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{{#Wiki_filter:NRC FORM 464 Part I U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FOIAIPA RESPONSE NUMBER (10 -20 12) l RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF 2 INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) / PRIVACY RESPONSE L-- FINAL PARTIAL ACT (PA) REQUEST TYPE REQUESTER DATE James Riccio FEB 0 6 2013 PART I. -INFORMATION RELEASED D] No additional agency records subject to the request have been located.D Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments section.Z APPENDICES Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the listed appendices are already available for A public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room.r APPENDICES Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the listed appendices are being made available for BE public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room.D Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records located at the NRC Public Document Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852-2738.
{{#Wiki_filter:NRC FORM 464 Part I                                     U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION     FOIAIPA                     RESPONSE NUMBER (10 -2012)       l RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF                                       2 INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) / PRIVACY ACT (PA) REQUEST                                RESPONSE TYPE      L-- FINAL         PARTIAL REQUESTER                                                                                         DATE James Riccio                                                                                                 FEB 0 6 2013 PART I. - INFORMATION RELEASED D]       No additional agency records subject to the request have been located.
A PPENDICES Agency records subject to the request are enclosed.D Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been referred to that agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you.1 We are continuing to process your request.D See Comments.PART L.A -- FEES AMOUNT* Il You will be billed by NRC for the amount listed. None. Minimum fee threshold not met.$ : See comments 71 You will receive a refund for the amount listed. Fe d for details 1 Fee w PART I.B -- INFORMATION NOT LOCATED OR WITHHELD FROM DISCLOSURE Dl No agency records subject to the request have been located. For your information, Congress excluded three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records from the requirements of the FOIA. See 5 U.S.C. § 552(c)(2006 & Supp. IV (2010). This response is limited to those records that are subject to the requirements of the FOIA. This is a standard notification that is given to all our requesters and should not be taken as an indication that excluded records do, or do not, exist.D Certain information in the requested records is being withheld from disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part II.D This determination may be appealed within 30 days by writing to the FOIA/PA Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.
D       Requested records are available through another public distribution program. See Comments section.
Clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is a "FOIA/PA Appeal." PART I.C COMMENTS ( Use attached Comments continuation page if required)The incoming FOIA request will be available in ADAMS at ML12263A087.
Z         APPENDICES       Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the listed appendices are already available for A                 public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room.
r         APPENDICES       Agency records subject to the request that are identified in the listed appendices are being made available for BE               public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room.
D       Enclosed is information on how you may obtain access to and the charges for copying records located at the NRC Public Document Room, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852-2738.
A PPENDICES     Agency records subject to the request are enclosed.
D       Records subject to the request that contain information originated by or of interest to another Federal agency have been referred to that agency (see comments section) for a disclosure determination and direct response to you.
1   We are continuing to process your request.
D       See Comments.
PART L.A -- FEES AMOUNT*                 Il     You will be billed by NRC for the amount listed.           None. Minimum fee threshold not met.
    $                                                                                       :
See comments           71   You will receive a refund for the amount listed.         1 Fe Fee  w    d for details PART I.B -- INFORMATION NOT LOCATED OR WITHHELD FROM DISCLOSURE Dl       No agency records subject to the request have been located. For your information, Congress excluded three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records from the requirements of the FOIA. See 5 U.S.C. § 552(c)
(2006 & Supp. IV (2010). This response is limited to those records that are subject to the requirements of the FOIA. This is a standard notification that is given to all our requesters and should not be taken as an indication that excluded records do, or do not, exist.
D         Certain information in the requested records is being withheld from disclosure pursuant to the exemptions described in and for the reasons stated in Part II.
D       This determination may be appealed within 30 days by writing to the FOIA/PA Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is a "FOIA/PA Appeal."
PART I.C COMMENTS ( Use attached Comments continuation page if required)
The incoming FOIA request will be available in ADAMS at ML12263A087.
FOIA/PA 2012-0325 APPENDIX A RECORDS ALREADY PUBLICLY AVAILABLE NO. DATE 1. 09/20/12 2. 05/15/12 3. 07/07/10 4. 03/05/12 5. 01/11/10 6. 09/24/09 7. 06/18/09 8. 06/10/09 ACCESSION NUMBER ML12219A163 ML12129A186 ML12363A083 ML090510269 ML100150066 ML092670558 ML091060761 ML12363A131 DESCRIPTION/(PAGE COUNT)Letter from M. Evans, NRR to P. Gillespie, Duke on Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Modifications to Address External Flooding Hazards. (4 pages)Letter from M. Evans, NRR to P. Gillespie, Duke on Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Request for Additional Information Regarding Modifications to Address External Flooding Concerns.
(3 pages)Inspection Report -Oconee Nuclear Station -NRC Inspection Report 05000269/2010006, 05000270/2010006 and 05000287/2010006 (11 pgs)NRC Information Notice 2012-02 -Potentially NonConservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessment.
(5 pages)Request for Additional Information Regarding the Oconee External Flooding Issue (4 pages)IR 05000269-09-006, 05000270-09-006, and 05000287-09-006 on 08/10/09 -08/27/09 for Oconee Nuclear Stations, Units 1, 2, and 3.(23 pages)Summary of Closed November 5, 2008, Meeting to Discuss the U.S. NRC's August 15, 2008, 50.54(f)Letter on External Flooding at Oconee. (5 pages)Letter from D. Baxter, Duke to NRC on Interim 30-Day Response to Reference
: 1. 09/20/12 ML12219A163    Letter from M. Evans, NRR to P. Gillespie, Duke on Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Modifications to Address External Flooding Hazards. (4 pages)
: 2. (5 pages)
: 2. 05/15/12 ML12129A186    Letter from M. Evans, NRR to P. Gillespie, Duke on Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Request for Additional Information Regarding Modifications to Address External Flooding Concerns. (3 pages)
: 9. 05/20/09 10. 12/16/08 11. 08/26/08 12. 10/30/07 13. 10/03/07 14. 04/26/07 15. 03/01/07 16. 01/30/07 ML091470265 ML083300427 ML082390690 ML073030210 ML072770006 ML071170025 ML070650190 ML070300780 Oconee, Units 1, 2, & 3, Request for Extension of Duke Response Time to Referenced Letter.(2 pages)Summary of Closed August 28, 2008, Meeting to Discuss the August 15, 2008, 50.54(f) Letter on External Flooding.
: 3. 07/07/10 ML12363A083    Inspection Report - Oconee Nuclear Station - NRC Inspection Report 05000269/2010006, 05000270/2010006 and 05000287/2010006 (11 pgs)
(4 pages)Letter from J. Giitter, NRR to R. Freudenberger, Duke on Kickoff for Risk Analysis of the Failure of the Jocassee and Keowee Dams to Assess the Potential Effects on the Safe Shutdown Facility at the Oconee Nuclear Station. (3 page)IR 05000269-07-004, 05000270-07-004
: 4. 03/05/12 ML090510269    NRC Information Notice 2012 Potentially NonConservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessment.
&05000287-07-004; on 07/01/2007  
(5 pages)
-09/30/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, Quarterly Integrated Inspection Report; Post-Maintenance Testing and Event Followup.(23 pages)IR 05000269-07-008, 05000270-07-008, 05000287-07-008; on 07/09/2007
: 5. 01/11/10 ML100150066    Request for Additional Information Regarding the Oconee External Flooding Issue (4 pages)
-07/25/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Biennial Identification and Resolution of Problems.(29 pages)IR 05000269-07-002, IR 05000270-07-002, IR 05000287-07-002, 01/01/2007
: 6. 09/24/09 ML092670558    IR 05000269-09-006, 05000270-09-006, and 05000287-09-006 on 08/10/09 - 08/27/09 for Oconee Nuclear Stations, Units 1, 2, and 3.
