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~ Ameren Callaway MISSOURI Energy Center
~ Ameren Callaway MISSOURI Energy Center  

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number Page 2 of 14 INFORMATION USE 1.0 PURPOSE...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................................... 3 3.1.
Manager, Emergency Preparedness...................................................................................... 3 3.2.
Emergency Preparedness Department.................................................................................. 3 3.3.
Emergency Response Organization Position Owner............................................................. 4 3.4.
MINOR Revision 022
Emergency Response Organization Team Owners............................................................... 4 3.5.
Emergency Preparedness Clerk/Designee............................................................................. 4 3.6.
Emergency Response Organization Personnel (General Responsibilities)............................. 4 3.7.
Duty Responders.................................................................................................................. 5 3.7.1. When on Duty.......................................................................................................... 5 3.7.2. When NOT On Duty................................................................................................ 5 3.8.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number
Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions):............................................................................... 5 3.9.
Controller/Evaluator Team Member..................................................................................... 6 4.0 PREREQUISITES......................................................................................................................... 6 5.0 PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................. 7 5.1.
1.0 PURPOSE...................................................................................................................................... 3
Emergency Response Organization Mobilization................................................................. 7 5.2.
Adding / Removing Emergency Response Organization Designations................................. 8 5.3.
2.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................... 3
Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation......................................................... 9 5.4.
Position Tracking................................................................................................................. 9 5.5.
3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................................... 3 3.1. Manager, Emergency Preparedness...................................................................................... 3 3.2. Emergency Preparedness Department.................................................................................. 3 3.3. Emergency Response Organization Position Owner............................................................. 4 3.4. Emergency Response Organization Team Owners............................................................... 4 3.5. Emergency Preparedness Clerk/Designee............................................................................. 4 3.6. Emergency Response Organization Personnel (General Responsibilities)............................. 4 3.7. Duty Responders.................................................................................................................. 5 3.7.1. When on Duty.......................................................................................................... 5 3.7.2. When NOT On Duty................................................................................................ 5 3.8. Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions):............................................................................... 5 3.9. Controller/Evaluator Team Member..................................................................................... 6
Controller/Evaluator Teams............................................................................................... 10  
4.0 PREREQUISITES......................................................................................................................... 6
5.0 PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................. 7 5.1. Emergency Response Organization Mobilization................................................................. 7 5.2. Adding / Removing Emergency Response Organization Designations................................. 8 5.3. Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation......................................................... 9 5.4. Position Tracking................................................................................................................. 9 5.5. Controller/Evaluator Teams............................................................................................... 10

............................................................................................................................ 11 6.1. Implementing..................................................................................................................... 11 6.2. Developmental................................................................................................................... 11
............................................................................................................................ 11 6.1.
Implementing..................................................................................................................... 11 6.2.
7.0 RECORDS................................................................................................................................... 11 7.1. QA Records....................................................................................................................... 11 7.2. Commercial Records.......................................................................................................... 11
Developmental................................................................................................................... 11 7.0 RECORDS................................................................................................................................... 11 7.1.
QA Records....................................................................................................................... 11 7.2.
8.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................ 11
Commercial Records.......................................................................................................... 11 8.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................ 11 9.0  

OF CHANGES....................................................................................................... 13
OF CHANGES....................................................................................................... 13  
Page 2 of 14 INFORMATION USE EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022
Provide guidance for the emergency organization that relieves the On-shift Organization and for certain other positions NOT assigned to the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) but support emergency preparedness.
This document covers the following:
* The responsibilities of the ERO members, ERO Position Owners, and ERO Team Owners
* ERO Mobilization goals
* Adding and removing ERO members
* Drill participation expectations
* Controller/Evaluator team development
3.1. Manager, Emergency Preparedness
* Approves revisions to department procedures and the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP).
* Approves ERO responsibilities reorganization.
3.2. Emergency Preparedness Department
* Monitors ERO staffing levels
* In cooperation with Position Owners, provides oversight of ERO staff, including selection of new ERO members, to ensure that ERO staff has appropriate background and experience for assigned positions
* Select and train/brief a Controller/Evaluator team
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3.3. Emergency Response Organization Position Owner
* Designates individuals to fill the respective ERO position(s) vacancies due to transfers, rotations, retirements, training course failures, or terminations.
* Ensures personnel in the respective ERO positions are aware of their ERO position designation, whether they have an active or pending ERO code.
* Ensures personnel in the respective ERO positions are aware of the required training and participation necessary to maintain their ERO qualifications.
* Coordinates with Emergency Preparedness to identify who will participate in drills and exercises.
* Assists in training new ERO members for the position which they are responsible.
* Attend quarterly meeting with EP Staff to identify and resolve issues.
3.4. Emergency Response Organization Team Owners
ERO Team Owners are the Emergency Coordinators for the Technical Support Center responders, Recovery Managers for the Emergency Operations Facility and Joint Information Coordinator for Joint Information Center responders.
* Coordinates with the ERO Position Owner to review any changes to responders assigned to their team.
* Provides oversight to ensure high level performance of their team of responders
3.5. Emergency Preparedness Clerk/Designee Maintains databases for ERO codes, ERO groups, and phones numbers that are used to activate or notify the ERO.
3.6. Emergency Response Organization Personnel (General Responsibilities)
* Keeps personal information in Human Resources Information System database updated with current contact information.
* Completes initial and continuing training.
* Notifies EP staff for ERO membership determination when declared pregnant or if under medical care that affects possession of the Primary Monitoring Device.
* Participates in drills and exercises as scheduled.

