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{{#Wiki_filter:Higher Burnup Workshop Public Meeting Accident Tolerant Fuel June 10th, 2021
©2021 Nuclear Energy Institute
Industry ATF Adoption Plans B E N H O LT Z M A N , N E I
Key U.S. ATF Fuel Milestones SNC Hatch:  +                +/-              +/-                                Coated Cladding (GE/GNF)    +                +/-              +/-                                IronClad Enhanced UO2 Fuel SNC Vogtle:              +        +/-          +/-                                High Density Fuel (Framatome)
                          +      +/-          +/-                                High Burnup LUA
                                                                          + Loadings Exelon Byron:            +      +/-          +/-                            +/- Loadings & Removal (Westinghouse)            +      +/-          +/-
                          +      +/-          +/-
Exelon Clinton:            +            +/-            +/-
(GE/GNF)                                              +/-
                            +            +/-
Entergy ANO-1:
(Framatome)                +        +/-        +/-
Exelon Calvert Cliffs:                +            +/-          +/-
                                      +            +/-          +/-
Exelon Limerick:
(GE/GNF)                            +
Xcel Monticello:
(Framatome)                          +            +/-          +/-
2018        2019  2020  2021  2022  2023  2024 2025      2026          2027
                                                                  ©2021 Nuclear Energy Institute 3
Collaborative Research on Advanced Fuel Technologies for LWRs (CRAFT)
Rob Daum Sr. Technical Executive, EPRI Public Meeting - Higher Burnup Workshop II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 10, 2021    © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Understanding the Benefits and Risks of LWR Advanced Fuel Technologies Safety, performance, and economic analyses of LWR advanced fuel technologies across the entire fuel cycle
    - Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF)
    - Higher Burnup
    - Increased Enrichment Gap analyses leading to collaborative and timely research to inform technical and licensing bases 6        © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
CRAFT Mandate and Purpose Foster research cooperation, collaboration, and coordination for LWR advanced fuel technologies EPRI-NRC/RES MOU Addendum on ATF Emulate the EPRI-led Extended Storage Collaboration Program (ESCP) on dry storage issues 7            © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
CRAFT Framework Objectives
: 1. Bring together subject matter experts from U.S. organizations, and when appropriate international organizations, engaged with active or planned RD&D in the ATF, higher burnup, and/or higher enrichment fuel Industry areas for LWRs.
: 2. Identify both short and long-term technical options and                                                                EPRI            National recommendations for supporting the industrys generic and highest                                                                        Labs priority RD&D needs for topical and licensing submittals and associated regulatory reviews.
: 1. Identify options and recommendations for addressing RD&D issues such as test/resource planning, data collection, and analysis; and determine potential areas for formal collaborations.
: 2. Communicate options and recommendations to stakeholders for Intl decision-making activities.                                                                                    NEA / IAEA            Academia
: 3. Support gap analyses and/or Phenomenological Issues Ranking Table (PIRT) processes. Documentation of the gap analyses results are a key part of responsibilities of the collaboration.                                                                                Regulatory Research
: 4. Compile, analyze and synthesize generic RD&D results to form/inform technical bases in targeted deliverables to meet the needs and timelines for submittals and reviews associated with advanced LWR fuel licensing and deployment.
8                            © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
CRAFT Technical Focus and Status CRAFT meetings started virtually in 2020 to review/adjust proposal and solicit stakeholder commitments to participate CRAFT Framework Defined a framework charter and issues on in-reactor generic issues associated with Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation, and Dispersal (FFRD)
    - Support higher burnup (~75 GWd/MTU peak rod average)
    - U.S.-focused but will engage international R&D community and stakeholders Technical Expert Groups reviewing specific technical issues related to FFRD to develop a coordinated research plan by 3rd quarter 2021
    - Experiments and modeling-simulation
    - Analytical models
    - Risk-informed approaches 9                        © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
ESCP & Other Back-End Activities for Advanced LWR Fuels Hatice Akkurt Technical Executive Used Fuel and High-Level Waste Management Program High Burnup Workshop June 10, 2021    © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Extended Storage Collaboration Program (ESCP)
Mission                                  Goals                                                    Phases
* Enhance the technical
* Bring together US and
* Phase 1: Review current bases to ensure            International                                                          technical bases and continued safe, long term  organizations engaged                                                  conduct gap analysis for used fuel storage and      with active or planned                                                  storage systems future transportability    R&D in used fuel area
* Share information
* Phase 2: Conduct