-03/31/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3;Maintenance Effectiveness.
(23 pages)
(29 pages)Response to appeal of final significance determination for a white finding and denial of notice of violation (Oconee Nuclear Station-NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000269/2007007, 05000270/2007007 and 05000287/2007007 (6pgs)IR 05000269-06-005, 05000270-06-005, 05000287-06-005, on 10/01/2006
: 7. 06/18/09 ML091060761    Summary of Closed November 5, 2008, Meeting to Discuss the U.S. NRC's August 15, 2008, 50.54(f)
-12/31/2006, Oconee, Units 1, 2, and 3. (29 pages)17. 12/20/06 ML063620092 Oconee, Units 1, 2, & 3, Appeal of Final
Letter on External Flooding at Oconee. (5 pages)
: 18. 11/22/06 ML063260282 Significance Determination for White Finding and Reply to Notice of Violation; EA-06-199.
: 8. 06/10/09 ML12363A131    Letter from D. Baxter, Duke to NRC on Interim 30-Day Response to Reference 2. (5 pages)
(16 pages)IR 05000269-06-017, IR 05000270-06-017, and IR 05000287-06-017, Final Significance Determination for a White Finding and Notice of Violation, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC. (7pages)
: 9. 05/20/09 ML091470265 Oconee, Units 1, 2, & 3, Request for Extension of Duke Response Time to Referenced Letter.
FOIA/PA-2012-0325 APPENDIX B RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY (If copyrighted identify with *)NO.1.2.3.DATE Undated Undated Undated 4. Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated Undated DESCRIPTION/ (PAGE COUNT)Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates (4pgs)Oconee Timeline -Summary of Events. (3 pages)Slides on Oconee SSF Flood Barrier Breach SDP -Lessons Learned.(3 pages)Draft NRC Information Notice on Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments.
(2 pages)
(12 pages)Oconee Timeline.
: 10. 12/16/08 ML083300427 Summary of Closed August 28, 2008, Meeting to Discuss the August 15, 2008, 50.54(f) Letter on External Flooding. (4 pages)
(17 pages)Oconee Flood Licensing Basis Evaluation Open Items. (2 pages)Jocassee Dame Failure Frequency Components.
: 11. 08/26/08 ML082390690 Letter from J. Giitter, NRR to R. Freudenberger, Duke on Kickoff for Risk Analysis of the Failure of the Jocassee and Keowee Dams to Assess the Potential Effects on the Safe Shutdown Facility at the Oconee Nuclear Station. (3 page)
(1 page)Justification for Continued Operation of Oconee Nuclear Station.(1 page)Agenda FERC Meeting with NRC Personnel.
: 12. 10/30/07 ML073030210 IR 05000269-07-004, 05000270-07-004 &
(1 page)Agenda FERC Meeting with NRC Personnel.
05000287-07-004; on 07/01/2007 - 09/30/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, Quarterly Integrated Inspection Report; Post-Maintenance Testing and Event Followup.
(1 page)Meeting slides on Oconee SSF Flood Barrier Breach SDSP -Lessons Learned. (13 pages)Resolution of Oconee Flooding Issue. (3 pages)Meeting slides on Oconee Flood Issue Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency.
(23 pages)
(6 pages)Briefing on Draft Information Notice -"Potential Nonconservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments." (1 page)Briefing Slides on the FlIod Scenario Rupture of Jocassee Dam.14. Undated 15. Undated (4 pages)16. Undated 17. Undated 18. 07/17/07 19. 05/21/08 20. 06/24/08 21. 07/21/08 22. 08/08/08 23. 08/14/08 24. 08/15/08 25. 09/02/08 26. 09/19/08 27. 10/01/08 28. 10/07/08 Comparison of Approaches for Calculating a Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency.
: 13. 10/03/07 ML072770006 IR 05000269-07-008, 05000270-07-008, 05000287-07-008; on 07/09/2007 - 07/25/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Biennial Identification and Resolution of Problems.
(5 pages)Draft Memorandum from M. Cunningham, NRR to E. Leeds, NRR On Oconee Flood Protection and the Jocassee Dam Hazard Justification for Continued Operation December 2010, LIC-504. (8 pages)Email from L. Olshan, NRR to R. Daniel, NRR et al. on FW: Jocassee Dam Random Failure (Talking Points). (1 page)Email from S. Laur, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Oconee Flood Protection Questions.
(29 pages)
(3 pages)Email from M. Franovich, NRR to L. Olshan, NRR et al RE: Response: Please review 50.54(f) letter on floods R2. (2 pages)Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al. FW: Status of the Oconee 50.54(f) letter. (2 pages)Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Vail, NRR et al. FW: Request for COM TA brief. (2 pages)Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al FW: Oconee Flood Short Turnaround Request -followup to phone message left. (2 pages)Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al. FW: Letter faxed to Duke; Copy given to Leeds for mtg. w/Svinicki.
: 14. 04/26/07 ML071170025 IR 05000269-07-002, IR 05000270-07-002, IR 05000287-07-002, 01/01/2007 - 03/31/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Maintenance Effectiveness. (29 pages)
(1 page)Email from W. Roger, NRR to J. Circle, NRR RE: Your thoughts.(1 page)DHS Briefing Slides on Oconee Flood Protection and the Jocassee Dam Hazard. (6 pages)Briefing Slides on Oconee Flood Issue Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency.
: 15. 03/01/07 ML070650190 Response to appeal of final significance determination for a white finding and denial of notice of violation (Oconee Nuclear Station-NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000269/2007007, 05000270/2007007 and 05000287/2007007 (6pgs)
(3 pages)E-Mail from Goutam Bagchi to Jon Thompson; Jeff Circle; Mike Franovich; Leonard Olshan; Kamal Manoly; Raman Pichumani; Kenneth See; Gary Demoss; Don Marksberry; James Vail,  
: 16. 01/30/07 ML070300780 IR 05000269-06-005, 05000270-06-005, 05000287-06-005, on 10/01/2006 - 12/31/2006, Oconee, Units 1, 2, and 3. (29 pages)
: 17. 12/20/06 ML063620092 Oconee, Units 1, 2, & 3, Appeal of Final
Significance Determination for White Finding and Reply to Notice of Violation; EA-06-199. (16 pages)
: 18. 11/22/06 ML063260282 IR 05000269-06-017, IR 05000270-06-017, and IR 05000287-06-017, Final Significance Determination for a White Finding and Notice of Violation, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC. (7pages)
FOIA/PA-2012-0325 APPENDIX B RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY (If copyrighted identify with *)
: 1. Undated  Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates (4pgs)
: 2. Undated  Oconee Timeline - Summary of Events. (3 pages)
: 3. Undated  Slides on Oconee SSF Flood Barrier Breach SDP - Lessons Learned.
(3 pages)
: 4. Undated  Draft NRC Information Notice on Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments. (12 pages)
: 5. Undated  Oconee Timeline. (17 pages)
: 6. Undated  Oconee Flood Licensing Basis Evaluation Open Items. (2 pages)
: 7. Undated Jocassee Dame Failure Frequency Components. (1 page)
: 8. Undated  Justification for Continued Operation of Oconee Nuclear Station.
(1 page)
: 9. Undated  Agenda FERC Meeting with NRC Personnel. (1 page)
: 10. Undated  Agenda FERC Meeting with NRC Personnel. (1 page)
: 11. Undated  Meeting slides on Oconee SSF Flood Barrier Breach SDSP - Lessons Learned. (13 pages)
: 12. Undated Resolution of Oconee Flooding Issue. (3 pages)
: 13. Undated  Meeting slides on Oconee Flood Issue Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency.
(6 pages)
: 14. Undated  Briefing on Draft Information Notice - "Potential Nonconservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments." (1 page)
: 15. Undated  Briefing Slides on the FlIod Scenario Rupture of Jocassee Dam.
(4 pages)
: 16. Undated  Comparison of Approaches for Calculating a Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency. (5 pages)
: 17. Undated  Draft Memorandum from M. Cunningham, NRR to E. Leeds, NRR On Oconee Flood Protection and the Jocassee Dam Hazard Justification for Continued Operation December 2010, LIC-504. (8 pages)
: 18. 07/17/07 Email from L. Olshan, NRR to R. Daniel, NRR et al. on FW: Jocassee Dam Random Failure (Talking Points). (1 page)
: 19. 05/21/08 Email from S. Laur, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Oconee Flood Protection Questions. (3 pages)
: 20. 06/24/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to L. Olshan, NRR et al RE: Response:
Please review 50.54(f) letter on floods R2. (2 pages)
: 21. 07/21/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al. FW: Status of the Oconee 50.54(f) letter. (2 pages)
: 22. 08/08/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Vail, NRR et al. FW: Request for COM TA brief. (2 pages)
: 23. 08/14/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al FW: Oconee Flood Short Turnaround Request - followup to phone message left. (2 pages)
: 24. 08/15/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al. FW: Letter faxed to Duke; Copy given to Leeds for mtg. w/Svinicki. (1 page)
: 25. 09/02/08 Email from W. Roger, NRR to J. Circle, NRR RE: Your thoughts.
(1 page)
: 26. 09/19/08 DHS Briefing Slides on Oconee Flood Protection and the Jocassee Dam Hazard. (6 pages)
: 27. 10/01/08 Briefing Slides on Oconee Flood Issue Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency.
(3 pages)
: 28. 10/07/08 E-Mail from Goutam Bagchi to Jon Thompson; Jeff Circle; Mike Franovich; Leonard Olshan; Kamal Manoly; Raman Pichumani; Kenneth See; Gary Demoss; Don Marksberry; James Vail,  

