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{{#Wiki_filter:UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICANUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION IntheMatterof.Rochester GasandElectricCorporation (R.E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlant,UnitNo.1)DocketNo.50-244APPLICATION FORAMENDMENT TOOPERATING LICENSEPursuanttoSection50.90oftheregulations oftheU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission (the"Commission"
{{#Wiki_filter:UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No.1)Docket No.50-244 APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO OPERATING LICENSE Pursuant to Section 50.90 of the regulations of the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the"Commission"), Rochester Gas 1 and Electric Corporation
),Rochester Gas1andElectricCorporation
("RG&E"), holder of Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18, hereby requests that the Technical Specifica-tion Table 3.5-2 set forth in Appendix A to that license be amended in accordance with NRC Bulletin 79-06A, to delete the pressurizer low level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure Safety Injection signal.The proposed technical'pecification change is set forth in Attachment A to this Application.
A safety evaluation is set forth in Attachment B.This evaluation also demonstrates that the proposed change does not involve a significant, change in the types or a significant.
holderofProvisional Operating LicenseNo.DPR-18,herebyrequeststhattheTechnical Specifica-tionTable3.5-2setforthinAppendixAtothatlicensebeamendedinaccordance withNRCBulletin79-06A,todeletethepressurizer lowlevelcoincidence fromlowpressurizer pressureSafetyInjection signal.Theproposedtechnical'pecification changeissetforthinAttachment AtothisApplication.
increase in the amounts of effluents or any change in the authorized power level of the'facility.
Asafetyevaluation issetforthinAttachment B.Thisevaluation alsodemonstrates thattheproposedchangedoesnotinvolveasignificant, changeinthetypesorasignificant.
Justi-fication for classification of the amendment pursuant to 10 CFR Section 170.22 is included as.Attachment C.A check for the appropriate fee accompanies this Application.
increaseintheamountsofeffluents oranychangeintheauthorized powerlevelofthe'facility.
C Y Il d t e WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that Appendix A to Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18 be amended in the form attached hereto as Attachment A.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation By L.D.W xt , Jr.Vice President,, Electric and Steam Production Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 7~day of June, 1979.GARY I: s REISS IIOTARY PUBLIC, State of II.Y.Monroe Co,/M Commission Expires March 30, 19.g/Ir  
Justi-ficationforclassification oftheamendment pursuantto10CFRSection170.22isincludedas.Attachment C.Acheckfortheappropriate feeaccompanies thisApplication.
~~1 Attachment A Replace Technical Specification page 3.5-5 with the revised page 3.5-5.  
CYIld teWHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requeststhatAppendixAtoProvisional Operating LicenseNo.DPR-18beamendedintheformattachedheretoasAttachment A.Rochester GasandElectricCorporation ByL.D.Wxt,Jr.VicePresident,,
ElectricandSteamProduction Subscribed andsworntobeforemeonthis7~dayofJune,1979.GARYI:sREISSIIOTARYPUBLIC,StateofII.Y.MonroeCo,/MCommission ExpiresMarch30,19.g/Ir  
~~1Attachment AReplaceTechnical Specification page3.5-5withtherevisedpage3.5-5.  

