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    .                                          NUCLEAR POWER BL'SINESS UNIT
.                                            CALCULATION REVIEW AND APPROVAL Calculation #
9b - O 7,,,73 Number of Pages g{
Title of Calculation:b4g,. ,, y 4,%                    o(! ~~P 8/u P J J o p h                is t- U< l ,
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[ Original Calculation                                      g QA-Scope O Revised Calculation. Revision #
0 Superseding Calculation. Supersedes Calculation #
Modification #                           
== Description:==
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pe-                      c            eId        _
This Calculation hasf{een reviewed in accordance with NP 7.2.4. The review was accomplished by one or a combination of the following (as checked):                                                                      l l
A review of a representative sample of repetitive      / A detailed review of the original calculation.
A review of the calculation against a similar                A review by an alternate, simplified, or calculation previously performed.                            approximate method of calculation.
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                .                                                                              SHEET 1    OF 15 CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usina ASME
MADE    J. R. Pfefferle DATE __ 12/11/96 Code Cese N-514 (applicable thouah appx. Jan. 2001)                    REV'D. G. P. Bareta NATE 1/2/97 Puroose; This calculation determines the maximum acceptable setpoint for the Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Systern applicable to both Point Beach units when implementing ASME Code Section XI, Code Case N-514. This calculation is bounding for the two units, in that it determines the maximum pressure allowed by Code Case N-514 for each unit at a
reactor vessel inside surf ace fluence of 2.05 x 10" n/cm2 and utilizes the limiting pressure          ;
of the two units to determine the LTOP setpoint.
: 1. BAW-21,66, "B&W Owners Group Response to Generic Letter 92-01," June 1992.
: 2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections 111 & XI,1986 Edition.                          l
: 3. Westinghouse WEP-96-562, " Pressure Bias for Low-Temperature, Overpressure Protection System," December 11,1996
: 4. Instruction Manual 132-Inch I.D. Reactor Pressure Vessel, Babcock & Wilcox,                    j September 1969.                                                                                I
: 5. Calculation N-94-05, Rev. 2, " Reactor Coolant System Heatup and Cooldown Curve Calculations Effective Through January 2001," January 23,1996.
: 6. WCAP-12795, Rev. 3, " Reactor Cavity Neutron Measurement Program for Wisconsin                  l Electric Power Company Point Beach Unit 2," August 1995.                                        l
: 7. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, " Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel              l Materials," May 1988.
: 8. NRC Branch Technical Position - MTEB 5 2, Rev.1, " Fracture Toughness Requirements," July 1981.
: 9. Westinghouse Report, " Pressure Mitigating Systems Transient Analysis Results," July 1977.
: 10. Westinghouse Report, " Supplement to the July 1977 Report, Pressure Mitigating Systems Transient Analysis Results," September,1977.
: 11. ASME Code Case N-514, " Low Temperature Overpressure Protection," 1993,
: 12. Vectra letter to Wisconsin Electric, " Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)
Preliminary Instrument Loop Uncertainty," March 5,1996.
: 13. Vectra letter to Wisconsin Electric, " Wide Range RCS Hot and Cold Leg Temperature Instrument Uncertainty Calculation," May 29,1996.
: 14. WCAP-8743, "Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves For Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit No.1," January,1977.                                                                          ;
: 15. WCAP-8738, "Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves For Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit No. 2," January,1977.
16.10 CFR 50, Appendix G, " Fracture Toughness Requirements," January 1,1996 edition.
: 17. Framatome Technologies Fax, " Inputs for Enable Temperature for the Point Beach                ;
Units," November 11,1996.
: 18. WCAP-8631, " Analysis of Capsule T from the Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Unit No. 3 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program," December,1975.
  - -. . - - -.                      -      -        -      .    ._.- ~.- - - - - -              . - . _ - - - . _ ____ . - _ _ . -
CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. . 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME                                MADE      J. R. Pfefferie DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 f aoplicable thouah anox. Jan. 2001)                              REV'D B G. P. Bareta aAATE 1/2/97 Methods and Anumations:
The methodology of this calculation follows the steps listed below:
: 1. Determine the projected fluence at the limiting material at the reactor vessel inner radius on January 1,2001.
: 11. Determine the corresponding fluence at the 1/4T reactor vessellocation.
111. Determine the chemistry factor, initial properties, and margin term for the limiting P8NP reactor veesel materials.
IV. Determine the projected adjusted reference temperature at the 1/4T location for the limiting reactor vessel material on January 1, 2001.
V. Determine the reference stress intensity factor corresponding to the metal temperature of interest and adjusted reference temperature of the limiting materials.
VI. Determine the permissible stress intensity caused by membrane stress for an isothermal event at the temperature of interest.
Vll. Determine the allowable pressure corresponding to the permissible membrane tension.
Vill. Correct for pressure instrument uncertainty and location bias in relation to the reactor vessel beltline.
IX. Correct for pressure overshoot due to PORV accumulation during the design basis mass                            I input or heat input transient for the conditions of interest to determine the acceptable LTOP pressure setpoint.
X. Determine LTOP enable temperature.
Other methods and assumptions are listed below:
: 1. One setpoint applicable to Point Beach Units 1 and 2 will be determined based on the limiting Appendix G allowable pressure for the two units. The limiting material for Unit 1 is the intermediate-to-lower shell circumferential weld, SA-1101 (Ref.1). The limiting                    /
material for Unit 2 is the intermediate-to-lower shell circumferential weld, SA-1484 (Ref.1).
: 2. The reactor vesselis assumed to be in an isothermal condition for evaluation of LTOP                            ,
setpoints.                                                                                                    !
Pressure Instrument Location Bias:
Unit 1
                                    - 41.3 psig w/one RCP in operation (Ref. 3)                                          /
                                    - 70.3 psig w/two RCPs in operation Unit 2
                                    - 44.6 psig w/one RCP in operation (Ref. 3)                                        /
                                    - 74.4 psig w/two RCPs in operation The instrument location bias values associated with the elevation difference of the wide range pressure transmitter and the mid-plane of the reactor vessel are plant specific values and include the affects of two RHR pumps operating.
        .                                                                                                      k 1 **
CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE D[ termination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME                  MADE    J. R. Pfefferle DATE - 12/11/96 Code Case N 514 f applicable thouah anox. Jan. 2001)                  R EV'D. Q. P. BaretamDATE 1I219 7 Instrument Uncertainty:        Pressure        13 psi      (Ref.12)
Temperature      17.8 F      (Ref.13)                          !
Yield Strength of SA 1101 Steel: 73 ksi(Ref.18)
Yield strength of SA-1484 Steel: Not available. The yield strength of SA 1101 will be used as representative.
Reactor Vessel Thickness: 6.5 inches (Ref. 4)
One-Quarter Thickness:        1.625 inches Reactor Vessel 1.D.:          132.312 inches                                                /
Accumulated Reactor Vessel Fluence:
2 IS = 2.05 x 10'' n/cm through    23.6 EFPY (Ref. 5)
T/4 = 0.647
* 2.05 = 1.33 x 10'' n/cm2 (Ref. 6, Table 4.1-7)
                                                                                                        /      i.
Plant specific fluence attenuation is used in lieu of Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, because a more accurate estimate is obtained from the P8NP plant specific program which uses both in-vessel and ex-vessel measurement data (see Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1053).
Limiting Material Properties:
Unit 1 Pertinent material properties for SA-1101 weld material are (Ref. ):
Cu = .26 wt. %
Ni = .60 wt. %
CF = 180*F                                                                            /      ;
Initial RTuor = 0 F (measured)                                                                l Margin = 2 (ci2 , y ,2 1/2 3  = 2 (02 + 28 32 1/2 = 56 F                                        I Flange Forging Properties (Ref.14):
Head Flange RTuor = 50 F Vessel Flange RT N or = 48 F                                                [
Unit 2 Pertinent material prcperties for SA 1484 weld material are (Ref.1):
1 Cu = .24 wt. %                                                                                i Ni = .60 wt. %
CF = 173*F
[        l
                                  -5 F (best estimate for Linde 80)
Initial MarginRTuor
                          = 2 (ci = 2 , 3y,21/2
                                              = 2 (172 + 28 3 2 itz
