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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IA-84-885, Advises That Commissioners Roberts & Zech Do Not Believe ACRS Technical Review Required Prior to Restart Decision.No Comments Offered by Commissioner Bernthal.Comments Encl.W/O Encl16 November 1984Advises That Commissioners Roberts & Zech Do Not Believe ACRS Technical Review Required Prior to Restart Decision.No Comments Offered by Commissioner Bernthal.Comments Encl.W/O Encl
IA-84-940, Notification of 841218 Meeting W/Hydrogen Control Owners Group in Norwood,Ma,To Review & Inspect Installation of Test Equipment in 1/4 Scale Test Facility11 December 1984Notification of 841218 Meeting W/Hydrogen Control Owners Group in Norwood,Ma,To Review & Inspect Installation of Test Equipment in 1/4 Scale Test Facility
IA-84-942, Forwards Rev to Proposed Draft Order in SECY-84-393A Based Upon Commissioner Comments.Additions to Draft Order Underlined,Deletions Lined Out.W/O Encl19 November 1984Forwards Rev to Proposed Draft Order in SECY-84-393A Based Upon Commissioner Comments.Additions to Draft Order Underlined,Deletions Lined Out.W/O Encl
IA-85-261, Documents That Appropriate Corrective Actions Taken by Dow Chemical Co in Response to 780113 Immediate Action Ltr,Per 780207 Enforcement Conference at Facility3 March 1978Documents That Appropriate Corrective Actions Taken by Dow Chemical Co in Response to 780113 Immediate Action Ltr,Per 780207 Enforcement Conference at Facility
IA-85-362, Submits Board Questions Re Identification of Alternate User for Site.Board Will Reschedule Conference Call or Establish New Procedure for Response to Questions21 February 1985Submits Board Questions Re Identification of Alternate User for Site.Board Will Reschedule Conference Call or Establish New Procedure for Response to Questions
IA-85-452, Forwards Region III 840611 Proposed Enforcement Guidance for QA Program Violations Based on Experiences at Braidwood & Fermi Plants,For Review & Comment.Response Requested by 840720.W/o Enforcement Guidance9 July 1984Forwards Region III 840611 Proposed Enforcement Guidance for QA Program Violations Based on Experiences at Braidwood & Fermi Plants,For Review & Comment.Response Requested by 840720.W/o Enforcement Guidance
IA-85-516, Forwards Results of Regional Evaluations of Salp.Items Identified Added to Outstanding Items List for Facilities31 December 1980Forwards Results of Regional Evaluations of Salp.Items Identified Added to Outstanding Items List for FacilitiesBoric Acid
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
IA-85-544, Forwards Util 830311 Ltr Confirming Need for Improvement & Commitment to Specific Corrective Actions Made During 830309 Emergency Conference Call.Region V Concurs in Deferral of Full Power License Meeting for 30 Days15 March 1983Forwards Util 830311 Ltr Confirming Need for Improvement & Commitment to Specific Corrective Actions Made During 830309 Emergency Conference Call.Region V Concurs in Deferral of Full Power License Meeting for 30 Days
IA-85-562, Responds to 850129 Request to Review Pending OL Cases to Determine Impact by Impending Mandate in Ucs Vs NRC Re Exclusion of Results of Emergency Preparedness Exercises from Hearings.Seabrook & Shoreham Will Be Impacted20 February 1985Responds to 850129 Request to Review Pending OL Cases to Determine Impact by Impending Mandate in Ucs Vs NRC Re Exclusion of Results of Emergency Preparedness Exercises from Hearings.Seabrook & Shoreham Will Be Impacted
IA-85-563, Forwards Listed Info Re Consideration of Earthquakes in Emergency Planning2 May 1985Forwards Listed Info Re Consideration of Earthquakes in Emergency PlanningSafe Shutdown Earthquake
IA-85-602, Forwards Revised Schedule for ACRS Subcommittee on Midland Plant 820429 Meeting in Washington,Dc to Discuss Util Remedial Action Re Soils & Structural Settlement Issues. Related Info Encl26 April 1982Forwards Revised Schedule for ACRS Subcommittee on Midland Plant 820429 Meeting in Washington,Dc to Discuss Util Remedial Action Re Soils & Structural Settlement Issues. Related Info Encl