* Identify common goals                                                  experiments, field studies, and needs                                                              and additional analyses to
* Identify potential areas of                                            address gaps formal collaborations
* Phase 3: Long-term performance confirmation 11          © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
ESCP History 2010-2019 Regular May and December meetings, in US 14 International meetings 6 subcommittees 2021
                                                                                                            ~675 members from 22 countries Over 315 participants, 2009                                                                          representing 12 countries, 1st ESCP meeting                                                              attended Winter 2020 meeting 1 country,                                                                    4 subcommittees 39 participants 2 subcommittees 12                    © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
ESCP Structure - Subcommittees (SCs) and Task Groups (TG) - After 2021 Steering Committee Meeting ESCP Steering Committee Chair: Hatice Akkurt (EPRI)
Fuel Assembly              Modeling & Benchmarking                        Canister Integrity/Aging Management                  International Subcommittee Chair: Mike Billone (ANL)          Chair: Maik Stuke (BGZ)                                      Chair: Bob Hall (EPRI)            Co-chairs: David Hambley (NNL),
Woo-seok Choi (KAERI), Brady Hanson (PNNL)
Aging Mechanisms and Advanced Fuels                        Thermal                                                              Consequence (ATF, HBU, HE)                Lead: David Richmond                                        Leads: Sam Durbin (SNL) and Sven Bader (Orano)                      (PNNL)                                                        Jimmy Burns (UVA)
Mitigation and Repair Decay Heat                                              Leads: Greg Frederick (EPRI)
Lead: Fredrik Johansson                                      and Allen Williams (SONGS)
Monitoring/Sensors Radiation Dose                                                  Lead: Al Csontos (EPRI)
Lead: Kaushik Banerjee (PNNL)
University Collaboration Lead: Jon Tatman (EPRI) 13                                  © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
Activities for Back-end for Advanced LWR Fuel (HBU/HE/ATF) 14      © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
EPRI CRAFT General Guidance and Analyses Technical Experts Group (GGATEG)
NRC Higher Burnup Workshop II June 10, 2021 Bill Gassmann Exelon Nuclear
GGATEG Charter
* Inform industry, DOE, and NRC of the pressing technical issues regarding deployment of higher burnup and higher enrichment LWR fuel
* Focus on generic research needs to inform issues, including Alternate licensing approaches Safety analyses Core physics and neutronics
* Members include US DOE/National Labs Fuel vendors NRC Utilities NEI EPRI 16
* Research and assessments of generic guidance and alternate approaches for understanding and informing the technical bases for use in industrys fuel licensing submittals and regulators reviews FFRD Fuel rod burst analyses and consequences under DBAs Higher burnup/enrichment core design analyses
* Investigate existing and new methods and analytical tools for deterministic, best estimate and risk-informed approaches
* Major areas of investigation Fuel relocation Fuel dispersal LBLOCA/xLPR/LBB SBLOCA/IBLOCA Cladding rupture analyses Higher burnup/enrichment fuel management PSA modeling Safety margin evaluation Defense in depth analyses 17
Update on Fuel Performance and Testing Technical Experts Group Dr. Daniel Wachs National Technical Director, Advanced Fuels Campaign Idaho National Laboratory NRC High Burnup Meeting Web meeting, June 10, 2021 18
Complementary Roles in U.S. Nuclear Technology Enterprise
* Collaboration on Research and Development for Fuel Technology (CRAFT)
* Fuel Performance and Testing Technical Experts Group (FPT TEG)
* General Guidance and Analysis Technical Experts Group (GGA TEG)
* TEG Overview
* Both TEGs are tasked with coordinating technical input and data that can be used to inform industrial users, regulators, and researchers
* TEGs are populated with cross-cutting stakeholder representatives (utilities, fuel vendors, national lab, NRC, EPRI, )
* FPT TEG doesnt fund, conduct, or direct independent R&D
* Information is developed through regular meetings and workshops and transmitted to the CRAFT governing board
Strategy for Next Generation LWR Fuel Technology
* Understanding the relationship between ATF and HBu is important to various stakeholders
* Burnup Extension
* Phase 1 - Deployment of current fuel designs to 65-68 GWD/MTU
* Little to no new data required to support licensing
* Several topicals already submitted
* Phase 2 - Deployment of current fuel designs to >75 GWD/MTU
* Must have sufficient data to resolve HBU fuel performance questions (most notably FFRD)
* Anticipated by mid-2020s
* Deployment of near-term technologies
* Batch reloads to current regulatory limits by mid 2020s
* Integrated ATF/HBU
* Deployment of ATF to high burnup w/ optimized utilization margins by ~2030 20
Current LOCA R&D Needs
* High burnup fuels (> ~68 GWd/t)                                          HBU Integral LOCA database (Halden) - 7 PWR, 4 BWR, 2 VVER
* Thresholds and extent of fuel fragmentation
* Thresholds and impacts of fuel relocation
* Thresholds and impacts of fuel dispersal                FFRD
* Reduced uncertainty in transient fission gas release
* Effect of fully prototypic LOCA conditions temperature evolution (blowdown from full power)
* No tests to date but differences manifest between in-pile and hot cell LOCA tests
* Integral In-Pile LOCA Testing considered most important R&D need for HBU fuels
