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Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report January 1 Through December 31, 2014
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 05/11/2015
Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML15134A246 List:
Download: ML15134A248 (170)


NRC Docket No: 50-295 50-304 72-1037 ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNITS 1 and 2 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 1 January Through 31 December 2014 Prepared By Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services ii ZIONSOLUTIONSUX taio NclarPowr Zio Zion Nuclear Power Station Zion, IL 60099 May 2015 Page I of 170

Table Of Contents I. Sum mary and Conclusions .............................................................................................. 1 I1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3 A. Objectives of the REM P .................................................................................. 3 B. Im plem entation of the Objectives .................................................................. 3 Ill. Program Description ................................................................................................ 3 A. Sam ple Collection ......................................................................................... 3 B. Sam ple Analysis ............................................................................................ 5 C. Data Interpretation ......................................................................................... 6 D. Program Exceptions ....................................................................................... 7 E. Program Changes ......................................................................................... 8 IV. Results and Discussion ............................................................................................ 8 A. Aquatic Environm ent ....................................................................................... 8

1. Public W ater ....................................................................................... 8
2. Fish ..................................................................................................... 8
3. Sedim ent ............................................................................................... 9 B. Atmospheric Environment .............................................................................. 9
1. Airborne ................................................................................................ 9
a. Air Particulates ......................................................................... 9 C. Terrestrial Environment .................................................................................. 10
1. Food Product ..................................................................................... 10 D. Am bient Gam m a Radiation ........................................................................... 10 E. Land Use Survey .......................................................................................... 10 F. Errata Data .................................................................................................. 11 G. Summary of Results - Inter-laboratory Comparison Program ..................... 11 Page 2 of 170

Appendices Appendix A Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report Summary Tables Table A-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Annual Summary for the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Appendix B Location Designation, Distance & Direction, and Sample Collection &

Analytical Methods Tables Table B-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Sampling Locations, Distance and Direction, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Table B-2 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Summary of Sample Collection and Analytical Methods, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Fi-gures Figure B-1 Inner Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Figure B-2 Outer Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Figure B-3 Fish, Water and Sediment Sampling Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Appendix C Data Tables and Figures - Primary Laboratory Tables Table C-1.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Table C-1.2 Concentrations of Tritium in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-1.3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-11.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Fish Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

ii Page 3 of 170

Table C-I11.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Sediment Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-IV.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-IV.2 Monthly and Yearly Mean Values of Gross Beta Concentrations (E-3 pCi/cu meter) in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-IV.3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-V.1 Concentration of Gamma Emitters in Vegetation Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station,2014 Table C-VI.1 Quarterly TLD Results for Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-VI.2 Mean Quarterly TLD Results for the Inner Ring, ISFSI Inner Ring, Outer Ring, Other and Control Locations for Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table C-VI.3 Summary of the Ambient Dosimetry Program for Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Figqures Figure C-1 Public Water - Gross Beta - Stations Z-1 4 and Z-1 5 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS, 2000 - 2014.

Figure C-2 Public Water- Gross Beta - Stations Z-16 and Z-18 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS, 2000 - 2014.

Figure C-3 Public Water - Tritium - Stations Z-1 4 and Z-1 5 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS, 2000 - 2014.

Figure C-4 Public Water - Tritium - Stations Z-1 6 and Z-1 8 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS, 2000 - 2014.

Figure C-5 Air Particulates - Gross Beta - Stations Z-01 and Z-02 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS, 2000 - 2014.

Figure C-6 Air Particulate - Gross Beta - Stations Z-03 and Z-1 3 Collected in the Vicinity of ZNPS, 2000 - 2014.

Appendix D Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program Tables Table D-1 Analytics Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering, 2014 iii Page 4 of 170

Table D-2 ERA Environmental Radioactivity Cross Check Program Teledyne Brown Engineering, 2014 Table D-3 DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)

Teledyne Brown Engineering, 2014 Table D-4 ERA Statistical Summary Proficiency Testing Program Environmental, Inc., 2014 Table D-5 DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP)

Environmental, Inc., 2014 Appendix E Effluent Data Appendix F Meteorological Data Appendix G Annual Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Report (ARGPPR) iv Page 5 of 170

1. Summary and Conclusions This report on the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program conducted for the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS) by ZionSolutions (ZS) covers the period 1 January 2014 through 31 December 2014. During that time period, 592 analyses were performed on 528 samples. In assessing all the data gathered for this report and comparing these results with preoperational data, it was concluded that the operation of ZNPS had no adverse radiological impact on the environment.

Public water samples were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta, tritium and gamma emitting nuclides. No fission or activation products were detected.

Gross beta activities detected were consistent with those detected in previous years.

Fish (commercially and recreationally important species) and sediment samples were analyzed for concentrations of gamma emitting nuclides. No Cs-1 37 activity was detected in fish or sediment samples. No plant produced fission or activation products were found in fish or sediment.

Air particulate samples were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta and gamma emitting nuclides. No fission or activation products were detected.

Environmental gamma radiation measurements were performed quarterly using thermoluminescent dosimeters.

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II. Introduction The Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS), consisting of two 1,100 MWt pressurized water reactor was owned and operated by Exelon Corporation, is located in Zion, Illinois adjacent to Lake Michigan. Unit No. 1 went critical in December 1973. Unit No. 2 went critical in September 1974. The plant permanently ceased operation in January of 1998 and has been permanently defueled. The site is located in northeast Illinois on the western shore of Lake Michigan, approximately 50 miles north of Chicago, Illinois.

This report covers those analyses performed by Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE), Mirion Technologies and Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) on samples collected during the period 1 January 2014 through 31 December 2014.

A. Objective of the REMP The objectives of the REMP are to:

1. Provide data on measurable levels of radiation and radioactive materials in the site environs.
2. Evaluate the relationship between quantities of radioactive material released from the plant and resultant radiation doses to individuals from principal pathways of exposure.

B. Implementation of the Objectives The implementation of the objectives is accomplished by:

1. Identifying significant exposure pathways.
2. Establishing baseline radiological data of media within those pathways.
3. Continuously monitoring those media before and during Station operation to assess Station radiological effects (if any) on man and the environment.

Ill. Program Description A. Sample Collection Samples for the ZNPS REMP were collected for ZS by Environmental Inc.

(Midwest Labs). This section describes the general collection methods used by Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) to obtain environmental Page 8 of 170

samples for the ZNPS REMP in 2014. Sample locations and descriptions can be found in Table B-1 and Figures B-1 and B-2, Appendix B. The sampling methods used by Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) are listed in Table B-2.

Aquatic Environment The aquatic environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on samples of public water, fish and sediment. Two gallon water samples were collected monthly from four public water locations (Z-14, Z-15, Z-16 and Z-18). Control locations were Z-14 and Z-18. All samples were collected in new unused plastic bottles, which were rinsed at least twice with source water prior to collection. Fish samples comprising the flesh of common carp, chinook salmon, lake trout, longnose sucker, burbot and largemouth bass were collected semiannually at two locations, Z-26 and Z-27. Sediment samples composed of recently deposited substrate were collected at one location semiannually, Z-25.

Atmospheric Environment The atmospheric environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on samples of air particulates. Airborne particulate samples were collected and analyzed weekly at four locations (Z-01, Z-02, Z-03, and Z-13). The control location was Z-13. Airborne particulate samples were obtained at each location, using a vacuum pump with glass fiber filters attached. The pumps were run continuously and sampled air at the rate of approximately one cubic foot per minute. The filters were replaced weekly and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Terrestrial Environment The terrestrial environment was evaluated by performing radiological analyses on food product samples. Food products were collected annually in September at three locations (Z-Control, Z-Quad 3 and Z-Quad 4). The control location was Z-Control. Various types of samples were collected and placed in new unused plastic bags and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Ambient Gamma Radiation Direct radiation measurements were made using 2 CaF 200 and 2 LiF 100 LiF 4-chip Harshaw thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). Each location consisted of 2 TLD sets. The TLD locations were placed on and around the ZNPS site at the following locations:

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Inner Ring: Z-101, Z-102, Z-103, Z-104, Z-105, Z-106, Z-107, Z-108, Z-110, Z-111, Z-112, Z-113, Z-114, and Z-115 Other: Z-01, Z-02, Z-03 ISFSI Inner Ring: Z-121, Z-122, Z-123, Z-124, Z-125 Outer Ring: Z-209, Z-211, Z-212, Z-213, Z-214, Z-215, Z-216 Control: Z-13 The specific TLD locations were determined by the following criteria:

1. The presence of relatively dense population;
2. Site meteorological data taking into account distance and elevation for each of the sixteen-22 1/2 degree sectors around the site, where estimated annual dose from ZNPS, if any, would be most significant;
3. On hills free from local obstructions and within sight of the vents (where practical);
4. And near the closest dwelling to the vents in the prevailing downwind direction.

(Two TLDs - each comprised of two CaF 2 200 and 2 LiF 100 LiF 4-chip thermoluminescent phosphors enclosed in plastic - were placed at each location approximately four to eight feet above ground level. The TLDs were exchanged quarterly and sent to Mirion Technologies for analysis.

B. Sample Analysis This section describes the general analytical methodologies used by TBE and Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) to analyze the environmental samples for radioactivity for the ZNPS REMP in 2014. The analytical procedures used by the laboratories are listed in Table B-2.

In order to achieve the stated objectives, the current program includes the following analyses:

1. Concentrations of beta emitters in public water and air particulates.
2. Concentrations of gamma emitters in public water, air particulates, fish, and sediment.

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3. Concentrations of tritium in public water.
4. Ambient gamma radiation levels at various site environs.

C. Data Interpretation The radiological and direct radiation data collected prior to Zion Nuclear Power Station becoming operational were used as a baseline with which these operational data were compared. For the purpose of this report, Zion Nuclear Power Station was considered operational at initial criticality.

In addition, data was compared to previous years' operational data for consistency and trending. Several factors were important in the interpretation of the data:

1. Lower Limit of Detection and Minimum Detectable Concentration The lower limit of detection (LLD) is defined as the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a sample that would yield a net count (above background) that would be detected with only a 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal. The LLD is intended as a before the fact estimate of a system (including instrumentation, procedure and sample type) and not as an after the fact criteria for the presence of activity. All analyses were designed to achieve the required ZNPS detection capabilities for environmental sample analysis.

The minimum detectable concentration (MDC) is defined above with the exception that the measurement is an after the fact estimate of the presence of activity.

2. Net Activity Calculation and Reporting of Results Net activity for a sample was calculated by subtracting background activity from the sample activity. Since the REMP measures extremely small changes in radioactivity in the environment, background variations may result in sample activity being lower than the background activity affecting a negative number. An MDC was reported in all cases where positive activity was not detected.

Gamma spectroscopy results for each type of sample were grouped as follows:

For public water, sediment and air particulates 11 nuclides, Mn-54, Co-58, Fe-59, Co-60, Zn-65, Nb-95, Zr-95, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ba-140, and La-140 were reported.

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Means and standard deviations of the results were calculated. The standard deviations represent the variability of measured results for different samples rather than single analysis uncertainty.

D. Program Exceptions For 2014 the ZNPS REMP had a sample recovery rate in excess of 99%.

Sample anomalies and missed samples are listed in the tables below:

Table D-1 LISTING OF SAMPLE ANOMALIES Sample Location Collection Reason Type Code Date TLD Z-214-1,-2 01/03/14 TLDs not exchanged due to unsafe conditions; returned to Station.

PW Z-14 05/21/14 Water plant closed for repairs; sample collected 05/22/14.

TLD Z-103-1,-2 06/04/14 Collected unable to check due to Z-Z-104-1 ,-2 safety issue; demolition at locations.

Station will check.

TLD Z-103-1,-2 07/02/14 Collected unable to check due to Z-Z-104-1,-2 safety issue; demolition at locations.

Station will check.

PW Z-16 12/23/14 Pump not operating; sample taken from "raw" water setting tank.

PW Z-16 12/31/14 Pump not operating; sample taken from "raw" water setting tank.

Table D-2 LISTING OF MISSED SAMPLES Sample Location Collection Reason Type Code Date There were no missed samples in 2014.

Each program exception was reviewed to understand the causes of the program exception. Sampling and maintenance errors were reviewed with the personnel involved to prevent recurrence. Occasional equipment breakdowns and power outages were unavoidable.

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The overall sample recovery rate indicates that the appropriate procedures and equipment are in place to assure reliable program implementation.

E. Program Changes There were no program changes in 2014.

IV. Results and Discussion A. Aquatic Environment

1. Public Water Samples were taken weekly and composited monthly at four locations (Z-1 4, Z-1 5, Z-1 6 and Z-1 8). The following analyses were performed.

Gross Beta Samples from all locations were analyzed for concentrations of gross beta (Table C-1.1, Appendix C). Gross beta was detected in 34 of 48 samples. The values ranged from 2.1 pCi/I to 4.3 pCi/I.

Concentrations detected were consistent with those detected in previous years (Figures C-1 and C-2, Appendix C).

Tritium Quarterly composites of weekly collections were analyzed for tritium activity (Table C-1.2, Appendix C). No tritium was detected and the LLD was met (Figures C-3 and C-4, Appendix C).

Gamma Spectrometry Samples from both locations were analyzed for gamma emitting nuclides (Table C-1.3, Appendix C). No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

2. Fish Fish samples comprised of common carp, chinook salmon, lake trout, burbot, and smallmouth bass were collected at two locations (Z-26 and Z-27) semiannually. The following analysis was performed:

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Gamma Spectrometry The edible portion of fish samples from both locations was analyzed for gamma emitting nuclides (Table C-11.1, Appendix C).

No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

3. Sediment Aquatic sediment samples were collected at one location (Z-25) semiannually. The following analysis was performed:

Gamma Spectrometry Sediment samples from Z-25 were analyzed for gamma emitting nuclides (Table C-111.1, Appendix C). No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

B. Atmospheric Environment

1. Airborne
a. Air Particulates Continuous air particulate samples were collected from three locations on a weekly basis. The three locations were within the ZNPS site boundary (Z-01, Z-02 and Z-03). The following analyses were performed:

Gross Beta Weekly samples were analyzed for concentrations of beta emitters (Table C-IV.1 and C-IV.2, Appendix C).

Detectable gross beta activity was observed at all locations.

Comparison of results among the three groups aid in determining the effects, if any, resulting from the operation of ZNPS. The results from the On-Site locations ranged from 6 E-3 pCi/mi3 to 30 E-3 pCi/m 3 with a mean of 16 E-3 pCi/m 3 . The results from the Control location ranged from 7 E-3 pCi/m 3 to 29 E-3 pCi/m 3 with a mean of 17 E-3 pCi/m 3.

Comparison of the 2014 air particulate data with previous years data indicate no effects from the operation of ZNPS.

Concentrations detected were consistent with those detected in previous years.

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Gamma Spectrometry Weekly samples were composited quarterly and analyzed for gamma emitting nuclides (Table C-IV.3, Appendix C).

No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

C. Terrestrial Environment

2. Food Product Food product samples were collected at three locations (Z-Control, Z-Quad 3 and Z-Quad 4) when available. The following analysis was performed:

Gamma Spectrometry Samples from all locations were analyzed for gamma emitting nuclides (Table C-V.1, Appendix C). No nuclides were detected and all required LLDs were met.

D. Ambient Gamma Radiation Ambient gamma radiation levels were measured utilizing Harshaw (CaF and LiF) thermoluminescent dosimeters. Sixty TLD locations were established around the site. Results of TLD measurements are listed in Tables C-VI.1 to C-VI.3, Appendix C.

Most TLD measurements were below 25 mR/quarter, with a range of 17 mR/quarter to 104 mR/quarter.

E. Land Use Survey A Land Use Census conducted during August 2014 around the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS) was performed by Environmental Inc.

(Midwest Labs) for ZS to comply with Chapter 3 of the Zion Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The purpose of the survey was to document the nearest resident, milk producing animal and garden of greater than 500 ft2 in each of the sixteen 22 2degree sectors around the site. The results of this survey are summarized below.

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Distance in Miles from ZS Sector Residence Garden Milk Farm Miles Miles Miles N 2.5 3.4 >10 NNE NE ENE E


SSW 1.9 >10 >10 SW 1.1 4.8 >10 WSW 1.0 3.0 >10 W 1.1 2.9 >10 WNW 1.0 2.7 >10 NW 1.0 3.2 >10 NNW 1.3 3.5 >10 F. Errata Data There is no errata data for 2014.

G. Summary of Results - Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program The primary and secondary laboratories analyzed Performance Evaluation (PE) samples of air particulate, air iodine, milk, soil, vegetation and water matrices for (Appendix D). The PE samples, supplied by Analytics Inc., Environmental Resource Associates (ERA) and DOE's Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP), were evaluated against the following pre-set acceptance criteria:

1. Analytics Evaluation Criteria Analytics' evaluation report provides a ratio of laboratory results and Analytics' known value. Since flag values are not assigned by Analytics, TBE-ES evaluates the reported ratios based on internal QC requirements, which are based on the DOE MAPEP criteria.
2. ERA Evaluation Criteria ERA's evaluation report provides an acceptance range for control and warning limits with associated flag values. ERA's acceptance limits are established per the USEPA, National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC), state specific Page 16 of 170

performance testing (PT) program requirements or ERA's SOP for the Generation of Performance Acceptance Limits, as applicable.

The acceptance limits are either determined by a regression equation specific to each analyte or a fixed percentage limit promulgated under the appropriate regulatory document.

3. DOE Evaluation Criteria MAPEP's evaluation report provides an acceptance range with associated flag values.

The MAPEP defines three levels of performance: Acceptable (flag = "A"), Acceptable with Warning (flag = "W"), and Not Acceptable (flag = "N"). Performance is considered acceptable when a mean result for the specified analyte is +/- 20% of the reference value. Performance is acceptable with warning when a mean result falls in the range from +/-20% to +/-30% of the reference value (i.e., 20% < bias < 30%). Ifthe bias is greater than 30%, the results are deemed not acceptable.

In reviewing our environmental inter-laboratory crosscheck programs, we identified 1) duplication of efforts on some matrices and isotopes and 2) that we are performing crosscheck samples on some matrices and isotopes that we do not perform for clients. Since the DOE MAPEP is designed to evaluate the ability of analytical facilities to correctly analyze for radiological constituents representative of those at DOE sites, the needed changes were made to the MAPEP program. Therefore, the following isotopes were removed from the MAPEP program:

Soil - gamma - will be provided by Analytics twice per year, starting in 2015. For 2014, one soil gamma is provided by MAPEP, the 2 nd soil gamma is provided by Analytics.

AP - gamma - is currently provided by Analytics.

Water - gamma, H-3, Sr-90, uranium, gross alpha and gross beta currently provided by ERA.

MAPEP evaluates non-reported (NR) analyses as failed if they were reported in the previous series.

For the TBE laboratory, 163 out of 169 analyses performed met the specified acceptance criteria. Six analyses (Ni-63, K-40 and 1-131 in water, and two Sr-90s and one Gross Alpha in AP samples) did not meet the specified acceptance criteria for the following reasons:

1. Teledyne Brown Engineering's MAPEP March 2014 Ni-63 in water result of 32.7 +/- 1.69 Bq/L was overlooked when reporting the data Page 17 of 170

but would have passed the acceptance range of 23.9 - 44.2 Bq/L.

NCR 14-04

2. Teledyne Brown Engineering's MAPEP March 2014 K-40 in water result of 1.63 +/- 2.49 Bq/L was overlooked when reporting the data but would have passed the false positive test. NCR 14-04
3. Teledyne Brown Engineering's ERA November 2014 1-131 in water result of 15.8 pCi/L was lower than the known value of 20.3 pCi/L, failing below the lower acceptance limit of 16.8. The result was evaluated as failed with a found to known ratio of 0.778. No cause could be found for the slightly low result. All ERA 1-131 evaluations since 2004 have been acceptable. NCR 14-08
4. Teledyne Brown Engineering's MAPEP March 2014 Sr-90 in AP result of 0.822 Bq/sample was lower than the known value of 1.18 Bq/sample, falling below the lower acceptance limit of 0.83 Bq/sample. The rerun result was still low, but fell within the lower acceptance range of 0.836. The rerun result was statistically the same number as the original result. No cause could be found for the slightly low results. NCR 14-04
5. Teledyne Brown Engineering's MAPEP September 2014 Sr-90 in AP result of 0.310 Bq/sample was lower than the known value of 0.703 Bq/sample. The gravimetric yield of 117% was very high (we normally see yields of 60% to 70%) and could account for the low activity. NCR 14-09
6. Teledyne Brown Engineering's MAPEP September 2014 Gr-Alpha in AP result of 0.153 Bq/sample was lower than the known value of 0.53 Bq/sample. The AP sample was counted on the wrong side.

The AP was flipped over and recounted with acceptable results.

NCR 14-09 For the EIML laboratory, 85 of 90 analyses met the specified acceptance criteria. Five analyses (Water - Pu-238, Pu-239, Fe-55; AP - Co-57; Soil

- Cs134) did not meet the specified acceptance criteria for the following reasons:

1. Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory's MAPEP February 2014 water Pu-238 result of 1.28 Bq/L was higher than the known value of 0.83 Bq/L, exceeding the upper control limit of 1.08 Bq/L. The high bias on the plutonium was traced to contamination from a newly purchased standard. The result of the reanalysis with the new tracer was 0.68 Bq/L, which fell within the acceptance criteria.
2. Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory's MAPEP February 2014 water Pu-239/240 result of 0.91 Bq/L was higher than the known Page 18 of 170

value of 0.68 Bq/L, exceeding the upper control limit of 0.88 Bq/L.

The high bias on the plutonium was traced to contamination from a newly purchased standard. The result of reanalysis with the new tracer was 0.66 Bq/L, which fell within the acceptance criteria.

3. Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory's MAPEP February 2014 AP Co-57 result of 1.60 +/- 0.05 Bq/total sample failed the false positive test. Interference from the Eu-1 52 resulted in the misidentification of Co-57.
4. Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory's MAPEP February 2014 soil Cs-1 34 result of 6.10 +/- 1.80 Bq/kg failed the false positive test.

Long sample counting time lead to interference from naturally occurring Bi-214 in the sample matrix with a close spectral energy.

5. Environmental Inc., Midwest Laboratory's MAPEP August 2014 water Fe-55 result of 55.10 +/- 14.80 Bq/L was higher than the known value of 31.50 Bq/L, exceeding the upper control limit of 41.00 Bq/L. The result of the reanalysis of Fe-55 was 32.63 +/-

16.30 Bq/L, which fell within the acceptance criteria.

The Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program provides evidence of "in control" counting systems and methods, and that the laboratories are producing accurate and reliable data.

