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{{#Wiki_filter:NUCLEAR REACTOR LABORATORY AN INTERDEPARTMENTAL CENTER OFMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EDWARD S. LAUAssistant Director ofReactor Operations 138 Albany Street, Cambridge, MA 02139-4296 Telefax No. (617) 253-7300Tel. No. (617) 253-4211Facility ToursEducation
& TrainingActivation AnalysisCoolant Chemistry Nuclear MedicineMarch 29, 2014U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555Attn.:Document Control Desk
Annual Report, Docket No. 50-20, License R-37, Technical Specification 7.7.1Gentlemen:
Forwarded herewith is the Annual Report for the MIT Research Reactor for the periodfrom January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013, in compliance with paragraph 7.7.1 of the Technical Specifications issued November 1, 2010, for Facility Operating License R-37.Sincerely,
'Iot~n P. FosterSuperintendent for Operations
& Maintenance MIT Research ReactorEdward S. Lau, NEAssistant Director of Reactor Operations MIT Re earch Reactorhomas H. Newton, Jr., Ph.D., PEDirector of Reactor Operations MIT Research ReactorST/gw
As statedcc: USNRC -Senior Project ManagerResearch and Test Reactors Branch ADivision of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation USNRC -Senior Reactor Inspector Research and Test Reactors Branch BDivision of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 4on-MIT RESEARCH REACTORNUCLEAR REACTOR LABORATORY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ANNUAL REPORTtoUnited StatesNuclear Regulatory Commission forthe Period January 1, 2013 -December 31, 2013byREACTOR STAFF Table of ContentsSection PageIntroduction
1A. Summary of Operating Experience
: 31. General ................................................................................................
: 32. Experiments
: 53. Changes to Facility Design .................................................................
: 74. Changes in Performance Characteristics
: 75. Changes in Operating Procedures
: 86. Surveillance Tests and Inspections
107. Status of Spent Fuel Shipment
10B. Reactor Operation
11C. Shutdowns and Scrams ..............................................................................
12D. M ajor M aintenance
14E. Section 50.59 Changes, Tests, and Experiments
16F. Environmental Surveys ................................................................................
20G. Radiation Exposures and Surveys W ithin the Facility
21H. Radioactive Effluents
22Table H-I Argon-41 Stack Releases
23Table H-2 Radioactive Solid W aste Shipments
24Table H-3 Liquid Effluent Discharges
25I. Summary of Use of Medical Facility for Human Therapy ...........................
26 MIT RESEARCH REACTORANNUAL REPORT TOU. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2013 -DECEMBER 31, 2013INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared by the staff of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology Research Reactor for submission to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in compliance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications toFacility Operating License No. R-37 (Docket No. 50-20), Paragraph 7.7.1, whichrequires an annual report that summarizes licensed activities from the I st of January tothe 31st of December of each year.The MIT Research Reactor (MITR), as originally constructed and designated as MITR-I, consisted of a core of MTR-type fuel, enriched in uranium-235, cooled andmoderated by heavy water in a four-foot diameter core tank that was surrounded by agraphite reflector.
After initial criticality on July 21, 1958, the first year was devotedto startup experiments, calibration, and a gradual rise to one megawatt, the initially licensed maximum power. Routine three-shift operation (Monday-Friday) commenced in July 1959. The authorized power level for MITR-I was increased to two megawatts in 1962 and to five megawatts (the design power level) in 1965.Studies of an improved design were first undertaken in 1967. The conceptwhich was finally adopted consisted of a more compact core, cooled by light water,and surrounded laterally and at the bottom by a heavy water reflector.
It is under-moderated for the purpose of maximizing the peak of thermal neutrons in the heavywater at the ends of the beam port re-entrant thimbles and for enhancement of theneutron flux, particularly the fast component, at in-core irradiation facilities.
The coreis hexagonal in shape, 15 inches across, and utilizes fuel elements which arerhomboidal in cross section and which contain UAIx intermetallic fuel in the form ofplates clad in aluminum and enriched to 93% in uranium-235.
The improved designwas designated MITR-II.
Much of the original
: facility, e.g., graphite reflector, biological and thermal shields, secondary cooling systems, containment, etc., has beenretained.
After Construction Permit No. CPRR-118 was issued by the former U.S.Atomic Energy Commission in April 1973, major components for the modified reactorwere procured and the MITR-I completed its mission on May 24, 1974, having logged250,445 megawatt-hours during nearly 16 years of operation.
2The old core tank, associated piping, top shielding, control rods and drives, andsome experimental facilities were disassembled,
: removed, and subsequently replacedwith new equipment.
After preoperational tests were conducted on all systems, theU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued Amendment No. 10 to Facility Operating License No. R-37 on July 23, 1975. After initial criticality for MITR-H on August 14,1975, and several months of startup testing, power was raised to 2.5 MW in December1975. Routine 5-MW operation was achieved in December 1976. Three shiftoperations, Monday through Friday, was continued through 1995 when a gradualtransition to continuous operation (24 hours per day, 7 days per week with a shutdownfor maintenance every 4-5 weeks) was initiated.
In December 2000, a fission converter medical facility was commissioned.
This facility generated the highest quality epithermal beam in the world for use in thetreatment of certain types of cancer, and could again be made available.
From mid-April through mid-September 2010, all major piping in the primaryand secondary coolant systems was replaced and upgraded.
This included a titaniumheat exchanger (replacing the three previous primary heat exchangers) and the majorinstrumentation sensors.
On November 1, 2010, NRC approved the relicensing of thereactor for 6-MW operation through November 1, 2030. Reactor power was increased in small increments from 5 MW for observations and data collection, and reached5.8 MW on April 23, 2011. Routine 5.8 MW operation began on May 25, 2011.The current operating mode is generally continuous operation just under 6 MWwhen needed, with a maintenance shutdown scheduled every calendar quarter.This is the thirty-ninth annual report required by the Technical Specifications, and it covers the period from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. Previousreports, along with the "MITR-II Startup Report" (Report No. MITNE-198, February14, 1977) have covered the startup testing period and the transition to routine reactoroperation.
This report covers the thirty-seventh full year of routine reactor operation, now at the 6-MW power level. It was another year in which the safety and reliability of reactor operation met and exceeded requirements and expectations.
A summary of operating experience and other activities and related statistical data are provided in Sections A through I of this report.
: 1. GeneralThe MIT Research
: Reactor, MITR-II, is operated to facilitate experiments andresearch including in-core irradiations and experiments, neutron activation
: analyses, and materials science and engineering studies such as neutron imaging.
It is also usedfor student laboratory exercises and student operator
: training, and education andoutreach programs.
Additionally, the reactor has been used for industrial production applications and other irradiation services.
When operating, the reactor is normallymaintained at slightly below 6 MW. For this reporting period, the nominal full poweroperating cycle was eleven weeks at a time, followed by a scheduled outage lastingabout two weeks, for reactor and experiment maintenance, protective systemsurveillance tests, and other necessary outage activities.
The reactor would then be re-started to full power and maintained there for another several weeks.Throughout CY2013, the reactor averaged 54 operating hours per week,compared to 76 hours per week for CY2012, and 90 hours per week for CY20 11. Thelower average for CY2013 was the result of operating the reactor only as needed forthe first half of the year, when there were no in-core experiments or other irradiations that called for continuous operation.
The reactor was operated throughout the year with 24 fuel elements in the core.The remaining three positions were occupied by solid aluminum dummies or in-coreexperiments.
During CY2013, compensation for reactivity lost due to burnup wasprovided by three refuelings.
These followed standard MITR practice which is tointroduce fresh fuel to the inner portion of the core (the A- and B-Rings) wherepeaking is least and to place partially spent fuel into the outer portion of the core (theC-Ring).
In addition, fuel elements were inverted and rotated so as to achieve moreuniform burnup gradients in them. Three new fuel elements were introduced into thereactor core during CY2013. Fuel elements previously used in the fission converter were re-introduced into the core during this same period.The MITR-II fuel management program remains quite successful.
All of theoriginal MITR-I1 fuel elements (445 grams U-235) have been permanently discharged.
The overall burnup for the discharged ones was 42%. (Note: One was removedprematurely because of excess out-gassing.)
The maximum overall burnup achievedwas 48%. A total of two hundred twenty-six of the newer, MITR-II fuel elements(506 grams U-235) have been introduced to the core. Of these, one hundred seventyhave attained the maximum allowed fission density and were discharged.
Six fuelelements have been identified as showing excess out-gassing and three were suspected of this. All nine have been removed from service and returned to an off-site DOEstorage facility.
The other forty-seven are either currently in the reactor core, or havebeen partially depleted and are in the wet storage ring awaiting reuse or discharge.
During the period of CY2013, eight spent fuel elements were returned to an off-siteDOE facility.
4As in previous years, the reactor was operated throughout the period withoutthe fixed hafnium absorbers.
: 52. Experiments The MITR-I1 was used for experiments and irradiations in support of research, training and education programs at MIT and elsewhere.
Irradiations and experiments conducted in CY2013 include:a) Activation of gold- 198 seeds for brachytherapy.
b) Activation of uranium foils for detector calibration at the Los Alamos NationalLaboratories.
c) Activation of ocean sediments for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
d) Exploratory activation and NAA of the following materials:
variouscomponents of ultrasonic detectors for Idaho National Laboratory (INL) andPennsylvania State University; and all components and sample materials of theFS-I Salt Capsule Experiment.
e) Activation and NAA of various flux wires for a detailed fast and thermal fluxstudy of our different pneumatic,
: graphite, and in-core experimental facilities.
f) Activation and NAA of FLiBe salt crystals used in the University of Wisconsin out-of-core Corrosion Experiment that ran in parallel to our in-core experiment fluoride-salt-cooled high temperature reactor (FHR) project.g) Experiments at the 4DH1 radial beam port facility by MIT undergraduate andgraduate
: students, including:
: 1) measurements of leakage neutron energyspectrum to determine reactor temperature;
: 2) measurement of neutronwavelength and time-of-flight; and 3) measurement of attenuation coefficients for eight shielding materials.