                                                                  = 66*F Flange Forging Properties (Ref.15):                                                  j      i Head Flange RT  N or = 48 F                                                /
Vessel Flange RTuor = 60*F
1' SHEET 4      OF 15 CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE ydermination of PONP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME                      MADE Code Crso N-514 (applicable t!Louch appx. Jan. 2001)                    REV'D.pY1J. R.Baretani)
BY G. P. PfefferleATE DATE - 12/11/96
                                                                                \ 1 1/2/97
                                                                                  \J Cakulations
: 1.      Calculation of Adjusted Reference Temperature:
UNIT 1 ART = Initial RTuor + ARTN or + Margin              (Ref. 7, Section C.1.1):
ARTnor = (CF)(Fluence Factor)
Fluence Factor = fn28 - a ciogo Where f = fluence at one-quarter thickness (10'8 n/cm 2)
ART    = 0 F + (180 * (1.33n28 - aciogn.3 ")) + 56 F
                            = 260.1 F UNIT 2
ART = Initial RTuor + ARTuor + Margin              (Ref. 7, Section C.1.1):
ARTuor = (CF)(Fluence Factor)
ART    = -5 F + (173 * (1.33n2s - aciogn.aa")) + 66 F
                            = 247.6 *F
: 11.      Determination of Setpoint for Mass input Transient A. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress Intensity Factor (K in):
K n = 26.78 + 1.223 exp [0.0145 (Tmin - ARTuor + 160)]            (Ref. 2, Art. G-2110)
i By inspection of calculation inputs, the limiting material in the closure flange region that is highly stressed by bolt preload has a reference temperature of 60 F. In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, App. G (Ref.16), the material temperature in this region must be greater than this reference temperature in order to pressurize the reactor vessel to 5 20% of its preservice hydrostatic test pressure (=625 psia) with the reactor core not
critical. Therefore, this is the minimum temperature at which the RCS can be pressurized.
Substituting, the minimum allowable temperature (Trnin) = 60 F 1
U NIT 1:      Kn= 27.46 ksi-in /2 i
UNIL2.;        Kn= 27.60 ksi-in /2 i
1 To account for temperature instrument uncertainty during plant operation a correction is made to determine the minimum allowable indicated temperature.
Minimum allowable indicated temperature (Tm,n,no) = 60 F + 17.8 F = 77.8 F
          .                                                                                                        1
            .I ''                                                                                SHEET 5    OF. 15 CALCULATIOf 4 SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 FITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setoolnt Usina ASME                      MADEB J. R. Pfefferle DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 f acolicable thouah acox. Jan. 2001)                      REV'D. Y G. P. Bare    DATE  1/2/97 B. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):
ASME Code Case N-514 permits the LTOP setpoint to be established such that the maximum pressure in the reactor vesselis limited to 110% of the pressure determined to satisfy ASME Section XI, Appendix G, Article G-2215.
UNIT 1 Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Kim ):
2Kim + Kn < Km; where Kn = 0 for isothermal conditions (Ref. 2, Article G-2215) u2
Kim = Km/2 = 27.46/2 = 13.73 ksi-in Maximum Allowable Pressure:
Kim = M
* membrane stress                    (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1)
;                        membrane stress = P*R/t = P*D/(2*t)          (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)
!                        where:P = ASME App. G pressure limit, psig P m ,x = 1.1
* P                    (Ref.11) j                                D = inside diameter, inch t = vessel thickness, inch D = 132.312 inch, t = 6.5 inch              (Ref. 4, Section 1.1.3) i l                        Initially assume:
Mm = 2.4        (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/cy = .1)
P = Ke * (2*ti = 13.73 ksi-ins . 2
* 6.5 inch = 562.2 psig Mm*D            2.4
* 132.312 inch Pm,x = 1.1
* 562.2 psig = 618.4 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:
Membrane stress = (P'D) / (2*t) = (.618 ksi
* 132 inch) / 2
* 6.5 inch
                                                      = 6.28 ksi c/cy= 6.28/73 = 0.09
From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4 verifies assumption.
4 Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:
Pm.m.,no = Pm,x - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty
                                  = 618.4 psig - 70.3 psig - 13 psig = 535.1 psig
_                  _-            .  .  . . _ . _ -      _ _ . - _. _ _ . _  -                    _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . _ .        m__..
SHEET 6    OF 15
        *a>>                                            CALCULATION SHEET
                                                                                                  ,                          CALC.NO. 96-0273 FITLE De' termination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME                                    MADEB J. . Pfefferle DATE -- 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 (acolicable thouah apox. Jan. 2001)                                    REV'D. Y G. P. Bareta uDATE - 1/2/97 i
nro 11NII_2 Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Kim):
2Km i  < Kn i
u2 Kim = Ki n/2 = 27.60/2 = 13.8 ksi-in Maximum Allowable Pressure:
Kmi  = Mm
* membrane stress                                (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = P*R/t = P*D/(2*t)                          (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2) where:P = ASME App. G pressure limit, psig
                                                                                                                                      /            ,
l Pm., = 1.1
* P (Ref.11)
D = inside diameter, inch t = vessel thickness, inch
l D = 132.312 inch, t = 6.5 inch                              (Ref. 4, Section 1.1.3)                                            )
Initially assume:
Mm = 2.4          (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/o                y = .1)
P = Ke * (2 *t) = 13.80 ksi-iam
* 2
* 6.5 inch = 564.9 psig Mm*D                    2.4
* 132.312 inch Pm., = 1.1
* 564.9 psig = 621.4 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:
Membrane stress - (P*D) / (2*t) = (.621 ksi
* 132 inch) / 2
* 6.5 inch
                                                      = 6.28 ksi c/c y =  6.28/73 = 0.09 From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4 verifies assumption.
Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:
Pm...ine = Pm., - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty
                              = 621.4 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 534.0 psig Limiting Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure By inspection, the Unit 2 Appendix G allowable indicated pressure is most limiting, and the LTOP setpoint for the two units will be determined based on this value of 534.0 psig.
l' CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setnoint Usina ASME                                    MADEB,J. . Pfefferte DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 (anolicable thouah acox. Jan. 2001)                                    REV'D. BY  G. P. BaretaaDATE        1/2/97 s i                m C. Determine Acceptable LTOP Setpoint:
By trial and error, an LTOP setpoint of 440 psig was determined to be the maximum acceptable setpoint for operation with a minimum reactor pressure vessel metal                                      .[
temperature of 60 F. Details of the determination of the acceptability of this setpoint are provided below for the mass input transient.
The mass input transient setpoint determination follows the methods described in Section 4 of Reference 9. The design basis mass input transient is one high pressure safety injection pump discharging to the reactor coolant system while the system is solid with pressure                                ./
relieved by one power operated relief valve. The criteria for demonstrating that the 440 psig setpoint is acceptable is to determine the setpoint overshoot (AP) and add it to the setpoint. If this sum is less than the maximum allowable indicated pressure of 534 psig, the setpoint is considered to be acceptable.
The equation to use in the determination of setpoint overshoot for the mass input transient is as follows:
AP (V, S, Z, X) = APsep (X)
* Fy
* Fs
* Fz
* Exp. Ratio
                                                                                                                              /      l where: AP (V, S, Z, X)              = setpoint overshoot, psig V                          = total RCS & RHR volume, ft' S                          = relief valve setpoint, psig Z                          = relief valve opening time, sec.
X                          = mass input rate, Ib/sec APacp(x)                  = reference overshoot at mass input rate X, psi Fy                        = RCS volume factor Fs                        = relief valve setpoint f actor Fz                        = relief valve opening time factor Exp. Ratio                = ratio of maximum overshoot with metal expansion considered versus without its consideration The method described in Reference 9 was developed from a reference set of parameters which are as follows:                                                                                                    1 1
X = mass input rate from the reference safety injection pump                                              /
V = 6000 cubic foot primary system volume S = relief valve setpoint at 600 psig Z = reference 3 second opening valve From the reference parameters and results of the various transient analyses, the f actors Fy, Fs, and Fz were developed as described in Section 4.3 of Reference 9. The report states                            /    !
that the development of these factors is conservative and plant specific analyses would result in peak values less than the peak values calculated using the algorithm outlined in the report.