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0 0

ZR-95 Is <LLD <LLD 0






CS-137 18 <LLD <LLD 0 t' BA-140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 LA- 140 NA <LLD <LLD 0 FISH GAMMA 8 (PCIIKG WET) MN-54 130 <LLD NA CO-58 130 <LLD NA FE-59 260 <LLD NA 0 rio t'J CO-60 130 <LLD NA 0 0

-1 0

ZN-65 260 <LLD NA 0






ZR-95 NA <LLD NA 0 CS-134 100 <LLD NA 0 CS-137 100 <LLD NA 0 BA-140 NA <LLD NA 0 LA-140 NA <LLD NA 0 SEDIMENT GAMMA (PCI/KG DRY) MN-54 NA <LLD NA 0 CO-58 NA <LLD NA 0 0

FE-59 NA <LLD NA 0






ZN-65 NA <LLD NA 0 NB-95 NA <LLD NA 0 ZR-95 NA <LLD NA 0 CS-134 150 <LLD NA 0 CS-137 180 <LLD NA 0 BA-140 NA <LLD NA 0 LA- 140 NA <LLD NA 0 rio k)












CO-60 NA <LLD <LLD 0

-v ZN-65 NA <LLD <LLD 0 0

0 NB-95 <LLD NA <LLD 0






(17/104) (20/24) (23/104) 0.2 MILES W 0



TABLE B-1: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Sampling Locations, Distance and Direction, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Location Location Description Distance & Direction From Site A. Public Water Z-14 Kenosha Water Works (control) 10.0 miles N Z-15 Lake County Water Works (indicator) 1.4 miles NNW Z-16 Waukegan Water Works (indicator) 6.1 miles S Z-18 Lake Forest Water Works (control) 12.9 miles S B. Air Particulates Z-01 Onsite 1 (indicator) 0.3 miles S Z-02 Onsite 2 (indicator) 0.2 miles W Z-03 Onsite 3 (indicator) 0.2 miles NNW Z-13 Offsite Control 10 miles NW C. Fish Z-26 Lake Michigan Nearsite (indicator) At station Z-27 Lake Michigan Farsite (indicator) 10.1 miles N D. Sediment Z-25 Lake Michigan, Illinois Beach State Park 0.2 miles S (indicator)

E. Environmental Dosimetrv - TLD Inner Ring Z-101-1 and -2 0.2 miles N Z-102-1 and -2 0.2 miles NNE Z-103-1 and -2 0.2 miles NE Z-104-1 and -2 0.1 miles ENE Z-105-1 and -2 0.1 miles E Z-106-1 and -2 0.1 miles ESE Z-107-1 and -2 0.1 miles SE Z-108-1 and -2 0.1 miles SSE Z-110-1 and -2 0.2 miles SSW Z-111-1 and -2 0.3 miles SW Z-112-1 and -2 0.7 miles WSW Z-113-1 and -2 0.6 miles W Z-114-1 and-2 0.6 miles WNW Z-115-1 and -2 0.4 miles NW Other Z-01-1 and -2 Onsite 1 (indicator) 0.3 miles S Z-02-1 and -2 Onsite 2 (indicator) 0.2 miles W Z-03-1 and -2 Onsite 3 (indicator) 0.2 miles NNW ISFSI Inner Rinq Z-121-1 and -2 0.2 miles NNW Z-122-1 and -2 0.2 miles W Z-123-1 and -2 0.1 miles WSW Z-124-1 and -2 0.5 miles SW Z-125-1 and -2 0.4 miles SSW B-1 Page 29 of 170

TABLE B-1: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Sampling Locations, Distance and Direction, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Location Location Description Distance & Direction From Site E. Environmental Dosimetry - TLD (continued)

Outer Ring Z-209-1 and -2 5.1 miles S Z-211-1 and -2 4.7 miles SW Z-212-1 and -2 5.1 miles WSW Z-213-1 and -2 5.1 miles W Z-214-1 and -2 4.6 miles WNW Z-215-1 and-2 4.0 miles NW Z-216-1 and -2 3.0 miles NNW Control Z-13-1 and -2 10 miles NW B-2 Page 30 of 170

TABLE B-2: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program - Summary of Sample Collection and Analytical Methods, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Sample Analysis Sampling Method Analytical Procedure Number Medium Public Gamma Monthly composite from TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma emitting radioisotope Water Spectroscopy weekly grab samples. analysis Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by gamma spectroscopy Public Gross Beta Monthly composite from TBE, TBE-2008 Gross Alpha and/or gross beta Water weekly grab samples. activity in various matrices Env. Inc., W(DS)-01 Determination of gross alpha and/or gross beta in water (dissolved solids or total residue)

Public Tritium Quarterly composite from TBE, TBE-2011 Tritium analysis in drinking water by Water weekly grab samples. liquid scintillation Env. Inc., T-02 Determination of tritium in water (direct method)

Fish Gamma Semi-annual samples TBE-2007 Gamma emitting radioisotope analysis Spectroscopy collected via electroshocking or other techniques Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by gamma spectroscopy Sediment Gamma Semi-annual grab samples TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma emitting radioisotope Spectroscopy analysis Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by gamma spectroscopy Air Gross Beta One-week composite of TBE, TBE-2008 Gross Alpha and/or gross beta Particulates continuous air sampling activity in various matrices through glass fiber filter paper Env. Inc., AP-02 Determination of gross alpha and/or gross beta in air particulate filters Air Gamma Quarterly composite of each TBE, TBE-2007 Gamma emitting radioisotope Particulates Spectroscopy station analysis Env. Inc., GS-01 Determination of gamma emitters by gamma spectroscopy TLD Thermoluminescence Quarterly TLDs comprised of Mirion Technologies Dosimetry two CaF 200 and two LiF 100 LiF 4-chip Harshaw elements.

B-3 Page 31 of 170

  • TLD Mnik LcatiO
  • Air Sanp*Vng Locaton Figure B-1 Inner Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 B-4 Page 32 of 170

Figure B-2 Outer Ring TLD and Fixed Air Sampler Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 B-5 Page 33 of 170

SSmpng Locaboons Figure B-3 Fish, Water and Sediment Sampling Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 B-6 Page 34 of 170


Table C-I.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma COLLECTION Z-14 Z-15 Z-16 Z-18 PERIOD I

01/03/14 - 01/29/14 3.2 +/- 1.5 2.9 +/- 1.5 2.3 +/- 1.4 2.7 +/- 1.5 02/06/14 - 02/26/14 < 2.1 *2.1 2.7 +/- 1.5 < 2.1 03/05/14 - 03/26/14 < 2.2

  • 2.2 <2.1
  • 2.1 04/02/14 - 04/30/14 3.6 +/- 1.6 2.6 +/- 1.5 3.4 +/- 1.6 3.4 +/- 1.5 05/07/14 - 05/28/14 3.1 +/- 1.5 (1) 3.9 +/- 1.4 2.8 +/- 1.4 3.1 +/- 1.4 06/04/14 - 06/25/14 3.7 +/- 1.7 4.3 +/- 1.7 4.0 +/- 1.5 3.6 +/- 1.5 07/02/14 07/30/14 2.4 +/- 1.5 <2.1 2.7 +/- 1.6


  • 2.3 08/06/14 - 08/27/14
  • 2.0 2.1 +/- 1.4 2.3 +/- 1.4 4.1 +/- 1.5 09/03/14 - 09/24/14
  • 2.2 2.6 +/- 1.6 2.4 + 1.6
  • 2.3 10/01/14 - 10/28/14 2.4 + 1.4 2.3 +/- 1.4 2.3 +/- 1.4 2.6 +/- 1.4 11/05/14 - 11/26/14
  • 2.2 2.3 +/- 1.5 2.4 +/- 1.5
  • 2.2 12/03/14 - 12/31/14 2.5 + 1.3 3.0 +/- 1.3 3.1 +/- 1.3 (1) 3.8 +/- 1.4 MEAN 3.0 +/- 1.1 2.9 +/- 1.5 2.7 +/- 1.1 3.3 +/- 1.1 Table C-l.2 Concentrations of Tritium in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma COLLECTION Z-14 Z-15 Z-16 Z-18 PERIOD 01/03/14 - 03/26/14
  • 167 168
  • 167
  • 171 04/02/14 - 06/25/14 < 188 (1) 190
  • 181
  • 183 07/02/14 - 09/24/14
  • 174 173
  • 171 < 176 10/01/14 - 12/31/14

Table C-l.3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma SITE COLLECTION Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 PERIOD Z-14 01/03/14 - 01/29114 <4 <4 < 1z < t <5 < IU <4 < 5 < 46 < 15 02/06/14 - 02/26/14 <4 <4 < 10 <4 <8 <8 <3 <4 < 38 *12 03/05/14 - 03/26/14 <6 <5 < 13 <7 < 12 <7 <12 <5 <5 < 43 < 15 04/02/14 - 04/30/14 <4 <7 < 13 <5 < 13 <6

  • 12 <6 <6 < 51 <16 05/07/14 - 05/28/14 (1) < 6 <7 < 13 <7 < 14 <8 <13 <5 <6 < 60
  • 20 06104114 - 06/25/14 <3 <3 <8 <3 <6 <4 <6 <3 <3 < 33 <8 07/02/14 - 07/30/14 <2 <2 <4 <2 <3 <2 <3 <2 <2 <16 <6 08/06/14 - 08/27/14 <4 <5
  • 10 <7 <9 <6 <8 <4 <5 < 55 < 13 09103/14 - 09/24/14 <5 <5 < 10 <5
  • 10 <6 <9 <5 <5 < 25 < 11 10/01/14 - 10/28/14 <8 <8 < 19 <6 < 18 <8 < 14 <7 <6 < 53
  • 29 11/05/14 - 11/26/14 <4 <4 < 11 <5 <8 <4 <7 <4 <4 < 45 <15 12/03/14 - 01/02/15 <5 <8 < 14 <6 < 14 <8 < 13 <7 <8 < 53 <15 MEAN Z-15 01/03/14 - 01/29/14 <5 <5 < 14 <5 < 10 <6 <9 <5 <5 < 48 *19 02/06/14 - 02/26/14 <6 <7 < 18 <7
  • 14 <8 < 14 <6 <5 < 55 < 18 03/05/14 - 03/26/14 <5 <6 < 14 <5 < 12 <5 < 10 <5 <6 < 42 <7 04/02/14 - 04/30/14 <5 <4 < 12 <6 <8 <6 < 10 <5 <5 < 55
  • 14 05/07/14 - 05/28/14 <5 <6 < 12 <4 <8 <5
  • 12 <5 <6 < 57 < 14 06/04/14 - 06/25/14 <4 <6 <9 <4 <8 <5 <8 <4 <4 < 45 < 14 07/02/14 - 07/30/14 <2 <2 <6 <2 <5 <3 <4 <2 <2 < 21 <6 08/06/14 - 08/27/14 <7 <8 < 14 <6 < 13 <9 < 14 <7 <7 < 77 < 14 09/03/14 - 09/24/14 <6 <7 < 12 <5 < 13 <7 <9 <5 <6 < 41 < 11 10/01/14 - 10/28/14 <6 <6 < 16 <6 < 13 <7 <9 <6 <6 < 51 < 18 11/05/14 - 11/26/14 <4 <4 < 10 <4 <8 <4 <9 <4 <4 < 39 < 13 12/03/14 - 12/31/14 <5 <5 < 10 <5 <9 <5 <9 <5 <5 < 36 <9 MEAN (JO (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION 0


Table C-1.3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Public Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma SITE COLLECTION Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 PERIOD Z-16 01/03/14 - 01/29/ 14 <7 <7 < 16 <7 < 13 <7 < 13 <6 < 7 < 70 < 23 02/06/14 - 02/26114 <5 <7

  • 14 <6 <11 <7 < 10 <5 <6 < 61 < 18 03/05/14 - 03/26/ 14 <5 <5 < 10 <5 <7 <6 <9 <5 <5 < 37 < 13 04102/14 - 04/30/ 14 <7 <7
  • 17 <7 <11 <7 < 11 <6 <7 < 66 < 21 05107114 - 05/28/ 14 <7 <9 < 16 <6 < 14 <9 <11 <7 <7 < 67 <19 06/04/14 - 06/25/ 14 <4 <4 <8 <3 <7 <4 <7 <3 <4 < 40 < 11 07/02/14 - 07/30/ 14 <2 <2 <5 <2 <4 <2 <4 <2 <2 *19 <6 08/06/14 - 08/27/ 14 <8 <9 < 15 <8 < 14 <7 < 12 <7 <7 < 81 < 27 09/03/14 - 09/24/ 14 <5 <6 < 12 <5 <8 <6 < 11 <6 <6 < 43 < 15 10/01/14 - 10/28/ 14 <6 <8 < 20 <7 < 14 <7 < 13 <5 <5
  • 66 <7 11/05/14 - 11/26/ 14 <4 <4 <9 <4 <7 <4 <7 <4 <4
  • 42 < 11 12/03/14 - 12/31/ 14 (1) < 6 <6 < 14 <6 < 11 <6 <9 <5 <5 < 39 < 14 MEAN Z-18 01/03/14 01/29/14 <5 <5 *13 <7 <9 <6 < 12 <5 <6
  • 50 <18 02/06/14 02/26/14 <5 <6
  • 16 <7 <10 <7 < 12 <6 <6 < 51 < 15 03/05/14 03/26/14 <5 <5 < 12 <6 <11 <6 <9 <5 <5 < 33 <11 04/02/14 04/30/14 <6 <7
  • 12 <7 <12 <7 < 14 <6 <7
  • 65 <15 05/07/14 05/28/14 <7 <7
  • 17 <6 <11 <8 < 13 <5 <7 < 55
  • 21 06/04/14 06/25/14 <4 <4 <11 <5 <9 <4 <8 <3 <4 <41 <15 07/02/14 07/30/14 <2 <2 <5 <2 <4 <2 <3 <2 <2 < 16 <6 08/06/14 08/27/14 <3 <5 <13 <5 <9 <6 <8 <5 <4 < 44 <15 09103/14 09/24/14 <5 <5 <11 <5 < 10 <5 <9 <6 <5 < 35 <11 10/01/14 10/28/14 <6 <6 *15 <7 <9 <8 < 11 <5 <5 < 61 <19 11/05/14 11/26/14 <3 <4 <10 <4 <7 <5 <7 <4 <4 < 43
  • 14 12/03/14 12/31/14 <6 <6 *13 <5 <10 <6 < 11 <5 <6 < 40 <15 MEAN rio 0 (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION 00 C

-J 0

Table C-11.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Fish Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/kg Wet +/- 2 sigma SITE COLLECTION Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 PERIOD Z-26 Common Carp 05/22/14 < 31 < 38 < 77 < 45

  • 71 < 29 < 64 < 30 < 32 < 218 < 69 Smallmouth Bass 05/22/14
  • 50 < 53 < 112 < 43 < 118 < 59
  • 85 < 52
  • 60 < 353 < 77 Chinook Salmon 10/01/14 < 37 < 35
  • 98 < 44
  • 91 < 46 <84
  • 40 < 55 < 470 < 158 Common Carp 10/01/14
  • 65 < 66 < 135
  • 63 < 131 < 65 < 125 < 57 < 47
  • 550 < 183 MEAN Z-27 Burbot 05/14/14
  • 42 < 53 < 120 < 44 < 101 < 59
  • 113 < 48 < 59 < 459 < 145 Lake Trout 05/14/14 < 66 < 73
  • 157 < 58
  • 144
  • 71 < 136 < 57
  • 68 < 598
  • 221 Burbot 10/22/14 < 75 < 73 < 119 < 73 < 152 < 70
  • 127 < 62 < 79
  • 642 < 200 Lake Trout 10/22/14 < 61 < 69 < 149 < 62
  • 157 < 68 < 132 <64 < 77 < 613
  • 131 MEAN

~0 00

~0 0

-J 0

Table C-I1.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Sediment Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/kg Dry +/- 2 sigma SITE COLLECTION Mn-5 4 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 PERIOD Z-25 05/21/14 < 35 < 42 < 77 < 35 < 96 < 43 < 68 < 36 < 44 < 267 < 56 10/08/14 < 35 < 48 < 76 < 38 < 107 < 55 < 84 < 35 < 44 < 370

  • 138 MEAN (A

(10 0

0 0

Table C-IV.1 Concentrations of Gross Beta in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of E-3 pCi/cu meter +/- 2 Sigma COLLECTION GROUP I I GROUP II PERIOD Z-D1 Z-02 Z-03 Z-13 01/03/14 -01/08/14 30 +/-6 28 +/- 6 30 +/- 6 25 +/- 6 01/08/14 -01/15/14 20 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 22 +/- 5 24 +/- 5 01/15/14 - 01/22/14 20 +/- 4 21 +/-4 18 +/- 4 20+/- 4 01/22/14 - 01/29/14 13 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 14 4 01/29/14 -02/06/14 18 +/- 4 21 4 18 +/- 4 20+/- 4 02/06/14 -02/12/14 24 +/- 5 21 +/-5 20 +/- 5 17 4 02/12/14 -02/19/14 25 +/- 4 19 +/-4 22 +/- 4 26+/- 5 02/19/14 -02/26/14 27 +/- 5 27 +/-5 27 +/- 5 28+/- 5 02/26/14 -03/05/14 21 +/- 4 23 +/-4 22 +/- 4 29 5 03/05/14 - 03/13/14 16 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 03/13/14 - 03/19/14 10 +/- 4 12 +/- 5 12 +/- 5 11 +/- 4 03/19/14 - 03/26/14 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 03/26/14 -04/02/14 14 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 04/02/14 - 04/09/14 14 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 04/09/14 - 04/16/14 14 4 11 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 04/16/14 - 04/23/14 16 +/- 4 22 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 16+/- 4 04/23/14 -04/30/14 12 4 10 +/-4 14 +/- 4 13+/- 4 04/30/14 -05/07/14 6 +/-3 6 +/-3 7 +/- 3 7 3 05/07/14 - 05/14/14 16 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 05/14/14 - 05/21/14 13 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 14+/- 4 05/21/14 - 05/28/14 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 18+/- 4 05/28/14 - 06/04/14 13 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 06/04/14 - 06/11/14 14 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 06/11/14 - 06/18/14 14 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 18 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 06/18/14 - 06/25/14 9 +/- 3 10 +/- 3 10 +/- 3 8+/- 3 06/25/14 -07/02/14 14 4 12 +/-4 14 +/- 4 15+/- 4 07/02/14 - 07/08/14 15 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 07/08/14 - 07/16/14 13 +/- 3 13 +/- 3 10 +/- 3 12 +/- 3 07/16/14 -07/23/14 23 +/- 5 20 +/-4 16 +/- 4 22 4 07/23/14 - 07/30/14 15 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 10 +/- 4 15+/- 4 07/30/14 -08/06/14 21 +/- 4 16 +/-4 20 +/- 4 29+/- 5 08/06/14 - 08/12/14 14 +/- 4 11 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 18 +/- 5 08/12114 - 08/20/14 17 +/- 4 13 +/- 3 12 +/- 3 15 +/- 4 08/20/14 -08/27/14 12 +/- 4 13 +/-4 16 +/- 4 12+/- 4 08/27/14 - 09/03/14 19 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 17+/- 4 09/03/14 - 09/10/14 18 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 19+/- 5 09/10/14 - 09/17/14 10 +/- 3 6 +/- 2 9 +/- 3 10 +/- 3 09/17/14 -09/24/14 23 +/- 5 15 +/-4 20 +/- 4 19+/- 4 09/24/14 - 10/01/14 19 +/- 4 16 +/-4 20 +/- 4 25 5 10/01/14 - 10/08/14 12 +/- 4 13 +/-4 9 +/- 4 12+/- 4 10/08/14 - 10/15/14 13 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 10/15/14 -10/22/14 12 +/- 4 10 +/-3 7 +/- 3 12 +/- 4 10/22/14 -10/28/14 21 +/- 5 15 +/-5 22 +/- 5 20 +/- 5 10/28/14 - 11/05114 13 +/- 3 11 +/- 3 13 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 11/05/14 - 11/12/14 15 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 12 +/- 4 17 +/- 4 11/12/14 - 11/19/14 16 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 14 +/- 4 21 +/- 4 11/19/14 - 11/26/14 15 +/- 4 13 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 11/26/14 - 12/03/14 27 +/- 5 18 +/- 4 19 +/- 4 23 +/- 5 12/03/14 - 12/10/14 26 +/- 5 30 +/- 5 23 +/- 4 27 5 12/10/14 -12/17/14 19 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 16 +/- 4 20 +/- 4 12/17/14 - 12/23/14 22 +/- 5 28 +/- 5 23 +/- 5 25 +/- 5 12/23/14 - 12/31/14 20 +/- 4 15 +/- 4 12 +/- 3 19 +/- 4 MEAN 17 +/- 10 15 +/- 11 16 +/- 10 17 +/- 11 C-6 Page 41 of 170

Table C-IV.2 Monthly and Yearly Mean Values of Gross Beta Concentrations in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of E-3 pCi/cu meter +/- 2 Sigma GROUP I- C)NSITE LOCATIONS GROUP II - OFFSITE CONTROL LOCATION COLLECTION MIN MAX MEAN+/-+ COLLECTION MIN MAX MEAN +

PERIOD 2SD PERIOD 2SD 01/03/14 - 01/29/14 12 3U 21 +/- 12 U1/U3/14 - U1/29/14 14 24.1 21 +/- 9.9 01/29/14 - 02/26/14 18 27 22 +/- 7 01/29/14 - 02/26/14 17 27.8 23 +/- 10 02/26/14 - 04/02/14 10 23 17 +/- 8 02/26/14 - 04/02/14 11 28.8 18 +/- 13 04/02/14 - 04/30/14 10 22 14 +/- 7 04/02/14 - 04/30/14 12 16 13 +/- 4 04/30/14 - 06/04/14 6 16 12 +/- 7 04/30/14 - 06/04/14 7 18 13 +/- 8 06/04/14 - 07/02/14 9 18 13 +/- 6 06/04/14 - 07/02/14 8 15 13 +/- 6 07/02/14 - 07/30/14 10 23 14 +/- 8 07/02/14 - 07/30/14 12 22 15 +/- 9 07/30/14 - 09/03/14 11 21 15 +/- 6 07/30/14 - 09/03/14 12 29 18 +/- 13 09/03/14 - 10/01/14 6 23 15 +/- 10 09/03/14 - 10/01/14 10 25 18 +/- 12 10/01/14 - 10/28/14 7 22 13 +/- 8 10/01/14 - 10/28/14 12 20 14 +/- 8 10/28/14 - 12/03/14 11 27 15 +/- 8 10/28/14 - 12/03/14 15 23 19 +/- 6 12/03/14 - 12/31/14 12 30 21 +/- 11 12/03/14 - 12/31/14 19 27 23 +/- 8 01/03/14 - 12/31/14 6 30 16 +/- 10 01/03/14 - 12/31/14 7 29 17 +/- 11 C-7 Page 42 of 170

Table C-IV.3 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Air Particulate Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of E-3 pCi/cu meter +/- 2 Sigma SITE COLLECTION Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 PERIOD Z-01 01/03/14 - 04/02/14 <2 <3 <7 <3 <6 <3 <5 <3 <3 < 31 < 11 04/02/14 - 07/02/14 <2 <1 <9 <3 <4 <2 <3 <2 <2 < 54 < 20 07/02/14 - 10/01114 <2 <2 <2 <2 <4 <1 <2 < 23 < 10 10/01/14 - 12/31/14 <2 <3 <8 <3 <5 <3 <6 <2 <2 < 39 < 15 MEAN Z-02 01/03/14 - 04/02/14 <4 <3 <8 <4 <8 <4 <7 <4 <4 < 36 < 10 04/02/14 - 07/02/14 <3 <3 <8 <4 <4 <4 <7 <3 <2 < 65 < 33 07/02/14 - 10/01/14 <1 <1 <4 <2 <3 <1 <3 <2 <1 < 16 <7 10/01/14 - 12/31/14 <2 <2 <6 <2 <5 <3 <6 <3 <3 < 40 < 10 MEAN Z-03 01/03/14 - 04/02/14 <2 <2 <7 <2 <5 <3 <5 <2 <2 < 24 < 10 04/02/14 - 07/02/14 <4 <4 <8 <4 <9 <5 <8 <3 <3 < 67 < 21 07/02/14 - 10/01/14 <2 <3 <3 <3 <5 <3 <4 <2 <1 < 29 00 10/01/14 - 12/31/14 <3 <3 <7 <3 <5 <3 <5 <2 <2 < 33 < 12 MEAN Z-13 01/03/14- 04/02/14 <2 <2 <4 <2 <5 <2 <3 <2 <2 < 19 <7 04/02/14 - 07/02/14 <3 <3 <8 <2 <6 <3 <6 <2 <2 < 63 < 13 07/02/14 - 10/01/14 <3 <3 <6 <2 <5 <2 <4 <3 <2 < 34 < 12 10/01/14 - 12/31/14 <3 <4 < 10 <3 <8 <5 <7 <4 <4 < 47 < 20 MEAN 0-0

Table C-V.1 CONCENTRATIONS OF GAMMA EMITTERS IN VEGETATION SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, 2014 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PC/KG WET +/- 2 SIGMA SITE COLLECTION Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 PERIOD Z-CONTROL Lettuce & cauliflower leaves 09/11/14 < 4 <5 <13 <5 <11 <5 <9 <4 <5 < 37 < 11 Potato & sweet potato 09/11/14 < 2 <3 <6 <4 <6 <3 <4 <2 <3 <23 <5 MEAN Z-QUAD 3 Kohlrabi & potatoes 09/11/14 < 4 < 4 < 11 <4 < 10 < 5 < 8 <4 < 4 < 37 < 9 Lettuce & red cabbage 09/11/14 < 11 < 12 < 29 < 11 < 24 < 13 < 22 < 11 < 12 < 93 < 24 MEAN Z-QUAD 4

,n Broccoli & sweet potato & potato & leek 09/11/14 < 5 <7 < 12 < 11 < 9 < 5 < 10 <4 < 5 < 56 < 10 DCabbage & cauliflower leaves 09/11/14 < 9 < 13 < 29 < 15 < 24 < 12 < 23 < 10 < 10 < 104 < 29 MEAN rz


Table C-VI.1 Quarterly TLD Results for Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of Milli-Roentgen/Quarter +/- 2 Standard Deviations STATION MEAN JAN - MAR APR - JUN JUL - SEP OCT - DEC CODE +/- 2 S.D.

