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#REDIRECT [[IA-86-611, Index Files Containing Info Re Us Ecology.Correspondence Logs for Beatty,Sheffield & Richland Facilities Also Included]]
| number = ML20212N936
| issue date = 08/22/1986
| title = Index Files Containing Info Re Us Ecology.Correspondence Logs for Beatty,Sheffield & Richland Facilities Also Included
| author name =
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation =
| docket =
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-86-611
| document report number = NUDOCS 8609020080
| package number = ML20212N933
| page count = 40
e -.    . .
LISTING 0F DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR F0IA-Date/                                                  Release        PDR Subject    To            From          Refer to  (Y or N)    Accession #  File Code
    'C0RRESPONDENCE LISTED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FILE                              409.5 08/J1/84    JWard            LPDuffy                  Y Withdrawal of License Application for th: California Low-Level Radioactiv'e Disposa) Facility 12/10/84      LHigginbotham'DNussbaumer                Y Technical Assistance for the State of California 02/07/85    LHigginbotham DNussbaumer                Y Tcchnical Assistance for the State of California - Follow-up to 12/10/84 memo 02/07/85    LHigginbotham DNussbaumer                Y
    . California Administrative Code Title 23 Waters 02/11/85    MKnapp-          LHigginbotham            Y Formation of task group and work plan for review of applications to develop a low-level waste facility in and for the State of California 02/21/85    KJackson        TJohnson                  Y Review of California applications to be licensee designate 02/28/85    JShaffner        DWidmayer                Y Rsview of Westinghouse Application sub-aitted to the State of California 03/14/85    DNussbaumer      KSchneider                Y Mero for California files - Technical Assistance to State of California I
                                                                  .                  86/08/22 1
i              f$g90ggoB0860827
[              HYDER86-6J1          PDR l
t E              ,
t  .
LISTING OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR FOIA-Date/                                                  Release        PDR Subject      To-            From          Refer to    (Y or N)    Accession #    File Code 10/08/85. RBrowning          APasternak.              Y Meeting Program 10/09/85    KKizer      .
RBrowning                Y R:sponse to KKizer's letter of September 19, an Mr. Wimer's letter of August 22, 1985 concerning NRC geologic support to California 06/12/86    KDragonette    J0hanian                  Y Letter requesting that a representative of our staff attend an interagency mtg.
with the Department of Health Services and U. S. Ecology, Inc.
;  F01A-86-577'                                                                  86/08/22
LISTING 0F DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR F0IA-Datr/                                                Release        PDR Subject      To            From          Refer to    (Y or N)    Accession #    File Code CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FILE                              409.34 06/20/84    RBrowning      WKerr                    Y U. S. Ecology announces Incinerator project 06/21/8'4  DNussbaumer    VMiller                  Y Proposed North Carolina regulations on incineration 09/20/84    LHigginbotham DNussbaumer                Y Request from State of North Carolina for U. S. Ecology /NECO compliance history 10/02/84    DNussbaumer    LHigginbotham            Y R: quest for I & E correspondence related to Sheffield, Beatty, and Hanford 03/12/86    RBROWNING      DNussbaumer              Y North Carolina request for comments on Pstition for rulemaking 03/28/86    DNussbaumer    MKnapp                    Y Response to' inquiries from North Carolina regarding a State Petition for rulemaking 07/15/86    WKerr          RFry                      Y Confirmation of a telephone conversation requesting information needed by the State of North Carolina concerning waste generated by NRC licensed power reactors.
07/21/86    SSalomon      GRoles                    Y Waste generated in the Southeast compact during 1985 F0IA-85-577                                                                  86/08/22 3
LISTING OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR FOIA-Dat /                                                  Release        PDR Subject        To          From          Refer to    (Y or N)    Accession #  File Code CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE MAXEY FLAT FILE                                            201.6 03/13/85        DGoode      RDavis                    Y Rep:rt on Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Maxey Flats Radioactive Waste Burial Site 03/21/85      JStarmer      RDayal                    Y A crpy of the paper entitled "0xidation Induced Geochemical Changes in Trench Leachates from the Maxey Flats Low Level Radio-active Waste Disposal Site" 09/17/85      JStarmer      RDayal                    Y Priprints of two manuscripts entitled
  " Source Term Characterization for Maxey Flats Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal              '
Site" and Oxidation-Induced Geochemical Changes in Trench Leachates from the Maxey Flats Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disoosal Site" 05/13/86      JStarmer    RDayal                    Y R prints of two articles; on Maxey Flats                                                  '
Giochemistry published recently in Nuclear Technology also an extended abstract of the paper entitled " Waste-Water Interations and Their Relevance to Nuclear Waste Disposal" i
l t
l F01A-86-577                                                                  86/08/22 4
      ~        ~~
    - Dit;/                                                      Release        POR Subject-      To                From          Refer to    (Y or N)    Accession #  File Code
      .05/02/85      DGoode              RKetelle R:sults of Hazardous Organic Anaylses en Ground Water Samples from Sheffield, Illinois 05/15/85      Albrahim            PHeigold
    . Cepy of a report dealing with geo-physical surveying at the Sheffield Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site 04/25/86      DGoode              LToler Copy of the report " Concepts and dita-collection techniques used in study of the unsaturated zone at low-level
    - rtdioactive-waste disposal site near Shsffield, Illinois," etc:
07/15/86      M0unkelman        DGoode Environmental monitoring information for                                                            >
Shsffield, Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Wasto Disposal Site T
J 9
F0IA-86-577                                                                        86/08/22 5
l LISTING 0F DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR F0IA-                            !
Date/                                                      Release    PDR Subject    h            From                Refer to (Y or N) Accession #            File Code CORRESPONDENCE LISTED IN THE SITE INFORMATION FILE FOR SHEFFIELD                            201.1 02/07/83      R8rowning      RLessy Sh:ffield Modification of U.S. Ecology Ssttlement Proposal to State of Illinois 03/08/8'3    RBrowning      EHawkins Status of Commerical Low-Level Radioactive W:ste Disposal Facilities 03/27/83      RBrowning      EHawkins Nstes on meeting with Frank Ccffman of DOE on status of Sheffield 07/26/83      EHawkins      JShaffner Me: ting notes for meeting between U. S.                                                            '
Ecology, INc., and NRC 08/12/83      RBrowning      JScoville Addendum to the original settlement proposal for the Sheffield Low-Level Waste                                                            ,
Disposal Facility 08/16/83      RBrowning      DEd Sheffield Low-Level Waste Site Monitoring 10/26/83      RBrowning    'LHigginbotham Status report on regulatory activities associated with the Sheffield Site                            ,
11/15/83      RBrowning      JScoville R:sponse regarding Condition 15 of their settlement proposal for the Sheffield Low-Leval Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility 11/25/83      LHigginbotham JShaffner Meeting among representatives of the State of Illinois, U.S. Ecology an NRC 12/19/83      LCohen,MD      LHigginbotham Analysis of environmental samples from the Sh:ffield LLWDF by INL Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory (RESL)
E, F0IA-86-577                                                                            86/08/22 l                                                            6 i
LISTING OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR F0IA-Dat /-                                                      Release      PDR Subject      3              From            Refer to    (Y or N)  Accession #  File Code 08/02/84        JScoville      LHigginbotham R ference to the supplements to the US Ecology, Inc. proposal for closure and d: commissioning of the Sheffield LLWDF 08/20/84        KWaller        JShaffner R: quest'for all ground water monitoring d:ta collected by US Ecology at its Low-Level radioactive waste facilities 05/02/85        DGoode          RKetelle Results of Hazardous Organic Compound Analyses on Ground Water Samples from Sheffield, Illinois 05/15/85        Albrahim        PHeigold R: port dealing with geophysical surveying at the Sheffield Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site 07/15/86        MDunkelman    DGoode Environmental monitoring information for Sheffield, Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site i
l FOIA-86-577                                                                      86/08/22 7
l l
0 ek:t or.                                                                                                                                DATES From            01-01-85 Project No.              WM-8
  ,                                                                                                                                                To              12-31-85 Facility              BEATTY                                                                                                                    File              WM-8 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                            TO                            FROM DESCRIPTION
,                  ,                                                                                  Revised Site Closure Plan submitted.
by U. S. Ecology for the Beatty-Site 03/12/85                  LHigginbotham                      DNussbaumer
                                                                                                    . Work Plan for Review of Draft Closure for the Beatty, new Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility 03/19/85                  JGreeves                          LHigginbotham Data report which was omitted from cc: JShaffner                                                      U. S. Ecology's letter of Feb. 7th 04/10/85                  JGriepentrog                      SWright Beatty LLW Site closure plan 04/12/85                  LHigginbotham                      MKnapp 8
Review of Draft Closure Plan for the Beatty, Nevada Low-level Waste Disposal Facility 04/16/85                  LHigginbothan                      JGreeves ll 1
DATES Fecm Docket or Project No.                                                                                                                                                To Facility File CORRESPONDENCE LOG
            -DATE                              TO                                              FROM DESCRIPTION Proposed Travel to Hanford and Beatty Low-level Waste Disposal Facilities 04/17/85                      MKnapp                                  LHigginbotham Groundwater Monitoring Data at
          -                                                                                                                Beatty LLW Site 04/22/85                      MFliegel                                DGoode A letter referencing Mr. Vaden's letter of 03/04/85 requesting NRC review and comment on the revised US Ecology closure plan for the 04/30/85                      JVaden                                  DNussbaumer                                Beatty Facility Site Visits to Hanford and Beatty LLWDF 06/04/85                      Lhigginbotham                            JBunting l                                                                                                                        Trip Reports - Lakeview & Beatty 07/16/85                      MKnapp                                  MFliegel i
              - . . . -  _ . - , _ . -          , - . , . - - - _ . - _ - - -      . . _ , , _ _ _ _ - - . _ - -.._-- _- _        .-.-____..--_---__----~-___.m
DATES Fr:ca Docket er        #-0 Project No.                                                              To Fasility                                                                File CORRESPONDENCE LOG s
DATE              TO            FROM DESCRIPTION Trip Reports for visit by WMGT Beatty, Nevada, LLW Disposal Site, June 19-21, 198G 07/17/85      KJackson          WKelly List of subjects to be discussed at the meeting on.US Ecology's. Site Closure dated Feb. 7, 1985,          :
,                                                        scheduled for July 25, 1985            l f      .07/23/85      SWright          JVaden i
Trip report for travel to Beatty,    .
Nevada June 19-21 4
