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April 15,%>1982
                                                    .gg iOA Y3' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD d) 4 i                          Before Administrative Judges:
g{$              '\\
Marshall E. Miller, Chairman          -                                -
,                        Gustave A. Linenberger, Jr.          I    ,y./        /b(            -
22 Dr. Cadet H. Hand, Jr.                3            n i'      s>Q.4                y
                                                                              <?%'        .Si 4
                                                                                'y \ f *
In the Matter of                        )
                                                  )      Docket No. 50-537 I
(Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant)    )
AND THE SIERRA CLUB SIXTH REQUEST TO APPLICANTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Pursuant to 10 CFR S 2.741, and in accordance with the Board's Prehearing Conference Order of February 11, 1982.
Intervenors, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., and the Sierra Club, request that Applicants provide Intervenors with l        copies of the following documents.    " Documents" are defined in I
the same manner as in Intervenors' Twenty-Fourth Set of t) Sci 51 Interrogatories and Request To Produce to Staf f.
8204190224 820415 PDR ADOCK 05000537 G              PDR l
    .                                                                    __ m 2
I. Contentions 1,                2, and 3
: 1. Please provide copies of all the documents wnose reference number is circled in the attached list of references for General Electric, An Assessment of HCDA Energetics in the CRBRP Heterogeneous Reactor Core (CRBRP-GEFR-00 523, December 1981) .          (See Attachment 1.)  With regard to references to Transactions of the ANS meeting, provide the complete paper ( including figures) where these are available to Applicants, not just the abstract.
: 2. Provide all documents in the possession of Applicants whose reference number is circled in the following list of references to Section V of the U.S. Department of Energy's Draf t Environmental Impact Statement on the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program (Supplement to ERDA-1535) (Dec. 1981).                      (See Attacament 2.)
3 Respectfully submitted, s
                                  < ' :s/A.-    /' ] ,O s.
G.        n Ellyn  R., Weiss HARMON & WEISS 1725 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 833-9070 s
if/.lfhs'    k,  D: A & c_.a  ,.
                              " Barbara A. Finamore S. Jacob Scherr Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
1725 Eye Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C 20006 (202) 223-8210 Attorneys for Intervenors Natural Resources Def ense Council, Inc.
and the Sierra Club Dated:  April 15, 1982 Washington, D.C.
                                                                                      .m i-di 55
: 1. CRBRP Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Project Management                }-
Corporation, Docket No. 30-537.                                            at
: 2.  " Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident Considerations in CRBRP;          4 Energetics and Structural Margin Beyond the Design Base,"                  ks CRBRP-3, Vol. 1.                                                            2
: 3. J. L. McElroy, et al., "An Analysis of Hypothetical Core Disruptive          !
Events in the Clincn River Breeder Reactor Plant," CRBRP-GEFR-00103,        [
m General Electric Co. ,, April 1978.                                          t
: 4. W. R. Bohl, et al. , "An Analysis of the Unorotected Loss-of-Flow Accident in the Clinen River Breecer Reactor with an End-of-Equilibrium-Cycle Core," ANL/ RAS 77-15, May 1977.
: 5. J. F. Jackson and R. E. Nicholson, '"/ENUS-II: An LMFBR Disassemoly j          Program," Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-7951, 1972.
: 6. F. E. Dunn, et al., "The SAS3A LMFBR Accident Analysis Computer Code,"      4 l
ANL/ RAS 75-17, Aoril 1975.
: 7. F. E. Dunn, et al . , "The SAS2A LMFBR Accident Analysis Computer Code,"
!          ANL-8128, Octooer 1974.
: 3. W. R. Bohl, "SLUMPY: The SAS3A Fuel Motion Model for Loss-of-Flow,"'
I j          ANL/ RAS 74-18, August 1974.
: 9. L. L. Smith, et al., "SAS/FCI: The SAS3A Fuel-Coolant Interaction Model," ANL/ RAS 75-33, Argonne National Laboratory, Decemoer 1975.
: 10. W. R. Schi and T. J. Heames, "CLAZAS:    The SAS3A Clad Motion Model,"
ANL/ RAS 74-15, Aug. 1974.
: 11. 3. S. Dutt, et al., *A Correlated Fission Gas Release Model for Fast Reactor Fuels," Trans. ANS 15_, p. 198 (1972).
11-1 A
r                                                                                  *
: 12. E. E. Gruber, " Calculation of Transient Fission Gas Release from 0xide Fuel," ANL-8143, Novemoer 1974
: 13. E. E. Gruber, " Transient Gas Release from Oxide Fuels: Parametric Representations of FRAS Results," ANL/ RAS 75-7, March 1975.
rO (14.) C. A. Hinman and 0. D. Slagle, "Ex-Reactor Transient Fission Gas v
Release Studies, Fuel Pin PNL-2-4," HEDL-TME 77-83, May 1978.
: 15. E. E. Gruber, "FRAS Code Development," ANL-RDP-54, Octouer 1976.
  '16.) C. C. Meek, "? STATE," ANL/ RAS 77 a9, Novemoer 1977.
  ,m (v.I17 ; R. W. 0 stensen, "FISGAS - A Code for Fission-Gas Migration ano Fu Swelling Benavior in an LMFBR Accident," SAND 78-1790, Nov. 1979.
fl )
C. A. Hinman and E. H. Randklev, "Ex-Reactor Transient Fission Gas Release Studies, Fuel Pin PNL-10-50 and 55,'' HEDL-TME 79-52, Sept.
: 19. O. D. Slage, et al., "Exceriments on Melting and Gas Release Behavior of Irradiated Fuel," HEDL-TME 74-17, 1975.
: 20. L. Lei'cewitz, et al., " Properties for LMFBR Safety Analysis,"
ANL-CEN-RSD-76-1, Marcn 1976.
: 21. R. N. Koopman, et al., " Final Recort for TREAT Transient Overpower Tests R9 and R12," ANL/ RAS 80-11, Argonne National Laboratory, April 1980.
: 22. 3. J. Wrona and T. M. Galvin, " Fuel Behavior Slightly Above or Below the Failure Thresnold," Trans. ANS, 21, p. 306,1975.
: 23. B. W. Soencer, et al. , " Summary and Evaluation of R-Series Loss-of-Flow Safety Tests in TREAT," Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety and Related Physics, Chicago, Ill. , October 1976.
                                                                                                !4 l
