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| issue date = 06/04/1984
| issue date = 06/04/1984
| title = Application for Amend to License NPF-16,revising Tech Specs to Reflect Changes Required to Commence Cycle 2 Operation. Affidavit,Reload Safety Evaluation Summary & Reload Safety Rept Encl.App I to Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
| title = Application for Amend to License NPF-16,revising Tech Specs to Reflect Changes Required to Commence Cycle 2 Operation. Affidavit,Reload Safety Evaluation Summary & Reload Safety Rept Encl.App I to Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
| author name = WILLIAMS J W
| author name = Williams J
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = EISENHUT D G
| addressee name = Eisenhut D
| docket = 05000389
| docket = 05000389
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| page count = 40
| page count = 40
| project =
| stage = Request

{{#Wiki_filter:REGULATO    INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION                     TEM (RIDS)
ACCESSION     NBR)8406110288           OUTDATE'4/06/04 NOTARIZED: YES                                                   DOCKET 389 St, Lucie Plant~ Unit 2< Florida Power 8 Light Co.                                     'ACILs50      05000389 AUTH,NAME                 AUTHOR AFFILIATION WILLIAMS~J>>H,             Fl or ida Power 8 Light Co, REC IP NAME
~DivisionofLicensing DOCKET05000389
RKC IP IKNT AFFILIATION EISENHUT~D>>G       ~     Division of Licensing

Application foramendtoLicenseNPF16grevising TechSpecstoreflectchangesrequiredtocommenceCycle-2operations~
Application for amend to License NPF 16grevising operations                  Tech Specs to reflect changes required to commence Cycle- 2 Affidavitrreload safety evaluation summa y 8 "Reload Safety Rept" encl,App I to rept withheld (ref 10CFR2" 790)                         ~
Affidavitrreload safetyevaluation summay8"ReloadSafetyRept"encl,AppItoreptwithheld(ref10CFR2"790)~'I'STRIBUTION CODEIK26SCOPIESRECEIVEDLTR,~ENCLSIZE~"Q"Q,2~i4SO~~TITLE:Start~UpReport/Refueling Report(50Dkt)NOTBSPBO(CL<<kRECIPIKNTCOPIKSIDCODE/NAME L.TTRENCLNRRORB3BC+gy3INTERNAL!
CODE    IK26S  COPIES RECEIVED LTR,  ~ ENCL                    SIZE~
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ACRS+/35.NRCPOR02114Q~Ct>>SgfGai$lWaLcpoil'4L>>>>>>t byPNRECIPIENT IDCODE/NAME LPDRNSIC0305NRR/DHFSOEPYJgl7'RR/DHFS/PSRB+9 RM/DOAMI/MIB QCOPIESLTTRENCL111111Qh)o<PS.>>P0~IyTOTALNUMBEROFCOPIESREQUIRED; LTTR18ENCL18 I~IIIII'<<fIl<<IIlhN>>'IIINX<<<<'I4<<f<<y.jK<<I,llIN1ItII<<<<N<<f9Q<<'<<<<)llrl'INf-.<<<<IIIi;r>Nr,h.NN<<N1'<<INIIJII<<IIh<<'I)ari<<I<<r)IIf<<N;<<<<<)*<<l<<III'4II<<,~''h'I<<"fI<<N<<1IhlI<<NNII<<<<II<<"A<<XhJNIClh<<
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.BOXI4000,JUNOBEACH,FL33408~glib'LORIDA POWER&LIGHTCOMPANYJune4,1984L-84-148OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation Attention:
NO TBSP    BO  (CL<<k REC IP IKNT          COP  IKS        RECIPIENT                        COPIES ID CODE/NAME           L.TTR ENCL    ID CODE/NAME                      LTTR ENCL NRR ORB3      BC  + gy    3 INTERNAL! IE FILE NRR/DHFS
Mr.DarrellG.Eisenhut, DirectorDivisionofLicensing U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555
                                ~)'$1 OIR ~g        1    1 NRR/DHFS OEPYJgl7'RR/DHFS/PSRB+9 1
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                                                                              . BOX I4000, JUNO BEACH, FL 33408
~C*I2RI2lnaccordance withIOCFR50.90,FloridaPower&LightCompanysubmitsherewiththreesignedoriginals andfortycopiesofarequesttoamendAppendixAofFacilityOperating LicenseNPF-I6.Thisamendment issubmitted toreflectchangesrequiredtocommenceoperation ofCycle2,whichiscurrently scheduled forNovember25,l984.Therefore, NRCapprovalisrequested onorbeforeNovember25,l984.Theproposedchangesaresummarized intheattachedSt.LucieUnit2Cycle2ReloadSafetyEvaluation Summary,andareshownontheaccompanying marked-up Technical Specification pages.AdetailedReloadSafetyReportisattached.
                                                                                                      ~glib'LORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY June 4, 1984 L-84-148 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555
.<NAOPJOOOIeoI',2IKNoOQ2rig'Cf,'O.'OARL,fLItshouldbenotedthattheproposedchangespermitoperation ofSt.LucieUnit2Cycle2atthelicensedpowerlevelof2560MWt.However,theanalysesincorporate andboundoperation forcorepowerlevelsupto2700MWt.Authorization foroperation upto2700MWt.willberequested inafuturelicenseamendment application.
Inaccordance withIOCFR50.9I(a)(l),
ithasbeendetermined thattheproposedamendment doesnotinvolveanysignificant hazardsconsiderations pursuanttoIOCFR50.92.TheNoSignificant HazardsConsiderations determination is=-attached.
fnaccordance withIOCFR50.9I(b)(l),
acopyoftheproposedamendment isbeingforwarded totheStateDesigneefortheStateofFlorida.gyesp22I2gg(8.yI(Sp~(PEOPLE...
-'Page2.OfficeofNuclearReactorRegulation Mr.DarrellG.Eisenhut, DirectorDivisionofLicensing AppendixItotheattached'ReloadSafetyEvaluation Reportisproprietary information, andtherefore, exemptfrompublicdisclosure inaccordance withIOCFR2.790.Theproposedamendment hasbeenreviewedbytheSt.LucieFacilityReviewGroupandtheFloridaPower&LightCompanyNuclearReviewBoard.Theproposedamendment hasbeendetermined tobeaClassIVamendment.
Acheckfor$I2,300.00 is-attached inaccordance withIOCFRl70.22.Verytrulyyours,J.W.Williams, Jr.GroupVicePresident
*NuclearEnergy,JWW/RJS/dbAttachment cc:J.P.O'ReillyRegionalAdministrator, RegionIIU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission IOIMariettaStreet,N.W.,Suite2900Atlanta,GA30303LyleJerrett,Ph.D.,DirectorOfficeofRadiation ControlDept.Health8Rehabilitative ServicesI3I7WinewoodBoulevard Tallahassee, FL3230I AFFIDAYIT PURSUANTTO10CFR2.790Combustion Engineering, Inc.StateofConnecticut CountyofHartfordI,A.E.Scherer,deposeandsaythatIamtheDirector, NuclearLicensing, ofCombustion Engineering, Inc.,dulyauthorized tomakethisaffidavit, andhavereviewedorcausedtohavereviewedtheinformation whichisidentified asproprietary andreferenced intheparagraph immediately below.Iamsubmitting thisaffidavit inconformance withtheprovisions of10CFR2.790oftheCommission's regulations andinconjunction withtheapplication ofFlorida=-
PowerandLightCompanyforwithholding thisinformation.
Theinformation forwhichproprietary treatment issoughtiscontained inthefollowing document:
Statistical Combination ofUncertainties
-FPP~LUnit2,Cycle2ReloadReportAppendixI.rThisdocumenthasbeenappropriately designated asproprietary.
Ihavepersonalknowledge ofthecriteriaandprocedures utilizedbyCombustion Engineering indesignating information asatradesecret,privileged orasconfidential commercial orfinancial information.*
~Pursuanttotheprovisions ofparagraph (b)(4)ofSection2.790oftheCommission's regulations, thefollowing isfurnished forconsideration bytheCommission indetermining whethertheinformation soughttobewithheldfrompublicdisclosure, includedintheabovereferenced
: document, shouldbewithheld.  