* However, additional data needs will naturally be met                                                              72 GWd/MTU from under this umbrella                                                                                                Studsvik furnace test
* Expanded HBu fuel performance database (code validation)
* Confirmatory LOCA Furnace Testing
* Data for assessment of transient fission gas behavior
* Validation of RIA performance at HBu Note: High Burnup BWR data needs are driven by operational behavior rather than licensing
Draft CRAFT HBu Roadmap 22
Roadmap for FFRD Assessments High Priorities        2020                2021                2022                2023                2024              2025              2026 No Fuel Rod Burst LOCA Approaches Alt.
Licensing                                                  LTR Submission Alt. Licensing Approaches - Phase 2 Approach Approval Technical and                                Pre-Submittal Mtgs with NRC              NRC Review Licensing Bases for Fuel Fragmentation,                                                                          Utility LAR Submission Approval Relocation, and                                                                      Vendor LTR NRC Review Dispersal for Higher                                                                    Submission Burnup (<75                                              Fuel Rod Burst LOCA/RIA Approaches GWd/MTU)            Integral/Separate Effects Testing and Modeling of non-ATF Higher Burnup Fuel                Higher Burnup ATF Testing Operations Fine Fuel Fragment Dispersal Consequence Analyses                                      Technical Basis Report Collaborative Research on Advanced Fuel Technologies (CRAFT) Framework / Technical Workshops 23
TREAT LOCA Experiment Plan ORNL Byron Fuel Shipment Studsvik INL Byron Fuel Shipment INL <-> ORNL 2021                            2022                            2023                      2024                            2025 Phase I                                              Phase II Out-of-Pile LOCA      LOC-C, LOCA                                                                  Flowing Loop Prototype and          Commissioning                                                                Commissioning Instrument Qual in HTTL AFC LOCA experiments on irradiated      NEA/AFC/IRSN LOCA Program (planned) fuels, LOC-HBU NSUF ATR reirradiation of                                  ATF/HBU FOA LOCA Support (expected commercial HBU fuel Preliminary LOCA Experiment Matrix LOC-C: LOCA Commissioning (Fresh Fuel)
* 2 power calibration tests
* 1 thermal hydraulic characterization test (~5 transients)
* 2 thermomechanical control tests/ATF LOC-HBU: High Burnup LOCA Experiments for FFRD*            GWd/t
* 1 Halden tieback experiment (IFA 650.10, 650.15)                          65
* 1 Prototypic thermal evolution comparison                                65                      Working with ORNL for complementary hot cell LOCA tests,
* 2 Very HBU power history effects tests                  75 recent HBU LOCA furnace results shown above, courtesy
* 1 Very HBU doped fuel                                                    75
* 2 BU limit/beyond                                                        85                      Jason Harp, ORNL
Modeling for Experiment Design RELAP5-3D RELAP5-3D
* Designed to provide representative fuel &
cladding temperature control
* 100% nuclear heating in specimen
* Peak temperatures ~ > cladding melting Hodoscope commissioning in SETH
* Heating rate > 2 &deg;C/s                                                            experiments Reactor Power                          Fuel Temp.                  Cladding Temp.
* Unique real-time diagnostics
* Fuel motion monitoring Initiate Blowdown &                                            system Power Decrease
* Cladding balloon extent Outer Initiate
* Non-contact balloon Containment                    Transient SCRAM temperature measurement Capsule holds                                                                                            (& reflood
* Fuel centerline temperature 6-24 fuel                                                                                                possible) specimen
* Rod plenum pressure (fission
                          -10 hrs                  t = -10 sec          t = 0 sec                            ~2-4 min                  gas release)
Blowdown valve        Pre-Transient Ops            Transient Segment 1              Transient Segment 2
* Cladding thermocouples Low Power, fission            Full Power, thermal                Decay heating to Expansion      product activation                conditioning                    desired level Tank TWIST Capsule                                        TREAT LOCA sequence
* Fuel Performance and Testing TEG is populated with technical leaders from all stakeholders
* Critical path technical questions have been identified and R&D projects to assess them are formulated
* LOCA testing capabilities are in being implemented (in-pile and out-of-pile)
* HBu source materials have been identified and are being sent to the two national labs 27
Risk-Informed Method for FRRD NIMA ASHKEBOUSSI, NEI
AST vs Normal Source Term B E N H O LT Z M A N , N E I
ATF Source Term Discussion Normal vs Alternate Source Term Method Alignment between Reg. Guide 1.183 efforts and industry plans
* Ensure no artificial restrictive limits Will updated source term calculations be required for ATF implementation?
                                                          &#xa9;2021 Nuclear Energy Institute 30
Severe Accident PIRT Impacts B E N H O LT Z M A N , N E I
PIRT Highlights No major issues identified for coated cladding, doped UO2 fuel, or high burnup/enrichment.
PIRT applied lessons learned from previous coated cladding PIRT for improved process and transparency Future engagement on MELCOR and MAAP alignment
                                                        &#xa9;2021 Nuclear Energy Institute 32}}

