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| number = ML12271A449
| number = ML12271A449
| issue date = 08/13/2012
| issue date = 08/13/2012
| title = Callaway, Unit 1, Enclosure 2 to ULNRC-05893 - New and Significant Information Report Without Appendix B
| title = Enclosure 2 to ULNRC-05893 - New and Significant Information Report Without Appendix B
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Ameren Missouri
| author affiliation = Ameren Missouri
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{{#Wiki_filter:New and Significant Information Report Callaway Plant Unit 1 Note to user:  AmerenUE has designed the first section in this volume, the Process Description, to be shown to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission during its site visit to Callaway Unit 1 prior to reviewing the Environmental Report and performing its own environmental analysis. The second section in this volume, Backup Documentation, is intended for internal use by AmerenUE staff as a basis for assuring management that the staff has thoroughly evaluated potential environmental issues.
New and Significant Information Report Callaway Plant Unit 1 ii Table of Contents Tab 1 Process Description 2 Backup Documentation A Document Database B Staff Interviews New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 Process Description New and Significant Information Identification Callaway Plant Unit 1
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 ii Table of Contents Section Page
.................................................................................................................. 13.0PROCESS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 33.1External Reviews/Audits .................................................................................................. 33.2Corporate Interface ..........................................................................................................
33.3Industry Interfaces ...........................................................................................................
33.4Qualified Investigative Team
............................................................................................ 43.4.1Documentation Review ............................................................................................. 43.4.2Staff Interviews .......................................................................................................... 53.5Regulatory Agency Communications ............................................................................... 63.6Application Reviews ......................................................................................................... 63.7Review of Callaway Unit 2 Combined License Application .............................................. 64.0RESULTS ............................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................... 9  List of Tables Table Page 1 External Reviews ............................................................................................................
........ 7 2 Regulatory Agency Contacts
................................................................................................... 8
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 1 Process Description New and Significant Information Identification Callaway Plant Unit 1
This report summarizes the process that AmerenUE used to evaluate whether there is any new and significant information that it should identify in its environmental report for Callaway Plant Unit 1 license renewal.  "New and significant information" is information that might result in CallawayPlant license-renewal-related impacts beyond the bounds of the U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) generic findings in its generic environmental impact statement (GEIS) for license renewal (NRC 1996a), codified by 10 CFR 51. Although not
specially required by NRC rules, AmerenUE prepared this report to provide an explanation of AmerenUE's basis for concluding that it is unaware of any new and significant information that
would negate any of the generic findings that NRC codified or that raise new and significant issues that NRC did not evaluate in the GEIS.
NRC "-The environmental report for the operating license renewal stage is not required to contain analyses of the environmental impacts of the license renewal issues identified as Category 1 issues in Appendix B to Subpart A
of this part."  10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(i)
"-Absent new and significant information, the analysis for certain impacts codified by this rulemaking need only be incorporated by reference in an applicant's environmental report for license renewal-."  Discussion of Regulatory Requirements (NRC 1996b).
NRC licenses the operation of domestic nuclear power plants and provides for license renewal, requiring a license renewal application that includes an environmental report (10 CFR 54.23). NRC regulations at 10 CFR 51 prescribe the environmental report content and identify the specific analyses the applicant must perform. In an effort to streamline the environmental
review, the NRC resolved most of the environm ental issues generically and only requires an applicant's analysis of the remaining issues.
