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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-03-002, Notification of Deletion of Commitment Made, 30-Day Response to NRC Bulletin 2003-029 October 2009Notification of Deletion of Commitment Made, 30-Day Response to NRC Bulletin 2003-02
L-08-001, Response to Requests for Additional Information - License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-523, Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation, Revision 2, Using the Consolidated..14 April 2016Response to Requests for Additional Information - License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-523, Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation, Revision 2, Using the Consolidated..
L-11-094, Notification of Changes to Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) and PINGP Data Point Library (Dpl)29 November 2011Notification of Changes to Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) and PINGP Data Point Library (Dpl)Met Tower
L-HU-04-027, Nuclear Management Co., LLC, 10 CFR 50.55a Request GR-04-01; Request for Authorization to Utilize Code Case N-661,Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Classes 2 and 3 Carbon Steel Piping for Raw Water Service Sectio28 July 2004Nuclear Management Co., LLC, 10 CFR 50.55a Request GR-04-01; Request for Authorization to Utilize Code Case N-661,Alternative Requirements for Wall Thickness Restoration of Classes 2 and 3 Carbon Steel Piping for Raw Water Service Section XWeld Overlay
L-HU-04-029, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Authorization to Use Code Case N-613-121 July 2004Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Authorization to Use Code Case N-613-1
L-HU-04-030, Response to NRC Staff Request for Additional Information Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report, Dated June 20, 200423 July 2004Response to NRC Staff Request for Additional Information Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report, Dated June 20, 2004Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Process Control Program
L-HU-04-031, Nuclear Management Company - Responses to Requests for Additional Information29 July 2004Nuclear Management Company - Responses to Requests for Additional Information
L-HU-04-033, Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process5 October 2004Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement ProcessShutdown Margin
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Incorporated by reference
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Stress corrosion cracking
Deep Dose Equivalent
Power Uprate
L-HU-04-034, Nuclear Management Co, LLC (Nmc), Responses to Requests for Additional Information13 August 2004Nuclear Management Co, LLC (Nmc), Responses to Requests for Additional Information
L-HU-04-035, Responses to Requests for Additional Information Regarding Security Plan, Training & Qualification Plans, and Safeguards Contingency Plans25 August 2004Responses to Requests for Additional Information Regarding Security Plan, Training & Qualification Plans, and Safeguards Contingency Plans
L-HU-04-036, Response to Order for Implementation of Additional Security Measures Associated with Access Authorization Dated August 18. 200425 August 2004Response to Order for Implementation of Additional Security Measures Associated with Access Authorization Dated August 18. 2004
L-HU-04-039, Nuclear Management Company, Llc., Response to Request for Additional Information Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report, Dated August 18, 200422 September 2004Nuclear Management Company, Llc., Response to Request for Additional Information Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report, Dated August 18, 2004Fitness for Duty
Shutdown Margin
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
Process Control Program
Commercial Grade
Fire Protection Program
L-HU-04-040, Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Implementation Status of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Interim Compensatory Measures24 September 2004Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Implementation Status of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Interim Compensatory Measures
L-HU-04-041, Comments on Proposed Generic Communication; Draft Revision to NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 9900, Technical Guidance, Operability Determination and Resolution of Nonconformances of Structures, Systems, and Components, (Regulatory Issue S1 October 2004Comments on Proposed Generic Communication; Draft Revision to NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 9900, Technical Guidance, Operability Determination and Resolution of Nonconformances of Structures, Systems, and Components, (Regulatory Issue Summ
L-HU-04-043, to Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report8 November 2004to Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report
L-HU-04-045, Supplement 2 to Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report3 December 2004Supplement 2 to Request for Approval of Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report
L-HU-04-047, Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Use of Encryption Software for Electronic Transmission of Safeguards Information21 December 2004Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Use of Encryption Software for Electronic Transmission of Safeguards Information
L-HU-05-004, Nuclear Management Company 90-Day Response to GL-04-002, Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Recirculation During Design Basis Accidents at Pressurized Water Reactors.7 March 2005Nuclear Management Company 90-Day Response to GL-04-002, Potential Impact of Debris Blockage on Emergency Recirculation During Design Basis Accidents at Pressurized Water Reactors.Coatings
L-HU-05-006, Summary of Nuclear Property Insurance25 March 2005Summary of Nuclear Property Insurance
L-HU-05-008, Decommissioning Funding Status Reports31 March 2005Decommissioning Funding Status Reports
L-HU-05-011, Request for Approval of a Change to the Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report, NMC-117 June 2005Request for Approval of a Change to the Nuclear Management Company Quality Assurance Topical Report, NMC-1Commercial Grade
Fire Protection Program
L-HU-05-012, Report of Unsatisfactory Blind Performance Testing Results, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant & Prarie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 23 June 2005Report of Unsatisfactory Blind Performance Testing Results, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant & Prarie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2Fitness for Duty
L-HU-05-015, Plan, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2, 2004 Annual Report Including Certified Financial Statements1 July 2005Plan, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 & 2, 2004 Annual Report Including Certified Financial StatementsLicense Renewal
L-HU-05-017, Notification of Intent to Apply the Nuclear Management Company (NMC) Quality Assurance Topical Report, NMC-1, to Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Isfsi), Spent Fuel Cask and Radioactive Waste Shipment Activities at NMC Operat13 September 2005Notification of Intent to Apply the Nuclear Management Company (NMC) Quality Assurance Topical Report, NMC-1, to Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (Isfsi), Spent Fuel Cask and Radioactive Waste Shipment Activities at NMC Operated
L-HU-05-019, Response to Regulatory Information Summary 2005-19, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations29 September 2005Response to Regulatory Information Summary 2005-19, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExaminationsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
L-HU-05-022, Irradiated Fuel Management Plan and Preliminary Decommissioning Cost Estimates for Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant20 December 2005Irradiated Fuel Management Plan and Preliminary Decommissioning Cost Estimates for Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantLicense Renewal
L-HU-05-023, Letter of Intent to Transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c) - National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 805, Performance-based Standards for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants. 2001 Edition30 November 2005Letter of Intent to Transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c) - National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 805, Performance-based Standards for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants. 2001 EditionEnforcement Discretion
Significance Determination Process
Fire Protection Program
L-HU-05-028, ASME Section XI, ISI Request for Relief 21 & 2219 December 2005ASME Section XI, ISI Request for Relief 21 & 22
L-HU-06-001, Application for Technical Specification Improvement Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity16 February 2006Application for Technical Specification Improvement Regarding Steam Generator Tube IntegrityNon-Destructive Examination
Post Accident Monitoring
Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Stress corrosion cracking
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
L-HU-06-006, Nuclear Management Company 30-Day Response to Generic Letter 2006-01, Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Associated Technical Specifications.17 February 2006Nuclear Management Company 30-Day Response to Generic Letter 2006-01, Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Associated Technical Specifications.
