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St. Lucie, Unit 1, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Amendment No. 28, Chapter 13, Conduct of Operations
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/03/2017
Florida Power & Light Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17172A000 List:
Download: ML17171A256 (37)


13.7INDUSTRIAL SECURITYThe St. Lucie Plant Security Plan (1) has been previously submitted to the NRC pursuant to 10 CFR2.790(d). The security plan outlines methods and procedures for the prevention or mitigation ofconsequences of industrial sabotage and other acts of vandalism, arson and civil disturbance which are inimical to the safe operation of the plant and the health and safety of the public. Due to the sensitive nature of this information the latest Plant Security Plan is available for NRC review but withheld from public disclosure.REFERENCES FOR SECTION 13.71.Florida Power and Light Company, St. Lucie Plant Security Plan submitted to NRC.13.7-1Am. 2-7/84

: ESF Pump Acceptance Criteria and Test Methods The performance criteria values and test procedural details for Surveillance Requirements (SR), "Boric Acid Pumps - Shutdown,", "Boric Acid Pumps - Operating," 4.5.2.f, "ECCS Subsystems - Operating," and, "Containment Spray and Cooling Systems," were removed from the facility Technical Specifications by License Amendment No. 194 and NRC Safety Evaluation Report issued October 6, 2004.

The performance criteria values and test procedural details are relocated below. Surveillance Requirements, "Boric Acid Pumps - Shutdown" and, "Boric Acid Pumps - Operating" The boric acid pump required by LCO shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by verifying that the pump develops the specified discharge pressure tested pursuant to the Inservice Testing Program. Surveillance Requirements 4.5.2.f, "ECCS Subsystems - Operating" Each ECCS subsystem required by LCO 3.5.2 shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

f. By verifying that each of the following pumps develops the required total developed head on recirculation flow when tested pursuant to the Inservice Testing Program.
1. High-Pressure Safety Injection pumps
2. Low-Pressure Safety Injection pumps Surveillance Requirements, "Containment Spray and Cooling Systems" Each containment spray system required by LCO shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
b. By verifying that each spray pump develops the required total developed head on recirculation when tested pursuant to the Inservice Testing Program.

13.8-6a Amendment No.

26 (11/13)

TABLE 13.8.1-1SEISMIC MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION(Instrumentation located in St. Lucie Unit 1)


RANGE OPERABLE1. STRONG MOTION TRIAXIAL ACCELEROGRAPHSa.SMR-42-1R.B. Elev. 23.0'0-2 g 1 (Note 1)b.SMR-42-2R.B. Elev. 62.0'0-2 g 1c.SMR-42-3R.A.B. Elev. -0.5'0-2 g 1d.SMR-42-4R.A.B. Elev. 43.0'0-2 g 1e.SMR-42-5Yard Elev. 19.5'0-2 g 1 NOTE:

1.With St. Lucie Unit 2 reactor control room alarm.13.8-7Amendment No. 21 (12/05)

TABLE 13.8.1-3METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONINSTRUMENT MINIMUM MINIMUM CHANNELS INSTRUMENT AND ELEVATION ACCURACY OPERABLE1. WIND SPEED a)Nominal Elev (10 meters)+/- 0.5 mph (NOTE 1)1 (NOTE 3) b)Nominal Elev (57.9 meters)+/- 0.5 mph (NOTE 1)N.A.2. WIND DIRECTION a)Nominal Elev (10 meters)+/- 5º1 (NOTE 4) b)Nominal Elev (57.9 meters)+/- 5ºN.A.3. AIR TEMPERATURE (Delta T) a)Nominal Elev (10 meters)+/- 0.1ºC (NOTE 2)1 (NOTE 5) b)Nominal Elev (57.9 meters)+/- 0.1º C (NOTE 2)1 (NOTE 5) c)Nominal Elev (33.5 meters)+/- 0.1ºC (NOTE 2)N.A. NOTES:1. Starting speed of anemometer shall be <1 mph.