RE: Oconee Flood Response Review punch list (1 page)
RE: Oconee Flood Response Review punch list (1 page)
: 29. 10/16/08 30. 10/26/08 31. 11/05/08 32. 11/12/08 33. 11/14/08 34. 11/14/08 35. 12/03/08 36. 12/04/08 37. 01/06/09 38. 01/26/09 39. 02/09/09 40. 02/23/09 41. 02/25/09 42. 05/06/09 43. 05/12/09 E-Mail from Goutam Bagchi to Mike Franovich, Raman Pichumani; Kenneth See; Christopher Cook; Melanie Galloway,  
: 29. 10/16/08 E-Mail from Goutam Bagchi to Mike Franovich, Raman Pichumani; Kenneth See; Christopher Cook; Melanie Galloway,  

Oconee: Upstream Dam Break (1 page)Why did the Oconee flood issue take many years to address? (2 pages)NRC Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Briefing Slides on Oconee Site Flood Protection.
(3 pages)Agenda Oconee Flood Issue, Technical Staff Meeting. (1 page)Agenda Conference call with FERC. (1 page)E-Mail from Raman Pichumani to Kamal Manoly,  
Upstream Dam Break (1 page)
: 30. 10/26/08 Why did the Oconee flood issue take many years to address? (2 pages)
: 31. 11/05/08 NRC Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Briefing Slides on Oconee Site Flood Protection. (3 pages)
: 32. 11/12/08 Agenda Oconee Flood Issue, Technical Staff Meeting. (1 page)
: 33. 11/14/08 Agenda Conference call with FERC. (1 page)
: 34. 11/14/08 E-Mail from Raman Pichumani to Kamal Manoly,  

A brief summary of telecom with FERC (Mahoney) on Jocassee Dam (1 page)E-Mail from Robert Schaaf to Melanie Galloway,  
A brief summary of telecom with FERC (Mahoney) on Jocassee Dam (1 page)
: 35. 12/03/08 E-Mail from Robert Schaaf to Melanie Galloway,  

Threshold for consideration of external events in design-basis (1 page)Draft Agenda NRC/Duke Energy Technical Meeting on Oconee Site Inundation Analysis.
Threshold for consideration of external events in design-basis (1 page)
(1 page)Email from J. Vail, RII to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Oconee vs. Jocassee Licensing Basis. (3 pages)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR et al. FW: Oconee NRC Reply to Duke 50.54(f) Response Rev. 2 (3 pages)Status of Oconee External Flooding Issue Briefing of Jack Grobe.(1 page)E-Mail from Melanie Galloway to Kenneth See  
: 36. 12/04/08 Draft Agenda NRC/Duke Energy Technical Meeting on Oconee Site Inundation Analysis. (1 page)
: 37. 01/06/09 Email from J. Vail, RII to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Oconee vs. Jocassee Licensing Basis. (3 pages)
: 38. 01/26/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR et al. FW: Oconee NRC Reply to Duke 50.54(f) Response Rev. 2 (3 pages)
: 39. 02/09/09 Status of Oconee External Flooding Issue Briefing of Jack Grobe.
(1 page)
: 40. 02/23/09 E-Mail from Melanie Galloway to Kenneth See  