L-HU-06-011, Decommissioning Funding Status Report29 March 2006Decommissioning Funding Status Report
L-HU-06-012, Revision of and Supplement to Letter of Intent to Transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c) - National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 805, Performance-based Standards for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants,14 March 2006Revision of and Supplement to Letter of Intent to Transition to 10 CFR 50.48(c) - National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 805, Performance-based Standards for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants, 20Safe Shutdown
Enforcement Discretion
Fire Protection Program
L-HU-06-014, Units 1 and 2, Summary of Nuclear Property Insurance28 March 2005Units 1 and 2, Summary of Nuclear Property Insurance
L-HU-06-017, Supplement to Lrradiated Fuel Management Plan and Preliminary Decommissioning Cost Estimates for the Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant5 May 2006Supplement to Lrradiated Fuel Management Plan and Preliminary Decommissioning Cost Estimates for the Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantFuel cladding
Fire Watch
L-HU-06-024, Withdrawal of Request for Reliefs 21 and 22 - Request to Use ASME Code Case N-700, Alternative Rules for Selection of Classes 1, 2 and 3 Vessel Welded Attachments for Examination14 June 2006Withdrawal of Request for Reliefs 21 and 22 - Request to Use ASME Code Case N-700, Alternative Rules for Selection of Classes 1, 2 and 3 Vessel Welded Attachments for Examination
L-HU-06-025, Response to Generic Letter 2006-03: Potentially Nonconforming Hemyc and MT Fire Barrier Configurations8 June 2006Response to Generic Letter 2006-03: Potentially Nonconforming Hemyc and MT Fire Barrier ConfigurationsSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Exemption Request
Fire Protection Program
L-HU-06-026, Supplement to Application for Technical Specification Improvement Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity21 July 2006Supplement to Application for Technical Specification Improvement Regarding Steam Generator Tube IntegrityNon-Destructive Examination
Operating Basis Earthquake
Nondestructive Examination
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Stress corrosion cracking
Fuel cladding
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
Eddy-Current Testing
Operational leakage
L-HU-06-027, 2005 Annual Report Including Certified Financial Statements, for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Unit 1 & 2, Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant27 June 20062005 Annual Report Including Certified Financial Statements, for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Unit 1 & 2, Monticello Nuclear Generating PlantLicense Renewal
L-HU-06-028, Units 1 and 2, Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC21 July 2006Units 1 and 2, Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC
L-HU-06-030, Response to Generic Letter 2006-02, Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power.21 July 2006Response to Generic Letter 2006-02, Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power.Safe Shutdown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Feedwater Heater
Operability Determination
L-HU-06-037, Supplement to Application for Technical Specification Improvement Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity27 December 2006Supplement to Application for Technical Specification Improvement Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity
L-HU-07-001, Units 1 and 2, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Resolution of Generic Letter 2006-02, Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power.31 January 2007Units 1 and 2, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Resolution of Generic Letter 2006-02, Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power.
L-HU-07-003, Inspection and Mitigation of Alloy 600/82/182 Pressurizer Butt Welds30 January 2007Inspection and Mitigation of Alloy 600/82/182 Pressurizer Butt WeldsWeld Overlay
Unidentified leakage
L-HU-07-006, Prarie Island, Units 1 & 2, Summary of Nuclear Property Insurance30 March 2007Prarie Island, Units 1 & 2, Summary of Nuclear Property Insurance
L-HU-07-009, Supplement to License Amendment Request (LAR) for Extension of Technical Specification (TS) 3.8.1, AC Sources-Operating, Emergency Diesel Generator Completion Time15 March 2007Supplement to License Amendment Request (LAR) for Extension of Technical Specification (TS) 3.8.1, AC Sources-Operating, Emergency Diesel Generator Completion TimeBoric Acid
L-HU-07-010, Transmittal of Monticello and Prairie Island, Units 1 and 2, Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums30 March 2007Transmittal of Monticello and Prairie Island, Units 1 and 2, Guarantee of Payment of Deferred PremiumsAffidavit
L-HU-07-011, Plants, Decommissioning Funding Status Reports30 March 2007Plants, Decommissioning Funding Status Reports
L-HU-07-012, Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC16 April 2007Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC
L-HU-07-015, Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC11 May 2007Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC
L-HU-07-016, Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC21 May 2007Revision to Correspondence Service Lists for Nuclear Management Company, LLC