IA-85-665, Discusses Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants,Including Const of Nuclear Plants in Seismically Active Zones25 February 1964Discusses Seismic Design of Nuclear Power Plants,Including Const of Nuclear Plants in Seismically Active ZonesEarthquake
IA-85-668, Partially Withheld Notice of Board Meeting 85-1012 April 1985Partially Withheld Notice of Board Meeting 85-10
IA-86-197, Submits Revised Schedule for 1985-86 SALP Board Meetings for Region V22 August 1985Submits Revised Schedule for 1985-86 SALP Board Meetings for Region V
IA-86-329, Forwards Security Insp History for Aug 1983 - Mar 1986. Numerous Deficiency/Violations & Followup Items Identified, Including Failure of Licensee Security Mgt to Properly Rept Security Events to NRC18 April 1986Forwards Security Insp History for Aug 1983 - Mar 1986. Numerous Deficiency/Violations & Followup Items Identified, Including Failure of Licensee Security Mgt to Properly Rept Security Events to NRC
IA-86-656, Forwards 10CFR50.55(e) & Part 21 Telephone Rept Re Tdi Diesel Generator Lube Oil Cooler.Followup on Generic Aspects of Problem Requested8 March 1982Forwards 10CFR50.55(e) & Part 21 Telephone Rept Re Tdi Diesel Generator Lube Oil Cooler.Followup on Generic Aspects of Problem Requested
IA-86-793, Forwards Ofc of Investigations Rept of Inquiry Q2-85-021 Re Alleged Falsification of Preservice Piping Insp Records by Contractor.W/Nuclear Energy Svcs,Inc Calibr Data Sheets22 September 1986Forwards Ofc of Investigations Rept of Inquiry Q2-85-021 Re Alleged Falsification of Preservice Piping Insp Records by Contractor.W/Nuclear Energy Svcs,Inc Calibr Data Sheets
IA-87-111, Submits Rept on Plant,As Discussed in ACRS 150th Meeting on 721012-14.Listed Items Can Be Resolved During Const & Facility Can Be Constructed W/Reasonable Assurance for Operation W/O Undue Risk to Public Safety19 October 1972Submits Rept on Plant,As Discussed in ACRS 150th Meeting on 721012-14.Listed Items Can Be Resolved During Const & Facility Can Be Constructed W/Reasonable Assurance for Operation W/O Undue Risk to Public SafetySafe Shutdown
IA-87-121, Discusses Inservice Test Programs Re Full Stroke Exercising of Normally Closed Swing or Tilting Disk Check Valves Per 10CFR50.55a & Section XI of ASME Code24 June 1982Discusses Inservice Test Programs Re Full Stroke Exercising of Normally Closed Swing or Tilting Disk Check Valves Per 10CFR50.55a & Section XI of ASME Code
IA-87-244, Requests Concurrence W/Interpretation of Requirements for Compliance W/Gdc 2 & 4 Protection of safety-related Structures,Sys & Components from Internal Flooding & Internal Missiles.Interpretation Challenged by Utils14 July 1983Requests Concurrence W/Interpretation of Requirements for Compliance W/Gdc 2 & 4 Protection of safety-related Structures,Sys & Components from Internal Flooding & Internal Missiles.Interpretation Challenged by UtilsInternal Flooding
Overspeed trip
IA-87-261, Submits Completed Evaluation Re Problems Encountered at Facilities W/Lpsi Pumps During Unit 1 Hot Functional Testing.Problems Resolved in Satisfactory Manner.Evaluation Completes Task Interface Agreements 83-73 & 83-1320 March 1985Submits Completed Evaluation Re Problems Encountered at Facilities W/Lpsi Pumps During Unit 1 Hot Functional Testing.Problems Resolved in Satisfactory Manner.Evaluation Completes Task Interface Agreements 83-73 & 83-13Nondestructive Examination
IA-87-413, Outlines Plan for Review & Evaluation of Issue Specfic Action Plan Results Rept Isap VII.a.6 (Rev 1), Exit Interviews24 February 1987Outlines Plan for Review & Evaluation of Issue Specfic Action Plan Results Rept Isap VII.a.6 (Rev 1), Exit InterviewsHigh Radiation Area
