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{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure 4 to TXX-11056 JP Morgan's Long-term Capital Market Returns  
{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure 4 to TXX-11056 JP Morgan's Long-term Capital Market Returns
/J.P.Morgan Asset Management Morgan Asset Management Long-term Capital Market Return Assumptions As of November 30, 2009 Expected 10-15 year annualized compound returns', (%)Inflation 325 Core Inflation 275 Real GDP 2.75 U.S. Cash 3.50 U.S. Intermediate Treasury' 41Xi U.S. Long Treasury4 325 U.S. TIPS 5.00 U.S. Aggregate 4.50 , U.S. Long Duration Gov't/Credit 5.00 U.S. Investment Grade Corporate 5Z5 U.S. Long Corporate 5.75 U.S. High Yield 7.50 World Government Bond (local) 2_.5 Non-U.S. World Government Bond (local) 2.50 Non-U.S. World Government Bond 325 Emerging Market Debt 7.50 U.S. Municipal 3.50 U.S. Large Cap 7.50 U.S. Large Cap EPS Growth 550 U.S. Large Cap Dividend Yield 250 U.S. Large Cap P/E Return Impact -0.50 U.S. Mid Cap 7.75 U.S. Small Cap 7.75 U.S. Large Cap Value 7,75 U.S. Large Cap Growth 725 Europe ex U.K. Large Cap (local) 8.00 Japan Large Cap (local) 5.0 U.K. Large Cap (local) 775 MSCI EAFE (local) 7.00 MSCI EAFE 7.75 Emerging Market Equity 9.50 Asia ex-Japan 9.50 U.S. Private Equitys'A 8.50 U.S. Direct Real Estate (unlevered)l 8.00 U.S. Value Added Real Estate (unlevered)sw 925 European Real Estate (unlevered, local)' 7Z5 875 U.S. REITs 7.75 Hedge Fund-Arbitrage (non-directional)f 5.50 Hedge Fund-Directional,'
700 Hedge Fund-Fund of funds',' 6.0 Commodities' 7.00 Rationale High unemployment and bank deleveraging to keep inflation low in the near term, but today's aggressive policy stimulus may lead to higher inflation as economic conditions normalize.
Strong growth in the emerging economies combined with ongoing dollar weakness should drive commodity prices up, causing headline inflation to outstrip core.Private sector deleveraging and a rising federal debt burden to place constraints on economic growth.Policy rates to rise from today's extraordinarily low levels, but Federal Reserve likely to err on the side of raising rates too late rather than too early.Yields to rise towards a higher equilibrium nominal rate as federal debt levels and inflation risks increase.
J.P.Morgan Asset Management
The resulting capital loss to constrain total returns.Yields to rise towards a higher equilibrium nominal rate as federal debt levels and inflation risks increase.
Duration exposure to result in heavy capital losses as yields move higher.TIPS to outperform nominal Treasuries as expected inflation rises from current levels.Further spread narrowing expected, but total returns to be constrained as overall yields rise with risk free rates.Spreads currently close to equilibrium, but total returns compromised as overall yields rise with risk free rates.Further narrowing in spreads offset by higher risk free rates. Haircut applied to total returns for expected defaults.Government bond yields to rise globally from current levels leading to capital losses as rates converge to equilibrium.
Morgan Asset Management Long-term Capital Market Return Assumptions                                                                                                                                                                             As of November 30, 2009 Expected 10-15 year annualized compound returns', (%)                     Rationale Inflation                                           325   High unemployment and bank deleveraging to keep inflation low in the near term, but today's aggressive policy stimulus may lead to higher inflation as economic conditions normalize.
Dollar depreciation against weighted average of WGBI currencies expected to boost returns to U.S. investors.
Core Inflation                                     275 Strong growth in the emerging economies combined with ongoing dollar weakness should drive commodity prices up, causing headline inflation to outstrip core.
Spreads currently close to equilibrium, but total returns compromised as overall yields rise with risk free rates.Yield ratio versus Treasuries to be little changed as impact of deteriorating local government finances offsets the effect of rising federal tax rates.Sum of below building blocks (Nominal EPS growth -Dividend Yield + P/E return impact). Slightly lower total return than in pre-crisis years reflects higher inflation and constraints on growth over the longer term.Lower projected earnings growth given a likely political shift towards labor and higher expected cost of capital. Earnings to grow in line with nominal GDP.Dividend yields to rise slightly from current levels. No major change in dividend policy expected.Valuations to contract slightly from current levels as the economic cycle matures and earnings normalize.
Real GDP                                           2.75 Private sector deleveraging and a rising federal debt burden to place constraints on economic growth.
Moderate premium to large cap assumed for both. Tighter credit availability and limited scope for valuation improvement to restrain return advantage.
U.S.Cash                                          3.50   Policy rates to rise from today's extraordinarily low levels, but Federal Reserve likely to err on the side of raising rates too late rather than too early.
Value to outperform growth over time, especially given likelihood of increased investor demand for yield.Earnings premium to nominal GDP given greater scope for cost-cutting and relatively large share of emerging market sourced revenues.
U.S. Intermediate Treasury'                       41Xi Yields to rise towards a higher equilibrium nominal rate as federal debt levels and inflation risks increase. The resulting capital loss to constrain total returns.
Small positive valuation contribution; current valuations below historical averages versus the U.S.Demographic challenges and ongoing battle with deflation to mean that Japan remains a global laggard. Earnings premium to nominal GDP given export exposure to emerging Asia.Returns constrained by higher expected cost of capital and higher projected inflation.
U.S. Long Treasury4                                325 Yields to rise towards a higher equilibrium nominal rate as federal debt levels and inflation risks increase. Duration exposure to result in heavy capital losses as yields move higher.
