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: 6.                                          7.
u/ws E
Explanation New. Change distractor A to refer to an UNUSUAL EVENT condition instead of an ALERT condition.
RESOLUTION: Change made, but the EAL sheet will be provided to thc
                                                                                                            -        applicants.
S      New.
E      New. Need to state in stem that all equipment operated properly
                                                                                                            -following the SI. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
3      dank.
S      New.
E      Bank. Change distractor 8 to EOP-1 Loss of Reactor or Seconda Coolant. Need to check other ste 6 ih E-0 fo verify that E-1 is not $e correct choice. RESOLUTION:.d)omment incorporated.
E      Bank. 1) Add the followin after statin the 5 plant conditions: The crew is implementing ECA-1.1, l o s s of Congainment Sump Recirculation.
2 Chan e distractor B to: 1 Accident Fan, 2 Spray pumps.
dESOL8TION: Comment incorporated.
[Refer to Section 0 of ES-401 and Appenciix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts.]
: 1.      Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undanmtal or (H)igher cognitiw level.
: 2.      Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) cf each question using a 1 - 5 (easy - difficult) rating scale (questions in the 2 - 4 range are acceptable).
Checkthe  ~2 yg 1                                    ih r riae I$oxif # ~ s # y n e t [ i cflaw identifie s m ac s su I ie ocus o e icit t e correcfanswer (e.g., unzlkar interat,more information is needed, or too much needless information).
The stem of distractors contain cues (!.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasina. lenath. etc).
II                    The answer choices are a collection of unrelated tiue/false statements:                  -
l One or more distractors is no! credible.
One or more distraciors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicanr can maka unstated assumptions that a16 not contradicted by stem).
: 4.      Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:            .....-....    --.. .
The question is not linked to the job (equirements (Le., the questior1.has.avalibWA but; as written, is noioperational in-dontent).
The question reqbires the recall of knowledgethat is too spsciftc fo! me..closedreference test mode (i.e., it is not reguired to be known from memory).
The question contairls data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or mconsistm units (e.g., panel percent with question in gallons).
The question requires reverse logicor application comparedi~the job .requirements.        I
: 5.      Check questions that are sampled.,for conformance with the approveii KIA, arid-thoj.6thdt are m n a t e d SRO-only (WA and license level mismatches are unacceptable).
: 6.      Based on the reviewersjudgment, is the question as written (U)nacceptabie.:r&quirihgrepair
                                                                                    .,. . ,                    or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?
: 7.      At a niinimum, explain any U ratings(e.g., how the Appendix B psych6$Aric aFributes dfe no: being met).
A  I+ in the Q #  column indicates that question was reviewed As pari ufthe representative sample 30 questions.
NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9
ES-401                                                          2                                                                      Form ES-401-9
-                                                                    .~
1 .5.Other
: 3. Psychometric Flaws I 4. Job Content Flaws .
: 6. I                                      7.
Sred.                                          u/E/s I                                Explanation
-                      D,ist.
so9                        X                                              U    New. 1) Include another initial condition that 1LI-426, PZR Level
  +                                                                              channel is failed low and the associated bistables are tripped.
: 2) Add another initial condition that all equipment is in its normal alignment. 3) Change distractor C to delete mention of 1LT-426 failing.
: 4) Get rid of should in choices.
-                      -                                                      RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
310                                                                      S    New.
-+                      -
311    H 2                X                                              E    Modified. 1) Change stem condition from a containment pressure of 4.5 psig to 6 psig. 2) Change distractor A from less than 1 psig to less
-  --                                                                          than 5 psig. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
312    F 2                                                                S    New.
-+      -                                                                                                                                      ~~
r 313    H 3                                                                E    New. Get rid of should in choices.
-                                                                      7
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
514    F 2                                                                E  Bank. If possible, question should be worded in a positive manner per
- -      -                                                                    ~ NUREG-1021, Appendix B. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
315    H 2                                                                      New. Get rid of should in choices.
-+  --                                                                          RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
316    H 2                                                                E    Modified. I ) Add to stem after 1SW-2907 that all other ESF equipment operated normally following the SI actuation. 2) Change last sentence in distractor B to: The BOP should re-start 1P-14A and remain in Attachment A. 3) Change distractor C to add that No Containment Accident Fan Coolers are operable and to delete The BOP should re-start 1P-14A. 4) Get rid of should in choices.
                                                                        -      RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
317    H 3                                                              .s    New.
