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NO DOCKET FACIL:STN-50-528 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Arizona Publi 05000528 STN-50-529 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Arizona Publi 05000529 STN-50-530 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 3, Arizona Publi 05000530 AUTH.NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION VA BRUNT,E.E.
ACCESSION NBR:8803030229         DOC.DATE: 8 //12/'3     NOTARIZED: NO       DOCKET FACIL:STN-50-528 Palo Verde Nuclear Station,         Unit 1, Arizona Publi 05000528 STN-50-529 Palo Verde Nuclear Station,       Unit 2, Arizona Publi 05000529 STN-50-530 Palo Verde Nuclear Station,       Unit 3, Arizona Publi 05000530 AUTH. NAME           AUTHOR AFFILIATION VA BRUNT,E.E.       Arizona Nuclear Power   Project (formerly Arizona Public Serv RECIP.NAME           RECIPIENT AFFILIATION "Statistical              Rept of Personnel Monitoring 1987."
Arizona Nuclear Power Project (formerly Arizona Public Serv RECIP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION

"Statistical Summary Rept of Personnel Monitoring 1987." W/880226 ltr.DISTRIBUTION CODE: IE56D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR ENCL SIZE: TITLE: Annual Radiation Exposure Report By Functions Per Tech Spec NOTES:Standardized plant.Standardized plant.Standardized plant.)05000528 g 05000529 05000530 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME PD5 LA LICITRA,E INTERNAL: ACRS 11 AEOD/DS P/TPAB NRR/DOEA/EAB11E NRR/PMAS/ILRB12 RES BROOKS,B EXTERNAL: LPDR NSIC NOTES: COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 0 1 0 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 RECIPIENT ID CODE/NAME PD5 PD DAVIS,M AEOD/DOA NMSS/IQSB 6H3 RR/DRE~PB10A
-=LP 02 RGN5 01 NRC PDR COPIES LTTR ENCL 5 5 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 S j A TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 33 ENCL 30  
W/880226   ltr. Summary DISTRIBUTION CODE: IE56D COPIES RECEIVED:LTR             ENCL     SIZE:
TITLE: Annual Radiation Exposure Report By Functions Per Tech Spec           )
NOTES:Standardized     plant.                                               05000528 g Standardized plant.                                                 05000529 Standardized plant.                                                 05000530 RECIPIENT         COPIES            RECIPIENT        COPIES ID CODE/NAME       LTTR ENCL      ID  CODE/NAME    LTTR ENCL PD5 LA                 1      0    PD5 PD                5    5 LICITRA,E             1      0    DAVIS,M              1    0 INTERNAL: ACRS             11     10    10    AEOD/DOA              1    1 AEOD/DS P/TPAB         1      1    NMSS/IQSB    6H3    1    1 NRR/DOEA/EAB11E       1      1      RR/DRE~PB10A        2    2 NRR/PMAS/ILRB12       1      1          - =LP    02    1    1 RES BROOKS,B           2     2     RGN5          01    1   1 EXTERNAL: LPDR                    1     1     NRC PDR               1   1 NSIC                  1     1 NOTES:                              1     1 S
j A
  'RIZONA                             NULCEAR POWER PROJECT Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station STATISTICAL  

