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{{#Wiki_filter:o v t t o Go v t.... .... ..t Page1!~:Marjorie Mi~i~aughlin  
-Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt Page if From: Marjorie McLaughlin To: Timothy Rice Date: 03/16/2007 1:41:44 PM  
                                                                                          ..                                     t ovt to Go vt                                                                    Page1!
~:Marjorie Mi~i~aughlin   - Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt                                                                       Page if From:               Marjorie McLaughlin To:                 Timothy Rice Date:               03/16/2007 1:41:44 PM

Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt Thank you, Tim. I made this change, and attached the revised agenda. Please let mek now if you would like me to make any changes to your name.Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I B10-337-5240 (Office)S... (b)(6) 'C ll) 1, :. (610-337-5354 (Fax)>>> "Timothy Rice" <tbrice>
Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt Thank you, Tim. I made this change, and attached the revised agenda. Please let mek now if you would like me to make any changes to your name.
03/16/2007 1:32 PM >>>Putting my name in would be fine. Most of the stakeholders know me by now, so it's probably a good idea to emphasize our involvement in this particular breakout session.Thanks, Tim>:.> "Marjorie McLaughlin" <MMM3@nrc.qov>
Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I B10-337-5240 S... (b)(6)   (Office)
3/16/07 1:24:53 PM >>>Tim: Would you like me to list DEC on the agenda as part of the Breakout session on Groundwater Contamination?
                                  'C ll) 1,     :. (
If so, shall I list your name or Just the DEC in general?Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I-610-337-524Q (Office)(b)(6) (Cell) L{ ((610-337-5354 (Fax)>>> "Timothy Rice" <>
610-337-5354 (Fax)
03/16/2007 10:46 AM >>>Marjorie,, All three e-mails came through from you all at once.John was probably correct. Our system has a limit on it for attachment size.Thanks, Tim>&#xfd;>> "Marjorie McLaughlin" <MMM3@ nrc.cqov>
                >>> "Timothy Rice" <tbrice> 03/16/2007 1:32 PM >>>
3/16/07 10:28:18 AM >>>Tim: ntbJsrucad was deleted in accordance w&tt the Freedom of Information A.-tf A .
Putting my name in would be fine. Most of the stakeholders know me by now, so it's probably a good idea to emphasize our involvement in this particular breakout session.
MajreMtubii-Fwd Re: Gvt to G ovt I will try this a third time. John suggested that the attachments I am sending you are making the message too large, and that may be the problem. I will send you the 3 attachments one at a time. Please look*at my original message below, and I will send you the poster and the slides separately.
Thanks, Tim
Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I ,-610-337-5240 (Office)(b)(6) Cell) L)7 k 610-337-5354 (Fax)>>> Marjorie McLaughlin 03/16/2007 10:20 AM >>>Tim: When I sent this to you this morning, it came back to me as undeliverable.
                >:.>   "Marjorie McLaughlin" <MMM3@nrc.qov> 3/16/07 1:24:53 PM >>>
I am trying again, and hope it goes through.Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 10-337-5240, (Office)(b)(6) (Cell) F '610-337-5354 (Fax)>>> Marjorie McLaughlin 03/16/2007 8:38 AM >>>Tim: Good morning. We're happy to have you participate in any manner you like. I attached a copy of the meeting agenda. The meting will consist of 2 major portions:
presentations and posterboard sessions.
Would you like me to list DEC on the agenda as part of the Breakout session on Groundwater Contamination? If so, shall I list your name or Just the DEC in general?
The presentations will consist of the following topics: Plant performance, the license renewal process, and a few words from representatives of the EPA (Region II). Following each NRC presentation, we will allow for questions from the attendees.
Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I
The Q/A time is built into the time allotted each presentation.
                -610-337-524Q (Office)
After all of that, we will move into the posterboard sessions.
(b)(6)     (Cell) L{     ((
Each table has at least 1 poster that has some general information about the subject topic. NRC staff (and DHS at one table) will man the tables to answer 1-on-1 questions.
610-337-5354 (Fax)
Many will also have handouts.-Page~~~~
                >>> "Timothy Rice" <> 03/16/2007 10:46 AM >>>
Marjoie Mcaugini Fwd: Re: ~~ F t For the Groundwater table, we have 2 posters. I only have one electronically, and I attached that below (it is the slide titled'.groundwater").
The other shows the hydrology of the site, I believe.At that table, we also will have a laptop set up, and have a few informational slides. I attached those as well (this is the PPT attachment titled "Groundwater Contam").
All three e-mails came through from you all at once.
Other than that, we will ,have John White at the table to answer questions.
John was probably correct. Our system has a limit on it for attachment size.
He will be joined by Marsha Gamberoni, who will be the new Director of our Division of Reactor Safety at Region I. They will be there to answer questions.
Thanks, Tim
I mentioned that the EPA is coming. Paul Giardina and Mike DeBois from the Region II office will be their representatives.