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 2 While NRC regulations do not require an applicant's environmental report to contain analyses of the impacts of those environmental issues that have been generically resolved [10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(i)], the regulations do require that an applicant identify any new and significant information of which the applicant is aware [10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]. The purpose of this requirement is to alert the NRC staff to such information so that the staff can determine whether to seek the Commission's approval to waive or suspend application of the rule with respect to the affected generic analysis. The NRC has explicitly indicated, however, that an applicant is not required to perform a site-spe cific validation of GEIS conclusions (NRC 1996c, page C9-13, Concern Number NEP.015). AmerenUE assumes that new and significant information would be the following:  Information that identifies a significant environmental issue not covered in the GEIS and codified in the regulation or  Information that was not covered in the GEIS analyses and which leads to an impact finding different from that codified in the regulation NRC requires license renewal applicants to provide NRC with input, in the form of an environmental report, that NRC will use to meet National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements as they apply to license renewal (10 CFR 51.10). NEPA authorizes the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to establish implementing regulations for federal agency use. CEQ guidance provides that federal agencies should prepare environmental impact statements for actions that would significantly affect the environment (40 CFR 1502.3), focus on significant environmental issues (40 CFR 1502.1), and eliminate from detailed study issues that are not significant [40 CFR 1501.7(a)(3)]. The CEQ guidance includes a lengthy definition of "significantly" that requires consideration of the context of the action and the intensity or severity of the impact(s) (40 CFR 1508.27). Although NRC does not specifically define the term "significant", AmerenUE used the guidance available in CEQ regulations to establish significance. Based on this guidance and the definitions of small, moderate, and large impacts provided by NRC, AmerenUE expects that moder ate or large impacts would be significant.
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 3 3.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION AmerneUE implemented its process to become aware of new and significant information in conjunction with its preparation of the environmental report for Callaway license renewal. The process included several integrated elements that are described in the following paragraphs. 3.1 External Reviews/Audits AmerenUE prepares reports as part of license or permitting environmental protection requirements. Each external agency receiving a report monitors Callaway Plant performance and AmerenUE would be notified of significant issues raised by these agencies. Table 1 lists external entities that monitor Callaway operations and performance through routine surveys, audits, reports, or other methods of reported accountability. 3.2 Corporate Interface AmerenUE environmental protection staff draw upon their experience in the nuclear and renewable energy sectors to support Callaway in ensuring the plant operates according to permit requirements. These professionals, many of whom have advanced degrees in environmental science disciplines, belong to professional organizations, attend professional meetings, and monitor environmental laws. The group is responsible for ensuring that company-wide, all permits and authorizations are maintained. As part of this process, they
review permit requirements and ensure that each plant operates within requirements and limits. The AmerenUE environmental group provided support and input during the preparation of the license renewal environmental reports for other Strategic Training and Resource Sharing (STARS) plants and participated in the NRC site visits to those sites. 3.3 Industry Interfaces AmerenUE and Callaway Plant staff maintain interfaces with their counterparts within the nuclear industry through activities such as the following:  Participation in professional organizations and their committees and working groups  Attendance at conferences, seminars, and meetings sponsored by professional and federal, state, and local regulatory agencies New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 4  Attendance at professional training  Subscriptions to trade journals and electronic-mail services  Reviewing monitoring activities at other nuclear plants as reported on the NRC website and industry organizations These interfaces serve to alert AmerenUE to emerging regulatory and plant issues that may need to be evaluated for applicability to Callaway. Staying abreast of such issues is another way that Callaway routinely monitors for new and significant information. 3.4 Qualified Investigative Team Callaway selected as the Project Manager for license renewal an environmental professional with over 27 years of experience. The Environmental Lead is knowledgeable about plant systems, NRC license renewal environmental regulatory requirements [10 CFR 51.53(c)], and the GEIS. The license renewal environmental lead is being supported by the AmerenUE environmental group. In addition, Callaway contracted with an environmental consulting firm, Tetra Tech NUS Inc., which has expertise in the NRC license renewal environmental review process, NEPA, and the scientific disciplines necessary to prepare a license renewal environmental report. Tetra Tech NUS provided an independent review of plant-related information. This combination of onsite and offsite, and multi-disciplinary personnel resulted in a team well-qualified to implement the new and significant information identification process. 3.4.1 Documentation Review Callaway Plant and Tetra Tech NUS performed an extensive review of plant environmental documentation from Callaway, contractors, and local and state agencies and commissions related to all 92 issues, including the following types of documents:  Environmental protection permits and applications  Environmental documents and reports (including routine monitoring) prepared by Callaway  Environmental documents and reports prepared by regulatory agencies and academic institutions.
