NL-09-1684, Response to Request for Additional Information and to NRC Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems.

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Response to Request for Additional Information and to NRC Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems.
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/2009
From: Ajluni M J
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-008-01, NL-09-1684
Download: ML100190165 (32)


Southern Nucke-as Operating Company: h:,.SOUTHERN N.~December 17, 2009 COMPANY Docket Nos.: 50-348 NL-09-1684 50-364 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Response to NRC Generic Letter 2008-01 Response to Requests for Additional Information Ladies and Gentlemen:

By letter dated October 10, 2008 (NL-08-1340), Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) submitted the nine-month response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Generic Letter 2008-01, "Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems" for the Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP). On February 19, 2009 (NL-09-0114) and July 31, 2009 (NL-09-1079)

SNC submitted for the Farley Nuclear Plant (FNP) Unit 2 and Unit 1 respectively, the nine-month supplemental post-outage response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Generic Letter 2008-01. In a letter dated 11/25/2009 the NRC submitted a request for additional information concerning the previous responses referenced above.The enclosure to this letter contains the SNC response to the referenced NRC request for additional information (RAIs).This letter contains one NRC commitment as stated in Enclosure 2.A3( [

U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission N L-09-1684 Page 2 Mr. M. J. Ajluni states he is Manager-Nuclear Licensing of Southern Nuclear Operating Company, is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true.If you have any questions, please advise.Respectfully submitted, M. J. Ajluni Manager-Nuclear Licensing subscribed before me this 11 day of 2009.Notary Puft c My commission expires: I -" /,2...MJA/PAH/phr


1. RAI Responses to NRC.2. Regulatory Commitment for Submitting TS Change after TSTF Approval by NRC.3. Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 of FNP-0-ETP-4574, "Gas Accumulation , Monitoring and Trending".

U.S Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL-09-1684 Page 3 cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. J. T. Gasser, Executive Vice President Mr- J. R. Johnson, Vice President

-Farley Ms. P. M. Marino, Vice President-Engineering RTYPE: CFA04.054 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. L. A. Reyes, Regional Administrator Mr. R. E. Martin, NRR Project Manager- Farley Mr. E. L. Crowe, Senior Resident Inspector

-Farley Alabama Department of Public Health Dr. D. E. Williamson, State Health Officer Joseph M Farley Nuclear Plant Response to NRC Generic letter 2008-01 Response to Requests for Additional Information Enclosure I RAI Responses to NRC Enclosure I RAI Responses to NRC REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (RAI)Guidance on Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff expectations is provided by Reference 1 which is generally consistent with Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) guidance provided to industry in Reference 2 as clarified in later NEI communications.

The NRC staff recommends that the licensee consult Reference 1 when responding to the following RAIs: 1. Provide a regulatory commitment and a schedule for applying the Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) process to any Technical Specification (TS) changes resulting from GL 2008-01.Response:

SNC has provided a regulatory commitment in Enclosure 2 to review any TSTF issued by the NRC concerning gas intrusion.

SNC will either submit a technical specification change based on the TSTF or submit a plant specific technical specification change for FNP within a year after the issuance of an NRC approved TSTF concerning gas intrusion.

2. SNC Letter dated July 31, 2009 states that the procedure, FNP-0-ETP-4574, "Gas Accumulation Monitoring and Trending" was last revised on July 20, 2009. The staff requests the following additional information relative to this procedure:

a) Summarize the monitored locations along with the associated surveillance methods: Response:

Details for monitoring method and frequency along with point details for each monitoring location are provided in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 of FNP-0-ETP-4574.0.

A copy of these tables is included as Enclosure 3.b) Discuss the surveillance intervals for the monitored locations, including justifications for surveillance intervals greater than a month;Response:

The base monitoring frequency for locations that had a potential active gas accumulation mechanism was initially set to once per month. Procedure, FNP-0-ETP-4574.0, "Gas Accumulation Monitoring and Trending", controls the monitoring process and specifies the monitoring frequency for all locations.

After six months of collecting Ultrasonic Testing (UT) monitoring data, locations were selected where no gas was observed.

These locations were evaluated and their monitoring frequencies were increased from monthly to either quarterly, semi-annually or 18 months (refueling outages) based on area temperatures, ALARA, personnel safety and the lack of an active gas accumulation mechanism.

If any of these locations are drained for maintenance, UT monitoring will be performed prior to returning the system to service.These monitoring frequency changes were controlled by procedure revisions, which were reviewed and approved by the Engineering Support Manager. If a void is identified during the routine monitoring, the frequency is evaluated to determine if a shorter monitoring period is warranted.

Venting frequency remains monthly at all venting locations, pending further evaluations.

For locations for which the initial evaluation did not identify an active gas accumulation mechanism, the frequency was set as once per 18 months (a refueling cycle) or any time that the location is drained such as for maintenance activities.

E1-1 Enclosure I RAI Responses to NRC c) Discuss actions to be taken if surveillance criteria are not met.Response:

Plant procedure, FNP-0-ETP-4574.0, "Gas Accumulation Monitoring and Trending", requires that for any identified voids a condition report is initiated and the Operations Shift Manager and/or the Shift Supervisor is immediately notified.

The impact on system operability will be addressed as a result of normal processing of the condition report by the on-shift operations personnel.

In addition, Engineering personnel are immediately notified to perform an evaluation for voids in multiple locations or any void that exceeds the allowable size.d) State whether all voids identified will be quantified, recorded, and entered into the Corrective Action Program (CAP).Response:

Per plant procedure, FNP-0-ETP-4574.0, "Gas Accumulation Monitoring and Trending", all identified voids, including the measured size, are recorded in a data package and a condition report generated to enter the information into the Corrective Action Program. The data packages are retained in the work order system and become plant QA records for later retrieval.

3. Describe any process improvements made to guard against gas intrusion due to inadvertent draining, system realignments, incorrect maintenance procedures, or other evolutions.


Plant evolutions involving system re-alignment or specific component manipulation that could result in inadvertent draining or inadvertent gas intrusion are controlled by plant procedures and performed only by trained plant staff. This includes system draining, tagouts, and system restoration fill and vent activities.

The FNP plant procedures applicable to these evolutions (Operations, Maintenance, and Instrument and Controls) were independently reviewed for improvements that could be made to address issues related to Generic Letter 2008-01. The review included such areas as vent scope, proper system vent sequence, precautions and limitations, potential gas accumulation mechanisms, documentation of identified voids, etc. From this review, resulting recommendations were evaluated by the plant staff and incorporated into the procedures as deemed appropriate.

A new procedure has been developed that provides additional generic guidance on fill and vent activities.

The procedure references simplified piping elevation drawings to be used by Operations and Engineering personnel in developing venting and/or ultrasonic testing plans. It contains "critical" locations that need to be specifically monitored during and after the fill and vent process.Several additional vents have been installed in piping locations that were determined not to have adequate venting capability.

Other areas have been identified and vents will be added during the next refueling outage of each unit.Operations, maintenance, and engineering personnel have been trained on the issues related to gas accumulation, including the potential causes and impact.E1-2 Enclosure I RAI Responses to NRC 4. Training was not identified in the GL but is considered to be a necessary part of applying procedures and other activities when addressing the issues identified in the GL. Briefly discuss training.Response:

Training on Gas Accumulation and Management has been incorporated into the FNP continuing training process and provided to Operations and Maintenance personnel as part of the response to INPO SOER 97-1 ,"Potential Loss of High Pressure Injection and Charging Capability from Gas Intrusion," and INPO SER 02-05, "Gas Intrusion in Safety Systems." This training focused on the potential for gas accumulation mechanisms and negative impact of voiding on system performance and reliability.

In early 2008, as part of the Operations continuing training on plant and industry events, a portion was devoted to training on NRC generic letter 2008-01 and again focused on the potential for gas accumulation mechanisms and negative impact of voiding on system performance and reliability.

Since that initial training, several Operations and Engineering procedures have been developed or revised as a result of the response activities to Generic Letter 2008-01.When any station procedure is modified, an assessment for training needs and change management is required in accordance with FNP procedure FNP-0-AP-1, "Development, Review, and Approval of Plant Procedures." In addition, selected site personnel have been trained and qualified on the use of UT equipment to perform void detection.

A new qualification was created to train and qualify engineers to perform UT for detecting gas voids in piping.SNC is an active participant in the NEI Gas Accumulation Team, which is currently coordinating with the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations in the development of generic training modules for gas accumulation and management.

These training modules target the Engineering, Operations, and Maintenance disciplines.

