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ML20009B7048 July 1981First Round of Interrogatories Directed to Rockford League of Women Voters.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20009H02130 July 1981Motion to Compel Discovery by Rockford League of Women Voters.Applicant Directed Interrogatories to League on 810727.No Answers or Objections Received.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010B1775 August 1981Objections to Util First Round of Interrogatories. Interrogatories Are Premature & Not Presently Applicable. Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20010B4217 August 1981Response in Opposition to Applicant Motion to Compel Discovery.Counsel Was Unavoidably Occupied W/Preliminary Injunction Hearing.Applicant Has Not Attempted to Resolve Differences.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20011A3382 October 1981Motion for Order Imposing Sanctions on Rockford League of Women Voters,Dismissing League,Prohibiting League to Conduct Discovery & Precluding League from Controverting Util Facts. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20011A61422 October 1981Response Opposing Rockford League of Women Voters Motion for Sanctions.League Should Be Dismissed from Proceeding for Direct Defiance of ASLB Orders.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20011A69223 October 1981Motion for Sanctions Against Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy & Sinnissippi Alliance for Environ. Intervenors Filed Incomplete Answers to Util Interrogatories Inspite of ASLB Orders to Answer.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20011A69823 October 1981Motion to Quash Deposition Subpoena of RB Hubbard & Gc Minor.Depositions Should Be Reset Only After Consultation & Upon Just & Reasonable Terms.Proof of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20023C70812 May 1983Motion to Receive Into Evidence Stipulation & Portions of Prefiled Testimony.Stipulation Covers Admissibility of Affidavits & Exhibits Bearing on Emergency Planning Matters. W/Unexecuted Stipulation
ML20023C71512 May 1983Testimony of P Holmbeck Re Investigation Into Adequacy of Emergency Plans Re Emergency Planning Contentions.Util Made No Attempt to Study Protective Value of Sheltering Populations Around Plant
ML20023C71716 February 1983Testimony of G Montel on Emergency Preparedness Contentions. Notification & Verification Procedures Not Developed for Pinecrest Home for Aged.Vehicles & Support Personnel to Evacuate Home Unavailable
ML20023C72217 February 1983Testimony of Jm Maloney on Emergency Preparedness Contentions.Util Emergency Plan Cannot Be Implemented Until Questions on Notification,Transportation,Communication & Liability Answered
ML20023C72616 February 1983Testimony of C Lamb Re Emergency Preparedness Contentions
ML20023C73010 February 1983Testimony of D Turner Re Emergency Preparedness Contentions. Concerns Include Procedures for & Modes of Carrying on Emergency Communications,Transportation Difficulties & School Liability
ML20023C73228 February 1983Testimony of D Miller Re Emergency Preparedness Contentions. Concerns Include Procedures for & Modes of Emergency Communications,Transportation Difficulties & School Liability
ML20023C73428 February 1983Testimony of Jl Murphy on Contentions 3 & 13.Listed Problems Inherent in Any Radiological Accident & Should Be Resolved to Provide Reasonable Degree of Safety to Citizens
ML20023D95531 May 1983Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Re Seismology,Water Hammer & ALARASafe Shutdown
High Radiation Area
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML20024A11821 February 1983Motion to Amend & Consolidate Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy/Sinnissippi Alliance for Environ Contention 3 W/Rockford League of Women Voters Contentions 19 & 108
ML20024A12021 February 1983Amend & Consolidation of Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy/Sinnissippi Alliance for Environ Contention 3 & Rockford League of Women Voters Contentions 19 & 108
ML20024B6361 July 1983Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Re Steam Generator Tube IntegrityAnticipated operational occurrence
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Fuel cladding
Power change
Flow Induced Vibration
ML20024C96218 July 1983Response Opposing Rockford League of Women Voters Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law Re Liquid Pathway. Proposed Findings Misstate Record.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20024D16628 July 1983Motion to Strike Intervenor 830701 Revised Findings of Fact & Opinion on Contention 22 Re Steam Generator Tube Integrity.Substantive Changes Made.If Motion Denied,Util Requests 10 Days to Respond
ML20024D17028 July 1983Motion for Extension of Time Until 830701 in Which to File Remaining Proposed Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law. Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20027C5435 October 1982Affidavit of La Bowen.Util Does Not Intend to Install Temp Sensors on Feedwater Bypass Sys Piping.Existence of Constant Feedwater Flow Precludes Water Hammer Event Similar to Event at Krsko