Revision as of 06:32, 9 September 2021

Higher Burnup Workshop Public Meeting - Accident Tolerant Fuel; June 10, 2021
Person / Time
Site: Nuclear Energy Institute
Issue date: 06/10/2021
Nuclear Energy Institute
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Orenak M
Download: ML21159A140 (32)


Higher Burnup Workshop Public Meeting Accident Tolerant Fuel June 10th, 2021

©2021 Nuclear Energy Institute

Industry ATF Adoption Plans B E N H O LT Z M A N , N E I

Key U.S. ATF Fuel Milestones SNC Hatch: + +/- +/- Coated Cladding (GE/GNF) + +/- +/- IronClad Enhanced UO2 Fuel SNC Vogtle: + +/- +/- High Density Fuel (Framatome)

+ +/- +/- High Burnup LUA

+ Loadings Exelon Byron: + +/- +/- +/- Loadings & Removal (Westinghouse) + +/- +/-

+ +/- +/-

Exelon Clinton: + +/- +/-

(GE/GNF) +/-

+ +/-

Entergy ANO-1:

(Framatome) + +/- +/-

Exelon Calvert Cliffs: + +/- +/-


+ +/- +/-

Exelon Limerick:

(GE/GNF) +

Xcel Monticello:

(Framatome) + +/- +/-

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

©2021 Nuclear Energy Institute 3


Collaborative Research on Advanced Fuel Technologies for LWRs (CRAFT)

Rob Daum Sr. Technical Executive, EPRI Public Meeting - Higher Burnup Workshop II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission June 10, 2021 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.