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 5 3.4.2 Staff Interviews The Callaway investigative team identified knowledgeable staff to be interviewed regarding plant environmental issues in general, as well as applicable NRC Category 1 and Category 2 issues specifically. For each issue, team members familiar with the issue(s) interviewed one or more Callaway staff members or contractor employees. Interviewers provided interviewees with the GEIS discussion of the issue prior to the interview. Interviewees included persons responsible for maintaining contacts with regulatory agencies, staying abreast of arising regulatory and
technical issues, implementing the Callaway environmental protection program, and performing maintenance. During the interview, interviewers explained the purpose of the interview, the issue(s) of interest, the NRC definitions of significance (small, moderate, and large), and NRC findings described in the GEIS. Interviewers included issues associated with refurbishment, but explained that Callaway  has no plans for refurbishment and that questions about refurbishment were intended as background, in case Callaway  determined that some refurbishment was necessary. For Category 1 issues, interviewers then solicited information about whether the issue was currently, or had been, an issue of concern at Callaway ; whether or not the interviewee agreed with the NRC findings and, if not, why not; and whether the interviewee was aware of any similar offsite activities that could contribute to cumulative impacts. For Category 2 issues, the interviewee was asked if the issue was or had been a concern at Callaway, and whether the interviewee was aware of any similar offsite activities that could contribute to cumulative impacts. Finally, the interviewer recorded information about the interviewees relative to their knowledge of the issue(s) for which they were interviewed. During the interviews, interviewees agreed with NRC findings and expressed their belief that Callaway impacts are small. Interviewees agreed with NRC findings that environmental impacts from Category 1 issues applicable to Callaway are small and have not been of particular concern. With regard to Category 2 issues, the interviewees believed the impacts of Callaway to be small. Also, during interviews, the interviewees were asked if they were aware of any activities or planned activities in the plant area that could lead to cumulative impacts.
Interviewees did not identify any such activities. Interviewees were also asked if they were aware of any regulatory agencies or members of the public or public interest groups expressing concerns about current or renewed plant operations.
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 6 3.5 Regulatory Agency Communications AmerenUE corresponded with federal and state regulatory agencies to inform them of plans for Callaway license renewal. AmerenUE described for the agencies its license renewal efforts and asked agency representatives questions regarding issues of concern. Communication with these regulatory agencies is ongoing. Table 2 identifies the agencies contacted. 3.6 Application Reviews Environmental documentation associated with license renewal applications includes environmental reports, NRC requests for additional information and applicant responses, and supplements to the GEIS. Tetra Tech NUS has reviewed many of these documents and includes any insights gained into the new and significant information process. 3.7 Review of Callaway Unit 2 Combined License Application In July 2008, AmerenUE submitted an application for a combined license (COL) to construct and operate Unit 2 at the Callaway site. Preparation of the COL application required the most extensive environmental investigations and evaluations since the initial Unit 1 site characterization. The effort brought together scores of environmental professionals from AmerenUE and numerous consulting firms. Any new issues related to siting and operating a nuclear plant at the Callaway site woul d have likely been uncovered in this undertaking.
===4.0 RESULTS===
Based on the process described above, AmerenUE is aware of no new and significant information regarding the environmental impacts of Callaway. AmerenUE implemented a process designed to identify significant environmental issues that NRC did not cover in the GEIS and codify in 10 CFR 51, or to identify information that NRC did not cover in the GEIS and which would lead to a different impact finding than that which NRC codified. AmerenUE has identified no such information <to be verified after agency consultations are completed>.
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 7  Table 1. External Reviews Agency Report/Topic Frequency U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Radiological Environmental Operating Report  Annual Radiological Effluent Report  Annual Environmental Operating Report Annual U.S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Shipment Annual Missouri Department of Natural Resources Major Water Use Registration Form Annual Air Permit Compliance Report Annual NPDES Monitoring and Compliance Report Monthly New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 8 Table 2. Regulatory Agency Contacts Federal U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mr. Charlie Scott State Missouri Historic Preservation Officer Mr. Mark Miles Missouri Department of Conservation Ms. Shannon Cave
Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services Ms. Lisa Schutzenhofer Missouri Department of Natural Resources Mr. Kevin Mohammadi
New and Significant Information Identification Process Description  Callaway Plant Unit 1 9
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1996a. Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants. NUREG-1437.
Washington, D.C., May 1996. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1996b.
"Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses."  Federal Register. Vol. 61, No.