2. !T measurement channels only.3. The 57.9 meter channel may be substituted for the 10 meter wind speed for up to 30 days in theevent the 10 meter channel is inoperable. Wind speed data from the 57.9 meter elevation should be adjusted using the wind speed power law:

S10 meters =

S57.9 meters (0.1727) n Where: S = wind speed in mph n = 0.25 For Pasquill Vertical Stability Classes A, B, C, and D.

n = 0.50 For Pasquill Vertical Stability Classes E, F, and G.

1.727 x 10

-1 = constant = 10 meters/57.9 meters.4. The 57.9 meter channel maybe substituted for the 10 meter wind direction channel for up to 30 daysin the event the 10 meter channel is inoperable.5. The 33.5 meter channel may be substituted for one of the 10 meter or 57.9 meter temperaturechannels for up to 30 days if one of the channels is inoperable. The data should always benormalized to ºC/100 meters to determine the vertical stability class.13.8-9Amendment 15, (1/97)

TABLE 13.8.1-4METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS CHANNEL CHANNEL INSTRUMENT CHECK CALIBRATION1.WIND SPEED a)Nominal Elev. (10 meters)D SA b)Nominal Elev. (57.9 meters)D (NOTE 1)SA (NOTE 1)2. WIND DIRECTION a)Nominal Elev. (10 meters)D SA b)Nominal Elev. (57.9 meters)D (NOTE 1)SA (NOTE 1)3. AIR TEMPERATURE (Delta T) a)Nominal Elev. (10 meters)D SA b)Nominal Elev. (57.9 meters)D SA c)Nominal Elev. (33.5 meters)D (NOTE 1)SA (NOTE 1) NOTES:1. Required only if these channels are being substituted for one of the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE per Table 13.8.1-3.13.8-10Amendment 15, (1/97)

TABLE 13.8.1-5EXPLOSIVE GAS MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION MINIMUM CHANNELS INSTRUMENT OPERABLE APPLICABILITYACTION1.Waste Gas Decay TanksExplosive Gas MonitoringSystema.Oxygen monitors 1(NOTE 1)1ACTION 1- With the number of channels OPERABLE one less than required by the Minimum ChannelsOPERABLE requirement, operation of the waste gas holdup system may continue, provided samples of oxygen are analyzed by the lab gas partitioner at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.



1.During waste gas holdup system operation.13.8-11Amendment No. 19 (10/02)

TABLE 13.8.1-6EXPLOSIVE GAS MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS CHANNELMODES IN WHICHCHANNELSOURCE CHANNELFUNCTIONAL SURVEILLANCE INSTRUMENT CHECK CHECK CALIBRATION TEST REQUIRED 1.WASTE GAS TANKS EXPLOSIVE GASMONITORING SYSTEMa.Oxygen Monitor DQ(1)M(NOTE 1)b.Oxygen Monitor DQ(1)M(NOTE 1)(alternate)(1)The CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall include the use of standard gas samples containing a nominal:1.One volume percent oxygen, balance nitrogen; and2.Four volume percent oxygen, balance nitrogen.

NOTE:1.During waste gas holdup system operation.13.8-12Amendment 15, (1/97)

TABLE 13.8.1-7 LEFM CALORIMETRIC INSTRUMENTATION Functional Unit Total No. of Channels Minimum Channels Operable LEFM CPU 2 1 LEFM Meter Section (Path 1

-4, 5-8) 4 4 Calorimetric Section of DCS 1 1 TABLE 13.8.1-8 REDUCED POWER LIMITS APPLICABLE TO INOPERABLE LEFM CALORIMETRIC INSTRUMENTATION Maximum MWt Maximum % of 3020 MWt Total Power Uncertainty Description of Inoperable LEFM Calorimetric Instrument 3015 99.84 0.46% or (1) 2968 98.3 2.0% and Head(1) 2968 98.3 2.0% (1) 2968 98.3 2.0% Calorimetric Section of DCS is Out Of Service Note (1): LEFM Check and Fail Modes are automatically determined within the LEFM system and are annunciated and illustrated on the LEFM CPU display screens.

