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{{#Wiki_filter:FENOCŽ FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company David B. Hamilton Vice President -July 14, 2017 L-17-216 A ITN: Document Control Center U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 SUBJECT: Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440, License No. NPF-58 Perry Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 97 10 Center Road Perry, Ohio 44081 440-280-5382 Response to NRC Inspection Report 05000440/2017009 and Preliminary White Finding On June 5, 2017, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Inspection Report 05000440/2017009 and a Preliminary White Finding to the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. This Inspection Report contained a Preliminary White Finding and Apparent Violation *05000440/2017009-01 "Unsuitable Application of Surge Suppression Diodes in Standby Diesel Generator Control Power Circuitry." In a letter dated June 14, 2017, the FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) notified the NRC of our choice to submit a written response to the Inspection Report. Attached is FENOC's response, which adds some clarification to the initial apparent violation. We have reviewed the preliminary white finding and we believe the description of the performance deficiency does not comport with the root cause and it does not accurately characterize the issue. The attachment provides detail of the disputed language. We respectfully request your consideration of this information prior to issuing the final violation. There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Nicola Conicella, Regulatory Compliance, at (440) 280-5415. Sincerely, David Hamilton Vice President   
{{#Wiki_filter:FENOCŽ FirstEnergy  
Perry Nuclear Power Plant L-17-216 Page 2 Attachments Response to Apparent Violation 05000440/2017009-01 "Unsuitable Application of Surge Suppression Diodes in Standby Diesel Generator Control Power Circuitry" cc: NRG Branch Chief -Jamnes Cameron NRG Project Manager -Kimberly Green NRG Regional Administrator -Cynthia D Pederson NRG Director of Reactor Projects -Patrick L. Louden NRG Resident Inspectors   
Nuclear Operating  
Attachment l-17-216 Page 1of4 Violation Details Inspection Report 05000440/2017009, dated June 5, 2017, contained the following Preliminary White Finding for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP): Preliminary White. The inspectors identified a finding preliminarily determined to be of low to moderate safety significance (White), and an associated apparent violation of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) 50, Criterion Ill, "Design Control," for the licensee's failure to implement measures for the selection and review for suitability of application of voltage suppression diodes installed in the control circuitry for the Division 2 Standby Diesel Generator, which was a component subject to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B. Specifically, Engineering Change Package 04-0049 failed to consider the effects of a shorted diode on the control circuitry for the Division 2 Standby Diesel Generator, and instead, introduced new components (diodes) into the control circuitry that resulted in the eventual failure of this safety-related equipment. This rendered the standby diesel generator inoperable and unable to start for longer than its technical specification allowed outage time, which was a violation of Technical Specification 3.8.1, "AC Sources-Operating." The licensee documented the issue in CR 2016-13183, and subsequently replaced the failed component and then modified circuitry to remove the replacement diode and the remaining diodes from similar components. , The inspectors determined that the licensee's failure to evaluate the effects of voltage suppression diode failure on the Standby Diesel Generator control circuit was contrary to the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion Ill and a performance deficiency which was within the licensee's ability to foresee and prevent. The inspectors determined that the performance deficiency was of more than minor significance because it was associated with the design control attribute of the mitigating systems cornerstone and adversely affected the cornerstone objective to ensure the availability, reliability, and capability of systems that respond to initiating events to prevent undesirable consequences (i.e., core damage). Specifically, the design of the Division 2 Standby Diesel Generator control circuit resulted in the inoperability and unavailability of the Division 2 Standby Diesel Generator from April 2, 2015, to November 8, 2016, when the failed diode was replaced. A Significance and Enforcement Review Panel, using IMC 0609, Appendix A, "Significance Determination Process for Findings At-Power," dated June 19, 2012, preliminarily determined the finding to be of low-to-moderate safety significance. The inspectors did not identify any cross-cutting aspects associated with this finding because the condition had existed si.nce at least 2007, when the diodes were originally installed in the DC control power circuits, and therefore, was not indicative of current plant performance. (Section 40A2.1) Response The FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) does not agree with the performance deficiency as described. FENOC asserts that the design was adequate   
Company David B. Hamilton  
