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Perry - Revision 19 to Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
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Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/2012
From: Luthanen B A
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
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ODCMPage:Rev.:i19PERRY OPERATIONS MANUALOffsite Dose Calculation ManualTITLE: OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUALREVISION:EFFECTIVE DATE:12-10-12PREPARER: Bruce Luthanen11-28-12/ DateAPPROVER: Joe Oelbracht11-30-12/ Date ODCMPage: iiRev.: 19Offsite Dose Calculation ManualTable of ContentsSection Title Page


12.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS 22.1 Batch Releases 22.1.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination Minimum Acceptable Dilution Factor Determination Maximum Allowable Radwaste Tank Discharge Flow RateDetermination Liquid Radwaste Discharge Flow Monitor Alarm Setpoint Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor Alarm/TripSetpoint 52.1.2 10CFR20 Compliance -Liquid Effluent Concentration Concentration of Radionuclides in Prerelease Post Release 72.2 Continuous Releases 82.2.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination Emergency Service Water Radiation Monitor Alarm Setpoint Minimum Allowable Background of the Emergency ServiceWater Radiation Monitor Determination of the Expected Monitor Response Based onthe Reactor Water Source Term Minimum Allowable Setpoint Based on Monitor Background 112.3 10CFR50, Appendix I Compliance -Liquid Effluent Dose 112.3.1 Dose Calculations 122.3.2 Cumulation of Doses 142.3.3 Projection of Doses 142.3.4 Population Dose 153.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS 323.0.1 Batch Releases .323.0.2 Continuous Releases 323.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination 343.1.1 Determination of the "Mix" (Noble Gas RadionuclideComposition) of the Gaseous Effluent 353.1.2 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total ActivityRelease Rate of Noble Gas Radionuclides in GaseousEffluent Based on Whole Body Dose Rate Limit 353.1.3 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total ActivityRelease Rate of Noble Gas Radionuclides in GaseousEffluent Based on Skin Dose Rate Limit 363.1.4 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable TotalRadioactivity Concentration of all Noble GasRadionuclides in Gaseous Effluent 373.1.5 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Monitor CountRate Above Background Attributed to Noble GasRadionuclides 38 ODCMPage: iiiRev.: 19Offsite Dose Calculation ManualTable of Contents (Cont.)Section Title Page3.1.5.1 Determination of the Monitor High Alarm Setpoint 383.1.5.2 Determination of the Monitor Alert Setpoint 393.2 Compliance with 10CFR20 -Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate 393.2.1 Noble Gases 393.2.2 Radionuclides, Particulates, and Other Radionuclides 403.2.3 Dose Rate Calculations 403.3 10CFR50, Appendix I Compliance -Gaseous Effluent Dose 683.3.1 Noble Gases 683.3.2 Radioiodines, Particulates, and Other Radionuclides 683.3.3 Dose Calculations 693.3.4 Cumulation of Doses 703.3.5 Projection of Doses 713.4 Population Dose 714.0 TOTAL DOSE 724.1 40CFR190 Compliance -Uranium Fuel Cycle Dose 724.2 Direct Radiation Dose from PNPP 734.3 Dose to Members of the Public While Onsite 745.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM 745.1 Monitoring Program 745.2 Land Use Census Program 755.3 Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program 76APPENDIX A Atmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters 88APPENDIX B Lower Limit of Detection 102APPENDIX C Controls 106REFERENCES188 ODCMPage: ivRev.: 19List of TablesTable Title Page2.3-1 Organs Used for Liquid Effluent Dose Calculations 152.3-2 Age Groups Used for Liquid Effluent Dose Calculations 152.3-3 Liquid Effluent Dose Pathways 152.3-4 Bio-Accumulation Factors (Bip) (pCi/kg per pCi/liter) 162.3-5 Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi ingested) 172.3-6 Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem/pCi ingested) 192.3-7 Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem/pCi ingested) 212.3-8 Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant (mrem/pCi ingested) 232.3-9 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground 252.3-10 Liquid Effluent Dilution Factors (Mp) 272.3-11 Transit Times Required for Nuclides to Reach the Point ofExposure (tp) 272.3-12 Usage Factors (Uap) 282.3-13 Dilution Factors for Each of the Potable Water Intakeswithin 50 Miles of PNPP 292.3-14 Dilution Factors for the Fish Ingestion Pathway IndividualGrid Locations 302.3-15 Dilution Factors for the Shore Exposure Pathway 313.1-1 Whole Body and Skin Dose Factors 373.2-1 Organs Used for Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculations 463.2-2 Age Groups Used for Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculations 463.2-3 Gaseous Effluent Dose Pathways 463.2-4 Dose Factors for Exposure to a Semi-Infinite Cloud ofNoble Gases 473.2-5 External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground 483.2-6 Inhalation Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi inhaled) 50 ODCMPage: vRev.: 19List of Tables (Cont.)Table Title Page3.2-7 Inhalation Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem/pCi inhaled) 523.2-8 Inhalation Dose Factors for Child (mrem/pCi inhaled) 543.2-9 Inhalation Dose Factors for Infant (mrem/pCi inhaled) 563.2-10 Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi ingested) 583.2-11 Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem/pCi ingested) 603.2-12 Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem/pCi ingested) 623.2-13 Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant (mrem/pCi ingested) 643.2-14 Annual Usage Factors for the Maximum Exposed Individual 663.2-15 Annual Usage Factors for the Average Individual 663.3-1 Gamma and Beta Air Dose Factors for Semi-Infinite Plume 715.1-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 775.1-2 Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations inEnvironmental Samples 825.1-3 Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysisand Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) 835.1-4 ODCM REMP Sample Locations 84A-1 Atmospheric Depletion and Deposition Factors 90A-2 Site Boundary Atmospheric Dispersion (X/Q) and DepositionParameters (D/Q) for PNPP Unit 1 91A-3 Atmospheric Dispersion (X/Q) as a Function of Distance (s/m3) 92A-4 Atmospheric Dispersion (D/Q) as a Function of Distance (m-2) 97 ODCMPage: viRev.: 19List of FiguresFigures Title Page2.1-1 Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) Discharge System 23.0-1 Gaseous Effluent System Flow Diagram 333.2-1 PNPP Site Boundary and Unrestricted Area 675.1-1 Technical Specification Required REMP Sampling Locationswithin Two Miles of the Plant Site 855.1-2 Technical Specification Required REMP Sampling LocationsBetween Two and Eight Miles from the Plant Site 865.1-3 Technical Specification Required REMP Sampling LocationsGreater Than Eight Miles from the Plant Site 87 ODCMPage: viiRev.: 19SCOPE OF REVISION:Rev. 19 Per corrective action CA-2012-14250-1:1. Revised sections & 7 to state that the Annual Reportsshall be submitted by May 1 of each year. This was done tomatch the wording contained in Technical Specificationssections 5.6.2 and Modified first footnote and added second footnote to Tables5.1-2 and 3.12.1-2, Reporting Levels for RadioactivityConcentrations in Environmental Samples, to match thefootnotes contained in NUREG 1302 (Supplement No. 1 to GenericLetter 89-01). These changes allow for higher reporting levelsfor H-3 and/or 1-131 if'the sample was taken from anon-drinking water pathway. (CR-2011-02282)3. Added table number to ODCM REMP Sample Locations table(Table 5.1-4) and added table number to table of contents.4. Modified first footnote to Table 5.1-4; removed the term"chronologically" from the beginning of the sentence toclarify meaning.

ODCMPage: 1Rev.: 1


This Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) contains information andmethodologies to be used by the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP), Unit 1,to ensure compliance with PNPP Radiological Effluent TechnicalSpecifications. The Technical Specifications and this ODCM are writtento satisfy 10CFR20, IOCFR50.36 and Appendix I, 40CFR190 and IOCFR72.104requirements. This ODCM applies to doses from radioactivity andradiation from the Perry Nuclear Power-Plant , which is considered toinclude the onsite Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI).Sections 2 and 3 of this manual deal with liquid and gaseous radiologicaleffluents, respectively. Each of these sections contain alarm setpointdetermination, radiation dose and dose rate calculation methodologies, aswell as limits and requirements. Section 4 covers uranium fuel cyclerelated radiation dose limits including direct dose from the PerryNuclear Power Plant, including the ISFSI.Also included in this manual, in Section 5, is information relating tothe Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). The figuresand tables contained therein designate specific sample types andlocations currently used to satisfy the Technical Specificationrequirements for the REMP as well as sampling reporting and detectioncapability limits. The sample types and locations are subject to changebased on factors including the results of the annual Land Use Census.The ODCM has been prepared, as generally as possible, in order tominimize future revisions. However, any such changes will be reviewedand approved as per the Administrative Control Section of the PNPPTechnical Specifications.Supplemental information needed to support calculations is contained inthe appendices at the end of this manual. Appendix A containsatmospheric dispersion and deposition parameters and Appendix B presentsthe methodology for determining the lower limit of detection (LLD).Appendix C of the ODCM was prepared based on guidance of NUREG-1302,"Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard RadiologicalEffluent Controls for Boiling Water Reactors," Generic Letter 89-01,Supplement No. 1. This appendix along with plant procedures will be usedby plant personnel to demonstrate compliance with Specification 5.5.4(Radioactive Effluent Controls Program) of the PNPP TechnicalSpecifications. <L02211>

ODCMPage: 2Rev.: 192.0 LIQUID EFFLUENTS2.1 Batch ReleasesA batch release is the discharge liquid radioactive waste of a discretevolume. Batch releases from the liquid radwaste system may occur fromany of the following tanks: waste sample tank, floor drain sample tank,chemical waste distillate tank, and detergent drain tank (seeFigure 2.1-1). The maximum release rate possible, due to pump capacity,is 200 gallons per minute from all release tanks except the detergentdrain tanks, which have a maximum release rate of 50 gallons per minute.All of the above liquid radwaste releases go to the Emergency ServiceWater discharge which is then released through the discharge tunnel aftermixing with Service Water effluent and/or and blowdown from CirculatingWater system, if present.Figure 2.1-1Liquid Radioactive Waste (LRW) Discharge SystemLARIe ODCMPage: 3Rev.: 19The type and frequency of sampling and analysis required by the ODCM isgiven in Appendix C, Table Prior to sampling for analysis,each batch should be isolated, and thoroughly mixed to assurerepresentative sampling. For mixing, the contents of the tank arerecirculated by isolating the tank and turning on equipment that takessuction from and discharges back into the tank. Recycle lines areprovided with one or more mixing eductors located near the bottom of thetanks to promote better mixing as well as reducing recirculation time.This ensures that the water in the tank will be mixed and will berepresentative of the activity in the tank. The minimum recirculationperformed is the equivalent of two volumes of the tank contents.Monitor alarm setpoints will be determined in order to ensure compliancewith 10CFR20. The radioactive content of each batch release will bedetermined prior to release in accordance with ODCM, Appendix C,Table Concentrations for tritium and other non-gammaemitting isotopes will be those most recently determined in the previousmonth/quarter. If there are no tritium results from the most recentmonth the most recent steam cycle value may be used as this will be aconservative number used for calculating batch releases. If there issufficient time prior to a planned release, a composite of samples thatare expected to be representative of the release may be analyzed for thetritium and other non-gamma emitting isotope values.2.1.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint DeterminationThe following methodology is used to calculate the setpoints for theRadwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor -ESW Discharge and LiquidRadwaste Adjustable High Flow Trip Unit to ensure that liquidradwaste effluent releases from the site to unrestricted areas arebelow the limiting effluent concentrations (EC) specified in10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 for radionuclides other thannoble gases. An EC of 2.OE-4 pCi/ml has been established fordissolved and entrained noble gases. The Radwaste DischargeRadiation Monitor -ESW Discharge provides alarm and automatictermination of releases prior to exceeding these limits.NOTE: Liquid radwaste discharge flow rate shall be verified atleast once per four hours, whenever the flow rate measuringdevice(s) is inoperable during actual releases. Minimum Acceptable Dilution Factor Determination:DF0 Ci (2.1-1)ECiWhere:DFo = the minimum acceptable dilution factor determined fromanalysis of the liquid effluent to be released; ODCMPage: 4Rev.: 19Ci= the concentration of radionuclide "i" in the batch to bereleased, gCi/ml. If the concentration of a radionuclideis below the lower limit of detection, the radionuclideshall not be included as a source term in the setpointcalculation.ECi = the limiting effluent concentration of radionuclide "i",from 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, in gCi/mland (2.OE-4 gCi/ml for noble gases).DF = 1ODF0 (2.1-2)Where:DF = the conservative dilution factor used by PNPP tocalculate the maximum release rate prior to release inorder to ensure compliance with 10CFR20;DFo = the minimum acceptable dilution factor, as perequation 2.1-1;10 = a factor of ten less than 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2,Column 2, limits; which represents an order of magnitudeof conservatism for liquid radwaste releases from PNPP. Maximum Allowable Radwaste Tank Discharge Flow Rate Determinationfmax = 0 .64) (mdf) (2.1-3)DFWhere:fmax = the maximum allowable radwaste tank discharge flow ratefor the batch to be released, gpm;DF = the conservative dilution factor, per equation 2.1-2;mdf = the minimum dilution flow -supplied by the Service Watersystem, Emergency Service Water system, or CirculatingWater system blowdown, gpm;0.64 = an engineering factor to prevent spurious alarms. Liquid Radwaste Discharge Flow Monitor Alarm Setpoint <L00434>Monitor alarm setpoints are determined to ensure that theconcentration of radionuclides in the liquid radwaste effluentreleased from PNPP to unrestricted areas does not exceed the limitsspecified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, forradionuclides other than dissolved and entrained noble gases. Alimiting effluent concentration of 2.OE-4 gCi/ml has been establishedfor dissolved and entrained noble gases in liquid effluents.

ODCMPage: 5Rev.: 19SPf = (1.25)(fact) (2.1-4)Where:SPf = liquid radwaste adjustable high flow trip Unit(G50-K805A/B or G50-K926/7) alarm setpoint, gpm;fact = actual allowable radwaste tank discharge flow rate forthe batch to be released, not to exceed the maximumallowable radwaste discharge flow rate fmax as defined inequation 2.1-3, gpm;1.25 = engineering safety factor to prevent spurious alarms.The liquid radwaste tank discharge flow should be maintained at orbelow this fact value by proper regulation of the high or low volumedischarge throttle valves (G50-F153 or G50-F155, respectively). Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor Alarm/Trip SetpointMonitor alarm/trip setpoints are determined to ensure that theconcentration of radionuclides in the liquid radwaste effluentreleased from PNPP to unrestricted areas does not exceed the limitsspecified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 forradionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases. Alimiting effluent concentration of 2.OE-4 RCi/ml has been establishedfor dissolved and entrained noble gases in liquid effluents.CRc = (2.1-5).Where:CRc = the calculated monitor count rate above background, cpm;Ci = the concentration of radionuclide "i" in the batch to bereleased, pCi/ml;Ei = the detector efficiency of the monitor for radionuclide"i", cpm/ (Rci/ml).ORCRx = (Rs)(Fx)(ZCi) (2.1-6)Where:CRx = the cross-calibrated monitor count rate above background,cpm; ODCMPage: 6Rev.: 19Fx = the cross-calibration factor is used to ratio the liquidradwaste discharge radiation monitor actual response tothe Cs-137 calibrated response;Rs = the response of the Liquid Radwaste Discharge RadiationMonitor to a Cs-137 calibrated standard, cpm/(jiCi/ml).SPr = (l.25)[ fmax) (CRn) + BG (2.1-7)Cfact)Where:SPr = the Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor -ESW Dischargealarm/trip setpoint, in cpm;BG = background count rate due to internal contamination andradiation levels in the area of the monitor, cpm;CRn = monitor net count rate, either CRc or CR., as perequation 2.1-5 or 2.1-6, cpm;1.25 = engineering safety factor to prevent spurious alarms;fmax/fact = an adjustment factor (to account for the differencebetween an actual radwaste discharge flow rate to be usedfor the discharge and maximum allowable radwastedischarge flow rate) to allow operational flexibility andto minimize spurious alarms;Where:fact = the actual radwaste discharge flow rate,this value must always be less than or equalto fmax, gpm;fmax= the maximum allowable radwaste dischargeflow rate, per equation 2.1-3, gpm.2.1.2 10CFR20 Compliance -Liquid Effluent ConcentrationIn order to show compliance with 10CFR20, the concentrations ofradionuclides in liquid effluents will be determined and comparedwith the limiting effluent concentrations as defined in 10CFR20,Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, (2.OE-4 pCi/ml for dissolved andentrained noble gases). Concentrations of radioactivity ineffluents prior to dilution will be determined. Concentration indiluted effluent will be calculated using these results prior toeach batch release, and following each batch release.

ODCMPage: 7Rev.: Concentration of Radionuclides in PrereleaseThe radioactivity content of each batch release will be determinedprior to release. PNPP will show compliance with 10CFR20 in thefollowing manner:The concentration of the various radionuclides in batch releasesprior to dilution is divided by the minimum dilution flow to obtainthe concentration at the unrestricted area. This calculation isshown in the following equation:Conci = (Ci)(f) (2.1-8)mdfWhere:Conci = the concentration of radionuclide "i" at theunrestricted area, gCi/ml;Ci = the concentration of radionuclide "i" in the batch to bereleased, pCi/ml;f = the radwaste tank discharge flow rate for the batch tobe released, gpm;mdf = the minimum dilution flow, per equation 2.1-3, gpm.The projected radionuclide concentrations in the unrestricted areaare compared to the limiting effluent concentrations in 10CFR20,Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2 (2.OE-4 pCi/ml for dissolved andentrained noble gases) in order to give a final 10CFR20 compliancecheck, i.e., the following equation must be met:Conci1 1(2.1-9)ECiWhere:Conci = the concentration of radionuclide "i" at theunrestricted area, pCi/ml;ECi = the limiting effluent concentration of radionuclide "i",from 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2(2.OE-4 pCi/ml for dissolved and entrained noble gases),pCi/ml. Post ReleaseThe actual radioactivity content of each batch release will bedetermined following release to show final compliance with 10CFR20.

ODCMPage: 8Rev.: 19The concentration of the various radionuclides in batch releasesprior to dilution is divided by the actual dilution to obtain theconcentration at the unrestricted area. This calculation is shownin the following equation:Conci = (i)(Vlrt) (2.1-10)VdilWhere:Conci = the actual concentration of radionuclide "i" at theunrestricted area for the release, gCi/ml;Ci = the concentration of radionuclide "i" in the batchreleased, VCi/ml;Vdil = the actual volume of dilution water during the release(total plant discharge flow, including Service Water,Emergency Service Water, and cooling tower blowdown), ingallons;Vlrt = the actual volume of the liquid radwaste tank dischargedfor the batch, gal.The concentrations in the unrestricted area are compared to thelimiting effluent concentrations in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2,Column 2 (2.OE-4 pCi/ml for dissolved and entrained noble gases). Inorder to demonstrate final compliance with 10CFR20, the followingequation must be met:Conci 1CX c ECiWhere:Conci = concentration of radionuclide "i" at the unrestrictedarea, pCi/ml;ECi = limiting effluent concentration of radionuclide "i",from 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, gCi/ml.2.2 Continuous ReleasesA continuous release is the discharge of fluid wastes of a non-discretevolume, i.e., from a volume or system that has an input flow during thecontinuous release. The only potential for a continuous release at Perryis for RHR heat exchange leakage into the Emergency Service Water systemand for tritium activity in the M35 Supply Plenum drain to storm drains.

ODCMPage: 9Rev.: 19Potentially contaminated discharges from the ESW are monitored by aninstalled radiation monitoring system. This system consists of twochannels, one for monitoring downstream of equipment in Emergency ServiceWater System Loop A and the other for Emergency Service Water Loop B. Ifradiation is detected, the affected Emergency Service Water line can bemanually isolated. The decision of whether to isolate or not isdependent upon other conditions. The PNPP staff will take appropriateaction to limit release.The Emergency Service Water discharged will be sampled and analyzed inaccordance with ODCM Appendix C, Table To show compliancewith 10CFR20, the sum of the concentrations of radionuclide "i" inunrestricted areas due to both continuous and batch releases divided bythat isotope's limiting effluent concentration must be less than 1.During the summer months, the Turbine Building Supply Plenums(lM35BOO01A,B,C) are used as a cooling source; condensation from thecooling coils is collected in the M35 plenum drain pans. The moisturefrom the outside air is condensed and flows into the drain pan. Duringhot, humid months with low wind speed, the potential exists for some ofthe gaseous effluent exhaust from the plant to be recycled back into theplant through the M35 Turbine Building Supply Plenums. Since the airfrom the plant gaseous effluents can contain tritium, then the water inthe M35 Turbine Building Supply Plenums could also contain tritium ifthis exhaust was recycled back into the plant. The highest possibleconcentration of tritium in the M35 drains would be the condensedconcentration in the effluent vent; however, this value is furtherdiluted from humidity from outside air. The gaseous effluent ventsradiation monitors will provide the monitoring to ensure compliance with10CFR20. Grab samples will be performed in accordance with ODCMAppendix C Table on the M35 drains.2.2.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint DeterminationThe following methodology is used to calculate the setpoints for theEmergency Service Water loops A & B Radiation Monitors. Thismethodology ensures an alarm will be received prior to exceeding thelimiting effluent concentration listed in 10CFR20, Appendix B,Table 2, Column 2.1. Emergency Service Water Radiation Monitor Alarm SetpointCRc (BG + MR)(.7-5)Where:CRC = the calculated monitor count rate in cpm;BG = the background count rate due to internalcontamination and radiation levels in the area ofthe monitor in cpm; ODCMPage:Rev.:1019MR = expected monitor response due to 1.0 EC of atypical reactor water isotopic mix;0.75 = engineering safety factor2. Minimum Allowable Background of the Emergency Service WaterRadiation MonitorBGmin = CRc -MRWhere:BGmin = minimum allowable background to ensure monitorwill alarm prior to exceeding 1.0 EC;CRC = the calculated monitor count rate in cpm;MR = expected monitor response due to 1.0 EC of atypical reactor water isotopic mix;NOTE: If calculated value is negative, then 0 cpm will beused as the minimum allowable background.3. Determination of the Expected Monitor Response Based on theReactor Water Source TermMR=IWhere:Idecayedx EffmonI decayedIECiexpected monitor response due to 1.0 EC of atypical reactor water isotopic mix;Idecayed =Effmon =activity of isotope (I) after decaying a giventime;radiation monitor detector efficiency forisotope (I);ECi= Effluent concentration value for isotope (I),Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, 10CFR20 ODCMPage:Rev.:Ii194. Minimum Allowable Setpoint Based on Monitor BackgroundCRmin = BG + (VBG / 2TC)Where:CRminBG22TCMinimum allowable setpoint for a given monitorbackground (BG);the background count rate due to internalcontamination and radiation levels in the areaof the monitor in cpm;= 95% confidence level;= two times the instrument time constant where(Logl0BG -Logl0Locpm) ýTChicpm -TClocpm)TC -(Logl0Hicpm -Logl0Locpm) + TClocpmTime Constants:Hi/Lo cpm TC Hi/Lo cpm10 cpm 1.25 min100 cpm 1.25 min1,000 cpm 1.25 min10,000 cpm 0.2 min100,000 cpm 0.042 min1,000,000 cpm 0.0033 minFor Backgrounds less than 400 cpm, the following values will beused:Locpm = 100 cpmHicpm = 1000 cpmTClocpm = 1.25 minTCHicpm = 1.25 minFor Backgrounds 400 cpm and less than 1,000 cpm, the followingvalues will be used:Locpm = 1,000 cpmHicpm = 10,000 cpmTClocpm = 1.25 minTCHicpm = .2 min2.3 10CFR50, Appendix I Compliance -Liquid Effluent DoseDoses resulting from liquid effluents will be calculated at least monthlyto show compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I. A cumulative summation ofwhole body and organ doses for the current quarter and current year willbe maintained. Additionally, doses due to liquid releases are projectedmonthly.

ODCMPage: 12Rev.: 192.3.1 Dose CalculationsRadiation doses due to liquid radioactive effluents from PNPP arecalculated based on three main dose pathways: potable water,aquatic foods (namely fresh water fish ingestion), and exposure toshoreline deposits. Irrigated food pathways, as discussed inRegulatory Guide 1.109, will not be of concern at PNPP as little orno water from Lake Erie is used for irrigation in the nearby Ohiocounties of Lake, Ashtabula, Cuyahoga and Lorain. Nurserybusinesses and other agricultural activities that requiresupplemental water generally rely on water drawn from small pondsand streams.Radiation dose to members of the public for liquid radioactivereleases from PNPP will be calculated for the potable water, aquaticfood, and shoreline deposit pathways using the following equations:Potable WaterRajp = 1100 Uap (Qi) (Daipj)exp(-Ai tp) (2.3-1)(Mp) (F)Aquatic FoodsRajp = 1100 Uap (Qi)(Bip)(Daipj)exp(-Ai tp) (2.3-2)(Mp) (F)Shoreline DepositsRajp = 110,000 (Uap)(W) Y (Qi) (Ti) (aipj) [exp(- itp)] [1 -exp(- itb)] (2.3-3)(Mp) (F)Where:Rajp = the dose to individuals of age group "a" to organ "j" fromall the radionuclides in pathway "p", in mrem;Bip = the equilibrium bioaccumulation factor for radionuclide "i"in pathway "p", expressed as the ratio of the concentrationin biota (pCi/kg) to the radionuclide concentration in water(pCi/l), from Table 2.3-4, 1/kg;Daipj= the dose factor, specific to a given age group "a",radionuclide "i", pathway "p", and organ "j", which can beused to calculate the radiation dose from an intake of aradionuclide (mrem/pCi); or from exposure to a givenconcentration of a radionuclide in sediment, expressed as aratio of the dose rate (mrem/h), and the areal radionuclideconcentration, (pCi/m2), from Tables 2.3-5 through 2.3-9; ODCMPage: 13Rev.: 19F = the flow rate of the liquid effluent, ft3/sec;NOTE: The normal minimum dilution flow will be30,000 gpm (USAR = the dilution factor at the midpoint of exposure (or the pointof withdrawal of drinking water, point of harvest of aquaticfood or shoreline), from Table 2.3-10, dimensionless;Qi = the release of radionuclide "i", Ci;Tb = the period of time for which the sediment or soil is exposedto the contaminated water, 1.75 x 105 hr (20 yrs);Ti = the half-life of radionuclide "i", days;tp = the average transit time required for radionuclides to reachthe point of exposure, from Table 2.3-11; for internal dose,tp is the total time elapsed between release of theradionuclides and the ingestion of food or water, hr;Uap = the usage factor that specifies the exposure time or intakerate for an individual of age group a associated with pathway"p", from Table 2.3-12, hr/yr, 1/yr, or kg/yr;W = the shoreline width factor, 0.3 (from RegulatoryGuide 1.109);Xi = radioactive decay constant of radionuclide "i", h-1;1100 = a factor to convert from (Ci/yr)/(ft3/s) to pCi/l;110,000 = a factor to convert from (Ci/yr)/(ft3/s) to pCi/l and toaccount for the proportionality constant used in the sedimentradioactivity model.

ODCMPage: 14Rev.: 192.3.2 Cumulation of DosesThe dose contribution from liquid effluents will be calculated atleast monthly. Calculations will be performed to determine themaximum whole body as well as the maximum organ dose to anindividual. These dose calculations will be summed for comparisonwith quarterly and annual limits. These results will be summed withthe doses cumulated from the other months in the quarter of interestand in the year of interest. To assure compliance with the doselimits of 10CFR50, Appendix I the following relationships shallhold:for the quarter:Dose 1.5 mrems whole body;Dose 5 mrems any organ;for the year:Dose 3 mrems whole body;Dose 10 mrems any organ.The quarterly limits given above represent one-half of the annualdesign objective. If these quarterly or annual limits are exceeded,a special report will be submitted to the NRC, in accordance withODCM Appendix C controls, stating the reason and corrective actionto be taken.2.3.3 Projection of DosesAnticipated doses resulting from the release of liquid effluentswill be projected monthly. The doses calculated for the presentmonth will be used as the projected doses unless information existsindicating that actual releases could differ significantly in thenext month.If the projected dose, when averaged over 31 days, exceeds 0.06 mremto the whole body or 0.2 mrem to any organ, the liquid radwastesystem will be used to process waste. The values for the projecteddose impact levels correspond to approximately one forty-eighth ofthe 10CFR50, Appendix I design objective. If continued at this ratefor one year, the projected impact would correspond to less thanone-fourth of the 10CFR5O, Appendix I limit. The projected doseswill be calculated using equations 2.3-1, 2.3-2, and 2.3-3.In this case, the source term will be adjusted to reflect thisinformation and the justification for the adjustment noted. Thisadjustment should account for any radwaste equipment which wasoperated during the previous month that could be out of service inthe coming month.

ODCMPage:Rev.:15192.3.4 Population DosePNPP's Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports, as required byRegulatory Guide 1.21, will include total population dose andaverage individual doses calculated for radioactive effluentreleases. The total population dose and average individual doseswill be calculated using average individual transit times and usagefactors, Table 2.3-12, (as compared to maximum exposed individualfactors used for individual doses). The total population dose willbe calculated by dose pathway and organ, with pathway doses beingcorrected for the fraction of the population assumed to be in eachage group (adult, teen, child and infant: 0.71, 0.11, 0.18, 0.0respectively).Table 2.3-1Orqans Used for Liguid Effluent Dose Calculations1. Bone2. GI Tract3. Kidney4. Liver5. Lung6. Thyroid7. Whole Body8. SkinTable 2.3-2Age Groups Used for Liquid Effluent Dose Calculations1. Adult (17 yrs. and older)2. Teen (11 -17 yrs)3. Child (1 -11 yrs)4. Infant (0 -1 yr)

