RS-13-219, Clarification Regarding the Inservice Testing of Dresden Nuclear Power Station High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Valves 2(3)-2301-32-SO: Difference between revisions

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{{#Wiki_filter:RS-13-219 August 29, 2013 10 CFR 50.55a ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249
)                                                                                              630 RS-13-219 RS-13-219 10 10 CFR CFR 50.55a 50.55a August 29, August    29, 2013 2013 ATTN:
A          Document Control TIN: Document         Control Desk Desk U. S. Nuclear U.      Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission Washington,DC Washington,       DC 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Dresden                          Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Renewed      Facility Operating Operating License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25          DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos.
NRC              Nos. 50-237 and 50-249

Clarification Regarding the Inservice Testing of Dresden Nuclear Power Station High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Valves 2(3)-2301-32-SO (TAC No.ME9872)
ClarificationRegarding Clarification     Regardingthe  the Inservice Inservice Testing Testing of Dresden NuclearNuclear Power PowerStation Station High Pressure High  Pressure Coolant Injection           (HPCI)Valves Injection (HPCI)        Valves 2(3)-2301-32-S0 2(3)-2301-32-SO (TAC No. ME9872)

: 1. Letter fromfrom P. R. Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, LLC                  LLC (EGC))
(EGC>> to to U.
U. S. NRC, "Submittal "Submittal of  of Relief Relief Requests        Associatedwith Requests Associated          with the theFifth Fifth Inservice Inservice Testing Interval,"      dated October 30, Interval," dated                      2012 30,2012
: 2. Letter Letter from from P. P. R.
R. Simpson Simpson (EGG)(EGC) to to U.U. S.
S. NRC, NRC, "Response "Response to Request Request for for Additional    Information Related Additional Information        Related to Request Requestfor  for NRC NRC Approval Approval of  of Relief Relief Requests Requestsfor  for Fifth Fifth Inservice Testing Testing Interval Interval (TAC (TAC Nos. ME9871 ME9871 and  and ME9872)," dated dated April April 1, 2013 2013 In In Reference 1, EGC  EGC requested requested approval approval of of relief relief requests requests associated associatedwith  withthe theupcoming upcomingfifth fifth inservice testing (IST)        interval at (1ST) interval      at Dresden Dresden Nuclear Power Station    Station (DNPS),
(DNPS), Units Units 2 andand 3.
: 3. InIn Reference Reference 2,  2, EGC EGC provide provide additional      information related additional information        related toto these these relief  requests in relief requests    in response responseto  to an NRC NRC request.
During During aa telephone conversation between      between NRC NRC and and EGC EGC personnel personnelon  onJuly July31, 31,2013, 2013,NRC NRC personnel personnel requested requestedthat  thatEGC EGCprovide provideadditional additionalclarification clarificationininsupport supportofofthe theinformation information provided in References References 11and  and22for forthe thetesting testingof  ofDNPS, DNPS, Units Units22and and33HPCI HPCIvalves valves 2(3)-2301-32-SO.
Specifically, Specifically, in in Reference Reference 1, Attachment 4, Section 4, EGC            EGC stated statedthat, that,"Valve "Valve actuation actuation maymaybe  be indirectly  verified indirectly verified    by  removing      the  HPCI    system    from  service,    filling the  drain  pot  with HPCI system from service, filling the drain pot with water until    water  until the the high high level level alarm        received, and observing that the high level alarm is received,                                              level alarm alarm clears."
clears." In In this case, case, thethe test testisis normally normally performed performed by  by DNPS DNPS Operations Operations Department Departmentpersonnel personnelperforming performingaavalve valveline-line-up up to to isolate isolate 2(3)-2301-32 2(3)-2301-32 from  from thethe HPCI HPCI system.
system. The Theentire entire HPCI HPCI system systemisisnotnotremoved removedfrom from service service for for this this test.