318    F 2                                                                      Bank. 1) Change histractors A and C to add the words without a loss of offsite power. 2) Change distractcr D to Main Steam Line break accident inside containment without a loss of offsite power.
-  -1  -                                                                      RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
319    F 2                                                                s    Bank.      ,
320    H 2                                                                S  IBank.
:red. Ainutia  #/ Back- Q= SRO U/E/S                                    Explanation 5
-              units ward WA Only S  Bank.
I        I              1 Modified. 1j Change distractor A to say racked in, the control switch is in Auto,, and breaker independentlyverified to be racked in.
: 2) Change distractor B to say racked in, control switch is in Auto, and breaker was tested 28 days ago. 3) Add to distractor C that the control switch is in Auto. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
Modified. Add to sm:.. Impact, If any, ...I I      S  New.
I I              I      S  Bank.
Bank. To ensure the WA is satisfied, add to first plant condition that the small break LOCA is through a stuck open PZR PORV and block valve.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
Bank. I)Distractor A could be considered correct in that boron precipitation is one form of a stratification layer. Add the word thermal before stratificationin distractor A. 2) Add the word reactor before the word bessel in distractor C to make distractors C and D have similar wording. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
I I I I I              INew.
E  Bank. Change distractors A And D to 165 minutes and 180 minutes (in case the curve on page 6 is read insteadof the curve on page 8 of 1                  Attachment C. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
1 Bank. Change frorn Modified to Bank quesiion.
1 RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
X                                    New. 1) Another plant condition required to state that all other equipmentki in its normal alignment (since a difference in PZR level selector switch positions may alter the plant response)? 2) Add to the question: Assuming no operator action,..., since operator action to address the malfunction would change the plant response.
RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9
Explanation New. Not required to memorize setpoints. List required parameters to check instead. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
New. Changs distractor D to reference the discharge valves shut.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
          ~          ~~                    ~
M o d i f i d LOD = 1. Distractor D is only plausible answer. Get rid of SI actuation in stem due to high containment pressure. Have a Main FW Pump TripiReactor Trip instead.
RESOLUTION: Replacedquestion with a Modified question which was satisfactory.
New. 1) Change distractor B word take to Purn to agree with vmrding iti distractor C. 2) Change distractor D to add at the end and increase setting. Also, change distractor D to Leave the 1T-1C control switch it AUTO (for symmetry). RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
New. Get rid uf should in choices.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
New. In distractor A, delete the words a separate to make it look similar to distractor B. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
New. Add reason for the actions in distractors A and D to make them similar to distractors B and C. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
New. Get rid of should in choices.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
I Bank.
1 Modified.      1) To make the distractars more plausible, add to the stem that another control rod reads 10 steps, and the rest of the control rods indicate zero steps, 2) Change distractor D to state to add 3600 gallon!
boration since three control rods are not fully inserted. 3) Add the word minimum before the phrase amount of boration.
RESOLUTION: Comments incorpoTated.
Bank. Tcl make distractor C credible, change say to borate using the S pumps and the RWST. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
1 Bank.      Change distractor A to say can instead of must
[ RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9
I---..                    TW----.",l--.-",&--*                  .    "
2        3. Psychometric Flaws    4. Job Content Flaws    5. Other            6.                                    7 LOD (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SHO U/E/S                                                Explanation Focus            Dist. Lpk          units ward WA Only 2                      X                                                    E  Bank Distractor B is not credible. Change to' Startup Hydrogen Recombiner to minimize potential for hydrogen burn (this was true forth WOG FR-2 1 before this step was deleted a few years ago from FR-2 1 I
I RESOLUTION. Comment incorporated.
2                                                    X                        E  New If possible, question should be worded in a positive manner per NUREG-1021, Appendix B For example: 'Which . . would be expected to have a stable or increasing trend?"
RESOLUTION. Comment incorporated.
2                                                                            S  Bank 2                                                                            S  New.
2                                                                            S  New.
2                                                                            S  New.
1                                                                            U  New. LOD=1.
RESOLUTION. Replaced question with a New question which was satisfactory 2                                                                            S  New.
2                                                                            S  New 2                      X                                                    E  New. 1) Distractor D is not credible to say to restart an SI Pump to restore RCS subcooling when subcooling is 200°F 2) Get rid of "should in choices.
RESOLUTION Comments incorporated.
2                                                                            -S  New 2                            X                                              U  New 1) Distractor E4 could also be correct if there is a tube leak in the letdown HX. 2) Typo in distractor D. "Radwast" to "Radwaste" RESOLUTION Comments incorporated.