RE: Oconee Flood Issue (3 pages)Email from R. Wescott, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR et al. RE: Summary of Meeting with Rex Wescott on Oconee Flooding Issue. (3 pages)E-mail from Scott Flanders to Anne Boland CC: Richard Raione, Nilesh Chokshi, Mary-Jane Ross-Lee, Christopher Cook, K. See, D. Skeen Re: Support for May 11 meeting w/Duke Re: Oconee (1 page)E-mail from Goutam Bagchi to Christopher Cook, Kenneth See cc: Melanie Galloway, Jeffrey Mitman, Richard Raione, Scott Flanders, Jeff Circle, Rex Wescott Re: ONS: Notes from 5/11 meeting.(2 pages)
RE: Oconee Flood Issue (3 pages)
: 44. 12/02/09 45. 12/03/09 46. 12/04/09 47.48.12/04/09 12/09/09 49. 12/10/09 50. 12/14/09 51. 12/15/09 52. 12/16/09 53. 12/16/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: OUO -Security Related Information.
: 41. 02/25/09 Email from R. Wescott, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR et al. RE: Summary of Meeting with Rex Wescott on Oconee Flooding Issue. (3 pages)
(2 pages)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee External Flood Analyses and Associated Corrective Action Plan. (3 pages)Email from L. James, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR et al., RE: OUO -Security Related Information.
: 42. 05/06/09 E-mail from Scott Flanders to Anne Boland CC: Richard Raione, Nilesh Chokshi, Mary-Jane Ross-Lee, Christopher Cook, K. See, D. Skeen Re:
(2 pages)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on SC Dams. (1 page)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to D. Skeen, NRR RE: Oconee Flooding discussion.
Support for May 11 meeting w/Duke Re: Oconee (1 page)
(1 page)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to L. James, NRR et al., on Planning for Oconee meeting on Dec. 14 at 1 pm. (7 pages)Email from F. Fernando, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on Taum Sauk and Rockfill Dam Failures.
: 43. 05/12/09 E-mail from Goutam Bagchi to Christopher Cook, Kenneth See cc:
(1 page)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., on Meeting yesterday with DE. (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Oconee.(3 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: NRC-Duke Correspondence.
Melanie Galloway, Jeffrey Mitman, Richard Raione, Scott Flanders, Jeff Circle, Rex Wescott Re: ONS: Notes from 5/11 meeting.(2 pages)
(2 pages)Email from J. Vail, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., on Dam IN. (1 page)Draft NRC Information Notice 2009-xx -Underestimate of Dam Failure Frequency Used in Probabilistic Risk Assessments.
: 44. 12/02/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: OUO - Security Related Information. (2 pages)
(5 pages)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Order Concerning Oconee External Flooding.
: 45. 12/03/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee External Flood Analyses and Associated Corrective Action Plan. (3 pages)
(1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Request for Comments on IAEA Flooding Guide DS 417. (2 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway et al., RE: Notes on Oconee AP for meeting with Mark. (2 pages)54.55.12/16/09 12/16/09 56. 12/16/09 57. 12/17/09 58. 12/17/09
: 46. 12/04/09 Email from L. James, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR et al., RE: OUO -
: 59. 12/18/09 60. 12/18/09 61. 12/21/09 62. 12/22/09 63. 12/22/09 64. 12/22/09 65. 12/22/09 66. 12/23/09 67. 12/23/09 68. 12/24/09 69. 12/28/09 70. 12/28/09 71. 01/05/10 72. 01/06/10 Email from G. Wilson, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Comparison of risk reduction from various modifications.
Security Related Information. (2 pages)
(1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to G. Wilson, NRR RE: Duke's breach parameter matrix. (1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Duke's breach parameter matrix. (4 pages)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to M. Cunningham, NRR et al., on Topics for 9 am continuation of Oconee flooding discussion.
: 47. 12/04/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on SC Dams. (1 page)
(1 page)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Seismic Values.(1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR on Who is required to demonstrate that adequate protection has not been met? (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR on OFI -Does NRC Correspondence Speak to Failure Modes of the Jocassee Dam. (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: OFI (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on OFI -draft outline.(1 page)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to L. James, NRR et al., on Thoughts on how to synthesize our discussions on Oconee flooding and adequate protection.
: 48. 12/09/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to D. Skeen, NRR RE: Oconee Flooding discussion. (1 page)
(2 pages)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on RE: Request for Comments on IAEA Flooding Guide DS 417. (1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on Sensitivity Analysis.(5 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M .Galloway, NRR on Oconee Backfit.(1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to S. Laur, NRR et al., RE: RES Dam Failure Report. (3 pages)
: 49. 12/10/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to L. James, NRR et al., on Planning for Oconee meeting on Dec. 14 at 1 pm. (7 pages)
: 73. 01/06/10 74. 01/07/10 75. 01/07/10 76. 01/08/10 77. 01/11/10 Email from L. James, NRR to T. Herbert, NRR et al., RE: Oconee External Flooding -Backfit Analysis.
: 50. 12/14/09 Email from F. Fernando, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on Taum Sauk and Rockfill Dam Failures. (1 page)
(1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: OFI Summary.(23 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR FW: Oconee Ext Flood Order Plan word (3) doc. (3 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR et al FW: Plan for Issuance of an Order -Oconee External Flooding Plan. (1 page)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee External Flood Plan word (3) doc. (1 page)78. 01/11/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: 11 Questions to Duke. (1 page)79. 01/12/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: information needed. (2 pages)80. 01/13/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR Emailing:
: 51. 12/15/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., on Meeting yesterday with DE. (1 page)
Memo OFI Dam Failure Rate RO.doc. (3 pages)81. 01/14/10 Email from L. James, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR et al., RE:" Tentative Meeting to Discuss Dam Failure Frequency.
: 52. 12/16/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Oconee.
(1 page)82. 01/29/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR thanks. (1 page)83. 02/03/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on Sensitivity Analysis.(60 pages)84. 02/16/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Pohida, NRO on Dam failure frequency (7 pages)85. 02/16/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Emailing:
(3 pages)
APOB failure rate evaluation for Jocassee Dam Revised (1) doc. (1 page)86. 02/19/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al. RE: ACTION: provide BS with latest version of DRA/APOB's documentation of the generic dam failure frequency by COB 2/19/10. (1 page)87. 03/03/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW (1 page)
: 53. 12/16/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: NRC-Duke Correspondence. (2 pages)
: 88. 03/03/10 89. 03/04/10 90. 03/05/10 91. 03/08/10 92. 03/15/10 93. 03/15/10 94. 03/24/10 95. 03/29/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR RE: Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation
: 54. 12/16/09 Email from J. Vail, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., on Dam IN. (1 page)
-Draft. (2 pages)Email from S. Laur, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al.,RE: DRA/APOB's documentation of the generic dam failure frequency.
: 55. 12/16/09 Draft NRC Information Notice 2009-xx - Underestimate of Dam Failure Frequency Used in Probabilistic Risk Assessments. (5 pages)
(2 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to E. Riggs, RII RE: Duke Letter dated 02-26-2010 Revising Commitment Dates. (1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to S. Laur, NRR RE: Dam statistics.
: 56. 12/16/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Order Concerning Oconee External Flooding. (1 page)
(3 pages)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Final Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation w/Mizuno's comments included.
: 57. 12/17/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Request for Comments on IAEA Flooding Guide DS 417. (2 pages)
(1 page)Email from S. Laur, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Generic Dam Failure Rate Analysis.
: 58. 12/17/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway et al., RE: Notes on Oconee AP for meeting with Mark. (2 pages)
(1 page)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Resolution of the Oconee Backfit Document Evaluation Question on HEP Value.(1 page)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: OFI Backfit Documented Evaluation.
: 59. 12/18/09 Email from G. Wilson, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Comparison of risk reduction from various modifications. (1 page)
(2 pages)96. 04/06/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Historical dam failure rate analysis paper. (2 pages)97. 04/08/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR e al., RE: Comments on the NRR Draft Memo: Supplement to Tech Basis for Allowing ONS to Remain in Operation.
: 60. 12/18/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to G. Wilson, NRR RE: Duke's breach parameter matrix. (1 page)
(2 pages)98. 04/08/10 99. 04/09/10 100. 04/09/10 101. 04/13/10 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Status of the Delta Risk Comparison Analysis.
: 61. 12/21/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Duke's breach parameter matrix. (4 pages)
(2 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Risk Comparative info for Oconee. (1 page)Email from T. Nicholson, RES to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Papers on Dam Failures.
: 62. 12/22/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to M. Cunningham, NRR et al., on Topics for 9 am continuation of Oconee flooding discussion. (1 page)
(1 page)Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Comments on the NRR Draft Memo: Supplement to Tech Basis for Allowing ONS to Remain in Operation.
: 63. 12/22/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Seismic Values.
(2 pages) 102. 04/23/10 103. 05/18/10 104. 05/25/10 105. 06/01/10 106. 06/01/10 107. 06/07/10 108. 06/07/10 109. 06/10/10 110. 06/15/10 111. 06/28/10 112. 06/29/10 113. 07/06/10 114. 07/08/10 115. 07/21/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Question arising from the Duke Meeting yesterday on Major Project Plans. (2 pages)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to R. Wescot, RII et al., FW: ICM Inspection.
(1 page)
(1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR et al., RE: FW: GIP -Oconee External Flooding.
: 64. 12/22/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR on Who is required to demonstrate that adequate protection has not been met? (1 page)
(1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. Philip, RES et al on NSAC/60.(18 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: current status of Oconee. (1 page)Email from R. Perkins, RII to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: NRR DRA Rockfilled Dam Failure Frequency Analysis.
: 65. 12/22/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR on OFI - Does NRC Correspondence Speak to Failure Modes of the Jocassee Dam. (1 page)
(1 page)Email from G. Wilson, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., FW: ICM Inspection Plan. Doc. (4 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR et al., FW: Update on Oconee External Issues. (2 pages)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Randall, RES et al., on Insights from Dam Risk Assessment Training.
: 66. 12/23/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: OFI (1 page)
(1 page)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Proposal for inclusion of Generic External Flooding Issue due to Potential Dam Failures in GIP. (1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Proposal for inclusion of Generic External Flooding Issue due to Potential Dam Failures in GIP. (1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Pohida, NRO RE: Frequency Limits.(5 pages)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on NRR Submittal to GIP-External Flooding Issue (Dam Failures).
: 67. 12/23/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on OFI - draft outline.
(9 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: MG Briefing.(2 pages) 116. 08/13/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: IN Background Information.
(1 page)
(1 page)117. 08/17/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on IN on NSAC/60.(14 pages)118. 08/19/10 Email from E. Riggs, RII to J. Mitman, NRR RE: stuff. (2 pages)119. 09/07/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to A. Zoulis, NRR et al., RE: Draft IN on NSAC/60. (2 pages)120. 09/07/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on IN-Dam Failure Rate v 0 jtm.docx.
: 68. 12/24/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to L. James, NRR et al., on Thoughts on how to synthesize our discussions on Oconee flooding and adequate protection. (2 pages)
(6 pages)121. 09/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to S. Sancaktar, RES FW: IN-Dam Failure Rate v 0 jtm.docx.
: 69. 12/28/09  Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on RE: Request for Comments on IAEA Flooding Guide DS 417. (1 page)
(1 page)122. 10/04/10 123.- 10/17/10 124. 10/20/10 125. 11/2010 126. 11/01/10 127. 11/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: OUO/SRI -Oconee Management decision supplement
: 70. 12/28/09  Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on Sensitivity Analysis.
-Updated. (2 pages)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Oconee 2D Results Report. (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR on Jocassee/Oconee 2-D Report. (1 page)Briefing Slides on Current Status of Information Notice regarding Dam Failure Rates used in NPP External Flooding Analysis.