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EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 3 of 14 INFORMATION USE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION 1.0 PURPOSE Provide guidance for the emergency organization that relieves the On-shift Organization and for certain other positions NOT assigned to the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) but support emergency preparedness.
2.0 SCOPE This document covers the following:
The responsibilities of the ERO members, ERO Position Owners, and ERO Team Owners ERO Mobilization goals Adding and removing ERO members Drill participation expectations Controller/Evaluator team development 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1.
Manager, Emergency Preparedness Approves revisions to department procedures and the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP).
Approves ERO responsibilities reorganization.
Emergency Preparedness Department Monitors ERO staffing levels In cooperation with Position Owners, provides oversight of ERO staff, including selection of new ERO members, to ensure that ERO staff has appropriate background and experience for assigned positions Select and train/brief a Controller/Evaluator team

3.7. Duty Responders
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 4 of 14 INFORMATION USE 3.3.
Emergency Response Organization Position Owner Designates individuals to fill the respective ERO position(s) vacancies due to transfers, rotations, retirements, training course failures, or terminations.
Ensures personnel in the respective ERO positions are aware of their ERO position designation, whether they have an active or pending ERO code.
Ensures personnel in the respective ERO positions are aware of the required training and participation necessary to maintain their ERO qualifications.
Coordinates with Emergency Preparedness to identify who will participate in drills and exercises.
Assists in training new ERO members for the position which they are responsible.
Attend quarterly meeting with EP Staff to identify and resolve issues.
Emergency Response Organization Team Owners ERO Team Owners are the Emergency Coordinators for the Technical Support Center responders, Recovery Managers for the Emergency Operations Facility and Joint Information Coordinator for Joint Information Center responders.
Coordinates with the ERO Position Owner to review any changes to responders assigned to their team.
Provides oversight to ensure high level performance of their team of responders 3.5.
Emergency Preparedness Clerk/Designee Maintains databases for ERO codes, ERO groups, and phones numbers that are used to activate or notify the ERO.
Emergency Response Organization Personnel (General Responsibilities)
Keeps personal information in Human Resources Information System database updated with current contact information.
Completes initial and continuing training.
Notifies EP staff for ERO membership determination when declared pregnant or if under medical care that affects possession of the Primary Monitoring Device.
Participates in drills and exercises as scheduled.  

3.7.1. When on Duty
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 5 of 14 INFORMATION USE 3.7.
* Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range at all times.
Duty Responders 3.7.1.
* Meets Fitness for Duty requirements.
When on Duty Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range at all times.
* Maintains ability to respond to their respective Emergency Response Facility within their response time goal for normal work hours and off normal work hours.
Meets Fitness for Duty requirements.
Maintains ability to respond to their respective Emergency Response Facility within their response time goal for normal work hours and off normal work hours.
* TSC and EOF is 75 minutes.
* TSC and EOF is 75 minutes.
* JIC is 2 hours during normal and off-normal work hours.
* JIC is 2 hours during normal and off-normal work hours.
* When notified, responds to instructions safely and immediately.
When notified, responds to instructions safely and immediately.
* Ensures duty exchange and turnover is verbal.
Ensures duty exchange and turnover is verbal.
* Notifies Emergency Preparedness of previously arranged trades involving a time period of one day or greater so the duty schedule can be updated.
Notifies Emergency Preparedness of previously arranged trades involving a time period of one day or greater so the duty schedule can be updated.
* Maintains possession of a key to the EOF.
Maintains possession of a key to the EOF.
3.7.2. When NOT On Duty
When NOT On Duty Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range when possible.
* Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range when possible.
Responds to all emergency pages if fit for duty, in an immediate and safe manner.
* Responds to all emergency pages if fit for duty, in an immediate and safe manner.
IF on vacation, out of town, or NOT fit for duty, if able, phone in and leave your name and that you are "Unable to respond at this time". This will confirm that you received the message, and the notification system is working.
* IF on vacation, out of town, or NOT fit for duty, if able, phone in and leave your name and that you are "Unable to respond at this time". This will confirm that you received the message, and the notification system is working.
Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions):
3.8. Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions):
Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range when possible.
* Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range when possible.
Responds to all emergency pages if fit for duty, in an immediate and safe manner.
* Responds to all emergency pages if fit for duty, in an immediate and safe manner.
IF on vacation, out of town, or NOT fit for duty, if able, phone in and leave your name and that you are "Unable to respond at this time". This will confirm that you received the message, and the notification system is working.
* IF on vacation, out of town, or NOT fit for duty, if able, phone in and leave your name and that you are "Unable to respond at this time". This will confirm that you received the message, and the notification system is working.
Contract Employees response is covered by Memorandum of Understanding "Emergency Response Call-In Drill Incentive" Dated September 24, 2012.
* Contract Employees response is covered by Memorandum of Understanding "Emergency Response Call-In Drill Incentive" Dated September 24, 2012.
Electrical and Mechanical Planners response is covered by Agreement "Emergency Response Call-In Drill and Report to Work Incentive" Dated June 15, 2022.  
* Electrical and Mechanical Planners response is covered by Agreement "Emergency Response Call-In Drill and Report to Work Incentive" Dated June 15, 2022.
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3.9. Controller/Evaluator Team Member
* Participates in Team training/briefings.
* Reviews drill/exercise scenarios, when assigned.
* Participates in drills and exercises, when assigned.
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EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 6 of 14 INFORMATION USE 3.9.
Controller/Evaluator Team Member Participates in Team training/briefings.
Reviews drill/exercise scenarios, when assigned.
Participates in drills and exercises, when assigned.