2                                                                            E  New. Change f r m Fdndamental to Higher Cognitive Level.
RESOLUTIONvsComment        Incorporated.
NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9
: 3. Psvchometric Flaws !
: 4. Job Content Flaws I 5. Other I      6.
:J/E/s I
Explanation New. Distractor B could also be correct, since Pressurizer Vapor Spaa temperature would not change with a leaking PZR PORV and Block Valve. ChangadistractorB to : Pressurizer Vapor Space temperature i!
rising. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
2                                                                          Bank. Add the word RCS before pressure in distractors A and B.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
1-2                                                                  E      Bank. 1) Delete the word should in the stem of the question.
: 2) Change from Modified to Bank, since need a pertinent item in the stem to be changed to call a question modified.
RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
2                                                                  S      New.
2                                                              I    S      New.
3                                            I  I I I,            s    INew.
2                                                                  E      New. 1) Distractor A is not plausible. Change to: The Condenser Steam Dumps will NOT open on a Loss of Turbine Load as long as the Steam Dump Mode Selector is in Auto.        2) Distractor B is not plausible. Change to: The Condenser Steam Dumps will open
                                                                  -          immediately. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
2                                                                  S        New.
3                                                                            New. Distractor D Is not credible. Change distractor D to One Heatei Drain Pump has tripped. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
2                                                                          New.
I 2                                                                          New.
Y New. None of the distractors are correct. Distractor A is NOT correct, since the Tech Spec LCO just says to initiate action to restore one AFW pump to OPERABLE status. It does not say that the reactor must be maintained at 100% power. Deletethe word must in all distractors an1 reword. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
3 3
2 I i i                  E I    New. Distractor A refers to a Battery Breaker fripped open. Is this terminolo correct? What breaker is this? Clarify breaker description.
RESOLU?YON: Comment incorporated.
NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9
1 T/F Crod. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- .Q= $RO                  WWS                                  explanation Dist.
I Link          knits . ward WA only              --
                                        \                                  S  New I
b  New.
1 F                                                                          S    New.
1 H 2                                                                    I
- -                                  I I
S    New.
F 2 I              I i
New. Get rid of should in stern, if possible.
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
F 2 I Bartk. 1) Distlactor D is not plausible, since secondary depressurization will cooldown the RCS and tend to create a challenge to the INTEGRITY CSFST. Sbggestion: Change distractor D to say: 7sdepressurize the RCS in order to prevent a challenge ... 2) In distractor C, delete the words all the to make the distractor more plausible, since one can never remove all the stored energy in the Steam Generators.
--                                                                              RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.
H 3              I I                      I  U Bank. Information provided does not support verification of the correct answer. RESOLUTION: Replaced question with a New question which
--                                              1,                              was satisfactory.
F 2                                                                        S    New.
H 2 X                                                                . E    New. Change the question in the stem to say: ...., which Power Range Nuclear Instrument channel has lost power.
-                                              I                        1      RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
2                                                                        S    New.
H 2          X                                                            E    New. 1) In distractor C, change the increased to initiated, since SFP I
I cooling has been lost. 2) Get rid of should in stem. 3) Get rid of should in choices.
H 2          X                                                .i      i  E    New. I)Get rid of should in stem. 2) Change distractor A from
--                                            ,,  ..- ,        I,  -
                                                            -1 2                                                                            New.        .
-                                              1 I E H 2          X I            I j,,
                                                                ..    ~
New. Distractot D is not plausible. Change to : Restart a Purge Exhaust Fan. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
F 2  X      X
                                  -I                    I E . New. Since there are two distractors with EDG in them, it provides a cudthat one of :hem is tt,e correct answer. Change distractor A to another area (e.g. Vital Switchgear Fan).
RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.
NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9
W i
I+ ...
POINT BEACH 2003 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM OPERATING OUTLINE AND EXAM COMMENTS Comment                                    Resolution DELETE misalignment of Control Rod Bank Selector        Comment incorporated.
Switch, since this is not Tech Spec related or safety significant.
Misalignment of 1RC-430 PZR PORV was used on the        Comment incorporated.
last NRC exam. Replace this with another misalignment.
For SRO: Evaluate any Tech Specs NOT met and            Comment incorporated.
associated actions required.                              To facilitate Tech Spec For RO: Discuss any Tech Specs NOT met.                  review, replaced misalignments on MCB with:
