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 Issue dateTitleTopic
IR 05000483/200100616 January 2002IR 05000483/2001-006, Union Electric Co, Callaway Plant, Integrated Resident & Regional Inspection on 09/30-12/29/2001 Re Postmaintenance Testing, Identification & Resolution of Problems. Two Noncited Violations NotedUltimate heat sink
Temporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
Significance Determination Process
Job Performance Measure
Process Control Program
Maintenance Rule Program
Fire Protection Program
Hourly Fire Watch
IR 05000483/200200823 April 2002IR 05000483/2002-008; on 02/19/2002-03/08/2002; Union Electric Co; Callaway Plant Supplemental Inspection Report. Non-cited Violation IdentifiedBoric Acid
Time of Discovery
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Foreign Material Exclusion
Operability Determination
Maintenance Rule Program
IR 05000483/200601226 December 2006IR 05000483/2006012, on 10/16/2006 - 11/30/2006, Callaway, Biennial Inspection of the Identification and Resolution of ProblemsUnanalyzed Condition
Stroke time
Condition Adverse to Quality
Significance Determination Process
Foreign Material Exclusion
Operability Determination
Operability Assessment
IR 05000483/200940126 March 2010IR 05000483-09-401, 12/31/2009 & 01/01/2009, Callaway Plant - NRC Physical Security Annual
IR 05000483/201050110 January 2011IR 05000483-10-501, on 12/31/2010, Callaway Plant, NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection (Cover Letter)
IR 05000483/20114033 October 2011IR 05000483-11-403, on 09/16/2011, Callaway Plant - NRC Security Inspection ReportAffidavit
IR 05000483/201350217 July 2014NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000483/2013502
IR 05000483/201450112 January 2015NRC Emergency Preparedness Annual Inspection Report 05000483/2014501
IR 05000483/20154022 March 2016Non-Public Security Inspection Plan for Callaway Plant (NRC Physical Security Inspection Report Number 05000483/2015402)
IR 05000483/201640314 June 2016Cover Letter for NRC Security Inspection Report 05000483/2016403Affidavit
IR 05000483/201720113 June 2017NRC Security Baseline Inspection Report 05000483/2017201Affidavit
IR 05000483/202240211 August 2022NRC Security Inspection Report 05000483/2022402 (Cover Letter Only)Affidavit
ML02081017721 March 2002IR 05000483/2002-007; on 01/28-02/27/2002; Union Electric Co; Callaway Plant. Augmented Inspection Report; Problem Identification and Resolution, Modifications. One Preliminary White FindingProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Temporary Modification
Condition Adverse to Quality
Significance Determination Process
Large early release frequency
Preliminary White Finding
ML06262050519 September 2006Notification of an NRC Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection While Transition to 10 CFR Part 50.48 (C) Is in Progress. (05000483-06-008)Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Temporary Modification
Emergency Lighting
Fire Protection Program
ML10112101122 April 2010Notification of Inspection (NRC Inspection Report 05000483-10-003) and Request for InformationCommercial Grade Dedication
ML21327A18722 November 2021Request for InformationBoric Acid
Nondestructive Examination