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Delay Times for Containment Spray & Containment Accident Fans for Containment Integrity Accident Analysis (Tscr #192)
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/1997
Shared Package
ML20140D697 List:
97-0041, 97-41, NUDOCS 9706110053
Download: ML20140D700 (9)


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l 1.lser: Christina Pozorski (WE4013) Dats: 05/01/1997 at 09.25.50

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Number of Pages f dann, Title of Calculation: WLM 'TiMG5 Fcf. cceTA: CME A1r SPRA1 AOD CcM7AtOMedT MC,@Af r FAfd5 FCA (cotAi0MEcf iprE6airi A(r.10ENT AUALGE6 (TSC R MM2)

(2I Original Calculation 2I QA-Scope O Revised Calculation. Revision # ,

[ Superseding Calculation. Supersedes Calculation # 9LI-04A kvOQ$ Der OHuxfobk Modification # '


CEb b/97 '



Prepared By: Date:

E/dI[N This Calculation has been reviewed in accordance with NP 7.2.4. The review was accoc2plished by one er a combinat' . af the following (as checked):

A review of a representative sample of repetitive A detailed review of the original calculation.


A review of the calculation against a similar A review by an alternate, simplified, or calculation previously performed. approximate method of calculation.


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PBF 1608 1 l Reference (s): NP 7.::.4

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User: Christine Pozorski(WE4013) Dats: 05/01/1997 at 09:25:50 CALCULATION 97-0041


Delay Times For Containment Spray and Containment Accident Fans For Containment Integrity Prepared By: SEP Accident Analyses (TSCR #192) Date: 2/24/97 Page1of5 A.


The purpose of this calculation is to determine the maximum delay times for containment spray and containment fan coolers, to support maximum delay time assumptions used as inputs to containment integrity analysis described in Technical Specification Change Request (TSCR) #192. Condition Report 96-1486 originally identified tha' current delay times exceed

' the current times described in the FSAR. A maximum delay time results in the most limiting analysis.

Note: Inputs and assumptions marked with a "*" are based on containment input assumptions in the final Westinghouse report of the containment integrity analysis being comparable to those contained in Reference 1.



i l

1. Westinghouse FAX dated November 25,1996 (Attachment 1) '
2. PBNP Technical Specification Table 15.3.5-1
3. Westinghouse Logic Diagram 883D195, Sheet 8 Revision 10
4. ORT 3, Appendix C(Unit 1), dated April 29,1993
5. ORT 6 (Unit 1) dated February 12,1996
6. Westinghouse Letter WES 74-47, dated May 31,1994
7. ORT 60 (Unit 1), dated January 31,1997
8. WE Calculation N-87-034, Revision 0, dated September 28,1987
9. WE Drawing P-101, Rev. 8
10. WE Calculation 96-0224, Revision 0, dated October 17,1996
11. WE Letter NPL 96-0224, dated L- 7,1996 i 4
12. Westinghouse FAX dated Nover:h .1996 (Attachment 2, cover sheet only)

C. Assumptions:

' l. The containment integrity analysis assumes a loss of ofTsite power. Tbis analysis with offsite power available would result in a less limiting containment response. Therefore, start time delays for equipment assuming ofTsite power is available do not need to be considered in this calculation.

2. The loss of offsite power is typically assumed to occur at the beginning of the accident as a limiting condition for power availability to equipment. For this calculation, loss of offsite power is assumed to occur coincident with the generation of the SI signal to maximize the total delay time.
3. Valves required to change state during the accident are not limiting components with respect to start time assumptions for containment heat removal. Some Service Water (SW) System valves start to close or oper' (as required) immediately when power is returned to the bus, such as containment fan cooler valves 1/2 SW 2907 and 1/2 SW-2908 and are clearly not limiting components with respect to the containment integrity analysis. However, several SW System valves are on a relatively long time delay (TDR 10 and TDR-20) and must change state within the time assumed in the containment integrity accident analysis so that flow is not " diverted" from the fan-coolers to other portions of the SW System. These valves include (with maximum IST stroke closed times as obtained from the IST engineer): SW 2816 - 28.88 seconds, SW-2817 17.32 seconds, SW-2930A - 19.54 seconds, SW.