08/01/85      LHigginbotham    JStarmer 1985 Beatty, Ne'vada Disposal Records 1985 Richland, Washington Disposal JShaffner Records rec'd 7/21/85                  ,
i 4
Beatty Site Closure Plan 1
05/31/85      Lhigginbotham      DNussbaumer i
  ~~._    ,
Docket er                                                                DATES From - 1/11/82
  , Project No.      Wm-8                                                            To    12/31/84 Facility                                                                        File  WM-8 ge3 tty CORRESPONDENCE LOG r
DATE                    TO              FROM DESCRIPTION Response to our letter dated 06/29/84 requesting canments on the Draft Site Closure Plan submitted by US Ecology for the Beatty Site 08/22/84            JVaden            DNussbaumer Non-radiological dpta for the Beatty, Nevada Facility 08/24/84            JShaffner          EMartinez Transmittal of information concerning NRC . Licensees with respec :
to waste. site activities 09/20/84            Regional Officers  DNussbaumer 4
1983-1984 tritium data for the Beatty, Nevada Facility 10/22/84            JShaffner          EMartinez i
Dockst or                                                          Datts From 1/11/82 Proj;ct No. WM-8                                                          To File No          WM-8 Facility:    Beatty                  CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                TO                  FROM                    DESCRIPTION Discrepancy in SNM Shipment 1/11/82          J. Scoville        J. Vaden            Records Discrepancy in SNM Shipment 1/27/82          D. Smith            T. Sherr            Records
                                              ,                      Re K. Dragonette's Ltr of 3/24/82          J. Vaden            K. Dragonette        10/22/81 re SNM Shipments 4/16/82          K. Schneider        J. Vaden            should be 21,000 grams /not 41 RFP mailed to 17 firms to conduct study for estimating 9/16/82          D. Nussbaumer      J. Vaden            costs for decommission WM-8 Order - NEC0 vs. NV re not 10/27/82                                                  renewing lic 13-11-0043-02 Short of travl funds, WMLL
12/23/82        D. Nussbaumer        R. Browning          not pro tech. assist. to SP Ltr. from HS to Chem-Nuclear 9/9/83          D. Nussbaumer        J. Vaden            on imple 10 CFR 61 & 20.311 9/12/83        D. Nussbaumer        L. Higginbotham      NV's Draft License Conditions 9/12/83        D. Nussbaumer        L. Higginbotham      NV Draft Regulations 9/21/83        D. Nussbaumer        L. Higginbotham      Radman Computer Code 9/26/83        L. Higginbotham      D. Nussbaumer        NV's Draft License Conditions Ltr. enclosing correspondence 9/30/83        C. Eason            P. Lohaus            with EPA over past three yrs.
10/31/83        G. Wayne Kerr        C. Kammerer          Corresp. Between USE and EPA U.S. Ecology's Beatty, NV Lic 2/2/83          All Reg. Admin.      D. Nussbaumer        for LLW Disposal Trans of Info Concern NRC Lic 3/1/84          Various              D. Nussbaumer        w/ respect to Waste Site Act Study of Soil Sample From 3/7/84          L. Higginbotham      D. Nussbaumer        Beatty Nevada Study of Soil Sample from 3/27/84        D. Nussbaumer        L. Higginbotham      Beatty Nevada Study of Soil Sample from 3/27/84        D. Nussbaumer        L. Higginbotham      From Beatty, Nevada
                    .                                                Transmittal of Information Concerning NRC Licensees with Respect to Waste Site 5/29/84          Regional Admin.      D. Nussbaumer        Activities Percentage of Total United States Waste Shipped for 6/7/84          S. Romano                                Disposal By Region 7/13/84        L. Higginbotham      D. Nussbaumer      Draft Beatty Site Closure Plan Review fo Draft U.S. Ecology Inc. Closure Plan Proposal for 8/8/84          L. Higginbotham      M. Knapp            Beatty LLWDF(WM TAR-84063) 8/15/84        0.A. Nussbaumer      L.B. Higginbotham  DRAFT BEATTY SITE CLOSURE PLAN I
                                                                                      - - - - -      - --S
DATES From    01-01-86 Docke't*cr '' '
Protet No..        27-39                                              To Facility        SHEFFIELD                                              File  27-39 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                    TO      FROM DESCRIPfION National Low-Level Waste Management Program (INS)      -
Transmittal of Report, Review of 01/16/86        JShaffner  JCase information on the Sheffield Site Summary of the quarterly monitoring data.of the piezometers and wells in JShaffner                    the vicinity of Trench (18 sumps for 01/27/86                    MBowen the fourth quarter Draft NUREG-ll83 entitled "Nonradiological Groundwater Quality at Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites" 04/07/86        EMoran      RBrowning Final report entitled "Results of Reconnaissance Evaluation of Hazardous Migration in Ground Water 04/09/86        EMoran      RBrowning        p"do$c            t 0 NnkSY !    i H a-Summary of the quarterly monitoring data.of the piezometers and wells in the vicinity of Trench #18 sumps for the first quarter.
04/09/86        JShaffner  MBoven
    - Dock t'or.
Proj;ct No.          27-39                                            To
    . Facility        SHEFFIELD                                              Fi1e
DATE                    TO            FROM
;                                                                        DESCRIPTION 9
6 I
i G
4 I
Dock;t cr DATES From        01/01/85 Project N9.                      39                                                                                          .To  12/31/85 File  27-39
  - Facility i
CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                                        TO                        FROM DESCRIPTION t
Trip Report - Sheffield LLW Facility, Sept. 18-19, 1985, 10/02/85.                      MKnapp                    RLee Request for information to update our environmental monitoring files on Sheffield LLWDF 10/04/85                        EMartinez '              JShaffner Summary of the quarterly monitoring data of the Piezometers and Wells Ur. dated                      JShaffner                MBowen t
1 9
i i
      -. -        ,,.<----.e_ _ _ .          .  . _ . _    _ _ _    , _ _ . - . .        ..,__s,. .-*,_, - - , . _ _ , -
DATES From Docket o'r Proj ct N2.              27-39                                                                            To Facility File i
CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                            TO        FROM DESCRIPTION
                        .                                                    Letter concerning US Ecology's Sheffield,. Illinois Low-Level Waste Burial Site 08/16/85                    EMoran        RFonner Comments on our July 9, 1985 proposal to install an integrated groundwater monitoring system 08/22/85                    SWright        NKirner Conversation on NRC/0RNL Trip and INDS 08/15/85                    MHamel        DGoode Summary of quarterly monitoring data of the Piezometers and Wells Undated                    JShaffner      MBowen
>                                                                            Trip Report - Travel to Sheffield 10/01/85                  LHigginbotham  JShaffner 4
DATES From Dock t or      27-39 I
Proj:ct h9.                                                                                                                                                To File              ;
DATE                                            TO              FROM                                                                          DESCRIPTION Copy of preliminary results from recent. sampling at the Sheffield Low-Level r:.Jioactive waste disposal site 04/15/85                MHamel                          DGoode                                        .
Perspective on groundwater flow at Sheffield 06/24/85                JShaffner                      DGoode Summary of the quarterly monitoring data of the piezometers and wells 07/05/85              JShaffner                      MBowen
!                                                                                                        Meeting with V'SGS RE:                                    INDS request that USGS decommission their facilities at Sheffield 08/01/85                JStarmer                      JShaffner Request.for a copy of the Brookhaven Laboratories report on Waste Trenches at Sheffield's Site I
Q8/06/85                RBrowning                      EMonran i
_        ,.      _ . . _ , . _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ . . _ .-      - - . . _ . . ~ . . - . . _ _ _ . . .._., _.___ _ . _ _________ _ __ _ ___ _____ .. _ ._
    'Docke't or' DATES From    01/01/85
    ~Proj;ct No.      27-39                                                                  12/31/85 To Facility        SHEFFIELD                                                        File      27-39 CORRESPONDENCE LOG k
DATE                    TO          FROM DESCRIPTION
                  ,                                                Results .of organic analyses for water. samples taken from wells f
01/16/85          JShaffner    GGarklavs
                                                                    ' Quarterly monitoring data of the Piezometers and well in the vicinity of Trench #18 01/18/85          JShaffnsr  M0owen Information for field trip to Sheffield 01/22/S6          JShaffner  0Flynn Trip Report - Springfield, Ill.
03/04/85          JKeppler    RLickus Summary of the quarterly monitoring data of the piezometers and wells 03/26/85          JShaffner  M80 wen                                                  .
4 t      .
Submittal of data for NRC 10/5/84    R. Browning      B. Dillon            Use Docket 27-39 Sheffield Low Level Radioactive Waste Dis-10/6/84    J. Shaffner      A. Armburst          posal Site.
Transmittal of draft by the
[12/5/84        J. Shaffner      D. Ed                Illinois Geological Survey 12/10/84    L. Higginbotham  M. Bell              Draft Memo to Heyward Shea1L Geologic and hydrologic data collected during 1976-1984 1                                                          at the Sheffield low-level 1                                                          radioactive-waste disposal
    \      12/19/84    D. Goode          L. Toler            site and adjacent areas
                ,                                              Trip Report - Trip to i    12/27/84    L. Higginbotham  J. Shaffner          Springfield, Illinois d            >>t        p Ow m
                        .> .> km:g..
                                  .>      s wa u.            @
4 0
                                                              ,_ ..,__ _ , _    s.._,.__  .._ _ . _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
6    -
Dock:t or                                                                        Dates From 01/01/84 Project N2. 27-39                                                                      To 12/31/84 File No 27-39 Facility:    Sheffield                CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                jr0                      FROM                              DESCRIPTION Notification of Mtg 2/16 -
1/31/84          J. Shaffner              T. Lash                  2/17/84 and a copy of Agnda Monthly Update for Envirn 2/3/84          Various                  T. Lash                  Surveillance Data Correction in the Distrib.
2/10/84          DCC                      J. Goodie                for ST receipient i                                                              Surveillance Data Tritium 2/1'3/84        Steering Comm.          R. Gayor                Migration Investigation Data Sheets for Report 2/17/84          Scoville                C.J. Paperiello          No. 27-39/83-01 Trip Report-Tritium Migration 2/21/84          L. Higginbotham          Goode/Shaffner          Study Sterring Comm. 1/19/84 2/21/84          Mtg. Participants        T. Lash                  Sheffield Mtg. of 2/28-29 Thank you ltr. for materials 2/28/84          C.J. Paperiello          T. Lash                  received Estb of a TWG To Formulate 3/5/84          M. Knapp                R. Browning'            Alt. Strat for Transfer of Meeting of Apr. 4, 84, 3/13/84          Meeting Partic.          J.S. Goodie            field Radio. Waste Dis., Site 3/26/84.        Rec. (SESD)              Div. of Health Physics  Monthly U2 dates Contract agreement to furnish 3/28/84          A. Crase                K. Jackson              (USE) Radio, ship)ing records American Ecology Corporation 4/12/84          C.C. Leber              R.L. Fonner              File No. 0-11688 Trip Report-Chicago, Illinois 4/13/84          L.B. Higginbotham        J.A. Shaffner            April 4, 1984 Request for formal Legal Opinion of the Potential for Transfer of the Sheffield 5/17/84          R. Fonner              L.B. Higginbotham        LLWDF to the DOE l        6/18/84          M. Hoscheid              C. Cudd                  Retract of Docket 27-39 Doc.
Comments on recent statements made in South Dakota about the Sheffield low-level radioactive waste disposal 7/2/84            T. Nelson              D. Etchison              site.
Sheffield Lcw Level Rodio-7/6/84            J. Shaffner            A.J. Armbrust            active Waste Dis. Site NRC Approval for Bruial of 8/15/84          J. Shaffner            R. Sauer                Babcock & Wilcox Package
!        8/21/84          Steering Comm.          R. Gaynor                Tritium Migratior Invest.