                                                                                                'fl1 i
l Nl I!! !
            ' 24. H. Kwast, " Phenomena Observed During Failure of Fast Reactor Fuel Pins Tested under Loss-of-Cooling Conditions," Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.
H. U. Wider, et al., "The PLUT02 Overpower Excursion Code and a
( 25.
Comparison with EPIC," Int. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology,        ;
l                                                                                                I Seattle, WA, August 1979.
            '26. G. Bandyopadhyay and J. A. Buzzell, " Role of Fission Gas and Fuel i
Melting- in Fuel Resoonse During Simulated Hypotnetical Loss-of-Flow t
i                  Transients," Nuclear Technology, 47, January 1980.
{        i          G. L. Cano, et al., " Visual Investigation of Reactor Fuels Response o Simulated LOF Heating Conditions, First Series," SAND 79-0940, October 1979.
    ,        k) J. G. Ibernart, et al. , " Final Report on 7est L4, A Less-of-Flow Experiment," ANL-76-130, Decemoer 1976.
i 29.. C. E. Dickerman, et al., " Summary of TREA Experiments on Oxide Core-0isruotive Accidents," ANL-79-13, February 1979.
A                                                                      Final l      (30.) R. G. Palm, et al. , "F1 Phenomenological Test on Fuel Motion:
Report," ANL-78-50, May 1978.
                        . Sims, et al . , " Loss-of-Flow Test LS on FFTF-Type Irradiated Fuel,"
O.f b
31  R i      !
ANL-78-24, March 1978.
l' l
l!              32. R. Simms, et al. , " Interim Report for ANL/ RAS Loss-of-Flow Test L6,"
ANL/ RAS 79-20, August 1979.
: 33. R. Simms, at al ., " TREAT Test L7 Simulating an LMFBR Loss-of-Flow Accident with FTR-Type Fuel," ANL/ RAS 80-5, Argonne National Laboratory, June 1980.
: 34. R. Sinms, "An Interpretation of Fuel Motion in Recent TREAT Experiments with LMFBR Fjel," ANL/ RAS 79-18, July 1979.
l r
11-3 2
    .A lv25) C. H. Bowers, et al., " Analysis of TREAT Tests L7 and L8 witn SAS30, LEVITATE AND PLUT02," International Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.
            / G. Bancyopadhyay and J. A. Suzzell, " Cladding and Fuel Motion of
      .J Irradiated Stainless Steel-Clad Mixed Oxide Fuels in Response to Simulated Themal Transients," Int. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.
O I 37..I R. W. 0 stensen and M. F. Young, " Analysis of In-Pile Fuel Disruotion Exoeriments," Trans. ANS, 28_, p. 437 (1978).
      '38.) R. W. 0 stensen, " Comparison of FISGAS Swelling ano Gas Release Predictions with Experiments," Specialist Workshop on Predictive Analysis of Material Dynamics in LMFBR Safety Exoeriments, Los Alamos, tim, March 1979.
      ;39./ D. H. Worledge and G. L. Cano, " Study of the Discersive Potential v
of Irradiated Fuei Using In-Core Exoeriments," Int. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.
            . L. W. Deitrich anc R. W. 0 stensen, " Assessment of Fission-Gas-Driven Fuel Disruption and Dispersal in a Hypothetical LMFBR Loss-of-Flow Accident," ANL/ RAS 77-4, Feoruary 1977.
O j41.}"NuclearSystemsMaterialsHanobook,"HEDL-TID-26666,Hanford J        Engineering Develcoment Laboratory, as of January 1980.
: 3. W. Spencer, et al., "Results of Recent Uoper Plenum Injection l
V        Tests." Proc. of the International Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.
n J S. W. Spencer, et al., " CAMEL 70P/ Fuel Sweeoout Single-Pin Test C2,"
l ANL/ RAS 77-22, July 1977.
44    Reactor Develcoment Program Progress Report, July 1979, ANL-RDP-85,
!              p. 2.21.
                                      .-  ~--                      n .. , ,,
                  .                                                                      [F 1
4 (q45.j U.S. Department of Energy Fast Reactor Safety Program Progress            ,,
* Recort, Octccer-Decemoer 1979, ANL/TMC 80-1, p. 60.
r (46.)3.W. Spencer,etal.,"InterimReportonTREATTestR8,aSeven-                        i Pin-Loss-of-Flow Test with Pressurized Pins," ANL/ RAS 78-39, l                Septemoer 1978.
  ',      O47.1 T. G. Theofanous, " Multiphase Transients with Coolant and Core t
(V      Materials in LMFBR Core Disruptive Accident Energetics Evaluation,"
i                NUREG/CR-0224, Purdue University, July 1978.
W. R. Bohl, "Some Recriticality Studies with SIMMER-II," Proc. Int.
Mtg. Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 19-23, 1979.
f I          O I        l        T. E. Kraft, et al . , " Simulations of an Unorotected Loss-of-Flow I                Accident with a 37-pin Bundle in the Sodium Loco Safety Facility,"
                    ? oc. Intl . Mtg. On Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA.
    ',              Aug. 19-23, 1979.
: 50. H. K. Fauske, "Scme Coments on Cladding and Early Fuel Relocation in LMFBR Core Disruptive Accidents," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Vol. 21, pp. 322-323, 1975.
R. E. Henry, et al., " Wood's Metal Cladding Relocation Experiments,"
ANL/ RAS 77-37, 1977.
4 1            m I
52.) 3. W. Soencer, et al. , " Reactor-Material Fuel Freezing Experiments (U
      ?            Using Small-Bundle, CRBR-Type Pins," ANL/ RAS 79-11, Argonne National Laboratory, July 1979.
: 3. W. Spencer, et al. , "Sumary and Evaluation of Reactor-Material Fuel Freezing Tests," Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, Aug. 19-23, 1979.
: 54. F. 3. Cheung and L. Baker, Jr., " Transient Freezing of Liquids in Tube Flow," Nucl. Sci. and Eng., Vol. 60, No. 1, May 1976.
l l                                                    11-5 1
: 55. R. W. 0 stensen, et al., " Fuel Flow and Freezing in the Ucper Sub-assemoly Structure Following an LMFBR Disassemoly," Trans. Am.
Nuc. Soc., Vol. 18, June 1974.
: 56. M. Epstein, et al., " Transient Freezing of a Flowing Ceramic Fuel in a Steel Channel," Nuc. Sci. Eng., Vol. 61, 1976.
          ) 5. W. Eisennawer, et al., "A Study of Heat Transfer from a Flowing Liquid to a Melting Wall," Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, Aug. 19-23, 1979.
: 58. J. F. Jackson, et al., "Recort on the Core Disruotion Phase of an Unorotected Flow - Coastdown Accident in FTR," ANL/ RAS 74-16, August 1974.
O i59.) G. A. Greene, 0. C. Jones, Jr. , and N. Abauf, "80unoary Heat Transfer v
from Volumetrically Boiling Pools: Subbly and Churn-Turculent Flow Regimes," Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., Vol. 33, 1-986, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 1979.
