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| issue date = 06/13/2017
| issue date = 06/13/2017
| title = Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Report for the Month of April 2017
| title = Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Report for the Month of April 2017
| author name = McFeaters C V
| author name = Mcfeaters C
| author affiliation = PSEG Nuclear, LLC
| author affiliation = PSEG Nuclear, LLC
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  

Revision as of 12:32, 19 June 2019

Submittal of Discharge Monitoring Report for the Month of April 2017
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/2017
From: Mcfeaters C
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17164A184 (28)



Dear Sir:

C PSEG Nuclear LLC Attached is a copy of the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Salem Generating Station for the month of April 2017. The original report has been submitted to the NJDEP via electronic DMR. This report is required by and prepared specifically for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). It presents only the observed results of measurements and analyses required to be performed by the above agencies.

The choice of the measurement devices and analytical methods are controlled by the EPA and the NJDEP, not by the company , and there are limitations on the accuracy of such measurement devices and analytical techniques even when used and maintained as required.

Accordingly , this report is not intended as an assertion that any instrument has measured , or that any reading or analytical result represents the true value with absolute accuracy, nor is it an endorsement of the suitability of any analytical or measurement procedure.

If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact Joseph Chamy (856) 339-1783.

Charles V. Mcfeaters Site Vice President

-Salem Attachment (12 DMR's) c Executive Director, DRBC EXPLANATION OF CONDITIONS April 2017 The following explanations are included to clarify possible deviat i on from permit conditions. General -The columns labeled "No. Ex" on the enclosed DMR tabulate the number of daily d i scharge values outside the indicated limits. Data reporting and accuracy reflect the working environment, the design capabilities and reliability of the monitoring instruments and operating equ i pment. Deviations from required sampling , analysis monitoring and reporting methods and periodicities are noted on the respective transmittal sheet. Results reported on the Discharge Monitoring Report forms are consistent with permit limits , data supplied from contract laboratories, the December 2007 revision of the NJDEP DMR Instruction Manual and specific guidance from DEP personnel.


None EXPLANATION OF EXCEEDANCES April 2017 The following exceedance(s) are included in the attached report and explained below. EXPLANATION None COUNTY OF SALEM STATE OF NEW JERSEY I, Charles V. Mcfeaters, of full age, being duly sworn according to law, upon my oath depose and say: 1. I am the Site Vice President

-Salem for PSEG Nuclear, and as such am authorized to sign Salem's Discharge Monitoring Reports submitted to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to the Station's New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. 2. I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe the submitted information is true, accurate and complete.

I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.

3. The signature on the attached Discharge Monitoring Reports is my signature and I am submitting this affidavit in satisfaction of the requirement that my signature be notarized.

Charles V. Mcfeaters Site Vice President

-Salem P l: 46814 State of New Jersey Shell Generation Date: 4/1/2017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACA SW Outfall FACA-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 P erm itt ee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LL C 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07101 Lo ca tion of Activity: ,. PSEG NUCLEAR L L C SALEM GENERAT IN G S TATI ON ALLOWAY CREEK N ECK RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 NJPDES P e rmit Number: Monitoring Period: Monitored L ocation: Monitored L ocatio n Group: Region I County: NJ 0005622 04/01/20 17 To 04/30/2017 FACA SW Outfall FACA Southe r n I Salem I Ch eck if Applic a ble: r No Discharge This Monitoring Period I Monitoring Report Comments:

Report R ec ipient: PSEG NUCLEAR L LC PO BOX 236/N 2 1 HAN COCKS BRIDGE , NJ 080 38 Please r efe r all pe rmit r e lated questions r egard ing this monitoring report form to your permit writer. Your permit writer's name and teleph on e number can be found on th e co ver l etter of your p e rmit. Questions about the e l ectron i c subm i ss i on o f this report may be referr ed to th e Office of P e rmit at (609)984-4428.

P l: 46814 State of New Jersey Shell Gen era tion Date: 4/1/2017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring R e por t PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACA SW Ou tfa ll F ACA-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Di s ch a rg e M o nito r in g Dat a: N o Fr e q u en c y Sa m p l e Paramete r Qu a n t ity or L oa din g Uni t s Qu a lity or C o n cen t rat i o n Units Ex. o f An a ly s i s Typ e Temp e rature , Sample ........ .. ..,,,.,. **t*-li< 1 3.4 17.9 oC Measurement 0 Continuous CONTIN 000 10 G Permit ........

........... ..... .... REPORT REPORT DEG.C R aw Sew/influent Requir eme nt 01MOAV 01DAMX Conllnuous CONTIN QL h**'I"* Jt:ti"*h.trk ....... "* **<<*"""

Temperature, Sample ...........

"'**** ......... 22.0 26.0 oC Measurem e nt 0 Con tinuou s CONTIN 00010 1 Permit ... u ..... .........

  • "'**+ ........ REPORT 43.3 DEG.C Efflu en t Gro ss Value Requireme n t 01MOAV 01DAMX Continuous CO NT IN QL ....... *4*1rtt *ri*** ,,, .........
      • -* Temperature, Sampl e ....... ........ . ....... 8.6 12.2 1 oC Measurement 0 Day CALCTD 00010 2 Permi t ..........
  • -,lo*** ....... ............ REPORT 15.3 DEG.C Effluent Net Val u e Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Day CALCTD QL ........ * ..........


        • "'* 1r***it:tr L ab Certification#

Sample PA010 06003 17327 Measurement Not Appli c NOT AP 99999 99 Permit REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Requirement Lab# Lab# lab# Lab II lab# NotAoollc NO T AP QL ****** ...... *ff"'** ............ ******

P l: 468 1 4 State of New Jersey Shell Generation Dat e: 4/1/2017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report I PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACB SW Outfall FACB -04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Permitt e e: P SE&G N UC L EAR LL C 80 PARK P L AZA NEWARK , N J 07101 Lo ca tion of A c tivity: PSEG NUCLEAR L L C SALEM GENERATING STAT I ON AL L OWAY CREEK N EC I< RD HANCOCKS BR I DGE , NJ 08038 NJPDES P e rmit Numb e r: Monitoring Period: Monitored Location: Monito re d Lo ca tion G ro up: R e gion I County: N J0005622 04/0 1/20 17 T o 04/30/20 1 7 FACB SW Outfall FACB Southern I Salem Ch ec k i f A p pli ca bl e: r No Dis c ha r ge Thi s Mon i toring P e riod Monitoring Report Comments!: R e po r t Recipi e nt: PSEG NUCLEAR LL C PO BOX 236/N 2 1 HANCOCKS BR I DGE , NJ 08038 Pl ea se r e f e r a ll permit rel a t e d questions reg a rding this monitoring r e port form to your permit writer. Your p e rmit writ e r's name and t e l e ph o n e numb er c a n be found on th e cov e r letter of your p e rmit. Qu e stions about the e l e ctroni c submi ss ion of this r e port m ay b e r e ferre d to th e Offic e of P e rmit Man a g e m e nt at (609)984-4428.