TABIE 3.5-2 EMERGENCY COOIING NO.FUNCTIONAL UNIT NO.of MIN.MIN.PERMISSIBIE NO.of CHANNELS OPERABLE DEGREE OF.BYPASS CHANNEIS TO TRIP"'"'"'"" CHANNEIS REDUNDANCY CONDITIONS 6 OPERATOR ACTION IF CONDITIONS OF COLR1N 3 OR 5 CANNOT BE MET 1.SAFETY INJECTION a.Manual b.High Containment Pressure c.Steam Generator Low Steam Pressure/Loop d.Pressurizer Iow Pressure 2.CONTAINMENT SPRAY a.Manual b.Hi-Hi Containment Pressure (Containment Spray)2 sets of 3 2of3 in ea.set 2 per 1/set set Primary pressure less Hot Shutdown"='" than 2000 psig Hot Shutdown: 'Hot Shutdown:-'='ot Shutdown-'='-
CHANNEISREDUNDANCY CONDITIONS 6OPERATORACTIONIFCONDITIONS OFCOLR1N3OR5CANNOTBEMET1.SAFETYINJECTION a.Manualb.HighContainment Pressurec.SteamGenerator LowSteamPressure/Loop d.Pressurizer IowPressure2.CONTAINMENT SPRAYa.Manualb.Hi-HiContainment Pressure(Containment Spray)2setsof32of3inea.set2per1/setsetPrimarypressurelessHotShutdown"='"
Hot Shutdown='='ot Shutdown-''
" J~t~t+Must actuate 2 switches simultaneously.
If minimum conditions are not met withn 24 hours, steps shall be taken on the affected unit to place the unit in cold shutdown conditions.
4 If a functional unit is operating with the minimum operable channels the number of channels to trip the reactor will be column 3 less column 4.
Attachment B The design modification will remove the requirement for pressurizer low level coincident with pressurizer (primary system)low pressure h for automatic Safety Injection (SI)initiation.
The existing logic provides three channels with series pressure and level contacts (logical AND)as shown in Figure l.Any one of these three channels will initiate S.I.on coincident low level and low pressure in the pressurizer.
Ifminimumconditions arenotmetwithn24hours,stepsshallbetakenontheaffectedunittoplacetheunitincoldshutdownconditions.
Because steam voids can form during a depressurization event, sufficient primary coolant may be displaced in the reactor vessel to prevent pressurizer level from falling below the low level setpoint, thus blocking automatic initiation of Safety Injection.
4Ifafunctional unitisoperating withtheminimumoperablechannelsthenumberofchannelstotripthereactorwillbecolumn3lesscolumn4.
In accordance with NRC Bulletin 79-06A, this design modification deletes the pressurizer low level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure Safety Injection.
Attachment BThedesignmodification willremovetherequirement forpressurizer lowlevelcoincident withpressurizer (primarysystem)lowpressurehforautomatic SafetyInjection (SI)initiation.
The modified design will initiate safety injection when any two out.of three pressurizer low pressure signals are received as shown in Figure 2.The design modification shall conform with all applicable require-ments of IEEE Std.279-1971.In particular Section 4.7.3 states that,"where a single random failure can cause a control system action that, results in a condition requiring protective action and can also prevent proper action of a protection system channel designed to protect against the condition, the remaining redundant, protection channels shall be capable of providing the protective action even when degraded by a second random failure." The protective channels used in this design are also utilized to;open the pressurizer power-operated relief valves on high primary pressure.In order to assure that no single channel failure (fail high)can cause spurious open'ing of the PORV, a coincident 1 (logical AND)high pressure signal from an independent channel shall be required for PORV actuation.
Theexistinglogicprovidesthreechannelswithseriespressureandlevelcontacts(logicalAND)asshowninFigurel.AnyoneofthesethreechannelswillinitiateS.I.oncoincident lowlevelandlowpressureinthepressurizer.
The permissive high pressure setpoint,.shall be set above the operating range so that, the system does not normally operate with a permissive signal present.The control logic is shown in Figures 3(a)and 3(b)for existing and proposed setpoints.
Becausesteamvoidscanformduringadepressurization event,sufficient primarycoolantmaybedisplaced inthereactorvesseltopreventpressurizer levelfromfallingbelowthelowlevelsetpoint, thusblockingautomatic initiation ofSafetyInjection.