[60I    M. Epstein and G. M. Hauser, "The Melting of Finite Steel Slabs in V
Flowing Nuclear Reactor Fuel," Nucl. Eng. and Design, g , pp. 411-428, 1979.
: 61. M. Eastein, " Heat Concuction in the U0 2Cladding Comcosite Body with Simultaneous Solidification and Melting," Nucl. Sci. Eng. ,
Vol . 51, pp. 84-87, 1973.
  /        M. Eastein, L. J. Stachyra and G. A. Lamoert, " Transient Solidifi-cation in Flow into a Rod Bundle," J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 102, No. 2 May 1980.
[63.I G. Maurin and M. Amolaro, "An Aoproacn of Molten Fuel Relocation Proolem: Fuel Freezing," ANS/ ENS Int. Taoical Mtg. on Nuclear Power Reactor Safety, Brussels, Octooer 16-19, 1978.
Y 4
: 64. R. W. Wright, et al. , " Summary of Autoclave TREAT Tests on Molten
:                Fuel-Coolant Interactions," Proc. Fast Reactor Safety Mtg.,
j                CONF-740401-P1, Beverly Hills, CA, p. 254, April 1974.
: 65. fi. Epstein and D. H. Cho, " Fuel Vaoorization ana Quencning cy Cold Sodium; Interpretation of TREAT Test Sll," Proc. Fast Reactor l
Safety Mtg. , CONF-740401-P2, Beverly Hills, CA, April 1974.
: 66. T. R. Schmidt, "LMFBR Prompt Burst Excursion (PBE) Experiments in the Annular Core Pulse Reactor (ACPR)," Proc. Int. Mtg. on Fast l
Reactor Safety and Related Physics, CONF-761001, Chicago, IL,          ,
!                October 5-8, 1976.
. p i 67.)- K. O. Reil and M. F. Young, "Promot Burst Energetics on the Oxide /
i V      Sodium System," Proc. Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, August 19-23, 1979.
a 4      ) H. Jacons, at al., " Fuel-Coolant Interaction Phenomena uncer Promat V'' Surst Conditions," Proc. Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 19-23, 1979.
O g)        A. Amblard and H. Jacobs, " Fuel-Coolant Interactions; the CORECT-II UO -Na Experiment," Proc. Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, 2
Seattle, WA, August 19-23, 1979.
: 70. R. E. Henry, et al. , "Exceriments on Pressure-Oriven Fuel Compaction r              with Reactor Materials," Proc. Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety 1
and Related Physics, CONF-761001, Chicago, IL, October 5-8, 1976.
71 . H. Fauske, R. Henry anc M. Grolmes, "An Assessment of Voiding Dynamics in Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors," ANL/ RAS 74-20, Argonne National Laboratory, August 1974 0 ) M. A. Grolmes and G. A. Lamoert,        " Liquid Film Considerations for LMFBR Accident Analysis," Proc. ANS/ ENS Int. Conf., Washington, D.C.,
Novemoer 17-21, 1980.
    / 73.1 S. J. Hakim and J. M. Kennedy, " Development of Transition Phase Code," ANL-RDP-70, p. 6.74, April 1978.
74    M. Ledinegg, ' Instability of Flow During Natural and Forced Circulation," Die Warme, 61(8) 91, 1938.
I5)F.J. Martin,"BottledTransitionPhaseAnalysis-PreliminaryReport,"
G' HEDL-TME 78-64 Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, Richland, WA, April 1980.
: 76. H. K. Fauske, " Boiling Flow Regime Maos in LMFBR HCDA Analysis,"
Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., Vol. 22, 385-386 San Francisco, California, Nov. 1975.
('77 ) 7. Ginsoerg, 0. C. Jones, Jr., and J. C. Chen, " Volume-Heated Soiling Pool Flow Behavior and Aoplication to Transition Phase Accident Conditions," SNL-NUREG-24984, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Uoton, New York, Oct. 1978.
: 78. M. Faranat, R. E. Henry and J. Santori, " Fuel Dispersal Experiments with Simulant Fluids," Proc. Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety and Related Physics, USERDA Report CONF-761001, Vol. IV, pp. 1707-1714, 1976.
[h9) T. Ginsoerg, O. C. Jones and J. C. Chen, " Flow Behavior of Volume-
      ''      Heateo Boiling Pools: Imolications with Respect to Transition Phase Accident Conoitions," Nucl. Tech., Vol. 46, pp. 391-398, 1979.
        /s (80.1 K. W. Orth, et al., " Hydrodynamic Aspects of Volume Boiling,"
ANL/ RAS 80-6, March 1980.
l j 813    F. A. Xoont:, " Volumetric Boiling - A Fundamental Study of the
    \' ''
Phenomena Pertaining to LMFBR Safety," M.S. Thesis, Purdue University, August 1977; see also Reference 47.
l l                                                                                        l l
1 W. R. Gustavson, J. C. Chen and M. S. Xazimi, " Heat Transfer and v      Fluid Dynamic Characteristics of Internally Heated Boiling Pools,"
SNL-NUREG-50722, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Septemoer 1977.
: 33. J. D. Gabor, et al. , ' Heat fransfer from Heat-denerating Soiling Pools," Nat. Heat Transfer Conf. , St. Louis, MO, August 1976.
l l                        84. M. Epstein, " Transient Sehavior of a Volume-Heated Boiling Pool,"
    !                              ASME Winter Meeting, Paper No. 75-WA/HT-31, Houston, TX, Decemoer i
i                              1975.
l G. A. Green, 0. C. Jones, and N. Abuat, " Comparison of Measured and Calculated Average Void Fraction in Volume-Boiling Pools with
    !                              Inclined Boundaries," ANS Transactions 33, San Francisco, CA.
l Nov. 1979.
1 I                      86. V. K. Dihr, et al., Proc. Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety ano Related Physics, CONF-761001, Vol. 3, pp.1172-1182,1976.
: 87. R. W. 0 stensen, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Vol. 27, p. 662, 1977.
(ah M. Epstein, " Stability of a Submerged Frozen Crust," J. of Heat Transfer, Vol. 99, pp. 527-537, 1977.
r89 V.1 A. Yim, M. Epstein, S. G. 8ankoff, G. A. Lamoert and G. M. Hauser.
                                    " Freezing Melting Heat Transfer in a Tube Flow," Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol . 21, pp.1185-1198,1978.
: 90. M. J. Swedish, M. Epstein, J. H. Linehan, G. A. Lambert, G. M. Hauser
                                    .ind L. J. Stacnyra, " Surface Ablation in tne Impingement Region of a Liquid Jet," AIChE Journal, Vol. 25, pp. 630-638, 1979.
: 91. A. W. Cronencerg and H. K. Fauske, "'J0 7 Solidification Phenomena l
Associated with Rapid Cooling in Liquid Sodium", J. Nucl. Materials, Vol. 52, pp. 24-32, 1974.
: 92. J. Frenkel, " Kinetic Theory of Liquids," Dover, Chaoter VII,1952.
11-9 i A l
l 1,
L f                                                                                          l K. Koide, et al. , " Behavior of Bubbles in large-Scale Bubble Column,"
V) J. of Chem. Eng. of Japan, Vol.12, No. 2, April 1979.
