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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20054K69329 June 1982Releases Public Version of Revision to Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure
ML20055A2976 July 1982Notification of 820721 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Fuel Reload Methodology.Agenda Encl
ML20055D57927 June 1990Requests Position on Allowability of Radios or Tape Players in Control Room of Nonpower Reactors
ML20058A13212 October 1978Notification of 781026 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Tech Spec Bases for Reactor Coolant Described in NRC to Util
ML20058A2373 November 1978Lic Amend Request Proposing Change to Reactor Trip on Turbine Trip Setpoint.Rev Setpoint Is Justified on Basis of NRC Approved Transient Analysis Methods Employed by Westinghouse Corp
ML20058F83619 July 1982Releases Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures
ML20058H86316 November 1990Notification of 901219 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md,To Discuss NRC Bulletin 88-008 Concerns
ML20058K6043 July 1986Informs of Telcon on Status of EA-86-110 Re Health Physics/ Emergency Planning & EA-86-070 Re Fire Protection
ML20062H35924 October 1979Discusses Pipe Leak at Tvo 1,in Finland,Due to Faulty Fabrication Process of Components Mfg in France & Significance to Us Plants
ML20125D94517 December 1979Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Containment Purge Sys & Containment Venting Sys So That Evaluation of Electrical Override/Bypass Aspects of Containment Purge Matter Can Be Completed on Schedule
ML20126C25824 March 1975Discusses Review of Plant Security Plan,Rev 1,dtd 740919
ML20126H5297 April 1981Notification of 810413 Meeting W/Util & Quaadrex in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Spent Fuel Storage Rack Review Structural Engineering Aspects
ML20126L2271 May 1981Forwards Summary of 810429 Meeting W/Pwr Owners Group Re Thermal Shock to Reactor Vessels
ML20127A36818 August 1982Forwards List of Plants for Which Leak Test Repts Were Selected for Review by Ornl.Leak Testing Criteria Will Be Prepared from Review.W/O Encl
ML20127F30618 June 1985Forwards Tabular Summary of Key Results from Regional Survey of plant-specific Info Re Potential for Uncontrolled Radiation Exposures in PWR Cavities,Per Jg Partlow 850315 Request.No Further Generic Action NeededHigh Radiation Area
ML20127H40231 January 1977Notification of 770301 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Proposed QA Programs for Facilities to Resolve Questions Raised During NRC Review
ML20127N0858 December 1976Forwards Licensee s Transmitting Physical Security Mod Program for Monticello & Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant,Units 1 & 2.Encls Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790
ML20127N11717 November 1976Forwards Licensee Transmitting Rev 4 to Monticello Security Plan & Transmitting Rev 2 to Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant,Units 1 & 2 Security Plan.Encls Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML20128D9448 December 1975Requests Review & Comments of Utils Proposed Changes to Physical Security Plans for Plants (Technical Assistance ORB-2-202)
ML20128E00912 December 1975Forwards Responses to IE Bulletin 75-04B from NSP for Technical Review in Keeping W/Bulletin Request.Requests for Exemption of Disclosure for Response to Ieb 75-04B.W/o Encl
ML20128E64029 January 1993Notification of 930209 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss V(Z) Analysis Issues at Plant
ML20128E78126 January 1993Notification of 930202 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Instrumentation TS Issues at Plant
ML20133F8922 October 1985Notification of 851011 Meeting W/Exxon Nuclear Co,Inc in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Recent Exxon Activities Toward Resolving Safety Analysis Issues
ML20133N7567 August 1985Discusses 850715-19 Observation of INPO Accreditation Team Evaluation of Listed Training Programs,Including Electrical & Mechanical Maint Training Program.Evaluation Premature
ML20134A52231 October 1985Notification of 851106 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Establish Reliability of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys.Requested Participants Listed
ML20134C28229 January 1997Notification of 970206 Meeting W/Nsp in Rockville,Md to Discuss ISI at Prairie Island & Adoption of ASME Code Case N-521
ML20134J93310 February 1997Notification of 970213 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Results from Recent SG Insps Performed on Facility
ML20134N58519 February 1997Notification of 970224 Meeting W/Northern States Power in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Pertaining to Prairie Island Amend of Cooling Water Sys Emergency Intake Design Bases