(5 pages)
(5 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Elct. Dist. OUO -Duke NRR Staff Assessment Oconee External Flooding Issue.(21 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Reservoir level as a key input. (1 page)128. 11/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on IN NSAC 60 meeting.(1 page)129. 11/09/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on Jocassee inflow calc.(4 pages)130. 11/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., untitled.
: 71. 01/05/10  Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M .Galloway, NRR on Oconee Backfit.
(2 pages) 131. 11/16/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Draft Presentation (with Backup Slides) for Tomorrow's Meeting. (30 pages)132. 11/16/10 Email from J. Philip, RES to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Draft IN on Dam Failure Rates. (9 pages)133. 11/17/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: draft letter to FERC.(3 pages)134. 11/18/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: IN on NSAC/60.(1 page)135. 11/19/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to S. Rosenberg, NRR on New Information Notice on Applicability of Historical Dam Failure Frequency Estimates in Probabilistic Risk Assessments.
(1 page)
(1 page)136. 11/22/10 137. 11/24/10 138. 11/29/10 139. 12/08/10 140. 12/10/10 141. 12/10/10 142. 12/16/10 143. 12/17/10 144. 12/17/10 145. 12/19/10 Email from V. Rodriguez, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: draft letter to FERC. (5 pages)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR toe J. Mitman, NRR on Equation for L = 38 ft. (1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on ONS MATLAB stuff.(1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to V. Rodriguez, NRR et al., RE: Dam Failure and Flooding Protection Issues. (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. England, USBR RE: Can Hydro Turbine Generators Pass Water if the Grid is Unavailable.
: 72. 01/06/10  Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to S. Laur, NRR et al., RE: RES Dam Failure Report. (3 pages)
(1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: (3 pages)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: OFI Concerns -OUO -Sensitive Information
: 73. 01/06/10 Email from L. James, NRR to T. Herbert, NRR et al., RE: Oconee External Flooding - Backfit Analysis. (1 page)
-Do Not Disclose.
: 74. 01/07/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: OFI Summary.
(3 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation.
(23 pages)
(1 page)Canceled Meeting Notice on Oconee External Flooding Issue. (1 page)Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Stang, NRR request -ouo/SRI Oconee Ext Flooding.
: 75. 01/07/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR FW: Oconee Ext Flood Order Plan word (3) doc. (3 pages)
(1 page) 146. 12/20/10 147. 12/20/10 148 12/21/10 149. 12/23/10 150. 01/09/11 151. 01/09/11 152. 02/02/11 153. 02/11/11 154. 02/16/11 155. 05/19/11 156. 05/04/12 157. 05/07/12 158. 06/04/12 159. 06/26/12 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Spillway Curve.(4 pages)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Topo map of yard area and surroundings.
: 76. 01/08/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR et al FW: Plan for Issuance of an Order - Oconee External Flooding Plan. (1 page)
(1 page)Email from V. Rodriguez, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee Inundation Study Response and NRC's Draft JCO. (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR on OUO -Jocassee Dam PRA. (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Reference for Dam Failure Probability to Reservoir Level. (1 page)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to R. Wescott, RII RE: OUO -Sensitive Information
: 77. 01/11/10 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee External Flood Plan word (3) doc. (1 page)
-APOB Jocassee Hydrograph.
: 78. 01/11/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: 11 Questions to Duke. (1 page)
(7 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR RE: Oconee/Jocassee 2-D Analysis Results. (2 pages)Email from J. Mitman, NRR to W. Rogers, NRR Reminder -Jocassee 2-D Analysis Report. (1 page)Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Status of Oconee External Flooding Issue. (2 pages)Executive Team Briefing on Draft Information Notice "Potential Nonconservation Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in PRAs" (2 pages)E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley, To: John Boska, cc: Kenneth Karwoski, Nancy Salgado, Patrick Hiland, Michael Cheok, Michele Evans, Allen Howe, Rick Croteau and William Jones  
: 79. 01/12/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: information needed. (2 pages)
: 80. 01/13/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR Emailing: Memo OFI Dam Failure Rate RO.doc. (3 pages)
: 81. 01/14/10 Email from L. James, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR et al., RE:" Tentative Meeting to Discuss Dam Failure Frequency. (1 page)
: 82. 01/29/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR thanks. (1 page)
: 83. 02/03/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on Sensitivity Analysis.
(60 pages)
: 84. 02/16/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Pohida, NRO on Dam failure frequency (7 pages)
: 85. 02/16/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Emailing: APOB failure rate evaluation for Jocassee Dam Revised (1) doc. (1 page)
: 86. 02/19/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al. RE: ACTION:
provide BS with latest version of DRA/APOB's documentation of the generic dam failure frequency by COB 2/19/10. (1 page)
: 87. 03/03/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW (1 page)
: 88. 03/03/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR RE: Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation - Draft. (2 pages)
: 89. 03/04/10 Email from S. Laur, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al.,RE: DRA/APOB's documentation of the generic dam failure frequency. (2 pages)
: 90. 03/05/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to E. Riggs, RII RE: Duke Letter dated 02              2010 Revising Commitment Dates. (1 page)
: 91. 03/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to S. Laur, NRR RE: Dam statistics.
(3 pages)
: 92. 03/15/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Final Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation w/Mizuno's comments included. (1 page)
: 93. 03/15/10 Email from S. Laur, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Generic Dam Failure Rate Analysis. (1 page)
: 94. 03/24/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Resolution of the Oconee Backfit Document Evaluation Question on HEP Value.
(1 page)
: 95. 03/29/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: OFI Backfit Documented Evaluation. (2 pages)
: 96. 04/06/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Historical dam failure rate analysis paper. (2 pages)
: 97. 04/08/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR e al., RE: Comments on the NRR Draft Memo: Supplement to Tech Basis for Allowing ONS to Remain in Operation. (2 pages)
: 98. 04/08/10 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Status of the Delta Risk Comparison Analysis. (2 pages)
: 99. 04/09/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Risk Comparative info for Oconee. (1 page) 100. 04/09/10 Email from T. Nicholson, RES to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Papers on Dam Failures. (1 page) 101. 04/13/10 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Comments on the NRR Draft Memo: Supplement to Tech Basis for Allowing ONS to Remain in Operation. (2 pages)
102. 04/23/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Question arising from the Duke Meeting yesterday on Major Project Plans. (2 pages) 103. 05/18/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to R. Wescot, RII et al., FW: ICM Inspection.
(1 page) 104. 05/25/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR et al., RE: FW: GIP      -
Oconee External Flooding. (1 page) 105. 06/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. Philip, RES et al on NSAC/60.
(18 pages) 106. 06/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: current status of Oconee. (1 page) 107. 06/07/10 Email from R. Perkins, RII to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: NRR DRA Rockfilled Dam Failure Frequency Analysis. (1 page) 108. 06/07/10 Email from G. Wilson, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., FW: ICM Inspection Plan. Doc. (4 pages) 109. 06/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR et al., FW:
Update on Oconee External Issues. (2 pages) 110. 06/15/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Randall, RES et al., on Insights from Dam Risk Assessment Training. (1 page) 111. 06/28/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Proposal for inclusion of Generic External Flooding Issue due to Potential Dam Failures in GIP. (1 page) 112. 06/29/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Proposal for inclusion of Generic External Flooding Issue due to Potential Dam Failures in GIP. (1 page) 113. 07/06/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Pohida, NRO RE: Frequency Limits.
(5 pages) 114. 07/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on NRR Submittal to GIP
              - External Flooding Issue (Dam Failures). (9 pages) 115. 07/21/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: MG Briefing.
(2 pages)
116. 08/13/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: IN Background Information. (1 page) 117. 08/17/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on IN on NSAC/60.
(14 pages) 118. 08/19/10 Email from E. Riggs, RII to J. Mitman, NRR RE: stuff. (2 pages) 119. 09/07/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to A. Zoulis, NRR et al., RE: Draft IN on NSAC/60. (2 pages) 120. 09/07/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on IN-Dam Failure Rate v 0 jtm.docx. (6 pages) 121. 09/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to S. Sancaktar, RES FW: IN-Dam Failure Rate v 0 jtm.docx. (1 page) 122. 10/04/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: OUO/SRI - Oconee Management decision supplement - Updated. (2 pages) 123.- 10/17/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Oconee 2D Results Report. (1 page) 124. 10/20/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR on Jocassee/Oconee 2-D Report. (1 page) 125. 11/2010  Briefing Slides on Current Status of Information Notice regarding Dam Failure Rates used in NPP External Flooding Analysis. (5 pages) 126. 11/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Elct. Dist. OUO -
Duke NRR Staff Assessment Oconee External Flooding Issue.
(21 pages) 127. 11/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Reservoir level as a key input. (1 page) 128. 11/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on IN NSAC 60 meeting.
(1 page) 129. 11/09/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on Jocassee inflow calc.
(4 pages) 130. 11/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., untitled. (2 pages)
131. 11/16/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Draft Presentation (with Backup Slides) for Tomorrow's Meeting. (30 pages) 132. 11/16/10 Email from J. Philip, RES to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Draft IN on Dam Failure Rates. (9 pages) 133. 11/17/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: draft letter to FERC.
(3 pages) 134. 11/18/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: IN on NSAC/60.
(1 page) 135. 11/19/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to S. Rosenberg, NRR on New Information Notice on Applicability of Historical Dam Failure Frequency Estimates in Probabilistic Risk Assessments. (1 page) 136. 11/22/10 Email from V. Rodriguez, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: draft letter to FERC. (5 pages) 137. 11/24/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR toe J. Mitman, NRR on Equation for L = 38 ft. (1 page) 138. 11/29/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on ONS MATLAB stuff.
(1 page) 139. 12/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to V. Rodriguez, NRR et al., RE: Dam Failure and Flooding Protection Issues. (1 page) 140. 12/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. England, USBR RE: Can Hydro Turbine Generators Pass Water if the Grid is Unavailable. (1 page) 141. 12/10/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: (3 pages) 142. 12/16/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: OFI Concerns        -
OUO - Sensitive Information - Do Not Disclose. (3 pages) 143. 12/17/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation. (1 page) 144. 12/17/10 Canceled Meeting Notice on Oconee External Flooding Issue. (1 page) 145. 12/19/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Stang, NRR request - ouo/SRI Oconee Ext Flooding. (1 page)
146. 12/20/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Spillway Curve.
(4 pages) 147. 12/20/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Topo map of yard area and surroundings. (1 page) 148  12/21/10 Email from V. Rodriguez, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee Inundation Study Response and NRC's Draft JCO. (1 page) 149. 12/23/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR on OUO - Jocassee Dam PRA. (1 page) 150. 01/09/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Reference for Dam Failure Probability to Reservoir Level. (1 page) 151. 01/09/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to R. Wescott, RII RE: OUO - Sensitive Information - APOB Jocassee Hydrograph. (7 pages) 152. 02/02/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR RE: Oconee/Jocassee 2-D Analysis Results. (2 pages) 153. 02/11/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to W. Rogers, NRR Reminder - Jocassee 2-D Analysis Report. (1 page) 154. 02/16/11 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Status of Oconee External Flooding Issue. (2 pages) 155. 05/19/11 Executive Team Briefing on Draft Information Notice "Potential Nonconservation Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in PRAs" (2 pages) 156. 05/04/12 E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley, To: John Boska, cc: Kenneth Karwoski, Nancy Salgado, Patrick Hiland, Michael Cheok, Michele Evans, Allen Howe, Rick Croteau and William Jones  