* SHEET _ 8      OF 15 CALCULATION SHEET                                                          ,
CALC. NO. _96-0273      l TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usina ASME                                                      DATE 12/11/96 MADE BY[J. R. Pfefferte Sode Case N-514 (applicable though anox. Jan. 2001)                          REV'D. BY  G. P. Bareta t.DATE      1/2/97 i>                ml u
The Point Beach plant specific parameters are the same for both units and have the following values:                                                                                                    I X=    mass input rate for Point Beach is identical to the reference Si pump used in the analyses (curve C of Figure 2.3.2). Therefore, the results of the analyses can be used directly for the Point Beach SI pump characteristic.                                    ;
V=      7200 cubic feet for total RCS and RHR volume S=      440 psig for relief valve setpoint                                                                  ,
Z=      2 seconds for relief valve open time                                                                l 1
The f actors APagp(x) and Fs can be considered to determine the overshoot at a specific setpoint for the characteristics of a given mass input transient. Because the Point Beach pump characteristic was the one used in the analyses, the results of the analyses car. *oe used directly. Therefore, the appropriate values for setpoint overshoot are:
j Setpoint (psig)      Overshoot (psi)  Reference 600                  155              Line 1, page A 2 of Ref. 9 f
400                  192              Line 1, page A-3 of Ref. 9                                  l Linear interpolation for a 440 psig setpoint results in-I Overshoot = APeep(x)
* Fs = 184.6 psig.
From Figure 4.2.3 the Fz for a 2 second valve is:
Fz = 0.733 at 2 seconds.
l From Figure 4.2.2 the Fv for a 7200 cubic foot RCS volume is:
3 Fv = 0.92 at 7200 ft The effect of metal expansion is evaluated using the method of Section 5.2 of Ref. 9. The effect on overshoot is related to the ratio of the value in peak pressure when metal expansion is assumed in the analysis to the value without metal expansion. Using the maximum values from Figure 5.2, the ratio is:
Exp. Ratio = Maximum overshoot with metal exoansion = , = 0.74                          /
Maximum overshoot without metal expansion            155 The resulting overshoot is:
AP = 184.6
* 0.733
* 0.92
* 0.74 = 92.1 psi Adding this to the setpoint results in:
Pmx = 440 + 92.1 = 532.1 psig l
SHEET 9    OF 15  '
        't '-    '
CALCULATION SHEET                                                  !
CALC. NO. _96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME                          MADE B)' s R. Pfefferie DATE_12/11/96    i Code Case N-514 (applicable thouah appx Jan. 2001)
REV'D. B G. P. BaretagDATE 1/2/97        l l
This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 534 psig for the mass input transient and is acceptable. Therefore, the proposed setpoint of 440 psig is acceptable for operation at reactor vessel metal temperatures greater than 60 F (RCS
indicated water temperature of 78 F).                                                                      I IV.        Determination of Overshoot for Heat input Transient The design basis heat input transient assumes the starting of the first reactor coolant pump during water solid conditions with a temperature difference between the reactor coolant system and the steam generator of 50*F. Pressure is relieved by a single power operated relief valve. The information provided in the Supplement to the July 1977 Report (Ref.10,
            "the supplement") is used to determine the setpoint overshoot for the heat input transient.
The following parameters are applicable to Point Beach:
Steam generator heat transfer area = 44,000 2ft - Unit l '
                                                              = 47,500 ft - Unit 2
* RCS volume                            =    6,259 ft' RCS/SG AT Initial RCS pressure
                                                              =      50 F                                      [
                                                              =      300 psig Relief valve setpoint                  =      440 psig Relief valve opening time              =        2 seconds
* Although the Unit 2 replacement steam generators have a larger heat transfer area than the Unit 1 steam generators, because of material differences, the heat transfer            y capabilities of each steam generator design is equivalent. As a conservatism in this          /
analysis, it is assumed that the heat transfer capability for each unit is proportional to the heat transfer area of the larger Point Beach Unit 2 steam generators.
A bounding assessment based on the overshoot with a 6000 ft RCS, 500 psig setpoint, and 3 second relief valve opening time for the Point Beach LTOP setpoint will be made, after making a correction for steam generator heat transfer area. This assessment is
bounding because:
: 1. A smaller system volume results in a larger overshoot pressure;
: 2. A higher relief valve setting results in a larger overshoot pressure; and
: 3. A longer relief valve opening time results in a larger pressure accumulation.            [
Therefore, the actual pressure overshoot will be smaller than that estimated in this bounding assessment.
As a conservatism, the evaluation of the heat input transient includes a correction for the limiting Unit 2 steady state pressure bias due to two RCPs operating. This is done by reducing the maximum allowable pressure at the pressure instrument for the pressure bias              y due to two RCPs operating. This pressure bias correction is conservative because the              /
maximum location pressure bias is not achieved until two reactor coolant pumps reach steady state flow conditions, whereas the limiting energy input transient occurs following the start of the first RCP. The adjusted reference temperature for the Unit 1 limiting materialis used to conservatively bound the level of embrittlement for each unit.
_ _ _ _ _ _                  ____ __ .-                        _  ~-  . _ - - - - - - - - - -                        -
SHEET. 10      OF 15 5
                't *-  '
; TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usino ASME                                              MADE BY J. . Pfefferle DATE _12/11/96
: Code Cale N-514 f acolicable thouah so.px. Jan. 2001)                                              REV'D. BY G. P. Bareth r,pATE    1/2/97
                                                                                                              \ i          /#)
!                                                                                                              \)
;                  Calculations of the bounding cases of pressure overshoot for initial RCS temperatures of f
100 F,140 F,180'F, and 250 F with bias correction for two reactor coolant pumps                                      y operating are provided below. These four temperatures represent all the temperatures analyzed in the supplement (Ref.10).
;                  A. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 100 F
: 1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress Intensity Factor (Km):
2 Minimum temperature (Tm;n) = 100 F - 17.8*F = 82.2 F                                                        /
u2 l                          Km = 26.78 + 1.223exp [0.0145 (Tm,n - ART                            N or + 160)] = 27.72 ksi-in 1
: 2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):
i Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Km):            i i
2 2Kim < Km Ki m = Km/2 = 27.72/2 = 13.86 ksi-in u2                                                    /
Maximum Allowable Pressure:
Ki m = Mm
* membrane stress                  (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = [P*D/(2 *t)]                              (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)                                  '
initially assume:
M = 2.4                (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/cy              = .1)
P = Ke * (2 *t) = 13.86 ksi-inm . 2
* 6.5 inch = 567.5 psig M m *D          2.4
* 132.312 inch Pm., = 1.1
* 567.5 psig = 624.2 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:
Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2*t) = (.624 ksi
* 132 inch) / 2
* 6.5 inch
                                                                = 6.34 ksi c/c y =  6.34/73 = 0.09
From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4                verifies assumption.
Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:
Pm...,no = Pm , - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty
                                            = 624.2 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 536.8 psig
3 SHEET 11      OF 15 l
        't *.
l flTLE _Qctermination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usino ASME                        MADEB      . R. Pfefferte DATE 12/11/96    l Code Case N-514 (applicable thouah apox. Jan. 2001)
REV'D. B{ G. P. BarehgDATE 1/2/97 v
: 3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure l
From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 100 F is read as 0.083. This reference value is normalized to Point 8each by applying the ratio of steam generator heat transfer areas:
Normalized UA @ 6000 ft' = 0.083
* 47,500/58,000 = 0.066 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.068 we find:                                                                  l 7
PMAX - PsETPOINT = APeg = 24 psi.
I The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:
P MAX  = PsETPotNT + APeg = 440 psig + 24 psi = 464 psig.
l This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 536.8 psig at an                        ;
indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 100 F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is                        /
acceptable for the heat input transient at 100 F.
B. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 140 F
: 1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress intensity Factor (Km):