The first module has been received by FNP and will be evaluated in the first quarter of 2010 for incorporation into the site personnel training processes in a version tailored to meet the station needs as per FNP-0-TCP-6.0, "Systematic Approach to Training." As the remainder of the training modules are completed and become available to the industry, SNC will evaluate them for applicability to FNP. Pending release of remaining products, the schedule for such planned training has not yet been determined.


1. Ruland, William H., "Preliminary Assessment of Responses to Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation in emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Containment Spray Systems," and Future NRC Staff Review Plans," NRC letter to James H. Riley, Nuclear Energy Institute, ML091390637, May 28, 2009.2. Riley, James H., "Generic Letter (GL) 2008-01, ,,Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal, and Contain Spray Systems" Evaluation and 3 Month Response Template," Letter to Administrative Points of Contact from Director, Engineering Nuclear Generation Division, Nuclear Energy Institute, Enclosure 2, "Generic Letter 2008-01 Response Guidance," March 20, 2008 E1l-3 Joseph M Farley Nuclear Plant Response to NRC Generic letter 2008-01 Response to requests for Additional Information Enclosure 2 Regulatory Commitment Enclosure 2 RAI Responses to NRC NRC Commitment Type T Scheduled One-Time Action Completion Date SNC will either X After NRC Issuance submit a technical specification based on the TSTF or submit a plant specific technical specification change for Plant Farley within a year after the issuance of an NRC approved TSTF concerning gas intrusion.

E2-1 Joseph M Farley Nuclear Plant Response to NRC Generic letter 2008-01 Response to requests for Additional Information Enclosure 3 FNP-0-ETP-4754 "Gas Accumulation Monitoring and Trending" Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4 TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Mionitor PA~ In Iunnetnr West. One Line Dwo Room Number Vent Valves Wall Thickness OD ID Line Number Monitoring Method Line Elev.Miax Allowable Void Size (cu. Fua-Pressure osi--Monitoring Freouencv 10.415 8 too.and I RWST Outlei D175038/I D5147551 10036D80/!

RWST tank None 0.375 16 15.25 HCB-42 UT 157-5 IU2" '17.98 after draining 2 Sump to IA RHR D175038/2 D51439411 10036D80/I 131 QIEIIV084 0.375 14 13.25 ECB-6 UT 81'- 3" 0.301 18 mo, and A&C (4- 14.61 after draining Q EI I 1V079 0.221 18 mo. and IA RHR Suction D175041,1 D514042/I 10036D80/I 131 A&C 0,375 14 13.25 ECB-14 UT 811-2" 0. after draining 1.816 RWST to RHR .10. Q I El 4 V073 184.88 i 'no. and 4A downstream of D 175038/2 D51,1394/1 10036D8011 131 & 0,375 14 13.25 ECRB-105 Vent 93to-0"od A&B (total for after draining, QIEI 1V028 *1A.B,C)1.816 RWST to RHR 1.81 413 downstream of D175038!2 W514394/I DI75038/2 120 QIEAIV073 0.375 14 1.25 CB-105 Vent 9("-t0"t r'45.88 18 do. and QI l V02 (t te}A& B (total fo~r after draining Q1IElI 1V028 (at tee) ABC 4A, B,CI 1-816 RCWST to R ,V073 5 R ' V Q I E 7145.88 18 mo. and 4C upstream of D175038!2 D514395/I 1)175038/2 109 A&0375 13.25 HC-43 Vent 93f-)"r n-O lE tI V28 &B total for after draining Q I E V-28 4A.B.C)QIEI IV084 0.375 14 13.25 ECB-6 UT 81'- 3 0.268 18 ino. and S Santp to RHR IN D175038/2 514394/I 1003608011 129 B&D W,14.61 after draining 6 RI-IR IB Suction D17504-Ul D5140,16/2 10036D80I1 129 Q QIEI IV079 0.375 14 13.25 ECB-13 UT 811-2" 0,253 18 too. and B&D lde'45 88 after draining 0.312 t8tno and 7 Stunp to CSS IA D175038i3 D514081;I 10036D80/I II1 QIEI3VO40A 0.375 12.75 12 1ICB-51 UT 811-3" 4214361 at inand (i'14,5 1 after draining-~ C-5 8V 0.143 I8 mo. and Sump to CSS IB D175038.3 D514082 10036D80,I 12i QIE13VO40B 0.375 12 H V 8 -3 0.146 ter ani 0, 14.61 after draining RWST to CIbSI 0.032 18 mo. and 9 downstream of D175038,1 D0514396/I 10036D80/1 172 None 0,322 8.625 7.981 HCB-42 UT 108' 1 after draining Q I E21 V026 8 a RWST to CSS 0210 18 to. and t0 dowa stream of DI 75038,3 D514081il 10036D80.1 III None 0.375 12.75 1 ItCH-52 Ut' 92'-o" Q I EI 3VO14 r,4 6.0 9 after draining 0 576 18 to. and RHRIA to C.SI '02.46 after draining IIA (8.95' do, nstream of D175039,6 D-51458)/I 10036D80,2 223 QIE21V483 0.332 8.625 7.981 IICB-14 Vent and UT 133 ltotal for upstream elbo",) points I IA-D0 Page 1 of 11 TABLE I UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING May Allowable Void Size tcu. Ft.4 Monitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring Point# Description P&ID Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev. psig) Frequency 0.576 RHRI A to CH/SI (20' (132,46 18to. and 11b upstream of relief D175039/6 D514589/I 10036D80/2 223 None 0.322 8625 7981 HCB-14 UT 133 (total for valve) points 1IA- after draining D)0.576 RH4RIA to CH/SI 00 ,G32.46 IIC upstream of D175039/6 D)514589u1 10036D80/2 223 None 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-14 UT 133 (total for 18 mo.dand downstream elbow) points I IA- ater draining D)0.576 RHR I A to CHiSI 120 9(32.46 lID upstream of D 175039,6 D5145899t 100361)80/2 223 None 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-I4 UIT 133 (total for arining downstream elbo.) points I I A- after draining D)0.033 004.86 12A CCP IA Suction DI75039i6 D)514366/1 10036D80/2 81 QIE2IVg V 1 0.28 6.625 6.065 HCB-19 Vent 109'-6" (total for M points 12A-C)0.033'7/54.86 T5,86 18 too. and 12B CCP X-Connect D17503916 D514366/i 10036D80/2 181 None 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-19 UT 109'-6" (total for 8 o.and points 12A- after draining C)0.033:r,54.86 q',.ý" 8 18 ino. and 12C CCP X-Connect DI75039'6 D514366,:1 10036D80i2 181 None 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-19 UT 109'-6 (total for 1 points 12A- after drainitng Cl M (Vent!13 RS oCP(,'Vent 0,3 f3oRmuST to CCP(I.3" D175039.'6 D5143661 10036D80i2 172 QIE2IV484 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-17V 114' .137 18 mo and from npstream elbow,) UT (40.68 after draining (UT)0.t72 14 RWST to CCP D1750396 1514365!1 10036D80 2 172 QIE21V464 0.322 8.625 7981 HCB-17 Vent 114' M@40.68 (0.038M I5 CCt, IC suction D175039,6 D51_1368W1 10036D80,2 173 QIE21V487 0.28 6.625 6,065 VtCa-19 Vent 109'-6'"@41.55 0.346'41M .11 t6A RitR 10 toCH'S! D175039/6 D51-136-/I 10036D80 2 184 QIE21V486 0322 8.62i 7.981 ico-15 Vent 113' (total for aI tero and lupstreamn elbow) '~points 16A after& 16B)Page 2 of I11 TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING I Monitor Point # Description MI1D Isometric West. One Line IDwt Room Number Vent Valves Wall rhickness 0D In Line Number Monitoring MethodI l.ine Elev.Max Allowable Void Size (CI. FL1')Pressure ndiel Monitoring I." '. n. r 0.346 RHR I R to CfLSI (0tl 41 11 163 (92.8' downostream of D175039/6 D514364/1 10036D80/2 184 QIE21V263D 0.322 8.625 7.981 1 CB-I15 Vcui 113' (total for 8ro. and upstream elbow) points 16A r draining& 16B)0.04 I 17 CCP I1B suction D175039/6 D514367,1 10036D8012 174 QIE2IV912 0.28 6.625 6.065 HCB.19 Vent 109'-6" 0@,42.63 RCS H. 3 toR R IA ber, een 0.259 ntoo, QIEII V016Aand D 15. QIEI IV0085 (,P2250 (total before 18A QI131041 5146904 10036D82 IC/OM A&B 1.125 12.75 10.5 CCA-16 UT 107' for points establishing (upstream end of 18A & 18B) flowpath, and QVOO IA) after draining RCS IlL 3 to RHR IA betm een 0,259 18 noo, IBQ2IV016A and D175041!12QE IV0085 (24;0 (total before 18 0 QIEI IV001A (I 741 6CMB A&B 1.125 12.75 10.5 CCA-16 UT 107' -- p establishing QtEIVOOA~l' 0750t1/ 1)1469 1036182 C~lth ~ l0for points doanstreani of 18A & 18B) alowtedthr and QVO16A) after draining 9.280 18 toor RCS HI, 3 to RHR IA Q1IE04M D51,0401 100361)82 tiOMB QI I V040 0UT 116'-Y )135.81 beobre 19A (upstream elbow) A&B 0 -(otal for establishin I9A-C) flowpath, and after draining RCS HL 3to RHR IA 9.280 18 Mo.193 (25' downstream of D 175041? !1 514040/1 100361)82 IC:OMB QI I lV046 before upstrea m ctbo ,) A&B 0.375 12.75 12 ECB-14 UT 116'-3" al+ or establishing ii rean otflow path, and after draining RCS HL 3 to RHIR IA 9.280 before 19C (5' upstream of Di 7504111 D514041 10036182 IC/OM IV046 0.375 12.75 12 ECB-14 UT 116'-T" a5.8 estblisng downstream elbow I A&B (total tor dowstea Oflowpath.

