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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML19254F96412 June 1979Forwards June 1979 Fire Protective Cable Tray Fire Test by Ms Abrams,Witnessed by Nb Cohn on 790606
ML19260D7074 February 1980Responds to Telcon Re IE Info Notice 79-36 Concerning Use of Nupipe Computer Program in Piping Sys Analysis.Problem Discussed in Notice Does Not Apply.Supporting Documentation Encl
ML19273E16923 April 1980Concurs W/Nrc Findings Re Fire Protection Safety Evaluation. Implementation of Program AcceptableFire Protection Program
ML19350B84010 March 1981Forwards 810305 Ltr to Emphasize Importance of Matter of Irregularities at Facility,Per 801223 Ltr.Shareholders Resolution Encl.Response Requested
ML20073Q43622 April 1983Informs That in Addition to Mgt Review of Facility,Contract Negotiations Have Been Conducted W/American Electric Power for Control Room Design Review on Donald C Cook Plant. Contract Will Not Influence Judgment on Mgt Review
ML20074A07818 February 1981Forwards Electrical Drafting Std EDSB-126 Revised on 791005, Pages 2-43 Through 2-48 of Electrical Installation Spec H-2173 & Pages 8.3-29,8.3-30 & 8.3-65 of Fsar,Per Request Re Tray Loading Criteria.Related Info EnclFire Barrier
ML20078B94612 September 1983Submits Response to NRC 830901 Request Re Independent Review of Project Mgt Rept GA-C17173.List of Refs Utilized by Vendor for Case Studies Encl
ML20079G18413 January 1984Forwards Resumes for Principal Positions Noted on Organization Chart in Section IV of Ebasco 831205 Proposal Re Independent Auditor for Plan to Verify ConstCoatings
Nondestructive Examination
ML20079M89620 January 1984Forwards Personnel Resumes Inadvertently Omitted from Re Independent Auditor for Plan to Verify ConstNondestructive Examination
Liquid penetrant
ML20080J55712 September 1983Responds to Re Independent Review of Zimmer Project Mgt,Forwarding List of Refs Utilized in Reaching Conclusions on Case Studies & Documents on Welder Performance,Attachments 1 & 2,respectively.W/o Attachment 2Affidavit
ML20082P2821 March 1983Forwards Ad from 831017 & 24 Cincinnati Enquirer.W/O Encl
ML20083N23717 February 1984FOIA Request for Four Categories of Documents Re Facility
ML20084R65224 February 1984FOIA Request for Computer Printout from Sept 1980 to Present of Civil Penalty Info on 27 Listed Nuclear Facilities.Sample Format Encl
ML20102A16422 September 1983Forwards 830928 Presentation to Commissioners on Independent Review of Project Mgt
ML20102A19516 November 1983Responds to 831101 Request for Comments Re Util Course of Action Presented at 831101 Meeting.Util Responded to All Detailed Recommendations.Many Responses Broad in Scope & Detailed Intent Cannot Be Judged
ML20112H8105 April 1984FOIA Request for Repts Resulting from Listed Environ Qualification of Equipment Site Audits to Be Placed in Pdr. Access to Any Repts Resulting from Audits Held Since Oct 1982 Also Requested
ML20114A35830 December 1983Forwards Author to Gf Cole Re Independent Audit of Program to Verify Quality of Const & Continuation of Const Plan.Portions Deleted
ML20126A81330 January 1980Requests Facility Exemption from Examination of Reactor Coolant Makeup Sys Components Under LOCA Conditions,As Described in GE Document 22A2756,Revision 2
ML20235A12516 December 1987Forwards Info Re Resource Technical Svcs,Inc,Including Summary of NRC Contract Work,Nrc Form 26 for Three Existing Contracts,Audit Info,Work History & Lists of Expertise Available for Special Insps & of Current Resource Svcs
ML20235B62329 June 1970Requests Listed Addl Info Re PSAR for Plant,Including Description of Structure Supported,Dimensions of Foundation Element,Including Length of Pile or Caissons & Depth Driven or DrilledSafe Shutdown
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML20235B6794 May 1971Forwards Draft Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Wh Zimmer Power Station. Rept Calls Attention to Matters Which Must Be Clarified Before Finalizing Rept
ML20235D0797 September 1971Forwards Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Wh Zimmer Nuclear Power Station, Final Rept
ML20235E45116 July 1971Forwards Suppl to 710504 Draft Rept & Requests Listed Addl Info Re Plant.Suppl Presents More Detailed Assessment of Factors Relating to Evaluation of Adequacy of Foundations
ML20235E52112 August 1971Forwards Revised Draft Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Plant. Two Topics Found in Rept Which Need follow-on Attention
ML20235E57912 August 1971Confirms That Questions Described in 710716 Special Rept Have Been Resolved Satisfactorily & Resolution of Problems Described in Detail in Final Rept on Facility
ML20235E62324 August 1971Forwards Revised Draft, Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Wh Zimmer Nuclear Power Station
ML20235E6697 September 1971Forwards Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Wh Zimmer Nuclear Power Station, Final Rept