1.Theinformation soughttobewithheldfrompublicdisclosure arethemethodology relatedtothedetermination oftheprobability distributions forspecificuncertainties andthecombination ofuncertainties tobeusedindetermining plantsetpoints andrelatedtechnical.
==Dear Mr. Eisenhut:==
specifications, whichisownedandhasbeenheldinconfidence byCombustion Engineering.
2.Theinformation consistsoftestdataorothersimilardataconcerning aprocess,methodorcomponent, theapplication ofwhichresultsinasubstantial competitive advantage toCombustion Engineering.
3.The.information isofatypecustomarily heldinconfidence byCombustion Engineering andnotcustomarily disclosed tothepublic.Combustion Engineering hasarationalbasisfordetermining thetypesofinformation customarily heldinconfidence byitand,inthatconnection, utilizesasystemtodetermine whenandwhethertoholdcertaintypesofinformation inconfidence.
Thedetailsoftheaforementioned systemwereprovidedtotheNuclearRegulatory Commission vialetterOP-537fromF.H.SterntoFrankSchroeder datedDecember2,1974.Thissystemwasappliedindetermining thatthesubjectdocumenthereinareproprietary.
4.Theinformation isbeingtransmitted totheCommission inconfidence
,undertheprovisions of10CFR2.790withtheunderstanding thatitistobereceivedinconfidence bytheCommission.
5.Theinformation, tothebestofmyknowledge andbelief,isnotavailable
.inpublicsources,andanydisclosure tothirdpartieshasbeenmadepursuanttoregulatory provisions orproprietary agreements whichprovideformaintenance oftheinformation inconfidence.
6.Publicdisclosure oftheinformation islikelytocausesubstantial harmtothecompetitive positionofCombustion Engineering because:
a.Asimilarproductismanufactured andsoldbymajorpressurized waterreactorcompetitors ofCombustion Engineering.
b.Development ofthisinformation byC-Erequiredtensofthousands ofman-hours andhundredsofthousands ofdollars.Tothebestofmyknowledge andbeliefacompetitor wouldhavetoundergosimilarexpenseingenerating equivalentinformation.
c.Inordertoacquiresuchinformation, acompetitor wouldalsorequireconsiderable timeandinconvenience relatedtothedevelopment ofmethodstostatistically combineuncertainties anddetermine uncertainty probability distributions forspecificuncertainties.
d.Theinformation requiredsignificant effortandexpensetoobtainthelicensing approvals necessary forapplication oftheinformation.
Avoidance ofthisexpensewoulddecreaseacompetitor's costinapplyingtheinformation andnarketing theproducttowhichtheinformation isapplicable.
e.Theinformation consi'sts ofmethodsandstatistical modelsusedtocombineuncertainties andtheresultant netuncertainty tobeappliedindetermining plantsetpoints andtechnical specifications, theapplication ofwhichprovidesacompetitive economicadvantage.
Theavailability ofsuchinformation tocompetitors wouldenablethemtomodifytheirproducttobettercompetewithCombustion Engineering, takemarketing orotheractionstoimprovetheirproduct'spositionorimpairthepositionofCombustion Engineering
'sproduct,andavoiddeveloping similardataandanalysesin"supportoftheirprocesses, methodsorapparatus.
f.InpricingCombustion Engineering
'sproductsandservices, significant
: research, development, engineering, analytical, manufacturing, licensing, qualityassurance andothercostsandexpensesmustbeincluded.
TheabilityofCombustion Engineering
'scompetitors toutilizesuchinformation withoutsimilarexpenditure ofresources mayenablethemtosellatpricesreflecting significantly lowercosts.g.-Useoftheinformation bycompetitors intheinternational marketplace wouldincreasetheirabilitytomarketnuclearsteamsupplysystemsbyreducingthecostsassociated withtheirtechnology development.
Inaddition, disclosure wouldhaveanadverseeconomicimpactonCombustion Engineering's potential forobtaining ormaintaining foreignlicensees.
Furtherthedeponentsayethnot.A.E.chererDirectorNuclearLicensing Sworn.tobeforemeet%this/odayofMayd'aryPublic~;DTA'i'S~il1II;YOTAB'i'.''UDLIC STATF.OFCO'HiiP:T(C!3":
<>'.c.u~i42'COiMMiSilON E)li')RES i'3,'(RCh Jl,19'9 STATEOFFLORIDACOUNTYOFDADEJ.W.Willians,Jr.,beingdulysworn,deposesandsays:ThatheisaGroupVicePresident ofFloridaPower5LightCompany,theLicenseeherein;Thathehasexecutedtheforegoing document; thatthestatements madeinthisdocumentaretrueandcorrecttothebestofhisknowledge, information, andbelief,andthatheisauthorized toexecutethedocumentonbehalfofsaidLicensee.
AppendixtotheReoaSafetyReportisproprietary, andtherefore, exemptfrompublicdisclosure inaccordance withSection'2.790 oftheNRC"RulesofPractice",
J.W.Willians,Jr.Subscribed andsworntobeforemethis4~~deyofc/one,19SANOTARYPUB4C,inandforthCountyofDade,StatesofFlorida.hNycommission expiresc/w/ZPAS
~'rlw St.LucieUnit2Cycle2ReloadSafetyEvaluation SummarThisreportprovidesasafetyevaluation fortheoperation ofSt.LucieUnit2Cycle2at2560MWt.Technical Specifi-cationchangesarer'equired toenableoperation with18monthcyclesandlow,leakage fuelmanagement configurations.
Thereportprovidesthenecessary analysistosupporttheseTechnical Specification changes.Theanalysisincorporates achangetotheCEA(controlelementassembly) configuration toobtaingreaterflexibility inoperational controlandareduction intheminimumrequiredreactorcoolant(RCS)flowtogainsufficient marginbetweenmeasurable flowandrequiredflow.Inaddition, theanalysisincorporates andboundsoperation withacorepowerlevelofupto2700MWt(although arequesttoincreasetheratedcorepowerto2700MWtisnotincluded).
Therequiredanalysisfor2700MWtalsoincludesarecalculation ofcontainment pressureandtemperature duringtransients.
Arequestforauthorization foroperation upto2700MWtwillbesubmitted inafuturelicenseamendment application.
Thesafetyevaluation makesuseoftheStatistical Combinat'ion ofUncertainties (SCU)methodology intheanalysistoprovideforamorerealistic assessment ofsysteminstrumentation uncertainties, systemprocessing uncertainties, manufacturing tolerances andmodelinguncertainties.
Thismethodology togetherwithseveralpropose'd Technical Specification changes,whicharemorerestrictive thanCycle1,providetheextramargintoaccommodate moreeconomical fuelmanagement designs,areducedrequiredminimumRCSflow,andacorepowerlevelofupto2700MWtwithoutasignificant increaseintheconsequences ofpotential accidents oranyreduction insafetymargin(i.e.,allrequiredsafetycriteriaaremet).Thesafetyevaluation generally followstheNRCStandardReviewPlan(SRP)guidelines intheperformance ofthesafetyanalyses, withanydeviations sufficiently justified.
Theanalysesdonotemployanyneworunreviewed methodology (theSCUmethodology waspreviously usedandNRCapprovedforSt.LucieUnit1,CalvertCliffsUnit2andArkansasNuclearOneUnit2).TheproposedTechnical Specification changesaresummarized intheattachedtable.TheseproposedTechnical Specification changesandthesupporting safetyevaluation hasbeenreviewedbytheSt.LucieFacilityReviewGroupandtheFloridaPowerEr,LightCompanyNuclearReviewBoardandfoundtobenecessary andmeetalltherequiredsafetycriteria.
"..8406110288 t<0 Page1TABLE4-1STLUCIEUlfIT2TEHPiICAL SPECIFICATIOH ANDBASESCHAHGESScification ActionRemarks2- meltlimitfrom21.0kw/ftto22.0kw/ftPeaklinearheattocenterline meltlimitisraisedtothecalculated limitforCycle2,asdescribed inSection2.2.**2-3Figure2.1-1Replacethisfigurewithrevisedfigure.Thermallimitlinesarebeingchangedtoreflectanalysisat2700MWT,Technical Specification radialpeakingfactorsandtheimplementation ofmarginrecoveryprograms.
2-4Table2.2-1TheContainment Pressure-HighTrip:Allowable valueisbeingreducedfrom5.0psigto4.1psig.Thischangeisbeingmadesothatthetripsetpointisconsistent withtheassumptions madetothecontainment pressureHigh-HightripsetpointintheLOCAcontainment pressureandthepre-tripsteamlineinsidecontainment
: analyses, Section3.3.4.2-5Table2.2-1Changedesignreactorcoolantflowfrom370,000gpmto363,000gpmonFootnote(*).Allanalysessensitive tominimumflowrequirements wereperformed assuminga363,000gpmminimumguaranteed flowrate.2"9Figure2.2-3Replacefigurewithrevisedfigure.TheTM/LPLSSSisbeingchangedtoreflectanalysisat2700MWT,Technical Specification radialpeakingfactors,andtheimplementation ofmarginrecovery'rograms.
2-10Figure2.2-4Replacefigurewithrevisedfigure.~Referstosectionscontained inReloadSafetyReport.TheTM/LPLSSSisbeingchangedtoreflectanalysisat2700MWT,Technical Specification radialpeakingfactors,andtheimplementation ofmarginrecoveryprograms.
Page2of7Scification ActionRemarksB2-1B2.1.1ChangeminimumDNBRlimitfrom"1.20"toread"anacceptable limit".ThevalueofDNBR,whichcorresponds tothe95/95criteria, changesslightlyfromcycletocycleduetotheapplication ofstatistical uncertainty analysis; specificvaluesoftheDNBRlimitarebeingdeletedtoavoidthenecessity ofcycle-by-cycle Tech.Spec.Revisions.
B2-1B2-4B2.1.1B2.2.1Changestatement onDNBRfrom"1.20"to"theacceptable minimumDNBRlimit".ThevalueofDNBR,whichcorresponds tothe95/95criteria, changesslightlyfromcycletocycleduetotheapplication ofstatistical uncertainty analysis; specificvaluesoftheDNBRlimitarebeingdeletedtoavoidthenecessity ofcycle-by-cycle Tech.Spec.revisions.
Replacefigurewithrevisedfigure.fChangeshutdownmarginforMode5from2.0%deltak/kto3.0%deltak/k.Figureisbeingchangedtoreflecthigherradialpeaking.Theshutdownmarginisbeingincreased toreflecttheassumptions usedintheborondilutionevent,Section3." withTechnical Specification 3/
3/41-'rom2.0%deltak/kto3.0%deltak/k.Tobeconsistent withTechnical Specification 3/
Page38'cificationReaarks3/41- DuetochangeinnumberofCEAgroupsfrom6to5inItemsb;2regulating banks.andh.oftheActionStatement.
RewordItemd.toreflectuseoffigureshowingdroppedCEArecoverytimevs.measuredPr.TRemoveFootnote(N)whichshowedthetimeconstraints onasingleCEAdrop.Thisisnowcontained inItemd.whichincludesafigureshowingdroppedCEArecoverytimevs.measuredFr.Changetoreflecthigherradialpeaksusedinanalysistosupportincreased droppedCEArecoverytimeflexibility.
Resequence Itemse.throughg.toreflectadditionofnewIteme.3/41- withplantmeasurements.
3/41-28Figure3.1-2Replacefigurewithrevisedfigure.ThePDILisbeingchangedtoaccommodate thenewCEArodpattern.3/42-4Pigure3.2-2Replacefigurewithrevisedfigure.LHREx-coreLCOisbeingrevisedtoreflectanalysisat2700MMt,Technical Specification radialpeakingfactors,andtheimplementation ofmarginrecoveryprograms.
3/42-5Figure3.2-3Replacefigurewithrevisedfigure.Allowable combinations ofthermalpowerandPrfFxyTarebeingrevisedtoreflectanalysisat2700MWtandtheimplementation
3/42-93/42- torodbowpenalty.Rodbowpenalties havebeenaccommodated intherevisedDNBRlimitof1.28.3/42-12Figure3.2-4Replacefigurewithrevisedfigure.TheDNB-LCOisbeingchangedtoreflectanalysisat2700MWt,ReactorCoolantFlowof363,000gpm,Technical Specification radialpeakingfactors,andtheimplementation ofmarginrecoveryprograms.
3/42-15Table3.2-2Increaseupperboundofcoldlegtemperature from548'Fto549"F.Upperboundcoldlegtemperature changereflectssafetyanalysisassumptions performed forCycle2.Decreasereactorcoolantflowratefrom370,000gpmto363,000gpm.Allanalysessensitive tominimumflowrequirements wereperformed assuminga363,000gpmminimumguaranteed flowrate.3/43-6Table3.3-2ChangeContainment Pressure-Highresponsetimefrom1.55secondsto1.15seconds.Thisreducedtimeisconsistent withplantmeasurements.
3/43-17Table3.3-4Changedcontainment sprayonContainment PressureHigh-HighTripSetpointfrom9.30psigto5.40peigandtheallowable valuefrom9.40psigto5.50psig.Thischangewasmadetobeconsistent withassumptions inthecontainment pressureanalysis.
ChangetheContainment PressureHighTripSetpointfrom5.0psigto4.7psigandtheallowable valuefrom5.10psig.to4.80psig.Thischangewasnecessary becauseofthechangemadetotheContainment PressureHigh-HighTripSetPoint.
Pageof7ScificationActionRemarks3/43-20Table3.3-5ChangeFeedwater Isolation ResponseTimefrom<5.35/5.35 to<5.15/5.15 forbothContainment Pressure-HighandSteamGenerator Pressure-Low.Thischangeisbeingmadetoincorporate thespecified valveclosingtimeandtoeliminate the0.25secondadditional conservatism thatwasassumedinCyclel.3/44-93.4.3Changeminimumandmaximumpressurizer indicated levelfrom65%to68.0%.Thischangeisbeingmadetobeconsistent withanewpressurizer levelprogramandassumptions madeintheexcesschargingevent,Section3. powervaluesreflectanalysisat2700MWt.Formatofspecification hasbeenchangedtoimproveclarity.3/77-'secondsand5.35secondsbothto5.15seconds.Thesechangesreflectappropriate closuretimesforthemainfeedwater isolation valve(5.15secondswasassumedinpeakcontainment pressureanalysis.)
B3/41-1B3/ B3/ B3/41-2B3/4.1.2ChangetherequiredshutdownmarginwithTavg<200'rom2.0%deltak/kto3.0%deltak/k.Theshutdownmarginisbeingincreased toreflecttheassumptions usedintheborondilutionevent,Section3.2.4.4.
Page7ChanHo.PacaeScification ActionRemarksB3/41-4B3/4.1.3Removewordingindicating atChangewording,sincepowerlevelsatwhatpowerlevelsaDNBRSAFDLwhichaDNBRSAFDLviolation mayoccurviolation couldoccur,andcouldvaryslightlyfromcycletocycle.clarifythewordingonhowthispotential violation iseliminated.
Increasesteady-state radialpeakfromFrT~1.60toFTr170B3/41-4B3/4.1.3Changeactualradialpeakforadditional marginfromTr1.50toFrT<1~70'hesechangesreflecttheassumptions utilizedinthesingledropCEAanalysisfoundinSection3.2.4.3.ChangeItem5froma30minutemisalignment timeforanFT<1.50Tto60minutesforanFTr<1.55.B3/42-2B3/42-3B3/42-2B3/4.2.2, B3/4.2.36B3/4.2.4TableB3/4.2-1B3/42'Deletelastparagraph whichdiscusses rodbowpenalties, anddeletetableonrodbowpenalties.
Change"minimumDNBRlimitof>1.20"to"anacceptable minimumDNBR".Rodbowpenalties havebeenaccommodated inrevisedDNBlimitof1.28.ThevalueofDNBR,whichcorresponds tothe95/95criteria, changesslightlyfromcycletocycleduetotheapplication ofstatistical uncertainty analysis; specificvaluesoftheDNBRlimitarebeingdeletedtoavoidthenecessity ofcycle-by-cycle Tech.Spec.revisions.
PageChaneHo.PacaeScificationActionRemarksB3/47-1B3/ Replacepagewithrevisedpage.Changesmadetoallowable powervaluesreflectanalysisat2700MWt.Formatofspecification hasbeenchargedtoimprove-clarity.5-35.3.1Change"...236fuelrodsclad..."to"...236fuelandpoisonrodlocations.
Allfuelandpoisonrodsareclad..."Thisnewstatement isappropriate ifassemblies withpoisonrodsareloadedintothecore.Cycle2willcontainsuchassemblies.
Change"...amaximumtotalweightof1698.5gramsuranium"to"...approximately 1700gramsuranium".
Theweightof1698.5gramsisaCycle1maximumweight.Bywordingitapproximately 1700grams,variations inloadingwei.ghtscanbetolerated.
5-15.2.1Changecontainment netfreevolumefrom2.5x10ftto2.506x10ftChangeinthisvaluerepresents amoredetailedanalysisofthecontainment netfreevolume.5-35.3.2Increasethenumberoffull-lengthcontrolelementassemblies (CEAs)from83to91;EightfulllengthCEAsarebeingaddedintovacantpartlengthCEAlocations.
0 NOSIGNIFICANT HAZARDSCONSIDERATIONS ST.LUCIE2CYCLE2OPERATION AT2560MWZHDOCKET:50-389LICENSE:NPF-16MAY1984 Page1INTRODUCTION Therequested amendment totheSt.LucieUnit2operating licenseisbeingsubmitted insupportoftheupcomingCycle2corereload.Thereepested amendnent willincorporate technical specification changesasdiscussed intheevaluation.
Thereloadwillinvolvereplacing approximately one-third ofthereactorcoreandadditional newControlElement.Assemblies willbeinstalled inexisting=equipped locations.
TheRegionDfreshfuelassemblies tobeusedinthisreloadarenotsignificantly different fromthosepreviously foundacceptable totheNRCforSt.LucieUnit2Cycle1.Theanalytical methodsusedtodeaanstrate conformance withthetechnical specifications andregulations havebeenpreviously approved"by theNRCstaff.Inaddition, theproposedtechnical specification.
changesdonotchangetheapplicable acceptance criteriapreviously approvedbytheNRCStaff.Theevaluation performed insuppor'tofthisamendment hasdetermined that,whenmeasuredagainstthestandards in10CFR50.92, nosignificant hazardsconsideration exists.Itisalsoconcluded thatthisamendmntinvolvesnounreviewed safetyquestions per10CFR50.59.
T1".CHNICAL SUMKQKTheSt.,-Lucie Unit2nuclearpcwerplantispresently licensedtooperateataratedthermalpcwerof2560Mwthwithaphysicalconfiguration asdefinedanddescribed bytheFSAR.Thisreloadinvolvesrenovingdepletedfuelassemblies fromapproximately one-thirdofthenuclearcoreandreplacing themwithfreshfuelofasimilartypeaspreviously loaded.Themagnumnominalenrichment oftheRegionDfreshfuelwillbe3.65weightpercenturanium-235asconlpared toanominalmaximunenrichment inCycle1of2e73w/o.Thefreshfuelassemblies willalsoincorporate minor.dinensional changesasaresultofdesign.changesrecognized asdesirable atotherC-Eplants.-,
The,fuelassemblyguidetubeswillbechangedfrancoldworkedzircaloy,to annealedzircaloywhichwillresultina1cwergrowthrateofthe-fuelassembly.
Theincreaseinenrichment isincorporated intheRegionDfuelassemblies toprovideforanextendedfuelcyclelength.,Therehasbeennochangetothe,fueldesignbasesandassuchthenewfuel"continues tosatisfyGeneralDesignCriteria10andllandotherdesignbasesconsidered intheStaffreviewofthefuelforCycle1.
Page2BASISFORPROPOSEDNOSIGNIFICANT HAZARDSCONSIDERATION Anevaluation ofthisrequestforamendment hasbeenperforrred todenanstrate thatnosignificant hazardsconsideration exists,baseduponacanparison withthecriteriaof10CFR50.92(c).
Therequested technical specification changeshavebeencategorized intoseveralsubheadings forthepurposesofthisevaluation.
A.MANGESTOKk'ETYLIMITSRefinemntsincalculational techniques haveledtothefollcwing twoproposedchanges.1.Theminimum'valueoftheDNBRduringsteady-state operation, normaloperational transients andanticipated transients isincreased from1.20to1.28.2.Thealliablelimitonpeaklinearheatrateofthefuel.isincreased frcm21kw/ftto22kw/ft.Therehasbeennochangetothecriteriausedtoestablish thesesafetylimits.TheproposedM3Rvaluestillprovidesatleasta95%probability ata95%confidence levelthatDeparture freeNucleateBoiling(DNB)doesnotoccuronafuelrodhavingthatminimumDNBRduringsteadystateoperation orduringanticipated operational occurrences.
Theevaluation of'thevariousfactorsassociated withDNBwillnowbebasedontheStatistical Combination ofUncertainties (SCU)methodology (Appendix IoftheReloadSafetyReport).Thisrrethodology alsoincorporates adjustments forrodbowdirectlyintheE5Blimit,whereasinthereference cycle(Cycle1)rodbowwasacccunted forexplicitly inthenanitoring oftheradialpeakingfactor.TheSCUmethodology isdescribed inC-EreportCEN-123(F)-P, andhasbeenpreviously reviewedandapprovedbytheNRC.Application ofthetechniques totheplantspecificparamtersofSt.LucieUnit2isdescribed intheaccompanying ReloadSafetyReport.Theproposednewvalueforpeaklinearheatrateisstillavaluecorresponding tocenterline fuelmeltasdetermined bythefuelevaluation model,FATED'.Thepcver-to-centerline meltlimitforCycle2takescreditfordecreased pcwerpeakingwhichischaracteristic ofhighlyburnedfuel.Also,sinceadecreaseinfuelmeltterrperature accompanies burnup,thermstlimitingpcver-to-centerline melthasbeenfoundtooccuratanintermdiateburnuprange.Usingconservative estimates oftheburnuppointatwhichthepoorerpeakingbeginstodecreaseandtherateatwhichitdecreases forCycle2,thermstlimitingpower-to-centerline melthasbeendetermined tobeinexcessof22kw/ft.

Page3Theserevisedsafetylimitshavebeenfactoredintothesafetyanalysesperformed forthisreloadapplication andallresultsarewithinprevicvsly established criteriaanddesignbasis;hence,noreduction insafetymarginhasresultedfromthesechanges.Thesetechnical specifications provideanumerical valuewithwhichtojudgeandverifytheacceptability ofsafetyanalysesthatareperformed.
Re:    St. Lucie Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-389 Proposed License Amendment
Therefore, thesechangeshavenoimpactonaccidentprobability andconsequence, foreitheraccidents previously analyzedorthepotential fordifferent accidents.
                      ~C*I  2RI    2 ln accordance with IO CFR 50.90, Florida Power & Light Company submits herewith three signed originals and forty copies of a request to amend Appendix A of Facility Operating License NPF-I6.
Therefore, theseproposedchangesmaybeconsidered similartotheexamplein10CFR50.92 foranendments thatareconsidered notlikelytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:
This amendment is submitted to reflect changes required to commence operation of Cycle 2, which is currently scheduled for November 25, l984.
"(vi)Achangewhicheithermayresultinsomeincreasetotheprobability orconsequences ofapreviously-analyzed accidentormayreduceinscmewayasafetymargin,butwheretheresultsofthechangeareclearlywithinallacceptable criteriawithrespecttothesystemor~nentspecified intheStandardReviewPlan;forexample,achangeresulting fromtheapplication ofasmallrefinarent ofapreviously usedcalculational riedelordesignmethod."TlKSNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGESTOEX%ANCEOPERATING MMGINThealliedplantoperating spaceasdefinedandcontrolled bythetechnical specifications isrevisedinthefollcwing areas.1.Theallcwable planarradialpeakingfactor(F)hasbeenincreased frcm1.60to1.75andtheallcwRleintegrated radialpeakingfactor(Fr)hasbeenincreased frcm1.60to1.70.2.TheminimumrequiredReactorCoolant,System(RCS)flewhasbeenreducedfrcm370,000gpmto363,000gpm.3.Themaximumall(wedcoldlegtemperature hasbeenincreased frcm548Fto549F.4.Increased restrictions totheLSSSandLOOsareimplemntedtooffsettheeffectsoftheincreased operating spaceproducedbyitems1,2and3.  
Therefore, NRC approval is requested on or before November 25, l 984.
The proposed changes are summarized in the attached St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 2 Reload Safety Evaluation Summary, and are shown on the accompanying marked-up Technical Specification pages. A detailed Reload Safety Report is attached.
It should be noted that the proposed changes permit operation of St. Lucie Unit
  . <NA      2                        gyes Cycle 2 at the licensed  power level of 2560 MWt. However, the analyses OPJO    incorporate and bound operation for core power levels up to 2700 MWt.
OO      Authorization for operation up to 2700 MWt. will be requested in a future Ieo          license amendment application.
  ,2 IK No In accordance with IO CFR 50.9I(a)(l), it has been determined that the proposed OQ      amendment does not involve any significant hazards considerations pursuant to
'Cf 2    rig      IO CFR 50.92. The No Significant Hazards Considerations determination is
,'O.'OA RL,fL    fn accordance with IO CFR 50.9I(b)(l), a copy of the proposed amendment is being forwarded to the State Designee for the State of Florida.
p                    p~
I2 gg(8.               (