Members of the ERO are expected to activate their respective Emergency Response Facility as soon as practical.
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 7 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.0 PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS NOTE Members of the ERO are expected to activate their respective Emergency Response Facility as soon as practical.
Facilities may be considered for activation when the Minimum Staffing personnel are in the facility and ready to relieve the Control Room of duties.
Facilities may be considered for activation when the Minimum Staffing personnel are in the facility and ready to relieve the Control Room of duties.
Emergency Response Organization Mobilization 5.1.1.
WHEN an ALERT or higher emergency classification is declared OR when deemed necessary by the Shift Manager, MOBILIZE the ERO with the following goals:
TSC and EOF Emergency Response Organization are to be staffed and relieve the Control Room of peripheral duties within 90 minutes following the declaration.
JIC is to have an activated facility within 2 hours following the declaration.

5.1. Emergency Response Organization Mobilization
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 8 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.2.
Adding / Removing Emergency Response Organization Designations NOTE The EP web page contains a link to the ERO Position Owners List.
5.1.1. WHEN an ALERT or higher emergency classification is declared OR when deemed necessary by the Shift Manager, MOBILIZE the ERO with the following goals:
* TSC and EOF Emergency Response Organization are to be staffed and relieve the Control Room of peripheral duties within 90 minutes following the declaration.
WHEN an assigned ERO member is promoted, transfers between departments, or rotates to a position that does NOT fill an ERO position, THEN the ERO Member will MAINTAIN qualifications for the current position until:
* JIC is to have an activated facility within 2 hours following the declaration.
A replacement is designated, AND ERO Position Owner agrees to release the departing member.
ERO Position Owner - WHEN adding or removing a person from the ERO, COMPLETE a CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form.
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EP Clerk - Upon receipt of a CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form:
5.2. Adding / Removing Emergency Response Organization Designations
UPDATE distribution and phone lists.
EP Clerk - WHEN an assigned ERO member ceases employment at the Callaway Energy Center or no longer fills an ERO Position:
REMOVE ERO code from the ERO database.
The EP web page contains a link to the ERO Position Owners List.
REMOVE member from distribution and phone lists.  
5.2.1. WHEN an assigned ERO member is promoted, transfers between departments, or rotates to a position that does NOT fill an ERO position, THEN the ERO Member will MAINTAIN qualifications for the current position until:
* A replacement is designated, AND
* ERO Position Owner agrees to release the departing member.
5.2.2. ERO Position Owner - WHEN adding or removing a person from the ERO, COMPLETE a CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form.
5.2.3. EP Clerk - Upon receipt of a CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form:
* UPDATE distribution and phone lists.
5.2.4. EP Clerk - WHEN an assigned ERO member ceases employment at the Callaway Energy Center or no longer fills an ERO Position:
* REMOVE ERO code from the ERO database.
* REMOVE member from distribution and phone lists.
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5.3. Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation
5.3.1. ERO Position Owner - ENSURE that team members, Duty Responders, and Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions) are scheduled for drills to provide adequate support for the ERO and the drill schedule.
5.3.2. ERO Position Owner - ENSURE key ERO responders participate in a drill or exercise at least every 8 quarters.
5.3.3. ERO Member - WHEN making individual changes to the scheduled drill participation, COORDINATE through the ERO Position Owner and Emergency Preparedness (EP).
5.4. Position Tracking
5.4.1. EP Staff - REVIEW staffing levels of ERO positions.

The desired optimum staffing level for most ERO Positions is at least six (6) qualified individuals.
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 9 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.3.
Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation 5.3.1.
ERO Position Owner - ENSURE that team members, Duty Responders, and Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions) are scheduled for drills to provide adequate support for the ERO and the drill schedule.
ERO Position Owner - ENSURE key ERO responders participate in a drill or exercise at least every 8 quarters.
ERO Member - WHEN making individual changes to the scheduled drill participation, COORDINATE through the ERO Position Owner and Emergency Preparedness (EP).
Position Tracking 5.4.1.
EP Staff - REVIEW staffing levels of ERO positions.
NOTE The desired optimum staffing level for most ERO Positions is at least six (6) qualified individuals.
Some positions have both a duty position and a pool responder position and require more than six (6) qualified individuals.
Some positions have both a duty position and a pool responder position and require more than six (6) qualified individuals.
EP Staff - IF the number of qualified responders assigned to a specific ERO position is below the optimum staffing level, CONTACT respective Department Heads and ERO Position Owners to address.

5.4.2. EP Staff - IF the number of qualified responders assigned to a specific ERO position is below the optimum staffing level, CONTACT respective Department Heads and ERO Position Owners to address.
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 10 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.5.
Controller/Evaluator Teams 5.5.1.
EP Staff - SELECT candidates for the Controller/Evaluator Team.
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EP Staff - PROVIDE training and briefing for team members.
5.5. Controller/Evaluator Teams
EP Staff/Position Owner - WHEN requested by the Lead Drill Controller, ASSIGN qualified ERO members to a controller/evaluator positions.
5.5.1. EP Staff - SELECT candidates for the Controller/Evaluator Team.
EP Staff - PROVIDE a brief to ERO members filling a controller/evaluator position.  
5.5.2. EP Staff - PROVIDE training and briefing for team members.
5.5.3. EP Staff/Position Owner - WHEN requested by the Lead Drill Controller, ASSIGN qualified ERO members to a controller/evaluator positions.
5.5.4. EP Staff - PROVIDE a brief to ERO members filling a controller/evaluator position.