Earnings to grow in line with nominal GDP.Market capitalization weighted average of expectations for regional equity returns.Dollar depreciation against weighted average of EAFE currencies expected to boost returns to U.S. investors.
U.S. TIPS                                          5.00 TIPS to outperform nominal Treasuries as expected inflation rises from current levels.
Relatively healthy emerging economy fundamentals and high rates of productivity make for strong economic growth. Monetary support from local central banks to boost emerging market returns as policymakers seek to limit currency appreciation.
U.S. Aggregate                                    4.50 Further spread narrowing expected, but total returns to be constrained as overall yields rise with risk free rates.
Headwinds from higher imported commodity prices offset by stronger underlying economic growth than other emerging regions.100 bps premium to public markets retained.
    ,      U.S. Long Duration Gov't/Credit                    5.00 U.S. Investment Grade Corporate                    5Z5 Spreads currently close to equilibrium, but total returns compromised as overall yields rise with risk free rates.
Higher cost of debt implies lower returns, but recent underperformance versus public markets serves as an offset.Returns typically between stocks and bonds, but premium to equities reflects current undervaluation and reversion to fair pricing over the forecast period.Same premium to direct real estate assumed as in prior years for specialized acquisition and management expertise.
U.S.Long Corporate                                  5.75 U.S. High Yield                                    7.50 Further narrowing in spreads offset by higher risk free rates. Haircut applied to total returns for expected defaults.
Some valuation boost from prior year, but shallower downturn and earlier recovery make for lower valuation premium than U.S.Exposure to government-regulated sectors limits return downside.
World Government Bond (local)                        2_.5 Government bond yields to rise globally from current levels leading to capital losses as rates converge to equilibrium.
Returns boosted by leverage.Slight discount to underlying core real estate return given recent rapid price adjustment back towards equilibrium in more liquid REITs market.Directional returns below public equities given lower volatility and less leverage than in prior years. Non-directional returns reflect modest premium to aggregate bonds. Fund of funds return assumed to be 60%equity (average of U.S. large cap and EAFE) .40% U.S. aggregate bond return. Sizeable divergences expected between managers.Returns based on expectation for relatively rapid giobal nominal GDP growth.Return estimates are on a compound or internal rate of return (IRR) basis. Equivalent arithmetic averages, as well as further information, are shown on the following page.All asset class assumptions are in total return terms, including equity return assumptions.
Non-U.S. World Government Bond (local)            2.50 Non-U.S. World Government Bond                      325 Dollar depreciation against weighted average of WGBI currencies expected to boost returns to U.S. investors.
All returns are in U.S. dollar terms unless otherwise indicated.
Emerging Market Debt                                7.50 Spreads currently close to equilibrium, but total returns compromised as overall yields rise with risk free rates.
U.S. Intermediate Treasury returns based on Barclays 7-10 yr Treasury index.U.S. Long Treasury returns based on Barclays 20+yr Treasury index.Private Equity, Hedge Funds. Real Estate. Infrastructure and Commodities are unlike other asset classes shown above in that there is no underlying investible index.6 The return estimates shown for these asset classes are our estimates of industry medians-the dispersion of returns among managers in these asset classes is typically far wider than for traditional asset classes.See additional notes on the following page.
U.S. Municipal                                      3.50 Yield ratio versus Treasuries to be little changed as impact of deteriorating local government finances offsets the effect of rising federal tax rates.
a.Expected laion Matrix annualized volatilityz
U.S.Large Cap                                       7.50  Sum of below building blocks (Nominal EPS growth - Dividend Yield + P/E return impact). Slightly lower total return than in pre-crisis years reflects higher inflation and constraints on growth over the longer term.
(%)ICo rlt nMa ix r'nl X L6 Cr U.S Inflation U.S. Cashi U.S. IntermediateTreasury3 U.S. LongTreasury' U.S.&IPS U.S. Aggregate U.S. Long Duration Govt/Credi U.S. Investmnent Grade Corp US. LongCorporate U.S. High Yield WGBI hedged WGBI unhedged WGBI ex-US. hedged WGBI ex-U.S, unhedged Emerging Market Debt U.S. Municpal U.S Large Cap U.S. Mid Cap U.S.Small Cap U.S. Large Cap Value U.S. " CapGrowth Europe ex-U.K Large Cap Japan Large Cap U.K LargeCap EAFE unhedged EAFE hedged Emerging Market Equity Asiaex-Japan US. Private EquityW US. Direct Real Estate (unlev.)j U.S. Vaue Added Real Estate&lnfrastructuree U.S. RErIs Hedge Funds (non-directionaJ)U Hedge Funds (directionalP Hedge Funds of Fundss4 Commodities 5 E! L50 350 050 420G 625 325 12259.50 5.75 625 ,75 1050 750 M2s 3.75300 3275 7.50 3A5 250 3358a75 7.5082 3501 75 0D9 L~O- .3&deg;2 , 0 '-am om 091 LOD to<C E*oL o0.01 0.6 0.6 LOO&#xfd;O2 O&#xa3;6 OB8 0,83 0-78 1 ._-0.9 -OM 0.84 0.88 0.73 093 L-W8 -006 0.57 057 OM6 OM8 0,84 LOD0-024 -OM8 0.58 O4 065 0.2 0.87 a94 0120-16 016 -0.1 0.30 0024 058-OM3 0(12 091 086 0.58 0.82 0.78 0.53-0J4 -WOJ20.6 0.0 0.0 OL67 0.64 0.55-04 = 0.81 0,77 09 0.73 0.00 0,47-0.10 ,.05 3 2 0.50 0-4 O.9 0-55 0.51 0.09 0.06 0256 0.1 051 034 0.M-049 002 0W 4 0.88 023 093 .002 W 0.57LOC 00 o >-Q49 -5 o087 7o 1.00o " 0.49 0.16 051 0 475 1.4 w 2---- .