: 7. Ginsberg, " Role of Concensation on Dispersion of Closed Boiling UO Systems," Am. Nuc. Soc. Trans., Vol. 26, pp. 363-364, June 1977.
: 95. H. Kato, N. Nishiwaki and M. Hirata, "On the Turbulent Heat Transfer by Free Convection from a Vertical Plate," J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 11, pp. 1117-1126, 1968.
: 96. L. Baker, Jr. , R. E. Paw, and F. A. Kulacki, " Post-Accident Heat Removal - Part I: Heat Transfer Within an Internally Heated Non-Soiling Liquid Layer," Nucl. Sci. Eng., 61, 222, 1976.
            ,m L. Soon-Long, T. W. Lester, and R. E. Faw, " Convective Heat Transfer
( 97.! in an Internally Heated Horizontal Fluid Layer with Uneaual Boundary Temperatures," Intl . J. Heat Mass Transfer, 22, 437, 1979.
b          ,
(98.j R. J. Henninger and R. E. Alcouffe, " Effects of Fuel-Sodium Film y
f                Interaction and Delayed Fission Gas Release on Extended Fuel Motion in a Hign-Power LMFBR Subassemoly," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Vol. 34, f
:                p. 524, June 1980.
2 H            99. H. K. Fauske, "Lme Asoects of Liquid-Liquid Heat Transfer and Explosive Boiling," Proc. Fast Reactor Safety Mtg., CONF-740401, l    ,
Beverly Hills, CA, Aoril 2 4, 1974.
,Y j          100. D. H. Cho and M. Epstein, " Work Potential from a Mecnanical II                Disassembly of the Voided FFTF Core," Argonne National Laboratory, f
I                ANL/ RAS 74-17, August 1974.
h t      i-Q g        C. R. Bell, et al., " Advances in the Mechanistic Assessment of Post-Disassemolf Energetics," Proc. of the International Meeting on Fast
Reactor Safety TecP.nology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.
R. J. Tobin and D. J. Cagliostro, " Effects of Vessel Internal Structures on Simulated HCDA Subble Expansions," SRI International Tecnnical Report No. 5, Novemcer 1978.
1 l
l l                                                11-10
T. G. Theofanous and M. Saito, "The Tennination Phase of Core t
Disruptive Accidents in LMFBRs," PNE-79-146, School of Nuclear Engineering, Purcue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana, Decemoer I
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a                                                                                                    M is H
                    -                                                                  '            5 i            a References                                  !            j
(        j
                                                                                        !        t: *
: 1.  " Assessment of LMFBR Primary Control Rod Systems Test Program," T-SCT-LHC-30-20, Westingnouse Electric Corporation, Advanced Reactors Division.        ,        ,
j l
: 2.  ' Integrated Test Program Plan for the Large Breeder Reactor Secondary        :            4 Control Rod Unit," GEFR-00519(DR), General Electric Comoany, Advanced Reactor Systems Department.                                                    }          j!
l j
: 3.  " Reliability Assessment of CRBRP Reactor Shutdown System," WARD-0-0018, (Novemoer 1975).                                                              [
: 4. W. S. Woodward and R. J. Baloh, " Common-Cause Failure Assessment Specification for the CRBRP Reactor Shutdown System," CRBRP-ARD-0195.          Fl j -
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, (July 1978).                                s
: 5.  "An Update of the Preliminary Reliability Prediction for CRBRP Shutdown        l f
Heat Removal System," NEDM-14082, General Electric Company, January 1976.
: 6. D. H. Cho, et al . , " Analysis of CAMEL C2 Single-pin Fuel Sweepout Test,"
ANL/ RAS 78-33, June 1978.                                                      ql ! -
: 7. R. Simms, et al . , " An Interpretation of Fuel Motion in Recent TREAT Experiments with LMFBR Fuel ," ANL/ RAS 79-18, July 1979.
R. Simms, et al . , ' Fuel Motion in Experiments Simulating LMFBR Loss-of-                i flow Accicents," ANL/ RAS 20-25, Novemoer 1980.
k A. DeVolpi, et al . , " Fast Neutron Hodoscope at TREAT:    Methods of            'p
: 09. Quantitative Determination of Fuel Dispersal," ANL/ RAS 80-17, August                    j
                                                                                            ;        p 1980.
J. M. Kramer, "Comoarison and Evaluation of Transient Fuel Pin Behavior Codes " ANL/ RAS 80-22, Septemoer 1980.                                                  1 i
: 11. D. R. Ferguson, et al . , " A Study of the LOA-2 Termination Potential of        ]"
the LOF Accident in LMFBRs." Proceedings of the International Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 19-23, 1979.                }t        o 1          .
: 12. R. Simms, et al ., " TREAT Experimental Data Base Regarding Fuel Dispersals    dl J in LMFBR Loss-of-Flow Accidents," ANS on Reactor Safety Aspects of Fuel 3ehaviour Topical Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho, August,1981.                        !)      :
I R. G. Palm, et al . , "F1 Phenomenological Tests on Fuel Motion:    Final                  '
Report," ANL-78-50 (May 1978).
R. 3. Palm, et al . , "F2 Phenomenological Test on Fuel Motion:    Final Report," ANL/ RAS 80-24 (October 1980).
R. G. Palm, "LOF-Initiation Experiments F3 and F4," in USDOE Fast Reactor Safety Program Progress Report, Oct-Dec,1980. ANL/TMC 81-1, 16    G. R. Fenske G. Bandyopadhyay, " Summary Report on OEH Experiment on                      ,
Irradiated Mixed Oxide Fuel," ANL/MSD 81-2, 1981.
  &                                                                                                  5 i.;
References (Continusd)                          d
: 17.                                                                                  I A. M. Tentner and H. U. Mider, " LEVITATE - A Mechanistic Model for the      1 Analysis of Fuel and Cladding Dynamics Under LOF Conditions for_ SAS4A,"      i Proc. Int. Mtg. Fast Reactor Safety, Seattle, Wash. (1979).                  j h "ANL Safety Experiments Program Plan," ANL/ RAS 80-3, June 1980.
O19. A. E. Klickman, et al . , " TREAT Experiment Plan for U.S.-00E LMFBR Sa            I Program," Transactions ANS/ ENS Topical Meeting:      Reactor Safety Aspects  I of Fuel Behavior, Sun Valley, Idaho, August 1981.
: 20. F. J. Martin, " Bottled Transition Phase Analysis-Preliminary Report,"        t 4
HEDL-TME-78-64, April 1980.