Minimum temperature (Tm,n) = 140 F - 17.8 F = 122.2 F
Km = 26.78 + 1.223exp [0.0145 (Tm,n - ARTsar + 160)] = 28.46 ksi-inii2
: 2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):
Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (K m):    i 2Kim < Km                                                                                      y ir2 Km i  = Km/2 = 28.46/2 = 14.23 ksi-in                                                      f Maximum Allowable Pressure:
K im  =M  m
* membrane stress      (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = [P*D/(2*t)]                  (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)
Initially assume:
M m= 2.4        (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/o y  =  .1)
P = Ke * (2'11 = 14.23 ksi-ind
* 2
* 6.5 inch = 582.6 psig                                    '
M m *D          2.4
* 132.312 inch P mo  =  1.1
* 582.6 psig = 640.9 psig
SHEET 12      OF 15
                'h CALCULATION SHEET CALC.NO. 96-0273 IITLE D? termination of PONP LTOP Setooint Usino ASME                                                  MADEB          . Pfefferte DATE - 12/11/96 I
Code Case N 514 (apolicable thouah appx, Jan. 2001)
REV'D. qY G.                .q1 ATE I P. Bareta . .IJY 1/2/97 j                                  Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:
l                                              Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2 *t) = (.641 ksi
* 132 inch) / 2
* 6.5 inch
                                                                  = 6.51 ksi c/o y  = 6.51/73 = 0.09
From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm        =  2.4  verifies assumption.
4                    Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:
;                                    P m ...ig  = Pm,x - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty                                                /
!                                              = 640.9 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 553.5 psig i
: 3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure
{                    From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 140*F
:                    is read as 0.097. This reference value is normalized to Point Beach by applying the ratio of j                    steam generator heat transfer areas:                                                                                                  I Normalized UA @ 6000 ft' = 0.097
* 47,500/58,000 = 0.079 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.063 we find:
PMAx - PsETPolNT = APeg = 48 psi.
The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:
PMAx = PsETPotNT + APeg = 440 psig + 48 psi = 488 psig.                                                  /
This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 553.5 psig at an indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 140*F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is acceptable for the heat input transient at 140 F.
C. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 180 F
: 1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress Intensity Factor (K n):                    i Minimum temperature (Tm,n) = 180*F - 17.8 F = 162.2 F Ki g = 26.78 + 1.223exp [0.0145 (Tm,n - ARTN oT + 160)] = 29.79 ksi-in n2
: 2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2216):
Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Km):                  i 2Kim < K n    i u2
Ki m = Ki n/2 = 29.79/2 = 14.89 ksi-in
e -
SHEET 13    OF 15
        % **                                                CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usina ASME                                    MADEB      R. Pfefferie DATE _12/11/96      ,
Cods Cese N-514 (applicable thouah appx. Jan. 2001)                                  REV'D. B\ G. P. BaretaJATE      1/2/97 r          swo
                                                                                                  'J Maximum Allowable Pressure:
Km =M m
* membrane stress i                                      (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1)
membrane stress = [P*D/(2*t)]                    (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)                                      l 1
Initially assume:
M m= 2.4        (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/c            y = .1)
P = Ke
* f 2
* ti = 14.89 ksi-inM
* 2
* 6.5 inch = 609.7 psig Mm*D                  2.4
* 132.312 inch P m., = 1.1 #  t          psig = 670.7 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:
Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2*t) = (.671 ksi
* 132 inch) / 2
* 6.5 inch
                                                          = 6.81 ksi
c/oy = 6.81/73 = 0.09 From Fig. G-2214-1: Mn. = 2.4          verifies assumption Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:                                                                                      )
Pm. .;no = Pm., - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty                                                      i
                                  = 670.7 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 583.3 psig
: 3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 180 F is read as 0.114. This reference value is normalized to Point Beach by applying the ratio of steam generator heat transfer areas:
Normalized UA @ 6000 3ft = 0.114
* 47,500/58,000 = 0.093 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.093 we find:
PMAX - PsETeoinT = APsg = 78 psi.
The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:
PuAx = PsETPolNT + APsg = 440 psig + 78 psi = 518 psig.
8    -                                                                                                  l
      .% '* '                                                                                SHEET - 14    OF 15 :
TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME                    MADE B; . R. Pfefferte DATE __12/11/96 Code Case N-514 (applicable thouah apox, Jan. 2001)                                                      1/2/97 REV'D SY  \ I G. P. Baretas.{
                                                                                                /E    ATE .
This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 583.3 psig at an indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 180 F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is                        l acceptable for the heat input transient at 180 F.
l D. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 250 F
: 1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress intensity Factor (K n):
i Minimum temperature (Tmin) = 250 F - 17.8*F = 232.2 F
u2 Ki n = 26.78 + 1.223exp (0.0145 (Tm,n - ARTnor + 160)] = 35.08 ksi-in
: 2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):
Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Kim ):
2Km i  <Kn  i I
u2 Kim = Ki a/2 = 35.08/2 = 17.54 ksi-in Maximum Allowable Pressure:
Km=M i      *m membrane stress        (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = (P*D/(2*t)]        (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)
Initially assume:
Mm = 2.4        (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming o/cy  =  .1)
P = Ke * (2
* t) = 17.54 ksi-inm
* 2
* 6.5 inch = 718.0 psig M m *D          2.4
* 132.312 inch Pm,x = 1.1
* 718.0 psig = 789.9 psig                                                            ,
l Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:
Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2*t) = (.790 ksi
* 132 inch) / 2
* 6.5 inch
                                              = 8.02 ksi e/cy= 8.02/73 = 0.11                                                        /
From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4      verifies assumption.
Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:
Pm. .ino = Pm.,  Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty
                            = 789.9 p3ig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 702.5 psig
r e    -
SHEET 15    OF 15 CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 36-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setnoint Usina ASME                      MADE BY Js . Pfefferle DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 f aoplicable thouah apox. Jan. 2001)
REV'D. BY G. P. BaretagATE 1/2/97 V
: 3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 250*F is read as 0.138. This reference value is normalized to Point Beach by applying the ratio of    7 steam generator heat transfer areas:
Normalized UA @ 6000 3ft = 0.138
* 47,500/58,000 = 0.113 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.113 we find:                                                          j PMAx - PsgrpoiNr = APeg = 127 psi.
The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:
PMAX = PsETPolNT + APeg = 440 psig + 127 psi = 567 psig.                            /
This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 702.5 psig at an indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 250 F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is acceptable for the heat input transient at 250 F.
V.      Determination of LTOP Enable Temperature The LTOP enable temperature will be determined based on the limiting RTN or for the two units (i.e., RTN or = 260,1 for Unit 1). In accordance with Code Case N-514, the LTOP enable temperature may be determined as the RCS water temperature corresponding to a metal temperature of at least RTN or + 50 F + Instrument Uncertainty at the beltline location (1/4t). The 1/4t metal temperature tags the fluid temperature by 23.5 F at a 100 F/hr heatup rate (Ref.17).
Hence:          T,ne = 260.1 F + 50 F + 17.8 F + 23.E F'                                            I
                                      = 351.4"F
== Conclusions:==
l This calculation demonstrates that an LTOP setpoint of 440 psig provides acceptable protection of the reactor vessel from overpressure events at low temperatures through the expiration of the Technical Specification pressure-temperature limit curves in January 2001. An enable temperature of greater than or equal to 351.4 F will be established in the Point Beach Technical Specifications.}}

