W3F1-2014-0079, Supplement to License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications: Difference between revisions

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{{#Wiki_filter:10 CFR 50.90 W3F1-2014-0079  
{{#Wiki_filter:Entergy Operations, Inc.
17265 River Road Killona, LA 70057-3093 Tel 504-739-6660 Fax 504-739-6678 mchisum@entergy.com Michael R. Chisum Site Vice President Waterford 3 10 CFR 50.90 W3F1-2014-0079 December 17, 2014 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852
December 17, 2014  
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852  

Supplement to License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications (TAC No. MF3230)
Supplement to License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications (TAC No. MF3230)
Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3)
Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3)
Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38  
Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38

: 1. Entergy Letter W3F1-2013-0035, License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications, dated December 9, 2013. (ADAMS Accession No. ML13345A686) 2. Letter from NRC, Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications, dated August 22, 2014.
: 1. Entergy Letter W3F1-2013-0035, License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications, dated December 9, 2013. (ADAMS Accession No. ML13345A686)
(ADAMS Accession No. ML14161A142) 3. Entergy Letter W3F1-2014-0038, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications (TAC No. MF3230), dated October 1, 2014. (ADAMS Accession No.
: 2. Letter from NRC, Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications, dated August 22, 2014.
(ADAMS Accession No. ML14161A142)
: 3. Entergy Letter W3F1-2014-0038, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications (TAC No. MF3230), dated October 1, 2014. (ADAMS Accession No. ML14274A245)