ML20028A06511 November 1982Application for Subpoenas Directed to Gc Minor,Rb Hubbard, DG Bridenbaugh,Bj Wood & B Johnson Re Design,Const & Future Operation of Plant.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20028A29412 November 1982Motion for 10-day Extension of Discovery Initiation Period Beyond Completion Date of All Currently Outstanding Discovery Operations or Alternatively,For 10-day Extension Beyond Date of ASLB Ruling on Discovery Disputes
ML20028A30012 November 1982Motion for Order Requiring NRC Personnel W/Knowledge of Facts to Answer Rockford League of Women Voters 821022 Interrogatories.Info Necessary & Unobtainable from Other Sources.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20028A33915 November 1982Application for Subpoena Directing Executive Director of Operations to Appear for Deposition Re Rockford League of Women Voters Contentions 63,53,54 & 77 & Use of Term Important to Safety. Draft Subpoena Encl
ML20028B9058 November 1982Affidavit Re Westinghouse Application for Withholding Proprietary Info Encl in App C to FSAR in TR Tramm 820818 & 0902 Ltrs to NRC Concerning Turbine MissilesTurbine Missile
ML20028B98610 March 1980Revised Contentions.Ols Should Be DeniedSafe Shutdown
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Turbine Missile
Fuel cladding
Environment Report
ML20028F59324 January 1983Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20028G3844 February 1983Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20028G68215 February 1983Testimony of s Levine Re Contentions on Class 9 Accidents. Plant Design Provides Substantial Protection Against Severe or Class 9 AccidentsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20028G68515 February 1983Testimony of L Conway Re Contentions Claiming Reduction of Occupational Exposure Not Considered in Design.Steam Generators Embody Very Best Design Feature to Reduce Occupational Radiation ExposureScaffolding
ML20038A86317 November 1981Motion for Reconsideration of Aslab 811110 Order Tolling Schedule for Appeal.Util Response to Rockford League of Women Voters Motion to Extend Appeal Time or Stay Schedule for Filing Exceptions Invoked.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20039C24321 December 1981Objection to Filing Affidavits Per ASLB 811208 Order.Aslb Should Not Countenance Util self-serving Allegations About 790926 Meeting.Util Allegations Are Attempt to Sidetrack ASLB from Real Issues in Petition for Reconsideration
ML20039C24821 December 1981Affidavit of Mm Cherry Per ASLB 811208 Order Re 790926 Meeting.Affidavit Never Implied or Stated That Position in Case Was for Purposes of Delay
ML20039C24921 December 1981Affidavit of B Johnson Per ASLB 811208 Order.Mm Cherry Never Stated or Implied Position Was to Delay ProceedingEarthquake
ML20039C25319 December 1981Affidavit of Cv Ware Per ASLB 811208 Order Re 790926 Meeting.Mm Cherry Never Stated or Implied That Position Was Solely for Delay.Proof of Svc Encl
ML20039E6261 January 1980Response to NRC First Request for Production of Documents. Related Correspondence
ML20040D57721 January 1982Response to Util First Round of Interrogatories.Related CorrespondenceFuel cladding
ML20040H0938 February 1982Exceptions to ASLB 811027 & 820127 Orders.Rockford League of Women Voters Is Not Guilty of Failing to Answer Interrogatories.Interrogatories Were Not Common & Reasonable.Proof of Svc Encl
ML20041E1975 March 1982Response to Rockford League of Women Voters Motion for Extension of Time to File Brief in Support of Exceptions to ASLB Decision Dismissing League as Party.Util Does Not Oppose Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20041E3852 March 1982Supplemental Response to Util Request for Addl Info on Contention 8.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
ML20041E3934 March 1982Motion for Extension of Time Until 820322 to File Brief in Support of Exceptions.Proof of Svc Encl
ML20044A81127 June 1990Comment Opposing Closure of Lpdr of Rockford Public Library
ML20049H89424 February 1982Supplemental Response to Util Request for Addl Info Re Contention 2.Certificate of Svc EnclBoric Acid
ML20052A36221 April 1982Motion for Extension of Time Until 820429 to File Brief in Response to Rockford League of Women Voters Brief in Support of Exceptions to 811027 & 820127 Orders.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20052C07829 April 1982Brief Supporting Affirmation of ASLB Order Dismissing Rockford League of Women Voters as Party.Sanction of Dismissal Authorized & Not Abuse of Discretion.League Excuses for Behavior Insupportable.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20052G8469 May 1982Reply to NRC & Util Response to Dekalb Area Alliance for Responsible Energy & Sinissippi Alliance for Environ 820415 Motion for Admission of New Contentions.Contentions Meet Balancing Test.Certificate of Svc Encl