Pressurizer spray is actuated by either channel 429 or 431.Analyses have been performed to determine if a failure (fail high)of one of these channels, causing spurious operation of the pressurizer spray, can result in a plant condition requiring Safety Injection.
Inaccordance withNRCBulletin79-06A,thisdesignmodification deletesthepressurizer lowlevelcoincidence fromlowpressurizer pressureSafetyInjection.
This analysis shows that'he safety injection setpoint is reached in approximately three minutes.Either a pressure channel independent of the SI system shall be used for spray actuation, or the input to the SI system, now from a channel also actuating pressurizer spray (431), shall be instead supplied by a channel independent of the pressurizer spray system (449).When any channel goes into alarm, it shall be annunciated in the Main Control Room in a manner consistent with the existing Safe-guards Systems.The Safety Injection actuation shall be annunciated, in the Main Control Room and transmitted to the plant computer in a manner consistent with the existing Safeguards Systems.  
Themodifieddesignwillinitiatesafetyinjection whenanytwoout.ofthreepressurizer lowpressuresignalsarereceivedasshowninFigure2.Thedesignmodification shallconformwithallapplicable require-mentsofIEEEStd.279-1971.
.r l Test, switches shall be provided to provide capability for testing during power operation in accordance with Section 4.10 of IEEE 279-1971 and IEEE 338-,1977.
Inparticular Section4.7.3statesthat,"whereasinglerandomfailurecancauseacontrolsystemactionthat,resultsinacondition requiring protective actionandcanalsopreventproperactionofaprotection systemchanneldesignedtoprotectagainstthecondition, theremaining redundant, protection channelsshallbecapableofproviding theprotective actionevenwhendegradedbyasecondrandomfailure."
The purpose of this Technical Specification Change is to revise Table 3.5-2 to reflect the deletion of low pressurizer level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure SI.The deletion of the low level coincidence from the low pressurizer pressure SI has negligible effect on the Plant Transient Analysis or the ECCS Analysis for R.E.Ginna.The analysis was done with SI initiated on coincidence of low pressurizer pressure.and level signals.The effect of changing to a pressure only signal will result in either an earlier initiation of SI, or no change in the time of SI initiation.
The protective channelsusedinthisdesignarealsoutilizedto;openthepressurizer power-operated reliefvalvesonhighprimarypressure.
Therefore, current Plant Transient and small break analysis assumptions concerning SI initiation time are appropriate.
Inordertoassurethatnosinglechannelfailure(failhigh)cancausespuriousopen'ingofthePORV,acoincident 1(logicalAND)highpressuresignalfromanindependent channelshallberequiredforPORVactuation.
0 4
Thepermissive highpressuresetpoint,.shall besetabovetheoperating rangesothat,thesystemdoesnotnormallyoperatewithapermissive signalpresent.ThecontrollogicisshowninFigures3(a)and3(b)forexistingandproposedsetpoints.
~'0 e ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORA~Pl Ll P2 L2 P3 L3 SX Figure 1 P2 P3 SX Figure 2
Pressurizer sprayisactuatedbyeitherchannel429or431.Analyseshavebeenperformed todetermine ifafailure(failhigh)ofoneofthesechannels, causingspuriousoperation ofthepressurizer spray,canresultinaplantcondition requiring SafetyInjection.
Thisanalysisshowsthat'hesafetyinjection setpointisreachedinapproximately threeminutes.Eitherapressurechannelindependent oftheSIsystemshallbeusedforsprayactuation, ortheinputtotheSIsystem,nowfromachannelalsoactuating pressurizer spray(431),shallbeinsteadsuppliedbyachannelindependent ofthepressurizer spraysystem(449).Whenanychannelgoesintoalarm,itshallbeannunciated intheMainControlRoominamannerconsistent withtheexistingSafe-guardsSystems.TheSafetyInjection actuation shallbeannunciated, intheMainControlRoomandtransmitted totheplantcomputerinamannerconsistent withtheexistingSafeguards Systems.  
.rl Test,switchesshallbeprovidedtoprovidecapability fortestingduringpoweroperation inaccordance withSection4.10ofIEEE279-1971andIEEE338-,1977.