Latest revision as of 00:46, 23 July 2020

Determination of Pbnp LTOP Setpoint Using ASME Code Case N-514 (Applicable Through Appx Jan 2001)
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/03/1997
From: Bareta G, Pfefferle J
Shared Package
ML20133L094 List:
96-0273, 96-273, NUDOCS 9701210491
Download: ML20133L119 (16)



, s 1



9b - O 7,,,73 Number of Pages g{

Title of Calculation:b4g,. ,, y 4,% o(! ~~P 8/u P J J o p h is t- U< l ,

hb'M (.ada de u. l\]- S M fc q % % S rauz k 6Gi. & 2&) l

[ Original Calculation g QA-Scope O Revised Calculation. Revision #

0 Superseding Calculation. Supersedes Calculation #

Modification #


np NM-Other


-$c.- 66{ l ch CalcJa L .

T c k ,,u l S p , k_ d % s / C 3./ T Prepare By: Date:

pe- c eId _



This Calculation hasf{een reviewed in accordance with NP 7.2.4. The review was accomplished by one or a combination of the following (as checked): l l

A review of a representative sample of repetitive / A detailed review of the original calculation.


A review of the calculation against a similar A review by an alternate, simplified, or calculation previously performed. approximate method of calculation.


Yd.'Id s.~sArvv uahM t'*^ o CNr- l<bk . E ' " ' 'E- M ' N'*0*l*M " b A,,5f,n{f_ ypytorh. c~ A carn.6.

Reviewed By: Date: Ap vdB D te:

A# &d r v

>No -

L < s r7 I 7 PBF. loos 9701210491 970113 RduemW NP 7.2A Revision 1 02.".'7/95 PDR ADOCK 05000266 P PDR

. SHEET 1 OF 15 CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usina ASME


MADE J. R. Pfefferle DATE __ 12/11/96 Code Cese N-514 (applicable thouah appx. Jan. 2001) REV'D. G. P. Bareta NATE 1/2/97 Puroose; This calculation determines the maximum acceptable setpoint for the Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Systern applicable to both Point Beach units when implementing ASME Code Section XI, Code Case N-514. This calculation is bounding for the two units, in that it determines the maximum pressure allowed by Code Case N-514 for each unit at a


reactor vessel inside surf ace fluence of 2.05 x 10" n/cm2 and utilizes the limiting pressure  ;

of the two units to determine the LTOP setpoint.


1. BAW-21,66, "B&W Owners Group Response to Generic Letter 92-01," June 1992.


2. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections 111 & XI,1986 Edition. l
3. Westinghouse WEP-96-562, " Pressure Bias for Low-Temperature, Overpressure Protection System," December 11,1996
4. Instruction Manual 132-Inch I.D. Reactor Pressure Vessel, Babcock & Wilcox, j September 1969. I
5. Calculation N-94-05, Rev. 2, " Reactor Coolant System Heatup and Cooldown Curve Calculations Effective Through January 2001," January 23,1996.
6. WCAP-12795, Rev. 3, " Reactor Cavity Neutron Measurement Program for Wisconsin l Electric Power Company Point Beach Unit 2," August 1995. l
7. NRC Regulatory Guide 1.99, Revision 2, " Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel l Materials," May 1988.
8. NRC Branch Technical Position - MTEB 5 2, Rev.1, " Fracture Toughness Requirements," July 1981.
9. Westinghouse Report, " Pressure Mitigating Systems Transient Analysis Results," July 1977.
10. Westinghouse Report, " Supplement to the July 1977 Report, Pressure Mitigating Systems Transient Analysis Results," September,1977.
11. ASME Code Case N-514, " Low Temperature Overpressure Protection," 1993,
12. Vectra letter to Wisconsin Electric, " Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP)

Preliminary Instrument Loop Uncertainty," March 5,1996.

13. Vectra letter to Wisconsin Electric, " Wide Range RCS Hot and Cold Leg Temperature Instrument Uncertainty Calculation," May 29,1996.
14. WCAP-8743, "Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves For Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit No.1," January,1977.  ;
15. WCAP-8738, "Heatup and Cooldown Limit Curves For Point Beach Nuclear Plant Unit No. 2," January,1977.

16.10 CFR 50, Appendix G, " Fracture Toughness Requirements," January 1,1996 edition.

17. Framatome Technologies Fax, " Inputs for Enable Temperature for the Point Beach  ;

Units," November 11,1996.

18. WCAP-8631, " Analysis of Capsule T from the Florida Power & Light Company Turkey Point Unit No. 3 Reactor Vessel Radiation Surveillance Program," December,1975.

- -. . - - -. - - - . ._.- ~.- - - - - - . - . _ - - - . _ ____ . - _ _ . -


CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. . 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME MADE J. R. Pfefferie DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 f aoplicable thouah anox. Jan. 2001) REV'D B G. P. Bareta aAATE 1/2/97 Methods and Anumations:

The methodology of this calculation follows the steps listed below:

1. Determine the projected fluence at the limiting material at the reactor vessel inner radius on January 1,2001.
11. Determine the corresponding fluence at the 1/4T reactor vessellocation.

111. Determine the chemistry factor, initial properties, and margin term for the limiting P8NP reactor veesel materials.

IV. Determine the projected adjusted reference temperature at the 1/4T location for the limiting reactor vessel material on January 1, 2001.

V. Determine the reference stress intensity factor corresponding to the metal temperature of interest and adjusted reference temperature of the limiting materials.


VI. Determine the permissible stress intensity caused by membrane stress for an isothermal event at the temperature of interest.

Vll. Determine the allowable pressure corresponding to the permissible membrane tension.

Vill. Correct for pressure instrument uncertainty and location bias in relation to the reactor vessel beltline.

IX. Correct for pressure overshoot due to PORV accumulation during the design basis mass I input or heat input transient for the conditions of interest to determine the acceptable LTOP pressure setpoint.

X. Determine LTOP enable temperature.

Other methods and assumptions are listed below:

1. One setpoint applicable to Point Beach Units 1 and 2 will be determined based on the limiting Appendix G allowable pressure for the two units. The limiting material for Unit 1 is the intermediate-to-lower shell circumferential weld, SA-1101 (Ref.1). The limiting /

material for Unit 2 is the intermediate-to-lower shell circumferential weld, SA-1484 (Ref.1).

2. The reactor vesselis assumed to be in an isothermal condition for evaluation of LTOP ,

setpoints.  !


Pressure Instrument Location Bias:

Unit 1

- 41.3 psig w/one RCP in operation (Ref. 3) /

- 70.3 psig w/two RCPs in operation Unit 2

- 44.6 psig w/one RCP in operation (Ref. 3) /

- 74.4 psig w/two RCPs in operation The instrument location bias values associated with the elevation difference of the wide range pressure transmitter and the mid-plane of the reactor vessel are plant specific values and include the affects of two RHR pumps operating.

. k 1 **

CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE D[ termination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME MADE J. R. Pfefferle DATE - 12/11/96 Code Case N 514 f applicable thouah anox. Jan. 2001) R EV'D. Q. P. BaretamDATE 1I219 7 Instrument Uncertainty: Pressure 13 psi (Ref.12)

Temperature 17.8 F (Ref.13)  !

Yield Strength of SA 1101 Steel: 73 ksi(Ref.18)

Yield strength of SA-1484 Steel: Not available. The yield strength of SA 1101 will be used as representative.


Reactor Vessel Thickness: 6.5 inches (Ref. 4)

One-Quarter Thickness: 1.625 inches Reactor Vessel 1.D.: 132.312 inches /

Accumulated Reactor Vessel Fluence:

2 IS = 2.05 x 10 n/cm through 23.6 EFPY (Ref. 5)

T/4 = 0.647

  • 2.05 = 1.33 x 10 n/cm2 (Ref. 6, Table 4.1-7)

/ i.

Plant specific fluence attenuation is used in lieu of Reg. Guide 1.99, Rev. 2, because a more accurate estimate is obtained from the P8NP plant specific program which uses both in-vessel and ex-vessel measurement data (see Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1053).