Page4Detailedcalculations wereperforned toevaluatetheimpactofthesechangesonAnticipated Operational Occurences andPostulated Accidents.
A l
Theextentoftheseanalysescanbecharacterized withinthefoll<wring sixcategories.
-'Page 2  .
1.Increaseinheatrenavalbythesecondary system.(Section3.2.1)2.Decreaseinheatrivalbythesecondary system.(Section3.2.2)3.Decreaseinreactorcoolantfle+rate.(Section3.2.3)r4.Reactivity andpcwerdistribution ancnalies.
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing Appendix      I to the attached 'Reload Safety Evaluation Report is proprietary information, and therefore, exempt from public disclosure in accordance with IO CFR 2.790.
The proposed amendment has been reviewed by the St. Lucie Facility Review Group and the Florida Power & Light Company Nuclear Review Board.
(Section3.2.6)6.LossofCoolantevents.(Section3.3)HOTE:SectionnumbersrefertothesectionsintheReloadSafetyReport.Thecriteriaforjudgingtheacceptability oftheseeventshasnotchangedfromthereference cycle(Cycle1).Thedetailedresultsofthesecalculations areprovidedintheaccmpanying ReloadSafetyReportalongwithcomparisons withtheappropriate limitingcriteria.
The proposed amendment has been determined to be a Class IV amendment.       A check for $ I2,300.00 is-attached in accordance with IO CFR l70.22.
Thefollcving discussion providesasummaryofvariouseventsanalyzedwithrespecttothethreebasiccriteria; i.e.,offsitedose,reactorcoolantsystempressure, andfuelperformance.
Very truly yours, J. W. Williams, Jr.
l.OffsiteDoseAcceptance guidelines foroffsiteradiation dosecontinuetobebasedon10CFR100criteria.
Group Vice President Nuclear Energy, JWW/R JS/db Attachment cc:  J. P. O'Reilly Regional Administrator, Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission IOI Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30303 Lyle Jerrett, Ph.D., Director Office of Radiation Control Dept. Health 8 Rehabilitative Services I 3 I 7 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 3230 I
Thenestlimitingpostulated accidentwithrespecttooffsitedosewasdetermined tobeasteamline breakoutsideofcontainment (Section3.2.1.5b).
Thedetailedanalysisofthispostulated accidentincludesassumptions suchasconcurrent lossofACpcverandthermstadversevaluesfortheprocessparameters (RCStemperature,
: pressure, coreMID,NSSSpcwer,etc.)thataffecttheoutccmeofthisevent.Evenwiththeconservatism
: assurred, theresultsarewellwithinthelimitsof10CFR100.
Theconsequences ofasteamline breakinsidecontainment are

Page5evenlessseverewithrespecttooffsitedosesincethereleasesareconfinedwithinthecontainment building.
AFFIDAYIT PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 2.790 Combustion Engineering,        Inc.
ThelimitingAnticipated Operational Occurence whichisanalyzedforimpactonoffsitedoseistheInadvertent OpeningofaSteamGenerator SafetyValve(Section3.2.1.4).
State of Connecticut County    of Hartford I, A. E. Scherer,    depose  and say  that I am  the Director, Nuclear Licensing, of Combustion Engineering, Inc., duly authorized to            make  this affidavit,     and have revi ewed      or caused to have reviewed the information which is identified          as proprietary      and referenced    in the paragraph immediately below.       I am  submitting this affidavit in        conformance with the provisions of 10      CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations and in conjunction with the application of Florida=-
Itisassumedthatthiseventwillresultinaccapleteblcwdcxmof.onesteamgenerator andpartialblnrdownoftheother.Conservative assumptions tomaximizethecalculated dosesincludemaxinamsteamgenerator andRCSradionuclide concentrations.
Power and      Light  Company  for withholding this information.
TheresultscontinuetobeasmallfractionoflOCFR100limits.2~ReactorCoolantSstemPressureAcceptance guidelines forRCSpressurearebasedonRCSdesignlimitsasdefinedbyGeneralDesignCriteria14ard15.Thermstlimitingpostulated accidentwithrespecttoKSpressurewasfoundtobeafeedwater systempipebreak (Section3.2.2.6).
The  information for which proprietary treatment is sought is contained in the following document:
Thiseventisanalyzedwithconservative assumptions, suchaslossofACparerandtherrostadversevaluesfortheprocessparaneters thataffecttheresults.Also,aparametric evaluation isperformed toidentifytheexactbreaksizethatmaximizes theRCSpressurepeak.Theseconservative calculations showthatthepressurepeakresulting fromthiseventisstillbelowtheRCSupsetpressurelimitof2750psia.ThelimitingAnticipated Operational Occurence whichaffectsKSpressureistheLossofCondenser Vacuumevent(Section3.2.2.3).
Statistical    Combination of Uncertainties -   FPP~L Unit 2, Cycle    2 Reload Report Appendix I .
Theresulting lossofloadcausesanincreaseinsteamgenerator pressurewhichisrelievedbyopeningofthe"secondary safetyvalves.ThereisalsoanincreaseinRCSpressurewhichallcwsprotective systemstoinitiateareactortripatthehighpressuresetpointtoterminate theevent.ThepeakRCSpressureattainediswellbelowtheupsetpressurelimitof2750psia.3.FuelPerforaance Criteriainthiscategoryrecpirethataeoolablefuelgeometryismaintained suchthatcontinued rerrovalofdecayheatisensured.Thiscondition ismetbymaintaining fueltemperatures belowtheSpecified Acceptable FuelDesignLimit(SAFDL)andlimitingthedurationofDHBduringpostulated accidents.
r This document has been appropriately designated as proprietary.
Thenestlimitingpostulated accidentwithrespecttofuelintegrity wasdetermined tobetheSteamline BreakOutsideofContainment (Section3.2.1.5b).
I have personal    knowledge  of the criteria  and procedures    utilized    by Combustion Engineering        in designating information    as a  trade secret, privileged or    as  confidential commercial or financial information.*
Page6Notethatthiseventhasbeenpreviously discussed asthe'mstlimitingpostulated accidentwithrespecttooffsite-dose.Theresultindicates thatonlyasmallnurseroffuelpinsarepredicted tofailandaeoolablegeometryismaintained.
ThelimitingAnticipated Operational Occurrence thatisconsidered inthiscategoryistheTotalLossofForcedKS.Flew(Section3.2.3.2).
Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph        (b) (4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's      regulations, the following is furnished for consideration          by the Commission      in determining whether the information sought to        be withheld from public disclosure, included in the above referenced document, should                be wi thhel d.
Theconditions assumdinthisanalysisincludethemaximumalliedcoldlegtemperature, maximumradialpeakingfactorsandminimaRCSflnrrateas-proposed.
: 1. The  information sought to      be withheld from public disclosure are the methodology related to the determination of the              probability distributions for specific uncertainties      and the combination of uncertainties to        be used  in determining plant setpoints and related technical. specifications, which is owned and has been      held in confidence by Combustion Engineering.
Aparametric analysisisperformed todetermine theaxialshapeindexwithintheallcwable rangethatprovidesthermstsevereresults.Thiseventisusedtoestablish theminimuminitialmarginthatmustbemaintained bytheLimitingConditions forOperation (LCDs)withrespecttotheDNBRlimit.Hence,thiseventresultsinanacceptable minimumKM3Rof1.28.Anothersetofcriteriathatisestablished toevaluatefuelperformance isdescribed by10CFR50.46.
: 2. The  information consists of test data        or  other similar data concerning a process,   method  or component, the application of which results in          a substantial competitive advantage to Combustion Engineering.
Assurance thatthesecriteriaaresatisfied isprovidedbythedetailedanalysesperformed forsmallbreakIDCA,largebreakIDCAandpost-IDCA longtermcooling.ThehighestPeakCladTemperature (PCT)calculated, resultedfromaDouble-Ended Guillotine BreakatPumpDischarge (DZQ/PD)withaPCTof2041'Fascontpared toanallowable limitof2200'F.Adetaileddescription oftheseanalysesandcorresponding resultsisprovidedintheReloadSafetyReport(Section3.3.1).Xnallcases,theanalytical resultsshoracceptability withrespecttothe10CFR50.46 criteria.
: 3. The  .information is of    a  type customarily held in confidence by Combustion Engineering and not customarily disclosed              to the public. Combustion Engineering has      a  rational basis for determining the types of information customarily held in confidence by          it and,   in that connection, utilizes    a  system to determine    when and  whether  to hold certain types of information in confidence.     The   details of the aforementioned system        were provided  to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission via          letter  OP-537 from F.H. Stern to Frank Schroeder dated December 2, 1974.           This system was applied in determining that the subject document herein are proprietary.
Thesedetailedcalculations shcwthatincorporation oftheincreased operating space,whenoffsetbythermrelimitingrestrictions imposedbychangestotheLSSSandLCOsresult,inlimitingeventswhicharestillbelowthecorresponding acceptance criteria.
: 4. The  information is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence
Therefore, noreduction insafetymarginhasoccurred.
,under the provisions of        10 CFR  2.790 with the understanding      that  it is to  be received in confidence by the Commission.
Theccabinedresultsofthesecalculations whenccmparedtothereference cycle(Cycle1)showthattheseproposedchangesdonotresultinanyincreaseintheprobability ofthoseeventspreviously analyzedandnosignificant increaseintheconsequences oftheseeventscanbeshcwn.Noneoftheseproposedchangesresultinanynadifications toplantequipment; theminorvariations inplantparaneters
: 5. The  information, to the best of        my  knowledge and  belief, is  not available .in public sources,       and any    disclosure to third parties      has been made pursuant to regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements              which provide    for maintenance    of the information in confidence.
'reaccounted forintheevaluations ofAOOsandpostulated Page7accidents asdescribed'bove.
: 6. Public disclosure of the information is            likely to  cause substantial harm  to the competitive position of Combustion Engineering because:
Therefore, thisevaluation hasfurtherconcluded thatthesechangesdonotprovideapotential foraccidents different fromthosepreviously considered.
: a. A  similar product is manufactured        and  sold by major pressurized water reactor competitors of Combustion Engineering.
: b. Development of      this information  by C-E    required tens of thousands of man-hours      and hundreds    of thousands of dollars.         To the best of    my knowledge and  belief  a  competitor would have to undergo similar expense in generating equi valent information.
: criteria, thechangescanbeconsidered similartotheexampleprovidedin10CFR50.92 foramendmntsthatareconsidered notlikelytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:
: c. In order to acquire such information,           a  competitor would also require considerable time          and inconvenience    related to the development of methods  to  statistically      combine  uncertainties    and determine      uncertainty probability distributions for specific uncertainties.
"(vi)Achangewhicheithermayresultinsaneincreasetotheprobability orconsequences ofapreviously-ana1yzed accidentormayreduceinscxnewayasafetymargin,butwheretheresultsofthechangeareclearlywithinallacceptable criteriawithrespecttothesystemorccmgenent specified intheStandardReviewPlan;forexample,achangeresulting fromtheapplication ofasmallrefinarant ofapreviously usedcalculational modelordesignmethod."Thermde5shutdcwnmarginisincreased from2%to3%deltak/kasaresultofthefuelmanagement programwhichwillpermitanincreased cyclelength.Theacccmpanying ReloadSafetyReportanalyzesanticipated operational occurrences thatareaffectedbytheproposedchangesincyclelengthandMode5shutdcwnmargin.Thelimitingeventswithrespecttoradiological releaseandlossofshutdownmarginarethefollcwing.
: d. The    information required significant effort          and expense    to obtain the licensing approvals necessary            for application of the information.
l.Inadvertent openingofasteamgenerator safetyvalve(Section3.2.1.4).2.PosttripanalysisofasteamlinebreakfrcmHotFullPcurer(Section3.2.1.5.c)
Avoidance of      this  expense would decrease    a  competitor's cost in applying the information    and    narketing the product to which the information is applicable.
.3.ChemicalVolurreandControlSystem(CVCS)malfunction (Section3.2.4.4).Theseanalyseswereperforned withboundingvaluesofshutdcwnmargin,rodworth,andboronworthforthecurrentfuelloading.Theresultsfromananalysisoftheinadvertent openingofa Page8steamgenerator'afety valveshouthatreliablecontrolofreactivity ismaintained andthatradiological dosesatthesiteboundaryareasmllfractionofthe10CFR100guidelines.
: e. The    information consi'sts of methods      and  statistical    models used  to combine  uncertainties        and  the resultant net uncertainty to          be  applied in determining plant setpoints and technical specifications, the application of which provides        a  competitive economic advantage.           The availability of such information to competitors would enable them to modify                  their product to better compete  with Combustion Engineering, take marketing or other actions to improve their product 's position or impair the position of                Combustion Engineering 's product,   and    avoid developing similar data and analyses            in" support of    their processes,   methods      or apparatus.
The,steamlinebreakanalysisshcwsthat,withthesameHZPshutdownrequiratent asfortheprevicuscycle,therewillbenosignificant returntopcwer.AnalysisoftheQlCSmalfunction (borondilution) shearsthatunderalloperating andrefueling conditions thetimefromannunciation tocriticality willmeetorexceedtherequiredminimumcriteria.
: f. In pricing Combustion Engineering        's products and services, significant research, development, engineering, analytical, manufacturing, licensing, quality assurance            and other costs  and expenses      must be    included.
Thus,allcriticality criteriaaremet.Increases infueltemperatures andcoolantpressures areregulated bytheconstraints imposedbytheLSSSandLO3s.Fromtheseanalysesitcanbeconcluded teatthereisnosignificant increaseintheprobability andconsequences ofaccidents previously analyzed.
The  ability of      Combustion Engineering 's competitors          to utilize    such information
Nordothesechangescreatethepossibility ofanewordifferent kindofaccident.
Thechangesdonotreducethesafetymargininasmuchasthesafetyanalysesshowthatacceptable resultsareobtainedwiththesamecriteriapertaining tooffsitedoserates,returntoparerandtinefranannunciation tocriticality.
Thischangecanbeconsidered asbeingsimilartotheexamplein10CFR50.92 foramendments thatareconsidered notlikelytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:
"(ii)Achangethatconstitutes anadditional limitation, restriction, orcontrolnotpresently includedinthetechnical specifications; forexample,ararestringent surveillance requirement."
Cycle2willincorporate severalchangesrelatedtotheControlElementAssemblies (CEAs),primarily toenhanceoperational characteristics suchascontrolofaxialshapeindex.Adescription ofthephysicalconfiguration ofthesechangesisprovidedhere,alongwithasummuyoftheaffectedtechnical specifications.
Eightadditional CEAswillbeinstalled incorelocations whicharepresently unrodded.
Theselocations arealreadyprovidedwithdrivermtors,positionindicating instrumntationandallassociated hardware.
Thischangewilltakeadvantage oftheseequippedlocations toincreasethetotalnumberofCEAsavailable forreactorcontrol.Theseadditional CEAswillalsoresultinanincreaseintheavailable shutdcwnmargin.Thesequencein Page9whichtheseeightnewCEAsandtheexisting83CEAsaremaneuvered willbechanged.The83CEAsinthereference cycle(Cycle1)aresuMivided intosixregulating andtwoshutdcambanks.The91CEAsavailable forCycle2willbesuMivided intofiveregulating andtwoshutdcwnbanks.ThisgroupingchangewillincreasethenumberofCEAsfromfourtotwelveinthefirstsequentially insertedgroupduringreactorcontrolmaneuvers.
Also,theCEAinsertion limitation (PnrerDependent Insertion Limit,PDIL)willberevised.Thechangestogroupconfiguration andPDILwillincreasetheanauntofcontrolavailable toplantoperators andwillaliceforanarcevenapplication ofCEA.worth,whichwillminunizetheeffectsoncoreradialpcwerdistribution.
Safetyanalyseshavebeenperformed toverifytheacceptability ofincreasing thea@cuntoftimealluredtorecoveradroppedCEA.Plantexperience withoperational surveillance hassheenthattheactualCEA,droptimeassociated withareactortripisconservatively fasterthanpreviously assumedforthereference cycle.Therefore, changesconcerning CEArecoverytimeandCEAdroptinewillbeincorporated intothetechnical specifications.
DetailedanalysesofAnticipated Operational Occurrences whichwereperformed toconfirmtheacceptability ofthesechangesincludethefollowing:
l.Uncontrolled CEAwithdrawal fromasubcritical orlcdpcwercondition (Section3.2.4.1).2.Uncontrolled CEAwithdrawal atpower(Section3.2.4.2)~3.CEAmisoperation (roddrop)(Section3.2.4.3).
Analysisoftheseeventshaveshcwnthatthereisnosignificant increaseintheconsequences oftheseeventsresulting fromtheproposedchanges.Thepostulated accidentwhichis~stsignificantly affectedbytheseproposedchangesistheCEAEjectionEvent.ThiseventwculdresultfromthehighlyunlikelyfailureofapressurehousingwhichretainsaCEA.Theanalysisofthiseventisperformed inaccordance withtheNRCapprovedC-Emethodology described byCENPD-190A, (Section3.2.4.6).
Theanalysisshcvsthattherrastsevereresults,whichoccuratazeropcverinitialcondition, predictthatnofuelfailureswilloccur.Therefore, acceptance criteriarelatedtofuelperformance andoffsitedosearesatisfied andnoreduction insafetymarginhasresultedfromthesechanges.
Pagel0These,changesaresimilartotheexamplein10CFR50.92 foramendments thatareconsidered notlikelytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:.
~I"(vi)-Achangewhicheithermayresultinsameincrease,to theprobability orconsequences ofapreviously-analyzed accidentormayreduceinsomewayasafetymargin,butwheretheresultsofthechangeareclearlywithinallacceptable criteriawithrespecttothesystemorcanponent specified intheStandardReviewPlan;forexample,achangeresulting fromtheapplication ofasmallrefinement ofapreviously usedcalculational rmdelordesignmethod."Thephysicalimplementation ofthesechangeswillbeaccmplished bymx3ifications totheexistingControlElementDriveMechanism ControlSystem(CEDMCS).Originally definedfunctional requirements andspecifications forthisequipment willberetainedand,hence,therewillbenoimpactontheprobability ofpreviously analyzedeventsandnopotential fornewevents.Toassurecontainment integrity, thefollcwing changesareproposed:
1.Containment sprayhigh-high tripsetpointisleeredfrom9.30psigto5.40psigandalliablevaluesfrem9.40psigto5.50psig.2.ThehighcontainmntpressuresetpointforEngineered SafetyFeatures(ESF)functions isleeredfran5.0psigto4.7psig.Theallowable valueisreducedfrom5.1psigto4.8psig.Thehighcontainment pressuresetpointof,4.0psigforreactortripremainsthesaneasCycle1,hcwever,thealliablevalueisreducedfran5.0psigto4.1psig.3.The-alliableresponsetineforhighcontainment pressureinstrumentation isreducedfran1.55secondsto1.15seconds.Thesechangesaresimilartotheexamplein10CFR50.92 foramendments thatareconsidered notlikelytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:
Pagell"(ii)Achangethatconstitutes anadditional limitation, restriction, orcontrol,not presently includedinthetechnical" specifi-cations:forexanpleanarcstringent surveillance requirement.
"Thelevercontainmntspraytripsetpointresultsinliowerpeakcontainamt pressurefollowing massandenergyreleasestothecontairurent.
Thehighcontainment pressuresetpoints havebeenreducedasaresultofthehigh-high containment pressuresetpointchanges,toassurepropersequencing ofautmaticsafetysystemactions.Thereduction inresponsetimeisjustified basedonin-plantexperience withinstrument performance.
Section3.3.4oftheReloadSafetyReportsosthatwiththeproposedchanges,ahighercorepoorer(2700Mph)canbeaccanrmdated withoutcomprcmising containment integrity.
Thereportpresentsanalysesthatshe@peakcontainmntpressures foralargebreakZQCLoramainsteamlinebreak,thetwolimitingtransients forcontainment
: pressure, willbebelchthedesignpressureof44psig.Thus,theprobability andconsequences ofpreviously analyzedeventshavenotincreased norhasthesafetymargindecreased.
Theprobability foranewaccidenthasnotincreased asnonewfailuremechansim hasbeenintroduced.
Thelowerlimitoninitialcontainment pressurehasnotbeenchanged,therebyassuringthattheassurrptions usedintheHCCSanalysisremainvalid.PRESSURIZER WATERUWEEAchangetothepressurizer waterlevelcontrolsystemisincorporated toraisethenormaloperating waterlevelinthepressurizer.
Thislevelprogramimprovement willprovidegreatermarginbetweenthepressurizer heatercutofflevelsetpointandtheprojected minimumwaterlevelfollcwing areactortrip.Consequently, toaccaramdate thiscontrolsystemsetpointchange,themaximumalliableindicated pressurizer waterlevelisincreased fran65%to6ES.Thischangehasbeenaccounted forinanalysisofaCVCSmalfunction (Section3.2.5.1)whichisthelimitingeventaffectedbythischange.Theanalysisconcludes thattheoperatorhas20minutesavailable totakecorrective actionfollcving annunciation ofthehighpressurizer waterlevelalarmtopreventfillingthepressurizer.
Thisisasufficient andacceptable periodoftimefortheoperatortoterminate thecharging-letdcm fleximbalance andhencenoreduction insafetymarginhasoccurred.
Thischangealsohasnoaffectontheprobability orconsequence ofneworpreviously analyzedaccidents.