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6.1. Implementing
Implementing 6.1.1.
6.1.1. APA-ZZ-00902, Personnel Additions, Changes, Termination, and Access Withdrawal
APA-ZZ-00902, Personnel Additions, Changes, Termination, and Access Withdrawal 6.1.2.
APA-ZZ-00908, Fitness for Duty Program 6.1.3.
6.1.2. APA-ZZ-00908, Fitness for Duty Program
EIP-ZZ-A0066, RERP Training Program 6.1.4.
CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form 6.2.
6.1.3. EIP-ZZ-A0066, RERP Training Program
Developmental 6.2.1.
10CFR26, Fitness for Duty 6.2.2.
6.1.4. CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form
10CFR50.47, Emergency Plans 6.2.3.
10CFR50 Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization 6.2.4.
6.2. Developmental
Callaway Energy Center Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) 6.2.5.
NRC Reg Guide 1.101, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Nuclear Power Reactors 6.2.6.
6.2.1. 10CFR26, Fitness for Duty
NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-01, Revision 1, November 1980 7.0 RECORDS 7.1.
QA Records None 7.2.
6.2.2. 10CFR50.47, Emergency Plans
Commercial Records CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form (K250.0010) 8.0 DEFINITIONS 8.1.
As Needed Personnel - Emergency Response Personnel identified as As Needed in Table 5 of the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP). As Needed responders are notified to respond by manual callout as requested by their respective coordinator/supervisor.
6.2.3. 10CFR50 Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization
Duty Responders - Emergency Response Personnel are assigned for rotating on-call coverage. They are scheduled for duty around the clock to ensure adequate response during off normal working hours.  
6.2.4. Callaway Energy Center Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP)
6.2.5. NRC Reg Guide 1.101, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Nuclear Power Reactors
6.2.6. NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-01, Revision 1, November 1980
7.1. QA Records
7.2. Commercial Records
CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form (K250.0010)
8.1. As Needed Personnel - Emergency Response Personnel identified as As Needed in Table 5 of the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP). As Needed responders are notified to respond by manual callout as requested by their respective coordinator/supervisor.
8.2. Duty Responders - Emergency Response Personnel are assigned for rotating on-call coverage. They are scheduled for duty around the clock to ensure adequate response during off normal working hours.
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8.3. Emergency Response Organization (ERO) The organization that has been established to provide managerial, technical and logistical support in the event of a radiological emergency declaration at the Callaway Energy Center. This organization is structured to provide control and coordination of on-site response, coordination of off-site response and dissemination of information to the public.
8.4. ERO Position Owner - Department Head or individual selected by the Dept Head to be responsible for identifying individuals to be trained, qualified and staff the (ERO) positions for which the department is responsible.
8.5. Emergency Response Personnel - Personnel designated, trained, qualified, and assigned to fill specific ERO positions. They staff the Emergency Response Facilities to make them capable of fulfilling all intended emergency functions. Emergency Response Personnel may be duty responders, non-duty responders or as needed responders.

8.6. Key ERO Responders - Key Responders are those members of the ERO that have significant decision-making or assessment positions or coordination of response activities.
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 12 of 14 INFORMATION USE 8.3.
Emergency Response Organization (ERO) The organization that has been established to provide managerial, technical and logistical support in the event of a radiological emergency declaration at the Callaway Energy Center. This organization is structured to provide control and coordination of on-site response, coordination of off-site response and dissemination of information to the public.
ERO Position Owner - Department Head or individual selected by the Dept Head to be responsible for identifying individuals to be trained, qualified and staff the (ERO) positions for which the department is responsible.
Emergency Response Personnel - Personnel designated, trained, qualified, and assigned to fill specific ERO positions. They staff the Emergency Response Facilities to make them capable of fulfilling all intended emergency functions. Emergency Response Personnel may be duty responders, non-duty responders or as needed responders.
Key ERO Responders - Key Responders are those members of the ERO that have significant decision-making or assessment positions or coordination of response activities.
These positions are found in NEI 99-02 and are summarized below:
These positions are found in NEI 99-02 and are summarized below:
8.6.1. Control Room (2):
Control Room (2):
* Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator (SOEC) - Supervision of reactor operations, responsible for classification, notification, and determination of Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).
Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator (SOEC) - Supervision of reactor operations, responsible for classification, notification, and determination of Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).
* Shift Communicator (Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator (SOEC)) -
Shift Communicator (Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator (SOEC)) -
Provides initial offsite (state/local) notification.
Provides initial offsite (state/local) notification.
Technical Support Center / Operations Support Center (4):
Senior Manager (Emergency Coordinator (OOEC)) - Management of plant operations / corporate resources.
Operations Support-Operations Support Coordinator (OOOC)
Radiological Controls (Health Physics Coordinator (OHPC)) - Radiological effluent and environmental monitoring and assessment Technical Support (Technical Assessment Coordinator (OTAC))
Emergency Operations Facility (3):
Senior Manager (Recovery Manager (CORM)) - Management of Corporate resources.
Protective Measures (Dose Assessment Coordinator (CDAC)) - Radiological effluent and environmental monitoring, assessment, and dose projection.
EOF Communicator (Communicator (COEC)) - Provides offsite state/local notification.
Mobilization - The process of staffing the Emergency Response Facilities with the ERO.