==Dear Sir or Madam:==
==Dear Sir or Madam:==

In letter dated December 9, 2013 (Reference 1), Entergy Operations Inc. (Entergy) submitted a request to amend Waterford 3 Technical Specification (TS), D.C. Sources, among other items to address multiple administrative issues with the Technical Specifications. The proposed change would have added a provision to the existing surveillance test requirements to limit the total battery inter-cell resistance value. The proposed change included a programmatic requirement to establish the limit on the total battery inter-cell resistance using design calculations and to document results in test procedures.
In letter dated December 9, 2013 (Reference 1), Entergy Operations Inc. (Entergy) submitted a request to amend Waterford 3 Technical Specification (TS), D.C. Sources, among other items to address multiple administrative issues with the Technical Specifications. The proposed change would have added a provision to the existing surveillance test requirements to limit the total battery inter-cell resistance value. The proposed change included a programmatic requirement to establish the limit on the total battery inter-cell resistance using design calculations and to document results in test procedures.
In letter dated August 22, 2014 (Reference 2), a Request for Additional Information (RAI) requested Entergy to provide additional justification for why adding the provision, instead Entergy Operations, Inc. 17265 River Road Killona, LA 70057-3093 Tel 504-739-6660 Fax 504-739-6678 mchisum@entergy.com Michael R. Chisum Site Vice President Waterford 3 W3F1 Page of nu m meet s In lett e additi o Requ i meet t On D e a tele p Jarrel NRR i reque Octo b woul d resist a Speci f TSTF-Enter g woul d dated nume Wate r electr i cons e A s di s hereb Dece m asso c The N (Refe r the b a consi d This c additi o 504-7 I decl a Dece m Since MRC/-2014-0079 2 of 3 m erical total s the intent o er dated Oc t onal inform a irements, wi t he intent o f ecember 10 , p honic conf el, along with i nformed W ast as origin a b er 1, 2014
In letter dated August 22, 2014 (Reference 2), a Request for Additional Information (RAI) requested Entergy to provide additional justification for why adding the provision, instead
( not approv e ance withou fications Ta s-500 (ADA M g y is not re a fully imple m October 1, rical total b a r ford 3 Tech ical system c e rvative TS v scussed on t y suppleme n mber 9, 201 3 ciated with W N o Significa n r ence 1) is u a ttery under dered remo v corresponde onal inform a 39-6685. are under p e mber 17, 20 r ely, /JDW  battery inte r of the Limiti n t ober 1, 201 a tion intend e thout a spe c fthe Limitin g , 2014, the N e rence with other NRR a terford 3 th ally submitte Reference 3 e such an a m t either incl u sk Force (T S M S Accessio a dy to compl ment TSTF-5 2014 (Refe r a ttery inte r-c enical Specif i conditions a v alue and a n t he Decemb n ts the subj e 3 (Referenc e W aterford 3 T nt Hazards e unchanged beach of the ved as a pa rnce contain s a tion, pleas e e nalty of pe r 14. r-cell resist a n g Condition 4 (Referen c e d to justify w cific numeri c g Conditions NRC/NRR P Entergy's Wand Waterf oat the NRC
d and as su 3). More sp e m endment t o uding a spe c S TF) Travel en No. ML09 2 ete and sub 5 00. A lso, f o r ence 3), En t e ll resistan c ications (TS and configur a n excessivel y er 10, 2014
, ect amend m e 1) by retr a T echnical S p evaluation c o b y this suppl3 questions r t of this sup p s no new co e contact the r jury that th e ance value, i s for Opera t c e 3), Enter g why adding t cal total batt e for Operati o roject Mana Waterford 3 R o rd 3 perso n would not a ppplemented ecifically, W a o add a limi t cific value, o r er TSTF-50 0 2 670242). mit to NRC o r reasons s t ergy could c e value as a) due to rea s ations that w y ove r-cons e , teleconfer e m ent request acting the p o pecification (o ntained in o ement, exc e (1 each) ar e p lement. mmitments.
Regulatory e foregoing i snto the Sur v tion. g y responde d t he provisio n e ry inte r-cell on. a ge r for Wat e R egulatory A nnel. Durin g pprove the s by the RAI a terford 3 w t to the total r without full 0, Revision 2 a license a m specified in tnot reason a a longterm c s onably ex p w ould ensur e e rvative TS e nce mentio nsubmitted b ortion of the a (TS)
, o riginal licen e pt that the pe no longer If you hav e A ssurance s true and c o v eillance Re q d to the RAI n into the S u resistance v e rford 3, Mr.
A ssurance M g this confer e s ubject ame response in was informe d battery inte r ly implemen 2 , hereafter mendment r e t he RAI res p ably support c ommitment p ected chan g e both, avoi d value. ned above, b y letter dat e a mendmen t , D.C. Sour c se amendm p aragraphs applicable a e any questi o Manager, J o orrect. Exe c quirements providing ur veillance value, woul d Orenak, h e M anager, Mr.
ence call ndment  letter date d d that NRC r-cell ting Techni c referred to a equest that ponse letter a specific in the g es in d ing a non-Entergy e d  t request ces. ent request pertaining t o and should b ons or requi ohn Jarrell, a c uted on  d e ld  d c al a s o b e re a t W3F1-2014-0079 Page 3 of 3
cc: Mr. Marc L. Dapas, Regional Administrator U.S. NRC, Region IV
RidsRgn4MailCenter@nrc.gov U.S. NRC Project Manager for Waterford 3 Michael.Orenak@nrc.gov