P l: 46814 State of New Jersey Shell Gen e r a tion D a te: 4/1/2017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACB SW Outfall FACB -04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Discharge Monitoring Data: No Frequency S a mple Param e ter Quantity or Loadin g Units Quality or Concent rat ion Units Ex. o f An a lysi s Typ e Temperature, Sample ....... ..........


1 3.4 1 7.9 oC Mea s urement 0 Continuo u s CONTIN 000 1 0 G Permit ..... ,. ..........

........ .......... REPORT REPORT DEG.C Raw Sew/influent Requirement 01MOAV 010AMX Con tinuou s CONTIN Q L h**tt* ****** ... .. ............

...... ** Temperature, Sample ........ ....'11*"

........ 18.6 25.2 oC Measurement 0 Continuous CONTIN 00010 1 Perm it ...........

... "*" . ........ .........

REPORT 43.3 OEG.C Effluent Gross Va l ue Requir e ment 01MOAV 01DAMX Continuous CONTIN QL H*l*11' ****** .........

Temperature, Sample ...... .,. ...... , ... ........ 5.2 11.2 1 oC Measurement 0 Day CA L CTO 00010 2 P e rmit ........ "" . .,.. ...... '"'""""* .........

REPORT 15.3 DEG.C Effluent Net Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Day CALCTD QL

      • "'*"' *'"*"'"* ...... *"' ... .. .... Lab Certification
  1. Sampl e P A0 10 06003 17327 Measurement Not App li c NOT AP 99999 99 Permit REPORT REPORT REPOR T REPORT RE PORT Lab Requirement Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab#

Lab# NotAppll c NOT AP QL ......... . ........ ll*H*l ***tt* .,... . .,. ..

P l: 46814 St a te of New Jersey S h e ll Gene r a tion Date: 4/1/20 17 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FACC S W Outf a ll FACC -04/01/2017

-04/3 0/2017 Permittee:

PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLA Z A NEWARK , NJ 0710 1 L ocati o n of A cti vity: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERAT I NG STAT I ON ALLOWAY CREEK NE CK RD HANCOCK S BRIDGE , NJ 08038 N J PD E S P ermit N umber: M o ni t orin g P e ri o d: M onito r ed L ocat i on: M o nitor ed L ocat i on Group: Regio n I County: NJ 0005622 04/0 1/2 017 To 04/30/2017 FACC SW Outfall FAC C Southern I Salem C h eck i f A pp l icab l e: r N o Di sc h a r ge Thi s M o n i toring Per i o d Monitoring Report Comments: Repo rt R ec i p i e nt: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BO X 2 36/N 21 HAN COCKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 Pl ease re f er a ll per mi t re l a t ed q u estions re gard in g thi s m o nito r in g report for m t o your pe rm i t w ri te r. Yo ur permit w rite r's name a n d te l ep h o n e numbe r can b e fo un d on t h e co v e r le tt e r of y ou r pe rmit. Qu es ti o ns a b o ut th e e l ect r o ni c submiss i o n o f thi s r ep ort m a y be r eferred to th e O ff i ce o f P ermi t M a n ageme nt at (6 0 9)984-442 8.

P l: 46814 State of New Jersey She ll Gene r ation D a t e: 4/1/20 17 Department of Environmental P r otection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUGLEAR.LLG SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-FAGG SW Outfall F AGG -04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Di sc h a rge Monitori ng D a ta: N o Frequ e nc y S a mpl e P ara m e t er Qu a ntity or Loadin g Unit s Quality or Conc e ntration Units Ex. of An a l ys i s Typ e Fl ow. In Condui t or Samp l e 2028 2856 .4 ... & *

  • J..o-t,. ..l*** 1 Thru Tr eatme nt Plant Measuremen t 0 D ay CALCTD 50050 G Permit 3024 REPORT MGD ,.,..,,.,._ .. ,,,, . ..._ .,,.,. .... .. ...... Raw Sew/influ en t Requirement 01MOA V 01DAMX 1/D ay CALCTD QL .l.t U . .t.t ,., ....... ........ """'*"*

"" * .4 ..... Th e rm a l Di sc harge Sa mp l e 111 54 17076 n **t<** f<to'fi'f;<I" ... ,. " 1 Mi llion BTUs per Hr Measu r e m e nt 0 D ay CALCTD 00015 2 Permit REPORT 30600 MB T U/HR ....... 4.I H ,* l**** ....... Effluen t Net Value Requirem e nt 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/D ay CA LC TO QL ....... .........

          • l .... ,. ..... . ...... L a b Cer tifi ca ti o n # Samp l e PA 0 10 060 0 3 17 327 Measurement N o t Applic NOT AP 99999 99 Permit REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Req u irement L ab# Lab II Lab# Lab# Lab II Not Appllc NOT AP QL ....... ** , .. l * ***.I>** ........ .. ..........