8.6.2. Technical Support Center / Operations Support Center (4):
EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 13 of 14 INFORMATION USE 8.8.
* Senior Manager (Emergency Coordinator (OOEC)) - Management of plant operations / corporate resources.
Non-Duty Responders - Emergency Response Personnel that are NOT on a duty schedule but are expected to respond at all times to emergency or drill notifications, if fit-for-duty and within their response goal times. These are also referred to as Pool positions.
* Operations Support-Operations Support Coordinator (OOOC)
* Radiological Controls (Health Physics Coordinator (OHPC)) - Radiological effluent and environmental monitoring and assessment
Normal Hours - The Callaway Energy Center work schedule consists of nine days in each two-week period with alternate Fridays off. The Friday worked is an 8-hour workday. The workday for Monday through Thursday is nine hours. (Due to variances in work schedules the core work hours are considered to be 0700 to 1500.)
* Technical Support (Technical Assessment Coordinator (OTAC))
8.6.3. Emergency Operations Facility (3):
* Senior Manager (Recovery Manager (CORM)) - Management of Corporate resources.
* Protective Measures (Dose Assessment Coordinator (CDAC)) - Radiological effluent and environmental monitoring, assessment, and dose projection.
* EOF Communicator (Communicator (COEC)) - Provides offsite state/local notification.
8.7. Mobilization - The process of staffing the Emergency Response Facilities with the ERO.
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8.8. Non-Duty Responders - Emergency Response Personnel that are NOT on a duty schedule but are expected to respond at all times to emergency or drill notifications, if fit-for-duty and within their response goal times. These are also referred to as Pool positions.
8.9. Normal Hours - The Callaway Energy Center work schedule consists of nine days in each two-week period with alternate Fridays off. The Friday worked is an 8-hour workday. The workday for Monday through Thursday is nine hours. (Due to variances in work schedules the core work hours are considered to be 0700 to 1500.)
8.10. Off Normal Hours The following times are excluded from the normal working hours and are considered Off Normal Hours.
8.10. Off Normal Hours The following times are excluded from the normal working hours and are considered Off Normal Hours.
* Hours outside of the Normal Hours work schedule
Hours outside of the Normal Hours work schedule Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays and Alternate Work Schedule Friday off)
* Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays and Alternate Work Schedule Friday off)
Holidays Mondays preceding a Tuesday Holiday Fridays following a Thursday Holiday Outages, if the Outage Support Center (OCC) is manned 24-7 Any time covered under POL0037, Callaway Energy Center Inclement Weather Policy.
* Holidays
Any time covered under POL0049, Callaway Plant Pandemic Plan.
* Mondays preceding a Tuesday Holiday
* Fridays following a Thursday Holiday
* Outages, if the Outage Support Center (OCC) is manned 24-7
* Any time covered under POL0037, Callaway Energy Center Inclement Weather Policy.
* Any time covered under POL0049, Callaway Plant Pandemic Plan.
8.11. Minimum Staffing Personnel - Pre-designated Duty Responders assigned to activate facilities sufficiently to relieve the On-shift personnel of emergency functions NOT directly related to operation of the Energy Center. The following ERO positions are included:
8.11. Minimum Staffing Personnel - Pre-designated Duty Responders assigned to activate facilities sufficiently to relieve the On-shift personnel of emergency functions NOT directly related to operation of the Energy Center. The following ERO positions are included:
* TSC Emergency Coordinator
TSC Emergency Coordinator TSC Communicator Health Physics Coordinator Technical Assessment Coordinator Recovery Manager Dose Assessment Coordinator EOF Communicator 9.0  
* TSC Communicator
* Health Physics Coordinator
* Technical Assessment Coordinator
* Recovery Manager
* Dose Assessment Coordinator
* EOF Communicator

OF CHANGES Page(s) Section or Description Step Number Changed "PeopleSoft" to generic identification "Human Resources 4 3.6 Information System database" as database name has changed. CR 202301494-005
Section or Step Number Description 4
3.6 Changed "PeopleSoft" to generic identification "Human Resources Information System database" as database name has changed. CR 202301494-005  

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EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 14 of 14 INFORMATION USE Page(s)
Section or Step Number Description 5
Page(s) Section or Description Step Number Under bullet 3, deleted sub bullet 1 which reads "TSC and EOF is 15 minutes during normal work hours" and under bullet 3, sub bullet 2 deleted "during off normal work hours" as the 75 and 90-minute response 5 3.7.1 and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001 Added additional bullet to state: "Electrical and Mechanical Planners 6 3.8 response is covered by Agreement "Emergency Response Call-In Drill and Report to Work Incentive" Dated June 15, 2022" to provide specifics on agreement with Planners.
3.7.1 Under bullet 3, deleted sub bullet 1 which reads "TSC and EOF is 15 minutes during normal work hours" and under bullet 3, sub bullet 2 deleted "during off normal work hours" as the 75 and 90-minute response and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001 6
Deleted step 5.1.1 which reads "During Normal Hours WHEN an ALERT or higher emergency classification is declared OR when deemed necessary by the Shift Manager, MOBILIZE the ERO with the following goals:
3.8 Added additional bullet to state: "Electrical and Mechanical Planners response is covered by Agreement "Emergency Response Call-In Drill and Report to Work Incentive" Dated June 15, 2022" to provide specifics on agreement with Planners.
7 Old 5.1.1 Deleted step 5.1.1 which reads "During Normal Hours WHEN an ALERT or higher emergency classification is declared OR when deemed necessary by the Shift Manager, MOBILIZE the ERO with the following goals:
* TSC and EOF Emergency Response Organization are to be staffed and relieve the Control Room of peripheral duties within 30 minutes following the declaration.
* TSC and EOF Emergency Response Organization are to be staffed and relieve the Control Room of peripheral duties within 30 minutes following the declaration.
7 Old 5.1.1
* JIC is to have an activated facility within 2 hours following the declaration.
* JIC is to have an activated facility within 2 hours following the declaration.
The 15 and 30-minute "Normal Hours" response and activation goals has changed, as the 75 and 90-minute response and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001 Deleted "During off-normal hours" at the beginning of the new step 5.1.1 as the direction is no longer necessary as the 75 and 90-minute response 7 New 5.1.1 and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001
The 15 and 30-minute "Normal Hours" response and activation goals has changed, as the 75 and 90-minute response and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001 7
New 5.1.1 Deleted "During off-normal hours" at the beginning of the new step 5.1.1 as the direction is no longer necessary as the 75 and 90-minute response and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001}}
Page 14 of 14 INFORMATION USE}}