ODCMPage:Rev.:1619Table 2.3-3Liquid Effluent Dose Pathwavs1. Water Ingestion2. Shore Exposure3. Fresh Water Fish IngestionTable 2.3-4Bio-Accumulation Factors (Bip) (pCi/kg per pCi/liter)ElementFishHCNaPCrMnFeCoNiCuZnBrRbSryZrNbMoTcRuRhSbTeICsBaLaCePrNdTaWReAuNp9. OE-014. 6E+031. OE+021. OE+052. OE+024. OE+021. OE+025. OE+011. OE+025. OE+012. OE+034. 2E+022. OE+033. OE+012.5E+013 .3E+003. OE+041. OE+011. 5E+011. OE+011. OE+011. OE+004 OE+021. 5E+012 OE+034 OE+002. 5E+011. OE+002. 5E+012 5E+011. OE+001. 2E+031. OE+001. OE+001. OE+01 ODCMPage: 17Rev.: 19Table 2.3-5Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3 O.OOE+00 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07C14 2.84E-06 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07NA24 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06P32 1.93E-04 1.20E-05 7.46E-06 -O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.17E-05CR51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.66E-09 1.59E-09 5.86E-10 3.53E-09 6.69E-07MN54 O.OOE+00 4.57E-06 8.72E-07 O.OOE+00 1.36E-06 O.OOE+00 1.40E-05MN56 O.OOE+00 1.15E-07 2.04E-08 O.OOE+00 1.46E-07 O.OOE+00 3.67E-06FE55 2.75E-06 1.90E-06 4.43E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.06E-06 1.09E-06FE59 4.34E-06 1.02E-05 3.91E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.85E-06 3.40E-05C058 O.OOE+00 7.45E-07 1.67E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.51E-05CO60 O.OOE+00 2.14E-06 4.72E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.02E-05NI63 1.30E-04 9.01E-06 4.36E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.88E-06NI65 5.28E-07 6.86E-08 3.13E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.74E-06CU64 O.OOE+00 8.33E-08 3.91E-08 O.OOE+00 2.10E-07 O.OOE+00 7.10E-06CU67 2.95E-07 8.41E-07 O.OOE+00 2.24E-07 2.62E-07 2.27E-07 1.07E-05ZN65 4.84E-06 1.54E-05 6.96E-06 O.OOE+00 1.03E-05 O.OOE+00 9.70E-06ZN69 1.03E-08 1.97E-08 1.37E-09 O.OOE+00 1.28E-08 O.OOE+00 2.96E-09BR83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.02E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.79E-08BR84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.21E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.09E-13BR85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.14E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00RB86 O.OOE+00 2.11E-05 9.83E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.16E-06RB88 O.OOE+00 6.05E-08 3.21E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.36E-19RB89 O.OOE+00 4.01E-08 2.82E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.33E-21SR87M 1.52E-08 1.77E-08 O.OOE+00 2.96E-09 2.58E-08 6.92E-09 2.15E-07SR89 3.08E-04 O.OOE+00 8.84E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.94E-05SR90 7.58E-03 O.OOE+00 1.86E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.19E-04SR91 5.67E-06 O.OOE+00 2.29E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.70E-05SR92 2.15E-06 O.OOE+00 9.30E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.26E-05Y90 9.62E-09 O.OOE+00 2.58E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.02E-04Y91M 9.09E-11 O.OOE+00 3.52E-12 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.67E-10Y91 1.41E-07 O.OOE+00 3.77E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.67E-05Y92 8.45E-10 O.OOE+00 2.47E-11 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.48E-05Y93 2.68E-09 O.OOE+00 7.40E-11 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.50E-05ZR95 3.04E-08 9.75E-09 6.60E-09 O.OOE+00 1.53E-08 O.OOE+00 3.09E-05ZR97 1.68E-09 3.39E-10 1.55E-10 O.OOE+00 5.12E-10 O.OOE+00 1.05E-04NB95 6.22E-09 3.46E-09 1.86E-09 O.OOE+00 3.42E-09 O.OOE+00 2.10E-05M099 O.OOE+00 4.31E-06 8.20E-07 O.OOE+00 9.76E-06 O.OOE+00 9.99E-06TC99M 2.47E-10 6.98E-10 8.89E-09 O.OOE+00 1.06E-08 3.42E-10 4.13E-07 ODCMPage: 18Rev.: 19Table 2.3-5 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 2.54E-10 3.66E-10 3.59E-09 0.OOE+00 6.59E-09 1.87E-10 1.10E-21RU103 1.85E-07 0.OOE+00 7.97E-08 0.OOE+00 7.06E-07 0.OOE+00 2.16E-05RU105 1.54E-08 0.OOE+00 6.08E-09 0.OOE+00 1.99E-07 0.OOE+00 9.42E-06RUI06 2.75E-06 0.OOE+00 3.48E-07 0.OOE+00 5.31E-06 0.OOE+00 1.78E-04AG1IOM 1.60E-07 1.48E-07 8.79E-08 0.OOE+00 2.91E-07 0.OOE+00 6.04E-05TE125M 2.68E-06 9.17E-07 3.59E-07 8.06E-07 1.09E-05 0.OOE+00 1.07E-05TE127M 6.77E-06 2.42E-06 8.25E-07 1.73E-06 2.75E-05 0.OOE+00 2.27E-05TE127 1.10E-07 3.95E-08 2.38E-08 8.15E-08 4.48E-07 0.OOE+00 8.68E-06TE129M 1.15E-05 4.29E-06 1.82E-06 3.95E-06 4.80E-05 0.OOE+00 5.79E-05TE129 3.14E-08 1.18E-08 7.65E-09 2.41E-08 1.32E-07 0.OOE+00 2.37E-08TE131M 1.73E-06 8.46E-07 7.05E-07 1.34E-06 8.57E-06 0.OOE+00 8.40E-05TE131 1.97E-08 8.23E-09 6.22E-09 1.62E-08 8.63E-08 0.OOE+00 2.79E-09TE132 2.52E-06 1.63E-06 1.53E-06 1.80E-06 1.57E-05 0.OOE+00 7.71E-051130 7.56E-07 2.23E-06 8.80E-07 1.89E-04 3.48E-06 0.OOE+00 1.92E-061131 4.16E-06 5.95E-06 3.41E-06 1.95E-03 1.02E-05 0.OQE+00 1.57E-061132 2.03E-07 5.43E-07 1.90E-07 1.90E-05 8.65E-07 0.OOE+00 1.02E-071133 1.42E-06 2.47E-06 7.53E-07 3.63E-04 4.31E-06 0.OOE+00 2.22E-06I14 1.06E-07 2.88E-07 1.03E-07 4.99E-06 4.58E-07 0.OOE+00 2.51E-101135 4.43E-07 1.16E-06 4.28E-07 7.65E-05 1.86E-06 0.QOE+00 1.31E-06CS134 6.22E-05 1.48E-04 1.21E-04 0.OOE+00 4.79E-05 1.59E-05 2.59E-06CS136 6.51E-06 2.57E-05 1.85E-05 0.OOE+00 1.43E-05 1.96E-06 2.92E-06CS137 7.97E-05 1.09E-04 7.14E-05 0.OOE+00 3.70E-05 1.23E-05 2.11E-06CS138 5.52E-08 1.09E-07 5.40E-08 Q.OOE+00 8.01E-08 7.91E-09 4.65E-13BA139 9.70E-08 6.91E-11 2.84E-09 0.OOE+00 6.46E-11 3.92E-11 1.72E-07BA140 2.03E-05 2.55E-08 1.33E-06 0.OOE+00 8.67E-09 1.46E-08 4.18E-05BA141 4.71E-08 3.56E-11 1.59E-09 0.OOE+00 3.31E-11 2.02E-11 2.22E-17BA142 2.13E-08 2.19E-11 1.34E-09 0.OOE+00 1.85E-11 1.24E-11 3.OOE-26LA140 2.50E-09 1.26E-09 3.33E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.25E-05LA142 1.28E-10 5.82E-11 1.45E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.25E-07CE141 9.36E-09 6.33E-09 7.18E-10 0.OOE+00 2.94E-09 0.OOE+00 2.42E-05CE143 1.65E-09 1.22E-06 1.35E-10 0.OOE+O0 5.37E-10 0.OOE+00 4.56E-05CE144 4.88E-07 2.04E-07 2.62E-08 0.OOE+00 1.21E-07 0.OOE+00 1.65E-04PR143 9.20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-10 0.OOE+00 2.13E-09 0.OOE+00 4.03E-05PR144 3.01E-11 1.25E-11 1.53E-12 0.OOE+00 7.05E-12 0.OOE+00 4.33E-18ND147 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4.35E-10 0.OOE+00 4.25E-09 0.OOE+00 3.49E-05TA183 4.77E-11 2.92E-10 2.39E-11 0.OOE+00 1.66E-10 0.OOE+00 1.76E-04W187 1.03E-07 8.61E-08 3.01E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.82E-05RE188 2.42E-07 1.90E-07 5.37E-07 1.26E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.56E-05AU198 0.OOE+00 1.12E-08 1.90E-08 0.OOE+00 3.42E-08 0.OOE+00 8.67E-06AU199 0.OOE+00 7.OOE-08 5.89E-08 0.OOE+00 2.74E-07 0.OOE+00 1.13E-05NP239 1.19E-09 1.17E-10 6.45E-11 0.OOE+00 3.65E-10 0.OOE+00 2.40E-05SB124 2.80E-06 5.29E-08 1.11E-06 6.79E-09 0.OOE+00 2.18E-06 7.95E-05SB125 1.79E-06 2.OOE-08 4.26E-07 1.82E-09 0.OOE+00 1.38E-06 1.97E-05 ODCMPage: 19Rev.: 19Table 2.3-6Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3 O.OOE+00 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07C14 4.06E-06 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07NA24 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06P32 2.76E-04 1.71E-05 1.07E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.32E-05CR51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.60E-09 2.OOE-09 7.89E-10 5.14E-09 6.05E-07MN54 O.OOE+00 5.90E-06 1.17E-06 O.OOE+00 1.76E--06 O.QOE+00 1.21E-05MN56 O.OOE+00 1.58E-07 2.81E-08 O.OOE+00 2.OOE-07 0.OOE+00 1.04E-05FE55 3.78E-06 2.68E-06 6.25E-07 O.OOE+00 O.QOE+00 1.70E-06 1.16E-06FE59 5.87E-06 1.37E-05 5.29E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.32E-06 3.24E-05C058 O.OOE+00 9.72E-07 2.24E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.34E-05C060 O.OOE+00 2.81E-06 6.33E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.66E-05N163 1.77E-04 1.25E-05 6.OOE-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.99E-06N165 7.49E-07 9.57E-08 4.36E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.19E-06CU67 3.54E-07 1.07E-06 O.OOE+00 2.74E-07 3.19E-7 2.81E-07 1.32E-05CU64 O.OOE+00 1.15E-07 5.41E-08 O.OOE+00 2.91E-07 O.OOE+00 8.92E-06ZN65 5.76E-06 2.OOE-05 9.33E-06 O.OOE+00 1.28E-05 O.OOE+00 8.47E-06ZN69 1.47E-08 2.80E-08 1.96E-09 O.OOE+00 1.83E-08 O.OOE+00 5.16E-08BR83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.74E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00BR84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.22E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00BR85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.05E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00RB86 O.OOE+00 2.98E-05 1.40E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.41E-06RB88 O.OOE+00 8.52E-08 4.54E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.30E-15RB89 O.OOE+00 5.50E-08 3.89E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OE+00 8.43E-17SR87M 2.81E-8 2.18E-08 O.OOE+00 4.40E-9 3.OOE-08 9.91E-09 2.42E-07SR89 4.40E-04 O.OOE+00 1.26E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.24E-05SR90 8.30E-03 O.OOE+00 2.05E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.33E-04SR91 8.07E-06 O.OOE+00 3.21E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.66E-05SR92 3.05E-06 O.OOE+00 1.30E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.77E-05Y90 1.37E-08 O.OOE+00 3.69E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.13E-04Y91M 1.29E-10 O.OOE+00 4.93E-12 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.09E-09Y91 2.01E-07 O.OOE+00 5.39E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.24E-05Y92 1.21E-09 O.OOE+00 3.50E-11 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.32E-05Y93 3.83E-09 O.OOE+00 1.05E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.17E-04ZR95 4.12E-08 1.30E-08 8.94E-09 O.OOE+00 1.91E-08 O.OOE+00 3.OOE-05ZR97 2.37E-09 4.69E-10 2.16E-10 O.OOE+00 7.11E-10 O.OOE+00 1.27E-04NB95 8.22E-09 4.56E-09 2.51E-09 O.OOE+00 4.42E-09 O.OOE+00 1.95E-05M099 O.OOE+00 6.03E-06 1.15E-06 O.OOE+00 1.38E-05 O.OOE+00 1.08E-05TC99M 3.32E-10 9.26E-10 1.20E-08 O.OOE+00 1.38E-08 5.14E-10 6.08E-07 ODCMPage: 20Rev.: 19Table 2.3-6 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 3.60E-10 5.12E-10 5.03E-09 0.OOE+00 9.26E-09 3.12E-10 8.75E-17RU103 2.55E-07 0.OOE+00 1.09E-07 0.OOE+00 8.99E-07 0.OOE+00 2.13E-05RU105 2.18E-08 0.OOE+00 8.46E-09 0.OQE+00 2.75E-07 0.OOE+00 1.76E-05RUI06 3.92E-06 0.OOE+00 4.94E-07 0.OOE+00 7.56E-06 0.OOE+00 1.88E-04AGIIOM 2.05E-07 1.94E-07 1.18E-07 0.OOE+00 3.70E-07 0.OOE+00 5.45E-05TE125M 3.83E-06 1.38E-06 5.12E-07 1.07E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E-05TE127M 9.67E-06 3.43E-06 1.15E-06 2.30E-06 3.92E-05 0.OOE+00 2.41E-05TE127 1.58E-07 5.60E-08 3.40E-08 1.09E-07 6.40E-07 0.OOE+00 1.22E-05TE129M 1.63E-05 6.05E-06 2.58E-06 5.26E-06 6.82E-05 0.OOE+00 6.12E-05TE129 4.48E-08 1.67E-08 1.09E-08 3.20E-08 1.88E-07 0.OOE+00 2.45E-07TE131M 2.44E-06 1.17E-06 9.76E-07 1.76E-06 1.22E-05 0.O0E+00 9.39E-05TE131 2.79E-08 1.15E-08 8.72E-09 2.15E-08 1.22E-07 0.OOE+00 2.29E-09TE132 3.49E-06 2.21E-06 2.08E-06 2.33E-06 2.12E-05 0.OOE+00 7.OOE-051130 1.03E-06 2.98E-06 1.19E-06 2.43E-04 4.59E-06 0.OOE+00 2.29E-061131 5.85E-06 8.19E-06 4.40E-06 2.39E-03 1.41E-05 0.OOE+00 1.62E-061132 2.79E-07 7.30E-07 2.62E-07 2.46E-05 1.15E-06 0.OOE+00 3.18E-071133 2.01E-06 3.41E-06 1.04E-06 4.76E-04 5.98E-06 0.OOE+00 2.58E-061134 1.46E-07 3.87E-07 1.39E-07 6.45E-06 6.10E-07 0.OOE+00 5.10E-091135 6.10E-07 1.57E-06 5.82E-07 1.01E-04 2.48E-06 0.OOE+00 1.74E-06CS134 8.37E-05 1.97E-04 9.14E-05 0.OOE+00 6.26E-05 2.39E-05 2.45E-06CS136 8.59E-06 3.38E-05 2.27E-05 0.OOE+00 1.84E-05 2.90E-06 2.72E-06CS137 1.12E-04 1.49E-04 5.19E-05 0.OOE+00 5.07E-05 1.97E-05 2.12E-06CS138 7.76E-08 1.49E-07 7.45E-08 0.OOE+00 1.10E-07 1.28E-08 6.76E-11BA139 1.39E-07 9.78E-11 4.05E-09 0.OOE+00 9.22E-11 6.74E-11 1.24E-06BA140 2.84E-05 3.48E-08 1.83E-06 0.OOE+00 1.18E-08 2.34E-08 4.38E-05BA141 6.71E-08 5.01E-11 2.24E-09 0.OOE+00 4.65E-11 3.43E-11 1.43E-13BA142 2.99E-08 2.99E-11 1.84E-09 0.OOE+00 2.53E-11 1.99E-11 9.18E-20LA140 3.48E-09 1.71E-09 4.55E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.82E-05LA142 1.79E-10 7.95E-11 1.98E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.42E-06CE141 1.33E-08 8.88E-09 1.02E-09 0.OOE+00 4.18E-09 0.OOE+00 2.54E-05CE143 2.35E-09 1.71E-06 1.91E-10 0.OOE+00 7.67E-10 0.OOE+00 5.14E-05CE144 6.96E-07 2.88E-07 3.74E-08 0.OOE+00 1.72E-07 0.OOE+00 1.75E-04PR143 1.31E-08 5.23E-09 6.52E-10 0.OOE+00 3.04E-09 0.OOE+00 4.31E-05PR144 4.30E-11 1.76E-11 2.18E-12 0.OOE+00 1.01E-11 0.OOE+00 4.74E-14ND147 9.38E-09 1.02E-08 6.11E-10 0.OOE+00 5.99E-09 0.OOE+00 3.68E-05TA183 6.81E-11 4.15E-10 3.42E-11 0.OOE+00 2.37E-10 0.OOE+00 1.86E-04W187 1.46E-07 1.19E-07 4.17E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.QOE+00 3.22E-05RE188 3.45E-07 2.70E-07 7.66E-07 1.68E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.33E-05AU198 0.OOE+00 1.60E-08 2.72E-08 0.OOE+00 4.88E-08 0.OOE+00 9.84E-06AU199 0.OOE+00 9.92E-08 8.41E-08 0.OOE+00 3.92E-07 0.OOE+00 1.17E-05NP239 1.76E-09 1.66E-10 9.22E-11 0.OOE+00 5.21E-10 0.OOE+00 2.67E-05SB124 3.87E-06 7.13E-08 1.51E-06 8.78E-09 0.OOE+00 3.38E-06 7.80E-05SB125 2.48E-06 2.71E-08 5.80E-07 2.37E-09 0.OOE+00 2.18E-06 1.93E-05 ODCMPage: 21Rev.: 19Table 2.3-7Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3 O.OOE+00 2.03E-07 2.03E-07 2.03E-07 2.03E-07 2.03E-07 2.03E-07C14 1.21E-05 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06NA24 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06 5.80E-06P32 8.25E-04 3.86E-05 3.18E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.28E-05CR51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.90E-09 4.94E-09 1.35E-09 9.02E-09 4.72E-07MN54 O.OOE+00 1.07E-05 2.85E-06 O.OOE+00 3.OOE-06 O.OOE+00 8.98E-06MN56 O.OOE+00 3.34E-07 7.54E-08 O.OOE+00 4.04E-07 O.OOE+00 4.84E-05FE55 1.15E-05 6.10E-06 1.89E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.45E-06 1.13E-06FE59 1.65E-05 2.67E-05 1.33E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.74E-06 2.78E-05C058 O.OOE+00 1.80E-06 5.51E-06 O.OOE+00 O.O0E+00 O.OOE+00 1.05E-05C060 O.OOE+00 5.29E-06 1.56E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.93E-05N163 5.38E-04 2.88E-05 1.83E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.94E-06NI65 2.22E-06 2.09E-07 1.22E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.56E-05CU67 9.21E-07 2.52E-06 O.OOE+00 7.83E-07 8.74E-07 7.81E-07 3.89E-05CU64 O.OOE+00 2.45E-07 1.48E-07 O.OOE+00 5.92E-07 O.OOE+00 1.15E-05ZN65 1.37E-05 3.65E-05 2.27E-05 O.OOE+00 2.30E-05 O.OOE+00 6.41E-06ZN69 4.38E-08 6.33E-08 5.85E-09 O.OOE+00 3.84E-08 O.OOE+00 3.99E-06BR83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.71E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.QOE+00BR84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.98E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00BR85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.12E-09 O.QOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00RB86 O.OOE+00 6.70E-05 4.12E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.31E-06RB88 O.OOE+00 1.90E-07 1.32E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.32E-09RB89 O.OOE+00 1.17E-07 1.04E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.02E-09SR87M 5.47E-08 6.78E-08 O.OOE+00 1.34E-08 6.65E-08 2.57E-08 6.66E-07SR89 1.32E-03 O.OOE+00 3.77E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.11E-05SR90 1.70E-02 O.OOE+00 4.31E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.29E-04SR91 2.40E-05 O.OOE+00 9.06E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.30E-05SR92 9.03E-06 O.OOE+00 3.62E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.71E-04Y90 4.11E-08 O.OOE+00 1.10E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.17E-04Y91M 3.82E-10 O.OOE+00 1.39E-11 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.48E-07Y91 6.02E-07 O.OOE+00 1.61E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.02E-05Y92 3.60E-09 O.OOE+00 1.03E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.04E-04Y93 1.14E-08 O.OOE+00 3.13E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.70E-04ZR95 1.16E-07 2.55E-08 2.27E-08 O.OOE+00 3.65E-08 O.OOE+00 2.66E-05ZR97 6.99E-09 1.01E-09 5.96E-10 O.OOE+00 1.45E-09 O.OOE+00 1.53E-04NB95 2.25E-08 8.76E-09 6.26E-09 O.OOE+00 8.23E-09 O.OOE+00 1.62E-05M099 O.OOE+00 1.33E-05 3.29E-06 O.OOE+00 2.84E-05 O.OOE+00 1.10E-05TC99M 9.23E-10 1.81E-09 3.OOE-08 O.OOE+00 2.63E-08 9.19E-10 1.03E-06 ODCMPage: 22Rev.: 19Table 2.3-7 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 1.07E-09 1.12E-09 1.42E-08 0.OOE+00 1.91E-08 5.92E-10 3.56E-09RU103 7.31E-07 0.OOE+00 2.81E-07 0.OOE+00 1.84E-06 0.OOE+00 1.89E-05RU105 6.45E-08 0.OOE+00 2.34E-08 0.OOE+00 5.67E-07 0.OOE+00 4.21E-05RU106 1.17E-05 0.OOE+00 1.46E-06 0.OOE+00 1.58E-05 0.OOE+00 1.82E-04AGIIOM 5.39E-07 3.64E-07 2.91E-07 0.OOE+00 6.78E-07 0.OOE+00 4.33E-05TE125M 1.14E-05 3.09E-06 1.52E-06 3.20E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.10E-05TE127M 2.89E-05 7.78E-06 3.43E-06 6.91E-06 8.24E-05 0.OOE+00 2.34E-05TE127 4.71E-07 1.27E-07 1.01E-07 3.26E-07 1.34E-06 0.OOE+00 1.84E-05TE129M 4.87E-05 1.36E-05 7.56E-06 1.57E-05 1.43E-04 0.OOE+00 5.94E-05TE129 1.34E-07 3.74E-08 3.18E-08 9.56E-08 3.92E-07 0.QOE+00 8.34E-06TE131M 7.20E-06 2.49E-06 2.65E-06 5.12E-06 2.41E-05 0.OOE+00 1.01E-04TEl31 8.30E-08 2.53E-08 2.47E-08 6.35E-08 2.51E-07 0.OOE+00 4.36E-07TE132 1.01E-05 4.47E-06 5.40E-06 6.51E-06 4.15E-05 0.OOE+00 4.50E-051130 2.92E-06 5.90E-06 3.04E-06 6.50E-04 8.82E-06 0.OOE+00 2.76E-061131 1.72E-05 1.73E-05 9.83E-06 5.72E-03 2.84E-05 0.OOE+00 1.54E-061132 8.00E-07 1.47E-06 6.76E-07 6.82E-05 2.25E-06 0.OOE+00 1.73E-061133 5.92E-06 7.32E-06 2.77E-06 1.36E-03 1.22E-05 0.OOE+00 2.95E-061134 4.19E-07 7.78E-07 3.58E-07 1.79E-05 1.19E-06 0.OOE+00 5.16E-071135 1.75E-06 3.15E-06 1.49E-06 2.79E-04 4.83E-06 0.OOE+00 2.40E-06CS134 2.34E-04 3.84E-04 8.10E-05 0.OOE+00 1.19E-04 4.27E-05 2.07E-06CS136 2.35E-05 6.46E-05 4.18E-05 0.OOE+00 3.44E-05 5.13E-06 2.27E-06CS137 3.27E-04 3.13E-04 4.62E-05 0.OOE+00 1.02E-04 3.67E-05 1.96E-06CS138 2.28E-07 3.17E-07 2.01E-07 0.OOE+00 2.23E-07 2.40E-08 1.46E-07BA139 4.14E-07 2.21E-10 1.20E-08 0.OOE+00 1.93E-10 1.30E-10 2.39E-05BA140 8.31E-05 7.28E-08 4.85E-06 0.OOE+00 2.37E-08 4.34E-08 4.21E-05BA141 2.OOE-07 1.12E-10 6.51E-09 0.OOE+00 9.69E-11 6.58E-10 1.14E-07BA142 8.74E-08 6.29E-11 4.88E-09 0.OOE+00 5.09E-11 3.70E-11 1.14E-09LA140 1.01E-08 3.53E-09 1.19E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.84E-05LA142 5.24E-10 1.67E-10 5.23E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.31E-05CE141 3.97E-08 1.98E-08 2.94E-09 0.OOE+00 8.68E-09 0.OOE+00 2.47E-05CE143 6.99E-09 3.79E-06 5.49E-10 0.OOE+00 1.59E-09 0.OOE+00 5.55E-05CE144 2.08E-06 6.52E-07 1.11E-07 0.OOE+00 3.61E-07 0.OOE+00 1.70E-04PR143 3.93E-08 1.18E-08 1.95E-09 0.OOE+00 6.39E-09 0.OOE+00 4.24E-05PR144 1.29E-10 3.99E-11 6.49E-12 0.OOE+00 2.11E-11 0.OOE+00 8.59E-08ND147 2.79E-08 2.26E-08 1.75E-09 0.OQE+00 1.24E-08 0.OOE+00 3.58E-05TA183 2.04E-10 9.40E-10 1.02E-10 0.OOE+00 4.98E-10 0.OOE+00 2.07E-04W187 4.29E-07 2.54E-07 1.14E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.57E-05RE188 1.03E-06 6.12E-07 2.29E-06 5.03E-05 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.12E-05AU198 0.OOE+00 3.61E-08 8.12E-08 0.OOE+00 1.02E-07 0.OOE+00 1.20E-05AU199 0.OOE+00 2.25E-07 2.51E-07 0.OOE+00 8.23E-07 0.OOE+00 1.27E-05NP239 5.25E-09 3.77E-10 2.65E-10 0.OOE+00 1.09E-09 0.OOE+00 2.79E-05SB124 1.11E-05 1.44E-07 3.89E-06 2.45E-08 0.OOE+00 6.16E-06 6.94E-05SB125 7.16E-06 5.52E-08 1.50E-06 6.63E-09 0.OOE+00 3.99E-06 1.71E-05 ODCMPage: 23Rev.: 19Table 2.3-8Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3 O.OOE+00 3.08E-07 3.08E-07 3.08E-07 3.08E-07 3.08E-07 3.08E-07C14 2.37E-05 5.06E-06 5.06E-06 5.06E-06 5.06E-06 5.06E-06 5.06E-06NA24 1.01E-05 1.01E-05 1.01E-05 1.01E-05 1.01E-05 1.01E-05 1.01E-05P32 1.70E-03 1.OOE-04 6.59E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.30E-05CR51 O.OOE+00 O.QOE+00 1.41E-08 9.20E-09 2.01E-09 1.79E-08 4.11E-07MN54 O.OOE+00 1.99E-05 4.51E-06 O.OOE+00 4.41E-06 O.OOE+00 7.31E-06MN56 O.OOE+00 8.18E-07 1.41E-07 O.OOE+00 7.03E-07 O.OOE+00 7.43E-05FE55 1.39E-05 8.98E-06 2.40E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.39E-06 1.14E-06FE59 3.08E-05 5.38E-05 2.12E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.59E-05 2.57E-05C058 O.OOE+00 3.60E-06 8.98E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.97E-06C060 O.OOE+00 1.08E-05 2.55E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.57E-05NI63 6.34E-04 3.92E-05 2.20E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.95E-06N165 4.70E-06 5.32E-07 2.42E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.05E-05CU67 5.26E-06 1.42E-05 O.OOE+00 4.93E-06 4.98E-06 4.87E-06 1.36E-05CU64 O.OOE+00 6.09E-07 2.82E-07 O.OOE+00 1.03E-06 O.OOE+00 1.25E-05ZN65 1.84E-05 6.31E-05 2.91E-05 O.OOE+00 3.06E-05 O.OOE+00 5.33E-05ZN69 9.33E-08 1.68E-07 1.25E-08 O.OOE+00 6.98E-08 O.OOE+00 1.37E-05BR83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.63E-07 O.OOE+00 O.QOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00BR84 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.82E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00BR85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.94E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00RB86 O.OOE+00 1.70E-04 8.40E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.35E-06RB88 O.OOE+00 4.98E-07 2.73E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.85E-07RB89 O.OOE+00 2.86E-07 1.97E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.74E-08SR87M 2.22E-07 1.56E-07 O.OOE+00 4.70E-08 1.37E-07 7.71E-08 1.49E-06SR89 2.51E-03 O.OOE+00 7.20E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.16E-05SR90 1.85E-02 O.OOE+00 4.71E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.31E-04SR91 5.OOE-05 O.OE+00 1.81E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.92E-05SR92 1.92E-05 O.OOE+00 7.13E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.07E-04Y90 8.69E-08 O.OOE+00 2.33E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.20E-04Y91M 8.10E-10 O.OOE+00 2.76E-11 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.70E-06Y91 1.13E-06 O.OOE+00 3.01E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.10E-05Y92 7.65E-09 O.OOE+00 2.15E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.46E-04Y93 2.43E-08 O.OOE+00 6.62E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.92E-04ZR95 2.06E-07 5.02E-08 3.56E-08 O.OOE+00 5.41E-08 O.OOE+00 2.50E-05ZR97 1.48E-08 2.54E-09 1.16E-09 O.OOE+00 2.56E-09 O.OOE+00 1.62E-04NB95 4.20E-08 1.73E-08 1.00E-08 O.OOE+00 1.24E-08 O.OOE+00 1.46E-05M099 O.OOE+00 3.40E-05 6.63E-06 O.OOE+00 5.08E-05 O.OOE+00 1.12E-05TC99M 1.92E-09 3.96E-09 5.10E-08 O.OOE+00 4.26E-08 2.07E-09 1.15E-06 ODCMPage: 24Rev.: 19Table 2.3-8 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factors for Infant (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 2.27E-09 2.86E-09 2.83E-08 0.OOE+00 3.40E-08 1.56E-09 4.86E-07RU103 1.48E-06 0.OOE+00 4.95E-07 0.OOE+00 3.08E-06 O.OOE+00 1.80E-05RU105 1.36E-07 0.OOE+00 4.58E-08 0.OOE+00 1.00E-06 0.OOE+00 5.41E-05RU106 2.41E-05 0.OOE+00 3.01E-06 0.OOE+00 2.85E-05 0.OOE+00 1.83E-04AG1IOM 9.96E-07 7.27E-07 4.81E-07 0.OOE+00 1.04E-06 0.OOE+00 3.77E-05TE125M 2.33E-05 7.79E-06 3.15E-06 7.84E-06 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.11E-05TE127M 5.85E-05 1.94E-05 7.08E-06 1.69E-05 1.44E-04 O.OOE+00 2.36E-05TE127 1.OOE-06 3.35E-07 2.15E-07 8.14E-07 2.44E-06 O.OOE+00 2.10E-05TE129M 1.OOE-04 3.43E-05 1.54E-05 3.84E-05 2.50E-04 O.OOE+00 5.97E-05TE129 2.84E-07 9.79E-08 6.63E-08 2.38E-07 7.07E-07 O.OOE+00 2.27E-05TE131M 1.52E-05 6.12E-06 5.05E-06 1.24E-05 4.21E-05 0.OOE+00 1.03E-04TE131 1.76E-07 6.50E-08 4.94E-08 1.57E-07 4.50E-07 O.OOE+00 7.11E-06TE132 2.08E-05 1.03E-05 9.61E-06 1.52E-05 6.44E-05 0.OOE+00 3.81E-051130 6.OOE-06 1.32E-05 5.30E-06 1.48E-03 1.45E-05 0.OOE+00 2.83E-061131 3.59E-05 4.23E-05 1.86E-05 1.39E-02 4.94E-05 O.00E+00 1.51E-061132 1.66E-06 3.37E-06 1.20E-06 1.58E-04 3.76E-06 0.OOE+00 2.73E-061133 1.25E-05 1.82E-05 5.33E-06 3.31E-03 2.14E-05 0.OOE+00 3.08E-061134 8.69E-07 1.78E-06 6.33E-07 4.15E-05 1.99E-06 O.OOE+00 1.84E-061135 3.64E-06 7.24E-06 2.64E-06 6.49E-04 8.07E-06 O.OOE+00 2.62E-06CS134 3.77E-04 7.03E-04 7.10E-05 O.OOE+00 1.81E-04 7.42E-05 1.91E-06CS136 4.59E-05 1.35E-04 5.04E-05 O.OOE+00 5.38E-05 1.10E-05 2.05E-06CS137 5.22E-04 6.11E-04 4.33E-05 O.OOE+00 1.64E-04 6.64E-05 1.91E-06CS138 4.81E-07 7.82E-07 3.79E-07 O.OOE+00 3.90E-07 6.09E-08 1.25E-06BA139 8.81E-07 5.84E-10 2.55E-08 O.OOE+00 3.51E-10 3.54E-l0 5.58E-05BA140 1.71E-04 1.71E-07 8.81E-06 O.OOE+00 4.06E-08 1.05E-07 4.20E-05BA141 4.25E-07 2.91E-10 1.34E-08 O.OOE+00 1.75E-10 1.77E-10 5.19E-06BA142 1.84E-07 1.53E-10 9.06E-09 O.OOE+00 8.81E-lI 9.26E-1l 7.59E-07LA140 2.11E-08 8.32E-09 2.14E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 9.77E-05LA142 1.10E-09 4.04E-10 9.67E-Il O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 6.86E-05CE141 7.87E-08 4.80E-08 5.65E-09 O.OOE+00 1.48E-08 O.OOE+00 2.48E-05CE143 1.48E-08 9.82E-06 1.12E-09 O.OOE+00 2.86E-09 O.OOE+00 5.73E-05CE144 2.98E-06 1:22E-06 1.67E-07 0.OOE+00 4.93E-07 O.OOE+00 1.71E-04PR143 8.13E-08 3.04E-08 4.03E-09 O.OOE+00 1.13E-08 O.OOE+00 4.29E-05PR144 2.74E-10 1.06E-10 1.38E-Il O.OOE+00 3.84E-lI O.OOE+00 4.93E-06ND147 5.53E-08 5.68E-08 3.48E-09 O.OOE+00 2.19E-08 O.OOE+00 3.60E-05TA183 4.33E-10 2.49E-09 2.17E-10 O.OOE+00 9.05E-I0 O.OOE+00 2.10E-04W187 9.03E-07 6.28E-07 2.17E-07 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.69E-05RE188 2.20E-06 1.62E-06 4.86E-06 1.25E-04 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.72E-05AU198 O.OOE+00 9.56E-08 1.73E-07 O.OOE+00 1.86E-07 O.OOE+00 1.25E-05AU199 O.OOE+00 5.91E-07 5.32E-07 O.OOE+00 1.49E-06 O.OOE+00 1.28E-05NP239 1.11E-08 9.93E-10 5.61E-I0 O.OOE+00 1.98E-09 O.OOE+00 2.87E-05SB124 2.14E-05 3.15E-07 6.63E-06 5.08E-08 O.OOE+00 1.34E-05 6.60E-05SB125 1.23E-05 1.19E-07 2.53E-06 1.54E-08 O.OOE+00 7.72E-06 1.64E-05 ODCMPage: 25Rev.: 19Table 2.3-9External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground(mrem/h per pCi/m2)Element Whole Body SkinH-3 0.0 0.0C-14 0.0 0.0NA-24 2.50E-08 2.90E-08P-32 0.0 0.0Cr-51 2.20E-10 2.60E-10Mn-54 5.80E-09 6.80E-09Mn-56 1.10E-08 1.30E-08Fe-55 0.0 0.0Fe-59 8.00E-09 9.40E-09Co-58 7.OOE-09 8.20E-09Co-60 1.70E-08 2.OOE-08Ni-63 0.0 0.0Nr-65 3.70E-09 4.30E-09Cu-64 1.50E-09 1.70E-09Cu-67 1.40E-09 2.14E-9Zn-65 4.OOE-09 4.60E-09Zn-69 0.0 0.0Br-83 6.40E-11 9.30E-11Br-84 1.20E-08 1.40E-08Br-85 0.0 0.0Rb-86 6.30E-10 7.20E-10Rb-88 3.50E-09 4.OOE-09Rb-89 1.50E-08 1.80E-08Sr-87M 4.05E-09 5.36E-09Sr-89 5.60E-13 6.50E-13Sr-91 7.10E-09 8.30E-09Sr-92 9.OOE-09 1.OOE-08Y-90 2.20E-12 2.60E-12Y-91M 3.80E-09 4.40E-09Y-91 2.40E-11 2.70E-11Y-92 1.60E-09 1.90E-09Y-93 5.70E-10 7.80E-10Zr-95 5.OOE-09 5.80E-09Zr-97 5.50E-09 6.40E-09Mo-95 5.1OE-09 6.OOE-09Mo-99 1.90E-09 2.20E-09Tc-99M 9.60E-10 1.10E-09Tc-101 2.70E-09 3.OOE-09Ru-103 3.60E-09 4.20E-09Ru-105 4.50E-09 5.10E-09Ru-106 1.50E-09 1.80E-09 ODCMPage: 26Rev.: 19Table 2.3-9 (Cont.)External Dose Factors for Standing on Contaminated Ground(mrem/h per pCi/m2)Element Whole Body SkinAg-IIOM 1.80E-08 2.10E-08Te-125M 3.50E-11 4.80E-11Te-127M 1.10E-12 1.30E-12Te-127 1.OOE-II 1.10E-11Te-129M 7.70E-10 9.00E-10Te-129 7.10E-10 8.40E-10Te-131M 8.40E-09 9.90E-09Te-131 2.20E-09 2.60E-06Te-132 1.70E-09 2.OOE-09Sb-124 2.28E-08 6.93E-08Sb-125 5.67E-09 7.96E-091-130 1.40E-08 1.70E-081-131 2.80E-09 3.40E-091-132 1.70E-08 2.OOE-081-133 3.70E-09 4.50E-091-134 1.60E-08 1.90E-081-135 1.20E-08 1.40E-08Cs-134 1.20E-08 1.40E-08Cs-136 1.50E-08 1.70E-08Cs-137 4.20E-09 4.90E-09Cs-138 2.10E-08 2.40E-08Ba-139 2.40E-09 2.70E-09Ba-140 2.10E-09 2.40E-09Ba-141 4.30E-09 4.90E-09Ba-142 7.90E-09 9.OOE-09La-140 1.50E-08 1.70E-08La-142 1.50E-08 1.80E-08Ce-141 5.50E-10 6.20E-10Ce-143 2.20E-09 2.50E-09Ce-144 3.20E-10 3.70E-10Pr-143 0.0 0.0Pr-144 2.OOE-10 2.30E-10Nd-147 1.OOE-09 1.20E-09Ta-183 3.76E-09 7.30E-09W-187 3.10E-09 3.60E-09Re-188 7.86E-10 1.18E-07Au-198 5.33E-09 3.36E-08Au-199 1.13E-9 1.39E-09Np-239 9.50E-10 1.10E-09 ODCMPage: 27Rev.: 19Table 2.3-10Liquid Effluent Dilution Factors (Mp)Maximum Individual Dilution FactorsPathwayLocationPotable Water IngestionFresh Water Fish IngestionShoreline Exposure3.9 mile WSW of siteNear Discharge Structure0.7 mile ENE of SiteM p32.210.914.5Population Dose Dilution Factors*PathwayLocationPotable Water IngestionFresh Water Fish IngestionShoreline ExposurePopulation Weighted AverageCatch Weighted Average7.7 mile WSW of siteMp31477.4162Table 2.3-11Transit Times Required for Nuclides to Reach thePoint of Exposure (tp)Eventual transit time for water ingestionEventual transit time for fish ingestionEventual transit time for shore exposureMaximumExposedIndividual12 h24 h0 hAverageExposedIndividual*24 h168 h0 h* for total population and average individual dose calculations ODCMPage: 28Rev.: 19Table 2.3-12Usage Factors (Uap)Maximum AverageExposed ExposedIndividual Individual*Water ingestion (L/yr) Adult 730 370Water ingestion (L/yr) Teen 510 260Water ingestion (L/yr) Child 510 260Water ingestion (L/yr) Infant 330 --Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Adult 21 6.9Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Teen 16 5.2Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Child 6.9 2.2Fresh water fish ingestion (kg/yr) Infant -- --Shore exposure (h/yr) Adult 12 8.3Shore exposure (h/yr) Teen 67 47Shore exposure (h/yr) Child 14 9.5Shore exposure (h/yr) Infant* for total population and average individual dose calculations ODCMPage:Rev.:2919Table 2.3-13Dilution Factors for Each of the Potable Water Intakeswithin 50 Miles of PNPPThe total population dilution factor of 314 is population weighted usingdilution factorsPNPP.for each of the potable water intakes within 50 miles ofDist.(Mi)Fraction ofPopulationWeightedDilution DilutionFactor FactorIntakeDir PopulationOhio AmericanWater Serv. Co.ConneautAvon LakeClevelandFairport HarborLake County EastLake County WestOhio Water Serv.PainesvilleKent County WaterSupply2033503573.515107.5ENEENEWSWSWWSWWSWWSWWSWWSW38,50013,50099,5001,437,0003,20010,25885,00060,00027,0002.12E-27.43E-035.48E-027. 92E-011. 76E-035. 65E-034.68E-023.30E-021.49E-02187.7238.2388.5326.7154 .2107.4220 .0181.9159.33 .98E+001. 77E+002 .13E+012. 59E+022. 71E-016 .07E-011. 03E+016. OOE+002. 37E+0050 NW 42,000 .2.31E-2102388.5 8.97E+00TOTALS1,815,958 1.OOE+0 TOTAL DF 3.14E+02Dist, Dir Population = distance, direction, and population values obtainedfrom the 1989 Engineering Report "Lake Erie Potable Water Facilities andIntakes within 50 Miles of PNPP" (Ref. SO-11552 "E").Fraction of Population = The ratio of the population receiving drinking waterfrom that intake to the total population number for all drinking waterintakes located within 50 miles of PNPP.Dilution Factor = Values obtained from the.Perry Environmental Report -Operating License Stage, Table 5.1-10 "Annual Average Dilution Factors forLake Water Intakes within 50 Miles of PNPP" and Q&R Page 2.1-2. Lake CountyWest dilution factor per interpolation. Kent County Water Supply dilutionfactor was estimated.The Weighted Dilution Factor = (Fraction of Population) x (Dilution Factor),based on the population for each drinking water intake; the sum of which isto be used as the potable water total population dilution factor forradioactive liquid effluent releases from PNPP.

ODCMPage: 30Rev.: 19Table 2.3-14Dilution Factors for the Fish Ingestion Pathway IndividualGrid LocationsThe total population dilution factor of 77.4 is catch distance and volumeweighted using dilution factors at those locations. Fish harvest is based onOhio Department of Natural Resources the total angler catch (1987 annual)values for Lake Erie within 50 mile of PNPP.Grid No. of Fraction Distance Dilution (Frac Fish)xFish of Fish (mi) Factor (Dil Factor)617 52823 3.91E-02 29 92 3.60E+00618 76004 5.63E-02 36 100 5.63E+00714 102522 7.59E-02 9 52 3.96E+00715 10743 7.95E-03 9 52 4.13E-01716 19817 1.47E-02 11 56 8.21E-01717 73401 5.43E-02 24 83 4.51E+00718 118676 8.78E-02 33 95 8.34E+00809 0 0.OOE+00 48 115 0.OOE+00810 3953 2.93E-03 39 105 3.07E-01811 13648 1.01E-02 30 92 9.29E-01812 33923 2.51E-02 22 78 1.96E+00813 182663 1.35E-01 13 61 8.25E+00814 164369 1.22E-01 4 34 4.14E+00909 80753 5.98E-02 50 116 6.93E+00910 43800 3.24E-02 42 110 3.57E+00911 117430 8.69E-02 33 95 8.26E+00912 256529 1.90E-01 24 83 1.58E+01TOTAL 1351054 1.OOE+00 TOTAL D.F. 7.74E+01Grid No. and No. of Fish = Total angler catch (1987 annual) for each gridlocation; per letter from Michael R. Rawson, Fairport Fisheries ResearchStation, Ohio Department of Natural Resources to Richard Cochnar (6/20/88).Commercial harvest data were not used as they were differentiated by harborlocation only, not by geographical grid location.Fraction of Fish = The ratio of the fish caught in that grid to the totalnumber of fish caught in all grids located within 50 miles of PNPP.Distance = Distance to the center of that grid from PNPP, in miles.Dilution Factor = Derived, for the appropriate distance (center of eachgrid), from annual average dilution factor data (non-adjusted), per PerryEnvironmental Report -Operating License Stage, Table 5.1-10 "Annual AverageDilution Factors for Lake Water Intakes within 50 Miles of PNPP."(Fraction of Fish) x (Dilution Factor) = The weighted dilution factor, basedon catch, for each grid; the sum of which is to be used as the fish ingestiontotal population dilution factor for radioactive liquid effluent releasesfrom PNPP.

ODCMPage:. 31Rev.: 19Table 2.3-15Dilution Factors for the Shore Exposure PathwayMAXIMUM EXPOSED INDIVIDUAL DILUTION FACTORThe point of exposure assumed for this pathway is the shoreline at the PNPPsite boundary 0.7 miles down shore from the plant discharge structure.Interpolation of the data presented in the Perry Environmental Report -Operating License Stage, Table 5.1-10, "Annual Average Dilution Factors forLake Water Intakes within 50 Miles of PNPP" yields a maximum individual dosedilution factor of 14.5 (dilution factor unadjusted for current frequency).TOTAL POPULATION DILUTION FACTORThe total population dilution factor of 162 is that of the Headlands BeachState Park, 7.7 miles WSW of PNPP (interpolated, adjusted WSW dilutionfactor). This location was selected because of its lake site location and ithas, by far, the highest attendance of any park located in vicinity of PNPP(Perry Environmental Report -Operating License State, Table 2.1-2 "MajorCamps and Parks within 10 Miles of the PNPP").(INTENTIONALLY BLANK)

ODCMPage: 32Rev.: 193.0 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS3.0.1 Batch ReleasesA batch release is the discontinuous discharge of gaseousradioactive effluents of known radionuclide concentration(s) andflowrate taking place over a finite period of time, usually hours ordays. A batch release to the environment may occur as a result ofan effluent flowpath that bypasses treatment or monitoring. Sinceradioactive releases approaching 10CFR20 limits are not anticipated,an ODCM Control is not entered for batch releases. Every reasonableeffort will be made to maintain the levels of radioactive materialin the gaseous effluents ALARA.The radioactive gaseous effluent release flowpath is monitored forprincipal gamma emitters (noble gases, particulates, and halogens)as if the inoperable radioactive effluent monitor requirements ofTable had been entered. This action ensures the dose toa member of the general public is within the limits ofControls and If radioactivity is detected, theradionuclide concentration(s) is added to the dose calculations forthe appropriate radioactive gaseous effluent continuous releasepoint. Administrative instructions are employed to establishminimum monitoring requirements for these batch releases to ensurecompliance with all regulatory requirements. The administrativeinstructions shall also ensure that the specific activity that willcause a batch release has been reviewed for the requirements of10 CFR Continuous ReleasesThere are four environmental release points for gaseous effluentsused for Unit 1 operation of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant: TurbineBldg/Heater Bay Vent, Off-Gas Vent, Unit 1 Vent, and Unit 2 Vent(see Figure 3.0-1). The Unit 1 and Unit 2 Vents are located on thetop of the Intermediate Building, Elevation 753'9". The TurbineBldg/Heater Bay Vent is located on the top of the Heater BayBuilding, Elevation 722'0". The Off-Gas Vent is located on the topof the Off-Gas Building, Elevation 723'0". Site ground levelelevation is 620'0". Radiological releases from each vent aremonitored by a noble gas radiation monitor.All gaseous effluent releases from PNPP via these vents will becontinuous releases, and are considered to be long-term (i.e.,greater than 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per year) and ground level.Containment/drywell purges and vents will be considered periods ofincreased radiological release as they are vented through the Unit 1Vent, concurrent with normal, continuous releases.

ODCMPage: 34Rev.: 193.1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint DeterminationThe following calculation methods provide a means of determining the HighAlarm Setpoint (HSP) and the Alert Setpoint (ASP) to ensure compliancewith the regulatory dose rate limit to areas at or beyond the siteboundary of 500 mrem/yr for the following noble gas monitors:1. Unit 1 Vent radiation monitor (1D17K0786)2. Unit 2 Vent radiation monitor (2D17K0786)3. Off-Gas Vent radiation monitor (1D17K0836)4. Turbine Building/Heater Bay Vent radiation monitor (1D17K0856)The Unit 2 Vent radiation monitor is included for the operation of Unit 1of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant because the second train of the Unit 1Annulus Exhaust and the Control Complex and Intermediate Buildingventilations are exhausted through the Unit 2 Vent.The High Alarm Setpoint (HSP) for each release point radiation monitorwill be set at 70% of the annual dose rate limit (350 mrem/yr) and theAlert Setpoint (ASP) will be at 10% of the annual dose rate limit(50 mrem/yr).NOTE: These values are set as a small fraction of the total activitythat may be released via the monitored pathways to ensure thatthe site boundary dose rate limits are not exceeded. Any singleASP can be exceeded without exceeding the 500 mrem/yr dose ratelimit.a. Upon receipt of an alert alarm, a sample from the alarming effluentpath will be obtained and analyzed. If two or more effluentmonitors exceed the ASP, or if any one effluent monitor exceeds theHSP, the potential exists that the 500 mrem/yr dose rate limit maybe exceeded. In this case, all four effluent paths will be sampledand analyzed, with the appropriate actions initiated to limitgaseous releases to below the annual dose rate limit.b. If a single HSP, or two or more ASPs continue to be exceeded,verification shall be made at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, via thegaseous effluent radiation monitors, that plant releases are belowthe ODCM Appendix C dose rate limits. Sampling andanalysis shall be performed on the four gaseous effluent releasepoints at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.This procedure determines the monitor alarm setpoints that indicate ifthe dose rate beyond the site boundary due to noble gas radionuclides ingaseous effluent released from the site exceeds 500 mrem/year to thewhole body, or 3000 mrem/year to the skin.