Attachment L-17-216 Page 2of4 and appropriate for use in the control circuit and without the manufacturing defect would have functioned as designed. The Apparent Violation as described has these main points that FENOC does not agree* with: * Installation of surge suppression diodes in the SDG control circuit was not evaluated and, without mitigation for failure, was not appropriate for the SDG control power circuit. * Installation of surge suppression diodes provided no safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The diode failure rendered the standby diesel generator inoperable and unable to start for longer than its technical specification allowed outage time. Details Installation of surge suppression diodes in the SDG control circuit was not evaluated and, without mitigation for failure, was not appropriate for the SDG control power circuit. * The effects of a diode failure were considered as an aggregate evaluation of parts rather than component by component individual evaluations. The Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) does not discuss the reliability of SDG components at the level that the change was being made. For the SDG engine and generator, the USAR only discusses malfunction of the SDG as a unit with the result being the loss of one divisional SDG. There are no failure modes and effects analysis in the USAR for subcomponents of the diesel generator itself, the speed control system or its controls. * No new failure modes were introduced by the addition of surge suppression diodes as addressed in NEI 96-07 "Guidelines For 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations" section 4.3.6. The 50.59 Evaluation for ECP 04-0049 states "Reliability of the new components has been based on industry experience and experience at other nuclear facilities .... [operating] experience was reviewed through [Institute of Nuclear Power Operations] and no adverse trends were noted for the new components." * The diodes were installed consistent with IEEE recommended practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment Section, Contact Suppression, IEEE Std. 1100-2005, which states, this is standard practice in any industrial control system. It also states that the first choice in a DC circuit is a flyback diode for voltage suppression. The IEEE standard does not provide mitigation strategies for failure. Installation of surge suppression diodes provided no safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The use of suppression diodes does provide a safety benefit in that the voltage suppression helps to minimize arcing and degradation of contacts that interrupt current to the relays (reference the Root Cause Report for CR 2016-14456). It was later determined that the diodes could be removed without significantly impacting components in the Division 1 and 2 125 VDC control circuitry and the increased risk could be managed through preventative maintenance (PM) frequency controls.   
Vice President  
Attachment L-17-216 Page 3of4 The diode failure rendered the standby diesel generator inoperable and unable to start for longer than its technical specification allowed outage time. * Continuity testing in May 2016 demonstrated that the diode was not shorted, therefore, had not failed upon de-energization in April 2015. The apparent violation stated that the test conducted in May 2016 was not a valid test. Although continuity testing would not have detected an internal manufacturing defect, it was an adequate test to determine if the diode was shorted, which would have precluded the SDG from performing its intended function. * The root cause concluded the cause to be a defective diode (cracked die). It is not clear at what point in time the degradation of the diode would have progressed to the point of failing upon re-energization. With a cracked die in the diode, there are multiple stressors that could have affected it, including temperature changes. Therefore, there is no firm evidence demonstrating that the diode was failed in May 2016. As such, with the absence of firm evidence otherwise, it should be assumed that the diode failed at the time of discovery. Conclusion FENOC asserts the following: * Installation of surge suppression diodes in the SDG control circuit was appropriately evaluated and was appropriate for the SDG control power circuit. * Installation of surge suppression diodes provided a safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The diode failure did not render the SDG inoperable and unable to start for longer than its technical specification allowed outage time. The root cause determined the failure to be a manufacturing defect in the specific diode that was installed in the Division 2 SDG that was to protect the components within the SDG start circuitry. This was supported by independent laboratory diode testing and a 1 OCFR Part 21 notification, by the vendor who supplied the diodes, of a manufacturing defect internal to the diode with the same date code as the installed diode. The supplier of the diodes used non-conservative acceptance criteria for initial diode leakage tests during their dedication process. As a result, the potential exists that a diode was supplied from the manufacturer in a degraded condition and was not detected during commercial grade dedication process. In the absence of a manufacturing defect, the diodes were sufficient for the application. FENOC agrees that loss of control power to the Division 2 SDG should not have occurred and has taken corrective actions to prevent recurrence. Individual components, such as diodes, purchased under our Quality Assurance (QA) program are assumed to be reliable. In the NRC's Enforcement Policy, section 3.5, the NRC may refrain from issuing enforcement action for violations resulting from matters not within a licensee's control, such as equipment failures that were not avoidable by reasonable licensee QA measures or management controls. FENOC believes this to be the case in that this manufacturing defect was not detected through the supplier's commercial grade dedication process. Hence, FENOC believes NRC discretion is warranted based on our understanding of the deficiency and the root cause conclusions. FENOC respectfully   