Pl: 46814 State of New Jersey She ll Gene r a ti o n Date: 4/1/20 17 1 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STAT I ON -NJ0 0 05622 -048C SW Outfall 48C -04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Permittee: I P Sl;:&G NUCLEAR Ll C 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK, NJ 07 101 Location of Ac t ivity: P S E G NUCL EA R LLC S ALEM G ENERATIN G S TATI O N A LL O WAY CRE EK NE CK RD HAN COCKS BR ID GE , NJ 08038 NJPDES Permit Number: Monitoring Period: Monitored Location: Monitored Location Group: Region I County: NJ0005 622 04/0 1/2017 T o 04/30/2017 048C SW Outfall 48C Sou th e rn I Salem Check if Applicable:

r No Di scha rg e Thi s M o nit o ring Per i od Monitoring Report Comments: I Report Recipient:

PSE G NUCLEAR LL C PO BO X 236/N21 H ANCOCKS BRID G E , NJ 0803 8 I Ple ase refer a ll permit related questions regarding this monitoring report form to your p e rmit writer. Your permit writer's n a me and telephone number can be found on the cover letter of your permit. Questions about the electronic submission of thi s report may be referred to the Office of Permit Management at (609)984-4428. *1 I I Pl: 46814 State of N e w Jers e y S h el l Generation D a t e: 4/1/2017 Department of Environmental P rotection Surface Water Discharge Monit o ring Repor t PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -N J0005622 -048C S W Ou t fall 4 8C -04/01/2017 -0 4/30/2017 D ischarge M on i tori n g D a t a: N o Frequency Samp l e Parameter Q ua n tity or L oad in g Un i ts Qu a lity o r C oncentrat i o n Unit s Ex. o f A na l ys i s Type Flow. In Conduit or Sample 0.3113 0.6561 l** ... . ... , ...... 1 Thru T rea tm e nt P l ant Mea sure ment 0 D ay CALCTD 50050 1 Permit REPORT REPORT MGD ..... .., .... ***t:.l'.I. *it lr tit .... ,, Etnuent Gross Value Requ ireme nt 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Day CA LC TD QL , ...... ". H,*""'l't:k

H,I '*II'-"'


1r So lid s. T o l a! Sa m p l e **it ll , ... ,.., .. "'"'"'. 7 8 2 Suspended Measurement 0 Month COMPOS 00530 1 P e rm it ...... ....... ....... 30 100 MG/L Etnuen t Gross Value Requir e m e nt 01MOAV 01DAM X 2/Monlh COMPOS QL ......... . ....... .......... ... ....... ,, ....... N i tr ogen. Ammonia Samp l e ....... **" .. ...... .i. 1 7 1 8 2 Total (as N) Measurement 0 Month COMPOS 00610 1 Permit ....... .. ,. ..... ....... .. .... 35 70 MG/L E fflu en t Gross Va lu e Requiremen t 01MOAV 01DAM X 2/Month COMPOS QL ........ ....... ******* ,,._., .. ...... Petroleum Sa mple ... _. .. . ...... . .... <2 <2 2 H yd r ocarbons Measurement 0 Month G RAB 00551 1 Permit *****t *"'""" .. ...... ........ 10 1 5 MG/L Effluent Gross Val u e Requirem e nt 01MOAV 01D AMX 2/Mont h GRAB QL ...... .........

...... "****' . ..... Carbon, Tot O rg anic Sample ...... ....... ,. ...... 9 1 2 2 (TOG) Measuremen t 0 M on th COMPOS 00680 1 Permit ......... ........... ...... t;#*ltA REPORT 50 MG I L Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 2/Month COMPOS QL ""'*'*"

01*** ..**" / Lab Certification

  1. Samp le PA010 06003 17327 ; I Measurement N ot Applic N OT AP 99999 99 Perm ii R E PORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Requirem e nt Lab# Lab# L ab# Lab# Lab# Not Appllc NOT AP QL "*"'*"'* *****"' *th JI'* .,. ... ,. .. -,,. , . : '

L Pl: 468 1 4 State of New Jersey Sh e ll G e n e r a tion Date: 4/1/2 01 7 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-481A SW Outfall 481A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 P e rmitt ee: PSE&G NUCLEAR L LC 80 PARK PLA Z A N EWARK, NJ 0 7101 Location of Activity: PSEG N UC L EAR LL C SA L EM GE N ERAT IN G S T A T IO N A L LOWAY CRE E K N ECK RD HANCO C KS BR I DGE, N J 08038 NJPDES P e rmit Number: Monitoring Period: Monitor e d Lo c ation: Monitor ed L o cat i on Group: R eg i o n I C o unty: N J0 0056 2 2 04/0 1/20 17 To 04/3 0/2 017 4 8 1A SW Outf a ll 48 1 A S o uth e rn I Sal e m Che c k if Appli ca bl e: r No D i sc h a rg e ll1i s Mo n itoring P e ri o d Monitoring Report Comments:

Report Recipient:

PSEG NU C LEA R LL C PO BOX 236/N 2 1 H AN C O C KS BRIDGE, N J 0 8038 Pl e as e r e f e r all permit related questions regarding this monitoring report form to your permit writer. Your permit writ e r's name a nd t e l e phon e numb er c a n be found on th e cover l e tter of your p e rm i t. Questions about the e l ec tronic su b m i s s i o n of thi s re p o rt m a y be refe rr ed t o th e Offi ce of P e rmit a t (609)984-4 4 28.

Sta t e of New J ersey Dep a rtment of Environmental Pro t ection I I Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report I P l: 46814 Shell Generation Dat e: 4/1/20 17 PS E G NU C LEA R LLC S AL E M GEN E RATING STATION -NJ0005 6 22 -481A SW Out fa ll 4 8 1A-0 4/01/2017 -0 4/3 0/2017 Di s ch a rg e M o n itor in g Data: I N o Fr e qu e n cy P a r ame ter Q u anti ty or L oad in g U ni t s Qua lity or C o n ce n t r a ti on Unit s Ex. of Ana l ys i s Flow, In Co nduit or S ample I 487 501 *'"U* *U** "'*""" 1 Thru Treatment Plant Meas ur emen t 0 Day 50050 1 Permit REPORT REPORT MGD .........

........ .. ... . ...... Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Dav OL .. .,,.,.. .. .........

  • h*A*l **ll'it** pH Sa mple I .... ,... .. .........

7.1 ....... 7.6 1 Measuremen t 0 Week 00400 1 Permit ..... ,...

..... "' .. 6.0 ...... 9.0 SU E fnu ent Gross Va lu e Requirement 010AMN 01DAMX 1/Week OL ....... ....... .... ...... *-t:**** .,. ..... pH S ample ""'""" .........

7.0 t*u* 7.5 1 Meas urement 0 Week 00400 7 Permit ..... ........ .. ...... REPORT .. .... REPORT SU I ntake Fr o m S tream Requirement 01DAMN 01DAMX I/Week QL itu ,*-** .........


... u,.,. LC50 S t atre 96 hr Acu Sample .... , .. <l.l iHi ..... . .. ,,,.. 2 Cyprinodon Measureme nt COIDE=N Not 0 Year TAN6A 1 Permi t ...... " ..... ...... ,., r;EPOFff .... ,.. ...... ,. %EFFL Effluen t Gross Value Requirement 01DAMN 2/Year AL ........ . ..... 50 .........

