7 Unit 2 (EBRV) Vent Gas Sampling ..........................

23 _4.8 Unit 2 (EBRV) Vent Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection

... 25 I 4.9 WRGM and Vent High Range Particulate and Iodine Sample Analysis...................................

30 I 4.10 KAMAN High Range System Filter Sample Collection


33 4.11 KAMAN High Range System Filter Sample Analysis ...........

48 4.12 Normal Range WRGM Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection 50 I 4.13 Changing High Range Filters in Wide Range Gas Monitor .......58 4.14. U2 Main Station Stack High Range Gas Sampling .............

64I 4.15 U2 Main Station Stack and Vent Gas Isotopic Analysis ..........

66 4.16 PASS Equipment Inventory................................

68 5. REVIEW AND SIGNOFF .....................................



70 Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP "THINK ACT" REVIEW Rev. 002 i1 of 79



OF CHANGES ...................................

ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS Attachment 1, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet" ..............................

Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet" ..............................

Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet".........................

Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" ..........................

Attachment 5, "PASS Equipment Inventory List" ...................

71 73 74 75 78 79 Level of Use Continuous STOP- 'THINK ACT .... REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 2 of 79

1. PURPOSE 1.1 Objective Provide method for sample collection and analysis of Unit 2 Vent, U2 releases to Main Station Stack and containment atmosphere via PASS following an accident as a contingency plan, when radioactivity levels may preclude the use or the normal sampling method. Sampling and analysis [can be directed by the MRDA or AMRDA during an event which has activated the Station Emergency Response Organization (SERO).1.2 Discussion This procedure provides instructions which may be utilized by chemistry when collecting and analyzing highly radioactive containment atmosphere and ventilation samples and during post accident conditions.

The analyses conducted in this procedure can identify and quantify radioactive isotopes contained in the ventilation or containment air. The presence and amount of hydrogen and certain radioactive isotopes may assist in determining the type and extent of core damage.1.3 Applicability This procedure is applicable following an accident when in-plant radiation levels may be too high to permit ventilation and containment air sampling via the normal method.1.4 Frequency Performance of this procedure may be repeated periodically during SERO activation, when requested by the MRDA or AMRDA for updates or reassessments of containment conditions.


2.1 General

2.1.1 Silver

Zeolite Cartridges are used for iodine ventilation sampling1 in conjunction with this procedure (unless otherwise directed by I Chemistry Supervision).[4.Ref 6.15]2.1.2 Performance of this procedure must be authorized by the ADTS when SERO is activated 2.1.3 When SERO activated assessment by the MRCA for personnel exposure has been performed against station and Federal limits.Level of Use ,CP2804M Continuous

.."STOP "THINK "ACT Rev. 002 ,. ,:3 of 79 2.1.4 The sample aliquots listed in this procedure are not fixed numbers. Estimation of core damage may require a larger sample aliquot. If a larger sample is requested by the MRDA or AMRDA, substitute the required size syringes for those stated in this procedure.

2.1.5 Sections

4.7 through 4.16 are distinct sections that may be performed independently of each other.2.2 Documents 2.2.1 C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation" 2.2.2 C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the Varian CP 4900 Micro-GC" 2.2.3 SP 2814A, "Gaseous Effluents for Jodines and Particulates from Unit 2 Vent" 2.2.4 SP 2863-001, KAMAN Iodine Cartridge Particulate Filter Changed 2.2.5 SP 2863-002, "Unit 2 Vent High-Range Filter Data Sheet" I 2.2.6 SP 2815, "Main Station Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor SamplingI for Iodine and Particulates" 2.3 Personnel 2.3.1 Performance of this procedure can require the response of the following personnel:

a. MRCA b. OSC ARPS c. ADTS d. MRDA or the AMRDA e. MOSC f. MCRO Level f UseCP2804M Continuous
STOP .... THINK .ACT REVIEW Rev. 002' / .....4 of 79
g. One air PASS team* Two Chem Techs* One HP Tech 2.4 Tools and Consumables NOTE Some tools and consumables are common to all samples and analyses, and are listed as such. The tools and consumables are listed for each type of sample. This list is provided as a reference and may be amended during the pre -job review depending on plant conditions.

2.4.1 Tools

and consumables common to all samples:* Gamma spectroscopy calibration source* 8 1/8 inch gamma spectroscopy detector shelf extension tube* 16 inch gamma spectroscopy detector shelf extension tube* 24 inch gamma spectroscopy detector shelf extension tube 2.4.2 PASS Containment Atmosphere Sample* Two, 1 ml syringes with side port needle* Two, 500 F1 syringes with side port needle* PASS cabinet key* Transport cart with lead syringe shield* 2 evacuated 14.4 cc gas vials* Two, 10x16 plastic bags* Two, 4x6 plastic bags* Plastic wrap Level of Use / : %CP2804M ContinuousI

...STOP" 'THINK -IACT ....:REVIEW Rev. 002 5 of 79 2.4.3 Vent Gas Sampling* 5 cc gas syringe* Evacuated 14.4 cc gas vial* 41 cc gas collection chamber* Lead transport container for gas vial* 4x6 plastic bag o 10x16 plastic bag* Plastic wrap 2.4.4 Vent Particulate and Iodine Sampling* 2 Silver zeolite cartridges[4.Ref.

6.15]* Two, 2.25 inch glass fiber filters* Eight, 4x6 plastic bags* Adhesive tape* Transport cart with shielded container* In-use Chem Form 2814A-3* New Chem Form 2814A-3 Leelo UeCP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ,,ACT'...

REVIEW Rev. 002... .:i -=. "" ... :,- i,6 of 79 2.4.5 KAMN/AN High Range Filter Sampling* 3 collector assemblies (consisting of housing, silver zeolite cartridge, and 2.25 inch glass fiber filter)[-!.Ref.

6.15]* Transport cart with transfer cask for collector assemblies

  • Mechanical finger tool* Reach Rod* KAMVAN microprocessor operating key* Three, 10x16 plastic bags* Six, 4x6 plastic bags* SP 2863-001* SP 2863-002 2.4.6 WRGM Normal Range Sampling* Silver zeolite cartridges[.4.Ref.

6.15]* 47 mm glass fiber filters--Plastic bag(s)* Transport cart or container* In-use SP 2815-002 2.4.7 WRGM High Range Sampling* Two 9/16" wrenches* Transport cart for collector assemblies and caves 2.5 Responsibilities 2.5.1 The Air PASS Team performs the required sampling and analysis detailed in this procedure.

Level of Use ::. *CP2804M Cotiuos TO TIN ACT REVIEW Rev. 002," : j *7 of 79 2.5.2 When SERO is activated, the following responsibilities are in effect: a. The Manager of Operational Support Center designates, assembles, and briefs the Air PASS Team for implementation of this procedure.

b. The MRCA or OSC ARPS specifies Air PASS team radiological controls required for implementation of this procedure.
c. The MRDA or AMRDA specifies Air PASS Team sampling and analysis requirements for implementation of this procedure.
d. The MCRO performs valve lineups for the acquisition and retrieval of samples upon request of the Air PASS Team.e. The ADTS has final approval authority over team dispatch.2.6 Definitions 2.6.1 WRGM-Wide Range Gas Monitori 2.6.2 DEOF -Director, BOF 2.6.3 ADEOF-Assistant Director, BOF 2.6.4 OSC ARPS -Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor.

2.6.5 ADTS -Assistant Director Technical Support.2.6.6 Air PASS team -Personnel designated for sampling and analysis of vent and containment air of the affected unit. The air PASS team will normally be comprised of at least two chemistry technicians and, one HP technician.

2.6.7 SLPM -Standard Liters Per Minute 2.6.8 SWITCH -To change positions 2.6.9 KELIC -KAMAN Electronic Local Indication and Control 2.6.10 KERIC -KAMAN Electronic Remote Indication and Control Level of Use ....804M Continuous

  • STOP, THINK ,ACT REVIEW Rev. 002" ,., :,8 of 79
3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 When locking air samples within syringes, do not rotate syringe more than two turns. Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe resulting in the possible release of radioactive gasses.3.2 In the event of unexpected results during the course of this procedure, place the equipment in a safe or stable condition, cease performance of further steps, and contact the MRDA or the AMVRDA for further instructions.

3.3 Silver

Zeolite cartridges are hazardous material.

These cartridges must be collected and transferred to Waste Services Department for proper disposal.I Level of Use Continuous STOP, THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 9 of 79


4.1 Preparation

for Sampling 4.1.1 COMPLETE the following applicable steps as directed: a. CONSTRUCT lead brick shield in chemistry lab sample hood.b. ENSURE exhaust hood above gas chromatograph is operating.

c. LABEL two, 1.0 ml syringes, "HYDROGEN." d. LABEL two, 500 [dl syringes, "ISOTOPIC." e. LABEL one, 5 cc syringe, "GAS."____f. CHECK operability of syringes.1) ENSURE syringe nosepiece is screwed against syringe body.* 2) DRAW air into syringe.3) TURN syringe nose piece 2 turns clock-wise.
4) PLACE needle in beaker of water.5) PUSH plunger and ENSURE no air exits syringe.6) TURN syringe nosepiece tight against syringe body.7) PLACE needle in beaker of water.8) PUSH plunger and ENSURE air exits syringe.* ~g. Refer To C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the I Varian CP 4900 Micro-GC," and PREPARE gas I chromatograph for PASS sampling.____h. Using silver zeolite cartridges and particulate filters, ASSEMBLE three KAMAN collector assemblies.

Level of Use 'CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ,ACT REVIEW Rev. 00210 of 79 i.COPY the following applicable attachments of this procedure to expedite recording of data:* Attachment 1, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet"* Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet"*Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet"-End of Section 4.1 -!Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 11 of 79 4.2 PASS Containment Air Sample Preparation


Operations verify Auxiliary Building Ventilation System operating.

a. IF inoperable, NOTIFY the MRDA or the AMRDA and WAIT for further instructions.


which H 2 Analyzer is in service.4.2.3 NOTIFY MCRO that Containment Air PASS will be activated.

4.2.4 With PASS Cabinet Key, PROCEED to Sample Module area.4.2.5 UNLOCK and OPEN anti-tamper cover on Sample Module.4.2.6 OPEN Sample Module ventilation damper.4.2.7 OPEN Sample Module door.NOTE When 2-S-502 is closed, handle is perpendicular to needle guide.4.2.8 CLOSE "2-S-502." 4.2.9 PLACE valve "2-S-484" in POSITION # IF C-86 H 2 Analyzer is in service, OPEN the following valves: a. 2-S-463 b. 2-8-464 4.2.11 IF C-87 H 2 Analyzer is in service, OPEN the following valves: a. 2-S-461 b. 2-S-462 4.2.12 CLOSE valve "2-S-485." 4.2.13 PROCEED to Remote Operating Module, UNLOCK and REMOVE anti-tamper cover.Level of/ Use CP2804M Continuous STO TIN AC RE IE.R v.00,,< .... " " :'12 of 79

___4.2.14 PRESS ROM "POWER ON" button.____4.2.15 RESET timer to zero.____4.2.16 CHECK line fuses are good by observing no blown fuse indication.

____4.2.17 OPEN front panel of Remote Operating Module.____4.2.18 CLOSE "2- GAN- 246."____4.2.19 CLOSE "2- GAN- 247."____4.2.20 OPEN "2- GAN-- 248."____4.2.21 CLOSE front panel of Remote Operating Module.___ 4.2.22 BACK OFF "2-GAN- 231."____ 4.2.23 BACK OFF "2- GAiN- 249" (V-7).____4.2.24 OPEN nitrogen bottle isolation valve.____4.2.25 ESTABLISH nitrogen pressure at 400 psig using "2-GAN-236."____4.2.26 ADJUST "2-GAN-249" (V-7) to regulate nitrogen pressure to 80 psig.___4.2.27 POSITION "2-GAN-252" (V-10) to ON.____4.2.28 ADJUST "2- GAN- 23 1" to regulate nitrogen pressure to 70 psig.___4.2.29 POSITION "2-GAN-252" (V-10) to OFE 4.2.30 RETURN to Chemistry Lab.-End of Section 4.2 -Level of Use CP204 Continuous STOP "THINK ... ACT. REVIEW Rev. 002* .. .. " , of 79 4.3 PASS Containment Air Sample Isolation 4.3.1 COLLECT the following equipment:

  • Transport Cart____ 500 syringe labeled as "Isotopic"____ 1.0 ml syringe labeled as "Hydrogen" 4.3.2 PROCEED to Remote Operating Module.4.3.3 OPEN Remote Operating Module door.4.3.4 OPEN valve "2- GAN- 246" to pressurize flask.4.3.5 CLOSE Remote Operating Module door.4.3.6 ENSURE 15 minute warmup of Remote Operating Module has been performed.


following valves to OFF:___ a. 2-GAN-234 (V-11)___ b. 2-GAN-252 (V-10)4.3.8 OPEN "2-S-500" (V- !).4.3.9 PLACE "2-s-501" (V-2) to SAMPLE.4.3.10 INITIATE sample-flow as follows: a. PLACE "2-GAN-234" (V-il) to SAMPLE INFLUENT.b. PROCEED to C-86A or C-87A and POSITION the operating hydrogen analyzer PASS sample switch to "ON." c. ENSURE indication of flow on ROM flowmeter.

d. RECORD flow: ____SLPM e. IF there is not an indication of flow, REQUEST Operations to verify a Hydrogen Analyzer in service.Level of Use C ....04M.Continuous SToP THINK ,ACT *REVIEW Rev. 002* ' " ,14 of 79 4.3.11 WAIT 15 minutes.4.3.12 CLOSE "2-S-500" (V-i).4.3.13 ENSURE indicated flow has decreased.

V CAUTION V The following steps should be performed rapidly to prevent tripping the hydrogen analyzer.

The sample chamber and tubing lines in and out are very small diameter which presents a flow restriction which can trigger the hydrogen analyzer lo flow/lo pressure alarm. This alarm is triggered if this flow restriction exists for more than 30 seconds. For that reason isolate the sample as quickly as possible after the 15 seconds has elapsed.4.3.14 WAIT 15 seconds.4.3.15 To isolate sample, PLACE "2-S -501" (V-2) to BYPASS AND FLUSH.4.3.16 PROCEED to C-86A or C-87A and POSITION the operating hydrogen analyzer PASS sample switch to "OFE" 4.3.17 INITIATE Nitrogen Purge as follows: a. PLACE "2-GAN-234" (V-li) to NITROGEN FLUSH position.b. OPEN "2-S-500" (V-i).c. PLACE "2-GAN-252" (V-10) to ON.d. ADJUST "2- GAN- 231" to regulate to 70 psig.e. ENSURE indication of flow on flowmeter.

f. RECORD flow: SLPM 4.3.18 WAIT 3 minutes.4.3.19 CLOSE "2-S-500" (V-i).4.3.20 CHECK flow less than that which was indicated in step 4.3.17 f.Level of Use Continuous ,STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 15 of 79 4.3.21 WAIT 3 minutes.4.3.22 PLACE following valves to OFF: a. 2-GAN-252 (V-10)b. 2-GAN- 234 (V-li)4.3.23 OPEN "2-8-500" (V-i).-End of Section 4.3 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 16 of 79 4.4 PASS Containment Air Sample Retrieval 4.4.1 PROCEED to Sample Module.4.4.2 PERFORM a rapid radiation survey of Sample Module.4.4.3 ENSURE radiation levels are low enough, per established radiological controls, to allow access to Sample Module.4.4.4 ENSURE nosecap of 1.0 ml and 500 [dl syringes are screwed up against body.4.4.5 COLLECT 500 1 Al Containment Air Sample as follows: a. LINE UP handle of "2-8-502" (V-3) with needle guide to open.b. INSERT 1.0 ml "HYDROGEN" syringe needle into needle guide.c. ENGAGE syringe needle nut into needle guide slot.d. WITHDRAW 500 of containment air into syringe.Do not rotate syringe nosecap more than two turns. Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe resulting in the possible release of radioactive gasses.e. TURN syringe nosecap body two turns in the counterclockwise direction to lock syringe.f. REMOVE syringe from needle guide.g. CLOSE "2-S-502" (V-3).h. PLACE syringe in lead transport container.

Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 17 of 79


250 Containment Air Sample as follows: a. LINE UP handle of "2-S-502" (V-3) with needle guide to open.b. INSERT 500 "ISOTOPIC" syringe needle into needle guide.c. ENGAGE syringe needle nut into needle guide slot.d. WITHDRAW 250 of containment air into syringe.e. TURN syringe nosecap two turns in counterclockwise direction to lock syringe.f. REMOVE syringe from needle guide.g. CLOSE "2-8-502" (V-3).h. PLACE syringe in lead transport container.