                >&#xfd;>> "Marjorie McLaughlin" <MMM3@ nrc.cqov> 3/16/07 10:28:18 AM >>>
They will not likely be a part of the Posterboard session. They will make remarks during the presentation part, and will be around to answer questions.
Tim:                                         ntbJsrucad was deleted in accordance w&tt the Freedom of Information A.-tfA              .
Paul has to leave early, so he may not be there for most of the Posterboard part.I hope that helps in your determination of what to bring. We will be arriving at the conference center by 07:00 to set up. You are welcome to come at that time to put some materials out on the table and join up with our staff. There also will be some time in between the presentations and posterboard sessions to set up, if you prefer.Call me if you need anything further or have more questions.
VR, Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 610-337-5240 (Office)_-
MajreMtubii-Fwd Re: Gvt to Govt                                              - Page~~~~
r (b)(6) Cell) " >/610-337-5354 (Fax)>>> "Timothy Rice" <tbrice@,>
I will try this a third time. John suggested that the attachments I am sending you are making the message too large, and that may be the problem. I will send you the 3 attachments one at a time. Please look
03/15/2007 4:41 PM >>>Marjorie, You had asked if I would like to participate in the breakout for the groundwater contamination issue.After talking this over with DEC administration, I would be happy to participate in that session.Do you know what form it will take (Poster session, power point presentation, etc.) and what information will be presented, maps available, etc?Based upon what is being presented I may decide to bring some material with me.Thanks, c:M emp O O EQo 0 (.TMP Mail Envelope Properties (45FAD6D8.34D:10 25965)&#xfd;Page 1 I
      *at my original message below, and I will send you the poster and the slides separately.
Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I
    ,-610-337-5240 (Office)
(b)(6)       Cell) L)7   k 610-337-5354 (Fax)
      >>> Marjorie McLaughlin 03/16/2007 10:20 AM >>>
When I sent this to you this morning, it came back to me as undeliverable. I am trying again, and hope it goes through.
Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 10-337-5240, (Office)
(b)(6)     (Cell) F   '
610-337-5354 (Fax)
      >>> Marjorie McLaughlin 03/16/2007 8:38 AM >>>
Good morning. We're happy to have you participate in any manner you like. I attached a copy of the meeting agenda. The meting will consist of 2 major portions: presentations and posterboard sessions. The presentations will consist of the following topics: Plant performance, the license renewal process, and a few words from representatives of the EPA (Region II). Following each NRC presentation, we will allow for questions from the attendees. The Q/A time is built into the time allotted each presentation. After all of that, we will move into the posterboard sessions. Each table has at least 1 poster that has some general information about the subject topic. NRC staff (and DHS at one table) will man the tables to answer 1-on-1 questions. Many will also have handouts.
Marjoie Mcaugini       Fwd: Re:
F        t                  ~~
For the Groundwater table, we have 2 posters. I only have one electronically, and I attached that below (it is the slide titled
            '.groundwater"). The other shows the hydrology of the site, I believe.
At that table, we also will have a laptop set up, and have a few informational slides. I attached those as well (this is the PPT attachment titled "Groundwater Contam"). Other than that, we will
            ,have John White at the table to answer questions. He will be joined by Marsha Gamberoni, who will be the new Director of our Division of Reactor Safety at Region I. They will be there to answer questions.
I mentioned that the EPA is coming. Paul Giardina and Mike DeBois from the Region II office will be their representatives. They will not likely be a part of the Posterboard session. They will make remarks during the presentation part, and will be around to answer questions.
Paul has to leave early, so he may not be there for most of the Posterboard part.
I hope that helps in your determination of what to bring. We will be arriving at the conference center by 07:00 to set up. You are welcome to come at that time to put some materials out on the table and join up with our staff. There also will be some time in between the presentations and posterboard sessions to set up, ifyou prefer.
Call me if you need anything further or have more questions.
VR, Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 610-337-5240 (Office)_-
(b)(6)     Cell) ">/
610-337-5354 (Fax)
              >>> "Timothy Rice" <tbrice@,> 03/15/2007 4:41 PM >>>
Marjorie, You had asked if I would like to participate in the breakout for the groundwater contamination issue.
After talking this over with DEC administration, I would be happy to participate in that session.
Do you know what form it will take (Poster session, power point presentation, etc.) and what information will be presented, maps available, etc?
Based upon what is being presented I may decide to bring some material with me.
c:M emp O O0  EQo                     (.TMP                                                     &#xfd;Page 1 I Mail Envelope Properties     (45FAD6D8.34D:10   25965)

