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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20148P88723 December 1980Updates Developments in Turbine Missile Issue at Facility. Based on Conservatisms for Calculation of Critical Crack Ratio,Continued Operation Until 801229 Is Justified.Licensee Will Meet W/Nrc on 801229 to Present Addl JustificationTurbine Missile
Coast down
ML20148T3417 November 1978Forwards 780929 Memo from Ofc of Nuc Reactor Reg to Comm Re Results of Recent Fire Protec Res Test by Underwriters Lab. W/Encl ANO:7810050359,7811020343 & 7811020336Fire Barrier
ML20148U51228 November 1978Responds to 780828 Request for Clarification Re ACRS Recommendations Made Between 770101 & 0930.Forwards Clarifying InfoSafe Shutdown
Tornado Missile
Fuel cladding
Fire Protection Program
ML20151B9471 December 1987Requests That Final Ticket Response Re 871109 Staff Briefing on Util Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event Be Sent to Div of Engineering & Sys Technology by 880111.Requests to Include Lshao in Concurrence Page Distribution & Ticket Number
ML20151C9577 April 1988Notification of 880408 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Very Low Level Radioactive Concentrations on Reverse Osmosis Sys Used to Generate Makeup Water at Plant
ML20151D1047 March 1988Comments on Westinghouse Arguments Re Plant Steam Generator Tube Rupture.Westinghouse Unconvincingly Explained Incident But Arguments Re Not Expecting Simultaneous Rupture of Many Tubes Seems ReasonableFlow Induced Vibration
ML20151D42724 March 1988Submits Summary of Actions Discussed at ACRS 335th Meeting on 880310-12 in Washington,Dc,Including ACRS Repts/ Recommendations,Other Actions,Agreements,Assignments & Requests & Future AgendaFitness for Duty
ML20154A28313 December 1986Forwards Assessments by Enforcement Staff of Regional Performance in Enforcement Area from Jul-Nov 1985Liquid penetrant
ML20155J6829 October 1998Forwards Staff First Monthly Update to Plan of short- & long-term Actions to Respond to Selected Issues Raised During 980730 Hearing Before Senante Subcommittee on Clean Air,Wetlands,Private Property & Nuclear SafetyBackfit
ML20155J70013 August 1998Requests That EDO Due Date for Green Ticket G980483 Be Extended from 980818 to 980828
ML20195G48121 November 1988Notification of 881129 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Fuel Rod end-of-life High Burnups
ML20195K01016 June 1999Notification of 990624 Meeting with Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Proposed Irradiation of Fuel Rods Beyond Current Lead Rod Burnup Limit
ML20196G40523 June 1988Forwards AEOD Technical Review Rept T809, Blocked Thimble Tubes/Stuck Incore Detector, for Consideration Due to Recent Events at Braidwood Unit 1
ML20197E69727 March 1974Submits Network Markups for Projects W/Major Milestone Changes Re Topics for Upcoming Bluebook Meeting
ML20197G2797 March 1984Forwards SER for Radiological Consequences of Accidents for Extended Burnup.Calculated Dose to Thyroid for Fuel Handling Accident Indicates Plant Design Adequate.Salp Also Encl
ML20202B69826 November 1997Notification of 971217 Meeting W/Vepco in Rockville,Md to Discuss Status of Review of Util'S Application for 10CFR72 License for North Anna Isfsi.Meeting Agenda,Encl
ML20202D91928 January 1999Forwards NRC Approved Operator Licensing Exam (Facility Outline & Initial Exam Submittal & as-given Operating Exam) for Tests Administered on 980817-21,980831-0903 at North Anna Power StationBoric Acid
Loop seal
Packing leak
Reserve Station Service Transformer
Temporary Modification
Job Performance Measure
Unidentified leak
ML20202E2194 October 1973Forwards Story from Charlottesvile,Va Daily Progress Reporting on Recent Comments by W Rowe of EPA on Radioactive Emissions from Nuclear Power Plants & on Geologic Situation at VEPCO Site at North Anna
ML20206U42318 May 1999Notification of 990602 Meeting with Duke Energy Corp,Vepco & Others in Rockville,Md to Discuss Technical,Regulatory & Licensing Issues Related to Proposed Future Use of Mixed Oxide Fuel at Catawba,Mcguire & North Anna Nuclear Stations
ML20210P02910 August 1999Discusses 990809 Telcon Between NRC Staff Members & Staff of VEPCO Re in-structure Response Spectra Used for USI A-46 Program Implementation at Plant,Units 2 & 2
ML20210P6388 March 1984Comments on Statement That NRC Has Already Authorized Three Utils to Load & Use Fuel Intended for Burnup,Per 840222 Memo.Authorization Not Yet Granted.Forwards Paper Presented at ANS Meeting
ML20210P67720 August 1997Discusses 970724-25 Severe Accident Mgt Implementation Demonstration at North Anna Power Station in Mineral,Va. Purpose of Demonstration,To Provide NRC & Visiting Utility, Info on Implementation of Severe Accident MgtSevere Accident Management Guideline
ML20212A87626 February 1987Notification of 870305 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Results & Evaluation of Complete Eddy Current Insp of Three Steam Generators Conducted During Nov 1985
ML20213F1119 January 1985Advises That Power Uprating Amend Request Should Be Treated as plant-specific Action & Be Reviewed According to Current Codes,Stds,Reg Guides & Calculational ModelsBackfit