h) Use of the reactor for training MIT student reactor operators and for MITnuclear engineering classes (courses 22.06 "Engineering of Nuclear Systems",
22.09 "Principles of Nuclear Radiation Measurement and Protection").
i) Neutron transmutation doping of Ge wafers for the Italian Institute of NuclearPhysics working in conjunction with Lawrence Berkley National Labs. Thesewafers were then used for further neutrino detector research.
j) Activation and NAA of barium sulfate nanoparticles, cerium oxidenanoparticles, and tissue samples for radiotracer animal studies of nanomaterial toxicity for Harvard School of Public Health.k) Activation and NAA of Si Photodiode and Phototube components for furtherNAA studies for University of Alabama.
: 61) Irradiation of SiC/SiC composites continued in the MITR in-core water loopfacility.
An ongoing project to evaluate the use of SiC/SiC composite materials for BWR channel boxes was started in 2013. The project is fundedby the US DOE and the NRL was subcontracted by EPRI, the lead awardee, toperform an irradiation test under BWR coolant conditions.
Corrosion couponsand creep samples were irradiated and removed for examination.
SiC/SiCcomposite tube samples for potential application as control rod guide tubeswere also irradiated.
m) In support of the MIT, UC Berkeley, and University of Wisconsin-Madison integrated research project on the fluoride-salt-cooled high temperature reactor(FHR) concept, a 1000-hour irradiation of a variety of metal alloy and non-metallic samples in molten FLiBe (Li2BeF4 salt) was completed at 700 'C inthe controlled temperature ICSA facility.
The 1000-hour operational periodwas accomplished in one continuous run with temperature control to within+/-3°C. Post-irradiation examination of the samples is ongoing and a secondirradiation in a dedicated in-core facility is planned for CY2014.n) Use of the reactor (including the 4DH1 beam port facility) for educating participants of the Reactor Technology Course for Utility Executives in reactorcontrol, neutron behavior, and radiation protection.
The course is sponsored bythe Institute for Nuclear Power Operations and hosted by the MIT NuclearScience and Engineering Department faculty.An ongoing initiative is the partnership with INL Advanced Test Reactor UserFacility (ATR-UF) for materials testing.
The MITR is the first university researchreactor selected as a partner facility with the ATR-UF. MITR staff also worked withINL staff to jointly develop advanced reactor instrumentation, and reviewed ATR-UF'suser proposals.
An irradiation capsule for a long-term irradiation of ultrasonic transducers was designed and constructed in 2013. A set of transducers withtemperature and self-powered neutron and gamma detectors will be irradiated in 2014.Also in 2013, final design of an in-core crack growth monitor for use in the MITR andthe Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at the Idaho National Laboratory was completed atMIT. A test crack growth unit was manufactured and provided to INL for out-of-core autoclave testing in 2014. The objective of this program is to test a crack growthmonitor in-core at the MITR in CY 2015.
: 73. Changes to Facility DesignExcept as reported in Section E, no changes in the facility design were madeduring this calendar year. The nominal uranium loading of MITR-1I fuel is 34 gramsof U-235 per plate and 510 grams per element (made by B&W). Performance of thesefuel elements has been good. The loading results in 41.2 w/o U in the fuel meat, basedon 7% voids, and corresponds to the maximum loading in Advanced Test Reactor(ATR) fuel. One hundred eighty-six elements fabricated by B&W have been received, forty-seven of which remain in use. One has been removed because of suspected excess out-gassing and one hundred thirty-eight have been discharged because theyhave attained the fission density limit.The MITR is actively involved in studies for the use of low enrichment uranium (LEU) in the MITR, partially supported by the Reduced Enrichment forResearch and Test Reactors (RERTR) Program at DOE. These studies principally focus on the use of monolithic U-Mo fuels with uranium densities in excess of15 g/cm3 (compared with 1.5 g/cm3 for UAI, fuel), currently under development by theRERTR Program.
Although initial studies show that the use of these fuels is feasible, conversion of the MITR-II to lower enrichment must await the final successful qualification of these fuels.4. Changes in Performance Characteristics Performance characteristics of the MITR-H were reported in the "M1TR-I1Startup Report."
Minor changes have been described in previous reports.Performance characteristics of the Fission Converter Facility were reported in the"Fission Converter Facility Startup Report",
and in the FY2006 report which described a 20% improvement in the intensity of the unfiltered epithermal neutron beam. InCY2012, fuel was removed from the fission converter.
It will remain unfueledpending resumption of epithermal beam research.
In CY2013, the D20 coolant wasremoved from the fission converter and replaced with demineralized light water. TheD20 was put into storage for future use.
: 85. Changes in Operating Procedures With respect to operating procedures subject only to MITR internal review andapproval, a summary is given below of changes implemented during the past year.Those changes related to safety and subject to additional review and approval arediscussed in Section E of this report.a) PM 1.0, "Administrative Procedures",
and PM 7.0, "Maintenance Procedures",
received general updates to reflect current practices, terminology, andTechnical Specification references.
Several procedures were streamlined, andsection on storage and use of plutonium was removed.
New employeetraining requirements were added, as were work time limits for licensedindividuals.
Safety was also improved in the lockout/tagout program by havinga second licensed SRO verify proper installation of lockout devices.
New lineswere added to the Job Workbook form requiring checks for repetitive malfunctions and Tech Spec significance, and requiring additional reviews bythe Director of Reactor Operations.
(SR #0-12-5,
#0-13-17) b) PM 3.4.1, "Replacement of a Shim Blade, Magnet or Drive Mechanism",
wasmodified for increased clarity and to add steps specific to the newer drivedesign used for shim blade drives #1 and #6. ALARA was improved by re-ordering sections to do as much as possible with the core tank level at nominal,either before it is lowered or after it gets restored.
PM 3.4.2, "Replacement ofControl Blade", was modified for alignment with current best practices, particularly for promotion of ALARA. (SR #0-12-23,
#0-13-8)c) Several test and calibration procedures were updated to include moreinformation and clarity, and to take advantage of new hardware andinstrumentation for testing:
PM, "Damper Closing Time Measurement using a Digital Oscilloscope",
PM, "Emergency Power Transfer Test",PM, "Charcoal Filter Efficiency Test", and PM, "SystemPressure Gage Calibration
-PSI Range". The modification of PM,"Building AP Indicator and Recorder Calibration",
also included a pipingchange re-positioning a valve in order to allow all AP instruments to beequalized rather than just the recorder.
The piping change was verified not toaffect the AP system's indications.
(SR #0-13-1,
#0-13-21) d) PM 3.8.1A, "Makeup Water Startup of Inlet D.I. System in Standby(recirculation)
Mode", PM 3.8.5, "Makeup Water Transfer from Storage",
and PM 3.9, "Transfer of D20 Between Storage and Dump Tanks", receivedadministrative changes for clarity and readability.
There were no safetyconcerns involved.
(SR #0-13-6,
#0-13-19) 9e) PM, "Fuel Sipping",
was established to document and formalize thesteps necessary to draw samples through fuel elements in the core tank.Standard foreign material exclusion control is enforced.
(SR #0-13-7)0 PM 7.3.8, "Removal/Maintenance/Replacement of DM-1 Pump RotatingAssembly",
was established to document and formalize the steps for workingon the D20 reflector system's main pump. The procedure covers systemlockout/tagout, precautions regarding the D20, connection points for drainingand venting, valve lineups, and pipe draining sequences.
(SR #0-13-10) g) PM 3.1.4, "Non-Routine Reactor Startup",
received administrative updates toreflect the change in operating power limit to 6 MW, and to clarify the uses ofneutron flux Channels
#7, #8, and #9. (SR #0-13-14) h) PM &, "Full Power Startup Checklists",
PM, "CoolingTower Operation and Full Power Checks",
PM, "Two Loop RestartIncorporating Required Quarterly Startup Surveillances",
PM 3.1.3, "Startupfor Less than 100 kW Operation",
PM 3.1.6, "Restart Following anUnanticipated or a Brief-Duration Scheduled Shutdown",
and PM 3.5, "DailySurveillance Check" were cross-checked and updated as a group to incorporate temporary changes and to reflect current equipment configurations and bestpractices.
An update of the "Special Procedure for Activation of CharcoalFilter Bank" was included, replacing the Pressure Relief System portion of thestartup checklists.
Likewise included were the posted procedures for samplingthe primary and shield system coolant.
All the changes were evaluated as freeof negative effects on safety, equipment, and ALARA. (SR #0-13-13) i) PM 3.7.1, "Weekly Security Checklist",
was updated to reflect revisions in thePhysical Security Plan (SR #0-13-16 portions that do not have the potential torequire a license amendment request),
clarifications, and current equipment capabilities and practices.
Safety and security were both evaluated asimproved by this update. (SR #0-13-24) j) "Estimated Critical Position (ECP) Calculator" was created to review andauthorize a computerized operator aid for ECP calculation.
(SR #0-13-20) k) "Hydride Fuel Irradiation Experiment Test and Handling Procedures" sub-itemHYFI-8, "Hydride Fuel Irradiation Experiment Transfer of Irradiated Capsulewith Contaminated Gas Sampling Line from Wet Storage Ring to Spent FuelPool", was established for the transfer of previously irradiated HYFI Capsule 2.The new special procedure detailed additional equipment, precautions, andsteps appropriate for the potential contamination in its attached gas samplingtube. (SR#0-11-16) 106. Surveillance Tests and Inspections There are many written procedures in use for surveillance tests and inspections required by the Technical Specifications.
These procedures provide a detailed methodfor conducting each test or inspection and specify an acceptance criterion which mustbe met in order for the equipment or system to comply with the requirements of theTechnical Specifications.
The tests and inspections are scheduled throughout the yearwith a frequency at least equal to that required by the Technical Specifications.
Thirtysuch tests and calibrations are conducted on an annual, semi-annual, or quarterly basis.Other surveillance tests are done each time before startup of the reactor if shutdown for more than 24 hours, before startup if a channel has been repaired or de-energized, and at least quarterly; a few are on different schedules.
Procedures for suchsurveillance are incorporated into daily or quarterly
: startup, shutdown, or otherchecklists.
During this reporting period, the surveillance frequency has been at least equalto that required by the Technical Specification, and the results of tests and inspections were satisfactory throughout the year for Facility Operating License No. R-37.7. Status of Spent Fuel ShipmentIn CY2013, there was one shipment made, reducing the inventory of spent fuelat MIT. These shipments were made using the BEA Research Reactor (BRR)package.
The U.S. Department of Energy has indicated that further shipments may befeasible in CY2014 for future fuel discharges.
11B. REACTOR OPERATION Information on energy generated and on reactor operating hours is tabulated below:Calendar Quarter12 1 3 4 Total1. Energy Generated (MWD):a) MITR-II 125.5 72.1 222.5 206.1 626.2(MIT CY2013)(normally at 5.8 MW)b) MITR-II 33,257.6(MIT FY 1976-CY2012) c) MITR-I 10,435.2(MIT FY 1959-FY 1974)d) Cumulative, 44,319.0MITR-I & MITR-II2. MITR-HI Operation (hours):(MIT CY2013)a) At Power(> 0.5-MW) for 552 337 1015 859 2763Researchb) Low Power(< 0.5-MW) for 6 44 7 1 58Training(l) and Testc) Total Critical 558 381 1022 860 2821(1) These hours do not include reactor operator and other training conducted while thereactor is at full power for research purposes (spectrometer, etc.) or for isotopeproduction.