U.S. NRC Senior Resident Inspector for Waterford 3 Frances.Ramirez@nrc.gov Chris.Speer@nrc.gov Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance
W3F1-2014-0079 Page 2 of 3 of nummerical total battery interr-cell resista ance value, i nto the Survveillance Req  quirements meets s the intent of o the Limitinng Conditions for Operattion.
er dated Octtober 1, 2014 (Referenc In lette                                      ce 3), Enterg gy responded  d to the RAI providing additioonal informaation intendeed to justify why w adding tthe provision    n into the Suurveillance Requiirements, without a spec    cific numericcal total batteery inter-cell resistance vvalue, wouldd meet the t intent off the Limitingg Conditions for Operatio    on.
On De  ecember 10,, 2014, the NRC/NRR N            Project Mana  ager for Wate erford 3, Mr. Orenak, he eld a telepphonic confe erence with Entergys Waterford W            3RRegulatory A Assurance M  Manager, Mr.
Jarrell, along with other NRR and Waterfo      ord 3 person nnel. During g this confereence call NRR informed i          Wa aterford 3 that the NRC would not ap      pprove the ssubject amendment request as origina ally submitted and as supplemented by the RAI response in letter dated          d Octob ber 1, 2014 (Reference 3). 3 More spe    ecifically, Waaterford 3 wwas informed d that NRC would not approve  e such an am mendment to  o add a limitt to the total battery interr-cell resistaance without either incluuding a spec  cific value, orr without fullly implementing Techniccal Speciffications Tas sk Force (TS STF) Travele  er TSTF-500  0, Revision 2 2, hereafter referred to a as TSTF--500 (ADAM    MS Accession No. ML092      2670242).
Enterg            ady to complete and submit to NRC a license am gy is not rea                                                    mendment re  equest that would fully implem ment TSTF-5  500. Also, fo or reasons sspecified in tthe RAI resp ponse letter dated October 1, 2014 (Referrence 3), Enttergy could not reasona        ably support a specific numerical total ba attery inter-ce ell resistancce value as a longterm ccommitment in the Waterrford 3 Technical Specifiications (TS) due to reassonably exp      pected chang  ges in electriical system conditions c          and a configura    ations that wwould ensure  e both, avoidding a non-conse ervative TS value v      and ann excessively  y over-conse  ervative TS value.
As disscussed on thet December 10, 2014,, teleconfere      ence mention  ned above, Entergy hereby supplemen    nts the subjeect amendm  ment request submitted b    by letter dateed Decem  mber 9, 2013 3 (Reference e 1) by retraacting the po ortion of the aamendmentt request assoc ciated with Waterford W          3 Technical T            Sp pecification ((TS),, D.C. Sourcces.
The No N Significan  nt Hazards evaluation e            co ontained in o original license amendment request (Referrence 1) is unchanged u            by b this supplement, exce    ept that the p paragraphs pertaining too the baattery under each of the 3 questions (1 each) are      e no longer applicable a  and should bbe consid dered remov ved as a parrt of this supp plement.
This corresponde c              nce containss no new commitments. If you have        e any questio ons or require additioonal informaation, pleasee contact the Regulatory Assurance Manager, Jo        ohn Jarrell, a at 504-739-6685.
I declaare under peenalty of perrjury that thee foregoing iss true and co  orrect. Execcuted on Decem  mber 17, 2014.
Sincerely, MRC//JDW

Surveillance Division Ji.Wiley@LA.gov}}
W3F1-2014-0079 Page 3 of 3 cc:  Mr. Marc L. Dapas, Regional Administrator U.S. NRC, Region IV RidsRgn4MailCenter@nrc.gov U.S. NRC Project Manager for Waterford 3 Michael.Orenak@nrc.gov U.S. NRC Senior Resident Inspector for Waterford 3 Frances.Ramirez@nrc.gov Chris.Speer@nrc.gov Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance Surveillance Division Ji.Wiley@LA.gov}}

Latest revision as of 16:59, 5 February 2020

Supplement to License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/17/2014
From: Chisum M
Entergy Operations
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC MF3230, W3F1-2014-0079
Download: ML14351A360 (3)


Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road Killona, LA 70057-3093 Tel 504-739-6660 Fax 504-739-6678 mchisum@entergy.com Michael R. Chisum Site Vice President Waterford 3 10 CFR 50.90 W3F1-2014-0079 December 17, 2014 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852


Supplement to License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications (TAC No. MF3230)

Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 (Waterford 3)

Docket No. 50-382 License No. NPF-38


1. Entergy Letter W3F1-2013-0035, License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications, dated December 9, 2013. (ADAMS Accession No. ML13345A686)
2. Letter from NRC, Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications, dated August 22, 2014.

(ADAMS Accession No. ML14161A142)

3. Entergy Letter W3F1-2014-0038, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Address Multiple Administrative Issues with the Technical Specifications (TAC No. MF3230), dated October 1, 2014. (ADAMS Accession No. ML14274A245)

Dear Sir or Madam:

In letter dated December 9, 2013 (Reference 1), Entergy Operations Inc. (Entergy) submitted a request to amend Waterford 3 Technical Specification (TS), D.C. Sources, among other items to address multiple administrative issues with the Technical Specifications. The proposed change would have added a provision to the existing surveillance test requirements to limit the total battery inter-cell resistance value. The proposed change included a programmatic requirement to establish the limit on the total battery inter-cell resistance using design calculations and to document results in test procedures.

