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Proposed Change to Tech Spec 4.17.A to Allow Inaccessible Snubbers Administrative Extension for 21 Days for Return to Operation
Person / Time
Site: Surry Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1983
Shared Package
ML18141A075 List:
NUDOCS 8308110184
Download: ML18141A076 (3)


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==--=--__c-B. 2. e e TS 4.17-2 No. Inoperable Snubbers Subsequent Visual per Inspection Period Inspection Period* 0 18 months +/- 25% 1 12 months +/- 25% 2 ' 6 months +/- 25% 3,4 124 days +/- 25% 5,6,7 62 days +/- 25% ti 8 or more 31 days +/- 25% The snubbers may be categorized into two groups: Those access-ible and those inaccessible during reactor operation.

Each group may be inspected independently in accordance with the above schedule.

Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria 1. Visual inspections shall verify: a. That there are no visible indications of damage or impaired operablity, b. Attachments to the foundation or supporting structure are c. secure, and In those locations where snubber movement can be manually induced without disconnecting the snubber, that the snubber has freedom of movement and is not frozen up.

  • The inspection interval shall not be lengthened more than one step at a time. ti The current. inspection period for Unit 1 may be extended to September 21, 1983. --------~8308110184~-830805 PDR ADOCK 05000280 p PDR e

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  • DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGE This proposed Technical Specification change revises Specification 4.17 .A for an administrative extension of the visual inspection period for accessible snubbers in Unit 1. The Unit 1 snubber visual inspection period is currently required to be completed on August 31, 1983. A 21 day exten-sion will allow continued operation of Surry Unit 1 until Surry Unit 2 returns to power following an extended refueling outage. The Surry Unit 2 refueling outage has been extended due to unexpected.

maintenance work on the large bore snubbers and turbine bearings.

There is a delay in offsite functional testing of the Unit 2 large bore snubbers due to damage of one of the snubbers at the off site test facility.

Also, unexpected excessive wear was discovered on several turbine bearings such that one bearing is being replaced.

The first inspection after Surry Unit 1 entered a refueling outage in February, 1983 revealed five inoperable snubbers.

All inoperable snubbers were repaired or replaced as necessary during the outage. The inspection performed on June 15, 1983 just prior to startup revealed no inoperable snubbers.

As a result of these inspection findings the present visual inspection interval is 62 days + 25%. Although this proposed change volves a relaxation in the limiting condition for operation, it is not likely to involve a significant hazards consideration because an istrative extension of 21 days will not have* significant impact on the ability of the inaccessible snubbers to respond and perform satisfactorily during a seismic event or under accident conditions.