: 1) RHR Pump A loss of control power
: 2) SI Pump B suction valve 1SI-896B closed
: 3) TD AFW Pump 1P29 SG A & B discharge valves closed (4000,4001)
To Initiating Cue, add: When you are finished, we will    Comment incorporated.
discuss any discrepancies or problems, if any, noted.
For Step 4, need final number for kW with an error        Comment incorporated.
Add to Initiating Cue: Charging Pump 2P-2C is to          Comment incorporated.
disassembled for maintenance work.
DELETE from Initial Conditions that the plant            Comment incorporated.
computer is down and SOMS is unavailable, since this is not required.
Include an error in the sequence for the valve tagging    Comment incorporated.
(e.g. have the suction valve closed before the discharge valve which could lead to overpressurization of the suction piping if left uncorrected).
        ~        ~        ~~    ~                                      ~~      ~~    ~~
Use RWP survey form.                                      Comment incorporated.
Why isnt the classification of the event time critical  Comment incorporated.
(15 minutes)?                                            Classification of event was made time critical.
In the Initiating Cues, do not state which portion of the Comment incorporated.
JPM is time critical. Only state that this JPM is time critical.
POINT BEACH 2003 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM OPERATING OUTLINE AND EXAM COMMENTS In the EPlP 1.1 given to the applicant, have Sections  Comment incorporated.
5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 already signed as completed.
For Performance Step 2, also designate items 5,6,and    Comment incorporated.
7 of the NARS Form as Critical Steps.                    In item 5, the EAL Number was made a Critical Step.
Item 6 was made a Critical Step. Item 7 was made a Critical Step, with airborne required to be checked but liquid could also be checked as the type of release.        .
On the JPM outline, DELETE the Type Code of c,        Comment incorporated.
since this JPM is performed at 28% power (i.e. not at 5% power or less).
Add WA values of 4.3/4.2 on page 1 of JPM.              Comment incorporated.
What is significance if an applicant incorrectly        No changes made.        ,
determines a value in Step 1, inputs values into        Examiner will: have to HC-111 (Step 3) and HC-110 (Step 4) and starts the      evaluate if applicant.
makeup (Step 7)? Should Steps 1,3, and 4 be Critical    changes values.
Steps, such that if performed unsatisfactorily, it would                  i be the basis for a JPM failure?
Step 3 - Add that the setting for HC-111 should be      Comment incorporated.
40 gpm.
Step 4 - Add that the setting for HC-110 should be      Comment incorporated.
6.15 gpm.
What is the upper level failure criteria for Step 9?  No changes made.
Suppose level rises to 20% before placing the switch    Upper level fqilure criteria to STOP?                                                would be if VCT went to divert.
          ~        ~        ~        ~~  ~        ~            ~        ~~      ~      ~
Why is Step 12 critical? What is the significance of    No changes made.
leaving CV-111 open?                                    If CV-111 is left open, then could have more primary water dilution flow during the next auto VCT makeup.
        ~        ~        ~      ~~~~~                            ~        ~      ~
In the Initial Conditions, change sentence regarding    Comment incorporated.
balancing of charging/letdown flows to state: RCP seal injection flow and charging/letdown flow have been balanced. This will make the Initial Conditions agree with step 5.1.5 of procedure OP 4B.
Change WAs for the JPM to 003A4.02 (2.9/2.9) and        Comment incorporated.
POINT BEACH 2003 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM OPERATING OUTLINE AND EXAM COMMENTS I    I                1                                                          I                              1 I  In Initial Conditions, change to I You are the Balance of Plant Ouerator for Unit 1.                            I  Comment incorporated.
I Step 2 - Add: Time: __                                      Comment incorporated.
          ~                                                                                ~                ~
JPM B.l .d                -
Step 9 DELETE: Less than 820 amps with RCS                Comment incorporated.
c o l d and Nominally less than 760 amps for anticipated plant conditions.
JPM B . l .d    Step 10 - Add: Time:    __                                Comment incorporated.
I 1
: 27. JPM B.1.d I            -
Step 11 Change RCP 1 N B (2NB) to RCP 1A in two places to match MCB labeling.                        I  Comment incorporated.
: 28. JPM B.l .e      Should Step 6 be critical?                                  No changes made. ,
If don? place in MANUAL and closed, would still get 200 gpm flow.
: 29. JPM B.l .i      DELETE last sentence of Initiating Cue.                    Comment incorporated.
JPM B.l .i      On Turnover Sheet, correct typo in second sentence          Comment incorporated.
of Initial Conditions (Hot Stanby to Hot Standby).
Cue that all initial conditions are      Comment incorporated.
satisfied in procedure 01-112.
JPM B.1.k        Steps 1 and 2 should not be critical, since part of Initial Conditions.                                      1  Comment incorporated.
: 33. Scenario No. 1              -
Event 4 Under Event Type, only the RO and SRO              Comment incorporated.
should be listed, since the RO takes the major action of placing the rods in MANUAL.
I    I                I                                                          I                              -1 Ire Scenario No. 1  At end of scenario, could be in an ORANGE path on          Comment incorporated.
INTEGRITY Critical Safety Function Status Tree.
Change so that could go to either EOP-1.O or FR-P.l.
: 35. Scenario No. 2  Event 1 - Page 1 - Change  R O to BOP for                Comment incorporated.
re-establishingS/G B level at 64%.
I I                      I                                                          I I
Scenario No. 2  Event 2 - Page 1 - Recognizing the CCW Pump trip            Comment incorporated.
and manually starting the standby CCW Pump should be listed for the BOP instead of the RO, if the BOP is to be given credit for this malfunction.
11    Scenario No. 2  Event 1 (Steam Generator Pressure Transmitter 1PT-478 Fails High) is the same event that was used in Scenario No. 1 during the last NRC exam. Replace event.
Comment incorporated.
Replaced event with a failure high of 1FT-474 steam flow channel.}}