1.Letter from P. R. Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC)) to U. S. NRC, "Submittal of Relief Requests Associated with the Fifth Inservice Testing Interval," dated October 30, 2012 2.Letter from P. R. Simpson (EGC) to U. S. NRC, "Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Request for NRC Approval of Relief Requests for Fifth Inservice Testing Interval (TAC Nos. ME9871 and ME9872)," dated April 1, 2013 In Reference 1, EGC requested approval of relief requests associated with the upcoming fifth inservice testing (IST) interval at Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS), Units 2 and 3. In Reference 2, EGC provide additional information related to these relief requests in response to an NRC request.
August 29, 2013 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission Page 2 Additionally, in EGC's Additionally, in EGC's response response to to NRC NRC Request RequestRAI-RV-23H-3 RAI-RV-23H-3 provided provided in in Reference Reference2,2,EGC EGC stated that stated that 2(3)-2301-32-SO 2(3)-2301-32-S0 valve valve internals internals were were not not repaired repaired or or replaced replaced during during the thefourth fourth ten-ten-year inservice in service testing interval.
During a telephone conversation between NRC and EGC personnel on July 31, 2013, NRC personnel requested that EGC provide additional clarification in support of the information provided in References 1 and 2 for the testing of DNPS, Units 2 and 3 HPCI valves 2(3)-2301-32-SO.
interval. The The intent intent of this response response was was toto convey convey the the fact fact that that the entire entire valve (Le.,
Specifically, in Reference 1, Attachment 4, Section 4, EGC stated that, "Valve actuation may be indirectly verified by removing the HPCI system from service, filling the drain pot with water until the high level alarm is received, and observing that the high level alarm clears." In this case, the
valve (i.e., actuator, valve body, valve bonnet, and internals),
internals), is is replaced replaced at at aasix-year six-year frequency. This Thisreplacement replacementactivity activity is is performed performed in in lieu lieu of valve valve disassembly and and inspection inspection and or repair of valve valve internals.
test is normally performed by DNPS Operations Department personnel performing a valve line-up to isolate 2(3)-2301-32 from the HPCI system. The entire HPCI system is not removed from service for this test.) 1 630 RS-13-219 10 CFR 50.55a August 29, 2013 A TIN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249
internals. The The valves valves were were last last replaced replaced onon March March 11, 11, 2013, 2013, and and onon December 8,   2007, for 8,2007,  for DNPS DNPS Units 2 and 3, respectively.
respectively. No Noinspection inspectionofof the the valve valve internals internals took place during during the valve valve replacement replacementactivities.
Clarification Regarding the Inservice Testing of Dresden Nuclear Power Station High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Valves 2(3)-2301-32-S0 (TAC No. ME9872)
Respectfully, R. Simpson Patrick R.
Manager -- Licensing Manager Exelon Generation Company, LLC}}
: 1. Letter from P. R. Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC>> to U. S. NRC, "Submittal of Relief Requests Associated with the Fifth Inservice Testing Interval," dated October 30,2012 2. Letter from P. R. Simpson (EGG) to U. S. NRC, "Response to Request for Additional Information Related to Request for NRC Approval of Relief Requests for Fifth Inservice Testing Interval (TAC Nos. ME9871 and ME9872)," dated April 1, 2013 In Reference 1, EGC requested approval of relief requests associated with the upcoming fifth inservice testing (1ST) interval at Dresden Nuclear Power Station (DNPS), Units 2 and 3. In Reference 2, EGC provide additional information related to these relief requests in response to an NRC request. During a telephone conversation between NRC and EGC personnel on July 31, 2013, NRC personnel requested that EGC provide additional clarification in support of the information provided in References 1 and 2 for the testing of DNPS, Units 2 and 3 HPCI valves 2(3)-2301-32-S0.
Specifically, in Reference 1, Attachment 4, Section 4, EGC stated that, "Valve actuation may be indirectly verified by removing the HPCI system from service, filling the drain pot with water until the high level alarm is received, and observing that the high level alarm clears." In this case, the test is normally performed by DNPS Operations Department personnel performing a valve up to isolate 2(3)-2301-32 from the HPCI system. The entire HPCI system is not removed from service for this test.
August 29, 2013 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 Additionally, in EGC's response to NRC Request RAI-RV-23H-3 provided in Reference 2, EGC stated that 2(3)-2301-32-SO valve internals were not repaired or replaced during the fourth ten-year inservice testing interval. The intent of this response was to convey the fact that the entire valve (i.e., actuator, valve body, valve bonnet, and internals), is replaced at a six-year frequency. This replacement activity is performed in lieu of valve disassembly and inspection and or repair of valve internals. The valves were last replaced on March 11, 2013, and on December 8, 2007, for DNPS Units 2 and 3, respectively. No inspection of the valve internals took place during the valve replacement activities.
Patrick R. Simpson Manager -Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC August 29, 2013 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 Additionally, in EGC's response to NRC Request RAI-RV-23H-3 provided in Reference 2, EGC stated that 2(3)-2301-32-S0 valve internals were not repaired or replaced during the fourth year in service testing interval.
The intent of this response was to convey the fact that the entire valve (Le., actuator, valve body, valve bonnet, and internals), is replaced at a six-year frequency.
This replacement activity is performed in lieu of valve disassembly and inspection and or repair of valve internals.
The valves were last replaced on March 11, 2013, and on December 8,2007, for DNPS Units 2 and 3, respectively.
No inspection of the valve internals took place during the valve replacement activities.
Respectfully, Patrick R. Simpson Manager -Licensing Exelon Generation Company, LLC}}

Latest revision as of 15:05, 4 November 2019

Clarification Regarding the Inservice Testing of Dresden Nuclear Power Station High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Valves 2(3)-2301-32-SO
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/29/2013
From: Simpson P
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RS-13-219, TAC ME9872
Download: ML13241A419 (2)



) 630 RS-13-219 RS-13-219 10 10 CFR CFR 50.55a 50.55a August 29, August 29, 2013 2013 ATTN:

A Document Control TIN: Document Control Desk Desk U. S. Nuclear U. Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission Washington,DC Washington, DC 20555-0001 Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Dresden Station, Units 2 and 3 Renewed Facility Renewed Facility Operating Operating License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25 DPR-25 NRC Docket Nos.