ODCMPage: 35Rev.: 193.1.1 Determination of the "Mix" (Noble Gas Radionuclide Composition) ofthe Gaseous Effluenta. The gaseous source terms that are representative of the "mix" ofthe gaseous effluent are determined. Gaseous source terms arethe concentrations of the noble gas radionuclides in theeffluent as determined by analysis of the various sources ofgaseous effluents. During the early period of plant operation,before a sufficient operational effluent source term data basehas been obtained, source terms will be those generated by theGALE code, Revision 0 for PNPP (FSAR Tables 11.3-9 and 11.3-10).b. Determination of the fraction of the total radioactivity in thegaseous effluent for each noble gas radionuclide in the gaseouseffluent.Si Ai (3.1-1)AiWhere:Si = the fraction of the total for radionuclide "i" in theeffluent;Ai = the activity of radionuclide "i" in the gaseouseffluent.NOTE: If the activity of a noble gas radionuclide is belowthe lower limit of detection the noble gas radionuclideis not included as a source term in this setpointcalculation.3.1.2 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total Activity Release Rateof Noble Gas Radionuclides in Gaseous Effluent Based on Whole BodyDose Rate Limit5005 0= (3.1-2)Where:Qb = the maximum acceptable total activity release rate of allnoble gas radionuclides in the effluent (for whole bodyexposure), gCi/s;Ki = the whole body dose factor for a semi-infinite cloud ofradionuclide "i" (includes 5g/cm2 tissue attenuation) fromTable 3.1-1, (mrem/yr)/(gCi/m3);

ODCMPage: 36Rev.: 19Si = the fraction of the total for radionuclide "i", as perequation 3.1.1;X/Q = the annual average dispersion factor in s/m3 (seeAppendix A);NOTE: The dispersion parameters (X/Q) used in thesecalculations are the highest calculated site boundaryvalues for any of the land-based sectors only. At PNPPthe site boundary locations in the following sectorsare totally over water: N, NNE, NNW, NW, W, WNW.500 = the whole body dose rate limit, in mrem/yr.3.1.3 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total Activity Release Rateof Noble Gas Radionuclides in Gaseous Effluent Based on Skin DoseRate Limit3000 (3.1-3)Where:Qs = the maximum acceptable total activity release rate of allnoble gas radionuclides in the effluent (for skinexposure), in pCi/s;Li = the beta skin dose factor for a semi-infinite cloud ofradionuclide "i" (includes attenuation by the outer"dead" layer of skin), in (mrem/yr)/(pCi/m3);Mi = the gamma air dose factor for a uniform semi-infinitecloud of radionuclide "i", in (mrad/yr)/(gCi/m3);Si = the fraction of the total for radionuclide "i", perequation 3.1.1;X/Q = the annual average dispersion factor in s/m3 (seeAppendix A);1.11 = the air dose to tissue dose equivalent conversion factor,in mrem/mrad;3000 = the skin dose rate limit, in mrem/yr.(Li + l.llMi) values are shown in Table 3.1-1.

ODCMPage:Rev.:3719Table 3.1-1Whole Bodv and Skin Dose FactorsRadionuclideKr-83mKr-85mKr-85Kr-87Kr-88Kr-89Xe-131mXe-133mXe-133Xe-135Xe-135mXe-137Xe-138Ar-41Whole Body Dose Factor(K1)(mrem/yr/ýCi/m3)7. 56E-021. 17E+031. 61E+015. 92E+031. 47E+041. 66E+049. 15E+012.51E+022.94E+021.81E+033.12E+031.42E+038.83E+038.84E+03Skin Dose Factor(Li+l.ll Mi)mrem/yr/tCi/m3)2.14E+012.83E+031.36E+031.66E+041.92E+042.93E+046.49E+021.36E+036.97E+023.99E+034.44E+031.39E+041.44E+041.30E+043.1.4 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Total RadioactivityConcentration of all Noble Gas Radionuclides in the Gaseous EffluentCt=(2 .12 x 10- 3(Qt)Ct = (3.1-4)fWhere:Ct = the maximum acceptable total radioactivity concentrationof all noble gas radionuclides in the effluent, ingCi/cc;f = the flow rate for the release point from the respectiveflow rate recorders, in ft3/min; ODCMPage:Rev.:3819NOTE:Design flow rates, which incorporate a 10%flow rate inaccuracy correction, may be usedin lieu of actual flow rates.Effluent Release PathUnit 1 VentUnit 2 VentOff-Gas VentTurbine Building/Heater Bay VentFlow Rate (cfm)140,00060,00016,700400,000 (summer)220,000 (winter)Qt = the smaller of Qb and Qs, calculated in equations 3.1-2and 3.1-3, respectively, pCi/s;2.12E-12 =the conversion factor to convert (pCi/s) (ft3/min),pCi/cc.3.1.5 Determination of the Maximum Acceptable Monitor Count Rate AboveBackground Attributed to Noble Gas RadionuclidesCRC = (0.8)(Ct)(Em)(3.1-5)Where:CRc = the calculated monitor count rate above backgroundattributed to noble gas radionuclides, in cpm;Ct = the maximum acceptable radioactivity concentration, perequation 3.1-4, pCi/cc;Em = the detector efficiency of the monitor for the "mix" ofnoble gas radionuclides in the effluent, in cpm/(gCi/cc);= the total pCi/cc concentration divided into the netmonitor count rate taken at the time the sample wastaken; during the early period of operation, before asufficient operational effluent source term data base hasbeen obtained, the value will be calculated using monitorcalibration data;0.8 = an engineering safety factor. Determination of the Monitor High Alarm SetpointHSP = (0.70) (CRc) + BG(3.1-6)Where:HSP = the high alarm setpoint (including background), in cpm; ODCMPage: 39Rev.: 19BG = the background count rate due to internal contaminationand radiation levels in the area in which the monitor isinstalled when the monitor chamber is filled withuncontaminated air, in cpm;CRc = the calculated monitor net count rate, perequation 3.1-5, in cpm;0.70 = the fraction of the maximum acceptable activity that maybe released from the vent to ensure that the siteboundary dose rate limits are not exceeded duringconcurrent releases from several pathways. Determination of the Monitor Alert SetpointASP = (0.10)(CRc) + BG (3.1-7)Where:ASP = the alert setpoint (including background), in cpm;BG = the background count rate due to internal contaminationand radiation levels in the area in which the monitor isinstalled when the monitor chamber is filled withuncontaminated air, in cpm;CRc = the calculated monitor net count rate, perequation 3.1-5, cpm;0.10 = the fraction of the maximum acceptable activity that maybe released from the vent to ensure that the siteboundary dose rate limits are not exceeded duringconcurrent releases from several pathways.3.2 10CFR20 Compliance -Gaseous Effluent Dose RateDose rates resulting from the release of noble gases, radioiodines,tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form must be calculated to showcompliance with 10CFR20. The limits of 10CFR20 are conservativelyapplied for the release period at the controlling location.3.2.1 Noble GasesThe dose rate in unrestricted areas resulting from noble gaseffluents is limited, by ODCM Appendix C controls, to 500 mrem/yr tothe whole body and 3000 mrem/yr to the skin. Only the external dosepathway will be considered for noble gases. Because all gaseouseffluent releases from PNPP are considered ground level, thecontrolling location for these dose rate limits is the site boundarylocation (see Figure 3.2-1) with the highest relative dispersionfactor (X/Q). (See Appendix A for elaboration on atmosphericdispersion.)

ODCMPage: 40Rev.: 19The alarm setpoint determinations discussed in the previous sectionshould ensure compliance with these dose rate limits. However, ifany one high alarm or two or more alert alarms occur, the dose ratesin unrestricted areas resulting from the release of noble gasradionuclides from all vents will be calculated. The calculationswill be based on the results of analyses obtained pursuant to theODCM, Appendix C, CONTROLS.3.2.2 Radioiodines, Particulates, and Other RadionuclidesThe dose rate in unrestricted areas resulting from the release ofiodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides inparticulate form with half-lives greater than eight days is limited,by ODCM Appendix C controls, to 1500 mrem/yr to any organ. Thecalculation of dose rate from these radionuclides will be performedbased on results of analyses obtained pursuant to those Appendix Ccontrols. The controlling location for this limit is the locationof the highest relative deposition (D/Q) for the period of releaseas well as the actual receptor pathway. The receptor pathwaylocations will be reviewed once per year followingf the performanceof the Land Use Census to include consideration of nearestresidences, garden, and farm animal locations in each sector.3.2.3 Dose Rate CalculationsThe following is the equation used to calculate the dose rateresultant from the release of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents to areas at or beyond the site boundary for the purpose ofshowing compliance with ODCM Appendix C controls as related to10CFR20.Dajp = (3.15x101I(xQ or DQQ) Z DFaijp)(Qi) (3.2-1)Where:Dajp = the organ "j" dose rate as a function of age group"a" and pathway "p", mrem/yr;DFaijp = the dose factor for organ type "j", age group "a",pathway "p" for isotope "i" (see Tables 3.2-1 through3.2-3); units and equations used (equations 3.2-2through 3.2-6) are provided later in this section;(x/Q or D/Q) = the normal or depleted relative dispersion factor(x/Q) in s/m3, or relative deposition (D/Q) in m-2, atthe receptor distance (see Appendix A);13.15x10 = conversion factor to convert (mrem*pCi)/(Ci*s) tomrem/yr; ODCMPage: 41Rev.: 19Qi = release rate of isotope "i" (annualized) , pCi/s(472)(Ci)(f)Where:Ci = the concentration of radionuclide "i" in thegaseous effluent, in ICi/cc;f = the gaseous effluent flow rate during therelease, ft3/min;472 = conversion factor, (cc/ft3)/(s/min).The following relationships are used to derive the dose factors(Dfaijp) for noble gases, tritium, radioiodines and particulates usedin equation 3.2-1.a. Whole Body Dose Factors from Exposure to a Semi-Infinite PlumeDFi =(SF)(Xi) (DFBi) (3.2-2)Where:TDF T = the whole body factor due to immersion in asemi-infinite cloud of radionuclide "i",(mrem

  • m3)/(Ci
  • s) ;DFBi = the whole body gamma dose factor for a semi-infinitecloud of radionuclide "i" which includes theattenuation of 5g/cm2 of tissue from Table 3.2-4,mrem/yr per pCi/m3;SF = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dosereduction due to the shielding provided byresidential structures, optional, dimensionless:= maximum exposed individual = 0.7, population dose0.5 (Regulatory Guide 1.109), if calculating doserate = 1.0;Xi = the annual average concentration of radionuclide "i"in air (pCi/m3), for a unit release rate (Ci/yr) anda unit x/Q (s/m3), (pCi/m3) / (Ci/yr) (s/m3)b. Skin Dose Factors for Exposure to a Semi-Infinite PlumeDFj = (Xi) [(,1.11) (SF) DF Z + (DFSi] (3.2-3)

ODCMPage: 42Rev.: 19Where:SDF S = the skin dose factor due to immersion in asemi-infinite cloud of radionuclide "i",(mrem

  • m3)/(Ci
  • S) ;= the gamma air dose factor for a uniform semi-infinite1cloud of radionuclide "i", from Table 3.2-4, mrad/yrper pCi/m3;DSFi = the beta skin dose factor for a semi-infinite cloudof radionuclide "i" (includes attenuation by theouter "dead" layer of skin), from Table 3.2-4,mrem/yr per pCi/m3;SF = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dosereduction due to the shielding provided byresidential structures, optional, dimensionless:= maximum exposed individual = 0.7, population dose 0.5(Regulatory Guide 1.109), if calculating dose rate =1.0;Xi= the annual average concentration of radionuclide "i"in air (pCi/m3), for a unit release rate (Ci/yr) anda unit X/Q (s/m3) , (pCi/m3) / (Ci/yr) (s/m3) ;1.11 = the air dose to tissue dose equivalent conversionfactor, mrem/mrad.c. Dose Factors from External Irradiation from RadionuclidesDeposited onto the Ground SurfaceDF'= (8760) ~C~ G)DFGJ~ (SF) (3.2-4)DFij =Where:GDF.. = the dose factor for radionuclide "i" to organ "j"i3resulting from exposure to radionuclides depositedonto the ground surface, (mrem
  • m2)/Ci;GC = the ground plane concentration (pCi/m2) ofradionuclide "i" for a unit release rate (Ci/yr)and a unit D/Q, relative ground deposition (m-2),(pCi/m2) / (Ci/yr) (M-2) ;

ODCMPage: 43Rev.: 19DFGij = the open field ground plane dose conversion factorfor organ "j" from radionuclide "i", fromTable 3.2-5, mrem/yr per pCi/m2;SF = the attenuation factor that accounts for the dosereduction due to the shielding provided byresidential structures, optional, dimensionless:= maximum exposed individual = 0.7, population dose0.5 (Regulatory Guide 1.109), if calculating doserate = 1.0;8760 = the number of hours per year.d. Dose Factors from Inhalation of Radionuclides in Air= ýFAaij) (Ra) (Xi) (3.2-5)aijWhere:ADF. aij = the dose factor for radionuclide "i" to organ "j"of an individual in age group "a" due toinhalation, (mrem m3) / (Ci s) [equivalent to(mrem/yr) (yr/Ci) (m3/s) ] ;DFAaij = the inhalation dose factor for radionuclide "i",organ "j", and age group "a" (the value for skinis assumed to be 0), from Tables 3.2-6 through3.2-9, mrem/pCi;Ra = the annual air intake for individuals in age group"a", from Table 3.2-14, m3/yr;X. = the annual average concentration of radionuclide1"i" in air (pCi/m3), for a unit release rate(Ci/yr) and a unit x/Q (s/m3),(pCi/m3) / (Ci/yr) (s/m3) .

ODCMPage: 44Rev.: 19e. Dose Factors from the Ingestion of Atmospherically ReleasedRadionuclides in FoodDF U F) (C L + (U M f L+ U )(f V) CV)] (3.2-6)Where:DDF aij = the dose factor for radionuclide "i" to organ "j"of an individual in age group "a" from theingestion of meat, leafy vegetables, milk, andproduce (non-leafy vegetables, fruits, and grains)in (mrem

  • m2)/Ci, or in the cases of H-3 and C-14in (mrem
  • m3)/(Ci
  • S);C F C L C M CV = the concentrations of radionuclide "i" in meat,i, i, i, 1leafy vegetables, milk, and produce, respectively(pCi/kg or pCi/L) for a unit release rate (Ci/yr)and a unit D/Q, relative ground deposition (M-2),or in cases of H-3 and C-14, a unit X/Q, relativeground-level concentration (s/m3), in(pCi/kg) (Ci/yr) (M-2) or (pCi/kg)/(Ci/yr) (s/m3) or(pCi/L) / (Ci/yr) (M-2) or (pCi/L) (yr/Ci) (s/m3);DFIaij = the ingestion dose factor for radionuclide "i",organ "j", and age group "a", from Tables 3.2-10through 3.2-13, mrem/pCi;fL,fV= the respective fractions of the ingestion rates ofleafy vegetables and produce that are produced inthe garden of interest, 1.0 and 0.76 respectively(Regulatory Guide 1.109);F L M VU U U U = the annual intake (usage) of meat, leafya, a, a, avegetables, milk, and produce respectively, forindividuals in age group "a", from Table 3.2-14,kg/yr or 1/yr.f. Dose rate example problem:1) For the purpose of this sample problem, the followingassumptions are utilized: a release of Xe133 at1.OE-5uCi/cc, a flow rate of 1.OE5ft3/min, and a whole bodydose factor of 2.94E-4 mrem/yr per pCi/m3. Dose rate and1 hour cumulative dose are calculated.

ODCMPage:Rev.:2) Whole Body Dose Factor per ODCM equation 3.2-2.4519For final dose calculationDF1T = (0. 7) (2. 94E -04 mrem/yr]pCi/m3 )1 IE + 12 pCi/m3 )(ci/yr) (3.15E + 07 sec/m3)mrem m3= 6.52Ci secmrem M3= 9.33Ci secFor dose rateDFT = (1. 0) 2. 94E -04 mrem/yr l E + 12 pCi/3pCi/r3)(Ci/yr) (3.15E + 07 sec/m3)3) Dose Rate per ODCM equation 3.2-1.For final dose calculation/ ( 3sec) mrem m3) cc min ft_ 3 mrem(3.15EI) 5.8E -6 m ( I 6.52 1c472 t 1.05E -5 cc 1E -= 0.590yrFor dose rate( ~ ( mrem--m3"47C se J tccmsin N1 (i 05- Cil ri~e c ft31 mrem(3.15El) 5.8E -6 3119.33 -1472 c i 1.05E -5 i1Ef = 0.845 mrmJ 3 sec )~ft 3 sec)( cc) mi) yrFinal dose calculation(059 mreml~ ii .1.yr 6 5h0.590 I .hr) 1 =6.74E -5mremyr ) 8760 hr)