!'                                                                            Information provided upon l        8/24/84          J. Shaffner            E. Martinez              request Analysis of Shefield Water 8/31/84          J.A. Shaffner          M. Hamel                  for PU l
l l
DATES From        01-01-86 Docket ir f    Proj~ct NJ.                                                                                                                                                                                        To        12-31-86 Richland                                                                                                                                                                              File      27-48 Facility CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                                        TO                                                  FROM DESCRIPTION Coments on Sections 2 and 4 of US Ecology's Richland Standards Manual 08/05/86        JShaffner                                                                    CMaupin G
4 l
r 1
  ,t:          .        .
DATES From Docket. or-
      'Pr2 ject;ND.          27-48'
* To FacilityL                                                                              File-CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                          TO          FROM DESCRIPTION' Groundwater Strontium-90 results for Second Quarter,1986.
Juns 23, 1986              JShaffner              EDMartinez
                                                        .              Monthly TLD Resul,ts for May,1986.
  -Juna 23, 1986              JShaffner            EDMartinez -
4                                                                        Groundwater Strontium-90 results for.Second Quarter,1986.
June 23, 1986              REBrowning            EDMartinez Acknowledgement of the. computer printouts summarizing waste disposal
                          .        .                                    at the Richland' Facility for the June 25, 1986              EDMartinez            GWRoles Off-Site Groundwater Data for the Fourth Quarter of 1986..
July 9, 1986              JShaffner            EDMartinez
          .                                  .  =
Docket'r    c                                                            DATES From 3
Proj ct N);      77-46                                                        To Facility                                                                        File-CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                    - TO        FROM DESCRIPTION
Second Quarter,1986 Groundwater samples taken by US Ecology.
June 17, 1986          REBrowning      EDMartinez Second Quarter,1986 Thyroid Results.
Je-- 17, ~986          JShaffner      EDffartinez Records regarding Vegetation samples ta!:en from capped trenches at the Richland Facility.
June 17,1986            JShaffner      EDMartinez Corrected resul'ts of the First Quarter of 1986 Groundwater samples June 18, 1986          JShaffner      EDMartinez 1984 Disposal Reports for the Richland Facility.
  'Juna 19, 1986          GRoles          EDffartinez                      -
Y                  e e
DATES From Docket or Project No. 27-48                                                                To File Facility CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                      TO              FROM DESCRIPTION PJustus Trench 14 Design Data - Hanford LLWDF Jun2 11, 1986      JGreeves                JShaffner ABeatty-Riniker
                                                        .'    Request for additional sampling data of the remaining resin tanks located at the' Richland low-level -adioactive (cc)                      waste disposal site, June ll,1986      JShaffner              :JJScoville Summary of wells and dates sampled May 29, 1985 and August 10, 1985
  .Jun) 12, 1986      JShaffner              EDMartinez Monthly TLD Results for March and Ap ril , 1986.
Juns 13,1986        JSha ffner            EDMartinez Monthly Special'fluclear Material (SNN) receipt and burial report, for May 1986.
, June 13, 1986        REBrowning            RBRittenberg
DATES From Docket or                  ~
Proj ct N3.          27-48                                                                              To Facility File CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                          TO                        FROM                              DESCRIPTION Transmittal of the consolidated SVWright, Jr.                                            connents of the Draft Standard Manual (cc)
May 21, 1986              JAShaffner                    NPKirner NPKirner
                                                          -                              Report on future Trench 14        *
(cc)                                                                        i Jr-a 2, 1986              JAShaffner                    SVWright Quarterly TLD Results for the First Quarter Juns 2,1986                JAShaffner                      EDMartinez Corrected report for First Quarter, 1986 Thyroid Results Juns'2, 1986              JAShaffner                      EDMartinez Report on Visit to the Richland Low Level Waste Disposal Site and at the 'Hanford Reservation June 4, 1986              PSJustus                      ATCardone 4
uw                ,            -
                                                            -,,---,4          -,-.--+ - -            --            - - - -
Dogket'or                            .,'                                      OATES From Proj;ct N3.                                                                            To Facility            ,
t                                                              File            ,
l e
DATE                      TO                FROM DESCRIPTION Review copy of U. S. Ecology
                                      ,                              Standards Manual for Hanford Apr. 28,1986            ,PJustus                  JAShaffner
                -          -                                      Summary of Status of " Tank Farm" at Hanford LLWDF
  /      30, 1986          MRKnapp                  JAShaffner Monthl
                                                                    -(SNM)receipt y Special andNuclear  Materials burial for April ,1986 May 14, 1986              REBrowning              RBRittenberg                                -
Standard document draft for operatio of the Richland, Washington Low ~-Leve Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Apr. 23,1986            .JAShaffrer              EDMartinez 9
Chargeable review time relate'd to review of request to dispose of SNM contaminated ~ waste oil at Hanford May 19, 1986            TCJohnson                CHPeterson 4
Docket or                                                              DATES From ProjGct No                                                                  To Facility                                                                    Fife CORRESPONDENCE LOG 9
DATE          TO                FROM DESCRIPTION First quarter,1986 Groundwater samples taken by US Ecology Apr. 1, 1986    JAihaffner            EDMartinez NPKirner                        .
.              ,                                            Review of US Ecology Status Report (cc)
An- 3,.1986    JAShaffner            CEConer Monthly Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) receipt and burial report for March,1986 Ap r. 14, 1986  REBrowning            RBRi ttenberg Report for the TLD's placed 'on the East fenceline during the time which Trench 7A was open Apr. 15, 1986  JA 3haffner            EDMa rtinez Correction to the heading attached to their letter dated itar. 28, 1986 '
  ' Apr.15,1986    JA Shaffner            EDMartiner O
h s
                                    . - .      . . - - . . -.~..        . . . .                                  -
DATES From Docket.or                                                                                                                                                            ~
      -Proj;ct No.                                                                                                                                  To Facility.
File CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                                    TO                            FROM DESCRIPTION Letter from E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. stating that Mar. 20,1986      _
REBrowning                    KKBennert                                          pg,,ag9cITToncopied for recent Monthly TLD Results for February,198(;
Mar. 26,1986                        JAShaffner                    EDMartinez Trip Report to Olympia, Wash. .
Fu..:.26, 1986                      JSta rmer                    JEShaffner
        -                                                                                                                    First quarter,1986 Soi1 and Vegetation Results Mar. 28,1986                      JAShaffner                    EDMartinez i                                                                                                                                                    .
First quarter,1986 Thyroid Results
,    . Apr.1,1986                        JAShaffn'er                  EDMartinez                                                          .
ny G
O w  w      , , . - -  -                                  --        - - - . -        - - - - - . - -  -_,, .-m,-,=.?              g          -y e+-,w - weI
Docket or                                                                    DATES From Project No.                                                                          To Facility                                                                            File CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                    TO              FROM DESCRIPTION Monthly TLD Results for January,1986 Feb. 27, 1986          JAShaffner        EDMartinez LFRodriguez (cc)
Fs' 27, 1986          JAShaffner        NPKirner          Tim.ely renewal notice Richland Facility Standards llanual outline and list of operatin9 procedures Mar. 7,1986            1ASha ffner      EDMartinez An index *to shi'pnents disposed of in Trenches ll-A and ll-B.
Ma r. 12, 1986        GRoles            RBRittenberg Ibnthly Special Nuc' lear Materials (SN!!) receipt and burial report Mar. 12,.1986          REBrowning        RBRi ttenberg l
Dockst or                                                                              DATES From Proj ct N3.                                                                                  To
  - Facility                                                                                    File CORRESPONDENCE LOG e
DATE                      TO                  FROM
                  ,                                                                        DESCRIPTION A letter referencin9 Chem-Nuclear's    j DWeiss                                      letter of December 10, 1985            l requires no fee action (cc)
Jan. 24, 1986      JAShaffner              MSlewis 7
NPKirner                                  Enclosure of a copy of a letter dated Jan. 23, 1985 to Mr. ?!artiniz from
                                                                      - L. Higginbotham F''  3, 1986        JAShaffner            KNSchneider Monthly TLD Results for December,1985 Feb. 4, 1986          JAShaffner            EDilartinez J
Reocrt of Administrative changes at the US Ecology                .
Feb. 10, 1986        JAShaffner.            !1SCade
!                                                                      Special' Muclear Materials (SHil) receipt and burial report for
                            -                                          January 1986.
Ftb. 14, 1986        REBrowning            RBRittenberg 4
t          , , - - -
  $ccketor Proj ct N .                                                                To File Facility CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE              TO              FROM DESCRIPTION 9
Fourth quarter 1985 Thyroid Resul ts Jan. 6,1986    JA5haffner        ED!!artinez Response to Petitioner's Reouest ,for Declaratory Ruling in reference to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Incineratnr in Bladen County, N. C.
J-    14, 1986 JAShaffner        RESauer
                                                        !bnthly Soecial Nuclear f'aterials (SIN) receipt and burial report for December,1985.
Jan.15,1986    REBrowning        RBRittenberg                                    -
    .              RMWebster                            An amended lett'er to Ms. Kirner's letter of January 6, '986.
          .                    (cc)-
Jan. 24, 1936  LBHigginbotham      NPKi rner A letter referencing fir. ltartinez's
                -                                        letter of December 10, 1985 requesting
specific approval for' encapsulation' of waste contaninated with SNM Jan. 23, 1986  ED'tartinez        LBHigginbotham 3
Docket or                                                                DATES Rom _01m m
, Project No. 27-45                                                              To    12/31/85 facility        Rich umd                                                        File    27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DESCRIPTION A letter in reference to a request ty Babcock and Wilcox, Research and Development Div., Lynchburg Res. Ctr.
to dispose of oil and oil soaked rags.:
contaminated with gram quantities of U-235 at Hanford LLWDF.
12/19/85            E. Martinez  L..Higginbotham cc of a letter to E. Martinez
                                                            -'concerning the Facility Standards 2nual and comments from the Dapt.
of Ecology and the NRC.