Page12Thisincreaseinallowable pressurizer waterlevelissimilartotheexamplein10CFR50.92 foramendments thatareconsidered notlikelytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:
without similar expenditure of resources                    may enable them to sell at prices reflecting significantly lower costs.
"(vi)Achangewhicheithermayresultinsaneincreasetotheprobability orconsequences ofapreviously-analyzed accidentormayreduceinscnewayasafetymargin,butwheretheresultsofthechangeareclearlywithinallacceptable criteriawithrespecttothesystemorcarponent specified intheStandardReviewPlan;forexanple,achangeresulting fromtheapplication ofasmallrefinement ofapreviously usedcalculational modelordesignmethod."G.SE005EARY SAPPYVALVEThemainsteamline safetyvalveoperability requirenent ischangedtoincorporate revisedmaximumalliablepowerlimitstobeineffectwhenfewerthanallsafetyvalvesareinservice.Thisspecification willnewbeofthesameformatandtechnical contentasthecorresponding St.LucieUnit1requiraaent.
g.-  Use    of the information          by competitors in the international marketplace would increase                    their ability to market nuclear steam supply  systems by reducing      the costs associated with their technology development.                In addition, disclosure would                    have an adverse  economic impact on Combustion Engineering's potential for obtaining or maintaining foreign licensees.
Thesamecalculational methodsusedforthereference cycle(Cycle1)areappliedhereandnoincreaseordecreaseinratedvalvecapacityisassumed.Theanalyseswhichsupportthischangeareruebasedonsteamflnnateswhichwmldbepresentwiththeplantoperating at27001%th.
Further the deponent sayeth not.
Therevisedspecification continues toccnplywiththeASMEBoilerandPressureVesselSectionIIIcoderequirements tolimitpeaksecondary systempressureto110%ofdesignpressure.
A. E. cherer Director Nuclear Licensing Sworn  .to before      me et%
Therefore, noreduction insafetymarginhasoccurred, andtheprobability/consequence ofaccidents isnotaffected.Sincethischangeresultsinareduction inthealliedfractional pcwerlevel,thechangemaybeconsidered similartotheexampleinlOCFR50.92 foramendmntsthatareconsidered notlikelytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:
this /o      day    of  May d'
(ii)Achangethatconstitutes anadditional limitation, restriction, orcontrolnotpresently includedinthetechnical specifications; forexamplearrorestringent surveillance requirement."
ary Public
Page13H.CORRECTIONS ANDADMINISTRATIVE CHANGESThefollcwing twochangesconstitute editorial corrections intheexistingtechnical specifications:
~;DTA'i 'S~il II; YOTAB'i'.''UDLIC 1
2~Section5.3.1-change"fuelrods"to"fuelandpoisonrods"toincludefuelassemblies containing poisonrods.Section5.3.1-change"1698.3grams"to"approximately 1700grams"topermitminorvariations incoreloadingandweight.Thesechangesareofanadministrative natureandfollcwtheexamplegivenin10CFR50.92 foramendments thatareconsidered notlikleytoinvolvesignificant hazardsconsiderations:
STATF. OF CO'Hi iP:T(C!3":  <>'.c. u~i42
"(i)Apurelyadministrative changetotechnical specifications:
  'COiMMiSilON E)li')RES i'3,'(RCh    Jl, 19'9
forexample,achangetoachieveconsistency throughout thetechnical specifica-tions,correction ofanerror,orachangeinmnenclature.
"IV.CONCLUSION Fromtheconsiderations detailedaboveitcanbe.concluded thattheproposedamendments totheSt.LucieUnit2Technical Specifications donota)increasetheprobability orconsecpences ofaccidents previously analyzedb)increasethepotential foraccidents different fromanyaccidentpreviously considered c)reducethesafetymargin.Therefore itisconcluded thatinaccordance withtheprovisions of10CFR50.92 thechangesinvolvenosignificant hazardsconsiderations.}}
STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE J. W. Willians, Jr., being duly      sworn, deposes and  says:
That he is a Group Vice President of Florida Power 5 Light Company, the Licensee herein; That he has executed the foregoing document; that the statements made in this document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Licensee.
Appendix      to the Re oa Safety Report is proprietary, and therefore, exempt from public disclosure in accordance with Section'2.790 of the NRC "Rules of Practice", Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations.
J. W. Willians, Jr.
Subscribed    and sworn  to before  me  this 4~~    dey    of    c/one,          19  SA NOTARY PUB    4C,  in and for th    County of Dade, St  ates  of Florida.
h Ny commission      expires  c/w/ ZP AS
~ '
r lw
St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 2 Reload Safety Evaluation Summar This report provides a safety evaluation for the operation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 2 at 2560 MWt. Technical Specifi-cation changes are r'equired to enable operation with 18 month cycles and low,leakage fuel management configurations.
The report provides the necessary analysis to support these Technical Specification changes. The analysis incorporates a change to the CEA (control element assembly) configuration to obtain greater flexibility in operational control and a reduction in the minimum required reactor coolant (RCS) flow to gain sufficient margin between measurable flow and required flow. In addition, the analysis incorporates and bounds operation with a core power level of up to 2700 MWt (although a request to increase the rated core power to 2700 MWt is not included). The required analysis for 2700 MWt also includes a recalculation of containment pressure and temperature during transients.      A request for authorization for operation up to 2700 MWt will be submitted in a future license amendment application.
The safety evaluation makes use of the Statistical Combinat'ion of Uncertainties (SCU) methodology in the analysis to provide for a more realistic assessment of system instrumentation uncertainties, system processing uncertainties, manufacturing tolerances and modeling uncertainties. This methodology together with several propose'd Technical Specification changes, which are more restrictive than Cycle 1, provide the extra margin to accommodate more economical fuel management designs, a reduced required minimum RCS flow, and a core power level of up to 2700 MWt without a significant increase in the consequences of potential accidents or any reduction in safety margin (i.e., all required safety criteria are met).
The  safety evaluation generally follows the NRC Standard Review Plan (SRP)    guidelines in the performance of the safety analyses, with any deviations sufficiently justified.
The analyses do not employ any new or unreviewed methodology (the SCU methodology was previously used and NRC approved for St. Lucie Unit 1, Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 and Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2).
The proposed Technical Specification changes are summarized in the attached table. These proposed Technical Specification changes and the supporting safety evaluation has been reviewed by the St. Lucie Facility Review Group and the Florida Power  Er, Light Company Nuclear Review Board and found to be necessary and meet all the required safety criteria.
                        " ..8406110288
Page 1 TABLE  4-1 ST LUCIE UlfIT 2 TEHPiICAL SPECIFICATIOH AND BASES CHAHGES S  cification                  Action                            Remarks 2-1            Change peak  linear heat to  Peak  linear heat to centerline melt centerline melt limit from    limit is raised to  the calculated 21.0 kw/ft to 22.0 kw/ft      limit for Cycle 2,  as described in Section 2.2.**
2-3          Figure 2.1-1      Replace  this figure with      Thermal  limit lines are being changed revised figure.                to reflect analysis at 2700 MWT, Technical Specification radial peaking factors and the implementation of margin recovery programs.
2-4          Table 2.2-1        The Containment    Pressure  This change  is being made so that the High  Trip: Allowable value    trip  setpoint is consistent with the is being reduced from 5.0      assumptions made to the containment psig to 4.1 psig.              pressure High  High trip setpoint in the  LOCA containment pressure and the pre-trip  steam line inside containment analyses, Section 3.3.4.
2-5          Table 2.2-1        Change  design reactor coolant All analyses sensitive to  minimum              flow flow from 370,000 gpm to      requirements were performed assuming 363,000 gpm on Footnote (*). a 363,000 gpm minimum guaranteed flow rate.
2"9          Figure 2.2-3      Replace  figure with          The TM/LP LSSS  is being changed to revised figure.                reflect analysis at 2700 MWT, Technical Specification radial peaking factors, and the implementation of margin    recovery'rograms.
2-10          Figure 2.2-4      Replace  figure with          The TM/LP LSSS  is being changed to revised figure.                reflect analysis at 2700 MWT, Technical Specification radial peaking factors,                and the implementation of margin recovery programs.
~Refers to sections contained in Reload Safety Report.
Page 2  of 7 S  cification              Action                          Remarks B2-1    B2.1.1        Change minimum DNBR    limit  The value  of  DNBR, which corresponds to the from "1.20"    to read "an    95/95  criteria,  changes slightly from acceptable    limit".          cycle to cycle due to the application of statistical uncertainty analysis; specific values of the DNBR limit are being deleted to avoid the necessity of cycle-by-cycle Tech. Spec. Revisions.
B2-1    B2.1.1        Change    statement on  DNBR    The value of DNBR, which corresponds to the B2-4    B2.2.1        from "1.20" to "the acceptable  95/95 criteria, changes slightly from minimum DNBR    limit".        cycle to cycle due to the application of statistical uncertainty analysis; specific values of the DNBR limit are being deleted to avoid the necessity of cycle-by-cycle Tech. Spec. revisions.
B2-2    Figure B2.1-1 Replace    figure with          Figure  is being  changed  to reflect higher revised figure.                radial peaking.
f 3/4 1-3  3/ Change    shutdown margin  for The shutdown margin    is being increased Mode 5    from 2.0% delta k/k  to reflect  the  assumptions  used in the to  3.0%  delta k/k.          boron  dilution event, Section
3/4 1"8      Change shutdown margin from    To be  consistent with Technical 3/4 1-10      2.0% delta k/k to              Specification 3/
3/4 1-12      3.0% delta k/k.
3/4 1-14      Change shutdown margin at      To be  consistent with Technical 200'rom 2.0% delta k/k          Specification 3/
to 3.0% delta k/k.
Page 3 8  'cification                                                  Reaarks 3/4 1-18        Reduce number  of CEA regulating Due to change in number of      CEA 3/4 1-19                groups from 6 to 5 in Items b;2 regulating banks.
3/4 1-19a                and h. of the Action Statement.
Reword Item  d. to reflect use of figure showing dropped CEA recovery time vs. measured Pr.T Remove  Footnote (N) which      Change  to reflect higher radial peaks showed the time constraints      used  in analysis to support increased on a single CEA drop. This is    dropped  CEA recovery time    flexibility.
now contained in Item d. which includes a figure showing dropped CEA recovery time vs. measured Fr.
Resequence  Items e. through g.
to reflect addition of  new Item e.
3/4 1-24        Change CEA drop  time from      This reduced time    is consistent with 3.0 seconds to 2.7 seconds.      plant measurements.
3/4 1-28  Figure 3.1-2  Replace  figure with            The PDIL is being changed      to  accommodate revised figure.                  the new CEA rod pattern.
3/4 2-4  Pigure 3.2-2  Replace  figure with            LHR  Ex-core LCO  is  being revised to  reflect revised figure.                  analysis at    2700 MMt, Technical Specification radial  peaking factors, and the implementation of margin recovery programs.
3/4 2-5  Figure 3.2-3  Replace  figure with            Allowable combinations of thermal power and revised figure.                  Pr f FxyT are be ing revised to ref lect analysis at 2700 MWt and the implementation
                                                          .of margin recovery programs.
Page Action                            Remarks 3/4 2-7  3.3  2        Change the  FTx  limit          The  value for FxyT limit is raised to from 1.60 to    .75.            reflect  the value used in the safety analysis.
3/4 2;9  3.2.3        Change the Fr    limit          The  value for FrT limit is raised to reflect from 1.60 to 1.70.              the value used in the safety analysis.
3/4 2-9      Delete all references to        Rod bow  penalties have  been accommodated  in 3/4 2-11 Table 3.2-1  rod bow penalty.                the revised  DNBR  limit of  1.28.
3/4 2-12 Figure 3.2-4 Replace  figure with            The DNB-LCO  is  being changed to  reflect revised figure.                analysis at 2700 MWt, Reactor Coolant Flow of 363,000 gpm, Technical Specification radial peaking factors, and the implementation of margin recovery programs.
3/4 2-15 Table 3.2-2  Increase upper bound of          Upper bound cold  leg temperature change cold leg temperature            reflects safety analysis assumptions from 548'F to 549"F.            performed for Cycle 2.
Decrease  reactor coolant      All analyses sensitive to  minimum  flow flow rate from 370,000          requirements were performed assuming gpm to 363,000 gpm.              a 363,000 gpm minimum guaranteed flow rate.
3/4 3-6  Table 3.3-2  Change Containment    Pressure  This reduced time  is consistent with High response time from 1.55    plant measurements.
seconds to 1.15 seconds.
3/4 3-17 Table 3.3-4  Changed containment spray        This change was  made to be consistent on Containment Pressure          with assumptions in the High - High Trip Setpoint from containment pressure analysis.
9.30 psig to 5.40 peig and the allowable value from 9.40 psig to 5.50 psig.
Change  the Containment Pressure This change was necessary because of the High  Trip Setpoint from 5.0    change made to the Containment Pressure psig to 4.7 psig and the        High - High Trip Set Point.
allowable value from 5.10 psig.
to 4.80 psig.
Page    of  7 S  cification            Action                            Remarks 3/4 3-20 Table 3.3-5  Change Feedwater Isolation      This change is being made to incorporate Response  Time from <5.35/5.35 the specified valve closing time and to to <5.15/5.15 for both          eliminate the 0.25 second additional Containment Pressure - High    conservatism that was assumed in and Steam Generator Pressure-  Cycle l.
3/4 4-9  3.4.3        Change minimum and maximum      This change  is being made to be consistent pressurizer indicated level    with  a new  pressurizer level program from  65%  to 68.0%.            and assumptions  made in the excess charging event, Section
3/4 7-1  3/4.7.1      Replace these pages with        Changes made  to allowable  power values 3/4 7-2  Table 3.7-1  revised pages.                  reflect analysis at    2700 MWt. Format    of 3/4 7-3  Table 3.7-2                                  specification  has been changed to improve  clarity.
3/7 7-10      Change  full closure times of  These  changes reflect appropriate closure 5.6 'seconds and 5.35 seconds  times for the main feedwater isolation valve both to 5.15 seconds.            (5.15 seconds was assumed in peak containment pressure analysis.)
B3/4 1-1 B3/    Change  the required shutdown  The shutdown margin    is being increased B3/    margin with Tavg < 200'rom      to reflect the assumptions    used in the B3/4 1-2 B3/4.1.2      2.0% delta k/k to 3.0%          boron  dilution  event, Section
delta k/k.
Page      7 Chan Ho. Pacae    S  cification                Action                                Remarks B3/4 1-4 B3/4.1.3      Remove  wording indicating at        Change wording, since power levels at what power      levels  a DNBR SAFDL which a DNBR SAFDL violation may occur violation could occur, and            could vary slightly from cycle to cycle.
clarify the wording on how this potential violation is eliminated.
Increase steady-state radial peak from    FrT ~ 1.60 to FTr    1 70 B3/4 1-4 B3/4.1.3      Change additional margin from Tr  1.50 to FrT<1 70~
                                                            'hese actual radial peak for              changes reflect the assumptions utilized in the single drop CEA analysis found in Section
Change Item 5 from a 30 minute misalignment time for an FT < 1.50T to 60 minutes for  an FTr<  1.55.
B3/4 2-2 B3/4.2.2,      Delete last paragraph which          Rod bow  penalties  have been accommodated B3/4.2.3 6    discusses rod bow penalties,          in revised  DNB limit of  1.28.
B3/4.2.4      and delete table on rod B3/4 2-3 Table B3/4.2-1 bow  penalties.
B3/4 2-2 B3/4 2 '      Change "minimum DNBR        limit of  The  value of DNBR, which corresponds to the
                                >  1.20" to "an acceptable          95/95 criteria, changes slightly from minimum DNBR".                        cycle to cycle due to the application of statistical uncertainty analysis; specific values of the DNBR limit are being deleted to avoid the necessity of cycle-by-cycle Tech. Spec. revisions.
Page Chan e Ho. Pacae    S  cification            Action                              Remarks B3/4 7-1 B3/    Replace page with revised page. Changes made    to allowable  power values reflect analysis at 2700 MWt. Format of specification has been charged to improve clarity.
5-3      5.3.1          Change  "...236 fuel rods clad..." to "...236 fuel This new statement is appropriate    if assemblies with poison rods are loaded and poison rod locations.        into the core. Cycle 2 will contain such All fuel and poison rods          assemblies.
are  clad..."
Change  "...a  maximum total    The weight of 1698.5 grams is a    Cycle 1 weight of 1698.5 grams uranium" to "...approximately maximum weight. By wording    it 1700      approximately 1700 grams, variations in grams uranium".                  loading wei.ghts can be tolerated.
5-1      5.2.1          Change  containment net free      Change  in this value represents a more volume from 2.5 x 10    ft      detailed analysis of the containment net to 2.506 x  10  ft              free volume.
5-3      5.3.2          Increase the number of    full-  Eight  full length  CEAs are being added    into length control element            vacant part length  CEA locations.
assemblies (CEAs) from    83 to 91;
Page 1 INTRODUCTION The requested amendment to the St. Lucie Unit 2 operating license is being submitted in support of the upcoming Cycle 2 core reload. The reepested amendnent will incorporate technical specification changes as discussed in the evaluation. The reload will involve replacing approximately one-third of the reactor core and additional new Control Element. Assemblies will be installed in existing=equipped locations.
The Region D fresh fuel assemblies to be used in this reload are not significantly different from those previously found acceptable to the NRC for St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 1. The analytical methods used to deaanstrate conformance with the technical specifications and regulations have been previously approved"by the NRC staff. In addition, the proposed technical specification. changes do not change the applicable acceptance criteria previously approved by the NRC Staff. The evaluation performed in suppor't of this amendment has determined that, when measured against the standards in 10CFR50.92, no significant hazards consideration exists. It is also concluded that this amendm nt involves no unreviewed safety questions per 10CFR50.59.
T1".CHNICAL SUMKQK The  St.,-Lucie Unit 2 nuclear pcwer plant is presently licensed to operate at a rated thermal pcwer of 2560 Mwth with a physical configuration as defined and described by the FSAR. This reload involves renoving depleted fuel assemblies from approximately one-third of the nuclear core and replacing them with fresh fuel of a similar type as previously loaded. The magnum nominal enrichment of the Region D fresh fuel will be 3.65 weight percent uranium  235 as conlpared to a nominal maximun enrichment in Cycle 1 of 2e73 w/o. The fresh fuel assemblies will also incorporate minor .dinensional changes as a result of design. changes recognized as desirable at other C-E plants.-, These changes create a larger space between the top of each fuel rod.and the fuel upper end fitting flow plate thus all(wing greater. space for fuel rod expansion. The, fuel assembly guide tubes will be changed fran cold worked zircaloy,to annealed zircaloy which will result in a 1cwer growth rate of the-fuel assembly. The increase in enrichment is incorporated in the Region D fuel assemblies to provide for an extended fuel cycle length., There has been no change to the, fuel design bases and as such the new fuel"continues to satisfy General Design Criteria 10 and  ll and other design bases considered in the Staff review of the fuel for Cycle 1.
Page  2 BASIS FOR PROPOSED NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION An evaluation of this request for amendment has been perforrred to denanstrate that no significant hazards consideration exists, based upon a canparison with the criteria of 10CFR50.92(c). The requested technical specification changes have been categorized into several subheadings for the purposes of this evaluation.
A. MANGES TO Kk'ETY LIMITS Refinem nts in calculational techniques have led    to the follcwing two proposed changes.
: 1. The minimum 'value of the DNBR  during steady-state operation, normal operational transients and anticipated transients      is increased from 1.20 to 1.28.
: 2. The  alliable limit on  peak  linear heat rate of the fuel. is increased frcm  21 kw/ft to  22 kw/ft.
There has been no change to the criteria used to establish these safety limits. The proposed M3R value      still provides at least a 95% probability at a 95% confidence level that Departure free Nucleate Boiling (DNB) does not occur on a fuel rod having that minimum DNBR during steady state operation or during anticipated operational occurrences. The evaluation of'the various factors associated with DNB will now be based on the Statistical I
Combination of Uncertainties (SCU) methodology (Appendix of the Reload Safety Report). This rrethodology also incorporates adjustments for rod bow directly in the E5B limit, whereas in the reference cycle (Cycle 1) rod bow was acccunted for explicitly in the nanitoring of the radial peaking factor. The SCU methodology is described in C-E report CEN-123(F)-P, and has been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC. Application of the techniques to the plant specific param ters of St. Lucie Unit    2  is described in the accompanying Reload Safety Report.