2930B - 21.97 seconds, SW LW 8.3 seconds, SW-LW 10.42 seconds and 1/2 SW-2880 -

16.5 seconds. With the exception of SW-2816, these stroke times will result in the SW System valves

User Ch,ristina Pozorski(WE4013) D:t2 05/01/1997 at 09:25:50


Delay Times For Containment Spray and Containment CALCULATION 97-0041 Accident Fans For Containment Integrity Prepared By: SEP Accident Analyses (TSCR #192) Date: 2/24/97 Page 2 of 5 being fully closed within the 67 second fan-cooler start time assumed in TSCR #192'. Condition Report 97-0740 reported that SW-2816 could be in an intermediate position at the time containment heat removal is assumed. He prompt operability determination associated with this condition report, however, stated that the effect of this condition had a minor impact on flows, and the fan-coolers could still function (remove heat) as assumed in the containment integrity accident analysis. Derefore, it can be assumed that SW System valve str: ke times are not limiting components with respect to the start time assumption in TSCR #192.

The Containment Spray Pump discharge motor operated valves (SI-860A/B/C/D) are required to open within 16.5 seconds. His stroke time is necessary for the valve to be fully open by the time the spray pump is at full capacity (11.5 second time delay + 5 second acceleration). De IST stroke time acceptance limit is within this requirement per discussions with the IST valve engineer for all of these valves (15 seconds is the maximum stroke-open IST acceptance limit for both units). The containment spray pump discharge motor operated valves will therefore change state in the required times.

4. For the purpose of calculating spray header fill times, the following assumptions are made:
a. 6-inch. 4-inch, and 3-inch header piping lengths documented in Calculation N-87-034 [Ref. 8] are considered to represent actual pipe lengths. Accordingly, Unit 1 Train B has the longest header fill time based on the piping lengths in Reference 8.

b.The spray piping is assumed to be filled to where the split piping rejoinsjust below check valve ISI-862B [Ref. 9, G-4]. His assumption is based on Operations Refueling Te:,t ORT-60 [Ref. 7) draining this pipini; to this valve prior to performing a seat leakage test. Piping upstream of MOVs SI-860C and SI-860D is flooded by RWST water, and assumed to be filled and vented.

c.The 1/8-inch continuous drain hole in the containment spray pipe as shown on Westinghouse Drawing Il0E017 Sheet 3 has a negligible effect on spray header fill times.


d. Pipe inside diameters are assumed to be 6.066 inches for 6-inch pipe,4.026 for 4-inch pipe and j 3.068 inches for 3-inch pipe based on the inside diameter for Schedule 40S pipe. l
5. For the purpose of calculating containment accident fan start times, it is noted that the assumption that fan-coolers "begin" removing heat when the fan reaches full speed is done to simplify the containment integrity accident analysis, and is a very conservative assumption. For example, three or four fan coolers are typically running during normal operation, but no credit is taken for fan-cooler heat removal while the fans are coasting down after the accident (expected to take a few minutes) or reaccelerating to full speed. even tnough heat would be removed during this coastdown/ acceleration I

phase *.

' Based on 1/2 second to the Si signal,2 seconds for signal processing,10 seconds for diesel start delay,31.5 seconds for TDR-10/20 delay (based on as-found acceptance limits in ICP 5.58), the stroke time must be less than 23 seconds to be fully closed within 67 seconds. De IST acceptance limits indicate that all valves, except for SW-2816, stroke-closed within this time.

  • It is also noted that the two fan-coolers in the train assumed to have failed (no fans operating) would also remove heat fan simply by being in the steam-air mixture for the duration of the accident, with cold service water passing through the coils. Credit for this form of heat removal is also not taken in the containment integrity accident analysis.


1 Us:r: Christina Pozorski(WE4013) Dati 05/01/1997 at 09:25:50 l


Delay Times For Containment Spray and Containment CALCULATION 97-0041 i Accident Fans For Containment Integrity Prepared By: SEP  ;

Accident Analyses (TSCR #192) Date: 2/24/97 j Page 3 of 5  !