and_ _ __ _ __ after draining 20 Penetration 16 D175041;1 D514041 10036W82 (84 QIEI IV06. 0.375 1275 12 ECB-i4 UT 112' 8.621 mo.A&C .37.65 21 Penetration 15 D)175038,2 D514.519 100361382 223 QIEI I V055 0.365 10.75 10.02 ECB-2 UT 133'-3" See Table 3 3 Mo.A&B and Table .1 18 Mo, RCSHL I toRHR 1B QIlV0b3 0.183 betfire 22 at Elevation 112'-6" DI750t11,1 D5 14690.'2 10036D83 ICiIMB 1.25 14 11,5 CCA-16 UT 1I12-6" establishing (Upstream elbos,) A&B s2250 floapath, and after dramtinL Page 3 of II TABLE I UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Monitor We it. One 1 Room Wall Line Nnmter Monitoring Method Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft. ýP ressaire I Monitori ng Line Elev. nsip't Freauenew Pon N~' D.~", [D ---.r Li -. Nube Ven Vave ahickness-OI 23 Penetration 18 D175041/1 D514045/I 10036183 184 QIE((V064 0,375 14 13.25 3ECB-1 UT 7.74- 3 Mo.0.647 24 Penetration 17 DI75038/2 D514517 (0036D83 223 QIEV05 0,365 075 0.02 EC- UT (28 Cy44.18 and 3 mo.A&B 06 107 0.2 EB2U12' See Table 3 3rp and Table 4 0.894@i44.58 25A Penetration 101 DI75038;2 D!14581;1 10036D83 223 None 1 10.7 8.75 CCB-29 UT 122'-o" (total for 3mo.See Table 3 and Table 4 0.894 From Pen 101, 0344.58 (8 me. and if 25B upstream of 1D75038.2 D514715 (0036D83 IC/OMB None 1 10.75 8.75 CCB-29 UT 122'-6" (total for gas identified QIE21 V076A (at D25AB) and at 25A reducer) See Table 3 IA Chg Pump 26 discharge upstream of D1750396 D514373iI 10036D84 181 None 0375 3.5 2.75 CCB-6 UT (07-31 See Table 3 3 mo.QIE21VI22A IB Chg Pump 27 discharge upstream of D175039i6 D514372 10036D84 174 None 0.375 3.5 2.75 CCB-17 UT 107'-.3 See Table 3 3 mo.QIE21VI22R IC Chg Pump 3 mo.28 discharge upstream of D17503916 D5 14370 10036084 173 None 0.375 3.5 2.75 CCIB-18 UT 107-3" See Table 3 QI E2IV122C Upstremn of QIE2IV418 0.375 3.5 275 CCB-22 UT 108-6" See Table 3 mo.29 Penetration 20 DI75038/i 0514397 10036D84 184 A&B (IC) and Table 4 (upstream elbow)Upstream of Q I E2l V414 See Table 3 30 Penetration 80 D175038/I D514397 10036D84 184 0,375 35 2.75 CCB-3 UT ((2-6" n TMo.(upstream elbon.) A& (IQ and Table4 18 mo and 31 Upsreat of 70Uif gas Q3 E2lV062C 11750,8/1 D518096 100361)85 IC/OMB None 0344 2.375 1 687 CCB-21 UT 113'-3" See Table.- d Q1 E2.1... identified at Pt 34 From Pen 19. 18 mo. and 32A upstream of 01750381 D518113 (0036085 I0iMB None 0.344 2.37i 1.687 CCR-2I (t 5-6" See Table gas Q1 21 V062 identified at upstream elbo,) Pt 34 Page 4 of 11 TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft.(i Monitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring

--Point # Description P&ID Isometric Line l)wg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev. psig) Frequency From Pen 19, 18 mo. and 32B pteam of D175038S1 D5181 H 10036D85 1C/OMB None 0.344 2.375 1687 CCB-21 UT 115'-6" See Table 3 if gas Q1IE2I V062B (I" 1 identified at horizontal elbow) Pt 34 From Pen 19, 18 tno. and 32C upstream of 75038(1 D518115 10036085 ICiOMB None 0344 2.375 1.687 CCB-21 UT H 15'-6" ,e Table 3, ifgas QI E21IV062B (2,"1 D identified at horizontal elbow) Pt 34 From Pen 19, 18 no. and if 3.3A tipstream ofISm.adi QIAE2IV062A ) 75038/I 0518100 10036D85 ICiOMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-21 .T 18-10" See Table 3 gas identified (upstreanti elbow) 1 From Pen 19.upstreatr of IS nto. and if 33B QIF21VO62A (33" D175038/I 0518102 10036D85 [CiOMB None 0344 2.375 1.687 CCB-21 UT 118-10" See Table 3 gas identified upstream of at t 34 downstream elboss )From Pen 19.33C Ustrem of18 no. and if 3C IE2pVr 62A D017503811 D518102 10036D85 IC0OMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687" C'CB-21 UT 118'-10" See Table 3 gas identified (downstream elbow) at Pt 34 34 Penetration 19 D175038/1 D514521 10036085 223 QIE2IV416 0.375 .2.75 CCB-21 UT 122.-6" See Table 3 390 A7B (IC) and Tabte 4 3 no.35 Penetration 81 D175038/I D514520 10036D86 223 QIF21V413 0.375 3.5 2.75 CCB-30 UTr 122'-6" See Table 3 3 no.A&B (IC) and Table 4 36 Usrm fQ1E21V633 Line solid on System fill &36 Uipstre2m of DI75039!2 0514380 10036081 170 0&13 0375 3.5 2.75 CCB-18 Vent 114-'6" file sen Systi EV26A&B fill & Vent e 31, Upstream of 5 Line solid on System Fill &3A sQIE21VI94A oI75039/2 D514376 10036081 170 QIE21V634 0.216 3.5 3.068 HCB-20 Vent 116' fill & Vent Vent Downstream of DI75039i2 D514376 10036D81 170 Q1E2IV635 0.216 3.i 3.068 HCB-20 Vent 1 16 Line solid on System fill &QIE21VI9.IA fill & vent vent Downstream of 5i. I11i ,11M 38 IE2IV304 DI 7503914 D514593 10036081 310 QIE21V632 0216 3.5 3.068 HCB-63 Vent 1421-3" SyStctn Pressure 3DDownstream end 1 D75038 2 D51.1718"1 10036D82 [COMB Nonie 1.000 10750 8750 CCB-32 UT 122'-6" See Table 3 18 to. and QIEIIVO42B after draining Page 5 of 1 TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Monitor Point # Description P&I1)Isometric WVest. One Line Dw2 Room Number Vent Valves Wall Thickness Line OD ID Number INlnitoring NItthod Line Elev.Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ftrce.Pressure nsiq,"t Monitoring Freesuencv

....... .... ..... --d 40A From Pen 15.downstream of Q1EI IV02 IA (11.6'downstream of FO-2886A)1)1751381'2