M. Epstein, et al., " Incipient Stratification and Mixing in Aerated          j Liauid-Liouid or Liouid-Solid Mixtures," Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 36,              ,
                    ;p. 734-737, 1981.                                                            j
: 22. W. R. Bohl, et al., "An Analysis of Transient Undercooling and Transient Overpower Accidents without Scram in the Clinch River Breeder Reactor,"
ANL/ RAS 75-29, July 1975.
O23. E. E. Morris and T. Y. C. Wei, "An Assessment of the Unprotected LOF Accident in the CDS Phase II Heterogeneous Core Design," ANL/ RAS 81-1, December 1980.
: 24. A. Padilla, Jr. and F. J. Martin, " Transition Phase Issues," HEDL-TC1865, Decemoer 1979.
S. J. Hakim, et al . , " TRANSIT: A Multi-field, Multi-phase Comouter Code for the Analysis of the Transition Phase in a FBR," ANL/ RAS 78-28, August 1978.
L. R. Smi th, et al . , " SIMMER-II:  A Computer Program for LMFBR Disrupted Core Analysis," NUREG/CR-0453, October 1978.
: 27. 3. W. Spencer, et al., " Reactor Material Fuel Freezing Experiments Using Small-Bundle, CRBR-type Pins," ANL/ RAS 79-11, July 1979.
M. Farahat, et al . , " Experimental Simulation of Boiled-up Fuel Pools,"
l                  ANL/ RAS 78-24, June 1978.
h      J. D. McComack and R. K. Hilliard, " Aerosol Measurement Technioues and Accuracy in CSTF," HEDL-SA-1981 FP, April 1980.
H. A. Morewitz, et al ., " Experiments on Sodium Fires and their Aerosols."
Nuclear Engineering ano Design, Vol. 42, 1977.
H. A. Morewitz, et al, "Attentuation of Air Born Debris from LMFBR Accidents." Nuclear Technology, Vol. 46, 335, Dec. 1979.
                    " Annual Technical Progress Recort-Reactor Safety-Government Fiscal Year 1979," ESG-00E-13294, April 15,1980, RI ESG.
142 l
                                                              -                                      ~
1 -.-                                                                                        _
References (Continued) 033.A.      K. Postma and R. K. Owen, " Comparison of Aerosci Benavior Ouring Sodium Fires in the CSTF with the HAA-38 Code." HE0L-SA-1982 FP, April 1980.
: 34.    " Nuclear Aerosols," CSNI/ SOAR No. 1, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, June 1979.
                          " Proceedings of the CSNI Specialists Meeting on Nuclear Aerosols in Reactor Safety," NUREG/CR-1724, October 1980, Oak Ridge National Labora tory.
l                36. E. L. Gluekler and L. Baker, Jr. , " Post-acciden: heat removal in LMFBRs,''
Symposium on the Themal and Hydraulic Ascects of Reactor Safety, 'lol. 2:
Liouid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors Edited by 0. C. Jones, Jr. and S. G.
Bankoff, 1977, p. 283-323.
R. D. Peak, " Users Guide to CACECO Containment Analysis Code,' HEDL-TME 79-22. June 1979.
: 38. R. S. Hubner, et al . , "HAA-3 Users Report," AI-AEC-13088, Atomics International, March 1973.
: 39.    " Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident Considerations in CRBRP--Vol. 2:
Assessment of Thermal Margin Beyond the Design 9ase," CRBR?-3, March 1980.
                    . L. Baker, et al., " Core Debris Accommodation Program Plan," USD0E, July 1981.
S. E. Seeman, ' MIDAS Documentation,' TC-2073, Hinfora Engineer 1r.g 041.Development Laboratory, September 1981.
: 42. S. M. Divakaruni, 9t al .. " Safety Statur. Infomation System:        A Critical i
Parameter Display Study," GEFR-00569(DR), General Electric Company, Advanced Reactor Systems Department, August 1981.
l                  " Man-Machine Interface Program Plan for the LMFBR Safety Program,"
i                  FRSTMC, 1981.
I "LMFBR Safety Program Plan," Of fice of Reactor Researen and Technology, U.S. Department of Energy, August 1980.
f                        W. R. Bohl, et. al ., "An Analysis of the Unprotected Loss-of-F? aw Accident in the Clincn River Breeoer with an End-of-Eauilibrium mycle Core," ANL/ RAS 77-15, 1977.
R. Simms, et al. , " TREAT Experimental Data Base Regarding Fuel Dispersals in LMFBR Loss-of-Flow Accidents." ANS on Reactor Safety Ascects of Fuel Behavior Topical Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho. August 1981.
l l
143 A
_ References (Continu*d) 47.
Comparison witn EPIC," Proc. Int., Seattle, Wash., 1979.                                                              Mtg. Fas a
A. J.RAS ANL/            Page, 79-27, et. al 1979. ., " Preliminary Data Reoort for TREAT Test J    ,
LMF8R Safety Tests," Int. Mtg. Fast, Wash.,
1979.                                                                        Reactor S 050.
Accidents Without Scram for the Clinch Parfait Core," ANL/ RAS 77-16, May 1977.                                  r with a River ng 51.
Core," CR8RP-GEFR-00523, Novemoer l981."An                                            or        Ass J.        E. Cahalan, " Homogeneous / Heterogeneous LMFBR Licensing Trade-offs," ANL/ RAS 80-2, February 1980.                              e y and Core 53.
Energetics and Structural Margin Beyond August 1981.                                                                      --Vol. 1: the
                                                                                                            . 3)," CRBRP-3, h J. E. Cahalan, et al., "The Status and Experimenta on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology,, 1979.                                        Seattle,eeting        W 55.
CRBRP-1, Marcn 1977."CRBRP Safety Study--An Assessmen                                  ,
                          " Reactor 1975.                      Safety Study, Main Report," WASH-1400                      (NUREG-75
                                                                                                            , October 57.
J. A. Hartung, " Risk Allocation Status Report." N323TI000056                    , Rockwell International Energy Systems Group, August 1980.
1 Advanced 1981.                                  Reactor Systems Department,      ,  -
                                                                                                            , August G
NCFR-R24, July 1980.W. E. Knee, et al., Third European                              nar,          Reliability General Description, ORNL-5477/Vol.1,                                    .
u erJanuary Codes -          1 i
144                                                        i l
i                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _        _        _.          ._    _        .  . -                -_      _}}