-July 14, 2017 L-17-216  
Attachment L-17-216 Page 4 of 4 requests that this performance deficiency be re-evaluated and discretion applied as per the NRC's Enforcement Policy section 3.5. i
A ITN: Document  
Control Center U.S. Nuclear Regulatory  
DC 20555-0001  
Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440, License No. NPF-58 Perry Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 97 10 Center Road Perry, Ohio 44081 440-280-5382  
to NRC Inspection  
Report 05000440/2017009  
and Preliminary  
White Finding On June 5, 2017, the Nuclear Regulatory  
(NRC) issued Inspection  
Report 05000440/2017009  
and a Preliminary  
White Finding to the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. This Inspection  
Report contained  
a Preliminary  
White Finding and Apparent  
of Surge Suppression  
Diodes in Standby Diesel Generator  
Control Power Circuitry."  
In a letter dated June 14, 2017, the FirstEnergy  
Nuclear Operating  
Company (FENOC) notified  
the NRC of our choice to submit a written response  
to the Inspection  
Report. Attached  
is FENOC's response,  
which adds some clarification  
to the initial apparent  
We have reviewed  
the preliminary  
white finding and we believe the description  
of the performance  
does not comport with the root cause and it does not accurately  
the issue. The attachment  
detail of the disputed  
We respectfully  
request your consideration  
of this information  
prior to issuing the final violation.  
There are no regulatory  
in this letter. If there are any questions  
or if additional  
is required,  
please contact Mr. Nicola Conicella, Regulatory  
at (440) 280-5415.  
David Hamilton  
Vice President   
Perry Nuclear Power Plant L-17-216  
Page 2 Attachments  
to Apparent  
of Surge Suppression  
Diodes in Standby Diesel Generator  
Control Power Circuitry"  
cc: NRG Branch Chief -Jamnes Cameron NRG Project Manager -Kimberly  
Green NRG Regional  
-Cynthia D Pederson  
NRG Director  
of Reactor Projects  
-Patrick L. Louden NRG Resident  
Page 1of4 Violation  
Details Inspection  
Report 05000440/2017009,  
dated June 5, 2017, contained  
the following  
White Finding for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP): Preliminary  
White. The inspectors  
a finding preliminarily  
to be of low to moderate  
safety significance  
and an associated  
of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations  
(10 CFR) 50, Criterion  
Ill, "Design Control,"  
for the licensee's  
failure to implement  
for the selection  
and review for suitability  
of application  
of voltage suppression  
diodes installed  
in the control circuitry  
for the Division  
2 Standby Diesel Generator,  
which was a component  
subject to the requirements  
of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix  
B. Specifically,  
Change Package 04-0049 failed to consider  
the effects of a shorted diode on the control circuitry  
for the Division  
2 Standby Diesel Generator,  
and instead,  
new components  
into the control circuitry  
that resulted  
in the eventual  
failure of this safety-related  
This rendered  
the standby diesel generator  
and unable to start for longer than its technical  
allowed outage time, which was a violation  
of Technical  
3.8.1, "AC Sources-Operating."  
The licensee  
the issue in CR 2016-13183,  
and subsequently  
the failed component  
and then modified  
to remove the replacement  
diode and the remaining  
diodes from similar components.  
, The inspectors  
that the licensee's  
failure to evaluate  
the effects of voltage suppression  
diode failure on the Standby Diesel Generator  
control circuit was contrary  
to the requirements  
of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix  
B, Criterion  
Ill and a performance  
which was within the licensee's  
ability to foresee and prevent.  
The inspectors  
that the performance  
was of more than minor significance  
because it was associated  
with the design control attribute  
of the mitigating  
systems cornerstone  
and adversely  
the cornerstone  
to ensure the availability,  
and capability  
of systems that respond to initiating  
events to prevent undesirable  
(i.e., core damage).  
the design of the Division  
2 Standby Diesel Generator  
control circuit resulted  
in the inoperability  
and unavailability  
of the Division  
2 Standby Diesel Generator  
from April 2, 2015, to November  
8, 2016, when the failed diode was replaced.  
A Significance  
and Enforcement  
Review Panel, using IMC 0609, Appendix  
A, "Significance  
Process for Findings  
dated June 19, 2012, preliminarily  
the finding to be of low-to-moderate  
safety significance.  
The inspectors  
did not identify  
any cross-cutting  
aspects associated  
with this finding because the condition  
had existed si.nce at least 2007, when the diodes were originally  
in the DC control power circuits,  
and therefore,  
was not indicative  
of current plant performance.  
40A2.1) Response  
The FirstEnergy  
Nuclear Operating  
Company (FENOC) does not agree with the performance  
as described.  
FENOC asserts that the design was adequate   
Page 2of4 and appropriate  
for use in the control circuit and without the manufacturing  
defect would have functioned  
as designed.  
The Apparent  
as described  
has these main points that FENOC does not agree* with: * Installation  
of surge suppression  
diodes in the SDG control circuit was not evaluated  
and, without mitigation  
for failure,  