Z-01-1 30 +/- 10 23 Z9 Z-01-2 31 +/- 13 23 30 Z-02-1 21 +/- 5 24 18 Z-02-2 20 +/- 3 20 18 Z-03-1 20 +/- 1 20 19 Z-03-2 19 +/- 3 21 18 Z-13-1 21 +/- 4 20 20 Z-13-2 21 +/- 4 20 20 Z-101-1 19 +/- 2 20 18 Z-101-2 19 +/- 4 22 18 Z-102-1 22 +/- 4 24 21 Z-102-2 22 +/- 5 22 20 Z-103-1 20 +/- 1 20 (1) 20 Z-103-2 20 +/- 5 20 (1) 19 Z-104-1 19 +/- 3 21 (1) 19 Z-104-2 21 +/- 3 20 (1) 19 Z-105-1 20 +/- 3 22 18 Z-105-2 19 +/- 2 20 18 Z-106-1 20 +/- 2 20 19 Z-106-2 20 +/- 5 20 18 Z-107-1 22 +/- 5 21 19 Z-107-2 21 +/- 3 21 19 Z-108-1 23 +/- 3 21 22 Z-108-2 23 +/- 5 21 22 Z-1 10-1 29 +/- 10 26 36 Z-1 10-2 40 +/- 40 24 36 Z-111-1 34 +/- 46 19 24 Z-111-2 24 +/- 4 21 26 Z-1 12-1 21 +/- 5 21 19 Z-1 12-2 20 +/- 2 21 19 Z-113-1 20 +/- 4 20 23 Z-113-2 19 +/- 2 19 18 Z-1 14-1 21 +/- 4 20 21 Z-1 14-2 21 +/- 3 20 19 Z-115-1 22 +/- 3 23 20 Z-115-2 21 +/- 5 23 20 Z-121-1 20 +/- 3 21 20 Z-121-2 21 +/- 3 20 20 Z-122-1 70 +/- 68 23 104 Z-122-2 61 +/- 54 25 90 Z-123-1 52 +/- 45 25 59 Z-123-2 49 +/- 49 23 51 Z-124-1 21 +/- 3 21 23 Z-124-2 20 +/- 1 19 19 (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION C-10 Page 45 of 170

Table C-VI.1 Quarterly TLD Results for Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of Milli-Roentgen/Quarter +/- 2 Standard Deviations STATION MEAN JAN - MAR APR - JUN JUL - SEP OCT - DEC CODE +/- 2 S.D.

Z-125-1 23 +/- 6 19 24 25 25 Z-125-2 23 +/- 6 19 24 26 21 Z-209-1 21 +/- 1 20 21 20 21 Z-209-2 21 +/-6 22 25 19 19 Z-21 1-1 24 +/- 4 23 26 25 21 Z-211-2 25 +/- 5 25 28 25 22 Z-212-1 25 +/- 4 26 27 23 23 Z-212-2 26 +/- 5 28 27 24 23 Z-213-1 26 +/- 6 24 29 27 23 Z-213-2 25 +/- 6 27 28 21 25 Z-214-1 24 +/- 4 24 (1) 27 23 23 Z-214-2 24 +/- 4 23 (1) 27 23 22 Z-215-1 25 +/- 5 23 27 26 22 Z-215-2 25 +/- 5 24 28 24 22 Z-216-1 21 +/- 3 21 23 20 20 Z-216-2 21 +/-2 21 21 20 22 (1) SEE PROGRAM EXCEPTIONS SECTION FOR EXPLANATION C-llI Page 46 of 170

Table C-VI.2 Mean Quarterly TLD Results for Inner Ring, ISFSI Inner Ring, Other, Outer Ring, and Control Locations For Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of Milli-Roentgen/Quarter +/- 2 Standard Deviation of the Station Data COLLECTION INNER RING OUTER RING OTHER CONTROL ISFSI INNER RING PERIOD +/- 2 S.D.

JAN-MAR 21 +/- 3 24 +/- 5 22 +/- 3 20 +/- 0 22 +/- 5 APR-JUN 23 +/- 6 26 +/- 5 24 +/- 12 24 +/- 0 36 +/- 41 JUL-SEP 23 +/- 26 23 +/- 5 25 +/- 19 20 +/- 0 43 +/- 55 OCT-DEC 21 +/- 9 22 +/- 3 22 +/- 12 20 +/- 0 43 +/- 64 Table C-VI.3 Summary of the Ambient Dosimetry Program for Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Results in Units of Milli-Roentgen/Quarter LOCATION SAMPLES PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD MEAN ANALYZED MINIMUM MAXIMUM +/- 2 S.D.

U INNER RING 112 17 69 22 +/- 14 OUTER RING 56 19 29 24 +/- 5 OTHER 24 18 39 23 +/- 12 CONTROL 8 20 24 21 +/- 4 ISFSI INNER RING 40 18 104 36 +/- 48 INNER RING STATIONS - Z-101-1, Z-101-2, Z-102-1, Z-102-2, Z-103-1, Z-103-2, Z-104-1, Z-104-2, Z-105-1, Z-105-2, Z-106-1, Z-106-2, Z-107-1, Z-107-2, Z-108-1, Z-108-2, Z-110-1, Z-110-2, Z-111-1, Z-111-2, Z-112-1, Z-112-2, Z-113-1, Z-113-2, Z-114-1, Z-114-2, Z-115-1, Z-115-2 OUTER RING STATIONS- Z-209-1, Z-209-2, Z-211-1, Z-211-2, Z-212-1, Z-212-2, Z-213-1, Z-213-2, Z-214-1, Z-214-2, Z-215-1, Z-215-2, Z-216-1, Z-216-2 OTHER STATIONS - Z-01-1, Z-01-2, Z-02-1, Z-02-2, Z-03-1, Z-03-2 CONTROL STATIONS - Z-1 3-1, Z-1 3-2 ISFSI INNER RING STATIONS - Z-121-1, Z-121-2, Z-122-1, Z-122-2, Z-123-1, Z-123-2, Z-124-1, Z-124-2, Z-125-1, Z-125-2 C-12 Page 47 of 170

FIGURE C-1 PUBLIC WATER - GROSS BETA - STATIONS Z-14 AND Z-15 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 - 2014 Z-14 (C) Kenosha Water Works 5.0 4.0 3.0 C.

2.0 1.0 0.0 I 01-26-00 01-21-03 01-16-06 01-11-09 01-07-12 01-02-15 Z-15 Lake County Water Works 7.0 6.0 5.0

,J 4.0 C.,

3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 T 01-26-00 01-21-03 01-16-06 01-11-09 01-07-12 01-02-15 DUE TO VENDOR CHANGE IN 2005, < VALUES ARE LLD VALUES JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2005 AND MDC VALUES AFTER JUNE 2005 C-13 Page 48 of 170

FIGURE C-2 PUBLIC WATER - GROSS BETA - STATIONS Z-16 AND Z-18 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 - 2014 Z-16 Waukegan Water Works 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0

-J 5.0 a.

4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 01-26-00 01-21-03 01-16-06 01-11-09 01-07-12 01-02-15 Z-18 (C) Lake Forest Water Works 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0

-J 5.0 0.

4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 01-26-00 01-21-03 01-16-06 01-11-09 01-07-12 01-02-15 DUE TO VENDOR CHANGE IN 2005, < VALUES ARE LLD VALUES JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2005 AND MDC VALUES AFTER JUNE 2005 C- 14 Page 49 of 170

FIGURE C-3 PUBLIC WATER - TRITIUM - STATION Z-14 AND Z-15 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 - 2014 Z-14 (C) Kenosha Water Works 300 200 C.

100 0 1 01-01-00 01-01-03 01-01-06 01-01-09 01-02-12 01-02-15 Z-15 Lake County Water Works 300 250 200

,,J 150 0.

100 50 0 -

03-29-00 03-12-03 02-22-06 02-04-09 01-18-12 12-31-14 DUE TO VENDOR CHANGE IN 2005, < VALUES ARE LLD VALUES JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2005 AND MDC VALUES AFTER JUNE 2005 C-15 Page 50 of 170

FIGURE C-4 PUBLIC WATER - TRITIUM - STATION Z-16 AND Z-18 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 - 2014 Z-1 6 Waukegan Water Works 250 200 150

,.,J 0.

100 50 0 i 03-29-00 03-12-03 02-22-06 02-04-09 01-18-12 12-31-14 Z-18 (C) Lake Forest Water Works 250 200 150 0.

100 50 0 4 03-29-00 03-12-03 02-22-06 02-04-09 01-18-12 12-31-14 DUE TO VENDOR CHANGE IN 2005, < VALUES ARE LLD VALUES JANUARY THROUGH JUNE 2005 AND MDC VALUES AFTER JUNE 2005 C-16 Page 51 oflTO

FIGURE C-5 AIR PARTICULATES - GROSS BETA - STATIONS Z-01 AND Z-02 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 - 2014 Z-01 Onsite No. 1, Southside 60.0 50.0 40.0 E

. 30.0 9

C 20.0 10.0 0.0 I 01-05-00 01-04-03 01-03-06 01-02-09 01-02-12 01-01-15 Z-02 Onsite No. 2, Westside 70.0 60.0 50.0 Co 40.0 CL 9 30.0 IL 20.0 0.0 10.0-L 0 1-05-00 01-04-03 01-03-06 01-02-09 01-02-12 01-01-15 C-17 Page 52 of 170

FIGURE C-6 AIR PARTICULATES - GROSS BETA - STATIONS Z-03 AND Z-13 COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZNPS, 2000 - 2014 Z-03 Onsite No. 3, Northside 90.0 80.0 70.0 E 60.0 a.


50.0 40.0

=0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 01-05-00 01-04-03 01-03-06 01-02-09 01-02-12 01-01-15 Z-13 Offsite Control 40.0 30.0 E

m 1LJ 20.0 U.'

CL 0

10.0 0.0 I I I I 04-10-13 07-24-13 11-06-13 02-19-14 06-04-14 09-17-14 12-31-14 C-18 Page 53 of 170



Identification Reported Known Ratio (c)

Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation (d)

March 2014 E10854 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 95.1 91.7 1.04 A Sr-90 pCi/L 10.9 15.1 0.72 W E10855 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 96.6 98.5 0.98 A Ce-1 41 pCi/L 112 119 0.94 A Cr-51 pCi/L 449 491 0.91 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 186 210 0.89 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 250 253 0.99 A Co-58 pCi/L 248 268 0.93 A Mn-54 pCi/L 292 297 0.98 A Fe-59 pCi/L 230 219 1.05 A Zn-65 pCi/L 312 323 0.97 A Co-60 pCi/L 321 337 0.95 A E10857 AP Ce-141 pCi 53.0 53.9 0.98 A Cr-51 pCi 232 223 1.04 A Cs-1 34 pCi 100 95.3 1.05 A Cs-1 37 pCi 122 115 1.06 A Co-58 pCi 122 121 1.01 A Mn-54 pCi 135 135 1.00 A Fe-59 pCi ill 99.3 1.12 A Zn-65 pCi 140 147 0.95 A Co-60 pCi 187 153 1.22 W E10856 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 74.1 76.4 0.97 A E10858 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 2090 1760 1.19 A June 2014 E10913 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 85.9 91.3 0.94 Sr-90 pCi/L 13.8 14.5 0.95 E10914 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 86.5 90.9 0.95 Ce-1 41 pCi/L ill 124 0.90 Cr-51 pCi/L 255 253 1.01 Cs-134 pCi/L 147 162 0.91 Cs-1 37 pCi/L 123 120 1.03 Co-58 pCi/L 105 112 0.94 Mn-54 pCi/L 155 156 0.99 Fe-59 pCi/L 106 102 1.04 Zn-65 pCi/L 251 252 1.00 Co-60 pCi/L 218 224 0.97 E10916 AP Ce-141 pCi 95.1 92.6 1.03 Cr-51 pCi 215 190 1.13 Cs-1 34 pCi 122 122 1.00 Cs-1 37 pCi 95.1 89.8 1.06 Co-58 pCi 88.7 84.1 1.05 Mn-54 pCi 115 116 0.99 Fe-59 pCi 72.6 76.7 0.95 Zn-65 pCi 193 189 1.02 Co-60 pCi 179 168 1.07 E10915 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 85.6 85.2 1.00 E10917 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 1680 1810 0.93 A D-I Page 55 of 170


Identification Reported Known Ratio (c)

Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation (d)

September2014 E10946 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 90.7 96.9 0.94 A Sr-90 pCi/L 14.0 16.4 0.85 A E10947 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 92.0 97.6 0.94 A Ce-1 41 pCi/L 117 126 0.93 A Cr-51 pCi/L 281 288 0.98 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 141 158 0.89 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 186 193 0.96 A Co-58 pCi/L 137 143 0.96 A Mn-54 pCi/L 138 142 0.97 A Fe-59 pCi/L 162 158 1.03 A Zn-65 pCi/L 75.2 73.0 1.03 A Co-60 pCi/L 286 297 0.96 A E10949 AP Ce-1 41 pCi 97.8 82.1 1.19 A Cr-51 pCi 212 188 1.13 A Cs-1 34 pCi 106 103 1.03 A Cs-1 37 pCi 131 126 1.04 A Co-58 pCi 85.7 93.0 0.92 A Mn-54 pCi 92.8 92.3 1.01 A Fe-59 pCi 113 103 1.10 A Zn-65 pCi 53.2 47.5 1.12 A Co-60 pCi 202 193 1.05 A E10948 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 83.9 89.8 0.93 A E10950 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 2010 1720 1.17 A E10951 Soil Ce-141 pCi/g 0.208 0.186 1.12 A Cr-51 pCi/g 0.398 0.425 0.94 A Cs-1 34 pCi/g 0.216 0.233 0.93 A Cs-1 37 pCi/g 0.398 0.365 1.09 A Co-58 pCi/g 0.197 0.211 0.93 A Mn-54 pCi/g 0.242 0.209 1.16 A Fe-59 pCi/g 0.238 0.233 1.02 A Zn-65 pCi/g 0.117 0.108 1.08 A Co-60 pCi/g 0.447 0.438 1.02 A December 2014 E11078 Milk Sr-89 pCi/L 85.7 95.7 0.90 A Sr-90 pCi/L 12.9 15.6 0.83 A El 1079 Milk 1-131 pCi/L 85.9 95.1 0.90 A Ce-141 pCi/L 205 219 0.94 A Cr-51 pCi/L 402 406 0.99 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 156 164 0.95 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 194 198 0.98 A Co-58 pCi/L 122 130 0.94 A Mn-54 pCi/L 220 225 0.98 A Fe-59 pCi/L 183 175 1.05 A Zn-65 pCi/L 287 297 0.97 A Co-60 pCi/L 224 235 0.95 A D-2 Page 56 of 170


Identification Reported Known Ratio (c)

Month/Year Number Matrix Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) TBE/Analytics Evaluation (d)

December 2014 E11081 AP Ce-141 pCi 96.4 102 0.95 A Cr-51 pCi 171 190 0.90 A Cs-1 34 pCi 73.1 76.9 0.95 A Cs-137 pCi 99.0 92.6 1.07 A Co-58 pCi 57.5 60.8 0.95 A Mn-54 pCi 107 105 1.02 A Fe-59 pCi 74.2 81.6 0.91 A Zn-65 pCi 144 139 1.04 A Co-60 pCi 114 110 1.04 A El1080 Charcoal 1-131 pCi 93.5 98.2 0.95 A El 1082 Water Fe-55 pCi/L 1760 1970 0.89 A (a) Teledyne Brown Engineering reported result.

(b) The Analytics known value is equal to 100% of the parameterpresent in the standardas determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standardpreparation.

(c) Ratio of Teledyne Brown Engineering to Analytics results.

(d) Analytics evaluation basedon TBE internal QC limits: A= Acceptable, reportedresult falls within ratiolimits of 0.80-1.20.

W-Acceptable with warning, reported result falls within 0. 70-0.80 or 1.20-1.30. N = Not Acceptable, reported result falls outside the ratiolimits of < 0.70 and > 1.30.

D-3 Page 57 of 170


Identification Reported Known Acceptance Month/Year Number Media Nuclide Units Value (a) Value (b) Limits Evaluation (c)

May 2014 RAD-97 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 38.25 36.7 27.5 - 43.6 A Sr-90 pCi/L 24.65 26.5 19.2-30.9 A Ba-133 pCi/L 89.1 87.9 74.0 - 96.7 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 45.55 44.3 35.5 - 48.7 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 91.15 89.1 80.2- 101 A Co-60 pCi/L 65.10 64.2 57.8 - 73.1 A Zn-65 pCi/L 244 235 212 -275 A Gr-A pCi/L 45.65 61.0 31.9 - 75.8 A Gr-B pCi/L 27.95 33.0 21.4-40.7 A 1-131 pCi/L 23.75 25.7 21.3- 30.3 A U-Nat pCi/L 9.61 10.2 7.95- 11.8 A H-3 pCi/L 8435 8770 7610-9650 A MRAD-20 Filter Gr-A pCi/filter 28.0 46.0 15.4-71.4 A November 2014 RAD-99 Water Sr-89 pCi/L 30.4 31.4 22.8 - 38.1 A Sr-90 pCi/L 18.6 21.8 15.6- 25.7 A Ba-1 33 pCi/L 46.8 49.1 40.3 - 54.5 A Cs-1 34 pCi/L 88.0 89.8 73.7 - 98.8 A Cs-1 37 pCi/L 99.0 98.8 88.9-111 A Co-60 pCi/L 92.5 92.1 82.9-104 A Zn-65 pCi/L 325 310 279 - 362 A Gr-A pCi/L 29.9 37.6 19.4-48.1 A Gr-B pCi/L 27.5 27.4 17.3- 35.3 A 1-131 pCi/L 15.8 20.3 16.8 - 24.4 N(1)

U-Nat pCi/L 5.74 5.80 4.34 - 6.96 A H-3 pCi/L 6255 6880 5940 - 7570 A MRAD-21 Filter Gr-A pCi/filter 27.3 36.9 12.4 - 57.3 A (1) The Iodine-131 was evaluated as failed with a ratioof 0. 778. No cause could be found for the sligh/y low activity. TBE would evaluate this as acceptabile with warning. A rerun was not possible due to 1-131 decay. All ERA /odine-131 evaluations since 2004 have been acceptable. NCR 14-08 (a) Teledyne Brown Engineeringreported result.

(b) The ERA known value is equal to 100% of the parameterpresent in the standardas determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standardpreparation.

(c) ERA evaluation:A=acceptable. Reported result falls within the Warning Limits. NA=not acceptable. Reported result falls outside of the Control Limits. CE=check for Error. Reported result falls within the Control Limits and outside of the Warning Limit.