13.8-12a Amendment No. 26 (11/13)


1. Manual Reactor Trip Not Applicable
2. Power Level High 0. 40 seconds(NOTES 1 & 2)

and 8.0 seconds (NOTE 3)

3. Reactor Coolant Flow -

Low 1.025 seconds

4. Pressurizer Pressure - High 0.90 seconds
5. Containment Pressure - High 1.40 seconds
6. Steam Generator Pressure -

Low 0.90 seconds

7. Steam Generator Water Level -

Low 0.90 seconds

8. Local Power Density - High 0.40 seconds (N OTES 1 & 2) and 8.0 seconds (NOTE 3) 9. Thermal Margin/Low Pressure 0. 90 seconds(NOTES 1 & 2) and 8.0 seconds (NOTE 3) 9a. Steam Generator Pressure Difference - High 0.90 seconds
10. Loss of Turbine - Hydraulic Fluid Pressure -

Low Not Applicable

11. Wide Range Logarithmic Neutron Flux Monitor Not Applicable


1. Neutron detectors are exempt from response time testing. Response time shall be measured from detector output or input of first electronic component in channel.
2. Response time does not include contribution of RTDs.
3. RTD response time only. This value is equivalent to the time interval required for RTDs output to achieve 63.2% of its total change when subjected to a step change in RTD temperature.

13.8-13 Amendment No.

26 (11/13)

TABLE 13.8.2-2ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES RESPONSE TIMESRESPONSE TIMEINITIATING SIGNAL AND FUNCTION IN SECONDS 1.Manuala.SIASSafety Injection (ECCS)Not ApplicableContainment Fan CoolersNot ApplicableFeedwater IsolationNot ApplicableContainment IsolationNot Applicableb.CSASContainment SprayNot Applicablec.CISContainment IsolationNot ApplicableShield Building Ventilation SystemNot Applicabled.RASContainment Sump RecirculationNot Applicablee.MSISMain Steam IsolationNot ApplicableFeedwater IsolationNot Applicablef.AFASAuxiliary Feedwater ActuationNot Applicable2.Pressurizer Pressure-Lowa.Safety Injection (ECCS) 30.0 (NOTE 1)/19.5 (NOTE 2)b.Containment Isolation (NOTE 3) 30.5 (NOTE 1)/20.5 (NOTE 2)c.Containment Fan Coolers 30.0 (NOTE 1)/17.0 (NOTE 2)d.Feedwater Isolation 60.03.Containment Pressure-Higha.Safety Injection (ECCS) 30.0 (NOTE 1)/19.5 (NOTE 2)b.Containment Isolation (NOTE 3) 30.5 (NOTE 1)/20.5 (NOTE 2)c.Shield Building Ventilation System 30.0 (NOTE 1)/14.0 (NOTE 2)d.Containment Fan Coolers 30.0 (NOTE 1)/17.0 (NOTE 2)e.Feedwater Isolation 60.013.8-14Amendment 15, (1/97)

TABLE 13.8.2-2(Continued)ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES RESPONSE TIMESRESPONSE TIMEINITIATING SIGNAL AND FUNCTION IN SECONDS 4.Containment Pressure-High-Higha.Containment Spray 30.0 (NOTE 1)/18.5 (NOTE 2)5.Containment Radiation-Higha.Containment Isolation (NOTE 3) 30.5 (NOTE 1)/20.5 (NOTE 2)b.Shield Building Ventilation System 30.0 (NOTE 1)/14.0 (NOTE 2)6.Steam Generator Pressure-Lowa.Main Steam Isolation 6.9b.Feedwater Isolation 20.0 7.Refueling Water Storage Tank-Lowa.Containment Sump Recirculation 91.58.Steam Generator Level-Lowa.Auxiliary Feedwater 205 (NOTE 2), 305 (NOTE 1)9. Auxiliary Feedwater Isolationa.SG 1A - SG 1B Differential PressureNot Applicableb.FW Header SG 1A - SG 1B Differential PressureNot Applicable10. Loss of Powera.4.16 kV Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Loss of Voltage)Not Applicableb.4.16 kV Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Degraded Voltage)Not Applicable c.480 V Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Degraded Voltage)Not Applicable NOTES:1.Diesel generator starting and sequence loading delays included.2.Diesel generator starting and sequence loading delays not included. Offsite power available.3.Not applicable to containment isolation valve I-MV-18-1.13.8-15Amendment No. 18, (04/01)