Creation Date From: Created By: Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt 03/16/2007 1:41:44 PM Marjorie McLaughlin MMM3 Recipients PM tbrice (Timothy Rice)Action Transferred Date & Time 03/16/2007 1:42:11 Post Office Delivered Route Files MESSAGE Agenda.doc Options Auto Delete: Expiration Date: Notify Recipients:
Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt Creation Date          03/16/2007 1:41:44 PM From:                  Marjorie McLaughlin Created By:              MMM3 Recipients                                       Action              Date & Time                               Transferred         03/16/2007 1:42:11 PM tbrice (Timothy Rice)
Priority: ReplyRequested:
Post Office                                     Delivered           Route Files                           Size            Date & Time MESSAGE                         9830            03/16/2007 1:41:43 PM Agenda.doc                     81408            03/16/2007 1:40:50 PM Options Auto Delete:                   No Expiration Date:                 None Notify Recipients:             Yes Priority:                       Standard ReplyRequested:                 No Return Notification:           None Concealed  
Return Notification:

Security: To Be Delivered:
No Security:                       Standard To Be Delivered:                 Immediate Status Tracking:                 All Information}}
Status Tracking: Size 9830 81408 Date & Time 03/16/2007 1:41:43 PM 03/16/2007 1:40:50 PM No None Yes Standard No None No Standard Immediate All Information}}

Revision as of 06:34, 23 November 2019

E-mail from M. Mclaughlin of USNRC to T. Rice of NYSDEC, Regarding Govt to Govt
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/16/2007
From: Marjorie Mclaughlin
NRC Region 1
To: Rice T
State of NY, Dept of Environmental Conservation
Download: ML071570570 (4)




.. t ovt to Go vt Page1!

~:Marjorie Mi~i~aughlin - Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt Page if From: Marjorie McLaughlin To: Timothy Rice Date: 03/16/2007 1:41:44 PM


Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt Thank you, Tim. I made this change, and attached the revised agenda. Please let mek now if you would like me to make any changes to your name.

Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I B10-337-5240 S... (b)(6) (Office)

'C ll) 1,  :. (

610-337-5354 (Fax)

>>> "Timothy Rice" <tbrice> 03/16/2007 1:32 PM >>>

Putting my name in would be fine. Most of the stakeholders know me by now, so it's probably a good idea to emphasize our involvement in this particular breakout session.

Thanks, Tim

>:.> "Marjorie McLaughlin" <MMM3@nrc.qov> 3/16/07 1:24:53 PM >>>


Would you like me to list DEC on the agenda as part of the Breakout session on Groundwater Contamination? If so, shall I list your name or Just the DEC in general?

Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I

-610-337-524Q (Office)

(b)(6) (Cell) L{ ((

610-337-5354 (Fax)

>>> "Timothy Rice" <> 03/16/2007 10:46 AM >>>


All three e-mails came through from you all at once.