109. June 5. pg. 28483. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1996c.
Public Comments on the Proposed 10 CFR Part 51 Rule for Renewal of Nucl ear Power Plant Operating Licenses and Supporting Documents: Review of Concerns and NRC Staff Response. NUREG-1529. Washington, D.C., May.
Draft Backup Documentation New and Significant Information Process Callaway Plant This paper provides backup documentation for the Process Description - New and Significant Information Identification - Callaway Plant. To facilitate its use, it is formatted like the process description paper.
Introduction No backup information.
Background No backup information.
Process Description External Reviews/Audits No background information.
Corporate Interface
No background information.
Industry Interfaces
No background information.
Qualified Investigative Team
AmerenUE-Callaway Plant contracted with Tetra Tech NUS to assist with the investigation for new and significant information as part of its environmental report preparation responsibilities. Table 1 identifies team members, their organizational affiliation, and their areas of responsibility.
Documentation Review (Appendix A)
The documents that were reviewed came from sources at Callaway Plant and from local and state agencies and commissions. Appendix A is an index of documents that Callaway and Tetra Tech NUS gathered and reviewed for new and significant information. Callaway maintains a file of these documents.
Staff Interviews (Appendix B)
The interview process is explained in Section 3.5 of Process Description - New and Significant Information Identification - Callaway Plant. Appendix B-1 identifies the AmerenUE staff interviewed as part of the new and significant information investigation, and Appendix B-2 contains the results of the interviews.
Regulatory Agency Communications
Table 2 lists representatives contacted and identifies contact telephone numbers and addresses.
Application Reviews
No background information.
Peer Review
No background information.
Results  No backup documentation.
Table 1. Investigative Team Membership Member Affiliation Responsibility Sarah Kovaleski AmerenUE License Renewal Project Supervisor Sharon Merciel AmerenUE License Renewal Project Manager Andrew Burgess AmerenUE License Renewal Environmental Lead Jerry Self STARS License Renewal Environmental Lead Krista
==Dearing Tetra Tech NUS,==
Inc. Environmental Report Project Manager Steve Connor Tetra Tech NUS, Inc. Environmental Report Deputy Project Manager Anne Lovell Tetra Tech NUS, Inc. Environmental Report Team Phil Moore Tetra Tech NUS, Inc. Environmental Report Team Table 2. Agency Contacts Agency Contact Telephone Address Federal    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
Mr. Charlie Scott 573.234.2132 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Columbia Missouri Field Office, 101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite A, Columbia, MO 65203-0057 State    Missouri Historic Preservation Officer Director, Archeology Division Mr. Mark Miles 573.751.7858 Missouri Historic Preservation Officer
P.O. Box 176 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 Missouri Department of Conservation Ms. Shannon Cave 573.751.4115 Missouri Department of Conservation Policy Coordination Unit P.O. Box 180 2901 West Truman Blvd Jefferson City, MO 65102-080 Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services Bureau of Communicable Disease Control &
Prevention Ms. Lisa Schutzenhofer 573.751.6400 Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services P.O. Box 570 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Missouri Department of Natural Resources Water Pollution Control Branch Mr. Kevin Mohammadi 573.751.6825 Missouri Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 176 Jefferson City, MO 65102
Appendix A Document Database Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-01AmerenUE Integrated Resource Plan ReportThomas R. Voss, AmerenUE2008 Cal-02 Appendix 2I, Initial Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Union Electric Company Nuclear Reactor Near Reform, Callaway County, MissouriDavid R. Evans and David J. Ives11/27/73 Cal-03 Appendix 2K, Archaeological Survey Callaway-Bland Transmission Line Callaway PlantDavid R. Evans6/28/77Cal-04Appendix 2J, 23CY 20, The Preservation Plan for an Archaeological SiteDavid R. Evans and David J. IvesJul-79