Latest revision as of 14:06, 10 March 2020

Sixth Request for Production of Documents
Person / Time
Site: Clinch River
Issue date: 04/15/1982
From: Finamore B, Weiss E
HARMON & WEISS, National Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club
NUDOCS 8204190224
Download: ML20054B814 (18)



April 15,%>1982


g{$ '\\

Marshall E. Miller, Chairman - -

, Gustave A. Linenberger, Jr. I ,y./ /b( -

22 Dr. Cadet H. Hand, Jr. 3 n i' s>Q.4 y

<?%' .Si 4

'y \ f *


In the Matter of )


) Docket No. 50-537 I





(Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant) )



AND THE SIERRA CLUB SIXTH REQUEST TO APPLICANTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Pursuant to 10 CFR S 2.741, and in accordance with the Board's Prehearing Conference Order of February 11, 1982.

Intervenors, Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., and the Sierra Club, request that Applicants provide Intervenors with l copies of the following documents. " Documents" are defined in I

the same manner as in Intervenors' Twenty-Fourth Set of t) Sci 51 Interrogatories and Request To Produce to Staf f.


8204190224 820415 PDR ADOCK 05000537 G PDR l

. __ m 2

I. Contentions 1, 2, and 3

1. Please provide copies of all the documents wnose reference number is circled in the attached list of references for General Electric, An Assessment of HCDA Energetics in the CRBRP Heterogeneous Reactor Core (CRBRP-GEFR-00 523, December 1981) . (See Attachment 1.) With regard to references to Transactions of the ANS meeting, provide the complete paper ( including figures) where these are available to Applicants, not just the abstract.
2. Provide all documents in the possession of Applicants whose reference number is circled in the following list of references to Section V of the U.S. Department of Energy's Draf t Environmental Impact Statement on the Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Program (Supplement to ERDA-1535) (Dec. 1981). (See Attacament 2.)


3 Respectfully submitted, s


< ' :s/A.- /' ] ,O s.