Limiting Material Properties:

Unit 1 Pertinent material properties for SA-1101 weld material are (Ref. ):

Cu = .26 wt. %

Ni = .60 wt. %

CF = 180*F /  ;

Initial RTuor = 0 F (measured) l Margin = 2 (ci2 , y ,2 1/2 3 = 2 (02 + 28 32 1/2 = 56 F I Flange Forging Properties (Ref.14):

Head Flange RTuor = 50 F Vessel Flange RT N or = 48 F [

Unit 2 Pertinent material prcperties for SA 1484 weld material are (Ref.1):

1 Cu = .24 wt. % i Ni = .60 wt. %

CF = 173*F

[ l

-5 F (best estimate for Linde 80)

Initial MarginRTuor

= 2 (ci = 2 , 3y,21/2

= 2 (172 + 28 3 2 itz

= 66*F Flange Forging Properties (Ref.15): j i Head Flange RT N or = 48 F /

Vessel Flange RTuor = 60*F

1' SHEET 4 OF 15 CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE ydermination of PONP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME MADE Code Crso N-514 (applicable t!Louch appx. Jan. 2001) REV'D.pY1J. R.Baretani)

BY G. P. PfefferleATE DATE - 12/11/96

\ 1 1/2/97


\J Cakulations

1. Calculation of Adjusted Reference Temperature:

UNIT 1 ART = Initial RTuor + ARTN or + Margin (Ref. 7, Section C.1.1):

ARTnor = (CF)(Fluence Factor)


Fluence Factor = fn28 - a ciogo Where f = fluence at one-quarter thickness (10'8 n/cm 2)

ART = 0 F + (180 * (1.33n28 - aciogn.3 ")) + 56 F

= 260.1 F UNIT 2


ART = Initial RTuor + ARTuor + Margin (Ref. 7, Section C.1.1):

ARTuor = (CF)(Fluence Factor)

ART = -5 F + (173 * (1.33n2s - aciogn.aa")) + 66 F

= 247.6 *F

11. Determination of Setpoint for Mass input Transient A. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress Intensity Factor (K in):

K n = 26.78 + 1.223 exp [0.0145 (Tmin - ARTuor + 160)] (Ref. 2, Art. G-2110)


i By inspection of calculation inputs, the limiting material in the closure flange region that is highly stressed by bolt preload has a reference temperature of 60 F. In accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, App. G (Ref.16), the material temperature in this region must be greater than this reference temperature in order to pressurize the reactor vessel to 5 20% of its preservice hydrostatic test pressure (=625 psia) with the reactor core not


critical. Therefore, this is the minimum temperature at which the RCS can be pressurized.

Substituting, the minimum allowable temperature (Trnin) = 60 F 1

U NIT 1: Kn= 27.46 ksi-in /2 i

UNIL2.; Kn= 27.60 ksi-in /2 i

1 To account for temperature instrument uncertainty during plant operation a correction is made to determine the minimum allowable indicated temperature.

Minimum allowable indicated temperature (Tm,n,no) = 60 F + 17.8 F = 77.8 F

. 1

.I SHEET 5 OF. 15 CALCULATIOf 4 SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 FITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setoolnt Usina ASME MADEB J. R. Pfefferle DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 f acolicable thouah acox. Jan. 2001) REV'D. Y G. P. Bare DATE 1/2/97 B. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):

ASME Code Case N-514 permits the LTOP setpoint to be established such that the maximum pressure in the reactor vesselis limited to 110% of the pressure determined to satisfy ASME Section XI, Appendix G, Article G-2215.

UNIT 1 Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Kim ):

2Kim + Kn < Km; where Kn = 0 for isothermal conditions (Ref. 2, Article G-2215) u2


Kim = Km/2 = 27.46/2 = 13.73 ksi-in Maximum Allowable Pressure:

Kim = M

  • membrane stress (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1)
membrane stress = P*R/t = P*D/(2*t) (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)

! where:P = ASME App. G pressure limit, psig P m ,x = 1.1

  • P (Ref.11) j D = inside diameter, inch t = vessel thickness, inch D = 132.312 inch, t = 6.5 inch (Ref. 4, Section 1.1.3) i l Initially assume:



Mm = 2.4 (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/cy = .1)

P = Ke * (2*ti = 13.73 ksi-ins . 2

  • 6.5 inch = 562.2 psig Mm*D 2.4
  • 132.312 inch Pm,x = 1.1
  • 562.2 psig = 618.4 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:

Membrane stress = (P'D) / (2*t) = (.618 ksi

  • 132 inch) / 2
  • 6.5 inch

= 6.28 ksi c/cy= 6.28/73 = 0.09


From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4 verifies assumption.

4 Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:

Pm.m.,no = Pm,x - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty

= 618.4 psig - 70.3 psig - 13 psig = 535.1 psig

_ _- . . . . _ . _ - _ _ . - _. _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . m__..



, CALC.NO. 96-0273 FITLE De' termination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME MADEB J. . Pfefferle DATE -- 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 (acolicable thouah apox. Jan. 2001) REV'D. Y G. P. Bareta uDATE - 1/2/97 i

nro 11NII_2 Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Kim):

2Km i < Kn i


u2 Kim = Ki n/2 = 27.60/2 = 13.8 ksi-in Maximum Allowable Pressure:

Kmi = Mm

  • membrane stress (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = P*R/t = P*D/(2*t) (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2) where:P = ASME App. G pressure limit, psig

/ ,

l Pm., = 1.1

  • P (Ref.11)

D = inside diameter, inch t = vessel thickness, inch


l D = 132.312 inch, t = 6.5 inch (Ref. 4, Section 1.1.3) )

Initially assume:

Mm = 2.4 (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/o y = .1)

P = Ke * (2 *t) = 13.80 ksi-iam

  • 2
  • 6.5 inch = 564.9 psig Mm*D 2.4
  • 132.312 inch Pm., = 1.1
  • 564.9 psig = 621.4 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:

Membrane stress - (P*D) / (2*t) = (.621 ksi

  • 132 inch) / 2
  • 6.5 inch

= 6.28 ksi c/c y = 6.28/73 = 0.09 From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4 verifies assumption.

Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:

Pm...ine = Pm., - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty

= 621.4 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 534.0 psig Limiting Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure By inspection, the Unit 2 Appendix G allowable indicated pressure is most limiting, and the LTOP setpoint for the two units will be determined based on this value of 534.0 psig.

l' CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setnoint Usina ASME MADEB,J. . Pfefferte DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 (anolicable thouah acox. Jan. 2001) REV'D. BY G. P. BaretaaDATE 1/2/97 s i m C. Determine Acceptable LTOP Setpoint:

By trial and error, an LTOP setpoint of 440 psig was determined to be the maximum acceptable setpoint for operation with a minimum reactor pressure vessel metal .[

temperature of 60 F. Details of the determination of the acceptability of this setpoint are provided below for the mass input transient.

The mass input transient setpoint determination follows the methods described in Section 4 of Reference 9. The design basis mass input transient is one high pressure safety injection pump discharging to the reactor coolant system while the system is solid with pressure ./

relieved by one power operated relief valve. The criteria for demonstrating that the 440 psig setpoint is acceptable is to determine the setpoint overshoot (AP) and add it to the setpoint. If this sum is less than the maximum allowable indicated pressure of 534 psig, the setpoint is considered to be acceptable.

The equation to use in the determination of setpoint overshoot for the mass input transient is as follows:

AP (V, S, Z, X) = APsep (X)

  • Fy
  • Fs
  • Fz
  • Exp. Ratio

/ l where: AP (V, S, Z, X) = setpoint overshoot, psig V = total RCS & RHR volume, ft' S = relief valve setpoint, psig Z = relief valve opening time, sec.