IA-87-449, Submits Daily Staff Notes for 870709.Licensee Presented Results of Investigations & Proposed Corrective Action Re 870626 Unplanned Heatup Event Resulting in Operating Mode Change from Cold to Hot Shutdown on 870707 in Chicago,Il10 July 1987Submits Daily Staff Notes for 870709.Licensee Presented Results of Investigations & Proposed Corrective Action Re 870626 Unplanned Heatup Event Resulting in Operating Mode Change from Cold to Hot Shutdown on 870707 in Chicago,Il
IA-87-535, Forwards Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Rept Documenting Investigation of Alleged Misconduct by Two NRC Employees. Investigation Did Not Identify Any Misconduct23 January 1986Forwards Ofc of Inspector & Auditor Rept Documenting Investigation of Alleged Misconduct by Two NRC Employees. Investigation Did Not Identify Any Misconduct
IA-87-778, Board Notification 84-024:forwards SECY-84-34 Re Emergency Diesel Generators Mfg by Transamerica Delaval,Inc.Staff Continuing Overall Assessment of Reliability of Diesel Engines15 February 1984Board Notification 84-024:forwards SECY-84-34 Re Emergency Diesel Generators Mfg by Transamerica Delaval,Inc.Staff Continuing Overall Assessment of Reliability of Diesel Engines
IA-87-830, Forwards Assessment of Radiologicals Controls Program at Facility for Period from 860501-1031.W/o Encl19 November 1986Forwards Assessment of Radiologicals Controls Program at Facility for Period from 860501-1031.W/o EnclSystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
IA-88-129, Forwards Advanced Copy of SECY-88-82 - Updated Staff Action for TVA Sequoyah Unit 2 Restart. Document Available in PDR21 March 1988Forwards Advanced Copy of SECY-88-82 - Updated Staff Action for TVA Sequoyah Unit 2 Restart. Document Available in PDR
IA-88-165, Discusses Topics for Senior Mgt Meeting & Submits Partial Listing of Facilities Where Vendor Support Has Been Problem,Vendor Involved & Component/Issue of Interest. W/Copyrighted Matl9 March 1988Discusses Topics for Senior Mgt Meeting & Submits Partial Listing of Facilities Where Vendor Support Has Been Problem,Vendor Involved & Component/Issue of Interest. W/Copyrighted MatlStroke time
IA-88-356, Forwards SER Supporting Util 870311 & 0407 Requests for Proposed Mods to MSIV Actuation Control Sys.Mods Comply W/ 10CFR50.55a(h) & GDC 21.SALP Input Also Encl4 May 1987Forwards SER Supporting Util 870311 & 0407 Requests for Proposed Mods to MSIV Actuation Control Sys.Mods Comply W/ 10CFR50.55a(h) & GDC 21.SALP Input Also Encl
IA-88-497, Forwards Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed Reracking of Spent Fuel Storage Pools from Criticality Standpoint.Fuel Enrichment May Be in Conflict W/Table 54 of 10CFR51 & Data Used by Util to Assess Environ Effects.Salp Input Also Encl24 June 1988Forwards Safety Evaluation Accepting Proposed Reracking of Spent Fuel Storage Pools from Criticality Standpoint.Fuel Enrichment May Be in Conflict W/Table 54 of 10CFR51 & Data Used by Util to Assess Environ Effects.Salp Input Also Encl
IA-89-226, Forwards Info Re Preparedness for Full Power License, Including Open Items Including Allegations & License Conditions,Preoperational & Acceptance Testing Status,Const Status & Status of Insps Required by MC-2512,2513 & 251416 September 1987Forwards Info Re Preparedness for Full Power License, Including Open Items Including Allegations & License Conditions,Preoperational & Acceptance Testing Status,Const Status & Status of Insps Required by MC-2512,2513 & 2514
IA-92-218, Forwards Updated Status Rept on Actions Re Diagnostic Evaluation Performed at Facility31 December 1990Forwards Updated Status Rept on Actions Re Diagnostic Evaluation Performed at FacilitySystematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
IA-96-341, Discusses Allegation RV-94-A-0004,Songs Vendor Manuals. Licensee Reviewed Allegation,Concluded Unfounded & Notified NRC for Conclusion by 940228 Ltr3 August 1994Discusses Allegation RV-94-A-0004,Songs Vendor Manuals. Licensee Reviewed Allegation,Concluded Unfounded & Notified NRC for Conclusion by 940228 Ltr