D-4 Page 58 of 170



Identification Reported Known Acceptance Month/Year Number Media Nuclide* Units Value (a) Value (b) Range Evaluation (c)

March 2014 14-MaW30 Water Am-241 Bq/L 0.764 0.720 0.504 - 0.936 A Cs-1 34 Bq/L 20.7 23.1 16.2 - 300 A Cs-1 37 Bq/L 28.0 28.9 20.2 - 37.6 A Co-57 Bq/L 26.5 27.5 19.3-35.8 A Co-60 Bq/L 15.6 16.0 11.2-20.8 A H-3** Bq/L NR 321 225-417 N (3)

Mn-54 Bq/L 13.5 13.9 9.7 - 18.1 A Ni-63 Bq/L NR 34.0 23.8 - 44.2 N (3)

Pu-238 Bq/L 0.911 0.828 0.580 - 1.076 Pu-239/240 Bq/L 0.751 0.676 0.473 - 0.879 K-40 Bq/L NR (1) N (3)

Sr-90** Bq/L NR 8.51 5.96-11.06 N(3)

U-234/233** Bq/L NR 0.225 0.158 - 0.293 N (3)

U-238** Bq/L NR 1.45 1.02-1.89 N (3)

Zn-65 Bq/L -0.201 (1) A 14-MaS30 Soil Cs-1 34 Bq/kg 2.02 (1) A Cs-1 37 Bq/kg 1300 1238 867 - 1609 A Co-57 Bq/kg 1069 966 676-1256 A Co-60 Bq/kg 1.32 1.22 (2) A Mn-54 Bq/kg 1510 1430 1001 -1859 A K-40 Bq/kg 669 622 435 - 809 A Sr-90 Bq/kg 4.14 (1) A Zn-65 Bq/kg 763 695 487 - 904 A 14-RdF30 AP Cs-134** Bq/sample NR 1.91 1.34-2.48 N (3)

Cs-1 37** Bq/sample NR 1.76 1.23 - 2.29 N (3)

Co-57"* Bq/sample NR (1) N (3)

Co-60** Bq/sample NR 1.39 0.97- 1.81 N (3)

Mn-54** Bq/sample NR (1) N (3)

Sr-90 Bq/sample 0.8220 1.18 0.83-1.53 N (3)

Zn-65** Bq/sample NR (1) N (3) 14-GrF30 AP Gr-A Bq/sample 0.606 1.77 0.53-3.01 A Gr-B Bq/sample 0.7507 0.77 0.39-1.16 A 14-RdV30 Vegetation Cs-1 34 Bq/sample 5.96 6.04 4.23 - 7.85 A Cs-1 37 Bq/sample 5.06 4.74 3.32-6.16 A Co-57 Bq/sam pie 11.8 10.1 7.1 -13.1 A Co-60 Bq/sample 7.34 6.93 4.85 - 9.01 A Mn-54 Bq/sample 8.95 8.62 6.03-11.21 A Sr-90 Bq/sample 1.23 1.46 1.02-1.90 A Zn-65 Bq/sample 8.91 7.86 5.50- 10.22 A D-5 Page 59 of 170



Identification Reported Known Acceptance Month/Year Number Media Nuclide* Units Value (a) Value (b) Range Evaluation (c)

September 2014 14-MaW31 Water Am-241 Bq/L 0.705 0.88 0.62-1.14 A Cs-1 34*** Bq/L NR (1) N (4)

Cs-1 37*** Bq/L NR 18.4 12.9-23.9 N (4)

Co-57*** Bq/L NR 24.7 17.3-32.1 N (4)

Co-60"** Bq/L NR 12.4 8.7-16.1 N (4)

Mn-54*** Bq/L NR 14.0 9.8-18.2 N (4)

Ni-63 Bq/L 24.07 24.6 17.2-32.0 A Pu-238 Bq/L 0.591 0.618 0.433 - 0.803 A Pu-239/240 Bq/L 0.0153 0.0048 (2) A K-40... Bq/L NR 161 113-209 N (4)

Zn-65*** Bq/L NR 10.9 7.6-14.2 N (4) 14-MaS31 Soil Cs-1 34*** Bq/kg NR 622 435-809 N (4)

Cs-1 37*** Bq/kg NR (1) N (4)

Co-57"** Bq/kg NR 1116 781 -1451 N (4)

Co-60"** Bq/kg NR 779 545-1013 N (4)

Mn-54*** Bq/kg NR 1009 706-1312 N (4)

K-40** Bq/kg NR 824 577-1071 N (4)

Sr-90 Bq/kg 694 858 601-1115 A Zn-65*** Bq/kg NR 541 379-703 N (4) 14-RdF31 AP Sr-90 Bq/sample 0.310 0.703 0.492 - 0.914 N (4) 14-GrF31 AP Gr-A Bq/sample 0.153 0.53 0.16-0.90 N (4)

Gr-B Bq/sample 0.977 1.06 0.53- 1.59 A September 2014 14-RdV31 Vegetation Cs-1 34 Bq/sample 7.31 7.38 5.17-9.59 A Cs-1 37 Bq/sample 8.93 8.14 5.70- 10.58 A Co-57 Bq/sample 10.8 9.2 6.4-12.0 A Co-60 Bq/sample 6.31 6.11 4.28 - 7.94 A Mn-54 Bq/sample 7.76 7.10 4.97 - 9.23 A Sr-90 Bq/sample 0.738 0.85 0.60-1.11 A Zn-65 Bq/sample 7.16 6.42 4.49 - 8.35 A

  • The MAPEP cross check isotope list has been reduced due to duplication of effort or analysis not being performed for clients.

These nuclides are no longer part of the TBE cross check program due to duplication of effort or analysis not being performed for clients. MAPEP evaluates non-reported analyses as failed if they were reported in the previous series.

All future gamma cross check samples for these isotopes will be provided by Analytics.

(1) False positive test.

(2) Sensitivity evaluation.

(3) Water, Ni-63 overlooked when reporting,but the result of 32.7 +- 1.69 would have passed the acceptance criteria. NCR 14-04 Water, the non-detected K-40 was overlooked when reporting,but would have passed the false positive test. NCR 14-04 AP, Sr-90 rerun was within the low rangeof the acceptqance criteria. The original and rerun results were statistically the same. No cause could be identified for the slightly low Sr-90 activity. NCR 14-04 Fornon reported (NR) analyses, MAPEP evaluates as failed if they were reported in the previous series. NCR 14-04 (4) AP, Sr-90 gravimetricyield was very high at 117%/6. Could indicate largerthan normal amounts of calcium in the AP. A second fuming HNO 3 separationwould be requiredto remove the excess calcium. NCR 14-09 AP, Gr-Alpha was counted on the wrong side. When flipped over and recounted the results were acceptable. NCR 14-09 Fornon reported (NR) analyses, MAPEP evaluates as failed if they were reported in the previous series. NCR 14-09 (a) Teledyne Brown Engineering reportedresult.

10 0 (b) The MAPEP known value is equal to  % of the parameterpresent in the standardas determined by gravimetric and/or volumetric measurements made during standardpreparation.

(c) DOEIMAPEPevaluation: A=acceptable, W=acceptable with warning, N=not acceptable.

D-6 Page 60 of 170




Concentration (pCi/L)

Lab Code Date Analysis Laboratory ERA Control Result b Result c Limits Acceptance ERW-1384 04/07/14 Sr-89 40.29 +/- 5.76 36.70 27.50 - 43.60 Pass ERW-1384 04/07/14 Sr-90 24.08 +/- 2.35 26.50 19.20 - 30.90 Pass ERW-1385 04/07/14 Ba-1 33 78.23 +/- 3.93 87.90 74.00 - 96.70 Pass ERW-1385 04/07/14 Co-60 62.75 +/- 3.53 64.20 57.80 - 73.10 Pass ERW-1 385 04/07/14 Cs-1 34 44.97 +/- 3.99 44.30 35.50 - 48.70 Pass ERW-1385 04/07/14 Cs-1 37 88.54 +/- 4.93 89.10 80.20 - 101.00 Pass ERW-1 385 04/07/14 Zn-65 249.1 +/- 10.44 235.0 212.0 - 275.0 Pass ERW-1 388 04/07/14 Gr. Alpha 56.70 +/- 2.47 61.00 31.90 - 75.80 Pass ERW-1 388 04/07/14 Gr. Beta 32.10 +/- 1.20 33.00 21.40 - 40.70 Pass ERW-1 391 04/07/14 1-131 25.52 +/- 1.12 25.70 21.30 - 30.30 Pass ERW-1 394 04/07/14 Uranium 10.76 +/- 0.74 10.20 7.95 - 11.80 Pass ERW-1 397 04/07/14 H-3 8982 +/- 279 8770 7610 - 9650 Pass ERW-5382 10/06/14 Sr-89 29.40 +/- 5.32 31.40 22.80 - 38.10 Pass ERW-5382 10/06/14 Sr-90 19.19 +/- 1.85 21.80 15.60 - 25.70 Pass ERW-5385 10/06/14 Ba-1 33 43.54 +/- 4.54 49.10 40.30 - 54.50 Pass ERW-5385 10/06/14 Cs-1 34 81.95 +/- 7.49 89.80 73.70 - 98.80 Pass ERW-5385 10/06/14 Cs-1 37 95.76 +/- 5.50 98.80 88.90 - 111.00 Pass ERW-5385 10/06/14 Co-60 90.25 +/- 2.77 92.10 82.90 - 104.00 Pass ERW-5385 10/06/14 Zn-65 327.4 +/- 23.3 310.00 279.0 - 362.0 Pass ERW-5388 10/06/14 Gr. Alpha 30.88 +/- 8.05 37.60 19.40 - 46.10 Pass ERW-5388 10/06/14 G. Beta 20.47 +/- 4.75 27.40 17.30 - 35.30 Pass ERW-5392 10/06/14 1-131 19.58 +/- 2.35 20.30 16.80 - 24.40 Pass ERW-5394 10/06/14 Uranium 5.51 +/- 0.37 5.80 4.34 - 6.96 Pass ERW-5397 10/06/14 H-3 6876 +/- 383 6880 5940 - 7570 Pass a Results obtained by Environmental, Inc., Midwest Laboratory as a participant in the crosscheck program for proficiency testing in drinking water conducted by Environmental Resources Associates (ERA).

b Unless otherwise indicated, the laboratory result is given as the mean +/- standard deviation for three determinations.

c Results are presented as the known values, expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as provided by ERA.

D-7 Page 61 of 170


ENVIRONMENTAL, INC., 2014 (Page 1 of 2)

Concentration a Known Control Lab Code b Date Analysis Laboratory result Activity Limits c Acceptance MAW-1140 02/01/14 Gr. Alpha 0.77 +/- 0.06 0.85 0.26 - 1.44 Pass MAW-1140 02/01/14 Gr. Beta 4.31 +/- 0.08 4.19 2.10 - 6.29 Pass MAW-1184 02/01/14 Fe-55 0.40 +/- 3.20 0.00 -0.01 - 2.00 Pass MAW-1 184 02/01/14 H-3 345.10 +/- 10.60 321.00 225.00 - 417.00 Pass MAW-i 184 02/01/14 Ni-63 32.40 +/- 3.20 34.00 23.80 - 44.20 Pass MAW-1 184 02/01/14 Pu-238 1.28 +/- 0.12 0.83 0.58 - 1.08 Fail (1)

MAW-1 184 02/01/14 Pu-239/240 0.91 +/- 0.10 0.68 0.47 - 0.88 Fail (1)

MAW-1 184 02/01/14 Sr-90 7.00 +/- 0.70 8.51 5.96 - 11.06 Pass MAW-i 184 02/01/14 U-233/234 0.20 +/- 0.07 0.23 0.16 - 0.29 Pass MAW-1 184 02/01/14 U-238 1.25 +/- 0.18 1.45 1.02 - 1.89 Pass MAW-i 184 02/01/14 Co-57 27.86 +/- 0.38 27.50 19.30 - 35.80 Pass MAW-i 184 02/01/14 Co-60 15.99 +/- 0.27 16.00 11.20 - 20.80 Pass MAW-1184 02/01/14 Cs-1 34 21.85 +/- 0.54 23.10 16.20 - 30.00 Pass MAW-i 184 02/01/14 Cs-1 37 28.74 +/- 0.49 28.90 20.20 - 37.60 Pass MAW-1184 02/01/14 K-40 1.80 +/- 2.00 0.00 0.00 - 10.00 Pass MAW-1184 02/01/14 Mn-54 14.06 +/- 0.40 13.90 9.70 - 18.10 Pass MAW-1184 02/01/14 Zn-65 0.00 +/- 0.19 0.00 -0.01 - 0.00 Pass MAVE-1 148 02/01/14 Co-57 11.63 +/- 0.19 10.10 7.10 - 13.10 Pass MAVE-1 148 02/01/14 Co-60 7.28 +/- 0.18 6.93 4.85 - 9.01 Pass MAVE-1 148 02/01/14 Cs-134 6.29 +/- 0.29 6.04 4.23 - 7.85 Pass MAVE-1 148 02/01/14 Cs-137 5.18 +/- 0.20 4.74 3.32 - 6.16 Pass MAVE-1 148 02/01/14 Mn-54 9.22 +/- 0.26 8.62 6.03 - 11.21 Pass MAVE-1 148 02/01/14 Zn-65 8.59 +/- 0.40 7.86 5.50 - 10.22 Pass MAAP-1151 02/01/14 Co-57 1.60 +/- 0.05 0.00 NA Fail (2)

MAAP-1151 02/01/14 Co-60 1.38 +/- 0.08 1.39 0.97 - 1.81 Pass MAAP-1 151 02/01/14 Cs-134 1.75 +/- 0.11 1.91 1.34 - 2.48 Pass MAAP-1 151 02/01/14 Cs-137 1.81 +/- 0.10 1.76 1.23 - 2.29 Pass MAAP-1 151 02/01/14 Mn-54 0.01 +/- 0.03 0.00 NA Pass MAAP-1 151 02/01/14 Zn-65 -0.24 +/- 0.09 0.00 -0.50 - 1.00 Pass MAAP-1151 02/01/14 Sr-90 1.11 +/- 0.14 1.18 0.83 - 1.53 Pass MAAP-1 154 02/01/14 Gr. Alpha 0.56 +/- 0.06 1.77 0.53 - 3.01 Pass MAAP-1 154 02/01/14 Gr. Beta 0.98 +/- 0.06 0.77 0.39 - 1.16 Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Ni-63 4.80 +/- 15.30 0.00 NA Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Co-57 1064.50 +/- 3.60 966.00 676.00 - 1256.00 Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Co-60 1.70 +/- 0.50 1.22 (3) Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Cs-1 34 6.10 +/- 1.80 0.00 NA Fail (4)

MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Cs-137 1364.30 +/- 5.30 1238.00 867.00 - 1609.00 Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 K-40 728.90 +/- 15.90 622.00 435.00 - 809.00 Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Mn-54 1588.00 +/- 6.00 1430.00 1001.00 - 1859.00 Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Zn-65 763.50 +/- 6.80 695.00 487.00 - 904.00 Pass MASO-1 146 02/01/14 Sr-90 1.23 +/- 1.37 0.00 NA Pass D-8 Page 62 of 170


ENVIRONMENTAL, INC., 2014 (Page 2 of 2)

Concentration a Known Control Lab Code b Date Analysis Laboratory result Activity Limits c Acceptance MASO-4439 08/01/14 Ni-63 771.62 +/- 23.29 980.00 686.00 - 1274.00 Pass MASO-4439 08/01/14 Sr-90 778.34 +/- 17.82 858.00 601.00 - 1115.00 Pass MASO-4439 08/01/14 Cs-134 520.60 +/- 7.09 622.00 435.00 - 809.00 Pass MASO-4439 08/01/14 Co-57 1135.00 +/- 7.40 1116.00 781.00 - 1451.00 Pass MASO-4439 08/01/14 Co-60 768.20 +/- 7.70 779.00 545.00 - 1013.00 Pass MASO-4439 08/01/14 Mn-54 1050.70 +/- 12.60 1009.00 706.00 - 1312.00 Pass MASO-4439 08/01/14 Zn-65 407.89 +/- 15.03 541.00 379.00 - 703.00 Pass MAW-4431 08/01/14 Am-241 0.79 +/- 0.08 0.88 0.62 - 1.14 Pass MAW-4431 08/01/14 Cs-137 18.62 +/- 0.54 18.40 12.90 - 23.90 Pass MAW-4431 08/01/14 Co-57 24.85 +/- 0.42 24.70 17.30 - 32.10 Pass MAW-4431 08/01/14 Co-60 12.27 +/- 0.38 12.40 8.70 - 16.10 Pass MAW-4431 08/01/14 H-3 207.20 +/- 10.60 208.00 146.00 - 270.00 Pass MAW-4431 08/01/14 Fe-55 55.10 +/- 14.80 31.50 22.10 - 41.00 Fail (5)

MAW-4431 08/01/14 Mn-54 14.36 +/- 0.53 14.00 9.80 - 18.20 Pass MAW-4431 08/01/14 Zn-65 11.46 +/- 0.78 10.90 7.60 - 14.20 Pass MAW-4493 08/01/14 Gr. Alpha 0.93 +/- 0.07 1.40 0.42 - 2.38 Pass MAW-4493 08/01/14 Gr. Beta 6.31 +/- 1.35 6.50 3.25 - 9.75 Pass MAAP-4433 08/01/14 Sr-90 0.74 +/- 0.10 0.70 0.49 - 0.91 Pass MAAP-4444 08/01/14 Sr-89 7.82 +/- 0.52 9.40 6.60 - 12.20 Pass MAAP-4444 08/01/14 Sr-90 0.76 +/- 0.10 0.76 0.53 - 0.99 Pass MAVE-4436 08/01/14 Cs-134 7.49 +/- 0.18 7.38 5.17 - 9.59 Pass MAVE-4436 08/01/14 Co-57 11.20 +/- 0.19 9.20 6.40 - 12.00 Pass MAVE-4436 08/01/14 Co-60 6.84 +/- 0.17 6.11 4.28 - 7.94 Pass MAVE-4436 08/01/14 Mn-54 8.11 +/- 0.26 7.11 4.97 - 9.23 Pass MAVE-4436 08/01/14 Zn-65 7.76 +/- 0.43 6.42 4.49 - 8.35 Pass a Results are reported in units of Bq/kg (soil), Bq/L (water) or Bq/total sample (filters, vegetation).

b Laboratory codes as follows: MAW (water), MAAP (air filter), MASO (soil), MAVE (vegetation).

MAPEP results are presented as the known values and expected laboratory precision (1 sigma, 1 determination) and control limits as defined by the MAPEP. A known value of "zero" indicates an analysis was included in the testing series as a "false positive". MAPEP does not provide control limits.

(1) The high bias on the plutonium crosscheck samples was traced to contamination from a newly purchased standard.

The results of reanalysis with replacement tracer purchased from NIST:

MAW-1184 Pu-238 0.68 +/- 0.10 Bq / L MAW-1184 Pu-239/240 0.66 +/- 0.10 Bq / L (2) Interference from Eu-152 resulted in misidentification of Co-57.

(3) Provided in the series for "sensitivity evaluation". MAPEP does not provide control limits.

(4) False positive test. Long sample counting time lead to interference from naturally occuring Bi-214 in sample matrix with a close spectral energy.

(5) Result of reanalysis Fe-55 32.63 +/- 16.30 Bq/L D-9 Page 63 of 170


TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRO DUCTIO N ................................................................................................................. 1 SUM MARY ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.0. EFFLUENTS ................................................................................................ 3 1.1. G aseous Effluents to the Atm osphere ............................................. 3 1.2. Liquids Released to Lake Michigan .................................................. 3 2.0. SO LID RADIOACTIVE W ASTE ................................................................... 3 3.0. DO SE TO MAN ............................................................................................ 3 3.1. G aseous Effl uent Pathways ............................................................. 3 3.1.1. G aseous Releases ............................................................. 4 G am m a Dose Rates .............................................. 4 Beta Air and Skin Dose Rate ................................ 4 3.1.2. Radioactive Iodine ............................................................... 4 3.1.3. Dose to Thyroid ................................................................... 5 3.2. Liquid Effluent Pathways ................................................................... 5 3.3. Direct Radiation ................................................................................ 6 3.4. Assessm ent of Dose to Mem ber of Public ........................................ 6 4.0. SITE METEO RO LO G Y ................................................................................ 7 Page 65 of 170

Table of Contents (cont.)

APPENDIX E-1 DATA TABLES AND FIGURES ............................................................. E-1.1 Station Releases Table 2.0-1 Solid Radioactive W aste ........................................................... E-1.2 Table 3.1-1 Maximum Doses Resulting from Airborne Releases ................ E-1.3 Table 3.2-1 Maximum Doses Resulting from Liquid Effluents ..................... E-1.5 Table 3.3-1 Maximum Doses Resulting from Direct Radiation .................... E-1.8 Table 3.4-1 10CFR20 Compliance Assessment .......................................... E-1.6 Table 3.5-1 Maximum Doses Resulting from Airborne Releases Based On Concurrent Meteorological Data ......................................... E-1.7 ii Page 66 of 170

INTRODUCTION Units 1 and 2 of the Zion Station, located in Zion, Illinois adjacent to Lake Michigan, are 1100 MWe (3520 MWt) Westinghouse pressurized water reactors.

The plant permanently ceased operation in February of 1998 and has been permanently defueled.

The station was designed to keep releases to the environment at levels below those specified in the regulations. Historical data has been established that Zion, as a fully operational facility, did not contribute appreciable doses to the surrounding public. Sampling results for 2014 showed minimal releases above background for a variety of monitored pathways, e.g. water, vegetation, air samples and TLIV.

Liquid effluents from Zion Station are released to Lake Michigan in controlled batches after radioassay of each batch and continuously through a monitored pathway. There are no routine noble gas releases. Due to decay, iodine is no longer present. The only noble gas that remains is Kr-85 captured in the spent fuel assemblies stored in the fuel pool in the fuel building The results of effluent analyses are summarized on a monthly basis and reported to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as required per Technical Specifications. Airborne concentrations of noble gases and particulate radioactivity in offsite areas are calculated using effluent and meteorological data.

Currently Zion Station is undergoing decommissioning. During the decommissioning process, containerized waste is temporarily maintained at designated locations onsite. The designated locations are located in a manner to minimize the direct radiation exposure to the public at or near the site boundary.

Environmental monitoring was conducted by sampling at indicator and control (background) locations in the vicinity of the Zion Station to measure changes in radiation or radioactivity levels that may be attributable to the station. If significant changes attributable to Zion Station are measured, these changes are correlated with effluent releases or direct radiation from containerized waste.

ISFSI operations were conducted in 2014 which attributed direct radiation dose in the form of gamma and neutron to members of the public. The results of the calculated dose from direct radiation from the ISFSI has been calculated and included in this report. In addition to the dose contributed to members of the public. A special case exists for members of the public working onsite in the switchyard area. Switchyard worker dose results are also included in this report.

1 Page 67 of 170


Gaseous, liquid and solid waste effluents for the period contributed to only a small fraction of the Station Technical Specification limits. Calculations of environmental concentrations based on effluent and meteorological data for the period indicate that consumption by the public of radionuclides attributable to the Zion Station does not exceed regulatory limits. Radiation exposure from direct radiation from containerized waste at the site boundary represented the critical pathway for the period with a maximum individual total body dose estimated to be 1.30E+01 mrem for the year, where a factor to analyze exposure based on habits of the real individual of 7.50E-01 was applied. The assessment of radiation doses is performed in accordance with the Zion Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM). The results of analysis confirm that the station is operating in compliance with 10CFR50 Appendix 1, 10CFR20, 10CFR72 and 40CFR190.

2 Page 68 of 170

1.0 EFFLUENTS 1.1 Gaseous Effluents to the Atmosphere Measured concentrations and isotopic composition of noble gases and particulate radioactivity released to the atmosphere were monitored during the year. A total of 0.OOE+00 microcuries of fission and activation gases was released with a maximum average release rate of O.00E+00 pCi/sec during any one quarter period.