REPORT of PERSONNEL MONITORING as specified by 10CFR20.407 Paragraph (a)(2)1987 ESTIMATED WHOLE BODY EXPOSURE RANGE (Rems)NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS IN EACH CATEGORY No measurable exposure Less than O.l 0.1 to 0.25 0.25 to 0.50 0.50 to 0.75 0.75 to 1.0 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4to5 5 to 6 6 to 7 7 to 8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to ll 11 to 12 2587 (*)794 (**)363 227 140 72 133 48 15 12+Total number of personnel for whom monitoring was provided (*)Includes 108 visitors (**)Includes 3 visitors Reviewed By/Date 4379 8803030229 87i23i PDP.ADOCK 05000528 s.c5 STAT ION cRea 1987 MRC 1.rt UT I LIT Y CRAB CONT RAO'ION N sRca TOTALS N aR eel OPERATIONS/SURVEILLANCE Hafntenance Personnel Operat lone Personnel Health Physics Personnel Supervisory Personnel Engfneer fns Pcrsorr>>I 178 208 68 22 13,239 24,958 17,886 125 2,416 280 205 0 0 45 203 8,964 91 7,66$170 25,2$6 7 1,1C?10 35$385 22,483 302 32,828 238 43,1C2 10 1,272 34 2,816 SUSTOTALS 4?9 58,624 9 530 481 C3,387 969 102,5CI ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Hafntenance Personnel Operatfcns Pcrsorv>>I Health Physfcs Personnel Supcrvfsory Personnel Engfncerfns Pcrsonr>>l 197 60 33 14 22,508 1,972 1,558 35 809 6 337 2 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 C33 90,865 Cb 2,2Cb 110 6,360 7 168 10 1,316 636 11$,710 10&4,352 IC3 7,918 8 203~24 2,125 SUSTOTALS 30$26,882 8 471 606 100,955 919 128,308 IN SERVICE INSPECTION Hafntenance Personnel Operations Personnel Health Physfss Personnel Supervfsory Personnel Ensfneerlns Personnel 115 2C 29 I 9 16,993 1,5?7 3, 179 271 2,583 4 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 70 253 72,?35 34 9,060 d9 11,38$2 110 4 628 3?2 89,967 58 10,637 118 1C,562 3 381 1C 3,281 SUBTOTALS 178 24,603 5 309 382 93,916 56$118,828 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE Hafntenance Personnel Operations Personne'I Health Phyafea PerSOnne'I Supervisory Personnel EnSlnecrfnS Personnel 138 42 28 2 9 73,?85 2,690 3,722 20 1,534 6 2,SIC 2 535 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 61 103 5 14 131, 345 C, 607 16,997 1,'372 1,577 477 105 131 7 23 207,944 7,832 20,7'lp 1,392 3,111 SU&TOTALS 219 81,?$1 d 3,349 516 155, 898 74$240,99&RADVASIE PROCESSING Hafntenanoe Pcrsonr>>I Operatfcns Personnel Health Physics Personnel Supervisory Personnel Enslneerlns Personnel I 89 56 26 0*2 7,518 14,996 1, 216 0 32 3 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 5,2?C 103 19,852 59 5,061 0 0 I 5 196 13, 142 159 3C,&48 85 6,277 0 0 3 37 SUBTOTALS I 173 23,762 3$0 267 30,192 CC3 5C,304 RKTUKLIMS Hafntenanse Personnel Operat Iona Personnel Health Phys Isa Personnel Supervisory Personnel Enoineerfn9 Personnel 72 24 C 0 5 13,017 800 1CO 0 1,104 115 30 0 0 0 87 9,594 2d C,302 38 5,409 1 30 8 216 162 22, 726 53 5, 132 42 5,549 1 30 11 1,320 SUSTOTALS SIATIOM TOTALS 103 15,061 C 145 269 34,7$7 Hafntenanoe Personnel Operations Personnel Health Physics Personnel Sqxrvlsory Personnel Engfnecrfnd Personnel 265 269 73 3 Cb 147,060 46,993 27,70'I C51 8, C?8 8 4,135 C'0C 0 0 0 0 5 115 685 207 188 12 35 318,777 47,732 70,466 2,827 C,097 958 480 261 15 86 C69,972 95,629 98,167 3,278 12,690 PVMfiS STATION IOTALS 656 230,683 17 5,154 1127 44'5,899 1800 6?9,736 1987 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE PVNGS had four (4)jobs classified as Special Maintenance in 1987.All four (4)were in Unit I and cost 247.912 Man-Rem.In late January, Unit I developed a primary to secondary tube leak in Steam Generator I.The outage for identification and repair lasted 47 days and cost 97.412 Man-Rem.In July, the Low Pressure Safety In)ection Pump A&B seals were replaced, along with the LPSI B motor.This required 23 days and 46.959 Man-Rem.During the Refueling Outage, starting in September, an Antimony removal process to remove antimony from the RCS coolant and piping was performed.
REPORT of PERSONNEL MONITORING as specified by 10CFR20.407   Paragraph (a) (2) 1987 ESTIMATED WHOLE BODY EXPOSURE                     NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS IN RANGE     (Rems)                               EACH CATEGORY No   measurable   exposure                                     2587 (*)
The work took 2.5 days and 3.183 Man-Rem.Defects in the RCP shafts were discovered during the outage, leading to the disassembly of the pumps and replacement of all 4 shafts.Actual work covered 70 days and expended 100.360 Man-Rem.  
Less than O.l                                                   794 (**)
0.1 to 0.25                                                     363 0.25   to 0.50                                                   227 0.50 to 0.75                                                     140 0.75 to 1.0                                                       72 1 to 2                                                           133 2 to 3                                                           48 3 to 4                                                           15 4to5 5 to 6 6 to 7 7 to 8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to   ll 11 to 12 12 +
Total number of personnel for whom   monitoring was provided                                 4379
(*) Includes 108 visitors
(**) Includes       3 visitors Reviewed By   / Date 8803030229   87i23i PDP. ADOCK 05000528 s.c5