---- -ut 069 0.69 020 034 017 0.33 00 -O 059 025 053 O043 0.46 038 0-41 L00-I.50 1625 0.042- -024 -1116 0a.0503 0.05 025 1875 0.07 2 -024 -0O3 0.11 0.02 0.9 75 21.75 0.04 -002 013 0.02 -0M 005 U5 16.00 003 0.02 -0.19 -0.1 0.09 0.02 008 25 1925 0.05 -006 -027 -0.18 0.03 -0.6 0.2 W0 1925 003-004 0.12 0.08 004 0.1 801850 03U -WJ3 -406 000 022 032 0.18 U5 1725 OD9 -005 -022 -08 0.10 004 008 5 100 0,05 -C07 -018 -009 0.34 0.07 0.35 051620 0.02 0.02 -035 -022 -406 -O" .001 0 2525 0.03 -009 -022 -0.14 0.14 003 0.10 62450 03 -010 -0.21 -0.13 03 0.03 01 024 031 023 026 021 0.33 034 034 O3X 0.22 028 034 028 029 025 035 035 032 039 025 064 0.71 O.4 0,61 061 0,65 0.49 0154 0,68 0.62-027.035_025-Q20-am1 023 4.14-026_Q21-035 005 0.6 0.02 0.11 4Q01 O23 026 0.20 025-0112 4125.018.029-a21.0.17 4O25.021 4-22 0.O0 0,11 0.06 0.16 0.03 029 030 026 031-007 055 -O.O4 0,62 0.02 057 -002 0.51-0,02 031-2 053 .O.O5 059 -02 0.46 0.05 0.53 -0.11 00 092 081 0.90 092 0.88 061 085 0.87 0,880:: L)L>091 1.00 D 085 071 LO0 0,89 0.81 075 0.88 0.79 O83 0.63 035 0.56 0.82 O.68 083 0.89 0.80 O82 089 081 080 O.82 0.7 020 0.76 01 067 LO0 0.7 082 084 0.9 0.74*0 L)100 0,3 LOO 093 (161 1.(00 095 0.74 0L91 oX 0L67 0113 a 0. B 0.99 0,63 0-5 0.33 0360.69-026 0.13 -025 018 0.63 -0.01 0.3 .020 0.18 0.55 0.00 0.80 076 03 036 067--22 2525 8)5 1300 11200 0,07 -007 026 4-16 0.05 0.0100 0.02 0.06 -0,01 W3 030 0.06 019 016 O04 035 O.9 034 03 O.06 027 005 014 0.07 024 025 022 035 026 028 024 0.16 025 0.64 036 0.30 025 24.50 650 925 7.50 1725 0.10 031 -.015 0.00 0.21 06 0.14 014 0.05 0.20 0.17 O1 -O21 -0.6 026 0300 5-0,04 0.22 0L17 0.19 0.34 0.36 060.026 0.00 015 4034.0258.028-024-W.2 0.02.424 015 001 0.10 -004 025 0.12 022 -00 0.13 -0M9 0.04-028 0.03-024 025 .O4 006 0O03.02 0160300.09 aO1023 0.05 0.24 029 0.20 0250.48 0C 3 0.165 0920 0.08 0.61 005 0.06 0.52 0.09 025 029 -009 0.72 035 029 0.19 059 0.53 0.75 052 029 084 OAO 0.32 024 0.66 0.64 O,85 0,64 036 092 038 030 021 064 056 0,83 Oh4 025 0.58 0.40 033 024 0,67 O.48 0,63 037 030 O.77 0710 055 OO 027 035 026 032 022 029 0.22 027 0G3 020 0.21 019 045 0.59 0A3 0.53 0540.64 052066 0.78 000.8 3 026 060 0.630.40.80 027 0.41 0.41 0.44>, 0.3 .4 0a7 .7 L 0 =0 W W 58 09 0 1.00 Q.8 083 0 .023 00 3 0 .5 LOO =-7 7 07 LO >059 ,M 050 0,47 052 0.60 047 045 0,68 059 0L74 0158 0,63 025 021 021 0G83 .8 0.84 0.78 0, 0.27 023 016 0867 023 OJ5 013 010 045 030 0.48 02 025 0.02 0 .6-g 0 05 0.8 LO0 0E 020 0.9 0,5 0 O 0,34 032 0.13 0.33 0.17 0.01 002 0.08 018 0.06 0.06 012 051 035 029 026 0.43 032 026 023 0.20 0,9 0.51 034* All returns on this page are in U.S. dollar terms.Note: Given the complex risk-reward trade-offs involved, we advise clients to rely on judgment as well as quantitative optimization approaches in setting strategic allocations to all the above asset classes, Please note that all information shown is based on qualitative analysis.Exclusive reliance on the above is not advised.This information is not intended as a recommendation to invest in any particular asset class or as a promise of future performance.
U.S. Large Cap EPS Growth                          550    Lower projected earnings growth given a likely political shift towards labor and higher expected cost of capital. Earnings to grow in line with nominal GDP.
Note that these asset class assumptions are passive only-they do not consider the impact of active management.
U.S. Large Cap Dividend Yield                      250    Dividend yields to rise slightly from current levels. No major change in dividend policy expected.
References to future returns for either asset allocation strategies or asset classes are not promises or even estimates of actual returns a client portfolio may achieve.See footnotes on the prior page.
U.S. Large Cap P/E Return Impact                  -0.50   Valuations to contract slightly from current levels as the economic cycle matures and earnings normalize.
Wehav lowredour ongterreturn J.P. MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT I 245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167 I jpiorgan.comi/institutional Assptins M org iosan Asestmte M anaempoient Lo ng-lu t ermt p Cr p itaoly The asoulen t Re turee pn A ssurc m pedtions arebu devrlseld securitiesbyForecastsmptifinanoialtmarket trends tasst re lased tnreatmare ofnditions convstiueors judgmeta areosubes thane fir.Theu Co mmi ttee relieve thnomton trvddher isnepale ut a d nexpwaratitseo acc ra nge o portoli mLana1" ersl a nd~f prdcmtess Thspmaeialistsstbe reprevfin formtioenspurpoe s thatly, an ayisno i stne coponsistendhudnt a ecreidoss or asse ut ig c las egs l The fia l stepince.rc s i ioo s e iw o h prMorgaoAsed Managemet s and thr e iru deting ratinal with the senser management bsnse of J.P.Morgan ChsAssetoebsnessicudbtae o iiedtP Mor an agnes ment .thatnarembaent on. Scurrity marktcnit ion constitute ou Mana ge ment and ar e sujMorgan ale nati e withot anog et ic .We obelievghe i0nf Jormati n prvddh ere is reial, bute dononarrntitacuacto copeees hsmtralhsbe rprdfrifomto3.pssolad sntitne opoidadsol o erledo oacutnlglArtxavc.J P M r w J.P.~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Moga Ase Maaemn istemaktn nm o teast aaemn uinse f Pogn hs C.Tos3uiese.nlue u aent iie t,3 Mra nvsmn Managemen In. Seurt Caia Reeac & Maaemn Inc an JP Morga Alentv Ase Maaemn Inc Coyih 09-nCae&C.
U.S. Mid Cap                                        7.75 Moderate premium to large cap assumed for both. Tighter credit availability and limited scope for valuation improvement to restrain return advantage.
Asse Man ge en}}
U.S. Small Cap                                      7.75 U.S. Large Cap Value                                7,75 Value to outperform growth over time, especially given likelihood of increased investor demand for yield.
U.S. Large Cap Growth                                725 Europe ex U.K.Large Cap (local)                            Earnings premium to nominal GDP given greater scope for cost-cutting and relatively large share of emerging market sourced revenues. Small positive valuation contribution; current valuations below historical 8.00 averages versus the U.S.
Japan Large Cap (local)                            5.0 Demographic challenges and ongoing battle with deflation to mean that Japan remains a global laggard. Earnings premium to nominal GDP given export exposure to emerging Asia.
U.K. Large Cap (local)                              775 Returns constrained by higher expected cost of capital and higher projected inflation. Earnings to grow in line with nominal GDP.
MSCI EAFE (local)                                  7.00 Market capitalization weighted average of expectations for regional equity returns.
MSCI EAFE                                            7.75 Dollar depreciation against weighted average of EAFE currencies expected to boost returns to U.S. investors.