RE: JLD presentation on 5/8/12-Oconee slides (OUO) (1 pg)E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley To: John Boska,  
RE: JLD presentation on 5/8/12-Oconee slides (OUO) (1 pg) 157. 05/07/12 E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley To: John Boska,  

RE: JLD presentation on 5/8/12-Oconee slides (OUO) (2pgs)E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley to: Scott Sparks and Eric Stamm,  
RE: JLD presentation on 5/8/12-Oconee slides (OUO) (2pgs) 158. 06/04/12 E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley to: Scott Sparks and Eric Stamm,  

RE: Oconee CALs (lpg)E-mail from Jonathan Bartley to John Boska;  
RE: Oconee CALs (lpg) 159. 06/26/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley to John Boska;  

RE: Oconee response to NRC's CAL RAls on floodwall design OUO (1 pg) 160. 07/19/12 161. 07/27/12 162. 08/03/12 163. 08/06/12 164. 08/21/12 165. 09/10/12 166. 10/04/12 E-Mail from Jonathan Bartley To: John Boska and Nancy Salgado;
RE: Oconee response to NRC's CAL RAls on floodwall design OUO (1 pg)
160. 07/19/12 E-Mail from Jonathan Bartley To: John Boska and Nancy Salgado;

Re: Action: Options paper for Oconee flood concerns (1 pg)E-Mail From Jonathan Bartley, To: John Boska; cc: Nancy Salgado,  
Re: Action: Options paper for Oconee flood concerns (1 pg) 161. 07/27/12 E-Mail From Jonathan Bartley, To: John Boska; cc: Nancy Salgado,

RE: Action: Options paper for Oconee flood concers (1 pg)E-mail from Jonathan Bartley to Victor McCree, Leonard Wert, William Jones, Rick Croteau, Terrence Reis and Harold Christensen;  
RE: Action: Options paper for Oconee flood concers (1pg) 162. 08/03/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley to Victor McCree, Leonard Wert, William Jones, Rick Croteau, Terrence Reis and Harold Christensen;  

Oconee's topics for next weeks drop in (lpg)E-mail from Jonathan Bartley, To: William Jones and Rick Croteau,  
Oconee's topics for next weeks drop in (lpg) 163. 08/06/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley, To: William Jones and Rick Croteau,

FW: NRR's draft reply to Duke's letter of 6/14/12 on Oconee flooding, Attachments:
FW: NRR's draft reply to Duke's letter of 6/14/12 on Oconee flooding, Attachments: ME 7970 Oconee letter2 (OUO).docx (6pgs) 164. 08/21/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley, to Leonard Wert, cc: Victor McCree, William Jones, Rick Croteau,  
ME 7970 Oconee letter2 (OUO).docx (6pgs)E-mail from Jonathan Bartley, to Leonard Wert, cc: Victor McCree, William Jones, Rick Croteau,  

Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates.docx, Attachments:
Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates.docx, Attachments: Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates.docx (5pgs) 165. 09/10/12 E-mail from Rick Croteau to Victor McCree, Leonard Wert,  
Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates.docx (5pgs)E-mail from Rick Croteau to Victor McCree, Leonard Wert,  

FW: Inspection of Oconee flood walls (lpg)OPA Draft Press Release on NRC to Examine Issue of Nuclear Plant Flooding from Potential Dam Failure. (3 pages)}}
Inspection of Oconee flood walls (lpg) 166. 10/04/12 OPA Draft Press Release on NRC to Examine Issue of Nuclear Plant Flooding from Potential Dam Failure. (3 pages)}}

Revision as of 21:54, 4 November 2019

FOIA/PA-2012-0325 - Resp 1 - Partial
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/06/2013
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1. 09/20/12 ML12219A163 Letter from M. Evans, NRR to P. Gillespie, Duke on Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Modifications to Address External Flooding Hazards. (4 pages)
2. 05/15/12 ML12129A186 Letter from M. Evans, NRR to P. Gillespie, Duke on Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1, 2, and 3, Request for Additional Information Regarding Modifications to Address External Flooding Concerns. (3 pages)
3. 07/07/10 ML12363A083 Inspection Report - Oconee Nuclear Station - NRC Inspection Report 05000269/2010006, 05000270/2010006 and 05000287/2010006 (11 pgs)
4. 03/05/12 ML090510269 NRC Information Notice 2012 Potentially NonConservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessment.

(5 pages)

5. 01/11/10 ML100150066 Request for Additional Information Regarding the Oconee External Flooding Issue (4 pages)
6. 09/24/09 ML092670558 IR 05000269-09-006, 05000270-09-006, and 05000287-09-006 on 08/10/09 - 08/27/09 for Oconee Nuclear Stations, Units 1, 2, and 3.

(23 pages)

7. 06/18/09 ML091060761 Summary of Closed November 5, 2008, Meeting to Discuss the U.S. NRC's August 15, 2008, 50.54(f)

Letter on External Flooding at Oconee. (5 pages)

8. 06/10/09 ML12363A131 Letter from D. Baxter, Duke to NRC on Interim 30-Day Response to Reference 2. (5 pages)
9. 05/20/09 ML091470265 Oconee, Units 1, 2, & 3, Request for Extension of Duke Response Time to Referenced Letter.

(2 pages)

10. 12/16/08 ML083300427 Summary of Closed August 28, 2008, Meeting to Discuss the August 15, 2008, 50.54(f) Letter on External Flooding. (4 pages)
11. 08/26/08 ML082390690 Letter from J. Giitter, NRR to R. Freudenberger, Duke on Kickoff for Risk Analysis of the Failure of the Jocassee and Keowee Dams to Assess the Potential Effects on the Safe Shutdown Facility at the Oconee Nuclear Station. (3 page)
12. 10/30/07 ML073030210 IR 05000269-07-004, 05000270-07-004 &

05000287-07-004; on 07/01/2007 - 09/30/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3, Quarterly Integrated Inspection Report; Post-Maintenance Testing and Event Followup.

(23 pages)

13. 10/03/07 ML072770006 IR 05000269-07-008, 05000270-07-008, 05000287-07-008; on 07/09/2007 - 07/25/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Biennial Identification and Resolution of Problems.

(29 pages)

14. 04/26/07 ML071170025 IR 05000269-07-002, IR 05000270-07-002, IR 05000287-07-002, 01/01/2007 - 03/31/2007; Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Maintenance Effectiveness. (29 pages)
15. 03/01/07 ML070650190 Response to appeal of final significance determination for a white finding and denial of notice of violation (Oconee Nuclear Station-NRC Inspection Report Nos. 05000269/2007007, 05000270/2007007 and 05000287/2007007 (6pgs)
16. 01/30/07 ML070300780 IR 05000269-06-005, 05000270-06-005, 05000287-06-005, on 10/01/2006 - 12/31/2006, Oconee, Units 1, 2, and 3. (29 pages)
17. 12/20/06 ML063620092 Oconee, Units 1, 2, & 3, Appeal of Final

Significance Determination for White Finding and Reply to Notice of Violation; EA-06-199. (16 pages)

18. 11/22/06 ML063260282 IR 05000269-06-017, IR 05000270-06-017, and IR 05000287-06-017, Final Significance Determination for a White Finding and Notice of Violation, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC. (7pages)

FOIA/PA-2012-0325 APPENDIX B RECORDS BEING RELEASED IN THEIR ENTIRETY (If copyrighted identify with *)


1. Undated Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates (4pgs)
2. Undated Oconee Timeline - Summary of Events. (3 pages)
3. Undated Slides on Oconee SSF Flood Barrier Breach SDP - Lessons Learned.

(3 pages)

4. Undated Draft NRC Information Notice on Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments. (12 pages)
5. Undated Oconee Timeline. (17 pages)
6. Undated Oconee Flood Licensing Basis Evaluation Open Items. (2 pages)
7. Undated Jocassee Dame Failure Frequency Components. (1 page)
8. Undated Justification for Continued Operation of Oconee Nuclear Station.

(1 page)

9. Undated Agenda FERC Meeting with NRC Personnel. (1 page)
10. Undated Agenda FERC Meeting with NRC Personnel. (1 page)
11. Undated Meeting slides on Oconee SSF Flood Barrier Breach SDSP - Lessons Learned. (13 pages)
12. Undated Resolution of Oconee Flooding Issue. (3 pages)
13. Undated Meeting slides on Oconee Flood Issue Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency.