1987   MRC   1.         rt STAT ION              UT I LITY                CONT RAO'ION             TOTALS cRea                  CRAB                N     sRca             N     aR eel OPERATIONS/SURVEILLANCE Hafntenance Personnel       178         13,239                       280       203         8,964     385        22,483 Operat lone Personnel      208        24,958                      205        91           7,66$     302        32,828 Health Physics Personnel    68        17,886                          0      170         25,2$ 6     238        43,1C2 Supervisory Personnel                        125                      0          7         1,1C?       10         1,272 Engfneer fns Pcrsorr>>I      22           2,416                      45        10             35$      34         2,816 SUSTOTALS                     4?9         58,624         9             530       481         C3,387     969     102,5CI ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Hafntenance Personnel     197        22,508        6            337        C33        90,865      636      11$ ,710 Operatfcns Pcrsorv>>I         60         1,972       2             134         Cb           2,2Cb     10&         4,352 Health Physfcs Personnel    33          1,558        0                0      110          6,360    IC3         7,918 Supcrvfsory Personnel                        35      0                0          7            168      8           203 Engfncerfns Pcrsonr>>l        14            809      0                0        10          1,316  ~   24         2,125 SUSTOTALS                     30$         26,882         8             471       606       100,955     919       128,308 IN SERVICE INSPECTION Hafntenance Personnel     115         16,993         4             239       253         72,?35     3?2       89,967 Operations Personnel        2C          1,5?7        0                0        34          9,060      58       10,637 Health Physfss Personnel    29          3, 179      0                0        d9        11,38$      118       1C,562 Supervfsory Personnel          I            271      0                0          2            110      3           381 Ensfneerlns Personnel          9        2,583        I              70          4            628      1C         3,281 SUBTOTALS                     178         24,603         5             309       382         93,916     56$       118,828 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE Hafntenance Personnel     138         73,?85         6          2,SIC        333        131, 345    477      207,944 Operations Personne'I        42          2,690        2             535         61           C, 607     105        7,832 Health Phyafea PerSOnne'I    28          3,722        0                0      103        16,997       131      20,7'lp Supervisory Personnel          2              20      0                0          5          1,'372       7        1,392 EnSlnecrfnS Personnel          9          1,534      0                0        14          1,577      23        3,111 SU&TOTALS                     219         81,?$   1     d         3,349         516       155, 898     74$     240,99&
RADVASIE PROCESSING Hafntenanoe Pcrsonr>>I       89         7,518         3           350       104           5,2?C     196        13, 142 Operatfcns Personnel        56        14,996        0               0     103          19,852      159       3C,&48 Health Physics Personnel    26          1, 216      0                0        59          5,061      85         6,277 Supervisory Personnel          0                0      0                0          0              0        0              0 Enslneerlns Personnel      *2                32      0               0         I              5        3           37 I
SUBTOTALS                     173         23,762                     3$ 0       267         30,192     CC3       5C,304 I
RKTUKLIMS 72         13,017                       115         87         9,594     162      22, 726 Hafntenanse Personnel 24            800                      30        2d         C,302       53        5, 132 Operat Iona Personnel 0        38         5,409       42         5,549 Health Phys Isa Personnel      C            1CO 30 0                0                      0          1             30       1 Supervisory Personnel 1,104                        0          8            216      11         1,320 Enoineerfn9 Personnel          5 C             145                               269       34,7$ 7 SUSTOTALS                    103          15,061 SIATIOM TOTALS 4,135        685        318,777      958      C69,972 Hafntenanoe Personnel Operations Personnel 265 269 147,060 46,993 8
C     '0C               207         47,732 70,466 480 261 95,629 98,167 27,70'I        0                0      188 Health Physics Personnel      73 0                0        12          2,827      15        3,278 Sqxrvlsory Personnel            3            C51 86        12,690 8, C?8      5            115        35          C,097 Engfnecrfnd Personnel        Cb 17         5,154       1127       44'5,899   1800       6?9,736 PVMfiS STATION IOTALS      656      230,683
1987 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE PVNGS had   four (4) jobs classified as Special Maintenance in 1987.
All four   (4) were in Unit I and cost 247.912 Man-Rem.
In late January, Unit   I developed a primary to secondary tube leak in Steam Generator   I. The outage   for identification and repair lasted 47 days and cost 97.412 Man-Rem.
In July, the     Low Pressure   Safety In)ection Pump A & B seals were replaced,   along with the LPSI B motor. This required 23 days and 46.959 Man-Rem.
During the Refueling Outage, starting in September, an Antimony removal process to remove antimony from the RCS coolant and piping was performed. The work took 2.5 days and 3.183 Man-Rem.
Defects in the RCP shafts were discovered during the outage, leading to the disassembly of the pumps and replacement of all 4 shafts.
Actual work covered 70 days and expended 100.360 Man-Rem.