ThepurposeofthisTechnical Specification ChangeistoreviseTable3.5-2toreflectthedeletionoflowpressurizer levelcoincidence fromlowpressurizer pressureSI.Thedeletionofthelowlevelcoincidence fromthelowpressurizer pressureSIhasnegligible effectonthePlantTransient AnalysisortheECCSAnalysisforR.E.Ginna.TheanalysiswasdonewithSIinitiated oncoincidence oflowpressurizer pressure.andlevelsignals.Theeffectofchangingtoapressureonlysignalwillresultineitheranearlierinitiation ofSI,ornochangeinthetimeofSIinitiation.
Therefore, currentPlantTransient andsmallbreakanalysisassumptions concerning SIinitiation timeareappropriate.
ROCHESTER GASANDELECTRICCORPORATPressurizer ReliefValveOperation 4294314304492185Ps3.g2335Ps3.g2335Ps3.g2185Ps3.gPCV430(Press.Relief:Valve)
ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORAT Pressurizer Relief Valve Operation 429 431 430 449 2185 Ps3.g 2335 Ps3.g 2335Ps3.g 2185 Ps3.g PCV 430 (Press.Relief:Valve)
PCV431(Press.ReliefValve)Figure3(a)'Existing Setpoints 429431430449.P)3.g2335Ps3.g2335Ps3.g?335Ps3.gPCV430(Press.ReliefValves)PCV431(Press.ReliefValve)Figure3(b)ModifiedSetpoints Attachment BAsaresultoftheThreeNileNileIslandaccidenttheNRCissuedIEBulletinNo.79-06Awhichrequiredchangestothelowpressurizer;.
PCV 431 (Press.Relief Valve)Figure 3(a)'Existing Setpoints 429 431 430 449.P)3.g 2335 Ps3.g 2335 Ps3.g?335 P s3.g PCV 430 (Press.Relief Valves)PCV 431 (Press.Relief Valve)Figure 3(b)Modified Setpoints Attachment B As a result of the Three Nile Nile Island accident the NRC issued IE Bulletin No.79-06A which required changes to the low pressurizer;.
pressureSafetyInjection (SI)logic.PriortotheBulletinonemethodofgenerating aSIsignalwasalowpressurizer pressureincoincidence withlowpressurizer level.TheBulletinpostulated thatpressurizer levelmaynotrepresent thelevelinthereactorcoolantsystemundercertaintransient conditions.
pressure Safety Injection (SI)logic.Prior to the Bulletin one method of generating a SI signal was a low pressurizer pressure in coincidence with low pressurizer level.The Bulletin postulated that pressurizer level may not represent the level in the reactor coolant system under certain transient conditions.
Therefore, pressurizer lowlevelcoincidence shouldbedeletedfromlowpressurizer pressureSI.ThepurposeofthisTechnical Specification ChangeistoreviseTable3.5-2toreflectthedeletionoflowpressurizer levelcoincidence fromlowpressurizer pressureSI.Thedeletionofthelowlevelcoincidence fromthelowpressurizer pressureSIhasnegligible effect.onthePlantTransient AnalysisortheECCSAnalysisforR.E.Ginna.TheanalysiswasdonewithSIinitiated oncoincidence oflowpressurizer pressureandlevelsignals.Theeffectofchangingtoapressureonlysignalwillresultineitheranearlierinitiation ofSI,ornochangeinthetimeofSIinitiation.
Therefore, pressurizer low level coincidence should be deleted from low pressurizer pressure SI.The purpose of this Technical Specification Change is to revise Table 3.5-2 to reflect the deletion of low pressurizer level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure SI.The deletion of the low level coincidence from the low pressurizer pressure SI has negligible effect.on the Plant Transient Analysis or the ECCS Analysis for R.E.Ginna.The analysis was done with SI initiated on coincidence of low pressurizer pressure and level signals.The effect of changing to a pressure only signal will result in either an earlier initiation of SI, or no change in the time of SI initiation.
Therefore, currentPlantTransient andsmallbreakanalysisassumptions concerning SIinitiation timeareappropriate.
Therefore, current Plant Transient and small break analysis assumptions concerning SI initiation time are appropriate.
p-,s~Attachment CTheproposedAmendment, totheProvisional Operating Licensehasbeenevaluated anddetermined tofallwithinthedefinition ofClass1IIIof10CFRSection170.22therebyrequiring afeeof$4,000.Theproposedamendment simplyrevisesTable3.5-2forthedeletionoflowpressurizer levelcoincidence fromlowpressurizer pressureSafetyInjection asrequiredbyIEBulletinNo.79-06A.  
p-,s~Attachment C The proposed Amendment, to the Provisional Operating License has been evaluated and determined to fall within the definition of Class 1 III of 10 CFR Section 170.22 thereby requiring a fee of$4,000.The proposed amendment simply revises Table 3.5-2 for the deletion of low pressurizer level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure Safety Injection as required by IE Bulletin No.79-06A.  
~'t 4 I'f)J}}