A total of 4.05E-5 curies of beta-gamma emitters was released as airborne particulate matter with a maximum average quarterly release rate of 5.1OE-06 pCi/sec. Alpha-emitting radionuclides were less than measurable detection limits. 1.06E-01 curies of tritium were released with a maximum average quarterly release rate of 5.84E-03 pCi/sec.

1.2 Liquids Released to Lake Michigan A total of 1.82E+07 liters of liquid waste containing 3.69E-02 curies of fission and activation products, 1.06E+00 curies of tritium, and 1.57E-06 Ci of Alpha was discharged from the station via an approved pathway after dilution with a total of 4.97E+09 liters of water. These wastes were released at a maximum quarterly average concentration of 1.62E-07 pCi/ml. Monthly release estimates and principal radionuclides in liquid effluents are reported in the Zion Nuclear Power Station Radioactive Effluent Report for 2014.

2.0 SOLID RADIOACTIVE WASTE There were 63 solid radioactive waste shipments in 2014. For more detail, refer to the Zion Station 2014 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

3.0 DOSE TO MAN 3.1 Gaseous Effluent Pathways Table 3.1-1 summarizes the doses resulting from releases of airborne radioactivity via the different exposure pathways.

3 Page 69 of 170

3.1.1 Gaseous Releases Gamma Dose Rates Offsite Gamma air and whole (total) body dose rates are shown in Table 3.1-1 and were calculated based on measured release rates, isotopic composition of the gases, and meteorological data for the period. Based on measured effluents and average meteorological data, the maximum total body dose to an individual would be 6.86E-04 mrem (child) for the year (Table 3.5-1), with an occupancy or shielding factor of 0.7 included. The maximum gamma air dose was 0.OOE+00 mrad based on measured effluents and average meteorological data (Table 3.5-1). Beta Air and Skin Dose Rates The range of beta particles in air is relatively small (on the order of a few meters or less);

consequently, plumes of gaseous effluents may be considered "infinite" for purpose of calculating the dose from beta radiation incident on the skin.

However, the actual dose to sensitive skin tissues is difficult to calculate due to the effect of the beta particle energies, thickness of inert skin and clothing covering sensitive tissues. For purposes of this report the skin is taken to have a density thickness of 7.0 mg/cm2 and an occupancy factor of 1.0 is used. The skin dose from beta and gamma radiation for the year 0.OOE+00 mrem based on measured effluents and average meteorological data (Table 3.5-1).

The maximum offsite beta air dose for the year was 0.OOE+00 mrad based on measured effluents and average meteorological data (Table 3.5-1).

3.1.2 Radioactive Iodine The human thyroid exhibits a significant capacity to 4

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concentrate ingested or inhaled iodine. The radioiodine, 1-131, released during routine operation of the station, may be made available to man resulting in a dose to the thyroid.

The principal pathway of interest for this radionuclide is ingestion of radioiodine in milk. As Zion Station is not operational and 1-131 has decayed away, the maximum offsite concentration is estimated to be zero, as expected.

3.1.3 Dose to Thyroid The hypothetical thyroid dose to a maximum exposed individual living near the station via ingestion of milk was calculated. As Zion Station is not operational and 1-131 has decayed away, the maximum offsite concentration is estimated to be zero, as expected.

3.2 Liquid Effluent Pathways The three principal pathways through the aquatic environment for potential doses to man from liquid waste are ingestion of potable water, eating aquatic foods, and exposure while on the shoreline.

Not all of these pathways are significant or applicable at a given time but a reasonable approximation of the dose can be made by adjusting the dose formula for season of the year or type and degree of use of the aquatic environment. NRC developed equations* were used to calculate the doses to the whole body, lower GI tracts, thyroid, bone, skin; specific parameters for use in the equations are given in the Zion Station Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The maximum whole body dose (total body) for the year was 1.95E-01 mrem and no organ dose exceeded 2.87E-01 mrem (Table 3.2-1).

  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory Guide 1.109 (Rev. 1) distributions of the wind direction for the 250' level and wind speed class by atmospheric stability class determined from the temperature difference between the 250' and 35' levels. Data recovery for these measurements was 99.6% during 2014 (Table 3.5-1).

5 Page 71 of 170

3.3 Direct Radiation During the period January to December 2014, Zion Station during decommissioning has stored containerized radioactive waste combined with direct radiation from the ISFSI (including gamma plus neutron) that contributed a total of 1.30E+00 mrem to the whole body of a maximally exposed individual at site boundary taking into account the occupancy factor of 7.50E-01 calculated in Zion Station ES&H Technical Support Document (TSD)13-009 "Member of the Public Dose from All Onsite Sources." The maximally exposed member of the public working in the switchyard onsite was calculated to receive 5.21 E+01 mrem to the whole body at the south switchyard boundary. This value takes into account the occupancy factor of 2.38E-01 as described in ES&H TSD 13-009 referenced above.

3.4 Assessment of Dose to Member of Public During the period January to December, 2014, Zion Station did not exceed the below limits as shown in Table 3.1-1 and Table 3.2-1 (based on yearly average meteorological data), and Table 3.3 (based on TLD results):

The RETS limits on dose or dose commitment to an individual due to radioactive materials in liquid effluents from each reactor unit (3 mrem to the whole body or 10 mrem to any organ during any calendar year).

The RETS limits on air dose in noble gases released in gaseous effluents to a member of the public from each reactor unit (10 mrads for gamma radiation or 20 mrad for beta radiation during any calendar year).

The RETS limits on dose to a member of the public due to iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form 'with half-lives greater than eight days in gaseous effluents released from each reactor unit (15 mrem to any organ during any calendar year).

  • The 10CFR20 limit on Total Effective Dose Equivalent to individual members of the public (100 mrem).
  • The 10CFR72.104 limit on Total Effective Dose Equivalent to individual members of the public from combined effluents and radioactive material including ISFSI (25 mrem).

6 Page 72 of 170

4.0 SITE METEOROLOGY A summary of the site meteorological measurements taken during each calendar quarter of the year is given in Appendix 11. The data are presented as cumulative joint frequency 7

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Table 3.1-1 Maximum Dose Resulting from Airborne Releases Zion Station 2014 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit 1 Vent Stack - GROUND RELEASES REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Gases

1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Iodine-131
1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Particulates Half Life >= 8 days
1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Tritium
1. Total Release Ci 6.95E-03 1.15E-02 1.15E-02 2.33E-02 5.32E-02
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec 8.94E-04 1.46E-03 1.44E-03 2.92E-03 1.69E-03 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - GROUND RELEASES - CONTINUOUS MODE REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Gases <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Iodines <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Particulates Half Life >= 8 days<LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Tritium H-3 Ci 6.95E-03 1.15E-02 1. 15E-02 2. 33E-02 5.32E-02 Totals for Period Ci 6.95E-03 1. 15E-02 1.15E-02 2.33E-02 5.32E-02 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - GROUND RELEASES - BATCH MODE REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR No Batch Releases.

E-I1.2 Page 75 of 170

Table 3.1-1 (continued)

Maximum Dose Resulting from Airborne Releases Zion Station 2014 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Unit 2 Vent Stack - GROUND RELEASES REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Gases

1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD < LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD <LLD < LLD <LLD <LLD Iodine-131
1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD < LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD <LLD < LLD <LLD <LLD Particulates Half Life >= 8 days
1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD < LLD 4.05E-05 4.05E-05
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD < LLD <cLLD 5.10E-06 1.29E-06 Tritium
1. Total Release Ci 6.95E-03 1.15E-02 1.15E-02 2.33E-02 5.32E-02
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec 8.94E-04 1.46E-03 1.44E-03 2.92E-03 1.69E-03 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - GROUND RELEASES - CONTINUOUS MODE REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Gases <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Iodines <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Particulates Half Life >= 8 days CO-60 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 1.81E-06 1.81E-06 CS-137 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 1.34E-06 1.34E-06 NI-63 Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 3.74E-05 3. 74E-05 Totals for Period... Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD 4.05E-05 4.05E-05 Tritium H-3 Ci 6.95E-03 1.15E-02 1.15E-02 9.10E-03 3. 25E-02 Totals for Period Ci 6.95E-03 1.15E-02 1.15E-02 9.10E-03 3 .25E-02 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - GROUND RELEASES - BATCH MODE REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR No Batch Releases.

E-1.3 Page 76 of 170

Table 3.1-1(continued)

Maximum Dose Resulting from Airborne Releases Zion Station 2014 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT GAS ANNUAL DOSE


2014 Zion 40CFR190 Year ................... 2014 From Unit ................ 1 To Unit .................. 2 Coefficient Type ....... Hist orical Gas Receptor ............ 5 Coimposite Crit. Receptor - IP Distance (meters) ..... 0.00 Compass Point .......... NA


Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec %

Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Quarter 1 CHILD LIVER Quarter 2 CHILD LIVER 3.54E-05 Quarter 5.63E+00 6.30E-04 7.50E+00 4.72E-04 Quarter 3 CHILD LIVER 5.86E-05 Quarter 5.63E+00 1.04E-03 7.50E+00 7.82E-04 5.84E-05 Quarter 5.63E+00 1.04E-03 7.50E+00 7.79E-04 Quarter 4 CHILD BONE 7.40E-03 Quarter 5.63E+00 1.32E-01 7.50E+00 9.87E-02 Annual CHILD BONE 7.40E-03 Annual 1.13E+01 6.58E-02 1.50E+01 4.93E-02


Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec %

Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Quarter 1 CHILD TBODY 3.54E-05 Quarter 5.25E+00 6.75E-04 7.50E+00 4.72E-04 Quarter 2 CHILD TBODY 5.86E-05 Quarter 5.25E+00 6.12E-03 7.50E+00 7.82E-04 Quarter 3 CHILD TBODY 5.84E-05 Quarter 5.25E+00 1.lIE-03 7.50E+00 7.79E-04 Quarter 4 CHILD TBODY 5.34E-04 Quarter 5.25E+00 1.02E-02 7.50E+00 7.12E-03 Annual CHILD TBODY 6.86E-04 Annual 1.05E+01 6.54E-03 1.50E+01 4.57E-03 E-I1.4 Page 77 of 170

Table 3.1-1 (continued)

Maximum Dose Resulting from Airborne Releases Zion Station 2014 GASEOUS RELEASE AND DOSE


REPORT (Composite Critical Receptor - Limited Analysis)

Release ID ............. 1 All Gas Releases Period Start Date .... 01/01/2014 00:00 Period End Date ...... .. 01/01/2015 00:00 Period Duration (min): 5.256E+05 Coefficient Type ..... :.Historical Receptor ............... 5 Composite Crit. Receptor - IP Distance (meters) .... .. 0.0 Compass Point ........  :.0.0 MAXIMUM PERIOD DOSE TO LIMIT (*Any Organ)

Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec %

Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Strt->End CHILD BONE 7.40E-03 31-day 2.25E-01 3.29E+00 3.OOE-01 2.47E+00 Quarter 5.63E+00 1.32E-01 7.50E+00 9.87E-02 Annual 1.13E+01 6.58E-02 1.50E+01 4.93E-02 Critical Pathway ......... 2 Vegetation (VEG)

Major Contributors ...... 0.0  % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage H-3 0.OOE+00 CO-60 1.08E+00 NI-63 9.32E+01 CS-137 S.65E+00


Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec %

Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Strt->End CHILD TBODY 6.86E-0 4 31-day 1.50E-01 4.57E-01 2.OOE-01 3.43E-01 Quarter 5.25E+00 1.31E-02 7.50E+00 9.15E-03 Annual 1.05E+01 6.54E-03 1.50E+01 4.57E-03 Critical Pathway ......... 2 Vegetation (VEG)

Major Contributors ...... 0.0 % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage H-3 3.95E+01 CO-60 1.24E+01 NI-63 3.42E+01 CS-137 1.39E+01 E-1.5 Page 78 of 170

Table 3.2-1 Maximum dose Resulting from Liquid Effluents Zion Station 2014 LIQUID EFFLUENTS - SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES (Unit 1 & Unit 2 combined)

REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation products (not including Alpha and Tritium)

1. Total Release Ci <LLD 1.40E-03 1.68E-02 1.87E-02 3.69E-02
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD 1.78E-04 2.11E-03 2.35E-03 1.17E-03 Tritium
1. Total Release Ci <LLD 1.21E-01 6.94E-01 2.48E-01 1. 06E+00
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD 1.54E-02 8.73E-02 3.12E-02 3.36E-02 Dissolved and Entrained Gases
1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Gross Alpha Radioactivity
1. Total Release Ci <LLD <LLD 1.57E-06 <LLD 1.57E-06
2. Avg. Release Rate uCi/sec <LLD <LLD 1.97E-07 <LLD 4. 98E-08 Volume of liquid waste liters 2.64E+06 4.28E+06 6.09E+06 5.15E+06 1.82E+07 Volume of dil. water liters 1.23E+09 1.24E+09 1.25E+09 1.25E+09 4.97E+09 LIQUID EFFLUENTS - CONTINUOUS MODE (Unit 1 & Unit 2 combined)

REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Gases <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Tritium <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Dissolved and Entrained Gases <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Gross Alpha Radioactivity <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD E-1.6 Page 79 of 170

Table 3.2-1 (continued)

Maximum dose Resulting from Liquid Effluents Zion Station 2014 LIQUID EFFLUENTS - BATCH MODE (Unit 1 & Unit 2 combined)

REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Fission and Activation Products AG-108M Ci N/A 6. 88E-09 1. 95E-07 0. 00E+00 2 .02E-07 C-14 Ci N/A 2 .52E-07 4. 38E-04 5. 40E-04 9. 78E-04 CO-60 Ci N/A 8 00E-04 2 .50E-03 1. 23E-03 4. 53E-03 CS-137 Ci N/A 0 00E+00 2 lOE-04 1. 31E-06 2. lE-04 FE-S5 Ci N/A 2 . 82E- 06 1. 55E-04 1. 92E-04 3 50E-04 NI-59 Ci N/A 8. 44E-06 3. 01E-04 3. 71E-04 6 80E-04 NI-63 Ci N/A 5. 44E-04 1. 30E-02 1. 62E-02 2. 97E-02 PU-241 Ci N/A 7. 82E-07 1. 03E-05 1. 27E-05 2. 38E-05 SB-125 Ci N/A 4. 62E-05 2. 53E-05 0. OOE+00 7. 15E-05 SR-90 Ci N/A 3. 55E-07 1. 68E-04 2. 08E-04 3 .77E-04 Totals for Period Ci N/A 1 .40E-03 1.68E-02 1.87E-02 3.69E-02 Tritium H-3 Ci N/A 1.21E-01 6.94E-01 2. 48E-01 1. 06E+00 Totals for Period Ci N/A 1.21E-01 6. 94E-01 2.48E-01 1. 06E+00 Dissolved and Entrained Gases N/A <LLD <LLD <LLD <LLD Gross Alpha Radioactivity ALPHA Ci N/A 0. 00E+00 1.57E-06 0. OOE+00 1.57E-06 Totals for Period Ci N/A 0. OOE+00 1. 57E-06 0. OOE+00 1.57E-06 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION LIQUID EFFLUENTS - BATCH MODE REPORT FOR 2014 Units QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR Number of releases 0 4 23 23 50 Total release time minutes N/A 1.14E+04 5.94E+04 6.44E+04 1.35E+05 Maximum release time minutes N/A 3.85E+03 4.25E+03 6.56E+03 6.56E+03 Average release time minutes N/A 2.85E+03 2.58E+03 2.80E+03 2.70E+03 Minimum release time minutes N/A 2.42E+03 8.07E+02 1.12E+03 8.07E+02 Permit dilution vol 1tr N/A 1.24E+08 7.35E+08 6.81E+08 1.54E+09 Permit dilution flow gpm N/A 2.87E+03 3.27E+03 2.80E+03 3.01E+03 Permit max total diluted concentration (no H-3) uCi/ml N/A 1.83E-08 1.60E-07 1.62E-07 1.62E-07 Period dilution vol 1tr 1.23E+09 1.24E+09 1.25E+09 1.25E+09 4.97E+09 Period dilution flow gpm 2.51E+03 2.50E+03 2.49E+03 2.49E+03 2.50E+03 E-1.7 Page 80 of 170

Table 3.2-1 (continued)

Maximum dose Resulting from Liquid Effluents Zion Station 2014 40CFR190 URANIUM FUEL CYCLE DOSE REPORT LIQUID ANNUAL DOSE


2014 Zion 40CFR190 Year ...................- 2014 From Unit ................ 1 To Unit .................. 2 Liquid Receptor ....... .. 0 Liquid Receptor MAXIMUM PERIOD DOSE TO LIMIT (Any Organ)

Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec %

Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Quarter 1 ADULT BONE 0.00E+0 0 Quarter 2.50E+00 0.00E+00 2.50E+00 0.00E+00 Quarter 2 CHILD BONE 4.17E-0 3 Quarter 2.50E+00 1.67E-01 2.50E+00 1.67E-01 Quarter 3 CHILD BONE 1.36E-0 1 Quarter 2.50E+00 5.44E+00 2.50E+00 5.44E+00 Quarter 4 CHILD BONE 1.46E-0 1 Quarter 2.50E+00 5.85E+00 2.50E+00 5.85E+00 Annual CHILD BONE 2.87E-0 1 Annual 5.OOE+00 5.73E+00 5.OOE+00 5.73E+00 MAXIMUM PERIOD DOSE TO LIMIT (Tot Body))

Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec %

Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Quarter 1 ADULT TBODY 0.00E+0 0 Quarter 1.50E+00 0.OOE+00 1.50E+00 0.00E+00 Quarter 2 CHILD TBODY 2.37E-0 4 Quarter 1.50E+00 1.58E-02 1.50E+00 1.58E-02 Quarter 3 ADULT TBODY 1.57E-0 2 Quarter 1.50E+00 1.04E+00 1.50E+00 1.04E+00 Quarter 4 CHILD TBODY 4.81E-0 3 Quarter 1.50E+00 3.21E-01 1.50E+00 3.21E-01 Annual ADULT TBODY 1.95E-0 2 Annual 3.00E+00 6.52E-01 3.00E+00 6.52E-01 E-l1.8 Page 81 of 170

Table 3.2-1 (continued)

Maximum dose Resulting from Liquid Effluents Zion Station 2014 LIQUID RELEASE AND DOSE



(PERIOD BASIS)-----------

Release ID ............ 1 All Liquid Release Types Period Start Date ..... 01/01/2014 00:00 Period End Date ........ 01/01/2015 00:00 Period Duration (mins): 5.256E+05 Receptor ..............  : 0 Liquid Receptor


Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec %

Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Strt->End CHILD BONE 2.87E-0 1 31-day 5.OOE+00 5.73E+00 5.OOE+00 5.73E+00 Quarter 2.50E+00 1.15E+01 2.50E+00 1.15E+01 Annual 5.00E+00 5.73E+00 5.OOE+00 5.73E+00 Critical Pathway ........ .. 1 Fresh Water Fish - Sport (FFSP)

Major Contributors ...... .. 0.0  % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage H-3 0.OOE+00 FE-55 1.98E-02 CO-60 0.00E+00 NI-63 7.85E+01 SR-90 1.49E+01 CS-137 6.67E+00


Dose Age Dose Limit Admin Admin % T.Spec T.Spec Period Group Organ (mrem) Period Limit of Limit Limit of Limit Strt->End ADULT TBODY 1.95E-02 31-day 3.00E+00 6.52E-01 3.00E+00 6.52E-01 Quarter 1.50E+00 1.30E+00 1.50E+00 1.30E+00 Annual 3.00E+00 6.52E-01 3.00E+00 6.52E-01 Critical Pathway ........  :.1 Fresh Water Fish - Sport (FFSP)

Major Contributors ......  :.0.0  % or greater to total Nuclide Percentage H-3 2.55E-01 FE-55 3.37E-02 CO-60 2.34E+00 NI-63 2.81E+01 SR-90 4.39E+00 CS-137 6.50E+01 E- 1.9 Page 82 of 170

Table 3.3-1 Maximum Dose Resulting from Direct Radiation Zion Station 2014 Maximally exposed sector: J (25mrem/year limit)

Unit Qtr 1 (mrem) Qtr 2 (mrem) Qtr 3 (mrem) Qtr 4 (mrem) 2014 (mrem)

Unit 1 2.23E-01 7.77E-01 1.97E+00 1.03E+00 4.OOE+00 Unit 2 2.23E-01 7.77E-01 1.97E+00 1.03E+00 4.OOE+00 ISFSI - gamma 2.23E-01 7.77E-01 1.97E+00 1.03E+00 4.OOE+00 ISFSI - neutron 0.OOE+00 1.50E-01 5.08-01 2.95E-01 9.53E-01 Sum: 7.75E-01 2.48E+00 6.42E+00 3.39E+00 1.30E+01 Maximally exposed switchyard: Switchyard South (100mrem/year limit)

Switchyard Qtr 1 (mrem) Qtr 2 (mrem) Qtr 3 (mrem) Qtr 4 (mrem) 2014 (mrem)

Gamma 7.15E-01 1.30E+01 1.45E+01 1.98E+01 4.81E+01 Neutron 0.OOE+00 8.35E-01 1.25E+00 1.89E+00 3.98E+00 Sum 7.15E-01 1.38E+01 1.58E+01 2.17E+01 5.21E+01 E-1.10 Page 83 of 170

Table 3.4-1 ZION STATION 2014 Unit 1 10CFR20 Compliance Assessment

1. IOCFR 20.1301 (a) (1) Compliance Total Effective Dose Equivalent 4.OOE+00 mrem/year 10 CFR 20.1301 (a) (1) limit 100 mrem/year

% of the limit 4.OOE+00%

2. Compliance Summary IOCFR20 Is' Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3r dQtr. 4th Qtr  % of Limit TE:DE 2.23E-01 7.77E-01 1. 97E+00 1.03E+00 4.OOE+00%

E-1.1I1 Page 84 of 170

Table 3.4-1(continued)

ZION STATION 2014 Unit 2 10CFR20 Compliance Assessment

1. 10CFR 20.1301 (a) (1) Compliance Total Effective Dose Equivalent 4.OOE+00 mrem/year 10 CFR 20.1301 (a) (1) limit 100 mrem/year

% of the limit 4.OOE+00%

2. Compliance Summary 10CFR20 I s' Qtr. 2 nd Qtr. 3 T Qtr. 4 th Qtr % of Limit TEDE 2.23E-01 7.77E-01 1.I97E+00 1.03E+00 4.OOE+00%

E-1.12 Page 85 of 170

Table 3.4-1(continued)

ZION STATION 2014 Switchyard 10CFR20 Compliance Assessment

1. IOCFR 20.1301 (a) (1) Compliance Total Effective Dose Equivalent 5.21E+O1 mrem/year 10 CFR 20.1301 (a) (1) limit 100 mrem/year

% of the limit 5.21E+01%

2. Compliance Summary IOCFR20 1 st Qtr. 2 nd Qtr. 3rd

'Qtr. 4' Qtr  % of Limit TEDE 7.15E-01 1.38E+01 1.:58E+01 2.17E+01 5.21E+01%

E-1.13 Page 86 of 170

Table 3.5-1 Doses Resulting from Airborne Releases The following are the maximum annual calculated cumulative offsite doses resulting from Zion Station airborne releases.

