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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML11188114615 July 2011Technical Specifications Task Force
Nuclear Energy Institute
Meeting Agenda for TSTF and NRC Workshop Gas Accumulation Issues and TSTF-523
ML11194032915 July 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related Travelers
ML11194034315 July 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related Travelers
ML11220002131 August 2011Technical Specifications Task Force
Nuclear Energy Institute
8/4/2011- Summary of Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute and the Technical Specifications Task Force Regarding Gas Accumulation Issues and TSTF-523
ML11220002530 September 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of Meeting with TSTF Representatives to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML11280048413 October 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Teleconference Call with the Technical Specifications Task Force Egm Related to SR 3.0.3 Application to the 1st Program
ML11280070419 October 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAcceptance for Review of Traveler TSTF-535, Revision 0, Revise Shutdown Margin Definition to Address Advanced Fuel Designs
ML11287053621 October 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for Tstf/Nrc Meeting on November 10, 2011
ML11287053821 October 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML11294030224 October 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the TSTF Regarding TSTF 523, Rev 0, Generic Letter 2008-01, Managing Gas Accumulation.
ML11304002810 November 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of Public Teleconference Call with the Technical Specifications Task Force Regarding Enforcement Guidance Memorandum Related to Surveillance Requirement 3.0.3 Application to the in Service Testing Program
ML11322017930 November 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of Meeting with TSTF Revision to TSTF-523
ML11326A30013 December 2011Technical Specifications Task ForceNovember 10, 2011, Summary of Quarterly Meeting with TSTF
ML1134600916 June 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceSupplemental Information Needed for Acceptance of Traveler TSTF-534, Revision 0, Clarify Application of Pressure Boundary Leakage Definition
ML12018049725 January 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for Tstf/Nrc Meeting on February 15, 2012
ML12018051025 January 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force
ML12097A5967 January 2013Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-426 Nfc Model Safey Evaluation
ML12107A18520 April 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for May 8, 2012, Meeting with TSTF
ML12107A19620 April 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceForthcoming Public Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF)
ML12121A60425 May 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of the February 15, 2012, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force
ML12158A54713 June 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-523 Acceptance Letter and RAIs
ML12163A15913 June 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-454, Extend PCIV Completion Times (NEDC-33046), Acceptance Letter
ML12167A00713 July 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-531 Acceptance Letter
ML12188A40224 July 2012Technical Specifications Task ForcePublic Meeting Regarding RIS on NRC Position on GDC Relationship to Operability. (Superseded by ML12207A211)
ML12207A21125 July 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceAugust 8, 2012 Meeting Notice with Industry Stakeholders Draft Regulatory Issue Summary (Ris), NRC Staff Position on the Relationship Between General Design Criteria Requirements and Technical Specification Operability (Supersedes ML12188A4
ML12207A50126 July 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceAugust 8 TSTF Meeting Agenda
ML12207A50726 July 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Public Meeting to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Process Related to TSTF Travelers
ML12207A56412 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-530 Non-Acceptance Letter
ML12208A26920 June 2013Technical Specifications Task ForceAcceptance for Review Regarding Traveler TSTF-529, Revision 1, Clarify Use Application Rules
ML12270A1853 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Public Meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the TSTF to Discuss Part 9900
ML12270A2523 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Public Meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) TSTF-529
ML12270A2613 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with the U.S. NRC and BWROG Members of the TSTF Pre-Submittal of RPV Water Inventory Traveler
ML12270A3355 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceAgenda for Forthcoming Public Meeting with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF)
ML12270A4005 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceForthcoming Public Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to Travelers
ML12279A13419 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-454, Rev 2, RAIs
ML12279A20819 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-531 RAIs
ML12279A27719 October 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceTSTF-537 Acceptance Letter
ML12303A0404 December 2012Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of October 17, 2012, Meeting with the BWROG Members of the TSTF Pre-Submittal of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Water Inventory Traveler
ML12303A04125 July 2013Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of Meeting with the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Part 9900
ML12353A34620 December 2012Technical Specifications Task Force1/17/2013 - Agenda for Quarterly Meeting with TSTF
ML12353A47620 December 2012Technical Specifications Task Force1//17/2013 - Notice of Meeting with Technical Speciifactions Task Force (TSTF)
ML13031A17131 January 2013Technical Specifications Task Force2/12/2013 - Notice of Pre-submittal Meeting TSTF-542 on Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Inventory Control (RPVWIC)
ML13045A8604 March 2013Technical Specifications Task ForceRequest for Additional Information Traveler TSTF-537, Revision 0, Increase CIV (Containment Isolation Valve) Completion Time; Update of TSTF-373
ML13099A40317 April 2013Technical Specifications Task ForceNotice of Forthcoming with NRC and the Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to TSTF Travelers
ML13183A4453 July 2013Technical Specifications Task ForceForthcoming Public Meeting Between the NRC and the Technical Specifications Task Force
ML13190A43825 July 2013Technical Specifications Task ForceSummary of Public Meeting with Technical Specifications Task Force Draft Regulatory Issue Summary (Ris), NRC Staff Position on the Relationship Between Gds (General Design Criteria) Requirements and Technical Specification Operability.
ML13351A48824 December 2013Technical Specifications Task Force1/9/2014 Quarterly Meeting Agenda for Forthcoming Public Meeting Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Technical Specifications Task Force
ML13351A49524 December 2013Technical Specifications Task Force1/9/2014 Forthcoming Public Meeting Between the U.S. Nuclear Commission and the Technical Specifications Task Force to Discuss Technical Issues and Administrative Processes Related to Technical Specifications Task Force Travelers
ML14079A06827 March 2014Technical Specifications Task ForceApril 10, 2014, Quarterly Meeting with TSTF - Agenda
ML14083A59027 March 2014Technical Specifications Task ForceForthcoming Public Meeting Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Technical Specifications Task Force