D. Inputs:

For this calculation, the total delay time is defined from the time from the primary system pipe rupture to the time full containment spray flove occurs from the spray nozz!cs, or fan coolers are at full heat removal. Contributors to the total delay time are (1) time between primary system rupture to when the sensor reaches the safety injection / containment spray setpoint,(2) signal processing time delay, (3) diesel generator time delay, (4) safeguard sequencer time delay plus uncertainty, (5) pump / fan acceleration delay, and (6) containment spray header fill time, nese contributors are discussed in detail below:

, 'I. Time from Primary System Runture to SI/CS Setnoint This time is conservatively derived from containment pressure data from Westinghouse computer runs of the containment pressure transient

[Ref.1]. His data is obtained from the same program that developed the containment pressure transient used in the supplement to TSCR #192 . He time to the Si signal was chosen to be 0.5 seconds, which is slightly greater than the calculated time from containment initial conditions of 15 psia (about normal) and temperatures of 120*F (upper maximum) to 9 psig. 9 psig was chosen because it is conservative with respect to the containment hi pressure setting limit of 56 psig per Technical Specification Table 15.3.5 1 [Ref. 2], and is the pressure used by Westinghouse in the Reference I calculation'. Computer runs based on initial containment conditions ofless than 15 psia and a bounding low containment temperature would provide the most conservative time to 9 psig, however, these conditions would not provide the most limiting ant. lysis results.

De time to the containment hi-hi(P) signal is about 2.5 seconds, which is based on the same Westinghouse computer mas described above to a containment pressure of 31 psig. His is conservative with respect to the containment hi-hi pressure setting limit of $30 psig per Technical Specification Table 15.3.5-1 [Ref. 2]. It is noted that based on the logic diagram [Ref. 3] the time to the P signal has no impact on the sequence of events, as it arrives well before the bus is energized.

2. Sienni Processing Delay. A signal processing time of 2 seconds will be added to the maximum time delays. This is a conservative historical value used by Westinghouse in accident analyses which represents the signal delay from the time the pressure in containment reaches the assumed setpoint described in D.1 above to the time at which relay contacas to equipment actuated by SI (for this calculation, the diesel generators) change state (close). ne signal processing delay associated with the containment hi-hi setpoint described in D.'l above is abo 2 seconds, but has no impact on the sequence of events.
3. Diesel Generator Time Delav. A diesel generetor stut time of 10 seconds will be assumed. his is the maximum allowed time from the initiating sig'.41 at the diesel generator to the time the bus is reenergized. This is consistent with ORT-3, Appendix C which states that 510 seconds is the time from the start signal until pewer is restored on the 4160 VAC safeguards bus [Ref. 4].

l l

l l

l l

' When the final Westinghouse report is completed, the pressure data from that report will be compared against this data. This calcuiation will be revised if any changes are necessary.

Dis data point is not listed in the ra w data in Attachment 1, but was included by Westinghouse in this calculation as documented in a previous calculation (Attachment 2).

l User; Ct]ristina Pozorski(WE4013) D:tr 05/01/1997 at 09:25:50 '



Delay Times For Containment Spray and Containment CALCULATION 97-0041 Accident Fans For Containment Integrity Prepared By: SEP Accident Analyses (TSCR #192) Date: 2/24/97 Page 4 of 5

4. Safeenard Gnuancer Time Delav Plus Uncertainty. His is the time from when power is restored via the diesel generators to the time a start signal is received by the fan / pump. Sequencer time delays for fans and sprays are as follows:
a. The containment fan cooler time maximum acceptable delay from ORT 3 is 49.5 seconds [Ref. 4].

His time delay is conservatively assumed to apply to both fans, even though one starts at a maximum time delay of 41.8 seconds [Ref. 4].


b. The containment spray pump maximum acceptable delay from ORT 6 is 11.5 seconds [Ref. 5]. 1 Note that the containment spray pumps are not sequenced on an SI Signal. However, they are f

actuated following a separate time delay following a high-high containment pressure signal (P j



5. l Fan /Pumn Acceleration Delav. This is the time from when the fan / pump receives a start signal to  ;

when the fan / pump is at the assumed capacity in the containment integrity accident analysis.