ML20214J69621 November 1986Notification of 861124 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Util Request to Amend Licenses for 40-yr Operation from Date of Issuance of OLs
ML20214K07712 August 1986Advises That During ACRS 316th Meetings on 860807-09, Committee Concluded Util 850502 Application for Amend to Operate at Increased Power Level from 2,775 Mwt to 2,893 Mwt Does Not Warrant Review
ML20214M13826 May 1987Provides Enforcement Guidance to Regions for Issues Re Control Room Habitability/Control Room Emergency Ventilation Sys Deficiencies.Summary of Plants Reviewed & Documents Describing Findings Encl
ML20214P50428 May 1987Notification of 870603 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Results of 100% Insp (Eddy Current) Testing of NA-1 Steam Generators A,B & C
ML20215D91211 December 1986Notification of 861212 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss New Svc Water Sys Spray Sys & Requested Tech Specs
ML20235J17823 September 1987Notification of 871029 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Util 870803 Request That Emergency Action Taken on 870715 for Steam Generator Tube Rupture Be Accepted as Annual Emergency Exercise
ML20235N59625 March 1971Discusses AEC Plans to Apply New Position Re Means for Providing Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations Following Design Basis LOCA in Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants,Per Regulatory Info Meeting 422 on 700904
ML20235W11516 July 1987Provides Background Info on Plant Steam Generator Svc Experience from 1978-1987 in View of Tube Leak in Steam Generator C on 870715Boric Acid
ML20235W84623 September 1987Notification of 871029 Cancelled Meeting W/Util in Bethesda, MD to Discuss Util 870803 Request That Emergency Action Taken on 870715 for Steam Generator Tube Rupture Be Accepted as Annual Emergency Exercise
ML20236D60623 July 1987Notification of 870729 Meeting W/Util to Discuss Insp Results & Followup Actions to Be Taken Before Resuming Plant Operation Due to Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event
ML20236K96329 December 1993Discusses Staff Review of Issue Re Purge Blower Surveillance at Plant So That Violation Issued by Region II & Denied by Licensee Could Be Resolved
ML20236S42516 November 1987Requests That Licensee Provide Duplicate Flux Map.Branch Intends to Compare Util Map to Flux Map from Foreign Reactor to See If Anomalies in Trace Can Be Seen Which Could Be Attributable to Vibration of Probe or Thimble Tube
ML20237J34916 July 1987Advises That on 870715,main Steam Line Radiation Monitor C Registered hi-hi Alarm.Steam Generator Tube Rupture/Break Identified.Total of 0.265 Ci Dose Equivalent Xe-133 Released.Facility Currently Stable & Being InspectedSafe Shutdown
ML20237J36217 July 1987Submits Daily Highlight Re 870715 Primary to Secondary Leak Event.Event Further Analyzed by Licensee.Max Leak Rate Approx 637 Gpm.Eddy Current Testing Scheduled to Commence on 870719.Data Analysis Scheduled for Completion on 870721
ML20237J37322 July 1987Informs That Failed Steam Generator Tube Located on Seventh Tube Support Plate on Cold Leg Side.No Significant Eddy Current Indications Identified During Recent Insp
ML20237J38623 July 1987Informs That Licensee Initiating Insp Program to Eddy Current All Steam Generators on Cold Leg Side Due to Tube Rupture.Meeting W/Util Tentatively Scheduled for 870729 to Discuss Results of Licensee Insp & Followup Actions
ML20237J39424 July 1987Submits Daily Highlight.Scenario for Eddy Current Insp of Steam Generator C Provided.Insp Scheduled to Take 25 to 30 Days.Addl Documentation Encl,Including Viewgraphs,Attendee List from 870603 Meeting & Incident Sequence of Events
ML20237L7302 September 1987Notification of 870910 Meeting W/Util in Bethesda,Md to Discuss 870715 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event
ML20239A55516 September 1987Notification of 870921 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse in Bethesda,Md to Discuss Util Final Rept on 870715 Steam Generator Tube Rupture Event
ML20244C4586 June 1989Notification of 890615 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Discuss Scheduling & Review Process to Be Used in Tech Spec Upgrade Program
ML20244D45813 April 1989Notification of 890417 Meeting W/Westinghouse in Rockville,Md to Discuss Generic Implications of Steam Generator Tube Plugging Issues
ML20244D5629 June 1989Notification of 890619 Mgt Meeting in Atlanta,Ga to Discuss self-assessment Conducted at Plant
ML20245B25816 June 1989Notification of 890623 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md to Update NRC on Status of Plant Steam Generator for Fuel Cycle
ML20245F37816 June 1989Notification of Cancellation of 890623 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md for Util Update Re Status of Steam Generators. Meeting to Be Rescheduled
ML20246B0765 July 1989Notification of 890713 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md for Util Evaluation & Basis for Selective on-line Testing of ESFAS Slave Relays
ML20246D04915 August 1989Notification of Significant Licensee Meeting on 890824 in Mineral,Va to Discuss SALP Board Assessment