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Advises That Written Reactor Operator Exams Scheduled for 900206 & Operating Exams Scheduled for 900207-08.Ref Matls Listed on Encl Should Be Provided by 891208 & License Applications Should Be Submitted 30 Days Prior to Exam
Person / Time
Site: University of Maryland
Issue date: 09/20/1989
From: Eselgroth P
To: Dieter G
NUDOCS 8910050279
Download: ML20248E540 (11)


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Docket No: .'50-166 SEP P.,01989 Oniversity of. Maryland

' ATTN: Dr." George E. Dieter, Dean o

College of-Engineering.

College' Park, Maryland' 20742 -



REACTOR OPERATOR AND SENIOR REACTOR OPERATOR' LICE.NSING EX'AMINATIONS-In a telephone conversation between Mr. David.Ebert, React'or Director, and

.Mr. David Silk, Examiner, arrangements were made for the ' administration of'

. licensing examinations at'the University of Maryland.

The written examinations are scheduled for February 6,1990. The operating examinations are' scheduled for February 7.- 8, 1990.

To meet the above schedule, it will be necessary for you to furnish the refer-ence material listed in Enclosure 1, " Reference Material Requirements for Reactor / Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Examinations," as soon as possible,

. but,no later-than December 6, 1989. Any delay in receiving approved, properly bound and indexed reference material, or the submittal of inadequate or in-

. complete reference material may result in the examination being: rescheduled.

Mr.' Ebert has been advised of our reference material requirements, and the address where each set is to be mailed.

-You are responsible for-providing adequate space and accommodations for admini-stration of the written examinations. Enclosure 2, " Requirements for Admini-

- stration of-Written Examination," describes our requirements for. conducting these-examinations. Mr. Ebert has also been informed of these requirements.

Enclosure 3 contains the Rules and Guidelines that will be in effect during the-administration of the written examination. The facility management is respons-

'ible for ensuring that all applicants are aware of these rules.

The facility staff review of the written examination will be conducted in accordance with requirements specified in Enclosure 4, " Requirements for Facility Review of Written Examinations." Mr. Ebert has been informed of these requirements.

All completed reactor operator and senior reactor operator license applications should be submitted at least 30 days before the first examination dates so that we will be able to review the training and experience of the candidates, i process the medical certifications, and prepare final examiner assignments  !

after applicant eligibility has been determined. If the applications are not received at least 30 days before the examination dates, it is likely that a postponement will be necessary.

8910050279 890920 l l PDR ADOCK 05000166 1 y PNU



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Mr 'Ebert'has been informed of.the above requirements.

L~ This' request is covered by Office of Management and Budget Clee.rance Number 3150-0101 which. expires May. 31, 1992. The estimated average burden-is-7.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> per response including gathering, xeroxing and mailing the required-material ; Send ' comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of-l- Lthis. collection of information, including suggestions for reducing-this burden, L to the Records and Reports Management Branch, Division of Information Support-Services, Office of Information Resources Management, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

~ Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555; and to the Paperwork Reduction Project' (3150-0101), Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D. C. 20503.

Thank you for.your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions

regarding the examination procedures.and requirements, please contact Mr.

David Silk at 215-337-5327 or the undersigned at (215) 337-5211.

Sincerely, gh' Pete W. Eselgr t , Chief PWR Section Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety




Material Requirements for Reactor / Senior Reactor Operator Licensing Examinations

2. Requirements for Administration of Written Examinations
3. NRC Rules and Guidelines for Written Examinations
4. Requirements for Facility Review of Written Examinations cc w/ enclosures:

Dr. D. D. Ebert, Reactor Director Dr. Bernard White, IV, Reactor Operations Manager Dr. F. Munno, Director, Nuclear En;11neering Program Dr. M. L. Roush, Chairman, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Dr. J, S. Toll, President Dr. William Vernetson, Director of Nuclear Facilities, University of Florida Public Document Room (PDR)

