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Forwards List of Addl Info Requested Re 851220 Application for Renewal of Certificate of Compliance 5450 for Model RCC-series.Info Should Be Submitted as Revised Pages within 60 Days of Ltr Date
Person / Time
Site: 07105450
Issue date: 02/28/1986
From: Macdonald C
To: Nardi A
NUDOCS 8603120490
Download: ML20137Z140 (3)



')l-5950 FCTC:CEU II E 71-5450 Westinghouse Electric Corporation ATTN: l'r. A. J. Nardi P.O. Box 355 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Centle:M!n:

This refers to your consolidated application dated December 20, 1935, for renewal of Certificate of Coctpliance No. 5450 for the t'odel Mo. rtCC-Series packages.

In connection with our review, we need the inforrution identified in the enclosure to this' letter.

The infomation requested should be submitted within 60 days from the date of this letter. Additional infomation reonested by this letter should be submitted in the fom of revised paqcs.

If you have any questions regarding this ratter, we would be pleased to neet with you and your staff.

Sincerely, OriginalE M N gggLgs L E CDOW M Charles E. f'acDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fnel Cycle and t'aterial Safety, N!!SS


As stated i Distribution: w/enci CEWilliams CRMarotta RH0degaarden

Docket File i NRC PDR I

IE HQ Region I NMSS R/F l





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Uestinehouse Electric Cornaration -

"odel pos. OCC, nCC-1, OCC-2 dCC-3 an<i rCC 4 Packanes pocket "o. 71-5130 Fncl to Itr dtd: 20 M

1. edditionel dirensional detail should % giver on 'rawing t'o.15WP/

to support the discussion on neutron absorNr platos (Section 1.",

pace 4). The rethod of retaining the absorer plates in the pachqinq structure should also to shevn.

2. The pac &aqinn drawings shnuld note the use of altern*te neutron atsorber olate raterial as discussed in Soction 1.2, pane E.
c. To to consistent with tha reauest for the nacbqion to be certifie<f by the ".T. Decartment of Transportation for international transnort, the consolidate.f applicatien should 'e revisei to address the recuirements of current 10 CF3 Part 71 For aya"ple , Section ".',,

or"al Conditions of Trarscort, should refar to 19 CFP 01.71 and tha conditiors addressed should k revised accordinciv. It is netmf that current rrquiations do not require tha analysis niven in Attachments ', G, 13, and 14 4 Section ?.7.5, cane 13, discu',ses the nm-ber of shock rour.ts used in nach of the cantainnrs. The rachqire drauincs sFould be rev isai to acree with the discussinr.. Thera are no sbnck nounts shour or called for on tha PCC-4 nacLagina drwirqs.

'i . Att 3chrent ^, t'CE 4 Shinnion Container top ani botton support analvsis contain, nu erous s& etches shich referenca varinus Pestinahouse drawirgs uSich ree not nart of the arnlicatinn. The sketches should reforence the arrronriate pacLacine drawine: that was provided eith the arrlicatirn and the cach oing drauinn should contain the inforration thich is nartinnot to tha analvsis , i .e. , m ecrial d

specifications, veld faint sizes, an dimnsions.

6 ittachment 1", au + ho ri z m' Nckaqo contents, rage 1".3 The entry for myiv kns of " "n rer ole-ant sMuld be corrected to aqrea with the rresent con tition in the certificate of cer pliance (10.6 s F oul d N ,0. 7 ) .

7. The rackaga enntent: roconsted by uostinabousa letter of ^ctober /,

in"*?, Ms not Nr.n included in the consolida ted arDlication ( Attach ~nt in, te lation u nf authnri7ad contents). In the absance of this informtinn condition 5.(b)(1)(v) and c.(L)(?)(iii) vill Fa deleted fran the certificate of cerpliance.

9 A detail of the racFauiry closure, sirilar to %c* inn A- A, Prawin '

'l o . 15%f ? 9, Sheet 2 of ', sho914 ho son"n for e=ch nicb qinn ro 'el .

9 The nill of i'aterial s sh

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10. reauinq rn. SPF 95M. Pravinc ';ntes recardine finished renuirenents on mtal surfaces and f asteners sho'sid M ad?od.

11 The information niven in Fics.1 ani ", f t tachnent eSould he shovn on the naclP31nq drawinas.

l'. reawing ros.11r.3F30 and 1sr.3F31, retail F, Cla" ping Free. The det1il should provide additional dironsional infor"atinn on the shape of the clanpinn frane ends and the bolted betunen the ton and side clannino fra,ns.

13. Cravina notns should srecify velrior and ecidino nroen ture noalification recui rer ont s .

14 The drawings should specify by anrrnpriate veld srbol, the recoirecents fnr all packMi nc val d #nints.

1r. The drawinqs should identi4 tha unld toints to be noniestructivolv enninml, the rothnd in be usni and th" co!c or standard for the en,ination prncedure an.! cccontance critaria.

10. Ca ske ted Mirts in tha contain"ent svstm sbonid tw suf ficient1v deta ilei to s"n", a s a r'inirer s, th. surface firish and flatnass recuiremnts nf tha closurr sur'acas, tM cast ot specificatien, and i f arrrorria'e, tbn ra to f of c9sknt rotant ion.

17 Tha 'rwinq shoof d revido, ni t'er ' v nac e or F v detail , the ra rkinn ar:t i f anti fic1tien rent reden* s or 10 fro r71,rr(ci, 1 r3 Th a d r w i n c *.bould srecifv, ettar by note or % detail, tbn annlication cf a ta rernennf rea tu ra to sttisfy tho re-91 rr< er+ s ef in crn (71.41(h).

In. The druffre shaule note the fornue requirreent for tho clasure bnits and any other tnrra4' devices thi+ a rs otrt o' the rict aco.

90 senci fic sectinrs avr "ssion accepterce Testino (n' rroiuction u ni ts ) , "a intaneca rencrr , a nd rora tir" Proca'oras sbnoid M a W t r. t n r. censolidatad arrlica+1nn te ottsfy tha cariltions nf cuba r+ c, 10 crn a rt 71 hoc renolatore r oi,te 7,n),

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