12/24/85          J. Shaffner  N. Kirner confirmation of the receipt of the renewal application for 16-19204-01 as acknowledged in LBH's letter of August 9, 1985.
12/03/85          S. Wright      L. Higginbotham Draft copy of US Ecology's Richland, Mshington Facility Operations Manual.
12/18/85          J. Shaffner    S. Wright 2nthly TLD results for October and November, 1985.
12/30/85          J. Shaffner    E. Martinez D
t a
    -v                                                  ,              1
Docket or                                                                                                  DATES Fr:om01/01/85 Projtct N3. 27-48                                                                                            To    12/31/85 Facility        Richland                                                                                        File        27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE'                    T0            FROM DESCRIPTION Compliance Assessment of Hanford for the of e,cology. State of Washington's Department 12/09/85              R. Browning        D. Nussbaumer Concerning Southern California Edison
                                                              -        Company's letter dated 11/26/85,thei.i mquest for approval of encapsulation
'                                                                        of waste contamined with transurancis and plutonium for disposal at U. S.
Ecology, ete:
12/10/85            L. Higginbotham    E. Martinez
                                                                      .latter.from Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc with the attachment of a variance mquest letter sent to the Washington State Department of Social and Health Ser' vices.
l          12/10/85          .J. Shaffner      M. Lewis Monthly Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) receipt and burial report for
                                                                      . November 1985.
12/13/85            R. Browning        R. Rittenberg cc of a letter to J. Stohr with the siclosure of information to help support an earlier letter and varianc mquest dated November 20, 1985.
12/19/85            J. Shaffner        M. Lewis
Dock t or                                                                      DATES From 01/01/85 Proj;ct No.          27-48 To    12/31/85 Facility              Richland                                                            File __27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                  TO            FROM DESCRIPTION            r e letter stating that US Ecology has recently received two directives from WD0E relating to the handling of the situations involving LLRW at the 11/lE/85              T. Strong (REB)    J. Scoville    Richland disposal facility.
a: concerning a tract description of property that US Ecology, Inc.
mcently acquired adjoining the-91effield Facility.
11/18/85              R. Browning      J. Scoville ibtice of Timely Renewal to be issued to US Ecology, Inc.
11/25/85              J. Shaffner      J. Stohr oc letter from Dept. of Ecology to S. A. Carpentsr as a follow-up to their receipt of information regard-ing current hazardous waste activitia at US E(. ology's Hanford Site.
R. Browning      W. Kerr
* Technical Assistance on Licensing Renewal at Hanford 11/29/85              JGreeves          LHigginbotham 0
                                                                            ,    .,    .,-n--    --
1-    .  .              .                                                                                                    .
Docket or 27-48 Pred:ct No.                                                                                                                    To Facility                                                                                                                      File            27-48    i CORRESP0,NDENCE LOG r                                                ,
i DATE                                TO                            FROM DESCRIPTION cc letter stating that the US Ecology has reviewed the draft amendment 17 to license WN-1019-2 10/31/85                      N. Kirner (REB)              S. Wright
                                                                                      . Copies of the comments on a preliminar, draft of the State of Washington's US Ecology license.
l 11/06/85                      J. Shaffner                  K. Kirner Telefax - concerning leaking ship-ments of Waste received at US Ecology, Richland, Washington 11/08/85                      R. Browning                  W. Kerr Richland, Washington Resin Tanks sampled and analyzed to determine waste classification.
        .11/13/85                      J. Shaffner                  J. De0ld bbntnly Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) receipt and burial report for
October 1985.
11/14/85                        R. Browning                  R. Rittenberg i
Dockst or                                                                          DATES From                  01/01/85 Projtet N3.        27-48                                                                                    To  12/31/85 Facility      Richland                                                                                    File  27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DESCRIPTION Monthly Special Nuclear Materials                        ,
l' receipt and burial report for                        -  '
09/13/85          R. Browning          S. Wright Response to our letter of July 29, 1985.
10/02/85          R. Browning          E. Martinez Monthly Special Nuclear Materials receipt and burial report for September, 1985.
10/10/85          R. Browning          R. Rittenberg A
Monthly TLD results for September, 1985.
10/29/85          NRC, Reg. V          E. Martin ez Telefax - in response to our {{letter dated|date=September 25, 1985|text=letter dated September 25, 1985}} regarding disposal of oil soaked rags contamina ed.with U-235.
10/29/85          J. Shaffner          M. Elsen
Dockot or                                                          DATES From  01/01/85 Project Ns. 27-48            ,                                        To    12/31/85 Facility    Richland                                                    File    27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE                TO        FROM DESCRIPTION Washington State Departraent of Ecology Compliance Assessment, Chapter 173-303 WAC.                      -
09/11/85      J. Shaffner N. Kirner Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for August 1985.
09/13/85      R. Browning S. Wright Monthly TLD results for August 1985.
09/30/85      J. Shaffner    E. Martinez Third quarter 1985 Thyroid Results.
09/30/85      d. Shaffner    E. Martinez Monthly TLD results for July 1985.
08/29/85      J. Shaffner    E. Martinez 4
Dates From  01/01/85 Docket or Projtct No.
27-48                                                        To    12/31/85 Richland              CORRESPONDENCE LOG                    File  27-48 Facility                                                                            _.
I l
FROM                DESCRIPTION DATE                    TO Concerning the meeting with HRC and Washington Department of 07/03/85            J. Shaffner        A. Harrington Social Health Services.
Concerning B&W request for variance from Condition .10 (g) of 07/08/85            L. Higginbotham    E. Martinez SHM License #16-19204-01'.
            ,                                                                  Concerning the discussions held 07/09/85            J. Shaffner        S. Wright          between the USEPA Region X and the Washington State Dept. of Ecology and Social & Health Services and US Ecology.
Various          J. Shaffner        Hanford's' License Renewal.
07/11/85 Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for June 1985.
97/12/85            R. Browning      R. Rittenbero
        -                                                                      Information as discussed in a e ePhone conversad on on 07/18/85            G. Roles          L. Karchner July 5, 1985.
Application for Radioactive S. Wright          material license's, renewal.
07/18/85            N. Kirner
                                                                -            .U5. Ecology's application for a limited amendment extending the 07/31/85            J. Shaffner      S. Wright tenn of license #!6-19204-01.
Concerning the Fee of $150.00 08/09/85            S. Wright        D. Weiss            as specified in Category 4A.
Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for July 1985.
08/13/85          R. Browning        R. Rittenberg Monthly TLD results for May and June 1985.
08/19/85          J. Shaffner        E. Martinez Drawings showing the wells of th Proposed location of the 08/22/85          J. Shaffner        S. Wright integrated groundwater monitorin system.
Iransmittal of information concerning NRC Licenses with 09/04/85          Various            D. Nussbaumer respect to waste site activities
Dates From  01/01/85 Docket or
    . Project No.                    27-48                                                        To    12/31/85 Richland                CORRESPONDENCE LOG                -.
File      27-48 Facility FROM                  DESCRIPTION DATE                    TO Monthly SHM receipt and burial report for March 1985.
04/12/85          R. Browning        S. Wright Proposed Travel to Hanford and Beatty Low-Level Waste Disposal 04/17/85          M. Knapp          L. Higginbotham Facilities .
Hanford SNM License Renewal and Review of the State of Washington 04/26/85          Various          J. Shaffner Monthly TLD Results for March E. Martinez    1985.
05/03/85          J. Shaffner Agenga for Tracel to Hanford and Beatty 4.ow-level Waste Disposal 05/03/85          M. Knapp          L. Hiaainbotham Facility.
4 Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for April 1985.
05/14/85        ~R. Browning      S. Wriaht Monthly TLD Results for April 1985.
05/17/85          L. Gronemeyer      E. Martinez Revised agenda for Site visits to Hanford and 8eatty, LLWDF.
05/22/85          M. Knapp          L. Hicoinbotham Changes made to the Richland and      3 Facility Operations Manual.
L. Higginbotham    E. Martinez 05/31/85                                            Results for the First Quarter 1985 Water Samples.
06/03/85        J. Shaffner        E.- Martinez Site . visits to Hanford and Beatt)
06/04/85        L. Higginbotham    J. Bunting Discussion with N. Kirner, State f Washington.
06/06/85        J. Starmer        J. Shaffner                                  ,
Update on Supervisory Personnel i US Ecology's Richland Facility.
06/06/85        R. Browning        S. Wright Monthly SNM receipt and burial report.                          ,
06/10/85          R. Browning        R. Rittenberg Agenda - Renewal of Richland Low-level Waste Disposal Facilitj 06/10/85          J. Shaffner        N. Kirner
                                          -                                    Licenses.
Prints of the latest complete cot f US Ecology's Richland Facilit; 07/03/85          J. Sbaffner      H. Althouse Trip Report - US Ecology Low-lev.
Radioactive Waste Disposal Site.
07/03/85          R. Browning      R. Scarano i
_          m    .
ae            01/85 Project o .'                48                                                  To  12/31'/85 CORRESPONDENCE LOG                      File  27-48
; . Facility              Richland                                                _,
I FROM          ,      DESCRIPTION DATE                    TO Monthly TLD Results for November, l904*
01/03/85          J. Shaffner      E. Martinez
                                        -                          Letter enclosing Ten Top Generators by Volume.
01/09/85          J. Shaffner      E. Martinez Monthly SNM Receipt and Burial Report for December,1984.
R. Browning      S. Wright 01/11/85                                            Letter providing requested memo on B&W gloveboxes.
01/16/85        J. Shaffner      R. Sauer
  -                                                                Quarterly TLD Results for Fourth E. Martinez      Quarter of 1984.
01/22/85        J. Shaffner Monthly TLD Results for December, 04*
01/23/85        J. Shaffner      E. Martinez Monthly SNM Receipt and Burial S. Wright Report for January,1985.
02/12/85          R. Browning 4
Letter infonning NRC of the appointment'of Mr. Martinez to the -
02/13/85          J. Shaffner      J. Scoville position of Acting Chief Radiological Control and Safety Officer.
Fourth Quarter 1984 Water Samples Results.
02/19/85          J. Shaffner      E. Martinez Table showing volume and activity of Waste Buried at three commerict 02/28/85          File            D. Nussbaumer low-level sites cumulative througl
!                    -                                                1984.
' '                                                                    first Quarter 1985 Soil and
* Vegetation Results.
03/04/85        J. Shaffner      E. Martinez Monthly area TLD results for anuary, M85.
03/04/85        J. Shaffner      E. Martinez j                                                                      Revision 4 of the Richland, WA Facility Operations Manual.
J. Shaffner      USEcology 03/22/85                                              Cover sheet that was omitted from the Operations Manual.
J. Shaffner      J. Craig 03/26/85                                              Work Plan for Renewal and Amendme L. Higginbotham    of SNM License and Review of Stat j                04/02/85          Various                            License for the Handford Low-Leve Waste Disposal Facility.
Mdnthly TLD results for February,.
04/09/85          J. Shaffner        F. Martinez