      • tt.* C hl o rine Pro du ced Sa mp l e ........ '* """'"'" '"'***" 3 Oxidants Measurement COQE=N Not Req E=N Not Req vl re d 0 Week *cpox 1 Permit ........ ... ff * .. ..... ...... o.a 0.5 MG/[_ Eff luent G ro ss Value Requirement I i'> 01MOAV 01DAMX 3Nleek 1 QL *-**-.... -. ...... *w*o . ...... C hlorine Produce d S ample ....... .u ..... ***** <0.1 <0.1 3 Oxidants Measurement 0 Week *cpox 1 Permit ........ ........ ........ ... ..,'" REPORT 0.2 MG/l Effl u en t Gross Va lu e Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX '.JNJeek 2 QL 'll:OllnU*

ttt.*H to.tu tt'll:***

........ Temperature, Sam p le ****'l ....... ........ 2 1.8 29.4 1 oC Measurement 0 Day 00010 1 Penmlt ..... ...... ........ ....... REPORT RtPORT DEG.C Effluen t Gross Va lue ReqlJireme nt 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Dav QL '* U"lt*": ........ ........ *11>4*** *-.. Lab Certification

  1. S ample PA0 1 0 06003 17 327 Measuremen t NotAppllc 99999 99 Permit REPORT R E PORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Requirement Lab# Lab# Lab# Lob# Lab II NotApplic QL ....... ........ **u*-....... ....... ,.. S a mp l e Typ e CA L C TD C ALCTD GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB COMPOS COMPOS GRAB GHAB GRAB GRAB CO NTIN CONTIN NOT AP NOT AP P l: 468 1 4 S ta te of New Jersey She ll Generation D a t e: 4/1/2 017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Mo n itoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-482A SW Outfall 4 8 2 A-04/01/2017

-04/3 0/2017 P e rmitt ee: P S E&G NU C L E AR LL C 80 PARK PLA Z A N E W A RK, N J 0710 1 Lo cation of A cti vity: P SEG N UC L EAR L L C S A LE M G E N ER ATIN G S TATI O N A L LO WA Y CREEK NE CK R D H A N COCKS B R ID G E , NJ 08038 NJPDES P erm it Numb e r: Monitoring P erio d: Monitored Location: Monitor ed Location Group: Region I Coun t y: NJ 0005622 0 4/0 1/2017 To 0 4/30/20 1 7 482 A SW Outf a ll 482 A Sou t he rn I Sa l em Check if Applicable

r N o Di sc h arge Thi s M o nit o ri ng P e ri od Monitoring Report Comments: R ep o r t Re c ipient: PSEG NU C LEAR LL C PO B O X 236/N 2 1 HAN C O C K S BR I D GE , NJ 080 38 Pl e ase refer all permit related qu es tions regarding this monitoring report form to yo u r permit writ er. Your permit writer's n a m e and tel e phone number ca n be found on the cover l et te r of your permit. Questions abo ut the e l ectro nic subm issi on of thi s r e port may be referred to the Office of P ermit Mana geme nt at (609)984-442 8.

P l: 46 8 1 4 State of New Jersey S h e ll G e n era ti on D a l e: 4/1/20 17 Department of Environmental Protect i on Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUC LE AR LL C SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ00056 2 2 -482A SW Outfall 482A -04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Disch a r ge Monito ri ng D a ta: No Fr eq u ency Sampl e Pa r amet e r Quantity or Loading Uni ts Quality or Concentration Unit s Ex. o f An a ly si! Typ e F l ow, I n Co nd u i t o r Sa mpl e 46 0 4 80 *** u .u ** . ..... 1 Thru Trea t ment Plant Measu r ement 0 Day CALCTD 50050 1 Permit REPORT R E PORT MGD Hii O .. _.. ... *U H E fflu en t G r oss Value R eau!rement 01MOAV 0 1 0AMX 1/D a v CALCTD QL U'tt u o u u .,_, .. .,, **Hi ll tt u.,., pH S ample ...... ...... 7.0 **o* 7.4 1 Measu r em ent 0 Week GRAB 00400 1 Permit ***** .... ,,. .. , .. M o*t* 9.0 S U E ffl uen t Gr o ss Va lu e Re a tJlre m en t 0 1D AM N 0 1D AMX 1/Week GRAB Q L ****** ****** ****** ...... , ..... pH Sam ple Htti *u** 7.0 ..... t 7.5 1 Measu r e m en t 0 Week GRAB 00400 7 Per m i t *** , u **i*h "'° REPORT , , ... RE POR T SU ii ,,;:; t 50 uu.** ........ Chlorine Produced Sa mp l e ...... ..... 3 Oxidan t s M eas ureme n t C00E=N No t Req E=N Not Req u i r e d 0 We e k GR AB 'CPOX 1 Permi t ... ,_. )UH *Hll'* ****Jr 0.3 0.5 MG/L E ffl uen t G r oss Value R e qµlrement 0 1 MOAV 01 D AMX 3/Week GRAB 1 QL U tt t* tt JlU nl Hf *liU U o u** Ch l orine Produced S ample ...... ....... ....... <0.1 <0.1 3 Ox id an t s M e a s uremen t 0 Week G RAB 'CPOX 1 Permit *i>la o ..... ..... REPORT 0.2 MGIL Effl u ent G r oss Val u e R e quirement 01MO A V 0 1D AMX 3/Week GRAB 2 QL UoU ... , .. .. , ... '**H4 --***** Te mp e r a t u r e, Sa mpl e ...... '1.ttH 11',ta"A 22.1 30.2 1 oC Measure m en t 0 Dav CONT IN 00010 1 Perm i t ........ ..... ..... ..... REPORT REPORT DEG.C E ffl ue n t G r oss Value Rea u lrement OtMO A V 01DAMX 1/Dav CON ll N QL ...... ...... Lab Certification