Cal-05 State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) correspondence (Cultural Resources)A.C. Passwater, Union Electric4/27/90Cal-062005 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportAmerenUE2005Docket no. 50-483 Cal-072008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportAmerenUE4/30/09Docket no. 50-483
Cal-08 Department of Economic Development, Division 240-Public Service Commission, Chapter 23-Electric Utility Operational Standards Code of State Regulations (CSR)Jun-084 CSR 240-23 Cal-09 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) Standard Plant, Rev. OL-17 and FSAR Site Addendum, Rev. OL-17 AmerenUE Dec-04 5/3/2009Cal-10Figure 1.2-44 Property Site Layout of the FSARAmerenUE5/27/08Cal-11Chapter 15 Accident Analysis of the FSAR, Rev. OL-17AmerenUE4/9/09
Cal-12 Final Environmental Statement Related the Operation of Callaway Plant, Unit 1 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Jan-82 NUREG-0813 Docket No. 50-483 Cal-13 Final Environmental Statement Related the Proposed Callaway Plant, Units 1 and 2 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Mar-75 NUREG-75/011 Docket Nos. 50-483 & 50-486Cal-14Callaway Topos (Mokane East Quad, Readsville Quad, and Reform Quad)
Missouri Department of Natural Resources Cal-15 Part 3: Environmental Report, Revision 1 of the Callaway Plant Unit 2 Combined License ApplicationUnion Electric CompanyFeb-09 Cal-16 Ameren Transmission Vegetation Management ProgramAmerenUEApr-07Cal-17Reported water use for 2008 Missouri Department of Natural Resources 2009 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 1
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-18Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports First Quarter 2008AmerenUE4/28/2008 Cal-19 REMP Sample Locations and Sample Analysis Schedule HTP-ZZ-07101-DTI Rev. 000AmerenUE4/20/2009Cal-20Agricultural Cash Rent Lease - 132 AcresAmerenUE12/16/2008 Cal-21Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Fouth Quarter 2007AmerenUE1/22/2008 Cal-22Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Fouth Quarter 2008AmerenUE1/23/2009 Cal-23Final Environmental Evaluation New Blowdown Discharge PipeAmerenUE7/13/2007 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-24Final Environmental Evaluation Reroute Portion of Plant Discharge LineAmerenUE7/1/2005 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-25Final Environmental Evaluation Partial Makeup Discharge Pipe ReplacementAmerenUE7/1/2005 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-26Final Environmental Evaluation New Technical Training FacilityAmerenUE7/1/2005 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-27Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Second Quarter 2008AmerenUE7/18/2008Cal-28Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Second Quarter 2009AmerenUE7/23/2009 Cal-29Agricultural Cash Rent Lease - 328 AcresAmerenUE3/25/2009 Cal-30Property Tax District 50 Mile Radius of Callaway for 2008AmerenUEMar-09 Cal-31NPDES Permit Reportable EventAmerenUE11/25/2008 Cal-32Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Third Quarter 2007AmerenUE10/22/2007 Cal-33Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Third Quarter 2008AmerenUE10/23/2008 Cal-34Agricultural Cash Rent Lease - 175 AcresAmerenUE10/28/2008 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 2
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-35Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Third Quarter 2009AmerenUE9/21/2009Cal-36Agricultural Cash Rent Lease Schmid 36 AcresAmerenUE9/30/2008 Cal-37Final Environmental Evaluation Old Steam Generator Storage, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-38Final Environmental Evaluation Security Fence, Rev. 29AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-39Groundwater Protection Program, Rev. 001 AmerenUEUndatedEDP-ZZ-01136 Cal-40Name Organization Information, App 1, Administrative Correction, Rev. 2AmerenUEUndatedEDP-ZZ-00520 Cal-41Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Minor Revision 017AmerenUEUndatedHTP-ZZ-07101 Cal-42Reporting Requirements and Responsibilities, Minor Revision 030AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00520