Revision as of 16:10, 7 July 2018

Application for Amend to License DPR-18 to Delete Pressurizer Low Level Coincidence from Low Pressurizer Pressure Safety Injection Signal.Supporting Documentation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/07/1979
Shared Package
ML17244A554 List:
NUDOCS 7906130198
Download: ML17244A555 (17)


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION In the Matter of.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, Unit No.1)Docket No.50-244 APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO OPERATING LICENSE Pursuant to Section 50.90 of the regulations of the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the"Commission"), Rochester Gas 1 and Electric Corporation

("RG&E"), holder of Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18, hereby requests that the Technical Specifica-tion Table 3.5-2 set forth in Appendix A to that license be amended in accordance with NRC Bulletin 79-06A, to delete the pressurizer low level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure Safety Injection signal.The proposed technical'pecification change is set forth in Attachment A to this Application.

A safety evaluation is set forth in Attachment B.This evaluation also demonstrates that the proposed change does not involve a significant, change in the types or a significant.

increase in the amounts of effluents or any change in the authorized power level of the'facility.

Justi-fication for classification of the amendment pursuant to 10 CFR Section 170.22 is included as.Attachment C.A check for the appropriate fee accompanies this Application.

C Y Il d t e WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that Appendix A to Provisional Operating License No.DPR-18 be amended in the form attached hereto as Attachment A.Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation By L.D.W xt , Jr.Vice President,, Electric and Steam Production Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 7~day of June, 1979.GARY I: s REISS IIOTARY PUBLIC, State of II.Y.Monroe Co,/M Commission Expires March 30, 19.g/Ir

~~1 Attachment A Replace Technical Specification page 3.5-5 with the revised page 3.5-5.

TABIE 3.5-2 EMERGENCY COOIING NO.FUNCTIONAL UNIT NO.of MIN.MIN.PERMISSIBIE NO.of CHANNELS OPERABLE DEGREE OF.BYPASS CHANNEIS TO TRIP"'"'"'"" CHANNEIS REDUNDANCY CONDITIONS 6 OPERATOR ACTION IF CONDITIONS OF COLR1N 3 OR 5 CANNOT BE MET 1.SAFETY INJECTION a.Manual b.High Containment Pressure c.Steam Generator Low Steam Pressure/Loop d.Pressurizer Iow Pressure 2.CONTAINMENT SPRAY a.Manual b.Hi-Hi Containment Pressure (Containment Spray)2 sets of 3 2of3 in ea.set 2 per 1/set set Primary pressure less Hot Shutdown"='" than 2000 psig Hot Shutdown: 'Hot Shutdown:-'='ot Shutdown-'='-

Hot Shutdown='='ot Shutdown-

" J~t~t+Must actuate 2 switches simultaneously.

If minimum conditions are not met withn 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, steps shall be taken on the affected unit to place the unit in cold shutdown conditions.

4 If a functional unit is operating with the minimum operable channels the number of channels to trip the reactor will be column 3 less column 4.

Attachment B The design modification will remove the requirement for pressurizer low level coincident with pressurizer (primary system)low pressure h for automatic Safety Injection (SI)initiation.

The existing logic provides three channels with series pressure and level contacts (logical AND)as shown in Figure l.Any one of these three channels will initiate S.I.on coincident low level and low pressure in the pressurizer.

Because steam voids can form during a depressurization event, sufficient primary coolant may be displaced in the reactor vessel to prevent pressurizer level from falling below the low level setpoint, thus blocking automatic initiation of Safety Injection.

In accordance with NRC Bulletin 79-06A, this design modification deletes the pressurizer low level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure Safety Injection.

The modified design will initiate safety injection when any two out.of three pressurizer low pressure signals are received as shown in Figure 2.The design modification shall conform with all applicable require-ments of IEEE Std.279-1971.In particular Section 4.7.3 states that,"where a single random failure can cause a control system action that, results in a condition requiring protective action and can also prevent proper action of a protection system channel designed to protect against the condition, the remaining redundant, protection channels shall be capable of providing the protective action even when degraded by a second random failure." The protective channels used in this design are also utilized to;open the pressurizer power-operated relief valves on high primary pressure.In order to assure that no single channel failure (fail high)can cause spurious open'ing of the PORV, a coincident 1 (logical AND)high pressure signal from an independent channel shall be required for PORV actuation.