Arizona Nuclear Power Project P.O.BOX 52034~PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85072-2034 161-00829-EEVB/PGN February 26, 1988 Docket Nos.STN 50-528/529/530 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555  
Arizona Nuclear Power Project P.O. BOX 52034 ~ PHOENIX, ARIZONA85072-2034 161-00829-EEVB/PGN February 26, 1988 Docket Nos. STN 50-528/529/530 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

==Dear Sirs:==
==Dear Sirs:==

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS)Units 1, 2 and 3 Personnel Monitoring Report for 1987 File: 88-019-026 Pursuant to 10CFR20.407(a)(2) and as supplemented by PVNGS Technical Specification, attached please find the Personnel Monitoring Report for 1987.If you have any questions, please call Mr.A.C.Rogers at (602)371-4041.Very truly yours EEVB/PGN/cal Attachments E.E.Van Brunt, Jr.Executive Vice President Prospect Director cc: 0.M.De Michele G.W.Knighton J.B.Martin T.J.Polich (all w/o)}}
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station             (PVNGS)
Units 1, 2 and 3 Personnel Monitoring Report         for   1987 File: 88-019-026 Pursuant     to   10CFR20.407(a)(2)       and   as     supplemented     by PVNGS Technical Specification, attached please find the Personnel Monitoring Report for 1987.
If you   have any questions,     please   call Mr. A. C. Rogers at (602) 371-4041.
Very   truly yours E. E. Van     Brunt, Jr.
Executive Vice President Prospect   Director EEVB/PGN/cal Attachments cc:   0. M. De Michele       (all  w/o)
G. W. Knighton J. B. Martin T. J. Polich}}