)514718/8 10036D82 IC/OMB None 0.906 8,625 6.813 CCA-22 UT 114'See Table 3 18 too. and ii'gas identified at 21 or 24 From Pen 15, downstream of 18 mo. and if 40B QIEI IV02IA (40.9' DI75038i2 D51471818 10036D82 IC/OMB None 0.906 8.625 6.813 (CCA-22 UT I14' See Table.3 gas idcntfied upstream of at 21 or 24 downstream elbow) )From Pen 17, 18 too. and if 41 Dow;nstream end of D 17503802 1D514718/I 100361D83 IC(OMB None 1.000 10.750 8.750 CCA-22 I )T 122" See Table 3 gas identified QIE IV042A at 21 or24 From Pen 17, 18 mo. and if 42 downstream of DI75038i1 D514781,2 10036D83 IC!IMB None 0.719 6,625 5.187 CCA-22 UIT 118" See Table 3 gas identified QE IIV021C(5" at 21 or 24 from upstream elbow)None 64 43 From Pen 17, at FO- D1I75038'I1 D514718;4 10036083 1C/IMB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-22 UT 18' See Table 3 in' subtracted 2886B from Table 3 criteria From Pen 101, None 33 44 upstream of DI75038,'1 514715*I 10036D83 IC/!IMB Q1BI3V072 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-2 7 LyI- 126-.4" See Table 3 in' subtracted Q I E21 V077A A&B from Table 3 (upstream elbow) criteria From Pen 101, 18 mo. and if Qnpstream of D I 738/1 D5147I5iI 10036 3 ICQIB3V097 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-27 Vent 126" See Table 3 gas identified QIE2IVO77B 1)708I 1541/ 0318 CIB A&B at 25A ( upstream elbow)From Pen 17, 18 mo. and if 46A downstream of D175038/I D514718,'5 100361D83 1(.0MB None 0,719 6.625 5.187 CCA-22 LIT I14' See Table 3 gas identified QIEII021B at 21 or24 (upstreamn elbow)From Pen 17, 18 too. and itf 46B dow nstreat of DI 75038;l D514718,5 10036D83 COMB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-22 UT 114' See Table 3 gas identified QIEIIO2IB at21 or24 (doss nstrealn elbow) )From Pen 17. 8 mo. and if dowsnstream of 46 0E QIE11021B j14 7" 1D75038/1 13514718/5 10036D83 IC;1OMB None 0 719 6.625 5187 CCA-22 LIT 112' See Table 3 gas identified upstream of reducer) at 21 or 24 Page 6 of 11 TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft.'ýMonitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring Point # Description P&ID Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev. pig) Frequency From Pen 17.downstream of 18 mra. and if 46D QIE!I 1021B (16' D175038/I D514718/4 10036D83 [C10MB None 0.906 8625 6.813 CCA-22 UT 112' See Table 3 gas identified downstream of at 2 t or 24 reducer)From Pen 17, downstream of IS ars. and if 46E QIEI 021t D175038, 1 D514718/4 10036D83 IC/OMB None 0906 8.625 6.813 CCA-22 UT 112" See Table 3 gas identified (upstream end of at 21 or 24 expander)From Pen 20, at 18 rno. and if 47A QIE21V066A DI75038/I D518139 100361)84 E?/OMB QIE21V561 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-22 UT 115"-1*' See Table 3 gas identified (upstream end) A&Bat Pt 29 From Pen 20, at IS mo. and if 47R QIE21VO66A D175038d1 D518139 10036D)84 I!OMB 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-22 UT 115--I"" See Table 3 gas identified (downstream end) A&B .....From Pen 20, at t 18 mo. and if 48A AIF21V066C DI75038&1 D518138 10036184 IC.;MB 0.34-1 2.375 1.687 'CB-22 UT I I'-5' See Table 3 gas identified (upstream elbow) A&at P 29 From Pen 20, at QIE21V559 18 mo. and if 48B Q1E21V066C D1175038,1 1D514981 10036D84 IC/OMIEB 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-22 UT 116'-5" See Table 3 gas identified (downstream elbow) A&B at PI 29 Upstream of IS mro. and if 49 Q1E21V079A (1.4- D17503811 D518136 10036D84 ICOMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-31 lIT 123-6" See Table I gas identified from upstream elbow) at Pt 30 Downstream of QI E21 Vm12 18 ran. and if 50 QIE21V079B D I75038/I D514980 10036D84 IC/OMB 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-30 UT 121F-10" See Table S gas identified (downstream elbow) B&E at Pt 30 Upstream of QI E21 V412 18 ran. and if 51 QIE21V079C DI)750381 D518130 100361384 IC."OMB 0.3.14 2.375 1.687 CCB-31 UT 121' See Table 3 gas identified (upstream elbow) C&F at Pi 30 From Pen 80, utpstreamn of 18 tro. and if 52 QIE21V077C (I I' D1755038I1 D)514985 10036D84 IC None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-28 UT 119'-7" See Table 3 gas identified from downstream at PI 30 or 35 elbow)From Pen tO, None 16-5 downstream of in' sthtraeted E5 1)175038;1

)514994 10036D85 1C/MB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-21 UT 126"-Y" See Table 3 fr)acte Qup21Ve62eb fron Tabler 3 (upsteaun elbow) criteria Page 7 of II TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Isometric LieOe Number Vent Valves Thickness 0O) 11) Number Method Max Allowable Void Size (cu. FLdW, Pressure Line Elev. PAOg Monitoring Frequency Line Lies. psig) Frequency 57 Downstream of Pen 81 (horizontal elbow nearest to downstream vertical)D514717/1 10036D86 IC/OMB None 0.438 3.500 2.624 CCB-30 U.'T 123"-9" See Table 3 18 mo and if gas identified at Pi 35 From Pen 81, 18 moo. and if downstream of D17503811 D518129 10036186 ICiOMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-30 UT 123, See Table 3 gas identified QIE21V07 C at Pt 35 (upstream elbow)Downstream of 18 to. and if 5') QIE2IV078B D175038/1 D514990 100361)86 COMB None 0.344 2.375 1,687 CCB-30 LUT 123 See Table 3 gas identified (downstream elbow) at Pi 35 None Upstream of in' subtracted 60 QIE21VO78A D175038/I D518121 10036086 IC/OMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-30 UT 121'-6" See Table -ft 3Tblet3 (upstream elbow) criteria None 29 Do%, nstreamt, of in' subtracted 61 QIE21VO78A DI-5038/1 D514989 10036186 IC1OMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-29 UJT 123'-4" See Table3 f Table3 (upstream elbow) criteria CS Suclion from (.06S 18 Mo. and 5-3 RWST (2.6' from D0175038;3 D514081 10036D80,11 171 None 0.375 12.75 1200 HC10-52 Vent 102"-6'" 141.76 after drainind upstream elbow) " S-10 I B CS pumnp recirc D17503813 D514094 10036D80.1 125 None 0.216 3.500 3.068 l-CB-56 Vent 0045 I8 mo. and line 12.8' from tee) 3W5 1.83 after dramitng 18 too.before'S-26 Penetration 16 D175041 D514041 10036D82 IC OMB None 0.375 12.75 12.00 ECB-14 UT 108"-6"" 39.1 establishing flowpath, and after draining 181too, RCS HL3 1-O IA 4.111 before S-27 RIHR (Pen 16, D175041 D514041 10036D82 IC:OMB None 0.375 1275 12.00 ECB-14 UT I 'V-. establishing upstream elbow) flowpath, and after draining 18 mo, 011 before RCS 1-11R 1 TO B 1D175041 D51404 5 10036D83 WCOMB None 0.375 12.75 12.00 ECB-13 UT 108,-6(" es5 bflorhen RFHR (len 18) 0.68 220 etbiin flowpatb.