ODCMPage: 46Rev.: 19Table 3.2-1Organ Used for Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculations1. Bone2. GI Tract3. Kidney4. Liver5. Lung6. Thyroid7. Whole Body8. SkinTable 3.2-2Age Groups Used for Gaseous Effluent Dose Calculations1. Adult (17 yr and older)2. Teen (11-17 yr)3. Child (1-11 yr)4. Infant (0-1 yr)Table 3.2-3Gaseous Effluent Dose Pathways1. Plume2. Ground Shine3. Vegetables4. Meat5. Cow Milk6. Goat Milk7. Inhalation ODCMPage: 47Rev.: 19Table 3.2-4Dose Factors for Exposure to a Semi-InfiniteCloud of Noble GasesNuclideKr-83mKr-85mKr-85Kr-87Kr-88Kr-89Kr-90Xe-131mXe-133mXe-133Xe-135mXe-135Xe-137Xe-138Ar-41* mrem/yr** mrad/yrWhole Body*Gamma DoseFactor (DFB.d7.56E-081.17E-031.61E-055.92E-031. 47E-021. 66E-021. 56E-029. 15E-052. 51E-042. 94E-043. 12E-031. 81E-031 .42E-038 83E-038 84E-03per pCi/m3per pCi/m3Beta Skin*Dose Factor(DFS,)1.46E-031.34E-039.73E-032.37E-031.01E-027.29E-034.76E-049.94E-043.06E-047.11E-041.86E-031.22E-024.13E-032.69E-03Gamma Air**Dose Factor7(DF.)1.93E-051.23E-031.72E-056.17E-031.52E-021.73E-021.63E-021.56E-043.27E-043. 53E-043. 36E-031. 92E-031. 51E-039. 21E-039. 30E-03 ODCMPage: 48Rev.: 19Table 3.2-5External Dose Factors for Standing on ContaminatedGround(mrem/h per pCi/m2)Element Whole Body SkinH-3 0.0 0.0C-14 0.0 0.0NA-24 2..50E-08 2.90E-08P-32 0.0 0.0Cr-51 2.20E-10 2.60E-10Mn-54 5.80E-09 6.80E-09Mn-56 1.10E-08 1.30E-08Fe-55 0.0 0.0Fe-59 8.OOE-09 9.40E-09Co-58 7.OOE-09 8.20E-09Co-60 1.70E-08 2.OOE-08Ni-63 0.0 0.0Nr-65 3.70E-09 4.30E-09Cu-64 1.50E-09 1.70E-09Zn-65 4.OOE-09 4.60E-09Zn-69 0.0 0.0Br-83 6.40E-11 9.30E-11Br-84 1.20E-08 1.40E-08Br-85 0.0 0.0Rb-86 6.30E-10 7.20E-10Rb-88 3.50E-09 4.OOE-09Rb-89 1.50E-08 1.80E-08Sr-89 5.60E-13 6.50E-13Sr-91 7.10E-09 8.30E-09Sr-92 9.OOE-09 1.OOE-08Y-90 2.20E-12 2.60E-12Y-91M 3.80E-09 4.40E-09Y-91 2.40E-11 2.70E-11Y-92 1.60E-09 1.90E-09Y-93 5.70E-10 7.80E-10Zr-95 5.OOE-09 5.80E-09Zr-97 5.50E-09 6.40E-09Mo-95 5.10E-09 6.OOE-09Mo-99 1.90E-09 2.20E-09Tc-99M 9.60E-10 1.10E-09Tc-101 2.70E-09 3.OOE-09Ru-103 3.60E-09 4.20E-09Ru-105 4.50E-09 5.10E-09Ru-106 1.50E-09 1.80E-09Ag-IION 1.80E-08 2.10E-08 ODCMPage: 49Rev.: 19Table 3.2-5 (Cont.)External Dose Factors for Standing on ContaminatedGround(mrem/h per pCi/m2)Element Whole Body SkinTe-125M 3.50E-11 4.80E-11Te-127M 1.10E-12 1.30E-12Te-127 1.00E-II 1.10E-IITe-129M 7.70E-10 9.OOE-10Te-129 7.10E-10 8.40E-10Te-131M 8.40E-09 9.90E-09Te-131 2.20E-09 2.60E-06Te-132 1.70E-09 2.OOE-091-130 1.40E-08 1.70E-081-131 2.80E-09 3.40E-091-132 1.70E-08 2.OOE-081-133 3.70E-09 4.50E-091-134 1.60E-08 1.90E-081-135 1.20E-08 1.40E-08Cs-134 1.20E-08 1.40E-08Cs-136 1.50E-08 1.70E-08Cs-137 4.20E-09 4.90E-09Cs-138 2.10E-08 2.40E-08Ba-139 2.40E-09 2.70E-09Ba-140 2.10E-09 2.40E-09Ba-141 4.30E-09 4.90E-09Ba-142 7.90E-09 9.OOE-09La-140 1.50E-08 1.70E-08La-142 1.50E-08 1.80E-08Ce-141 5.50E-10 6.20E-10Ce-143 2.20E-09 2.50E-09Ce-144 3.20E-10 3.70E-10Pr-143 0.0 0.0Pr-144 2.OOE-10 2.30E-10Nd-147 1.OOE-09 1.20E-09W-187 3.10E-09 3.60E-09Np-239 9.50E-10 1.10E-09 ODCMPage: 50Rev.: 19Table 3.2-6Inhalation Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi inhaled)WHOLENUCLIDE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH 3 NO DATA 1.58E-07 1.58E-07 1.58E-07 1.58E-07 1.58E-07 1.58E-07C 14 2.27E-06 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26E-07NA 24 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06 1.28E-06P 32 1.65E-04 9.64E-06 6.26E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.08E-05CR 51 NO DATA NO DATA 1.25E-08 7.44E-09 2.85E-09 1.80E-06 4.15E-07MN 54 NO DATA 4.95E-06 7.87E-07 NO DATA 1.23E-06 1.75E-04 9.67E-06MN 56 NO DATA 1.55E-10 2.29E-11 NO DATA 1.63E-10 1.18E-06 2.53E-06FE 55 3.07E-06 2.12E-06 4.23E-07 NO DATA NO DATA 9.01E-06 7.54E-07FE 59 1.47E-06 3.47E-06 1.32E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.27E-04 2.35E-05CO 58 NO DATA 1.98E-07 2.59E-07 NO DATA NO DATA 1.16E-04 1.33E-05CO 60 NO DATA 1.44E-06 1.85E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 7.46E-05 3.56E-05NI 63 5.40E-05 3.93E-06 1.81E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 2.23E-05 1.67E-06NI 65 1.92E-10 2.62E-11 1.14E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 7.OOE-07 1.54E-06CU 64 NO DATA 1.83E-10 7.69E-11 NO DATA 5.78E-10 8.48E-07 6.12E-06ZN 65 4.05E-06 1.29E-05 5.82E-06 NO DATA 8.62E-06 1.08E-04 6.68E-06ZN 69 4.23E-12 8.14E-12 5.65E-13 NO DATA 5.27E-12 1.15E-07 2.04E-09BR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 3.01E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.90E-08BR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 3.91E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.05E-13BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 1.60E-09 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24RB 86 NO DATA 1.69E-05 7.37E-06 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.08E-06RB 88 NO DATA 4.84E-08 2.41E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.18E-19RB 89 NO DATA 3.20E-08 2.12E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.16E-21SR 89 3.80E-05 NO DATA 1.09E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.75E-04 4.37E-05SR 90 1.24E-02 NO DATA 7.62E-04 NO DATA NO DATA 1.20E-03 9.02E-05SR 91 7.74E-09 NO DATA 3.13E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 4.56E-06 2.39E-05SR 92 8.43E-10 NO DATA 3.64E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 2.06E-06 5.38E-06Y 90 2.61E-07 NO DATA 7.01E-09 NO DATA NO DATA 2.12E-05 6.32E-05Y 91M 3.26E-11 NO DATA 1.27E-12 NO DATA NO DATA 2.40E-07 1.66E-10Y 91 5.78E-05 NO DATA 1.55E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 2.13E-04 4.81E-05Y 92 1.29E-09 NO DATA 3.77E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 1.96E-06 9.19E-06Y 93 1.18E-08 NO DATA 3.26E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 6.06E-06 5.27E-05ZR 95 1.34E-05 4.30E-06 2.91E-06 NO DATA 6.77E-06 2.21E-04 1.88E-05ZR 97 1.21E-08 2.45E-09 1.13E-09 NO DATA 3.71E-09 9.84E-06 6.54E-05NB 95 1.76E-06 9.77E-07 5.26E-07 NO DATA 9.67E-07 6.31E-05 1.30E-05MO 99 NO DATA 1.51E-08 2.87E-09 NO DATA 3.64E-08 1.14E-05 3.10E-05TC 99M 1.29E-13 3.64E-13 4.63E-12 NO DATA 5.52E-12 9.55E-08 5.20E-07 ODCMPage:Rev.:5119Table 3.2-6 (Cont.)Factors for Adult (mrem/pCiInhalation Doseinhaled)NUCLIDETC101RU103RU105RU106AG11OMTE125MTE127MTE127TE129MTE129TE131MTEl31TE132I 130I 131I 132I 133I 134I 135CS134CS136CS137CS138BA139BA140BA141BA142LA140LA142CE141CE143CE144PR143PR144ND147W 187NP239BONE5.22E-151.91E-079. 88E-118.64E-061.35E-064.27E-071.58E-061.75E-101.22E-066.22E-128.74E-091.39E-123 .25E-085.72E-073. 15E-061.45E-071.08E-068. 05E-083 .35E-074.66E-054. 88E-065. 98E-054. 14E-081.17E-104. 88E-061.25E-113 .29E-124.30E-088.54E-112.49E-062. 33E-084.29E-041.17E-063. 76E-126. 59E-071.06E-092.37E-08LIVER7. 52E-15NO DATANO DATANO DATA1.25E-061. 98E-077. 21E-078. OOE-115. 84E-072. 99E-125.45E-097. 44E-132.69E-081.68E-064 .47E-064.07E-071.85E-062. 16E-078.73E-071.06E-041. 83E-057.76E-057.76E-088.32E-146. 13E-099.41E-153.38E-152.17E-083. 88E-111.69E-061.72E-081.79E-044.69E-071.56E-127.62E-078. 85E-102. 82E-09WHOLEBODY7.38E-148.23E-083. 89E-111.OOE-067.43E-075.84E-081.96E-073. 87E-111.98E-071.55E-123.63E-094.49E-132. 02E-086.60E-072.56E-061.45E-075. 65E-077.69E-083.21E-079. lE-051.38E-055.35E-054.05E-083.42E-123.21E-074.20E-132. 07E-135. 73E-099.65E-121.91E-071.91E-092.30E-055. 80E-081.91E-134. 56E-083. lE-101.55E-09THYROIDNO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA1. 31E-074. 11E-071 .32E-104. 30E-074 .87E-126. 88E-091. 17E-122. 37E-081.42E-041.49E-031.43E-052.69E-043.73E-065 .60E-05NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATAKIDNEY1. 35E-137. 29E-071 .27E-101 .67E-052. 46E-061. 55E-065 .72E-066. 37E-104. 57E-062 .34E-113. 86E-085 .46E-121 .82E-072 .61E-067. 66E-066 .48E-073. 23E-063 .44E-071. 39E-063 .59E-051.07E-052. 78E-056. OOE-087. 78E-142. 09E-098.75E-152.86E-15NO DATANO DATA7. 83E-077. 60E-091.06E-042.70E-078.81E-134.45E-07NO DATA8.75E-09LUNG4. 99E-086 .31E-051. 37E-061. 17E-035 .79E-043 92E-051 .20E-048. 14E-071. 45E-042 42E-071 .82E-051. 74E-073 .60E-05NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA1 .22E-051. 50E-069 40E-066. 07E-094. 70E-071. 59E-042 .42E-071 .49E-071. 70E-057. 91E-074. 52E-059. 97E-069.72E-043.51E-051.27E-072. 76E-053.63E-064. 70E-06GI-LLI1. 36E-211. 38E-056 .02E-061. 14E-043. 78E-058. 83E-051 .87E-057. 17E-064. 79E-051. 96E-086. 95E-052. 30E-096. 37E-059. 61E-077.85E-075 .08E-081. lIE-061 .26E-106. 56E-071. 30E-061 .46E-061 .05E-062 .33E-131. 12E-072. 73E-051. 45E-171. 96E-265 .73E-052 .64E-071. 50E-052. 83E-051. 02E-042. 50E-052.69E-182.16E-051.94E-051.49E-05 ODCMPage:Rev.:5219Table 3.2-7Factors for TeenaQer (mrem/DCi inhaled)Inhalation DoseNUCLIDEH 3C 14NA 24P 32CR 51MN 54MN 56FE 55FE 59CO 58CO 60NI 63NI 65CU 64ZN 65ZN 69BR 83BR 84BR 85RB 86RB 88RB 89SR 89SR 90SR 91SR 92Y 90Y 91MY 91Y 92Y 93ZR 95ZR 97NB 95MO 99TC 99MBONENO DATA3.25E-061.72E-062.36E-04NO DATANO DATANO DATA4. 18E-061.29E-06NO DATANO DATA7.25E-052. 73E-10NO DATA4. 82E-066. 04E-12NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA5.43E-051.35E-021.10E-081. 19E-093. 73E-074.63E-118.26E-051. 84E-091.69E-081.82E-051.72E-082. 32E-06NO DATA1. 73E-13LIVER1.59E-076. 09E-071.72E-061.37E-05NO DATA6.32E-062.12E-102. 98E-064. 62E-062.59E-071. 89E-065.43E-063.66E-112. 54E-101.67E-051.15E-I1NO DATANO DATANO DATA2.38E-056. 82E-084.40E-08NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA5. 73E-063 .40E-091.29E-062. 11E-084 .83E-13WHOLEBODY1. 59E-076. 09E-071.72E-068. 95E-061.69E-081.05E-063.15E-116. 93E-071. 79E-063.47E-072.48E-062.47E-061.59E-111.06E-107.80E-068.07E-134.30E-085.41E-082.29E-091. 05E-053 .40E-082. 91E-081. 56E-068. 35E-044. 39E-105 .08E-111. 00E-081. 77E-122. 21E-065 .36E-114 .65E-103. 94E-061. 57E-097. 08E-074. 03E-096 .24E-12THYROID1.59E-076.09E-071.72E-06NO DATA9.37E-09NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATAKIDNEY1.59E-076 .09E-071.72E-06NO DATA3.84E-091. 59E-062.24E-10NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA8. 01E-01. 08E-057. 53E-12NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA8.42E-065. 15E-091.25E-065.14E-087.20E-12LUNG1. 59E-076. 09E-071.72E-06NO DATA2.62E-062.48E-041. 90E-061. 55E-051. 91E-041. 68E-041 .09E-033 .84E-051. 17E-061. 39E-061. 55E-041. 98E-07NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA3 .02E-042 .06E-037. 59E-063 .43E-063 .66E-054. OOE-073 .67E-043 .35E-061. 04E-053 .36E-041 .62E-058.39E-051. 92E-051.44E-07GI-LLI1.59E-076. 09E-071.72E-061.16E-053 .75E-078. 35E-067.18E-067. 99E-072 .23E-051. 19E-053 .24E-051 .77E-064. 59E-067. 68E-065. 83E-06.3 .56E-08LT E-24LT E-24LT E-242. 21E-063. 65E-154 .22E-174. 64E-059. 56E-053. 24E-051 .49E-056. 99E-053. 77E-095. lIE-052. 06E-057 .24E-051. 86E-057. 88E-051. 21E-053 .36E-057. 66E-07 ODCMPage: 53Rev.: 19Table 3.2-7 (Cont.)Inhalation Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem/pCi inhaled)WHOLENUCLIDE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 7.40E-15 1.05E-14 1.03E-13 NO DATA 1.90E-13 8.34E-08 1.09E-16RU103 2.63E-07 NO DATA 1.12E-07 NO DATA 9.29E-07 9.79E-05 1.36E-05RU105 1.40E-10 NO DATA 5.42E-11 NO DATA 1.76E-10 2.27E-06 1.13E-05RU106 1.23E-05 NO DATA 1.55E-06 NO DATA 2.38E-05 2.01E-03 1.20E-04AGIIOM 1.73E-06 1.64E-06 9.99E-07 NO DATA 3.13E-06 8.44E-04 3.41E-05TE125M 6.10E-07 2.80E-07 8.34E-08 1.75E-07 NO DATA 6.70E-05 9.38E-06TE127M 2.2,5E-06 1.02E-06 2.73E-07 5.48E-07 8.17E-06 2.07E-04 1.99E-05TE127 2.51E-10 1.14E-10 5.52E-11 1.77E-10 9.10E-10 1.40E-06 1.01E-05TE129M 1.74E-06 8.23E-07 2.81E-07 5.72E-07 6.49E-06 2.47E-04 5.06E-05TE129 8.87E-12 4.22E-12 2.20E-12 6.48E-12 3.32E-Il 4.12E-07 2.02E-07TE131M 1.23E-08 7.51E-09 5.03E-09 9.06E-09 5.49E-08 2.97E-05 7.76E-05TE131 1.97E-12 1.04E-12 6.30E-13 1.55E-12 7.72E-12 2.97E-07 1.89E-09TE132 4.50E-08 3.63E-08 2.74E-08 3.07E-08 2.44E-07 5.61E-05 5.79E-05I 130 7.80E-07 2.24E-06 8.96E-07 1.86E-04 3.44E-06 NO DATA 1.14E-06I 131 4.43E-06 6.14E-06 3.30E-06 1.83E-03 1.05E-05 NO DATA 8.11E-07I 132 1.99E-07 5.47E-07 1.97E-07 1.89E-05 8.65E-07 NO DATA 1.59E-07I 133 1.52E-06 2.56E-06 7.78E-07 3.65E-04 4.49E-06 NO DATA 1.29E-06I 134 1.11E-07 2.90E-07 1.05E-07 4.94E-06 4.58E-07 NO DATA 2.55E-09I 135 4.62E-07 1.18E-06 4.36E-07 7.76E-05 1.86E-06 NO DATA 8.69E-07CS134 6.28E-05 1.41E-04 6.86E-05 NO DATA 4.69E-05 1.83E-05 1.22E-06CS136 6.44E-06 2.42E-05 1.71E-05 NO DATA 1.38E-05 2.22E-06 1.36E-06CS137 8.38E-05 1.06E-04 3.89E-05 NO DATA 3.80E-05 1.51E-05 1.06E-06CS138 5.82E-08 1.07E-07 5.58E-08 NO DATA 8.28E-08 9.84E-09 3.38E-lIBA139 1.67E-l0 1.18E-13 4.87E-12 NO DATA 1.11E-13 8.08E-07 8.06E-07BA140 6.84E-06 8.38E-09 4.40E-07 NO DATA 2.85E-09 2.54E-04 2.86E-05BA141 1.78E-11 1.32E-14 5.93E-13 NO DATA 1.23E-14 4.11E-07 9.33E-14BA142 4.62E-12 4.63E-15 2.84E-13 NO DATA 3.92E-15 2.39E-07 5.99E-20LA140 5.99E-08 2.95E-08 7.82E-09 NO DATA NO DATA 2.68E-05 6.09E-05LA142 1.20E-10 5.31E-11 1.32E-lI NO DATA NO DATA 1.27E-06 1.50E-06CE141 3.55E-06 2.37E-06 2.71E-07 NO DATA 1.11E-06 7.67E-05 1.58E-05CE143 3.32E-08 2.42E-08 2.70E-09 NO DATA 1.08E-08 1.63E-05 3.19E-05CE144 6.11E-04 2.53E-04 3.28E-05 NO DATA. 1.51E-04 1.67E-03 1.08E-04PR143 1.67E-06 6.64E-07 8.28E-08 NO DATA 3.86E-07 6.04E-05 2.67E-05PR144 5.37E-12 2.20E-12 2.72E-13 NO DATA 1.26E-12 2.19E-07 2.94E-14ND147 9.83E-07 1.07E-06 6.41E-08 NO DATA 6.28E-07 4.65E-05 2.28E-05W 187 1.50E-09 1.22E-09 4.29E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 5.92E-06 2.21E-05NP2394.23E-08 3.99E-09 2.21E-09 NO DATA 1.75E-08 8.11E-06 1.65E-05 ODCMPage:Rev.:Table 3.2-8Factors for Child (mrem/pCi-inhaled)5419Inhalation DoseNUCLIDEH 3C 14NA 24P 32CR 51MN 54MN 56FE 55FE 59CO 58CO 60NI 63NI 65CU 64ZN 65ZN 69BR 83BR 84BR 85RB 86RB 88RB 89SR 89SR 90SR 91SR 92Y 90Y 91MY 91Y 92Y 93ZR 95ZR 97NB 95MO 99TC 99MBONENO DATA9.70E-064.35E-067. 04E-04NO DATANO DATANO DATA1.28E-055.59E-06NO DATANO DATA2.22E-048.08E-10NO DATA1.15E-051.81E-11NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA1.62E-042.73E-023.28E-083.54E-091.11E-061.37E-102.47E-045.50E-095.04E-085.13E-055.07E-086..35E-06NO DATA4.81E-13LIVER3. 04E-071.82E-064.35E-063.09E-05NO DATA1.16E-054.48E-106. 80E-069.04E-064. 70E-073.55E-061.25E-057. 99E-115.39E-103. 06E-052.61E-11NO DATANO DATANO DATA5.36E-051.52E-079.33E-08NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA1.13E-057. 34E-092.48E-064.66E-089.41E-13WHOLEBODY3.04E-071.82E-064.35E-062.67E-054.17E-082.57E-068.43E-112.10E-064.51E-068.55E-076.12E-067.56E-064.44E-112. 90E-101.90E-052.41E-121.28E-071.48E-076.84E-093.09E-059.90E-087. 83E-084. 66E-061. 74E-031. 24E-091 .42E-102. 99E-084. 98E-126. 59E-061 .57E-101 .38E-091. OOE-054 .32E-091. 77E-061. 15E-081 .56E-11THYROID3.04E-071.82E-064.35E-06NO DATA2.31E-08NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATAKIDNEY3. 04E-071.82E-064 .35E-06NO DATA6.57E-092. 71E-064.52E-10NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA1.63E-091.93E-051.58E-11NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA1. 61E-051.05E-082.33E-061.06E-071.37E-11LUNG3.04E-071.82E-064.35E-06NO DATA4. 59E-064.26E-043. 55E-063. OOE-053 .43E-042. 99E-041. 91E-037.43E-052.21E-062. 59E-062.69E-043.84E-07NO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATANO DATA5. 83E-043. 99E-031 .44E-056. 49E-067. 07E-057. 60E-077 1OE-046 .46E-062 .01E-056 .03E-043 .06E-051 .66E-043 .66E-052. 57E-07GI-LLI3. 04E-071.82E-064.35E-061. 14E-052. 93E-076.19E-063.33E-057. 75E-071. 91E-059 .29E-062 .60E-051 .71E-062 .27E-059. 92E-064 .41E-062. 75E-06LT E-24LT E-24LT E-242. 16E-064. 66E-095. lIE-104. 52E-059. 28E-054. 70E-056. 55E-057 24E-054 .64E-074. 97E-056. 46E-051. 05E-041. 65E-059. 49E-051. OE-053 .42E-051. 30E-06 ODCMPage: 55Rev.: 19Table 3.2-8 (Cont.)Inhalation Dose Factors for Child (mrem/pCi inhaled)WHOLENUCLIDE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 2.19E-14 2.30E-14 2.91E-13 NO DATA 3.92E-13 1.58E-07 4.41E-09RU103 7.55E-07 NO DATA 2.90E-07 NO DATA 1.90E-06 1.79E-04 1.21E-05RU105 4.13E-10 NO DATA 1.50E-10 NO DATA 3.63E-10 4.30E-06 2.69E-05RUI06 3.68E-05 NO DATA 4.57E-06 NO DATA 4.97E-05 3.87E-03 1.16E-04AG1IOM 4.56E-06 3.08E-06 2.47E-06 NO DATA 5.74E-06 1.48E-03 2.71E-05TE125M 1.82E-06 6.29E-07 2.47E-07 5.20E-07 NO DATA 1.29E-04 9.13E-06TE127M 6.72E-06 2.31E-06 8.18E-07 1.64E-06 1.72E-05 4.OOE-04 1.93E-05TE127 7.49E-10 2.57E-10 1.65E-10 5.30E-10 1.91E-09 2.71E-06 1.52E-05TE129M 5.19E-06 1.85E-06 8.22E-07 1.71E-06 1.36E-05 4.76E-04 4.91E-05TE129 2.64E-11 9.45E-12 6.44E-12 1.93E-11 6.94E-11 7.93E-07 6.89E-06TE131M 3.63E-08 1.60E-08 1.37E-08 2.64E-08 1.08E-07 5.56E-05 8.32E-05TE131 5.87E-12 2.28E-12 1.78E-12 4.59E-12 1.59E-11 5.55E-07 3.60E-07TE132 1.30E-07 7.36E-08 7.12E-08 8.58E-08 4.79E-07 1.02E-04 3.72E-05I 130 2.21E-06 4.43E-06 2.28E-06 4.99E-04 6.61E-06 NO DATA 1.38E-06I 131 1.30E-05 1.30E-05 7.37E-06 4.39E-03 2.13E-05 NO DATA 7.68E-07I 132 5.72E-07 1.10E-06 5.07E-07 5.23E-05 1.69E-06 NO DATA 8.65E-07I 133 4.48E-06 5.49E-06 2.08E-06 1.04E-03 9.13E-06 NO DATA 1.48E-06I 134 3.17E-07 5.84E-07 2.09E-07 1.37E-05 8.92E-07 NO DATA 2.58E-07I 135 1.33E-06 2.36E-06 1.12E-06 2.14E-04 3.62E-06 NO DATA 1.20E-06CS134 1.76E-04 2.74E-04 6.07E-05 NO DATA 8.93E-05 3.27E-05 1.04E-06CS136 1.76E-05 4.62E-05 3.14E-05 NO DATA 2.58E-05 3.93E-06 1.13E-06CS137 2.45E-04 2.23E-04 3.47E-05 NO DATA 7.63E-05 2.81E-05 9.78E-07CS138 1.71E-07 2.27E-07 1.50E-07 NO DATA 1.68E-07 1.84E-08 7.29E-08BA139 4.98E-10 2.66E-13 1.45E-11 NO DATA 2.33E-13 1.56E-06 1.56E-05BA140 2.OOE-05 1.75E-08 1.17E-06 NO DATA 5.71E-09 4.71E-04 2.75E-05BA141 5.29E-11 2.95E-14 1.72E-12 NO DATA 2.56E-14 7.89E-07 7.44E-08BA142 1.35E-11 2.73E-15 7.54E-13 NO DATA 7.87E-15 4.44E-07 7.41E-10LA140 1.74E-07 6.08E-08 2.04E-08 NO DATA NO DATA 4.94E-05 6.10E-05LA142 3.50E-10 1.11E-10 3.49E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 2.35E-06 2 .05E-05CE141 1.06E-05 5.28E-06 7.83E-07 NO DATA 2.31E-06 1.47E-05 1.53E-05CE143 9.89E-08 5.37E-08 7.77E-09 NO DATA 2.26E-08 3.12E-05 3.44E-05CE144 1.83E-03 5.72E-04 9.77E-05 NO DATA 3.17E-04 3.23E-03 1.05E-04PR143 4.99E-06 1.50E-06 2.47E-07 NO DATA 8.11E-07 1.17E-04 2.63E-05PR144 1.61E-11 4.99E-12 8.10E-13 NO DATA 2.64E-12 4.23E-07 .5.32E-08ND147 2.92E-06 2.36E-06 1.84E-07 NO DATA 1.30E-06 8.87E-05 2.22E-05W 187 4.41E-09 2.61E-09 1.17E-09 NO DATA NO DATA 1.11E-05 2.46E-05NP239 1.26E-07 9.04E-09 6.35E-09 NO DATA 2.63E-08 1.57E-05 1.73E-05 ODCMPage: 56Rev.: 19Table 3.2-9Inhalation Dose Factors for Infant (mrem/pCi inhaled)WHOLENUCLIDE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH 3 NO DATA 4.62E-07 4.62E-07 4.62E-07 4.62E-07 4.62E-07 4.62E-07C 14 1.89E-05 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06 3.79E-06NA 24 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06 7.54E-06P 32 1.45E-03 8.03E-05 5.53E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 1.15E-05CR 51 NO DATA NO DATA 6.37E-08 4.11E-08 9.45E-09 9.17E-06 2.55E-07MN 54 NO DATA 1.81E-05 3.56E-06 NO DATA 3.56E-06 7.14E-04 5.04E-06MN 56 NO DATA 1.10E-09 1.58E-10 NO DATA 7.86E-10 8.95E-06 5.12E-05FE 55 1.41E-05 8.39E-06 2.38E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 6.21E-05 7.82E-07FE 59 9.69E-06 1.68E-05 6.77E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 7.25E-04 1.77E-05CO 58 NO DATA 8.71E-07 1.30E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 5.55E-04 7.95E-06CO 60 NO DATA 5.73E-06 8.41E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 3.22E-03 2.28E-05NI 63 2.42E-04 1.46E-05 8.29E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.49E-04 1.73E-06NI 65 1.71E-09 2.03E-10 8.79E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 5.80E-06 3.58E-05CU 64 NO DATA 1.34E-09 5.53E-10 NO DATA 2.84E-09 6.64E-06 1.07E-05ZN 65 1.38E-05 4.47E-05 2.22E-05 NO DATA 2.32E-05 4.62E-04 3.67E-05ZN 69 3.85E-11 6.91E-11 5.13E-12 NO DATA 2.87E-11 1.05E-06 9.44E-06BR 83 NO DATA NO DATA 2.72E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24BR 84 NO DATA NO DATA 2.86E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24BR 85 NO DATA NO DATA 1.46E-08 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA LT E-24RB 86 NO DATA 1.36E-04 6.30E-05 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.17E-06RB 88 NO DATA 3.98E-07 2.03E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 2.42E-07RB 89 NO DATA 2.29E-07 1.47E-07 NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA 4.87E-08SR 89 2.84E-04 NO DATA 8.15E-06 NO DATA NO DATA 1.45E-03 4.57E-05SR 90 2.92E-02 NO DATA 1.85E-03 NO DATA NO DATA 8.03E-03 9.36E-05SR 91 6.83E-08 NO DATA 2.47E-09 NO DATA NO DATA 3.76E-05 5.24E-05SR 92 7.50E-09 NO DATA 2.79E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 1.70E-05 1.OOE-04Y 90 2.35E-06 NO DATA 6.30E-08 NO DATA NO DATA 1.92E-04 7.43E-05Y 91M 2.91E-10 NO DATA 9.90E-12 NO DATA NO DATA 1.99E-06 1.68E-06Y 91 4.20E-04 NO DATA 1.12E-05 NO DATA NO DATA 1.75E-03 5.02E-05Y 92 1.17E-08 NO DATA 3.29E-10 NO DATA NO DATA 1.75E-05 9 .04E-05Y 93 1.07E-07 NO DATA 2.91E-09 NO DATA NO DATA 5.46E-05 1.19E-04ZR 95 8.24E-05 1.99E-05 1.45E-06 NO DATA 2.22E-05 1.25E-03 1.55E-05ZR 97 1.07E-07 1.83E-08 8.36E-09 NO DATA 1.85E-08 7.88E-05 1.OOE-04NB 95 1.12E-05 4.59E-06 2.70E-06 NO DATA 3.37E-06 3.42E-04 9.05E-06MO 99 NO DATA 1.18E-07 2.31E-08 NO DATA 1.89E-07 9.63E-05 3.48E-05TC 99M 9.98E-13 2.06E-12 2.66E-11 NO DATA 2.22E-11 5.79E-07 1.45E-06 ODCMPage: 57Rev.: 19Table 3.2-9 (Cont.)Inhalation Dose Factors for Infant (mrem/pCi inhaled)WHOLENUCLIDE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 4.65E-14 5.58E-14 5.80E-13 NO DATA 6.99E-13 4.17E-07 6.03E-07RU103 1.44E-06 NO DATA 4.85E-07 NO DATA 3.03E-06 3.94E-04 1.15E-05RU105 8.74E-10 NO DATA 2.93E-10 NO DATA 6.42E-10 1.12E-05 3.46E-05RU106 6.20E-05 NO DATA 7.77E-06 NO DATA 7.61E-05 8.26E-03 1.17E-04AGIIOM 7.13E-06 5.16E-06 3.57E-06 NO DATA 7.80E-06 2.62E-03 2.36E-05TE125M 3.40E-06 1.42E-06 4.70E-07 1.16E-06 NO DATA 3.19E-04 9.22E-06TE127M 1.19E-05 4.93E-06 1.48E-06 3.48E-06 2.68E-05 9.37E-04 1.95E-05TE127 1.59E-09 6.81E-10 3.49E-10 1.32E-09 3.47E-09 7.39E-06 1.74E-05TE129M 1.01E-05 4.35E-06 1.59E-06 3.91E-06 2.27E-05 1.20E-03 4.93E-05TE129 5.63E-11 2.48E-11 1.34E-11 4.82E-11 1.25E-10 2.14E-06 1.88E-05TE131M 7.62E-08 3.93E-08 2.59E-08 6.38E-08 1.89E-07 1.42E-04 8.51E-05TE131 1.24E-11 5.87E-12 3.57E-12 1.13E-11 2.85E-11 1.47E-06 5.87E-06TE132 2.66E-07 1.69E-07 1.26E-07 1.99E-07 7.39E-07 2.43E-04 3.15E-05I 130 4.54E-06 9.91E-06 3.98E-06 1.14E-03 1.09E-05 NO DATA 1.42E-06I 131 1.71E-05 3.17E-05 1.40E-05 1.06E-02 3.70E-05 NO DATA 7.56E-07I 132 1.21E-06 2.53E-06 8.99E-07 1.21E-04 2.82E-06 NO DATA 1.36E-06I 133 9.46E-06 1.37E-05 4.OOE-06 2.54E-03 1.60E-05 NO DATA 1.54E-06I 134 6.58E-07 1.34E-06 4.75E-07 3.18E-05 1.49E-06 NO DATA 9.21E-07I 135 2.76E-06 5.43E-06 1.98E-06 4.97E-04 6.05E-06 NO DATA 1.31E-06CS134 2.83E-04 5.02E-04 5.32E-05 NO DATA 1.36E-04 5.69E-05 9.53E-07CS136 3.45E-05 9.61E-05 3.78E-05 NO DATA 4.03E-05 8.40E-06 1.02E-06CS137 3.92E-04 4.37E-04 3.25E-05 NO DATA 1.23E-04 5.09E-05 9.53E-07CS138 3.61E-07 5.58E-07 2.84E-07 NO DATA 2.93E-07 4.67E-08 6.26E-07BA139 1.OGE-09 7.03E-13 3.07E-11 NO DATA 4.23E-13 4.25E-06 3.64E-05BA140 4.OOE-05 4.OOE-08 2.07E-06 NO DATA 9.59E-09 1.14E-03 2.74E-05BA141 1.12E-10 7.70E-14 3.55E-12 NO DATA 4.64E-14 2.12E-06 3.39E-06BA142 2.84E-11 2.36E-14 1.40E-12 NO DATA 1.36E-14 1.11E-06 4.95E-07LA140 3.61E-07 1.43E-07 3.68E-08 NO DATA NO DATA 1.20E-04 6.OEE-05LA142 7.36E-10 2.69E-10 3.46E-11 NO DATA NO DATA 5.87E-06 4.25E-05CE141 1.98E-05 1.19E-05 1.42E-06 NO DATA 3.75E-06 3.69E-04 1.54E-05CE143 2.09E-07 1.38E-07 1.58E-08 NO DATA 4.03E-08 8.30E-05 3.55E-05CE144 2.28E-03 8.65E-04 1.26E-04 NO DATA 3.84E-04 7.03E-03 1.06E-04PR143 1.OOE-05 3.74E-06 4.99E-07 NO DATA 1.41E-06 3.09E-04 2.66E-05PR144 3.42E-11 1.32E-11 1.72E-12 NO DATA 4.80E-12 1.15E-06 3.06E-06ND147 5.67E-06 5.81E-06 3.57E-07 NO DATA 2.25E-06 2.30E-04 2.23E-05W 187 9.26E-09 6.44E-09 2.23E-09 NO DATA NO DATA 2.83E-05 2.54E-05NP239 2.65E-07 2.37E-08 1.34E-08 NO DATA 4.73E-08 4.25E-05 1.78E-05 ODCMPage: 58Rev.: 19Table 3.2-10Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3 O.OOE+00 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07 1.05E-07C14 2.84E-06 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07NA24 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06 1.70E-06P32 1.93E-04 1.20E-05 7.46E-06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.17E-05CR51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.66E-09 1.59E-09 5.86E-10 3.53E-09 6.69E-07MN54 0.OOE+00 4.57E-06 8.72E-07 O.OOE+00 1.36E-06 O.OOE+00 1.40E-05MN56 O.OOE+00 1.15E-07 2.04E-08 O.OOE+00 1.46E-07 O.OOE+00 3.67E-06FE55 2.75E-06 1.90E-06 4.43E-07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.06E-06 1.09E-06FE59 4.34E-06 1.02E-05 3.91E-06 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.85E-06 3.40E-05C058 0.OOE+00 7.45E-07 1.67E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OE+00 0.OOE+00 1.51E-05CO60 O.OOE+00 2.14E-06 4.72E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.02E-05N163 1.30E-04 9.01E-06 4.36E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.88E-06N165 5.28E-07 6.86E-08 3.13E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.74E-06CU64 O.OOE+00 8.33E-08 3.91E-08 O.OOE+00 2.10E-07 0.OOE+00 7.10E-06ZN65 4.84E-06 1.54E-05 6.96E-06 O.OOE+00 1.03E-05 O.OOE+00 9.70E-06ZN69 1.03E-08 1.97E-08 1.37E-09 0.OOE+00 1.28E-08 0.OOE+00 2.96E-09BR83 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.02E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.79E-08BR84 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 5.21E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.09E-13BR85 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.14E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00RB86 0.OOE+00 2.11E-05 9.83E-06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.16E-06RB88 O.OOE+00 6.05E-08 3.21E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.36E-19RB89 O.OOE+00 4.01E-08 2.82E-08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.33E-21SR89 3.08E-04 O.OOE+00 8.84E-06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.94E-05SR90 7.58E-03 O.OOE+00 1.86E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.19E-04SR91 5.67E-06 0.OOE+00 2.29E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.70E-05SR92 2.15E-06 O.OOE+00 9.30E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.26E-05Y90 9.62E-09 O.OOE+00 2.58E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.02E-04Y91M 9.09E-11 O.OOE+00 3.52E-12 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.67E-10Y91 1.41E-07 O.OOE+00 3.77E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.67E-05Y92 8.45E-10 0.OOE+00 2.47E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.48E-05Y93 2.68E-09 O.OOE+00 7.40E-11 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.50E-05ZR95 3.04E-08 9.75E-09 6.60E-09 O.OOE+00 1.53E-08 0.OOE+00 3.09E-05ZR97 1.68E-09 3.39E-10 1.55E-10 O.OOE+00 5.12E-10 O.OOE+00 1.05E-04NB95 6.22E-09 3.46E-09 1.86E-09 0.OOE+00 3.42E-09 0.OOE+00 2.1OE-05M099 O.OOE+00 4.31E-06 8.20E-07 O.OOE+00 9.76E-06 O.OOE+00 9.99E-06TC99M 2.47E-10 6.98E-10 8.89E-09 O.OOE+00 1.06E-08 3.42E-10 4.13E-07 ODCMPage: 59Rev.: 19Table 3.2-10 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factors for Adult (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 2.54E-10 3.66E-10 3.59E-09 0.OOE+00 6.59E-09 1.87E-10 1.10E-21RU103 1.85E-07 0.OOE+00 7.97E-08 0.OOE+00 7.06E-07 0.OOE+00 2.16E-05RU105 1.54E-08 0.OOE+00 6.08E-09 0.OOE+00 1.99E-07 0.OOE+00 9.42E-06RU106 2.75E-06 0.OOE+00 3.48E-07 0.OOE+00 5.31E-06 0.OOE+00 1.78E-04AGIlOM 1.60E-07 1.48E-07 8.79E-08 0.OOE+00 2.91E-07 0.OOE+00 6.04E-05TE125M 2.68E-06 9.17E-07 3.59E-07 8.06E-07 1.09E-05 0.OOE+00 1.07E-05TE127M 6.77E-06 2.42E-06 8.25E-07 1.73E-06 2.75E-05 0.OOE+00 2.27E-05TE127 1.10E-07 3.95E-08 2.38E-08 8.15E-08 4.48E-07 0.OOE+00 8.68E-06TE129M 1.15E-05 4.29E-06 1.82E-06 3.95E-06 4.80E-05 0.OOE+00 5.79E-05TE129 3.14E-08 1.18E-08 7.65E-09 2.41E-08 1.32E-07 O.OOE+00 2.37E-08TE131M 1.73E-06 8.46E-07 7.05E-07 1.34E-06 8.57E-06 0.OOE+00 8.40E-05TE131 1.97E-08 8.23E-09 6.22E-09 1.62E-08 8.63E-08 0.OOE+00 2.79E-09TE132 2.52E-06 1.63E-06 1.53E-06 1.80E-06 1.57E-05 0.OOE+00 7.71E-051130 7.56E-07 2.23E-06 8.80E-07 1.89E-04 3.48E-06 0.00E+00 1.92E-061131 4.16E-06 5.95E-06 3.41E-06 1.95E-03 1.02E-05 0.QOE+00 1.57E-061132 2.03E-07 5.43E-07 1.90E-07 1.90E-05 8.65E-07 0.00E+00 1.02E-071133 1.42E-06 2.47E-06 7.53E-07 3.63E-04 4.31E-06 0.00E+00 2.22E-061134 1.06E-07 2.88E-07 1.03E-07 4.99E-06 4.58E-07 0.00E+00 2.51E-101135 4.43E-07 1.16E-06 4.28E-07 7.65E-05 1.86E-06 0.00E+00 1.31E-06CS134 6.22E-05 1.48E-04 1.21E-04 0.OOE+00 4.79E-05 1.59E-05 2.59E-06CS136 6.51E-06 2.57E-05 1.85E-05 0.OOE+00 1.43E-05 1.96E-06 2.92E-06CS137 7.97E-05 1.09E-04 7.14E-05 0.OOE+00 3.70E-05 1.23E-05 2.11E-06CS138 5.52E-08 1.09E-07 5.40E-08 0.OOE+00 8.01E-08 7.91E-09 4.65E-13BA139 9.70E-08 6.91E-11 2.84E-09 0.OOE+00 6.46E-11 3.92E-11 1.72E-07BA140 2.03E-05 2.55E-08 1.33E-06 0.OOE+00 8.67E-09 1.46E-08 4.18E-05BA141 4.71E-08 3.56E-11 1.59E-09 0.OOE+00 3.31E-11 2.02E-11 2.22E-17BA142 2.13E-08 2.19E-11 1.34E-09 0.00E+00 1.85E-11 1.24E-11 3.OOE-26LA140 2.50E-09 1.26E-09 3.33E-10 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 9.25E-05LA142 1.28E-10 5.82E-11 1.45E-11 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.25E-07CE141 9.36E-09 6.33E-09 7.18E-10 0.OOE+00 2.94E-09 0.OOE+00 2.42E-05CE143 1.65E-09 1.22E-06 1.35E-10 0.OOE+00 5.37E-10 0.OOE+00 4.56E-05CE144 4.88E-07 2.04E-07 2.62E-08 0.OOE+00 1.21E-07 0.OOE+00 1.65E-04PR143 9.20E-09 3.69E-09 4.56E-10 0.OOE+00 2.13E-09 0.OOE+00 4.03E-05PR144 3.01E-11 1.25E-11 1.53E-12 0.OOE+00 7.05E-12 0.OOE+00 4.33E-18ND147 6.29E-09 7.27E-09 4.35E-10 0.OOE+00 4.25E-09 0.OOE+00 3.49E-05W187 1.03E-07 8.61E-08 3.01E-08 0.00E+00 0.OOE+00 0.00E+00 2.82E-05NP239 1.19E-09 1.17E-10 6.45E-11 0.00E+00 3.65E-10 0.00E+00 2.40E-05 ODCMPage: 60Rev.: 19Table 3.2-11Ingestion Dose Factors for Teenager (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3 0.OOE+00 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07 1.06E-07C14 4.06E-06 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.12E-07NA24 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06 2.30E-06P32 2.76E-04 1.71E-05 1.07E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.32E-05CR51 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.60E-09 2.O0E-09 7.89E-10 5.14E-09 6.05E-07MN54 0.OOE+00 5.90E-06 1.17E-06 0.OOE+00 1.76E-06 0.OOE+00 1.21E-05MN56 0.OOE+00 1.58E-07 2.81E-08 O.OOE+00 2.OOE-07 O.OOE+00 1.04E-05FE55 3.78E-06 2.68E-06 6.25E-07 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.70E-06 1.16E-06FE59 5.87E-06 1.37E-05 5.29E-06 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 4.32E-06 3.24E-05C058 0.OOE+00 9.72E-07 2.24E-06 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.34E-05C060 0.OOE+00 2.81E-06 6.33E-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.66E-05N163 1.77E-04 1.25E-05 6.OOE-06 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.99E-06N165 7.49E-07 9.57E-08 4.36E-08 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.19E-06CU64 0.O0E+00 1.15E-07 5.41E-08 0.OOE+00 2.91E-07 O.OOE+00 8.92E-06ZN65 5.76E-06 2.0OE-05 9.33E-06 0.OOE+00 1.28E-05 O.OOE+00 8.47E-06ZN69 1.47E-08 2.80E-08 1.96E-09 0.OOE+00 1.83E-08 0.OOE+00 5.16E-08BR83 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.74E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00BR84 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.22E-08 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 Q.OOE+00BR85 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.05E-09 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+0O 0.OOE+00RB86 O.OOE+00 2.98E-05 1.40E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 4.41E-06RB88 O.OOE+00 8.52E-08 4.54E-08 O.0OE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 7.30E-15RB89 O.OOE+00 5.50E-08 3.89E-08 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.43E-17SR89 4.40E-04 O.OOE+00 1.26E-05 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 5.24E-05SR90 8.30E-03 O.OOE+00 2.05E-03 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 2.33E-04SR91 8.07E-06 O.OOE+00 3.21E-07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.66E-05SR92 3.05E-06 0.OOE+00 1.30E-07 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 7.77E-05Y90 1.37E-08 O.OOE+00 3.69E-10 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E-04Y91M 1.29E-10 O.OOE+00 4.93E-12. 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.09E-09Y91 2.01E-07 O.OOE+00 5.39E-09 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 8.24E-05Y92 1.21E-09 O.OOE+00 3.50E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 3.32E-05Y93 3.83E-09 O.OOE+00 1.05E-10 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 O.OOE+00 1.17E-04ZR95 4.12E-08 1.30E-08 8.94E-09 0.OOE+00 1.91E-08 0.OOE+00 3.OOE-05ZR97 2.37E-09 4.69E-10 2.16E-10 O.OOE+00 7.11E-10 0.OOE+00 1.27E-04NB95 8.22E-09 4.56E-09 2.51E-09 O.OOE+00 4.42E-09 O.OOE+00 1.95E-05M099 O.OOE+00 6.03E-06 1.15E-06 O.OOE+00 1.38E-05 O.OOE+00 1.08E-05TC99M 3.32E-10 9.26E-10 1.20E-08 O.OOE+00 1.38E-08 5.14E-10 6.08E-07 ODCMPage: 61Rev.: 19Table 3.2-11 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factor for Teenager (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 3.60E-10 5.12E-10 5.03E-09 0.OOE+00 9.26E-09 3.12E-10 8.75E-17RU103 2.55E-07 0.OOE+00 1.09E-07 0.OOE+00 8.99E-07 0.OOE+00 2.13E-05RU105 2.18E-08 0.OOE+00 8.46E-09 0.OOE+00 2.75E-07 0.OOE+00 1.76E-05RU106 3.92E-06 0.OOE+00 4.94E-07 0.OOE+00 7.56E-06 0.OOE+00 1.88E-04AG1IOM 2.05E-07 1.94E-07 1.18E-07 0.OOE+00 3.70E-07 0.OOE+00 5.45E-05TE125M 3.83E-06 1.38E-06 5.12E-07 1.07E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.13E-05TE127M 9.67E-06 3.43E-06 1.15E-06 2.30E-06 3.92E-05 0.OOE+00 2.41E-05TE127 1.58E-07 5.60E-08 3.40E-08 1.09E-07 6.40E-07 0.OOE+00 1.22E-05TE129M 1.63E-05 6.05E-06 2.58E-06 5.26E-06 6.82E-05 0.OOE+00 6.12E-05TE129 4.48E-08 1.67E-08 1.09E-08 3.20E-08 1.88E-07 0.OOE+00 2.45E-07TE131M 2.44E-06 1.17E-06 9.76E-07 1.76E-06 1.22E-05 0.OOE+00 9.39E-05TE131 2.79E-08 1.15E-08 8.72E-09 2.15E-08 1.22E-07 0.OOE+00 2.29E-09TE132 3.49E-06 2.21E-06 2.08E-06 2.33E-06 2.12E-05 0.OOE+00 7.OOE-051130 1.03E-06 2.98E-06 1.19E-06 2.43E-04 4.59E-06 0.OOE+00 2.29E-061131 5.85E-06 8.19E-06 4.40E-06 2.39E-03 1.41E-05 0.OOE+00 1.62E-061132 2.79E-07 7.30E-07 2.62E-07 2.46E-05 1.15E-06 0.OOE+00 3.18E-071133 2.01E-06 3.41E-06 1.04E-06 4.76E-04 5.98E-06 0.OOE+00 2.58E-061134 1.46E-07 3.87E-07 1.39E-07 6.45E-06 6.10E-07 0.OOE+00 5.10E-091135 6.10E-07 1.57E-06 5.82E-07 1.01E-04 2.48E-06 0.OOE+00 1.74E-06CS134 8.37E-05 1.97E-04 9.14E-05 0.OOE+00 6.26E-05 2.39E-05 2.45E-06CS136 8.59E-06 3.38E-05 2.27E-05 0.OOE+00 1.84E-05 2.90E-06 2.72E-06CS137 1.12E-04 1.49E-04 5.19E-05 0.OOE+00 5.07E-05 1.97E-05 2.12E-06CS138 7.76E-08 1.49E-07 7.45E-08 0.OOE+00 1.10E-07 1.28E-08 6.76E-11BA139 1.39E-07 9.78E-11 4.05E-09 0.OOE+00 9.22E-11 6.74E-11 1.24E-06BA140 2.84E-05 3.48E-08 1.83E-06 0.OOE+00 1.18E-08 2.34E-08 4.38E-05BA141 6.71E-08 5.01E-11 2.24E-09 0.OOE+00 4.65E-11 3.43E-11 1.43E-13BA142 2.99E-08 2.99E-11 1.84E-09 0.OOE+00 2.53E-11 1.99E-11 9.18E-20LA140 3.48E-09 1.71E-09 4.55E-10 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.82E-05LA142 1.79E-10 7.95E-11 1.98E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 2.42E-06CE141 1.33E-08 8.88E-09 1.02E-09 0.OOE+00 4.18E-09 0.OOE+00 2.54E-05CE143 2.35E-09 1.71E-06 1.91E-10 0.OOE+00 7.67E-10 0.OOE+00 5.14E-05CE144 6.96E-07 2.88E-07 3.74E-08 0.OOE+00 1.72E-07 0.OOE+00 1.75E-04PR143 1.31E-08 5.23E-09 6.52E-10 0.OOE+00 3.04E-09 0.OOE+00 4.31E-05PR144 4.30E-11 1.76E-11 2.18E-12 0.OOE+00 1.01E-11 0.OOE+00 4.74E-14ND147 9.38E-09 1.02E-08 6.11E-10 0.OOE+00 5.99E-09 0.OOE+00 3.68E-05W187 1.46E-07 1.19E-07 4.17E-08 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.22E-05NP239 1.76E-09 1.66E-10 9.22E-11 0.OOE+00 5.21E-10 0.OOE+00 2.67E-05 ODCMPage:Rev.:6219Table 3.2-12Factors for ChildInaestion Dose(mrem/DCiingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3C14NA24P32CR51MN54MN56FE55FE59CO58C06 0NI63NI65CU64ZN6 5ZN69BR83BR84BR85RB86RB88RB89SR89SR90SR91SR92Y90Y91MY91Y92Y93ZR95ZR97NB95M099TC99Mo.OOE+001.21E-055. 80E-068.25E-040. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+001. 15E-051.65E-050. OOE+000. OOE+005.38E-042.22E-060. OOE+001.37E-054.38E-080. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+001.32E-031.70E-022. 40E-059.03E-064.11E-083.82E-106.02E-073.60E-091.14E-081.16E-076. 99E-092.25E-080. OOE+009.23E-102. 03E-072.42E-065.80E-063.86E-05o.OOE+001.07E-053.34E-076. 1OE-062.67E-051.80E-065.29E-062. 88E-052. 09E-072.45E-073.65E-056.33E-080. OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+006 .70E-051.90E-071.17E-070. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+002. 55E-081. 01E-098. 76E-091 .33E-051. 81E-092. 03E-072.42E-065. 80E-063.18E-058. 90E-092. 85E-067. 54E-081.89E-061.33E-055. 51E-061.56E-051.83E-051.22E-071.48E-072.27E-055. 85E-091.71E-071. 98E-079. 12E-094. 12E-051.32E-071.04E-073.77E-054 .31E-039. 06E-073 .62E-071. 10E-091. 39E-111. 61E-081 .03E-103 .13E-102 .27E-085. 96E-106. 26E-093. 29E-063. OOE-082. 03E-072.42E-065. 80E-06o.OOE+004.94E-09o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+000 .OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+002.03E-072.42E-065. 80E-060. OOE+001.35E-093. OOE-064. 04E-07o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000 .OOE+000 .OOE+005. 92E-072. 30E-053. 84E-08o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+000 .OOE+00o .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+003 .65E-081. 45E-098. 23E-092. 84E-052. 63E-082.03E-072.42E-065. 80E-060 .OOE+009. 02E-090. OOE+000. OOE+003 .45E-067.74E-060. OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+009. 19E-102.03E-072.42E-065. 80E-062.28E-054. 72E-078. 98E-064. 84E-051.13E-062.78E-051. 05E-052. 93E-051. 94E-062. 56E-051. 15E-056 .41E-063 99E-060. OOE+000 .OOE+000 .OOE+004 .31E-069. 32E-091 .02E-095. lIE-052. 29E-045. 30E-051. 71E-041. 17E-047 .48E-078. 02E-051. 04E-041. 70E-042 66E-051. 53E-041 .62E-051 .10E-051 .03E-06 ODCMPage: 63Rev.: 19Table 3.2-12 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factors for Child (mrem/pCi ingested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 1.07E-09 1.12E-09 1.42E-08 0.OOE+00 1.91E-08 5.92E-10 3.56E-09RU103 7.31E-07 0.OOE+00 2.81E-07 0.OOE+00 1.84E-06 0.OOE+00 1.89E-05RU105 6.45E-08 0.OOE+00 2.34E-08 0.OOE+00 5.67E-07 0.OOE+00 4.21E-05RU106 1.17E-05 0.OOE+00 1.46E-06 0.OOE+00 1.58E-05 0.OOE+00 1.82E-04AG1IOM 5.39E-07 3.64E-07 2.91E-07 0.OOE+00 6.78E-07 0.OOE+00 4.33E-05TE125M 1.14E-05 3.09E-06 1.52E-06 3.20E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.10E-05TE127M 2.89E-05 7.78E-06 3.43E-06 6.91E-06 8.24E-05 0.OOE+00 2.34E-05TE127 4.71E-07 1.27E-07 1.01E-07 3.26E-07 1.34E-06 0.OOE+00 1.84E-05TE129M 4.87E-05 1.36E-05 7.56E-06 1.57E-05 1.43E-04 0.OOE+00 5.94E-05TE129 1.34E-07 3.74E-08 3.18E-08 9.56E-08 3.92E-07 0.OOE+00 8.34E-06TE131M 7.20E-06 2.49E-06 2.65E-06 5.12E-06 2.41E-05 0.OOE+00 1.01E-04TE131 8.30E-08 2.53E-08 2.47E-08 6.35E-08 2.51E-07 0.OOE+00 4.36E-07TE132 1.01E-05 4.47E-06 5.40E-06 6.51E-06 4.15E-05 0.OOE+00 4.50E-051130 2.92E-06 5.90E-06 3.04E-06 6.50E-04 8.82E-06 0.OOE+00 2.76E-061131 1.72E-05 1.73E-05 9.83E-06 5.72E-03 2.84E-05 0.OOE+00 1.54E-061132 8.OOE-07 1.47E-06 6.76E-07 6.82E-05 2.25E-06 0.OOE+00 1.73E-061133 5.92E-06 7.32E-06 2.77E-06 1.36E-03 1.22E-05 0.OOE+00 2.95E-061134 4.19E-07 7.78E-07 3.58E-07 1.79E-05 1.19E-06 0.OOE+00 5.16E-071135 1.75E-06 3.15E-06 1.49E-06 2.79E-04 4.83E-06 0.OOE+00 2.40E-06CS134 2.34E-04 3.84E-04 8.10E-05 0.OOE+00 1.19E-04 4.27E-05 2.07E-06CS136 2.35E-05 6.46E-05 4.18E-05 0.OOE+00 3.44E-05 5.13E-06 2.27E-06CS137 3.27E-04 3.13E-04 4.62E-05 0.OOE+00 1.02E-04 3.67E-05 1.96E-06CS138 2.28E-07 3.17E-07 2.01E-07 0.OOE+00 2.23E-07 2.40E-08 1.46E-07BA139 4.14E-07 2.21E-10 1.20E-08 0.OOE+00 1.93E-10 1.30E-10 2.39E-05BA140 8.31E-05 7.28E-08 4.85E-06 0.OOE+00 2.37E-08 4.34E-08 4.21E-05BA141 2.OOE-07 1.12E-10 6.51E-09 0.OOE+00 9.69E-11 6.58E-10 1.14E-07BA142 8.74E-08 6.29E-11 4.88E-09 0.OOE+00 5.09E-11 3.70E-11 1.14E-09LA140 1.01E-08 3.53E-09 1.19E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.84E-05LA142 5.24E-10 1.67E-10 5.23E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.31E-05CE141 3.97E-08 1.98E-08 2.94E-09 0.OOE+00 8.68E-09 0.OOE+00 2.47E-05CE143 6.99E-09 3.79E-06 5.49E-10 0.OOE+00 1.59E-09 0.OOE+00 5.55E-05CE144 2.08E-06 6.52E-07 1.11E-07 0.OOE+00 3.61E-07 0.OOE+00 1.70E-04PR143 3.93E-08 1.18E-08 1.95E-09 0.OOE+00 6.39E-09 0.OOE+00 4.24E-05PR144 1.29E-10 3.99E-11 6.49E-12 0.OOE+00 2.11E-11 0.OOE+00 8.59E-08ND147 2.79E-08 2.26E-08 1.75E-09 0.OOE+00 1.24E-08 0.OOE+00 3.58E-05W187 4.29E-07 2.54E-07 1.14E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.57E-05NP239 5.25E-09 3.77E-10 2.65E-10 0.OOE+00 1.09E-09 0.OOE+00 2.79E-05 ODCMPage:Rev.:6419Table 3.2-13Factors for InfantInqestion Dose(mrem/pCi inqested)WHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLIH3C14NA24P32CR51MN54MN56FE55FE59C058C060NI63NI65CU64ZN6 5ZN69BR83BR84BR85RB86RB88RB89SR89SR90SR91SR92Y90Y91MY91Y92Y93ZR95ZR97NB95M099TC99Mo.OOE+002.37E-051.01E-051.70E-030. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+001.39E-053.08E-05o.OOE+000. OOE+006.34E-044. 70E-060. OOE+001.84E-059. 33E-08o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+002. 51E-031.85E-025 .OOE-051. 92E-058.69E-088. lE-101.13E-067.65E-092.43E-082.06E-071.48E-084.20E-080. OOE+001.92E-093.08E-075. 06E-061.01E-051.OOE-040. OOE+001. 99E-058.18E-078. 98E-065.38E-053.60E-061. 08E-053. 92E-055. 32E-076.09E-076.31E-051.68E-070. OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+001. 70E-044.98E-072. 86E-07o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+005. 02E-082. 54E-091.73E-083.40E-053.96E-093. 08E-075. 06E-061.01E-056.59E-051.41E-084. 51E-061.41E-072.40E-062.12E-058. 98E-062. 55E-052 .20E-052.42E-072. 82E-072. 91E-051.25E-083 .63E-073.82E-071.94E-088.40E-052. 73E-071.97E-077.20E-054. 71E-031.81E-067.13E-072.33E-092.76E-113.01E-082. 15E-106.62E-103. 56E-081.16E-091.OOE-086.63E-065. 1OE-083. 08E-075.06E-061.01E-050. OOE+009.20E-09o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000 .OOE+00o.OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000 .OOE+000 .OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+003.08E-075.06E-061.01E-050. OOE+002. 01E-094.41E-067.03E-07o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+001.03E-063.06E-056.98E-080. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+005.41E-082. 56E-091.24E-085. 08E-054.26E-083. 08E-075.06E-061.01E-050 .OOE+001.79E-080. OOE+000. OOE+004.39E-061.59E-05o.OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+00o.OOE+000 .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+00o .OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+000. OOE+002. 07E-093. 08E-075.06E-061.01E-052.30E-054. 11E-077.31E-067. 43E-051.14E-062.57E-058. 97E-062. 57E-051.95E-064. 05E-051.25E-055.33E-051.37E-05o.OOE+00o.OOE+000. OOE+004 .35E-064. 85E-079 .74E-085 .16E-052. 31E-045. 92E-052. 07E-041 .20E-042. 70E-068. lE-051.46E-041. 92E-042. 50E-051. 62E-041 .46E-051 .12E-051 .15E-06 ODCMPage: 65Rev.: 19Table 3.2-13 (Cont.)Ingestion Dose Factors for InfantWHOLEISOTOPE BONE LIVER BODY THYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LLITC101 2.27E-09 2.86E-09 2.83E-08 0.OOE+00 3.40E-08 1.56E-09 4.86E-07RU103 1.48E-06 0.OOE+00 4.95E-07 0.OOE+00 3.08E-06 0.OOE+00 1.80E-05RU105 1.36E-07 0.OOE+00 4.58E-08 0.OOE+00 1.OOE-06 0.OOE+00 5.41E-05RU106 2.41E-05 0.OOE+00 3.01E-06 0.OOE+00 2.85E-05 0.OOE+00 1.83E-04AG1IOM 9.96E-07 7.27E-07 4.81E-07 0.OOE+00 1.04E-06 0.OOE+00 3.77E-05TE125M 2.33E-05 7.79E-06 3.15E-06 7.84E-06 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 1.11E-05TE127M 5.85E-05 1.94E-05 7.08E-06 1.69E-05 1.44E-04 0.OOE+00 2.36E-05TE127 1.OOE-06 3.35E-07 2.15E-07 8.14E-07 2.44E-06 0.OOE+00 2.10E-05TE129M 1.OOE-04 3.43E-05 1.54E-05 3.84E-05 2.50E-04 0.OOE+00 5.97E-05TE129 2.84E-07 9.79E-08 6.63E-08 2.38E-07 7.07E-07 0.OOE+00 2.27E-05TE131M 1.52E-05 6.12E-06 5.05E-06 1.24E-05 4.21E705 0.OOE+00 1.03E-04TE131 1.76E-07 6.50E-08 4.94E-08 1.57E-07 4.50E-07 0.OOE+00 7.11E-06TE132 2.08E-05 1.03E-05 9.61E-06 1.52E-05 6.44E-05 0.OOE+00 3.81E-051130 6.OOE-06 1.32E-05 5.30E-06 1.48E-03 1.45E-05 0.OOE+00 2.83E-061131 3.59E-05 4.23E-05 1.86E-05 1.39E-02 4.94E-05 0.OOE+00 1.51E-061132 1.66E-06 3.37E-06 1.20E-06 1.58E-04 3.76E-06 0.OOE+00 2.73E-061133 1.25E-05 1.82E-05 5.33E-06 3.31E-03 2.14E-05 0.OOE+00 3.08E-061134 8.69E-07 1.78E-06 6.33E-07 4.15E-05 1.99E-06 0.OOE+00 1.84E-061135 3.64E-06 7.24E-06 2.64E-06 6.49E-04 8.07E-06 0.OOE+00 2.62E-06CS134 3.77E-04 7.03E-04 7.10E-05 0.OOE+00 1.81E-04 7.42E-05 1.91E-06CS136 4.59E-05 1.35E-04 5.04E-05 0.OOE+00 5.38E-05 1.10E-05 2.05E-06CS137 5.22E-04 6.11E-04 4.33E-05 0.OOE+00 1.64E-04 6.64E-05 1.91E-06CS138 4.81E-07 7.82E-07 3.79E-07 0.OOE+00 3.90E-07 6.09E-08 1.25E-06BA139 8.81E-07 5.84E-10 2.55E-08 0.OOE+00 3.51E-10 3.54E-10 5.58E-05BA140 1.71E-04 1.71E-07 8.81E-06 0.OOE+00 4.06E-08 1.05E-07 4.20E-05BA141 4.25E-07 2.91E-10 1.34E-08 0.OOE+00 1.75E-10 1.77E-10 5.19E-06BA142 1.84E-07 1.53E-10 9.06E-09 0.OOE+00 8.81E-11 9.26E-11 7.59E-07LA140 2.11E-08 8.32E-09 2.14E-09 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 9.77E-05LA142 1.10E-09 4.04E-10 9.67E-11 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 6.86E-05CE141 7.87E-08 4.80E-08 5.65E-09 0.OOE+00 1.48E-08 0.OOE+00 2.48E-05CE143 1.48E-08 9.82E-06 1.12E-09 0.OOE+00 2.86E-09 0.OOE+00 5.73E-05CE144 2.98E-06 1.22E-06 1.67E-07 0.OOE+00 4.93E-07 0.OOE+00 1.71E-04PR143 8.13E-08 3.04E-08 4.03E-09 0.OOE+00 1.13E-08 0.OOE+00 4.29E-05PR144 2.74E-10 1.06E-10 1.38E-11 0.OOE+00 3.84E-11 0.OOE+00 4.93E-06ND147 5.53E-08 5.68E-08 3.48E-09 0.OOE+00 2.19E-08 0.OOE+00 3.60E-05W187 9.03E-07 6.28E-07 2.17E-07 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 0.OOE+00 3.69E-05NP239 1.11E-08 9.93E-10 5.61E-10 0.OOE+00 1.98E-09 0.OOE+00 2.87E-05 ODCMPage:Rev.:6619Table 3.2-14for the Maximum Exposed IndividualAnnual Usacre FactorsPathwayInfantFruits, vegetables &grain (kg/yr)*Leafyvegetables(kg/yr)Child52026330Teen Adult6304240052064310Milk (L/yr)330Meat & poultry(kg/yr)Inhalation (m3/yr)4165 1101400370080008000Consists of the following (on a mass basis): 22% fruit,54% vegetables (including leafy vegetables), and 24% grain.Table 3.2-15Annual Usage Factors for the AverageIndividual**PathwayInfantChild200Teen AdultFruits, vegetables &grain (kg/yr)*Milk (L/yr)Meat & poultry(kg/yr)Inhalation (m3/yr)170373700240200598000190110958000* Consists of the following (on a mass basis): 22% fruit,54% vegetables (including leafy vegetables), and 24% grain.** For total population and average individual dose calculations.