Latest revision as of 08:41, 6 August 2021

Index Files Containing Info Re Us Ecology.Correspondence Logs for Beatty,Sheffield & Richland Facilities Also Included
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/22/1986
Shared Package
ML20212N933 List:
FOIA-86-611 NUDOCS 8609020080
Download: ML20212N936 (40)



e -. . .

LISTING 0F DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR F0IA-Date/ Release PDR Subject To From Refer to (Y or N) Accession # File Code

'C0RRESPONDENCE LISTED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FILE 409.5 08/J1/84 JWard LPDuffy Y Withdrawal of License Application for th: California Low-Level Radioactiv'e Disposa) Facility 12/10/84 LHigginbotham'DNussbaumer Y Technical Assistance for the State of California 02/07/85 LHigginbotham DNussbaumer Y Tcchnical Assistance for the State of California - Follow-up to 12/10/84 memo 02/07/85 LHigginbotham DNussbaumer Y

. California Administrative Code Title 23 Waters 02/11/85 MKnapp- LHigginbotham Y Formation of task group and work plan for review of applications to develop a low-level waste facility in and for the State of California 02/21/85 KJackson TJohnson Y Review of California applications to be licensee designate 02/28/85 JShaffner DWidmayer Y Rsview of Westinghouse Application sub-aitted to the State of California 03/14/85 DNussbaumer KSchneider Y Mero for California files - Technical Assistance to State of California I



. 86/08/22 1

i f$g90ggoB0860827

[ HYDER86-6J1 PDR l

t E ,

t .

LISTING OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR FOIA-Date/ Release PDR Subject To- From Refer to (Y or N) Accession # File Code 10/08/85. RBrowning APasternak. Y Meeting Program 10/09/85 KKizer .

RBrowning Y R:sponse to KKizer's letter of September 19, an Mr. Wimer's letter of August 22, 1985 concerning NRC geologic support to California 06/12/86 KDragonette J0hanian Y Letter requesting that a representative of our staff attend an interagency mtg.

with the Department of Health Services and U. S. Ecology, Inc.


F01A-86-577' 86/08/22

LISTING 0F DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR F0IA-Datr/ Release PDR Subject To From Refer to (Y or N) Accession # File Code CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FILE 409.34 06/20/84 RBrowning WKerr Y U. S. Ecology announces Incinerator project 06/21/8'4 DNussbaumer VMiller Y Proposed North Carolina regulations on incineration 09/20/84 LHigginbotham DNussbaumer Y Request from State of North Carolina for U. S. Ecology /NECO compliance history 10/02/84 DNussbaumer LHigginbotham Y R: quest for I & E correspondence related to Sheffield, Beatty, and Hanford 03/12/86 RBROWNING DNussbaumer Y North Carolina request for comments on Pstition for rulemaking 03/28/86 DNussbaumer MKnapp Y Response to' inquiries from North Carolina regarding a State Petition for rulemaking 07/15/86 WKerr RFry Y Confirmation of a telephone conversation requesting information needed by the State of North Carolina concerning waste generated by NRC licensed power reactors.

07/21/86 SSalomon GRoles Y Waste generated in the Southeast compact during 1985 F0IA-85-577 86/08/22 3


LISTING OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR FOIA-Dat / Release PDR Subject To From Refer to (Y or N) Accession # File Code CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE MAXEY FLAT FILE 201.6 03/13/85 DGoode RDavis Y Rep:rt on Hydrogeologic Investigation of the Maxey Flats Radioactive Waste Burial Site 03/21/85 JStarmer RDayal Y A crpy of the paper entitled "0xidation Induced Geochemical Changes in Trench Leachates from the Maxey Flats Low Level Radio-active Waste Disposal Site" 09/17/85 JStarmer RDayal Y Priprints of two manuscripts entitled

" Source Term Characterization for Maxey Flats Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal '

Site" and Oxidation-Induced Geochemical Changes in Trench Leachates from the Maxey Flats Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disoosal Site" 05/13/86 JStarmer RDayal Y R prints of two articles; on Maxey Flats '

Giochemistry published recently in Nuclear Technology also an extended abstract of the paper entitled " Waste-Water Interations and Their Relevance to Nuclear Waste Disposal" i

l t

l F01A-86-577 86/08/22 4


~ ~~


- Dit;/ Release POR Subject- To From Refer to (Y or N) Accession # File Code


.05/02/85 DGoode RKetelle R:sults of Hazardous Organic Anaylses en Ground Water Samples from Sheffield, Illinois 05/15/85 Albrahim PHeigold

. Cepy of a report dealing with geo-physical surveying at the Sheffield Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site 04/25/86 DGoode LToler Copy of the report " Concepts and dita-collection techniques used in study of the unsaturated zone at low-level

- rtdioactive-waste disposal site near Shsffield, Illinois," etc:

07/15/86 M0unkelman DGoode Environmental monitoring information for >

Shsffield, Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Wasto Disposal Site T

J 9

F0IA-86-577 86/08/22 5


Date/ Release PDR Subject h From Refer to (Y or N) Accession # File Code CORRESPONDENCE LISTED IN THE SITE INFORMATION FILE FOR SHEFFIELD 201.1 02/07/83 R8rowning RLessy Sh:ffield Modification of U.S. Ecology Ssttlement Proposal to State of Illinois 03/08/8'3 RBrowning EHawkins Status of Commerical Low-Level Radioactive W:ste Disposal Facilities 03/27/83 RBrowning EHawkins Nstes on meeting with Frank Ccffman of DOE on status of Sheffield 07/26/83 EHawkins JShaffner Me: ting notes for meeting between U. S. '

Ecology, INc., and NRC 08/12/83 RBrowning JScoville Addendum to the original settlement proposal for the Sheffield Low-Level Waste ,

Disposal Facility 08/16/83 RBrowning DEd Sheffield Low-Level Waste Site Monitoring 10/26/83 RBrowning 'LHigginbotham Status report on regulatory activities associated with the Sheffield Site ,

11/15/83 RBrowning JScoville R:sponse regarding Condition 15 of their settlement proposal for the Sheffield Low-Leval Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility 11/25/83 LHigginbotham JShaffner Meeting among representatives of the State of Illinois, U.S. Ecology an NRC 12/19/83 LCohen,MD LHigginbotham Analysis of environmental samples from the Sh:ffield LLWDF by INL Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory (RESL)

E, F0IA-86-577 86/08/22 l 6 i


LISTING OF DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY WM/NMSS FOR F0IA-Dat /- Release PDR Subject 3 From Refer to (Y or N) Accession # File Code 08/02/84 JScoville LHigginbotham R ference to the supplements to the US Ecology, Inc. proposal for closure and d: commissioning of the Sheffield LLWDF 08/20/84 KWaller JShaffner R: quest'for all ground water monitoring d:ta collected by US Ecology at its Low-Level radioactive waste facilities 05/02/85 DGoode RKetelle Results of Hazardous Organic Compound Analyses on Ground Water Samples from Sheffield, Illinois 05/15/85 Albrahim PHeigold R: port dealing with geophysical surveying at the Sheffield Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site 07/15/86 MDunkelman DGoode Environmental monitoring information for Sheffield, Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site i

l FOIA-86-577 86/08/22 7

l l

0 ek:t or. DATES From 01-01-85 Project No. WM-8


, , Revised Site Closure Plan submitted.

by U. S. Ecology for the Beatty-Site 03/12/85 LHigginbotham DNussbaumer

. Work Plan for Review of Draft Closure for the Beatty, new Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility 03/19/85 JGreeves LHigginbotham Data report which was omitted from cc: JShaffner U. S. Ecology's letter of Feb. 7th 04/10/85 JGriepentrog SWright Beatty LLW Site closure plan 04/12/85 LHigginbotham MKnapp 8