The proposed new value  for peak linear heat rate is    still a value corresponding to centerline fuel melt as determined by the fuel evaluation model, FATED'. The pcver-to-centerline melt limit for Cycle 2 takes credit for decreased pcwer peaking which is characteristic of highly burned fuel. Also, since a decrease in fuel melt terrperature accompanies burnup, the rmst limiting pcver-to-centerline melt has been found to occur at an interm diate burnup range. Using conservative estimates of the burnup point at which the poorer peaking begins to decrease and the rate at which  it  decreases for Cycle 2, the rmst limiting power-to-centerline melt has been determined to be in excess of 22 kw/ft.
Page  3 These revised  safety limits have been factored into the safety analyses performed for this reload application and all results are within previcvsly established criteria and design basis; hence, no reduction in safety margin has resulted from these changes.
These  technical specifications provide a numerical value with which to judge and  verify the acceptability of safety analyses that are performed. Therefore, these changes have no impact on accident probability and consequence, for either accidents previously analyzed or the potential for different accidents.
Therefore, these proposed changes may be considered similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for anendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:
      "(vi) A change which either may result in some increase to the probability or consequences of a previously-analyzed accident or may reduce in scme way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable  criteria with respect to the system or  ~nent    specified in the Standard Review Plan; for example, a change resulting from the application of a small refinarent of a previously used calculational riedel or design method."
TlKSNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES TO    EX%ANCE OPERATING MMGIN The allied plant operating space as defined and controlled by the technical specifications is revised in the follcwing areas.
: 1. The allcwable planar radial peaking factor (F      ) has been increased frcm 1.60 to 1.75 and the allcwRle integrated radial peaking factor (F r) has been increased frcm 1.60  to 1.70.
: 2. The minimum required Reactor Coolant, System (RCS) flew has been reduced frcm 370,000 gpm to 363,000 gpm.
: 3. The maximum all(wed cold  leg temperature has been increased frcm 548 F to 549 F.
: 4. Increased restrictions to the LSSS and LOOs are implem nted to offset the effects of the increased operating space produced by items 1, 2 and 3.
Page  4 Detailed calculations were perforned to evaluate the impact of these changes on Anticipated Operational Occurences and Postulated Accidents. The extent of these analyses can be characterized within the foll<wring six categories.
: 1. Increase in heat renaval by the secondary system.
(Section 3.2.1)
: 2. Decrease  in heat rival by the    secondary system.
(Section 3.2.2)
: 3. Decrease  in reactor coolant fle+rate.
(Section 3.2.3) r
: 4. Reactivity and pcwer distribution ancnalies.
(Section 3.2.4)
: 5. Decrease  in reactor coolant system inventory.
(Section 3.2.6)
: 6. Loss  of Coolant events.
(Section 3.3)
HOTE:  Section numbers refer to the sections    in the Reload Safety Report.
The  criteria for judging the acceptability of these events has not changed from the reference cycle (Cycle 1). The detailed results of these calculations are provided in the accmpanying Reload Safety Report along with comparisons with the appropriate limiting criteria. The follcving discussion provides a summary of various events analyzed with respect to the three basic criteria; i.e., offsite dose, reactor coolant system pressure, and fuel performance.
: l. Offsite  Dose Acceptance guidelines for offsite radiation dose continue to be based on 10CFR100 criteria. The nest limiting postulated accident with respect to offsite dose was determined to be a steamline break outside of containment (Section
The  detailed analysis of this postulated accident includes assumptions such as concurrent loss of AC pcver and the rmst adverse values for the process parameters (RCS temperature, pressure, core MID, NSSS pcwer, etc.) that affect the outccme  of this event. Even with the conservatism assurred, the results are well within the limits of 10CFR100. The consequences of a steamline break inside containment are
Page  5 even less severe  with respect to offsite dose since the releases are confined within the containment building.
The  limiting Anticipated Operational Occurence which is analyzed  for impact on offsite dose is the Inadvertent Opening of a Steam Generator Safety Valve (Section It is assumed that this event will result in a ccaplete blcwdcxm of. one steam generator and partial blnrdown of the other. Conservative assumptions to maximize the calculated doses include maxinam steam generator and RCS radionuclide concentrations. The results continue to be a small fraction of 10CFR100 limits.
2~ Reactor Coolant  S stem Pressure Acceptance guidelines for RCS pressure are based on RCS design limits as defined by General Design Criteria 14 ard
: 15. The rmst limiting postulated accident with respect to KS pressure was found to be a feedwater system pipebreak (Section This event is analyzed with conservative assumptions, such as loss of AC parer and the rrost adverse values for the process paraneters that affect the results.
Also, a parametric evaluation is performed to identify the exact break size that maximizes the RCS pressure peak.
These conservative calculations show that the pressure peak resulting from this event is  still below the RCS upset pressure  limit of 2750 psia.
The  limiting Anticipated Operational Occurence which affects KS pressure is the Loss of Condenser Vacuum event (Section The resulting loss of load causes an increase in steam generator pressure which is relieved by opening of the secondary safety valves. There is also an increase in RCS pressure which allcws protective systems to initiate a reactor trip at the high pressure setpoint to terminate the event. The peak RCS pressure attained is well below the upset pressure limit of 2750 psia.
: 3. Fuel Perforaance Criteria in this category recpire that a eoolable fuel geometry is maintained such that continued rerroval of decay heat is ensured. This condition is met by maintaining fuel temperatures below the Specified Acceptable Fuel Design Limit  (SAFDL) and limiting the duration of DHB during postulated accidents. The nest limiting postulated accident with respect to fuel integrity was determined to be the Steamline Break Outside of Containment (Section
Page  6 Note  that this event has been previously discussed as the limiting postulated accident with respect to offsite-  'mst dose. The result indicates that only a small nurser of fuel pins are predicted to fail and a eoolable geometry is maintained.
The  limiting Anticipated Operational Occurrence that is considered in this category is the Total Loss of Forced KS.
Flew (Section The conditions assum d in this analysis include the maximum allied cold leg temperature, maximum radial peaking factors and minima RCS flnrrate as-proposed. A parametric analysis is performed to determine the axial shape index within the allcwable range that provides the rmst severe results. This event is used to establish the minimum initial margin that must be maintained by the Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCDs) with respect to the DNBR limit. Hence, this event results in an acceptable minimum KM3R of 1.28.
Another set of criteria that is established to evaluate fuel performance is described by 10CFR50.46. Assurance that these criteria are satisfied is provided by the detailed analyses performed for small break IDCA, large break IDCA and post-IDCA long term    cooling. The highest Peak Clad Temperature    (PCT) calculated, resulted from a Double-Ended Guillotine Break at    Pump Discharge (DZQ/PD) with a PCT of 2041'F as contpared  to an allowable limit of 2200'F. A detailed description of these analyses and corresponding results is provided in the Reload Safety Report (Section 3.3.1). Xn all cases, the analytical results shor acceptability with respect to the 10CFR50.46 criteria.
These detailed calculations shcw that incorporation of the increased operating space, when offset by the rmre limiting restrictions imposed by changes to the LSSS and LCOs result, in limiting events which are still below the corresponding acceptance criteria. Therefore, no reduction in safety margin has occurred.
The ccabined    results of these calculations when ccmpared to the reference cycle (Cycle 1) show that these proposed changes do not result in any increase in the probability of those events previously analyzed and no significant increase in the consequences of these events can be shcwn.
None  of these proposed changes result in any nadifications to plant equipment; the minor variations in plant paraneters accounted for in the evaluations of AOOs and postulated      're
Page  7 accidents as described'bove.      Therefore, this evaluation has further concluded that these changes do not provide a potential for accidents different from those previously considered.
Since these proposed changes yield results which are well within acceptance criteria, the changes can be considered similar to the example provided in 10CFR50.92 for amendm nts that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:
            "(vi) A change which either may result in  sane increase to the probability or consequences of a previously-ana1yzed accident or may reduce in scxne way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or ccmgenent specified in the Standard Review Plan; for example, a change resulting from the application of a small refinarant of a previously used calculational model or design method. "
The rmde 5 shutdcwn margin is increased from 2% to      3% delta k/k as a result of the fuel management program which      will permit  an increased cycle length.
The acccmpanying Reload Safety Report analyzes      anticipated operational occurrences that are affected by the proposed changes in cycle length and Mode 5 shutdcwn margin. The limiting events with respect to radiological release and loss of shutdown margin are the follcwing.
: l. Inadvertent opening of a steam generator safety valve (Section .
: 2. Post  trip analysis of a  steam line break frcm Hot Full Pcurer  (Section  .
: 3. Chemical Volurre and Control System (CVCS) malfunction (Section    .
These analyses were perforned with bounding values of shutdcwn margin, rod worth, and boron worth for the current fuel loading.
The results from an analysis of the inadvertent opening of a
Page  8 steam  generator'afety valve shou that reliable control of reactivity is maintained and that radiological doses at the site boundary are a smll fraction of the 10CFR100 guidelines. The, steam line break analysis shcws that, with the same HZP shutdown requiratent as for the previcus cycle, there will be no significant return to pcwer. Analysis of the QlCS malfunction (boron dilution) shears that under all operating and refueling conditions the time from annunciation to criticality will meet or exceed the required minimum criteria. Thus, all criticality criteria are met. Increases in fuel temperatures and coolant pressures are regulated by the constraints imposed by the        LSSS and LO3s.
From these analyses    it in can be concluded teat there is no the probability and consequences of significant  increase accidents previously    analyzed. Nor do these changes create the possibility  of a  new  or different    kind of accident. The changes do not  reduce  the  safety  margin    inasmuch  as the safety analyses show that acceptable    results  are  obtained  with the same criteria pertaining  to offsite  dose  rates,    return to parer and tine fran annunciation to criticality.
This change can be considered as being similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:
      "(ii) A change that constitutes an additional limitation, restriction, or control not presently included in the technical specifications; for example, a rare stringent surveillance requirement."
Cycle 2 will incorporate several changes related to the Control Element Assemblies (CEAs), primarily to enhance operational characteristics such as control of axial shape index. A description of the physical configuration of these changes is provided here, along with a summuy of the affected technical specifications.
Eight additional CEAs will be installed in core locations which are presently unrodded. These locations are already provided with drive rmtors, position indicating instrum ntation and all associated hardware. This change will take advantage of these equipped locations to increase the total number of CEAs available for reactor control. These additional CEAs will also result in an increase in the available shutdcwn margin. The sequence in
Page  9 which these eight new CEAs and the existing 83 CEAs are maneuvered will be changed. The 83 CEAs in the reference cycle (Cycle 1) are suMivided into six regulating and two shutdcam banks. The 91 CEAs available for Cycle 2 will be suMivided into five regulating and two shutdcwn banks. This grouping change will increase the number of CEAs from four to twelve in the first sequentially inserted group during reactor control maneuvers.
Also, the CEA insertion limitation (Pnrer Dependent Insertion Limit, PDIL) will be revised. The changes to group configuration and PDIL will increase the anaunt of control available to plant operators and will alice for a narc even application of CEA.
worth, which will minunize the effects on core radial pcwer distribution.
Safety analyses have been performed to verify the acceptability of increasing the a@cunt of time allured to recover a dropped CEA. Plant experience with operational surveillance has sheen that the actual CEA, drop time associated with a reactor trip is conservatively faster than previously assumed for the reference cycle. Therefore, changes concerning CEA recovery time and CEA drop tine will be incorporated into the technical specifications.
Detailed analyses of Anticipated Operational Occurrences which were performed  to confirm the acceptability of these changes include the following:
: l. Uncontrolled CEA withdrawal from a subcritical or lcd pcwer condition (Section .
: 2. Uncontrolled  CEA withdrawal at power (Section ~
: 3. CEA misoperation (rod drop) (Section
Analysis of these events have shcwn that there is no significant increase in the consequences of these events resulting from the proposed changes. The postulated accident which is ~st significantly affected by these proposed changes is the CEA Ejection Event. This event wculd result from the highly unlikely failure of a pressure housing which retains a CEA. The analysis of this event is performed in accordance with the NRC approved C-E methodology described by CENPD-190A, (Section The analysis shcvs that the rrast severe results, which occur at a zero pcver initial condition, predict that no fuel failures will occur. Therefore, acceptance criteria related to fuel performance and offsite dose are satisfied and no reduction in safety margin has resulted from these changes.
Page    l0 These, changes are  similar to the  example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not    likely to involve significant hazards considerations:.
                          ~ I
      "(vi)-A change which either may result in same increase,to the probability or consequences of a previously-analyzed accident or may reduce in some way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or canponent specified in the Standard Review Plan; for example, a change resulting from the application of a small refinement of a previously used calculational rmdel or design method."
The  physical implementation of these changes will be accmplished by mx3ifications to the existing Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System (CEDMCS) . Originally defined functional requirements and specifications for this equipment will be retained and, hence, there will be no impact on the probability of previously analyzed events and no potential for new events.
To assure containment    integrity, the follcwing changes are proposed:
: 1. Containment spray high-high trip setpoint is leered from f
9.30 psig to 5.40 psig and alliable values rem 9.40 psig to 5.50 psig.
: 2. The  high containm nt pressure setpoint for Engineered Safety Features (ESF) functions is leered fran 5.0 psig to 4.7 psig. The allowable value is reduced from 5.1 psig to 4.8 psig. The high containment pressure setpoint of, 4.0 psig for reactor trip remains the sane as Cycle 1, hcwever, the alliable value is reduced fran 5.0 psig to 4.1 psig.
: 3. The- alliable  response tine for high containment pressure instrumentation    is reduced fran 1.55 seconds to 1.15 seconds.
These changes are similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:
Page ll
      "(ii) A change that constitutes an additional limitation, restriction, or control,not presently included in the technical" specifi-cations: for exanple a narc stringent surveillance requirement.    "
The  lever containm nt spray trip setpoint results in liower peak containamt pressure following mass and energy releases to the contairurent. The high containment pressure setpoints have been reduced as a result of the high-high containment pressure setpoint changes, to assure proper sequencing of autmatic safety system actions. The reduction in response time is justified based on in-plant experience with instrument performance. Section 3.3.4 of the Reload Safety Report sos that with the proposed changes, a higher core poorer (2700 Mph) can be accanrmdated without comprcmising containment integrity.
The report presents analyses that she@ peak containm nt pressures for a large break ZQCL or a main steam line break, the two limiting transients for containment pressure, will be belch the design pressure of 44 psig. Thus, the probability and consequences of previously analyzed events have not increased nor has the safety margin decreased.      The probability for a new accident has not increased as no new failure mechansim has been introduced. The lower limit on initial containment pressure has not been changed, thereby assuring that the assurrptions used in the HCCS analysis remain valid.
PRESSURIZER WATER UWEE A change  to the pressurizer water level control system is incorporated to raise the normal operating water level in the pressurizer. This level program improvement will provide greater margin between the pressurizer heater cutoff level setpoint and the projected minimum water level follcwing a reactor trip.
Consequently,  to accaramdate  this control system setpoint change, the maximum alliable indicated pressurizer water level is increased fran 65% to 6ES. This change has been accounted for in analysis of a CVCS malfunction (Section which is the limiting event affected by this change. The analysis concludes that the operator has 20 minutes available to take corrective action follcving annunciation of the high pressurizer water level alarm to prevent filling the pressurizer. This is a sufficient and acceptable period of time for the operator to terminate the charging-letdcm flex imbalance and hence no reduction in safety margin has occurred. This change also has no affect on the probability or  consequence  of  new or previously analyzed accidents.
Page 12 This increase in allowable pressurizer water level is similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:
        "(vi) A change which either may result in sane increase to the probability or consequences  of a previously-analyzed accident or may reduce in scne way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or carponent specified in the Standard Review Plan; for exanple, a change resulting from the application of a small refinement of a previously used calculational model or design method."
G. SE005EARY SAPPY VALVE The main steamline safety valve operability requirenent is changed to incorporate revised maximum alliable power limits to be in effect when fewer than    all  safety valves are in service.
This specification    will  new be of the same format and technical content as the corresponding St. Lucie Unit 1 requiraaent. The same calculational methods used for the reference cycle (Cycle 1) are applied here and no increase or decrease in rated valve capacity is assumed. The analyses which support this change are rue based on steam flnnates which wmld be present with the plant operating at 27001%th. The revised specification continues to ccnply with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section      III code requirements    to limit peak  secondary system pressure to 110%
of design pressure. Therefore, no reduction in safety margin has occurred, and the probability/consequence     of accidents is not f
af ected.
Since  this change  results in a reduction in the allied fractional  pcwer  level, the change may be considered similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendm nts that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:
(ii) A change that constitutes an additional limitation, restriction, or control not presently included in the technical specifications; for example a rrore stringent surveillance requirement."
Page 13 H. CORRECTIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVECHANGES The  follcwing two changes constitute editorial corrections in the existing technical specifications:
Section 5.3.1 change "fuel rods" to "fuel and poison rods" to include fuel assemblies containing poison rods.
2~    Section 5.3.1 change "1698.3 grams" to "approximately 1700 grams" to permit minor variations in core loading and weight.
These changes are of an administrative nature and follcw the example given in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not  likley to involve significant    hazards considerations:
          "(i) A purely administrative change to technical specifications: for example, a change to achieve consistency throughout the technical specifica-tions, correction of an error, or a change in mnenclature.   "
IV. CONCLUSION From  the considerations detailed above    it can be. concluded that the proposed amendments to the St. Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications do not a)   increase the probability or consecpences of accidents previously analyzed b)   increase the potential for accidents different from any accident previously considered c)   reduce the safety margin.
Therefore of it istheconcluded that in accordance with the provisions 10CFR50.92       changes involve no significant hazards considerations.}}