ODCMRev.: 19Page: 67Figure 3.2-1PNPP Site Boundary and Unrestricted AreaMmmx ARA----IUARY Pm LEquIxDU1 uu mo_______ BOUNDARY RE000- _ _LPOW A 1W WS LIMU VEA3 VIN. INv ean'9-0--o---m aI -Wpm am Ir if sOE The boundary lI nealong the lake shore appliesonly to liquid effluent.unrestricted area boundary.U EI I-- -!AREA ODCMPage: 68Rev.: 193.3 10CFR50, Appendix I Compliance -Gaseous Effluent DoseDoses resulting from the release of noble gases, radioiodines, tritiumand radionuclides in particulate form must be calculated to showcompliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I. The calculations will be performedat least monthly for all gaseous effluents.3.3.1 Noble Gases10CFR50, Appendix I, Section II.B.I, limits the releases of gaseouseffluents from each reactor to unrestricted areas such that theestimated annual gamma air dose is limited to 10 millirads and thebeta air dose is limited to 20 millirads. The external dose pathwayonly will be considered for noble gases. The controlling locationfor the above stated dose limits is the nearest site boundarylocation for the period of release.ODCM Appendix C controls limit the dose resulting from the releaseof noble gas radionuclides in gaseous effluents to the following:a. For gamma radiation, during the current quarter:Dair 5 mrads,b. For beta radiation, during the current quarter:Dair 1 10 mrads,c. For gamma radiation, during the current year:Dair 10 mrads,d. For beta radiation, during the current year:Dair 20 mrads.3.3.2 Radioiodines, Particulates, and Other Radionuclides10CFR50, Appendix I, Section II.C, limits the annual release ofradioiodines and radioactive materials in particulate form from eachreactor such that estimated dose or dose commitment to an individualin an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure is not inexcess of 15 mrem to any organ. The controlling location for thisorgan dose limit is the nearest site boundary, the deposition (D/Q)for the period of release, and the receptor pathway. Receptorpathway locations will be reviewed once per year following theperformance of the Land Use Census to include consideration ofnearest residences, garden, and farm animal locations in eachsector.

ODCMPage: 69Rev.: 19ODCM, Appendix C, CONTROLS limit the dose resultant from the releaseof iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, and all radionuclides inparticulate form with half-lives greater than eight days to thefollowing:a. During the current quarter:Dose to Any Organ 7.5 mremsb. During the current year:Dose to Any Organ 15 mrems.3.3.3 Dose CalculationsThe following calculations are used to determine gamma and beta airdoses resultant from noble gas release to areas at or beyond thesite boundary for purpose of showing compliance with 10CFR50,Appendix I. The equations used to calculate organ doses resultantfrom the release of iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium, andradionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than eightdays are those found in Section 3.2.3.Dose values are obtained by applying the dose rates over theappropriate surveillance or sampling time period.a. Gamma Air Dose from Noble Gas ReleasesDair = (3.15xlO)(v/Q)(Qi)(DFY)Where:D -the annual gamma air dose due to noble gasairradionuclides, mrad/yr;DF = the gamma air dose factor for a uniformisemi-infinite cloud of radionuclide "i", fromTable 3.3-1, (mrad m3)/(s Ci);Qi = the release rate of radionuclide "i", ýiCi/s;x/Q = the annual average dispersion factor (seeAppendix A), s/m3;13.15x10 = the conversion factor to convert (mrad*pCi)/(Ci*s)to mrad/yr.

ODCMPage: 70Rev.: 19b. Beta Air dose from Noble Gas ReleasesDOir= (3.15xl01)X(Qv )(Qi)(DFP)Where:D ai = the annual beta air dose due to noble gasairradionuclides, mrad/yr;DF = the beta air dose factor for a uniform semi-infinitecloud of radionuclide "i", from Table 3.3-1, (mradm3) / (Ci S) ;Qi = the release rate of radionuclide "i", pCi/s;x/Q = the annual average dispersion factor (seeAppendix A), s/m3;3.15xi01 = the conversion factor to convert (mrad*gCi)/(Ci*s)to mrad/yr.3.3.4 Cumulation of DosesThe dose contribution from gaseous effluents will be calculated atleast monthly. Calculations will be performed to determine themaximum air dose as well as the maximum organ dose to an individual.These dose calculations will be summed for comparison with quarterlyand annual limits. To assure compliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I,the dose limits for air dose and organ dose are those found inSections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, respectively. The quarterly limitsspecified in those sections represent one half of the annual designobjectives. If these limits are exceeded, a special report will besubmitted to the NRC in accordance with ODCM Appendix C controls.

ODCMPage:Rev.:7119Table 3.3-1Gamma and Beta Air Dose Factors for Semi-Infinite Plume(mrad/s per Ci/m3)Gamma AirDose Factor(DF ~Ar-41Kr-83mKr-85mKr-85Kr-87Kr-88Kr-89Kr-90Xe-131mXe-133mXe-133Xe-135mXe-135Xe-137Xe-1382.95+026.12-013.90+015.45-011.96+024.82+025.48+025.14+024.95+001.04+011.12+011.07+026.09+014.79+012.92+02Beta AirDose Factor(DF ~1.04+029.13+006.24+016.18+013.27+029.29+013.36+022 .48+023 .53+014 .69+013.33+012.34+017.80+014 .03+021.51+023.3.5 Projection of DosesAnticipated doses resulting from the release of gaseous effluentswill be projected monthly. The doses calculated for the presentmonth will be used as the projected doses unless information existsindicating that actual releases could differ significantly in thenext month. In this case the source term will be adjusted toreflect this information and the justification for the adjustmentnoted.If the sum of the projected doses for the 31-day period exceeds0.3 mrem to any organ, appropriate portions of the ventilationexhaust treatment system will be operated to reduce releases. Thevalues for the projected dose impact levels correspond to about oneforty-eighth of the 10CFR50, Appendix I dose limits. If continuedfor a year, these values would correspond to less than one-fourth ofthe 10CFR5O, Appendix I dose limits.3.4 Population DosePNPP's Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports, as required byRegulatory Guide 1.21, will include total population dose and averageindividual doses calculated for all radioactive gaseous effluentreleases. The total population dose and average individual dose will becomputed, taking into account geographical population distribution andpathway(s) using the equations in Section 3.2. However, the dosefactors, DFaijp, differ; total population and average individual doses are ODCMPage: 72Rev.: 19calculated in a manner similar to that used for maximum individualsexcept that Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, assumptions for averageindividuals are used rather than for maximum exposed individuals and theyare averaged over all age groups after weighting by the fraction ofpopulation in each age group.4.0 TOTAL DOSE4.1 40CFR190 and lOCFR72.104 Compliance -Uranium Fuel Cycle DoseAnnual dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluent releases, asdiscussed in Sections 2.3.2 and 3.3.4, are summed to evaluate compliancewith the 40CFR190 and IOCFR72.104 annual limit of 25 mrem whole body orany organ (except the thyroid, which is 75 mrem).PNPP does not intend to exceed 40CFR190 or IOCFR72.104 limits duringnormal operation. However, if such a situation should occur, violationswould be handled as per ODCM Appendix C Control 3/4.11.4a. which requiresthe following:With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materials inliquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits ofControl,,,, or3.11.2.3b., calculations shall be made including direct radiationcontributions from the reactor units, from the ISFSI and from outsidestorage tanks to determine whether the above limits of Control 3.11.4have been exceeded. If such is the case, prepare and submit to theCommission within 30 days, pursuant to Control 6.9.2, a Special Reportthat defines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequentreleases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits and includesthe schedule for achieving conformance with the above limits. ThisSpecial Report, as defined in IOCFR20.405c, shall include an analysisthat estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLICfrom uranium fuel cycle sources, including all effluent pathways anddirect radiation, for the calendar year that includes the release(s)covered by this report. It shall also describe levels of radiation andconcentrations of radioactive material involved, and the cause of theexposure levels or concentrations. If the estimated dose(s) exceeds theabove limits, and if the release condition resulting in violation of40CFR190 has not already been corrected, the Special Report shall includea request for a variance in accordance with the provisions of 40CFRl90.Submittal of the report is considered a timely request, and a variance isgranted until staff action on the request is complete.This Special Report shall contain:1. A determination of which fuel cycle facilities or operations, inaddition to the nuclear power reactor unit(s) at the site,contribute to the annual dose to the maximum exposed individual.Nuclear fuel facilities over five miles from PNPP need not beconsidered in this determination.

ODCMPage: 73Rev.: 192. A determination of the maximum exposed individual.3. A determination of the total annual dose to this person from allexisting pathways and sources of radioactive effluents and directradiation using the methodologies described in this ODCM. Whereadditional information on pathways and nuclides is needed, the bestavailable information will be used and documented.4. A determination of the dose resulting from direct radiation from theplant and storage facilities, including the ISFSI.The whole body and organ doses resulting from liquid effluents from thePNPP will be summed with the doses resulting from gaseous releases ofnoble gases, radioiodines, tritium, and particulates with half-linesgreater than eight days when any of the dose limits outlined inSections 2.3.2, 3.3.1 or 3.3.2 are exceeded by a factor of two. Thedoses from the PNPP will be summed with the dose to the maximum exposedindividual contributed from other operations of the uranium fuel cycle.4.2 Direct Radiation Dose from PNPP(including the ISFSI)Potential direct radiation dose to individuals outside PNPP will arisefrom (a) skyshine and direct dose from the turbines, (b) direct dose fromthe external surfaces of buildings, and (c) direct dose from storedradwaste.Coolant activation by high energy neutrons, the 016(n,p)N16 reaction, isof interest in boiling water reactors, like PNPP, because it can resultin turbine skyshine and direct dose. The N-16 present in the steam of adirect cycle BWR is carried with the steam into the turbine moistureseparators, and associated equipment. Although N-16 has a half-life of7.13 seconds, its gamma emission can present a radiation dose problem tothe site boundary as a result of the high energy gamma scatter fromstructures and the atmosphere.All external walls of buildings at PNPP have been designed to attenuateradiation sources from within the plant to maximum of 0.5 mrem/h outside,with an expected radiation dose not to exceed 0.25 mrem/h.Projected direct radiation dose assessment for normal operations wasperformed, based on 80% load factor and 100% occupancy, for the closestsite boundary location (WSW sector). Direct dose from turbine skyshinewas calculated to be 1.3 mrem/yr and direct dose from the surface ofbuildings was calculated to be 2.2 E-3 mrem/yr.Direct radiation doses at PNPP will be measured by self-containeddosimeters encircling the site located in the general area of the siteboundary. These self-contained dosimeters will be of thethermoluminescent variety (TLDs) with analyses performed quarterly andannually.

ODCMPage: 74Rev.: 194.3 Dose to Members of the Public While OnsiteODCM Appendix C Control requires "assessment of the radiationdoses from radioactive liquid and gaseous effluents to members of thepublic due to their activities inside the site boundary." Thisassessment is included in Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reporting.A member of the public is defined in ODCM Appendix C to include anyonewho is not occupationally associated with the plant, i.e., not a utilityemployee, contractor or vendor. Also excluded from this category is anyperson who enters the site to service equipment or make deliveries.Maximum dose to member of the public while onsite is conservativelyassessed relative to offsite dose values. The assessment methodologyincorporates use of appropriate dilution, dispersion, and occupancyfactors for onsite activities.The only liquid effluent dose pathway affecting members of the publicwhile onsite is shore exposure, which is assumed to be fishing on theLake Erie shoreline. Onsite dose assessment is made via ratio to themaximum calculated offsite shore exposure dose, using adjustments foroccupancy factor and liquid effluent dilution.Several cases are considered for gaseous effluent dose assessment tomember of the public while onsite including: traversing a public roadwithin the site boundary, lakeshore fishing, non-PNPP related trainingsessions at the Training and Education Center, car pooling to the PrimaryAccess Control Point (PACP) parking lot, and job applicant interviews.This evaluation is made using "relative x/Q" (atmospheric dispersion)values. "Relative x/Q" values are the product of the highest annualaverage X/Q for the point of concern, and occupancy factor for the case.The ratio of the highest onsite "relative x/Q" to the highest siteboundary "relative x/Q" is used as an adjustment factor. (A unityoccupancy factor is used in the determination of the highest siteboundary "relative x/Q"). A conservative onsite dose determination ismade by applying the "relative x/Q" adjustment factor for the highestpotential onsite dose activity to the highest calculated gaseous effluentoffsite dose.5.0 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM5.1 Monitoring ProgramEnvironmental samples shall be collected and analyzed according toTable 5.1-1 at locations shown in Figures 5.1-1, 5.1-2 and 5.1-3. TheRadiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) sample locations arecontrolled by REMP-0013. A list and figures of the specific locationsare contained in the Master List of Sampling Locations in the REMP file.Analytical techniques used shall ensure that the detection capabilitiesin Table 5.1-3 are achieved.

ODCMPage: 75Rev.: 19Ground water sampling will not be conducted as part of PNPP's REMPbecause this source is not tapped for drinking or irrigation purposes inthe area of the plant. The position of the plant and the underdrainsystem with respect to the hydraulic gradient is such that any leakage oroverflow from the underdrain system will flow north towards Lake Erie.Local domestic wells outside the exclusion area boundary are up-gradientfrom the plant. As part of the REMP, samples will be routinely collectedfrom the closest potable water intakes on Lake Erie.The results of the radiological environmental monitoring program areintended to supplement the results of the radiological effluentmonitoring by verifying that the measurable concentrations of radioactivematerials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on thebasis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmentalexposure pathways. Thus, the specified environmental monitoring programprovides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in thoseexposure pathways and for those radionuclides which lead to the highestpotential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the stationoperation. The initial radiological environmental monitoring program wasconducted for the first three years of commercial operation; programchanges may now be proposed based on operational experience.5.2 Land Use Census ProgramA Land Use Census shall be conducted annually to identify, within adistance of 8 km (5 miles), the location in each of the meteorologicalsectors of the nearest residence, the nearest garden* greater than 50m2(500 ft2) and the nearest milk-producing animal.If a Land Use Census identifies a location(s) that yields a calculateddose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) 20% greater thanat the location from which samples are currently being obtained the newlocation(s) will be added to the radiological environmental monitoringprogram within 30 days. The sampling location(s), excluding the controlstation location, having the lowest calculated dose or dosecommitment(s), via the same exposure pathway, may be deleted from thismonitoring program after October 31 of the year in which this Land UseCensus was conducted.The Land Use Census shall be conducted during the growing season at leastonce per 12 months using that information that will provide the bestresults, such as by a door-to-door survey, aerial survey, generalobservations, or by consulting local agriculture authorities. Theresults of the Land Use Census shall be included in the AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report.Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different types ofvegetation may be performed at the site boundary in each of twodifferent sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of thegarden census. Specifications for broad leaf vegetation sampling inTable 5.1-1 shall be followed, including analysis of controlsamples.

ODCMPage: 76Rev.: 195.3 Inter-Laboratory Comparison ProgramThe laboratories of the licensee and/or licensee's contractors whichperform analyses shall participate in an Interlaboratory ComparisonProgram which has been approved by the Commission. This participationshall include all of the determinations (sample medium-radionuclidecombinations) that are included in the monitoring program. The resultsof analysis of these comparison samples shall be included in the AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report.If the results of a determination in the comparison crosscheck programare outside the specified control limits, the laboratory shallinvestigate the cause of the problem and take steps to correct it. Theresults of this investigation and corrective action shall be included inthe Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

ODCMRev.: 19Table 5.1-1RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMPage: 77Exposure Pathwayand/or SampleNumber of Samples andSample Location(l)Sampling andCollection FrequencyType and Frequencyof Analysis1. Direct Radiation(2)Twenty eight routine monitoringstations either with two or moredosimeters or with one instrument formeasuring and recording dose ratecontinuously, placed as follows:An inner ring of stations, one ineach meteorological sector, otherthan those sectors entirely overwater (N, NE, NNE, NNW, NW, W,WNW), in the general area of theSITE BOUNDARY;An outer ring of stations, one ineach meteorological sector, otherthan those sectors entirely overwater (N, NNE, NNW, NW, W, WNW), inthe 6- to 8- km range from thesite; andThe balance of the stations to beplaced in special interest areassuch as population centers, nearbyresidences,, schools, and in one ortwo areas to serve as controlstations.QuarterlyGamma dose quarterly ODCMRev.: 19Page: 78Table 5.1-1 (Cont.)RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMExposure Pathwayand/or SampleNumber of Samples andSample Location(l)Sampling andCollection FrequencyType and Frequencyof Analysis2. AirborneRadio-iodine and Samples from five locations:ParticulateThree samples from close to thethree SITE BOUNDARY locations, indifferent sectors, of the highestcalculated annual averageground-level D/Q;Continuous sampleroperation with samplecollection weekly, ormore frequently, ifrequired by dustloading.Radio-Iodine Canister:1-131 analysis weeklyParticulate Sampler:Gross beta radioactivityanalysis following filterchange (3);Gamma isotopic analysis(4)of composite (by location)quarterly.One sample from the vicinity of acommunity having the highestcalculated annual average groundlevel D/Q; andOne sample from a control location,as for example 15 to 30 km distantand in the least prevalent winddirection.

ODCMRev.: 19Table 5.1-1 (Cont.)RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMPage: 79Exposure Pathwayand/or Sample3. WaterborneNumber of Samples andSample Location(1)Sampling andCollection FrequencyType and Frequencyof Analysisa. SurfaceTwo samplesComposite sample over1-month period(5).b. DrinkingOne sample of each of one to three ofthe nearest water supplies that couldbe affected by its discharge.One sample from a control location.Composite sample over2-week period(5) when1-131 analysis isperformed; monthlycomposite otherwise.Gamma isotopic analysis(4)monthly.Composite for tritiumanalysis quarterly.1-131 analysis on eachcomposite when the dosecalculated from theconsumption of the wateris greater than 1 mrem peryear. (6)Composite for gross betaand gamma isotopicanalysis(4) monthly.Composite for tritiumanalysis quarterly.Gamma isotopic analysis(4)semi-annually.c. Sediment fromShorelineOne sample from area with existing orpotential recreational value.Semi-annually.

ODCMRev.: 19Page: 80Table 5.1-1 (Cont.)RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMExposure Pathwayand/or SampleNumber of Samples andSample Location(1)Sampling andCollection FrequencyType and Frequencyof Analysis4. Ingestiona. Milkb. Fish andInvertebratesSamples from milking animals in threelocations within 5 km distance havingthe highest dose potential. If thereare none, then one sample frommilking animals in each of threeareas between 5 to 8 km distant wheredoses are calculated to be greaterthan 1 mrem per yr(6). One samplefrom milking animals at a controllocation 15 to 30 km distant and inthe least prevalent wind direction.Two or more commercially and/orrecreationally important species invicinity of the plant discharge area.One sample of same species in areasnot influenced by plant discharge.Samples of three different kinds ofbroad leaf vegetation grown nearestto each of two different offsitelocations of highest predicted annualaverage ground level D/Q, if milksampling is not performed.One sample of each of the similarbroad leaf vegetation grown 15 to30 km distant in the least prevalentwind direction, if milk sampling isnot performed.Semi-monthly whenanimals are onpasture;Monthly at othertimes.One sample in season.Gamma isotopic analysis(4)and 1-131 analysissemi-monthly when animalsare on pasture; monthly atother times.Gamma isotopic analysis(4)on edible portions.c. FoodProductsMonthly during growingseason.Gamma isotopic analysis(4)and 1-131 analysis.Monthly during growingseason.Gamma isotopic analysis(4)and 1-131 analysis.

ODCM Rev.: 19 Page: 81RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMTable Notations(1) Deviations are permitted from the required sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due tocircumstances such as hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, and malfunction of automatic samplingequipment. If specimens are unobtainable due to sampling equipment malfunction, effort shall be made tocomplete corrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. All deviations from the samplingschedule shall be documented in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to <ODCMAppendix C Control>. It is recognized that, at times, it may not be possible or practicable tocontinue to obtain samples of the media of choice at the most desired location or time. In these instancessuitable specific alternative media and locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question andappropriate substitutions made with in the thirty days.(2) One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuring and recording dose rate continuouslymay be used in place of, or in addition to, integrating dosimeters. For the purposes of this table, athermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; two or more phosphors in a packet areconsidered as two or more dosimeters.(3) Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross beta radioactivity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more aftersampling to allow for radon and thoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samples isgreater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gamma isotopic analysis shall be performed on theindividual samples.1(4) Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radionuclides that maybe attributable to the effluents from the facility.(5) A composite sample is one in which the quantity (aliquot) of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity ofliquid and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen that is representative. In thisprogram composite sample aliquots shall be collected at time intervals that are very short (e.g., hourly)relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) in order to assure obtaining a representative sample.(6) The dose shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, using the methodology and parameters withinthis manual.

ODCMRev.: 19 Page: 82Table 5.1-2Reporting Levels for Radioactivity Concentrations in Environmental SamplesWaterANALYSIS (pCi/l)AIRBORNE PARTICULATEOR GASES (pCi/m3)FISH(pCi/kg, wet)MILK(pCi/l)FOOD PRODUCTS(pCi/kg, wet)H-3 2 x 104 (a)Mn-54 1 x 103Fe-59 4 x 102Co-58 1 x 103Co-60 3 x 102Zn-65 3 x 102Zr-Nb-95 4 x 1021-131 2 x 10o (b)Cs-134 3 x 101Cs-137 5 x 101Ba-La-140 2 x 102(a) For drinking water samples. The valuevalue of 30,000 pCi/L may be used.(b) If no drinking water pathway exists, a31312XXxXX1041041041041049 X 10-'1 X 1012 x 10112X 103X 1033 x 1006 x 1017 x 1013 x 1021 x 1021 x 1032 X 103given is the 40CFR141 value. If no drinking water pathway exists, avalue of 20 pCi/L may be used.

ODCMRev.: 19Page: 83Table 5.1-3Detection Capabilities for Environmental Sample Analysis and (a)(b)Lower Limit of Detection (LLD)Water(DCi/I)AIRBORNEPARTICULATEOR GASES (DCi/m3)FISH(DCi/kcr, wet)MILK(pCi/I)FOOD PRODUCTS(pCi/kg, wet)SEDIMENT(pCi/kg, dry)ANALYSIS(c)Gross BetaH-3Mn-54Fe-59Co-58, 60Zn-65Nb-95Zr-951-131Cs-134Cs-137Ba-140La-140421.531.531.5311.51.861.5x 100X 103 (d)x 101x 10'x 101x 10'x 101x 101X i0°(e)x 10'x 101x 101x 1011 X 10- x 10-25 X 10-26 X 10-21.3 x 1021.5 x 1021 x 1001.5 x 1011.8 x 10'6 x 1011.5 x 1016 x 1016 x 1018 x 1011.5 X 1021.8 x 102a Required detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used for environmental measurements shall be inaccordance with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 4.13, except for specification regarding energydependence. Correction factors shall be provided for energy ranges not meeting the energy dependencespecification.b The methodology for determining the LLD is contained in Appendix B.c This list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered. Other peaks that are identifiable,together with those of the above nuclides, shall also be analyzed and reported in the Annual RadiologicalEnvironmental Operating Report pursuant to Control For these radionuclides in ODCM Appendix CTable 4.12-1 which are not detected, the typical LLDs for the measurement system will be separately reported inthe annual report.d If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3 x 103 pCi/L may be used.e If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 1.5 x 101 pCi/L may be used.

ODCMPage:Rev.:8419Table 5.1-4Sample Locations( 1 ) Identified on Fiqures 5.1-1, 5.1-2 and 5.1-3ODCM REMPLocation-.7 L23456 -710111213152123252829303132333536375-3545556657 ,0wDescriptionChapel RoadKanda GardenMeteorological TowerSite BoundaryQuincy SubstationConcord Service CenterSite BoundarySite BoundarySite BoundarySite BoundaryParmly Rd.Site Boundary2Madison-on- the-LakeHubbard Rd.Eagle St. SubstationKijauskas FarmHardy Rd.High St. SubstationSt. Clair Ave.Offshore -PNPP dischargeCEI Ashtabula Plant IntakeRiver Rd..Lane Rd.Wood and River Rd.Offshore -MentorRiver Rd.Site Boundary --Lake County Water PlantGerlica FarmNeff PerkinsHale Rd. SchoolCenter Rd.Madison High SchoolAntioch Rd.Lake Shoreline at Green Rd.Lake Shoreline at Perry ParkMajor Stream MouthH&H Farm Standmiles3. WENEEESEEWSWWSWSWNNWENESSE-SSWSENWSWEWSWENEWSWSW -S-ESEE~NEENE-WSWWSSWDirectionMedia( 2TLD, AIPFood ProductsTLDJ TLD, AIPTLD.... TLD, A.PTLD, AIPTLDTLDf_TLDTLDTLDTLDPrdcTLDTLDTLDFishK TLDTLDFishTLDTLD, WaterFood ProductsTLD-TLDTLDTLD --TLD _ _WaterwaterSedimentFood Products(1)(2)Missing location numbers denote deleted, retired or non-ODCM required sampling locations.AIP = Air, Iodine and ParticulateVeg = VegetationTLD= Thermoluminescent DosimeterI %q %ILI ODCMPage:Rev.:8519Figure 5.1-1ODCM required REMP sample locations within two miles of PNPPNNWNNNENWWNWWWSWSWNEENEEESESESSWSSSEI0I2 MILES1 0 1 2 MILES ODCMPage:Rev.:8619Figure 5.1-2ODCM required REMP sample locations between two and eight miles of PNPPSWSSW S ssese0 1 2 3 4 510 MILES012345 10 MILES ODCM Rev.: 19Figure 5.1-3ODCM required REMP sample locations greater than eight miles from PNPPPage: 875 0 5 10 15 20 MILES ODCMPage: 88Rev.: 19Appendix AAtmospheric Dispersion and Deposition Parameters ODCMPage: 89Rev.: 19The atmospheric dispersion and deposition parameters used to calculategaseous effluent doses will be calculated using the following equations.Dose calculations will be performed using meteorological conditionsconcurrent with the time of release of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents or using historical average atmospheric conditions. Allatmospheric releases at PNPP are considered to be ground-level releases.a. Constant Mean Wind Direction Relative Dispersion Factor= (2.032)(Tf) (A-1)YQ (ii)x)(a)Where:X/Q = the annual average dispersion factor, s/m3;TE = the terrain correction factor, from FSAR Table 2.3-26,dimensionless;U = the wind speed (measured at 10m), in m/s;x = the distance of calculation, in m;2.032 = (2/n)% divided by the width in radians of a 22.5°sectorHe 23/21/2the lesser of 2 + / or (oz)(3Where:Hc = the building height (44.8m);Uz = the vertical dispersion coefficient, per RegulatoryGuide 1.111, in m.b. Depleted Relative Dispersion Factorx/Qd = 0(/Q)(DPrij) (A-2)Where:X/Qd = the depleted relative dispersion factor (for airbornehalogens and particulates), in s/m3;DPLj = the ground depletion factor for the "j"th distance,interpolated from Table A-l, dimensionless;x/Q = the annual average dispersion factor per equation A-l,s/m3.

ODCMPage:Rev.:9019c. Ground Deposition/ EPj)(Tf)(0.3927)(x)Where:(A-3)D/Q= the relative deposition per unit area (forparticulates), M-2;halogens andDEPj = the ground deposition factor for the "j"th distance,interpolated from Table A-l, m-1;Tf = terrain correction factor, from FSAR Table 2.3-26,dimensionless;x = the "j"th distance, m;0.3927 = radians per 22.50 sectorTable A-1Atmospheric Depletion and Deposition FactorsDepletionFactors(DPLj)DepositionFactors(DEPj, m-1)Pasquill StabilityDistance (meters)Class2005001,0002,0003,0006,00010,00030,00050,00080,000All0.9700.9360.9000.8600.8320.7700.7140.5900.5170.440All1.25E-048. OE-055.4E-053.2E-052.6E-051.5E-059. 9E-064.5E-063. OE-062. OE-06The following tables contain annual average atmospheric dispersion anddeposition parameters for long-term releases at PNPP. Long-term releases arethose that occur greater than 500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> per year. The highest annual averagerelative concentration (j/Q) value at the site boundary for sectors over landshall be used for radioactive gaseous effluent monitor setpoint calculations.The dispersion model used was XOQDOQ, with PNPP FSAR site-specific terrainadjustment factors included. Dispersion values are based on seven years ofmeteorological data (May 1, 1972 through April 30, 1974 and September 1, 1977through August 31, 1982), ground-level releases, sector spread for purgecalculations, and twelve wind speed classes.

ODCMPage:Rev.:9119Table A-2Site Boundary Atmospheric Dispersion (X/Q) and DepositionParameters (D/Q) for PNPP Unit 1SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWDISTANCE(MILES)0 .180.250.420 .670 .670 .670.790 .820.810.800.650.560. METER)5.7E-05"1.8E-05"5.8E-06"2. 1E-06*2. 2E-061. 6E-061. 4E-062 .2E-062. 7E-061. 3E-062. 3E-06*4. 2E-06"2. 5Eý05*5.9E-05*6. 6E-05*5 9E-05"D/Q(PER SQ. METER)1.6E-077.9E-083.1E-081.6E-081.8E-081.3E-081.1E-081.4E-081.6E-086.8E-091.1E-081.5E-084.6E-088.4E-081.1E-071.2E-07NOTE: All X/Q values are taken from the Updated Safety AnalysisReport (USAR) Table 2.3-27. All marked values (*) are from Unit 1USAR values, and the balance are Unit 2 values. In each case, themost conservative X/Q value is utilized.