Local 1Public Document Room (LPDR)

Nuclear Safety Information Center (NSIC)

State of Maryland (2) 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY SILK /U. OF MD 90-DAY /9/14/89 - 0002.0.0 06/16/87

University.of Maryland 3 bec.w/ enclosures:

Region I Docket Room (with concurrences)

. Project Manager, NRR L. Tripp, DRP D. Haverkamp, DRP

-D. Limrotn, DRP H. Eichenholz, SRI - Calvert Cliffs J. Dyer, EDO.-

Chief Examiner OL Facility File DRS Files (2) bec w/o enclosures: -

Management Assistant, DRMA l DRS:RI DRS:R Silk /dmg Eselgroth 9,Q4789 9/)q/89 os

'Ifl9hP1 1

i i~ OFFICIAL RECORD COPY SILK /U. OF MD 90-DAY /9/14/89 - 0003.0.0 l 06/16/87 1

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1. Training ' materials shall include all substantive written material used for preparing applicants for initial R0 and SR0 licensing. .The written mater-ial shall include learning objectives and the details presented during lectures, rather than outlines. Training materials shall be identified by plant and unit, bound, tabbed, and indexed. FAILURE TO PROVIDE COMPLETE, PROPERLY BOUND AND INDEXED PLANT REFERENCE MATERIAL MAY RESULT IN THE RETURN OF THE MATERIAL TO THE PERSON WHO IS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF CORPORATE MANAGEMENT WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANT OPERATIONS (E.G., VICE PRESIDENT' 0F NUCLEAR OPERATIONS). ACCOMPANYING THE MATERIAL WILL BE A COVER' LETTER EXPLAINING THE DEFICIENCIES IN THE REFERENCE MATERIAL AND THE FACT THAT THIS WAS THE REASON THE EXAMINATIONS WERE CANCELLED OR POSTPONED. Train-ing materials which include the following shall be provided:

System descriptions including descriptions of all operationally relevant flow paths, components, controls and instrumentation.

System training material should draw parallels to the actual proce-dures used for operating the applicable system.

Complete and operationally useful descriptions of all safety-system interactions and, where available, BOP system interactions under emergency and abnormal conditions, in:1uding consequences of anti-cipated operator error, maintenance error, and equipment failure.

Training material used to clarify and strengthen understanding of emergency operating procedures.

Comprehensive theory material that includes fundamentals in the area of theory of reactor operation, thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow, as well as specific application to actual in plant com-ponents. For example, mechanical theory material on pumps shall include pump theory as well as descriptions of how these principles actually apply to major plant pumps and the systems in which they are installed (i.e., Reactor Coolant Pumps, all ECCS pumps, Recirculation pumps, Feedwater pumps and Emergency Feedwater pumps). Reactor Theory material shall include descriptions that draw explicit ties between the fundamentals and the actual operating limits followed in the plant (i.e., reactor theory material should contain explanations how principles relate to the actual curves used by operators to verify shutdown margin or calculate an ECP).

2. Complete Procedure Index (including surveillance procedures, etc.)


3. All Administrative Procedures (as applicable to reactor operation or safety)



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L4. All; integrated plant procedures.(normal or general operating procedures). '

5. All emergency procedures (emergency instructions, abnormal or special pro-L cedures)
6. . Standing orders (important orders that are safety related and may super-

!> sede _ the regular procedures)

7. Surveillance procedures (procedures that are run frequently, i.e. weekly or that can be run on the simulator)
8. Fuel-handling and core-loading procedures, (initial core-loading proce-dure, when appropriate)
9. All annunciator / alarm procedures
10. Radiation protection manual (radiation control manual or procedures)
11. Emergency plan implementing orocedures
12. Technical Specifications (and interpretations,'if available) for all units for which licenses are' sought.
13. System Operating Procedures
14. Piping and Instrumentation diagrams, electrical single-line diagrams, or flow diagrams

' 15. Technical Data Book, and/or Plant curve used by operators and facility precautions, limitations, and set points (PLS) for the facility

16. Licensee Event Reports for the previous two years.
17. Examination Question Bank specific to the facility training program which may be used in the written or operating examinations. In particular, multiple choice questions for the written examination. (Voluntary by licensee).
18. Additional material required by the examiners to develop examinations that-meet the requirements of these standards and the regulations.