G. n Ellyn R., Weiss HARMON & WEISS 1725 Eye Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 833-9070 s

if/.lfhs' k, D: A & c_.a ,.

" Barbara A. Finamore S. Jacob Scherr Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

1725 Eye Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C 20006 (202) 223-8210 Attorneys for Intervenors Natural Resources Def ense Council, Inc.

and the Sierra Club Dated: April 15, 1982 Washington, D.C.




.m i-di 55




1. CRBRP Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Project Management }-

Corporation, Docket No.30-537. at

2. " Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident Considerations in CRBRP; 4 Energetics and Structural Margin Beyond the Design Base," ks CRBRP-3, Vol. 1. 2



3. J. L. McElroy, et al., "An Analysis of Hypothetical Core Disruptive  !

Events in the Clincn River Breeder Reactor Plant," CRBRP-GEFR-00103, [

m General Electric Co. ,, April 1978. t

4. W. R. Bohl, et al. , "An Analysis of the Unorotected Loss-of-Flow Accident in the Clinen River Breecer Reactor with an End-of-Equilibrium-Cycle Core," ANL/ RAS 77-15, May 1977.
5. J. F. Jackson and R. E. Nicholson, '"/ENUS-II: An LMFBR Disassemoly j Program," Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-7951, 1972.
6. F. E. Dunn, et al., "The SAS3A LMFBR Accident Analysis Computer Code," 4 l

ANL/ RAS 75-17, Aoril 1975.

7. F. E. Dunn, et al . , "The SAS2A LMFBR Accident Analysis Computer Code,"

! ANL-8128, Octooer 1974.


3. W. R. Bohl, "SLUMPY: The SAS3A Fuel Motion Model for Loss-of-Flow,"'

I j ANL/ RAS 74-18, August 1974.


9. L. L. Smith, et al., "SAS/FCI: The SAS3A Fuel-Coolant Interaction Model," ANL/ RAS 75-33, Argonne National Laboratory, Decemoer 1975.
10. W. R. Schi and T. J. Heames, "CLAZAS: The SAS3A Clad Motion Model,"

ANL/ RAS 74-15, Aug. 1974.

11. 3. S. Dutt, et al., *A Correlated Fission Gas Release Model for Fast Reactor Fuels," Trans. ANS 15_, p. 198 (1972).

11-1 A

r *

12. E. E. Gruber, " Calculation of Transient Fission Gas Release from 0xide Fuel," ANL-8143, Novemoer 1974
13. E. E. Gruber, " Transient Gas Release from Oxide Fuels: Parametric Representations of FRAS Results," ANL/ RAS 75-7, March 1975.

rO (14.) C. A. Hinman and 0. D. Slagle, "Ex-Reactor Transient Fission Gas v

Release Studies, Fuel Pin PNL-2-4," HEDL-TME 77-83, May 1978.

15. E. E. Gruber, "FRAS Code Development," ANL-RDP-54, Octouer 1976.


'16.) C. C. Meek, "? STATE," ANL/ RAS 77 a9, Novemoer 1977.


,m (v.I17 ; R. W. 0 stensen, "FISGAS - A Code for Fission-Gas Migration ano Fu Swelling Benavior in an LMFBR Accident," SAND 78-1790, Nov. 1979.

fl )


C. A. Hinman and E. H. Randklev, "Ex-Reactor Transient Fission Gas Release Studies, Fuel Pin PNL-10-50 and 55, HEDL-TME 79-52, Sept.


19. O. D. Slage, et al., "Exceriments on Melting and Gas Release Behavior of Irradiated Fuel," HEDL-TME 74-17, 1975.
20. L. Lei'cewitz, et al., " Properties for LMFBR Safety Analysis,"

ANL-CEN-RSD-76-1, Marcn 1976.

21. R. N. Koopman, et al., " Final Recort for TREAT Transient Overpower Tests R9 and R12," ANL/ RAS 80-11, Argonne National Laboratory, April 1980.
22. 3. J. Wrona and T. M. Galvin, " Fuel Behavior Slightly Above or Below the Failure Thresnold," Trans. ANS, 21, p. 306,1975.
23. B. W. Soencer, et al. , " Summary and Evaluation of R-Series Loss-of-Flow Safety Tests in TREAT," Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety and Related Physics, Chicago, Ill. , October 1976.


!4 l

'fl1 i

l Nl I!! !



' 24. H. Kwast, " Phenomena Observed During Failure of Fast Reactor Fuel Pins Tested under Loss-of-Cooling Conditions," Int. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.

H. U. Wider, et al., "The PLUT02 Overpower Excursion Code and a

( 25.

Comparison with EPIC," Int. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology,  ;

l I Seattle, WA, August 1979.

'26. G. Bandyopadhyay and J. A. Buzzell, " Role of Fission Gas and Fuel i

Melting- in Fuel Resoonse During Simulated Hypotnetical Loss-of-Flow t

i Transients," Nuclear Technology, 47, January 1980.

{ i G. L. Cano, et al., " Visual Investigation of Reactor Fuels Response o Simulated LOF Heating Conditions, First Series," SAND 79-0940, October 1979.

, k) J. G. Ibernart, et al. , " Final Report on 7est L4, A Less-of-Flow Experiment," ANL-76-130, Decemoer 1976.

i 29.. C. E. Dickerman, et al., " Summary of TREA Experiments on Oxide Core-0isruotive Accidents," ANL-79-13, February 1979.

A Final l (30.) R. G. Palm, et al. , "F1 Phenomenological Test on Fuel Motion:

Report," ANL-78-50, May 1978.


. Sims, et al . , " Loss-of-Flow Test LS on FFTF-Type Irradiated Fuel,"

O.f b

31 R i  !

ANL-78-24, March 1978.

l' l

l! 32. R. Simms, et al. , " Interim Report for ANL/ RAS Loss-of-Flow Test L6,"

ANL/ RAS 79-20, August 1979.