was not appropriate  
for the SDG control power circuit.  
* Installation  
of surge suppression  
diodes provided  
no safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The diode failure rendered  
the standby diesel generator  
and unable to start for longer than its technical  
allowed outage time. Details Installation  
of surge suppression  
diodes in the SDG control circuit was not evaluated  
and, without mitigation  
for failure,  
was not appropriate  
for the SDG control power circuit.  
* The effects of a diode failure were considered  
as an aggregate  
of parts rather than component  
by component  
The Updated Safety Analysis  
Report (USAR) does not discuss the reliability  
of SDG components  
at the level that the change was being made. For the SDG engine and generator,  
the USAR only discusses  
of the SDG as a unit with the result being the loss of one divisional  
SDG. There are no failure modes and effects analysis  
in the USAR for subcomponents  
of the diesel generator  
itself, the speed control system or its controls.  
* No new failure modes were introduced  
by the addition  
of surge suppression  
diodes as addressed  
in NEI 96-07 "Guidelines  
For 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations"  
section 4.3.6. The 50.59 Evaluation  
for ECP 04-0049 states "Reliability  
of the new components  
has been based on industry  
and experience  
at other nuclear facilities  
.... [operating]  
was reviewed  
through [Institute  
of Nuclear Power Operations]  
and no adverse trends were noted for the new components."  
* The diodes were installed  
with IEEE recommended  
for Powering  
and Grounding  
Contact Suppression,  
IEEE Std. 1100-2005,  
which states, this is standard  
in any industrial  
control system. It also states that the first choice in a DC circuit is a flyback diode for voltage suppression.  
The IEEE standard  
does not provide mitigation  
of surge suppression  
diodes provided  
no safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The use of suppression  
diodes does provide a safety benefit in that the voltage suppression  
helps to minimize  
arcing and degradation  
of contacts  
that interrupt  
current to the relays (reference  
the Root Cause Report for CR 2016-14456).  
It was later determined  
that the diodes could be removed without significantly  
in the Division  
1 and 2 125 VDC control circuitry  
and the increased  
risk could be managed through preventative  
(PM) frequency  
Page 3of4 The diode failure rendered  
the standby diesel generator  
and unable to start for longer than its technical  
allowed outage time. * Continuity  
testing in May 2016 demonstrated  
that the diode was not shorted,  
had not failed upon de-energization  
in April 2015. The apparent  
stated that the test conducted  
in May 2016 was not a valid test. Although  
testing would not have detected  
an internal  
defect, it was an adequate  
test to determine  
if the diode was shorted,  
which would have precluded  
the SDG from performing  
its intended  
* The root cause concluded  
the cause to be a defective  
diode (cracked  
die). It is not clear at what point in time the degradation  
of the diode would have progressed  
to the point of failing upon re-energization.  
With a cracked die in the diode, there are multiple  
that could have affected  
it, including  
there is no firm evidence  
that the diode was failed in May 2016. As such, with the absence of firm evidence  
it should be assumed that the diode failed at the time of discovery.  
FENOC asserts the following:  
* Installation  
of surge suppression  
diodes in the SDG control circuit was appropriately  
and was appropriate  
for the SDG control power circuit.  
* Installation  
of surge suppression  
diodes provided  
a safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The diode failure did not render the SDG inoperable  
and unable to start for longer than its technical  
allowed outage time. The root cause determined  
the failure to be a manufacturing  
defect in the specific  
diode that was installed  
in the Division  
2 SDG that was to protect the components  
within the SDG start circuitry.  
This was supported  
by independent  
diode testing and a 1 OCFR Part 21 notification,  
by the vendor who supplied  
the diodes, of a manufacturing  
defect internal  
to the diode with the same date code as the installed  
diode. The supplier  
of the diodes used non-conservative  
for initial diode leakage tests during their dedication  
As a result, the potential  
exists that a diode was supplied  
from the manufacturer  
in a degraded  
and was not detected  
during commercial  
grade dedication  
In the absence of a manufacturing  
defect, the diodes were sufficient  
for the application.  
FENOC agrees that loss of control power to the Division  
2 SDG should not have occurred  
and has taken corrective  
actions to prevent recurrence.  
such as diodes, purchased  
under our Quality Assurance  
(QA) program are assumed to be reliable.  
In the NRC's Enforcement  
Policy, section 3.5, the NRC may refrain from issuing enforcement  
action for violations  
from matters not within a licensee's  
such as equipment  
that were not avoidable  
by reasonable  
QA measures  
or management  
FENOC believes  
this to be the case in that this manufacturing  
defect was not detected  
through the supplier's  
grade dedication  
Hence, FENOC believes  
NRC discretion  
is warranted based  
on our understanding  
of the deficiency  
and the root cause conclusions.  
FENOC respectfully   
Page 4 of 4 requests  
that this performance  
be re-evaluated  
and discretion  
applied as per the NRC's Enforcement  
Policy section 3.5. i