Such hours are included in the previous line.
12C. SHUTDOWNS AND SCRAMSDuring this reporting period, there were four inadvertent scrams and fiveunscheduled shutdowns.
The term "scram" refers to shutting down of the reactor through protective system automatic action when the reactor is at power or at least critical, while the term"shutdown" refers to an unscheduled power reduction to subcritical by the reactoroperator in response to an abnormal condition indication.
Rod drops and electricpower loss without protective system action are included in unscheduled shutdowns.
The following summary of scrams and shutdowns is provided in approximately the same format as for previous years in order to facilitate a comparison.
: 1. Nuclear Safety System Scrams Totala) Trip on Channel #3 as result of spuriouselectronic noise upon reset of itslow level indicator during startup.
2b) Trip on low voltage chamber power supplyfor Channel # caused by operator errorduring ion chamber plateau testing.Subtotal
: 32. Process System Scramsa) Low flow core purge scram because ofwater accumulation inside the purge line.Subtotal 1
133. Unscheduled Shutdowns b) Shutdown as result of momentary loss of off-site electricity.
a) Shutdown to troubleshoot automatic controller and itsassociated Channel #9.c) Shutdown to correct elevated fission converter tanktemperature caused by pump cavitation.
d) Shutdown upon news of shooting of an MIT Police Officeron campus (by the Boston Marathon bombing suspects).
SubtotalTotal21I594. Experience during recent years has been as follows:Calendar Year2013201220112010Fiscal Year20102009200820072006Nuclear Safety andProcess SystemScrams4692062456 14D. MAJOR MAINTENANCE Major reactor maintenance projects performed during CY2013 are described inthis Section.
These were planned and performed to improve safety, reliability andefficiency of operation of the MIT Research
: Reactor, and hence improve thepredictability of the reactor operating schedule and the availability of the reactor forexperiments, research and training purposes.
Additionally, Reactor Operations staffperformed safety reviews for all reactor experiments and their operating procedures.
The staff also provided support for installations and removals of reactor experiments, and monitored key performance data from the experiments during reactor operations.
In CY2013 these experiments included the SiC/SiC composite material irradiation forEPRI in the Advanced Clad Irradiation water loop facility, and the FS-1 Salt Capsuleirradiation in the In-Core Sample Assembly (ICSA).For continuous support of neutron transmutation doping of silicon, reactor staffperformed routine irradiation and shipping activities.
There is an annual external auditto review the program for maintaining the ISO 9001 Certification.
Preventive maintenance on conveyor machinery, such as alignment of conveyor carriages, wasperformed during major outages.
No component replacements for instrumentation orcontrols was needed during this calendar year.Major maintenance items performed in CY2013 are summarized as follows:1. During the week of 01/7/2013 the CO2 purge line to the FC tank was repaired.
The helium blowdown line that tests the FC tank low level scram was alsorepaired.
: 2. The FC alarm panel was replaced with an in-house spare during the week of01/14/2013.
: 3. Bernoulli Filter B piston was repaired on 01/15/2013; Bernoulli Filter A pistonwas repaired on 01/22/2013.
Maintenance was performed on all three Bernoulli Filters on 04/08/2013 and 11/17/2013.
: 4. The FC heat exchanger was replaced during the week of 02/11/2013.
: 5. The primary ion column was repacked and replaced on 03/04/2013, 07/23/2013, and 11/14/2013.
: 6. The primary ion column inlet filter was replaced on 07/23/2013.
: 7. The D20 storage tank blowout patch was replaced on 03/04/2013.
: 8. A failed truck lock hydraulic line was replaced on 04/03/2013.
: 9. The main reflector system pump (DM-1) shaft seal was replaced on 04/10/2013.
: 10. Two new pre-amplifier modules for the new safety system were installed in newelectrical boxes on 05/02/2013.
1511. Shim blade #1 was replaced on 05/08/2013.
: 12. The regulating rod auto-controller was repaired on 05/13/2013.
: 13. The regulating rod absorber and drive were replaced during the week of05/20/2013.
: 14. During the week of 05/20/2013, two conduit paths were cleared of old cables insupport of the new safety system.15. During the week of 05/20/2013, MIT Facilities installed eight new self-contained battery operated emergency lights.16. MIT Facilities replaced the control room A/C compressor during the week of05/27/2013.
: 17. Channel 2 & 3 safety amplifier power supplies were replaced on 05/30/2013.
: 18. MIT Facilities replaced the containment building exhaust ventilation filters on06/10/2013.
: 19. The blade drive motor for shim blade #3 was rebuilt on 06/20/2013.
: 20. The D2O in the FC tank was replaced with deionized water during the week of07/08/2013.
: 21. The primary pump MM-I A VFD electrical contactor was replaced on 07/12/2013.
: 22. The first Mirion safety channel detector was installed in 3GV2 on 07/12/2013.
: 23. Stack Gas 1 & 2 instruments were upgraded during the week of 07/29/2013.
: 24. The blade drive for shim blade #6 was replaced on 09/06/2013.
: 25. A new motion sensor with alarms was installed at the entrance to the reactor floorhigh radiation storage area during the week of 09/09/2013.
: 26. A leak in the cooling line for the 3GV5 vertical port was repaired on 10/01/2013.
: 27. A new port plug and the second Mirion fission chamber detector were installed in41H3 on 11/05/2013.
: 28. During a period of one week starting on 11/06/2013, the city water makeup linefor the secondary system was relocated from the cooling tower outlet pipe to thecooling tower inlet.29. An underground 480-volt electrical conduct was repaired on 11/12/2013.
: 30. The blade drive and magnet for shim blade #4 were replaced on 12/09/2013.
: 31. The proximity switch for shim blade #5 was replaced on 12/16/2013.
Many other routine maintenance and preventive maintenance items were alsoscheduled and completed throughout the fiscal year.
16E. SECTION 50.59 CHANGES, TESTS, AND EXPERIMENTS This section contains a description of each change to the reactor facility orprocedures and of the conduct of tests and experiments carried out under theconditions of Section 50.59 of 10 CFR 50, together with a summary of the safetyevaluation in each case.The review and approval of changes in the facility and in the procedures asdescribed in the SAR are documented in the MITR records by means of "SafetyReview Forms". These have been paraphrased for this report and are identified on thefollowing pages for ready reference if further information should be required withregard to any item. Pertinent pages in the SAR have been or are being revised toreflect these changes, and they either have or will be forwarded to the DocumentControl Desk, USNRC.The conduct of tests and experiments on the reactor are normally documented in the experiments and irradiation files. For experiments carried out under theprovisions of 10 CFR 50.59, the review and approval is documented by means of theSafety Review Form. All other experiments have been done in accordance with thedescriptions provided in Section 10 of the SAR, "Experimental Facilities".
17Advance Cladding Irradiation Facility (ACI)SR #0-06-4 (04/03/2006),
#0-06-6 (05/18/2006)
An in-core experiment loop was installed on May 22, 2006, to investigate theeffects at various stages of irradiation on specimens of silicon carbide intended for usein advanced fuel cladding designs.
Its envelope of operating conditions is very similarto that of previous in-core experiments such as the Zircaloy Corrosion Loop and theElectro-Chemical Potential Loop. No new safety issues were raised. Operation continued until October 2007. A second advanced cladding loop, designated ACI-2,operated in core from March 2009 through mid-December 2009, March to April 2010,December 2010 through June 2011, from October 2011 to July 2012, and from Augustthrough October 2013.Heated In-Core Sample Assembly Experiment (ICSA)SR #0-04-19 (12/01/2004),
#M-04-2 (12/30/2004),
#0-05-11 (07/22/2005),
SR #M-09-1 (07/30/2009),
#M-09-2 (12/11/2009),
#0-10-2 (03/28/2010),
SR #0-12-17 (06/04/2012),
#0-12-19 (07/09/2012)
High-temperature sample capsules were used with the redesigned titanium2" ICSA tube to provide a heated irradiation environment for the specimens within.These capsules include gamma-heating susceptors similar in principal to the HighTemperature Irradiation Facility.
No new safety issues were raised. An alternate 16" plug was designed and installed in the reactor top shield lid to allow simultaneous use of the ICSA and the ACI-2 in-core experiments.
The ICSA operated in core fromDecember 2009 through April 2010, from August 2010 to January 2012, from April toJuly 2012, and from mid-September through October 2013 for various sampleirradiations using heated and unheated capsules.
The MIT Reactor Safeguards Committee (MITRSC) approved two ICSA Safety Evaluation Report amendments inearly 2013 to allow the 2013 irradiation of molten fluoride salt in-core using a nickelcapsule inside the ICSA.LUNA-HTIF SR #0-12-20 (07/23/2012)
A test fit procedure was established and performed for a future high-temperature fiber-optic sensor test that will be done in a custom-built in-core HighTemperature Irradiation Facility with real time read-out of the fiber sensors.
Set-uprequirements and radiological controls were maintained to match existing in-corehandling procedures.
New Digital Recorders for the Control RoomSR #E-12-1 (10/11/2012),
#E-12-2 (07/23/2012),
# E-13-1 (01/24/2013),
#E- 13-2 (05/01/2013),
#E- 13-5(10/29/2013)
A program is underway to replace aged analog recorders in the control roomwith new digital paperless equivalents.
The multipoint temperature recorder and the 18radiation monitor recorder were replaced in CY2012. A third recorder was installed inCY2013 to replace three separate recorders
-the building delta-P recorder, the D20gasholder
: recorder, and the Gould effluent recorder.
A fourth recorder was installed inCY2013 replacing two separate recorders
-the primary flow/AT recorder and thesecondary/shield/D 2O flow recorder.
An LCD monitor / computer recorder was alsotested and then installed in CY2013, replacing three separate recorders
-the log fluxlevel, linear flux level, and core outlet temperature recorders.
None of these recorders provide any reactor control functions, nor do they initiate any scram signals.
Thealarm functions of the temperature recorder were verified to remain unchanged.
Thegreater reliability of the digital equipment was judged to be an improvement in safety.DWK 250 Wide Range Monitors and Mirion Fission Chamber Detectors SR #0-12-21 (10/19/2012),
#0-13-22 (07/11/2013),
#0-13-27 (11/08/2013)
Three analog display meters were added to the control console from a newnuclear instrument channel (a DWK 250 Wide Range Monitor) that is under test.These meters are completely independent of the reactor protection and reactor controlsystems and do not interfere with normal use of required control room instrumentation.
All the display meters are labelled "unofficial instrument",
as use of the DWK 250system is pending NRC review and approval.
Two sets of DWK 250 flux monitors, and their associated pre-amplifiers and fission chambers, were installed for on-linetesting in 2013. The DWK 250 monitors were installed in the control room console.The fission chamber for one was installed in 3GV2, and for the other in 41H3. TheTKV23 pre-amplifier modules for both these fission chambers were installed inprotective electrical boxes on the reactor utility shelf.Ch. 2 Fission Chamber Signal Using TKV23 Pre-Amplifier SR #E-13-4 (08/01/2013)