  1. Sa mpl e P A 01 0 06003 17 327 Measu r e m en t N o t A pp lic N OT AP 99999 99 Permit REPO R T R EPORT R E; PORT REPO Rl R EPORT L ab Reoulremenl Lab# Lab# Lab ii L ab# Lab ti No t Aoollc NOT AP QL ........ ....... ....... U I H4 Pl: 468 14 State of New Jersey She ll Generation Date: 4/1/2017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report ' PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-483A SW Outfall 483A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Permitt ee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLA Z A NEWARK , NJ 07101 Loc ation of Activity: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERAT IN G STA TION ALLOWAY CREEK NE CK RD HANCO C K S BRIDGE, NJ 08038 NJPDES Permit Numb er: Monitoring Period: Monitored Loc ation: Monitored Location Group: Region I County: NJ 0005622 04/0 1 /2 017 To 04/30/2017 483 A SW Outfall 483A So uth e rn I Sa l e m Ch eck if Applic a ble: r No Discharge This Monitoring Period Monitoring Report Comments:

Report Recipient:

PSEG NUCLEAR LL C PO BOX 236/N 2 1 HANCO CKS BR ID GE, NJ 08038 Pl ease refer all pe rm it related questions r egarding this monitoring repor t form to your permit writ e r. Your p e rmit writer's n ame and telephone number can be found on th e cover letter of your permit. Questions about the e l ec tronic s ubmission of this report may be referred to the Office of Permit Man ageme nt at (609)984-4428. I I She ll Ge n e r a ti o n Date: 4/1/20 1 7 I *. State of N ew Jersey 5 Deprf i artmWent of u ace ater 1sc arge orntormg eport PSEG NUCLEAR SALEM GENERATING STATIO l-NJ0005622

-483A SW Outfall 483A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2 017 P l: 46814 Discharge Monitoring D a ta: I I I I . I No Frequ e ncy Sample I Parameter Quantity or Loading Units Qu a lity or Conce ntr ation Units Ex. of An a ly si! Typ e Fl ow, I n Con d ui t or S ampl e 4 38 48 4 .........

.. ...........

1 Thru Tr e atm e nt Pl a nt M e a s u r em e nt 1 0 D a y CALCTD I 50 0 50 1 Petrnlt REPORT REPORT M GD *"'*lrl< ....... "'. -m ...... Efflu e nt Gr os s V a lu e Requ irem ent 01MOAV 010AMX 1/0ay C AL CTO QL .............


t ....... "'"" ........ .. ,._,. pH Sample ..........

.,.. ... 7.0 ........ 7.4 1 Measurement 0 W e ek GRAB 00 4 0 0 1 Permit ...... ,.. .. ..........

........ 6.0 .. ...... 9.0 SU E ffluen t G ro ss V a lu e Requirement 01D AMN 01DA M X 1/Week GRAB QL ............. . ........ .. ........ .. ,.it.,ut..

,...,o, .. "' pH Sample ,,.. ...... '*' .... "'*"' 7.0 l\i4tt:.t 7.5 1 Mea s urement 0 Week GRAB 00400 7 Permit ....... ............ ............

REPORT .........

REPORT SU Int ake F rom S tr ea m R equire me n t 01D AMN 0 1DAMX 1/Week GRAB QL ............

.._ .. **H1 ............. ... .......... u*o\ .. .t Ch lo rin e Produ ce d Sample ..........

........ ., ..... 3 O xi d an t s Measurement COIDE=N N ol Req E=N N ol Required 0 We e k GRAB " C PO X 1 P e rm il .........

........ ........ ..... 0.3 0.5 MG/L Efflu e nt Gro ss Value Require men t **01MOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GRAB 1 QL .,. ..... 1\*1'*114 l .. **"' ...

..... ,i;...,;,,,..,..

Chl o rin e Produ ce d Sample .... .... ........ -* ... <0.1 <0.1 3 O x i da nt s M e a s urement 0 W e ek GRAB " C PO X 1 Permit ...... ..... II' 11;***11" * **-" REPORT 0.2 MG/L Efflu e nt Gro ss V a lue Hequirement j 01MOAV 010AMX 3/Week GRAB 2 QL ........ -.. ..... !" ....... ,. ............


...... .... T empera tu re , Samp l e .. ...., .. ........ -tt 22.4 2 9.7 1 oC Measurement l 0 Day CONT IN 00 0101 Permil ..... .i; .... ......... ... ..... ........ REPORT REPORT OEG.C E ffl uen t G r oss V a lu e Hequlrement 01MOAV 010A MX 1/Day CO NT IN QL ***-* ....... .,.. ........ ........ . ...... Lab Ce rtificati o n# Sample P A010 06003 ' 17327 Mea s urement N o t A ppli c NOT AP ' 99999 99 Pem1it REPORT REPORT REP ORT REPORT REPORT L a b Requi rem ent L ab# L ab# Lab# Lab# L ab# N o t Applic NO T AP ; QL **"'-"*" ..............

,.H.At** **.w;w*.ot .............

Pl: 4 68 14 State of New Jersey S h e ll Ge n e r a ti on D ale: 4/1/20 1 7 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge


-484A SW Outfall 484A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Permittee:

PSE&G NU CLEAR LL C 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK , NJ 0 71 0 1 Location of Activity: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERAT IN G STATION ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS BR ID GE , NJ 0 8 0 38 NJPDES Permit Number: NJ 0 00 562 2 Monitoring Period: 04/01/2 017 To 04/3 0/2017 Monitored Location: I 484A S W Oulfall 484A Monitored Location Group: Region I County: I Southern I Salem [ Ch ec k if Appli ca bl e: r N o Di sc h a r ge Thi s M o nit o rin g P e riod Report R e cipient: PSEG NUCLEAR L L C PO BO X 236/N 2 1 H A N COCl\S BR ID GE , NJ 0 8 0 3 8 Monitoring Report Comments: CP I X o ption s 1 &2 report e d thi s monil o in g period due lo unit 2 re-fueling o ut a ge Pl ease refer al l permit related questions this monitori hg r e port form to your permit writer. Your p er mit writer's nam e and t e lephone number can be found on the co ver letter of your permit. Qu e stions a bout the e l ec tronic submission of this r e port may be referred to th e Office of Permit Management at (609)984-4428. I I I P l: 468 1 4 State of N ew Jersey S h e ll G e n erat i on D a t e: 4/1/20 1 7 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR L LC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-484A SW Outfall 484A -04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Di scharge Monitoring D a t a: No F requency Sampl e P a r ame t e r Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Con ce ntr at i on Units Ex. o f An a l ysii T yp e F l ow, I n Co n d uit o r Sa mpl e 256 502 .... .. U o ll , T hru T rea t men t Pla n t M eas urem e nt 0 D av CA L C T D 50050 1 Penn1t REPORT REPORT MGO ., .... I t*io I u ...... .4***.w E ffl ue nt G r oss Val u e ReQuiremen l 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Dav CALCTD QL UtU/o o uu ..... ., Uf-Uk fU kU; p H S ample ...... ..... 7.1 uot 7.4 1 Meas urement 0 Week GRAB 00400 , Permit *HI* ..... ..... 0.0 ..... 9.0 SU Efflu e nt G ro ss Va lu e Requirement 0 1D AMN 01DAMX 1/Week GRAB QL **j*** ..... u ...... ... h pH Sa mple