and after draining Fron Pen 15, 8 m. and if S-15A downIVreAm o07503811 D514718;7 10036D82 ICIOMIB None 0.906 8.625 6.813 CCA-22 UT 119'-6* See Table 3 gas identified QIEIIV021A at 21 or 24 itipstream elbow I Page 8 of II TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Poinr# flescription PA, In West. One Room V~t '.o k..~W'all'In Line ID Number Monitoring Method Line Elev.Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft.rd Pressure psig)Monitoring Frequency P&ID [sometric Line Dw. Number VentVahvs Thickness psg)From Pen 15.downtstream of 18 mo. and if S-45B QlEI I V02IA (34' D175038/1 D51471897 10036D82 100IMB None 0.906 8.625 6813 CCA-22 UT 119"-6" See Table 3 gas identified upstream of at 2 I or 24 downstream elbow)From Pen 1, IS mo and if downstream of gas identified S-45C QIFI IV02IA (4' D175038/I D51471816 10036D82 IC/OMB None 0.906 8.625 6.813 CCA-22 UT 119"-6' SeeTable 3 at 21 or 24 upstream of downstream elbow)From Pen 101. 18 mo. and if S-48 do" nstrean of 175038/I D514715 10036D83 IC/OMB None 0 719 6.625 5.187 CCA-27 UT 120' See Table 3 gas identified QIF2 1VO76A at 25A lupstream elbow)From Pen 101.downstream of IC 18 mo. and if S-51 QIE2IV076B (I" DI75038/1 D514715 10036D83 MB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-27 UT 114'-3 See Table 3 gas identified downstream of2" t entrance at 25A horizontal elbow)'From Pen 17. between 18 mo. and if S-55 QIEIIV043A&B D175038/2 D5147.18 10036D83 IC/OMB QIEI tV060 1.00 10.75 8.75 CCB-32 UT 114' See Table 3 gas identified (downstream elbowt at 21 or 24 ECCS suction front S-59U RWST (thorizontal D175038/1 D5I4396-1 10036D80/1 172 None 0.375 16.00 15and HCB-52 UT 116" 0.323 18 mo. and elbow 17' npstreatn of n1335.92 after draining slopeI ECCS suclion from S-59L RWST (5 o 01750381 D51,396 10036D80/I 171 None 0.375 14.00 13.25 HCB-43 UT I 13-4" 0.285 18 moo. and downstream of 137.08 after draining reducer)F P 81t 18 mo. and if S-69A Drom 1750381 514984 10066 ICOM QIE2V4 0.344 2.37i 1.687 CCA-28 UT 120'-10" See Table 3 pas identified QIE21VO78C C&F at Pt 30 or 35 S-69B From Pen 81, downstream of QIE21VO78C (downstream elbow)D175038,1 D514984 I(W36D84 ICiOMIB QIE21V411 C&F 0.344 2375 1 687 CCA-28 UT 120'-10" I f 4 4 5 t~ 1 +/- I S-71 From Pen 81, downstream of Q[E21V078C(I5' from downstream elbow)See Table 3 See Table 3 D175038/1 18 no and if gas identified at Pt 30 or 35 None 21 int subtracted front Table 3 criteria D514984 10036D84 ICOMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-28 117"-2'Page 9 of 11 TABLE 1 UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING M 'Donitor Point#8 Descritation P&ID Isometric 2 West' One Line Dwe Room Number V Wall Vent Valves Thickness OD 1D Line Number Monitoring Method Line Elev.Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft.@Pressure Monitoring psig) Frequency Line Number_r 'r S -r r S S-75 From Pen 19,&wustream of QIE21IV061A 1317 7 038/1 D518099 10036D)85 IC!OMB None 0,344 2.375 1.687 CCB-21 UT 113'-3" See Table 3 18 mo. and if gas identified at Pt 34 S-76A From Pen 19, downstream of QIE21V061A (upstream elbow)DI 7503811 D518099 10036D85 IC/OMB None 0.344 2.375 18 mo. and if gas identified at Pt 34 1.687 CCB-21 UT 115"-6" See Table 3__________~

~ ~ $ .'--'--------l S-76B From Pen 19, downstream of QIE2IV06tA (37.8'downstream of upstream elbow)2.375 D17503811 D518100 10036D85 IC/OMB None 0.344 1.687 CCR-21 115"-6" See Table 3 18 mo. and if gas idenif3ed at Pt 34+ -+/- 4 S-79 From Pen 19, downstream of QIE21V06 B (2"a horizontal elbow)D17503&81 D)518113 10036D85 ICOMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-21 UT 113"-3"" See Table 3 18 mo. and if gas identified at Pt 34 4 4 4 + 4-1 I S-81 A From Pen 19, downstream of QIE21V062B (upstream elbow)D175038/I D)514994 10036D85 IC/OMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-21 UT 118'-3" See Table 3 None 105 inl subtracted from Table 3 criteria From Pen 19, .5None S-81B downstream of D175038/I D514994 10036D85 ICUIMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-21 UT 118'-3" See Fable 3 subtracted Qi E21V062b front Table 3 (htorizontal elbow) criteria Downstream of Pen 18 mo. and if S-85A 19 (15' downstream of I)175038;I 13514717 10036D85 ICOMB None 01.438 3.500 2.624 CCB-21 U'f 116-6"' See Iable 3 gas identified upstTeam elbow) at Pt 34 Dosnstream of Pen 18 mo. and if S-85B 19 (downstream D175038/I )D514717 10036D85 lCiOMB None 0.438 3.500 2.624 CCB-21 UT 116'-6" See Table 3 gas identified elbow) at Pt 34 From Pen 80, 18 Tmo. and if-10 downstream'of 1D75038/1 D518130 10036D84 ICOMB3 None 0344 2.375 1.687 CCB-31 UT 114-T SeeTable 3 eas identified I upstream elbov, a Fromt Pen 80, None 2 S-Il2 downstream of D175038;l D518133 11)0)6D84 ICOMB Note 0.344 2.375 I 687 CCB-31 UT 114'-T" See Table in 'subtracted QI E21V075B (0.7 D from Table 3 from upstream elboI) criteria Page 10 of II TABLE I UNIT 1 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Monitor West O" Room Line Monituoring Point# Description P&ID Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev.Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft.'Wi Pressure .Monitoring psig) Frequency From Pen 20, downstream of-116 QE21 V00B (upstream elbow)DI 75038/I 1 1)518137 I 0036D881 jjMR IQIE21V560 0344 375 1.687 CCB-22 UT 18 mo. and if 115-1"" See Table 3 gsa identified at Pt 29 I I I.... I Page I Iof ll