The non-discriminated pulse signal from the new fission chamber in 3GV2,passing without distortion in analog form through a DWK 250 flux monitor, was usedas input to the existing nuclear safety Channel #2 for source-range startup application.
The non-discriminated signal does not go through the signal processing path within theDWK 250.Procedures Governing Shipment of Spent FuelSR #0-12-22 (03/21/2013),
#0-13-2 (03/28/2013)
Section 2.7.5 in the reactor's Standard Operating Plan was modified to allowomission of the inverse multiplication measurements when loading spent fuel elementsinto the shipping cask with U-235 masses similar to or less than that of a previousloading.
This change had been reviewed and approved by the MITRSC on11/06/2012.
The PM 3.3.4 Spent Fuel Shipping Procedures were updated accordingly.
Furthermore, PM Fuel Shipping Supervisory Checklist was updated to expandand improve oversight and coordination of the spent fuel shipment process.
19Update of Emergency Plan and Procedures SR #0-12-15 (07/23/2013),
#E- 13-3 (07/26/2013),
#0-13-25 (10/28/2013)
The MITR Emergency Plan and Procedures were upgraded to reflect currentpractices and improve coordination with current MIT campus emergency protocols, making greater use of campus resources currently available.
The upgrade also tookadvantage of modem methods of evaluation and communication technologies tostreamline emergency notification and response.
Most importantly, the upgradesadjusted the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) as permitted by the Technical Specifications that were approved by NRC along with the November 2010 relicensing.
The changes to the Emergency Plan and Procedures were reviewed and approved bythe MITRSC on 5/16/2013.
Three Abnormal Operating Procedures were updated toreflect the changes in the Emergency Plan and Procedures, especially the new EALs.Furthermore, the two Stack Gas monitors were modified to accommodate the higherrange of the new EALs. These modifications included installation of attenuator platesin the corresponding radiation detectors, implementation of high-range meter scales,and new calibrations.
Implementation of the new E-Plan and Procedures took place on8/5/2013 when Stack Gas 1 monitor upgrade was completed.
The Stack Gas 2 monitorupgrade was completed on 8/7/2013.
The new E-Plan and Procedures were submitted to NRC on 8/13/2013 as per 10 CFR 50.54 (q) (5).Safety Analysis Report (SAR) UpdateSR #0-13-11 (11/14/2013),
#0-13-26 (09/16/2013)
The MITR Safety Analysis Report (SAR) was updated twice in 2013. The firstwas a revision of the entire document to reflect current equipment and practices, suchuse of MCNP, which was now a routine fuel management tool. The revision packagewas reviewed and approved by MITRSC on 5/16/2013.
The second update appliedonly to SAR Section 2.4 Hydrology, clarifying the mechanisms and risks ofseismically-induced flood at the reactor site. This change was reviewed and approvedby MITRSC by mail ballot on 11/1/2013.
Both SAR modifications were submitted toNRC as items of information dated 11/7/2013.
Physical Security Plan RevisionSR #0-13-16 (pending)
MITRSC approval for revised Plan was granted per the Security Subcommittee meeting of 6/6/2013.
It was then submitted to NRC as a License Amendment Request.Modification of City Water Feed to Secondary PipingSR #M-13-1 (12/04/2013)
The 3" city water make-up line for the secondary system was relocated from thecooling tower outlet pipe to the cooling tower inlet pipe. This will help reduce theimpact of city water temperature to the reactor by allowing maximum mixing of thecolder city water with the secondary coolant prior to entering the main heat exchanger.
20F. ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYSEnvironmental monitoring is performed using continuous radiation monitorsand passive dosimetry devices (TLD). The radiation monitoring system consists ofdetectors and associated electronics at each remote site with data transmitted continuously to the Reactor Radiation Protection office and recorded electronically ina database.
The remote sites are located within a quarter mile radius of the facility.
The calendar year totals per sector, due primarily to Ar-41, are presented below. Thepassive TLDs were in place at all times throughout the year and are exchanged quarterly.
SiteNorthEastSouthWestGreen (east)Exposure(01/01/13-12/31/13) 0.17 mrem0.35 mrem0.16 mrem0.35 mrem0.01 mremCalendar Year Average20132012201120100.2 mrem0.3 mrem0.3 mrem0. 1 mremFiscal Year Average2010200920082007200620050.2 mrem0.3 mrem0.3 mrem0.2 mrem0.2 mrem0.2 mrem 21G. RADIATION EXPOSURES AND SURVEYS WITHIN THE FACILITYA summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel andexperimenters is given below:January 1, 2013 -December 31, 2013Whole Body Exposure Range (rems) Number of Personnel N o m easurable
38M easurable
-< 0.1 ..................................................................................
300.1 -0 .25 ..........................................................................................
10.25 -0.50 ..........................................................................................
00.50 -0.75 ..........................................................................................
00.75 -1.00 .........................................................................................
01.00 -1.2 5 ..........................................................................................
01.25 -1.50 .........................................................................................
01.50 -1.75 ..........................................................................................
01.75 -2.00 .........................................................................................
0Total Person Rem = 1.2 Total Number of Personnel
= 69From January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013, the Reactor Radiation Protection program provided radiation protection services for the facility which included powerand non-power operational surveillance (performed on daily, weekly, monthly,quarterly, and other frequencies as required),
maintenance activities, and experimental project support.
Specific examples of these activities
: included, but are not limited to,the following:
: 1. Collection and analysis of air samples taken within the containment building and in the exhaust/ventilation systems.2. Collection and analysis of water samples taken from the secondary, DO, primary, shield coolant, liquid waste, and experimental systems,and fuel storage pool.3. Performance of radiation and contamination
: surveys, radioactive wastecollection and shipping, calibration of area radiation
: monitors, calibration of effluent and process radiation
: monitors, calibration ofradiation protection/survey instrumentation, and establishing/posting radiological control areas.4. Provision of radiation protection services during fuel movements, in-core experiments, sample irradiations, beam port use, ion columnremoval, diffractometer beam testing, etc.The results of all surveys and surveillances conducted have been within the guidelines established for the facility.
22H. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS This section summarizes the nature and amount of liquid, gaseous, and solidradioactive wastes released or discharged from the facility.
: 1. Liquid WasteLiquid radioactive wastes generated at the facility are discharged only to thesanitary sewer serving the facility.
The possible sources of such wastes during the yearinclude cooling tower blowdown, the liquid waste storage tanks, and one controlled sink in the Restricted Area (Engineering Lab). All of the liquid volumes are measured, by far the largest being the 3,115,172 liters discharged during CY2013 from thecooling towers. (Other large quantities of non-radioactive waste water are discharged to the sanitary sewer system by other parts of MIT, but no credit for such dilution istaken because the volume is not routinely measured.)
Total activity less tritium in the liquid effluents (cooling tower blowdown, waste storage tank discharges, and engineering lab sink discharges) amounted to33.1 liCi for CY2013. The total tritium was 104.0 mCi. The total effluentwater volume was 3,157,527 liters, giving an average tritium concentration of.32.9E-6
&#xfd;iCi/ml.The above liquid waste discharges are provided on a monthly basis in thefollowing Table H-3.All releases were in accordance with Technical Specification 3.8-1, including Part 20, Title 20, Code of Federal Regulations.
All activities were substantially belowthe limits specified in 10 CFR 20.2003.
Nevertheless, the monthly tritium releases arereported in Table H-3.2. Gaseous WasteGaseous radioactivity is discharged to the atmosphere from the containment building exhaust stack. All gaseous releases likewise were in accordance with theTechnical Specifications and 10 CFR 20.1302, and all nuclides were substantially below the limits, using the authorized dilution factor of 50,000 (changed from 3,000starting with CY2011 per the renewed license's Technical Specifications).
The onlyprincipal nuclide was Ar-41, which is reported in the following Table H-I. The604.93 Ci of Ar-41 was released at an average concentration of 8.79E-l 1 +/-Ci/ml.This represents 0.879% of EC (Effluent Concentration (IE-08 gCi/ml)).
: 3. Solid WasteTwo shipments of solid waste were made during the calendar year. Theinformation pertaining to these shipments is provided in Table H-2.
23TABLE H-1ARGON-41 STACK RELEASESCALENDAR YEAR 2013Ar-41Ar-41Discharged (Curies)AverageConcentration(')
January 2013 10.73 1.87 E-I 1February 49.67 8.66 E-11March 48.99 8.54 E-11April 41.42 7.22 E-11May 49.10 8.56 E-I 1June 33.38 5.82 E-11July 3.69 6.44 E-12August 96.19 1.68 E-10September 66.28 1.16 E-10October 134.30 2.34 E- 10November (shutdown) 0 0December 71.20 1.24 E- 10Totals (1 2 Months)(2) 604.938.79 E-11EC (Table II, Column I) 1 x 10-8% EC 0.879%(1) Average concentrations do not vary linearly with curies discharged because ofdiffering monthly dilution volumes.(2) Last decimal place may vary because of rounding.
24TABLE H-2SUMMARY OF MITR-II RADIOACTIVE SOLID WASTE SHIPMENTS CALENDAR YEAR 2013Description Volume 52 ft3Weight 1,513 lbs.Activity 3.1 mCiDate of shipment April 25, 2013Disposition to licensee for burial Energy Solutions, Clive, UTWaste broker Ecology Services Inc., Columbia, MDDescription Volume 237 ft3Weight 2,624 lbs.Activity 27 mCiDate of shipment October 16, 2013Disposition to licensee for burial Energy Solutions, Clive, UTWaste broker Ecology Services Inc., Columbia, MD 25TABLE H-3LIOUID EFFLUENT DISCHARGES CALENDAR YEAR 2013Total Total Volume AverageActivity Tritium of Effluent TritiumLess Tritium Activity Water(l)
Concentration (x10"6Ci)(mCi)(liters)(xl0-6[tCi/ml)Jan. 2013 0.835 38.4 470,187 81.7Feb. NDA(2) 7.91 302,111 26.2Mar. 10.7 4.71 434,475 10.8Apr. .961 4.35 202,080 21.5May .432 .937 150,563 6.22June NDA(2) 1.55 113,357 13.6July NDA(2) 3.60 59,445 60.6Aug. NDA(2) 4.39 1,083,567 4.05Sept. 1.02 13.2 53,067 249.0Oct. 1.88 2.52 85,200 29.6Nov. 16.7 8.13 154,287 52.7Dec. .536 14.3 49,189 291.012 months 33.1 104.0 3,157,527 32.9(1) Volume of effluent from cooling towers, waste tanks, and NW 12-139 Engineering Lab sink. Does not include other diluent from MIT estimated at 2.7 milliongallons/day.
(2) No Detectable Activity (NDA): less than 1.26x 10-6 jtCi/ml beta for each sample.
26I. SUMMARY OF USE OF MEDICAL FACILITY FOR HUMAN THERAPYThe use of the medical therapy facility for human therapy is summarized herepursuant to Technical Specification No. Investigative StudiesInvestigative studies remain as summarized in the annual report for FY2005.2. Human TherapyNone.3. Status of Clinical TrialsThe Phase I glioblastoma and melanoma trials with BIDMC have been closed.A beam that is superior to the original epithermal beam in the basement MedicalTherapy Room in both flux and quality could again be made available from the FissionConverter Facility.
No use of that beam is anticipated in the near term because of anationwide funding hiatus for work of this type.}}