4.4.7 CLOSE

and LATCH Sample Module door.4.4.8 RETURN to Chemistry Lab with transport cart and syringes.-End of Section 4.4 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 18 of 79 4.5 PASS Containment Air Sample Analysis 4.5.1 WHEN requested, PERFORM Gas Analysis as follows: a. Refer To C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the I Varian CP 4900 Micro-GC," and PERFORM hydrogen and oxygen analysis on the 1.0 ml hydrogen syringe.b. RECORD results on Attachment 1 "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet." 4.5.2 WHEN requested, PERFORM Isotopic Analysis as follows: miut, pe cve bckrondcontonth dteto t b a. Refer To C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORMa5 1) RECORD all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 1 "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet." 2) SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.

b. TURN 500 isotopic syringe nosecap until it is screwed up against body.c. INJECT isotopic syringe sample into evacuated 14.4 cc vial.d. WRAP vial in plastic wrap.e. PLACE sample vial on detector shelf f. Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample l count.g. IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step 4.5.2i.h. IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[.!.Ref. 6.15]1) REMOVE sample vial and detector shelf..2) PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ,ACT REVIEW Rev. 002'- , of 79

3) Starting with lowest shelf and working up, PLACE vial on extension tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.4) TERMINATE count.5) Refer C CP 803.6 and COUNT vial (open cave) for 5 I minutes.6) WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4,"Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.i. CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 1,"Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet." j. PLACE empty syringes and sample vial in a plastic bag.k. STORE syringes and sample vial in lead brick shield for disposal.1. COMPLETE Attachment 1.m. REPORT analysis results to MRDA or AMRDA.n. IF a backup sample is requested by MRDA or AMRDA, PERFORM the following:
1) OBTAIN new 500 [dl and 1.0 syringes.2) PROCEED to sample module area.3) Go To Section 4.4.o. IF a backup sample is not required, PERFORM the following:
1) PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.
2) SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AMRDA.3) FORWARD original and copy of data sheets and computer printouts to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.5 -Level of UseCP8M Continuous STOP THINK ACT. REVIEW, Rev. 002* , ,"..20 of 79 4.6 PASS Containment Air System Restoration


to Remote Operating Module.4.6.2 POSITION "2-S-501" (V-2) to "SAMPLE." 4.6.3 INITIATE nitrogen purge as follows:___ a. POSITION "2-GAN-234" (V-il) to"NITROGEN FLUSH." b. POSITION "2-8-500" (V-i) to "OPEN." c. POSITION "2- GAN- 252" (V-10) to "ON." d. CHECK a flow rate is indicated.

e. RECORD flow: ____SLPM 4.6.4 WAIT 3 minutes.4.6.5 POSITION "2- S-500" (V-i1) to "CLOSE." I 4.6.6 ENSURE flow rate indicated is less than that which was recorded in step 4.6.3 e.___ 4.6.7 WAIT 3 minutes.4.6.8 POSITION valves as follows: a. 2-GAN-252 (V-b0) to "OFF" b. 2-GAN-234 (V-il) to "OFF" c. 2-S-500 (V-i) to "OPEN" NOTE The system is now purged of sample.4.6.9 CLOSE nitrogen bottle isolation valve.4.6.10 BACK OFF regulating valve "2-GAN-236." Level of Use CP2804M Continuous " ::THINK?; REVIE Rev"00 4.6.11 BACK OFF regulating valve "2- GAN- 249" (V-7).4.6.12 PRESS "POWER ON" button to de-energize the Remote Operating Module.4.6.13 OPEN front panel of module.4.6.14 CLOSE "2- GAN-246." 4.6.15 BLEED off nitrogen pressure as follows: a. CRACK open "2-GAN--247." b. BLEED off nitrogen pressure.c. CLOSE "2- GAN- 247." 4.6.16 CLOSE and LATCH front panel of module.4.6.17 On Remote Operating Module, REPLACE and LOCK anti -tamper cover.4.6.18 PROCEED to Sample Module.4.6.19 IF C-86 H 2 Analyzer is in service, CLOSE the following valves: a. 2-S-463 b. 2-S-464 4.6.20 IF C-87 H 2 Analyzer is in service, CLOSE the following valves: a. 2-S-461 b. 2-S-462 4.6.21 CLOSE Sample Module ventilation damper.4.6.22 CLOSE and LOCK Sample Module door.4.6.23 NOTIFY MCRO that PASS containment air sampling is complete.-End of Section 4.6 -Level of Use I ...,CP2804M Cniuu [ STOP" THINK "ACT :REVIEW Rev. 002 Continuous....

22 of79 4.7 Unit 2 Vent (EBRV) Gas Sampling_ 4.7.1 NOTIFY MCRO that a Vent Gas Sample will be collected.


the following equipment:

  • 5 cc gas syringe* Stoppered and evacuated 14.4 cc vial* Gas collection chamber* Lead transport container for 14.4 cc vial 4.7.3 PROCEED to Auxiliary Vent Sampling Rig in 38' 6" East Penetration Room.4.7.4 At Auxiliary Vent Sampling Rig, COLLECT sample as follows: a. CONNECT tubing from flow gauge outlet to inlet of gas collection chamber.b. CONNECT tubing from outlet of gas flask to suction of p sample pump.___ c. OPEN inlet and outlet stopcocks on gas collection chamber.d. OPEN V-i1 "Sample Inlet Isolation." e. OPEN V-4 "Sample Outlet Isolation." f. OPEN 2-HiV-462, "RM Return to U2 Stack." g. OPEN 2-HV-459, "Drain Valve." h. OPEN flow gauge throttle valve.___i. START sample pump.j. PURGE sample for 1 minute.___k. STOP sample pump.1. CLOSE inlet and outlet stopcocks on gas flask.Level of Use ,CP2804M Continuous STOP" THINK ,.ACT REVIEW Rev. 002., 23 of 79

___ m. RECORD sample time on Attachment 2.____n. Using the gas syringe, WITHDRAW 5 cc from gas flask.o. REMOVE transport container cap, exposing needle guide.p. INSERT syringe needle through needle guide.q. INJECT 5 cc of gas into 14.4 cc sample vial.r. REMOVE syringe needle.___s. REPLACE cap on transport container.

t. RESTORE system by closing the following valves: 1) V-i 2) V-4 3) 2-HV-462 4) 2-HV-459~u. REMOVE gas collection chamber.v. PROCEED with sample to Chemistry Lab.-End of Section 4.7 -Level of Use CP2804M Continuous -STOP- THINK ,ACT REVlIEW Rev. 002 ,, , ' ,24 of 79 4.8 Unit 2 Vent (EBRV) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection I 4.8.1 IF automatic isolation of on-line filters AND the Kaman high range system is in service, Go To Section NOTIFY MCRO that a Particulate and Iodine Sample will be collected.


the following equipment:

  • 2 particulate filters* Four 4x6, plastic bags* Adhesive tape* Transport cart with shielded container* Current SP 2814A-003* New SP 2814A-003 4.8.4 DETERMINE sample collection time as follows: a. REVIEW RM 8132A trend plot and DETERMINE elapsed time since count rate increase.b. MULTIPLY current RM 8132A reading (cpm) by 2.0 E-°6[ICi/cpm.,uCicpm xcpm =MlCi I c. DIVIDE result from step 4.8.4b. by elapsed time from step 4.8.4a.I j~ +sec =3zisec Level of Use C-204 Continuous s-TOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002 25 of 79
d. DIVIDE 10 1[4Ci by result from step 4.8.4c.Sl~tuCi + tCisec =sec 4.8.5 REQUEST permission from Control Room to SECURE Rad Monitor Blower.4.8.6 PROCEED to RM 8132A Sampling Cabinet in the 38' 6" East Penetration Room.4.8.7 Refer To SP 2814A-003 and RECORD following:
a. Rad Monitor Blower in service b. Sample flow as read on FIS-8132.4.8.8 SECURE radiation monitor blower.4.8.9 RECORD ventilation fan running hours on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.10 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A- REMOVE charcoal cartridge from the radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.12 PLACE removed charcoal cartridge in plastic bag.4.8.13 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.4.8.14 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.15 LABEL a new silver zeolite cartridge with an arrow to indicate direction of sample flow.4.8.16 INSTALL new silver zeolite cartridge in radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.17 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.18 REMOVE particulate filter from radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.19 PLACE removed particulate filter in plastic bag.Level of Use ..CP2804M Continuous

~ 'STOP THINK " ACT REVIEW Rev. 002* ' " ,.26 of 79 4.8.20 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.4.8.21 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.22 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A- INSTALL a new particulate filter in the radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.24 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.25 ZERO the ventilation fan run time meter.4.8.26 START radiation monitor blower.4.8.27 OBSERVE sample flow.4.8.28 RECORD sample flow reading on a new SP 2814A-003.

4.8.29 RECORD the following on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Vent Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet":

  • Start date* Start time* Sample flow 4.8.30 EXIT East Penetration Room and PROCEED to a lower dose rate area.4.8.31 WHEN sample time calculated in step 4.8.4 is reached, ENTER East Penetration Room.4.8.32 RECORD sample flow on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.33 SECURE radiation monitor blower.4.8.34 RECORD ventilation fan running hours on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.35 REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge from radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.36 PLACE removed sliver zeolite cartridge in plastic bag.4.8.3 7 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.Level of U Continuou., e s STOP ,THINK=... .. REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 27 of 79 4.8.38 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.39 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.40 LABEL a new silver zeolite cartridge with an arrow to indicate direction of sample flow.4.8.41 INSTALL new silver zeolite cartridge in radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.42 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.43 REMOVE particulate filter from radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.44 PLACE removed particulate filter in plastic bag.4.8.45 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.4.8.46 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.47 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.48 INSTALL a new particulate filter in radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.49 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.50 ZERO ventilation fan run time meter.4.8.51 START radiation monitor blower.4.8.52 OBSERVE sample flow.4.8.53 RECORD sample flow reading on a new SP 2814A- 003.Level of UseCP8M Continuous STOP THINK *ACT REVIEW Rev. 002: ' -28 of 79 4.8.54 RECORD the following on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Vent Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet":

  • Start date* Start time* Sample flow 4.8.55 TRANSFER filters to chemistry lab.-End of Section 4.8 -Level of Use Continuous ,STOP THIN K ,ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 29 of 79 4.9 WRGM and Vent High Range Particulate and Iodine Sample Analysis i 4.9.1 PLACE particulate filter and iodine cartridge that were in serviceI at time of accident in a new plastic bag.4.9.2 PLACE bag in lead brick shield.4.9.3 PERFORM silver Zeolite cartridge and particulate filter analysis as follows: a. IF performing a silver zeolite analysis, Refer To C CP 803.6,I"Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and with a gamma spectrometer, PERFORM a 5 minute, open cave, background count using silver zeolite I geometry and a volume of 1 cc on the detector to be used.1) LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet".
2) SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.
b. IF performing a particulate analysis, Refer To C CP 803.6 and i with a gamma spectrometer, PERFORM a 5 minute, open cave, background count using particulate geometry and a I volume of 1 cc on the detector to be used.1) LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet".
2) SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.
c. SEAL plastic bag containing silver zeolite cartridge.
d. PLACE silver zeolite cartridge on detector shelf.e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE 5 minute sample count using 1 cc volume.f. IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step 4.9.3 h.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT- REVIEW, Rev. 002.30 of 79
g. IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[.!,Ref. 6.15]1) REMOV'E cartridge and detector shelf.2) PLACE shortest detector extension tube on detector.3) Starting with the shortest tube and working up, PLACE the cartridge on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.4) TERMINATE count.5) Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT cartridge (open cave)for 5 minutes.II 6) WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4,"Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.h. CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3,"Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." i. REMOVE cartridge and PLACE in lead brick shield.j. IF detector extension tube was used, REMOVE tube and REPLACE shelf on detector.k. PLACE particulate filter on detector shelf.1. Refer To C CP 803.6 and INMTIATE 5 minute sample count I using 1 cc volume.m. IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step 4.9.3 o.Level of Use I ContinuousI

<STOP: 'THiNK::'

ulACT "REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 31 of 79

n. IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[+Ref. 6.15]1) REMOVE filter and detector shelf.2) PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.3) Starting with the lowest shelf and working up, PLACE filter on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.4) TERMINATE count.5) Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT filter (open cave) for 51 minutes.6) WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4,"Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.o. CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3,"Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." p. IF detector extension tube was used, REMOVE tube and REPLACE shelf on detector.q. COMPLETE Attachment 3.r. PROVIDE MRDA or AMRDA with results.s. PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.

t. SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AM\'RDA.u. FORWARD original and a copy of data sheets and computer printouts to Chemistry Supervision.
v. ENSURE cartridge and filter are labeled and placed in lead brick shield for future counting or final disposal.-End of Section 4.9 -Level of Use Continuous

..T.. THIN:so#;

.... ACT .. Rev. 002 4.10 Kaman High Range System Filter Sample Collection 4.10.1 COLLECT the following equipment:

  • Three collector assemblies
  • Reach rod* Mechanical fingers* KERIC microprocessor operating key* Plastic bags labeled with channel numbers*SP 2863-001* SP 2863-002 4.10.2 NOTIFY MCRO that KAMAN high range filter samples will be collected.

4.10.3 Refer To Figure -1 and PROCEED to KERIC panel located in Unit 2 Control Room on panel Cl01.Figure -1 O.Control Room PNL C-101 L.I.C. 8168 (KERIC) Stack Gas Rad Monitor Local Control Panel (KELIC)Keyboard Stack Gas Effluent Enable Disable 1.44 Purge Valve R~ W V 8132 Z3~lIIZ Enable Disable Z DEispay ZI Keyboard Doc ispa ]T Rem plate 4.10.4 POSITION switch "RV -8132," stack gas effluent purge valve to"DISABLE." Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ",ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 33 of 79 NOTE The MRCA or OSC ARPS determines whether local or remote keyboard is to be used.4.10.5 To operate from KERIC keyboard, PERFORM the following:

a. POSITION KERIC key switch to "ENABLE." b. IF KERIC panel does not respond to keyboard entries PERFORM the following:
1) PROCEED to KELIC panel located in 4160 switchgear room in Turbine Building 2) POSITION KELIC key switch to "REMOTE." 3) RETURN to Control Room.4.10.6 To operate from KELIC keyboard, PERFORM the following:
a. POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." b. PROCEED to KELIC panel located in the 4160 switchgear room in the Turbine Building.c. POSITION KELiC key switch to "LOCAL." L evel of Use Continuous STOP ' THINK ACT 'REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 34 of 79 NOTE The "Active Channel" is indicated by the channel with a radiation exposure rate greater than zero.4.10.7 DETERMINE active channel by displaying radiation exposure rates as follows: a. For channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" b. For channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "C4" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" c. For channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" 4.10.8 PLACE an asterisk in channel number column on SP 2863-002 to designate

'Active Channel." Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002

~ALARA If flow was diverted, a high radiation condition may exist in the collectors.