Relatively healthy emerging economy fundamentals and high rates of productivity make for strong economic growth. Monetary support from local central banks to boost emerging Emerging Market Equity                              9.50 market returns as policymakers seek to limit currency appreciation.
Asia ex-Japan                                      9.50 Headwinds from higher imported commodity prices offset by stronger underlying economic growth than other emerging regions.
U.S. Private Equitys'A                              8.50  100 bps premium to public markets retained. Higher cost of debt implies lower returns, but recent underperformance versus public markets serves as an offset.
U.S. Direct Real Estate (unlevered)l                8.00  Returns typically between stocks and bonds, but premium to equities reflects current undervaluation and reversion to fair pricing over the forecast period.
U.S.Value Added Real Estate (unlevered)sw            925  Same premium to direct real estate assumed as in prior years for specialized acquisition and management expertise.
European Real Estate (unlevered, local)'            7Z5  Some valuation boost from prior year, but shallower downturn and earlier recovery make for lower valuation premium than U.S.
lnfrastructure*                                      875  Exposure to government-regulated sectors limits return downside. Returns boosted by leverage.
U.S. REITs                                          7.75  Slight discount to underlying core real estate return given recent rapid price adjustment back towards equilibrium in more liquid REITsmarket.
Hedge Fund-Arbitrage (non-directional)f            5.50 Directional returns below public equities given lower volatility and less leverage than in prior years. Non-directional returns reflect modest premium to aggregate bonds. Fund of funds return assumed to be 60%
Hedge Fund-Directional,'                            700    equity (average of U.S. large cap and EAFE) . 40% U.S. aggregate bond return. Sizeable divergences expected between managers.
Hedge Fund-Fund of funds','                        6.0 Commodities'                                        7.00  Returns based on expectation for relatively rapid giobal nominal GDP growth.
Return estimates are on a compound or internal rate of return (IRR)basis. Equivalent arithmetic averages, as well as further information, are shown on            Private Equity, Hedge Funds. Real Estate. Infrastructure and Commodities are unlike other asset classes shown above inthat there is the following page.                                                                                                                                                no underlying investible index.
All asset class assumptions are in total return terms, including equity return assumptions. All returns are in U.S.dollar terms unless otherwise indicated. 6 The return estimates shown for these asset classes are our estimates of industry medians-the dispersion of returns among U.S. Intermediate Treasury returns based on Barclays 7-10yr Treasury index.                                                                                      managers in these asset classes is typically far wider than for traditional asset classes.
U.S.Long Treasury returns based on Barclays 20+yr Treasury index.                                                                                              See additional notes on the following page.
Expected annualized volatilityz    (%)ICo laion      rlt              nMa  Matrix    ix r'nl a.
U.S Inflation                        E!    L50 0D9 L~O-              .3&deg;2            ,
C      E U.S. Cashi                          350 050 U.S.IntermediateTreasury3          420G 625                    0              '
U.S.LongTreasury'                    325 1225    -am om 091 LOD                          to<        W
                                                          *oL o0.010.6        0.6  LOO U.S.&IPS
                                                        &#xfd;O2 O&#xa3;6        OB8 0,83      0-78 1    .       _
U.S. Aggregate                      4503*75
                                                        -0.9 -OM      0.84    0.88  0.73 093  L            o    >-
U.S.Long Duration Govt/Credi        5*00 9.50 0.57LOC U.S.Investmnent Grade Corp          5.75 625    -W8 -006 0.57          057  OM6 OM8 0,84 LOD0
                                                        -024 -OM8 0.58        O4    065 0.2 0.87 a94              00 US.LongCorporate                      ,75 1050 0120-16        016    -0.1  0.30  0024        058  Q49                    -5 U.S.High Yield                       750    M2s X WGBI     hedged                         3.75300    -OM3 0(12 091          086  0.58 0.82  0.78 0.53 L6                                                                                                        o087 1.00o 7o                            "
WGBIunhedged                        3275 7.50 -0J4 -WOJ20.6 0.0 0.0              OL67 0.64    0.55
                                                        -04 = 0.81 0,77 09                0.73 0.00    0,47 WGBIex-US. hedged                    3A5 250
                                                        -0.10 ,.053      2    0.50 0-4  O.9  0-55 0.51 0.49    0.16 - 051 0      475 1.4  w 0--
2 WGBIex-U.S,unhedged                  3358a75                                                                            .----
ut 0.09  0.06    0256 0.1          051 034      0.M Emerging Market Debt                7.5082                                                           069  0.69    020    034  017  0.33    00  -O        L)
                                                        -049    002    0W4    0.88  023  093      .002                                                                    L>
U.S.Municpal                        3501 75                                                          059  025    053    O043 0.46 038    0-41 L00        *0        0::        *0
                                                  -I.                                                                                                          00 U.S  Large Cap                        50 1625    0.042-        -024 -1116 0a.0503      0.05 024    028  064 -027 005 4125 0.O0 055 -O.O4 2 -024     -0O3 0.11 0.02 0.9      031 034    0.71  .035    0.6        0,11 0,62  0.02 092 U.S.MidCap                            025 1875    0.07                                                                                                                                        L)