_, .... 7.0 HHI 7.5 , M eas urement 0 Week GRA B 00400 7 Permit 11*1'1 ........ ........ REPORT . .... REPORT SU Int ake Fro m S tr ea m Reoulrement 01DAMN 01DAMX 1/Week GRAB QL ..... ....... .. ..... .......... LC50 Statre 96hr Acu Sem pl e ..... \\u** ..... *;**4 2 Cyprinodon Measur eme n t COD E=N N o t ulred 0 Yea r COMPOS TA N 6A 1 Perm it ...... ....... U t ... REPORT HHt %EFFL E ffl ue n t G r oss Va lu e Requirement

' 01DAMN 2Near COMPO S AL '-'"'" ...... 50 ...... ...... Ch l orine Produced Sam ple ..... ..... ..... <0.1 <0.1 3 Ox i da nt s M eas urement 0 W ee k G RA B 'CPOX 1 Permit ..... ..... .. ... OH** 0.3 0.5 MG/L E ffl ue n t Gross Va l ue Reaulrernent 01MOAV 01DAMX 3/WeeK GRAS , QL **--** *Uh*

uuu t-l lH t Ch l orine P r oduced Sa mple ...... . .... uuo <0.1 <0.1 3 Oxida nt s M eas urement 0 W e e k G R A B 'CPOX 1 Permi t ..... I HOI ..... U*U REPORT 0.2 MGIL Effluent Gross Value R e quirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GRAB 2 QL Ur**lt ....... ....... J***** ....... Temperature , Sa mpl e ..... .....

1 9.2 26.4 1 oC Measuremen t 0 D ay CO NTI N 00010, Permit *I U* ..... ..... -. h*U REPORT REPORT DEG.C E ffl ue nt Gross Value R e aulremenl 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/0av CONTIN OL ...... ...... ........ .. .... ...... Lab Cert i ficatio n II Sa mple P A 010 06003 17 327 Measur'e m e nt N o t A ppl ic NO T AP 99999 99 Permi t REPORT REPORT RE.PORT REPORT L ab Requirement Ltib# Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# N o t Apollc NOT AP QL ...... "*U** ...... UllU ******

P l: 46814 State of New Jersey S hell Generation Date: 4/1/20 17 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-485A SW Outfall 485A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Perm ittee: PSE&G NUCL EAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA NEWARK , NJ 0710 1 Lo cation of Activity:


Monitored Location Group: Region I County: NJ 0005622 04/01/2017 T o 04/30/2017 485A SW Outfall 485A Southe rn I Sa l em Check if Applic a ble: r Nci Dis cha rge Thi s Monit or in g Per i od Repor t R ec ipient: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N 21 HANCOCKS BRIDGE , NJ 08038 Monitoring Report Comments:

D S N 485A s ampling for pH effluent gross valu e and CPOX options 1&2 not performed for th e m o nth of April due to sa mple s t a ndpipe iso l a ti o n for plant m a int e n a n ce. Sa mpling of DSN 485A r esumed on 5/18/2017.

Please refer al l permit related questions regarding this monitoring report form to y our permit writer. Your permit writer's name and telephone number c an be found on the cover letter of your p e rmit. Questions abou t th e electronic submission of this report may be r e ferred to the Office of Permit Management at (609)984-4428.

P l: 46814 State of N e w Jersey She ll Generatio n Da t e: 4/1/2 017 Department of Environmental Protec t ion Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUC LEAR L LC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-485A SW Outfall 485A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Discharge Monitoring Data: No Frequency S amp l e Parameter Qu a ntity or Lo ad in g Units Qua l i ty or Conc e ntr ation Units Ex. of Ana ly si! Ty p e Flow, In Conduit or Sam ple 20 7 4 93 1**11 ..... .... ,. 1 Thru Tre atment Plant Measurement 0 Day CA L C TD 50050 1 Permit REPOR T R E P OR T MGD ff (H , ..... , *Jo.k t* ,u ... Effluent G r oss Val ue Requiremen t 01MO,A.V 01DAMX 11Day CALCTD QL Jo.*Ulf u .... lUHI ""-'"* pH Sa mple ***u ...... 1 Meas urement CODE=8 O ther CODE=8 Other 0 Week GRAB 00400 1 Permi t ***u ..... .. , ... 0.0 ..... 9.0 S U Effluent Gross Va lue Reaviremen f O lD AMN 01 DA MX 1/Week GRAB QL *u ** ****--**. u. .. , ... *tH U pH Sa mple fht* ..... 7.0 Ht O 7.5 1 Measurement 0 Week GRAB 00400 7 Per m it ...... ......