4.10.9 IF operating the KERIC, PERFORM the following:

___a. POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." b. PROCEED to the 4160 Switchgear Room in the Turbine Building.4.10.10 IF operating the KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"REMOTE." 4.10.11 REPLACE filters not in service on an "Inactive Channel" as follows: a. OPEN inactive channel sample chamber door.____b. INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." c. MOVIE reach rod to right.d. PLACE mechanical fingers around collector assembly.___e. WITHDRAW assembly.f. PLACE assembly in properly labeled bag.g. PLACE bagged assembly into lead transfer cask.h. Using mechanical fingers, INSERT new collector assembly into assembly housing.i. PERFORM following to raise collector assembly: 1) INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." 2) MOVE reach rod to left..j. CLOSE and LATCH sample chamber door.____k. IF filters for another "Inactive Channel" need to be changed, Go To step 4.10.11 a.1. IF no other filters need to be changed Go To step 4. 10.12.Level of UseCP8M Continuous

'STOp " THINK : ACT" REVIEW ... Rev. 002.... 36 of 79

___ 4.10.12 IF operating in the KERIC, PERFORM the following:

a. PROCEED to KERIC panel located in Unit 2 Control Room on panel C101.b. POSITION KERIC key switch to "ENABLE." 4.10.13 IF operating in KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"LOCAL." 4.10.14 OBTAIN total collection time for "Inactive Channels" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" Level of Use ,.CP2804M Continuous "STOP " THINK " ACT REVIEW Rev. 002" " ,37 of 79
7) RECORD display as minutes on SF 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SF 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SF 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SF 2863- OBTAIN total sample volume for "Inactive Channels" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SF 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" Level of Use CP204 Con.nuusSTOP " THINK ACT- REvIEw Rev. 002 , -38 of 79
3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.NOTE If the automatic sequence has stepped through all three filters and the radiation exposure rate for the 'Active Channel" is greater than 100 mrem/hr, an automatic channel shift will occur when the next channel is cleared.4.10.16 To clear data on "Inactive Channels" or clear a "FULL' light, PERFORM the following:
a. To clear channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "ENT" b. To clear channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "ENT" Level of Use ... ,CP2804M CotnosSTOP T]HINK ,ACT" REVIEW Rev.002
c. To clear channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "ENT" NOTE Diverting flow from the '`Active Channel" to the next channel allows for filter change on the former "Active Channel" and allows for rotating flow paths.4.10.17 To divert flow to activate a channel, PERFORM the following:
a. To divert flow to channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "FTN" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "04" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD start and date on SP 2863-002.b. To divert flow to channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "FTN" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "04" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD start and date on SP 2863-002.Level of Use CP2804M, 'ConinuusSTOPS;

... THINK:: ":-ACT,'

Rev. 002 Co40iofo79

c. To divert flow to channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "FTN" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "04" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD start and date on SP 2863-002.d. Refer To SP 2863-002 RECORD stop time and date of pervious active channel.e. IF an automatic shift occurs while stepping channels, RECORD shift start and stop times for involved channels on SP 2863-002.f. PLACE an asterisk next to new "Active Channel" in channel number column on SP 2863-002 to designate the "Active Chaneld." 4.10.18 For the former 'Akctive Channel," PERFORM the following:

If flow was diverted, a high radiation condition may exist in the collectors.

a. IF operating KERIC, PERFORM the following:
1) POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." 2) PROCEED to 4160 Switchgear Room in Turbine Building.b. IF operating KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"REMOTE." c. OPEN sample chamber door.Level of Use Continuous STOP ....THINK ACT- REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 41 of 79
d. PERFORM the following to lower collector assembly: 1) INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." 2) MOVE reach rod to right.e. PLACE mechanical fingers around the collector assembly.f. WITHDRAW assembly.g. PLACE assembly into lead transfer cask.h. INSERT new collector assembly into assembly housing.i. PERFORM the following to raise collector assembly: 1) INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." 2) MOVE reach rod to left.j. CLOSE and LATCH sample chamber door.4.10.19 IF operating in KERIC, PERFORM the following:
a. PROCEED to KERIC panel located in Unit 2 Control Room on panel C101.b. POSITION KERIC key switch to "ENABLE." 4.10.20 IF operating in KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"LOCAL." 4.10.21 OBTAIN total collection time for former "Active Channel" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" Level of Use -CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT ...REVIEW Rev. 002" : 42 of 79
5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT 'REVIEW Rev. 002...... ,43 of 79
8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863- OBTAIN total sample volume for the former 'Active Channel" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.Level of Use ,CP2804M Continuous STOP ' THINK " AcT ... REVIEW Rev. 002: " ",44 of 79 NOTE If the automatic sequence has stepped through all three filters and the radiation exposure rate for the "Active Channel" is greater than 100 mremlhr, an automatic channel shift will occur when the next channel is cleared.4.10.23 To clear data on former Active Channel" or clear a "FULL' light, PERFORM the following:
a. To clear channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "ENT" b. To clear channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "ENT" c. To clear channel 5, PERFORM the following:

1)2)3)PRESS "STP" PRESS "5" PRESS "ENT" Level of Use Continuous STOP...THINK' " ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 45 of 79 4.10.24 IF directed by MRDA or AMRDA, MONITOR the in-service filter radiation levels as follows: a. For channel 3, PERFORM the following:

1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" b. For channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" c. For channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" 4.10.25 POSITION KELIC key switch to "REMOTE." 4.10.26 PROCEED to Control Room panel Cl01.4.10.27 POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." 4.10.28 POSITION RV-8132, Stack Gas Effluent Purge Valve, switch to"ENABLE." 4.10.29 ENSURE Vent Gas High Radiation alarm is cleared.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous .STOP THINK' ACT REVIEW, Rev. 002* 46 of 79 4.10.30 NOTIFY MCRO that filter change is complete and system is restored to normal.4.10.3 1 TRANSFER assemblies in lead transfer cask to chemistry lab.-End of Section 4.10 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT "R EVIEW" CP2804M Rev. 002 47 of 79 4.11 KAMAN High Range System Filter Sample Analysis 4.11.1 REMOVE filters from collector assembly.4.11.2 PLACE particulate filter in a properly labeled, clean plastic bag.4.11.3 PLACE silver zeolite cartridge in a purge holder.4.11.4 REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge.

4.11.5 PLACE cartridge in a clean, labeled plastic bag.4.11.6 Refer To C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System I Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM a 5 minute, openI cave, background count using sample geometry and 1 cc volume on the detector to be used.a. LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 3.b. SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.

4.11.7 PLACE cartridge on detector shelf.4.11.8 Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample count. I 4.11.9 IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[4iRef. 6.15]a. REMOVE cartridge and detector shelf.b. PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.c. Starting with shortest tube and working up, PLACE cartridge on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.d. TERMINATE count.e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT cartridge (open cave) for 1 5 minutes.f. WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.4.11.11 CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3, "Post Accident Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." Level of Use , ."CP2804M Continuous sToP "THINK "ACT REVIEW Rev. 002 48 of 79

___ 4.11.12 REMOVE cartridge and PLACE in lead brick shield.____4.11.13 IF_ detector shelf extension tube was used, REMOVE tube and REPLACE shelf on detector.4.11.14 PLACE particulate filter on detector in gamma spectrometer.

4.11.15 Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample count I using 1 cc sample volume.4.11.16 IFF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step IFF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following: 6.15]a. REMOVE filter and detector shelf.____b. PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.c. Starting with shortest tube and working up, PLACE filter on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.d. TERMINATE count.___e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT filter (open cave) for I 5 minutes.f. WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.4.11.18 CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3, "Post Accident vent Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." 4.11.19 REMOVE filter and PLACE in lead brick shield.___ 4.11.20 REPORT analysis results to MRDA or AMRDA.4.11.21 PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.

4.11.22 SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AMRDA.4.11.23 FORWARD original and a copy to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.11 -Level of Use CP.4 CotiuosSTOP

"'THINK .ACT. .. REVIEW Rev. 002-49 of 79 4.12 Low Range WRGM Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection

~ALARA Filters may be highly radioactive.

Use caution when handling.4.12.1 IF directed by MCRO, PREPARE to sample normal WRGM using silver zeolite cartridges.

4.12.2 COLLECT the following equipment:

  • Two 47 mm particulate filters* Plastic bags* Transport container* Current SP 2815-002* New SP 2815-002 4.12.3 DETERMINE sample collection time as directed or as follows: a. MULTIPLY current RM 8169 flow rate by 28300 cc/cubic ft.Icubic feetminxX28300 cccubic ft =ccmin b. MULTIPLY result from 4.12.3a. times current RM 8169 reading !xCi/cc.c. DIVIDE 10 1 iCi by result from 4.12.3b.10MfCi + ,uCimrin = min d. MULTIPLY result from 4.12.3c. by 60 to obtain seconds.Mm MiX60 secmin =sec Level of Use CP2804M Co ntin uo us ":"STOP,.

.THINK , ACT:" .."REVIEW Rev. 002 , ' -: ...of 79 4.12.4 PROCEED to WRGM Sampling Area.4.12.5 RECORD the operating channel sample flow from FI-8169L on SP 2815-002, as the removed sample flow.4.12.6 IF the "A' sample train is in service, CLOSE the following "B" sample train isolation valves: a. 2-EB-216 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB-217 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-218 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2-EB-219 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.7 IF the "B" sample train is in service, CLOSE the following

"sample train isolation valves: a. 2-EB-220 Filter A-Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB-221 Filter A-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-222 Filter A-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2- EB- 223 Filter A-L Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.8 On the filter assembly out of service, PERFORM the following:

a. REMOVE filter holder ring clamp.b. REMOVE top gasket.c. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.d. REMOVE screen plate.e. REMOVE middle gasket.f. REMOVE iodine cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.g. IF installed, REMOVE iodine cartridge adapter and its associated gasket.h. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter holder and LOAD a new silver zeolite cartridge into holder.d 71 STOP: ...."'THINK- .. ACT .... REVIEW Rev. 002 I Level of Use Continuous
i. INSTALL middle gasket and screen plate.j. INSTALL screen plate.k. INSTALL particulate filter, fibrous side up into holder.1. INSTALL top gasket.m. INSTALL and TIGHTEN filter holder ring clamp.4.12.9 IF "A" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2- EB- 220 Filter A- Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB--221 Filter A-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-222 Fitter A-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2-EB-223 Filter A-Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.10 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service, OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB-217 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-218 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2-EB-219 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.11 sample train is currently in service, on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH operation to the "B" train.4.12.12 IF "B" sample train is currently in service on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH operation to the "A' train.4.12.13 Refer To SP 2815-002 and RECORD the following:
  • Date/Time removed from service* Technician initials for removal* Sample train removed from service Level of Use CP.......Continuous

.. STOP THINK ....AC:T ' REvIEW/ Rev. 002 ,' 52 of 79 4.12.14 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD the following:

  • Operating channel sample flow as indicated on F1-8169L* Sample train placed in service Date/Time* Technician initials 4.12.15 IF "A" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.16 IF "B" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.17 On the filter assembly out of service, PERFORM the following:
a. REMOVE filter holder ring clamp.b. REMOVE top gasket c. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.d. REMOVE screen plate.e. REMOVE middle gasket.f. REMOVE iodine cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.g. IF installed, REMOVE iodine cartridge adapter and its associated gasket.Level of Use CP2...M Continuous STOP THINK ,ACT " REVIEW Rev. 002' 53 of 79
h. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter holder and LOAD a new iodine cartridge into holder.i. INSTALL middle gasket.j. INSTALL screen plate.k. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.1. INSTALL top gasket.m. INSTALL and TIGHTEN filter holder ring clamp.4.12.18 IF "A' sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB--222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.19 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB--217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB--219 4.12.20 NOTIFY Operations that filter and iodine cartridge changeout is complete.4.12.21 EXIT WRGM sample area and TRANSFER filters to chemistry lab.4.12.22 As directed, ANALYZE sample filters.4.12.23 WHEN sample time calculated in step 4.12.3 is reached, PROCEED to WRGM sample area to change out filters.Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT, REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 54 of 79 4.12.24 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD operating channel sample flow from FI-8169L as the removed sample flow.4.12.25 IF 'A" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.26 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.27 IF the "A' sample train is currently in service on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH to the "B" train.4.12.28 IF the "B" sample train is currently in service on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH to the "A' train.4.12.29 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD the following:
  • Date/Time removed from service* Technician initials for removal* Sample train removed from service 4.12.30 Refer To new Attachment 3 and RECORD the following:
  • Operating channel sample flow as indicated on F1-8169L* Sample train placed in service and Date/Time* Technician initials Level of UseCP84 Continuous STOP THINK ACT " REVIEW Rev. 002 0' 55 of 79 4.12.3 1 IF the 'A" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB--223 4.12.32 IF the "B" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB--218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.33 On the filter assembly out of service PERFORM the following:
a. REMOVE filter holder ring clamp.b. REMOVE top gasket c. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.d. REMOVE screen plate.e. REMOVE middle gasket.f. REMOVE iodine cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.g. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter holder and LOAD a new iodine cartridge into holder.h. INSTALL middle gasket.i. INSTALL screen plate.j. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.Level of UseCP8M Continuous -STOP THINK ACTI "REVIEW Rev. 002 56 of 79
k. INSTALL top gasket.1. INSTALL and TIGHTEN filter holder ring clamp.4.12.34 IF 'A" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.35 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.36 TRANSFER filters to the chemistry lab.4.12.37 Refer To Section 4.9 or as directed and ANALYZE filters.4.12.38 COLLECT silver zeolite cartridges and TRANSFER to Waste Services for disposal as hazardous waste.-End of Section 4.12 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 57 of 79 4.13 Changing High Range Filters in Wide Range Gas Monitor.AAALARA h Filters may be highly radioactive.

Use caution and Health Physics support as directed during performance of this Section.4.13.1 WHEN directed, COLLECT the following equipment for High Range WRGM filter sampling:* Transfer container for filter assemblies

  • 47 mm particulate filters* Plastic bags o Wrenches, if necessary to remove cave from skid* Transfer cart as directed 4.13.2 NOTIFY control room and DETERMINE date and time Mid/High range sample collection commenced.

4.13.3 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD Mid/High range sample collection date and time.4.13.4 PROCEED to WRGM sampling area.NOTE Detector flow rate is controlled by the monitor at a nominal rate of approximately 0.06 SCFM (1.7 1pm).4.13.5 DETERMINE which filter train is in operation and Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD FI-8169H sample flow rate.4.13.6 IF directed to secure sample skid, PERFORM the following:

a. POSITION the Mid/High range pump control to "OFF" to secure sample flow.b. Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD sample stop date and time.Level of Use Continuous-STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 58 of 79 4.13.7 IF directed to switch sample trains, PERFORM the following:
a. On grab sample control assembly panel RIC 8169, SWITCH to out of service sample train.b. Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD date and time of sample train switch and sample flow rate as indicated on FI-8169H.4.13.8 IF changing out of service "C" train filters, PERFORM the following:
a. CLOSE Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-233.b. CLOSE Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-234.c. CLOSE Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-235.d. CLOSE Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB- IF changing out of service "D" train filters, PERFORM the following:
a. CLOSE Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-237.b. CLOSE Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-238.c. CLOSE Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB--239.
d. CLOSE Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB- IF removing out of service cave from sample collection skid, PERFORM the following:
a. LOOSEN and REMOVE bolts from the cave base plate.b. DISCONNECT inlet and outlet tubing from quick disconnects.
c. REMOVE filter cave and PLACE on transport cart.d. Go To step 4. 13.13.Level of Use CP204 Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002 S 59 of 79 I NOTE If radiation levels permit, filters may be changed in WRGM sample area as directed.4.13.11 lIF replacing filter is sample area, PERFORM the following:
a. DISCONNECT supply and return tubing from holding bracket.b. UNLATCH and OPEN sample cave door.c. DISCONNECT inlet and outlet tubing from quick disconnects.
d. REMOVE filter assembly from cave.e. LOOSEN and REMOVE filter holding ring.f. REOVE flter housing cover.g. REMOVE top gasket.h. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.i. REMOVE screen plate.j. REMOVE middle gasket.k. REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.1. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter and LOAD new iodine cartridge.
m. INSTALL middle gasket.n. INSTALL screen plate.o. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.p. INSTALL top gasket.q. ASSEMBLE filter housing and INSTALL filter holder ring clamp.Level of Use .....04M Continuous STOP 'THINK ,ACT "REVIEW Rev. 002' ',"60 of 79
r. INSTALL filter holder into cave and CONNECT quick disconnects.
s. CONNECT supply and return tubing to holding bracket.t. CLOSE and LATCH cave.u. IF starting "C" sample train, OPEN the following:
1) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-233.2) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-234.3) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-235.4) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-236.v. IF starting "D" sample train, OPEN the following:
1) Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-237.2) Filter D- Inlet Isolation valve 2- EB-238.3) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-239.4) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB- IF directed to start sample collection, PERFORM the following:
a. IF starting "C" sample train, ENSURE the following open: 1) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-233.2) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-234.3) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-235.4) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-236.b. IF starting "D" sample train, ENSURE the following open: 1) Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-237.2) Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-238.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK " ACT. 'REVIEW" Rev. 002
3) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-239.4) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-240.c. As directed, on grab sample control assembly panel RIC-8169, PLACE filter train selection switch to the "C" or"D" sample train.d. IFF sample skid was secured, POSITION Mid/High range pump control to "ON" to start sample flow.e. Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD start date and time and sample flow on FI-8169H.4.13.13 TRANSFER filters or filter cave to chemistry lab.4.13.14 IFF filters are already removed from cave and assemblies, Go To step 4. lI___ replacing filters, PERFORM the following:
a. DISCONNECT supply and return tubing from holding bracket..b. DISENGAGE and OPEN sample cave door.c. REMOVE filter assembly from cave.d. LOOSEN and REMOVE filter holding ring.e. REMOVE filter housing cover.f. REMOVE top gasket.g. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.h. REMOVE screen plate.i. REMOVE middle gasket.j. REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.k. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter and LOAD new iodine cartridge.
1. INSTALL middle gasket.Level of Use CP204 Cot"uosSTOP THINK ACT *REVIEW Rev. 002* 62 of 79
m. INSTALL screen plate.n. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.o. INSTALL top gasket.p. ASSEMBLE filter housing and INSTALL filter holder ring clamp.Refer To Section 4.9 and PERFORM sample analysis.COLLECT silver zeolite cartridges for transfer to Waste Services for disposal.-End of Section 4.13 -4.13.16 4.13.17 Level of Use Continuous STOP THINKREVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 63 of 79 4.14 U2 Main Station Stack High Range Gas Sampling hAALARA Filters may be highly radioactive.