U.S.Small Cap                        75 21.75 0.04 -002 -25            -013 0.02 -0M    005    023 028    O.4    _025 0.02          0.06  057 -002  081  091  1.00 D
                                                                                                                                        .018 U.S.LargeCapValue                    U5 16.00    003    0.02 -0.19    -0.1 0.09  0.02  008 026      029  0,61 -Q20      0.11      0.16 0.51-0,02 0.90 085  071  LO0 031-2 053 .O.O5 092 0,89              LO0 U.S." CapGrowth                      25    1925  0.05 -006 -027      -0.18 0.03  -0.6 0.2    021  025  061 -am1 4Q01 .029        0.03                      0.81 075 0.88 0.88  0.79O83 0.7                                                        >,
Europe ex-U.K Large Cap                W0 1925 003-004-02               -0.12 0.08 004    0.1    0.33 035 0,65      023    O23 -a21 029    059 -02                                                        0       W 0,3  LOO Japan  Large Cap                    801850      03U -WJ3 -406 000          022  032  0.18 034    035 0.49 4.14        026 .0.17 030    0.46  0.05 061 0.63  035 0.56 Cr                                                                                                                                                                                                        W            58 U.KLargeCap                          U5 1725 OD9 -005         -022 -08 0.10 004       008 034      032 0154 -026 0.20 4O25 026                      085 0.82 O.68 083          093  (161 1.(00 082 095    0.74 0L91 0.3        .4    0a7    .7  L  0 =
EAFE  unhedged                          5 100    0,05 -C07    -018 -009    0.34 0.07  0.35 O3X 039 0,68 _Q21 025            .021  031            0.87 0.89 0.80  O82 oX  0L67 0113    Q.8  083          0               .
EAFEhedged                            051620      0.02  0.02  -035 -022 -406 -O" .001 0.22 025            0.62   -035 -0112 4-22 -007      0.53 -0.11 0,88 089  081 080 084                        09      0               1.00 a    0.B                                                          -g Emerging Market Equity                  0 2525    0.03 -009 -022 -0.14 0.14 003          0.10 0.33    0360.69-026          0.13 -025  018  0.63 -0.01 0.80 O.82 0.7 020    0.9                            40-7      07      LO          >
0.99 0,63  0-5 Asiaex-Japan                          62450      03 -010 -0.21 -0.13          03  0.03  01    03  036 067--22          0.3 .020  0.18 0.55 0.00  076  0.76 01    067  0.74                    023          0    LOO 003 = .5                            0 US.Private EquityW                        2525  0,07 -007      026 4-16 O04            005    025 028 0.64 .026 0.02.424 006 0O03.02 0.72 084                 092 0.58  O.77 0710055      OO US.Direct Real Estate (unlev.)j            8)5  0.05      0.0100    0.02  035  03  014    022 024    036 0.00        015  001 0160300.09        035  OAO 038 0.40    027    035  026  032 U.S.Vaue Added Real Estate&                1300 0.06 -0,01 W3            O.9 O.06 0.07      035  0.16 0.30            0.10 -004  aO1023    0.05 029  0.32 030  033 022    029  0.22 027 lnfrastructuree                            11200 030 0.06 019 016            034 027 024        026 025  025      015    025  0.12 0.24  029 0.20  0.19 024  021 024    0G3 020      0.21 019                                                         05 0.8  LO0 0E 059      ,M 050    0,47    052  0.60  047 045 U.S.RErIs                                24.50   0.10   031 -.015 0.00       0.22  0L17 0.19 0.34    0.36  060 4034        022 -00    0250.48      0C3 059 0.66  064 0,67  045    0.59 0A3  0.53 0,68  059    0L74 0158 0,63    025  021 021 Hedge Funds (non-directionaJ)U              650  0.21 06 0.14            0,34  0.17 018    051 0.43  0.20            0.13 -0M9 0.165        0920 0.53 0.64 056  O.48 0540.64    052066                                                        020    0.0,5    0       O
                                                                                                                          .0258 0G83 .8      0.84 0.78    0,    0.27  023 016 Hedge Funds (directionalP                  925  014    0.05 -27    -0.20  032 0.01 0.06      035 032 0,9    .028 0.04-028        0.08  0.61 005 0.75 O,85 0,83    0,63 0.78  000.8    3 026 0867 023                          OJ5 013  010 Hedge Funds ofFundss4                      7.50 0.17    O1 -O21 -0.6        0.13 002 0.06      029  026   0.51 -024 0.03-024        0.06  0.52 0.09  052 0,64 Oh4    037 060 0.630.40.80 5                                                                                                                                                                                      045 030      0.48 02      025    0.02 0   .6 Commodities                                1725 026    0300      5-0,04    0.33 0.08  012 026    023 034      -W.2 025    .O4  025 029 -009    029 036  025  030  027    0.41 0.41 0.44
* Allreturns on this page are in U.S. dollar terms.
Note: Given the complex risk-reward trade-offs involved, we advise clients to rely on judgment as well as quantitative optimization approaches in setting strategic allocations to all the above asset classes, Please note that all information shown is based on qualitative analysis.
Exclusive reliance on the above is not advised.
This information is not intended as a recommendation to invest in any particular asset class or as a promise of future performance. Note that these asset class assumptions are passive only-they do not consider the impact of active management. References to future returns for either asset allocation strategies or asset classes are not promises or even estimates of actual returns a client portfolio may achieve.
See footnotes on the prior page.
* Wehavlowredour ongterreturn J.P. MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT                                                    I 245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167 I jpiorgan.comi/institutional Assptins M org copeees tasstre      lased iosanAsestmte hsmtralhsbe
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Latest revision as of 21:48, 10 March 2020