Latest revision as of 05:41, 4 February 2020

Application for Amend to License NPF-16,revising Tech Specs to Reflect Changes Required to Commence Cycle 2 Operation. Affidavit,Reload Safety Evaluation Summary & Reload Safety Rept Encl.App I to Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/1984
From: Williams J
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17215A430 List:
L-84-148, NUDOCS 8406110288
Download: ML17301A108 (40)



ACCESSION NBR)8406110288 OUTDATE'4/06/04 NOTARIZED: YES DOCKET 389 St, Lucie Plant~ Unit 2< Florida Power 8 Light Co. 'ACILs50 05000389 AUTH,NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION WILLIAMS~J>>H, Fl or ida Power 8 Light Co, REC IP NAME




Application for amend to License NPF 16grevising operations Tech Specs to reflect changes required to commence Cycle- 2 Affidavitrreload safety evaluation summa y 8 "Reload Safety Rept" encl,App I to rept withheld (ref 10CFR2" 790) ~



" SO~~Q TITLE: Start~Up Report/ Refueling Report (50 Dkt)


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. BOX I4000, JUNO BEACH, FL 33408

~glib'LORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY June 4, 1984 L-84-148 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

Re: St. Lucie Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-389 Proposed License Amendment

~C*I 2RI 2 ln accordance with IO CFR 50.90, Florida Power & Light Company submits herewith three signed originals and forty copies of a request to amend Appendix A of Facility Operating License NPF-I6.

This amendment is submitted to reflect changes required to commence operation of Cycle 2, which is currently scheduled for November 25, l984.

Therefore, NRC approval is requested on or before November 25, l 984.

The proposed changes are summarized in the attached St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 2 Reload Safety Evaluation Summary, and are shown on the accompanying marked-up Technical Specification pages. A detailed Reload Safety Report is attached.

It should be noted that the proposed changes permit operation of St. Lucie Unit

. <NA 2 gyes Cycle 2 at the licensed power level of 2560 MWt. However, the analyses OPJO incorporate and bound operation for core power levels up to 2700 MWt.

OO Authorization for operation up to 2700 MWt. will be requested in a future Ieo license amendment application.


,2 IK No In accordance with IO CFR 50.9I(a)(l), it has been determined that the proposed OQ amendment does not involve any significant hazards considerations pursuant to

'Cf 2 rig IO CFR 50.92. The No Significant Hazards Considerations determination is



,'O.'OA RL,fL fn accordance with IO CFR 50.9I(b)(l), a copy of the proposed amendment is being forwarded to the State Designee for the State of Florida.

p p~

I2 gg(8. (


A l

-'Page 2 .

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mr. Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing Appendix I to the attached 'Reload Safety Evaluation Report is proprietary information, and therefore, exempt from public disclosure in accordance with IO CFR 2.790.

The proposed amendment has been reviewed by the St. Lucie Facility Review Group and the Florida Power & Light Company Nuclear Review Board.

The proposed amendment has been determined to be a Class IV amendment. A check for $ I2,300.00 is-attached in accordance with IO CFR l70.22.

Very truly yours, J. W. Williams, Jr.

Group Vice President Nuclear Energy, JWW/R JS/db Attachment cc: J. P. O'Reilly Regional Administrator, Region II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission IOI Marietta Street, N.W., Suite 2900 Atlanta, GA 30303 Lyle Jerrett, Ph.D., Director Office of Radiation Control Dept. Health 8 Rehabilitative Services I 3 I 7 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 3230 I

AFFIDAYIT PURSUANT TO 10 CFR 2.790 Combustion Engineering, Inc.

State of Connecticut County of Hartford I, A. E. Scherer, depose and say that I am the Director, Nuclear Licensing, of Combustion Engineering, Inc., duly authorized to make this affidavit, and have revi ewed or caused to have reviewed the information which is identified as proprietary and referenced in the paragraph immediately below. I am submitting this affidavit in conformance with the provisions of 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations and in conjunction with the application of Florida=-

Power and Light Company for withholding this information.

The information for which proprietary treatment is sought is contained in the following document:

Statistical Combination of Uncertainties - FPP~L Unit 2, Cycle 2 Reload Report Appendix I .

r This document has been appropriately designated as proprietary.

I have personal knowledge of the criteria and procedures utilized by Combustion Engineering in designating information as a trade secret, privileged or as confidential commercial or financial information.*


Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) (4) of Section 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration by the Commission in determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure, included in the above referenced document, should be wi thhel d.

1. The information sought to be withheld from public disclosure are the methodology related to the determination of the probability distributions for specific uncertainties and the combination of uncertainties to be used in determining plant setpoints and related technical. specifications, which is owned and has been held in confidence by Combustion Engineering.
2. The information consists of test data or other similar data concerning a process, method or component, the application of which results in a substantial competitive advantage to Combustion Engineering.
3. The .information is of a type customarily held in confidence by Combustion Engineering and not customarily disclosed to the public. Combustion Engineering has a rational basis for determining the types of information customarily held in confidence by it and, in that connection, utilizes a system to determine when and whether to hold certain types of information in confidence. The details of the aforementioned system were provided to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission via letter OP-537 from F.H. Stern to Frank Schroeder dated December 2, 1974. This system was applied in determining that the subject document herein are proprietary.
4. The information is being transmitted to the Commission in confidence

,under the provisions of 10 CFR 2.790 with the understanding that it is to be received in confidence by the Commission.

5. The information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, is not available .in public sources, and any disclosure to third parties has been made pursuant to regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements which provide for maintenance of the information in confidence.
6. Public disclosure of the information is likely to cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Combustion Engineering because:
a. A similar product is manufactured and sold by major pressurized water reactor competitors of Combustion Engineering.
b. Development of this information by C-E required tens of thousands of man-hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars. To the best of my knowledge and belief a competitor would have to undergo similar expense in generating equi valent information.
c. In order to acquire such information, a competitor would also require considerable time and inconvenience related to the development of methods to statistically combine uncertainties and determine uncertainty probability distributions for specific uncertainties.
d. The information required significant effort and expense to obtain the licensing approvals necessary for application of the information.

Avoidance of this expense would decrease a competitor's cost in applying the information and narketing the product to which the information is applicable.

e. The information consi'sts of methods and statistical models used to combine uncertainties and the resultant net uncertainty to be applied in determining plant setpoints and technical specifications, the application of which provides a competitive economic advantage. The availability of such information to competitors would enable them to modify their product to better compete with Combustion Engineering, take marketing or other actions to improve their product 's position or impair the position of Combustion Engineering 's product, and avoid developing similar data and analyses in" support of their processes, methods or apparatus.
f. In pricing Combustion Engineering 's products and services, significant research, development, engineering, analytical, manufacturing, licensing, quality assurance and other costs and expenses must be included.

The ability of Combustion Engineering 's competitors to utilize such information

without similar expenditure of resources may enable them to sell at prices reflecting significantly lower costs.

g.- Use of the information by competitors in the international marketplace would increase their ability to market nuclear steam supply systems by reducing the costs associated with their technology development. In addition, disclosure would have an adverse economic impact on Combustion Engineering's potential for obtaining or maintaining foreign licensees.

Further the deponent sayeth not.

A. E. cherer Director Nuclear Licensing Sworn .to before me et%

this /o day of May d'

ary Public

~;DTA'i 'S~il II; YOTAB'i'.UDLIC 1

STATF. OF CO'Hi iP:T(C!3": <>'.c. u~i42

'COiMMiSilON E)li')RES i'3,'(RCh Jl, 19'9

STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE J. W. Willians, Jr., being duly sworn, deposes and says:

That he is a Group Vice President of Florida Power 5 Light Company, the Licensee herein; That he has executed the foregoing document; that the statements made in this document are true and correct to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, and that he is authorized to execute the document on behalf of said Licensee.