Unit 1:

Dose Maximum Value Sector Affected gamma air (1) O.OOE+00 mrad beta air (2) O.OOE+00 mrad whole body (3) 3.43E-04 mrem East skin (4) 2.28E-04 mrem East organ (5)(child bone) 3.70E-04 mrem East Unit 2:

Dose Maximum Value Sector Affected gamma air (1) O.OOE+00 mrad beta air (2) O.OOE+00 mrad whole body (3) 3.43E-04 mrem East skin (4) 2.28E-04 mrem East organ () (child liver) 3.70E-04 mrem East Data recovery: 99.6%

(1) Gamma Air Dose - GASPAR II, NUREG-0597 (2) Beta Air Dose - GASPAR II, NUREG-0597 (3) Whole Body Dose - GASPAR II, NUREG-0597 (4) Skin Dose - GASPAR II, NUREG-0597 (5) Inhalation and Food Pathways Dose - GASPAR II, NUREG-0597 E-i .14 Page 87 of 170


Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 3 4 NNE 8 5 13 NE 8 4 14 ENE 4 0 4 E 0 0 0 ESE 0 0 0 SE 7 0 11 SSE 7 0 8 S 0 0 0 SSW 0 0 0 SW 4 6 12 WSW 21 9 39 W 22 10 33 WNW 22 5 28 NW 0 22 7 29 NNW 0 4 0 4 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 0 13 129 49 8 0 199 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability class*es: 3 F-I Page 89 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 1 NNE 0 0 NE 0 1 ENE 0 0 E 0 0 ESE 0 0 SE 0 0 SSE 0 0 S 0 0 SSW 0 0 SW 0 0 WSW 0 1 9 5 2 0 17 W 0 2 3 5 0 0 10 WNW 0 1 8 3 0 0 12 NW 0 2 10 1 0 0 13 NNW 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 9 49 22 4 0 84 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-2 Page 90 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 8 NNE 4 12 NE 2 10 ENE 1 4 E 0 2 ESE 1 4 SE 1 4 SSE 7 12 S 2 4 SSW 7 17 SW 5 17 WSW 10 22 W 4 11 WNW 7 16 NW 12 20 NNW 3 5 Variable 0 0 Total 2 53 67 39 7 0 168 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-3 Page 91 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 4 19 9 4 36 NNE 8 30 20 0 59 NE 4 14 28 0 48 ENE 3 6 2 0 12 E 3 5 5 0 14 ESE 4 8 1 0 13 SE 3 5 2 0 11 SSE 10 37 28 10 86 S 21 25 17 0 68 SSW 40 25 51 2 125 SW 25 43 34 14 122 WSW 33 63 25 4 127 W 41 117 25 0 188 WNW 37 69 21 0 131 NW 36 40 15 0 94 NNW 9 53 14 0 77 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 39 281 559 297 34 1 1211 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-4 Page 92 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 4 3 0 0 0 7 NNE 0 1 5 0 0 0 6 NE 2 1 0 0 0 4 ENE 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 2 5 0 0 8 ESE 0 4 3 1 0 0 8 SE 1 1 0 0 0 3 SSE 1 7 5 0 0 14 S 3 19 11 0 0 35 SSW 0 15 14 0 0 31 SW 6 12 4 0 0 29 WSW 8 20 9 0 0 37 W 5 31 14 0 0 50 WNW 13 37 10 0 0 60 NW 6 25 10 0 0 41 NNW 3 8 0 0 0 11 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 48 188 95 14 0 0 345 Hours of calm in this stability class: 3 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stabil ity class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all st ability classes: 3 F-5 Page 93 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph) wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 0 NNE 0 1 NE 0 0 ENE 0 0 E 0 1 ESE 0 3 SE 0 0 SSE 1 10 S 9 19 SSW 2 3 SW 6 8 WSW 7 12 W 13 18 WNW 16 19 NW 2 3 NNW 0 1 variable 0 0 Total 21 56 12 7 2 0 98 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-6 Page 94 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 0 NNE 0 0 NE 0 0 ENE 0 0 E 0 0 ESE 0 0 SE 0 0 SSE 0 2 S 4 9 SSW 1 1 SW 1 1 WSW 2 2 W 13 20 WNW 12 14 NW 0 0 NNW 0 0 Variable 0 0 Total 12 33 1 3 0 0 49 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-7 Page 95 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph) wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 2 NNE 10 15 NE 5 14 ENE 1 4 E 0 0 ESE 0 0 SE 9 16 SSE 1 2 S 0 1 SSW 0 0 SW 3 6 WSW 17 37 W 21 39 WNW 12 25 NW 17 32 NNW 5 6 Variable 0 0 Total 0 1 45 101 38 14 199 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-8 Page 96 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 2 4 NNE 2 2 5 NE 1 0 2 ENE 0 0 1 E 0 0 0 ESE 0 0 0 SE 2 0 3 SSE 0 0 2 S 0 0 0 SSW 3 1 4 SW 1 1 2 WSW 6 5 15 W 5 6 15 WNW 5 2 12 NW 5 2 14 NNW 4 0 5 Variable 0 0 0 Total 0 3 19 35 21 6 84 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-9 Page 97 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 8 NNE 4 12 NE 2 11 ENE 0 4 E 0 2 ESE 0 5 SE 3 9 SSE 0 3 S 0 7 SSW 5 12 SW 4 20 WSW 4 21 W 5 13 WNW 6 16 NW 9 17 NNW 3 8 Variable 0 0 Total 1 32 39 45 32 19 168

  • Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-10 Page 98 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 3 8 7 6 25 NNE 2 9 25 15 15 66 NE 3 6 15 26 4 54 ENE 1 2 6 2 1 12 E 3 3 4 3 1 15 ESE 2 3 6 2 0 13 SE 1 6 7 9 6 29 SSE 5 14 26 22 3 70 S 4 14 18 19 9 64 SSW 14 31 14 33 19 il1 SW 6 18 39 24 22 109 WSW 7 24 56 19 25 131 W 6 13 80 60 5 167 WNW 8 24 66 30 14 142 NW 4 31 37 25 8 105 NNW 2 16 47 16 4 85 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 4 69 217 454 312 142 1198 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 13 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-I I Page 99 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 3 9 0 13 NNE 1 4 1 9 NE 1 2 0 5 ENE 0 0 1 2 E 1 1 5 7 ESE 0 6 1 8 SE 2 1 1 4 SSE 9 3 2 17 S 6 6 7 25 SSW 8 13 7 33 SW 11 9 7 32 WSW 15 14 1 35 W 12 14 5 33 WNW 10 22 5 37 NW 12 38 3 61 NNW 12 12 0 27 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 6 32 103 154 46 7 348 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F-12 Page 100 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 2 NNE 0 1 NE 0 1 ENE 0 0 E 0 1 ESE 0 4 SE 0 0 SSE 4 13 S 4 11 SSW 7 14 SW 1 3 WSW 1 4 W 5 8 WNW 1 15 NW 6 13 NNW 5 8 Variable 0 0 Total 1 11 35 34 3 14 98 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability c2lass: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stabili ity classes: 3 F-13 Page 101 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: January - March 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 0 3 NNE 0 0 1 NE 0 0 1 ENE 0 0 0 E 0 0 1 ESE 0 0 0 SE 0 0 1 SSE 1 0 2 S 5 0 11 SSW 0 1 2 SW 0 0 2 WSW 0 0 0 W 1 0 3 WNW 0 0 5 NW 4 0 8 NNW 7 0 9 Variable 0 0 0 Total 4 7 16 18 1 3 49 Hours of calm in this stabilit y class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 3 F- 14 Page 102 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 2 2 6 0 11 NNE 4 31 11 0 46 NE 6 25 1 0 32 ENE 1 3 0 0 4 E 3 0 1 0 4 ESE 3 0 0 0 3 SE 0 6 1 0 7 SSE 0 2 1 0 3 S 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 0 2 2 0 4 SW 4 14 14 0 32 WSW 0 2 23 14 0 0 39 W 0 2 17 7 0 0 26 WNW 0 0 7 7 0 0 14 NW 0 4 10 0 0 0 14 NNW 0 0 4 1 0 0 5 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 31 146 66 1 0 244 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 2 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-15 Page 103 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 2 3 6 NNE 1 11 0 12 NE 6 3 1 10 ENE 2 1 0 3 E 4 0 0 4 ESE 0 2 0 2 SE 6 0 0 6 SSE 0 0 0 0 S 0 1 0 1 SSW 0 1 1 2 SW 0 5 0 5 WSW 1 8 1 10 W 3 8 1 12 WNW 3 3 0 6 NW 0 0 0 0 NNW 0 1 0 1 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 0 27 46 7 0 0 80 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 3 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-16 Page 104 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 3 17 24 NNE 0 14 6 23 NE 1 3 2 6 ENE 1 2 1 4 E 0 4 1 6 ESE 0 0 1 1 SE 0 2 1 3 SSE 0 4 1 7 S 0 0 0 0 SSW 0 0 0 2 SW 0 1 2 6 WSW 0 2 12 15 W 0 2 2 6 WNW 0 0 2 3 NW 0 2 2 4 NNW 1 6 7 0

Variable 0 0 0 Total 2 40 56 19 0 0 117 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 1 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-17 Page 105 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 41 57 11 113 NNE 45 40 3 96 NE 39 16 3 64 ENE 17 10 12 43 E 15 8 7 38 ESE 10 5 2 22 SE 14 6 0 21 SSE 12 16 11 41 S 16 9 1 28 SSW 7 27 4 38 SW 10 21 12 43 WSW 18 10 7 35 W 12 15 6 34 WNW 11 6 3 21 NW 13 8 1 27 NNW 18 7 2 29 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 44 298 261 85 5 0 693 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 6 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-18 Page 106 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 4 20 22 46 NNE 8 25 6 39 NE 10 12 5 31 ENE 7 9 3 24 E 3 9 1 14 ESE 6 11 2 19 SE 8 19 10 37 SSE 3 23 30 61 S 6 38 26 73 SSW 8 32 7 47 SW 4 16 6 26 WSW 1 14 3 18 W 3 11 3 17 WNW 5 14 2 21 NW 8 11 2 21 NNW 7 12 1 20 Variable 2 0 0 2 Total 93 276 129 17 1 0 516 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 2 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-19 Page 107 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 8 10 3 0 0 21 NNE 5 8 2 0 0 15 NE 6 7 4 0 0 17 ENE 5 9 4 0 0 18 E 8 5 2 0 0 15 ESE 5 5 3 1 0 14 SE 5 14 4 0 0 23 SSE 5 12 25 6 0 48 S 9 32 28 0 0 69 SSW 11 14 1 0 0 26 SW 5 2 2 0 0 9 WSW 8 0 0 0 0 8 W 5 4 0 0 0 9 WNW 8 0 0 0 0 8 NW 7 2 1 0 0 10 NNW 6 3 0 1 0 10 Variable 0 1 0 0 0 1 Total 106 128 79 8 0 0 321 Hours of calm in this stability class: 1 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-20 Page 108 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 NNE 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 NE 5 2 1 0 0 0 8 ENE 1 3 1 0 0 0 5 E 3 5 1 0 0 0 9 ESE 2 3 1 0 0 0 6 SE 3 8 1 0 0 0 12 SSE 7 22 11 2 0 0 42 S 5 21 21 0 0 0 47 SSW 8 4 1 0 0 0 13 SW 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 WSW 9 2 0 0 0 0 11 W 10 5 0 0 0 0 15 WNW 4 1 0 0 0 0 5 NW 3 3 0 0 0 0 6 NNW 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 Variable 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 72 82 38 2 0 0 194 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-21 Page 109 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 0 0 0 4 10 NNE 0 1 17 26 4 48 NE 0 2 13 3 3 21 ENE 0 0 3 6 0 9 E 0 0 7 2 0 9 ESE 0 2 0 0 0 2 SE 0 0 1 1 1 6 SSE 0 0 0 3 0 3 S 0 0 0 1 0 1 SSW 0 0 1 1 1 3 SW 0 0 4 12 6 23 WSW 0 0 8 21 10 48 W 0 0 6 10 7 24 WNW 0 0 2 5 8 18 NW 0 0 3 9 1 13 NNW 0 0 1 4 1 6 variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 5 66 104 46 23 244 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 2 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-22 Page 110 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 2 4 7 NNE 10 5 17 NE 2 0 4 ENE 1 0 1 E 2 1 4 ESE 1 0 1 SE 1 0 6 SSE 1 0 2 S 0 1 1 SSW 0 1 2 SW 0 3 3 WSW 2 6 10 W 4 6 15 WNW 2 3 5 NW 2 0 2 NNW 0 1 1 Variable 0 0 0 Total 0 9 30 31 10 1 81 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 2 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-23 Page 111 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 8 19 NNE 6 20 NE 1 8 ENE 1 7 E 0 3 ESE 0 4 SE 1 5 SSE 0 4 S 1 1 SSW 0 2 SW 3 4 WSW 10 17 W 2 6 WNW 2 3 NW 2 5 NNW 5 8 Variable 0 0 Total 0 13 40 42 17 4 116 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 2 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-24 Page 112 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph) wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 13 15 41 20 9 98 NNE 14 36 34 11 1 97 NE 18 18 15 4 1 56 ENE 8 14 13 6 2 43 E 11 10 10 7 11 49 ESE 8 6 4 4 1 24 SE 9 6 11 4 3 34 SSE 4 7 17 8 3 39 S 1 11 5 2 0 19 SSW 2 8 12 11 1 34 SW 0 11 26 6 7 50 WSW 0 10 16 9 2 37 W 0 11 15 10 1 37 WNW 0 2 8 4 1 15 NW 4 11 6 0 0 21 NNW 7 5 12 8 0 35 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 6 99 181 245 114 43 688 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 11 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-25 Page 113 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 4 6 11 5 28 NNE 11 20 20 5 56 NE 9 7 4 0 27 ENE 9 4 3 4 22 E 7 6 2 2 21 ESE 14 9 2 1 27 SE 11 19 14 1 55 SSE 7 15 26 16 71 S 2 10 28 8 52 SSW 2 7 23 2 35 SW 3 6 22 1 32 WSW 4 3 12 0 20 W 2 4 13 0 19 WNW 0 8 13 0 21 NW 1 2 10 0 13 NNW 1 2 7 0 10 variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 8 87 128 210 45 31 509 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 9 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-26 Page 114 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April June 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 5 4 0 0 10 NNE 6 10 6 1 0 23 NE 9 6 0 0 1 16 ENE 4 4 1 1 2 13 E 3 5 5 2 1 17 ESE 3 6 0 3 2 15 SE 9 13 7 2 7 39 SSE 5 6 18 20 9 59 S 3 14 21 13 1 54 SSW 3 16 11 0 0 31 SW 1 2 3 1 0 7 WSW 2 2 1 1 0 6 W 1 5 1 0 0 8 WNW 0 0 3 0 0 3 NW 2 1 0 0 0 3 NNW 2 1 7 1 0 11 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 9 54 96 88 45 23 315 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 7 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-27 Page 115 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: April - June 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 4 0 6 NNE 1 0 4 NE 0 0 2 ENE 1 0 3 E 1 0 2 ESE 0 2 5 SE 4 3 15 SSE 13 13 41 S 27 21 60 SSW 9 7 23 SW 9 5 18 WSW 3 1 5 W 1 2 4 WNW 1 0 2 NW 0 0 1 NNW 1 0 2 Variable 0 0 0 Total 4 32 75 54 20 8 193 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 1 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 4 F-28 Page 116 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 11 17 NNE 18 28 47 NE 52 8 60 ENE 30 4 34 E 26 0 27 ESE 28 3 31 SE 30 3 33 SSE 6 11 17 S 1 1 2 SSW 1 3 5 SW 5 10 20 WSW 15 13 31 W 20 25 45 WNW 3 10 14 NW 4 1 6 NNW 0 1 1 Variable 0 0 0 Total 1 240 132 17 0 0 390 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-29 Page 117 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 10 NNE 7 NE 6 ENE 5 E 6 ESE 12 SE 5 SSE 10 S 0 SSW 6 SW 13 WSW 6 W 12 WNW 3 NW 0 8 NNW 0 2 Variable 0 0 Total 5 50 51 5 0 0 i1 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-30 Page 118 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 7 8 17 NNE 5 7 16 NE 5 1 7 ENE 2 0 2 E 4 0 7 ESE 4 1 6 SE 12 2 14 SSE 14 14 29 S 4 3 7 SSW 1 1 2 SW 6 7 13 WSW 1 10 12 W 4 3 9 WNW 1 3 4 NW 1 3 5 NNW 4 5 10 variable 0 0 0 Total 11 75 68 6 0 0 160 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stabi lity class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all s tability class es: 0 F-31 Page 119 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 21 16 49 NNE 29 10 50 NE 9 7 23 ENE 16 2 25 E 23 6 33 ESE 16 2 27 SE 23 1 30 SSE 24 34 70 S 31 8 46 SSW 7 11 20 SW 26 37 73 WSW 19 10 31 W 21 10 36 WNW 20 5 29 NW 20 22 50 NNW 27 25 59 Variable 0 0 0 Total 91 332 206 22 0 0 651 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-32 Page 120 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 11 11 2 25 NNE 8 9 0 20 NE 5 4 0 9 ENE 3 1 0 4 E 2 2 0 4 ESE 5 2 0 7 SE 3 9 1 13 SSE 9 10 11 34 S 12 58 18 88 SSW 22 16 7 45 SW 6 21 6 33 WSW 7 28 2 37 W 18 15 2 35 WNW 11 17 1 29 NW 8 10 1 19 NNW 13 15 2 30 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 143 228 53 5 3 0 432 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this sta bility class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-33 Page 121 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 4 2 7 NNE 1 1 2 NE 1 0 1 ENE 1 1 2 E 0 1 1 ESE 2 2 4 SE 0 3 4 SSE 2 1 3 S 11 22 38 SSW 41 15 57 SW 35 9 44 WSW 28 17 45 W 14 21 35 WNW 7 12 19 NW 15 17 33 NNW 11 3 14 Variable 1 0 1 Total 174 127 9 0 0 0 310 Hours of calm in this stability class: 3 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-34 Page 122 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - Septemb*er 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft- -33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13 -18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 NNE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SE 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 SSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 SSW 9 1 0 0 0 0 10 SW 20 5 0 0 0 0 25 WSW 26 16 0 0 0 0 42 W 23 13 0 0 0 0 36 WNW 20 3 0 0 0 0 23 NW 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 NNW 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 109 39 1 0 0 0 149 Hours of calm in this stability class: 2 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-35 Page 123 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph) wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 4 6 5 17 NNE 10 25 23 1 59 NE 9 37 1 0 47 ENE 14 20 0 0 34 E 18 5 0 0 23 ESE 15 9 6 0 30 SE 2 32 7 0 41 SSE 2 9 1 0 12 S 0 2. 2 0 4 SSW 0 1 3 0 4 SW 1 9 8 2 20 WSW 4 11 7 7 29 W 4 21 20 3 48 WNW 1 7 5 2 15 NW 0 0 2 2 1 5 NNW 0 0 1 1 0 2 variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 81 195 92 21 1 390 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-36 Page 124 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 5 11 NNE 2 6 NE 0 7 ENE 0 5 E 1 5 ESE 2 8 SE 3 12 SSE 1 5 S 2 2 SSW 2 4 SW 9 15 WSW 2 5 W 5 15 WNW 2 2 NW 2 7 NNW 1 2 Variable 0 0 Total 2 31 30 39 9 0 Iil Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-37 Page 125 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 3 5 7 16 NNE 2 5 7 18 NE 3 2 1 7 ENE 0 0 0 0 E 4 1 0 5 ESE 2 3 1 7 SE 7 5 6 18 SSE 8 14 5 27 S 1 1 2 5 SSW 0 1 1 2 SW 2 6 4 14 WSW 0 2 6 12 W 0 5 2 9 WNW 0 1 2 5 NW 1 0 2 5 NNW 1 5 4 10 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 5 34 56 50 12 3 160 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-38 Page 126 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 7 12 16 14 54 NNE 3 21 14 1 41 NE 8 3 7 0 22 ENE 10 13 2 0 25 E 8 11 6 2 28 ESE 18 7 6 1 35 SE 8 7 13 0 29 SSE 20 28 22 8 82 S 4 12 15 4 37 SSW 0 5 7 2 15 SW 3 24 32 11 71 WSW 4 14 17 3 38 W 3 14 18 3 39 WNW 3 10 13 2 30 NW 6 12 26 10 54 NNW 4 9 37 0 51 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 21 109 202 251 61 7 651 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-39 Page 127 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 5 11 9 26 NNE 1 4 9 0 18 NE 3 5 8 0 16 ENE 0 3 0 0 3 E 0 5 3 0 8 ESE 5 9 3 2 19 SE 2 5 4 9 20 SSE 1 10 15 19 49 S 1 4 23 24 64 SSW 0 6 14 16 38 SW 2 6 18 18 46 WSW 0 2 15 20 38 W 1 7 10 10 29 WNW 0 4 9 12 27 NW 2 2 7 5 16 NNW 0 3 2 9 15 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 18 80 151 153 22 8 432 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this sta bility class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-40 Page 128 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 3 6 6 16 NNE 4 2 1 7 NE 11 1 0 14 ENE 3 2 0 5 E 1 4 0 5 ESE 1 1 0 2 SE 4 1 2 9 SSE 4 25 5 37 S 2 29 26 62 SSW 6 17 8 32 SW 2 11 11 26 WSW 4 5 16 25 W 2 3 16 21 WNW 1 11 11 23 NW 1 3 11 17 NNW 3 1 7 11 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 11 52 122 120 6 1 312 Hours of calm in this stability class: 1 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-41 Page 129 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: July - September 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 0 8 NNE 0 0 6 NE 0 0 2 ENE 0 0 1 E 1 0 2 ESE 1 0 4 SE 3 0 7 SSE 5 0 10 S 7 3 17 SSW 12 6 21 SW 11 17 30 WSW 6 9 20 W 3 3 7 WNW 4 1 10 NW 2 0 2 NNW 2 0 3 Variable 0 0 0 Total 8 44 57 39 2 0 150 Hours of calm in this stability class: 1 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 0 F-42 Page 130 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 NNE 0 5 5 0 0 0 10 NE 0 3 3 0 0 0 6 ENE 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 E 0 3 1 0 0 0 4 ESE 0 8 1 0 0 0 9 SE 0 9 2 0 0 0 11 SSE 0 1 4 0 0 0 5 S 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 SSW 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 SW 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 WSW 0 4 14 6 0 0 24 W 0 6 20 20 0 0 46 WNW 0 1 7 2 0 0 10 NW 0 5 4 1 0 0 10 NNW 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 49 76 29 0 0 154 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-43 Page 131 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 4 2 6 NNE 1 0 3 NE 0 0 0 ENE 1 0 1 E 0 0 0 ESE 1 0 2 SE 1 0 1 SSE 5 1 7 S 3 0 3 SSW 6 1 9 SW 10 5 18 WSW 5 1 8 W 11 10 23 WNW 9 0 10 NW 1 0 2 NNW 3 0 3 Variable 0 0 0 Total 0 15 61 20 0 0 96 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-44 Page 132 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 5 4 12 NNE 0 2 0 2 NE 0 0 0 1 ENE 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 ESE 0 0 2 2 SE 1 0 0 1 SSE 0 1 3 8 S 1 2 6 10 SSW 0 3 5 11 SW 0 7 14 23 WSW 0 6 11 22 W 0 10 23 40 WNW 0 6 18 24 NW 0 2 6 10 NNW 0 0 2 4 Variable 0 0 0 0 Total 2 44 94 29 1 0 170 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-45 Page 133 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 16 30 17 66 NNE 1 6 5 4 18 NE 1 3 7 0 11 ENE 1 1 3 3 8 E 1 4 7 1 13 ESE 1 6 8 0 15 SE 2 10 15 0 27 SSE 3 9 69 29 113 S 7 39 40 1 87 SSW 4 26 78 12 120 SW 10 30 40 19 99 WSW 7 38 52 17 114 W 9 51 110 23 193 WNW 8 60 70 8 146 NW 11 74 43 9 137 NNW 3 37 41 9 96 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 70 410 618 152 13 0 1263 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-46 Page 134 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 NNE 1 4 3 0 0 0 8 NE 1 4 1 0 0 0 6 ENE 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 E 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ESE 2 0 2 0 0 0 4 SE 2 3 2 0 0 0 7 SSE 1 15 19 0 40 S 1 29 21 0 51 SSW 9 22 9 0 41 SW 6 24 17 0 47 WSW 6 38 7 0 51 W 15 33 4 0 52 WNW 11 21 2 0 34 NW 14 10 0 0 24 NNW 4 9 0 0 13 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 75 216 88 0 385 Hours of calm in this stability class: 1 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-47 Page 135 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 NNE 0 NE 0 ENE 0 E 0 ESE 1 SE 1 SSE 2 S 13 SSW 6 SW 8 WSW 8 W 13 WNW 10 NW 8 NNW 1 Variable 0 Total 27 44 0 0 0 0 71 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability class es: 5 F-48 Page 136 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 35 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 0 0 0 0 NNE 0 0 0 0 0 NE 0 0 0 0 0 ENE 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 ESE 0 0 0 0 0 SE 0 0 0 0 0 SSE 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 SSW 1 0 0 0 1 SW 1 2 0 0 3 WSW 13 9 0 0 22 W 14 8 0 0 22 WNW 3 9 0 0 12 NW 0 3 0 0 3 NNW 0 0 0 0 0 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 32 31 0 0 0 63 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-49 Page 137 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 NNE 0 1 7 3 0 0 11 NE 0 0 3 2 0 0 5 ENE 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 E 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 ESE 0 3 5 3 0 0 11 SE 0 2 6 4 0 0 12 SSE 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 S 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 SSW 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 SW 0 0 1 8 0 0 9 WSW 0 2 7 3 7 0 19 W 0 0 9 12 19 1 41 WNW 0 0 2 7 1 0 10 NW 0 0 7 1 1 0 9 NNW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 11 52 51 28 1 143 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 11 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-50 Page 138 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 0 1 2 2 0 5 NNE 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 NE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENE 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ESE 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 SE 0 0 3 2 0 0 5 SSE 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 S 0 1 1 2 0 0 4 SSW 0 1 3 4 1 0 9 SW 0 0 4 6 4 1 15 WSW 0 0 4 4 5 0 13 W 0 1 2 9 4 1 17 WNW 0 0 1 5 2 0 8 NW 0 0 3 1 0 0 4 NNW 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 4 29 39 19 2 93 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 3 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-51 Page 139 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Unstable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 0 3 11 NNE 0 0 1 NE 0 0 1 ENE 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 ESE 0 1 2 SE 0 1 3 SSE 0 2 6 S 0 6 10 SSW 0 6 11 SW 0 10 23 WSW 0 6 18 W 0 16 34 WNW 0 16 28 NW 0 3 9 NNW 0 2 5 Variable 0 0 0 Total 0 16 41 72 28 5 162 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 8 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-52 Page 140 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Neutral - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 2 10 13 20 11 56 NNE 1 5 4 4 2 16 NE 1 3 8 0 0 13 ENE 1 0 5 1 0 8 E 0 1 6 4 0 12 ESE 0 5 9 1 0 15 SE 4 8 38 12 0 62 SSE 2 7 37 25 5 76 S 7 21 50 13 0 92 SSW 7 26 70 26 1 130 SW 8 28 27 20 1 85 WSW 12 24 46 23 8 116 W 4 34 69 41 1 151 WNW 10 52 64 27 0 154 NW 7 50 63 18 5 146 NNW 5 24 55 2 11 97 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 14 71 298 564 237 45 1229 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 34 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-53 Page 141 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Slightly Stable 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 7 3 0 15 NNE 2 1 2 9 NE 2 4 0 7 ENE 0 1 0 1 E 0 1 0 2 ESE 0 4 3 7 SE 5 5 3 14 SSE 3 12 12 33 S 8 28 7 45 SSW 11 25 1 43 SW 16 11 12 40 WSW 13 21 2 39 W 15 24 2 48 WNW 13 13 5 32 NW 0 10 4 0 21 NNW 1 6 0 0 9 Variable 0 0 0 0 0 Total 3 40 ii 157 49 5 365 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 21 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-54 Page 142 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Moderately Stable 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 2 3 NNE 0 2 NE 0 1 ENE 0 0 E 0 0 ESE 1 1 SE 0 3 SSE 1 3 S 10 16 SSW 2 7 SW 2 5 WSW 4 9 W 2 4 WNW 3 5 NW 3 5 NNW 5 7 Variable 0 0 Total 1 10 25 35 0 0 71 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-55 Page 143 of 170