=oinr Descrintion TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING West. One Room Wall Line Monitorin P&ID Isometric Line Dw@ Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev.Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft. ril Pressure psigi))Monitoring Frequencv I RWST Outlet 1D205038il D515612/I 10036D87/1 N/A None 0.375 16 15.25 I-CB-42 UI" 157'-5" 0453 1 mo. and@Q 17.98 after draining Downstream of D205038/1 D515418!1 10036D87/I 2172 None 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-42 UT 109' 0.065 18 no. and Q2E2 I V026 ...42.85 after draining 0.912 RWST to RHR tie445.88 I8 mo. and 3A downstream of D205038/2 D515420/1 10036D87/1 2120 None 0.375 14 (3.25 (-CB-,13 UT 93 ( for 3A- after draining Q2EI IV028 D)0.912 RWST to RHR 404588 l8mn.and 313 npstream of D205038/2 D51542011 10036D87/i 2120 None 0.375 14 13.25 HCB-43 3UT 934 t .l f 38 m. dain (iota] for 3 A- after draining Q2EI IV028 D)RWST to RHR 0.924 3C dos~nstream of D205038!2 D515420:1 10036D87111 2131 None 0.375 14 13.25 ECB-5 UT 93' -(total for 3A- after draining Q2EI IV028 D)0.912 RWST 'to RHR ýr345.88 18 mon. and 3D downstream of D205038/2 D515420'I 10036D8711 2131 None 0.375 14 13,25 ECB-5 UT 93'f 3A- 8 'no.dand Q21 tV28(total for 3A- after draining Q2EI 1 V028 D)CTMT SUMP TO 2 B 02EIlV99 0.312 18 ran and 4 R-R PUMP tIDR D20503812 D51542011 10036D7SVI 21219 A&E 0.375 14 13.25 ECB-7 UT 1'- 3"0.61 after an VENT IA&B 14.61 after-draining 5 2 RH PUMP D205041/ 528i 1003687 2129 0.375 14 13.25 ECB-13 UT 81-2" 0.292 8mo. and SUCTION VENT B&D @51.00 after draining CTMT SUMP TO 2A 0.296 IS mo. and 6 RUR PUMP HDR D205038/2 D515-;24,'I 10036D87/1 2131 A&B VETA&B 0.7@1 32 C- T91'P14.6 1 after draining VENTI 7 2A RIIR PUMP Q2EI IV094 0.7 14 13.25 ECO-14 IJT 81 0.266 [8 no. and SUCTION VENT D20504l/I D5(5285 (00361871 2131 A&C 014.5 1.00 after draining 0.158 SA CTMT SUMP SI./CT D-005038.3, D550 17 10016D87/I 2111 Q2E13V040A 0.375 12.75 2 11CB-SI Vent 8- 'i 14 61 18 rao. and VENT (total for 8A- after draining C)81B CTMT SUMP SUCT D205038:3 13515017 10036D87/I 2111 Q2EISV0.IOA 0.365 10.75 10.02 1ICB-52 Vent 81'-3'" 0.158-q 14.61 (total for 8A-C)18 mo. and after draining I8 mo. and after draining I- 'I (. 4 t 4 -I- I 8C CTMT SUMP SUCT D20S(IS&3 D515017 Vent&1'"-3"" 0.158'014.61 (total for SA-C)10036D871 2111 Q2 F 13V040A 0.365 10.75 10.02 I-(IC-51 Page 1 of 8 TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft. C0ýMonitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring Point # Description P&ID Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev. psis)) FreQuency CTMT SPRAY 0089 RWST SUCTION, 9 A DOWNSTREAM OF D205038/3 D515016 10036D87/I 2125 None 0.365 10.75 10.02 HCB-53 UT 92'-6" CL46.09 8 mo. and CHECK VALVE (total for 9A- after draining Q2El3VO14 C)CTMT SPRAY 0.089 RWST SUCTION, .09 9B DOWNSTREAM OF D20503813 D515016 10036D8711 2111 None 0.365 10.75 10.02 HCB.53 UT 92'-6" (total f 9 a oe and CHECK VALVE C)Q2EI3V0I4 CTMI SPRAY 0.089 RWST SUCTION, 0,6.9 OC DOWNSTREAM OF D205038!3 D515016 10036D87V1 2111 None 0,375 12.75 12 HCB-78 UT 92'-6" 1total for 9A- ateor draining CHECK VALVE ta Q2EI3V014 C)CTMT SUMP SUCT D205038,3 D515015 10036D8711 2125 Q2EI3V040B 0.375 t2.75 12 ICB-54 Vent 81-Y' -0.166 18 tero. and VENT ISO .. 14 61 after draining 2B CtG PUMP 0.041M I SUCTION VENI" D205039/6 D515343!1 10036D87,2 2174 Q2E21 V431 0.28 6.625 6.065 HCB-19 Vent 109'-6" @42.61 0.574 A TRN RHR TO (532.68-18 noo. and 12A CHG PUMP SUCT D205039/6 D515398 10036D87,2 2223 Q2E2IV473 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-14 Vent and UT 132'-6" (total for VENT points 12A after draining& 128)0.574 A TRN RHR TO i3i2.68 18 mo. and 12B CHO PUMP SUCT D205039/6 D515398 10036D87!2 2223 Q2E21V473 0.322 8.625 7981 I4CB-14 UT 132'-6" (total for VENT points 12A after drainig& 12B)0.191 2A CHG PUMP @40.68 13A SUCTION LINE D205039/6 D515342 10036D87/2 2175 Q2E21V922 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-14 Vent 114 (total for M VENT points 13A, B & C)0.191 2A CHG PUMP i&40.68 13B SUCTION LINE D20503916 0515342 10036D87,2 2172 02E21V925 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-14 Vent 114 (total for M VENT poinrts 13A, B & C)0.191 2A CItG PUMP 4140.68 (3C SUCTION LINE D205039.6 1)515342 10036D87!2 2181 02E21V923 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-14 Vent 114 (total for VENT points ISA. M B & C)Page 2 of 8 TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING 1 11%lax Allowable IVoid Size ,eu. FLt )11 Monitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring Point # Description P&_ D Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev. psig)) Frequency 14 LINE VENT D205039i6 D515345 10036D87/2 2174 -Q2E21V433 0.28 6.625 6.065 HCI-19 Vent 112 @40.68 2C CHO PUMP 0-038 is SUCTION LINE [)205039/6 0515344 10036D87!2 2173 Q2E21V437 0.28 6.625 6065 HCB-19 Vent 112' (41.s5 M VENT 2C RCS LOOP .0 before 16 2A RHR PUMP I DR D205041/ D515012li2 10036188 ICiOMB Q2EIIV063 1.125 12.75 10.5 CCA-16 UT 116' 0.9261450 establishing VENT A&C flowpath, and after draining 2C RCS LOOP TO 9.026 17 2A RHR PUMP H[R D205041.1 D5152841I 10036D88 2184 Q0.I IV064 [375 12.75 12 ECH-14 UT I12' I3 mc.VENT (Pene 16) A&C @37.65 R1HR TO 2C RCS & mno. and 18A COLD LEG HDR [205038'1 D515411 10036D88 ICOMB3 Q2E IV052 0.906 8.25 6.813 CCA-2 UT 119-9" See Table 3gas VENT (upstream A&B identified a3 elbow) Pt 19 or 24 RHR TO 2C RCS I8 mo. and 18B COLD LEG HDR D205038Oi D315411 10036D88 t.OMB Q2EI 1 V052 0.719 6.625 .18-" CCA-22 UT 119" Sec Table 3 if gas VENT (downst reai A&B identified at elbow) Pt 1 or 21 2A RIIR HX TO RCS 19 COLD LEGS HDR D205038i2 D515417 10036D88 2223 0.365 10.75 10.02 ECB-2 UT 133*'-3" 3 Mo.VENT A&B and Table 4 RHR TO RCS HOT 20 LEGS HDR TEST D205038; D515,114 10036D88 2223 Q2E I I V&48 [0.75 8.75 CCH-29 lT"1_-6" See Table 3 CONN (Pene 101) A&E and Table 4 2A RCS LOOP TO 18 tri,-PMHP.Q2E II VO63 .15 1.5 [5 CC-6U12'0.426 before 21 2B RHR PUMP HDR D20504111 D515012,1 10036D89 C/IMB 01.15 12,75 101 CCA-t6 UT 112' establishing VENT (upstream B&D 2250 e elbow) tlowpath.

and after draining 2A RCS LOOP TO 16.187 I8a11.2A 2B RHR PUMP HDR D2i4I 55111 1068 C, Q2)EHV072 1ý35.81 before 22A 8DRHR 2050-.1.1 D5150, 0036089 IC/OMH E 0.375 12 75 12 ECB-13 UT 116-3" -establishing VENT (dossnstream A&(total for elbo, ) 22A & 22B) floepath.

and after draining 2A RCS LOOP TO 6 .187 18 trt.22B 23 RHR PUMP HDR D20504 1I.1 D5l10O 11 10036D89 ICOMB QIEI 1V072 0.75 12.75 12 EC013 UT 116.3"" ".581 etbre VENT Itpstream A&B (Iotal for establishing elbow) 22A & 22B) tlopath d and a fter draining Page 3 of 8 TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Monitor Point ft Description P&ID Isometric West. One Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Wall Thickness ID Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft. @Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring Number Method Line Elev. psig)) Frequency OD 23 2A RCS LOOP TO 2B RHR PUMP ttDR VENT (Penc 18)D205041/1 D515280 100361389 2184 Q2E I I V064 B&D 0.375 12.75 12 ECB-13 UT 111F-6" 7.675 137.87 3 mo.2B RHR HX TO RCS 0.950 24 COLD LEGS IH1DR D205038,2 D515422 10036D89 2-2-23 Q[E 1V058 0.365 10.75 10.02 ECB-2 UT 128 Tb44.58 & 3 3o.VENT WPere 17) A&B See Table 3 and Table 4 2B RHR HX TO 2B 1.460 18 n. and 25 RCS LOOP XCONN D205038,2 D5 1541,4/2 10036D89 IC;OMB AQ2EIV060 1 10.75 8.75 CCB-22 UT 114' i HDR VENT A&B & identified at See table 3 Pt 19 or 24 26 A CHG PUJMP 26 AICHG D205039/6 D515337 100361391 2181 None 0.438 3.5 2.624 CCB-16 UT 107-3" See Table 3 3 no.DISCHARGE 27 B CHG PUMP DISCHARGE D1205039/6 D515334 10036191 2174 None 0.438 3.5 2,624 CCB-1 7 LIT M04-8" See Table 3 3 mo.28 C CHG PUMP D205039/6 D515336 10036D91 2173 None 0.438 3.5 2.624 CCB-18 LTI 107'-3" See Table 3 3o DISCHARGE 29 Pene 80, Monitor D2065038/1 Q2E21V414 See Table 3-from outside CTMT 1DS15415 t00361391 2184 A&B 0.438 3.5 21624 CCB3-31 UT 112'-6' adIable 4 3 m See Table 4 (25.9 in 30 Pene 20, Mo nitor D2065038i D515415 1006W 1 2184 Q2E21V418 0.438 3.5 2.624 CCB-22 UT 108'-6" subtracted 3 no from Table 3 criteria)31 Penetration 81 D2065038/1 D5515413 10036D92 2223 Q2E21V413 0.438 3.5 2.624 CCB-30 UT l'-6" See Table 3 3too, A& B (IC) and Table 4 32 Penetration