Appendix to the Re oa Safety Report is proprietary, and therefore, exempt from public disclosure in accordance with Section'2.790 of the NRC "Rules of Practice", Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations.

J. W. Willians, Jr.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4~~ dey of c/one, 19 SA NOTARY PUB 4C, in and for th County of Dade, St ates of Florida.

h Ny commission expires c/w/ ZP AS

~ '

r lw

St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 2 Reload Safety Evaluation Summar This report provides a safety evaluation for the operation of St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 2 at 2560 MWt. Technical Specifi-cation changes are r'equired to enable operation with 18 month cycles and low,leakage fuel management configurations.

The report provides the necessary analysis to support these Technical Specification changes. The analysis incorporates a change to the CEA (control element assembly) configuration to obtain greater flexibility in operational control and a reduction in the minimum required reactor coolant (RCS) flow to gain sufficient margin between measurable flow and required flow. In addition, the analysis incorporates and bounds operation with a core power level of up to 2700 MWt (although a request to increase the rated core power to 2700 MWt is not included). The required analysis for 2700 MWt also includes a recalculation of containment pressure and temperature during transients. A request for authorization for operation up to 2700 MWt will be submitted in a future license amendment application.

The safety evaluation makes use of the Statistical Combinat'ion of Uncertainties (SCU) methodology in the analysis to provide for a more realistic assessment of system instrumentation uncertainties, system processing uncertainties, manufacturing tolerances and modeling uncertainties. This methodology together with several propose'd Technical Specification changes, which are more restrictive than Cycle 1, provide the extra margin to accommodate more economical fuel management designs, a reduced required minimum RCS flow, and a core power level of up to 2700 MWt without a significant increase in the consequences of potential accidents or any reduction in safety margin (i.e., all required safety criteria are met).

The safety evaluation generally follows the NRC Standard Review Plan (SRP) guidelines in the performance of the safety analyses, with any deviations sufficiently justified.

The analyses do not employ any new or unreviewed methodology (the SCU methodology was previously used and NRC approved for St. Lucie Unit 1, Calvert Cliffs Unit 2 and Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2).

The proposed Technical Specification changes are summarized in the attached table. These proposed Technical Specification changes and the supporting safety evaluation has been reviewed by the St. Lucie Facility Review Group and the Florida Power Er, Light Company Nuclear Review Board and found to be necessary and meet all the required safety criteria.

" ..8406110288



Page 1 TABLE 4-1 ST LUCIE UlfIT 2 TEHPiICAL SPECIFICATIOH AND BASES CHAHGES S cification Action Remarks 2-1 Change peak linear heat to Peak linear heat to centerline melt centerline melt limit from limit is raised to the calculated 21.0 kw/ft to 22.0 kw/ft limit for Cycle 2, as described in Section 2.2.**

2-3 Figure 2.1-1 Replace this figure with Thermal limit lines are being changed revised figure. to reflect analysis at 2700 MWT, Technical Specification radial peaking factors and the implementation of margin recovery programs.

2-4 Table 2.2-1 The Containment Pressure This change is being made so that the High Trip: Allowable value trip setpoint is consistent with the is being reduced from 5.0 assumptions made to the containment psig to 4.1 psig. pressure High High trip setpoint in the LOCA containment pressure and the pre-trip steam line inside containment analyses, Section 3.3.4.

2-5 Table 2.2-1 Change design reactor coolant All analyses sensitive to minimum flow flow from 370,000 gpm to requirements were performed assuming 363,000 gpm on Footnote (*). a 363,000 gpm minimum guaranteed flow rate.

2"9 Figure 2.2-3 Replace figure with The TM/LP LSSS is being changed to revised figure. reflect analysis at 2700 MWT, Technical Specification radial peaking factors, and the implementation of margin recovery'rograms.

2-10 Figure 2.2-4 Replace figure with The TM/LP LSSS is being changed to revised figure. reflect analysis at 2700 MWT, Technical Specification radial peaking factors, and the implementation of margin recovery programs.

~Refers to sections contained in Reload Safety Report.

Page 2 of 7 S cification Action Remarks B2-1 B2.1.1 Change minimum DNBR limit The value of DNBR, which corresponds to the from "1.20" to read "an 95/95 criteria, changes slightly from acceptable limit". cycle to cycle due to the application of statistical uncertainty analysis; specific values of the DNBR limit are being deleted to avoid the necessity of cycle-by-cycle Tech. Spec. Revisions.

B2-1 B2.1.1 Change statement on DNBR The value of DNBR, which corresponds to the B2-4 B2.2.1 from "1.20" to "the acceptable 95/95 criteria, changes slightly from minimum DNBR limit". cycle to cycle due to the application of statistical uncertainty analysis; specific values of the DNBR limit are being deleted to avoid the necessity of cycle-by-cycle Tech. Spec. revisions.

B2-2 Figure B2.1-1 Replace figure with Figure is being changed to reflect higher revised figure. radial peaking.

f 3/4 1-3 3/ Change shutdown margin for The shutdown margin is being increased Mode 5 from 2.0% delta k/k to reflect the assumptions used in the to 3.0% delta k/k. boron dilution event, Section

3/4 1"8 Change shutdown margin from To be consistent with Technical 3/4 1-10 2.0% delta k/k to Specification 3/

3/4 1-12 3.0% delta k/k.

3/4 1-14 Change shutdown margin at To be consistent with Technical 200'rom 2.0% delta k/k Specification 3/

to 3.0% delta k/k.

Page 3 8 'cification Reaarks 3/4 1-18 Reduce number of CEA regulating Due to change in number of CEA 3/4 1-19 groups from 6 to 5 in Items b;2 regulating banks.

3/4 1-19a and h. of the Action Statement.

Reword Item d. to reflect use of figure showing dropped CEA recovery time vs. measured Pr.T Remove Footnote (N) which Change to reflect higher radial peaks showed the time constraints used in analysis to support increased on a single CEA drop. This is dropped CEA recovery time flexibility.

now contained in Item d. which includes a figure showing dropped CEA recovery time vs. measured Fr.

Resequence Items e. through g.

to reflect addition of new Item e.

3/4 1-24 Change CEA drop time from This reduced time is consistent with 3.0 seconds to 2.7 seconds. plant measurements.

3/4 1-28 Figure 3.1-2 Replace figure with The PDIL is being changed to accommodate revised figure. the new CEA rod pattern.

3/4 2-4 Pigure 3.2-2 Replace figure with LHR Ex-core LCO is being revised to reflect revised figure. analysis at 2700 MMt, Technical Specification radial peaking factors, and the implementation of margin recovery programs.

3/4 2-5 Figure 3.2-3 Replace figure with Allowable combinations of thermal power and revised figure. Pr f FxyT are be ing revised to ref lect analysis at 2700 MWt and the implementation

.of margin recovery programs.

Page Action Remarks 3/4 2-7 3.3 2 Change the FTx limit The value for FxyT limit is raised to from 1.60 to .75. reflect the value used in the safety analysis.

3/4 2;9 3.2.3 Change the Fr limit The value for FrT limit is raised to reflect from 1.60 to 1.70. the value used in the safety analysis.

3/4 2-9 Delete all references to Rod bow penalties have been accommodated in 3/4 2-11 Table 3.2-1 rod bow penalty. the revised DNBR limit of 1.28.

3/4 2-12 Figure 3.2-4 Replace figure with The DNB-LCO is being changed to reflect revised figure. analysis at 2700 MWt, Reactor Coolant Flow of 363,000 gpm, Technical Specification radial peaking factors, and the implementation of margin recovery programs.

3/4 2-15 Table 3.2-2 Increase upper bound of Upper bound cold leg temperature change cold leg temperature reflects safety analysis assumptions from 548'F to 549"F. performed for Cycle 2.

Decrease reactor coolant All analyses sensitive to minimum flow flow rate from 370,000 requirements were performed assuming gpm to 363,000 gpm. a 363,000 gpm minimum guaranteed flow rate.

3/4 3-6 Table 3.3-2 Change Containment Pressure This reduced time is consistent with High response time from 1.55 plant measurements.

seconds to 1.15 seconds.

3/4 3-17 Table 3.3-4 Changed containment spray This change was made to be consistent on Containment Pressure with assumptions in the High - High Trip Setpoint from containment pressure analysis.

9.30 psig to 5.40 peig and the allowable value from 9.40 psig to 5.50 psig.

Change the Containment Pressure This change was necessary because of the High Trip Setpoint from 5.0 change made to the Containment Pressure psig to 4.7 psig and the High - High Trip Set Point.

allowable value from 5.10 psig.

to 4.80 psig.

Page of 7 S cification Action Remarks 3/4 3-20 Table 3.3-5 Change Feedwater Isolation This change is being made to incorporate Response Time from <5.35/5.35 the specified valve closing time and to to <5.15/5.15 for both eliminate the 0.25 second additional Containment Pressure - High conservatism that was assumed in and Steam Generator Pressure- Cycle l.


3/4 4-9 3.4.3 Change minimum and maximum This change is being made to be consistent pressurizer indicated level with a new pressurizer level program from 65% to 68.0%. and assumptions made in the excess charging event, Section

3/4 7-1 3/4.7.1 Replace these pages with Changes made to allowable power values 3/4 7-2 Table 3.7-1 revised pages. reflect analysis at 2700 MWt. Format of 3/4 7-3 Table 3.7-2 specification has been changed to improve clarity.

3/7 7-10 Change full closure times of These changes reflect appropriate closure 5.6 'seconds and 5.35 seconds times for the main feedwater isolation valve both to 5.15 seconds. (5.15 seconds was assumed in peak containment pressure analysis.)

B3/4 1-1 B3/ Change the required shutdown The shutdown margin is being increased B3/ margin with Tavg < 200'rom to reflect the assumptions used in the B3/4 1-2 B3/4.1.2 2.0% delta k/k to 3.0% boron dilution event, Section

delta k/k.

Page 7 Chan Ho. Pacae S cification Action Remarks B3/4 1-4 B3/4.1.3 Remove wording indicating at Change wording, since power levels at what power levels a DNBR SAFDL which a DNBR SAFDL violation may occur violation could occur, and could vary slightly from cycle to cycle.

clarify the wording on how this potential violation is eliminated.

Increase steady-state radial peak from FrT ~ 1.60 to FTr 1 70 B3/4 1-4 B3/4.1.3 Change additional margin from Tr 1.50 to FrT<1 70~

'hese actual radial peak for changes reflect the assumptions utilized in the single drop CEA analysis found in Section

Change Item 5 from a 30 minute misalignment time for an FT < 1.50T to 60 minutes for an FTr< 1.55.

B3/4 2-2 B3/4.2.2, Delete last paragraph which Rod bow penalties have been accommodated B3/4.2.3 6 discusses rod bow penalties, in revised DNB limit of 1.28.

B3/4.2.4 and delete table on rod B3/4 2-3 Table B3/4.2-1 bow penalties.

B3/4 2-2 B3/4 2 ' Change "minimum DNBR limit of The value of DNBR, which corresponds to the

> 1.20" to "an acceptable 95/95 criteria, changes slightly from minimum DNBR". cycle to cycle due to the application of statistical uncertainty analysis; specific values of the DNBR limit are being deleted to avoid the necessity of cycle-by-cycle Tech. Spec. revisions.

Page Chan e Ho. Pacae S cification Action Remarks B3/4 7-1 B3/ Replace page with revised page. Changes made to allowable power values reflect analysis at 2700 MWt. Format of specification has been charged to improve clarity.

5-3 5.3.1 Change "...236 fuel rods clad..." to "...236 fuel This new statement is appropriate if assemblies with poison rods are loaded and poison rod locations. into the core. Cycle 2 will contain such All fuel and poison rods assemblies.

are clad..."

Change "...a maximum total The weight of 1698.5 grams is a Cycle 1 weight of 1698.5 grams uranium" to "...approximately maximum weight. By wording it 1700 approximately 1700 grams, variations in grams uranium". loading wei.ghts can be tolerated.

5-1 5.2.1 Change containment net free Change in this value represents a more volume from 2.5 x 10 ft detailed analysis of the containment net to 2.506 x 10 ft free volume.

5-3 5.3.2 Increase the number of full- Eight full length CEAs are being added into length control element vacant part length CEA locations.

assemblies (CEAs) from 83 to 91;


Page 1 INTRODUCTION The requested amendment to the St. Lucie Unit 2 operating license is being submitted in support of the upcoming Cycle 2 core reload. The reepested amendnent will incorporate technical specification changes as discussed in the evaluation. The reload will involve replacing approximately one-third of the reactor core and additional new Control Element. Assemblies will be installed in existing=equipped locations.

The Region D fresh fuel assemblies to be used in this reload are not significantly different from those previously found acceptable to the NRC for St. Lucie Unit 2 Cycle 1. The analytical methods used to deaanstrate conformance with the technical specifications and regulations have been previously approved"by the NRC staff. In addition, the proposed technical specification. changes do not change the applicable acceptance criteria previously approved by the NRC Staff. The evaluation performed in suppor't of this amendment has determined that, when measured against the standards in 10CFR50.92, no significant hazards consideration exists. It is also concluded that this amendm nt involves no unreviewed safety questions per 10CFR50.59.

T1".CHNICAL SUMKQK The St.,-Lucie Unit 2 nuclear pcwer plant is presently licensed to operate at a rated thermal pcwer of 2560 Mwth with a physical configuration as defined and described by the FSAR. This reload involves renoving depleted fuel assemblies from approximately one-third of the nuclear core and replacing them with fresh fuel of a similar type as previously loaded. The magnum nominal enrichment of the Region D fresh fuel will be 3.65 weight percent uranium 235 as conlpared to a nominal maximun enrichment in Cycle 1 of 2e73 w/o. The fresh fuel assemblies will also incorporate minor .dinensional changes as a result of design. changes recognized as desirable at other C-E plants.-, These changes create a larger space between the top of each fuel rod.and the fuel upper end fitting flow plate thus all(wing greater. space for fuel rod expansion. The, fuel assembly guide tubes will be changed fran cold worked zircaloy,to annealed zircaloy which will result in a 1cwer growth rate of the-fuel assembly. The increase in enrichment is incorporated in the Region D fuel assemblies to provide for an extended fuel cycle length., There has been no change to the, fuel design bases and as such the new fuel"continues to satisfy General Design Criteria 10 and ll and other design bases considered in the Staff review of the fuel for Cycle 1.

Page 2 BASIS FOR PROPOSED NO SIGNIFICANT HAZARDS CONSIDERATION An evaluation of this request for amendment has been perforrred to denanstrate that no significant hazards consideration exists, based upon a canparison with the criteria of 10CFR50.92(c). The requested technical specification changes have been categorized into several subheadings for the purposes of this evaluation.

A. MANGES TO Kk'ETY LIMITS Refinem nts in calculational techniques have led to the follcwing two proposed changes.

1. The minimum 'value of the DNBR during steady-state operation, normal operational transients and anticipated transients is increased from 1.20 to 1.28.
2. The alliable limit on peak linear heat rate of the fuel. is increased frcm 21 kw/ft to 22 kw/ft.

There has been no change to the criteria used to establish these safety limits. The proposed M3R value still provides at least a 95% probability at a 95% confidence level that Departure free Nucleate Boiling (DNB) does not occur on a fuel rod having that minimum DNBR during steady state operation or during anticipated operational occurrences. The evaluation of'the various factors associated with DNB will now be based on the Statistical I

Combination of Uncertainties (SCU) methodology (Appendix of the Reload Safety Report). This rrethodology also incorporates adjustments for rod bow directly in the E5B limit, whereas in the reference cycle (Cycle 1) rod bow was acccunted for explicitly in the nanitoring of the radial peaking factor. The SCU methodology is described in C-E report CEN-123(F)-P, and has been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC. Application of the techniques to the plant specific param ters of St. Lucie Unit 2 is described in the accompanying Reload Safety Report.

The proposed new value for peak linear heat rate is still a value corresponding to centerline fuel melt as determined by the fuel evaluation model, FATED'. The pcver-to-centerline melt limit for Cycle 2 takes credit for decreased pcwer peaking which is characteristic of highly burned fuel. Also, since a decrease in fuel melt terrperature accompanies burnup, the rmst limiting pcver-to-centerline melt has been found to occur at an interm diate burnup range. Using conservative estimates of the burnup point at which the poorer peaking begins to decrease and the rate at which it decreases for Cycle 2, the rmst limiting power-to-centerline melt has been determined to be in excess of 22 kw/ft.