Understanding the Benefits and Risks of LWR Advanced Fuel Technologies Safety, performance, and economic analyses of LWR advanced fuel technologies across the entire fuel cycle

- Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF)

- Higher Burnup

- Increased Enrichment Gap analyses leading to collaborative and timely research to inform technical and licensing bases 6 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

CRAFT Mandate and Purpose Foster research cooperation, collaboration, and coordination for LWR advanced fuel technologies EPRI-NRC/RES MOU Addendum on ATF Emulate the EPRI-led Extended Storage Collaboration Program (ESCP) on dry storage issues 7 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

CRAFT Framework Objectives

1. Bring together subject matter experts from U.S. organizations, and when appropriate international organizations, engaged with active or planned RD&D in the ATF, higher burnup, and/or higher enrichment fuel Industry areas for LWRs.


2. Identify both short and long-term technical options and EPRI National recommendations for supporting the industrys generic and highest Labs priority RD&D needs for topical and licensing submittals and associated regulatory reviews.
1. Identify options and recommendations for addressing RD&D issues such as test/resource planning, data collection, and analysis; and determine potential areas for formal collaborations.
2. Communicate options and recommendations to stakeholders for Intl decision-making activities. NEA / IAEA Academia
3. Support gap analyses and/or Phenomenological Issues Ranking Table (PIRT) processes. Documentation of the gap analyses results are a key part of responsibilities of the collaboration. Regulatory Research
4. Compile, analyze and synthesize generic RD&D results to form/inform technical bases in targeted deliverables to meet the needs and timelines for submittals and reviews associated with advanced LWR fuel licensing and deployment.

8 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

CRAFT Technical Focus and Status CRAFT meetings started virtually in 2020 to review/adjust proposal and solicit stakeholder commitments to participate CRAFT Framework Defined a framework charter and issues on in-reactor generic issues associated with Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation, and Dispersal (FFRD)

- Support higher burnup (~75 GWd/MTU peak rod average)

- U.S.-focused but will engage international R&D community and stakeholders Technical Expert Groups reviewing specific technical issues related to FFRD to develop a coordinated research plan by 3rd quarter 2021

- Experiments and modeling-simulation

- Analytical models

- Risk-informed approaches 9 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

ESCP & Other Back-End Activities for Advanced LWR Fuels Hatice Akkurt Technical Executive Used Fuel and High-Level Waste Management Program High Burnup Workshop June 10, 2021 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.


Extended Storage Collaboration Program (ESCP)

Mission Goals Phases

  • Enhance the technical
  • Bring together US and
  • Phase 1: Review current bases to ensure International technical bases and continued safe, long term organizations engaged conduct gap analysis for used fuel storage and with active or planned storage systems future transportability R&D in used fuel area
  • Share information
  • Phase 2: Conduct
  • Identify common goals experiments, field studies, and needs and additional analyses to
  • Identify potential areas of address gaps formal collaborations
  • Phase 3: Long-term performance confirmation 11 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

ESCP History 2010-2019 Regular May and December meetings, in US 14 International meetings 6 subcommittees 2021

~675 members from 22 countries Over 315 participants, 2009 representing 12 countries, 1st ESCP meeting attended Winter 2020 meeting 1 country, 4 subcommittees 39 participants 2 subcommittees 12 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

ESCP Structure - Subcommittees (SCs) and Task Groups (TG) - After 2021 Steering Committee Meeting ESCP Steering Committee Chair: Hatice Akkurt (EPRI)

Fuel Assembly Modeling & Benchmarking Canister Integrity/Aging Management International Subcommittee Chair: Mike Billone (ANL) Chair: Maik Stuke (BGZ) Chair: Bob Hall (EPRI) Co-chairs: David Hambley (NNL),

Woo-seok Choi (KAERI), Brady Hanson (PNNL)

Aging Mechanisms and Advanced Fuels Thermal Consequence (ATF, HBU, HE) Lead: David Richmond Leads: Sam Durbin (SNL) and Sven Bader (Orano) (PNNL) Jimmy Burns (UVA)

Mitigation and Repair Decay Heat Leads: Greg Frederick (EPRI)

Lead: Fredrik Johansson and Allen Williams (SONGS)


Monitoring/Sensors Radiation Dose Lead: Al Csontos (EPRI)

Lead: Kaushik Banerjee (PNNL)