Use caution when handling.NOTE Sample collection volume will be as directed, and determined by expected activity.I PROCEED to Main Station Stack WRGM sample room.4.14.2 COLLECT sample as follows: a. CONNECT sample container inlet to the sample source at 2-EB-244, sample conditioning skid-Mid/High range sample test valve.b. CONNECT sample container outlet to sample pump inlet.c. CONNECT sample pump outlet at 2-EB-257, sample return test isolation valve.d. OPEN the following valves: 1) Sample container inlet 2) Sample container outlet 3) 2-EB-244, sample conditioning skid-Mid/High range sample test.4) 2-EB-257, sample return test isolation valve.e. START sample pump.Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 64 of 79 NOTE Sample purge time will be dependent on a variety of factor and will be determined by Chemistry Supervision.

f. PURGE sample through sample container as directed.g. STOP sample pump.h. CLOSE the following:
1) Sample container inlet 2) Sample container outlet 3) 2-EB-244, sample conditioning skid-Mid/High range sample test.4) 2-EB-257, sample return test isolation valve.i. NOTE sample time.j. REMOVE tygon tubing from the following:
1) Sample container inlet 2) Sample container outlet k. TRANSFER sample to chemistry lab.1. Refer To Section 4.15 and PERFORM sample analysis.-End of Section 4.14 -Level of Use SO THNAC REIWCP2804M Continuous SO THNAC REEWRev. 002 65 of 79 4.15 U2 Main Station Stack and Vent Gas Isotopic Analysis Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM a 5 minute, open cave, background count on the detector to be used using same I sample geometry and volume of 1 cc.a. LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet." b. SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.

4.15.2 PLACE sample on detector shelf.4.15.3 Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample count I using 1 cc sample count.4.15.4 IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step IFF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following: 6.16]a. REMOVE sample and detector shelf.b. PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.c. Starting with the lowest shelf and working up, PLACE the sample on each shelf until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.d. TERMINATE count.e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT sample (open cave) for 5 I minutes.f. WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.4.15.6 CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet." 4.15.7 STORE sample in source locker for disposal.4.15.8 COMPLETE Attachment 2.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK " ACT Rev. 002~66 of 79 4.15.9 REPORT analysis results to MRDA or AMRDA or as directed.4.15.10 PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.

4.15.11 SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AMRDA or as directed.4.15.12 FORWARD original and a copy of data sheets and computer printouts to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.15 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT "REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 67 of 79 4.16 PASS Equipment Inventory 4.16.1 After each PASS sample, Refer To Attachment 5 and PERFORM inventory of all equipment required to perform containment PASS sampling.4.16.2 COMPLETE Attachment 5, "Containment PASS Equipment Inventory." 4.16.3 FORWARD Attachment 5 to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.16 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT. "REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 68 of 79

5. REVIEW AND SIGNOFF 5.1 Indicate (check) Subsections of this procedure which were performed:

[] 4.1 [] 4.2 [] 4.3 [] 4.4 lii 4.5 []4.6[] 4.7 [] 4.15 [] 4.8 Lii 4.9 [Ii 4.10 Ii 4.11 5.2 If procedure was terminated prior to completion, specify cause:_____

5.3 This procedure was performed by the following personnel:

  • Job supervisor (MRDA or designee):

Print Name Signature Initials* PASS Team personnel:

Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature Initials 5.4 This procedure was reviewed by Chemistry Supervision:

Print Name Signature Initials 5.5 All data recording for this procedure is located in Attachments 1, 2, and 3.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT "REVIEW Rev. 002-69 of 79

6. REFERENCES 6.1 "Final Safety Analysis Report Unit 2" 6.2 "Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan" 6.3 NUREG-0654, Revision 1, "Criteria for Preparation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans, and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" 6.4 NIJREG-0737, "Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements, Supplement 1, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability" 6.5 "Technical Manual for Containment Air Post Accident Sample System," General Dynamics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, Reactor Plant Services, May 1982.6.6 "Kaman Sciences Corporation, Instruction Manual, Operation-Maintenance Instructions and Parts Catalog for Accident Range Gas Monitor, Model KMG-HRC" 6.7 "VAX/VMS Spectroscopy Applications Package User's Manual 07-0196" 6.8 "Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual," (REM ODCM)6.9 Chemistry Memorandum from John Kangley to Jeff Broussard, CHEM-93-1212, dated January 18, 1993.6.10 C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and I Operation" 6.11 C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the Varian CP 4900I 6.12 SP 2814A,"Gaseous Effluents for Iodines and Particulates" 6.13 SP 2863, "High Range Gas Monitor Particulate Filter and Iodine cartridge
  • I Replacement"l 6.14 NRC, B18444, Dated July 31, 2001 E)6.15 NRC, Docket Number 50-245, 50-336, 50-423. Combined Inspection 50-245/87-24, 50-336/87-21, 50-423/87-19.

November 17 1987, Page 10.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002: 70 of 79 6.16 USNRC Reg Guide 1.97, May 1983, "Instrumentation for Light Water Coolant Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant and Environs Condition During and Following an Accident.6.17 Memo 98-067, From Max Keyes to Tom Blount, PASS Procedure Meeting Minutes.6.18 Sorrento Electronics, Wide Range Gas Monitor System RM-8169 I Technical Manual, Revision A, October 2000 I 6.19 DCR M2-00010.7.


OF CHANGES 7.1 Incorporated instructions for collecting samples associated with the new Unit 2 Main Station Stack WRGM, RM 8169.7.2 Changes made to reflect the removal of the Main Station Stack KAMEN and Normal Range monitoring systems from service. This equipment has been retired and replaced in part by the Unit 2 WRGM.7.3 Revision includes incorporation of actions previously contained in EPOP 4446 which has been canceled.7.4 Modifications to procedures were incorporated to accommodate Unit 1/Unit 2 Separation Project (DCR M2-00010).

Summary of Changes Rev. 001-01 7.5 Editorial Correction; Updated Reference 6.16 NRC commitment letter.B18443, AR #01005693-01.

Summary of Changes Rev. 001-02 7.6 Deleted reference to CP 801/2801/3801AD in Document Section as it is no longer used at Unit 2. The GC procedure used now is CP 2803/3803PR 7.7 Step 4.5.1a, replaced CP 801/2801/3801AD with CP 2803/3803PR 7.8 Made modifications to accommodate safety evaluation by the office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation related to amendment No. 262.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002* 71 of 79 Summary of Changes Rev. 002 7.9 Administrative Corrections to correct references:

  • C CP 803.12 has replaced CP 2803/3803P
  • C CP 803.6 has replaced CP 801/2801/3801AT 7.10 Added titles to step 2.2, Documents.

7.11 Changed instances of VERIFY to CHECK or ENSURE as applicable, no revision bars used.Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 72 of 79 Attachment 1 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)Sample Worksheet Completed by: Location:

__________Print Name Isolation Date: _______Isolation Time: __________Signature:

IsAMopLe VOU Er in jet ctedinito 14.4 f ccvali Ba__cc gon stoeAtvt (Printout Activityx ShelIf Ratio)-Background=

Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Shelf Ratio Background Isotope Activity 4 4 4 4+ 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4+NOTE: Total Gaseous Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations recorded to 3-significant figures when possible.Gas Composition Analysis Sample Location:

______Sample Date: ___% Hydrogen:

_ ___ % Oxygen: Total Gaseous Activity: Sample Time: ___% Nitrogen:lReviewed by: (Chemistry supervision)

Level of Use Continuous Print Name STOP THINK Signature*ACT REVIEW_Date:__CP2804M Rev. 002 73 of 79 Attachment 2 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)Worksheet Completed b3 Signature:


___PROCESS FLOW cfm SAMPLE VOLUME = ml injected into 14.4 cc vial =RELEASE POINT_*cc [IJMP2 Vent[J]MP2 to Main Station Stack* .ackground

= Isotope Activity (Printout Activity x Shelif Ratio) -Isotope Printout Activity Shelf Ratio Background Isotope Activity Isotope Activity*/iCi ______ Ci MCi /MCi cc"UI t ISOtope activity (liuu/CO)

= ut Sample Volume cc NOTE: Total Gaseous Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations, recorded to 3-significantifigures when possible.Total Gaseous Activity{

________Release Rate: Total Activity Released (/MCi cc )X Flowt Namen x 28317 cc ft 3 x 1 min 60 sec ,iCi sec Release Rate Reviewed by: (Chemistry supervision)


Print Name Signature Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT+ REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 74 of 79 Attachment 3 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 3)Worksheet Completed by:,.Print Name Signature:


"(Printout Activity x Shelf Ratio)-Background-Isotope A ctivity Isotope JPrintout Activity -Shelf Ratio* Background Isotope Activity Isotope Activity*_________Ci

_ ____ MCi jiCi /iCi-t I * + I I I I + I I 1 1 4 I I I I -t I I I 4 -f 4 I I 4 4 4 1 1 4 1- +__ I ___ I __ I __ I____ I ____*NOTE Isotope activity (Cid/cc) = i Sample Volume cc NOTE: Total Particulate Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations recorded to 3-significant figures when possible.Total Particulate Activit Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 75 of 79 Attachment 3 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (Sheet 2 of 3)IODINE ISOTOPES (Printout Activity x Shelf Ratio)-Background

= Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Shelf Ratio Background Isotope Activity Isotope Activity*/iCi ______ ,Ci ,aCi ,uCi*NOTE isotope activity (paCi/cc)

= i Sample Volume cc NOTE: Total iodine Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations recorded to 3-significant figures when possible.Total Iodine Activity: KAMAN/WRGM Sample Corrections:

x 2=1 uCicc Particulate Concentration X 10=Iodine Concentration Corrected Particulate Total Released tMCicc Corrected Iodine Total Released Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 76 of 79 Attachment 3 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (Sheet 3 of 3)Total Sample Volume: Average Sample Flow Rate (cfin)Xx 2.83E4ccft 3=cc Total Sample Time (min)Particulate Release Rate: X Released (uCi cc )Iodine Release Rate: Pr'ocess Flow (cfin)x 28317 cc x lmin ft 3 60 sec MCi sec Release Rate X Corrected Iodine Total Released (uCi cc )Process Flow (cfin)x 28317 cc ft 3 X 1 min 60 sec jiCi sec Release Rate Reviewed by: (Chemistry supervision)

Date: Print Name Signature Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 77 of 79 Attachment 4 Shelf Ratio Calculation (Sheet 1 of 1)In the event that a detector shelf extension tube was required during operation of the Computer Radioisotopic Analysis System, the appropriate shelf ratio must be determined for use in activity level correction calculations.

To determine the shelf ratio, perform the following steps upon completion of the isotopic analysis: 1. REMOVE sample from gamma spectrometer.

2. PLACE a calibration source on the same detector shelf extension tube which was used for analysis of the sample.3. COUNT calibration source using the following information:
  • Count time: Same as sample's count time* Volume: 1* Geometry:

Particulate filter 4. Upon completion of count, REMOVE detector shelf extension tube.5. PLACE calibration source on normal counting shelf.6. With cave door open, COUNT calibration source using the information provided in step 3.NOTE Shelf ratio should be calculated to two significant digits only.7. CALCULATE shelf ratio using the following equation and the activity levels obtained in steps 3 and 6: Total Activity on Normal Counting Shelf (step #6)ShelIf Ratio =Total Activity on Elevated Shelf (step #3)Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT "REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 78 of 79 Attachment 5 Unit 2 Containment Air Post Accident Sampling Equipment Inventory (Sheet 1 of 1)Equipment Name Required On Hand Ordered 1 ml syringe with sideport needle 2 500 F1l syringe with sideport needle 2 5 cc syringe with sideport needle 1 Gas collection chamber 1 KAMAN sample collector housing 3 Mechanical finger tool 1 KAMAN reach rod 1 0.1 cc sample loop for gas chromatograph 1 Shielded transport cask for KAMAN collector assemblies 3 Shielded transport box for syringes 1 Shielded transport container for 14.4 cc vials 2 Shielded transport box for stack gas samples 1 Transport cart 1 Remarks: Date:__________


Level of Use Continuous STOP "'THINK ACT. REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 79 of 79 To Facility Address:DOCUMENT CONTROL DESK:MP Department:

12/30/15 08:13 Trans No. : 000153271 Total Items: 00001 DOCUMENTS ansmittal Group Id: 1511847 Item Facility Type Sub Document Number/ITitle Sheet Revision Doc Date Copy # Media Copies* 0001 MP PROC CH CP 2804M 002 P 01 UNIT 2 VENT CONTAINMENT AIR PASS Please check the appropriate response and return form to NDS Bldg 475/3 Millstone Power Station or Fax to 860-440-2057.

All documents received.Documents noted above not received (identify those not received)I no longer require distribution of these documents.

Date: Date:Signature:

f DomiionAdministrative Correction Authorization

4. Requestor(s).D'ui Print Name(s) / Locations
5. Date1/95 6. Requestor47 Phone 7. Applicable Nuclear Station(s)


[] North Anna LI Surry LI 8. Please check below to indicate the type of administrative correction needed.[] Updating titles, names, phones numbers, document format, procedure numbers, or references LI Misspellings (e.g., "adn" instead of "and")LI Incorrect step number sequence (e.g., "6.3.1, 6.3.3, 6.3.2" instead of "6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3")LI Incorrect page numbers in the headers and attachments (e.g., "PAGE 82 of 80" instead of "PAGE 82 of 82")LI Incorrect pagination, such as incorrect page breaks LI Incorrect transitions, branches, and references (e.g., referenced procedure has been renumbered)

LI Mistakes occurring during duplication (cloning) of procedures (e.g., Unit 1 panel number, equipment location number, or procedure number in a Unit 2 procedure)

LI incorrect equipment location numbers, if the noun descriptor fits the application LI Incorrect noun descriptor, if the equipment location number is accurate LI Mistakes or computer file corruptions that occurred during the posting process[] Other: Changed instances of VERIFY to CHECK or ENSURE as applicable.

Errors in setpoints, measurements, or quantitative acceptance criteria shall not be considered an administrative correction Authorization for Permanent Administrative Correction

9. Procedure Process Management Signature
10. Date 11. Manager Nuclear Operations Signature (Required for EOPs, FCAs, or FSGs) 12. Date N/A Administrative Correction Completed By_____________
13. Name (Print) "natu #15. Date Jeff D. Urgitis 12/29/15 NOTE: The individual(s) posting an Administrative Correction to EDMS are responsible for ensuring Nuclear E-Forms is updated.16. Nuclear E-Forrns Updated for Site(s)? 17. Nuclear E-Forms Updated Print Name/Signature 118. Date LIMP LINA LISU [MN/A N/A 19. Technical Procedure Number: 120. Revision:
21. Effl~ctive

~Iate/" CPI84M002 Form No. 730689(May 2015)


14]FCP2804M 7 -; <- :

, ST P17INKN NOTE 4 A:' REVIEW...."iew],g' jthe Nuclear<'FuelsSsafety Amalysis is fw" nv.. mo ,,to impact do~se lmit tif n mtoitudly -acl' ti" s. I Approval Date: Effective Date: 12/30/15 12/30/15 Level of Use Continuous Millstone Unit 2 Chemistry Procedure Unit 2 Vent and Containment Air PASS[4.Ref.6.

14]TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE .................................................

3 2. PREREQUISITES...........................................



....... 9 4. INSTRUCTIONS...........................................

10 4.1 Preparation for Sampling .................................