Revision as of 18:43, 29 June 2018

Perry Nuclear Power Plant - Response to NRC Inspection Report 05000440/2017009 and Preliminary White Finding
Person / Time
Site: Perry FirstEnergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/14/2017
From: Hamilton D
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-17-216 IR 2017009
Download: ML17200C945 (6)

See also: IR 05000440/2017009


FENOCŽ FirstEnergy

Nuclear Operating

Company David B. Hamilton

Vice President

-July 14, 2017 L-17-216

A ITN: Document

Control Center U.S. Nuclear Regulatory



DC 20555-0001


Perry Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-440, License No. NPF-58 Perry Nuclear Power Plant P.O. Box 97 10 Center Road Perry, Ohio 44081 440-280-5382


to NRC Inspection

Report 05000440/2017009

and Preliminary

White Finding On June 5, 2017, the Nuclear Regulatory


(NRC) issued Inspection

Report 05000440/2017009

and a Preliminary

White Finding to the Perry Nuclear Power Plant. This Inspection

Report contained

a Preliminary

White Finding and Apparent


  • 05000440/2017009-01



of Surge Suppression

Diodes in Standby Diesel Generator

Control Power Circuitry."

In a letter dated June 14, 2017, the FirstEnergy

Nuclear Operating

Company (FENOC) notified

the NRC of our choice to submit a written response

to the Inspection

Report. Attached

is FENOC's response,

which adds some clarification

to the initial apparent


We have reviewed

the preliminary

white finding and we believe the description

of the performance


does not comport with the root cause and it does not accurately


the issue. The attachment


detail of the disputed


We respectfully

request your consideration

of this information

prior to issuing the final violation.