Latest revision as of 07:38, 27 November 2024

EIP-ZZ-A0001, Revision 022, Emergency Response Organization
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/2023
Ameren Missouri
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
Shared Package
ML23088A262 List:
EIP-ZZ-A0001, Rev 022
Download: ML23088A263 (1)




~ Ameren Callaway MISSOURI Energy Center

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page Number Page 2 of 14 INFORMATION USE 1.0 PURPOSE...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 SCOPE........................................................................................................................................... 3 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................................... 3 3.1.

Manager, Emergency Preparedness...................................................................................... 3 3.2.

Emergency Preparedness Department.................................................................................. 3 3.3.

Emergency Response Organization Position Owner............................................................. 4 3.4.

Emergency Response Organization Team Owners............................................................... 4 3.5.

Emergency Preparedness Clerk/Designee............................................................................. 4 3.6.

Emergency Response Organization Personnel (General Responsibilities)............................. 4 3.7.

Duty Responders.................................................................................................................. 5 3.7.1. When on Duty.......................................................................................................... 5 3.7.2. When NOT On Duty................................................................................................ 5 3.8.

Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions):............................................................................... 5 3.9.

Controller/Evaluator Team Member..................................................................................... 6 4.0 PREREQUISITES......................................................................................................................... 6 5.0 PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................. 7 5.1.

Emergency Response Organization Mobilization................................................................. 7 5.2.

Adding / Removing Emergency Response Organization Designations................................. 8 5.3.

Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation......................................................... 9 5.4.

Position Tracking................................................................................................................. 9 5.5.

Controller/Evaluator Teams............................................................................................... 10


............................................................................................................................ 11 6.1.

Implementing..................................................................................................................... 11 6.2.

Developmental................................................................................................................... 11 7.0 RECORDS................................................................................................................................... 11 7.1.

QA Records....................................................................................................................... 11 7.2.

Commercial Records.......................................................................................................... 11 8.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................ 11 9.0


OF CHANGES....................................................................................................... 13

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 3 of 14 INFORMATION USE EMERGENCY RESPONSE ORGANIZATION 1.0 PURPOSE Provide guidance for the emergency organization that relieves the On-shift Organization and for certain other positions NOT assigned to the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) but support emergency preparedness.

2.0 SCOPE This document covers the following:

The responsibilities of the ERO members, ERO Position Owners, and ERO Team Owners ERO Mobilization goals Adding and removing ERO members Drill participation expectations Controller/Evaluator team development 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1.

Manager, Emergency Preparedness Approves revisions to department procedures and the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP).

Approves ERO responsibilities reorganization.


Emergency Preparedness Department Monitors ERO staffing levels In cooperation with Position Owners, provides oversight of ERO staff, including selection of new ERO members, to ensure that ERO staff has appropriate background and experience for assigned positions Select and train/brief a Controller/Evaluator team

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 4 of 14 INFORMATION USE 3.3.

Emergency Response Organization Position Owner Designates individuals to fill the respective ERO position(s) vacancies due to transfers, rotations, retirements, training course failures, or terminations.

Ensures personnel in the respective ERO positions are aware of their ERO position designation, whether they have an active or pending ERO code.

Ensures personnel in the respective ERO positions are aware of the required training and participation necessary to maintain their ERO qualifications.

Coordinates with Emergency Preparedness to identify who will participate in drills and exercises.

Assists in training new ERO members for the position which they are responsible.

Attend quarterly meeting with EP Staff to identify and resolve issues.


Emergency Response Organization Team Owners ERO Team Owners are the Emergency Coordinators for the Technical Support Center responders, Recovery Managers for the Emergency Operations Facility and Joint Information Coordinator for Joint Information Center responders.

Coordinates with the ERO Position Owner to review any changes to responders assigned to their team.

Provides oversight to ensure high level performance of their team of responders 3.5.

Emergency Preparedness Clerk/Designee Maintains databases for ERO codes, ERO groups, and phones numbers that are used to activate or notify the ERO.


Emergency Response Organization Personnel (General Responsibilities)

Keeps personal information in Human Resources Information System database updated with current contact information.

Completes initial and continuing training.

Notifies EP staff for ERO membership determination when declared pregnant or if under medical care that affects possession of the Primary Monitoring Device.

Participates in drills and exercises as scheduled.