Latest revision as of 11:02, 29 October 2019

Statistical Summary Rept of Personnel Monitoring 1987. W/880226 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1987
From: Van Brunt E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
161-00829-EEVB, 161-829-EEVB, NUDOCS 8803030229
Download: ML17303A786 (6)


~ ~


ACCESSION NBR:8803030229 DOC.DATE: 8 //12/'3 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:STN-50-528 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Arizona Publi 05000528 STN-50-529 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Arizona Publi 05000529 STN-50-530 Palo Verde Nuclear Station, Unit 3, Arizona Publi 05000530 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION VA BRUNT,E.E. Arizona Nuclear Power Project (formerly Arizona Public Serv RECIP.NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION "Statistical Rept of Personnel Monitoring 1987."



TITLE: Annual Radiation Exposure Report By Functions Per Tech Spec )

NOTES:Standardized plant. 05000528 g Standardized plant. 05000529 Standardized plant. 05000530 RECIPIENT COPIES RECIPIENT COPIES ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL ID CODE/NAME LTTR ENCL PD5 LA 1 0 PD5 PD 5 5 LICITRA,E 1 0 DAVIS,M 1 0 INTERNAL: ACRS 11 10 10 AEOD/DOA 1 1 AEOD/DS P/TPAB 1 1 NMSS/IQSB 6H3 1 1 NRR/DOEA/EAB11E 1 1 RR/DRE~PB10A 2 2 NRR/PMAS/ILRB12 1 1 - =LP 02 1 1 RES BROOKS,B 2 2 RGN5 01 1 1 EXTERNAL: LPDR 1 1 NRC PDR 1 1 NSIC 1 1 NOTES: 1 1 S

j A





REPORT of PERSONNEL MONITORING as specified by 10CFR20.407 Paragraph (a) (2) 1987 ESTIMATED WHOLE BODY EXPOSURE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS IN RANGE (Rems) EACH CATEGORY No measurable exposure 2587 (*)

Less than O.l 794 (**)

0.1 to 0.25 363 0.25 to 0.50 227 0.50 to 0.75 140 0.75 to 1.0 72 1 to 2 133 2 to 3 48 3 to 4 15 4to5 5 to 6 6 to 7 7 to 8 8 to 9 9 to 10 10 to ll 11 to 12 12 +

Total number of personnel for whom monitoring was provided 4379

(*) Includes 108 visitors

(**) Includes 3 visitors Reviewed By / Date 8803030229 87i23i PDP. ADOCK 05000528 s.c5

1987 MRC 1. rt STAT ION UT I LITY CONT RAO'ION TOTALS cRea CRAB N sRca N aR eel OPERATIONS/SURVEILLANCE Hafntenance Personnel 178 13,239 280 203 8,964 385 22,483 Operat lone Personnel 208 24,958 205 91 7,66$ 302 32,828 Health Physics Personnel 68 17,886 0 170 25,2$ 6 238 43,1C2 Supervisory Personnel 125 0 7 1,1C? 10 1,272 Engfneer fns Pcrsorr>>I 22 2,416 45 10 35$ 34 2,816 SUSTOTALS 4?9 58,624 9 530 481 C3,387 969 102,5CI ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Hafntenance Personnel 197 22,508 6 337 C33 90,865 636 11$ ,710 Operatfcns Pcrsorv>>I 60 1,972 2 134 Cb 2,2Cb 10& 4,352 Health Physfcs Personnel 33 1,558 0 0 110 6,360 IC3 7,918 Supcrvfsory Personnel 35 0 0 7 168 8 203 Engfncerfns Pcrsonr>>l 14 809 0 0 10 1,316 ~ 24 2,125 SUSTOTALS 30$ 26,882 8 471 606 100,955 919 128,308 IN SERVICE INSPECTION Hafntenance Personnel 115 16,993 4 239 253 72,?35 3?2 89,967 Operations Personnel 2C 1,5?7 0 0 34 9,060 58 10,637 Health Physfss Personnel 29 3, 179 0 0 d9 11,38$ 118 1C,562 Supervfsory Personnel I 271 0 0 2 110 3 381 Ensfneerlns Personnel 9 2,583 I 70 4 628 1C 3,281 SUBTOTALS 178 24,603 5 309 382 93,916 56$ 118,828 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE Hafntenance Personnel 138 73,?85 6 2,SIC 333 131, 345 477 207,944 Operations Personne'I 42 2,690 2 535 61 C, 607 105 7,832 Health Phyafea PerSOnne'I 28 3,722 0 0 103 16,997 131 20,7'lp Supervisory Personnel 2 20 0 0 5 1,'372 7 1,392 EnSlnecrfnS Personnel 9 1,534 0 0 14 1,577 23 3,111 SU&TOTALS 219 81,?$ 1 d 3,349 516 155, 898 74$ 240,99&

