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Intervenors' Response to Applicant 740115 Motion Compelling Answers to Certain Interrogatories & Document Requests, Providing Sanctions for Noncompliance, & Allowing Addl Time for Further Motion to Compel.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Oconee, McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/21/1974
From: Stover D
NUDOCS 7912170535
Download: ML19308B241 (5)


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In the Matter of ) Docket fics. 50-269Af 50-270A, DJKE POWER C0">:.T/ ) 50-237A, 50-369A, (Oconee U-its 1, 2 5 3; ) 50-370; McGuire Units 1 & 2) ,


It!TER'!E::0RS' RESFO!;SE TO APPLICA::T'S i:0TIO:; TO COMPEL Shorn of its rhetorical denunciations of Intervenors, Applicant's Motion to Cer;el, dated 15 January 197.;, asks the Scard to fix ?. date for submission of answers to certain Interrogatories and Document Requests (set forth in Schedule C thereto) and to provide sanctions for nonce pliance, and to allow, under certain circumstances, additional time for a further motion to Compel.

Under Applicant's interpretati . of "the understandin; reached on Occc Ser 17 erd 12" (rot furt?.er escr'bsd), In:erveno's ws e :: fu ~.isi these resp.ues 't scre (ung.2.ifie:) d:  ;-icr to :t end of d's::.5 y n 3: Jiru-ary. This r ay h ve been A:.gli:an:'s t..-derstandi #

the .s -ir.;s r:fscred :c, but it was not Intervenors'. This was pointed out to Applicant in tne course of the telephcne conversatien referred to on pa;e 2 of the ':ction.

The Schedule attached to the !!otion dez0nstrates that cart of the difficulty lies in the fact that Intervences did not respond by letter to the Applicant's su= ry of the ::.setings referred to. Intervencrs, through an oversight, did fail to do so;. ho..ever, the decision tc accept all the corprc ises reached tentatively at those mactings v.3de shortly af ter they cccurred, and Intervenors have been procaeding on the c ' asis cutlined in the letters. This full agreenent 4L912'170 6

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was also concunicated to Applicant in tha telephone conversation referred to in the Motion.

Accordingly, Intervenors are proceeding to prepare the ansucrs and assemble the docur.:ents called for. There is no apparent reason why some, at least, of these materials cannot be in Ap'plicant's hands by the cutoff date it is now, for the first time, requesting be imposed. It has at all times been Intervenors' intention to have all of this material delivered by the date set by the Board for the close of discovery.

In view of the accusations made by Applicant in its motion, we believe it is not improper to point out to the Board that discovery has been proceeding as rapidly as Intervenors' resources will permit. In particular, there has been over the last several weeks a lengthy series of depositions, taken by Applicant, at which Intervenors' cnunsel was required to be present. Every effort has been made to accomodate Applicant with respect to these, with the result that only one remains to bs taken. There is no substance to Applicant's charges of " blatant ncn-compliance"; and in particular, no reason to cdcpt the remedy it proposes. The Board is being asked, in that regard, to cormit itself in advance to-the most drastic remedy possible for refusal to permit discovery, before (even en the ter..u proposed in the r:otion) any suchgrefusal has taken place. - The justification cdvanced for this procedure (Motion, pages 5-6) is without substance. The fact that other parties are opposed to. Applicant in this


proceeding does not,.without more, restrict the use of any remedy that might beccmc appropriate. In fact, with respect to supplemental responses, discussed in Appli-cant's " Motion to Establish a Final Date for the Filing of Supplemental Answers",

filed conjointly with the motion to compel, Applicant proposes a different-remedy.

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There is absolutely no difference in principle between the subject matters of

  • he two r.otions, insofar as Applicant's asserted need for notice and time to prepare is concerned.

In summary: .Interv ors ieiterate their' intention to complete, by the close of discovery (and as to individual items as soon as before that day as possible), production of the materials listed in Schedule C. They request that 4

the Board deny Applicant's Motion to Compel insofar as it seeks to fix 22 January as the cutoff date for producticn and to require dismissal in case of failure

, to do so. Intervenors see no necessity for the granting of Applicant's third request (for additional time to file another motion to ccmpel) but would not

. object if the Board thinks it appropriate to alicw it.

Respectfully submitted.

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TaiIy& Tally Suite 307 1300 Connecticut Avenue N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 and P. O. Box 1660 Fayetteville, Morth Carolina 28302 Washington, D.C.

This 21st dcy of January 1974 e

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