The permissive high pressure setpoint,.shall be set above the operating range so that, the system does not normally operate with a permissive signal present.The control logic is shown in Figures 3(a)and 3(b)for existing and proposed setpoints.

Pressurizer spray is actuated by either channel 429 or 431.Analyses have been performed to determine if a failure (fail high)of one of these channels, causing spurious operation of the pressurizer spray, can result in a plant condition requiring Safety Injection.

This analysis shows that'he safety injection setpoint is reached in approximately three minutes.Either a pressure channel independent of the SI system shall be used for spray actuation, or the input to the SI system, now from a channel also actuating pressurizer spray (431), shall be instead supplied by a channel independent of the pressurizer spray system (449).When any channel goes into alarm, it shall be annunciated in the Main Control Room in a manner consistent with the existing Safe-guards Systems.The Safety Injection actuation shall be annunciated, in the Main Control Room and transmitted to the plant computer in a manner consistent with the existing Safeguards Systems.

.r l Test, switches shall be provided to provide capability for testing during power operation in accordance with Section 4.10 of IEEE 279-1971 and IEEE 338-,1977.

The purpose of this Technical Specification Change is to revise Table 3.5-2 to reflect the deletion of low pressurizer level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure SI.The deletion of the low level coincidence from the low pressurizer pressure SI has negligible effect on the Plant Transient Analysis or the ECCS Analysis for R.E.Ginna.The analysis was done with SI initiated on coincidence of low pressurizer pressure.and level signals.The effect of changing to a pressure only signal will result in either an earlier initiation of SI, or no change in the time of SI initiation.

Therefore, current Plant Transient and small break analysis assumptions concerning SI initiation time are appropriate.

0 4

~'0 e ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORA~Pl Ll P2 L2 P3 L3 SX Figure 1 P2 P3 SX Figure 2


ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORAT Pressurizer Relief Valve Operation 429 431 430 449 2185 Ps3.g 2335 Ps3.g 2335Ps3.g 2185 Ps3.g PCV 430 (Press.Relief:Valve)

PCV 431 (Press.Relief Valve)Figure 3(a)'Existing Setpoints 429 431 430 449.P)3.g 2335 Ps3.g 2335 Ps3.g?335 P s3.g PCV 430 (Press.Relief Valves)PCV 431 (Press.Relief Valve)Figure 3(b)Modified Setpoints Attachment B As a result of the Three Nile Nile Island accident the NRC issued IE Bulletin No.79-06A which required changes to the low pressurizer;.

pressure Safety Injection (SI)logic.Prior to the Bulletin one method of generating a SI signal was a low pressurizer pressure in coincidence with low pressurizer level.The Bulletin postulated that pressurizer level may not represent the level in the reactor coolant system under certain transient conditions.

Therefore, pressurizer low level coincidence should be deleted from low pressurizer pressure SI.The purpose of this Technical Specification Change is to revise Table 3.5-2 to reflect the deletion of low pressurizer level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure SI.The deletion of the low level coincidence from the low pressurizer pressure SI has negligible effect.on the Plant Transient Analysis or the ECCS Analysis for R.E.Ginna.The analysis was done with SI initiated on coincidence of low pressurizer pressure and level signals.The effect of changing to a pressure only signal will result in either an earlier initiation of SI, or no change in the time of SI initiation.

Therefore, current Plant Transient and small break analysis assumptions concerning SI initiation time are appropriate.

p-,s~Attachment C The proposed Amendment, to the Provisional Operating License has been evaluated and determined to fall within the definition of Class 1 III of 10 CFR Section 170.22 thereby requiring a fee of$4,000.The proposed amendment simply revises Table 3.5-2 for the deletion of low pressurizer level coincidence from low pressurizer pressure Safety Injection as required by IE Bulletin No.79-06A.

~'t 4 I'f)J