(6 pages)

14. Undated Briefing on Draft Information Notice - "Potential Nonconservative Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in Probabilistic Risk Assessments." (1 page)
15. Undated Briefing Slides on the FlIod Scenario Rupture of Jocassee Dam.

(4 pages)

16. Undated Comparison of Approaches for Calculating a Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency. (5 pages)
17. Undated Draft Memorandum from M. Cunningham, NRR to E. Leeds, NRR On Oconee Flood Protection and the Jocassee Dam Hazard Justification for Continued Operation December 2010, LIC-504. (8 pages)
18. 07/17/07 Email from L. Olshan, NRR to R. Daniel, NRR et al. on FW: Jocassee Dam Random Failure (Talking Points). (1 page)
19. 05/21/08 Email from S. Laur, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Oconee Flood Protection Questions. (3 pages)
20. 06/24/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to L. Olshan, NRR et al RE: Response:

Please review 50.54(f) letter on floods R2. (2 pages)

21. 07/21/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al. FW: Status of the Oconee 50.54(f) letter. (2 pages)
22. 08/08/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Vail, NRR et al. FW: Request for COM TA brief. (2 pages)
23. 08/14/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al FW: Oconee Flood Short Turnaround Request - followup to phone message left. (2 pages)
24. 08/15/08 Email from M. Franovich, NRR to J. Circle, NRR et al. FW: Letter faxed to Duke; Copy given to Leeds for mtg. w/Svinicki. (1 page)
25. 09/02/08 Email from W. Roger, NRR to J. Circle, NRR RE: Your thoughts.

(1 page)

26. 09/19/08 DHS Briefing Slides on Oconee Flood Protection and the Jocassee Dam Hazard. (6 pages)
27. 10/01/08 Briefing Slides on Oconee Flood Issue Jocassee Dam Failure Frequency.

(3 pages)

28. 10/07/08 E-Mail from Goutam Bagchi to Jon Thompson; Jeff Circle; Mike Franovich; Leonard Olshan; Kamal Manoly; Raman Pichumani; Kenneth See; Gary Demoss; Don Marksberry; James Vail,


RE: Oconee Flood Response Review punch list (1 page)

29. 10/16/08 E-Mail from Goutam Bagchi to Mike Franovich, Raman Pichumani; Kenneth See; Christopher Cook; Melanie Galloway,



Upstream Dam Break (1 page)

30. 10/26/08 Why did the Oconee flood issue take many years to address? (2 pages)
31. 11/05/08 NRC Meeting with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Briefing Slides on Oconee Site Flood Protection. (3 pages)
32. 11/12/08 Agenda Oconee Flood Issue, Technical Staff Meeting. (1 page)
33. 11/14/08 Agenda Conference call with FERC. (1 page)
34. 11/14/08 E-Mail from Raman Pichumani to Kamal Manoly,


A brief summary of telecom with FERC (Mahoney) on Jocassee Dam (1 page)

35. 12/03/08 E-Mail from Robert Schaaf to Melanie Galloway,


Threshold for consideration of external events in design-basis (1 page)

36. 12/04/08 Draft Agenda NRC/Duke Energy Technical Meeting on Oconee Site Inundation Analysis. (1 page)
37. 01/06/09 Email from J. Vail, RII to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Oconee vs. Jocassee Licensing Basis. (3 pages)
38. 01/26/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR et al. FW: Oconee NRC Reply to Duke 50.54(f) Response Rev. 2 (3 pages)
39. 02/09/09 Status of Oconee External Flooding Issue Briefing of Jack Grobe.

(1 page)

40. 02/23/09 E-Mail from Melanie Galloway to Kenneth See


RE: Oconee Flood Issue (3 pages)

41. 02/25/09 Email from R. Wescott, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR et al. RE: Summary of Meeting with Rex Wescott on Oconee Flooding Issue. (3 pages)
42. 05/06/09 E-mail from Scott Flanders to Anne Boland CC: Richard Raione, Nilesh Chokshi, Mary-Jane Ross-Lee, Christopher Cook, K. See, D. Skeen Re:

Support for May 11 meeting w/Duke Re: Oconee (1 page)

43. 05/12/09 E-mail from Goutam Bagchi to Christopher Cook, Kenneth See cc:

Melanie Galloway, Jeffrey Mitman, Richard Raione, Scott Flanders, Jeff Circle, Rex Wescott Re: ONS: Notes from 5/11 meeting.(2 pages)

44. 12/02/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: OUO - Security Related Information. (2 pages)
45. 12/03/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee External Flood Analyses and Associated Corrective Action Plan. (3 pages)
46. 12/04/09 Email from L. James, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR et al., RE: OUO -

Security Related Information. (2 pages)

47. 12/04/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on SC Dams. (1 page)
48. 12/09/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to D. Skeen, NRR RE: Oconee Flooding discussion. (1 page)
49. 12/10/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to L. James, NRR et al., on Planning for Oconee meeting on Dec. 14 at 1 pm. (7 pages)
50. 12/14/09 Email from F. Fernando, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on Taum Sauk and Rockfill Dam Failures. (1 page)
51. 12/15/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., on Meeting yesterday with DE. (1 page)
52. 12/16/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Oconee.

(3 pages)

53. 12/16/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: NRC-Duke Correspondence. (2 pages)
54. 12/16/09 Email from J. Vail, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., on Dam IN. (1 page)
55. 12/16/09 Draft NRC Information Notice 2009-xx - Underestimate of Dam Failure Frequency Used in Probabilistic Risk Assessments. (5 pages)
56. 12/16/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Order Concerning Oconee External Flooding. (1 page)
57. 12/17/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Request for Comments on IAEA Flooding Guide DS 417. (2 pages)
58. 12/17/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway et al., RE: Notes on Oconee AP for meeting with Mark. (2 pages)
59. 12/18/09 Email from G. Wilson, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Comparison of risk reduction from various modifications. (1 page)
60. 12/18/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to G. Wilson, NRR RE: Duke's breach parameter matrix. (1 page)
61. 12/21/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Duke's breach parameter matrix. (4 pages)
62. 12/22/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to M. Cunningham, NRR et al., on Topics for 9 am continuation of Oconee flooding discussion. (1 page)
63. 12/22/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Seismic Values.

(1 page)

64. 12/22/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR on Who is required to demonstrate that adequate protection has not been met? (1 page)
65. 12/22/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR on OFI - Does NRC Correspondence Speak to Failure Modes of the Jocassee Dam. (1 page)
66. 12/23/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: OFI (1 page)
67. 12/23/09 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on OFI - draft outline.

(1 page)

68. 12/24/09 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to L. James, NRR et al., on Thoughts on how to synthesize our discussions on Oconee flooding and adequate protection. (2 pages)
69. 12/28/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on RE: Request for Comments on IAEA Flooding Guide DS 417. (1 page)
70. 12/28/09 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on Sensitivity Analysis.

(5 pages)

71. 01/05/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M .Galloway, NRR on Oconee Backfit.

(1 page)

72. 01/06/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to S. Laur, NRR et al., RE: RES Dam Failure Report. (3 pages)
73. 01/06/10 Email from L. James, NRR to T. Herbert, NRR et al., RE: Oconee External Flooding - Backfit Analysis. (1 page)
74. 01/07/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: OFI Summary.

(23 pages)

75. 01/07/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR FW: Oconee Ext Flood Order Plan word (3) doc. (3 pages)
76. 01/08/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR et al FW: Plan for Issuance of an Order - Oconee External Flooding Plan. (1 page)
77. 01/11/10 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee External Flood Plan word (3) doc. (1 page)
78. 01/11/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: 11 Questions to Duke. (1 page)
79. 01/12/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: information needed. (2 pages)
80. 01/13/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR Emailing: Memo OFI Dam Failure Rate RO.doc. (3 pages)
81. 01/14/10 Email from L. James, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR et al., RE:" Tentative Meeting to Discuss Dam Failure Frequency. (1 page)
82. 01/29/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR thanks. (1 page)
83. 02/03/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on Sensitivity Analysis.

(60 pages)

84. 02/16/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Pohida, NRO on Dam failure frequency (7 pages)
85. 02/16/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Emailing: APOB failure rate evaluation for Jocassee Dam Revised (1) doc. (1 page)
86. 02/19/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al. RE: ACTION:

provide BS with latest version of DRA/APOB's documentation of the generic dam failure frequency by COB 2/19/10. (1 page)

87. 03/03/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW (1 page)
88. 03/03/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR RE: Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation - Draft. (2 pages)
89. 03/04/10 Email from S. Laur, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al.,RE: DRA/APOB's documentation of the generic dam failure frequency. (2 pages)
90. 03/05/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to E. Riggs, RII RE: Duke Letter dated 02 2010 Revising Commitment Dates. (1 page)
91. 03/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to S. Laur, NRR RE: Dam statistics.