Revision as of 23:02, 1 July 2018

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Submittal of Annual Report for the Year 2013 in Compliance with Paragraph 7.7.1 of the Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Site: MIT Nuclear Research Reactor
Issue date: 03/29/2014
From: Foster J P, Lau E S, Newton T H
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML14098A470 (29)


NUCLEAR REACTOR LABORATORY AN INTERDEPARTMENTAL CENTER OFMASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY EDWARD S. LAUAssistant Director ofReactor Operations 138 Albany Street, Cambridge, MA 02139-4296 Telefax No. (617) 253-7300Tel. No. (617) 253-4211Facility ToursEducation

& TrainingActivation AnalysisCoolant Chemistry Nuclear MedicineMarch 29, 2014U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555Attn.:Document Control Desk


Annual Report, Docket No. 50-20, License R-37, Technical Specification 7.7.1Gentlemen:

Forwarded herewith is the Annual Report for the MIT Research Reactor for the periodfrom January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013, in compliance with paragraph 7.7.1 of the Technical Specifications issued November 1, 2010, for Facility Operating License R-37.Sincerely,

'Iot~n P. FosterSuperintendent for Operations

& Maintenance MIT Research ReactorEdward S. Lau, NEAssistant Director of Reactor Operations MIT Re earch Reactorhomas H. Newton, Jr., Ph.D., PEDirector of Reactor Operations MIT Research ReactorST/gw


As statedcc: USNRC -Senior Project ManagerResearch and Test Reactors Branch ADivision of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation USNRC -Senior Reactor Inspector Research and Test Reactors Branch BDivision of Policy and Rulemaking Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 4on-MIT RESEARCH REACTORNUCLEAR REACTOR LABORATORY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ANNUAL REPORTtoUnited StatesNuclear Regulatory Commission forthe Period January 1, 2013 -December 31, 2013byREACTOR STAFF Table of ContentsSection PageIntroduction


1A. Summary of Operating Experience


31. General ................................................................................................
32. Experiments


53. Changes to Facility Design .................................................................
74. Changes in Performance Characteristics


75. Changes in Operating Procedures


86. Surveillance Tests and Inspections


107. Status of Spent Fuel Shipment


10B. Reactor Operation


11C. Shutdowns and Scrams ..............................................................................

12D. M ajor M aintenance


14E. Section 50.59 Changes, Tests, and Experiments


16F. Environmental Surveys ................................................................................

20G. Radiation Exposures and Surveys W ithin the Facility


21H. Radioactive Effluents


22Table H-I Argon-41 Stack Releases


23Table H-2 Radioactive Solid W aste Shipments


24Table H-3 Liquid Effluent Discharges


25I. Summary of Use of Medical Facility for Human Therapy ...........................

26 MIT RESEARCH REACTORANNUAL REPORT TOU. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2013 -DECEMBER 31, 2013INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared by the staff of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology Research Reactor for submission to the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, in compliance with the requirements of the Technical Specifications toFacility Operating License No. R-37 (Docket No. 50-20), Paragraph 7.7.1, whichrequires an annual report that summarizes licensed activities from the I st of January tothe 31st of December of each year.The MIT Research Reactor (MITR), as originally constructed and designated as MITR-I, consisted of a core of MTR-type fuel, enriched in uranium-235, cooled andmoderated by heavy water in a four-foot diameter core tank that was surrounded by agraphite reflector.

After initial criticality on July 21, 1958, the first year was devotedto startup experiments, calibration, and a gradual rise to one megawatt, the initially licensed maximum power. Routine three-shift operation (Monday-Friday) commenced in July 1959. The authorized power level for MITR-I was increased to two megawatts in 1962 and to five megawatts (the design power level) in 1965.Studies of an improved design were first undertaken in 1967. The conceptwhich was finally adopted consisted of a more compact core, cooled by light water,and surrounded laterally and at the bottom by a heavy water reflector.

It is under-moderated for the purpose of maximizing the peak of thermal neutrons in the heavywater at the ends of the beam port re-entrant thimbles and for enhancement of theneutron flux, particularly the fast component, at in-core irradiation facilities.

The coreis hexagonal in shape, 15 inches across, and utilizes fuel elements which arerhomboidal in cross section and which contain UAIx intermetallic fuel in the form ofplates clad in aluminum and enriched to 93% in uranium-235.

The improved designwas designated MITR-II.

Much of the original

facility, e.g., graphite reflector, biological and thermal shields, secondary cooling systems, containment, etc., has beenretained.

After Construction Permit No. CPRR-118 was issued by the former U.S.Atomic Energy Commission in April 1973, major components for the modified reactorwere procured and the MITR-I completed its mission on May 24, 1974, having logged250,445 megawatt-hours during nearly 16 years of operation.

2The old core tank, associated piping, top shielding, control rods and drives, andsome experimental facilities were disassembled,

removed, and subsequently replacedwith new equipment.

After preoperational tests were conducted on all systems, theU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued Amendment No. 10 to Facility Operating License No. R-37 on July 23, 1975. After initial criticality for MITR-H on August 14,1975, and several months of startup testing, power was raised to 2.5 MW in December1975. Routine 5-MW operation was achieved in December 1976. Three shiftoperations, Monday through Friday, was continued through 1995 when a gradualtransition to continuous operation (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day, 7 days per week with a shutdownfor maintenance every 4-5 weeks) was initiated.

In December 2000, a fission converter medical facility was commissioned.

This facility generated the highest quality epithermal beam in the world for use in thetreatment of certain types of cancer, and could again be made available.

From mid-April through mid-September 2010, all major piping in the primaryand secondary coolant systems was replaced and upgraded.

This included a titaniumheat exchanger (replacing the three previous primary heat exchangers) and the majorinstrumentation sensors.

On November 1, 2010, NRC approved the relicensing of thereactor for 6-MW operation through November 1, 2030. Reactor power was increased in small increments from 5 MW for observations and data collection, and reached5.8 MW on April 23, 2011. Routine 5.8 MW operation began on May 25, 2011.The current operating mode is generally continuous operation just under 6 MWwhen needed, with a maintenance shutdown scheduled every calendar quarter.This is the thirty-ninth annual report required by the Technical Specifications, and it covers the period from January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013. Previousreports, along with the "MITR-II Startup Report" (Report No. MITNE-198, February14, 1977) have covered the startup testing period and the transition to routine reactoroperation.

This report covers the thirty-seventh full year of routine reactor operation, now at the 6-MW power level. It was another year in which the safety and reliability of reactor operation met and exceeded requirements and expectations.

A summary of operating experience and other activities and related statistical data are provided in Sections A through I of this report.


1. GeneralThe MIT Research
Reactor, MITR-II, is operated to facilitate experiments andresearch including in-core irradiations and experiments, neutron activation
analyses, and materials science and engineering studies such as neutron imaging.

It is also usedfor student laboratory exercises and student operator

training, and education andoutreach programs.

Additionally, the reactor has been used for industrial production applications and other irradiation services.

When operating, the reactor is normallymaintained at slightly below 6 MW. For this reporting period, the nominal full poweroperating cycle was eleven weeks at a time, followed by a scheduled outage lastingabout two weeks, for reactor and experiment maintenance, protective systemsurveillance tests, and other necessary outage activities.

The reactor would then be re-started to full power and maintained there for another several weeks.Throughout CY2013, the reactor averaged 54 operating hours per week,compared to 76 hours8.796296e-4 days <br />0.0211 hours <br />1.256614e-4 weeks <br />2.8918e-5 months <br /> per week for CY2012, and 90 hours0.00104 days <br />0.025 hours <br />1.488095e-4 weeks <br />3.4245e-5 months <br /> per week for CY20 11. Thelower average for CY2013 was the result of operating the reactor only as needed forthe first half of the year, when there were no in-core experiments or other irradiations that called for continuous operation.

The reactor was operated throughout the year with 24 fuel elements in the core.The remaining three positions were occupied by solid aluminum dummies or in-coreexperiments.

During CY2013, compensation for reactivity lost due to burnup wasprovided by three refuelings.

These followed standard MITR practice which is tointroduce fresh fuel to the inner portion of the core (the A- and B-Rings) wherepeaking is least and to place partially spent fuel into the outer portion of the core (theC-Ring).

In addition, fuel elements were inverted and rotated so as to achieve moreuniform burnup gradients in them. Three new fuel elements were introduced into thereactor core during CY2013. Fuel elements previously used in the fission converter were re-introduced into the core during this same period.The MITR-II fuel management program remains quite successful.

All of theoriginal MITR-I1 fuel elements (445 grams U-235) have been permanently discharged.

The overall burnup for the discharged ones was 42%. (Note: One was removedprematurely because of excess out-gassing.)

The maximum overall burnup achievedwas 48%. A total of two hundred twenty-six of the newer, MITR-II fuel elements(506 grams U-235) have been introduced to the core. Of these, one hundred seventyhave attained the maximum allowed fission density and were discharged.

Six fuelelements have been identified as showing excess out-gassing and three were suspected of this. All nine have been removed from service and returned to an off-site DOEstorage facility.

The other forty-seven are either currently in the reactor core, or havebeen partially depleted and are in the wet storage ring awaiting reuse or discharge.

During the period of CY2013, eight spent fuel elements were returned to an off-siteDOE facility.

4As in previous years, the reactor was operated throughout the period withoutthe fixed hafnium absorbers.

52. Experiments The MITR-I1 was used for experiments and irradiations in support of research, training and education programs at MIT and elsewhere.

Irradiations and experiments conducted in CY2013 include:a) Activation of gold- 198 seeds for brachytherapy.

b) Activation of uranium foils for detector calibration at the Los Alamos NationalLaboratories.

c) Activation of ocean sediments for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.

d) Exploratory activation and NAA of the following materials:

variouscomponents of ultrasonic detectors for Idaho National Laboratory (INL) andPennsylvania State University; and all components and sample materials of theFS-I Salt Capsule Experiment.

e) Activation and NAA of various flux wires for a detailed fast and thermal fluxstudy of our different pneumatic,

graphite, and in-core experimental facilities.

f) Activation and NAA of FLiBe salt crystals used in the University of Wisconsin out-of-core Corrosion Experiment that ran in parallel to our in-core experiment fluoride-salt-cooled high temperature reactor (FHR) project.g) Experiments at the 4DH1 radial beam port facility by MIT undergraduate andgraduate

students, including:
1) measurements of leakage neutron energyspectrum to determine reactor temperature;
2) measurement of neutronwavelength and time-of-flight; and 3) measurement of attenuation coefficients for eight shielding materials.

h) Use of the reactor for training MIT student reactor operators and for MITnuclear engineering classes (courses 22.06 "Engineering of Nuclear Systems",

22.09 "Principles of Nuclear Radiation Measurement and Protection").

i) Neutron transmutation doping of Ge wafers for the Italian Institute of NuclearPhysics working in conjunction with Lawrence Berkley National Labs. Thesewafers were then used for further neutrino detector research.

j) Activation and NAA of barium sulfate nanoparticles, cerium oxidenanoparticles, and tissue samples for radiotracer animal studies of nanomaterial toxicity for Harvard School of Public Health.k) Activation and NAA of Si Photodiode and Phototube components for furtherNAA studies for University of Alabama.

61) Irradiation of SiC/SiC composites continued in the MITR in-core water loopfacility.