Cal-43 Hazardous Chemical/Oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan, Administrative Procedure, Revision 012AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00811 Cal-44 Final Environmental Evaluation Steam Generator Replacement Docking and Haul Road, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-45 Final Environmental Evaluation Steam Generator Replacement Support Facility, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-46 Final Environmental Evaluation Modification for Old Steam Generator Storage Facility, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140Cal-47Hazardous Chemical Control Program, Rev. 5AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00831 Cal-48Hazardous Material Management, Rev. 4AmerenUEUndatedCDP-ZZ-01000 Cal-49Hazard Communication Program, Administrative Correction Revision 017AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00830
Cal-50 Hazardous Chemical Oil Spill Response Spill Cleanup Implementing Procedure, Rev. 13AmerenUEUndatedEIP-ZZ-03010Cal-51Reporting and Processing of Accidents, Injuries, and Illnesses, Rev. 21AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00835 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 3
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-52 Final Draft Report - Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey & Assessment on Residual Lands at Union Electric Company's Callaway Nuclear Power PlantAmerican Resources GroupApr-84 Cal-53 A Cultural Resources Management Plan for Residual Lands at the Union Electric Company Nuclear Power PlantAmerican Resources GroupOct. 1983 Cal-54 Management Agreement for the Reform Conservation Area Public Use of Lands Missouri Department of Conservation 9/8/2008Cal-55Callaway NPDES Permit 0098001 (Missouri State Operating Permit)
Missouri Department of Natural Resources, MO Clean Water
Commission 2/13/2009Cal-56Callaway DNR Part 70 Air Permit Missouri Department of Natural Resources, MO Clean Water
Commission9/18/2008Permit No. OP2008-045 Cal-57 Draft Regulatory Guide DG-4015, Revision 1 - Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal ApplicationsNRCJul-09 Cal-58 Threatened and Endangered Species Evaluation for Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Generating Plants Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryJan-04PNNL-14468 Cal-59 Email between Krista Dearing and Chad Warren (Vegetation Supervisor) requesting info.Chad Warren, AmerenUE11/30/2009 Cal-60 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Final Report, Volumes 1 and 2, Final ReportNRCMay-96NUREG-1437Cal-61Callaway Discharge Pipeline Manhole H3 Invest Phase IITerracon Consultsants, Inc.4/25/2008 Cal-62Callaway Discharge Pipeline Manhole H3 Invest Phase ITerracon Consultsants, Inc.8/28/2006 Cal-63Callaway Plant List of Outages to DateAmerenUE1/6/2009 Cal-64Callaway Plant Annual Land Use Census 2009, Rev. 0AmerenUE11/18/2009HPCI- 09-06
Cal-65 Callaway Water Quality and Bioloical PreOperational Monitoring Program, June 1980 to May 1981Camp Dresser & McKeeJul-81 Cal-66 Callaway Water Quality and Bioloical PreOperational Monitoring Program, June 1981 to May 1982Camp Dresser & McKeeSep-82Cal-67Callaway Plant 2007 Annual Land Use Census C. C. Graham, Callaway Radiation Protection 10/31/2007 Cal-68 Natural Resources Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for Callaway Unit 2 Siting Study Mactec Engineering and Consulting, Inc.11/30/2007 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 4
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-69Final Groundwater Model Report Callaway Nuclear Plant, Rev. 1Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc.10/31/2008 Cal-70 Quality Assurance Project for Baseline Study: Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Report for Callaway Unit 2 ERPaul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc.7-Aug Cal-71 Callaway Plant 316b Study, Evaluation of Cooling Water Intake Impacts on the Missouri RiverUnion Electric CompanyJul-86 PL 92-500, NPDES Permit No.