REPORT ...... REPORT SU Intake From Stream Requi re ment O!DAMN OlDAMX 1/Week GRAB Q L ...... ...... '"" "**fH ..*...* LC50 Statre 96h r Ac u Sa mple **Uo ..... ***** ' *** .I 2 Cyp rinod o n Measuremen t CODE=N N o t Req ired 0 Year COMPOS TAN6A 1 Permit ..... *0;*** H U"-RE PO R 1" ...... %E.FF L v Effl u en t G r oss Val ue Reaulreme nt 0 1 DAMN 2Near COMPOS AL ........ ....... 60 ** . ... , .. Chlori n e Produced Sa mp l e -4*H **44* 3 Oxidan t s Measurement c CODE=8 O the 'ODE=8 Othe r 0 Week GRAB 'CP OX 1 Permit u*** ...... u*H uu.* 0.3 0.5 MG/1. E fflu e nt Gross Value Re a u l r ein en t 0 1 MD A V O I DAMX 3/Week GRAB 1 QL t hU.ol oh** ....... t.llt** Chlor ine Produced Sam ple .... ;. ... . .... . .... 3 Oxidants M easu r ement ODE=8 O t hE 'ODE=8 Other 0 Week GRAB 'CPOX 1 Permi t **U* ..... **-'* ..... REPOR T 0.2 MG/1. Effluen t Gro ss Value 0 1 M OAV 0 1D A M X 3/Wee k GRAB 2 QL *h*.1.I-....... ....... U*.IU . . Temperature, Sample ..... ..... ..... 1 9.1 26.7 1 oC M eas uremen t 0 Day CO NT I N 00010 1 Permit ..... u *** ........ . .... REPO R T REPORT DEG.C Effluent Gross Value Reauiremenl O!MO A V 01DAMX I/Dav CONTI N Q L ...... ****** ....... tUHO . ..... Lab Certifica t ion # Sam ple PA010 06003 17327 Measurement N o tApplic NOT AP 99999 99 Perm i t REPO RT RE P OR T REPORT REPO R T REPORT Lab Reaulrement Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# Not Appllc NOT AP QL ....... ... , .... ....... ., .... *4 0*.I Pl: 468 1 4 I State of New Jersey S h e ll Ge n e r a ti o n Da l e: 4/1/20 17 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report I PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-486A SW Outfall 486A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 P e rmitt ee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLA Z A N E WAR K, NJ 071 01 Location of Activity: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SA L EM GENER A T IN G STAT I ON ALLOWAY CREEK NECK RD HANCOCKS B R IDGE , NJ 08038 NJPDES P e rmit Number: Monitorin g Period: Monitored Location: Monitor ed Location Group: R egion I County: NJ0 0 0 5622 04/01/2017 To 04/30/20 1 7 4 86 A SW Outfall 4 86 A So uth e rn I Sale m R e por t R eci pient: PSEG NU CLEAR LLC PO BOX 236/N 2 1 HAN CO Cl*A Raw Sew/influen t Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX l 1/Da v CALCTD QL *uu* "t I HHt *t oo tt ll U; Flow , In Co nduit or Sa mple 2 70 4 95 t ,, ... ..... UH1* 1 Thru Treatment Plant Measurement 0 Day CA L CTD 50050 1 Permit REPOR T REPORT MGD .t U*** ... ,. 4*H* **i H" E fflu ent G ross Va lu e Reauireil)en t O l MQAV 01D A M X I 1/Dav CALCTO OL H*.<* ..... l ...... ..... h*t*t pH Sam ple ****i ...... I 7.1 ...... 7.4 1 Measuremen t 0 W eek GRAB 00400 1 Permit .... , ...... ..... 6.0 90 SU Effluent G ross Va lue Re a u i re me n t 01 DA MN 0 1D AMX 1/Wee k GRAB QL *U.*,I.* " . ., ... ...... . .... _. . pH Sa mple i4*** 7.0 7.5 1 Me as urement I 0 Week GRAB 00400 7 Pe 1 mi t ...... ..... "R EPORT h*** REPORT SU Intake F ro m Stream Reaulrement 01 DAMN 0 1 DAMX 1/Week GRAB QL "Atf..Ot ....... ....... tH4U Chlorine Produced Sample , .... ....... . .... <0.1 <0.1 3 Oxidant s M eas urement l 0 Week GRAB 'CPOX 1 Permit ....... ...... U*>>4 0.3 0.5 MGIL Effluent Gross Value Reaulrement OlMOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GRAB 1 QL ....... ....... U Ut t. 4 UU.l *t U*'# Chlori n e Produced Sa mple ..... ...... . .... <0.1 <0.1 3 Oxidants Measurement 0 Week GRAB 'CPOX 1 Permit ..... ... ,. ...... ..... REPORT 0.2 MG/L Effluent Gross Value Reauirernen t 01MOAV 01DAMX 3/Week GRAB 2 QL O*H l , ...... ....... H**U ..... ,. Temperature, Sa mple ...... '1o**** h*i 4 17.7 25.0 1 oC Measuremen t 0 Dav CONTIN 00010 1 Permit ***h ..... ... " ..... REPOR T REPORT DEG.C E ffl uent Gross Va lue Reaui r emen t 01 MOAV 0 1 DAMX 1/0a v CO N TIN QL ......... .u .... ...... Lab Ce rtifi ca ti on # Samp le PA010 06003 1 17 32 7 Measurement N o tAppli c NOT AP 99999 99 Permi t REPORT REPORT R EPORT REPOR T REPORT Lab Reaul r etnent Lab1/ Lab# r Lab ti Lab# Lab# NotAoo/l c NOT AP OL 10***.t* ....... ....... 01.t U *4UU P l: 46814 St a te of New Jer se y Shell Generation Date: 4/1/2017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report ' PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-4878 SW Outf a ll 48 78 -04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 P e r m it tee: PSE&G NU C L EA R LL C 80 PA R K PLA Z A NEWARK , NJ 07101 L ocat i o n of A ctiv i t y: P SEG NU C L EAR L L C SA L EM GE N ER ATIN G S T A T I ON A L L O WA Y CREEK N E CK R D H A N COC K S B R I D G E , NJ 08038 NJ P D ES P erm i t N u m ber: M o ni tori n g P eriod: Monit o red L ocation: Monitor e d Loc a tion G roup: R e gion I County: NJ 0005622 0 4/0 1/20 17 To 04/30/2017 487 B S W Ou tfall 48 78 Sou t hern I Salem Check if Applic a ble: r N o Discharge T h i s M o n i t ori n g Period Monitoring Report Comments: Repo r r R ec i p i e n t: PSEG NU C L EA R LL C PO BOX 236/N 21 H A N COCKS BR I D GE , NJ 08038 P l e as e refer a ll p e rm it re l ated questio n s rega rdin g this m on it o r ing r eport fo rm to your p e rmit w r iter. Your permit writ e r's name and te l ep ho n e num b er ca n be found on t he co v er l e t ter o f you r p e rmit. Qu estions abou t the e l e ctron i c submi s s i on of th is repor t ma y be r e ferre d to th e Off ice of P e r mit M a n agemen t a t (609)984-4428.

i I State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Water Discharge Monitoring Report I P l: 46814 She ll Gene r a ti on D a t e: 4/1/20 17 PSEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-4878 SW Outf a ll 4878 -04/01/2017

-04/30/201 7 Di scharge Monit o rin g D a t a: N o F req u enc y Par ameter Quantity o r Lo ad ing Unit s Quality or Con ce ntr a tion Unit s E x. o f F low. In Conduit or Sample 0.0093 0.0093 ....... ....... ....... 1 Thru Tr ea tm en t Pl ant M eas urem e nt 0 Bat c h 50050 1 Permit REPORT REPORT MGD **h*lt ... +*. . ... ,... *Jt*1"* Effl ue nt Gross Value Reouirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Batch QL .... ,.,. ,.. ....... ....... , .