RADVASIE PROCESSING Hafntenanoe Pcrsonr>>I 89 7,518 3 350 104 5,2?C 196 13, 142 Operatfcns Personnel 56 14,996 0 0 103 19,852 159 3C,&48 Health Physics Personnel 26 1, 216 0 0 59 5,061 85 6,277 Supervisory Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Enslneerlns Personnel *2 32 0 0 I 5 3 37 I

SUBTOTALS 173 23,762 3$ 0 267 30,192 CC3 5C,304 I

RKTUKLIMS 72 13,017 115 87 9,594 162 22, 726 Hafntenanse Personnel 24 800 30 2d C,302 53 5, 132 Operat Iona Personnel 0 38 5,409 42 5,549 Health Phys Isa Personnel C 1CO 30 0 0 0 1 30 1 Supervisory Personnel 1,104 0 8 216 11 1,320 Enoineerfn9 Personnel 5 C 145 269 34,7$ 7 SUSTOTALS 103 15,061 SIATIOM TOTALS 4,135 685 318,777 958 C69,972 Hafntenanoe Personnel Operations Personnel 265 269 147,060 46,993 8

C '0C 207 47,732 70,466 480 261 95,629 98,167 27,70'I 0 0 188 Health Physics Personnel 73 0 0 12 2,827 15 3,278 Sqxrvlsory Personnel 3 C51 86 12,690 8, C?8 5 115 35 C,097 Engfnecrfnd Personnel Cb 17 5,154 1127 44'5,899 1800 6?9,736 PVMfiS STATION IOTALS 656 230,683

1987 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE PVNGS had four (4) jobs classified as Special Maintenance in 1987.

All four (4) were in Unit I and cost 247.912 Man-Rem.

In late January, Unit I developed a primary to secondary tube leak in Steam Generator I. The outage for identification and repair lasted 47 days and cost 97.412 Man-Rem.

In July, the Low Pressure Safety In)ection Pump A & B seals were replaced, along with the LPSI B motor. This required 23 days and 46.959 Man-Rem.

During the Refueling Outage, starting in September, an Antimony removal process to remove antimony from the RCS coolant and piping was performed. The work took 2.5 days and 3.183 Man-Rem.

Defects in the RCP shafts were discovered during the outage, leading to the disassembly of the pumps and replacement of all 4 shafts.

Actual work covered 70 days and expended 100.360 Man-Rem.

Arizona Nuclear Power Project P.O. BOX 52034 ~ PHOENIX, ARIZONA85072-2034 161-00829-EEVB/PGN February 26, 1988 Docket Nos. STN 50-528/529/530 Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Sirs:


Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS)

Units 1, 2 and 3 Personnel Monitoring Report for 1987 File: 88-019-026 Pursuant to 10CFR20.407(a)(2) and as supplemented by PVNGS Technical Specification, attached please find the Personnel Monitoring Report for 1987.

If you have any questions, please call Mr. A. C. Rogers at (602) 371-4041.

Very truly yours E. E. Van Brunt, Jr.

Executive Vice President Prospect Director EEVB/PGN/cal Attachments cc: 0. M. De Michele (all w/o)

G. W. Knighton J. B. Martin T. J. Polich