Enclosure 4 to TXX-11056, Jp Morgan'S Long-Term Capital Market Returns
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/2009
J.P. Morgan Trust Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CP- 201100646, TXX-11056
Download: ML11161A155 (5)


Enclosure 4 to TXX-11056 JP Morgan's Long-term Capital Market Returns


J.P.Morgan Asset Management

Morgan Asset Management Long-term Capital Market Return Assumptions As of November 30, 2009 Expected 10-15 year annualized compound returns', (%) Rationale Inflation 325 High unemployment and bank deleveraging to keep inflation low in the near term, but today's aggressive policy stimulus may lead to higher inflation as economic conditions normalize.

Core Inflation 275 Strong growth in the emerging economies combined with ongoing dollar weakness should drive commodity prices up, causing headline inflation to outstrip core.

Real GDP 2.75 Private sector deleveraging and a rising federal debt burden to place constraints on economic growth.

U.S.Cash 3.50 Policy rates to rise from today's extraordinarily low levels, but Federal Reserve likely to err on the side of raising rates too late rather than too early.

U.S. Intermediate Treasury' 41Xi Yields to rise towards a higher equilibrium nominal rate as federal debt levels and inflation risks increase. The resulting capital loss to constrain total returns.

U.S. Long Treasury4 325 Yields to rise towards a higher equilibrium nominal rate as federal debt levels and inflation risks increase. Duration exposure to result in heavy capital losses as yields move higher.

U.S. TIPS 5.00 TIPS to outperform nominal Treasuries as expected inflation rises from current levels.

U.S. Aggregate 4.50 Further spread narrowing expected, but total returns to be constrained as overall yields rise with risk free rates.

, U.S. Long Duration Gov't/Credit 5.00 U.S. Investment Grade Corporate 5Z5 Spreads currently close to equilibrium, but total returns compromised as overall yields rise with risk free rates.

U.S.Long Corporate 5.75 U.S. High Yield 7.50 Further narrowing in spreads offset by higher risk free rates. Haircut applied to total returns for expected defaults.

World Government Bond (local) 2_.5 Government bond yields to rise globally from current levels leading to capital losses as rates converge to equilibrium.

Non-U.S. World Government Bond (local) 2.50 Non-U.S. World Government Bond 325 Dollar depreciation against weighted average of WGBI currencies expected to boost returns to U.S. investors.

Emerging Market Debt 7.50 Spreads currently close to equilibrium, but total returns compromised as overall yields rise with risk free rates.

U.S. Municipal 3.50 Yield ratio versus Treasuries to be little changed as impact of deteriorating local government finances offsets the effect of rising federal tax rates.

U.S.Large Cap 7.50 Sum of below building blocks (Nominal EPS growth - Dividend Yield + P/E return impact). Slightly lower total return than in pre-crisis years reflects higher inflation and constraints on growth over the longer term.

U.S. Large Cap EPS Growth 550 Lower projected earnings growth given a likely political shift towards labor and higher expected cost of capital. Earnings to grow in line with nominal GDP.

U.S. Large Cap Dividend Yield 250 Dividend yields to rise slightly from current levels. No major change in dividend policy expected.

U.S. Large Cap P/E Return Impact -0.50 Valuations to contract slightly from current levels as the economic cycle matures and earnings normalize.