University Collaboration Lead: Jon Tatman (EPRI) 13 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

Activities for Back-end for Advanced LWR Fuel (HBU/HE/ATF) 14 © 2021 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

EPRI CRAFT General Guidance and Analyses Technical Experts Group (GGATEG)

NRC Higher Burnup Workshop II June 10, 2021 Bill Gassmann Exelon Nuclear

GGATEG Charter

  • Inform industry, DOE, and NRC of the pressing technical issues regarding deployment of higher burnup and higher enrichment LWR fuel
  • Focus on generic research needs to inform issues, including Alternate licensing approaches Safety analyses Core physics and neutronics
  • Members include US DOE/National Labs Fuel vendors NRC Utilities NEI EPRI 16


  • Research and assessments of generic guidance and alternate approaches for understanding and informing the technical bases for use in industrys fuel licensing submittals and regulators reviews FFRD Fuel rod burst analyses and consequences under DBAs Higher burnup/enrichment core design analyses
  • Investigate existing and new methods and analytical tools for deterministic, best estimate and risk-informed approaches
  • Major areas of investigation Fuel relocation Fuel dispersal LBLOCA/xLPR/LBB SBLOCA/IBLOCA Cladding rupture analyses Higher burnup/enrichment fuel management PSA modeling Safety margin evaluation Defense in depth analyses 17

Update on Fuel Performance and Testing Technical Experts Group Dr. Daniel Wachs National Technical Director, Advanced Fuels Campaign Idaho National Laboratory NRC High Burnup Meeting Web meeting, June 10, 2021 18

Complementary Roles in U.S. Nuclear Technology Enterprise

  • Collaboration on Research and Development for Fuel Technology (CRAFT)
  • Fuel Performance and Testing Technical Experts Group (FPT TEG)
  • General Guidance and Analysis Technical Experts Group (GGA TEG)
  • TEG Overview
  • Both TEGs are tasked with coordinating technical input and data that can be used to inform industrial users, regulators, and researchers
  • TEGs are populated with cross-cutting stakeholder representatives (utilities, fuel vendors, national lab, NRC, EPRI, )
  • FPT TEG doesnt fund, conduct, or direct independent R&D
  • Information is developed through regular meetings and workshops and transmitted to the CRAFT governing board

Strategy for Next Generation LWR Fuel Technology

  • Understanding the relationship between ATF and HBu is important to various stakeholders
  • Burnup Extension
  • Phase 1 - Deployment of current fuel designs to 65-68 GWD/MTU
  • Little to no new data required to support licensing
  • Several topicals already submitted
  • Phase 2 - Deployment of current fuel designs to >75 GWD/MTU
  • Must have sufficient data to resolve HBU fuel performance questions (most notably FFRD)
  • Anticipated by mid-2020s
  • Deployment of near-term technologies
  • Batch reloads to current regulatory limits by mid 2020s
  • Integrated ATF/HBU
  • Deployment of ATF to high burnup w/ optimized utilization margins by ~2030 20

Current LOCA R&D Needs

  • High burnup fuels (> ~68 GWd/t) HBU Integral LOCA database (Halden) - 7 PWR, 4 BWR, 2 VVER
  • Thresholds and extent of fuel fragmentation
  • Thresholds and impacts of fuel relocation
  • Thresholds and impacts of fuel dispersal FFRD
  • Reduced uncertainty in transient fission gas release
  • Effect of fully prototypic LOCA conditions temperature evolution (blowdown from full power)
  • No tests to date but differences manifest between in-pile and hot cell LOCA tests
  • Integral In-Pile LOCA Testing considered most important R&D need for HBU fuels
  • However, additional data needs will naturally be met 72 GWd/MTU from under this umbrella Studsvik furnace test
  • Expanded HBu fuel performance database (code validation)
  • Confirmatory LOCA Furnace Testing
  • Data for assessment of transient fission gas behavior
  • Validation of RIA performance at HBu Note: High Burnup BWR data needs are driven by operational behavior rather than licensing

Draft CRAFT HBu Roadmap 22

Roadmap for FFRD Assessments High Priorities 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 No Fuel Rod Burst LOCA Approaches Alt.