Zion Nuclear Station Period of Record: October - December 2014 Stability Class - Extremely Stable - 250Ft-33Ft Delta-T (F)

Winds Measured at 250 Feet Wind Speed (in mph)

Wind Direction 1-3 4-7 8-12 13-18 19-24 > 24 Total N 2 5 NNE 0 3 NE 0 3 ENE 0 1 E 0 1 ESE 0 0 SE 0 2 SSE 0 4 S 1 3 SSW 1 8 SW 0 4 WSW 6 14 W 0 3 WNW 0 3 NW 1 6 NNW 0 3 Variable 0 0 Total 9 23 20 11 0 0 63 Hours of calm in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing wind measurements in this stability class: 0 Hours of missing stability measurements in all stability classes: 5 F-56 Page 144 of 170


Page 145 of 170

Docket No: 50-295 50-304 ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNITS 1 and 2 Annual Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Report 1 January Through 31 December 2014 Prepared By Teledyne Brown Engineering Environmental Services ZIONSOLUTIONSC Zion Nuclear Power Station Zion, IL 60099 May 2015 Page 146 of 170

Table Of Contents I. Sum m ary and Conclusions .......................................................................................... 1 I1.Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3 A. Objectives of the RG PP .................................................................................. 3 B. Implem entation of the Objectives .................................................................. 3 C. Program Description ....................................................................................... 4 D. Characteristics of Tritium (H-3) ...................................................................... 4 II1. Program Description ................................................................................................ 5 A. Sam ple Analysis ............................................................................................ 5 B. Data Interpretation .......................................................................................... 6 C. Background Analysis ..................................................................................... 7

1. Background Concentrations of Tritium ................................................. 8 A. Groundwater and Surface W ater Results .................................................... 10 B. Drinking W ater W ell Survey ......................................................................... 11 C. Summary of Results - Inter-laboratory Comparison Program ...................... 11 D. Leaks, Spills, and Releases ......................................................................... 11 E. Trends .......................................................................................................... 12 F. Investigations ................................................................................................. 12 G. Actions Taken .............................................................................................. 12 Page 147 of 170

Appendices Appendix A Location and Direction Tables Table A-1 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program - Sampling Locations and Distance, Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Fiqures Figure A-1 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program Groundwater and Surface Water Locations of the Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014 Appendix B Data Tables Tables Table B-1.1 Concentrations of Tritium, Strontium, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta in Groundwater Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table B-1.2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Groundwater Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table B-1.3 Concentrations of Iron-55 and Nickel-63 in Groundwater Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table B-11.1 Concentrations of Tritium, Strontium, Gross Alpha and Gross Beta in Surface Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table B-11.2 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Surface Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Table B-11.3 Concentrations of Iron-55 and Nickel-63 in Surface Water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station, 2014.

Page 148 of 170

I. Summary and Conclusions In 2006, Exelon instituted a comprehensive program to evaluate the impact of station operations on groundwater and surface water in the vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station. This is the ninth in a series of annual reports on the status of the Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) conducted at Zion Nuclear Power Station. This report covers both groundwater and surface water samples, collected from the environment, on station property in 2014.

During that time period, 433 analyses were performed on 45 samples from 12 locations. Phase 1 of the monitoring was part of a comprehensive study initiated by Exelon to determine whether groundwater or surface water at and in the vicinity of Zion Nuclear Power Station had been adversely impacted by any releases of radionuclides. Phase 1 was conducted by Conestoga Rovers and Associates (CRA) and the conclusions were made available to state and federal regulators as well as the public in station specific reports.

Phase 2 of the RGPP was conducted by ZionSolutions (Exelon was responsible for the program up to 8/31/2010; ZionSolutions became the licensee on 9/1/2010, thus assuming responsibility for the RGPP) personnel to initiate follow up of Phase 1 and begin long-term monitoring at groundwater and surface water locations selected during Phase 1. All analytical results from Phase 2 monitoring are reported herein.

In assessing all the data gathered for this report, it was concluded that the operation of Zion Nuclear Power Station had no adverse radiological impact on the environment, and there are no known active releases into the groundwater at Zion Nuclear Power Station.

Naturally occurring K-40 was detected in two groundwater samples. No other gamma-emitting radionuclides were not detected at concentrations greater than their respective Lower Limits of Detection (LLDs) as specified in the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) in any of the groundwater or surface water samples.

Strontium-90 was not detected in any of the samples analyzed in 2014.

Tritium was detected in one groundwater sample at a concentration of 167 pCi/L.

Tritium was not detected in any surface water samples analyzed in 2014. In the case of tritium, ZionSolutions specified that its laboratories achieve a lower limit of detection 10 times lower than that required by federal regulation.

Gross Alpha and Gross Beta analyses in the dissolved and suspended fractions were performed on groundwater samples during all four quarters of sampling in 2014. Gross Alpha (dissolved) was not detected at any of the groundwater location. Gross Alpha (suspended) was not detected at any of the groundwater Page 149 of 170

locations. Gross Beta (dissolved) was detected at all thirty-six groundwater locations. The concentrations ranged from 3.3 to 15.3 pCi/L. Gross Beta (suspended) was not detected in any of the groundwater locations.

Gross Alpha and Gross Beta analyses in the dissolved and suspended fractions were performed on surface water samples during all four quarters of sampling in 2014. Gross Alpha (dissolved) and Gross Alpha (suspended) was not detected in any of the surface water locations. Gross Beta (dissolved) was detected at one surface water location. The concentrations ranged from 2.4 to 3.4 pCi/L.

Gross Beta (suspended) was not detected in any of the surface water locations.

Dissolved Gross Alpha and Dissolved Gross Beta are detectable in samples from background isotopes.

Iron-55 and Nickel-63 analyses were performed in 2014 on 48 samples from 11 groundwater and one surface water location. All results were less than their respective LLDs.

Page 150 of 170

II. Introduction The Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS), consisting of two 1,100 MWt pressurized water reactor was owned and operated by Exelon Corporation, is located in Zion, Illinois adjacent to Lake Michigan. Unit No. 1 went critical in December 1973. Unit No. 2 went critical in September 1974. The plant permanently ceased operation in January of 1998 and has been permanently defueled. The site is located in northeast Illinois on the western shore of Lake Michigan, approximately 50 miles north of Chicago, Illinois.

This report covers those analyses performed by Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) and Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) on samples collected in 2014.

A. Objective of the RGPP The long-term objectives of the RGPP are as follows:

1. Identify suitable locations to monitor and evaluate potential impacts from station operations before significant radiological impact to the environment and potential drinking water sources.
2. Understand the local hydrogeologic regime in the vicinity of the station and maintain up-to-date knowledge of flow patterns on the surface and shallow subsurface.
3. Perform routine water sampling and radiological analysis of water from selected locations.
4. Report new leaks, spills, or other detections with potential radiological significance to stakeholders in a timely manner.
5. Regularly assess analytical results to identify adverse trends.
6. Take necessary corrective actions to protect groundwater resources.

B. Implementation of the Objectives The objectives identified have been implemented at Zion Nuclear Power Station as discussed below:

1. Exelon and its consultant identified locations as described in the Phase 1 study. Phase 1 studies were conducted by Conestoga Rovers and Associates (CRA) and the results and conclusions were made available to state and federal regulators as well as the public in station specific reports.

Page 151 of 170

2. The Zion Nuclear Power Station reports describe the local hydrogeologic regime. Periodically, the flow patterns on the surface and shallow subsurface are updated based on ongoing measurements.
3. Zion Nuclear Power Station will continue to perform routine sampling and radiological analysis of water from selected locations.
4. Zion Nuclear Power Station has implemented new procedures to identify and report new leaks, spills, or other detections with potential radiological significance in a timely manner.
5. Zion Nuclear Power Station staff and consulting hydrogeologist assess analytical results on an ongoing basis to identify adverse trends.

C. Program Description

1. Sample Collection Sample locations can be found in Table A-1 and Figures A-I, Appendix A.

Groundwater and Surface Water Samples of water are collected, managed, transported and analyzed in accordance with approved procedures following EPA methods. Groundwater samples were collected. Sample locations, sample collection frequencies and analytical frequencies are controlled in accordance with approved station procedures.

Contractor and/or station personnel are trained in the collection, preservation management, and shipment of samples, as well as in documentation of sampling events. Analytical laboratories are subject to internal quality assurance programs, industry cross-check programs, as well as nuclear industry audits. Station personnel review and evaluate all analytical data deliverables as data are received.

Analytical data results are reviewed by both station personnel and an independent hydrogeologist for adverse trends or changes to hydrogeologic conditions.

D. Characteristics of Tritium (H-3)

Tritium (chemical symbol H-3) is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. The Page 152 of 170

most common form of tritium is tritium oxide, which is also called "tritiated water". The chemical properties of tritium are essentially those of ordinary hydrogen.

Tritiated water behaves the same as ordinary water in both the environment and the body. Tritium can be taken into the body by drinking water, breathing air, eating food, or absorption through skin. Once tritium enters the body, it disperses quickly and is uniformly distributed throughout the body. Tritium is excreted primarily through urine with a clearance rate characterized by an effective biological half-life of about 14 days. Within one month or so after ingestion, essentially all tritium is cleared. Organically bound tritium (tritium that is incorporated in organic compounds) can remain in the body for a longer period.

Tritium is produced naturally in the upper atmosphere when cosmic rays strike air molecules. Tritium is also produced during nuclear weapons explosions, as a by-product in reactors producing electricity, and in special production reactors, where the isotopes lithium-7 and/or boron-10 are activated to produce tritium. Like normal water, tritiated water is colorless and odorless. Tritiated water behaves chemically and physically like non-tritiated water in the subsurface, and therefore tritiated water will travel at the same velocity as the average groundwater velocity.

Tritium has a half-life of approximately 12.3 years. It decays spontaneously to helium-3 (3He). This radioactive decay releases a beta particle (low-energy electron). The radioactive decay of tritium is the source of the health risk from exposure to tritium. Tritium is one of the least dangerous radionuclides because it emits very weak radiation and leaves the body relatively quickly. Since tritium is almost always found as water, it goes directly into soft tissues and organs. The associated dose to these tissues is generally uniform and is dependent on the water content of the specific tissue.

Ill. Program Description A. Sample Analysis This section describes the general analytical methodologies used by TBE to analyze the environmental samples for radioactivity for the Zion Nuclear Power Station RGPP in 2014.

In order to achieve the stated objectives, the current program includes the following analyses:

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1. Concentrations of gamma emitters in groundwater and surface water.
2. Concentrations of strontium in groundwater and surface water.
3. Concentrations of tritium in groundwater and surface water.
4. Concentration of gross alpha and gross beta in groundwater and surface water.
5. Concentrations of Iron-55 in groundwater and surface water.
6. Concentrations of Nickel-63 in groundwater and surface water.

B. Data Interpretation The radiological data collected prior to Zion Nuclear Power Station becoming operational were used as a baseline with which these operational data were compared. For the purpose of this report, Zion Nuclear Power Station was considered operational at initial criticality.

Several factors were important in the interpretation of the data:

1. Lower Limit of Detection and Minimum Detectable Concentration The lower limit of detection (LLD) is specified by federal regulation as a minimum sensitivity value that must be achieved routinely by the analytical parameter.
2. Laboratory Measurements Uncertainty The estimated uncertainty in measurement of tritium in environmental samples is frequently on the order of 50% of the measurement value.

Statistically, the exact value of a measurement is expressed as a range with a stated level of confidence. The convention is to report results with a 95% level of confidence. The uncertainty comes from calibration standards, sample volume or weight measurements, sampling uncertainty and other factors.

ZionSolutions reports the uncertainty of a measurement created by statistical process (counting error) as well as all sources of error (Total Propagated Uncertainty or TPU). Each result has two values calculated. ZionSolutions reports the TPU by following the result with plus or minus +/- the estimated sample standard deviation, as TPU, that is obtained by propagating all sources of analytical Page 154 of 170

uncertainty in measurements.

Analytical uncertainties are reported at the 95% confidence level in this report for reporting consistency with the AREOR.

C. Background Analysis A pre-operational Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (pre-operational REMP) was conducted to establish background radioactivity levels prior to operation of the Station. The environmental media sampled and analyzed during the pre-operational REMP were atmospheric radiation, fall-out, domestic water, surface water, marine life, and foodstuffs. The results of the monitoring were detailed in the report entitled, Environmental Radiological Monitoring for Zion Nuclear Power Station, Commonwealth Edison Company, Annual Report 1973, issued May 1974.

The pre-operational REMP contained analytical results from samples collected from the surface water and groundwater.

Tritium levels in Lake Michigan water were studied in the vicinity of Zion Station throughout 1970. The concentration of tritium in the surface water samples from the Lake at Zion ranged from approximately 311 +/- 20 pCi/L to 374 +/- 34 pCi/L and averaged 340 pCi/L. There was no statistical difference in average tritium concentrations among the stations (eight stations from Kenosha to Waukegan).

Prior to 1998, surface water samples were collected at the following six locations along Lake Michigan:

  • Kenosha, Wisconsin (intake located 10 miles north of the station)
  • Lake County Public Water District (intake located 1.1 miles north of the Station)
  • Waukegan, Illinois (intake located 6 miles south of the Station)
  • North Chicago, Illinois (intake located 10 miles south of the Station)
  • Great Lakes NTS (intake located 13 miles south of the Station)
  • Lake Forest, Illinois (intake located 16.5 miles south of the Station)

After 1998, surface water samples were collected at the following four locations along Lake Michigan:

  • Kenosha, Wisconsin (intake located 10 miles north of the station)
  • Lake County Public Water District (intake located 1.1 miles north of the Station)
  • Waukegan, Illinois (intake located 6 miles south of the Station)

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  • Lake Forest, Illinois (intake located 16.5 miles south of the Station)

Lake Michigan surface water data are collected as part of the REMP.

Tritium concentrations in surface water samples from Lake Michigan taken between 1973 and 2012 have ranged from non-detect to 660 pCi/L.

Groundwater was collected from one off-site well on a quarterly basis.

Gamma isotopic, radiostrontium and tritium analyses were performed on all samples. Strontium-89, strontium-90, tritium and gamma emitters were below their respective LLDs.

1. Background Concentrations of Tritium The purpose of the following discussion is to summarize background measurements of tritium in various media performed by others. Additional detail may be found by consulting references (CRA 2006).
a. Tritium Production Tritium is created in the environment from naturally occurring processes both cosmic and subterranean, as well as from anthropogenic (i.e., man-made) sources. In the upper atmosphere, "Cosmogenic" tritium is produced from the bombardment of stable nuclides and combines with oxygen to form tritiated water, which will then enter the hydrologic cycle. Below ground, "lithogenic" tritium is produced by the bombardment of natural lithium present in crystalline rocks by neutrons produced by the radioactive decay of naturally abundant uranium and thorium. Lithogenic production of tritium is usually negligible compared to other sources due to the limited abundance of lithium in rock. The lithogenic tritium is introduced directly to groundwater.

A major anthropogenic source of tritium and strontium-90 comes from the former atmospheric testing of thermonuclear weapons. Levels of tritium in precipitation increased significantly during the 1950s and early 1960s, and later with additional testing, resulting in the release of significant amounts of tritium to the atmosphere. The Canadian heavy water nuclear power reactors, other commercial power reactors, nuclear research and weapons production continue to influence tritium concentrations in the environment.

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b. Precipitation Data Precipitation samples are routinely collected at stations around the world for the analysis of tritium and other radionuclides. Two publicly available databases that provide tritium concentrations in precipitation are Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) and USEPA's RadNet database. GNIP provides tritium precipitation concentration data for samples collected world wide from 1960 to 2006.

RadNet provides tritium precipitation concentration data for samples collected at stations through out the U.S. from 1960 up to and including 2006. Based on GNIP data for sample stations located in the U.S. Midwest, tritium concentrations peaked around 1963. This peak, which approached 10,000 pCi/L for some stations, coincided with the atmospheric testing of thermonuclear weapons. Tritium concentrations in surface water showed a sharp decline up until 1975 followed by a gradual decline since that time. Tritium concentrations in Midwest precipitation have typically been below 100 pCi/L since around 1980. Tritium concentrations in wells may still be above the 200 pCi/L detection limit from the external causes described above. Water from previous years and decades is naturally captured in groundwater, so some well water sources today are affected by the surface water from the 1960s that were elevated in tritium.

c. Surface Water Data Tritium concentrations are routinely measured in large surface water bodies, including Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River. Illinois surface water data were typically less than 100 pCi/L.

The USEPA RadNet surface water data typically has a reported 'Combined Standard Uncertainty' of 35 to 50 pCi/L.

According to USEPA, this corresponds to a +/- 70 to 100 pCi/L 95% confidence bound on each given measurement.

Therefore, the typical background data provided may be subject to measurement uncertainty of approximately +/- 70 to 100 pCi/L.