There are no regulatory



in this letter. If there are any questions

or if additional


is required,

please contact Mr. Nicola Conicella, Regulatory


at (440) 280-5415.


David Hamilton

Vice President

Perry Nuclear Power Plant L-17-216

Page 2 Attachments


to Apparent

Violation 05000440/2017009-01



of Surge Suppression

Diodes in Standby Diesel Generator

Control Power Circuitry"

cc: NRG Branch Chief -Jamnes Cameron NRG Project Manager -Kimberly

Green NRG Regional


-Cynthia D Pederson

NRG Director

of Reactor Projects

-Patrick L. Louden NRG Resident




Page 1of4 Violation

Details Inspection

Report 05000440/2017009,

dated June 5, 2017, contained

the following


White Finding for the Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP): Preliminary

White. The inspectors


a finding preliminarily


to be of low to moderate

safety significance


and an associated



of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations

(10 CFR) 50, Criterion

Ill, "Design Control,"

for the licensee's

failure to implement


for the selection

and review for suitability

of application

of voltage suppression

diodes installed

in the control circuitry

for the Division

2 Standby Diesel Generator,

which was a component

subject to the requirements

of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix

B. Specifically,


Change Package 04-0049 failed to consider

the effects of a shorted diode on the control circuitry

for the Division

2 Standby Diesel Generator,

and instead,


new components


into the control circuitry

that resulted

in the eventual

failure of this safety-related


This rendered

the standby diesel generator


and unable to start for longer than its technical


allowed outage time, which was a violation

of Technical


3.8.1, "AC Sources-Operating."

The licensee


the issue in CR 2016-13183,

and subsequently


the failed component

and then modified


to remove the replacement

diode and the remaining

diodes from similar components.

, The inspectors


that the licensee's

failure to evaluate

the effects of voltage suppression

diode failure on the Standby Diesel Generator

control circuit was contrary

to the requirements

of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix

B, Criterion

Ill and a performance


which was within the licensee's

ability to foresee and prevent.

The inspectors


that the performance


was of more than minor significance

because it was associated

with the design control attribute

of the mitigating

systems cornerstone

and adversely


the cornerstone


to ensure the availability,


and capability

of systems that respond to initiating

events to prevent undesirable


(i.e., core damage).


the design of the Division

2 Standby Diesel Generator

control circuit resulted

in the inoperability

and unavailability

of the Division

2 Standby Diesel Generator

from April 2, 2015, to November

8, 2016, when the failed diode was replaced.

A Significance

and Enforcement

Review Panel, using IMC 0609, Appendix

A, "Significance


Process for Findings


dated June 19, 2012, preliminarily


the finding to be of low-to-moderate

safety significance.

The inspectors

did not identify

any cross-cutting

aspects associated

with this finding because the condition

had existed si.nce at least 2007, when the diodes were originally


in the DC control power circuits,

and therefore,

was not indicative

of current plant performance.


40A2.1) Response

The FirstEnergy

Nuclear Operating

Company (FENOC) does not agree with the performance


as described.

FENOC asserts that the design was adequate



Page 2of4 and appropriate

for use in the control circuit and without the manufacturing

defect would have functioned

as designed.

The Apparent


as described

has these main points that FENOC does not agree* with: * Installation

of surge suppression

diodes in the SDG control circuit was not evaluated

and, without mitigation

for failure,

was not appropriate

for the SDG control power circuit.

  • Installation

of surge suppression

diodes provided

no safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The diode failure rendered

the standby diesel generator


and unable to start for longer than its technical


allowed outage time. Details Installation

of surge suppression

diodes in the SDG control circuit was not evaluated

and, without mitigation

for failure,

was not appropriate

for the SDG control power circuit.