[9 D205038/I D515423 10036D92 2-223 Q2E2IV416 0.438 3.5 2.624 CCB-21 UT 122'-6" See Table 3 A&B 0IC) and Table 4 3 mo.Upstream of 18 mo. and 33 Q2E2IV062A ai clev D205038/1 D515861 10036D92 IC/OMB Nonae 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-21 UT 115-6" SeeTable 3 if'gas 115'-6" lupstream identified at elbow) Pt 32 Upstream of 18 moo. and 314A Q2E21V0620 at elev D205038;1 D515861 10036D92 ICiOM B None 0,344 2.375 1.687 CCB-21 UT 1 15'-6" See Table 3 if'as 115'-6" (upstreamidnfeda elbow)identified at elbowPt 3 Upstream of 18 1oo. and 341) Q2E2V0621 at elev D205038/I D515861 100361)92 IC,'OMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCH-21 UT 1151-6" See Table 3 s S15'-6" (dowsnstream identified at elbow) Pt 32 Page 4 of 8 TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING

~Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft. @Monitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring Point # DMscrlation P&ID Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method Line Elev. ps ) -Frequency 18 mo. and Upstream of Q2E2 I V062C, 5 [.A from upstream elbow 0205038/i D515863 10036D192 ICOMB None 0.3,44 2.375 1 .687 CCB-2I UT 114'See Table 3 if gas identified at P, 32 Downstream of Q2E21V92-

-16 Vent M (See note 36 Q2EF2IV259A at El D205030/6 13515717 100361393 2174 A& 0.344 2.37i 1,687 CCBe 118' Line solid I)118' I___________



Upstream of Q2E21 V443 0.438 3.5 2.624 C'CB- 18 Vent I 14-6" Lie-ldo Ssetfl Uptemo--E-1V4 Line solid on System fill &37 Q221V265 at El D205039,2 D515339 10036D93 2170 A&B " fill & vent vent 1.1'-6" Upstream of Vent -.iie solid on Systerri fill &*8 Q2E21VI94A D205039!2 D515.1 10036D93 2170 Q2E2lV442 0.2 16 3.5 3.068 CB-20 V116.1 fill& vent vent Line full to Q 1ownsream0of D205039/4 D515401 100361)93 2216 N/A 0.216 3.5 3.068 HCB-63 UT Vertical 127-4" (See Q2E21 V304Veial 1T4"(e note 1)18 nto. and 40 Upstream of 1)205038&,2 15154 14/2 10036D88 100MB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCB-32 LITafter Fill 1-4t" See Table 3 if gas Q2E1 IVO2IA and Vent identified at Pt 1 9 or 24 18 o. and 41 Upstream of D205038/2 D5 14414i1 10036D89 IC!OMB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCB-32 UT after Fill 107"4- See Table 3 if gas Q2EII V0 I, C and Vent identified at Pt 1 9 or 24 18 mo and lFron Pen 17. LiT after Fill if gas ,12 downstrearn end of D205038/2'" D154 14/2 10036D89 aCnOM None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCB-32 VI I See Table 42 ad Vet -identified at Q2F I I V021B Pt 19 or 24 Downstream of IS mo. and 43 Q2E11VO79A D205038,1 D51597.11 10036D91 ICiOMB Q2E21V412 0.3,44 2.375 1.687 CCB-31 Vent 120' See Table 3 ifas dwnte a elbo594/vt

~A&D identified at Pt 29 18 tno. and 44 Upstream of D205038,1 D515859 10036D91 IC!OMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-31 UT after Fill 120. See Table 3 if gas Q2E21V079C and Vent identified at Pt 29 I8 tno. arid Dow,' nstrearr of' I2ES V412 UTaerFifasd 45 Q2E21V079B D20503'I D515974,2 10036D91 IC!OMB V4 0344 2.375 1.687 CCB-31 UT after Fill I 18 See Table 3 if-as B&E and Vent identified at (downstream elbow) Ilt 29 Upstream of Q2E21 V066C (upstream elbow)1320%to3sl 051 i846 10036D91 None 0 344 S2.3 75 1 687 CCB-22 UT afler Fill and Vent 114"-Il" See Table 3 IS mo and identified at Pt 30 Page 5 of 8 TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Monitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Point # Description P&ID Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thickness OD ID Number Method lii Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft. 0, Pressure Monitoring psi,)) Freouency lie El".S S -~ -.~-.7 upstream of Q2E21 V066B D2050381i D1355982 10036D91 IC/0MB Q2E21 V5821 13&E 2.375 0.344 1.687 CCB1-22 UT after Fill and Vent 11 7'-l 18 mo. and See Table 3 if gas identified at Pt 30 Downstream of IS mo. and 47B Q2E2I V066B 13205038/1 D515982 10036D91 IC/OMB Q 2 E21V582 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-26 UT after Fill lIT-I'" See Table 3 gas (downstream elbow) B&E and Vent identified at P1 30 Downstream of 18 mo. and 49 Q2E21V078B D20503&/I D515974,2 100361D92 ICtOMB Q2E21V411 0.344 2,375 1.687 CCA-29 UT after Fill 120' See Table 3 if gas (downstrcam elbow) B&E and Vent identified at Pt 31 Upstream of I8 mo. and 50 Q2E21V078C D205038,11 D515860 100361392 IC01MB Q2E21V411 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCB-SO Vent 120 SeeTable 3 igas Iupstream elbowi C&F identified at Pt 31 Downstream of 18 mo. and 5I Q2E121V078A D20503891 D)515974/1 100361302 IC/OMB Q2E21V41I 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-29 Vent I19'-I1" See Table 3 if gas (downstream elbow) A&D identified at Pt 31 Downstream of None 15.6 5, Q2E2IV062B D205038/1 13515975 10036D92 IC:OMB None 0.344 2.375 1.687 CCA-21 T after Fill 116V-9"n See Table 3 infsubtracted (upstream elbow) and Vent from Table_3 criteria S-4 S-34 22B CS PUMP DISCHARGE D)515015 10036 D87!1 2125 Q2EI.-V01013 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB3-55 UT after Fill and Vent 79"-4-See Table 3 None, 12.1 in' subtracted from Table 3 1 + 4 cri-eria RWST Suction to ECCS (downstream elbow)S-36A RWST Suction to EICCS D32050138/I D205038! I D51 5418 1003613871I 2609 None 0.3 75 16 15.25 HCB-42 UT after Fill and Vent 140'-Y 0.354 6ý25.43 18 mo and after drainine 5 I' 5 1' 5 1 F 4 4 4- 4-D3515418 100361)87/i 2186 None 0.375 16 15.25 IICB-42 UT alter Fill and Vent 116l 0,148 ,Fi35.92 (total for Pis S-36A& B)18 mo. atnd after draining S-36 B RWST Stction to ECCS D205038; I r r I F 1'-----4 + 4-D515419 1003,61387/1 217 216 72 None 0.375 16 15,25 HCB-43 UT aster Fill and Vent 116" 0,148.359.(total lr Pts S-36A & 13)18 mo, and after draining t 1 1 4 F--__ r -r r 1 5 1 4 4-S-40 RHR discharge to tile RHR RWST supply 1 recirc lite;D2050381i 13515419 b2 None None 0.322 8.625 7.981 HCB-43 UT after Fill and Vent 1Y13.-4" Line fill at tee-itt otb 18 mo. and RWST line after draining a _____________