Latest revision as of 09:19, 25 March 2020

NRC Comments to Outline and Initial Exam Submittal Including ES-401-9 and Operating Test Comments for the Point Beach Initial Examination - September 2003
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/29/2003
From: Lanksbury R
50-266/03-301, 50-301/03-301
Download: ML033030029 (12)



6. 7.

u/ws E

Explanation New. Change distractor A to refer to an UNUSUAL EVENT condition instead of an ALERT condition.

RESOLUTION: Change made, but the EAL sheet will be provided to thc

- applicants.

S New.

E New. Need to state in stem that all equipment operated properly

-following the SI. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

3 dank.

S New.

E Bank. Change distractor 8 to EOP-1 Loss of Reactor or Seconda Coolant. Need to check other ste 6 ih E-0 fo verify that E-1 is not $e correct choice. RESOLUTION:.d)omment incorporated.

E Bank. 1) Add the followin after statin the 5 plant conditions: The crew is implementing ECA-1.1, l o s s of Congainment Sump Recirculation.

2 Chan e distractor B to: 1 Accident Fan, 2 Spray pumps.

dESOL8TION: Comment incorporated.




[Refer to Section 0 of ES-401 and Appenciix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts.]

1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undanmtal or (H)igher cognitiw level.
2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) cf each question using a 1 - 5 (easy - difficult) rating scale (questions in the 2 - 4 range are acceptable).

Checkthe ~2 yg 1 ih r riae I$oxif # ~ s # y n e t [ i cflaw identifie s m ac s su I ie ocus o e icit t e correcfanswer (e.g., unzlkar interat,more information is needed, or too much needless information).

The stem of distractors contain cues (!.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasina. lenath. etc).

II The answer choices are a collection of unrelated tiue/false statements: -

l One or more distractors is no! credible.

One or more distraciors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicanr can maka unstated assumptions that a16 not contradicted by stem).

4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified: .....-.... --.. .

The question is not linked to the job (equirements (Le., the questior1.has.avalibWA but; as written, is noioperational in-dontent).

The question reqbires the recall of knowledgethat is too spsciftc fo! me..closedreference test mode (i.e., it is not reguired to be known from memory).

The question contairls data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or mconsistm units (e.g., panel percent with question in gallons).

The question requires reverse logicor application comparedi~the job .requirements. I

5. Check questions that are sampled.,for conformance with the approveii KIA, arid-thoj.6thdt are m n a t e d SRO-only (WA and license level mismatches are unacceptable).
6. Based on the reviewersjudgment, is the question as written (U)nacceptabie.:r&quirihgrepair

.,. . , or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?

7. At a niinimum, explain any U ratings(e.g., how the Appendix B psych6$Aric aFributes dfe no: being met).

A I+ in the Q # column indicates that question was reviewed As pari ufthe representative sample 30 questions.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

ES-401 2 Form ES-401-9

- .~

1 .5.Other



3. Psychometric Flaws I 4. Job Content Flaws .
6. I 7.

Sred. u/E/s I Explanation

- D,ist.

so9 X U New. 1) Include another initial condition that 1LI-426, PZR Level

+ channel is failed low and the associated bistables are tripped.

2) Add another initial condition that all equipment is in its normal alignment. 3) Change distractor C to delete mention of 1LT-426 failing.
4) Get rid of should in choices.

- - RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

310 S New.

-+ -

311 H 2 X E Modified. 1) Change stem condition from a containment pressure of 4.5 psig to 6 psig. 2) Change distractor A from less than 1 psig to less

- -- than 5 psig. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

312 F 2 S New.

-+ - ~~

r 313 H 3 E New. Get rid of should in choices.


- 7


RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

514 F 2 E Bank. If possible, question should be worded in a positive manner per

- - - ~ NUREG-1021, Appendix B. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

315 H 2 New. Get rid of should in choices.

-+ -- RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

316 H 2 E Modified. I ) Add to stem after 1SW-2907 that all other ESF equipment operated normally following the SI actuation. 2) Change last sentence in distractor B to: The BOP should re-start 1P-14A and remain in Attachment A. 3) Change distractor C to add that No Containment Accident Fan Coolers are operable and to delete The BOP should re-start 1P-14A. 4) Get rid of should in choices.

- RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

317 H 3 .s New.


318 F 2 Bank. 1) Change histractors A and C to add the words without a loss of offsite power. 2) Change distractcr D to Main Steam Line break accident inside containment without a loss of offsite power.

- -1 - RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

319 F 2 s Bank. ,

320 H 2 S IBank.


red. Ainutia #/ Back- Q= SRO U/E/S Explanation 5

- units ward WA Only S Bank.

I I 1 Modified. 1j Change distractor A to say racked in, the control switch is in Auto,, and breaker independentlyverified to be racked in.

2) Change distractor B to say racked in, control switch is in Auto, and breaker was tested 28 days ago. 3) Add to distractor C that the control switch is in Auto. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

Modified. Add to sm:.. Impact, If any, ...I I S New.

I I I S Bank.

Bank. To ensure the WA is satisfied, add to first plant condition that the small break LOCA is through a stuck open PZR PORV and block valve.

RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.



Bank. I)Distractor A could be considered correct in that boron precipitation is one form of a stratification layer. Add the word thermal before stratificationin distractor A. 2) Add the word reactor before the word bessel in distractor C to make distractors C and D have similar wording. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

I I I I I INew.

E Bank. Change distractors A And D to 165 minutes and 180 minutes (in case the curve on page 6 is read insteadof the curve on page 8 of 1 Attachment C. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

1 Bank. Change frorn Modified to Bank quesiion.

1 RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

X New. 1) Another plant condition required to state that all other equipmentki in its normal alignment (since a difference in PZR level selector switch positions may alter the plant response)? 2) Add to the question: Assuming no operator action,..., since operator action to address the malfunction would change the plant response.

RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9


Explanation New. Not required to memorize setpoints. List required parameters to check instead. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

New. Changs distractor D to reference the discharge valves shut.

RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

~ ~~ ~

M o d i f i d LOD = 1. Distractor D is only plausible answer. Get rid of SI actuation in stem due to high containment pressure. Have a Main FW Pump TripiReactor Trip instead.

RESOLUTION: Replacedquestion with a Modified question which was satisfactory.

New. 1) Change distractor B word take to Purn to agree with vmrding iti distractor C. 2) Change distractor D to add at the end and increase setting. Also, change distractor D to Leave the 1T-1C control switch it AUTO (for symmetry). RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

New. Get rid uf should in choices.

RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

New. In distractor A, delete the words a separate to make it look similar to distractor B. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

New. Add reason for the actions in distractors A and D to make them similar to distractors B and C. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

New. Get rid of should in choices.

RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.


I Bank.

1 Modified. 1) To make the distractars more plausible, add to the stem that another control rod reads 10 steps, and the rest of the control rods indicate zero steps, 2) Change distractor D to state to add 3600 gallon!

boration since three control rods are not fully inserted. 3) Add the word minimum before the phrase amount of boration.

RESOLUTION: Comments incorpoTated.

Bank. Tcl make distractor C credible, change say to borate using the S pumps and the RWST. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

1 Bank. Change distractor A to say can instead of must

[ RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

I---.. TW----.",l--.-",&--* . "

2 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7 LOD (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SHO U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Lpk units ward WA Only 2 X E Bank Distractor B is not credible. Change to' Startup Hydrogen Recombiner to minimize potential for hydrogen burn (this was true forth WOG FR-2 1 before this step was deleted a few years ago from FR-2 1 I

I RESOLUTION. Comment incorporated.

2 X E New If possible, question should be worded in a positive manner per NUREG-1021, Appendix B For example: 'Which . . would be expected to have a stable or increasing trend?"

RESOLUTION. Comment incorporated.

2 S Bank 2 S New.

2 S New.

2 S New.

1 U New. LOD=1.

RESOLUTION. Replaced question with a New question which was satisfactory 2 S New.

2 S New 2 X E New. 1) Distractor D is not credible to say to restart an SI Pump to restore RCS subcooling when subcooling is 200°F 2) Get rid of "should in choices.

RESOLUTION Comments incorporated.

2 -S New 2 X U New 1) Distractor E4 could also be correct if there is a tube leak in the letdown HX. 2) Typo in distractor D. "Radwast" to "Radwaste" RESOLUTION Comments incorporated.