In letter dated August 22, 2014 (Reference 2), a Request for Additional Information (RAI) requested Entergy to provide additional justification for why adding the provision, instead

W3F1-2014-0079 Page 2 of 3 of nummerical total battery interr-cell resista ance value, i nto the Survveillance Req quirements meets s the intent of o the Limitinng Conditions for Operattion.

er dated Octtober 1, 2014 (Referenc In lette ce 3), Enterg gy responded d to the RAI providing additioonal informaation intendeed to justify why w adding tthe provision n into the Suurveillance Requiirements, without a spec cific numericcal total batteery inter-cell resistance vvalue, wouldd meet the t intent off the Limitingg Conditions for Operatio on.

On De ecember 10,, 2014, the NRC/NRR N Project Mana ager for Wate erford 3, Mr. Orenak, he eld a telepphonic confe erence with Entergys Waterford W 3RRegulatory A Assurance M Manager, Mr.

Jarrell, along with other NRR and Waterfo ord 3 person nnel. During g this confereence call NRR informed i Wa aterford 3 that the NRC would not ap pprove the ssubject amendment request as origina ally submitted and as supplemented by the RAI response in letter dated d Octob ber 1, 2014 (Reference 3). 3 More spe ecifically, Waaterford 3 wwas informed d that NRC would not approve e such an am mendment to o add a limitt to the total battery interr-cell resistaance without either incluuding a spec cific value, orr without fullly implementing Techniccal Speciffications Tas sk Force (TS STF) Travele er TSTF-500 0, Revision 2 2, hereafter referred to a as TSTF--500 (ADAM MS Accession No. ML092 2670242).

Enterg ady to complete and submit to NRC a license am gy is not rea mendment re equest that would fully implem ment TSTF-5 500. Also, fo or reasons sspecified in tthe RAI resp ponse letter dated October 1, 2014 (Referrence 3), Enttergy could not reasona ably support a specific numerical total ba attery inter-ce ell resistancce value as a longterm ccommitment in the Waterrford 3 Technical Specifiications (TS) due to reassonably exp pected chang ges in electriical system conditions c and a configura ations that wwould ensure e both, avoidding a non-conse ervative TS value v and ann excessively y over-conse ervative TS value.

As disscussed on thet December 10, 2014,, teleconfere ence mention ned above, Entergy hereby supplemen nts the subjeect amendm ment request submitted b by letter dateed Decem mber 9, 2013 3 (Reference e 1) by retraacting the po ortion of the aamendmentt request assoc ciated with Waterford W 3 Technical T Sp pecification ((TS),, D.C. Sourcces.

The No N Significan nt Hazards evaluation e co ontained in o original license amendment request (Referrence 1) is unchanged u by b this supplement, exce ept that the p paragraphs pertaining too the baattery under each of the 3 questions (1 each) are e no longer applicable a and should bbe consid dered remov ved as a parrt of this supp plement.

This corresponde c nce containss no new commitments. If you have e any questio ons or require additioonal informaation, pleasee contact the Regulatory Assurance Manager, Jo ohn Jarrell, a at 504-739-6685.

I declaare under peenalty of perrjury that thee foregoing iss true and co orrect. Execcuted on Decem mber 17, 2014.

Sincerely, MRC//JDW

W3F1-2014-0079 Page 3 of 3 cc: Mr. Marc L. Dapas, Regional Administrator U.S. NRC, Region IV RidsRgn4MailCenter@nrc.gov U.S. NRC Project Manager for Waterford 3 Michael.Orenak@nrc.gov U.S. NRC Senior Resident Inspector for Waterford 3 Frances.Ramirez@nrc.gov Chris.Speer@nrc.gov Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Compliance Surveillance Division Ji.Wiley@LA.gov