Fan / pump acceleration delays are as follows:

a. The containment fan cooler acceleration delay is 5 seconds [Ref.11].
b. He spray pump acceleration delay is 5 seconds per Reference 6, which states that all other .

Westinghouse motors not listed in the table attached to Reference 6 were determined to have acceleration delays equal to or less than 5 seconds.

6. Containment Snrav Handar Fill Time This is the time from when the pump is at the assumed capacity of 1200 gpm to the time water exits the spray nozzles. A 1200 gpm flow rate is used because the initial spray flow rates from a filled RWST are expected to be well in excess of this amount [Ref.10].

The header fill time is based on the following pipe lengths for Unit i "B" Train spray (Assumption 4]

from Reference 8:

. Total length of empty 6-inch piping is total length of the 6 inch piping starting at the pump discharge (after the short 4-inch pipe section) as determined by Reference 8, minus the assumed 8

flooded prtion [ Assumption 4] cf 409 feet,4 "/a"(total length)- 16 feet,6 /,"(flooded) = 392 feet,10 /a" or 392.84 feet [Ref. 8, page 21]. It is noted that only the average length of the split section (16 feet,6 '/s") needs to be subtracted, not the combined split length, because the combined split length was not part of the tota 1400 feet,4 "/u".

  • Total length of 4-inch piping is the por; ion at the pump discharge of 2.83 feet [Ref. 8, page 20] plus 38.91 feet [Ref. 8, page 22] or 41.74 feet. However, since the 2.83 foot section can be assumed to be flooded [ Assumption 4],38.91 feet will be used.

. Total length of 3 inch piping is 145.66 feet [Ref. 8, page 23]

E. Calculation His calculation will first calculate the spray header fill time using the pump capacity and piping lengths from D.6 above, then conservatively combine the separate delay times from the remainder of Input Section D to determine the overall maximum delay times for pumps and fans to perform their function as assumed in the containment integrity analysis.

Spray Header Fill Time:

Header piping volume = D[3.033/12]*

  • 392.84 + T![2.013/12]2
  • 38.91 + fl[1.534/12]2
  • 145.66 = 89.76 ff Total header fill time: 89.76 ff
  • mmute
  • 1 gallon
  • 60 seconds = 33.6 seconds 1200 gallons 0.13368 ff minute

. , - , 1

User: Christina Pozorski(WE4013) Dats: 05/01/1997 at 09:25:50



Delay Times For Containment Spray and Containment CALCULATION 97-0041 Accident Fans For Containment Integrity Prepared By: SEP Accident Analyses (TSCR #192) Date: 2/24/97 Page 5 of 5 Containment Fan Cooler Maximum Delay Time = D1 + D2 + D3 + D4a + D5a i

= 0.5 + 2 + 10 + 49.5 + 5 l

= 67 seconds Containment Spray Pump Maximum Delay Time = DI + D2+ D3 + D4b+ D5b+ Header Fill Time

= 0.5 + 2 + 10 + 11.5 + 5 + 33.6

= 62.6 seconds l

F. Results A delay time of 67 seconds or greater for containment fan coolers to reach full capacity will conservatively model the operation of the fan coolers for the containment integrity analysis. A delay  ;

time of 62.6 seconds or greater will conservatively model the operation of the containment spray pump for the containment integrity analysis.

G. Conclusion  !


Since the containment response curves in TSCR #192 use 67 seconds for fan coolers and 63 seconds l

for spray delivery, the results of this calculation demonstrates that those inputs are conservative. i l


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User. Christins Pozorski (WE4013i Dat'. : 05/01/1997 at 09.25:50 . ,

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User Christin3 Pozorski(WE4013) Dats: 05/01/1997 at 09:25:50

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T.) tAtc. O-cO91 FAX COVER SHEET W Westinghouse e SENDER INFORM ATION i RECIPIENT IN FORMATICN , 1il t qlq 6 NAME: hg,y .g CATE: LCCATION: d l TO: m /d Pm /qe, q v.) -g gf, -) "HC NE: yj,t.37y.yogy PHONE: COMPANV: Wjy my,g/[4,,h c h FAX: (412) 374 5099 LOCATICN: /f/f bd,g (, Cover + Pages 1 + *[

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