The radio-analytical laboratory is counting tritium results to an Exelon specified LLD of 200 pCi/L. Typically, the lowest positive measurement will be reported within a range of 40 -

240 pCi/L or 140 +/- 100 pCi/L. Clearly, these sample results Page 157 of 170

cannot be distinguished as different from background at this concentration.

IV. Results and Discussion A. Groundwater and Surface Water Results Groundwater and Surface Water Samples were collected from on-site wells throughout the year in accordance with the station radiological groundwater protection program. Analytical results and anomalies are discussed below.

Tritium Samples from all locations were analyzed for tritium activity (Table B-1.1, Appendix B) (Table B-11.1, Appendix B). Tritium was detected in one groundwater sample at a concentration of 167 pCi/L. Tritium was not detected in any surface water samples analyzed. Zion Nuclear Power Station does not have any off-site wells.

Strontium Strontium-90 was not detected in any of the samples analyzed in 2014.

Gross Alpha and Gross Beta (Dissolved and Suspended)

Gross Alpha and Gross Beta analyses in the dissolved and suspended fractions were performed on groundwater samples during all four quarters of sampling in 2014. Gross Alpha (dissolved) was not detected at any of the groundwater location.

Gross Alpha (suspended) was not detected at any of the groundwater locations. Gross Beta (dissolved) was detected at all thirty-six groundwater locations. The concentrations ranged from 3.3 to 15.3 pCi/L. Gross Beta (suspended) was not detected in any of the groundwater locations.

Gross Alpha and Gross Beta analyses in the dissolved and suspended fractions were performed on surface water samples during all four quarters of sampling in 2014. Gross Alpha (dissolved) and Gross Alpha (suspended) was not detected in any of the surface water locations. Gross Beta (dissolved) was detected at one surface water location. The concentrations ranged Page 158 of 170

from 2.4 to 3.4 pCi/L. Gross Beta (suspended) was not detected in any of the surface water locations. Dissolved Gross Alpha and Dissolved Gross Beta are detectable in samples from background isotopes. A more detailed discussion on where these isotopes come from is explained later in this section. The concentration range of the isotopes can be found in (Table B-1.1, Appendix B)

(Table B-11.1, Appendix B).

Gamma Emitters Naturally occurring K-40 was detected in two of 48 samples analyzed. The concentration ranged from 79 to 87 pCi/L. All other gamma-emitting radionuclides were not detected in either groundwater or surface water samples analyzed (Table B-1.2, Appendix B) (Table B-11.1, Appendix B).

Other Naturally Occurring Isotopes Gross Beta activity present in the environment may be detected from the following sources: Be-7 and H-3 produced in the upper atmosphere when galactic rays strike nitrogen atoms, which then may reach the ground during precipitation. Gross Beta may also be detected from Cs-1 37 from past atomic bomb testing as it is still detectable in the environment. K-40 is a naturally occurring radioactive isotope that occurs as a percentage of all stable isotopes of potassium. Gross alpha can occur as naturally occurring uranium in soil undergoes decay to form Radon gases and in this decay chain, many isotopes of alpha emitting radionuclides are present.

B. Drinking Water Well Survey A drinking water well survey was conducted during the summer 2006 by CRA (CRA 2006) around the Zion Nuclear Power Station.

C. Summary of Results - Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program results for TBE and Environmental Inc. (Midwest Labs) are presented in the AREOR.

D. Leaks, Spills, and Releases On 10/15/2014 a frame used to support the Moveable Transport Cask (MTC stand) was temporarily staged outside of Unit 2 turbine roll up doors. The MTC stand was bagged and a catch was placed under the Page 159 of 170

stand to catch any water than may seep through in the event of rain.

There was a rainstorm and there was water that leaked from the bag into the catch. A plan was created to remove the water first from the bagged MTC stand and then water from the catch pumped into storage drums.

While removing the water from bag, the change in weight on the bag caused the side of the bag to sag down and overhang the catch. Some water leaked through the seams of the bag and onto the ground. It is estimated approximately 40 ounces of water leaked through the bag onto the ground(significantly less than reportable quantity). Zion initiated groundwater spill procedure, the control room and radiation protection were notified. The spill was contained, the damp soil collected and a soil sample taken. Soil was counted for 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> to achieve required environmental lower limits of detection and activity measured was less than reportable levels. The nearest groundwater well ZN-05S as well as the nearest downstream well ZN-04S were sampled and found to have less than minimum detectable levels of activity. This activity was entered into corrective action program to prevent recurrence.

E. Trends There are no previously identified plumes therefore there are no trends.

F. Investigations There are currently no investigations at this time.

G. Actions Taken

1. Compensatory Actions There have been no station events requiring compensatory actions at the Zion Nuclear Power Station.
2. Installation of Monitoring Wells No new wells were required to be installed.
3. Actions to Recover/Reverse Plumes There have been no station events requiring actions to recover/reverse any plumes.

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TABLE A-1: Sampling Locations and Distance for the Radiological Groundwater Protection Program, Zion Station, 2014.

Site Site Type Temporary/Permanent Distance MW-ZN-01S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-02S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-03S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-04S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-05S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-06S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-07S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-08S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-09S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-10S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site MW-ZN-11 S Monitoring Well Permanent On-Site SW-ZN-01 Surface Water Lake Michigan On-Site A-1 Page 162 of 170

s.wia.m*WSWr OroMWKer SipI Loagloes 0 Vsurw ON 9Mi *LCO Figure A-1 Radiological Ground Water Protection Program Groundwater and Surface Water Locations of the Zion Station, 2014 A-2 Page 163 of 170



  • 1.0 *1.6 8.4 +/- 1.9 MW-ZN-0l1S 05/19/14 <181 *0.5
  • 2.6 *0.6
  • 2.6 11.45+/- 1.4 MW-ZN-0l1S 09/25/14 <180 *0.5 *1.5
  • 0.5 *1.5 11.2 +/- 1.4 MW-ZN-01 S 10/14/14 <162
  • 0.7
  • 1.2
  • 0.5
  • 1.7 MW-ZN-02S 03/10/14 < 179
  • 0.8
  • 0.9 < 1.1 15.3 +/- 1.4
  • 1.6 MW-ZN-02S 05/19/14 <181 *0.5
  • 2.1 *0.6 13.0 +/- 1.8 *2.6 MW-ZN-02S 09/25/14 <184 *0.5 *1.4 *0.5 9.6 +/- 1.3
  • 1.5 MW-ZN-02S 10/14/14 <163
  • 0.9
  • 0.9
  • 0.5 11.6 +/- 1.1
  • 1.7 MW-ZN-03S 03/i10/14 <180
  • 0.8
  • 1.0
  • 1.0 8.3 +/- 1.3
  • 1.4 MW-ZN-03S 05/19/14 < 185
  • 0.5
  • 2.4
  • 0.6 7.4 +/- 1.7 *2.6 MW-ZN-03S 09/25/14 <183 *0.7
  • 0.9
  • 0.5 8.9 +/- 1.1
  • 1.5 MW-ZN-03S 10/i15/14 <162
  • 0.6
  • 1.4
  • 0.5 12.7 +/- 1.5 *1.7 MW-ZN-04S 03/10/14 <178 *0.8
  • 2.2
  • 1.0 6.5 +/- 2.6
  • 1.4 MW-ZN-04S 05/i19/14 < 185
  • 0.4 *2.4
  • 0.6 8.5 +/- 1.8
  • 2.6 MW-ZN-04S 09/25/14 <180 *0.5 <1.1 *0.5 9.9 +/- 1.3 *1.5 MW-ZN-04S 10/15/14 <162
  • 0.6
  • 1.6
  • 0.5 14.2 +/- 1.6
  • 1.7 MW-ZN-05S 03/i13/14 <181
  • 0.8
  • 0.7
  • 1.0 3.7 +/- 1.1
  • 1.4 MW-ZN-05S 05/20/ 14 < 183
  • 0.6
  • 2.5
  • 0.6 3.8 +/- 1.7
  • 2.6 MW-ZN-05S 09/25/14 < 185
  • 0.5 < 1.1 *0.8 4.9 +/- 1.1 *1.5 MW-ZN-05S 10/13/14 167 +/-108 < 0.7 <1.1 *0.5 5.0 +/- 1.3 *1.7 MW-ZN-05S 12/03/14 <186 MW-ZN-06S 03/11/14 < 179
  • 0.6
  • 0.8
  • 1.0 5.3 +/- 1.2
  • 1.4 MW-ZN-06S O5/2 1/14 < 183
  • 0.7
  • 2.5
  • 0.6 4.1 +/- 1.7
  • 2.6 MW-ZN-06S 09/26/14 <184 *0.7 < 1.1 *0.8 5.9 +/- 1.2 *1.5 MW-ZN-06S 10/14/14 < 158
  • 0.6
  • 1.0
  • 0.5 8.0 +/- 1.3
  • 1.7 MW-ZN-07S 03/11/14 < 179
  • 0.8
  • 0.9 < 1.1 4.0 +/-1.1
  • 1.5 MW-ZN-07S O5/2 1/14 <182 *0.5
  • 2.5 *0.6 3.6 +/-1.7 *2.6 MW-ZN-07S 09/26/14 <182
  • 0.6 *1.3 *0.8 4.4 +/-1.2 *1.5 MW-ZN-07S 10/14/14 <163 *0.8 *1.3 *0.5 5.4 +/-1.4 *1.7 MW-ZN-08S 03/11/14 < 181 *0.7 *0.7 *1.0 4.8 +/-1.1 *1.7 MW-ZN-08S O5/2 1/14 <184
  • 0.6
  • 2.6 *0.6 3.3 +/-1.7
  • 2.6 MW-ZN-08S 09/26/14 < 181 *0.7
  • 1.2
  • 0.8 4.7 +/-1.2
  • 1.5 MW-ZN-08S 10/13/14 <158 *0.9 < 1.1 *0.5 6.5 +/-1.3 *1.7 MW-ZN-09S 03/10/14 <182 *1.0 *2.2
  • 1.0 11.4 +/- 2.9 *1.7 MW-ZN-09S 05/19/14 <183 *0.5 *2.1 *0.6 6.9 +/- 1.5 *2.6 MW-ZN-09S 09/15/14 < 184
  • 0.6
  • 0.8
  • 0.7 6.2 +/- 1.0
  • 1.6 MW-ZN-09S 10/15/14 < 161 *0.9
  • 1.0
  • 0.5 6.3 +/- 0.9 *1.7 MW-ZN-i10S 03/10/14 < 177
  • 0.7
  • 0.9
  • 1.0 10.6 +/- 1.3
  • 1.7 MW-ZN-i10S 05/20/ 14 < 182 *0.6 < 1.1 *2.6 7.0 +/-1.1
  • 3.3 MW-ZN-i1OS 09/25/14 < 182
  • 0.4
  • 1.2
  • 0.7 8.3 +/-1.3
  • 1.6 MW-ZN-i1OS 10/15/14 < 161
  • 0.8
  • 1.6
  • 0.5 12.4 +/-1.5
  • 1.7 MW-ZN-il1 S 03/11/14 < 181
  • 0.6
  • 0.9
  • 1.0 8.5 +/-1.3
  • 1.7 MW-ZN-i11S 05/21/14 < 183
  • 0.6
  • 4.3 <1.1 9.5 +/-2.4
  • 2.5 MW-ZN-i1iS 09/26/14 < 184
  • 0.5
  • 1.3 *0.7 7.5 +/-1.3
  • 1.6 MW-ZN-i1iS 10/13/14 < 159
  • 0.7
  • 1.5
  • 0.5 7.3 +/-1.3
  • 1.7 B-1 B-I Page 165 of 170

TABLE B-1.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Groundwater Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma SITE COLLECTION Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 DATE MW-ZN-alS 03110114 < 45 < 36 < 4 < 5 < 10 <3 < 6 <4 <8 <4 <3

  • 38 <10 MW-ZN-01S 05/19/14 < 37 < 55 < 4 <4 <8 <3 <7 <4 <8 <3 <4
  • 32 <9 MW-ZN-01S 09/25/14 <45 79 37 <4 <4 <10 <4 <8 <6 < 10 <4 <5 < 57 <14 MW-ZN-01S 10/14/14 < 45 < 97 < 4 <5 *10 <4 <9 <4 <8 <4 <5 < 44
  • 12 MW-ZN-02S 03/10/14 <52 < 119 <4 <6 <12 <7 <11 <6 <11 <4 <5 < 54
  • 17 MW-ZN-02S 05/19/14 <44 <88 <5 <6 <15 <5 <9 <5
  • 10 <4 <4
  • 50 <13 MW-ZN-02S 09/25/14 <57 < 119 < 5 <6 *12 <5 < 11 <6
  • 10 <5 <6
  • 71
  • 22 MW-ZN-02S 10/14/14 < 51 < 78 < 4 <5 <9 <4 <9 <5 <8 <5 <4 < 54 < 11 MW-ZN-03S 03/10/14 < 54 < 40 < 5 <6 <13 <6 <7 <7 < 10 <5 <4
  • 52 <15 MW-ZN-03S 05/19/14 < 54 < 107 < 5 <6 <13 <5 <9 <6 <11 <5 <5 < 59
  • 14 MW-ZN-03S 09/25/14 < 52 < 93 < 5 <5 <13 <4 <8 <5 < 11 <4 <5
  • 62 <18 MW-ZN-03S 10/15/14 < 48 < 37 < 4 <5 <10 <3 <9 <5 <9 <4 <4
  • 41
  • 14 MW-ZN-04S 03/10/14 < 57 < 105 < 5 <6 *16 <6 < 11 <7 <12 <5 <5
  • 56
  • 20 MW-ZN-04S 05/19/14 < 57 < 58 < 5 <5 <13 <5 <10 <6 < 11 <5 <5
  • 48
  • 15 MW-ZN-04S 09/25/14 < 63 < 52 < 6 <7 *15 <7 <13 <7 <12 <5 <5
  • 71
  • 25 MW-ZN-04S 10/15/14 < 51 < 79 < 5 <5 <14 <5 <9 <6 <10 <5 <5 < 49
  • 14 MW-ZN-05S 03/13/14 < 34 < 34 < 3 <3 <7 <3 <6 <4 <6 <3 <3
  • 32 <10 MW-ZN-05S 05/20/14 < 39 < 84 < 4 <4 < 11 <4 <9 <5 <7 <4 <4
  • 42
  • 16 MW-ZN-05S 09/25/14 < 55 < 81 < 5 <6 *13 <5 <10 <6 < 11 <5 <5
  • 67
  • 17 MW-ZN-05S 10/13/14 < 46 < 33 < 4 <5 *10 <4
  • 10 <5 <9 <4 <4
  • 50
  • 17 MW-ZN-06S 03/11/14 < 48 < 90 < 5 <5 <12 <5 <8 <5 < 11 <5 <5
  • 52
  • 18 MW-ZN-06S 05/21/14 < 46 < 52 < 5 <5 <10 <5 <9 <5 <8 <4 <5
  • 41
  • 15 MW-ZN-06S 09/26/14 < 66 < 39 < 5 <5 <13 <6 <10 <9 < 11 <5 <5 < 79
  • 23 MW-ZN-06S 10/14114 < 35 < 31 < 3 <4 <8 <3 <6 <4 <7 <3 <4 < 35 <10 MW-ZN-07S 03/11/14 < 40 < 36 < 4 <5 <9 <3 *8 <5 <8 <4 <4
  • 41
  • 12 MW-ZN-07S 05/21114 < 40 < 36 < 5 <5 *12 <4 <9 <5 <9 <5 <5
  • 40 <11 MW-ZN-07S 09/26/14 < 52 87 56 < 4 <6 *13 <4 <8 <6 <9 <4 <4
  • 62 *18 MW-ZN-07S 10/14/14 < 46 < 33 < 4 <5 *13 <5 <8 <5 <8 <4 <5
  • 51
  • 14 MW-ZN-08S 03/11/14 <44 <37 <4 <5 *10 <5 <8 <4 <7 <4 <4
  • 40
  • 13 MW-ZN-08S 05/21/14 < 43 < 35 < 4 <5 *10 <4 <8 <4 <9 <4 <5 < 39
  • 10 MW-ZN-08S 09/26114 < 48 < 93 < 4 <5 <13 <4 <8 <5 <9 <4 <4
  • 61
  • 16 MW-ZN-08S 10/13/14 < 50 < 105 < 5 <5 <11 <4 <8 <5 <8 <4 <5
  • 48
  • 14 MW-ZN-09S 03/10/14 <54 <39 <5 <6 <13 <4 <10 <6 <10 <5 <5 <54
  • 17 MW-ZN-09S 05/19/14 < 48 < 39 < 5 <5 *10 <6 <11 <5 <10 <5 <4 < 49
  • 13 MW-ZN-09S 09/15/14 < 59 < 40 < 5 <7 *16 <4 < 10 <7 < 11 <5 <5 < 111 < 39 MW-ZN-09S 10/15/14 < 46 < 63 < 5 <5 <11 <4 <9 <5 <9 <5 <4
  • 46
  • 13 0

MW-ZN-10S 03/10114 < 51 < 39 < 5 <4 <11 <5 <9 <6 <10 <5 <5

  • 51
  • 17 MW-ZN-10S 05/20/14 < 48 < 47 < 4 <4 <11 <7 <10 <5 <9 <3 <5 < 39
  • 14 C MW-ZN-10S 09/25114 <64 <49 <5 <6 <14 <6
  • 10 <7 <12 <5 <6
  • 80
  • 23 MW-ZN- 10S 10/15/14 <44 <25 <4 <5 <7 <4 <7 <6 <9 <4 <4
  • 46 <7 0 MW-ZN-11S 03111/14 < 40 < 73 < 4 <4 <12 <4 <9 <5 <7 <4 <4 < 43
  • 14 MW-ZN-11S 05/21/14 < 46 < 89 < 4 <4 <12 <5 <8 <5 <8 <4 <4 < 43
  • 14 MW-ZN-11S 09/26/14 < 50 < 38 < 4 <5 <13 <3 < 12 <6 <9 <4 <4 < 59
  • 16 MW-ZN-11S 10/13/14 < 46 < 43 < 5 <5 <12 <4 <9 <6 <10 <4 <5
  • 56
  • 14

TABLE B-I.3 CONCENTRATIONS OF IRON-55 AND NICKEL-63 IN GROUNDWATER SAMPLES COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF ZION NUCLEAR STATION, 2014 RESULTS IN UNITS OF PCI/LITER +/- 2 SIGMA SITE COLLECTION Fer55 Ni-63 DATE MW-ZN-01S 03/10/14 < 126 < 4.4 MW-ZN-0iS 05/19/14 < 183 < 4.0 MW-ZN-01S 09/25/14 < 132 < 4.9 MW-ZN-01S 10/14/14 < 136 < 3.7 MW-ZN-02S 03/10/14 < 69 < 4.3 MW-ZN-02S 05/19/14 < 122 < 3.8 MW-ZN-02S 09/25/14 < 199 < 4.7 MW-ZN-02S 10/14/14 < 182 < 3.4 MW-ZN-03S 03/10/14 < 174 < 4.6 MW-ZN-03S 05/19/14 < 94

  • 4.0 MW-ZN-03S 09/25/14 < 114 < 4.3 MW-ZN-03S 10/15/14 < 174 < 3.6 MW-ZN-04S 03/10/14 < 99 < 4.4 MW-ZN-04S 05/19/14 < 142 < 4.0 MW-ZN-04S 09/25/14 < 86 < 4.7 MW-ZN-04S 10/15/14 < 156 < 3.8 MW-ZN-05S 03/13/14 < 69 < 4.5 MW-ZN-05S 05/20/14 < 87 < 4.2 MW-ZN-05S 09/25/14 < 153 < 3.5 MW-ZN-05S 10/13/14 < 114 < 4.0 MW-ZN-06S 03/11/14 < 91 < 4.7 MW-ZN-06S 05/21/14 < 123 < 4.2 MW-ZN-06S 09/26/14 < 169 < 3.6 MW-ZN-06S 10/14/14 < 129 < 4.1 MW-ZN-07S 03/11/14 < 59 < 4.6 MW-ZN-07S 05/21/14 < 57 < 4.1 MW-ZN-07S 09/26/14 < 122 < 3.6 MW-ZN-07S 10/14/14 < 165 < 4.5 MW-ZN-08S 03/11/14 < 107 < 3.9 MW-ZN-08S 05/21/14 < 145 < 3.9 MW-ZN-08S 09/26/14 < 176 < 3.3 MW-ZN-08S 10/13/14 < 78 < 3.7 MW-ZN-09S 03/10/14 < 91 < 4.2 MW-ZN-09S 05/19/14 < 73 < 3.8 MW-ZN-09S 09/15/14 < 172 < 3.2 MW-ZN-09S 10/15/14 < 144 < 3.6 MW-ZN-10S 03/10/14 < 97 < 4.4 MW-ZN-10S 05/20/14 < 133 < 4.1 MW-ZN-10S 09/25/14 < 56 < 3.3 MW-ZN-10S 10/15/14 < 175 < 3.9 MW-ZN-11S 03/11/14 < 187 < 4.6 MW-ZN-11S 05/21/14 < 70 < 4.2 MW-ZN-11S 09/26/14 < 144 < 3.3 MW-ZN-1 iS 10/13/14 < 179 < 3.9 B-3 Page 167 of 170


Z>VV-LN-Ul uJ/1u/14 < lSz

  • 1.u < u.4 < 1.u .*9 +/- U.( < I. i SW-ZN-01 05/19/14 < 182 < 0.7 < 1.5 < 1.2 2.4 +/- 1.0 < 2.7 SW-ZN-01 09/15/14 < 182 < 0.7 < 0.7 < 0.7 3.4 +/- 0.8 < 1.6 SW-ZN-01 10/14/14 < 154 < 0.8 < 0.7 < 0.5 3.0 +/- 0.7 < 1.7 B-4 Page 168 of 170

TABLE B-I.1 Concentrations of Gamma Emitters in Surface water Samples Collected in the Vicinity of Zion Nuclear Station, 2014 Results in Units of pCi/liter +/- 2 Sigma SITE COLLECTION Be-7 K-40 Mn-54 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 Nb-95 Zr-95 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ba-140 La-140 DATE 03/10/14 < 58

  • 11u <5 <5 < 13 6f <9 < 6 < 1U <4 <5
  • 58 < 18 SW-ZN-01 <9 <9 <5 < 51 < 13 05/19/14 < 48 < 32 <4 <5 <11 <4 <6 SW-ZN-01 <9 <9 09/15/14 < 44 < 36 <4 <5 <11 <4 <6 <3 <4 < 88 < 32 SW-ZN-01 < 7 < 5 10/14/14 < 40 < 61 <4 <4 <9 <3 <7 <3 <4 <40 < 12 do (0



  • 109 < 3.6 SW-ZN-01 09/15/14 < 122 < 3.1 SW-ZN-01 10/14/14 < 195 < 3.4 B-6 Page 170 of 170