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 5 of 14 INFORMATION USE 3.7.

Duty Responders 3.7.1.

When on Duty Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range at all times.

Meets Fitness for Duty requirements.

Maintains ability to respond to their respective Emergency Response Facility within their response time goal for normal work hours and off normal work hours.

  • JIC is 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> during normal and off-normal work hours.

When notified, responds to instructions safely and immediately.

Ensures duty exchange and turnover is verbal.

Notifies Emergency Preparedness of previously arranged trades involving a time period of one day or greater so the duty schedule can be updated.

Maintains possession of a key to the EOF.


When NOT On Duty Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range when possible.

Responds to all emergency pages if fit for duty, in an immediate and safe manner.

IF on vacation, out of town, or NOT fit for duty, if able, phone in and leave your name and that you are "Unable to respond at this time". This will confirm that you received the message, and the notification system is working.


Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions):

Maintains personnel notification device (e.g., cell phone) within hearing range when possible.

Responds to all emergency pages if fit for duty, in an immediate and safe manner.

IF on vacation, out of town, or NOT fit for duty, if able, phone in and leave your name and that you are "Unable to respond at this time". This will confirm that you received the message, and the notification system is working.

Contract Employees response is covered by Memorandum of Understanding "Emergency Response Call-In Drill Incentive" Dated September 24, 2012.

Electrical and Mechanical Planners response is covered by Agreement "Emergency Response Call-In Drill and Report to Work Incentive" Dated June 15, 2022.

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 6 of 14 INFORMATION USE 3.9.

Controller/Evaluator Team Member Participates in Team training/briefings.

Reviews drill/exercise scenarios, when assigned.

Participates in drills and exercises, when assigned.



EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 7 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.0 PROCEDURE INSTRUCTIONS NOTE Members of the ERO are expected to activate their respective Emergency Response Facility as soon as practical.

Facilities may be considered for activation when the Minimum Staffing personnel are in the facility and ready to relieve the Control Room of duties.


Emergency Response Organization Mobilization 5.1.1.

WHEN an ALERT or higher emergency classification is declared OR when deemed necessary by the Shift Manager, MOBILIZE the ERO with the following goals:

TSC and EOF Emergency Response Organization are to be staffed and relieve the Control Room of peripheral duties within 90 minutes following the declaration.

JIC is to have an activated facility within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> following the declaration.


EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 8 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.2.

Adding / Removing Emergency Response Organization Designations NOTE The EP web page contains a link to the ERO Position Owners List.


WHEN an assigned ERO member is promoted, transfers between departments, or rotates to a position that does NOT fill an ERO position, THEN the ERO Member will MAINTAIN qualifications for the current position until:

A replacement is designated, AND ERO Position Owner agrees to release the departing member.


ERO Position Owner - WHEN adding or removing a person from the ERO, COMPLETE a CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form.


EP Clerk - Upon receipt of a CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form:


UPDATE distribution and phone lists.


EP Clerk - WHEN an assigned ERO member ceases employment at the Callaway Energy Center or no longer fills an ERO Position:

REMOVE ERO code from the ERO database.

REMOVE member from distribution and phone lists.


EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 9 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.3.

Emergency Response Organization Drill Participation 5.3.1.

ERO Position Owner - ENSURE that team members, Duty Responders, and Non-Duty Responders (Pool Positions) are scheduled for drills to provide adequate support for the ERO and the drill schedule.


ERO Position Owner - ENSURE key ERO responders participate in a drill or exercise at least every 8 quarters.


ERO Member - WHEN making individual changes to the scheduled drill participation, COORDINATE through the ERO Position Owner and Emergency Preparedness (EP).


Position Tracking 5.4.1.

EP Staff - REVIEW staffing levels of ERO positions.

NOTE The desired optimum staffing level for most ERO Positions is at least six (6) qualified individuals.

Some positions have both a duty position and a pool responder position and require more than six (6) qualified individuals.


EP Staff - IF the number of qualified responders assigned to a specific ERO position is below the optimum staffing level, CONTACT respective Department Heads and ERO Position Owners to address.


EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 10 of 14 INFORMATION USE 5.5.

Controller/Evaluator Teams 5.5.1.

EP Staff - SELECT candidates for the Controller/Evaluator Team.


EP Staff - PROVIDE training and briefing for team members.


EP Staff/Position Owner - WHEN requested by the Lead Drill Controller, ASSIGN qualified ERO members to a controller/evaluator positions.


EP Staff - PROVIDE a brief to ERO members filling a controller/evaluator position.


EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 11 of 14 INFORMATION USE



Implementing 6.1.1.

APA-ZZ-00902, Personnel Additions, Changes, Termination, and Access Withdrawal 6.1.2.

APA-ZZ-00908, Fitness for Duty Program 6.1.3.

EIP-ZZ-A0066, RERP Training Program 6.1.4.

CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form 6.2.

Developmental 6.2.1.

10CFR26, Fitness for Duty 6.2.2.

10CFR50.47, Emergency Plans 6.2.3.

10CFR50 Appendix E, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Production and Utilization 6.2.4.

Callaway Energy Center Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP) 6.2.5.

NRC Reg Guide 1.101, Emergency Planning and Preparedness for Nuclear Power Reactors 6.2.6.

NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-01, Revision 1, November 1980 7.0 RECORDS 7.1.

QA Records None 7.2.

Commercial Records CA2448, ERO Position Maintenance Form (K250.0010) 8.0 DEFINITIONS 8.1.