ML20135C37925 November 1996Informs That Commission Provided Guidance to Staff to Ensure That Rights of Sovereign Tribal Govts Fully Respected & to Operate within govt-to-govt Relationship w/federally- Recognized Native American Tribal Govts
ML20136D5317 March 1997Notification of 970312 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Issues Pertaining to Prairie Island Amend of Cooling Water Sys Emergency Intake Design Bases
ML20136G97012 November 1985Notification of 851122 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md to Monitor Progress or Development of New Upper Plenum Injection Evaluation Model.Requested Participants Listed. Agenda Encl
ML20137H5048 April 1999Informs That Licensee Requesting Listed Changes to Boilerplate Distribution Lists Used by NRR for Docketed Info.Add Site General Manager to Both Prairie Island & Monticello Lists
ML20138J7675 February 1997Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Generic Fundamentals Exam Section of Written Operator Licenseing Exam on 970409. Ltr W/Copy to Chief,Operator Licensing Branch Must Be Submitted to Listed Address in Order to Register PersonnelGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML20141D0601 April 1986Notification of 860404 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Safety Evaluation Re Asymmetric LOCA Loads as Applied to Requirements of 10CFR50,App A,Gdc 4
ML20141F04526 June 1997Notification of 970709 Meeting W/Nsp in Rockville,Maryland to Discuss ATWS Protection at PINGP & Possible Installation of Diverse Scram Sys
ML20147C7031 March 1988Forwards Corrected Summary Rept on Multi-Plant Action D-05 Re Upper Plenium Injection,Recommendation Concerning Generic Priority & Items for Senior Mgt Attention
ML20147J26416 April 1997Responds to 961126 Request Re Task Interface Agreement 96-0440, Defining Dry Cask Storage Terms. Basic Reasons to Return Cask to SFP & Unload Sf Assemblies Are Either to Retrive or Dispose or Respond to Event or ConditionFuel cladding
ML20148A75714 March 1988Forwards Project Directorate III-1 Slides for 880317 Briefing of Executive Team.Slides Marked P Primary Slides Directorate Plans to Show.Other Slides Backup for Possible RefStress corrosion cracking
ML20148D94915 March 1988Discusses 880315 Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-11. List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Tabulation of long-term Followup Assignments Detailed in EnclsBoric Acid
Pressure Boundary Leakage
ML20151Q97529 January 1986Requests Identification of Div Contact for Regional Insp Team Leaders to Arrange NRR Alternative Shutdown & Fire Protection Reviewer Technical Assistance on region-based post-fire Safe Shutdown Insps.Schedule of Insps SubmittedSafe Shutdown
ML20151X91028 April 1988Notification of 880512 Meeting W/Puc of Mn to Discuss & Review Status of Spent Fuel Consolidation Project at Plant. Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20154A28313 December 1986Forwards Assessments by Enforcement Staff of Regional Performance in Enforcement Area from Jul-Nov 1985Liquid penetrant
ML20154Q16627 May 1988Discusses Updating Project Managers Rept (Pmr) in Accordance W/New Priority Ranking Sys.Mods Have Been Made So That Pmr Will Now Accept New Priority Data.Old Priority Data Will Be Deleted During Wk of 880530.Sample Data Format Encl
ML20154R36919 October 1998Notification of 981029 Meeting with Listed Utils in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Consortium of Utils
ML20155G7437 June 1988Forwards F Miraglia 880527 Memo for Review & Requests Proposed Priorities for Actions on Project Manager Rept by C.O.B. 880609
ML20195G7306 November 1987Partially Withheld Summary of NRR Mgt Team 871006-09 Visits to Sites & Region III Ofcs.Region III Well Managed
ML20196C14010 February 1988Notification of 880223 Meeting W/Util,Westinghouse & Waste Chem in Rockville,Md to Discuss Achievement,Lessons Learned & Future Plans & Schedules for Spent Fuel Rod Consolidation for Spent Fuel Assemblies.Proposed Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20196G51228 June 1988Notification of 880719 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Installation of Two Addl Diesel Generators That Would Provide Alternate Power Capability to Meet NRC Station Blackout Requirements.Meeting Agenda Encl
ML20196H84928 June 1999Forwards June 1999 Performance Indicator (PI) Data Rept for Revised Reactor Oversight Process Pilot Program.Rept Constitutes Second Monthly PI Data Submittal from Pilot Plant Licensees,Which Includes Data Through May 1999
ML20198G19123 December 1997Notification of 980107 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Plans for Conversion to Improved STS for Plants