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License Event Report 78-008: Cycle 2 Core Axial Power Distribution Limits of TS 3.10.3 Were Exceeded by Approximately 12% for Steady State Operation During Cycle 2
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/1978
From: Hoffman D
Consumers Power Co
To: James Keppler
LER 1978-008-00
Download: ML18347B180 (5)



                                     *e consumers
  • Power company General Offices: 212 West Michigan Avenue, Jackson, Michigan 49201
  • Area Code 517 788-0550 April 19, 1978 Mr James G Keppler Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region III US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT - LICENSEE EVENT REPORT 78-008
  • Attached is Licensee Event Report 78-008 for the Palisades Plant as required by Technical Specification 6.9.2(a).2.

David P Hoffman Assistant Nuclear Licensing Administrator CC: Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Director, Office of Inspection and Enforcement


[ilI] I MI r I P I AI L I i l@I o I oI o I o Io I o lo I o 101OIOIG)l411l1l1l 1l©I 7 8 9 LICENSEE CODE 14 ,5 LICENSE NUMBER 25 26 . LICENSE TYPE 30 I 57 CAT 58 10 CON'T [ITJ] 1 a

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DOCKET NUMBER 6B 69 EVENT DATE 74 75 REPORT DATE 80 EVENT DESCRIPTION ANO PROBABLE CONSEQUENCES@ 1 (]]]] I Reanalysis of the cycle 2 core axial power distribution has shown that (]J:!] I the power distribution limits of TS 3.10.3 were exceeded by approximately []JI] I 12 percent for steady state operation during Clcle 2. The limits were []]]] I exceeded only in the upper portion of the core. This condition was dis-III]] covered through the use of an improved incore. analysis (INCA) computer ITlI] code. []:]]] 1 a g so SYSTEM CAUSE CAUSE COMP. VALVE CODE CODE SUBCOOE COMPONENT CODE SUSCODE SUBCODE [ill) IR I Cl@ 1..!J@ W@ IZ I ZIZ I Z IZ IZ I@ l!..J@) ~@ 1 a 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 SEQUENTIAL OCCURRENCE REPORT REVISION* r.::... REPORT NO. COOE TYPE LEA/RO LVENT YEAR NO. v..:.; REPORT NUMBER 17 18 I 21 I I Io I o 18 I 1......-1 10 11 I l!.J 1=:J ~ ACTION FUTURE TAKEN ACTION 22 EFFECT ON PLANT 23 SHUTDOWN METHOD 24 26 HOURS

                                                                                                       @ 27               28 ATTACHMENT SUBMITTED
29 NPRD-4 FORM l>UB.

30 PRIME COMP. suPz-IER 31 32 COMPONENT l:dAN)IFACPJRE""' W@W@r 33 34


35 L!l 36 I 010 I 01 I l!_J@ t!J L:J@ I LJ* l'.::I I '.: I I '.::11@) 37 40 41 42 43 44 47 CAUSE DESCRIPTION ANO CORREC'rlVE ACTIONS @ [[[[] I The incore analysis (INCA) code used during cycle 2 yielded a poor rep-II1J] resentatj OP Of t,be axj a] poye"l" aj5trjbution in the CO"l"e region above the CI:ILl topmost incore detectors. A revised form of the INCA code gives a better [IIlJ I representation of core ;power pear the top of the core, and will be used OJil I for cycle 3 operation. 7 8 9 80 FACILITY l3c)\ METHOD OF (.;.:;\ STATUS . %POWER OTHERSTATUS \:::::; DISCOVERY plSCOYEFJY* .D~S,l:RIPTIO.t-1 ~ [ill] L...Ql@ I o Io I o l@,_I_N_/A_ _ _ ___. ~~I Use of revised ~~GA code I 1 a 9

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TYPE DESCRIPTION lJII] L&J@)!'::--_N/~A ___________________ ..;......___________. 1 a 9* 10 80 PUBLICITY (.;;\ NRC USE ONLY ISSUED(,'.;\ DESCRIPT. ION~ ITEi L.!Jei ___N"""'/A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____. I '! I I I ! I I I I I I I 7 8 9 10 68 69 80


Attachment to LER 78-008 Consumers Power Company Palisades Nuclear Plant Docket 050-255 Discussion Recent revisions to the Incore Analysis (INCA) computer code have been made in order to more accurately determine the core axial power distributions. As a result of the improved code, the discovery was made that the axial power distribution limits of Technical Specification 3.10.3 were exceeded by approxi-mately 12 percent for steady state conditions during Cycle 2. During transient conditions such as Xenon oscillations, the limits may have been exceeded by a greater amount. The attached figure shows the computed axial power distribution using both the old and revised INCA codes. Cause This condition was caused by the use of an INCA code which did not give a good representation of the axial power distribution in the core region above the uppermost detector. Corrective Action Use of the improved INCA code during Cycle 3 is expected to prevent recurrence of this condition.

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Attachment to LER 78-008 Consumers Power Company Palisades Nuclear Plant (._ Docket 050-255 Discussion Recent revisions to the Incore Analysis (INCA) computer code have been made in order to more accurately determine the core axial power distributions .

  .As a result of the improved code*, the discovery was made that the axial power distribution limits of Technical Specification 3.10.3 were exceeded by approxi-
  • mately 12 percent for steady state conditions during Cycle 2. During transient conditions such as Xenon oscillations, the limits may have been exceeded by a greater amount. The attached figure shows the computed axial power distribution using both the old and revised INCA codes.

Cause This condition was caused by the use of an INCA code which did not give a good representation of the axial power distribution in the core region above the uppermost detector. Corrective Action Use of the improved INCA code during Cycle 3 is expected to prevent recurrence of this condition.

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