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Monthly Operating Rept for Nov 1979
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1979
From: Gahm J
Shared Package
ML19256G498 List:
NUDOCS 7912310398
Download: ML19256G499 (9)



1657 002 i


4 gg



OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE AND MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE (Cont'd) 1.3 Testing Testing cozpleted during the month of November,1979, was 'the normally scheduled surveillance tests.

1.4 Miscellaneous Eouipment and Valves Repaired During the Outage Seal oil leak on =ain turbine generator exciter drive bearing

  1. 6 repaired.

Seal oil leak on turbine side of "A" boiler feed pump (P-3101) repaired.

V-2245, Loop II main steam safety relief valve was repaired.

HV-2224, Loop II main steam stop valve seat leakage was repaired.

S team generator B-2-4 Sulzer valve packing leak was repaired.

Main turbine generator valve position transducer linear variable differential transducer rod slugs were replaced per General Elec-tric ECN 351-535. Mechanical failure of the installed linear variable differential transducer rod slugs necessitated their replacement.

PS-2103S, turbine water removal pu=p, cracked volute was repaired using devcon.

HV-2202, Loop II feedwater block valve, operator was disassembled to repair oil leak, inspection of components revealed severely scored cylinder walls and a bent seal retainer ring on piston.

A replacement cylinder and retaining ring was obtained, and opera-tor was re-assembled and returned to service. I P-4102, circulating water pe=p, has been shipped to General Elec-tric in Denver, Colorado, for repair. General Electric will machine rotor and add I beam bracing to the stator to increase the structural strength of the stator assembly.

SV-2112, "D" circulator steam turbine control valve, rod end seal oil leak repaired.

Auxiliary transfer cask electrical problems were traced to shorted conductors in the gleason reel cable. Conductors which normally supply power to the core vacuum tool, are being used in the grap-ple position indication circuit. A replacement cable has been j ordered.


.i 1657 003

This report contains the highlights of the Fort St. Vrain, Unit No.1 activities, operated under the provisions of the Nuclear Regulatory Com-mission Operating License, DPR-34. This report is for the month of No-vember, 1979.



OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE AND MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE 1.1 Summary The Fort S t , Vrain outage, which started on October 29, 1979, has continued through the month of November. The outage is about 75% complete. Major accomplishments to date have been as fol-lows:

Installation of all core region constraint devices was com-pleted on November 25, 1979. Eighteen core regions were entered for the installation of 84 region constraint devices.

CN-473 manual isolation valves, V-211615 and V-211616, were installed in Loop I and Loop II pelton wheel supply header.

Buffer helium dryer valves were disassembled, valve seats inspected and repaired. Desiccant was removed from all valves and lines. The dryer towers were removed and dis-assembled. The center stand pipe in both towers was found to be distorted, apparently due to thermal stress. The dryer towers have been repaired and are presently being reinstalled.

ioop II outage items were completed and Loop I was isolated for work on November 24, 1979.

Main condensor recubing continues. Retubing in the north water box is completed. All tubes have been inserted in the south water box and the rolling of tubes is in progress.

1.2 Operations Detniled layup procedures were developed and implemented for the feedwater and condensate systems. The procedures are to minimize the time required to clean up the condensate when the system is returned to service.

Public Service Company and General Atomic Company met with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on November 20, 1979, to discuss cycle 2 fluctuations. Plant operating parameters and testing procedures, af ter the core region constraint devices have bran installed, were also discussed. The Nuclear Regulatory Co= mission

. agreed to isrue a Safety Evaluation Report for plant operations with the region constraint devices installed af ter they receive a for=al su==ary of the cycle 2 fluctuation experience. General

,i Atomic Company, San Diego engineering will provide a formal summa-ry of the cycle 2 fluctuation experience.

1657 004



OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE AND MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAIN ~1ENANCE (Cont'd) 1.4 Miscellaneous Equipment and Valves Repaired During the Outage (Con t ' d)

Five tec:perature sensors were installed on control rod drive (SN-0008) from region 36. One additional temperature sensor for a total of three was added to control rod drive (SN-022) from region 34. Control rod drive (SN-031), which had previously been instrumented with five temperature sensors, was installed in region 4. The temperatura sensors are being added to determine the thermal environment of the orifice valve and control rod drive mechanisms.


i 1657 005

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e7:3A m c cA:A trPon; Docxz: so. 50-267 DA;z 791203 c0retI:ID 3: J. W. Cahm z.zysexz (303) 785-2253 cpt2An so s:Ans No Is