10 4.2 PASS Containment Air Sample Preparation


12 4.3 PASS Containment Air Sample Isolation


14 4.4 PASS Containment Air Sample Retrieval


17 4.5 PASS Containment Air Sample Analysis ......................

19 4.6 PASS Containment Air System Restoration


21 4.7 Unit 2 (EBRV) Vent Gas Sampling ..........................

23 _4.8 Unit 2 (EBRV) Vent Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection

... 25 I 4.9 WRGM and Vent High Range Particulate and Iodine Sample Analysis...................................

30 I 4.10 KAMAN High Range System Filter Sample Collection


33 4.11 KAMAN High Range System Filter Sample Analysis ...........

48 4.12 Normal Range WRGM Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection 50 I 4.13 Changing High Range Filters in Wide Range Gas Monitor .......58 4.14. U2 Main Station Stack High Range Gas Sampling .............

64I 4.15 U2 Main Station Stack and Vent Gas Isotopic Analysis ..........

66 4.16 PASS Equipment Inventory................................

68 5. REVIEW AND SIGNOFF .....................................



70 Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP "THINK ACT" REVIEW Rev. 002 i1 of 79



OF CHANGES ...................................

ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS Attachment 1, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet" ..............................

Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet" ..............................

Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet".........................

Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" ..........................

Attachment 5, "PASS Equipment Inventory List" ...................

71 73 74 75 78 79 Level of Use Continuous STOP- 'THINK ACT .... REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 2 of 79

1. PURPOSE 1.1 Objective Provide method for sample collection and analysis of Unit 2 Vent, U2 releases to Main Station Stack and containment atmosphere via PASS following an accident as a contingency plan, when radioactivity levels may preclude the use or the normal sampling method. Sampling and analysis [can be directed by the MRDA or AMRDA during an event which has activated the Station Emergency Response Organization (SERO).1.2 Discussion This procedure provides instructions which may be utilized by chemistry when collecting and analyzing highly radioactive containment atmosphere and ventilation samples and during post accident conditions.

The analyses conducted in this procedure can identify and quantify radioactive isotopes contained in the ventilation or containment air. The presence and amount of hydrogen and certain radioactive isotopes may assist in determining the type and extent of core damage.1.3 Applicability This procedure is applicable following an accident when in-plant radiation levels may be too high to permit ventilation and containment air sampling via the normal method.1.4 Frequency Performance of this procedure may be repeated periodically during SERO activation, when requested by the MRDA or AMRDA for updates or reassessments of containment conditions.


2.1 General

2.1.1 Silver

Zeolite Cartridges are used for iodine ventilation sampling1 in conjunction with this procedure (unless otherwise directed by I Chemistry Supervision).[4.Ref 6.15]2.1.2 Performance of this procedure must be authorized by the ADTS when SERO is activated 2.1.3 When SERO activated assessment by the MRCA for personnel exposure has been performed against station and Federal limits.Level of Use ,CP2804M Continuous

.."STOP "THINK "ACT Rev. 002 ,. ,:3 of 79 2.1.4 The sample aliquots listed in this procedure are not fixed numbers. Estimation of core damage may require a larger sample aliquot. If a larger sample is requested by the MRDA or AMRDA, substitute the required size syringes for those stated in this procedure.

2.1.5 Sections

4.7 through 4.16 are distinct sections that may be performed independently of each other.2.2 Documents 2.2.1 C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation" 2.2.2 C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the Varian CP 4900 Micro-GC" 2.2.3 SP 2814A, "Gaseous Effluents for Jodines and Particulates from Unit 2 Vent" 2.2.4 SP 2863-001, KAMAN Iodine Cartridge Particulate Filter Changed 2.2.5 SP 2863-002, "Unit 2 Vent High-Range Filter Data Sheet" I 2.2.6 SP 2815, "Main Station Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor SamplingI for Iodine and Particulates" 2.3 Personnel 2.3.1 Performance of this procedure can require the response of the following personnel:

a. MRCA b. OSC ARPS c. ADTS d. MRDA or the AMRDA e. MOSC f. MCRO Level f UseCP2804M Continuous
STOP .... THINK .ACT REVIEW Rev. 002' / .....4 of 79
g. One air PASS team* Two Chem Techs* One HP Tech 2.4 Tools and Consumables NOTE Some tools and consumables are common to all samples and analyses, and are listed as such. The tools and consumables are listed for each type of sample. This list is provided as a reference and may be amended during the pre -job review depending on plant conditions.

2.4.1 Tools

and consumables common to all samples:* Gamma spectroscopy calibration source* 8 1/8 inch gamma spectroscopy detector shelf extension tube* 16 inch gamma spectroscopy detector shelf extension tube* 24 inch gamma spectroscopy detector shelf extension tube 2.4.2 PASS Containment Atmosphere Sample* Two, 1 ml syringes with side port needle* Two, 500 F1 syringes with side port needle* PASS cabinet key* Transport cart with lead syringe shield* 2 evacuated 14.4 cc gas vials* Two, 10x16 plastic bags* Two, 4x6 plastic bags* Plastic wrap Level of Use / : %CP2804M ContinuousI

...STOP" 'THINK -IACT ....:REVIEW Rev. 002 5 of 79 2.4.3 Vent Gas Sampling* 5 cc gas syringe* Evacuated 14.4 cc gas vial* 41 cc gas collection chamber* Lead transport container for gas vial* 4x6 plastic bag o 10x16 plastic bag* Plastic wrap 2.4.4 Vent Particulate and Iodine Sampling* 2 Silver zeolite cartridges[4.Ref.

6.15]* Two, 2.25 inch glass fiber filters* Eight, 4x6 plastic bags* Adhesive tape* Transport cart with shielded container* In-use Chem Form 2814A-3* New Chem Form 2814A-3 Leelo UeCP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ,,ACT'...

REVIEW Rev. 002... .:i -=. "" ... :,- i,6 of 79 2.4.5 KAMN/AN High Range Filter Sampling* 3 collector assemblies (consisting of housing, silver zeolite cartridge, and 2.25 inch glass fiber filter)[-!.Ref.

6.15]* Transport cart with transfer cask for collector assemblies

  • Mechanical finger tool* Reach Rod* KAMVAN microprocessor operating key* Three, 10x16 plastic bags* Six, 4x6 plastic bags* SP 2863-001* SP 2863-002 2.4.6 WRGM Normal Range Sampling* Silver zeolite cartridges[.4.Ref.

6.15]* 47 mm glass fiber filters--Plastic bag(s)* Transport cart or container* In-use SP 2815-002 2.4.7 WRGM High Range Sampling* Two 9/16" wrenches* Transport cart for collector assemblies and caves 2.5 Responsibilities 2.5.1 The Air PASS Team performs the required sampling and analysis detailed in this procedure.

Level of Use ::. *CP2804M Cotiuos TO TIN ACT REVIEW Rev. 002," : j *7 of 79 2.5.2 When SERO is activated, the following responsibilities are in effect: a. The Manager of Operational Support Center designates, assembles, and briefs the Air PASS Team for implementation of this procedure.

b. The MRCA or OSC ARPS specifies Air PASS team radiological controls required for implementation of this procedure.
c. The MRDA or AMRDA specifies Air PASS Team sampling and analysis requirements for implementation of this procedure.
d. The MCRO performs valve lineups for the acquisition and retrieval of samples upon request of the Air PASS Team.e. The ADTS has final approval authority over team dispatch.2.6 Definitions 2.6.1 WRGM-Wide Range Gas Monitori 2.6.2 DEOF -Director, BOF 2.6.3 ADEOF-Assistant Director, BOF 2.6.4 OSC ARPS -Operational Support Center Assistant Radiological Protection Supervisor.

2.6.5 ADTS -Assistant Director Technical Support.2.6.6 Air PASS team -Personnel designated for sampling and analysis of vent and containment air of the affected unit. The air PASS team will normally be comprised of at least two chemistry technicians and, one HP technician.

2.6.7 SLPM -Standard Liters Per Minute 2.6.8 SWITCH -To change positions 2.6.9 KELIC -KAMAN Electronic Local Indication and Control 2.6.10 KERIC -KAMAN Electronic Remote Indication and Control Level of Use ....804M Continuous

  • STOP, THINK ,ACT REVIEW Rev. 002" ,., :,8 of 79
3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 When locking air samples within syringes, do not rotate syringe more than two turns. Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe resulting in the possible release of radioactive gasses.3.2 In the event of unexpected results during the course of this procedure, place the equipment in a safe or stable condition, cease performance of further steps, and contact the MRDA or the AMVRDA for further instructions.

3.3 Silver

Zeolite cartridges are hazardous material.

These cartridges must be collected and transferred to Waste Services Department for proper disposal.I Level of Use Continuous STOP, THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 9 of 79


4.1 Preparation

for Sampling 4.1.1 COMPLETE the following applicable steps as directed: a. CONSTRUCT lead brick shield in chemistry lab sample hood.b. ENSURE exhaust hood above gas chromatograph is operating.

c. LABEL two, 1.0 ml syringes, "HYDROGEN." d. LABEL two, 500 [dl syringes, "ISOTOPIC." e. LABEL one, 5 cc syringe, "GAS."____f. CHECK operability of syringes.1) ENSURE syringe nosepiece is screwed against syringe body.* 2) DRAW air into syringe.3) TURN syringe nose piece 2 turns clock-wise.
4) PLACE needle in beaker of water.5) PUSH plunger and ENSURE no air exits syringe.6) TURN syringe nosepiece tight against syringe body.7) PLACE needle in beaker of water.8) PUSH plunger and ENSURE air exits syringe.* ~g. Refer To C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the I Varian CP 4900 Micro-GC," and PREPARE gas I chromatograph for PASS sampling.____h. Using silver zeolite cartridges and particulate filters, ASSEMBLE three KAMAN collector assemblies.

Level of Use 'CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ,ACT REVIEW Rev. 00210 of 79 i.COPY the following applicable attachments of this procedure to expedite recording of data:* Attachment 1, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet"* Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet"*Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet"-End of Section 4.1 -!Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 11 of 79 4.2 PASS Containment Air Sample Preparation


Operations verify Auxiliary Building Ventilation System operating.

a. IF inoperable, NOTIFY the MRDA or the AMRDA and WAIT for further instructions.


which H 2 Analyzer is in service.4.2.3 NOTIFY MCRO that Containment Air PASS will be activated.

4.2.4 With PASS Cabinet Key, PROCEED to Sample Module area.4.2.5 UNLOCK and OPEN anti-tamper cover on Sample Module.4.2.6 OPEN Sample Module ventilation damper.4.2.7 OPEN Sample Module door.NOTE When 2-S-502 is closed, handle is perpendicular to needle guide.4.2.8 CLOSE "2-S-502." 4.2.9 PLACE valve "2-S-484" in POSITION # IF C-86 H 2 Analyzer is in service, OPEN the following valves: a. 2-S-463 b. 2-8-464 4.2.11 IF C-87 H 2 Analyzer is in service, OPEN the following valves: a. 2-S-461 b. 2-S-462 4.2.12 CLOSE valve "2-S-485." 4.2.13 PROCEED to Remote Operating Module, UNLOCK and REMOVE anti-tamper cover.Level of/ Use CP2804M Continuous STO TIN AC RE IE.R v.00,,< .... " " :'12 of 79

___4.2.14 PRESS ROM "POWER ON" button.____4.2.15 RESET timer to zero.____4.2.16 CHECK line fuses are good by observing no blown fuse indication.

____4.2.17 OPEN front panel of Remote Operating Module.____4.2.18 CLOSE "2- GAN- 246."____4.2.19 CLOSE "2- GAN- 247."____4.2.20 OPEN "2- GAN-- 248."____4.2.21 CLOSE front panel of Remote Operating Module.___ 4.2.22 BACK OFF "2-GAN- 231."____ 4.2.23 BACK OFF "2- GAiN- 249" (V-7).____4.2.24 OPEN nitrogen bottle isolation valve.____4.2.25 ESTABLISH nitrogen pressure at 400 psig using "2-GAN-236."____4.2.26 ADJUST "2-GAN-249" (V-7) to regulate nitrogen pressure to 80 psig.___4.2.27 POSITION "2-GAN-252" (V-10) to ON.____4.2.28 ADJUST "2- GAN- 23 1" to regulate nitrogen pressure to 70 psig.___4.2.29 POSITION "2-GAN-252" (V-10) to OFE 4.2.30 RETURN to Chemistry Lab.-End of Section 4.2 -Level of Use CP204 Continuous STOP "THINK ... ACT. REVIEW Rev. 002* .. .. " , of 79 4.3 PASS Containment Air Sample Isolation 4.3.1 COLLECT the following equipment:

  • Transport Cart____ 500 syringe labeled as "Isotopic"____ 1.0 ml syringe labeled as "Hydrogen" 4.3.2 PROCEED to Remote Operating Module.4.3.3 OPEN Remote Operating Module door.4.3.4 OPEN valve "2- GAN- 246" to pressurize flask.4.3.5 CLOSE Remote Operating Module door.4.3.6 ENSURE 15 minute warmup of Remote Operating Module has been performed.


following valves to OFF:___ a. 2-GAN-234 (V-11)___ b. 2-GAN-252 (V-10)4.3.8 OPEN "2-S-500" (V- !).4.3.9 PLACE "2-s-501" (V-2) to SAMPLE.4.3.10 INITIATE sample-flow as follows: a. PLACE "2-GAN-234" (V-il) to SAMPLE INFLUENT.b. PROCEED to C-86A or C-87A and POSITION the operating hydrogen analyzer PASS sample switch to "ON." c. ENSURE indication of flow on ROM flowmeter.

d. RECORD flow: ____SLPM e. IF there is not an indication of flow, REQUEST Operations to verify a Hydrogen Analyzer in service.Level of Use C ....04M.Continuous SToP THINK ,ACT *REVIEW Rev. 002* ' " ,14 of 79 4.3.11 WAIT 15 minutes.4.3.12 CLOSE "2-S-500" (V-i).4.3.13 ENSURE indicated flow has decreased.

V CAUTION V The following steps should be performed rapidly to prevent tripping the hydrogen analyzer.

The sample chamber and tubing lines in and out are very small diameter which presents a flow restriction which can trigger the hydrogen analyzer lo flow/lo pressure alarm. This alarm is triggered if this flow restriction exists for more than 30 seconds. For that reason isolate the sample as quickly as possible after the 15 seconds has elapsed.4.3.14 WAIT 15 seconds.4.3.15 To isolate sample, PLACE "2-S -501" (V-2) to BYPASS AND FLUSH.4.3.16 PROCEED to C-86A or C-87A and POSITION the operating hydrogen analyzer PASS sample switch to "OFE" 4.3.17 INITIATE Nitrogen Purge as follows: a. PLACE "2-GAN-234" (V-li) to NITROGEN FLUSH position.b. OPEN "2-S-500" (V-i).c. PLACE "2-GAN-252" (V-10) to ON.d. ADJUST "2- GAN- 231" to regulate to 70 psig.e. ENSURE indication of flow on flowmeter.

f. RECORD flow: SLPM 4.3.18 WAIT 3 minutes.4.3.19 CLOSE "2-S-500" (V-i).4.3.20 CHECK flow less than that which was indicated in step 4.3.17 f.Level of Use Continuous ,STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 15 of 79 4.3.21 WAIT 3 minutes.4.3.22 PLACE following valves to OFF: a. 2-GAN-252 (V-10)b. 2-GAN- 234 (V-li)4.3.23 OPEN "2-8-500" (V-i).-End of Section 4.3 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 16 of 79 4.4 PASS Containment Air Sample Retrieval 4.4.1 PROCEED to Sample Module.4.4.2 PERFORM a rapid radiation survey of Sample Module.4.4.3 ENSURE radiation levels are low enough, per established radiological controls, to allow access to Sample Module.4.4.4 ENSURE nosecap of 1.0 ml and 500 [dl syringes are screwed up against body.4.4.5 COLLECT 500 1 Al Containment Air Sample as follows: a. LINE UP handle of "2-8-502" (V-3) with needle guide to open.b. INSERT 1.0 ml "HYDROGEN" syringe needle into needle guide.c. ENGAGE syringe needle nut into needle guide slot.d. WITHDRAW 500 of containment air into syringe.Do not rotate syringe nosecap more than two turns. Excessive turns will disengage needle from syringe resulting in the possible release of radioactive gasses.e. TURN syringe nosecap body two turns in the counterclockwise direction to lock syringe.f. REMOVE syringe from needle guide.g. CLOSE "2-S-502" (V-3).h. PLACE syringe in lead transport container.

Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 17 of 79


250 Containment Air Sample as follows: a. LINE UP handle of "2-S-502" (V-3) with needle guide to open.b. INSERT 500 "ISOTOPIC" syringe needle into needle guide.c. ENGAGE syringe needle nut into needle guide slot.d. WITHDRAW 250 of containment air into syringe.e. TURN syringe nosecap two turns in counterclockwise direction to lock syringe.f. REMOVE syringe from needle guide.g. CLOSE "2-8-502" (V-3).h. PLACE syringe in lead transport container.

4.4.7 CLOSE

and LATCH Sample Module door.4.4.8 RETURN to Chemistry Lab with transport cart and syringes.-End of Section 4.4 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 18 of 79 4.5 PASS Containment Air Sample Analysis 4.5.1 WHEN requested, PERFORM Gas Analysis as follows: a. Refer To C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the I Varian CP 4900 Micro-GC," and PERFORM hydrogen and oxygen analysis on the 1.0 ml hydrogen syringe.b. RECORD results on Attachment 1 "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet." 4.5.2 WHEN requested, PERFORM Isotopic Analysis as follows: miut, pe cve bckrondcontonth dteto t b a. Refer To C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORMa5 1) RECORD all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 1 "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet." 2) SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.

b. TURN 500 isotopic syringe nosecap until it is screwed up against body.c. INJECT isotopic syringe sample into evacuated 14.4 cc vial.d. WRAP vial in plastic wrap.e. PLACE sample vial on detector shelf f. Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample l count.g. IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step 4.5.2i.h. IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[.!.Ref. 6.15]1) REMOVE sample vial and detector shelf..2) PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ,ACT REVIEW Rev. 002'- , of 79

3) Starting with lowest shelf and working up, PLACE vial on extension tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.4) TERMINATE count.5) Refer C CP 803.6 and COUNT vial (open cave) for 5 I minutes.6) WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4,"Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.i. CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 1,"Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet." j. PLACE empty syringes and sample vial in a plastic bag.k. STORE syringes and sample vial in lead brick shield for disposal.1. COMPLETE Attachment 1.m. REPORT analysis results to MRDA or AMRDA.n. IF a backup sample is requested by MRDA or AMRDA, PERFORM the following:
1) OBTAIN new 500 [dl and 1.0 syringes.2) PROCEED to sample module area.3) Go To Section 4.4.o. IF a backup sample is not required, PERFORM the following:
1) PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.
2) SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AMRDA.3) FORWARD original and copy of data sheets and computer printouts to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.5 -Level of UseCP8M Continuous STOP THINK ACT. REVIEW, Rev. 002* , ,"..20 of 79 4.6 PASS Containment Air System Restoration


to Remote Operating Module.4.6.2 POSITION "2-S-501" (V-2) to "SAMPLE." 4.6.3 INITIATE nitrogen purge as follows:___ a. POSITION "2-GAN-234" (V-il) to"NITROGEN FLUSH." b. POSITION "2-8-500" (V-i) to "OPEN." c. POSITION "2- GAN- 252" (V-10) to "ON." d. CHECK a flow rate is indicated.

e. RECORD flow: ____SLPM 4.6.4 WAIT 3 minutes.4.6.5 POSITION "2- S-500" (V-i1) to "CLOSE." I 4.6.6 ENSURE flow rate indicated is less than that which was recorded in step 4.6.3 e.___ 4.6.7 WAIT 3 minutes.4.6.8 POSITION valves as follows: a. 2-GAN-252 (V-b0) to "OFF" b. 2-GAN-234 (V-il) to "OFF" c. 2-S-500 (V-i) to "OPEN" NOTE The system is now purged of sample.4.6.9 CLOSE nitrogen bottle isolation valve.4.6.10 BACK OFF regulating valve "2-GAN-236." Level of Use CP2804M Continuous " ::THINK?; REVIE Rev"00 4.6.11 BACK OFF regulating valve "2- GAN- 249" (V-7).4.6.12 PRESS "POWER ON" button to de-energize the Remote Operating Module.4.6.13 OPEN front panel of module.4.6.14 CLOSE "2- GAN-246." 4.6.15 BLEED off nitrogen pressure as follows: a. CRACK open "2-GAN--247." b. BLEED off nitrogen pressure.c. CLOSE "2- GAN- 247." 4.6.16 CLOSE and LATCH front panel of module.4.6.17 On Remote Operating Module, REPLACE and LOCK anti -tamper cover.4.6.18 PROCEED to Sample Module.4.6.19 IF C-86 H 2 Analyzer is in service, CLOSE the following valves: a. 2-S-463 b. 2-S-464 4.6.20 IF C-87 H 2 Analyzer is in service, CLOSE the following valves: a. 2-S-461 b. 2-S-462 4.6.21 CLOSE Sample Module ventilation damper.4.6.22 CLOSE and LOCK Sample Module door.4.6.23 NOTIFY MCRO that PASS containment air sampling is complete.-End of Section 4.6 -Level of Use I ...,CP2804M Cniuu [ STOP" THINK "ACT :REVIEW Rev. 002 Continuous....

22 of79 4.7 Unit 2 Vent (EBRV) Gas Sampling_ 4.7.1 NOTIFY MCRO that a Vent Gas Sample will be collected.


the following equipment:

  • 5 cc gas syringe* Stoppered and evacuated 14.4 cc vial* Gas collection chamber* Lead transport container for 14.4 cc vial 4.7.3 PROCEED to Auxiliary Vent Sampling Rig in 38' 6" East Penetration Room.4.7.4 At Auxiliary Vent Sampling Rig, COLLECT sample as follows: a. CONNECT tubing from flow gauge outlet to inlet of gas collection chamber.b. CONNECT tubing from outlet of gas flask to suction of p sample pump.___ c. OPEN inlet and outlet stopcocks on gas collection chamber.d. OPEN V-i1 "Sample Inlet Isolation." e. OPEN V-4 "Sample Outlet Isolation." f. OPEN 2-HiV-462, "RM Return to U2 Stack." g. OPEN 2-HV-459, "Drain Valve." h. OPEN flow gauge throttle valve.___i. START sample pump.j. PURGE sample for 1 minute.___k. STOP sample pump.1. CLOSE inlet and outlet stopcocks on gas flask.Level of Use ,CP2804M Continuous STOP" THINK ,.ACT REVIEW Rev. 002., 23 of 79

___ m. RECORD sample time on Attachment 2.____n. Using the gas syringe, WITHDRAW 5 cc from gas flask.o. REMOVE transport container cap, exposing needle guide.p. INSERT syringe needle through needle guide.q. INJECT 5 cc of gas into 14.4 cc sample vial.r. REMOVE syringe needle.___s. REPLACE cap on transport container.

t. RESTORE system by closing the following valves: 1) V-i 2) V-4 3) 2-HV-462 4) 2-HV-459~u. REMOVE gas collection chamber.v. PROCEED with sample to Chemistry Lab.-End of Section 4.7 -Level of Use CP2804M Continuous -STOP- THINK ,ACT REVlIEW Rev. 002 ,, , ' ,24 of 79 4.8 Unit 2 Vent (EBRV) Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection I 4.8.1 IF automatic isolation of on-line filters AND the Kaman high range system is in service, Go To Section NOTIFY MCRO that a Particulate and Iodine Sample will be collected.


the following equipment:

  • 2 particulate filters* Four 4x6, plastic bags* Adhesive tape* Transport cart with shielded container* Current SP 2814A-003* New SP 2814A-003 4.8.4 DETERMINE sample collection time as follows: a. REVIEW RM 8132A trend plot and DETERMINE elapsed time since count rate increase.b. MULTIPLY current RM 8132A reading (cpm) by 2.0 E-°6[ICi/cpm.,uCicpm xcpm =MlCi I c. DIVIDE result from step 4.8.4b. by elapsed time from step 4.8.4a.I j~ +sec =3zisec Level of Use C-204 Continuous s-TOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002 25 of 79
d. DIVIDE 10 1[4Ci by result from step 4.8.4c.Sl~tuCi + tCisec =sec 4.8.5 REQUEST permission from Control Room to SECURE Rad Monitor Blower.4.8.6 PROCEED to RM 8132A Sampling Cabinet in the 38' 6" East Penetration Room.4.8.7 Refer To SP 2814A-003 and RECORD following:
a. Rad Monitor Blower in service b. Sample flow as read on FIS-8132.4.8.8 SECURE radiation monitor blower.4.8.9 RECORD ventilation fan running hours on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.10 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A- REMOVE charcoal cartridge from the radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.12 PLACE removed charcoal cartridge in plastic bag.4.8.13 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.4.8.14 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.15 LABEL a new silver zeolite cartridge with an arrow to indicate direction of sample flow.4.8.16 INSTALL new silver zeolite cartridge in radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.17 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.18 REMOVE particulate filter from radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.19 PLACE removed particulate filter in plastic bag.Level of Use ..CP2804M Continuous

~ 'STOP THINK " ACT REVIEW Rev. 002* ' " ,.26 of 79 4.8.20 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.4.8.21 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.22 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A- INSTALL a new particulate filter in the radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.24 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.25 ZERO the ventilation fan run time meter.4.8.26 START radiation monitor blower.4.8.27 OBSERVE sample flow.4.8.28 RECORD sample flow reading on a new SP 2814A-003.

4.8.29 RECORD the following on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Vent Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet":

  • Start date* Start time* Sample flow 4.8.30 EXIT East Penetration Room and PROCEED to a lower dose rate area.4.8.31 WHEN sample time calculated in step 4.8.4 is reached, ENTER East Penetration Room.4.8.32 RECORD sample flow on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.33 SECURE radiation monitor blower.4.8.34 RECORD ventilation fan running hours on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.35 REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge from radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.36 PLACE removed sliver zeolite cartridge in plastic bag.4.8.3 7 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.Level of U Continuou., e s STOP ,THINK=... .. REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 27 of 79 4.8.38 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.39 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.40 LABEL a new silver zeolite cartridge with an arrow to indicate direction of sample flow.4.8.41 INSTALL new silver zeolite cartridge in radiation monitor cartridge holder.4.8.42 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.43 REMOVE particulate filter from radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.44 PLACE removed particulate filter in plastic bag.4.8.45 SEAL bag and LABEL with date and time.4.8.46 PLACE bag in shielded container 4.8.47 RECORD date and time removed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.48 INSTALL a new particulate filter in radiation monitor particulate filter holder.4.8.49 RECORD date and time installed on SP 2814A-003.

4.8.50 ZERO ventilation fan run time meter.4.8.51 START radiation monitor blower.4.8.52 OBSERVE sample flow.4.8.53 RECORD sample flow reading on a new SP 2814A- 003.Level of UseCP8M Continuous STOP THINK *ACT REVIEW Rev. 002: ' -28 of 79 4.8.54 RECORD the following on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Vent Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet":

  • Start date* Start time* Sample flow 4.8.55 TRANSFER filters to chemistry lab.-End of Section 4.8 -Level of Use Continuous ,STOP THIN K ,ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 29 of 79 4.9 WRGM and Vent High Range Particulate and Iodine Sample Analysis i 4.9.1 PLACE particulate filter and iodine cartridge that were in serviceI at time of accident in a new plastic bag.4.9.2 PLACE bag in lead brick shield.4.9.3 PERFORM silver Zeolite cartridge and particulate filter analysis as follows: a. IF performing a silver zeolite analysis, Refer To C CP 803.6,I"Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and Operation," and with a gamma spectrometer, PERFORM a 5 minute, open cave, background count using silver zeolite I geometry and a volume of 1 cc on the detector to be used.1) LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet".
2) SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.
b. IF performing a particulate analysis, Refer To C CP 803.6 and i with a gamma spectrometer, PERFORM a 5 minute, open cave, background count using particulate geometry and a I volume of 1 cc on the detector to be used.1) LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 3, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet".
2) SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.
c. SEAL plastic bag containing silver zeolite cartridge.
d. PLACE silver zeolite cartridge on detector shelf.e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE 5 minute sample count using 1 cc volume.f. IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step 4.9.3 h.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT- REVIEW, Rev. 002.30 of 79
g. IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[.!,Ref. 6.15]1) REMOV'E cartridge and detector shelf.2) PLACE shortest detector extension tube on detector.3) Starting with the shortest tube and working up, PLACE the cartridge on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.4) TERMINATE count.5) Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT cartridge (open cave)for 5 minutes.II 6) WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4,"Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.h. CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3,"Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." i. REMOVE cartridge and PLACE in lead brick shield.j. IF detector extension tube was used, REMOVE tube and REPLACE shelf on detector.k. PLACE particulate filter on detector shelf.1. Refer To C CP 803.6 and INMTIATE 5 minute sample count I using 1 cc volume.m. IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step 4.9.3 o.Level of Use I ContinuousI

<STOP: 'THiNK::'

ulACT "REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 31 of 79

n. IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[+Ref. 6.15]1) REMOVE filter and detector shelf.2) PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.3) Starting with the lowest shelf and working up, PLACE filter on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.4) TERMINATE count.5) Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT filter (open cave) for 51 minutes.6) WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4,"Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.o. CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3,"Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." p. IF detector extension tube was used, REMOVE tube and REPLACE shelf on detector.q. COMPLETE Attachment 3.r. PROVIDE MRDA or AMRDA with results.s. PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.

t. SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AM\'RDA.u. FORWARD original and a copy of data sheets and computer printouts to Chemistry Supervision.
v. ENSURE cartridge and filter are labeled and placed in lead brick shield for future counting or final disposal.-End of Section 4.9 -Level of Use Continuous

..T.. THIN:so#;

.... ACT .. Rev. 002 4.10 Kaman High Range System Filter Sample Collection 4.10.1 COLLECT the following equipment:

  • Three collector assemblies
  • Reach rod* Mechanical fingers* KERIC microprocessor operating key* Plastic bags labeled with channel numbers*SP 2863-001* SP 2863-002 4.10.2 NOTIFY MCRO that KAMAN high range filter samples will be collected.

4.10.3 Refer To Figure -1 and PROCEED to KERIC panel located in Unit 2 Control Room on panel Cl01.Figure -1 O.Control Room PNL C-101 L.I.C. 8168 (KERIC) Stack Gas Rad Monitor Local Control Panel (KELIC)Keyboard Stack Gas Effluent Enable Disable 1.44 Purge Valve R~ W V 8132 Z3~lIIZ Enable Disable Z DEispay ZI Keyboard Doc ispa ]T Rem plate 4.10.4 POSITION switch "RV -8132," stack gas effluent purge valve to"DISABLE." Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ",ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 33 of 79 NOTE The MRCA or OSC ARPS determines whether local or remote keyboard is to be used.4.10.5 To operate from KERIC keyboard, PERFORM the following:

a. POSITION KERIC key switch to "ENABLE." b. IF KERIC panel does not respond to keyboard entries PERFORM the following:
1) PROCEED to KELIC panel located in 4160 switchgear room in Turbine Building 2) POSITION KELIC key switch to "REMOTE." 3) RETURN to Control Room.4.10.6 To operate from KELIC keyboard, PERFORM the following:
a. POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." b. PROCEED to KELIC panel located in the 4160 switchgear room in the Turbine Building.c. POSITION KELiC key switch to "LOCAL." L evel of Use Continuous STOP ' THINK ACT 'REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 34 of 79 NOTE The "Active Channel" is indicated by the channel with a radiation exposure rate greater than zero.4.10.7 DETERMINE active channel by displaying radiation exposure rates as follows: a. For channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" b. For channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "C4" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" c. For channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" 4.10.8 PLACE an asterisk in channel number column on SP 2863-002 to designate

'Active Channel." Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002

~ALARA If flow was diverted, a high radiation condition may exist in the collectors.