  • The effects of a diode failure were considered

as an aggregate


of parts rather than component

by component



The Updated Safety Analysis

Report (USAR) does not discuss the reliability

of SDG components

at the level that the change was being made. For the SDG engine and generator,

the USAR only discusses


of the SDG as a unit with the result being the loss of one divisional

SDG. There are no failure modes and effects analysis

in the USAR for subcomponents

of the diesel generator

itself, the speed control system or its controls.

  • No new failure modes were introduced

by the addition

of surge suppression

diodes as addressed

in NEI 96-07 "Guidelines

For 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations"

section 4.3.6. The 50.59 Evaluation

for ECP 04-0049 states "Reliability

of the new components

has been based on industry


and experience

at other nuclear facilities

.... [operating]


was reviewed

through [Institute

of Nuclear Power Operations]

and no adverse trends were noted for the new components."

  • The diodes were installed


with IEEE recommended


for Powering

and Grounding




Contact Suppression,

IEEE Std. 1100-2005,

which states, this is standard


in any industrial

control system. It also states that the first choice in a DC circuit is a flyback diode for voltage suppression.

The IEEE standard

does not provide mitigation





of surge suppression

diodes provided

no safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The use of suppression

diodes does provide a safety benefit in that the voltage suppression

helps to minimize

arcing and degradation

of contacts

that interrupt

current to the relays (reference

the Root Cause Report for CR 2016-14456).

It was later determined

that the diodes could be removed without significantly



in the Division

1 and 2 125 VDC control circuitry

and the increased

risk could be managed through preventative


(PM) frequency




Page 3of4 The diode failure rendered

the standby diesel generator


and unable to start for longer than its technical


allowed outage time. * Continuity

testing in May 2016 demonstrated

that the diode was not shorted,


had not failed upon de-energization

in April 2015. The apparent


stated that the test conducted

in May 2016 was not a valid test. Although


testing would not have detected

an internal


defect, it was an adequate

test to determine

if the diode was shorted,

which would have precluded

the SDG from performing

its intended


  • The root cause concluded

the cause to be a defective

diode (cracked

die). It is not clear at what point in time the degradation

of the diode would have progressed

to the point of failing upon re-energization.

With a cracked die in the diode, there are multiple


that could have affected

it, including




there is no firm evidence


that the diode was failed in May 2016. As such, with the absence of firm evidence


it should be assumed that the diode failed at the time of discovery.


FENOC asserts the following:

  • Installation

of surge suppression

diodes in the SDG control circuit was appropriately


and was appropriate

for the SDG control power circuit.

  • Installation

of surge suppression

diodes provided

a safety benefit to the SDG control system. * The diode failure did not render the SDG inoperable

and unable to start for longer than its technical


allowed outage time. The root cause determined

the failure to be a manufacturing

defect in the specific

diode that was installed

in the Division

2 SDG that was to protect the components

within the SDG start circuitry.

This was supported

by independent


diode testing and a 1 OCFR Part 21 notification,

by the vendor who supplied

the diodes, of a manufacturing

defect internal

to the diode with the same date code as the installed

diode. The supplier

of the diodes used non-conservative



for initial diode leakage tests during their dedication


As a result, the potential

exists that a diode was supplied

from the manufacturer

in a degraded


and was not detected

during commercial

grade dedication


In the absence of a manufacturing

defect, the diodes were sufficient

for the application.

FENOC agrees that loss of control power to the Division

2 SDG should not have occurred

and has taken corrective

actions to prevent recurrence.



such as diodes, purchased

under our Quality Assurance

(QA) program are assumed to be reliable.

In the NRC's Enforcement

Policy, section 3.5, the NRC may refrain from issuing enforcement

action for violations


from matters not within a licensee's


such as equipment


that were not avoidable

by reasonable


QA measures

or management


FENOC believes

this to be the case in that this manufacturing

defect was not detected

through the supplier's


grade dedication


Hence, FENOC believes

NRC discretion

is warranted based

on our understanding

of the deficiency

and the root cause conclusions.

FENOC respectfully



Page 4 of 4 requests

that this performance


be re-evaluated

and discretion

applied as per the NRC's Enforcement

Policy section 3.5. i