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 Issue dateSiteTitle
ML02219007331 July 2002Vermont YankeeE-mail Vermont Yankee License Transfer
ML04233019530 August 2002Vermont YankeeE-Mail from Gautam Sen, Entergy, to Travis Tate, NRC, Fw NRC Response
ML05279012831 August 2004Vermont YankeeE-mail from L. Larche of USNRC to Various, Regarding 2004 Vermont Yankee Mid-cycle
ML0719400941 August 2007FermiTeleconference with Fermi 2 Regarding Draft Response to Request for Additional Information on Emergency Diesel Generators (EDG) Allowed Outage Time Extension Amendment Request
ML07256022414 September 2007MonticelloNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Regarding Steam Dryers in Extended Power Uprate Conditions
ML11227013915 August 2011Davis BesseRequest for Additional Information Response Clarification from Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Support of License Renewal Application Review
ML12044A13825 August 2011North AnnaEmail from L. Cunningham, NRR to R. Auluck, NRR Et Al FW: PNO-11-11- 005A (North Anna) - Update
ML13267A0809 December 2013Byron
Reactor Systems Branch Safety Evaluation Input to Byron Station Units 1 and 2 and Braidwood Station Units 1 and 2 Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Power Update
ML13276A4943 October 2013PerryNotice of Forthcoming Meeting with Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) to Discuss Proposed Dose Calculations for Fuel
ML13280A90621 October 2013Davis BesseForthcoming Meeting with Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) to Discuss Voluntary Risk Informed Fire Protection Amendment for Davis-Besse
ML13282A6469 October 2013PerryNotice of Cancelled Forthcoming Meeting with Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) to Discuss Proposed Dose Calculations for Fuel
ML14219A2827 August 2014Dresden
Quad Cities
Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) Regarding Areva Xm Fuel Transition Request for Dresden and Quad Cities Nuclear Stations
ML14324A13920 November 2014Dresden
Quad Cities
Notice of Closed Meeting with Exelon Nuclear to Discuss Exelon Nuclear'S 12/19/2013, Application for Amendment of the Dresden and Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station'S Technical Specifications to Add Reference to Topical Report WCAP-16865-P-A
ML15051A04423 March 2015DresdenSummary of 1/14/15, Preapplication Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding Planned Change on Planned Change of Methodology in Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR) for Dresden Nuclear Power Station (TAC Nos. MF5469 and
ML16075A45612 April 2016Calvert CliffsFebruary 24, 2016, Summary of Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC, to Discuss the Flaw Indication in the Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 Pressurizer Safety Valve Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML16273A37729 September 2016Calvert CliffsMemo to File: E-mail from R.Guzman to T.Tate Regarding Meeting Summary of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 and 2 - GSI-191 Resolution and GL 2004-02 Closure
ML17360A20122 December 201707100003Letter to T. J. Tate Part 71 Quality Assurance Program Approval Biennial Change Report
ML18032A66631 January 2018Receipt of Facility Changes Made During 2017
ML18033A03330 January 201807109251Letter to T. J. Tate Revision No. 15 Certificate of Compliance No. 9251, for the Model No. BW-2901 Transportation Package (W/Enclosure 2)
ML18033A03530 January 201807109251Enclosure 1: Certificate of Compliance (Letter to T. J. Tate Revision No. 15 Certificate of Compliance No. 9251, for the Model No. BW-2901 Transportation Package)
ML18039A42815 February 2018Framatome ANP RichlandFramatone Inc. - Acceptance for Review of Framatome Triennial Update to Decommissioning Funding Plan (Enterprise Project Identifier L-2018-DFA-0001)
ML18043A24012 February 2018E-Mail Receipt of Framatome ISA Summary Updates
ML18045A71626 February 2018Framatome ANP RichlandFramatome- Acceptance Review Name Change Amendment (L-2018-LLA-0009)
ML18064A0071 March 201807109252Enclosure 1: Certificate of Compliance (Revision No. 9 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9252 for the Model No. 51032-2 Transportation Package)