An ongoing project to evaluate the use of SiC/SiC composite materials for BWR channel boxes was started in 2013. The project is fundedby the US DOE and the NRL was subcontracted by EPRI, the lead awardee, toperform an irradiation test under BWR coolant conditions.

Corrosion couponsand creep samples were irradiated and removed for examination.

SiC/SiCcomposite tube samples for potential application as control rod guide tubeswere also irradiated.

m) In support of the MIT, UC Berkeley, and University of Wisconsin-Madison integrated research project on the fluoride-salt-cooled high temperature reactor(FHR) concept, a 1000-hour irradiation of a variety of metal alloy and non-metallic samples in molten FLiBe (Li2BeF4 salt) was completed at 700 'C inthe controlled temperature ICSA facility.

The 1000-hour operational periodwas accomplished in one continuous run with temperature control to within+/-3°C. Post-irradiation examination of the samples is ongoing and a secondirradiation in a dedicated in-core facility is planned for CY2014.n) Use of the reactor (including the 4DH1 beam port facility) for educating participants of the Reactor Technology Course for Utility Executives in reactorcontrol, neutron behavior, and radiation protection.

The course is sponsored bythe Institute for Nuclear Power Operations and hosted by the MIT NuclearScience and Engineering Department faculty.An ongoing initiative is the partnership with INL Advanced Test Reactor UserFacility (ATR-UF) for materials testing.

The MITR is the first university researchreactor selected as a partner facility with the ATR-UF. MITR staff also worked withINL staff to jointly develop advanced reactor instrumentation, and reviewed ATR-UF'suser proposals.

An irradiation capsule for a long-term irradiation of ultrasonic transducers was designed and constructed in 2013. A set of transducers withtemperature and self-powered neutron and gamma detectors will be irradiated in 2014.Also in 2013, final design of an in-core crack growth monitor for use in the MITR andthe Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at the Idaho National Laboratory was completed atMIT. A test crack growth unit was manufactured and provided to INL for out-of-core autoclave testing in 2014. The objective of this program is to test a crack growthmonitor in-core at the MITR in CY 2015.

73. Changes to Facility DesignExcept as reported in Section E, no changes in the facility design were madeduring this calendar year. The nominal uranium loading of MITR-1I fuel is 34 gramsof U-235 per plate and 510 grams per element (made by B&W). Performance of thesefuel elements has been good. The loading results in 41.2 w/o U in the fuel meat, basedon 7% voids, and corresponds to the maximum loading in Advanced Test Reactor(ATR) fuel. One hundred eighty-six elements fabricated by B&W have been received, forty-seven of which remain in use. One has been removed because of suspected excess out-gassing and one hundred thirty-eight have been discharged because theyhave attained the fission density limit.The MITR is actively involved in studies for the use of low enrichment uranium (LEU) in the MITR, partially supported by the Reduced Enrichment forResearch and Test Reactors (RERTR) Program at DOE. These studies principally focus on the use of monolithic U-Mo fuels with uranium densities in excess of15 g/cm3 (compared with 1.5 g/cm3 for UAI, fuel), currently under development by theRERTR Program.

Although initial studies show that the use of these fuels is feasible, conversion of the MITR-II to lower enrichment must await the final successful qualification of these fuels.4. Changes in Performance Characteristics Performance characteristics of the MITR-H were reported in the "M1TR-I1Startup Report."

Minor changes have been described in previous reports.Performance characteristics of the Fission Converter Facility were reported in the"Fission Converter Facility Startup Report",

and in the FY2006 report which described a 20% improvement in the intensity of the unfiltered epithermal neutron beam. InCY2012, fuel was removed from the fission converter.

It will remain unfueledpending resumption of epithermal beam research.

In CY2013, the D20 coolant wasremoved from the fission converter and replaced with demineralized light water. TheD20 was put into storage for future use.

85. Changes in Operating Procedures With respect to operating procedures subject only to MITR internal review andapproval, a summary is given below of changes implemented during the past year.Those changes related to safety and subject to additional review and approval arediscussed in Section E of this report.a) PM 1.0, "Administrative Procedures",

and PM 7.0, "Maintenance Procedures",

received general updates to reflect current practices, terminology, andTechnical Specification references.

Several procedures were streamlined, andsection on storage and use of plutonium was removed.

New employeetraining requirements were added, as were work time limits for licensedindividuals.

Safety was also improved in the lockout/tagout program by havinga second licensed SRO verify proper installation of lockout devices.

New lineswere added to the Job Workbook form requiring checks for repetitive malfunctions and Tech Spec significance, and requiring additional reviews bythe Director of Reactor Operations.

(SR #0-12-5,

  1. 0-13-17) b) PM 3.4.1, "Replacement of a Shim Blade, Magnet or Drive Mechanism",

wasmodified for increased clarity and to add steps specific to the newer drivedesign used for shim blade drives #1 and #6. ALARA was improved by re-ordering sections to do as much as possible with the core tank level at nominal,either before it is lowered or after it gets restored.

PM 3.4.2, "Replacement ofControl Blade", was modified for alignment with current best practices, particularly for promotion of ALARA. (SR #0-12-23,

  1. 0-13-8)c) Several test and calibration procedures were updated to include moreinformation and clarity, and to take advantage of new hardware andinstrumentation for testing:

PM, "Damper Closing Time Measurement using a Digital Oscilloscope",

PM, "Emergency Power Transfer Test",PM, "Charcoal Filter Efficiency Test", and PM, "SystemPressure Gage Calibration

-PSI Range". The modification of PM,"Building AP Indicator and Recorder Calibration",

also included a pipingchange re-positioning a valve in order to allow all AP instruments to beequalized rather than just the recorder.

The piping change was verified not toaffect the AP system's indications.

(SR #0-13-1,

  1. 0-13-3,
  1. 0-13-5,
  1. 0-13-15,
  1. 0-13-21) d) PM 3.8.1A, "Makeup Water Startup of Inlet D.I. System in Standby(recirculation)

Mode", PM 3.8.5, "Makeup Water Transfer from Storage",

and PM 3.9, "Transfer of D20 Between Storage and Dump Tanks", receivedadministrative changes for clarity and readability.

There were no safetyconcerns involved.

(SR #0-13-6,

  1. 0-13-18,
  1. 0-13-19) 9e) PM, "Fuel Sipping",

was established to document and formalize thesteps necessary to draw samples through fuel elements in the core tank.Standard foreign material exclusion control is enforced.

(SR #0-13-7)0 PM 7.3.8, "Removal/Maintenance/Replacement of DM-1 Pump RotatingAssembly",

was established to document and formalize the steps for workingon the D20 reflector system's main pump. The procedure covers systemlockout/tagout, precautions regarding the D20, connection points for drainingand venting, valve lineups, and pipe draining sequences.

(SR #0-13-10) g) PM 3.1.4, "Non-Routine Reactor Startup",

received administrative updates toreflect the change in operating power limit to 6 MW, and to clarify the uses ofneutron flux Channels

  1. 7, #8, and #9. (SR #0-13-14) h) PM &, "Full Power Startup Checklists",

PM, "CoolingTower Operation and Full Power Checks",

PM, "Two Loop RestartIncorporating Required Quarterly Startup Surveillances",

PM 3.1.3, "Startupfor Less than 100 kW Operation",

PM 3.1.6, "Restart Following anUnanticipated or a Brief-Duration Scheduled Shutdown",

and PM 3.5, "DailySurveillance Check" were cross-checked and updated as a group to incorporate temporary changes and to reflect current equipment configurations and bestpractices.

An update of the "Special Procedure for Activation of CharcoalFilter Bank" was included, replacing the Pressure Relief System portion of thestartup checklists.

Likewise included were the posted procedures for samplingthe primary and shield system coolant.

All the changes were evaluated as freeof negative effects on safety, equipment, and ALARA. (SR #0-13-13) i) PM 3.7.1, "Weekly Security Checklist",

was updated to reflect revisions in thePhysical Security Plan (SR #0-13-16 portions that do not have the potential torequire a license amendment request),

clarifications, and current equipment capabilities and practices.

Safety and security were both evaluated asimproved by this update. (SR #0-13-24) j) "Estimated Critical Position (ECP) Calculator" was created to review andauthorize a computerized operator aid for ECP calculation.

(SR #0-13-20) k) "Hydride Fuel Irradiation Experiment Test and Handling Procedures" sub-itemHYFI-8, "Hydride Fuel Irradiation Experiment Transfer of Irradiated Capsulewith Contaminated Gas Sampling Line from Wet Storage Ring to Spent FuelPool", was established for the transfer of previously irradiated HYFI Capsule 2.The new special procedure detailed additional equipment, precautions, andsteps appropriate for the potential contamination in its attached gas samplingtube. (SR#0-11-16) 106. Surveillance Tests and Inspections There are many written procedures in use for surveillance tests and inspections required by the Technical Specifications.

These procedures provide a detailed methodfor conducting each test or inspection and specify an acceptance criterion which mustbe met in order for the equipment or system to comply with the requirements of theTechnical Specifications.

The tests and inspections are scheduled throughout the yearwith a frequency at least equal to that required by the Technical Specifications.

Thirtysuch tests and calibrations are conducted on an annual, semi-annual, or quarterly basis.Other surveillance tests are done each time before startup of the reactor if shutdown for more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, before startup if a channel has been repaired or de-energized, and at least quarterly; a few are on different schedules.

Procedures for suchsurveillance are incorporated into daily or quarterly

startup, shutdown, or otherchecklists.

During this reporting period, the surveillance frequency has been at least equalto that required by the Technical Specification, and the results of tests and inspections were satisfactory throughout the year for Facility Operating License No. R-37.7. Status of Spent Fuel ShipmentIn CY2013, there was one shipment made, reducing the inventory of spent fuelat MIT. These shipments were made using the BEA Research Reactor (BRR)package.

The U.S. Department of Energy has indicated that further shipments may befeasible in CY2014 for future fuel discharges.

11B. REACTOR OPERATION Information on energy generated and on reactor operating hours is tabulated below:Calendar Quarter12 1 3 4 Total1. Energy Generated (MWD):a) MITR-II 125.5 72.1 222.5 206.1 626.2(MIT CY2013)(normally at 5.8 MW)b) MITR-II 33,257.6(MIT FY 1976-CY2012) c) MITR-I 10,435.2(MIT FY 1959-FY 1974)d) Cumulative, 44,319.0MITR-I & MITR-II2. MITR-HI Operation (hours):(MIT CY2013)a) At Power(> 0.5-MW) for 552 337 1015 859 2763Researchb) Low Power(< 0.5-MW) for 6 44 7 1 58Training(l) and Testc) Total Critical 558 381 1022 860 2821(1) These hours do not include reactor operator and other training conducted while thereactor is at full power for research purposes (spectrometer, etc.) or for isotopeproduction.

Such hours are included in the previous line.

12C. SHUTDOWNS AND SCRAMSDuring this reporting period, there were four inadvertent scrams and fiveunscheduled shutdowns.