NRC Nos. 50-237 and 50-249


ClarificationRegarding Clarification Regardingthe the Inservice Inservice Testing Testing of Dresden NuclearNuclear Power PowerStation Station High Pressure High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI)Valves Injection (HPCI) Valves 2(3)-2301-32-S0 2(3)-2301-32-SO (TAC No. ME9872)


1. Letter fromfrom P. R. Simpson (Exelon Generation Company, LLC LLC (EGC))

(EGC>> to to U.

U. S. NRC, "Submittal "Submittal of of Relief Relief Requests Associatedwith Requests Associated with the theFifth Fifth Inservice Inservice Testing Interval," dated October 30, Interval," dated 2012 30,2012

2. Letter Letter from from P. P. R.

R. Simpson Simpson (EGG)(EGC) to to U.U. S.

S. NRC, NRC, "Response "Response to Request Request for for Additional Information Related Additional Information Related to Request Requestfor for NRC NRC Approval Approval of of Relief Relief Requests Requestsfor for Fifth Fifth Inservice Testing Testing Interval Interval (TAC (TAC Nos. ME9871 ME9871 and and ME9872)," dated dated April April 1, 2013 2013 In In Reference 1, EGC EGC requested requested approval approval of of relief relief requests requests associated associatedwith withthe theupcoming upcomingfifth fifth inservice testing (IST) interval at (1ST) interval at Dresden Dresden Nuclear Power Station Station (DNPS),

(DNPS), Units Units 2 andand 3.

3. InIn Reference Reference 2, 2, EGC EGC provide provide additional information related additional information related toto these these relief requests in relief requests in response responseto to an NRC NRC request.


During During aa telephone conversation between between NRC NRC and and EGC EGC personnel personnelon onJuly July31, 31,2013, 2013,NRC NRC personnel personnel requested requestedthat thatEGC EGCprovide provideadditional additionalclarification clarificationininsupport supportofofthe theinformation information provided in References References 11and and22for forthe thetesting testingof ofDNPS, DNPS, Units Units22and and33HPCI HPCIvalves valves 2(3)-2301-32-SO.


Specifically, Specifically, in in Reference Reference 1, Attachment 4, Section 4, EGC EGC stated statedthat, that,"Valve "Valve actuation actuation maymaybe be indirectly verified indirectly verified by removing the HPCI system from service, filling the drain pot with HPCI system from service, filling the drain pot with water until water until the the high high level level alarm received, and observing that the high level alarm is received, level alarm alarm clears."

clears." In In this case, case, thethe test testisis normally normally performed performed by by DNPS DNPS Operations Operations Department Departmentpersonnel personnelperforming performingaavalve valveline-line-up up to to isolate isolate 2(3)-2301-32 2(3)-2301-32 from from thethe HPCI HPCI system.

system. The Theentire entire HPCI HPCI system systemisisnotnotremoved removedfrom from service service for for this this test.


August 29, 2013 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission Page 2 Additionally, in EGC's Additionally, in EGC's response response to to NRC NRC Request RequestRAI-RV-23H-3 RAI-RV-23H-3 provided provided in in Reference Reference2,2,EGC EGC stated that stated that 2(3)-2301-32-SO 2(3)-2301-32-S0 valve valve internals internals were were not not repaired repaired or or replaced replaced during during the thefourth fourth ten-ten-year inservice in service testing interval.

interval. The The intent intent of this response response was was toto convey convey the the fact fact that that the entire entire valve (Le.,

valve (i.e., actuator, valve body, valve bonnet, and internals),

internals), is is replaced replaced at at aasix-year six-year frequency. This Thisreplacement replacementactivity activity is is performed performed in in lieu lieu of valve valve disassembly and and inspection inspection and or repair of valve valve internals.

internals. The The valves valves were were last last replaced replaced onon March March 11, 11, 2013, 2013, and and onon December 8, 2007, for 8,2007, for DNPS DNPS Units 2 and 3, respectively.

respectively. No Noinspection inspectionofof the the valve valve internals internals took place during during the valve valve replacement replacementactivities.


Respectfully, R. Simpson Patrick R.

Manager -- Licensing Manager Exelon Generation Company, LLC