Page 3 These revised safety limits have been factored into the safety analyses performed for this reload application and all results are within previcvsly established criteria and design basis; hence, no reduction in safety margin has resulted from these changes.

These technical specifications provide a numerical value with which to judge and verify the acceptability of safety analyses that are performed. Therefore, these changes have no impact on accident probability and consequence, for either accidents previously analyzed or the potential for different accidents.

Therefore, these proposed changes may be considered similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for anendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:

"(vi) A change which either may result in some increase to the probability or consequences of a previously-analyzed accident or may reduce in scme way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or ~nent specified in the Standard Review Plan; for example, a change resulting from the application of a small refinarent of a previously used calculational riedel or design method."

TlKSNICAL SPECIFICATION CHANGES TO EX%ANCE OPERATING MMGIN The allied plant operating space as defined and controlled by the technical specifications is revised in the follcwing areas.

1. The allcwable planar radial peaking factor (F ) has been increased frcm 1.60 to 1.75 and the allcwRle integrated radial peaking factor (F r) has been increased frcm 1.60 to 1.70.
2. The minimum required Reactor Coolant, System (RCS) flew has been reduced frcm 370,000 gpm to 363,000 gpm.
3. The maximum all(wed cold leg temperature has been increased frcm 548 F to 549 F.
4. Increased restrictions to the LSSS and LOOs are implem nted to offset the effects of the increased operating space produced by items 1, 2 and 3.

Page 4 Detailed calculations were perforned to evaluate the impact of these changes on Anticipated Operational Occurences and Postulated Accidents. The extent of these analyses can be characterized within the foll<wring six categories.

1. Increase in heat renaval by the secondary system.

(Section 3.2.1)

2. Decrease in heat rival by the secondary system.

(Section 3.2.2)

3. Decrease in reactor coolant fle+rate.

(Section 3.2.3) r

4. Reactivity and pcwer distribution ancnalies.

(Section 3.2.4)

5. Decrease in reactor coolant system inventory.

(Section 3.2.6)

6. Loss of Coolant events.

(Section 3.3)

HOTE: Section numbers refer to the sections in the Reload Safety Report.

The criteria for judging the acceptability of these events has not changed from the reference cycle (Cycle 1). The detailed results of these calculations are provided in the accmpanying Reload Safety Report along with comparisons with the appropriate limiting criteria. The follcving discussion provides a summary of various events analyzed with respect to the three basic criteria; i.e., offsite dose, reactor coolant system pressure, and fuel performance.

l. Offsite Dose Acceptance guidelines for offsite radiation dose continue to be based on 10CFR100 criteria. The nest limiting postulated accident with respect to offsite dose was determined to be a steamline break outside of containment (Section

The detailed analysis of this postulated accident includes assumptions such as concurrent loss of AC pcver and the rmst adverse values for the process parameters (RCS temperature, pressure, core MID, NSSS pcwer, etc.) that affect the outccme of this event. Even with the conservatism assurred, the results are well within the limits of 10CFR100. The consequences of a steamline break inside containment are

Page 5 even less severe with respect to offsite dose since the releases are confined within the containment building.

The limiting Anticipated Operational Occurence which is analyzed for impact on offsite dose is the Inadvertent Opening of a Steam Generator Safety Valve (Section It is assumed that this event will result in a ccaplete blcwdcxm of. one steam generator and partial blnrdown of the other. Conservative assumptions to maximize the calculated doses include maxinam steam generator and RCS radionuclide concentrations. The results continue to be a small fraction of 10CFR100 limits.

2~ Reactor Coolant S stem Pressure Acceptance guidelines for RCS pressure are based on RCS design limits as defined by General Design Criteria 14 ard

15. The rmst limiting postulated accident with respect to KS pressure was found to be a feedwater system pipebreak (Section This event is analyzed with conservative assumptions, such as loss of AC parer and the rrost adverse values for the process paraneters that affect the results.

Also, a parametric evaluation is performed to identify the exact break size that maximizes the RCS pressure peak.

These conservative calculations show that the pressure peak resulting from this event is still below the RCS upset pressure limit of 2750 psia.

The limiting Anticipated Operational Occurence which affects KS pressure is the Loss of Condenser Vacuum event (Section The resulting loss of load causes an increase in steam generator pressure which is relieved by opening of the secondary safety valves. There is also an increase in RCS pressure which allcws protective systems to initiate a reactor trip at the high pressure setpoint to terminate the event. The peak RCS pressure attained is well below the upset pressure limit of 2750 psia.

3. Fuel Perforaance Criteria in this category recpire that a eoolable fuel geometry is maintained such that continued rerroval of decay heat is ensured. This condition is met by maintaining fuel temperatures below the Specified Acceptable Fuel Design Limit (SAFDL) and limiting the duration of DHB during postulated accidents. The nest limiting postulated accident with respect to fuel integrity was determined to be the Steamline Break Outside of Containment (Section

Page 6 Note that this event has been previously discussed as the limiting postulated accident with respect to offsite- 'mst dose. The result indicates that only a small nurser of fuel pins are predicted to fail and a eoolable geometry is maintained.

The limiting Anticipated Operational Occurrence that is considered in this category is the Total Loss of Forced KS.

Flew (Section The conditions assum d in this analysis include the maximum allied cold leg temperature, maximum radial peaking factors and minima RCS flnrrate as-proposed. A parametric analysis is performed to determine the axial shape index within the allcwable range that provides the rmst severe results. This event is used to establish the minimum initial margin that must be maintained by the Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCDs) with respect to the DNBR limit. Hence, this event results in an acceptable minimum KM3R of 1.28.

Another set of criteria that is established to evaluate fuel performance is described by 10CFR50.46. Assurance that these criteria are satisfied is provided by the detailed analyses performed for small break IDCA, large break IDCA and post-IDCA long term cooling. The highest Peak Clad Temperature (PCT) calculated, resulted from a Double-Ended Guillotine Break at Pump Discharge (DZQ/PD) with a PCT of 2041'F as contpared to an allowable limit of 2200'F. A detailed description of these analyses and corresponding results is provided in the Reload Safety Report (Section 3.3.1). Xn all cases, the analytical results shor acceptability with respect to the 10CFR50.46 criteria.

These detailed calculations shcw that incorporation of the increased operating space, when offset by the rmre limiting restrictions imposed by changes to the LSSS and LCOs result, in limiting events which are still below the corresponding acceptance criteria. Therefore, no reduction in safety margin has occurred.

The ccabined results of these calculations when ccmpared to the reference cycle (Cycle 1) show that these proposed changes do not result in any increase in the probability of those events previously analyzed and no significant increase in the consequences of these events can be shcwn.

None of these proposed changes result in any nadifications to plant equipment; the minor variations in plant paraneters accounted for in the evaluations of AOOs and postulated 're

Page 7 accidents as described'bove. Therefore, this evaluation has further concluded that these changes do not provide a potential for accidents different from those previously considered.

Since these proposed changes yield results which are well within acceptance criteria, the changes can be considered similar to the example provided in 10CFR50.92 for amendm nts that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:

"(vi) A change which either may result in sane increase to the probability or consequences of a previously-ana1yzed accident or may reduce in scxne way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or ccmgenent specified in the Standard Review Plan; for example, a change resulting from the application of a small refinarant of a previously used calculational model or design method. "

The rmde 5 shutdcwn margin is increased from 2% to 3% delta k/k as a result of the fuel management program which will permit an increased cycle length.

The acccmpanying Reload Safety Report analyzes anticipated operational occurrences that are affected by the proposed changes in cycle length and Mode 5 shutdcwn margin. The limiting events with respect to radiological release and loss of shutdown margin are the follcwing.

l. Inadvertent opening of a steam generator safety valve (Section .
2. Post trip analysis of a steam line break frcm Hot Full Pcurer (Section .
3. Chemical Volurre and Control System (CVCS) malfunction (Section .

These analyses were perforned with bounding values of shutdcwn margin, rod worth, and boron worth for the current fuel loading.

The results from an analysis of the inadvertent opening of a

Page 8 steam generator'afety valve shou that reliable control of reactivity is maintained and that radiological doses at the site boundary are a smll fraction of the 10CFR100 guidelines. The, steam line break analysis shcws that, with the same HZP shutdown requiratent as for the previcus cycle, there will be no significant return to pcwer. Analysis of the QlCS malfunction (boron dilution) shears that under all operating and refueling conditions the time from annunciation to criticality will meet or exceed the required minimum criteria. Thus, all criticality criteria are met. Increases in fuel temperatures and coolant pressures are regulated by the constraints imposed by the LSSS and LO3s.

From these analyses it in can be concluded teat there is no the probability and consequences of significant increase accidents previously analyzed. Nor do these changes create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident. The changes do not reduce the safety margin inasmuch as the safety analyses show that acceptable results are obtained with the same criteria pertaining to offsite dose rates, return to parer and tine fran annunciation to criticality.

This change can be considered as being similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:

"(ii) A change that constitutes an additional limitation, restriction, or control not presently included in the technical specifications; for example, a rare stringent surveillance requirement."

Cycle 2 will incorporate several changes related to the Control Element Assemblies (CEAs), primarily to enhance operational characteristics such as control of axial shape index. A description of the physical configuration of these changes is provided here, along with a summuy of the affected technical specifications.

Eight additional CEAs will be installed in core locations which are presently unrodded. These locations are already provided with drive rmtors, position indicating instrum ntation and all associated hardware. This change will take advantage of these equipped locations to increase the total number of CEAs available for reactor control. These additional CEAs will also result in an increase in the available shutdcwn margin. The sequence in

Page 9 which these eight new CEAs and the existing 83 CEAs are maneuvered will be changed. The 83 CEAs in the reference cycle (Cycle 1) are suMivided into six regulating and two shutdcam banks. The 91 CEAs available for Cycle 2 will be suMivided into five regulating and two shutdcwn banks. This grouping change will increase the number of CEAs from four to twelve in the first sequentially inserted group during reactor control maneuvers.

Also, the CEA insertion limitation (Pnrer Dependent Insertion Limit, PDIL) will be revised. The changes to group configuration and PDIL will increase the anaunt of control available to plant operators and will alice for a narc even application of CEA.

worth, which will minunize the effects on core radial pcwer distribution.

Safety analyses have been performed to verify the acceptability of increasing the a@cunt of time allured to recover a dropped CEA. Plant experience with operational surveillance has sheen that the actual CEA, drop time associated with a reactor trip is conservatively faster than previously assumed for the reference cycle. Therefore, changes concerning CEA recovery time and CEA drop tine will be incorporated into the technical specifications.

Detailed analyses of Anticipated Operational Occurrences which were performed to confirm the acceptability of these changes include the following:

l. Uncontrolled CEA withdrawal from a subcritical or lcd pcwer condition (Section .
2. Uncontrolled CEA withdrawal at power (Section ~
3. CEA misoperation (rod drop) (Section

Analysis of these events have shcwn that there is no significant increase in the consequences of these events resulting from the proposed changes. The postulated accident which is ~st significantly affected by these proposed changes is the CEA Ejection Event. This event wculd result from the highly unlikely failure of a pressure housing which retains a CEA. The analysis of this event is performed in accordance with the NRC approved C-E methodology described by CENPD-190A, (Section The analysis shcvs that the rrast severe results, which occur at a zero pcver initial condition, predict that no fuel failures will occur. Therefore, acceptance criteria related to fuel performance and offsite dose are satisfied and no reduction in safety margin has resulted from these changes.

Page l0 These, changes are similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:.

~ I

"(vi)-A change which either may result in same increase,to the probability or consequences of a previously-analyzed accident or may reduce in some way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or canponent specified in the Standard Review Plan; for example, a change resulting from the application of a small refinement of a previously used calculational rmdel or design method."

The physical implementation of these changes will be accmplished by mx3ifications to the existing Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System (CEDMCS) . Originally defined functional requirements and specifications for this equipment will be retained and, hence, there will be no impact on the probability of previously analyzed events and no potential for new events.

To assure containment integrity, the follcwing changes are proposed:

1. Containment spray high-high trip setpoint is leered from f

9.30 psig to 5.40 psig and alliable values rem 9.40 psig to 5.50 psig.

2. The high containm nt pressure setpoint for Engineered Safety Features (ESF) functions is leered fran 5.0 psig to 4.7 psig. The allowable value is reduced from 5.1 psig to 4.8 psig. The high containment pressure setpoint of, 4.0 psig for reactor trip remains the sane as Cycle 1, hcwever, the alliable value is reduced fran 5.0 psig to 4.1 psig.
3. The- alliable response tine for high containment pressure instrumentation is reduced fran 1.55 seconds to 1.15 seconds.

These changes are similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:

Page ll

"(ii) A change that constitutes an additional limitation, restriction, or control,not presently included in the technical" specifi-cations: for exanple a narc stringent surveillance requirement. "

The lever containm nt spray trip setpoint results in liower peak containamt pressure following mass and energy releases to the contairurent. The high containment pressure setpoints have been reduced as a result of the high-high containment pressure setpoint changes, to assure proper sequencing of autmatic safety system actions. The reduction in response time is justified based on in-plant experience with instrument performance. Section 3.3.4 of the Reload Safety Report sos that with the proposed changes, a higher core poorer (2700 Mph) can be accanrmdated without comprcmising containment integrity.

The report presents analyses that she@ peak containm nt pressures for a large break ZQCL or a main steam line break, the two limiting transients for containment pressure, will be belch the design pressure of 44 psig. Thus, the probability and consequences of previously analyzed events have not increased nor has the safety margin decreased. The probability for a new accident has not increased as no new failure mechansim has been introduced. The lower limit on initial containment pressure has not been changed, thereby assuring that the assurrptions used in the HCCS analysis remain valid.

PRESSURIZER WATER UWEE A change to the pressurizer water level control system is incorporated to raise the normal operating water level in the pressurizer. This level program improvement will provide greater margin between the pressurizer heater cutoff level setpoint and the projected minimum water level follcwing a reactor trip.

Consequently, to accaramdate this control system setpoint change, the maximum alliable indicated pressurizer water level is increased fran 65% to 6ES. This change has been accounted for in analysis of a CVCS malfunction (Section which is the limiting event affected by this change. The analysis concludes that the operator has 20 minutes available to take corrective action follcving annunciation of the high pressurizer water level alarm to prevent filling the pressurizer. This is a sufficient and acceptable period of time for the operator to terminate the charging-letdcm flex imbalance and hence no reduction in safety margin has occurred. This change also has no affect on the probability or consequence of new or previously analyzed accidents.

Page 12 This increase in allowable pressurizer water level is similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:

"(vi) A change which either may result in sane increase to the probability or consequences of a previously-analyzed accident or may reduce in scne way a safety margin, but where the results of the change are clearly within all acceptable criteria with respect to the system or carponent specified in the Standard Review Plan; for exanple, a change resulting from the application of a small refinement of a previously used calculational model or design method."

G. SE005EARY SAPPY VALVE The main steamline safety valve operability requirenent is changed to incorporate revised maximum alliable power limits to be in effect when fewer than all safety valves are in service.

This specification will new be of the same format and technical content as the corresponding St. Lucie Unit 1 requiraaent. The same calculational methods used for the reference cycle (Cycle 1) are applied here and no increase or decrease in rated valve capacity is assumed. The analyses which support this change are rue based on steam flnnates which wmld be present with the plant operating at 27001%th. The revised specification continues to ccnply with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Section III code requirements to limit peak secondary system pressure to 110%

of design pressure. Therefore, no reduction in safety margin has occurred, and the probability/consequence of accidents is not f

af ected.

Since this change results in a reduction in the allied fractional pcwer level, the change may be considered similar to the example in 10CFR50.92 for amendm nts that are considered not likely to involve significant hazards considerations:

(ii) A change that constitutes an additional limitation, restriction, or control not presently included in the technical specifications; for example a rrore stringent surveillance requirement."

Page 13 H. CORRECTIONS AND ADMINISTRATIVECHANGES The follcwing two changes constitute editorial corrections in the existing technical specifications:

Section 5.3.1 change "fuel rods" to "fuel and poison rods" to include fuel assemblies containing poison rods.

2~ Section 5.3.1 change "1698.3 grams" to "approximately 1700 grams" to permit minor variations in core loading and weight.

These changes are of an administrative nature and follcw the example given in 10CFR50.92 for amendments that are considered not likley to involve significant hazards considerations:

"(i) A purely administrative change to technical specifications: for example, a change to achieve consistency throughout the technical specifica-tions, correction of an error, or a change in mnenclature. "

IV. CONCLUSION From the considerations detailed above it can be. concluded that the proposed amendments to the St. Lucie Unit 2 Technical Specifications do not a) increase the probability or consecpences of accidents previously analyzed b) increase the potential for accidents different from any accident previously considered c) reduce the safety margin.

Therefore of it istheconcluded that in accordance with the provisions 10CFR50.92 changes involve no significant hazards considerations.