........ pH Sample ...... *tt** 6.0 **tt* 6.0 1 Measurement 0 Bal c h 00400 1 Permit ....... . ...... ....... 6.0 ........ 9.0 SU Effluent Gross Value R eouiremen t 01DAMN 010AMX 1/Batch QL .......... ........ ....... ......... fl .. ....... Solid s. Total Sample . ,., .. ,,,. t ....... ........ 12 1 2 1 Suspended Me as urement 0 Bat c h 00530 1 Permit ... "' .. ...... ....... ... ..... REPORT 100 MG/L Efflu en t Gross Value Reouirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Batch QL .........

      • l>".M ........ ......... ****H. Temp era tu re. Samp le *41 .. ,1* ........ .. ..... 13.9 1 3.9 1 oC M eas urem en t 0 Batch 000 1 0 1 Permit .... ..,., ..... n11t.--.

REPORT 43.3 DEG.C Effluent Gross Va lu e Reaulrement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Batch QL .. ,,, .... ........ . ..... ":***** *""'"* Petroleum Sa mple ....... "-.. ...... <2 <2 1 H ydrocarbons M e asu r ement 0 B a t ch 005511 Permit ..... ...... . ........ ....... REPORT 15 MG/L Effluent Gross Value Reauirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Bat c h QL '*""" '"'""" .. ,..1'tt* **I"*** ..........

Carbon, T ot Organic Sample ........ '"'*'"'"'" ..... 4 4 1 (TOG) M eas urement 0 Batch 00680 1 Perm i t ..... .

.. ........... . ........ REPORT so MG I L Efflu e nt Gross Value Reaulrement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Batch QL .........

... .., .. ........ ****** ........ Lab Certifica t ion # Sa mple PA010 06003 1 7327 M eas urem en t N o t Applic 99999 99 Perm i t REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT L ab Reauirement Lab# Lab# L.a b# L ab# Lab# NolApplic QL ***lt** -14'*t:**

u>i-tt4' . .,. .... Sample Ty pe CA L CTD CALCTD GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB GRAB N OT AP NOT AP P l: 46814 State of New Jersey Shell Generation Date: 4/1/2 017 Department of Environmental Protection Surface Water Discharge Monitoring Report PSEG NUCLEAR LLC *SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-489A SW Outfall 489A-04/01/2017

-04/30/2017 Permittee: PSE&G NUCLEAR LLC 80 PARK PLAZA N EWARK , NJ 07 1 01 L ocation of Activitv: P SEG NUCLEAR LLC SALEM GENERAT IN G S TATION ALLOWAY CREEK NEC K RD HANCO CKS BRIDGE, NJ 08038 NJPD ES Permit Number: Monitoring Period: Monitored Location: Monitored Location Group: Region I County: NJ 0005622 04/01/2017 To 04/30/2017 489 A SW Outfall 489A Southern I Salem Check if Appli cab l e: r No Discharge This Monitoring Period Monitoring Report Comments: R e port R ec ipient: PSEG NUCLEAR LL C PO BOX 236/N 2 1 HANCOCK S BR ID GE , NJ 0803 8 Please refer all permit relat ed questions regarding this moni t oring r epor t form to your permit writer. Your permit write r's name a nd telephone number can be found on the cover letter of your permit. Questions about the e l ec tronic submission of this r epor t may be referred to the Office of P ermi t Management at (609)984-4428. I I Pl: 468 14 State of New Jersey of Environmental Protection I Shell Gen e ration Date: 4/1/2017 Surface Water Discharge Moni t oring Report P.SEG NUCLEAR L J c SALEM GENERATING STATION -NJ0005622

-489A SW Outfall 489A-04/01/2 017 -04/30/2017 Discharge M onitor in g D ata: I No F req u e ncy Sample P a r a m eter I Quantity or Loading Units Quality or Concentration Units Ex. of Type Flow, In Condu it or Sample 0.0240 0.0240 .. ,,. ,.. .. , .... ..........

1 Thru Treatment Plant Ci'.. 0 Month CALCTD 50050 1 Permit 'REPORT REPORT MGD .... ,,,..,. *""""' .. .... .-.... '*"'*"' Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Mo n t h CALCTD ri QL "'""'*" ****" ...... ............

  • ""'**" p H Samp l e *'-*+* .........

7.5 , ..... 7.5 1 Measurement

' 0 Month GRAB 00400 1 Per1nil .........

1t11i*** .............

6.0 . ........ 9.0 SU Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01DAMN 01DAMX 1/Month GRAB QL

  • '""'*** 1 "***it-* ./> **Att* '& d(i' "f So l ids, T o t a l Sample .... ,j,,., ' t*"'H* 7 7 ..........

1 S u spe nd ed Mea s urement 0 M o nth G RAB 00530 1 Permit ....... fioi: .... .... "'"" 100 "'"' 30 ... ,,, .. ...,. MG/L I Effluent Gross Value Requirement 01DAMX 01MOAV I 1/Month GRAB QL: ..........

'*""**"'" ** **t** ... ' .,,., ****""' I , y **""*t* ... f" Petroleum Sample .........

... .......... **,J.** <2 <2 1 Hydrocarbons Measure m en t 0 Month GRAB 0055 11 :;*Permit .......... , +***11 .......... . ...... 10 *A* 15 MG/L Effluen t Gross Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Month GRAB QL ....... ,,...,, ........ *+***l .. .... Ca rb o n, Tot Organic Samp l e ,.,..,,. .. ..........

e . .., ..... 4 4 1 (TOC) Measurement Ii 0 M o nth GRAB 0068(1 1 % F'errnit '11 ...... ... , ....

    • -* REPORT 50 MG/L Efflu en t Gross Value Requirement 01MOAV 01DAMX 1/Month GRAB QL -**** ... + ....... .......... . .... , .. .,.,.

Lab Ce rti fication # *Samp l e PA010 06003 17 327 Measurement Not App li c NOT AP 99999 99 Permit "'REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT REPORT Lab Reqttirernent Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# Lab# NotApplic NOT AP , QL *'"'**** ........ *"1t.'l'i*

............ .............

I ,.