As Needed Personnel - Emergency Response Personnel identified as As Needed in Table 5 of the Radiological Emergency Response Plan (RERP). As Needed responders are notified to respond by manual callout as requested by their respective coordinator/supervisor.


Duty Responders - Emergency Response Personnel are assigned for rotating on-call coverage. They are scheduled for duty around the clock to ensure adequate response during off normal working hours.

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 12 of 14 INFORMATION USE 8.3.

Emergency Response Organization (ERO) The organization that has been established to provide managerial, technical and logistical support in the event of a radiological emergency declaration at the Callaway Energy Center. This organization is structured to provide control and coordination of on-site response, coordination of off-site response and dissemination of information to the public.


ERO Position Owner - Department Head or individual selected by the Dept Head to be responsible for identifying individuals to be trained, qualified and staff the (ERO) positions for which the department is responsible.


Emergency Response Personnel - Personnel designated, trained, qualified, and assigned to fill specific ERO positions. They staff the Emergency Response Facilities to make them capable of fulfilling all intended emergency functions. Emergency Response Personnel may be duty responders, non-duty responders or as needed responders.


Key ERO Responders - Key Responders are those members of the ERO that have significant decision-making or assessment positions or coordination of response activities.

These positions are found in NEI 99-02 and are summarized below:


Control Room (2):

Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator (SOEC) - Supervision of reactor operations, responsible for classification, notification, and determination of Protective Action Recommendations (PARs).

Shift Communicator (Shift Manager/Emergency Coordinator (SOEC)) -

Provides initial offsite (state/local) notification.


Technical Support Center / Operations Support Center (4):

Senior Manager (Emergency Coordinator (OOEC)) - Management of plant operations / corporate resources.

Operations Support-Operations Support Coordinator (OOOC)

Radiological Controls (Health Physics Coordinator (OHPC)) - Radiological effluent and environmental monitoring and assessment Technical Support (Technical Assessment Coordinator (OTAC))


Emergency Operations Facility (3):

Senior Manager (Recovery Manager (CORM)) - Management of Corporate resources.

Protective Measures (Dose Assessment Coordinator (CDAC)) - Radiological effluent and environmental monitoring, assessment, and dose projection.

EOF Communicator (Communicator (COEC)) - Provides offsite state/local notification.


Mobilization - The process of staffing the Emergency Response Facilities with the ERO.

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 13 of 14 INFORMATION USE 8.8.

Non-Duty Responders - Emergency Response Personnel that are NOT on a duty schedule but are expected to respond at all times to emergency or drill notifications, if fit-for-duty and within their response goal times. These are also referred to as Pool positions.


Normal Hours - The Callaway Energy Center work schedule consists of nine days in each two-week period with alternate Fridays off. The Friday worked is an 8-hour workday. The workday for Monday through Thursday is nine hours. (Due to variances in work schedules the core work hours are considered to be 0700 to 1500.)

8.10. Off Normal Hours The following times are excluded from the normal working hours and are considered Off Normal Hours.

Hours outside of the Normal Hours work schedule Weekends (Saturdays and Sundays and Alternate Work Schedule Friday off)

Holidays Mondays preceding a Tuesday Holiday Fridays following a Thursday Holiday Outages, if the Outage Support Center (OCC) is manned 24-7 Any time covered under POL0037, Callaway Energy Center Inclement Weather Policy.

Any time covered under POL0049, Callaway Plant Pandemic Plan.

8.11. Minimum Staffing Personnel - Pre-designated Duty Responders assigned to activate facilities sufficiently to relieve the On-shift personnel of emergency functions NOT directly related to operation of the Energy Center. The following ERO positions are included:

TSC Emergency Coordinator TSC Communicator Health Physics Coordinator Technical Assessment Coordinator Recovery Manager Dose Assessment Coordinator EOF Communicator 9.0



Section or Step Number Description 4

3.6 Changed "PeopleSoft" to generic identification "Human Resources Information System database" as database name has changed. CR 202301494-005

EIP-ZZ-A0001 Rev. 022 Page 14 of 14 INFORMATION USE Page(s)

Section or Step Number Description 5

3.7.1 Under bullet 3, deleted sub bullet 1 which reads "TSC and EOF is 15 minutes during normal work hours" and under bullet 3, sub bullet 2 deleted "during off normal work hours" as the 75 and 90-minute response and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001 6

3.8 Added additional bullet to state: "Electrical and Mechanical Planners response is covered by Agreement "Emergency Response Call-In Drill and Report to Work Incentive" Dated June 15, 2022" to provide specifics on agreement with Planners.

7 Old 5.1.1 Deleted step 5.1.1 which reads "During Normal Hours WHEN an ALERT or higher emergency classification is declared OR when deemed necessary by the Shift Manager, MOBILIZE the ERO with the following goals:

  • TSC and EOF Emergency Response Organization are to be staffed and relieve the Control Room of peripheral duties within 30 minutes following the declaration.
  • JIC is to have an activated facility within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> following the declaration.

The 15 and 30-minute "Normal Hours" response and activation goals has changed, as the 75 and 90-minute response and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001 7

New 5.1.1 Deleted "During off-normal hours" at the beginning of the new step 5.1.1 as the direction is no longer necessary as the 75 and 90-minute response and activation goals are the station standard to cover all hours per the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuance of Amendment No. 231 to Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-30 for Callaway Plant, Unit No. 1 on February 24, 2023 (ML22361A070) CR 202200483-001