(3 pages)

92. 03/15/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Final Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation w/Mizuno's comments included. (1 page)
93. 03/15/10 Email from S. Laur, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Generic Dam Failure Rate Analysis. (1 page)
94. 03/24/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Resolution of the Oconee Backfit Document Evaluation Question on HEP Value.

(1 page)

95. 03/29/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: OFI Backfit Documented Evaluation. (2 pages)
96. 04/06/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Historical dam failure rate analysis paper. (2 pages)
97. 04/08/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR e al., RE: Comments on the NRR Draft Memo: Supplement to Tech Basis for Allowing ONS to Remain in Operation. (2 pages)
98. 04/08/10 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: Status of the Delta Risk Comparison Analysis. (2 pages)
99. 04/09/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Galloway, NRR RE: Risk Comparative info for Oconee. (1 page) 100. 04/09/10 Email from T. Nicholson, RES to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Papers on Dam Failures. (1 page) 101. 04/13/10 Email from M. Galloway, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Comments on the NRR Draft Memo: Supplement to Tech Basis for Allowing ONS to Remain in Operation. (2 pages)

102. 04/23/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Question arising from the Duke Meeting yesterday on Major Project Plans. (2 pages) 103. 05/18/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to R. Wescot, RII et al., FW: ICM Inspection.

(1 page) 104. 05/25/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR et al., RE: FW: GIP -

Oconee External Flooding. (1 page) 105. 06/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. Philip, RES et al on NSAC/60.

(18 pages) 106. 06/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: current status of Oconee. (1 page) 107. 06/07/10 Email from R. Perkins, RII to J. Mitman, NRR et al., RE: NRR DRA Rockfilled Dam Failure Frequency Analysis. (1 page) 108. 06/07/10 Email from G. Wilson, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., FW: ICM Inspection Plan. Doc. (4 pages) 109. 06/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR et al., FW:

Update on Oconee External Issues. (2 pages) 110. 06/15/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Randall, RES et al., on Insights from Dam Risk Assessment Training. (1 page) 111. 06/28/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Proposal for inclusion of Generic External Flooding Issue due to Potential Dam Failures in GIP. (1 page) 112. 06/29/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Proposal for inclusion of Generic External Flooding Issue due to Potential Dam Failures in GIP. (1 page) 113. 07/06/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to M. Pohida, NRO RE: Frequency Limits.

(5 pages) 114. 07/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on NRR Submittal to GIP

- External Flooding Issue (Dam Failures). (9 pages) 115. 07/21/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: MG Briefing.

(2 pages)

116. 08/13/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: IN Background Information. (1 page) 117. 08/17/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to L. James, NRR on IN on NSAC/60.

(14 pages) 118. 08/19/10 Email from E. Riggs, RII to J. Mitman, NRR RE: stuff. (2 pages) 119. 09/07/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to A. Zoulis, NRR et al., RE: Draft IN on NSAC/60. (2 pages) 120. 09/07/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on IN-Dam Failure Rate v 0 jtm.docx. (6 pages) 121. 09/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to S. Sancaktar, RES FW: IN-Dam Failure Rate v 0 jtm.docx. (1 page) 122. 10/04/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: OUO/SRI - Oconee Management decision supplement - Updated. (2 pages) 123.- 10/17/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: Oconee 2D Results Report. (1 page) 124. 10/20/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR on Jocassee/Oconee 2-D Report. (1 page) 125. 11/2010 Briefing Slides on Current Status of Information Notice regarding Dam Failure Rates used in NPP External Flooding Analysis. (5 pages) 126. 11/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to L. James, NRR RE: Elct. Dist. OUO -

Duke NRR Staff Assessment Oconee External Flooding Issue.

(21 pages) 127. 11/01/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Reservoir level as a key input. (1 page) 128. 11/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on IN NSAC 60 meeting.

(1 page) 129. 11/09/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR on Jocassee inflow calc.

(4 pages) 130. 11/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR et al., untitled. (2 pages)

131. 11/16/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Draft Presentation (with Backup Slides) for Tomorrow's Meeting. (30 pages) 132. 11/16/10 Email from J. Philip, RES to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Draft IN on Dam Failure Rates. (9 pages) 133. 11/17/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: draft letter to FERC.

(3 pages) 134. 11/18/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: IN on NSAC/60.

(1 page) 135. 11/19/10 Email from S. Wong, NRR to S. Rosenberg, NRR on New Information Notice on Applicability of Historical Dam Failure Frequency Estimates in Probabilistic Risk Assessments. (1 page) 136. 11/22/10 Email from V. Rodriguez, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: draft letter to FERC. (5 pages) 137. 11/24/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR toe J. Mitman, NRR on Equation for L = 38 ft. (1 page) 138. 11/29/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR on ONS MATLAB stuff.

(1 page) 139. 12/08/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to V. Rodriguez, NRR et al., RE: Dam Failure and Flooding Protection Issues. (1 page) 140. 12/10/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to J. England, USBR RE: Can Hydro Turbine Generators Pass Water if the Grid is Unavailable. (1 page) 141. 12/10/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR FW: (3 pages) 142. 12/16/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: OFI Concerns -

OUO - Sensitive Information - Do Not Disclose. (3 pages) 143. 12/17/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Oconee Adequate Protection Backfit Documented Evaluation. (1 page) 144. 12/17/10 Canceled Meeting Notice on Oconee External Flooding Issue. (1 page) 145. 12/19/10 Email from M. Khanna, NRR to J. Stang, NRR request - ouo/SRI Oconee Ext Flooding. (1 page)

146. 12/20/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR FW: Spillway Curve.

(4 pages) 147. 12/20/10 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Topo map of yard area and surroundings. (1 page) 148 12/21/10 Email from V. Rodriguez, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Oconee Inundation Study Response and NRC's Draft JCO. (1 page) 149. 12/23/10 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR on OUO - Jocassee Dam PRA. (1 page) 150. 01/09/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to F. Ferrante, NRR RE: Reference for Dam Failure Probability to Reservoir Level. (1 page) 151. 01/09/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to R. Wescott, RII RE: OUO - Sensitive Information - APOB Jocassee Hydrograph. (7 pages) 152. 02/02/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to M. Khanna, NRR RE: Oconee/Jocassee 2-D Analysis Results. (2 pages) 153. 02/11/11 Email from J. Mitman, NRR to W. Rogers, NRR Reminder - Jocassee 2-D Analysis Report. (1 page) 154. 02/16/11 Email from F. Ferrante, NRR to J. Mitman, NRR RE: Status of Oconee External Flooding Issue. (2 pages) 155. 05/19/11 Executive Team Briefing on Draft Information Notice "Potential Nonconservation Screening Value for Dam Failure Frequency in PRAs" (2 pages) 156. 05/04/12 E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley, To: John Boska, cc: Kenneth Karwoski, Nancy Salgado, Patrick Hiland, Michael Cheok, Michele Evans, Allen Howe, Rick Croteau and William Jones


RE: JLD presentation on 5/8/12-Oconee slides (OUO) (1 pg) 157. 05/07/12 E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley To: John Boska,


RE: JLD presentation on 5/8/12-Oconee slides (OUO) (2pgs) 158. 06/04/12 E-mail from: Jonathan Bartley to: Scott Sparks and Eric Stamm,


RE: Oconee CALs (lpg) 159. 06/26/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley to John Boska;


RE: Oconee response to NRC's CAL RAls on floodwall design OUO (1 pg)

160. 07/19/12 E-Mail from Jonathan Bartley To: John Boska and Nancy Salgado;


Re: Action: Options paper for Oconee flood concerns (1 pg) 161. 07/27/12 E-Mail From Jonathan Bartley, To: John Boska; cc: Nancy Salgado,


RE: Action: Options paper for Oconee flood concers (1pg) 162. 08/03/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley to Victor McCree, Leonard Wert, William Jones, Rick Croteau, Terrence Reis and Harold Christensen;


Oconee's topics for next weeks drop in (lpg) 163. 08/06/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley, To: William Jones and Rick Croteau,


FW: NRR's draft reply to Duke's letter of 6/14/12 on Oconee flooding, Attachments: ME 7970 Oconee letter2 (OUO).docx (6pgs) 164. 08/21/12 E-mail from Jonathan Bartley, to Leonard Wert, cc: Victor McCree, William Jones, Rick Croteau,


Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates.docx, Attachments: Options for Revising Oconee Flood CAL Due Dates.docx (5pgs) 165. 09/10/12 E-mail from Rick Croteau to Victor McCree, Leonard Wert,



Inspection of Oconee flood walls (lpg) 166. 10/04/12 OPA Draft Press Release on NRC to Examine Issue of Nuclear Plant Flooding from Potential Dam Failure. (3 pages)