ML18064A0081 March 201807109252Letter to T. J. Tate Revision No. 9 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9252 for the Model No. 51032-2 Transportation Package (W/ Enclosure 2)
ML18064A0761 March 201807109319Enclosure 1: Certificate of Compliance (Revision No. 9 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9319, for the Model Nos. MAP-12 and MAP-13 Transportation Packages)
ML18064A0771 March 201807109319Letter to T. J. Tate: Revision No. 9 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9319, for the Model Nos. MAP-12 and MAP-13 Transportation Packages (W/Enclosure 2)
ML18064A1121 March 201807109289Enclosure 1: Certificate of Compliance (Revision No. 6 Certificate of Compliance No. 9289, for the Model No. WE-1 Transportation Package)
ML18064A1131 March 201807109289Letter to T. J. Tate Revision No. 6 Certificate of Compliance No. 9289, for the Model No. WE-1 Transportation Package (W/Enclosure 2)
ML18064A2651 March 201807109248Enclosure 1: Certificate of Compliance (Revision No. 25 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9248, for the Model Nos. SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 Transportation Packages)
ML18064A2661 March 201807109248Letter to T. J. Tate Revision No. 25 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9248, for the Model Nos. SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 Transportation Packages (W/Enclosure 2)
ML18064A3071 March 201807109251Letter to T. J. Tate: Revision No. 16 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9251, for the Model No. BW-2901 Transportation Package (W/Enclosure 2)
ML18106A12526 April 2018Framatome ANP RichlandFramatome, Inc., Amendment 10 to License SNM-1227 Application for Name Change (Enterprise Project Identifier L-2018-LLA-0009)
ML18106A12826 April 2018Framatome ANP RichlandEPID L-2018-LLA-0009 Amendment 10 Conditions (002)
ML18106A15426 April 2018Framatome ANP RichlandEPID L-2018-LLA-0009 - Safety Evaluation Report
ML18129A24516 May 2018Framatome ANP RichlandFramatome: Request for Additional Information Update to Decommissioning Funding Plan (L-2018-DFA-0001)
ML18172A04719 June 201807109319Enclosure 1: Certificate of Compliance (Letter to T. Tate Revision No. 10 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9319, for the Model Nos. MAP-12 and MAP-13 Transportation Package)
ML18172A04819 June 201807109319Letter to T. Tate Revision No. 10 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9319, for the Model Nos. MAP-12 and MAP-13 Transportation Package (W/Enclosure 2)
ML18173A03221 June 201807109372Enclosure 1: Certificate of Compliance (Letter to T. Tate Certificate of Compliance No. 9372, Revision No. 1, for the Model No. TN-B1 Package)
ML18173A03321 June 201807109372Letter to T. Tate Certificate of Compliance No. 9372, Revision No. 1, for the Model No. TN-B1 Package
ML18173A03421 June 201807109372Enclosure 2: Safety Evaluation Report (Letter to T. Tate Certificate of Compliance No. 9372, Revision No. 1, for the Model No. TN-B1 Package)
ML18176A19725 June 2018Framatome ANP Richland2019 Framatome Inspection Schedule (Non-Safeguards)
ML18186A2379 July 2018Framatome ANP RichlandLetter Framatome L-2018-DFA-0001 Decommissioning Funding Plan Update Accept
ML18199A12218 July 2018Framatome ANP RichlandLetter to Framatome Accept for Review of Physical Protection Plan Version 11(L-2018-SPR-0001)
ML18207A30431 July 2018Framatome ANP RichlandFramatome Inc., L-2018-DFA-0001 Approval of Time Extension for Funding Instrument
ML18255A11925 September 2018Framatome ANP RichlandFramatome, Inc., Amendment 11 to License SNM-1227; Physical Protection Plan, Rev. 11 (Enterprise Project L-2018-SPR-0001)
ML18255A17625 September 2018Framatome ANP RichlandL-2018-SPR-0001 Amend 11 SER Enclosure 2 091118
ML18283B3179 October 201807109372Letter to T.J. Tate Certificate of Compliance No. 9372, Revision No. 2, for the Model No. TN-B1 Package
ML18333A14028 November 2018Framatome ANP RichlandEmail- Receipt of Fnmc Plan
ML18340A09416 January 2019Framatome ANP RichlandFramatome - Amend 12 Updated DFP Letter (L-2018-DFA-0010)