1. rais Nane: Fort S t. Vrain, Unit No. 1
. Reporting Period: 791101 through 791130
3. Licensed : hor =al Power 054): 842 4 Nameplace Racing (, cross >Sie): 342
5. sesiss nee:rical aating cret **): 330
6. W- Dependable capacity (Gross We): 342
7. Mazinu:a Dependable capacity (Nat 15;e): 330
s. If changes occur in capacity racings (I:e=s su=ber 3 Through 7) since Last Report, Give leasons:


9. ?over Level To Which Restricted, :f Any (Nec !sie): 231
10. zeasons for aescrie: ions, :f any: Nuclear Regulatorv Coc=ission restriction (700 pending resolution of te=cerature fluctuations.

This Menth rear to Data Cu=ulative

11. Ecurs in Paporting Peried 720 3,673* 3,673*

1:. Nu=ner of sours Rese:or tas critical 2,419.8 2.419.8

12. leactor zeserve shuedown Ecurs 0.0 0.0 0.0 la. zours cenerator en-Line 0.0 982.2 982.2 is. :ni: laserve shutdown sours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. cross : hor =al Energy cenerated (>sta) 0.0 476,555 476,555
17. Gross nee:rical t=ersy cenerated 05.a) 0.0 140,796 140,796
13. Nec nee:rical Energy caserated Os.a) 0.0 123,584 123,584
19. :ni: service Factor 0.0% 26.7% 26.7%
0. cni: Avanaht:1:7 ractor 0.0% 26.7* 26. 7':
n. nic capaciey raccor ( sing Mac see) 0.0% 10.2% 10.2"
n. cai: capacicy rae:or (Using :t2 Net) 0.0 10.2% 10.2%
3. :nic rarced ou age aate 0.0 65.1" 65.1%
21. shutdowns scheduled Over Nez: 6 Months (Type. Oate, and Duracion of Iach): Maintenance shutdown began on Octcber 26, 1979. It is scheduled to last 45 davs.
25. If shut Dovu ac End of Reporr ?ariod, Es-hted Oate of startup: December 10. 1979
. :e =s :n :. sea.. (,r.or :o co.n - ua1 cp.roion>, roteca- = eved 1657 006

=ntu. cunctu. n 740201 740131 mnAI. cic:nc:= 7612 ~51211 cc:esze:.u. cP!2A=0N 790701 790701

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AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL Docket No. 50-267 Unic Fort S t. Vrain, Unit No.

Date 791203 Completed By J. V. Gahm Telephone (303) 785-2253 -


1 17 2 18 3

19 4

20 5 _ 21 6

22 7

23 8 24 9 25 10 26 11 27 12 28 13 ,

29 14 30 se 15 31 16 a 1657 008


1. Name of Facility. Fcrt St. Vrain, Unit No. 1
2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown. September 1,1980
3. Scheduled date for restart

. follcwing refueline. Nove=ber 1, 1980

4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amend =ent? No If answer is yes, what, in

. general, will these be?

If answer is no, has the reload The Plant Operations Review Co=mittee fuel design and core configura- will review any questions associated tion been reviewed by your Plant with the core reload.

Safety Review Co==ittee to deter-mine whether any unreviewed safety questions are associated with the core reload (Reference 10CFR Section 50.59)?

If no such review has taken place, when is it scheduled? March 1, 1980

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting --

proposed licensing action and succorting infor=ation.

6. Important licensing considera- -- - - -

tions associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel de-sign or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating pro-cedures.

7. The nu=ber of fuel asse=blies a) 1482 HTGR fuel elements.

(a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage cool. b) 244 spent HTGR fuel elements.

S. The present licensed spent fuel Capacity is limited la size to about one pool storage capacity and the third of core (approximately 500 HTGR size of any increase in licensed elements) . No change is planned.

storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in nu=ber of fuel asse=blies.

i657 009


9. The projected date of the 1986 under the Three Party Agreement (Con-last refueling that can be tract AT (04-3)-633) between DOE, Public discharged to the spent fuel Service Company of Colorado (PSCo), and pool assuming the present General Atomic Co=pany.*

licensed capaciev.

  • The 1986 date is based on the understanding that spent fuel discharged during the term of the Three Party Agree =ent will be shipped to the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory for storage by DOE at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP). The storage capacity has evidently been sized to accomodate fuel which is expected to be discharged during the eight year period covered by the Three Party Agreement. -

1657 010