4.10.9 IF operating the KERIC, PERFORM the following:

___a. POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." b. PROCEED to the 4160 Switchgear Room in the Turbine Building.4.10.10 IF operating the KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"REMOTE." 4.10.11 REPLACE filters not in service on an "Inactive Channel" as follows: a. OPEN inactive channel sample chamber door.____b. INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." c. MOVIE reach rod to right.d. PLACE mechanical fingers around collector assembly.___e. WITHDRAW assembly.f. PLACE assembly in properly labeled bag.g. PLACE bagged assembly into lead transfer cask.h. Using mechanical fingers, INSERT new collector assembly into assembly housing.i. PERFORM following to raise collector assembly: 1) INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." 2) MOVE reach rod to left..j. CLOSE and LATCH sample chamber door.____k. IF filters for another "Inactive Channel" need to be changed, Go To step 4.10.11 a.1. IF no other filters need to be changed Go To step 4. 10.12.Level of UseCP8M Continuous

'STOp " THINK : ACT" REVIEW ... Rev. 002.... 36 of 79

___ 4.10.12 IF operating in the KERIC, PERFORM the following:

a. PROCEED to KERIC panel located in Unit 2 Control Room on panel C101.b. POSITION KERIC key switch to "ENABLE." 4.10.13 IF operating in KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"LOCAL." 4.10.14 OBTAIN total collection time for "Inactive Channels" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" Level of Use ,.CP2804M Continuous "STOP " THINK " ACT REVIEW Rev. 002" " ,37 of 79
7) RECORD display as minutes on SF 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SF 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SF 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SF 2863- OBTAIN total sample volume for "Inactive Channels" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SF 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" Level of Use CP204 Con.nuusSTOP " THINK ACT- REvIEw Rev. 002 , -38 of 79
3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.NOTE If the automatic sequence has stepped through all three filters and the radiation exposure rate for the 'Active Channel" is greater than 100 mrem/hr, an automatic channel shift will occur when the next channel is cleared.4.10.16 To clear data on "Inactive Channels" or clear a "FULL' light, PERFORM the following:
a. To clear channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "ENT" b. To clear channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "ENT" Level of Use ... ,CP2804M CotnosSTOP T]HINK ,ACT" REVIEW Rev.002
c. To clear channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "ENT" NOTE Diverting flow from the '`Active Channel" to the next channel allows for filter change on the former "Active Channel" and allows for rotating flow paths.4.10.17 To divert flow to activate a channel, PERFORM the following:
a. To divert flow to channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "FTN" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "04" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD start and date on SP 2863-002.b. To divert flow to channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "FTN" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "04" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD start and date on SP 2863-002.Level of Use CP2804M, 'ConinuusSTOPS;

... THINK:: ":-ACT,'

Rev. 002 Co40iofo79

c. To divert flow to channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "FTN" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "04" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD start and date on SP 2863-002.d. Refer To SP 2863-002 RECORD stop time and date of pervious active channel.e. IF an automatic shift occurs while stepping channels, RECORD shift start and stop times for involved channels on SP 2863-002.f. PLACE an asterisk next to new "Active Channel" in channel number column on SP 2863-002 to designate the "Active Chaneld." 4.10.18 For the former 'Akctive Channel," PERFORM the following:

If flow was diverted, a high radiation condition may exist in the collectors.

a. IF operating KERIC, PERFORM the following:
1) POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." 2) PROCEED to 4160 Switchgear Room in Turbine Building.b. IF operating KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"REMOTE." c. OPEN sample chamber door.Level of Use Continuous STOP ....THINK ACT- REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 41 of 79
d. PERFORM the following to lower collector assembly: 1) INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." 2) MOVE reach rod to right.e. PLACE mechanical fingers around the collector assembly.f. WITHDRAW assembly.g. PLACE assembly into lead transfer cask.h. INSERT new collector assembly into assembly housing.i. PERFORM the following to raise collector assembly: 1) INSERT reach rod into "quick release latch." 2) MOVE reach rod to left.j. CLOSE and LATCH sample chamber door.4.10.19 IF operating in KERIC, PERFORM the following:
a. PROCEED to KERIC panel located in Unit 2 Control Room on panel C101.b. POSITION KERIC key switch to "ENABLE." 4.10.20 IF operating in KELIC, POSITION KELIC key switch to"LOCAL." 4.10.21 OBTAIN total collection time for former "Active Channel" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" Level of Use -CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT ...REVIEW Rev. 002" : 42 of 79
5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "45" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD display as hours on SP 2863-002.6) PRESS "EXP" 7) RECORD display as minutes on SP 2863-002.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT 'REVIEW Rev. 002...... ,43 of 79
8) PRESS "EXP" 9) RECORD display as seconds on SP 2863- OBTAIN total sample volume for the former 'Active Channel" as follows: a. For filter 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.b. For filter 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.c. For filter 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "37" 4) PRESS "ENT" 5) RECORD volume on SP 2863-002.Level of Use ,CP2804M Continuous STOP ' THINK " AcT ... REVIEW Rev. 002: " ",44 of 79 NOTE If the automatic sequence has stepped through all three filters and the radiation exposure rate for the "Active Channel" is greater than 100 mremlhr, an automatic channel shift will occur when the next channel is cleared.4.10.23 To clear data on former Active Channel" or clear a "FULL' light, PERFORM the following:
a. To clear channel 3, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "ENT" b. To clear channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "STP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "ENT" c. To clear channel 5, PERFORM the following:

1)2)3)PRESS "STP" PRESS "5" PRESS "ENT" Level of Use Continuous STOP...THINK' " ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 45 of 79 4.10.24 IF directed by MRDA or AMRDA, MONITOR the in-service filter radiation levels as follows: a. For channel 3, PERFORM the following:

1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "3" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" b. For channel 4, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "4" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" c. For channel 5, PERFORM the following:
1) PRESS "DSP" 2) PRESS "5" 3) PRESS "23" 4) PRESS "ENT" 4.10.25 POSITION KELIC key switch to "REMOTE." 4.10.26 PROCEED to Control Room panel Cl01.4.10.27 POSITION KERIC key switch to "DISABLE." 4.10.28 POSITION RV-8132, Stack Gas Effluent Purge Valve, switch to"ENABLE." 4.10.29 ENSURE Vent Gas High Radiation alarm is cleared.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous .STOP THINK' ACT REVIEW, Rev. 002* 46 of 79 4.10.30 NOTIFY MCRO that filter change is complete and system is restored to normal.4.10.3 1 TRANSFER assemblies in lead transfer cask to chemistry lab.-End of Section 4.10 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT "R EVIEW" CP2804M Rev. 002 47 of 79 4.11 KAMAN High Range System Filter Sample Analysis 4.11.1 REMOVE filters from collector assembly.4.11.2 PLACE particulate filter in a properly labeled, clean plastic bag.4.11.3 PLACE silver zeolite cartridge in a purge holder.4.11.4 REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge.

4.11.5 PLACE cartridge in a clean, labeled plastic bag.4.11.6 Refer To C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System I Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM a 5 minute, openI cave, background count using sample geometry and 1 cc volume on the detector to be used.a. LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 3.b. SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.

4.11.7 PLACE cartridge on detector shelf.4.11.8 Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample count. I 4.11.9 IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step IF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following:

[4iRef. 6.15]a. REMOVE cartridge and detector shelf.b. PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.c. Starting with shortest tube and working up, PLACE cartridge on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.d. TERMINATE count.e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT cartridge (open cave) for 1 5 minutes.f. WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.4.11.11 CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3, "Post Accident Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." Level of Use , ."CP2804M Continuous sToP "THINK "ACT REVIEW Rev. 002 48 of 79

___ 4.11.12 REMOVE cartridge and PLACE in lead brick shield.____4.11.13 IF_ detector shelf extension tube was used, REMOVE tube and REPLACE shelf on detector.4.11.14 PLACE particulate filter on detector in gamma spectrometer.

4.11.15 Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample count I using 1 cc sample volume.4.11.16 IFF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step IFF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following: 6.15]a. REMOVE filter and detector shelf.____b. PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.c. Starting with shortest tube and working up, PLACE filter on each tube until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.d. TERMINATE count.___e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT filter (open cave) for I 5 minutes.f. WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.4.11.18 CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 3, "Post Accident vent Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet." 4.11.19 REMOVE filter and PLACE in lead brick shield.___ 4.11.20 REPORT analysis results to MRDA or AMRDA.4.11.21 PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.

4.11.22 SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AMRDA.4.11.23 FORWARD original and a copy to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.11 -Level of Use CP.4 CotiuosSTOP

"'THINK .ACT. .. REVIEW Rev. 002-49 of 79 4.12 Low Range WRGM Particulate and Iodine Sample Collection

~ALARA Filters may be highly radioactive.

Use caution when handling.4.12.1 IF directed by MCRO, PREPARE to sample normal WRGM using silver zeolite cartridges.

4.12.2 COLLECT the following equipment:

  • Two 47 mm particulate filters* Plastic bags* Transport container* Current SP 2815-002* New SP 2815-002 4.12.3 DETERMINE sample collection time as directed or as follows: a. MULTIPLY current RM 8169 flow rate by 28300 cc/cubic ft.Icubic feetminxX28300 cccubic ft =ccmin b. MULTIPLY result from 4.12.3a. times current RM 8169 reading !xCi/cc.c. DIVIDE 10 1 iCi by result from 4.12.3b.10MfCi + ,uCimrin = min d. MULTIPLY result from 4.12.3c. by 60 to obtain seconds.Mm MiX60 secmin =sec Level of Use CP2804M Co ntin uo us ":"STOP,.

.THINK , ACT:" .."REVIEW Rev. 002 , ' -: ...of 79 4.12.4 PROCEED to WRGM Sampling Area.4.12.5 RECORD the operating channel sample flow from FI-8169L on SP 2815-002, as the removed sample flow.4.12.6 IF the "A' sample train is in service, CLOSE the following "B" sample train isolation valves: a. 2-EB-216 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB-217 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-218 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2-EB-219 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.7 IF the "B" sample train is in service, CLOSE the following

"sample train isolation valves: a. 2-EB-220 Filter A-Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB-221 Filter A-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-222 Filter A-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2- EB- 223 Filter A-L Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.8 On the filter assembly out of service, PERFORM the following:

a. REMOVE filter holder ring clamp.b. REMOVE top gasket.c. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.d. REMOVE screen plate.e. REMOVE middle gasket.f. REMOVE iodine cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.g. IF installed, REMOVE iodine cartridge adapter and its associated gasket.h. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter holder and LOAD a new silver zeolite cartridge into holder.d 71 STOP: ...."'THINK- .. ACT .... REVIEW Rev. 002 I Level of Use Continuous
i. INSTALL middle gasket and screen plate.j. INSTALL screen plate.k. INSTALL particulate filter, fibrous side up into holder.1. INSTALL top gasket.m. INSTALL and TIGHTEN filter holder ring clamp.4.12.9 IF "A" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2- EB- 220 Filter A- Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB--221 Filter A-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-222 Fitter A-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2-EB-223 Filter A-Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.10 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service, OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve b. 2-EB-217 Filter B-Inlet Isolation Valve c. 2-EB-218 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve d. 2-EB-219 Filter B-Outlet Isolation Valve 4.12.11 sample train is currently in service, on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH operation to the "B" train.4.12.12 IF "B" sample train is currently in service on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH operation to the "A' train.4.12.13 Refer To SP 2815-002 and RECORD the following:
  • Date/Time removed from service* Technician initials for removal* Sample train removed from service Level of Use CP.......Continuous

.. STOP THINK ....AC:T ' REvIEW/ Rev. 002 ,' 52 of 79 4.12.14 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD the following:

  • Operating channel sample flow as indicated on F1-8169L* Sample train placed in service Date/Time* Technician initials 4.12.15 IF "A" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.16 IF "B" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.17 On the filter assembly out of service, PERFORM the following:
a. REMOVE filter holder ring clamp.b. REMOVE top gasket c. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.d. REMOVE screen plate.e. REMOVE middle gasket.f. REMOVE iodine cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.g. IF installed, REMOVE iodine cartridge adapter and its associated gasket.Level of Use CP2...M Continuous STOP THINK ,ACT " REVIEW Rev. 002' 53 of 79
h. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter holder and LOAD a new iodine cartridge into holder.i. INSTALL middle gasket.j. INSTALL screen plate.k. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.1. INSTALL top gasket.m. INSTALL and TIGHTEN filter holder ring clamp.4.12.18 IF "A' sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB--222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.19 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB--217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB--219 4.12.20 NOTIFY Operations that filter and iodine cartridge changeout is complete.4.12.21 EXIT WRGM sample area and TRANSFER filters to chemistry lab.4.12.22 As directed, ANALYZE sample filters.4.12.23 WHEN sample time calculated in step 4.12.3 is reached, PROCEED to WRGM sample area to change out filters.Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT, REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 54 of 79 4.12.24 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD operating channel sample flow from FI-8169L as the removed sample flow.4.12.25 IF 'A" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.26 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.27 IF the "A' sample train is currently in service on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH to the "B" train.4.12.28 IF the "B" sample train is currently in service on grab sample control assembly panel (RIC 8169) SWITCH to the "A' train.4.12.29 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD the following:
  • Date/Time removed from service* Technician initials for removal* Sample train removed from service 4.12.30 Refer To new Attachment 3 and RECORD the following:
  • Operating channel sample flow as indicated on F1-8169L* Sample train placed in service and Date/Time* Technician initials Level of UseCP84 Continuous STOP THINK ACT " REVIEW Rev. 002 0' 55 of 79 4.12.3 1 IF the 'A" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB--223 4.12.32 IF the "B" sample train was removed from service CLOSE the following to isolate filters: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB--218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.33 On the filter assembly out of service PERFORM the following:
a. REMOVE filter holder ring clamp.b. REMOVE top gasket c. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.d. REMOVE screen plate.e. REMOVE middle gasket.f. REMOVE iodine cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.g. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter holder and LOAD a new iodine cartridge into holder.h. INSTALL middle gasket.i. INSTALL screen plate.j. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.Level of UseCP8M Continuous -STOP THINK ACTI "REVIEW Rev. 002 56 of 79
k. INSTALL top gasket.1. INSTALL and TIGHTEN filter holder ring clamp.4.12.34 IF 'A" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-220 b. 2-EB-221 c. 2-EB-222 d. 2-EB-223 4.12.35 IF "B" sample train is currently out of service OPEN the following to align sample path: a. 2-EB-216 b. 2-EB-217 c. 2-EB-218 d. 2-EB-219 4.12.36 TRANSFER filters to the chemistry lab.4.12.37 Refer To Section 4.9 or as directed and ANALYZE filters.4.12.38 COLLECT silver zeolite cartridges and TRANSFER to Waste Services for disposal as hazardous waste.-End of Section 4.12 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 57 of 79 4.13 Changing High Range Filters in Wide Range Gas Monitor.AAALARA h Filters may be highly radioactive.

Use caution and Health Physics support as directed during performance of this Section.4.13.1 WHEN directed, COLLECT the following equipment for High Range WRGM filter sampling:* Transfer container for filter assemblies

  • 47 mm particulate filters* Plastic bags o Wrenches, if necessary to remove cave from skid* Transfer cart as directed 4.13.2 NOTIFY control room and DETERMINE date and time Mid/High range sample collection commenced.

