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Ohio Dept of Public Safety - Request for Permission to Observe the NRC Inspection Related to Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment at Davis-Besse/Letter
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/2007
From: O'Claire C
State of OH, Dept of Public Safety
To: Lickus R
Division of Nuclear Materials Safety III
Download: ML071620345 (3)


-* OHIO DEPARTMENT Ted Strickland, Governor E-4 OF PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION SERVICE .PROTECTION Administration Bureau of Motor Vehicles Emergency Management Agency Emergency Medical Services Division Henry GurmBn, Director Nancy J. Dragani Executive Director Emergency Management Agency Offce of Cnminal Justice Services 2855 West Dublin-Granville Road

  • Ohio Homeland Security Columbus Ohio 43235-2206 Ohio Investigative Unit (614) 889-7150 Ohio State Highway Patrol www ema Ohio gov June 5,2007 Mr. Roland Lickus, Chief State and Government Affairs for Region Ill Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2443 Warrensville Road, Suite 210 Lisle, Illinois 60532-435 1

Dear Mr. Lickus:

This letter requests permission to observe the NRC inspection related to Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation and Protective Equipment at Davis-Besse scheduled for the week of June 18-22, 2007. Terry McCall of the Ohio Department of Health has been selected by the Utility Radiological Safety Board to be the designated observer. Ms. McCall has not obtained unescorted access authorization; therefore, a plant escort will be necessary. Coordination will be with Mr. Tony Go, lead Regional NRC inspector.

Enclosed is a copy of Ms. McCall's signed NRC/State Protocol Statement.


&PJd=6 CAROLO'CLAI E State Liaison Officer C0C:ee Enclosure Mission Statement "to save lives. reduce injunes and economic loss. to administer Ohio s motor vehicle laws and to preserve the safety and well being of all citizens with the most cost-effecbve and sewm-onented methods available "


'85/29./2007 16:50 614-466-8381 RAD PROTECTINM PAGE 63/64 Protocol Agreement for State Observation of NRC Tnspections NRC Protocol:

The Regional State Liaison Officer (RSLO)will normally be the lead individual rcsponsible for tracking requests for State observation, assuring consistency regarding thcsc requests, and for advising the Regional Administrator on the dispositions of these requests. The appropriate technicaI representative or Division Dircctw will communicate with the State on specific issues cmceming the inspections(s).

Requests for obscrvations of Headquancr-based inspections will also bc coordinated through the RSLO.

Headqumcrs-based inspections should be referred through the RSLO to a technical represcntative designated by the Region.

NRC will process written requests to the Regional Administrator through thc State Liaison Officer (SLO).

Requests should identify the type o f inspection activity and facility the State wishes to observe.

Limits on scope and duration of the observation period may be imposed if, in the view of the Regional Administrator, they compromisethe efficiency or effectiveness of the inspection. Regions should use their discretion as to which. if any, inspections will be excluded from observations.

State will be informed they must not release information concerning the time and purpose of unannounced insped ons.

The Region will make it clear to the licensee that the State views arc not necessarily endorsed by NRC.The Region will also make it clear rhat only NRC has regulatory authority for inspection findings and enforcement actions regarding radiological health and s a f q .

State Protocol:

A State will make advance arrangements with the licensee for site access training and badging (subject to fitness for duty requircmmts). prior to thc actual inspection.

Normally. no morc than one individual will be allowed to observe an NRC inspection.

Thc State will be responsible for detcrmining the technical and professional competence of its representatives who accompany NRC inspectors.

An obsewefs communication with the licensee will be through the appropriate MRC team member, usually the senior resident inspector M rhc team leader.

When informed of an unannounced inspccrion. a State must not release information concerning its time and purpose.

An observer will remain in the company of NRC personnel throughout the coursc of the inspection.

State observation may be terminated by the NRC if the observer's conduct interfens with a fair and orderly inspcction, An observcr will not be provided with proprietary or safepards information. Obsnvers will not remove m y material fromthc site without NRC or licensee approval.

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,65/29/2007 16: 50 614-466-0381 RAD PROTECTINM PAGE 64/84 2

The State observer, in accompanying the NRC inspectors. does so a his OT hcr own risk.NRC will not be responsible for injuries or mposures to harmful substances which may occur to the accompanying individual during the inspcction and will assume no liability for any incidents associated with the accornpanhent.

The State observer will be expected ta adhme to the same conduct ag NRC inspectors during an inspection accompaniment.

If the State obstrvcr notices any apparent non-confonnance with safety or regulatory requirements during the inspections. hc/she will make those observations promptly known M the NRC team leader or lcad inspector.

Likewise, when overall conclusions OT views of thc State observer aTe substantially different from tbose of the NRC inspectors, the State will advise the tcarn leadm OT lead inspector and forward those views, in writing. to the NRC Region. This will allow NRC to take any necessary iegulatary actions.

Under no circumstances should Starc communications regarding these inspections be rcleased to the public or the licensec before they are rcviewed by the NRC and the inspection report is issued. State communications may be made publicly available. similar to NRC inspection reporrs, after they have been transmitted to and rcviewed by NRC.

Adjacnt State Prorocol:

An adjacent Smtc i s a State within the plume exposurc pathway emergency planning m e (EPZ)(within approximately a IO-miIe radius) of an NRC-Ucetlscd Facility located in another State. A host State is a State in which an NRC-licensed facility i s located. An adjacent State may rcquest permission to observe NRC inspections at an NRC-licensed facility in a host State.

The adjacent State SLO must communicatc hisher request for observation to the Regional Administrator for the region in which the facility is located.

The adjacent State SLO must also communicate hisher request to the host State SLO so that each State is aware.

of the cvrhcr's intentions.

Ifa host State and M adjacent Starc request observation of the same inspection, the Regional Administrator will make the final determination on thc number of State observers who may attend rhe inspection. If there is a necd to limit thc numbers of observers, the Regional Administrator will routinely give prefercnce to the host State observers.

  • Adjacent Statc observers will abide by the samc protocol in all aspects of the inspeaion as host States under this agreement.