IA-97-177, Discusses Potential 10CFR21 Reportable Concern from Crane Valves on Weak Link Analyses,Per .Considers Action Taken by Crane to Be Reasonable in Alerting Nuclear Utils to Updated Weak Link Calculations for MOVs Used in Plants7 April 1997Discusses Potential 10CFR21 Reportable Concern from Crane Valves on Weak Link Analyses,Per .Considers Action Taken by Crane to Be Reasonable in Alerting Nuclear Utils to Updated Weak Link Calculations for MOVs Used in PlantsWeak link
IA-97-315, Submits Latest Info on 4 Kittens Contaminated W/Radiation at Plant,Unit 1 as of 9602067 February 1996Submits Latest Info on 4 Kittens Contaminated W/Radiation at Plant,Unit 1 as of 960206
IA-99-174, Discusses Intentional Entry Into TS Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3 by Licensee17 June 1987Discusses Intentional Entry Into TS Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.3 by Licensee
IR 05000117/200401525 July 1985Updates Operating Experience for Plant for 850415-0715. Review Updates Encl 850129 & 0426 Reviews for 841026-850117 & 850117-0415,respectively
IR 05000188/198900422 February 1989Notification of Enforcement Conference W/Util on 890224 in Arlington,Tx to Discuss Insp Rept 50-188/89-04 Findings Involving High & Very High Radiation Area Controls & Procedural ComplianceHigh Radiation Area
IR 05000206/19830235 July 1984Discuss Actions Taken as Result of La Times 831023 Article Re Possession & Use of Drugs at Plant.Completed Bechtel Power Corp Investigation & Security Insp Repts 50-206/83-23, 50-361/83-38 & 50-362/83-36 Close Required Actions
IR 05000206/198501230 April 1985Discusses Unresolved Item Identified in Insp Rept 50-206/85-12 Re Performance of as-found Analysis for Type a Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test.Nrc Position Should Be Clarified Before Notice of Violation Issued
IR 05000225/200300513 February 1985Confirms Plans to Conduct Plant Operations & Surveillance Insp at Site on 850225-0305.Insp Team Listed
IR 05000275/198400721 June 1984Forwards Special Insp Rept 50-275/84-07 Re Performance of Plant Operating Crews,Conducted by Region V,Lll & Eg&G Idaho,Inc.Performance Above Average Compared to Similar Licensed Facilities
IR 05000275/198503630 December 1985Requests NRR Assume Lead Responsibility for Evaluation & Resolution of Unresolved Item 50-275/85-36-04 Re Fire DampersSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Emergency Lighting
Continuous fire watch
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
IR 05000277/198501122 July 1985Board Notification 85-070:forwards Enforcement Action Notification Resulting from Insp Repts 50-277/85-11 & 50-352/85-12 Re Radiation Protection at Peach Bottom & Security at Limerick
IR 05000324/198600728 July 1986Forwards Insp Repts 50-325/86-06,50-324/86-07,50-400/86-43, 50-325/86-18,50-324/86-19 & One Internal Document Re Results of Technical Review Re Region II Actions on Miriello Cases.W/O Encl
IR 05000361/198300810 March 1983Discusses Conditions Having Potentially Generic Impact Identified in Insp Rept 50-361/83-08.Vendor Calibr Data for low-range Detector Apparently in Error
IR 05000361/199501020 March 1997Partially Deleted Memo with Info Re Allegation RIV-96-A-0227.Discusses Two Technical Concerns Re Songs. Refers to Insp Repts 50-361/95-10 & 50-362/95-10 Which Issued Violation Re Design Bases of EDG Loading Sequences
IR 05000387/198502825 June 1986Forwards Util Instrument Channel Functional Testing Program, Per 851017 Notice of Violation from Insps 50-387/85-28 & 50-388/85-23,for Review,Per 860314 Mgt Meeting.Proposed Task Interface Agreement Also Encl
IR 05000397/19870061 July 1987Forwards Draft SALP Rept 50-397/87-06 for Feb-May 1987 for Review.Comments Requested at SALP Board Meeting Schedule for 870707 in Region V.Update of Tables 1-4 Included in Draft. W/O Rept
IR 05000400/198504814 July 1986Notifies of Ofc of Investigations Discontinuance of Inquiry Q2-85-021 & Related Area of Interest as to Matter Contained in Insp Rept 50-400/85-48.Insp Rept & Notice of Violation May Be Released