Review of Draft Closure Plan for the Beatty, Nevada Low-level Waste Disposal Facility 04/16/85 LHigginbothan JGreeves ll 1

DATES Fecm Docket or Project No. To Facility File CORRESPONDENCE LOG


-DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Proposed Travel to Hanford and Beatty Low-level Waste Disposal Facilities 04/17/85 MKnapp LHigginbotham Groundwater Monitoring Data at

- Beatty LLW Site 04/22/85 MFliegel DGoode A letter referencing Mr. Vaden's letter of 03/04/85 requesting NRC review and comment on the revised US Ecology closure plan for the 04/30/85 JVaden DNussbaumer Beatty Facility Site Visits to Hanford and Beatty LLWDF 06/04/85 Lhigginbotham JBunting l Trip Reports - Lakeview & Beatty 07/16/85 MKnapp MFliegel i

- . . . - _ . - , _ . - , - . , . - - - _ . - _ - - - . . _ , , _ _ _ _ - - . _ - -.._-- _- _ .-.-____..--_---__----~-___.m

DATES Fr:ca Docket er #-0 Project No. To Fasility File CORRESPONDENCE LOG s

DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Trip Reports for visit by WMGT Beatty, Nevada, LLW Disposal Site, June 19-21, 198G 07/17/85 KJackson WKelly List of subjects to be discussed at the meeting on.US Ecology's. Site Closure dated Feb. 7, 1985,  :

, scheduled for July 25, 1985 l f .07/23/85 SWright JVaden i

Trip report for travel to Beatty, .

Nevada June 19-21 4

08/01/85 LHigginbotham JStarmer 1985 Beatty, Ne'vada Disposal Records 1985 Richland, Washington Disposal JShaffner Records rec'd 7/21/85 ,

i 4

Beatty Site Closure Plan 1

05/31/85 Lhigginbotham DNussbaumer i


~~._ ,

Docket er DATES From - 1/11/82

, Project No. Wm-8 To 12/31/84 Facility File WM-8 ge3 tty CORRESPONDENCE LOG r

DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Response to our letter dated 06/29/84 requesting canments on the Draft Site Closure Plan submitted by US Ecology for the Beatty Site 08/22/84 JVaden DNussbaumer Non-radiological dpta for the Beatty, Nevada Facility 08/24/84 JShaffner EMartinez Transmittal of information concerning NRC . Licensees with respec :

to waste. site activities 09/20/84 Regional Officers DNussbaumer 4

1983-1984 tritium data for the Beatty, Nevada Facility 10/22/84 JShaffner EMartinez i

Dockst or Datts From 1/11/82 Proj;ct No. WM-8 To File No WM-8 Facility: Beatty CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Discrepancy in SNM Shipment 1/11/82 J. Scoville J. Vaden Records Discrepancy in SNM Shipment 1/27/82 D. Smith T. Sherr Records

, Re K. Dragonette's Ltr of 3/24/82 J. Vaden K. Dragonette 10/22/81 re SNM Shipments 4/16/82 K. Schneider J. Vaden should be 21,000 grams /not 41 RFP mailed to 17 firms to conduct study for estimating 9/16/82 D. Nussbaumer J. Vaden costs for decommission WM-8 Order - NEC0 vs. NV re not 10/27/82 renewing lic 13-11-0043-02 Short of travl funds, WMLL


12/23/82 D. Nussbaumer R. Browning not pro tech. assist. to SP Ltr. from HS to Chem-Nuclear 9/9/83 D. Nussbaumer J. Vaden on imple 10 CFR 61 & 20.311 9/12/83 D. Nussbaumer L. Higginbotham NV's Draft License Conditions 9/12/83 D. Nussbaumer L. Higginbotham NV Draft Regulations 9/21/83 D. Nussbaumer L. Higginbotham Radman Computer Code 9/26/83 L. Higginbotham D. Nussbaumer NV's Draft License Conditions Ltr. enclosing correspondence 9/30/83 C. Eason P. Lohaus with EPA over past three yrs.

10/31/83 G. Wayne Kerr C. Kammerer Corresp. Between USE and EPA U.S. Ecology's Beatty, NV Lic 2/2/83 All Reg. Admin. D. Nussbaumer for LLW Disposal Trans of Info Concern NRC Lic 3/1/84 Various D. Nussbaumer w/ respect to Waste Site Act Study of Soil Sample From 3/7/84 L. Higginbotham D. Nussbaumer Beatty Nevada Study of Soil Sample from 3/27/84 D. Nussbaumer L. Higginbotham Beatty Nevada Study of Soil Sample from 3/27/84 D. Nussbaumer L. Higginbotham From Beatty, Nevada

. Transmittal of Information Concerning NRC Licensees with Respect to Waste Site 5/29/84 Regional Admin. D. Nussbaumer Activities Percentage of Total United States Waste Shipped for 6/7/84 S. Romano Disposal By Region 7/13/84 L. Higginbotham D. Nussbaumer Draft Beatty Site Closure Plan Review fo Draft U.S. Ecology Inc. Closure Plan Proposal for 8/8/84 L. Higginbotham M. Knapp Beatty LLWDF(WM TAR-84063) 8/15/84 0.A. Nussbaumer L.B. Higginbotham DRAFT BEATTY SITE CLOSURE PLAN I

- - - - - - --S


DATES From 01-01-86 Docke't*cr '

Protet No.. 27-39 To Facility SHEFFIELD File 27-39 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPfION National Low-Level Waste Management Program (INS) -

Transmittal of Report, Review of 01/16/86 JShaffner JCase information on the Sheffield Site Summary of the quarterly monitoring data.of the piezometers and wells in JShaffner the vicinity of Trench (18 sumps for 01/27/86 MBowen the fourth quarter Draft NUREG-ll83 entitled "Nonradiological Groundwater Quality at Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites" 04/07/86 EMoran RBrowning Final report entitled "Results of Reconnaissance Evaluation of Hazardous Migration in Ground Water 04/09/86 EMoran RBrowning p"do$c t 0 NnkSY ! i H a-Summary of the quarterly monitoring data.of the piezometers and wells in the vicinity of Trench #18 sumps for the first quarter.

04/09/86 JShaffner MBoven


- Dock t'or.

Proj;ct No. 27-39 To

. Facility SHEFFIELD Fi1e





6 I

i G

4 I

Dock;t cr DATES From 01/01/85 Project N9. 39 .To 12/31/85 File 27-39

- Facility i


Trip Report - Sheffield LLW Facility, Sept. 18-19, 1985, 10/02/85. MKnapp RLee Request for information to update our environmental monitoring files on Sheffield LLWDF 10/04/85 EMartinez ' JShaffner Summary of the quarterly monitoring data of the Piezometers and Wells Ur. dated JShaffner MBowen t

1 9

i i

-. - ,,.<----.e_ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _ . - . . ..,__s,. .-*,_, - - , . _ _ , -

DATES From Docket o'r Proj ct N2. 27-39 To Facility File i


. Letter concerning US Ecology's Sheffield,. Illinois Low-Level Waste Burial Site 08/16/85 EMoran RFonner Comments on our July 9, 1985 proposal to install an integrated groundwater monitoring system 08/22/85 SWright NKirner Conversation on NRC/0RNL Trip and INDS 08/15/85 MHamel DGoode Summary of quarterly monitoring data of the Piezometers and Wells Undated JShaffner MBowen

> Trip Report - Travel to Sheffield 10/01/85 LHigginbotham JShaffner 4

DATES From Dock t or 27-39 I

Proj:ct h9. To File  ;


DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Copy of preliminary results from recent. sampling at the Sheffield Low-Level r:.Jioactive waste disposal site 04/15/85 MHamel DGoode .

Perspective on groundwater flow at Sheffield 06/24/85 JShaffner DGoode Summary of the quarterly monitoring data of the piezometers and wells 07/05/85 JShaffner MBowen

! Meeting with V'SGS RE: INDS request that USGS decommission their facilities at Sheffield 08/01/85 JStarmer JShaffner Request.for a copy of the Brookhaven Laboratories report on Waste Trenches at Sheffield's Site I

Q8/06/85 RBrowning EMonran i

_ ,. _ . . _ , . _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ . . _ .- - - . . _ . . ~ . . - . . _ _ _ . . .._., _.___ _ . _ _________ _ __ _ ___ _____ .. _ ._

'Docke't or' DATES From 01/01/85

~Proj;ct No. 27-39 12/31/85 To Facility SHEFFIELD File 27-39 CORRESPONDENCE LOG k


, Results .of organic analyses for water. samples taken from wells f

01/16/85 JShaffner GGarklavs

' Quarterly monitoring data of the Piezometers and well in the vicinity of Trench #18 01/18/85 JShaffnsr M0owen Information for field trip to Sheffield 01/22/S6 JShaffner 0Flynn Trip Report - Springfield, Ill.

03/04/85 JKeppler RLickus Summary of the quarterly monitoring data of the piezometers and wells 03/26/85 JShaffner M80 wen .

4 t .

Submittal of data for NRC 10/5/84 R. Browning B. Dillon Use Docket 27-39 Sheffield Low Level Radioactive Waste Dis-10/6/84 J. Shaffner A. Armburst posal Site.

Transmittal of draft by the

[12/5/84 J. Shaffner D. Ed Illinois Geological Survey 12/10/84 L. Higginbotham M. Bell Draft Memo to Heyward Shea1L Geologic and hydrologic data collected during 1976-1984 1 at the Sheffield low-level 1 radioactive-waste disposal

\ 12/19/84 D. Goode L. Toler site and adjacent areas


, Trip Report - Trip to i 12/27/84 L. Higginbotham J. Shaffner Springfield, Illinois d >>t p Ow m


.> .> km:g..

.> s wa u. @


4 0


,_ ..,__ _ , _ s.._,.__ .._ _ . _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

6 -

Dock:t or Dates From 01/01/84 Project N2. 27-39 To 12/31/84 File No 27-39 Facility: Sheffield CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE jr0 FROM DESCRIPTION Notification of Mtg 2/16 -

1/31/84 J. Shaffner T. Lash 2/17/84 and a copy of Agnda Monthly Update for Envirn 2/3/84 Various T. Lash Surveillance Data Correction in the Distrib.