2 E New. Change f r m Fdndamental to Higher Cognitive Level.

RESOLUTIONvsComment Incorporated.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9




3. Psvchometric Flaws !
4. Job Content Flaws I 5. Other I 6.
J/E/s I



Explanation New. Distractor B could also be correct, since Pressurizer Vapor Spaa temperature would not change with a leaking PZR PORV and Block Valve. ChangadistractorB to : Pressurizer Vapor Space temperature i!

rising. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

2 Bank. Add the word RCS before pressure in distractors A and B.

RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

1-2 E Bank. 1) Delete the word should in the stem of the question.

2) Change from Modified to Bank, since need a pertinent item in the stem to be changed to call a question modified.

RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

2 S New.

2 I S New.

3 I I I I, s INew.


2 E New. 1) Distractor A is not plausible. Change to: The Condenser Steam Dumps will NOT open on a Loss of Turbine Load as long as the Steam Dump Mode Selector is in Auto. 2) Distractor B is not plausible. Change to: The Condenser Steam Dumps will open

- immediately. RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

2 S New.

3 New. Distractor D Is not credible. Change distractor D to One Heatei Drain Pump has tripped. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

2 New.

I 2 New.

Y New. None of the distractors are correct. Distractor A is NOT correct, since the Tech Spec LCO just says to initiate action to restore one AFW pump to OPERABLE status. It does not say that the reactor must be maintained at 100% power. Deletethe word must in all distractors an1 reword. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

3 3

2 I i i E I New. Distractor A refers to a Battery Breaker fripped open. Is this terminolo correct? What breaker is this? Clarify breaker description.

RESOLU?YON: Comment incorporated.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

1 T/F Crod. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- .Q= $RO WWS explanation Dist.

I Link knits . ward WA only --

\ S New I

b New.

1 F S New.

1 H 2 I

- - I I

S New.

F 2 I I i


New. Get rid of should in stern, if possible.

RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

F 2 I Bartk. 1) Distlactor D is not plausible, since secondary depressurization will cooldown the RCS and tend to create a challenge to the INTEGRITY CSFST. Sbggestion: Change distractor D to say: 7sdepressurize the RCS in order to prevent a challenge ... 2) In distractor C, delete the words all the to make the distractor more plausible, since one can never remove all the stored energy in the Steam Generators.

-- RESOLUTION: Comments incorporated.

H 3 I I I U Bank. Information provided does not support verification of the correct answer. RESOLUTION: Replaced question with a New question which

-- 1, was satisfactory.



F 2 S New.

H 2 X . E New. Change the question in the stem to say: ...., which Power Range Nuclear Instrument channel has lost power.

- I 1 RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.


2 S New.

H 2 X E New. 1) In distractor C, change the increased to initiated, since SFP I

I cooling has been lost. 2) Get rid of should in stem. 3) Get rid of should in choices.

H 2 X .i i E New. I)Get rid of should in stem. 2) Change distractor A from

-- ,, ..- , I, -



-1 2 New. .

- 1 I E H 2 X I I j,,

.. ~


New. Distractot D is not plausible. Change to : Restart a Purge Exhaust Fan. RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

F 2 X X

-I I E . New. Since there are two distractors with EDG in them, it provides a cudthat one of :hem is tt,e correct answer. Change distractor A to another area (e.g. Vital Switchgear Fan).

RESOLUTION: Comment incorporated.

NUREG-1021, Draft Revision 9

W i


I+ ...

POINT BEACH 2003 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM OPERATING OUTLINE AND EXAM COMMENTS Comment Resolution DELETE misalignment of Control Rod Bank Selector Comment incorporated.

Switch, since this is not Tech Spec related or safety significant.

Misalignment of 1RC-430 PZR PORV was used on the Comment incorporated.

last NRC exam. Replace this with another misalignment.

For SRO: Evaluate any Tech Specs NOT met and Comment incorporated.

associated actions required. To facilitate Tech Spec For RO: Discuss any Tech Specs NOT met. review, replaced misalignments on MCB with:

1) RHR Pump A loss of control power
2) SI Pump B suction valve 1SI-896B closed
3) TD AFW Pump 1P29 SG A & B discharge valves closed (4000,4001)

To Initiating Cue, add: When you are finished, we will Comment incorporated.

discuss any discrepancies or problems, if any, noted.

For Step 4, need final number for kW with an error Comment incorporated.


Add to Initiating Cue: Charging Pump 2P-2C is to Comment incorporated.

disassembled for maintenance work.

DELETE from Initial Conditions that the plant Comment incorporated.

computer is down and SOMS is unavailable, since this is not required.

Include an error in the sequence for the valve tagging Comment incorporated.

(e.g. have the suction valve closed before the discharge valve which could lead to overpressurization of the suction piping if left uncorrected).

~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Use RWP survey form. Comment incorporated.