U.S. Mid Cap 7.75 Moderate premium to large cap assumed for both. Tighter credit availability and limited scope for valuation improvement to restrain return advantage.

U.S. Small Cap 7.75 U.S. Large Cap Value 7,75 Value to outperform growth over time, especially given likelihood of increased investor demand for yield.

U.S. Large Cap Growth 725 Europe ex U.K.Large Cap (local) Earnings premium to nominal GDP given greater scope for cost-cutting and relatively large share of emerging market sourced revenues. Small positive valuation contribution; current valuations below historical 8.00 averages versus the U.S.

Japan Large Cap (local) 5.0 Demographic challenges and ongoing battle with deflation to mean that Japan remains a global laggard. Earnings premium to nominal GDP given export exposure to emerging Asia.

U.K. Large Cap (local) 775 Returns constrained by higher expected cost of capital and higher projected inflation. Earnings to grow in line with nominal GDP.

MSCI EAFE (local) 7.00 Market capitalization weighted average of expectations for regional equity returns.

MSCI EAFE 7.75 Dollar depreciation against weighted average of EAFE currencies expected to boost returns to U.S. investors.

Relatively healthy emerging economy fundamentals and high rates of productivity make for strong economic growth. Monetary support from local central banks to boost emerging Emerging Market Equity 9.50 market returns as policymakers seek to limit currency appreciation.

Asia ex-Japan 9.50 Headwinds from higher imported commodity prices offset by stronger underlying economic growth than other emerging regions.

U.S. Private Equitys'A 8.50 100 bps premium to public markets retained. Higher cost of debt implies lower returns, but recent underperformance versus public markets serves as an offset.

U.S. Direct Real Estate (unlevered)l 8.00 Returns typically between stocks and bonds, but premium to equities reflects current undervaluation and reversion to fair pricing over the forecast period.

U.S.Value Added Real Estate (unlevered)sw 925 Same premium to direct real estate assumed as in prior years for specialized acquisition and management expertise.

European Real Estate (unlevered, local)' 7Z5 Some valuation boost from prior year, but shallower downturn and earlier recovery make for lower valuation premium than U.S.

lnfrastructure* 875 Exposure to government-regulated sectors limits return downside. Returns boosted by leverage.

U.S. REITs 7.75 Slight discount to underlying core real estate return given recent rapid price adjustment back towards equilibrium in more liquid REITsmarket.

Hedge Fund-Arbitrage (non-directional)f 5.50 Directional returns below public equities given lower volatility and less leverage than in prior years. Non-directional returns reflect modest premium to aggregate bonds. Fund of funds return assumed to be 60%

Hedge Fund-Directional,' 700 equity (average of U.S. large cap and EAFE) . 40% U.S. aggregate bond return. Sizeable divergences expected between managers.

Hedge Fund-Fund of funds',' 6.0 Commodities' 7.00 Returns based on expectation for relatively rapid giobal nominal GDP growth.

Return estimates are on a compound or internal rate of return (IRR)basis. Equivalent arithmetic averages, as well as further information, are shown on Private Equity, Hedge Funds. Real Estate. Infrastructure and Commodities are unlike other asset classes shown above inthat there is the following page. no underlying investible index.

All asset class assumptions are in total return terms, including equity return assumptions. All returns are in U.S.dollar terms unless otherwise indicated. 6 The return estimates shown for these asset classes are our estimates of industry medians-the dispersion of returns among U.S. Intermediate Treasury returns based on Barclays 7-10yr Treasury index. managers in these asset classes is typically far wider than for traditional asset classes.

U.S.Long Treasury returns based on Barclays 20+yr Treasury index. See additional notes on the following page.

Expected annualized volatilityz (%)ICo laion rlt nMa Matrix ix r'nl a.

U.S Inflation E! L50 0D9 L~O- .3°2 ,

C E U.S. Cashi 350 050 U.S.IntermediateTreasury3 420G 625 0 '

U.S.LongTreasury' 325 1225 -am om 091 LOD to< W

  • oL o0.010.6 0.6 LOO U.S.&IPS

ýO2 O£6 OB8 0,83 0-78 1 . _

U.S. Aggregate 4503*75

-0.9 -OM 0.84 0.88 0.73 093 L o >-

U.S.Long Duration Govt/Credi 5*00 9.50 0.57LOC U.S.Investmnent Grade Corp 5.75 625 -W8 -006 0.57 057 OM6 OM8 0,84 LOD0

-024 -OM8 0.58 O4 065 0.2 0.87 a94 00 US.LongCorporate ,75 1050 0120-16 016 -0.1 0.30 0024 058 Q49 -5 U.S.High Yield 750 M2s X WGBI hedged 3.75300 -OM3 0(12 091 086 0.58 0.82 0.78 0.53 L6 o087 1.00o 7o "

WGBIunhedged 3275 7.50 -0J4 -WOJ20.6 0.0 0.0 OL67 0.64 0.55

-04 = 0.81 0,77 09 0.73 0.00 0,47 WGBIex-US. hedged 3A5 250

-0.10 ,.053 2 0.50 0-4 O.9 0-55 0.51 0.49 0.16 - 051 0 475 1.4 w 0--

2 WGBIex-U.S,unhedged 3358a75 .----

ut 0.09 0.06 0256 0.1 051 034 0.M Emerging Market Debt 7.5082 069 0.69 020 034 017 0.33 00 -O L)

-049 002 0W4 0.88 023 093 .002 L>

U.S.Municpal 3501 75 059 025 053 O043 0.46 038 0-41 L00 *0 0:: *0

-I. 00 U.S Large Cap 50 1625 0.042- -024 -1116 0a.0503 0.05 024 028 064 -027 005 4125 0.O0 055 -O.O4 2 -024 -0O3 0.11 0.02 0.9 031 034 0.71 .035 0.6 0,11 0,62 0.02 092 U.S.MidCap 025 1875 0.07 L)