The term "scram" refers to shutting down of the reactor through protective system automatic action when the reactor is at power or at least critical, while the term"shutdown" refers to an unscheduled power reduction to subcritical by the reactoroperator in response to an abnormal condition indication.

Rod drops and electricpower loss without protective system action are included in unscheduled shutdowns.

The following summary of scrams and shutdowns is provided in approximately the same format as for previous years in order to facilitate a comparison.

1. Nuclear Safety System Scrams Totala) Trip on Channel #3 as result of spuriouselectronic noise upon reset of itslow level indicator during startup.

2b) Trip on low voltage chamber power supplyfor Channel # caused by operator errorduring ion chamber plateau testing.Subtotal

32. Process System Scramsa) Low flow core purge scram because ofwater accumulation inside the purge line.Subtotal 1

133. Unscheduled Shutdowns b) Shutdown as result of momentary loss of off-site electricity.

a) Shutdown to troubleshoot automatic controller and itsassociated Channel #9.c) Shutdown to correct elevated fission converter tanktemperature caused by pump cavitation.

d) Shutdown upon news of shooting of an MIT Police Officeron campus (by the Boston Marathon bombing suspects).

SubtotalTotal21I594. Experience during recent years has been as follows:Calendar Year2013201220112010Fiscal Year20102009200820072006Nuclear Safety andProcess SystemScrams4692062456 14D. MAJOR MAINTENANCE Major reactor maintenance projects performed during CY2013 are described inthis Section.

These were planned and performed to improve safety, reliability andefficiency of operation of the MIT Research

Reactor, and hence improve thepredictability of the reactor operating schedule and the availability of the reactor forexperiments, research and training purposes.

Additionally, Reactor Operations staffperformed safety reviews for all reactor experiments and their operating procedures.

The staff also provided support for installations and removals of reactor experiments, and monitored key performance data from the experiments during reactor operations.

In CY2013 these experiments included the SiC/SiC composite material irradiation forEPRI in the Advanced Clad Irradiation water loop facility, and the FS-1 Salt Capsuleirradiation in the In-Core Sample Assembly (ICSA).For continuous support of neutron transmutation doping of silicon, reactor staffperformed routine irradiation and shipping activities.

There is an annual external auditto review the program for maintaining the ISO 9001 Certification.

Preventive maintenance on conveyor machinery, such as alignment of conveyor carriages, wasperformed during major outages.

No component replacements for instrumentation orcontrols was needed during this calendar year.Major maintenance items performed in CY2013 are summarized as follows:1. During the week of 01/7/2013 the CO2 purge line to the FC tank was repaired.

The helium blowdown line that tests the FC tank low level scram was alsorepaired.

2. The FC alarm panel was replaced with an in-house spare during the week of01/14/2013.
3. Bernoulli Filter B piston was repaired on 01/15/2013; Bernoulli Filter A pistonwas repaired on 01/22/2013.

Maintenance was performed on all three Bernoulli Filters on 04/08/2013 and 11/17/2013.

4. The FC heat exchanger was replaced during the week of 02/11/2013.
5. The primary ion column was repacked and replaced on 03/04/2013, 07/23/2013, and 11/14/2013.
6. The primary ion column inlet filter was replaced on 07/23/2013.
7. The D20 storage tank blowout patch was replaced on 03/04/2013.
8. A failed truck lock hydraulic line was replaced on 04/03/2013.
9. The main reflector system pump (DM-1) shaft seal was replaced on 04/10/2013.
10. Two new pre-amplifier modules for the new safety system were installed in newelectrical boxes on 05/02/2013.

1511. Shim blade #1 was replaced on 05/08/2013.

12. The regulating rod auto-controller was repaired on 05/13/2013.
13. The regulating rod absorber and drive were replaced during the week of05/20/2013.
14. During the week of 05/20/2013, two conduit paths were cleared of old cables insupport of the new safety system.15. During the week of 05/20/2013, MIT Facilities installed eight new self-contained battery operated emergency lights.16. MIT Facilities replaced the control room A/C compressor during the week of05/27/2013.
17. Channel 2 & 3 safety amplifier power supplies were replaced on 05/30/2013.
18. MIT Facilities replaced the containment building exhaust ventilation filters on06/10/2013.
19. The blade drive motor for shim blade #3 was rebuilt on 06/20/2013.
20. The D2O in the FC tank was replaced with deionized water during the week of07/08/2013.
21. The primary pump MM-I A VFD electrical contactor was replaced on 07/12/2013.
22. The first Mirion safety channel detector was installed in 3GV2 on 07/12/2013.
23. Stack Gas 1 & 2 instruments were upgraded during the week of 07/29/2013.
24. The blade drive for shim blade #6 was replaced on 09/06/2013.
25. A new motion sensor with alarms was installed at the entrance to the reactor floorhigh radiation storage area during the week of 09/09/2013.
26. A leak in the cooling line for the 3GV5 vertical port was repaired on 10/01/2013.
27. A new port plug and the second Mirion fission chamber detector were installed in41H3 on 11/05/2013.
28. During a period of one week starting on 11/06/2013, the city water makeup linefor the secondary system was relocated from the cooling tower outlet pipe to thecooling tower inlet.29. An underground 480-volt electrical conduct was repaired on 11/12/2013.
30. The blade drive and magnet for shim blade #4 were replaced on 12/09/2013.
31. The proximity switch for shim blade #5 was replaced on 12/16/2013.

Many other routine maintenance and preventive maintenance items were alsoscheduled and completed throughout the fiscal year.

16E. SECTION 50.59 CHANGES, TESTS, AND EXPERIMENTS This section contains a description of each change to the reactor facility orprocedures and of the conduct of tests and experiments carried out under theconditions of Section 50.59 of 10 CFR 50, together with a summary of the safetyevaluation in each case.The review and approval of changes in the facility and in the procedures asdescribed in the SAR are documented in the MITR records by means of "SafetyReview Forms". These have been paraphrased for this report and are identified on thefollowing pages for ready reference if further information should be required withregard to any item. Pertinent pages in the SAR have been or are being revised toreflect these changes, and they either have or will be forwarded to the DocumentControl Desk, USNRC.The conduct of tests and experiments on the reactor are normally documented in the experiments and irradiation files. For experiments carried out under theprovisions of 10 CFR 50.59, the review and approval is documented by means of theSafety Review Form. All other experiments have been done in accordance with thedescriptions provided in Section 10 of the SAR, "Experimental Facilities".

17Advance Cladding Irradiation Facility (ACI)SR #0-06-4 (04/03/2006),

  1. 0-06-6 (05/18/2006)

An in-core experiment loop was installed on May 22, 2006, to investigate theeffects at various stages of irradiation on specimens of silicon carbide intended for usein advanced fuel cladding designs.

Its envelope of operating conditions is very similarto that of previous in-core experiments such as the Zircaloy Corrosion Loop and theElectro-Chemical Potential Loop. No new safety issues were raised. Operation continued until October 2007. A second advanced cladding loop, designated ACI-2,operated in core from March 2009 through mid-December 2009, March to April 2010,December 2010 through June 2011, from October 2011 to July 2012, and from Augustthrough October 2013.Heated In-Core Sample Assembly Experiment (ICSA)SR #0-04-19 (12/01/2004),

  1. M-04-2 (12/30/2004),
  1. 0-05-11 (07/22/2005),

SR #M-09-1 (07/30/2009),

  1. M-09-2 (12/11/2009),
  1. 0-10-2 (03/28/2010),

SR #0-12-17 (06/04/2012),

  1. 0-12-19 (07/09/2012)

High-temperature sample capsules were used with the redesigned titanium2" ICSA tube to provide a heated irradiation environment for the specimens within.These capsules include gamma-heating susceptors similar in principal to the HighTemperature Irradiation Facility.

No new safety issues were raised. An alternate 16" plug was designed and installed in the reactor top shield lid to allow simultaneous use of the ICSA and the ACI-2 in-core experiments.

The ICSA operated in core fromDecember 2009 through April 2010, from August 2010 to January 2012, from April toJuly 2012, and from mid-September through October 2013 for various sampleirradiations using heated and unheated capsules.

The MIT Reactor Safeguards Committee (MITRSC) approved two ICSA Safety Evaluation Report amendments inearly 2013 to allow the 2013 irradiation of molten fluoride salt in-core using a nickelcapsule inside the ICSA.LUNA-HTIF SR #0-12-20 (07/23/2012)

A test fit procedure was established and performed for a future high-temperature fiber-optic sensor test that will be done in a custom-built in-core HighTemperature Irradiation Facility with real time read-out of the fiber sensors.

Set-uprequirements and radiological controls were maintained to match existing in-corehandling procedures.

New Digital Recorders for the Control RoomSR #E-12-1 (10/11/2012),

  1. E-12-2 (07/23/2012),
  1. E-13-1 (01/24/2013),
  1. E- 13-2 (05/01/2013),
  1. E- 13-5(10/29/2013)

A program is underway to replace aged analog recorders in the control roomwith new digital paperless equivalents.

The multipoint temperature recorder and the 18radiation monitor recorder were replaced in CY2012. A third recorder was installed inCY2013 to replace three separate recorders

-the building delta-P recorder, the D20gasholder

recorder, and the Gould effluent recorder.

A fourth recorder was installed inCY2013 replacing two separate recorders

-the primary flow/AT recorder and thesecondary/shield/D 2O flow recorder.

An LCD monitor / computer recorder was alsotested and then installed in CY2013, replacing three separate recorders

-the log fluxlevel, linear flux level, and core outlet temperature recorders.

None of these recorders provide any reactor control functions, nor do they initiate any scram signals.

Thealarm functions of the temperature recorder were verified to remain unchanged.

Thegreater reliability of the digital equipment was judged to be an improvement in safety.DWK 250 Wide Range Monitors and Mirion Fission Chamber Detectors SR #0-12-21 (10/19/2012),

  1. 0-13-22 (07/11/2013),
  1. 0-13-27 (11/08/2013)

Three analog display meters were added to the control console from a newnuclear instrument channel (a DWK 250 Wide Range Monitor) that is under test.These meters are completely independent of the reactor protection and reactor controlsystems and do not interfere with normal use of required control room instrumentation.

All the display meters are labelled "unofficial instrument",

as use of the DWK 250system is pending NRC review and approval.

Two sets of DWK 250 flux monitors, and their associated pre-amplifiers and fission chambers, were installed for on-linetesting in 2013. The DWK 250 monitors were installed in the control room console.The fission chamber for one was installed in 3GV2, and for the other in 41H3. TheTKV23 pre-amplifier modules for both these fission chambers were installed inprotective electrical boxes on the reactor utility shelf.Ch. 2 Fission Chamber Signal Using TKV23 Pre-Amplifier SR #E-13-4 (08/01/2013)

The non-discriminated pulse signal from the new fission chamber in 3GV2,passing without distortion in analog form through a DWK 250 flux monitor, was usedas input to the existing nuclear safety Channel #2 for source-range startup application.