Why isnt the classification of the event time critical Comment incorporated.

(15 minutes)? Classification of event was made time critical.

In the Initiating Cues, do not state which portion of the Comment incorporated.

JPM is time critical. Only state that this JPM is time critical.

POINT BEACH 2003 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM OPERATING OUTLINE AND EXAM COMMENTS In the EPlP 1.1 given to the applicant, have Sections Comment incorporated.

5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 already signed as completed.


For Performance Step 2, also designate items 5,6,and Comment incorporated.

7 of the NARS Form as Critical Steps. In item 5, the EAL Number was made a Critical Step.

Item 6 was made a Critical Step. Item 7 was made a Critical Step, with airborne required to be checked but liquid could also be checked as the type of release. .

On the JPM outline, DELETE the Type Code of c, Comment incorporated.

since this JPM is performed at 28% power (i.e. not at 5% power or less).

Add WA values of 4.3/4.2 on page 1 of JPM. Comment incorporated.

What is significance if an applicant incorrectly No changes made. ,

determines a value in Step 1, inputs values into Examiner will: have to HC-111 (Step 3) and HC-110 (Step 4) and starts the evaluate if applicant.

makeup (Step 7)? Should Steps 1,3, and 4 be Critical changes values.

Steps, such that if performed unsatisfactorily, it would i be the basis for a JPM failure?

Step 3 - Add that the setting for HC-111 should be Comment incorporated.

40 gpm.

Step 4 - Add that the setting for HC-110 should be Comment incorporated.

6.15 gpm.

What is the upper level failure criteria for Step 9? No changes made.

Suppose level rises to 20% before placing the switch Upper level fqilure criteria to STOP? would be if VCT went to divert.

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

Why is Step 12 critical? What is the significance of No changes made.

leaving CV-111 open? If CV-111 is left open, then could have more primary water dilution flow during the next auto VCT makeup.

~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~

In the Initial Conditions, change sentence regarding Comment incorporated.

balancing of charging/letdown flows to state: RCP seal injection flow and charging/letdown flow have been balanced. This will make the Initial Conditions agree with step 5.1.5 of procedure OP 4B.

Change WAs for the JPM to 003A4.02 (2.9/2.9) and Comment incorporated.


POINT BEACH 2003 INITIAL LICENSE EXAM OPERATING OUTLINE AND EXAM COMMENTS I I 1 I 1 I In Initial Conditions, change to I You are the Balance of Plant Ouerator for Unit 1. I Comment incorporated.

I Step 2 - Add: Time: __ Comment incorporated.

~ ~ ~

JPM B.l .d -

Step 9 DELETE: Less than 820 amps with RCS Comment incorporated.

c o l d and Nominally less than 760 amps for anticipated plant conditions.

JPM B . l .d Step 10 - Add: Time: __ Comment incorporated.

I 1

27. JPM B.1.d I -

Step 11 Change RCP 1 N B (2NB) to RCP 1A in two places to match MCB labeling. I Comment incorporated.


28. JPM B.l .e Should Step 6 be critical? No changes made. ,

If don? place in MANUAL and closed, would still get 200 gpm flow.

29. JPM B.l .i DELETE last sentence of Initiating Cue. Comment incorporated.

JPM B.l .i On Turnover Sheet, correct typo in second sentence Comment incorporated.

of Initial Conditions (Hot Stanby to Hot Standby).

Cue that all initial conditions are Comment incorporated.

satisfied in procedure 01-112.

JPM B.1.k Steps 1 and 2 should not be critical, since part of Initial Conditions. 1 Comment incorporated.


33. Scenario No. 1 -

Event 4 Under Event Type, only the RO and SRO Comment incorporated.

should be listed, since the RO takes the major action of placing the rods in MANUAL.

I I I I -1 Ire Scenario No. 1 At end of scenario, could be in an ORANGE path on Comment incorporated.

INTEGRITY Critical Safety Function Status Tree.

Change so that could go to either EOP-1.O or FR-P.l.

35. Scenario No. 2 Event 1 - Page 1 - Change R O to BOP for Comment incorporated.

re-establishingS/G B level at 64%.


Scenario No. 2 Event 2 - Page 1 - Recognizing the CCW Pump trip Comment incorporated.

and manually starting the standby CCW Pump should be listed for the BOP instead of the RO, if the BOP is to be given credit for this malfunction.

11 Scenario No. 2 Event 1 (Steam Generator Pressure Transmitter 1PT-478 Fails High) is the same event that was used in Scenario No. 1 during the last NRC exam. Replace event.

Comment incorporated.

Replaced event with a failure high of 1FT-474 steam flow channel.