ODCMPage:Rev.:9219Table A-3Atmospheric Dispersion (x/Q)as a Function of Distance (s/m3)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSE0.2(MILES)0.3(MILES)0.4(MILES)0.5(MILES)0.6(MILES)4. 904E-052. 656E-051. 859E-051. 327E-051. 363E-051. 025E-051. 113E-051. 894E-052. 283E-051. 142E-051.449E-052. 151E-054. 184E-054. 669E-054. 908E-054. 580E-050.7(MILES)6.138E-063.622E-062.662E-061.957E-061. 991E-061.501E-061.647E-062.796E-063. 327E-061.646E-062.053E-062. 927E-065. 11OE-065.434E-065.764E-065.439E-062.453E-051. 360E-059. 760E-067. 129E-067.362E-065.566E-066. 061E-061.022E-051.227E-056. 079E-067.663E-061. 1lIE-052. 081E-052.298E-052.423E-052. 266E-050.8(MILES)4. 968E-062. 947E-062. 165E-061.588E-061.613E-061.215E-061.334E-062.266E-062. 697E-061. 335E-061. 664E-062. 380E-064. 135E-064.378E-064.643E-064.385E-061. 525E-058. 640E-066.293E-064. 636E-064.760E-063. 602E-063. 935E-066. 647E-067. 932E-063. 925E-064.928E-067. 031E-061.281E-051.401E-051.482E-051.390E-050.9(MILES)4.203E-062.481E-061.815E-061.325E-061.343E-061.010E-061.108E-061. 885E-062.247E-061. 114E-061. 391E-062.002E-063.504E-063. 719E-063. 941E-063.720E-061.057E-056.082E-064.460E-063.293E-063.367E-062.547E-062. 788E-064.718E-065. 615E-052. 777E-063. 479E-064. 934E-068. 833E-069. 573E-061. 015E-059. 541E-061.0(MILES)3. 636E-062. 132E-061. 552E-061. 129E-061. 141E-068. 571E-079.402E-071. 601E-061. 911E-069. 486E-071. 188E-061. 719E-063. 036E-063 .235E-063 .425E-063. 230E-067. 918E-064. 612E-063.383E-062.490E-062.538E-061. 916E-062. 100E-063. 560E-064.238E-062. 097E-062.622E-063.733E-066. 606E-067. 093E-067. 521E-067. 083E-061.1(MILES)1. 949E-061.278E-069. 269E-076. 710E-076. 768E-075. 080E-074 .456E-075.524E-077.340E-075. 223E-075. 667E-078. 671E-071. 630E-061. 845E-061.952E-061. 839E-06SSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW ODCMPage:Rev.:9319Table A-3 (Cont.)Atmospheric Dispersion (y/Q)as a Function of Distance (s/m3)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSE1.2(MILES)1.3(MILES)1.4(MILES)1.5(MILES)1.6(MILES)1. 729E-061. 128E-068. 150E-075. 878E-075. 917E-074 .437E-073. 891E-074. 829E-076 .424E-074. 576E-074. 976E-077. 648E-071 .448E-061. 644E-061. 733E-061. 637E-061.7(MILES)1.074E-066. 867E-074.886E-073. 471E-073. 467E-072.590E-072.268E-072.827E-073.780E-072.706E-072. 968E-074. 639E-079. 037E-071.038E-061.095E-061.028E-061. 549E-061. 006E-067. 243E-075. 205E-075. 230E-073. 919E-073. 436E-074. 267E-075.684E-074. 054E-074.417E-076. 814E-071. 299E-061.479E-061. 563E-061.471E-061.8(MILES)9. 931E-076. 331E-074.494E-073. 184E-073. 177E-072. 371E-072. 076E-072.590E-073.466E-072.484E-072.727E-074.275E-078.365E-079. 622E-071. 015E-069. 527E-071.399E-069. 050E-076.494E-074. 652E-074. 667E-073.494E-073. 062E-073. 807E-075. 076E-073.624E-073. 955E- 076. 125E-071. 175E-061. 341E-061.416E-061.332E-061.9(MILES)9.226E-075. 864E-074. 153E-072. 936E-072. 925E-072. 182E-071. 910E-072.384E-073. 194E-072 .290E-072. 518E-073. 957E-077. 777E-078. 960E-079.445E-078. 865E-071.273E-068.202E-075. 867E-074. 190E-074. 197E-073. 140E-072. 751E-073.423E-074. 569E-073.266E-073. 570E-075. 547E-071.070E-061.224E-061.292E-061.214E-062.0(MILES)8. 604E-075.453E-073.854E-072.718E-072. 705E-072. 017E-071.765E-072.205E-072. 955E-072. 121E-072.335E-073.678E-077.258E-078. 375E-078. 826E-078 .281E-071. 166E-067.485E-075. 340E-073. 803E-073. 804E-072.843E-072.491E-073. 102E-074. 145E-072. 965E-073.246E-075. 060E-079. 809E-071. 124E-061. 186E-061. 115E-062.1(MILES)8. 052E-075. 090E-073.263E-072.526E-072.283E-071. 871E-071. 637E-071.407E-071. 373E-071.409E-072. 173E-075.303E-071.050E-061. 142E-068.275E-077. 761E-07SSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW ODCMPage:Rev.:9419Table A-3 (Cont.)Atmospheric DisDersion (7/0)as a Function of Distance (s/m3)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSE2.2(MILES)2.3(MILES)2.4(MILES)2.5(MILES)2.6(MILES)7.560E-074.766E-073. 050E-072.356E-072. 127E-071.743E-071. 524E-071.311E-071.280E-071.314E-072.030E-074. 964E-079. 867E-071. 075E-067.782E-077.297E-072.7(MILES)5. 734E-073.576E-072.268E-071.737E-071.560E-071.275E-071.115E-079. 613E-089.415E-089.697E-081.505E-073.716E-077.503E-078.220E-075. 945E-075.567E-077. 118E-074.477E-072.859E-072.205E-071.988E-071. 628E-071.424E-071.225E-071. 197E-071.230E-071.902E-074. 661E-079. 296E-071. 014E-067.339E-076.879E-072.8(MILES)5.460E-073. 398E-072. 152E-071.645E-071.477E-071.207E-071. 054E-079. 099E-088. 917E-089. 189E-081.428E-073.531E-077. 147E-077. 838E-075. 668E-075. 307E-076.720E-074. 217E-072.688E-072. 069E-071.864E-071. 525E-071. 334E-071.149E-071.123E-071. 154E-071.787E-074. 388E-078. 780E-079. 587E-076. 939E-076.502E-072.9(MILES)5. 208E-073. 235E-072. 046E-071. 562E-071 .401E-071. 144E-079. 996E-088. 630E-088 .462E-088. 725E-081. 357E-073. 360E-076. 820E-077 .487E-075. 413E-075. 067E-076. 359E-073. 982E-072. 534E-071. 947E-071. 752E-071 .433E-071 .253E-071. 080E-071.056E-071.087E-071.683E-074. 142E-078. 313E-079. 088E-076.576E-076. 161E-073.0(MILES)4.976E-073. 086E-071.949E-071.485E-071. 331E-071.087E-079.493E-088.200E-088. 044E-088. 299E-081.291E-073.204E-076. 519E-077.164E-075. 178E-074.846E-076.033E-073. 770E-072. 395E-071. 837E-071. 652E-071.351E-071. 181E-071. 018E-079. 963E-081. 025E-071. 590E-073. 920E-077. 891E-078. 636E-076.247E-075. 852E-073.1(MILES)4.762E-072. 948E-071. 859E-071.415E-071.267E-079. 399E-089. 031E-087. 805E-087. 661E-087. 907E- 081.231E-072. 520E-075.874E-077. 722E-075.412E-074.642E-07SSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW ODCMPage:Rev.:9519Table A-3 (Cont.)Atmospheric Dispersion (X/Q) as a Function of Distance (s/m3)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSE3.2(MILES)3.3(MILES)3.4(MILES)3.5(MILES)3.6(MILES)4.563E-072. 820E-071.777E-071.350E-071.208E-078. 958E-088.606E-087 .441E-087. 307E-087.546E-081.176E-072.410E-075.631E-077.409E-075. 192E-074.452E-073.7(MILES)3. 759E-072. 306E-071.444E-071.090E-079. 722E-087. 196E-086. 908E-085.987E-085. 892E-086.098E-089. 537E-081. 967E-074. 646E-076. 137E-074 .298E-073.682E-074. 379E-072.702E-071. 700E-071.290E-071. 154E-078.550E-088.213E-087. 105E-086. 980E-087.212E-081. 125E-072.308E-075.406E-077. 118E-074. 987E-074.276E-073.8(MILES)3.628E-072 .222E-071.390E-071. 048E-079.342E-086. 912E- 086. 635E-085. 753E-085. 664E-085. 865E-089. 178E-081. 896E-074.485E-076. 929E-074. 151E-073.556E-074.208E-072.592E-071.629E-071.234E-071. 103E-078. 173E-087. 849E-086. 794E-086. 678E-086. 902E-081. 077E-072.214E-075. 196E-076. 848E-074.797E-074. 112E-073.9(MILES)3.504E-072. 144E-071.339E-071. 009E-078. 987E-086.647E-086.380E-085.533E-085.451E-085. 646E-088.841E-081. 828E-074. 334E-075. 733E-074. 013E-073 .438E-074.047E-072 .489E-071.562E-071. 182E-071.056E-077. 821E-087. 510E-086. 503E-086. 395E-086. 613E-081. 033E-072. 125E-074. 999E-076.593E-074.618E-073. 958E-074.0(MILES)3. 388E-072. 070E-071.292E-079. 718E-088.653E-086.399E-086. 140E-085.328E-085. 251E-085.441E-088.525E-081.765E-074.191E-075. 548E-073.883E-073. 326E-073. 899E-072.395E-071.501E-071. 135E-071. 013E-077.499E-087. 200E-086. 237E-086. 136E-086.348E-089. 922E-082.044E-074.818E-076.359E-074.454E-073. 817E-074.1(MILES)2. 981E-071. 819E-071 .247E-079. 373E-088. 341E-086. 166E-085. 378E-085. 135E-085. 063E-085. 248E-088. 228E-081.462E-073. 043E-074. 180E-073. 761E-072. 928E-07SSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW ODCMPage:Rev.:9619Table A-3 (Cont.)Atmospheric Dispersion (y/Q)as a Function of Distance (s/m3)SECTOR4.2(MILES)4.3(MILES)4.4(MILES)4.5(MILES)4.6(MILES)NNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW2. 887E-071. 759E-071.205E-079. 047E-088. 046E-085. 946E-085. 186E-084.954E-084.886E-085. 067E-087. 948E-081.413E-072. 948E-074. 051E-073.645E-072. 837E-074.7(MILES)2.487E-071.507E-071.028E-077.676E-086.809E-085. 025E-084.379E-084.191E-084. 141E-084. 302E-086.767E-081.210E-072.543E-073. 505E-073.152E-072.452E-072. 798E-071. 703E-071. 166E-078.740E-087.769E-085.740E-085. 005E-084.783E-084. 719E-084. 896E-087.684E-081.368E-072.858E-073.930E-073. 536E-072. 752E-074.8(MILES)2.419E-071.464E-079. 975E-087.443E-086. 600E-084. 869E-084.244E-084. 063E-084. 015E-084. 173E-086.567E-081. 175E-072.474E-073.4l11E-073. 068E-072. 336E-072. 714E-071.650E-071.128E-078.451E-087.508E-085. 545E-084. 835E-084.622E-084. 562E-084. 735E-087.435E-081. 325E-072. 773E-073. 815E-073.432E-072. 671E-074.9(MILES)2.354E-071 .423E-079. 689E-087 .223E-086 .402E-084. 722E-084. 115E-083. 941E-083. 896E-084. 050E-086. 377E-081. 142E-072 .408E-073. 322E-072. 987E-072. 323E-072.634E-071.599E-071.093E-078.176E-087.260E-085. 361E-084.673E-084.469E-084 .413E-084. 581E-087. 198E-081. 284E-072. 691E-073. 706E-073. 333E-072. 593E-072. 559E-071.552E-071.059E-077. 921E-087. 030E-085. 189E-084.523E-084. 327E-084.274E-084.439E-086. 978E-081.246E-072. 616E-073.603E-073.241E-072.521E-07SECTOR5.0(MILES)NNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW2.292E-071.384E-079.416E-087. 014E-086.214E-084.582E-083. 992E-083. 825E-083. 782E-083. 934E-086. 196E-081.11OE-072.345E-073.237E-072. 910E-072.263E-07 ODCMPage:Rev.:9719Table A-4Atmospheric Dispersion (D/Q)as a Function of Distance (m-2)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSE0.2(MILES)0.3(MILES)0.4(MILES)0.5(MILES)0.6(MILES)1.396E-071. 107E-079. 733E-081.067E-071. 184E-078. 865E-089.402E-081.338E-071.429E-076. 094E-087.267E-087. 117E-087.129E-086. 970E-088. 904E-089. 623E-080.7(MILES)1. 954E-081.549E-081.362E-081.494E-081.658E-081.241E-081.316E-081.874E-082. OOOE-088.531E-091.017E-089. 963E-099. 980E-099. 757E-091.246E-081.347E-087.578E-086.008E-085.284E-085. 795E-086.429E-084.813E-085. 105E-087.266E-087. 757E-083. 309E-083. 945E-083. 864E-083. 870E-083. 784E-084. 834E-085. 225E-080.8(MILES)1. 560E-081.237E-081.088E-081.193E-081.323E-089. 905E-091. 051E-081.496E-081.597E-086.810E-098. 120E-097. 953E-097. 966E-097. 788E-099. 949E-091. 075E-084. 836E-083. 834E"083. 372E-083 .698E-084. 103E-083. 071E-083. 258E-084. 637E-084. 951E-082. 111E-082.518E-082.466E-082.470E-082.415E-083. 085E-083. 334E-080.9(MILES)1. 277E-081.013E-088.907E-099.768E-091.084E-088. 112E-098. 605E-091.225E-081.308E-085.577E-096.651E-096.513E-096.524E-096. 379E-098. 148E-098.807E-093. 383E-082. 682E-082. 359E-082. 587E-082. 870E-082. 149E-082. 279E-083. 244E-083.463E-081.477E-081. 761E-081. 725E-081. 728E-081. 689E-082. 158E-082. 332E-081.0(MILES)1.068E-088.465E-097.445E-098. 164E-099. 058E-096.781E-097. 192E-091.024E-081.093E-084.662E-095.559E-095.444E-095.453E-095. 332E-096. 811E-097 .361E-092. 516E-081. 995E-081.755E-081.924E-082. 135E-081. 598E-081. 695E-082.413E-082. 576E-081. 099E-081. 310E-081.283E-081.285E-081.256E-081. 605E-081.735E-081.1(MILES)5. 545E-094. 945E-094.350E-094.770E-095.292E-093. 961E-093.361E-093.480E-094. 128E-092. 521E-092. 598E-092. 678E-092.832E-092. 932E-093.745E-094.047E-09SSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW ODCMPage:Rev.:9819Table A-4 (Cont.)Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q)as a Function of Distance (m-2)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSwWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSE1.2(MILES)1.3(MILES)1.4(MILES)1.5(MILES)1.6(MILES)4.777E-094.260E-093.747E-094.109E-094.559E-093.413E-092.896E-092. 998E-093.556E-092. 172E-092.238E-092.307E-092.440E-092. 525E-093.226E-093.487E-091.7(MILES)2. 619E-092.336E-092.055E-092.253E-092.500E-091.871E-091.583E-091.644E-091.950E-091.191E-091.227E-091.265E-091.338E-091.385E-091. 769E-091. 912E-094.163E-093.713E-093.265E-093. 581E-093. 973E-092. 974E-092.524E-092. 612E-093. 099E-091.892E-091. 950E-092. 011E-092. 126E-092. 201E-092.811E-093. 039E-091.8(MILES)2. 371E-092. 115E-091.860E-092. 040E-092.263E-091.694E-091.437E-091.488E-091. 765E-091.078E-091. 111E-091. 145E-091.211E-091.254E-091. 601E-091.731E-093. 664E-093.268E-092.874E-093. 151E-093.497E-092.617E-092.221E-092.299E-092. 727E-091. 666E-091. 717E-091. 770E-091. 871E-091. 937E-092 .474E-092. 674E-091.9(MILES)2. 158E-091. 925E-091. 693E-091. 856E-092. 059E-091. 542E-091. 308E-091. 354E-091. 606E-099. 810E-101. 011E-091. 042E-091.102E-091. 141E-091.457E-091.575E-093. 252E-092. 900E-092. 551E-092. 797E-093. 104E-092. 323E-091. 971E-092. 041E-092 .421E-091.478E-091. 524E-091. 571E-091. 661E-091. 719E-092.196E-092.374E-092.0(MILES)1. 973E-091.760E-091.548E-091.697E-091.883E-091.410E-091.196E-091.238E-091.469E-098. 969E-109.244E-109. 530E-101.008E-091.043E-091.333E-091.440E-092. 910E-092.595E-092.283E-092. 503E-092 .777E-092. 079E-091.764E-091.826E-092. 166E-091.323E-091.363E-091.406E-091.486E-091.538E-091. 965E-092. 124E-092.1(MILES)1.812E-091.616E-091.292E-091.558E-091.572E-091.294E-091.098E-097. 816E-106. 743E-105. 883E-108.488E-101.352E-091.430E-091.393E-091.223E-091.322E-09SSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW ODCMPage:Rev.:9919Table A-4 (Cont.)Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q)as a Function of Distance (m-2)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSE2.2(MILES)2.3(MILES)2.4(MILES)2.5(MILES)2.6(MILES)1. 670E-091 .489E-091. 191E-091.436E-091.449E-091. 193E-091. 012E-097. 204E-106.215E-105.422E-107.823E-101.246E-091.318E-091.284E-091. 128E-091.219E-092.7(MILES)1. 165E-091.039E-098.307E-101.002E-091.011E-098.322E-107.061E-105. 026E-104.336E-103.782E-105.458E-108.695E-109. 194E-108.958E-107.867E-108.503E-101. 544E-091. 377E-091. 101E-091.328E-091.340E-091.103E-099. 362E-106. 663E-105. 749E-105. 015E-107.236E-101.153E-091.219E-091. 188E-091. 043E-091. 127E-092.8(MILES)1. 092E-099.742E-107. 789E-109. 396E-109. 477E-107. 804E-106.622E-104.713E-104. 066E-103. 547E-105. 118E-108. 154E- 108.621E-108. 400E-107. 377E-107. 973E-101.433E-091.278E-091.022E-091.233E-091.243E-091. 024E-098.687E-106. 183E-105. 334E-104.653E-106. 714E-101.070E-091. 131E-091. 102E-099. 678E-101. 046E-092.9(MILES)1. 026E-099. 155E-107. 320E-108.830E-108. 906E-107. 334E-106. 223E-104.429E-103. 821E-103 .333E-104 .810E-107. 663E-108. 102E-107. 894E-106. 933E-107.493E-101.334E-091. 189E-099.511E-101. 147E-091.157E-099. 528E-108. 085E-105.754E-104.964E-104. 331E-106.249E-109. 956E-101.053E-091.026E-099. 007E-109. 735E-103.0(MILES)9. 666E-108. 621E-106. 893E-108. 315E-108. 387E-106. 906E-105.860E-104.171E-103. 598E-103. 139E-104.529E-107.216E-107.630E-107. 434E-106. 528E-107. 056E-101.245E-091. llOE-098.879E-101. 071E-091. 080E-098. 895E-107. 548E-105. 372E-104. 634E-104.043E-105. 834E-109.294E-109.827E-109. 575E-108.409E-109. 089E-103.1(MILES)9. 120E-108.134E-106. 504E-107. 845E-107. 913E-105. 923E-105. 529E-103. 935E-103.395E-102. 961E-104.273E-105. 607E-106.775E-107. 890E-106.719E-106.657E-10SSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW ODCMPage:Rev.:10019Table A-4 (Cont.)Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q) as a Function of Distance (m-2)SECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWSECTORNNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW3.2(MILES)3.3(MILES)3.4(MILES)3.5(MILES)3.6(MILES)8. 620E-107. 688E-106. 147E-107 .415E-107 .479E-105. 598E-105 .225E-103. 719E-103 .209E-102. 799E-104. 039E-105. 299E-106 .403E-107 .457E-106. 351E-106 292E-103.7(MILES)6.657E-105. 937E-104.747E-105.727E-105..776E-104. 324E-104.036E-102. 872E-102.478E-102. 162E-103.119E-104. 093E-104.945E-105. 759E-104.905E-104. 895E-108. 161E-107 .279E-105. 820E-107. 020E-107. 081E-105. 300E-104. 947E-103. 521E-103. 038E-102. 650E-103 .824E-105. 017E-106. 062E-107.060E-106. 013E-105. 957E-103.8(MILES)6. 347E-105.661E-104. 526E-105 .460E-105.507E-104. 122E-103. 848E-102. 739E-102. 363E-102. 061E-102. 974E-103. 902E-104. 715E-105.491E-104. 677E-104. 633E-107.739E-106. 902E-105.518E-106. 657E-106. 714E-105. 026E-104. 691E-103.339E-102.880E-102.513E-103. 626E-104. 757E-105. 749E-106. 695E-105. 702E-105. 649E-103.9(MILES)6. 059E-105.404E-104.321E-105.212E-105.257E-103. 935E-103.673E-102. 614E-102.255E-101. 968E-102. 839E-103. 725E-104. 501E-105.242E-104.464E-104.423E-107.347E-106. 552E-105.239E-106. 320E-106.374E-104.771E-104.454E-103. 170E-102.735E-102.386E-103.442E-104. 516E-105.458E-106. 356E-105.413E-105.363E-104.0(MILES)5. 791E-105. 165E-104. 129E-104. 981E-105. 024E-103. 761E-103. 510E-102 .498E-I02.155E-101. 880E-102. 713E-103. 560E-104. 302E-105. O1OE-104. 266E-104. 227E-106. 991E-106. 235E-104. 985E-106. 014E-106. 066E-104. 541E-104 .238E-103. 016E-102. 602E-102. 270E-103. 276E-104. 298E-105. 193E-106. 048E-105. 151E-105. 103E-104.1(MILES)5.036E-104.492E-103. 951E-104. 766E-104. 807E-103.598E-103. 053E-102. 390E-102. 062E-101. 799E-102.596E-102. 919E-103. 087E-103. 728E-104 .082E-103.676E-10 ODCMPage:Rev.:10119Table A-4 (Cont.)Atmospheric Deposition (D/Q)as a Function of Distance (m-2)SECTOR4.2(MILES)4.3(MILES)4.4(MILES)4.5(MILES)4.6(MILES)NNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW4.823E-104.302E-103.784E-104.564E-104.603E-103.446E-102. 924E-102.289E-101. 975E-101.723E-102.486E-102. 796E-102. 956E-103.570E-103. 909E-103.521E-104.7(MILES)3. 941E-103. 515E-103. 092E-103. 729E-103. 762E-102. 816E-102. 389E-101. 871E-101. 614E-101.408E-102. 031E-102. 285E-102 .415E-102. 917E-103. 194E-102. 877E-104.624E-104. 124E-103. 627E-104. 375E-104.413E-103. 303E-102.803E-102. 195E-101.893E-101.652E-102.383E-102.680E-102. 834E-103.422E-103.747E-103. 375E-104.8(MILES)3. 795E-103. 384E-102. 977E-103. 591E-103. 622E-102. 711E-102. 300E-101. 801E-101.554E-101.355E-101.956E-102. 199E-102. 326E-102.809E-103. 075E-102. 770E-104.437E-103.957E-103.480E-104. 198E-104. 234E-103. 170E-102.690E-102. 106E-101. 817E-101. 585E-102. 287E-102. 572E-102. 719E-103 .284E-l03. 596E-103. 239E-104.9(MILES)3. 656E-103. 261E-102.868E-103.460E-103.489E-102. 612E-102.216E-101.735E-101.497E-101. 306E-101. 884E-102. 119E-102.241E-102.706E-102.963E-102. 669E-104.260E-103. 800E-103.342E-104. 031E-104. 066E-103. 044E-102.583E-102.022E-101.744E-101. 522E-102. 196E-102 .469E-102 .611E-103. 153E-103 .453E-l03. 1OE-104. 097E-103 654E-103. 214E-103 .877E-103. 910E-102. 927E-102 .484E-l01. 944E-101.677E-101.463E-102. 112E-102. 375E-102. 511E-03. 032E-103. 320E-102. 991E-10SECTOR5.0(MILES)NNNENEENEEESESESSESSSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNW3.525E-103. 144E-102.765E-103. 336E-103.364E-102.519E-102. 137E-101.673E-101.443E-101.259E-101. 817E-102.043E-102.160E-102.609E-102.857E-102.573E-10 ODCMPage: 102Rev.: 19Appendix BLOWER LIMIT OF DETECTION ODCMPage: 103Rev.: 19The lower limit of detection (LLD) is the smallest concentration ofradioactive material in a sample that will be detected with a 95 percentprobability with a 5 percent probability of falsely concluding that a blankobservation represents a "real" signal.The LLD is defined as an "a priori" (before .the fact) limit representing thecapability of a measurement system and not as an "a posteriori" (after thefact) limit for a particular measurement.For a measurement system (which may include radiochemical separation) basedon gross beta, gross alpha, liquid scintillation, or other analyses where abackground count determined by a separate measurement with no sample (orblank sample) is subtracted from the gross sample count to obtain a net countdue to sample activity:1/3 .. rb +rbLLD -tb (B-1)(C) (E) (V) (Yc) expý- X At)Where:LLD = the "a priori" lower limit of detection, as defined above;C = the conversion factor of transformations per unit time per PCior pCi;E = the detector efficiency;rb = the background count rate in units of transformations per unittime;tb = the counting time of background;ts = the counting time of the sample;V = the sample size, in units of mass or volume;Yc = the fractional radiochemical sample collection orconcentration yield (when applicable);At = for plant effluents, the elapsed time between the midpoint ofsample collection and time of counting; for environmentalsamples, the elapsed time between sample collection (or end ofthe sample collection period) and time of counting;= the radioactive decay constant for the radionuclide inquestion.

ODCMPage: 104Rev.: 19For the purpose of routine analyses, count times for both the sample(s) andbackground(s) are equal. This satisfies the given ODCM Appendix C controlfor lower limit of detection definition, as the numerator of equation B-1simplifies to 4.66 Sb, where Sb is the standard deviation of the backgroundcount rate or the count rate of a blank sample, as appropriate.For gamma ray spectroscopy analyses:AtLD exp 0. 693tl/2LD(B-2)(C)(E)(t)(V)(Yc)(Y7)Where:LLD = the lower limit of detection, in jiCi or pCi per unit mass orvolume;C = the conversion factor of transformations per unit time perýiCi or pCi;E = the detector efficiency for the energy in question;t = the data collection (counting) time of sample;tI/2 = the half-life of the radionuclide in question;V = the sample size, in units of mass or volume;Yc = the fractional radiochemical, sample collection, orconcentration yield (when applicable);YX = the yield of the gamma ray in question;At = for plant effluents the elapsed time between midpoint ofsample collection and time of counting; for environmentalsamples, the elapsed time between sample collection (or endof the sample collection period) and the time of counting;Ld = the detection limit= k2 +2kk 2n1+ 2n)(Bl+B2)+I+aJ IB3Where:B1 = the number of counts in "n" backgroundchannels below the peak due to Comptonscattering, etc., determined at the sametime a photopeak is measured; ODCMPage: 105Rev.: 19B2 = the number.of counts in the "n" backgroundchannels above the peak;k = an abscissa of the normal distributioncorresponding to confidence level,= 1.645 at a confidence level of 95%;= the measured value of interference in thephotopeak of interest due to environmentalbackground, detector contamination, etc.,determined by a separate measurement withno sample;N = the number of channels in the photopeak ofinterest;n = the number of background channels on eachside of the photopeak of interest;FI = the standard deviation of I.Typical values of E, V, Y, and At shall be used in the calculation.In calculating the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma-rayspectrometry, the background shall include the typical contributions of otherradionuclides normally present in the samples (e.g., potassium-40 in milksamples).Analyses shall be performed in such a manner that the LLD's listed inTables,, and 4.12.1-1 of the ODCM Appendix Ccontrols for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant will be achieved under routineconditions. Occasionally, background fluctuations, unavoidably small samplesizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollablecircumstances may render these LLDs unachievable. In such cases, thecontributing factors will be identified and described in the AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report.