The above reference material shall be approved, final issues and shall be so marked. If a plant has not finalized some of the material, the Chief Examiner shall verify with the facility that the most complete, up-to-date material is available and that agreement has been reached with the licensee for limiting changes before the administration of the examination. All procedures and reference material shall be bound with appropriate indices or tables of contents so that they can be used efficiently. Failure to provide complete, properly bound and indexed plant reference material could result in cancella-tion or rescheduling of the examinations.

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ENCLOSURE 2 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMINISTRATION OF WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS l '. A single room provided for administration of the written examina-tion. The location of this room and supporting restroom facilities shall be such as to prevent contact with all other facility and/or contractor personnel. during the written examination. If necessary, the facility should make arrangements for the use of a suitable room at a local school, motel, or other building. Obtaining this room is the responsibility of the licensee.

2. Minimum spacing is required to ensure examination integrity as determined by the Chief Examiner. Minimum spacing should be one applicant per table, with a three foot space between tables.
3. Suitable arrangements shall be made by the facility if the applicants are to have lunch, coffee, or other refreshments. These accangements shall comply with Item 1 above and shall be reviewed by the examiner and/or proctor.
4. The facility licensee shall provide pads of 8-1/2 by 11 inch lined paper in unopened packages for each applicant's use in completing the examina-tion. The examiner shall distribute these pads to the applicants.
5. Applicants may bring pens, pencils', calculators or slide rules into the examination room. Only black ink or dark pencils should be used for writing answers to questions.
6. The licensee shall provide one set of steam tables for each applicant.

The examiner shall distribute the steam tables to the applicants. No wall charts, models, and/or other training material's shall be present in the examination room. No other equipment or reference material shall be allowed unless provided by the examiner.

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1. Check ' identification badges.

l' 2. Pass out examinations and all handouts. ~ Remind applicants not to review examination until instructed to do so.


During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on.the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could result in more severe penalties.
2. After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the cover sheet indicating that the work is your own and you have not received or given assistance in completing the examination. This must be done after you complete the examination.


3. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one applicant at a time may leave. You must avoid all contacts with anyone.outside the examination room to avoid even the appearance or possibility of cheating.
4. Use' black ink or dark pencil only to facilitate legible reproductions.
5. Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of

'the examination cover sheet.

6. Fill in the date on the cover sheet of the examination (if necessary).
7. You may write your answers on the examination question page or on a separate sheet of paper. USE ONLY THE PAPER PROVIDED AND 00 NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE PAGE.
8. If you write your answers on the examination question page and you need more space to answer a specific question, use a separate sheet of the paper provided and insert it directly after the specific question. DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK SIDE OF THE EXAMINATION QUESTION PAGE.
9. Print your name in the upper right hand corner of the first page of each section of your answer sheets whether you use the examination question pages or separate sheets of paper. Initial each page.

- IO. Before you turn in your examination, consecutively number each answer sheet, including any additional pages inserted when writing your answers on the examination question page.


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11. If you are using separate sheets, number each answer as to category and number (i.e. 1.04,6.10) and skip at least 3 lines between answers to allow space for grading.
12. Write "End of Category " at the end of your answers to a category.
13. Start each category on a new page.
14. Write "Last Pagedon the last answer sheet.
15. Use abbreviations only if they are commonly used in facility literature.

Avoid using symbols such as < or > signs to avoid a simple transposition error resulting in an incorrect answer. Write it out.

L_ 16. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question. The amount of blank space on an examination question page is NOT an indication of the depth of answer required.