The non-discriminated signal does not go through the signal processing path within theDWK 250.Procedures Governing Shipment of Spent FuelSR #0-12-22 (03/21/2013),

  1. 0-13-2 (03/28/2013)

Section 2.7.5 in the reactor's Standard Operating Plan was modified to allowomission of the inverse multiplication measurements when loading spent fuel elementsinto the shipping cask with U-235 masses similar to or less than that of a previousloading.

This change had been reviewed and approved by the MITRSC on11/06/2012.

The PM 3.3.4 Spent Fuel Shipping Procedures were updated accordingly.

Furthermore, PM Fuel Shipping Supervisory Checklist was updated to expandand improve oversight and coordination of the spent fuel shipment process.

19Update of Emergency Plan and Procedures SR #0-12-15 (07/23/2013),

  1. E- 13-3 (07/26/2013),
  1. 0-13-25 (10/28/2013)

The MITR Emergency Plan and Procedures were upgraded to reflect currentpractices and improve coordination with current MIT campus emergency protocols, making greater use of campus resources currently available.

The upgrade also tookadvantage of modem methods of evaluation and communication technologies tostreamline emergency notification and response.

Most importantly, the upgradesadjusted the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) as permitted by the Technical Specifications that were approved by NRC along with the November 2010 relicensing.

The changes to the Emergency Plan and Procedures were reviewed and approved bythe MITRSC on 5/16/2013.

Three Abnormal Operating Procedures were updated toreflect the changes in the Emergency Plan and Procedures, especially the new EALs.Furthermore, the two Stack Gas monitors were modified to accommodate the higherrange of the new EALs. These modifications included installation of attenuator platesin the corresponding radiation detectors, implementation of high-range meter scales,and new calibrations.

Implementation of the new E-Plan and Procedures took place on8/5/2013 when Stack Gas 1 monitor upgrade was completed.

The Stack Gas 2 monitorupgrade was completed on 8/7/2013.

The new E-Plan and Procedures were submitted to NRC on 8/13/2013 as per 10 CFR 50.54 (q) (5).Safety Analysis Report (SAR) UpdateSR #0-13-11 (11/14/2013),

  1. 0-13-26 (09/16/2013)

The MITR Safety Analysis Report (SAR) was updated twice in 2013. The firstwas a revision of the entire document to reflect current equipment and practices, suchuse of MCNP, which was now a routine fuel management tool. The revision packagewas reviewed and approved by MITRSC on 5/16/2013.

The second update appliedonly to SAR Section 2.4 Hydrology, clarifying the mechanisms and risks ofseismically-induced flood at the reactor site. This change was reviewed and approvedby MITRSC by mail ballot on 11/1/2013.

Both SAR modifications were submitted toNRC as items of information dated 11/7/2013.

Physical Security Plan RevisionSR #0-13-16 (pending)

MITRSC approval for revised Plan was granted per the Security Subcommittee meeting of 6/6/2013.

It was then submitted to NRC as a License Amendment Request.Modification of City Water Feed to Secondary PipingSR #M-13-1 (12/04/2013)

The 3" city water make-up line for the secondary system was relocated from thecooling tower outlet pipe to the cooling tower inlet pipe. This will help reduce theimpact of city water temperature to the reactor by allowing maximum mixing of thecolder city water with the secondary coolant prior to entering the main heat exchanger.

20F. ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYSEnvironmental monitoring is performed using continuous radiation monitorsand passive dosimetry devices (TLD). The radiation monitoring system consists ofdetectors and associated electronics at each remote site with data transmitted continuously to the Reactor Radiation Protection office and recorded electronically ina database.

The remote sites are located within a quarter mile radius of the facility.

The calendar year totals per sector, due primarily to Ar-41, are presented below. Thepassive TLDs were in place at all times throughout the year and are exchanged quarterly.

SiteNorthEastSouthWestGreen (east)Exposure(01/01/13-12/31/13) 0.17 mrem0.35 mrem0.16 mrem0.35 mrem0.01 mremCalendar Year Average20132012201120100.2 mrem0.3 mrem0.3 mrem0. 1 mremFiscal Year Average2010200920082007200620050.2 mrem0.3 mrem0.3 mrem0.2 mrem0.2 mrem0.2 mrem 21G. RADIATION EXPOSURES AND SURVEYS WITHIN THE FACILITYA summary of radiation exposures received by facility personnel andexperimenters is given below:January 1, 2013 -December 31, 2013Whole Body Exposure Range (rems) Number of Personnel N o m easurable


38M easurable

-< 0.1 ..................................................................................

300.1 -0 .25 ..........................................................................................

10.25 -0.50 ..........................................................................................

00.50 -0.75 ..........................................................................................

00.75 -1.00 .........................................................................................

01.00 -1.2 5 ..........................................................................................

01.25 -1.50 .........................................................................................

01.50 -1.75 ..........................................................................................

01.75 -2.00 .........................................................................................

0Total Person Rem = 1.2 Total Number of Personnel

= 69From January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013, the Reactor Radiation Protection program provided radiation protection services for the facility which included powerand non-power operational surveillance (performed on daily, weekly, monthly,quarterly, and other frequencies as required),

maintenance activities, and experimental project support.

Specific examples of these activities

included, but are not limited to,the following:
1. Collection and analysis of air samples taken within the containment building and in the exhaust/ventilation systems.2. Collection and analysis of water samples taken from the secondary, DO, primary, shield coolant, liquid waste, and experimental systems,and fuel storage pool.3. Performance of radiation and contamination
surveys, radioactive wastecollection and shipping, calibration of area radiation
monitors, calibration of effluent and process radiation
monitors, calibration ofradiation protection/survey instrumentation, and establishing/posting radiological control areas.4. Provision of radiation protection services during fuel movements, in-core experiments, sample irradiations, beam port use, ion columnremoval, diffractometer beam testing, etc.The results of all surveys and surveillances conducted have been within the guidelines established for the facility.

22H. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS This section summarizes the nature and amount of liquid, gaseous, and solidradioactive wastes released or discharged from the facility.

1. Liquid WasteLiquid radioactive wastes generated at the facility are discharged only to thesanitary sewer serving the facility.

The possible sources of such wastes during the yearinclude cooling tower blowdown, the liquid waste storage tanks, and one controlled sink in the Restricted Area (Engineering Lab). All of the liquid volumes are measured, by far the largest being the 3,115,172 liters discharged during CY2013 from thecooling towers. (Other large quantities of non-radioactive waste water are discharged to the sanitary sewer system by other parts of MIT, but no credit for such dilution istaken because the volume is not routinely measured.)

Total activity less tritium in the liquid effluents (cooling tower blowdown, waste storage tank discharges, and engineering lab sink discharges) amounted to33.1 liCi for CY2013. The total tritium was 104.0 mCi. The total effluentwater volume was 3,157,527 liters, giving an average tritium concentration of.32.9E-6

ýiCi/ml.The above liquid waste discharges are provided on a monthly basis in thefollowing Table H-3.All releases were in accordance with Technical Specification 3.8-1, including Part 20, Title 20, Code of Federal Regulations.

All activities were substantially belowthe limits specified in 10 CFR 20.2003.

Nevertheless, the monthly tritium releases arereported in Table H-3.2. Gaseous WasteGaseous radioactivity is discharged to the atmosphere from the containment building exhaust stack. All gaseous releases likewise were in accordance with theTechnical Specifications and 10 CFR 20.1302, and all nuclides were substantially below the limits, using the authorized dilution factor of 50,000 (changed from 3,000starting with CY2011 per the renewed license's Technical Specifications).

The onlyprincipal nuclide was Ar-41, which is reported in the following Table H-I. The604.93 Ci of Ar-41 was released at an average concentration of 8.79E-l 1 +/-Ci/ml.This represents 0.879% of EC (Effluent Concentration (IE-08 gCi/ml)).

3. Solid WasteTwo shipments of solid waste were made during the calendar year. Theinformation pertaining to these shipments is provided in Table H-2.

23TABLE H-1ARGON-41 STACK RELEASESCALENDAR YEAR 2013Ar-41Ar-41Discharged (Curies)AverageConcentration(')


January 2013 10.73 1.87 E-I 1February 49.67 8.66 E-11March 48.99 8.54 E-11April 41.42 7.22 E-11May 49.10 8.56 E-I 1June 33.38 5.82 E-11July 3.69 6.44 E-12August 96.19 1.68 E-10September 66.28 1.16 E-10October 134.30 2.34 E- 10November (shutdown) 0 0December 71.20 1.24 E- 10Totals (1 2 Months)(2) 604.938.79 E-11EC (Table II, Column I) 1 x 10-8% EC 0.879%(1) Average concentrations do not vary linearly with curies discharged because ofdiffering monthly dilution volumes.(2) Last decimal place may vary because of rounding.

24TABLE H-2SUMMARY OF MITR-II RADIOACTIVE SOLID WASTE SHIPMENTS CALENDAR YEAR 2013Description Volume 52 ft3Weight 1,513 lbs.Activity 3.1 mCiDate of shipment April 25, 2013Disposition to licensee for burial Energy Solutions, Clive, UTWaste broker Ecology Services Inc., Columbia, MDDescription Volume 237 ft3Weight 2,624 lbs.Activity 27 mCiDate of shipment October 16, 2013Disposition to licensee for burial Energy Solutions, Clive, UTWaste broker Ecology Services Inc., Columbia, MD 25TABLE H-3LIOUID EFFLUENT DISCHARGES CALENDAR YEAR 2013Total Total Volume AverageActivity Tritium of Effluent TritiumLess Tritium Activity Water(l)

Concentration (x10"6Ci)(mCi)(liters)(xl0-6[tCi/ml)Jan. 2013 0.835 38.4 470,187 81.7Feb. NDA(2) 7.91 302,111 26.2Mar. 10.7 4.71 434,475 10.8Apr. .961 4.35 202,080 21.5May .432 .937 150,563 6.22June NDA(2) 1.55 113,357 13.6July NDA(2) 3.60 59,445 60.6Aug. NDA(2) 4.39 1,083,567 4.05Sept. 1.02 13.2 53,067 249.0Oct. 1.88 2.52 85,200 29.6Nov. 16.7 8.13 154,287 52.7Dec. .536 14.3 49,189 291.012 months 33.1 104.0 3,157,527 32.9(1) Volume of effluent from cooling towers, waste tanks, and NW 12-139 Engineering Lab sink. Does not include other diluent from MIT estimated at 2.7 milliongallons/day.

(2) No Detectable Activity (NDA): less than 1.26x 10-6 jtCi/ml beta for each sample.

26I. SUMMARY OF USE OF MEDICAL FACILITY FOR HUMAN THERAPYThe use of the medical therapy facility for human therapy is summarized herepursuant to Technical Specification No. Investigative StudiesInvestigative studies remain as summarized in the annual report for FY2005.2. Human TherapyNone.3. Status of Clinical TrialsThe Phase I glioblastoma and melanoma trials with BIDMC have been closed.A beam that is superior to the original epithermal beam in the basement MedicalTherapy Room in both flux and quality could again be made available from the FissionConverter Facility.

No use of that beam is anticipated in the near term because of anationwide funding hiatus for work of this type.