ODCMPage: 106Rev.: 19Appendix CControls ODCMPage: 107Rev.: 19INDEXDEFINITIONSSECTION1.0 DEFINITIONS PAGEACTIONS ............................................................ -iCHANNEL CALIBRATION ............................................... 1-1CHANNEL CHECK ..................................................... 1 -1CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST ........................................... 1-1DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 ............................................. 1-1FREQUENCY NOTATION ................................................ 1-2GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFF-GAS) SYSTEM ....................... 1-2LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM .................................. 1-2MEMBER(S) OF THE PUBLIC ........................................... 1-2MODE .............................................................. 1-2OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ................................... 1-2OPERABLE -OPERABILITY ............................................ 1-3PURGE -PURGING ................................................... 1-3RATED THERMAL POWER ............................................... 1-3REPORTABLE EVENT .................................................. 1-3SITE BOUNDARY ..................................................... 1-3SOURCE CHECK ...................................................... 1-3THERMAL POWER ..................................................... 1-3UNRESTRICTED AREA ................................................. 1-3VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS ............................. 1-4VENTING ........................................................... 1-4Table 1.1, Surveillance Frequency Notation ........................ 1-5Table 1.2, MODES .................................................. 1-6PERRY -UNIT 1i ODCMPage: 108Rev.: 19CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSSECTIONPAGE3/4.0 APPLICABILITY ..............................................3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATIONRadioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumen-tation ...................................................Table Radioactive Liquid EffluentMonitoring Instrumentation .........Table Radioactive Liquid EffluentMonitoring InstrumentationSurveillance Requirements ..........Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumen-tation ...................................................3/4 0-13/4 1-13/4 1-23/4 1-43/4 1-63/4 1-73/4 1-10Table Gaseous EffluentMonitoring Instrumentation .........Radioactive Gaseous EffluentMonitoring InstrumentationSurveillance Requirements .........3/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTSConcentration ............................................Table Liquid WasteSampling and Analysis Program..3/4 2-13/4 2-23/4 2-53/4 2-6Dose .....................................................Liquid Radwaste Treatment System .........................3/4.11.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTSDose Rate ................................................Table Gaseous WasteSampling and Analysis Program..3/4 2-73/4 2-83/4 2-113/4 2-12Dose -Noble Gases ........................................Dose -Iodine-131, Iodine-133, Tritium andRadionuclides in Particulate Form ......................PERRY -UNIT 1ii ODCMPage:Rev.:10919CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSSECTION PAGERADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS (Continued)Gaseous Radwaste (Off-Gas) Treatment ........................ 3/4 2-13Ventilation Exhaust Treatment Systems .................... 3/4 2-143/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSE ............................................... 3/4 2-153/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ....................................... 3/4 3-1Table 3.12.1-1 Radiological EnvironmentalMonitoring Program .................... 3/4 3-3Table 3.12.1-2 Reporting Levels for RadioactivityConcentrations In EnvironmentalSamples... ...................... ....... 3/4 3-9Table 4.12.1-1 Maximum Values for the Lower Limitsof Detection (LLD) In EnvironmentalSamples ............................ 3/4 3-103/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS .......................................... 3/4 3-133/4.12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM ....................... 3/4 3-14BASESSECTION PAGE3/4.0 APPLICABILITY ...............................................3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATIONRadioactive Liquid Effluent MonitoringInstrumentation ..........................................Radioactive Gaseous Effluent MonitoringInstrumentation ..........................................3/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTSConcentration ............................................Do se .....................................................Liquid Radwaste Treatment System .........................B 3/4 0-1B 3/4 1-1B 3/4 1-1B 3/4 2-1B 3/4 2-1B 3/4 2-2PERRY -UNIT 1iii ODCMPage: 110Rev.: 19BASESSECTION3/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS (Continued)3/4.11.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTSDose Rate ..................................Dose -Noble Gases .........................Dose -Iodine-131, Iodine-133, Tritium andRadionuclides in Particulate Form ..........Gaseous Radwaste Treatment (Offgas) SystemVentilation Exhaust Treatment Systems ......3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSE .................................3/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAM .........................3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUS ............................3/4.12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM .........ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSPAGEB 3/4 2-3B 3/4 2-3B 3/4 2-4andB 3/4B 3/42-52-63-13-13-2BBB3/43/43/4SECTION6.9 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS6.9.1.6 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report ....... Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report ...............6.9.2 SPECIAL REPORTS ..........................................6.10 RECORD RETENTION ............................................6.15 MAJOR CHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS ........PAGE4-14-24-34-34-3PERRY -UNIT 1iv ODCMPage: 111Rev.: 19SECTION 1.0DEFINITIONS ODCMPage: 112Rev.: 191.0 DEFINITIONSThe following terms are defined so that uniform interpretation of theseControls may be achieved. The defined terms appear in capitalized type andshall be applicable throughout these Controls.ACTIONSACTIONS shall be that part of a Control that prescribes remedial measures tobe taken under designated conditions.CHANNEL CALIBRATIONA CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be the adjustment, as necessary, of the channel.output such that it responds within the necessary range and accuracy to knownvalues of the parameter which the channel monitors. The CHANNEL CALIBRATIONshall encompass the entire channel, including the required sensor, alarm,display and trip functions, and shall include the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST.The CHANNEL CALIBRATION may be performed by means of any series ofsequential, overlapping or total channel steps so that the entire channel iscalibrated.CHANNEL CHECKA CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment, by observation ofchannel behavior during operation. This determination shall include, wherepossible, comparison of the channel indication and status to otherindications or status derived from independent instrument channels measuringthe same parameter.CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TESTA CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be the injection of a simulated or actualsignal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verifyOPERABILITY, including required alarm, interlock, display, and trip functionsand channel failure trips. The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST may be performed bymeans of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total channel steps sothat the entire channel is tested.DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 shall be that concentration of 1-131 (microcuries pergram) that alone would produce the same thyroid dose as the quantity andisotopic mixture of 1-131, 1-132, 1-133, 1-134, and 1-135 actually present.The thyroid dose conversion factors used for this calculation shall be thoselisted in Table III of TID-14844, AEC, 1962, "Calculation of Distance Factorsfor Power and Test Reactor Sites."PERRY -UNIT 11-1 ODCMPage: 113Rev.: 19DEFINITIONSFREQUENCY NOTATIONThe FREQUENCY NOTATION specified for the performance. of SurveillanceRequirements shall correspond to the intervals defined in Table 1.1.GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFF-GAS) SYSTEMTHE GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFF-GAS) SYSTEM is the system designed andinstalled to reduce radioactive gaseous effluents by collecting primarycoolant system off-gasses from the main condenser evacuation system andproviding for delay or holdup for the purpose of reducing the totalradioactivity prior to release to the environment.LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMThe LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM is any process or control equipment usedto reduce the amount or concentration of liquid radioactive materials priorto their discharge to UNRESTRICTED AREAS. It involves all the installed andavailable liquid radwaste management system equipment, as well as theircontrols, power instrumentation, and services that make the systemfunctional.MEMBER OF THE PUBLICMEMBER OF THE PUBLIC means any individual except when that individual isreceiving an OCCUPATIONAL DOSE.MODEA MODE shall correspond to any one inclusive combination of mode switchposition, average reactor coolant temperature, and reactor vessel headclosure bolt tensioning specified in Table 1.2 with fuel in the reactorvessel.OCCUPATIONAL DOSEOCCUPATIONAL DOSE means the dose received by an individual in the course ofemployment in which the individual's assigned duties involve exposure to-radiation or to radioactive material from licensed and unlicensed sources ofradiation, whether in the possession of the licensee or other person.Occupational dose does not include doses received from background radiation,from any medical administration the individual has received, from exposure toindividuals administered radioactive material and released under § 35.75,from voluntary participation in medical research programs, or as a member ofthe public.PERRY -UNIT 11-2 ODCMPage: 114Rev.: 19DEFINITIONSOFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM)The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL shall contain the methodology andparameters used in the calculation of offsite doses resulting from.radioactive gaseous and liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous andliquid effluent monitoring alarm/trip setpoints, and in the conduct of theradiological environmental monitoring program. The ODCM shall also containthe Radioactive Effluent Controls Program required by TechnicalSpecification 5.5.4, the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programs anddescriptions of the information that should be included in the AnnualRadioactive Effluent Release Report required by TechnicalSpecifications 5.6.2 and 5.6.3.OPERABLE -OPERABILITYA system, subsystem, division, component or device shall be OPERABLE or haveOPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified function(s) andwhen all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergencyelectrical power, cooling and seal water, lubrication and other auxiliaryequipment that are required for the system, subsystem, division, component ordevice to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable ofperforming their related support function(s).PURGE -PURGINGPURGE OR PURGING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from aconfinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration orother operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas isrequired to purify the confinement.RATED THERMAL POWERRATED THERMAL POWER shall be a total reactor core heat transfer rate to thereactor coolant of 3758 MWT.REPORTABLE EVENTA REPORTABLE EVENT shall be any of those conditions specified in IOCFR50.73.SITE BOUNDARYThe SITE BOUNDARY shall be that line beyond which the land is neither owned,nor leased, nor otherwise controlled by the licensee.SOURCE CHECKA SOURCE CHECK shall be the qualitative assessment of channel response whenthe channel sensor is exposed to a source of increased radioactivity.PERRY -UNIT 11-3 ODCMPage: 115Rev.: 19DEFINITIONSTHERMAL POWERTHERMAL POWER shall be the total reactor core heat transfer rate to thereactor coolant.UNRESTRICTED AREAAn UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY accessto which is not controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection ofMEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials,or any area within the SITE BOUNDARY used for residential quarters or forindustrial, commercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes.VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMSA VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system designed and installedto reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material in particulate form ineffluents by passing ventilation or vent exhaust gases through charcoaladsorbers and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing iodines orparticulates from the gaseous exhaust stream prior to the release to theenvironment (such a system is not considered to have any effect on noble gaseffluents). Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) atmospheric cleanup systems arenot considered to be VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM components providedthe ESF system is not utilized to treat normal releases.VENTINGVENTING is the controlled process of discharging air or gas from aconfinement to maintain temperature, pressure, humidity, concentration orother operating condition, in such a manner that replacement air or gas isnot provided or required during VENTING. Vent, used in system names, doesnot imply a VENTING process.PERRY -UNIT 11-4 ODCMPage: 116Rev.: 19TABLE 1.1SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY NOTATIONNOTATION FREQUENCYS At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.D At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.W At least once per 7 days.M At least once per 31 days.Q At least once per 92 days.SA At least once per 184 days.A At least once per 366 days.R At least once per 24 months.S/U Prior to each reactor startup.P Completed prior to each release.4H Every 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> when required.N.A. Not applicable.PERRY -UNIT 11-5 ODCMPage: 117Rev.: 19MODE12345TITLEPOWER OPERATIONSTARTUPHOT SHUTDOWN(a)COLD SHUTDOWN(a)REFUELING(b)TABLE 1.2MODESREACTOR MODESWITCH POSITIONRunRefuel(a) or Startup/HotStandbyShutdownShutdownShutdown or RefuelAVERAGE REACTORCOOLANT TEMPERATURENANA> 200°F 200°FNA(a) All reactor vessel head closure bolts fully tensioned.(b) One or more reactor vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned.PERRY -UNIT 11-6 ODCMPage: 118Rev.: 19SECTIONS 3.0 and 4.0CONTROLSANDSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS ODCMPage: 119Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYCONTROLS3.0.1 Controls shall be met during the MODES or other conditions specifiedin the Applicability except as provided in Control Upon discovery of a failure to meet a Control, the requirements of theActions shall be met except as provided in Control 3.0.5. If the Control ismet or is no longer applicable prior to expiration of the specified timeinterval(s), completion of the Action(s) is not required, unless otherwisestated.3.0.3 When a Control is not met and the associated ACTIONS are not met, anassociated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by the associated ACTIONS,the unit shall be placed in a MODE or other specified condition in which theControl is not applicable. Action shall be initiated within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> to placethe unit, as applicable, in:a. MODE 2 within 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />;b. MODE 3 within 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br />; andc. MODE 4 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />.Exceptions to this Control are stated in the individual Controls.Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation in accordancewith the Control or ACTIONS, completion of the actions required byControl 3.0.3 is not required.Control 3.0.3 is only applicable in MODES 1, 2, and When a Control is not met, entry into a MODE or other specifiedcondition in the Applicability shall only be made:a. When the associated ACTIONS to be entered permit continued operationin the MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability for anunlimited period of time;b. After performance of a risk assessment addressing inoperable systemsand components, consideration of the results, determination of theacceptability of entering the MODE or other specified condition inthe Applicability, and establishment of risk management actions, ifappropriate; exceptionsto this Control are stated in the individualControls, orc. When an allowance is stated in the individual value, parameter, orother Control.This Control shall not prevent changes in MODES or other specified conditionsin the Applicability that are required to comply with ACTIONS, or that arepart of a shutdown of the unit.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 0-1 ODCMPage: 120Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYCONTROLS (Continued)3.0.5 Equipment removed from service or declared inoperable to comply withACTIONS may be returned to service under administrative control solely toperform testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY ofother equipment. This is an exception to Control 3.0.2 for the systemreturned to service under administrative control to perform the testingrequired to demonstrate OPERABILITY.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT (SR)4.0.1 SRs shall be met during the MODES or other specified conditions in theApplicability for individual Controls, unless otherwise stated in the SR.Failure to meet a Surveillance, whether such failure is experienced duringthe performance of the surveillance or between performances of theSurveillance, shall be failure to meet the Control. Failure to perform aSurveillance within the specified Frequency shall be failure to meet theControl except as provided in SR 4.0.3. Surveillances do not have to beperformed on inoperable equipment or variables outside specified limits.4.0.2 The specified frequency for each SR is met if the Surveillance isperformed within 1.25 times the interval specified in the frequency, asmeasured from the previous performance or as measured from the time aspecified condition of the frequency is met.If a completion time for an action requires periodic performance on a "onceper ..." basis, the above frequency extension applies to each performanceafter the initial performance.Exceptions to this SR are stated in the individual SR's.4.0.3 If it is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed within itsspecified frequency, then compliance with the requirement to declare theControl not met may be delayed, from the time of discovery, up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> orup to the limit of the specified frequency, whichever is less. This delayperiod is permitted to allow performance of the Surveillance.If the Surveillance is not performed within the delay period, the Controlmust immediately be declared not met, and the applicable ACTION(s) must beentered. When the Surveillance is performed within the delay period and theSurveillance is not met, the Control must immediately be declared not met,and the applicable ACTION(s) must be entered.4.0.4 Entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability ofa Control shall only be made when the Control's Surveillances have been metwithin their specified frequency, except as provided by SurveillanceRequirement 4.0.3. When a control is not met due to Surveillances not havingbeen met, entry into a MODE or other specified Condition in the Applicabilityshall only be made in accordance with Control 3.0.4.This provision shall not prevent entry into MODES or other specifiedconditions in the Applicability that are required to comply with ACTIONS orthat are part of a shutdown of the unit.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 0-2 ODCMPage: 121Rev.: 193/4.3 INSTRUMENTATIONRADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONCONTROLS3.3.7.9 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.a, theradioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown inTable shall be OPERABLE with their alarm/trip setpoints set toensure that the limits of Control are not exceeded. The alarm/tripsetpoints of these channels shall be determined and adjusted in accordancewith the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentationchannel alarm/trip setpoint less conservative than required by theabove Control, immediately suspend the release of radioactive liquideffluents monitored by the affected channel or declare the channelinoperable, or change the setpoint so it is acceptably conservative.b. With less than the minimum number of radioactive liquid effluentmonitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shownin Table Restore the inoperable instrumentation toOPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain whythis inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner in the nextAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.c. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.3.7.9 Each radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channelshall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK, SOURCECHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations at thefrequencies shown in Table -UNIT 13/4 1-1 ODCMRev.: 19Page: 122TABLE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONMINIMUMCHANNELSOPERABLEINSTRUMENTACTION1. GROSS RADIOACTIVITY MONITORS PROVIDING ALARM ANDAUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF RELEASEa. Liquid Radwaste Discharge Radiation Monitor -ESW Discharge2. GROSS BETA OR GAMMA RADIOACTIVITY MONITORS PROVIDING ALARMBUT NOT PROVIDING AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF RELEASEa. Emergency Service Water Loop A Radiation Monitorb. Emergency Service Water Loop B Radiation Monitor3. FLOW RATE MEASUREMENT DEVICESa. Radwaste High-Flow Discharge Header Flowb. Service Water Discharge Header Flow Monitorc. Unit 1 Emergency Service Water Header Flow Monitor orindividual ESW HX Monitors1) Emergency Service Water Flow Monitor, or2) Individual RHR, ECC and DG HX Flow Monitors <L02211>1110iiiiii111112113113PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-2 ODCMPage:Rev.:12319TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONACTION STATEMENTSACTION 110 -ACTION 111ACTION 112ACTION 113With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases fromthis pathway may continue provided that prior to initiating arelease:a. At least two independent samples are analyzed in accordancewith Control, andb. At least two technically qualified members of the FacilityStaff independently verify the release rate calculationsand discharge line valving;Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via thispathway.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases viathis pathway may continue provided that, at least once per12 hours, grab samples are collected and analyzed for grossradioactivity (beta or gamma) at a limit of detection of atleast 10-7 microcuries/ml.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases viathis pathway may continue provided the discharge valve positionis verified to be consistent with the flow rate provisions ofthe release permit at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during actualreleases. Prior to initiating another release, at least twotechnically qualified members of the Facility Staff shallindependently verify the discharge line valving and that thedischarge valve position corresponds to the desired flow rate.Otherwise, suspend release of radioactive effluents via thispathway.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases viathis pathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated atleast once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during actual releases. Pump performancecurves generated in place as well as other curves generatedusing pump performance may be used to estimate flow.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-3 ODCM Rev.: 19TABLE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCEPage: 124REQUIREMENTSCHANNEL FLOW SOURCECHECK CHECK CHECKINSTRUMENT1. GROSS RADIOACTIVITY MONITORS PROVIDINGALARM AND AUTOMATIC TERMINATION OF RELEASEa. Liquid Radwaste Discharge RadiationMonitor -ESW Discharge2. GROSS BETA OR GAMMA RADIOACTIVITY MONITORSPROVIDING ALARM BUT NOT PROVIDING AUTOMATICTERMINATION OF RELEASEa. Emergency Service Water Loop A RadiationMonitorb. Emergency Service Water Loop B RadiationMonitor3. FLOW RATE MEASUREMENT DEVICESa. Radwaste High-Flow Discharge Header Flowb. Service Water Discharge Header Flowc. Unit 1 Emergency Service Water Header Flow1) Emergency Service Water Flow, or2) Combination of Individual RHR, ECC &DG HX Flows3) Individual RHR, ECC, & DG HX FlowsDDDD(4)D(4)D(4)D(4)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A4H(5)N/APMMN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ACHANNELCALIBRATIONR(3)R(3)R(3)RRRN/ARCHANNELFUNCTIONALTESTQ(1)Q(2)Q (2)QQQN/AQPERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-4 ODCMPage: 125Rev.: 19TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE-LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORINGINSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSTABLE NOTATION(1) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that automaticisolation of this pathway and control room alarm annunciation occur ifany of the following conditions exists:1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm/trip setpoint.2. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.3. Instrument controls not set in operate mode except in high voltageposition.(2) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control roomalarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.2. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.3. Instrument controls not set in operate mode, except in high voltageposition.(3) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more ofthe reference standards certified by the National Bureau of Standards orusing standards that have been obtained from suppliers that participatein measurement assurance activities with NBS. These standards shallpermit calibrating the system over its intended range of energy andmeasurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION, sources that havebeen related to the initial calibration shall be used.(4) CHANNEL CHECK shall consist of verifying indication of flow. A CHANNELCHECK shall be made initially and at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> on days whencontinuous, periodic or batch releases occurs. Pump performance curvesmay be used to verify the indication of flow from flow instrumentation,(5) FLOW CHECK shall consist of verifying indication of flow by summing theindividual RHR, ECC and DG heat exchanger flows. A FLOW CHECK shall bemade initially, prior to securing ESW pumps, at least once per 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />sduring a Liquid Radwaste discharge, and at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> duringoperation of ESW pumps.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-5 ODCMPage: 126Rev.: 19INSTRUMENTATIONRADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONCONTROLS3.3.7.10 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.a, theradioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation channels shown inTable shall be OPERABLE with their alarm/trip setpoints set toensure that the limits of Control are not exceeded. The alarm/tripsetpoints of applicable channels shall be determined and adjusted inaccordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table With a radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentationchannel alarm/trip setpoint less conservative than required by theabove specification, declare the channel inoperable, or change thesetpoint so it is acceptably conservative.b. With less than the minimum number of radioactive gaseous effluentmonitoring instrumentation channels OPERABLE, take the ACTION shownin Table Restore the inoperable instrumentation toOPERABLE status within 30 days and, if unsuccessful, explain whythis inoperability was not corrected in a timely manner in the nextAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release Report.c. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.3.7.10 Each radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentationchannel shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance of the CHANNEL CHECK,SOURCE CHECK, CHANNEL CALIBRATION and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations atthe frequencies shown in Table -UNIT 13/4 1-6 ODCMRev.: 19TABLE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONMINIMUM CHANNELSPage: 127ACTIONINSTRUMENT1. OFF-GAS VENT RADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitorb. Iodine Sampler (1)c. Particulate Sampler (1)d. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitore. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor (VictoreenFlow Monitor)2. UNIT 1 VENT RADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitor <L02211>OPERABLE APPLICABILITY11111*****121, 1241221221231231b. Iodine Sampler (1) 1c. Particulate Sampler (1) 1d. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitor 1e. Sampler Flow Rate 1Monitor (Victoreen Flow Monitor)(1) This encompasses the isokinetic and Victoreen photohelics.1, 2, 34, 5121, 124, 125121122122123123PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-7 ODCMRev.: 19TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONMINIMUM CHANNELSPage: 128INSTRUMENT OPERABLE3. UNIT 2 VENT RADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitor 1b. Iodine Sampler (1) 1c. Particulate Sampler (1) 1d. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitor 1e. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor (Victoreen 1Flow Monitor)4. TURBINE BUILDING/HEATER BAY VENTRADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitor <L02211> 1b. Iodine Sampler (1) 1c. Particulate Sampler (1) 1d. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitor 1e. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor (Victoreen 1Flow Monitor)(1) This encompasses the isokinetic and Victoreen photohelics.APPLICABILITYACTION**********121, 124122122123123121, 124122122123123PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-8 ODCMPage:Rev.:12919TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONTABLE NOTATION* At all times.** During main condenser offgas treatment system operation.ACTION 121 -ACTION 122 -ACTION 123 -ACTION 124 -ACTION 125 -With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases viathis pathway may continue provided grab samples are taken atleast once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and these samples are analyzed forprincipal gamma emitters as required by Table the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent releases viathis pathway may continue provided samples are continuouslycollected within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> with auxiliary sampling equipment asrequired by Table If the inoperability is due tofailure of the AMC skid, the Victoreen skid alone can be used asthe auxiliary sampling equipment for a maximum of 30 consecutivedays. <L02211> Loss of the isokinetic flow monitor constitutesinoperability of particulate and iodine channels (b, c).With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMintimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, effluent release via thispathway may continue provided the flow rate is estimated atleast once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. This action applies to both theeffluent system flow and victoreen sample flow (d, e).With the 1H13-P680 panel annunciator for noble gas channelslocked in due to a downscale condition on the radiationmonitoring panel, the affected noble gas monitor channels shallbe verified in the Control Room at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> toensure that no unmonitored high or alert level alarms arepresent.With the number of channels OPERABLE less than required by theMinimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, except as a result of anon-conservative setpoint or within the criteria specified inAction 126, immediately suspend operation of the ContainmentVessel and Drywell Purge (M14) system. Prior to resuming M14System operation, ensure compliance with Control If Control compliance is met, operationof the M14 System may continue provided grab samples are takenat least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and analyzed for principal gammaemitters, as required by Table -UNIT 13/4 1-9 ODCMPage:Rev.:13019TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONTABLE NOTATION* At all times.** During main condenser offgas treatment system operation.ACTION 126 -For periods of planned maintenance or performance ofsurveillance requirements in support of the requirements listedin Table, which will reduce the number of OPERABLEchannels less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement,compliance with Control may be verified prior toreducing the number of OPERABLE channels below the requirement.If Control compliance is met, operation of the M14System need not be suspended for the channel provided grabsamples are taken at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and analyzed forprincipal gamma emitters, as required by Table -UNIT 13/4 1-10 0:DCM Rev.: 19 Page: 131TABLE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSCHANNEL MODES INWHICHINSTRUMENT1. OFFGAS VENT RADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitorb. Iodine Samplerc. Particulate Samplerd. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitore. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor2. UNIT 1 VENT RADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitorb. Iodine Samplerc. Particulate Samplerd. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitore. Sampler Flow Rate MonitorCHANNEL SOURCE CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL SURVEILLANCECHECK CHECK CALIBRATION TEST REQUIREDDW(4)W(4)DDDW(4)W(4)DDMN.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.MN.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.R(2)N.A.N.A.RRR(2)N.A.N.A.RRQO(1)N.A.N.A.QQQ(1)N.A.N.A.QQ**********PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-11 ODCM Rev.: 19 Page: 132TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSCHANNEL MODES INWHICHINSTRUMENT3. UNIT 2 VENT RADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitorb. Iodine Samplerc. Particulate Samplerd. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitore. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor4. TURBINE BUILDING/HEATER BAY VENTRADIATION MONITORa. Noble Gas Activity Monitorb. Iodine Samplerc. Particulate Samplerd. Effluent System Flow Rate Monitore. Sampler Flow Rate MonitorCHANNEL SOURCE CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL SURVEILLANCECHECK CHECK CALIBRATION TEST REQUIREDDW(4)W(4)DDDW(4)W(4)DDMN.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.MN.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.R(2)N.A.N.A.RRR(2)N.A.N.A.RRQ(1)N.A.N.A.QQQ(1)N.A.N.A.QQ**********PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-12 ODCMPage: 133Rev.: 19TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORINGINSTRUMENTATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSTABLE NOTATION* At all times.** During main condenser offgas treatment system operation.(1) The CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall also demonstrate that control roomalarm annunciation occurs if any of the following conditions exists:1. Instrument indicates measured levels above the alarm setpoint.2. Instrument indicates a downscale failure.3. Instrument controls not set in operate mode.(2) The initial CHANNEL CALIBRATION shall be performed using one or more ofthe reference standards certified by the National Institute of Standardsand Technology (NIST) or using standards that have been obtained fromsuppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with NIST.These standards shall permit calibrating the system over its intendedenergy and measurement range. For subsequent CHANNEL CALIBRATION,sources that have been related to the initial calibration shall be used.(3) NOT USED(4) The iodine cartridges and particulate filters will be changed at leastonce per 7 days. Performance of this CHANNEL CHECK does not render thesystem inoperable, and the applicable ACTION statements need not beentered.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 1-13 ODCMPage: 134Rev.: 193/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTSCONCENTRATIONCONTROLS3.11.1.1 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant TS 5.5.4.b and c, theconcentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents toUNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3.2-1) shall be limited to the concentrationsspecified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2, Column 2, for radionuclides otherthan dissolved or entrained noble gases. For dissolved and entrained noblegases, the concentration shall be limited to 2 x 10-4 microcuries/ml totalactivity.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:With the concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluentsto UNRESTRICTED AREAS exceeding the above limits, immediately restore theconcentration to within the above limits.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4. The radioactivity content of each batch of radioactive liquidwaste shall be determined prior to release by sampling and analysis inaccordance with Table The results of pre-release analysesshall be used with the calculational methods in the ODCM to assure that theconcentration at the point of release is maintained within the limits ofControl Post-release analyses of samples composited from batch releasesshall be performed in accordance with Table The results of theradioactivity analysis shall be used in accordance with the methodology andparameters in the ODCM to assure that the concentrations at the point ofrelease are maintained within the limits of Control Continuous releases of radioactive liquid effluents shall besampled and analyzed in accordance with Table The results ofthe radioactivity analyses shall be used in accordance with the methodologyand parameters in the ODCM to assure that the concentrations at the point ofrelease are maintained within the limits of Control -UNIT 13/4 2-1 ODCMPage:Rev.:TABLE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM13519Minimum Type of Lower LimitLiquid Release Sampling Analysis Activity of DetectionType Frequency Frequency Analysis (LLD)(gCi/ml)aA. Batch WasteReleaseTankscPEach batchPEach batchPrincipal GammaEmittersd5x10-71-131 ix10-6P M Dissolved and 1x10-5One Batch/M Entrained Gases(Gamma emitters)P M H-3 1x10-5Each Batch CompositebGross Alpha Ix10-7P Q Sr-89, Sr-90 5x10-8Each Batch CompositebFe-55 ix10-6D W Principal Gamma 5x10-7Grab Compo- EmittersdSamplef'g siteb, f,g1-131 IX10-6Mg M Dissolved and Ix10-5Grab Sample Entrained Gases(Gamma emitters)D M H-3 1x10-5Grab Samples Compositeb,9Gross Alpha ix10-7B. ContinuousReleaseseRHR HeatExchangerESW Outletor M35DrainsgD QGrab Samples Compositeb,<<RO 044 9>Sr-89, Sr-905x10-8Fe-551x10-6PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-2 ODCMPage: 136Rev.: 19TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAMTABLE NOTATIONa. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a samplethat will yield a net count (above system background) that will bedetected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falselyconcluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an "a priori" (beforethe fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system andnot as an "a posteriori" (after the fact) limit for a particularmeasurement.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemicalseparation):L4.66SbLLD = (E) (V) (2. 22x106) (Y) exp(- %At)whereLLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above (asjICi per unit mass or volume).Sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or ofthe counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as countsper minute)E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration)V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurieY is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)x is the radioactive decay constant for the particularradionuclide (sec-1)At is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of thesample collection period) and time of counting (sec)Typical values of E, V, Y and At should be used in the calculation.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-3 ODCMPage: 137Rev.: 19TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAMTABLE NOTATION (Continued)b. A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled isproportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in whichthe method of sampling employed results in a specimen which isrepresentative of the liquids released. A composite sample may alsobe obtained from liquid batches of similar origin that are notdischarged as these liquid batches are expected to be representativeof samples that could be discharged. Composite samples for batchliquids that were not released is performed to provide non-gammaemitting isotopic values to verify other batches are within limitsprior to release when recent non-gamma emitting isotopic values fordischarged liquids are not available.c. A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discretevolume. Prior to sampling for analyses, each batch shall beisolated, and then thoroughly mixed to assure representativesampling.d. The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification appliesexclusively are the following radionuclides: Mn-54, Fe-59, Co-58,Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, and Ce-141. Ce-144 shall alsobe measured, but with an LLD of 5x10-6.This list does not mean thatonly these nuclides are to be detected and reported. Other peakswhich are measurable and identifiable, together with the abovenuclides, shall also be identified and reported in the AnnualRadioactive Effluent Release Report pursuant to Control inthe format outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Appendix B,Revision 1, June 1974.e. A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of anondiscrete volume, e.g., from a volume of a system that has aninput flow during the continuous release. Sampling/Analysis of RHRHeat Exchanger is only applicable when there is ESW flow thru theRHR Heat Exchanger.f. Sampling and analysis is required of the RHR heat exchanger ESWoutlet every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> when the samples indicate levels greater thanLLD.g. Sampling is only required for M35 drains, when the M35 drains havebeen lined up to storm drains. If activity other than tritium ornaturally occurring isotopes is detected in the M35 drains, thenthese drains shall be lined up to radwaste.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-4 ODCMPage: 138Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSDOSECONTROLS3.11.1.2 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.dand e, the dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactivematerials in liquid effluents released, from each reactor unit, toUNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3.2-1) shall be limited:a. During the current quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 mrems to thewhole body and to less than or equal to 5 mrems to any organ; andb. During the current year to less than or equal to 3 mrems to thewhole body and to less than or equal to 10 mrems to any organ.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materialsin liquid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare andsubmit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Control 6.9.2,a Special Report which identifies the cause(s) for exceeding thelimit(s) and defines the corrective actions that have been taken toreduce the releases and the corrective actions to be taken to ensurethat future releases will be in compliance with the above limits.b. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.11.1.2 Dose Calculations. Cumulative dose contributions from liquideffluents for the current quarter and the current year shall be determined inaccordance with the methodology and parameters of the ODCM at least once per31 days.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-5 ODCMPage: 139Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSLIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMCONTROLS3.11.1.3 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.f, theLIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be OPERABLE and appropriate portionsof the system shall be used to reduce the release of radioactivity when theprojected doses due to the liquid effluent from each reactor unit toUNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3.2-1) would exceed 0.06 mrem to the wholebody or 0.2 mrem to any organ, in a 31-day period.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With radioactive liquid waste being discharged without treatment andin excess of the above limits, and any portion of the liquidradwaste treatment system not in operation, prepare and submit tothe Commission, within 30 days pursuant to Control 6.9.2, a SpecialReport which includes the following information:1. Explanation of why liquid radwaste was being discharged withouttreatment, identification of any inoperable equipment orsubsystems, and the reason for the inoperability, and2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLEstatus, and3. Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.b. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4. Doses due to liquid releases from each reactor unit toUNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be projected at least once per 31 days, inaccordance with methodology and parameters in the ODCM. The installed LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM shall bedemonstrated OPERABLE by meeting Controls and -UNIT 13/4 2-6 ODCMPage: 140Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS3/4.11.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTSDOSE RATECONTROLS3.11.2.1 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.cand g, the dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseouseffluents from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (seeFigure 3.2-1) shall be limited to the following:a. For noble gases: Less than or equal to 500 mrems/yr to the wholebody and less than or equal to 3000 mrems/yr to the skin, andb. For all iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and all radionuclides inparticulate form with half lives greater than 8 days: Less than orequal to 1500 mrems/yr to any organ.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:With the dose rate(s) exceeding the above limits, immediately decrease therelease rate(s) to within the above limit(s).SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4. The dose rate due to noble gases in gaseous effluents shall bedetermined to be within the above limits in accordance with the methodologyand parameters of the ODCM. The dose rate due to iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and toradionuclides in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days ingaseous effluents shall be determined to be within the above limits inaccordance with the methodology and parameters of the ODCM by obtainingrepresentative samples and performing analyses in accordance with thesampling and analysis program specified in Table -UNIT 13/4 2-7 ODCMRev.: 19Page: 141TABLE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING ANDANALYSIS PROGRAMMINIMUM LOWER LIMIT OFSAMPLING ANALYSIS TYPE OF DETECTION (LLD) (a)GASEOUS RELEASE PATH FREQUENCY FREQUENCY ACTIVITY ANALYSIS QtCi/mL)A. Containment Vessel Each PURGE(b) Each PURGE(b) Principal Gamma x10-l4and Drywell Purge and VENT and VENT Emitters (e)(M14) System, and Grab SampleCombustible GasControl (M51) SystemM M H-3 ix10-6Grab SampleB. Offgas Vent, Unit 1 M(b) M(b) Principal Gamma ix10-4Vent, Unit 2 Vent, Grab Sample Emitters(b,e)and TurbineBldg/Heater H-3 -6Bay Vent ilX0C. All Release Paths as Continuous (d) W(c) 1-131 1x10-12listed in B aboveCharcoal Sample 1-133 -10Ixl 0Continuous (d) W(C) Principal Gamma ixl0-11Particulate Emitters(e)SampleContinuous (d) M Gross Alpha ixl0-11Composite Par-ticulate FilterContinuous Cd) Q Sr-89, Sr-90 1i10-11Composite Par-ticulate FilterContinuous (d) Noble Gas Noble Gases lXl-6Monitor(f) Gross Beta or Gamma Xe-l33equivalent)PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-8 ODCMPage: 142Rev.: 19TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAMTABLE NOTATIONa. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a samplethat will yield a net count (above system background) that will bedetected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falselyconcluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an "a priori" (beforethe fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system andnot as an "a posteriori" (after the fact) limit for a particularmeasurement.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemicalseparation):4.66 Sb(E ) (V) (2.22x106) (Y) exp(- ,At)whereLLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above (aspCi per unit mass or volume).Sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or ofthe counting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts perminute)E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration)V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22 x 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurieY is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide(sec-1)At is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of thesample collection period) and time of counting (sec)Typical values of E, V, Y and At should be used in the calculation.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-9 ODCMPage: 143Rev.: 19TABLE (Continued)RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAMTABLE NOTATION (Continued)b. Analyses shall also be performed following startup, shutdown, or aTHERMAL POWER change exceeding 15 percent of the RATED THERMAL POWERwithin a one hour period. This requirement does not apply if(1) analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 concentration in theprimary coolant has not increased more than a factor of 3; and (2) thenoble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increased morethan a factor of 3.c. Samples shall be changed at least once per 7 days and analyses shall becompleted within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after changing or after removal from sampler.Sampling and analyses shall also be performed at least daily ( 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)for at least 7 days following each shutdown, startup or THERMAL POWERchange exceeding 15 percent of RATED THERMAL POWER in one hour. Whensamples collected for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are analyzed, the corresponding LLD's maybe increased by a factor of 10. This requirement does not apply if:(1) Analysis shows that the DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 concentration in theprimary coolant has not increased more than a factor of 3; and(2) The noble gas monitor shows that effluent activity has not increasedmore than a factor of 3. If the noble gas monitor is not operable,then a grab sample may be used to demonstrate that activity has notincreased by a factor of 3.d. The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shallbe known for the time period covered by each dose or dose ratecalculation made in accordance with Control, The principal gamma emitters for which the LLD specification appliesexclusively are the following radionuclides: Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-133,Xe-133m, Xe-135, and Xe-138 for gaseous emissions and Mn-54, Fe-59,Co-58, Co-60, Zn-65, Mo-99, 1-131, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce-141 and Ce-144 forparticulate emissions. This list does not mean that only these nuclidesare to be detected and reported. Other peaks which are measurable andidentifiable, together with the above nuclides, shall also be identifiedand reported in the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report pursuantto Control in the format outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21,Appendix B, Revision 1, June 1974.f. Sampling and analysis of gaseous release points shall be performedinitially whenever a high alarm setpoint is exceeded or whenever two ormore of the alert setpoints are exceeded. If the high alarm setpoint ortwo or more of the alert setpoints continue to be exceeded, verify atleast once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> via the radiation monitors that plant releases arebelow the Control dose rate limits and sampling and analysisshall be performed at least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-10 ODCMPage: 144Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSDOSE -NOBLE GASESCONTROLS3.11.2.2 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.eand h, the air dose due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents, fromeach reactor unit, from the site to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY(see Figure 3.2-1) shall be limited to the following:a. During the current quarter: Less than or equal to 5 mrads for gammaradiation and less than or equal to 10 mrads for beta radiation; andb. During the current year: Less than or equal to 10 mrads for gammaradiation and less than or equal to 20 mrads for beta radiation.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With the calculated air dose from the radioactive noble gases ingaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare andsubmit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant to Control 6.9.2,a Special Report which identifies the cause(s) for exceeding thelimit(s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to ensurethat future releases will be in compliance with Control The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.11.2.2 Dose Calculations. Cumulative dose contributions for noble gasesfor the current quarter and current year shall be determined in accordancewith the methodology and parameters in the ODCM at least once per 31 days.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-11 ODCMPage: 145Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSDOSE -IODINE-131, IODINE-133, TRITIUM AND RADIONUCLIDES IN PARTICULATE FORMCONTROLS3.11.2.3 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power. Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.eand i, the dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from iodine-131, iodine-133,tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-lives greater than8 days in gaseous effluents released, from each reactor unit, from the siteto areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 3.2-1) shall be limitedto the following:a. During the current quarter: Less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to anyorgan; andb. During the current year: Less than or equal to 15 mrem to anyorgan.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With the calculated dose from the release of iodine-131, iodine-133,tritium and radionuclides in particulate form, with half-livesgreater than 8 days, in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the abovelimits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days,pursuant to Control 6.9.2, a Special Report which identifies thecause(s) for exceeding the limit and defines the corrective actionsthat have been taken to reduce releases and the proposed correctiveactions to be taken to ensure that future releases will be incompliance with Control The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.11.2.3 Dose Calculations. Cumulative dose contributions from iodine-131,iodine-133, tritium and radionuclides in particulate form with half-livesgreater than 8 days for the current quarter and current year shall bedetermined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM atleast once per 31 days.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-12 ODCMPage:Rev.:14619RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSGASEOUS RADWASTE (OFF-GAS) TREATMENTCONTROLS3.11.2.4 The GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM shall be inoperation*. <L02211> The Charcoal bypass mode shall not be used unless theoff-gas post-treatment radiation monitor is OPERABLE.APPLICABILITY: Whenever the main condenser air ejector evacuation system isin operation.ACTION:a. With gaseous radwaste from the main condenser air ejector systembeing discharged without treatment for more than 7 consecutive days,prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days, pursuant toControl 6.9.2, a Special Report which includes the followinginformation:1. Explanation of why gaseous radwaste was being discharged withouttreatment, identification of the inoperable equipment orsubsystems which resulted in gaseous radwaste being dischargedwithout treatment, and the reason for inoperability.2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLEstatus, and3. Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.b. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.11.2.4once perthat theThe readings of relevant instrumentation shall be checked at least12 hours when the main condenser air ejector is in use to ensuregaseous radwaste treatment system is functioning.* -Flow directed through the adsorber beds. <L02211>PERRY -UNIT 1 3/4 2-13 ODCMPage: 147Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSVENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMSCONTROLS3.11.2.5 The VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS shall be OPERABLE andappropriate portions of the system shall be used to reduce releases ofradioactivity when the projected dose due to gaseous effluent releases fromeach reactor unit to areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 3.2-1)in a 31 day period would exceed 0.3 mrem to any organ of a MEMBER OF THEPUBLIC.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With radioactive gaseous waste being discharged without treatmentand in excess of the above limits, prepare and submit to theCommission within 30 days, pursuant to Control 6.9.2, a SpecialReport which includes the following information:1. Explanation of why gaseous radwaste was being discharged withouttreatment, identification of any inoperable equipment orsubsystems which resulted in gaseous radwaste being dischargedwithout treatment, and the reason for the inoperability,2. Action(s) taken to restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLEstatus, and3. Summary description of action(s) taken to prevent a recurrence.b. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4. Doses due to gaseous releases from each reactor unit to areas atand beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be projected at least once per 31 days inaccordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. The installed VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS shall bedemonstrated OPERABLE by meeting Controls and -UNIT 13/4 2-14 ODCMPage: 148Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSECONTROLS3.11.4 In accordance with Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 TS 5.5.4.j, thecurrent year dose or dose commitment to any MEMBER of THE PUBLIC, due toreleases of radioactivity and radiation, from uranium fuel cycle sourcesshall be limited to less than or equal to 25 mrems to the whole body or anyorgan, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than or equal to75 mrems.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With the calculated doses from the release of radioactive materialsin liquid or gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits ofControl,,,,,or, calculations shall be made including direct radiationcontributions from the reactor units, from the ISFSI and fromoutside storage tanks to determine whether the above limits ofControl 3.11.4 have been exceeded.1. If such is the case, prepare and submit to the Commission within30 days, pursuant to Control 6.9.2, a Special Report thatdefines the corrective action to be taken to reduce subsequentreleases to prevent recurrence of exceeding the above limits andincludes the schedule for achieving conformance with the abovelimits.2. This Special Report, as defined in IOCFR20.405c, shall includean analysis that estimates the radiation exposure (dose) to aMEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from uranium fuel cycle sources, includingall effluent pathways and direct radiation, for the current yearthat includes the release(s) covered by this report. It shallalso describe levels of radiation and concentrations ofradioactive material involved, and the cause of the exposurelevels or concentrations.3. If the estimated dose(s) exceeds the above limits, and if therelease condition resulting in violation of 40CFR190 has notalready been corrected, the Special Report shall include arequest for a variance in accordance with the provisions of40CFR190. Submittal of the report is considered a timelyrequest, and a variance is granted until staff action on therequest is complete.b. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-15 ODCMPage: 149Rev.: 19SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.11.4.1 Cumulative dose contributions from liquid and gaseous effluentsshall be determined in accordance with Controls,, and4.11.2.3, and in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM. If the cumulative dose contributions exceed the limits defined in3.11.4, ACTION a, cumulative dose contributions from direct radiation fromunit operation including from the ISFSI and outside storage tanks shall bedetermined in accordance with the methodology and parameters in the ODCM.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 2-16 ODCMPage: 150Rev.: 193/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAMCONTROLS3.12.1 The radiological environmental monitoring program shall be conductedas specified in Table 3.12.1-1.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With the radiological environmental monitoring program not beingconducted as specified in Table 3.12.1-1, prepare and submit to theCommission, in the Annual Environmental and Effluent Release Reportper Control, a description of the reasons for not conductingthe program as required and the plans for preventing a recurrence.b. With the level of radioactivity as the result of plant effluents inan environmental sampling medium at a specified location exceedingthe reporting levels of Table 3.12.1-2 when averaged over thecurrent quarter, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 dayspursuant to Control 6.9.2 a Special Report that identifies thecause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines the correctiveactions to be taken to reduce radioactive effluents so that thepotential annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC is less than thecurrent year limits of Control, and more than one of the radionuclides in Table 3.12.1-2 aredetected in the sampling medium, this report shall be submitted if:concentration (1) + concentration(2)reporting level (1) reporting level (2)When radionuclides other than those in Table 3.12.1-2 are detectedand are the result of plant effluents, this report shall besubmitted if the potential annual dose* to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLICis equal to or greater than the current year limits ofControl, and This-report is notrequired if the measured level of radioactivity was not the resultof plant effluents; however, in such an event, the condition shallbe reported and described in the annual Radiological EnvironmentalOperating Report required by Control* The methodology and parameters used to estimate the potential annual dose toa MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC shall be indicated in this report.PERRY -UNIT 1 3/4 3-1 ODCMPage: 151Rev.: 19RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGCONTROLSc. With milk or broad leaf vegetation samples unavailable from one ormore of the sample locations required by Table 3.12.1-1, identifyspecific locations for obtaining replacement samples and add themwithin 30 days to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Programgiven in the ODCM. The specific locations from which samples wereunavailable may then be deleted from the monitoring program.Pursuant to Control, submit in the next Annual RadiologicalEffluent Release Report documentation for a change in the ODCMincluding a revised figure(s) and table for the ODCM reflecting thenew location(s) with supporting information identifying the cause ofthe unavailability of samples and justifying the selection of thenew location(s) for obtaining samples.d. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.12.1 The radiological environmental monitoring samples shall be collectedpursuant to Table 3.12.1-1 from the specific locations given in the table andfigures in the ODCM and shall be analyzed pursuant to the requirements ofTable 3.12.1-1 and the detection capabilities required by Table 4.12.1-1.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-2 ODCMRev. : 19Page: 152TABLE 3.12.1-1RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM*Exposure Pathwayand/or Sample1. DirectionRadiation(2)Number of Samplesand (1)Sample LocationsSampling andCollection FrequencyType and Frequencyof AnalysisGamma dose quarterly.Twenty-eight routine monitoringstations either with two or moredosimeters or with oneinstrument for measuring andrecording dose ratecontinuously, placed as follows:An inner ring of stations, onein each meteorological sector,other than those sectorsentirely over water (N, NNE,NNW, NW, W, WNW), in the generalarea of the SITE BOUNDARY;An outer ring of stations, onein each meteorological sector,other than those sectorsentirely over water (N, NE, NNE,NNW, NW, W, WNW), in the 6- to8-km range from the site; andThe balance of the stations tobe placed in special interestareas such as populationcenters, nearby residences,schools, and in one or two areasto serve as control stations.Quarterly.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-3 ODCMRev. : 19Page: 153TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMExposure Pathwayand/or SampleNumber of Samplesand (1)Sample LocationsSampling andCollection FrequencyType and Frequencyof Analysis2. AirborneRadioiodineandParticulateSamples from five locations:Three samples from close to thethree SITE BOUNDARY locations,in different sectors, of thehighest calculated annualaverage ground-level D/Q.One sample from the vicinity ofa community having the highestcalculated annual averageground-level D/Q; andOne sample from a controllocation, as for example 15 to30 km distant and in the leastprevalent wind direction.Continuous sampleroperation with samplecollection weekly, ormore frequently ifrequired by dustloading.Radioiodine Canister:1-131 analysis weekly.Particulate Sampler:Gross beta radioactivityanalysis followingfilter change; (3) andgamma isotopicanalysis(4) of composite(by location) quarterly.3. Waterbornea. SurfaceTwo samplesComposite sample over a1-month period. (5)Gamma isotopicanalysis(4) monthly.Composite for tritiumanalysis quarterly.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-4 ODCMRev. : 19Page: 154TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMExposure Pathwayand/or SampleNumber of Samplesand (1)Sample LocationsSampling andCollection FreauencvType and Frequencyof Analysis3. Waterborne (Continued)b. Drinking One sample of each of one tothree of the nearest watersupplies that could be affectedby its discharge.One sample from a controllocation.Composite sample over2-week period(5) when1-131 analysis isperformed; monthlycomposite otherwise.1-131 analysis on eachcomposite when the dosecalculated from theconsumption of the wateris greater than 1 mremper year.(6) Compositefor gross beta and gammaisotopic analyses(4)monthly. Composite fortritium analysisquarterly.c. SedimentfromshorelineOne sample from area withexisting or potentialrecreational value.Semi-annually.Gamma isotopicanalysis(4)semi-annually.4. Ingestiona. MilkSamples from milking animals inthree locations within 5kmdistance having the highest dosepotential. If there are none,then one sample from milkinganimals in each of between 5 to8 km distant where doses arethree areas calculated to begreater than 1 mrem per yr.(6)One sample from milking animalsat a control location 15 to30 km distant and in the leastprevalent wind direction.Semi-monthly whenanimals are on pasture;monthly at other times.Gamma isotopicanalysis(4) and 1-131analysis semi-monthly,when animals are onpasture; monthly atother times.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-5 ODCMRev.: 19Page: 155TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMExposure Pathwayand/or SampleNumber of Samplesand (1)Sample LocationsSampling andCollection FrequencyType and Frequencyof Analysis4. Ingestion (Continued)b. Fish andInverte-bratesOne sample of one commerciallyand/or recreationally-importantspecies in vicinity of plantdischarge area.One sample of same species in areasnot influenced by plant discharge.One sample in season.Gamma isotopicanalysis(4) on edibleportions.c. Food Sample of three different kinds ofProducts broad leaf vegetation grown nearesteach of two different offsitelocations of highest predictedannual average ground level D/Q ifmilk sampling is not performed.One sample of each of the similarbroad leaf vegetation grown 15 to30 km distant in the least prevalentwind direction if milk sampling isnot performed.Monthly during growingseason.Monthly during growingseason.Gamma isotopicanalysis(4) and 1-131analysis.Gamma isotopicanalysis(4) and 1-131analysis.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-6 ODCMPage: 156Rev.: 19TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMTABLE NOTATIONS* Sample locations are given on the figure and the table in the ODCM.(1) Specific parameters of distance and direction sector from the centerlineof one reactor, and additional description where pertinent, shall beprovided for each and every sample location in Table 3.12-1 in a tableand figure(s) in the ODCM. Refer to NUREG-0133, "Preparation ofRadiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants,"October 1978, and to Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position,Revision 1, November 1979. Deviations are permitted from the requiredsampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to circumstances suchas hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, and malfunction ofautomatic sampling equipment. If specimen's are unobtainable due tosampling equipment malfunction, effort shall be made to completecorrective action prior to the end of the next sampling period. Alldeviations from the sampling schedule shall be documented in the annualRadiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control is recognized that, at times, it may not be possible or practicable tocontinue to obtain samples of the media of choice at the most desiredlocation or time. In these instances suitable specific alternative mediaand locations may be chosen for the particular pathway in question andappropriate substitutions made with 30 days in the RadiologicalEnvironmental Monitoring Program given in the ODCM. Pursuant toControl, submit in the next annual Radioactive Effluent ReleaseReport documentation for a change in the ODCM, including a revisedfigure(s) and table for the ODCM reflecting the new location(s) withsupporting information identifying the cause of the unavailability ofsamples for that pathway and justifying the selection of the newlocation(s) for obtaining samples.(2) One or more instruments, such as a pressurized ion chamber, for measuringand recording dose rate continuously may be used in place of, or inaddition to, integrating dosimeters. For the purposes of this table, athermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) is considered to be one phosphor; twoor more phosphors in a packet are considered as two or more dosimeters.Film badges shall not be used as dosimeters for measuring directradiation. (The frequency of analysis or readout for TLD systems willdepend upon the characteristics of the specific system used and should beselected to obtain optimum dose information with minimal fading.)(3) Airborne particulate sample filters shall be analyzed for gross betaradioactivity 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or more after sampling to allow for radon andthoron daughter decay. If gross beta activity in air particulate samplesis greater than 10 times the yearly mean of control samples, gammaisotopic analysis shall be performed on the individual samples.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-7 ODCMPage: 157Rev.: 19TABLE 3.12.1-1 (Continued)TABLE NOTATIONS (Continued(4) Gamma isotopic analysis means the identification and quantification ofgamma-emitting radionuclides that may be attributable to the effluentsfrom the facility.(5) A composite sample is one in which the quantity (aliquot) of liquidsampled is proportional to the quantity of flowing liquid and in whichthe method of sampling employed results in a specimen that isrepresentative of the liquid flow. In this program composite samplealiquots shall be collected at time intervals that are very short (e.g.,hourly) relative to the compositing period (e.g., monthly) in order toassure obtaining a representative sample.(6) The dose shall be calculated for the maximum organ and age group, usingthe methodology and parameters in the ODCM.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-8 ODCMRev.: 19 PTABLE 3.12.1-2REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLESReporting LevelsWater Airborne Particulate Fish Milk Food(pCi/L) or Gases (pCi/m3) (pCi/Kg, wet) (pCi/L) (pCi,4 aage: 158Products/kg, wet)AnalysisH-3 2 x 103Mn-54 1 x 102Fe-59 4 x 10Co-58 1 x 103Co-60 3 x 1022Zn-65 3 x 102Zr-Nb-95 4 x 10b1-131 2Cs-134 30Cs-137 502Ba-La-140 2 x 10aFor drinking water samples. This is30,000 pCi/L may be used.bIf no drinking water pathway exists,NA NA4NA 3 x 104NA 1 x 104NA 3 x 104NA 1 x 104NA 2 x 10NA NA0.9 NA10 1 x 10320 2 x 103NA NA40CFR141 value. If no drinkingvalue of 20 pCi/L may be used.NA NANA NANA NANA NANA NANA NANA NA23 1 x 1060 1 x 10370 2 x 10323 x 10 NAwater pathway exists, a value ofaaPERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-9 ODCMRev. : 19TABLE 4.12.1-1MAXIMUM VALUES FOR THE LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLESPage: 159(a), (b), (c)AnalysisAirborne ParticulateWater or Gases(pCi/i) (pCi/m3)(pCi/kg,wet)Fish(pCi/Kg, wet)Milk(pCi/i)Broad LeafVegetation(pCi/kg,wet)SedimentGross betaH-3Mn-54Fe-59Co-58,60Zn-65Zr-95Nb-951-131Cs-13442000*1530153030151 xNANANANANANANA-210NANA130260130260NANANA130NANANANANANANANA115NANANANANANANANA606080NANANANANANANANANANANA150180NANA-27 x 10-25 x 1015Cs-137Ba-140La-140*If no**If no186015drinking water pathwaydrinking water pathway6 x 10 150 18NA NA 60NA NA 15exists, a value of 3000 pCi/1 may be used.exists, a value of 15 pCi/l may be used..PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-10 ODCMPage: 160Rev.: 19TABLE 4.12.1-1 (Continued)MAXIMUM VALUES FOR THE LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)TABLE NOTATIONaAcceptable detection capabilities for thermoluminescent dosimeters used forenvironmental measurements are given in Regulatory Guide 4.13.bTable 4.12-1 indicates acceptable detection capabilities for radioactivematerials in environmental samples. These detection capabilities aretabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLD isdefined, for purposes of this guide, as the smallest concentration ofradioactive material in a sample that will yield a net count (above systembackground) that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5%probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a"real" signal.For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemicalseparation):4.66 SbLLD = ) (V) (2.22xi06) () exp kAt)WhereLLD is the "a priori" lower limit of detection as defined above (as ýiCiper unit mass or volume).Sb is the standard deviation of the background counting rate or of thecounting rate of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts perminute)E is the counting efficiency (as counts per disintegration)V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume)2.22 106 is the number of disintegrations per minute per microcurieY is the fractional radiochemical yield (when applicable)k is the radioactive decay constant for the particular radionuclide(sec-1)At is the elapsed time between sample collection (or end of the samplecollection period) and time of counting (sec)Typical values of E, V, Y and At should be used in the calculation.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-11 ODCMPage: 161Rev.: 19TABLE 4.12.1-1 (Continued)MAXIMUM VALUES FOR THE LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD)TABLE NOTATION (continued)It should be recognized that the LLD is defined as an "a priori" (before thefact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an"a posteriori" (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.Occasionally background fluctuations, unavoidable small sample size, thepresence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrollable circumstances mayrender these LLDs unachievable. In such cases, the contributing factorsshould be identified and described in the annual Radiological EnvironmentalOperating Report pursuant to Control value.of Sb used in the calculation of the LLD for a particularmeasurement system should be based on the actual observed variance of thebackground counting rate or of the counting rate of the blank samples (asappropriate) rather than on an unverified theoretically predicated variance.CThis list does not mean that only these nuclides are to be considered.Other peaks that are identifiable, together with those of the above nuclides,shall also be analyzed and reported in the Annual Radiological EnvironmentalOperating Report pursuant to Control 6.9.16.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-12 ODCMPage: 162Rev.: 19RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUSCONTROLS3.12.2 A land use census shall be conducted and shall identify within adistance of 8 km (5 miles) the location in each of the 16 meteorologicalsectors of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence and the nearestgarden* of greater than 50 m2 (500 ft 2) producing broad leaf vegetation.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With a land use census identifying a location(s) which yields acalculated dose or dose commitment greater than the values currentlybeing calculated in Control, identify the new location(s)* inthe next Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report, pursuant toControl With a land use census identifying a location(s) which yields acalculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway)20 percent greater than at a location from which milk and/or broad leafvegetation samples are currently being obtained in accordance withControl 3.12.1, add the new location(s) to the radiological environmentalmonitoring program within 30 days. If no milk and/or broad leafvegetation samples are identified in the new sector with the highest D/Qvalue, then the next sector with the highest D/Q value will be consideredand so on until a sampling location can be established. The samplinglocation(s), excluding the control station location, having the lowestcalculated dose or dose commitment(s), via the same exposure pathway maybe deleted from this monitoring program after October 31 of the year inwhich this land use census was conducted.* Identify the new location(s)in the next annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and also includein the report a revised figure(s) and table(s) for the ODCM reflectingthe new location(s).c. The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.12.2 The land use census shall be conducted during the growing season atleast once per 12 months using that information that will provide the bestresults, such as by a door-to-door survey, aerial survey, or by consultinglocal agriculture authorities. The results of the land use census shall beincluded in the annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report pursuantto Control*Broad leaf vegetation sampling of at least three different kinds ofvegetation may be performed at the site boundary in each of two differentdirection sectors with the highest predicted D/Qs in lieu of the gardencensus. Controls for broad leaf vegetation sampling in Table 3.12.1-1 shallbe followed, including analysis of control samples.PERRY -UNIT 13/4 3-13 ODCMPage: 163Rev.: 19RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING3/4.12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAMCONTROLS3.12.3 Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials that correspondto samples required by Table 3.12.1-1. These materials are supplied as partof an Inter-laboratory Comparison Program.APPLICABILITY: At all times.ACTION:a. With analyses not being performed as required above, report thecorrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the. Commissionin the Annual Environmental and Effluent Release Report pursuant toControl The provisions of Control 3.0.3 are not applicable.SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS4.12.3 A summary of the results obtained as part of the above requiredInter-Laboratory Comparison Program shall be included in the annualRadiological Environmental Operating Report pursuant to Control -UNIT 13/4 3-14 ODCMPage:Rev.:16419BASES FORSECTIONS 3.0 AND 4.0CONTROLSANDSURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTSNOTEThe BASES contained in succeeding pages summarizethe reasons for the Controls in Section 3.0and 4.0, but are not part of these Controls.