John was probably correct. Our system has a limit on it for attachment size.

Thanks, Tim

>ý>> "Marjorie McLaughlin" <MMM3@ nrc.cqov> 3/16/07 10:28:18 AM >>>

Tim: ntbJsrucad was deleted in accordance w&tt the Freedom of Information A.-tfA .

MajreMtubii-Fwd Re: Gvt to Govt - Page~~~~

I will try this a third time. John suggested that the attachments I am sending you are making the message too large, and that may be the problem. I will send you the 3 attachments one at a time. Please look

  • at my original message below, and I will send you the poster and the slides separately.

Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I

,-610-337-5240 (Office)

(b)(6) Cell) L)7 k 610-337-5354 (Fax)

>>> Marjorie McLaughlin 03/16/2007 10:20 AM >>>


When I sent this to you this morning, it came back to me as undeliverable. I am trying again, and hope it goes through.

Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 10-337-5240, (Office)

(b)(6) (Cell) F '

610-337-5354 (Fax)

>>> Marjorie McLaughlin 03/16/2007 8:38 AM >>>


Good morning. We're happy to have you participate in any manner you like. I attached a copy of the meeting agenda. The meting will consist of 2 major portions: presentations and posterboard sessions. The presentations will consist of the following topics: Plant performance, the license renewal process, and a few words from representatives of the EPA (Region II). Following each NRC presentation, we will allow for questions from the attendees. The Q/A time is built into the time allotted each presentation. After all of that, we will move into the posterboard sessions. Each table has at least 1 poster that has some general information about the subject topic. NRC staff (and DHS at one table) will man the tables to answer 1-on-1 questions. Many will also have handouts.

Marjoie Mcaugini Fwd: Re:

F t ~~

For the Groundwater table, we have 2 posters. I only have one electronically, and I attached that below (it is the slide titled

'.groundwater"). The other shows the hydrology of the site, I believe.

At that table, we also will have a laptop set up, and have a few informational slides. I attached those as well (this is the PPT attachment titled "Groundwater Contam"). Other than that, we will

,have John White at the table to answer questions. He will be joined by Marsha Gamberoni, who will be the new Director of our Division of Reactor Safety at Region I. They will be there to answer questions.

I mentioned that the EPA is coming. Paul Giardina and Mike DeBois from the Region II office will be their representatives. They will not likely be a part of the Posterboard session. They will make remarks during the presentation part, and will be around to answer questions.

Paul has to leave early, so he may not be there for most of the Posterboard part.

I hope that helps in your determination of what to bring. We will be arriving at the conference center by 07:00 to set up. You are welcome to come at that time to put some materials out on the table and join up with our staff. There also will be some time in between the presentations and posterboard sessions to set up, ifyou prefer.

Call me if you need anything further or have more questions.

VR, Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I r 610-337-5240 (Office)_-

(b)(6) Cell) ">/

610-337-5354 (Fax)

>>> "Timothy Rice" <tbrice@,> 03/15/2007 4:41 PM >>>

Marjorie, You had asked if I would like to participate in the breakout for the groundwater contamination issue.

After talking this over with DEC administration, I would be happy to participate in that session.

Do you know what form it will take (Poster session, power point presentation, etc.) and what information will be presented, maps available, etc?

Based upon what is being presented I may decide to bring some material with me.


c:M emp O O0 EQo (.TMP ýPage 1 I Mail Envelope Properties (45FAD6D8.34D:10 25965)


Fwd: Re: Govt to Govt Creation Date 03/16/2007 1:41:44 PM From: Marjorie McLaughlin Created By: MMM3 Recipients Action Date & Time Transferred 03/16/2007 1:42:11 PM tbrice (Timothy Rice)

Post Office Delivered Route Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 9830 03/16/2007 1:41:43 PM Agenda.doc 81408 03/16/2007 1:40:50 PM Options Auto Delete: No Expiration Date: None Notify Recipients: Yes Priority: Standard ReplyRequested: No Return Notification: None Concealed


No Security: Standard To Be Delivered: Immediate Status Tracking: All Information