X = mass input rate, Ib/sec APacp(x) = reference overshoot at mass input rate X, psi Fy = RCS volume factor Fs = relief valve setpoint f actor Fz = relief valve opening time factor Exp. Ratio = ratio of maximum overshoot with metal expansion considered versus without its consideration The method described in Reference 9 was developed from a reference set of parameters which are as follows: 1 1

X = mass input rate from the reference safety injection pump /

V = 6000 cubic foot primary system volume S = relief valve setpoint at 600 psig Z = reference 3 second opening valve From the reference parameters and results of the various transient analyses, the f actors Fy, Fs, and Fz were developed as described in Section 4.3 of Reference 9. The report states /  !

that the development of these factors is conservative and plant specific analyses would result in peak values less than the peak values calculated using the algorithm outlined in the report.



CALC. NO. _96-0273 l TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usina ASME DATE 12/11/96 MADE BY[J. R. Pfefferte Sode Case N-514 (applicable though anox. Jan. 2001) REV'D. BY G. P. Bareta t.DATE 1/2/97 i> ml u

The Point Beach plant specific parameters are the same for both units and have the following values: I X= mass input rate for Point Beach is identical to the reference Si pump used in the analyses (curve C of Figure 2.3.2). Therefore, the results of the analyses can be used directly for the Point Beach SI pump characteristic.  ;

V= 7200 cubic feet for total RCS and RHR volume S= 440 psig for relief valve setpoint ,

Z= 2 seconds for relief valve open time l 1

The f actors APagp(x) and Fs can be considered to determine the overshoot at a specific setpoint for the characteristics of a given mass input transient. Because the Point Beach pump characteristic was the one used in the analyses, the results of the analyses car. *oe used directly. Therefore, the appropriate values for setpoint overshoot are:

j Setpoint (psig) Overshoot (psi) Reference 600 155 Line 1, page A 2 of Ref. 9 f


400 192 Line 1, page A-3 of Ref. 9 l Linear interpolation for a 440 psig setpoint results in-I Overshoot = APeep(x)

  • Fs = 184.6 psig.

From Figure 4.2.3 the Fz for a 2 second valve is:

Fz = 0.733 at 2 seconds.

l From Figure 4.2.2 the Fv for a 7200 cubic foot RCS volume is:

3 Fv = 0.92 at 7200 ft The effect of metal expansion is evaluated using the method of Section 5.2 of Ref. 9. The effect on overshoot is related to the ratio of the value in peak pressure when metal expansion is assumed in the analysis to the value without metal expansion. Using the maximum values from Figure 5.2, the ratio is:

Exp. Ratio = Maximum overshoot with metal exoansion = , = 0.74 /

Maximum overshoot without metal expansion 155 The resulting overshoot is:

AP = 184.6

  • 0.733
  • 0.92
  • 0.74 = 92.1 psi Adding this to the setpoint results in:

Pmx = 440 + 92.1 = 532.1 psig l

SHEET 9 OF 15 '

't '- '


CALC. NO. _96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME MADE B)' s R. Pfefferie DATE_12/11/96 i Code Case N-514 (applicable thouah appx Jan. 2001)

REV'D. B G. P. BaretagDATE 1/2/97 l l

This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 534 psig for the mass input transient and is acceptable. Therefore, the proposed setpoint of 440 psig is acceptable for operation at reactor vessel metal temperatures greater than 60 F (RCS


indicated water temperature of 78 F). I IV. Determination of Overshoot for Heat input Transient The design basis heat input transient assumes the starting of the first reactor coolant pump during water solid conditions with a temperature difference between the reactor coolant system and the steam generator of 50*F. Pressure is relieved by a single power operated relief valve. The information provided in the Supplement to the July 1977 Report (Ref.10,


"the supplement") is used to determine the setpoint overshoot for the heat input transient.

The following parameters are applicable to Point Beach:

Steam generator heat transfer area = 44,000 2ft - Unit l '


= 47,500 ft - Unit 2

  • RCS volume = 6,259 ft' RCS/SG AT Initial RCS pressure

= 50 F [

= 300 psig Relief valve setpoint = 440 psig Relief valve opening time = 2 seconds

  • Although the Unit 2 replacement steam generators have a larger heat transfer area than the Unit 1 steam generators, because of material differences, the heat transfer y capabilities of each steam generator design is equivalent. As a conservatism in this /

analysis, it is assumed that the heat transfer capability for each unit is proportional to the heat transfer area of the larger Point Beach Unit 2 steam generators.

A bounding assessment based on the overshoot with a 6000 ft RCS, 500 psig setpoint, and 3 second relief valve opening time for the Point Beach LTOP setpoint will be made, after making a correction for steam generator heat transfer area. This assessment is


bounding because:

1. A smaller system volume results in a larger overshoot pressure;
2. A higher relief valve setting results in a larger overshoot pressure; and
3. A longer relief valve opening time results in a larger pressure accumulation. [

Therefore, the actual pressure overshoot will be smaller than that estimated in this bounding assessment.

As a conservatism, the evaluation of the heat input transient includes a correction for the limiting Unit 2 steady state pressure bias due to two RCPs operating. This is done by reducing the maximum allowable pressure at the pressure instrument for the pressure bias y due to two RCPs operating. This pressure bias correction is conservative because the /

maximum location pressure bias is not achieved until two reactor coolant pumps reach steady state flow conditions, whereas the limiting energy input transient occurs following the start of the first RCP. The adjusted reference temperature for the Unit 1 limiting materialis used to conservatively bound the level of embrittlement for each unit.

_ _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ .- _ ~- . _ - - - - - - - - - - -

SHEET. 10 OF 15 5

't *- '


TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usino ASME MADE BY J. . Pfefferle DATE _12/11/96
Code Cale N-514 f acolicable thouah so.px. Jan. 2001) REV'D. BY G. P. Bareth r,pATE 1/2/97

\ i /#)

! \)

Calculations of the bounding cases of pressure overshoot for initial RCS temperatures of f

100 F,140 F,180'F, and 250 F with bias correction for two reactor coolant pumps y operating are provided below. These four temperatures represent all the temperatures analyzed in the supplement (Ref.10).

A. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 100 F
1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress Intensity Factor (Km):

2 Minimum temperature (Tm;n) = 100 F - 17.8*F = 82.2 F /

u2 l Km = 26.78 + 1.223exp [0.0145 (Tm,n - ART N or + 160)] = 27.72 ksi-in 1


2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):

i Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Km): i i

2 2Kim < Km Ki m = Km/2 = 27.72/2 = 13.86 ksi-in u2 /

Maximum Allowable Pressure:

Ki m = Mm

  • membrane stress (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = [P*D/(2 *t)] (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2) '

initially assume:

M = 2.4 (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/cy = .1)


P = Ke * (2 *t) = 13.86 ksi-inm . 2

  • 6.5 inch = 567.5 psig M m *D 2.4
  • 132.312 inch Pm., = 1.1
  • 567.5 psig = 624.2 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:

Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2*t) = (.624 ksi

  • 132 inch) / 2
  • 6.5 inch

= 6.34 ksi c/c y = 6.34/73 = 0.09


From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4 verifies assumption.

Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:

Pm...,no = Pm , - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty

= 624.2 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 536.8 psig

3 SHEET 11 OF 15 l

't *.


l flTLE _Qctermination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usino ASME MADEB . R. Pfefferte DATE 12/11/96 l Code Case N-514 (applicable thouah apox. Jan. 2001)

REV'D. B{ G. P. BarehgDATE 1/2/97 v


3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure l

From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 100 F is read as 0.083. This reference value is normalized to Point 8each by applying the ratio of steam generator heat transfer areas:

Normalized UA @ 6000 ft' = 0.083

  • 47,500/58,000 = 0.066 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.068 we find: l 7

PMAX - PsETPOINT = APeg = 24 psi.

I The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:


P MAX = PsETPotNT + APeg = 440 psig + 24 psi = 464 psig.

l This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 536.8 psig at an  ;

indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 100 F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is /

acceptable for the heat input transient at 100 F.

B. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 140 F

1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress intensity Factor (Km):

Minimum temperature (Tm,n) = 140 F - 17.8 F = 122.2 F


Km = 26.78 + 1.223exp [0.0145 (Tm,n - ARTsar + 160)] = 28.46 ksi-inii2

2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):

Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (K m): i 2Kim < Km y ir2 Km i = Km/2 = 28.46/2 = 14.23 ksi-in f Maximum Allowable Pressure:

K im =M m

  • membrane stress (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = [P*D/(2*t)] (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)


Initially assume:

M m= 2.4 (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/o y = .1)

P = Ke * (2'11 = 14.23 ksi-ind

  • 2
  • 6.5 inch = 582.6 psig '

M m *D 2.4

  • 132.312 inch P mo = 1.1
  • 582.6 psig = 640.9 psig


SHEET 12 OF 15

'h CALCULATION SHEET CALC.NO. 96-0273 IITLE D? termination of PONP LTOP Setooint Usino ASME MADEB . Pfefferte DATE - 12/11/96 I

Code Case N 514 (apolicable thouah appx, Jan. 2001)

REV'D. qY G. .q1 ATE I P. Bareta . .IJY 1/2/97 j Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:

l Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2 *t) = (.641 ksi

  • 132 inch) / 2
  • 6.5 inch

= 6.51 ksi c/o y = 6.51/73 = 0.09


From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4 verifies assumption.

4 Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:

P m ...ig = Pm,x - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty /

! = 640.9 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 553.5 psig i

3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure

{ From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 140*F

is read as 0.097. This reference value is normalized to Point Beach by applying the ratio of j steam generator heat transfer areas: I Normalized UA @ 6000 ft' = 0.097
  • 47,500/58,000 = 0.079 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.063 we find:

PMAx - PsETPolNT = APeg = 48 psi.

The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:

PMAx = PsETPotNT + APeg = 440 psig + 48 psi = 488 psig. /

This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 553.5 psig at an indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 140*F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is acceptable for the heat input transient at 140 F.

C. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 180 F

1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress Intensity Factor (K n): i Minimum temperature (Tm,n) = 180*F - 17.8 F = 162.2 F Ki g = 26.78 + 1.223exp [0.0145 (Tm,n - ARTN oT + 160)] = 29.79 ksi-in n2


2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2216):

Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Km): i 2Kim < K n i u2


Ki m = Ki n/2 = 29.79/2 = 14.89 ksi-in

e -

SHEET 13 OF 15

% ** CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 96-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setpoint Usina ASME MADEB R. Pfefferie DATE _12/11/96 ,

Cods Cese N-514 (applicable thouah appx. Jan. 2001) REV'D. B\ G. P. BaretaJATE 1/2/97 r swo

'J Maximum Allowable Pressure:

Km =M m

  • membrane stress i (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1)


membrane stress = [P*D/(2*t)] (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2) l 1

Initially assume:

M m= 2.4 (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming c/c y = .1)

P = Ke

  • f 2
  • ti = 14.89 ksi-inM
  • 2
  • 6.5 inch = 609.7 psig Mm*D 2.4
  • 132.312 inch P m., = 1.1 # t psig = 670.7 psig Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:

Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2*t) = (.671 ksi

  • 132 inch) / 2
  • 6.5 inch

= 6.81 ksi


c/oy = 6.81/73 = 0.09 From Fig. G-2214-1: Mn. = 2.4 verifies assumption Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure: )

Pm. .;no = Pm., - Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty i


= 670.7 psig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 583.3 psig

3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 180 F is read as 0.114. This reference value is normalized to Point Beach by applying the ratio of steam generator heat transfer areas:

Normalized UA @ 6000 3ft = 0.114

  • 47,500/58,000 = 0.093 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.093 we find:

PMAX - PsETeoinT = APsg = 78 psi.

The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:

PuAx = PsETPolNT + APsg = 440 psig + 78 psi = 518 psig.

8 - l

.% '* ' SHEET - 14 OF 15 :


TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setooint Usina ASME MADE B; . R. Pfefferte DATE __12/11/96 Code Case N-514 (applicable thouah apox, Jan. 2001) 1/2/97 REV'D SY \ I G. P. Baretas.{

/E ATE .

This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 583.3 psig at an indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 180 F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is l acceptable for the heat input transient at 180 F.

l D. Pressure Overshoot for Heat input Transient at 250 F

1. Calculation of Reference Critical Stress intensity Factor (K n):

i Minimum temperature (Tmin) = 250 F - 17.8*F = 232.2 F


u2 Ki n = 26.78 + 1.223exp (0.0145 (Tm,n - ARTnor + 160)] = 35.08 ksi-in

2. Calculation of Maximum Allowable Pressure (Ref. 2, G-2215):

Maximum Allowable Membrane Tension (Kim ):

2Km i <Kn i I

u2 Kim = Ki a/2 = 35.08/2 = 17.54 ksi-in Maximum Allowable Pressure:

Km=M i *m membrane stress (Ref. 2, Article G-2214.1) membrane stress = (P*D/(2*t)] (Ref. 8, Section 2.2.2)

Initially assume:

Mm = 2.4 (Ref. 2, Fig. G-2214-1, assuming o/cy = .1)

P = Ke * (2

  • t) = 17.54 ksi-inm
  • 2
  • 6.5 inch = 718.0 psig M m *D 2.4
  • 132.312 inch Pm,x = 1.1
  • 718.0 psig = 789.9 psig ,

l Verifying selection of Mm = 2.4:

Membrane stress = (P*D) / (2*t) = (.790 ksi

  • 132 inch) / 2
  • 6.5 inch

= 8.02 ksi e/cy= 8.02/73 = 0.11 /

From Fig. G-2214-1: Mm = 2.4 verifies assumption.

Maximum Allowable Indicated Pressure:

Pm. .ino = Pm., Location Bias - Instrument Uncertainty

= 789.9 p3ig - 74.4 psig - 13 psig = 702.5 psig

r e -

SHEET 15 OF 15 CALCULATION SHEET CALC. NO. 36-0273 TITLE Determination of PBNP LTOP Setnoint Usina ASME MADE BY Js . Pfefferle DATE 12/11/96 Code Case N-514 f aoplicable thouah apox. Jan. 2001)

REV'D. BY G. P. BaretagATE 1/2/97 V

3. Calculation of Overshoot Pressure From Figure 16 of the supplement, the Reference UA for an RCS volume of 6000 at 250*F is read as 0.138. This reference value is normalized to Point Beach by applying the ratio of 7 steam generator heat transfer areas:

Normalized UA @ 6000 3ft = 0.138

  • 47,500/58,000 = 0.113 Entering Figure 16 with UA = 0.113 we find: j PMAx - PsgrpoiNr = APeg = 127 psi.

The maximum pressure that can be reached with this bounding overshoot value is:

PMAX = PsETPolNT + APeg = 440 psig + 127 psi = 567 psig. /

This value is less than the maximum indicated allowable pressure of 702.5 psig at an indicated RCS cold leg temperature of 250 F. Therefore, a setpoint of 440 psig is acceptable for the heat input transient at 250 F.

V. Determination of LTOP Enable Temperature The LTOP enable temperature will be determined based on the limiting RTN or for the two units (i.e., RTN or = 260,1 for Unit 1). In accordance with Code Case N-514, the LTOP enable temperature may be determined as the RCS water temperature corresponding to a metal temperature of at least RTN or + 50 F + Instrument Uncertainty at the beltline location (1/4t). The 1/4t metal temperature tags the fluid temperature by 23.5 F at a 100 F/hr heatup rate (Ref.17).

Hence: T,ne = 260.1 F + 50 F + 17.8 F + 23.E F' I

= 351.4"F



l This calculation demonstrates that an LTOP setpoint of 440 psig provides acceptable protection of the reactor vessel from overpressure events at low temperatures through the expiration of the Technical Specification pressure-temperature limit curves in January 2001. An enable temperature of greater than or equal to 351.4 F will be established in the Point Beach Technical Specifications.