ODCMPage: 165Rev.: 193/4 CONTROLS AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS3/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASESControls 3.0.1 through 3.0.5 establish the general requirements applicable toAppendix C Controls and apply at all times, unless otherwise stated.Control 3.0.1 establishes the Applicability statement within each individualcontrol as the requirement for when the Control is required to be met (i.e.,when the unit is in the MODES or other specified conditions of theApplicability statement of each Control).Control 3.0.2 establishes that upon discovery of a failure to meet a Control,the associated ACTIONS shall be met. The Completion Time of each ACTIONcondition is applicable from the point in time that an ACTIONS condition isentered. The ACTIONS establish those remedial measures that must be takenwithin specified times when the requirements of a Control are not met. ThisControl establishes that:a. Completion of the ACTIONS within the specified times constitutescompliance with a Control; andb. Completion of the ACTIONS is not required when a Control is metwithin the specified time, unless otherwise specified.There are two basic types of ACTION requirements. The first type of ACTIONSspecifies a time limit in which the Control must be met. This time limit isthe time to restore an inoperable system or component to OPERABLE status orto restore variables to within specified limits. If this type of ACTION isnot completed within the specified completion time, a shutdown may berequired to place the unit in a MODE or condition in which the Control is notapplicable. (Whether stated as an ACTION or not, correction of the enteredcondition is an action that may always be considered upon entering ACTIONS.)The second type of ACTION specifies the remedial measures that permitcontinued operation of the unit that is not further restricted by thecompletion time. In this case, compliance with the ACTIONS provides anacceptable level of safety for continued operation.Completing the ACTIONS is not required when a Control is met or is no longerapplicable, unless otherwise stated in the individual Control.The nature of some ACTIONS of some conditions necessitates that, once thecondition is entered, the ACTIONS must be completed even though theassociated condition no longer exists. The individual Control's ACTIONSspecify where this is the case.PERRY -UNIT 1 B 3/4 0-1 ODCMPage: 166Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASES (Continued)The completion times of the ACTIONS are also applicable when a system orcomponent is removed from service intentionally. The reasons forintentionally relying on the ACTIONS include, but are not limited to,performance of Surveillances, preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance,or investigation of operational problems. Entering ACTIONS for these reasonsmust be done in a manner that does not compromise safety. Intentional entryinto ACTIONS should not be made for operational convenience. Alternativesthat would not result in redundant equipment being inoperable should be usedinstead. Doing so limits the time both subsystems/divisions of a safetyfunction are inoperable and limits the time other conditions exist whichresult in Control 3.0.3 being entered. Individual Controls may specify atime limit for performing an SR when equipment is removed from service orbypassed for testing. In this case, the completion times of ACTIONS areapplicable when this time limit expires, if the equipment remains removedfrom service or bypassed.When a change in MODE or other specified condition is required to comply withan ACTION, the unit may enter a MODE or other specified condition in whichanother Control becomes applicable. In this case, the completion times ofthe associated ACTIONS would apply from the point in time that the newControl becomes applicable and the ACTIONS condition(s) are entered.Control 3.0.3 establishes the actions that must be implemented when a Controlis not met and:a. An associated ACTION and completion time is not met and no othercondition applies; orb. The condition of the unit is not specifically addressed by theassociated ACTIONS. This means that no combination of conditionsstated in the ACTIONS can be made that exactly corresponds to theactual condition of the unit. Sometimes, possible combinations ofconditions are such that entering Control 3.0.3 is warranted; insuch cases, the ACTIONS specifically state a condition correspondingto such combinations and also that Control 3.0.3 be enteredimmediately.This Control delineates the time limits for placing the unit in a safe MODEor other specified condition when operation cannot be maintained within thelimits for safe operation as defined by the Control and its ACTIONS. It isnot intended to be used as an operational convenience that permits routinevoluntary removal of redundant systems or components from service in lieu ofother alternatives that would not result in redundant systems or componentsbeing inoperable.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 0-2 ODCMPage: 167Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASES (Continued)Upon entering Control 3.0.3, 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> is allowed to prepare for an orderlyshutdown before initiating a change in unit operation. This includes time topermit the operator to coordinate the reduction in electrical generation withthe load dispatcher to ensure the stability and availability of theelectrical grid. The time limits specified to reach lower MODES of operationpermit the shutdown to proceed in a controlled and orderly manner that iswell within the specified maximum cooldown rate and within the capabilitiesof the unit, assuming that only the minimum required equipment is OPERABLE.This reduces thermal stresses on components of the Reactor Coolant System andthe potential for a plant upset that could challenge safety systems underconditions to which this Control applies.A unit shutdown required in accordance with Control 3.0.3 may be terminatedand Control 3.0.3 exited if any of the following occurs:a. The Control is met.b. A condition exists for which the ACTIONS have now been performed.c. ACTIONS exist that do not have expired completion times. Thesecompletion times are applicable from the point in time that thecondition is initially entered and not from the time Control 3.0.3is exited.The time limits of Control 3.0.3 allow 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br /> for the unit to be in MODE 4when a shutdown is required during MODE 1 operation. If the unit is in alower MODE of operation when a shutdown is required, the time limit forreaching the next lower MODE applies. If a lower MODE of operation isreached in less time than allowed, however, the total allowable time to reachMODE 4, or other applicable MODE, is not reduced. For example, if MODE 2 isreached in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, then the time allowed for reaching MODE 3 is the next11 hours, because the total time for reaching MODE 3 is not reduced from theallowable limit of 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br />. Therefore, if remedial measures are completedthat would permit a return to MODE 1, a penalty is not incurred by having toreach a lower MODE of operation in less than the total time allowed.In MODES 1, 2, and 3, Control 3.0.3 provides actions for conditions notcovered in other Controls. The requirements of Control 3.0.3 do not apply inMODES 4 and 5 because the unit is already in the most restrictive conditionrequired by Control 3.0.3. The requirements of Control 3.0.3 do not apply inother specified conditions of the Applicability (unless in MODE 1, 2, or 3)because the ACTIONS of individual Controls sufficiently define the remedialmeasures to be taken.Exceptions to Control 3.0.3 are provided in instances where requiring a unitshutdown, in accordance with Control 3.0.3, would not provide appropriateremedial measures for the associated condition of the unit. These exceptionsare addressed in the individual Controls.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 0-3 ODCMPage: 168Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASES (Continued)Control 3.0.4 establishes limitations on changes in MODES or other specifiedconditions in the Applicability when a Control is not met. It allows placingthe Unit in a MODE or other specified condition stated in that Applicability(e.g., Applicability desired to be entered) when unit conditions are suchthat the requirements of the LCO would not be met, in accordance withControl 3.0.4.a, 3.0.4.b, or 3.0.4.c.Per Control 3.0.4.a, compliance with ACTION requirements that permitcontinued operation of the facility for an unlimited period of time in a MODEor other specified condition provides an acceptable level of safety forcontinued operation. This is without regard to the status of the plantbefore or after the MODE change. Therefore, in such cases, entry into a MODEor other specified condition in the Applicability may be made in accordancewith the provisions of the ACTION requirements.Per Control 3.0.4.b, changes in MODE may be made even if the ACTIONrequirements include a requirement to exit the Applicability, PROVIDED a riskassessment is performed (and is determined to be acceptable) which addressesthe inoperable systems/components, and any appropriate risk managementactions are put in place.The provisions of this control should not be interpreted as endorsing thefailure to exercise the good practice of restoring systems or components toOPERABLE status before Unit startup.The provisions of Control 3.0.4 shall not prevent changes in MODES or otherspecified conditions in the Applicability that are required to comply withACTIONS. In addition, the provisions of Control 3.0.4 shall not preventchanges in MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability thatresult from any unit shutdown. In this context, a unit shutdown is definedas a change in MODE associated with transitioning from MODE 1 to MODE 2 or 3,MODE 2 to 3, and MODE 3 to 4.Surveillances do not have to be performed on the associated inoperableequipment (or on variables outside the specified limits), as permitted bySR 3.0.1. Therefore, utilizing Control 3.0.4 is not a violation of SR 4.0.1or SR 4.0.4 for any Surveillances that have not been performed on inoperableequipment. However, SRs must be met to ensure OPERABILITY prior to declaringthe associated equipment OPERABLE (or variable within limits) and restoringcompliance with the affected Control.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 0-4 ODCMPage: 169Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASES (Continued)Control 3.0.5 establishes the allowance for restoring equipment to serviceunder administrative controls when it has been removed from service ordeclared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS. The sole purpose of this Controlis to provide an exception to Control 3.0.2 (e.g., to not comply with theapplicable ACTION(s)) to allow the performance of SRs to demonstrate:a. The OPERABILITY of the equipment being returned to service; orb. The OPERABILITY of other equipment.The administrative controls ensure the time the equipment is returned toservice in conflict with the requirements of the ACTIONS is limited to thetime absolutely necessary to perform the allows SRs. This Control does notprovide time to perform any other preventative or corrective maintenance.SR 4.0.1 through 4.0.5 establish the general requirements applicable to allControls and apply at all times, unless otherwise stated.SR 4.0.1 establishes the requirement that SRs must be met during the MODES orother specified conditions in the Applicability for which the requirements ofthe Control apply, unless otherwise specified in the individual SRs. ThisControl is to ensure that Surveillances are performed to verify theOPERABILITY of systems and components, and that variables are withinspecified limits. Failure to meet a Surveillance within the specifiedfrequency, in accordance with SR 4.0.2, constitutes a failure to meet aControl.Systems and components are assumed to be OPERABLE when the associated SRshave been met. Nothing in this Control, however, is to be construed asimplying that systems or components are OPERABLE when:a. The systems or components are known to be inoperable, although stillmeeting the SRs; orb. The requirements of the Surveillance(s) are known to be not metbetween required Surveillance performances.Surveillances do not have to be performed when the unit is in a MODE or otherspecified condition for which the requirements of the associated Control arenot applicable, unless otherwise specified. The SRs associated with aSpecial Operations Control are only applicable when the Special OperationsControl is used as an allowable exception to the requirements of a Control.Surveillances, including Surveillances invoked by ACTIONS, do not have to beperformed on inoperable equipment because the ACTIONS define the remedialmeasures that apply. Surveillances have to be met and performed inaccordance with SR 4.0.2, prior to returning equipment to OPERABLE status.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 0-5 ODCMPage: 170Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASES (Continued)Upon completion of maintenance, appropriate post maintenance testing isrequired to declare equipment OPERABLE. This includes ensuring applicableSurveillances are not failed and their most recent performance is inaccordance with SR 4.0.2. Post maintenance testing may not be possible inthe current MODE or other specified conditions in the Applicability due tothe necessary unit parameters not having been established. In thesesituations, the equipment may be considered OPERABLE provided testing hasbeen satisfactorily completed to the extent possible and the equipment is nototherwise believed to be incapable of performing its function. This willallow operation to proceed to a MODE or other specified condition where othernecessary post maintenance tests can be completed.SR 4.0.2 establishes the requirements for meeting the specified frequency forSurveillances and any ACTIONS with a completion time that requires theperiodic performance of the ACTION on a "once per ..." interval.SR 4.0.2 permits a 25% extension of the interval specified in the frequency.This extension facilitates Surveillance scheduling and considers plantoperating conditions that may not be suitable for conducting the Surveillance(e.g., transient conditions or other ongoing Surveillance or maintenanceactivities).The 25% extension does not significantly degrade the reliability that resultsfrom performing the Surveillance at its specified frequency. This is basedon the recognition that the most probable result of any particularSurveillance being performed is the verification of conformance with the SRs.The exceptions to SR 4.0.2 are those Surveillances for which the 25%extension of the interval specified in the frequency does not apply. Theseexceptions are stated in the individual Controls.As stated in SR 4.0.2, the 25% extension also does not apply to the initialportion of a periodic completion time that requires performance on a "onceper ..." basis. The 25% extension applies to each performance after theinitial performance. The initial performance of the ACTION, whether it is aparticular Surveillance or some other remedial action, is considered a singleaction with a single completion time. One reason for not allowing the 25%extension to this completion time is that such an action usually verifiesthat no loss of function has occurred by checking the status of redundant ordiverse components or accomplishes the function of the inoperable equipmentin an alternative manner.The provisions of SR 4.0.2 are not intended to be used repeatedly merely asan operational convenience to extend Surveillance intervals (other than thoseconsistent with refueling intervals) or periodic completion time intervalsbeyond those specified.PERRY -UNIT 1 B 3/4 0-6 ODCMPage: 171Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASES (Continued)SR 4.0.3 establishes the flexibility to defer declaring affected equipmentinoperable or an affected variable outside the specified limits when aSurveillance has not been completed within the specified frequency. A delayperiod of up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or up to the limit of the specified frequency,Whichever is less, applies from the point in time that it is discovered thatthe Surveillance has not been performed in accordance with SR 4.0.2, and notat the time that the specified frequency was not met. This delay periodprovides adequate time to complete Surveillances that have been missed. Thisdelay period permits the completion of a Surveillance before complying withACTIONS or other remedial measures that might preclude completion of theSurveillance.The basis for this delay period includes consideration of unit conditions,adequate planning, availability of personnel, the time required to performthe Surveillance, the safety significance of the delay in completing therequired Surveillance, and the recognition that the most probable result ofany particular Surveillance being performed is the verification ofconformance with the requirements.When a Surveillance with a frequency based not on time intervals, but uponspecified unit conditions or operational situations, is discovered not tohave been performed when specified, SR 4.0.3 allows the full delay period of24 hours to perform the Surveillance.SR 4.0.3 also provides a time limit for completion of Surveillances thatbecome applicable as a consequence of MODE changes imposed by ACTIONS.Failure to comply with specified frequencies for Surveillance Requirements isexpected to be an infrequent occurrence. Use of the delay period establishedby SR 4.0.3 is a flexibility which is not intended to be used as anoperational convenience to extend Surveillance intervals.If a Surveillance is not completed within the allowed delay period, then theequipment is considered inoperable or the variable then is considered outsidethe specified limits and the completion times of the ACTIONS for theapplicable Control conditions begin immediately upon expiration of the delayperiod. If a Surveillance is failed within the delay period, then theequipment is inoperable, or the variable is outside the specified limits andthe completion times of the required ACTIONS for the applicable Controlconditions begin immediately upon failure of the Surveillance.Completion of the Surveillance within the delay period allowed by thisControl, or within the completion time of the ACTIONS, restores compliancewith SR 4.0.1.SR 4.0.4 establishes the requirement that all applicable SRs must be metbefore entry into a MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability,with two exceptions as described in SR 4.0.4.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 0-7 ODCMPage: 172Rev.: 193/4.0 APPLICABILITYBASES (Continued)This Control ensures that system and component OPERABILITY requirements andvariable limits are met before entry into MODES or other specified conditionsin the Applicability for which these systems and components ensure safeoperation of the unit.However, in certain circumstances, failing to meet an SR will not result inSR 4.0.4 restricting a MODE change or other specified condition change. Whena system, subsystem, division, component, device, or variable is inoperableor outside its specified limits, the associated SR(s) are not required to beperformed, per SR 4.0.1, which states that surveillances do not have to beperformed on inoperable equipment or variables outside specified limits.When equipment is inoperable, or variables are outside their specifiedlimits, SR 4.0.4 does not apply to the associated SR(s) since the requirementfor the SR(s) to be performed is removed. Therefore, failing to perform theSurveillance(s) within the specified frequency, on equipment that isinoperable, or on variables that are outside specified limits, does notresult in an SR 4.0.4 restriction to changing MODES or other specifiedconditions in the Applicability. However, since the Control is not met inthis instance, Control 3.0.4 will govern any restrictions that may (or maynot) apply to MODE or other specified condition changes.The provisions of this Control should not be interpreted as endorsing thefailure to exercise the good practice of restoring systems or components toOPERABLE status before entering an associated MODE or other specifiedcondition in the Applicability.The provisions of SR 4.0.4 shall not prevent changes in MODES or otherspecified conditions in the Applicability that are required to comply withACTIONS. In addition, the provisions of SR 4.0.4 shall not prevent changesin MODES or other specified conditions in the Applicability that result fromany unit shutdown. In this context, a unit shutdown is defined as a changein MODE associated with transitioning from MODE 1 to MODE 2 or 3, MODE 2 to3, and MODE 3 to 4.The precise requirements for performance of SRs are specified such thatexceptions to SR 4.0.4 are not necessary. The specific time frames andconditions necessary for meeting the SRs are specified in the frequency, inthe Surveillance, or both. This allows performance of Surveillances when theprerequisite condition(s) specified in a Surveillance procedure require entryinto the MODE or other specified condition in the Applicability of theassociated Control prior to the performance or completion of a Surveillance.A Surveillance that could not be performed until after entering the Control'sApplicability would have its frequency specified such that it is not "due"until the specific conditions needed are met. Alternately, the Surveillancemay be stated in the form of a note as not required (to be met or performed)until a particular event, condition, or time has been reached.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 0-8 ODCMPage: 173Rev.: 193/4.3 INSTRUMENTATIONBASES3/4.3.7 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION3/ RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONThe radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is provided to monitorand control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquideffluents during actual or potential releases of liquid effluents. Thealarm/trip setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordancewith the procedures in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm/trip will occurprior to exceeding the limits of 10CFR20. The OPERABILITY and use of thisinstrumentation is consistent with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix A,General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64.3/ RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATIONThe radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentation is provided to monitorand control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents during actual or potential releases of gaseous effluents. Thealarm setpoints for these instruments shall be calculated in accordance withthe procedures in the ODCM to ensure that the alarm will occur prior toexceeding the limits of 10CFR20. The OPERABILITY and use of thisinstrumentation is consistent with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix A,General Design Criteria 60, 63, and 64.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 1-1 ODCMPage: 174Rev.: 193/4.11 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSBASES3/4.11.1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS3/ CONCENTRATIONThis Control is provided to ensure that the concentration of radioactivematerials released in liquid waste effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will beless than the concentration levels specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table 2,Column 2. This limitation provides additional assurance that the levels ofradioactive materials in bodies of water in UNRESTRICTED AREAS will result inexposures within (1) the Section II.A. design objectives of 10CFR50,Appendix I, to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, and (2) the limits of 10CFR20 to thepopulation. The concentration limit for dissolved and entrained noble gasesis based upon the assumption that Xe-135 is the controlling radioisotope andits limiting effluent concentration in air (submersion) was converted to anequivalent concentration in water using the methods described inInternational Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.This Control applies to the release of radioactive materials in liquideffluents from all units at the site.The required detection capabilities for radioactive materials in liquidwaste samples are tabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs).Detailed discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits, can be found in:(1) Currie, L. A.., "Lower Limit of Detection: Definition andElaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent andEnvironmental Measurements," NUREG/CR-4007 (September, 1984).(2) HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually).3/ DOSEThis Control is provided to implement the requirements of 10CFR50,.Appendix I, Sections II.A, III.A and IV.A. The Control implements the guidesset forth in of 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section II.A. The ACTION statementsprovide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement theguides set forth in of 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section IV.A which assure thatthe releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents to UNRESTRICTEDAREAS will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." Also, for freshwater sites with drinking water supplies which can be potentially affected byplant operations, there is reasonable assurance that the operation of thefacility will not result in radionuclide concentrations in the finisheddrinking water that are in excess of the requirements of 40CFRl41. The dosecalculations in the ODCM implement the requirements in 10CFR50, Appendix I,Section III.A that conformance with the guides of 10CFR50, Appendix I beshown by calculational procedures based on models and data; such that theactual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways isunlikely to be substantially underestimated. The equations specified in theODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactivePERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 2-1 ODCMPage: 175Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSBASES3/ DOSE (Continued)materials in liquid effluents are consistent with the methodology provided inRegulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from RoutineReleases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, Revision 1", October 1977, and RegulatoryGuide 1.113, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluent from Accidental andRoutine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I,"April 1977.This Control applies to the release of liquid effluents from each reactorat the site. For units with shared radwaste treatment systems, the liquideffluents from the shared system are proportioned among the units sharingthat system.3/ LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMThe OPERABILITY of the liquid radwaste treatment system ensures that thissystem will be available for use whenever liquid effluents require treatmentprior to release to the environment.The requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be used whenspecified provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials inliquid effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." ThisControl implements the requirements of 10CFR50.36a; 10CFR50, Appendix A,General Design Criterion 60; and the design objective given in 10CFR50,Appendix I,Section II.D. The specified limit governing the use ofappropriate portions of the liquid radwaste treatment system were specifiedas a suitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in 10CFR50,Appendix I,Section II.A, for liquid effluents.This Control applies to the release of liquid effluents from each reactorat the site. For units with shared radwaste treatment systems, the liquideffluents from the shared system are proportioned among the units sharing thesystem.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 2-2 ODCMPage: 176Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSBASES3/4.11.2 GASEOUS EFFLUENTS3/ DOSE RATEThis Control is provided to ensure that the dose any time at and beyondthe SITE BOUNDARY from gaseous effluents from all units on the site will bewithin the annual dose limits of 10CFR20 for UNRESTRICTED AREAS. The annualdose rate limits are those associated with the concentrations of thoselimiting effluent concentrations, as described in Regulatory Guide 1.109.These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive materialdischarged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of a MEMBEROF THE PUBLIC in an UNRESTRICTED AREA, either within or outside the SITEBOUNDARY, to annual average concentrations exceeding the limits specified in10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II. For MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC who may at times bewithin the SITE BOUNDARY, the occupancy of the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will besufficiently low to compensate for any increase in the atmospheric diffusionfactor above that for the SITE BOUNDARY. Examples of calculations for suchMEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC, with appropriate occupancy factors, shall be given inthe ODCM. The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, thecorresponding gamma and beta dose rates above background to a MEMBER OF THEPUBLIC at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY to less than or equal to 500 mrems/yearto the whole body or to less than or equal to 3000 mrems/year to the skin.These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the correspondingthyroid dose rate above background to a child via the inhalation pathway toless than or equal to 1500 mrems/year.This Control applies to the release of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents from all reactors at the site. The required detection capabilitiesfor radioactive material in gaseous waste samples are tabulated in terms ofthe lower limit of detection (LLDs). Detailed discussion of the LLD andother detection limits can be found in:(1) Currie, L. A., "Lower Limit of Detection: Definition andElaboration of a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent andEnvironmental Measurements," NUREG/CR-4007 (September 1984).(2) HASL Procedures Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually).3/ DOSE -NOBLE GASESThis Control is provided to implement the requirements of 10CFR50,Appendix I, Sections II.B, III.A and IV.A. The Control implements the guidesset forth in 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section II.B. The ACTION statementsprovide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement theguides set forth in 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section IV.A to assure that thereleases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREASwill be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The SurveillanceRequirements implement the requirements in 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section III.Athat conformance with the guides of 10CFR50, Appendix I, be shown bycalculational procedures based on models and data such that the actualPERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 2-3 ODCMPage: 177Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSBASES3/ DOSE -NOBLE GASES (Continued)exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikelyto be substantially underestimated. The dose calculations established in theODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactivenoble gases in gaseous effluents are consistent with the methodology providedin Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from RoutineReleases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with10CFR50, Appendix I, Revision 1", October 1977, and Regulatory Guide 1.111,"Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of GaseousEffluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1,July 1977. The ODCM equations provided for determining the air doses at andbeyond the SITE BOUNDARY are made using meteorological conditions concurrentwith the time of release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents or arebased upon the historical average atmospheric conditions.This Control applies to the release of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwastetreatment systems, the gaseous effluents from the shared system areproportioned among the units sharing that system.3/ DOSE -IODINE-131, IODINE-133, TRITIUM AND RADIONUCLIDES INPARTICULATE FORMThis Control is provided to implement the requirements of 10CFR50,Appendix I, Sections II.C, III.A and IV.A. The Controls are the guides setforth in 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section II.C. The ACTION statements providethe required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guidesset forth in 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section IV.A, to assure that the releasesof radioactive materials in gaseous effluents to UNRESTRICTED AREAS will bekept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The ODCM calculational methodsspecified in the Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in10CFR50, Appendix I,Section III.A, that conformance with the guides of10CFR50, Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models anddata, such that the actual exposure of a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC throughappropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. TheODCM calculational methods for calculating the doses due to the actualrelease rates of the subject materials are consistent with the methodologyprovided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man fromRoutine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of EvaluatingCompliance with 10CFR50, Appendix I," Revision 1, October 1977, andRegulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport andDispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-CooledReactors," Revision 1, July 1977. These equations also provide fordetermining the actual doses using meteorological conditions concurrent withthe time of release of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents or arebased upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. The release ratespecifications for iodine-131, iodine-133, tritium and radionuclides inparticulate form are dependent on the existing radionuclide pathway to man inPERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 2-4 ODCMPage: 178Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSBASES3/ DOSE -IODINE-131, IODINE-133, TRITIUM AND RADIONUCLIDES INPARTICULATE FORM (Continued)the areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY. The pathways which were examinedin the development of these calculations were: (l) individual inhalation ofairborne radionuclides, (2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafyvegetation with subsequent consumption by man, (3) deposition onto grassyareas where milk animals and meat-producing animals graze with consumption ofthe milk and meat by man, and (4) deposition on the ground with subsequentexposure of man.This Control applies to the release of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwastetreatment systems, the gaseous effluents from the shared system areproportioned among the units sharing that system.3/ AND 3/ GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM ANDVENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMSThe OPERABILITY of the GASEOUS RADWASTE TREATMENT (OFFGAS) SYSTEM and theVENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEMS ensures that the systems will beavailable for use whenever gaseous effluents require treatment prior torelease to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions ofthe systems be used, when specified, provides reasonable assurance that thereleases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as lowas is reasonably achievable." This Control implements the requirements of10CFR50.36a; 10CFR50, Appendix A, General Design Criterion; and the designobjectives given in 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section II.D. The specified limitsgoverning the use of appropriate portions of the systems were specified as asuitable fraction of the dose design objectives set forth in 10CFR50,Appendix I, Sections II.B and II.C, for gaseous effluents.This Control applies to the release of radioactive materials in gaseouseffluents from each reactor at the site. For units with shared radwastetreatment systems, the gaseous effluents from the shared system areproportional among the units sharing that system.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 2-5 ODCMPage: 179Rev.: 19RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTSBASES3/4.11.4 TOTAL DOSEThis Control is provided to meet the dose limitations of 40CFR190 thathave been incorporated into 10CFR20 by 46 FR 18525 and the dose limitationsof IOCFR72.104. The Control requires the preparation and submittal of aSpecial Report whenever the calculated doses due to releases of radioactivityand to radiation from uranium fuel cycle sources exceed 25 mrems to the wholebody or any organ, except the thyroid, which shall be limited to less than orequal to 75 mrems. For sites containing up to four reactors, it is highlyunlikely that the resultant dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC will exceed thedose limits of 40CFRI90, if the individual reactors remain within twice thedose design objectives of 10CFR50, Appendix I, and if direct radiation dosesfrom the units including outside storage tanks, etc. are kept small. TheSpecial Report will describe a course of action that should result in thelimitation of the annual dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC to within the40CFR190 limits. For the purposes of the Special Report, it may be assumedthat the dose commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other uranium fuelcycle sources is negligible, with the exception that dose contributions fromother nuclear fuel cycle facilities at the same site or within a radius of8 km must be considered. If the dose to any MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC isestimated to exceed the requirements of 40CFRI90, the Special Report with arequest for a variance (provided the release conditions resulting inviolation of 40CFR190 have not already been corrected), in accordance withthe provisions of 40CFRI90.11 and IOCFR20.405c, is considered to be a timelyrequest and fulfills the requirements of 40CFR190 until NRC staff action iscompleted. The variance only relates to the limits of 40CFR190, and does notapply in any way to the other requirements for dose limitation of 10CFR20, asaddressed in ODCM Controls and An individual is notconsidered a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC during any period in which he/she isengaged in carrying out any operation that is part of the nuclear fuel cycle.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 2-6 ODCMPage: 180Rev.: 193/4.12 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGBASES3/4.12.1 MONITORING PROGRAMThe Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program required by thisControl provides representative measurements of radiation and of radioactivematerials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides that lead tothe highest potential radiation exposures of MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC resultingfrom the plant operation. This monitoring program implements 10CFR50,Appendix I,Section IV.B.2, and thereby supplements the Radiological EffluentMonitoring Program by verifying that the measurable concentrations ofradioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected onthe basis of the effluent measurements and the modeling of the environmentalexposure pathways. Guidance for this monitoring program is provided by theRadiological Assessment Branch Technical Position on EnvironmentalMonitoring, Revision 1, November 1979. The initially specified monitoringprogram will be effective for at least the first 3 years of commercialoperation. Following this period, program changes may be initiated based onoperational experience.The required detection capabilities for environmental sample analyses aretabulated in terms of the lower limits of detection (LLDs). The LLDsrequired by ODCM Table 4.12-1 are considered optimum for routineenvironmental measurements in industrial laboratories. It should berecognized that the LLD is defined as an a priori (before the fact) limitrepresenting the capability of a measurement system and not as an aposteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement.Detailed discussion of the LLD, and other detection limits, can be foundin:(1) Currie, L. A. "Lower Limit of Detection: Definition and Elaborationof a Proposed Position for Radiological Effluent and EnvironmentalMeasurements," NUREG/CR-4007 (September 1984).(2) HASL Procedure Manual, HASL-300 (revised annually).3/4.12.2 LAND USE CENSUSThis Control is provided to ensure that changes in the use of areas atand beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are identified and that modifications to theradiological environmental monitoring program given in the ODCM are made ifrequired by the results of the census. The best information fromdoor-to-door survey, visual or aerial survey or from consulting with localagriculturalauthorities shall be used. This census satisfies therequirements of 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.3. Restricting the censusto gardens of greater than 50 m2 provides assurance that significant exposurepathways via leafy vegetables will be identified and monitored since a gardenof this size is the minimum required to produce the quantity (26 kg/year) ofleafy vegetables assumed in Regulatory Guide 1.109 for consumption by achild. To determine this minimum garden size, the following assumptions weremade: (1) 20% of the garden was used for growing broad leaf vegetation(i.e., similar to lettuce and cabbage), and (2) a vegetation yield of 2 kg/m2.PERRY -UNIT 1B 3/4 3-1 ODCMPage:Rev.:18119RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORINGBASES3/4.12.3 INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAMThe requirement for participation in an approved InterlaboratoryComparison Program is provided to ensure that independent checks on theprecision and accuracy of the measurements of radioactive material inenvironmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assuranceprogram for environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the resultsare valid for the purposes of 10CFR50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.2.PERRY -UNIT 1 B 3/4 3-2 ODCMPage: 182Rev.: 196.0ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS ODCMPage: 183Rev.: 19ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSANNUAL REPORTSANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT6.9.1.6 Routine radiological environmental operating reports covering theoperation of the unit during the previous year shall be submitted by May 1 of \each year.The annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report shall include:a. Summaries, interpretations, and an analysis of trends of the results ofthe radiological environmental surveillance activities for the reportperiod, including a comparison with pre-operational studies, operationalcontrols (as appropriate). and previous environmental surveillancereports and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operationon the environment;b. The results of land use censuses required by Control 3.12.2;c. The results of analysis of all radiological environmental samples and ofall locations specified in the table and figures in the Offsite DoseCalculation Manual, as well as summarized and tabulated results of theseanalyses and measurements in the format of the table in the RadiologicalAssessment Branch Technical Position, Revision 1, November 1979. In theevent that some individual results are not available for inclusion withthe report, the report shall be submitted noting and explaining thereasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted assoon as possible in a supplementary report;d. A summary description of the Radiological Environmental MonitoringProgram; at least two legible maps* covering all sampling locations keyedto a table giving distances and directions from the centerline of onereactor; the results of licensee participation in the Inter-laboratoryComparison Program and the corrective action taken if the specifiedprogram is not being performed as required by Control 3.12.3; reasons fornot conducting the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program asrequired by Control 3.12.1, and discussion of all deviations from thesampling schedule of Table 3.12.1-1; discussion of environmental samplemeasurements that exceed the reporting levels of Table 3.12.1-2 but arenot the result of plant effluents, pursuant to ACTION b ofControl 3.12.1; and discussion of all analyses in which the LLD requiredby Table 4.12.1-1 was not achievable.* One map shall cover stations near the SITE BOUNDARY; a second shall includethe more distant stations.PERRY -UNIT 14-1 ODCMPage: 184Rev.: 19ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT6.9.1.7 Routine radioactive release reports covering the operation of theunit during the previous year shall be submitted annually. The Report shallbe submitted by May 1 of each year.The annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report shall include:a. A summary of the quantities of radioactive liquid and gaseous effluentsreleased from the unit as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring,Evaluating, and Reporting Radioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases ofRadioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents fromLight-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 1, June 1974, withdata summarized on a quarterly basis following the format of Appendix Bthereof.b. A summary of hourly meteorological data collected over the previous year.This annual summary may be either in the form of an hour-by-hour listingon magnetic tape of wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric stability,and precipitation (if measured), or in the form of joint frequencydistributions of wind speed, wind direction, and atmospheric stability.*This report shall include an assessment of the radiation doses due to theradioactive liquid and gaseous effluents released from the unit orstation during the previous year. This report shall also include anassessment of the radiation doses from radioactive liquid and gaseouseffluents to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC due to their activities inside theSITE BOUNDARY (see Figure 3.2-1.) during the report period. Allassumptions used in making these assessments, i.e., specific activity,exposure time, and location, shall be included in these reports. Theassessment of radiation doses shall be performed in accordance with themethodology and parameters in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM).c. An assessment of radiation doses to the likely most exposed MEMBER OF THEPUBLIC from reactor releases and other nearby uranium fuel cycle sources,including doses from primary effluent pathways and direct radiation, forthe previous calendar year to show conformance with 40CFRI90,"Environmental Radiation Protection Standards for Nuclear PowerOperation." Acceptable methods for calculating the dose contributionfrom liquid and gaseous effluents are given in Regulatory Guide 1.109,Rev. 1, October 1977.* In lieu of submission with the annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report,the licensee has the option of retaining this summary of requiredmeteorological data on site in a file that shall be provided to the NRC uponrequest.PERRY -UNIT 14-2 ODCMPage: 185Rev.: 19ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLSANNUAL RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT (Continued)d. A list and description of unplanned releases from the site toUNRESTRICTED AREAS (see Figure 3.2-1) of radioactive materials in gaseousand liquid effluents made during the reporting period.e. Any changes made during the reporting period to the OFFSITE DOSECALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM), pursuant to PNPP Technical Specification 5.5.1as well as any major change to Liquid or Gaseous Treatment Systemspursuant to Control 6.15. It shall also include a listing of newlocations for dose calculations and/or environmental monitoringidentified by the Land Use Census pursuant to Control 3.12.2.f. The report shall also include the following: an explanation as to whythe inoperability of liquid or gaseous effluent monitoringinstrumentation was not corrected within the time specified inControl or, respectively; and description of the eventsleading to liquid holdup tanks exceeding total curie limits.SPECIAL REPORTS6.9.2 Special reports shall be submitted in accordance with 10CFR50.4within the time period specified for each report.6.10 RECORD RETENTION6.10.1 In addition to the applicable record retention requirements ofTitle 10 Code of Federal Regulations, the following records shall beretained for at least the minimum period indicated.6.10.2 Records of surveillance activities, inspections, and calibrationsrequired by these Controls shall be retained for at least 5 years:6.15 MAJOR CHANGES TO RADIOACTIVE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS*6.15.1 Licensee initiated major changes to the radioactive waste systems,liquid, gaseous and solid:* Licensee may choose to submit the information called for in this Control aspart of the annual USAR update.PERRY -UNIT 14-3 ODCMPage: 186Rev.: 19ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS1. Shall be reported to the Commission in the annual RadioactiveEffluent Release Report for the period in which the evaluationwas reviewed by the PORC. The discussion of each change shallcontain:a. A summary of the evaluation that led to the determinationthat the change could be made in accordance with1OCFR50.59;b. Sufficient detailed information to totally support thereason for the change without benefit of additional orsupplemental information;c. A detailed description of the equipment, components andprocesses involved and the interfaces with other plantsystemsd. An evaluation of the change which shows the predictedreleases of radioactive materials in liquid and gaseouseffluents and/or quantity of solid waste that differ fromthose previously predicted in the license application andamendments thereto;e. An evaluation of the change which shows the expectedmaximum exposures to MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC in theUNRESTRICTED AREA and to the general population that differfrom those previously estimated in the license applicationand amendments thereto;f. A comparison of the predicted releases of radioactivematerials, in liquid and gaseous effluents and in solidwaste, to the actual releases for the period prior to whenthe changes are to be made;g. An estimate of the exposure to plant operating personnel asa result of the change; and2. Shall become effective upon review and approval by the PlantManager.* Licensee may choose to submit the information called for in this Control aspart of the annual USAR update.PERRY -UNIT 14-4 ODCMPage: 187Rev.: 19RecordsThe following records are completed/generated by this document:Quality RecordsAnnual Radioactive Effluent Release ReportNon-Quality RecordsNone ODCMPage: 188Rev.: 19REFERENCES1. Title 10, "Energy," Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations; Part 20, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, May 21, 1991.2. Title 10, "Energy," Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations; Part 50; U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, January 1, 1984.3. Title 40, "Protection of Environment," Chapter 1, Code of FederalRegulations, Part 190, Federal Register, Vol. 42, Washington, D.C.20402, January 13, 1977.4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Preparation of Radiological EffluentTechnical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants," USNRC NUREG-0133,Washington, D.C. 20555, October, 1981.5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Draft Radiological EffluentTechnical Specifications for PWR's," USNRC NUREG-0473, Revision 2,Washington, D.C. 20555, February, 1980.6. Regulatory Guide 1.21, "Measuring, Evaluating, and ReportingRadioactivity in Solid Wastes and Releases of Radioactive Materials inLiquid and Gaseous Effluents from Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear PowerPlants," Revision 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.20555, June 1974.7. Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from RoutineReleases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliancewith 10CFR 50, Appendix I," Revision 0, U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, Washington, D.C. 20555, March 1976.8. Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from RoutineReleases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliancewith 10CFR Part 50, Appendix I," Revision 1, U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, Washington, D.C. 20555, October 1977.9. Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport andDispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases fromLight-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission, Washington, D.C. 20555, July 1977.10. Regulatory Guide 1.113, "Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents fromAccidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of ImplementingAppendix I," Revision 1, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Washington, D.C. 20555, April 1977.

ODCMPage: 189 -LASTRev.: 19REFERENCES (Cont.)11. Regulatory Guide 4.15, "Quality Assurance for Radiological MonitoringPrograms (Normal Operation) -Effluent Streams and the Environment," U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, February 1979.12. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Branch Technical Position,"Revision 1, Washington, D.C. 20555, November 1979.13. Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1 and 2, "Final Safety Analysis Report,"Amendment 14, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Perry, Ohio44081, August 1984.14. Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, "Environmental Report,Operating License Stage," Supplement 3, The Cleveland ElectricIlluminating Company, Perry, Ohio 44081, November 1981.15. Perry Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2, "Radiological EnvironmentalMonitoring Program Manual," The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company,Perry, Ohio 44081, February 1985.16. "Midas User's Manual, for the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company,Perry Nuclear Power Plant," Pickard, Lowe and Garrick, Washington, D.C.20036, July 1983.17. Kocher, D.C., "Radioactive Decay Data Tables," Technical InformationCenter, U.S. Department of Energy, Springfield, Virginia 22161,September 1985.18. 1989 Engineering Report "Lake Erie Potable Water Facilities and Intakeswithin 50 Miles of PNPP, (Ref. SO-11552 "E").19. Perry Environmental Report Operating License Stage, Table 5.1-10 "AnnualAverage Dilution Factors for Lake Water Intakes within 50 Miles of PNPPand Q&R Page 2.1-2.20. PNPP Ohio Power Siting Commission application of August 1974,Appendix 1304-C-2, Table IV-A-2.21. Total Angler Catch (1987 annual) for Each Grid Location; per letter fromMichael R. Rawson, Fairport Fisheries Research Station, Ohio Departmentof Natural Resources (6-20-88).22. Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard Radiological EffluentControls for Boiling Water Reactors; Generic Letter 89-01, SupplementNo. 1.23. Federal Guidance Report 13 CD Supplement: Cancer Risk Coefficients forEnvironmental Exposure to Radionuclides.