U.S.Small Cap 75 21.75 0.04 -002 -25 -013 0.02 -0M 005 023 028 O.4 _025 0.02 0.06 057 -002 081 091 1.00 D


.018 U.S.LargeCapValue U5 16.00 003 0.02 -0.19 -0.1 0.09 0.02 008 026 029 0,61 -Q20 0.11 0.16 0.51-0,02 0.90 085 071 LO0 031-2 053 .O.O5 092 0,89 LO0 U.S." CapGrowth 25 1925 0.05 -006 -027 -0.18 0.03 -0.6 0.2 021 025 061 -am1 4Q01 .029 0.03 0.81 075 0.88 0.88 0.79O83 0.7 >,

Europe ex-U.K Large Cap W0 1925 003-004-02 -0.12 0.08 004 0.1 0.33 035 0,65 023 O23 -a21 029 059 -02 0 W 0,3 LOO Japan Large Cap 801850 03U -WJ3 -406 000 022 032 0.18 034 035 0.49 4.14 026 .0.17 030 0.46 0.05 061 0.63 035 0.56 Cr W 58 U.KLargeCap U5 1725 OD9 -005 -022 -08 0.10 004 008 034 032 0154 -026 0.20 4O25 026 085 0.82 O.68 083 093 (161 1.(00 082 095 0.74 0L91 0.3 .4 0a7 .7 L 0 =

EAFE unhedged 5 100 0,05 -C07 -018 -009 0.34 0.07 0.35 O3X 039 0,68 _Q21 025 .021 031 0.87 0.89 0.80 O82 oX 0L67 0113 Q.8 083 0 .

EAFEhedged 051620 0.02 0.02 -035 -022 -406 -O" .001 0.22 025 0.62 -035 -0112 4-22 -007 0.53 -0.11 0,88 089 081 080 084 09 0 1.00 a 0.B -g Emerging Market Equity 0 2525 0.03 -009 -022 -0.14 0.14 003 0.10 0.33 0360.69-026 0.13 -025 018 0.63 -0.01 0.80 O.82 0.7 020 0.9 40-7 07 LO >

0.99 0,63 0-5 Asiaex-Japan 62450 03 -010 -0.21 -0.13 03 0.03 01 03 036 067--22 0.3 .020 0.18 0.55 0.00 076 0.76 01 067 0.74 023 0 LOO 003 = .5 0 US.Private EquityW 2525 0,07 -007 026 4-16 O04 005 025 028 0.64 .026 0.02.424 006 0O03.02 0.72 084 092 0.58 O.77 0710055 OO US.Direct Real Estate (unlev.)j 8)5 0.05 0.0100 0.02 035 03 014 022 024 036 0.00 015 001 0160300.09 035 OAO 038 0.40 027 035 026 032 U.S.Vaue Added Real Estate& 1300 0.06 -0,01 W3 O.9 O.06 0.07 035 0.16 0.30 0.10 -004 aO1023 0.05 029 0.32 030 033 022 029 0.22 027 lnfrastructuree 11200 030 0.06 019 016 034 027 024 026 025 025 015 025 0.12 0.24 029 0.20 0.19 024 021 024 0G3 020 0.21 019 05 0.8 LO0 0E 059 ,M 050 0,47 052 0.60 047 045 U.S.RErIs 24.50 0.10 031 -.015 0.00 0.22 0L17 0.19 0.34 0.36 060 4034 022 -00 0250.48 0C3 059 0.66 064 0,67 045 0.59 0A3 0.53 0,68 059 0L74 0158 0,63 025 021 021 Hedge Funds (non-directionaJ)U 650 0.21 06 0.14 0,34 0.17 018 051 0.43 0.20 0.13 -0M9 0.165 0920 0.53 0.64 056 O.48 0540.64 052066 020 0.9 0,5 0 O

.0258 0G83 .8 0.84 0.78 0, 0.27 023 016 Hedge Funds (directionalP 925 014 0.05 -27 -0.20 032 0.01 0.06 035 032 0,9 .028 0.04-028 0.08 0.61 005 0.75 O,85 0,83 0,63 0.78 000.8 3 026 0867 023 OJ5 013 010 Hedge Funds ofFundss4 7.50 0.17 O1 -O21 -0.6 0.13 002 0.06 029 026 0.51 -024 0.03-024 0.06 0.52 0.09 052 0,64 Oh4 037 060 0.630.40.80 5 045 030 0.48 02 025 0.02 0 .6 Commodities 1725 026 0300 5-0,04 0.33 0.08 012 026 023 034 -W.2 025 .O4 025 029 -009 029 036 025 030 027 0.41 0.41 0.44

  • Allreturns on this page are in U.S. dollar terms.

Note: Given the complex risk-reward trade-offs involved, we advise clients to rely on judgment as well as quantitative optimization approaches in setting strategic allocations to all the above asset classes, Please note that all information shown is based on qualitative analysis.

Exclusive reliance on the above is not advised.

This information is not intended as a recommendation to invest in any particular asset class or as a promise of future performance. Note that these asset class assumptions are passive only-they do not consider the impact of active management. References to future returns for either asset allocation strategies or asset classes are not promises or even estimates of actual returns a client portfolio may achieve.

See footnotes on the prior page.

  • Wehavlowredour ongterreturn J.P. MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT I 245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167 I jpiorgan.comi/institutional Assptins M org copeees tasstre lased iosanAsestmte hsmtralhsbe


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