33. R. Simms, at al ., " TREAT Test L7 Simulating an LMFBR Loss-of-Flow Accident with FTR-Type Fuel," ANL/ RAS 80-5, Argonne National Laboratory, June 1980.
34. R. Sinms, "An Interpretation of Fuel Motion in Recent TREAT Experiments with LMFBR Fjel," ANL/ RAS 79-18, July 1979.

l r

11-3 2

.A lv25) C. H. Bowers, et al., " Analysis of TREAT Tests L7 and L8 witn SAS30, LEVITATE AND PLUT02," International Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.

/ G. Bancyopadhyay and J. A. Suzzell, " Cladding and Fuel Motion of

.J Irradiated Stainless Steel-Clad Mixed Oxide Fuels in Response to Simulated Themal Transients," Int. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.

O I 37..I R. W. 0 stensen and M. F. Young, " Analysis of In-Pile Fuel Disruotion Exoeriments," Trans. ANS, 28_, p. 437 (1978).


'38.) R. W. 0 stensen, " Comparison of FISGAS Swelling ano Gas Release Predictions with Experiments," Specialist Workshop on Predictive Analysis of Material Dynamics in LMFBR Safety Exoeriments, Los Alamos, tim, March 1979.


39./ D. H. Worledge and G. L. Cano, " Study of the Discersive Potential v

of Irradiated Fuei Using In-Core Exoeriments," Int. Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.

. L. W. Deitrich anc R. W. 0 stensen, " Assessment of Fission-Gas-Driven Fuel Disruption and Dispersal in a Hypothetical LMFBR Loss-of-Flow Accident," ANL/ RAS 77-4, Feoruary 1977.

O j41.}"NuclearSystemsMaterialsHanobook,"HEDL-TID-26666,Hanford J Engineering Develcoment Laboratory, as of January 1980.

3. W. Spencer, et al., "Results of Recent Uoper Plenum Injection l

V Tests." Proc. of the International Meeting on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, August 1979.

n J S. W. Spencer, et al., " CAMEL 70P/ Fuel Sweeoout Single-Pin Test C2,"

l ANL/ RAS 77-22, July 1977.

44 Reactor Develcoment Program Progress Report, July 1979, ANL-RDP-85,

! p. 2.21.


.- ~-- n .. , ,,



. [F 1



4 (q45.j U.S. Department of Energy Fast Reactor Safety Program Progress ,,

  • Recort, Octccer-Decemoer 1979, ANL/TMC 80-1, p. 60.

r (46.)3.W. Spencer,etal.,"InterimReportonTREATTestR8,aSeven- i Pin-Loss-of-Flow Test with Pressurized Pins," ANL/ RAS 78-39, l Septemoer 1978.

', O47.1 T. G. Theofanous, " Multiphase Transients with Coolant and Core t

(V Materials in LMFBR Core Disruptive Accident Energetics Evaluation,"

i NUREG/CR-0224, Purdue University, July 1978.

W. R. Bohl, "Some Recriticality Studies with SIMMER-II," Proc. Int.

Mtg. Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, August 19-23, 1979.

f I O I l T. E. Kraft, et al . , " Simulations of an Unorotected Loss-of-Flow I Accident with a 37-pin Bundle in the Sodium Loco Safety Facility,"


? oc. Intl . Mtg. On Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA.

', Aug. 19-23, 1979.

50. H. K. Fauske, "Scme Coments on Cladding and Early Fuel Relocation in LMFBR Core Disruptive Accidents," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., Vol. 21, pp. 322-323, 1975.

R. E. Henry, et al., " Wood's Metal Cladding Relocation Experiments,"

ANL/ RAS 77-37, 1977.

4 1 m I

52.) 3. W. Soencer, et al. , " Reactor-Material Fuel Freezing Experiments (U

? Using Small-Bundle, CRBR-Type Pins," ANL/ RAS 79-11, Argonne National Laboratory, July 1979.

3. W. Spencer, et al. , "Sumary and Evaluation of Reactor-Material Fuel Freezing Tests," Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Seattle, WA, Aug. 19-23, 1979.
54. F. 3. Cheung and L. Baker, Jr., " Transient Freezing of Liquids in Tube Flow," Nucl. Sci. and Eng., Vol. 60, No. 1, May 1976.

l l 11-5 1



55. R. W. 0 stensen, et al., " Fuel Flow and Freezing in the Ucper Sub-assemoly Structure Following an LMFBR Disassemoly," Trans. Am.

Nuc. Soc., Vol. 18, June 1974.

56. M. Epstein, et al., " Transient Freezing of a Flowing Ceramic Fuel in a Steel Channel," Nuc. Sci. Eng., Vol. 61, 1976.

) 5. W. Eisennawer, et al., "A Study of Heat Transfer from a Flowing Liquid to a Melting Wall," Proc. Intl. Mtg. on Fast Reactor Safety Tecnnology, Seattle, WA, Aug. 19-23, 1979.

58. J. F. Jackson, et al., "Recort on the Core Disruotion Phase of an Unorotected Flow - Coastdown Accident in FTR," ANL/ RAS 74-16, August 1974.

O i59.) G. A. Greene, 0. C. Jones, Jr. , and N. Abauf, "80unoary Heat Transfer v

from Volumetrically Boiling Pools: Subbly and Churn-Turculent Flow Regimes," Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., Vol. 33, 1-986, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 1979.


[60I M. Epstein and G. M. Hauser, "The Melting of Finite Steel Slabs in V

Flowing Nuclear Reactor Fuel," Nucl. Eng. and Design, g , pp. 411-428, 1979.

61. M. Eastein, " Heat Concuction in the U0 2Cladding Comcosite Body with Simultaneous Solidification and Melting," Nucl. Sci. Eng. ,

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/ M. Eastein, L. J. Stachyra and G. A. Lamoert, " Transient Solidifi-cation in Flow into a Rod Bundle," J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 102, No. 2 May 1980.


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