2/10/84 DCC J. Goodie for ST receipient i Surveillance Data Tritium 2/1'3/84 Steering Comm. R. Gayor Migration Investigation Data Sheets for Report 2/17/84 Scoville C.J. Paperiello No. 27-39/83-01 Trip Report-Tritium Migration 2/21/84 L. Higginbotham Goode/Shaffner Study Sterring Comm. 1/19/84 2/21/84 Mtg. Participants T. Lash Sheffield Mtg. of 2/28-29 Thank you ltr. for materials 2/28/84 C.J. Paperiello T. Lash received Estb of a TWG To Formulate 3/5/84 M. Knapp R. Browning' Alt. Strat for Transfer of Meeting of Apr. 4, 84, 3/13/84 Meeting Partic. J.S. Goodie field Radio. Waste Dis., Site 3/26/84. Rec. (SESD) Div. of Health Physics Monthly U2 dates Contract agreement to furnish 3/28/84 A. Crase K. Jackson (USE) Radio, ship)ing records American Ecology Corporation 4/12/84 C.C. Leber R.L. Fonner File No. 0-11688 Trip Report-Chicago, Illinois 4/13/84 L.B. Higginbotham J.A. Shaffner April 4, 1984 Request for formal Legal Opinion of the Potential for Transfer of the Sheffield 5/17/84 R. Fonner L.B. Higginbotham LLWDF to the DOE l 6/18/84 M. Hoscheid C. Cudd Retract of Docket 27-39 Doc.

Comments on recent statements made in South Dakota about the Sheffield low-level radioactive waste disposal 7/2/84 T. Nelson D. Etchison site.

Sheffield Lcw Level Rodio-7/6/84 J. Shaffner A.J. Armbrust active Waste Dis. Site NRC Approval for Bruial of 8/15/84 J. Shaffner R. Sauer Babcock & Wilcox Package

! 8/21/84 Steering Comm. R. Gaynor Tritium Migratior Invest.

!' Information provided upon l 8/24/84 J. Shaffner E. Martinez request Analysis of Shefield Water 8/31/84 J.A. Shaffner M. Hamel for PU l

l l

DATES From 01-01-86 Docket ir f Proj~ct NJ. To 12-31-86 Richland File 27-48 Facility CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Coments on Sections 2 and 4 of US Ecology's Richland Standards Manual 08/05/86 JShaffner CMaupin G

4 l

r 1


,t: . .

DATES From Docket. or-

'Pr2 ject;ND. 27-48'

  • To FacilityL File-CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION' Groundwater Strontium-90 results for Second Quarter,1986.

Juns 23, 1986 JShaffner EDMartinez

. Monthly TLD Resul,ts for May,1986.

-Juna 23, 1986 JShaffner EDMartinez -

4 Groundwater Strontium-90 results for.Second Quarter,1986.

June 23, 1986 REBrowning EDMartinez Acknowledgement of the. computer printouts summarizing waste disposal

. . at the Richland' Facility for the June 25, 1986 EDMartinez GWRoles Off-Site Groundwater Data for the Fourth Quarter of 1986..

July 9, 1986 JShaffner EDMartinez

. . =


Docket'r c DATES From 3



Second Quarter,1986 Groundwater samples taken by US Ecology.

June 17, 1986 REBrowning EDMartinez Second Quarter,1986 Thyroid Results.

Je-- 17, ~986 JShaffner EDffartinez Records regarding Vegetation samples ta!:en from capped trenches at the Richland Facility.

June 17,1986 JShaffner EDMartinez Corrected resul'ts of the First Quarter of 1986 Groundwater samples June 18, 1986 JShaffner EDMartinez 1984 Disposal Reports for the Richland Facility.

'Juna 19, 1986 GRoles EDffartinez -

Y e e


DATES From Docket or Project No. 27-48 To File Facility CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION PJustus Trench 14 Design Data - Hanford LLWDF Jun2 11, 1986 JGreeves JShaffner ABeatty-Riniker

.' Request for additional sampling data of the remaining resin tanks located at the' Richland low-level -adioactive (cc) waste disposal site, June ll,1986 JShaffner :JJScoville Summary of wells and dates sampled May 29, 1985 and August 10, 1985

.Jun) 12, 1986 JShaffner EDMartinez Monthly TLD Results for March and Ap ril , 1986.

Juns 13,1986 JSha ffner EDMartinez Monthly Special'fluclear Material (SNN) receipt and burial report, for May 1986.

, June 13, 1986 REBrowning RBRittenberg

DATES From Docket or ~

Proj ct N3. 27-48 To Facility File CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Transmittal of the consolidated SVWright, Jr. connents of the Draft Standard Manual (cc)

May 21, 1986 JAShaffner NPKirner NPKirner

- Report on future Trench 14 *

(cc) i Jr-a 2, 1986 JAShaffner SVWright Quarterly TLD Results for the First Quarter Juns 2,1986 JAShaffner EDMartinez Corrected report for First Quarter, 1986 Thyroid Results Juns'2, 1986 JAShaffner EDMartinez Report on Visit to the Richland Low Level Waste Disposal Site and at the 'Hanford Reservation June 4, 1986 PSJustus ATCardone 4

uw , -

-,,---,4 -,-.--+ - - -- - - - -

Dogket'or .,' OATES From Proj;ct N3. To Facility ,

t File ,

l e



DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Review copy of U. S. Ecology

, Standards Manual for Hanford Apr. 28,1986 ,PJustus JAShaffner

- - Summary of Status of " Tank Farm" at Hanford LLWDF

/ 30, 1986 MRKnapp JAShaffner Monthl

-(SNM)receipt y Special andNuclear Materials burial for April ,1986 May 14, 1986 REBrowning RBRittenberg -

Standard document draft for operatio of the Richland, Washington Low ~-Leve Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Apr. 23,1986 .JAShaffrer EDMartinez 9

Chargeable review time relate'd to review of request to dispose of SNM contaminated ~ waste oil at Hanford May 19, 1986 TCJohnson CHPeterson 4



Docket or DATES From ProjGct No To Facility Fife CORRESPONDENCE LOG 9

DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION First quarter,1986 Groundwater samples taken by US Ecology Apr. 1, 1986 JAihaffner EDMartinez NPKirner .

. , Review of US Ecology Status Report (cc)

An- 3,.1986 JAShaffner CEConer Monthly Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) receipt and burial report for March,1986 Ap r. 14, 1986 REBrowning RBRi ttenberg Report for the TLD's placed 'on the East fenceline during the time which Trench 7A was open Apr. 15, 1986 JA 3haffner EDMa rtinez Correction to the heading attached to their letter dated itar. 28, 1986 '

' Apr.15,1986 JA Shaffner EDMartiner O

h s

. - . . . - - . . -.~.. . . . . -

DATES From Docket.or ~

-Proj;ct No. To Facility.

File CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Letter from E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. stating that Mar. 20,1986 _

REBrowning KKBennert pg,,ag9cITToncopied for recent Monthly TLD Results for February,198(;

Mar. 26,1986 JAShaffner EDMartinez Trip Report to Olympia, Wash. .

Fu..:.26, 1986 JSta rmer JEShaffner


- First quarter,1986 Soi1 and Vegetation Results Mar. 28,1986 JAShaffner EDMartinez i .

First quarter,1986 Thyroid Results

, . Apr.1,1986 JAShaffn'er EDMartinez .

ny G

O w w , , . - - - -- - - - . - - - - - - . - - -_,, .-m,-,=.? g -y e+-,w - weI

Docket or DATES From Project No. To Facility File CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Monthly TLD Results for January,1986 Feb. 27, 1986 JAShaffner EDMartinez LFRodriguez (cc)

Fs' 27, 1986 JAShaffner NPKirner Tim.ely renewal notice Richland Facility Standards llanual outline and list of operatin9 procedures Mar. 7,1986 1ASha ffner EDMartinez An index *to shi'pnents disposed of in Trenches ll-A and ll-B.

Ma r. 12, 1986 GRoles RBRittenberg Ibnthly Special Nuc' lear Materials (SN!!) receipt and burial report Mar. 12,.1986 REBrowning RBRi ttenberg l



Dockst or DATES From Proj ct N3. To



, DESCRIPTION A letter referencin9 Chem-Nuclear's j DWeiss letter of December 10, 1985 l requires no fee action (cc)

Jan. 24, 1986 JAShaffner MSlewis 7


NPKirner Enclosure of a copy of a letter dated Jan. 23, 1985 to Mr. ?!artiniz from

- L. Higginbotham F 3, 1986 JAShaffner KNSchneider Monthly TLD Results for December,1985 Feb. 4, 1986 JAShaffner EDilartinez J

Reocrt of Administrative changes at the US Ecology .

Feb. 10, 1986 JAShaffner. !1SCade

! Special' Muclear Materials (SHil) receipt and burial report for

- January 1986.

Ftb. 14, 1986 REBrowning RBRittenberg 4

t , , - - -



Fourth quarter 1985 Thyroid Resul ts Jan. 6,1986 JA5haffner ED!!artinez Response to Petitioner's Reouest ,for Declaratory Ruling in reference to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Incineratnr in Bladen County, N. C.

J- 14, 1986 JAShaffner RESauer

!bnthly Soecial Nuclear f'aterials (SIN) receipt and burial report for December,1985.

Jan.15,1986 REBrowning RBRittenberg -

. RMWebster An amended lett'er to Ms. Kirner's letter of January 6, '986.

. (cc)-

Jan. 24, 1936 LBHigginbotham NPKi rner A letter referencing fir. ltartinez's

- letter of December 10, 1985 requesting


specific approval for' encapsulation' of waste contaninated with SNM Jan. 23, 1986 ED'tartinez LBHigginbotham 3

Docket or DATES Rom _01m m

, Project No. 27-45 To 12/31/85 facility Rich umd File 27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DESCRIPTION A letter in reference to a request ty Babcock and Wilcox, Research and Development Div., Lynchburg Res. Ctr.

to dispose of oil and oil soaked rags.:

contaminated with gram quantities of U-235 at Hanford LLWDF.

