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 Issue dateFromTitleProject stage
CNL-13-149, Updated Inservice Test (IST) Program (Unit 1) and Ist/Preservice Test (Pst) Program12 December 2013Tennessee Valley Authority
James Shea
Updated Inservice Test (IST) Program (Unit 1) and Ist/Preservice Test (Pst) ProgramRequest
CNL-14-154, Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 12 (TAC No. MD6311), and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 122 September 2014Tennessee Valley Authority
James Shea
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 12 (TAC No. MD6311), and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 12Other
CNL-15-063, Supplement Safety Evaluation Report - Open Item 33 - Completion of Dcns 53421 and 546367 April 2015Tennessee Valley Authority
James Shea
Supplement Safety Evaluation Report - Open Item 33 - Completion of Dcns 53421 and 54636Request
CNL-15-137, Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 13 (TAC No. MD6311) and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 1327 July 2015Tennessee Valley Authority
James Shea
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 13 (TAC No. MD6311) and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 13Other
CNL-15-150, Pressurizer PORV Block Valves - Dynamic Testing Alternative29 July 2015Tennessee Valley Authority
James Shea
Pressurizer PORV Block Valves - Dynamic Testing AlternativeOther
ML0803701851 February 2008Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Request to Use American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Code Case N-520-2, Alternative Rules for Renewal of Active or Expired N-Type Certificates for Plants Not in Active Construction.Other
ML08130080922 May 2008Milano P
Request for Additional Information, Renewal of Active or Expired N-Type Certificates for PlantsRAI
ML08149011028 May 2008Milano P
Status of Generic Communications for Review (Tac No. MD8314)Other
ML08149011828 May 2008NRC/NRR/ADRO/DORL/WBSPBNRC Review: Generic Communications Status for TVA Watts Bar Unit 2Other
ML0818504592 July 2008Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Response to Request for Additional InformationResponse to RAI
ML08214023829 July 2008Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Generic Communications Status, Revision 1Other
ML0825603732 October 2008Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Raghavan L
Request for Relief Regarding Alternative Rules for Renewal of Active or Expired N-Type CertificatesOther
ML08275001926 September 2008Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing Activities for Unit 2 - Corrective Action and Special Programs, and Unresolved Safety IssuesOther
ML10012048712 November 2009Tennessee Valley Authority
Rod Krich
Application for Special Nuclear Material License in Accordance with 10 CFR 70, Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear MaterialRequest
ML10019142111 January 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Final Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 97Request
ML10019168411 January 2010Tennessee Valley AuthorityFinal Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 97, Section 3 - Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems, Page 3.8.5-1 Through Page 3.11-9Request
ML10120020420 April 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Preservice Inspection Program Plan and Additional InformationOther
ML10126046929 April 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 2, and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 2Other
ML10168056117 June 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Preservice Inspection Program Plan and Additional InformationOther
ML10176022225 June 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Request to Use ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Code Case N-520-3, Alternative Rules for Renewal of Active or Expired N-Type Certificates for Plants Not in Active Construction, Section III, Division 1Other
ML10194023618 June 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Instrumentation and Controls Staff Information RequestsRequest
ML10217007730 July 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 3, and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 3Other
ML10229025831 July 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Final Safety Analysis Report - Response to Preliminary Requests for Additional Information and Requests for Additional InformationOther
ML1025001711 September 2010- No Known AffiliationOL - TVA Letter to NRC - WBN U2 FSAR A100Request
ML10270052729 September 2010Shawn Campbell
Watts Bar Special Projects Branch
Request for Relief Regarding Alternative Rules for Renewal of Active or Expired N-Type CertificationOther
ML10301029928 October 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 4, and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 4Other
ML10312071129 October 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Instrumentation and Controls Staff Information RequestsRequest
ML10312071229 October 2010Tennessee Valley AuthorityEdcr 52321 Draft Scope and Intent, Unit Difference and Technical Evaluation, Enclosure 2, Attachment 1Request
ML1031403141 November 2010- No Known AffiliationOL - TVA Letter to NRC_10-29-10_WBN U2 FSAR 101Request
ML1032001469 November 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) - Response to Requests for Additional InformationResponse to RAI
ML10321064417 November 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Revision of Commitment for Implementation of the Maintenance RuleRequest
ML10354056017 December 2010Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Safety Evaluation Report Supplement 22 (SSER22) - Response to Requests for Additional InformationSupplement
ML11021048621 January 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Bajestani M
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 5 and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 5Other
ML11062021925 February 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Instrumentation and Controls Staff Information RequestsRequest
ML1110500098 April 2011Office of Nuclear Reactor RegulationOL - FW: Updated OI ListRequest
ML11129A2056 May 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Instrumentation and Controls Staff Information RequestsRequest
ML11136A05318 April 2011- No Known AffiliationOL - TVA Letter to NRC_04-15-11_I&C RAI ResponseRequest
ML11145A08518 May 2011Calvert Cliffs
George Gellrich
EDF Development
Application of Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.5Request
ML11167A11010 June 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Instrumentation and Controls Staff Information RequestsRequest
ML11178A1553 June 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Final Safety Analysis Report (Fsar), Amendment 104Request
ML11213A13027 July 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 6 (TAC No. MD6311), and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 6Other
ML11213A26128 July 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Results from Cost-Benefit Analysis of Radwaste System EnhancementsRequest
ML11292A19917 October 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Revision of Commitment for Unit 2's Implementation of the Maintenance RuleRequest
ML11294064520 December 2011Pickett D
Plant Licensing Branch I
Technical Specification Interpretation for Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2 on Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) Applicability (LCO) 3.0.5Other
ML11362A05620 December 2011Tennessee Valley Authority
Stinson D
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 7 (TAC No. MD6311), and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 7Other
ML12031A12527 January 2012Calvert Cliffs
George Gellrich
EDF Group
Withdrawal of License Amendment Request for Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.5 RevisionWithdrawal
ML12234A68815 August 2012Tennessee Valley Authority
Hruby R
Status of Regulatory Framework for the Completion of Construction and Licensing for Unit 2 - Revision 8 (TAC No. MD6311), and Status of Generic Communications for Unit 2 - Revision 8Other
ML12249A19530 August 2012Tennessee Valley Authority
Hruby R
Instrumentation and Controls Staff Request for Additional Information (RAI) Related to Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (Sser) Open Item 80Supplement
ML12284A5134 October 2012Tennessee Valley Authority
Hruby R
NRC Bulletin No. 88-08, Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to Reactor Coolant System (RCS) - ClarificationRequest
ML12284A5144 October 2012Tennessee Valley Authority
Hruby R
Revision of Commitment for Unit 2's Implementation of the Maintenance RuleRequest