17. Show all calculations, methods, or assumptions used to obtain an answer.
18. Partial credit may be given for other than multiple choice questions.


19. Partial credit will NOT be awarded for questions using multiple choice selection formatting. The correct answer must stand on its own merit.
20. Proportional grading will be applied. Any additional wrong information that is provided may count against you. For example, if a question is worth one point and asks for four responses, each of which is worth 0.25 points, and you give five responses, each of your responses will be worth 0.20 points. If one of your five responses is incorrect, 0.20 will be deducted and your total credit for that question will be 0.80 instead of 1.00 even though you got the four correct answers.
21. If the intent of a question is unclear, ask questions of the examiner only.
22. When turning in your examination, assemble the completed examination with examination questions, examination aids and answer sheets. In addition, turn in all scrap paper.
23. To pass the examination, you must achieve at least 70% in each category.
24. Ensure that all information you wish to have evaluated as part of your answer is on your answer sheet. Scrap paper will be disposed of without review immediately following the examination.

l 25. There is a time limit of (6) hours for completion of the examination (or some other time if less than the full examination is taken).

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26. When you are done and have turned in your examination, leave the examina-tion area (DEFINE THE AREA). If you are found in this area while the examination is still in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.

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1. At the option of the Chief Examiner, the facility may' review the written examination up to two weeks prior to its administration. This review may take place at the facility or in the Regional office. The Chief Examiner will coordinate the details of the review with the facility. An NRC exam-iner will always be present during the review.

When this option of examination review is utilized, the facility reviewers will sign the following statement prior to being allowed access to the examination. The examination or written notes will not be retained by the facility.

a. Pre-Examination Security Agreement I agree that I will not knowingly divulge any informa-tion concerning the replacement (or initial) examination scheduled for to any unauthorized persons. .I understand that I am not to participate in any instruction involving those' reactor operator or senior reactor operator applicants scheduled to be admini-stered the above replacement (or initial) examination from now until after the examination has been administered. I understand that viola-tion of this security agreement could result in the examination being voided.

Signature /Date In addition, the facility staff reviewers will sign the following statement after the written examination has been administered.

b. Post-Examination Security Agreement I did not, to the best of knowledge, divulge any information concerning the written examination administered on to any unauthorized persons. I did not participate in providing any instruction to those reactor opera-tor and senior reactor operator applicants who were administered the examination from the time that I was allowed access to the examination.

Signature /Date

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2. Regardless of whether the abeve examination review option is exercised, immediately following the administration of the written examination, the facility staff shall be provided a marked up copy of the examination and the answer key. The copy of the written examination shall include pen and ink changes made to questions during the examination administration.

If the facility did not review the examination prior to its administra-tion, they will have five (5) working days from the day of the written examination to submit formal comments. If the facility reviewed the examination prior to its administration, any additional comments must be given to an examiner prior to his/her leaving the site at the end of the week of the written examination administration. In either case, the comments will be addressed to the responsible Regional Office by the highest on site level of corporate management for plant operations, e.g.,

Vice President for Nuclear Operations. A copy of the submittal will be forwarded to the Chief Examiner, as appropriate. Comments not submitted within the required time frame will be considered for inclusion in the grading process on a case-by-case basis by the Regional Office Section Chief. Should tha comment submittal deadline not be met, a long delay in grading the examination may occur.

3. The fallowing format should be adhered to for submittal of specific comments:
a. Listing of NRC Question, answer and reference
b. Facility comment / recommendation
c. Reference (to support facility comment)

NOTES: 1. No change to the examination will be made without submittal of of a reference to support the facility comment. Any supporting documentation that was not previously supplied, should be provided.

2. Comments made without a concise facility recommendation will l not be addressed.

l 4. A two hour post examination review may be held at the discretion of the l Chief Examiner. If this review is held, the facility staff should be informed t. hat only written comments that are properly supported will be censidered in the grading of the examination.

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