a,.Page 6 of 8 TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING Monitor West. One linne DwP Room Number Vent Valves Wall Thicknens, OD ID Line Number Monitoring Method Line Elev.Max Allowable Void Size (cu. Ft. @Pressure psieg)Monitoring FrequencV 18 mo. and From Pen 101, UT after Fill IS See Table 3 fgas S-47A downstream of D205038/1 D515408 10036D88 ICIOMB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-27 and Vent identified at Q2E21V076A 14.7' Pt 20 18 too. and From Pen 101. AUT afer Fill if gas S-47B downstream of D20503811 D515408 10036D88 IC/OMB None 0.719 6.625 5187 CCA-27 Tand i 115" See Tfable 3 identified at Q2E21 V076A 46- Pt 20 IS mo. and From Pen 1 0 I, U~T after Fill I1" SeTbe3 if gas S-47C downstream of D205038iI D515408 10036188 ICiOMB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-27 afe tSeeTable 3ifed Q2E2CCA- j47 and Vent -identified at Q2E21 V076A 149" Pr 20 From Pen 17, 1 tmo. and downstream of UI after Fill ifgas S-51A Q2EI I V02IC_ 47- D20503811 D515409 10036D89 IC/OMB None 0.906 8.625 6.813 CCA-d identified at downstream of P1 19 or 24 upstream elbow From Pen 17, 18 mo. and downstream of UIT after Fill if gas S-51B Q2EI IV02IC, 87T D20503811 D5154109 10036D89 IC/OMB None 0.906 8.625 6.813 CCA-22 arid Vent 1' See able 3 identified at downstream of P1 19 or 24 upstream elbow From Pen 17, 18 nio. and downstream of if gas S-1C Q2EI IV021C, 108 D)105038;1 1515409 10036L)89 IC/OMB None 0.906 8.625 6.813 CCA-22 UT after Fill 114' See Table 3 identified at downstream of and Vent Pt 19 or 24 upstream elbow From Pen 17, 18 mo. and S-51D downstream of 0205038' D0554.09 10036089 IC:OM13 None 0.906 8.625 6.813 CCA-22 UT after Fill 114' See Table 3 ifgas Q2ESIIV2OC, and Vent identified at upstream elbow Pt 19 or 24 From Pen 19 18 mo. and S-54 downstream of D2050381; D515986 10036D92 I1i0MB None 0 341 2.375 1.687 CCA-21 UT after Fill 119'-9" See Table 3, if gas Q2E21V062A and Vent identified at (upstream elbow) PR 32 From Pen I7, 18 mio. and S-58A downstream of D205038,1 D515412I2 10036189 1CiIMB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-22 UT after Fill 120'-3" See Table 3 ifegas Q2F I IV02I B and Vent identified at (upstream elbow) Pt 19 or 24 From Pen 17. 18 mo. and downstream of .-s S-58B Q2E1 IVO2IB D205038,1 D0i15.412.2 10036D89 ICIMB None 0.719 6.625 5 187 CCA-22 UTafter Fill 120'-3" See TIable 3 and Vent identified at (downstream of' Rt 1or 24I second reducer)Page 7 of 8 TABLE 2 UNIT 2 GAS ACCUMULATION LOCATIONS FOR PERIODIC MONITORING T 1 Mal Allowable Void Size (Cu. Ft. 'i)Monitor West. One Room Wall Line Monitoring Pressure Monitoring Point # Description M&ID Isometric Line Dwg Number Vent Valves Thicknes__

O__ in Num_ er Method e le. .siFeen From Pen 101. IS mo. and dwsraofUT after Pill 2"-" eeTbe3 if's S-62 downstream of D205038/1 D51541211 10036D88 IC/IMB None 0,719 6,625 5.187 CCA-27 a i0-7" See Table inifia Q2E2IV076B and Vent identified at (upstream elbowt P 20 From Pen 101, downstream of Nrone t .r 5 S-63 Q2F21V076B (I' D205038il D-51412!l 10036D88 [C/IMB None 0.719 6.625 5187 CCA-27 UT ater Fill 116' See Table 3 in'subtracted f'om downstream and Vent from Table 3 elbow) Criteria From Pen 10t1. IS nio. and S-64 downstream of D205038/1 D515412/1 10036D88 [C;OMBO Q2E21V412 0.719 6.625 5 187 CCA-27 Vent 118--9" See Table 3 ifgas 02E2 IV076B B&E identified at Pt 20 From Pen 15, 18 mo. and 5-88 downstream of D205038/I D515411 10036D88 IC/OMB None 0.719 6.625 5.187 CCA-22 UT 119,-9' See Table 3 iftps Q2EI IV02IA identified at Pt 19 or 24 Note 1: See linked documents for e-mail from John Moorehead (Westinghouse) dated April 21, 2009 Page 8 of 8 Table 3 Allowable Volumes in the Discharge Piping of the RHR and HHSI Systems Unit I Discharge Acceptance Criteria (Note This table is derived from Westinghouse Letters LTR-SEE-Il1-09-47 and LTR-SEE-lll 138 and is used-to determine the specific Monitoring Points to apply to each Sequence)Includes Monitoring Points*Maximum Void Volume (Adjusted for Valve Bonnet Volumes)Sequence Cubic Inches Cooldown RHR-A 5645 21,24,39,40.41,42,46,S-45,S-55 Cooldown RHR-B 3053 21.24,39,40,41,42, 46,S-45,S-55 Hot Leg Charging -A 255 26,35,57,58,59.S-69 Hot Leg Charging-C 168 28,30,49.50.51,.53,S-69,S-105 Hot Leg Charging-B FE940 206 27. 30,49.50.5 L,53,S-69,S-105 Hot Leg Charging-B FE943 1508 27.35,57.58,59 Hot Leg RHR-A 70 21.24,25.45,S-48,S-51 Hot Leg RHR-B 70 21,24,25.45,S-48,S-51 LOCA Charging-A&B 3729 26.27,34,31,32,33,54,56,S-75.S-76.S-79,S-85 LLOCA Charging-B&C 1733 27,28,29.46,47,48,S-1 16 LOCA RHR-A&B 1508 21,,42,46,S-45,S-55 Surveillance-Charging-A 3729 26.3 13 .2.33,.4.54,56,S-75,S-76,S-79,S-85 Surveillance-Charging-B FE940 308 27,29,46,47,48,S-I116 Surveillance-Charging-B FE943 3729 27.3 1,32.33.34,54,56,S-75,S-76,S-79.S-85 Surveillance-Charging-C 3658 28,29,46,47,48,S-I 16 Surveillance-RHR-A 992 21,24,39,40,41,42,46,S45,S-55 Surveillance-RHR-B 992 I A2.46.S-45.S-55 2124 39 40 4 1.42 46 S-45 S-55*Some of the points listed are set of points. Ensure all points (A, B, etc.) are included in calculation.

Page 1 of 2 Table 3 Allowable Volumes in the Discharge Piping of the RHR and HHSI Systems Unit 2 Discharge Acceptance Criteria (Note This table is derived from Westinghouse Letters LTR-SEE-lll-09-25 and LTR-SEE-1ll 139 and is used-to determine the specific Monitoring Points to apply to each Sequence)Maximum Void Volume (Adjusted for Valve Bonnet Volumes)Sequence Cubic Inches Includes Monitoring Points*Cooldown RHR-A 5,694 18,19,24125,40,41,42, S-51, S-58, S-88 Cooldown RHR-B 9,816 18,19,24.25,40,41.42, S-51, S-58, S-88 Hot Leg Charging -A 122 26,31,49,50,51 Hot Leg Charging-C

_ 3.850 28,29,43,44.45 I-lot Leg Charging-B FE940 77 27,29,43,44,45 Hot Leg Charging-B FE943 91 27,3 1,49,50,5 I Hot Leg RHR-A 99.5 19,20,24, S-47, S-62, S-64 Hot Leg RHR-B 99.5 19,20,24, S-47, S-62, S-64 LOCA Charging-A&B 765.4 26,27,32,33,34,35, S-54 LOCA Charging-B&C 590 27,28,46,47,48 LOCA RHR-A&B 1.572 18,19,24,25,40,41,42, S-51, S-58, S-88 Surveillance-Charging-A 1,068.4 26,32.33, 3435, S-54 Surveillance-Charging-B FE940 3,824 27,46,47,48 Surveillance-Charging-B FE943 2,253.4 27,32.33,34,35.

S-54 Surveillance-Charging-C 2.862 28,46A47,48 Surveillance-RH R-A 1,056 18,19.24,25,40,41,42, S-51, S-58, S-88 Surveil lance- RH R-13 CS-B3 1,572 18,19.24,25.40,41,42, S-51, S-58. S-88 1.630 None*Some of the points listed are set of points. Ensure all points (A, B, etc.) are included in calculation.

Page 2 of) b Table 4 Determination of Conditional Monitoring Locations Unit 1 Monitor Point # Gas Found? J If Yes, add Pts to monitoring scope 21 Yes No 40A,40B,41,42,46A,46B,46C,46D,46E,S-45A,S-45B,S-45C,S-55 24 Yes No 40A,40B,41,42,46A,46B,46C,46D,46E, S-45A,S-45B,S-45C,S-55 25A Yes No 25B,45,S-48,S-51 29 Yes No 47A,47B,48A,48B,S-1 16 30 Yes No 49,50,51,52,S-69A,S-69B,S-105 34 Yes No 32A,32B,32C,33A,33B,33C, S-75,S-76AS-763,S-379,S-85A,S-85B 35 Yes No 52,57,58,59,S-69A,S-69B Unit 2 Monitor Point # Gas Found? If Yes, add Pts to monitoring scope 19 Yes No I18A,18B,25,40,41,42,S-51AS-51BS-51CS"/58AS-58BS-88 20 Yes No S-47A,S-47B,S-47C,S-62,S-64 2 18A,18B,25,40,41,42,S-51A,S-51 B,S-51C,S-24 Yes No 58A,S-58B,S-88 29 Yes No 43,44,45 30 31 32 Yes No 46,47A,47B Yes No 46,47A,47B Yes No 149,50,51 Yes No I33,34A,34B,35,S-54 Page 1 of I