4.13.3 Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD Mid/High range sample collection date and time.4.13.4 PROCEED to WRGM sampling area.NOTE Detector flow rate is controlled by the monitor at a nominal rate of approximately 0.06 SCFM (1.7 1pm).4.13.5 DETERMINE which filter train is in operation and Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD FI-8169H sample flow rate.4.13.6 IF directed to secure sample skid, PERFORM the following:

a. POSITION the Mid/High range pump control to "OFF" to secure sample flow.b. Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD sample stop date and time.Level of Use Continuous-STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 58 of 79 4.13.7 IF directed to switch sample trains, PERFORM the following:
a. On grab sample control assembly panel RIC 8169, SWITCH to out of service sample train.b. Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD date and time of sample train switch and sample flow rate as indicated on FI-8169H.4.13.8 IF changing out of service "C" train filters, PERFORM the following:
a. CLOSE Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-233.b. CLOSE Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-234.c. CLOSE Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-235.d. CLOSE Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB- IF changing out of service "D" train filters, PERFORM the following:
a. CLOSE Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-237.b. CLOSE Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-238.c. CLOSE Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB--239.
d. CLOSE Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB- IF removing out of service cave from sample collection skid, PERFORM the following:
a. LOOSEN and REMOVE bolts from the cave base plate.b. DISCONNECT inlet and outlet tubing from quick disconnects.
c. REMOVE filter cave and PLACE on transport cart.d. Go To step 4. 13.13.Level of Use CP204 Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002 S 59 of 79 I NOTE If radiation levels permit, filters may be changed in WRGM sample area as directed.4.13.11 lIF replacing filter is sample area, PERFORM the following:
a. DISCONNECT supply and return tubing from holding bracket.b. UNLATCH and OPEN sample cave door.c. DISCONNECT inlet and outlet tubing from quick disconnects.
d. REMOVE filter assembly from cave.e. LOOSEN and REMOVE filter holding ring.f. REOVE flter housing cover.g. REMOVE top gasket.h. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.i. REMOVE screen plate.j. REMOVE middle gasket.k. REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.1. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter and LOAD new iodine cartridge.
m. INSTALL middle gasket.n. INSTALL screen plate.o. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.p. INSTALL top gasket.q. ASSEMBLE filter housing and INSTALL filter holder ring clamp.Level of Use .....04M Continuous STOP 'THINK ,ACT "REVIEW Rev. 002' ',"60 of 79
r. INSTALL filter holder into cave and CONNECT quick disconnects.
s. CONNECT supply and return tubing to holding bracket.t. CLOSE and LATCH cave.u. IF starting "C" sample train, OPEN the following:
1) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-233.2) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-234.3) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-235.4) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-236.v. IF starting "D" sample train, OPEN the following:
1) Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-237.2) Filter D- Inlet Isolation valve 2- EB-238.3) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-239.4) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB- IF directed to start sample collection, PERFORM the following:
a. IF starting "C" sample train, ENSURE the following open: 1) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-233.2) Filter C-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-234.3) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-235.4) Filter C-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-236.b. IF starting "D" sample train, ENSURE the following open: 1) Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-237.2) Filter D-Inlet Isolation valve 2-EB-238.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK " ACT. 'REVIEW" Rev. 002
3) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-239.4) Filter D-Outlet Isolation valve 2-EB-240.c. As directed, on grab sample control assembly panel RIC-8169, PLACE filter train selection switch to the "C" or"D" sample train.d. IFF sample skid was secured, POSITION Mid/High range pump control to "ON" to start sample flow.e. Refer To Attachment 3 and RECORD start date and time and sample flow on FI-8169H.4.13.13 TRANSFER filters or filter cave to chemistry lab.4.13.14 IFF filters are already removed from cave and assemblies, Go To step 4. lI___ replacing filters, PERFORM the following:
a. DISCONNECT supply and return tubing from holding bracket..b. DISENGAGE and OPEN sample cave door.c. REMOVE filter assembly from cave.d. LOOSEN and REMOVE filter holding ring.e. REMOVE filter housing cover.f. REMOVE top gasket.g. REMOVE particulate filter and PLACE in plastic bag.h. REMOVE screen plate.i. REMOVE middle gasket.j. REMOVE silver zeolite cartridge and PLACE in plastic bag.k. POSITION arrow indicator pointing into filter and LOAD new iodine cartridge.
1. INSTALL middle gasket.Level of Use CP204 Cot"uosSTOP THINK ACT *REVIEW Rev. 002* 62 of 79
m. INSTALL screen plate.n. INSTALL particulate filter fibrous side up into holder.o. INSTALL top gasket.p. ASSEMBLE filter housing and INSTALL filter holder ring clamp.Refer To Section 4.9 and PERFORM sample analysis.COLLECT silver zeolite cartridges for transfer to Waste Services for disposal.-End of Section 4.13 -4.13.16 4.13.17 Level of Use Continuous STOP THINKREVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 63 of 79 4.14 U2 Main Station Stack High Range Gas Sampling hAALARA Filters may be highly radioactive.

Use caution when handling.NOTE Sample collection volume will be as directed, and determined by expected activity.I PROCEED to Main Station Stack WRGM sample room.4.14.2 COLLECT sample as follows: a. CONNECT sample container inlet to the sample source at 2-EB-244, sample conditioning skid-Mid/High range sample test valve.b. CONNECT sample container outlet to sample pump inlet.c. CONNECT sample pump outlet at 2-EB-257, sample return test isolation valve.d. OPEN the following valves: 1) Sample container inlet 2) Sample container outlet 3) 2-EB-244, sample conditioning skid-Mid/High range sample test.4) 2-EB-257, sample return test isolation valve.e. START sample pump.Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 64 of 79 NOTE Sample purge time will be dependent on a variety of factor and will be determined by Chemistry Supervision.

f. PURGE sample through sample container as directed.g. STOP sample pump.h. CLOSE the following:
1) Sample container inlet 2) Sample container outlet 3) 2-EB-244, sample conditioning skid-Mid/High range sample test.4) 2-EB-257, sample return test isolation valve.i. NOTE sample time.j. REMOVE tygon tubing from the following:
1) Sample container inlet 2) Sample container outlet k. TRANSFER sample to chemistry lab.1. Refer To Section 4.15 and PERFORM sample analysis.-End of Section 4.14 -Level of Use SO THNAC REIWCP2804M Continuous SO THNAC REEWRev. 002 65 of 79 4.15 U2 Main Station Stack and Vent Gas Isotopic Analysis Maintenance and Operation," and PERFORM a 5 minute, open cave, background count on the detector to be used using same I sample geometry and volume of 1 cc.a. LIST all identified isotopes and associated activity on Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet." b. SAVE gamma spectrometer printout for future reference.

4.15.2 PLACE sample on detector shelf.4.15.3 Refer To C CP 803.6 and INITIATE a 5 minute sample count I using 1 cc sample count.4.15.4 IF dead time is less than 20%, Go To step IFF dead time is greater than or equal to 20%, PERFORM the following: 6.16]a. REMOVE sample and detector shelf.b. PLACE shortest detector shelf extension tube on detector.c. Starting with the lowest shelf and working up, PLACE the sample on each shelf until a dead time of less than 20% is achieved.d. TERMINATE count.e. Refer To C CP 803.6 and COUNT sample (open cave) for 5 I minutes.f. WHEN count is completed, Refer To Attachment 4, "Shelf Ratio Calculation" and DETERMINE shelf ratio.4.15.6 CALCULATE activity for each isotope on Attachment 2, "Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet." 4.15.7 STORE sample in source locker for disposal.4.15.8 COMPLETE Attachment 2.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK " ACT Rev. 002~66 of 79 4.15.9 REPORT analysis results to MRDA or AMRDA or as directed.4.15.10 PREPARE two copies of data sheets and computer printouts.

4.15.11 SEND copy of data sheets and computer printouts to MRDA or AMRDA or as directed.4.15.12 FORWARD original and a copy of data sheets and computer printouts to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.15 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT "REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 67 of 79 4.16 PASS Equipment Inventory 4.16.1 After each PASS sample, Refer To Attachment 5 and PERFORM inventory of all equipment required to perform containment PASS sampling.4.16.2 COMPLETE Attachment 5, "Containment PASS Equipment Inventory." 4.16.3 FORWARD Attachment 5 to Chemistry Supervision.

-End of Section 4.16 -Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT. "REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 68 of 79

5. REVIEW AND SIGNOFF 5.1 Indicate (check) Subsections of this procedure which were performed:

[] 4.1 [] 4.2 [] 4.3 [] 4.4 lii 4.5 []4.6[] 4.7 [] 4.15 [] 4.8 Lii 4.9 [Ii 4.10 Ii 4.11 5.2 If procedure was terminated prior to completion, specify cause:_____

5.3 This procedure was performed by the following personnel:

  • Job supervisor (MRDA or designee):

Print Name Signature Initials* PASS Team personnel:

Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature Initials Print Name Signature Initials 5.4 This procedure was reviewed by Chemistry Supervision:

Print Name Signature Initials 5.5 All data recording for this procedure is located in Attachments 1, 2, and 3.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT "REVIEW Rev. 002-69 of 79

6. REFERENCES 6.1 "Final Safety Analysis Report Unit 2" 6.2 "Millstone Nuclear Power Station Emergency Plan" 6.3 NUREG-0654, Revision 1, "Criteria for Preparation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans, and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants" 6.4 NIJREG-0737, "Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements, Supplement 1, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability" 6.5 "Technical Manual for Containment Air Post Accident Sample System," General Dynamics Corporation, Electric Boat Division, Reactor Plant Services, May 1982.6.6 "Kaman Sciences Corporation, Instruction Manual, Operation-Maintenance Instructions and Parts Catalog for Accident Range Gas Monitor, Model KMG-HRC" 6.7 "VAX/VMS Spectroscopy Applications Package User's Manual 07-0196" 6.8 "Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual," (REM ODCM)6.9 Chemistry Memorandum from John Kangley to Jeff Broussard, CHEM-93-1212, dated January 18, 1993.6.10 C CP 803.6, "Gamma Spectroscopy Counting System Maintenance and I Operation" 6.11 C CP 803.12, "Operation and Calibration of the Varian CP 4900I 6.12 SP 2814A,"Gaseous Effluents for Iodines and Particulates" 6.13 SP 2863, "High Range Gas Monitor Particulate Filter and Iodine cartridge
  • I Replacement"l 6.14 NRC, B18444, Dated July 31, 2001 E)6.15 NRC, Docket Number 50-245, 50-336, 50-423. Combined Inspection 50-245/87-24, 50-336/87-21, 50-423/87-19.

November 17 1987, Page 10.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002: 70 of 79 6.16 USNRC Reg Guide 1.97, May 1983, "Instrumentation for Light Water Coolant Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant and Environs Condition During and Following an Accident.6.17 Memo 98-067, From Max Keyes to Tom Blount, PASS Procedure Meeting Minutes.6.18 Sorrento Electronics, Wide Range Gas Monitor System RM-8169 I Technical Manual, Revision A, October 2000 I 6.19 DCR M2-00010.7.


OF CHANGES 7.1 Incorporated instructions for collecting samples associated with the new Unit 2 Main Station Stack WRGM, RM 8169.7.2 Changes made to reflect the removal of the Main Station Stack KAMEN and Normal Range monitoring systems from service. This equipment has been retired and replaced in part by the Unit 2 WRGM.7.3 Revision includes incorporation of actions previously contained in EPOP 4446 which has been canceled.7.4 Modifications to procedures were incorporated to accommodate Unit 1/Unit 2 Separation Project (DCR M2-00010).

Summary of Changes Rev. 001-01 7.5 Editorial Correction; Updated Reference 6.16 NRC commitment letter.B18443, AR #01005693-01.

Summary of Changes Rev. 001-02 7.6 Deleted reference to CP 801/2801/3801AD in Document Section as it is no longer used at Unit 2. The GC procedure used now is CP 2803/3803PR 7.7 Step 4.5.1a, replaced CP 801/2801/3801AD with CP 2803/3803PR 7.8 Made modifications to accommodate safety evaluation by the office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation related to amendment No. 262.Level of Use CP2804M Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW Rev. 002* 71 of 79 Summary of Changes Rev. 002 7.9 Administrative Corrections to correct references:

  • C CP 803.12 has replaced CP 2803/3803P
  • C CP 803.6 has replaced CP 801/2801/3801AT 7.10 Added titles to step 2.2, Documents.

7.11 Changed instances of VERIFY to CHECK or ENSURE as applicable, no revision bars used.Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 72 of 79 Attachment 1 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Containment Gaseous Activity Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)Sample Worksheet Completed by: Location:

__________Print Name Isolation Date: _______Isolation Time: __________Signature:

IsAMopLe VOU Er in jet ctedinito 14.4 f ccvali Ba__cc gon stoeAtvt (Printout Activityx ShelIf Ratio)-Background=

Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Shelf Ratio Background Isotope Activity 4 4 4 4+ 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4+NOTE: Total Gaseous Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations recorded to 3-significant figures when possible.Gas Composition Analysis Sample Location:

______Sample Date: ___% Hydrogen:

_ ___ % Oxygen: Total Gaseous Activity: Sample Time: ___% Nitrogen:lReviewed by: (Chemistry supervision)

Level of Use Continuous Print Name STOP THINK Signature*ACT REVIEW_Date:__CP2804M Rev. 002 73 of 79 Attachment 2 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Gaseous Release Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 1)Worksheet Completed b3 Signature:


___PROCESS FLOW cfm SAMPLE VOLUME = ml injected into 14.4 cc vial =RELEASE POINT_*cc [IJMP2 Vent[J]MP2 to Main Station Stack* .ackground

= Isotope Activity (Printout Activity x Shelif Ratio) -Isotope Printout Activity Shelf Ratio Background Isotope Activity Isotope Activity*/iCi ______ Ci MCi /MCi cc"UI t ISOtope activity (liuu/CO)

= ut Sample Volume cc NOTE: Total Gaseous Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations, recorded to 3-significantifigures when possible.Total Gaseous Activity{

________Release Rate: Total Activity Released (/MCi cc )X Flowt Namen x 28317 cc ft 3 x 1 min 60 sec ,iCi sec Release Rate Reviewed by: (Chemistry supervision)


Print Name Signature Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT+ REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 74 of 79 Attachment 3 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (Sheet 1 of 3)Worksheet Completed by:,.Print Name Signature:


"(Printout Activity x Shelf Ratio)-Background-Isotope A ctivity Isotope JPrintout Activity -Shelf Ratio* Background Isotope Activity Isotope Activity*_________Ci

_ ____ MCi jiCi /iCi-t I * + I I I I + I I 1 1 4 I I I I -t I I I 4 -f 4 I I 4 4 4 1 1 4 1- +__ I ___ I __ I __ I____ I ____*NOTE Isotope activity (Cid/cc) = i Sample Volume cc NOTE: Total Particulate Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations recorded to 3-significant figures when possible.Total Particulate Activit Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 75 of 79 Attachment 3 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (Sheet 2 of 3)IODINE ISOTOPES (Printout Activity x Shelf Ratio)-Background

= Isotope Activity Isotope Printout Activity Shelf Ratio Background Isotope Activity Isotope Activity*/iCi ______ ,Ci ,aCi ,uCi*NOTE isotope activity (paCi/cc)

= i Sample Volume cc NOTE: Total iodine Activity = summation of all isotope activities.

NOTE: Data and calculations recorded to 3-significant figures when possible.Total Iodine Activity: KAMAN/WRGM Sample Corrections:

x 2=1 uCicc Particulate Concentration X 10=Iodine Concentration Corrected Particulate Total Released tMCicc Corrected Iodine Total Released Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 76 of 79 Attachment 3 Unit 2 Post Accident Sampling Particulate and Iodine Release Worksheet (Sheet 3 of 3)Total Sample Volume: Average Sample Flow Rate (cfin)Xx 2.83E4ccft 3=cc Total Sample Time (min)Particulate Release Rate: X Released (uCi cc )Iodine Release Rate: Pr'ocess Flow (cfin)x 28317 cc x lmin ft 3 60 sec MCi sec Release Rate X Corrected Iodine Total Released (uCi cc )Process Flow (cfin)x 28317 cc ft 3 X 1 min 60 sec jiCi sec Release Rate Reviewed by: (Chemistry supervision)

Date: Print Name Signature Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 77 of 79 Attachment 4 Shelf Ratio Calculation (Sheet 1 of 1)In the event that a detector shelf extension tube was required during operation of the Computer Radioisotopic Analysis System, the appropriate shelf ratio must be determined for use in activity level correction calculations.

To determine the shelf ratio, perform the following steps upon completion of the isotopic analysis: 1. REMOVE sample from gamma spectrometer.

2. PLACE a calibration source on the same detector shelf extension tube which was used for analysis of the sample.3. COUNT calibration source using the following information:
  • Count time: Same as sample's count time* Volume: 1* Geometry:

Particulate filter 4. Upon completion of count, REMOVE detector shelf extension tube.5. PLACE calibration source on normal counting shelf.6. With cave door open, COUNT calibration source using the information provided in step 3.NOTE Shelf ratio should be calculated to two significant digits only.7. CALCULATE shelf ratio using the following equation and the activity levels obtained in steps 3 and 6: Total Activity on Normal Counting Shelf (step #6)ShelIf Ratio =Total Activity on Elevated Shelf (step #3)Level of Use Continuous STOP THINK ACT "REVIEW CP2804M Rev. 002 78 of 79 Attachment 5 Unit 2 Containment Air Post Accident Sampling Equipment Inventory (Sheet 1 of 1)Equipment Name Required On Hand Ordered 1 ml syringe with sideport needle 2 500 F1l syringe with sideport needle 2 5 cc syringe with sideport needle 1 Gas collection chamber 1 KAMAN sample collector housing 3 Mechanical finger tool 1 KAMAN reach rod 1 0.1 cc sample loop for gas chromatograph 1 Shielded transport cask for KAMAN collector assemblies 3 Shielded transport box for syringes 1 Shielded transport container for 14.4 cc vials 2 Shielded transport box for stack gas samples 1 Transport cart 1 Remarks: Date:__________


Level of Use Continuous STOP "'THINK ACT. REVI EW CP2804M Rev. 002 79 of 79