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Worcester Polytechnic Institute Reactor, USNRC License R-61; Revision to Decommissioning Plan Table 2.3
Person / Time
Site: 05000134
Issue date: 09/25/2012
From: Curley M
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Document Control Desk, NRC/FSME
W19-1579-003, Rev 2
Download: ML12279A049 (3)


100 Institute Road Worcester, MA 01609-2280, USA 508-831-5288, Fax 508-831-5064 Office of the Executive Vice President September 25, 2012 Attn: Document Control Desk Mail Stop 0-5 C12 Washington., DC 20555-0001 Re: Worcester Polytechnic Institute Reactor, USNRC license R-61; Revision to Decommissioning Plan Table '2.3

Dear Sir:

This is to notify you that Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) has revised Table 2.3 of its Decommissioning Plan, which is attached to this letter. The purpose of this revision was change the license termination screening values for surface soil, for the radionuclides Niobium-94 and Europium-152, such that they would not exceed the consultation triggers in the Memorandum of Understanding Ieiween The Environmental Protection Agency and The Nuclear regulatory Commission.

Specifically, the Concentration for Niobium-94 was changed from 5.8 pCi/gram to 3 pCi/gram, and Europium-152 was changed from 8.7 pCi/gram to 7 pCi/gram.I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of nmy knowledge.

Executed on September 25, 2012.Sincerely, I icýel J, Curlf, R ator Direct er University Compliance Officer Finance and Operations Worcester Polytechnic Institute Reactor Decommissioning Plan Document W19-1579-003, Rev. 2 Section 2, Page I of 36 TABLE 2.3 LICENSE TERMINATION SCREENING VALUES FOR SURFACE SOIL..SURFACESOIL SCREENING.-


SYMBOL: 'VALUES*ý-FOR UNRESTRICTED Hydrogen-3 (Tritium) 3H 1.1E+02 Carbon-14 14C 1.2E+1 Sodium-22 2 2 Na 4.3E+00 Sulfur-35 35S 2.7E+02 Chlorine-36 36C1 3.6E-01 Calcium-45 4 5 Ca 5.7E+01 Scandium-46 46Sc 1.5E+01 Manganese-54 5 4 Mn 1.5E+01 Iron-55 5 5 Fe 1.OE+4 Cobalt-57 5 7 Co 1.5E+02 Cobalt-60 6 0 Co 3.8E+00 Nickel-59 5 9 Ni 5.5E+03 Nickel-63 63Ni 2.1E+03 Strontium-90 9 0 Sr 1.7E+00 Niobium-94 9 4Nb 3.OEOO ****Technetium-99 99Tc 1.9E+01 Iodine-129 1291 5.OE-01 Cesium-134 1 3 4Cs 5.7E+00 Cesium-137

'3 7 Cs 1.1E+01 Europium-152 152Eu 7.0E+00 ****Europium-154 154Eu 8.OE+00 Iridium-192 1 9 2 1r 4.1E+01 Lead-210 21°pb 9.OE-01 Radium-226 22Ra 7.OE-01 Radium-226+C 2 2 6 Ra+C 6.OE-01 Actinium-227 2 2 7 Ac 5.OE-01 Actinium-227+C 2 2 7Ac+C 5.OE-01 Thorium-228 228Th 4.7E+00 (Note: Table 2.3 is continued on next page)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Reactor Decommissioning Plan Document W19-1579-003, Rev. 2 Section 2, Page 2 of 36 TABLE 2.3 (continued)


SYMBOL VALUES** FOR:UNRESTRICTED RELEASE (pil)*Thorium-228+C 2 2 8 Th+C 4.7E+00 Thorium-230 23OTh 1.8E+00 Thorium-230+C 230Th+C 6.OE-01 Thorium-232 2 32TH 1.1E+00 Thorium-232+C 2 3 2 TH+C 1.1E+00 Protactinium-231 2 3 1 Pa 3.OE-01 Protactinium-231+C 2 3'Pa+C 3.OE-01 Uranium-234 234U 1.3E+01 Uranium-235 235U 8.OE+00 Uranium-235+C 235U+C 2.9E-01 Uranium-238 238U 1.4E+01 Uranium-238+C 238U+C 5.OE-01 Plutonium-238 238pu 2.5E+00 Plutonium-239 239Pu 2.3E+00 Plutonium-241 241Pu 7.2E+01 Americium 2 4 1 Am 2.1E+00 Curium-242 2 4 1 Cm 1.6E+02 Curium-243 2 4 3 Cm 3.2E+00* Plus Chain (+C) indicates a value for a radionuclide with its decay progeny present in equilibrium.

The values care concentrations of the parent radionuclide, but account for contributions from the complete chain of progeny in equilibrium with the parent radionuclide (NUREG/CR-5512 Volumes 1, 2, and 3).** These values represent surface soil concentrations of individual radionuclides that would compliance with the 25 mrem/year (0.25 mSv/year) unrestricted release dose limit in 10 CFR radionuclides in a mixture, the "sumn of fractions" rule applies (see Part 20, Appendix B, Note 4).be deemed in 20.1402. For*** Screening values are in units of (pCi/g) equivalent to 25 mrem/year (0.25 mSv/year).

To convert from pCi/g to units of Becquerel per kilogram (Bq/kg) divide each value by 0.027. These values were derived based on selection of the 901h percentile of the output dose distribution for each specific radionuclide (or radionuclide with the specific decay chain). Behavioral parameters were set at the mean of the distribution of the assumned critical group. The metabolic parameters were set at "Standard Man" or at the mean of the distribution for, an average mian.**** From: MOU Table 1: Consultation Triggers for Residential and Commercial/Industrial Soil Contamination,"Memorandum of Understanding Between The Environmental Protection Agency and The Nuclear regulatory Commission"