12/19/85 E. Martinez L..Higginbotham cc of a letter to E. Martinez

-'concerning the Facility Standards 2nual and comments from the Dapt.

of Ecology and the NRC.

12/24/85 J. Shaffner N. Kirner confirmation of the receipt of the renewal application for 16-19204-01 as acknowledged in LBH's letter of August 9, 1985.

12/03/85 S. Wright L. Higginbotham Draft copy of US Ecology's Richland, Mshington Facility Operations Manual.

12/18/85 J. Shaffner S. Wright 2nthly TLD results for October and November, 1985.

12/30/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez D

t a

-v , 1

Docket or DATES Fr:om01/01/85 Projtct N3. 27-48 To 12/31/85 Facility Richland File 27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE' T0 FROM DESCRIPTION Compliance Assessment of Hanford for the of e,cology. State of Washington's Department 12/09/85 R. Browning D. Nussbaumer Concerning Southern California Edison

- Company's letter dated 11/26/85,thei.i mquest for approval of encapsulation

' of waste contamined with transurancis and plutonium for disposal at U. S.

Ecology, ete:

12/10/85 L. Higginbotham E. Martinez

.latter.from Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc with the attachment of a variance mquest letter sent to the Washington State Department of Social and Health Ser' vices.

l 12/10/85 .J. Shaffner M. Lewis Monthly Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) receipt and burial report for

. November 1985.

12/13/85 R. Browning R. Rittenberg cc of a letter to J. Stohr with the siclosure of information to help support an earlier letter and varianc mquest dated November 20, 1985.

12/19/85 J. Shaffner M. Lewis

Dock t or DATES From 01/01/85 Proj;ct No. 27-48 To 12/31/85 Facility Richland File __27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION r e letter stating that US Ecology has recently received two directives from WD0E relating to the handling of the situations involving LLRW at the 11/lE/85 T. Strong (REB) J. Scoville Richland disposal facility.

a: concerning a tract description of property that US Ecology, Inc.

mcently acquired adjoining the-91effield Facility.

11/18/85 R. Browning J. Scoville ibtice of Timely Renewal to be issued to US Ecology, Inc.

11/25/85 J. Shaffner J. Stohr oc letter from Dept. of Ecology to S. A. Carpentsr as a follow-up to their receipt of information regard-ing current hazardous waste activitia at US E(. ology's Hanford Site.

R. Browning W. Kerr

  • Technical Assistance on Licensing Renewal at Hanford 11/29/85 JGreeves LHigginbotham 0

, ., .,-n-- --

1- . . . .

Docket or 27-48 Pred:ct No. To Facility File 27-48 i CORRESP0,NDENCE LOG r ,

i DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION cc letter stating that the US Ecology has reviewed the draft amendment 17 to license WN-1019-2 10/31/85 N. Kirner (REB) S. Wright

. Copies of the comments on a preliminar, draft of the State of Washington's US Ecology license.

l 11/06/85 J. Shaffner K. Kirner Telefax - concerning leaking ship-ments of Waste received at US Ecology, Richland, Washington 11/08/85 R. Browning W. Kerr Richland, Washington Resin Tanks sampled and analyzed to determine waste classification.

.11/13/85 J. Shaffner J. De0ld bbntnly Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) receipt and burial report for


October 1985.

11/14/85 R. Browning R. Rittenberg i


Dockst or DATES From 01/01/85 Projtet N3. 27-48 To 12/31/85 Facility Richland File 27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DESCRIPTION Monthly Special Nuclear Materials ,

l' receipt and burial report for - '

09/13/85 R. Browning S. Wright Response to our letter of July 29, 1985.

10/02/85 R. Browning E. Martinez Monthly Special Nuclear Materials receipt and burial report for September, 1985.

10/10/85 R. Browning R. Rittenberg A

Monthly TLD results for September, 1985.

10/29/85 NRC, Reg. V E. Martin ez Telefax - in response to our letter dated September 25, 1985 regarding disposal of oil soaked rags contamina ed.with U-235.

10/29/85 J. Shaffner M. Elsen

Dockot or DATES From 01/01/85 Project Ns. 27-48 , To 12/31/85 Facility Richland File 27-48 CORRESPONDENCE LOG DATE TO FROM DESCRIPTION Washington State Departraent of Ecology Compliance Assessment, Chapter 173-303 WAC. -

09/11/85 J. Shaffner N. Kirner Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for August 1985.

09/13/85 R. Browning S. Wright Monthly TLD results for August 1985.

09/30/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez Third quarter 1985 Thyroid Results.

09/30/85 d. Shaffner E. Martinez Monthly TLD results for July 1985.

08/29/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez 4

Dates From 01/01/85 Docket or Projtct No.

27-48 To 12/31/85 Richland CORRESPONDENCE LOG File 27-48 Facility _.

I l

FROM DESCRIPTION DATE TO Concerning the meeting with HRC and Washington Department of 07/03/85 J. Shaffner A. Harrington Social Health Services.

Concerning B&W request for variance from Condition .10 (g) of 07/08/85 L. Higginbotham E. Martinez SHM License #16-19204-01'.


, Concerning the discussions held 07/09/85 J. Shaffner S. Wright between the USEPA Region X and the Washington State Dept. of Ecology and Social & Health Services and US Ecology.

Various J. Shaffner Hanford's' License Renewal.

07/11/85 Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for June 1985.

97/12/85 R. Browning R. Rittenbero

- Information as discussed in a e ePhone conversad on on 07/18/85 G. Roles L. Karchner July 5, 1985.

Application for Radioactive S. Wright material license's, renewal.

07/18/85 N. Kirner

- .U5. Ecology's application for a limited amendment extending the 07/31/85 J. Shaffner S. Wright tenn of license #!6-19204-01.

Concerning the Fee of $150.00 08/09/85 S. Wright D. Weiss as specified in Category 4A.

Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for July 1985.

08/13/85 R. Browning R. Rittenberg Monthly TLD results for May and June 1985.

08/19/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez Drawings showing the wells of th Proposed location of the 08/22/85 J. Shaffner S. Wright integrated groundwater monitorin system.

Iransmittal of information concerning NRC Licenses with 09/04/85 Various D. Nussbaumer respect to waste site activities

Dates From 01/01/85 Docket or

. Project No. 27-48 To 12/31/85 Richland CORRESPONDENCE LOG -.

File 27-48 Facility FROM DESCRIPTION DATE TO Monthly SHM receipt and burial report for March 1985.

04/12/85 R. Browning S. Wright Proposed Travel to Hanford and Beatty Low-Level Waste Disposal 04/17/85 M. Knapp L. Higginbotham Facilities .

Hanford SNM License Renewal and Review of the State of Washington 04/26/85 Various J. Shaffner Monthly TLD Results for March E. Martinez 1985.

05/03/85 J. Shaffner Agenga for Tracel to Hanford and Beatty 4.ow-level Waste Disposal 05/03/85 M. Knapp L. Hiaainbotham Facility.

4 Monthly SNM receipt and burial report for April 1985.

05/14/85 ~R. Browning S. Wriaht Monthly TLD Results for April 1985.

05/17/85 L. Gronemeyer E. Martinez Revised agenda for Site visits to Hanford and 8eatty, LLWDF.

05/22/85 M. Knapp L. Hicoinbotham Changes made to the Richland and 3 Facility Operations Manual.

L. Higginbotham E. Martinez 05/31/85 Results for the First Quarter 1985 Water Samples.

06/03/85 J. Shaffner E.- Martinez Site . visits to Hanford and Beatt)


06/04/85 L. Higginbotham J. Bunting Discussion with N. Kirner, State f Washington.

06/06/85 J. Starmer J. Shaffner ,

Update on Supervisory Personnel i US Ecology's Richland Facility.

06/06/85 R. Browning S. Wright Monthly SNM receipt and burial report. ,

06/10/85 R. Browning R. Rittenberg Agenda - Renewal of Richland Low-level Waste Disposal Facilitj 06/10/85 J. Shaffner N. Kirner

- Licenses.

Prints of the latest complete cot f US Ecology's Richland Facilit; 07/03/85 J. Sbaffner H. Althouse Trip Report - US Ecology Low-lev.

Radioactive Waste Disposal Site.

07/03/85 R. Browning R. Scarano i


_ m .

ae 01/85 Project o .' 48 To 12/31'/85 CORRESPONDENCE LOG File 27-48

. Facility Richland _,

I FROM , DESCRIPTION DATE TO Monthly TLD Results for November, l904*

01/03/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez

- Letter enclosing Ten Top Generators by Volume.

01/09/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez Monthly SNM Receipt and Burial Report for December,1984.

R. Browning S. Wright 01/11/85 Letter providing requested memo on B&W gloveboxes.

01/16/85 J. Shaffner R. Sauer

- Quarterly TLD Results for Fourth E. Martinez Quarter of 1984.

01/22/85 J. Shaffner Monthly TLD Results for December, 04*

01/23/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez Monthly SNM Receipt and Burial S. Wright Report for January,1985.

02/12/85 R. Browning 4

Letter infonning NRC of the appointment'of Mr. Martinez to the -

02/13/85 J. Shaffner J. Scoville position of Acting Chief Radiological Control and Safety Officer.

Fourth Quarter 1984 Water Samples Results.

02/19/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez Table showing volume and activity of Waste Buried at three commerict 02/28/85 File D. Nussbaumer low-level sites cumulative througl

! - 1984.

' ' first Quarter 1985 Soil and

  • Vegetation Results.

03/04/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez Monthly area TLD results for anuary, M85.

03/04/85 J. Shaffner E. Martinez j Revision 4 of the Richland, WA Facility Operations Manual.

J. Shaffner USEcology 03/22/85 Cover sheet that was omitted from the Operations Manual.

J. Shaffner J. Craig 03/26/85 Work Plan for Renewal and Amendme L. Higginbotham of SNM License and Review of Stat j 04/02/85 Various License for the Handford Low-Leve Waste Disposal Facility.

Mdnthly TLD results for February,.


04/09/85 J. Shaffner F. Martinez