Licensing LTR Submission Alt. Licensing Approaches - Phase 2 Approach Approval Technical and Pre-Submittal Mtgs with NRC NRC Review Licensing Bases for Fuel Fragmentation, Utility LAR Submission Approval Relocation, and Vendor LTR NRC Review Dispersal for Higher Submission Burnup (<75 Fuel Rod Burst LOCA/RIA Approaches GWd/MTU) Integral/Separate Effects Testing and Modeling of non-ATF Higher Burnup Fuel Higher Burnup ATF Testing Operations Fine Fuel Fragment Dispersal Consequence Analyses Technical Basis Report Collaborative Research on Advanced Fuel Technologies (CRAFT) Framework / Technical Workshops 23

TREAT LOCA Experiment Plan ORNL Byron Fuel Shipment Studsvik INL Byron Fuel Shipment INL <-> ORNL 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Phase I Phase II Out-of-Pile LOCA LOC-C, LOCA Flowing Loop Prototype and Commissioning Commissioning Instrument Qual in HTTL AFC LOCA experiments on irradiated NEA/AFC/IRSN LOCA Program (planned) fuels, LOC-HBU NSUF ATR reirradiation of ATF/HBU FOA LOCA Support (expected commercial HBU fuel Preliminary LOCA Experiment Matrix LOC-C: LOCA Commissioning (Fresh Fuel)

  • 2 power calibration tests
  • 1 thermal hydraulic characterization test (~5 transients)
  • 2 thermomechanical control tests/ATF LOC-HBU: High Burnup LOCA Experiments for FFRD* GWd/t
  • 1 Halden tieback experiment (IFA 650.10, 650.15) 65
  • 1 Prototypic thermal evolution comparison 65 Working with ORNL for complementary hot cell LOCA tests,
  • 2 Very HBU power history effects tests 75 recent HBU LOCA furnace results shown above, courtesy
  • 1 Very HBU doped fuel 75
  • 2 BU limit/beyond 85 Jason Harp, ORNL

Modeling for Experiment Design RELAP5-3D RELAP5-3D


  • Designed to provide representative fuel &

cladding temperature control

  • 100% nuclear heating in specimen
  • Peak temperatures ~ > cladding melting Hodoscope commissioning in SETH
  • Heating rate > 2 °C/s experiments Reactor Power Fuel Temp. Cladding Temp.
  • Unique real-time diagnostics
  • Fuel motion monitoring Initiate Blowdown & system Power Decrease
  • Cladding balloon extent Outer Initiate
  • Non-contact balloon Containment Transient SCRAM temperature measurement Capsule holds (& reflood
  • Fuel centerline temperature 6-24 fuel possible) specimen
  • Rod plenum pressure (fission

-10 hrs t = -10 sec t = 0 sec ~2-4 min gas release)

Blowdown valve Pre-Transient Ops Transient Segment 1 Transient Segment 2

  • Cladding thermocouples Low Power, fission Full Power, thermal Decay heating to Expansion product activation conditioning desired level Tank TWIST Capsule TREAT LOCA sequence


  • Fuel Performance and Testing TEG is populated with technical leaders from all stakeholders
  • Critical path technical questions have been identified and R&D projects to assess them are formulated
  • LOCA testing capabilities are in being implemented (in-pile and out-of-pile)
  • HBu source materials have been identified and are being sent to the two national labs 27

Risk-Informed Method for FRRD NIMA ASHKEBOUSSI, NEI

AST vs Normal Source Term B E N H O LT Z M A N , N E I

ATF Source Term Discussion Normal vs Alternate Source Term Method Alignment between Reg. Guide 1.183 efforts and industry plans

  • Ensure no artificial restrictive limits Will updated source term calculations be required for ATF implementation?

©2021 Nuclear Energy Institute 30

Severe Accident PIRT Impacts B E N H O LT Z M A N , N E I

PIRT Highlights No major issues identified for coated cladding, doped UO2 fuel, or high burnup/enrichment.

PIRT applied lessons learned from previous coated cladding PIRT for improved process and transparency Future engagement on MELCOR and MAAP alignment

©2021 Nuclear Energy Institute 32