MO-0098001Cal-72Callaway Refueling Durations SummaryAmerenUE12/16/2009Cal-73Callaway Per County Tax Detail 2004 to 2008AmerenUE12/10/2009 Cal-74Missouri Pole Mile STC Distribution 2008AmerenUE12/10/2009 Cal-75Callaway Raw Water System ChemicalsAmerenUE12/16/2009 Cal-76Callaway Plant Environmental Report Operating License Stage, Rev. 1Union Electric CompanyFeb-81 Cal-77Callaway employees by countyAmerenUE12/16/2009 Cal-78Callaway employee Zip Code 1AmerenUE12/17/09 Cal-79Callaway employee Zip Code 2AmerenUE12/17/09 Cal-80Callaway employee Zip Code 3AmerenUE12/17/09 Cal-812008 MO proposed tax district 50 mile radius of CallawayAmerenUEMar-09 Cal-82Callaway employees by cityAmerenUE12/16/2009 Cal-83Callaway County Connector Environmental Assessment - Chapter 1Burns & McDonnell12/29/09 Cal-84Callaway County Connector Raodway Concept MapBurns & McDonnell06/01/09 Cal-85Fuel in pool 01/04/10 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 5
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-86 NPDES Compliance Correspondence to MO Department of Natural Resources - Total Residual Chlorene (TRC) ExceedanceAmerenUE01/18/05Cal-87Closed-Cycle Cooling and Makeup Water Options for Callaway Future UnitsBurns & McDonnellJun-07 Cal-88Phase II Hydrogeologic Investigation Report - Collector Well Siting StudyBurns & McDonnellJun-08 Cal-89Chamois Plant Water Discharge Data Department of Environmental Protection 12/15/09Cal-90National Electrical Safety Code Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)20072007 Edition Cal-91 Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses; CorrectionNRC7/30/1996Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 147 Cal-92 Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating LicensesNRC6/5/1996Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 109 Cal-93 1996 Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating LicensesNRC12/18/1996Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 244 Cal-94 Public Comments on the Proposed 10 CFR Part 51 Rule for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses and Supporting Documents: Review
of Concerns and NRC Staff Response, Volume INRCMay-96NUREG-1529 Cal-95 Regulatory Analysis for Amendments to Regulations for the Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating LicensesNRCMay-96NUREG-1440 Cal-96 Changes to Requirements for Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses; Final RulesNRC9/3/1999Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 171 Cal-97 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Main Report, Volumes 1 and 2, Draft Report for CommentNRCJul-09NUREG-1437, Rev. 1Cal-98Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports First Quarter 2009AmerenUE04/20/09Permit No. MO-0098001 Cal-99Callaway NPDES Monthly Reports for 2005, 2006, and 2007AmerenUE Cal-100 List of reported cases of confirmed and probable legionellosis in Missouri from 2004 to 2008.
Eden Dietle, Bureau of Communicable Disease Control and
Prevention, Missouri Department of
Health & Senior Services 01/07/10 Cal-101 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Final Report, Volume 1, Addendum 1, Main Report, Section 6.3
Trans p ortation , Table 9.1 Summar y of findin g s on NEPA issues for license NRCAug-99 Cal-102 American FactFinder. Census 2000 Demographic Profile Highlights:
Missouri PopulationAmerican FactFinder2000 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 6
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-103 Change Notice - Office Instruction No. License 203. Procedural Guidance for Preparing Environmental IssuesNRC05/24/04Cal-104NPDES Stormwater Outfall MapUnion Electric Company03/03/08 Cal-105Stormwater Outfalls 010-015 Topo Map and Drainage AreasUnion Electric Company03/03/08 Cal-106Summary File 1 for Maine: Census 2000 for MaineUS Census Bureau12/15/09 Cal-107Summary File 3 for Maine: Census 2000 for MaineUS Census Bureau12/15/09 Cal-108Callaway Aerial Photos 2007Cal-109Location of US Climate Divisions National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 01/24/10Cal-11040 CFR 81.116 - Northern Missouri Intrastate AQCRCode of Federal Regulations
Cal-111 40 CFR 81.416 - Identification of Mandatory Class I Federal Areas Where Visibility is an Important Value Code of Federal RegulationsCal-11240 CFR Parts 50 and 58 - NAAQS for Ozone - Proposed RuleFederal Register Cal-113US Climate Normals - Climate of Missouri National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Climatic
Data Cente r 06/24/05Cal-11440 CFR 81.326 - NAAQS Status for MissouriCode of Federal Regulations Cal-115Visibility in our Nation's Parks and Wilderness AreasUSEPA05/26/09 Cal-116Climatography of the US, No. 20, 1971-2000, Columbia Regional Airport, MO National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Climatic
Data Cente r 02/01/04Cal-117EPA Maps for Proposed NAAQS Ozone RuleUSEPA01/06/10 Cal-118Suspension of Efforts to Build Proposed Nucear Power Plant AmerenUE 04/28/09 ALNRC 00018 NRC Docket No. 52-037 Cal-119 ALNRC 00018, dated April 28, 2009 "Suspension of Efforts to Build Proposed Nuclear Power Plant" AmerenUE06/23/09ALNRC 00041 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 7
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-120Gail Gary Email on the Reported Intake Well Water Use AmerenUE 12/08/09Cal-121Gail Gary Email on the Reported Deep Well Water Use AmerenUE 11/03/09Cal-122Well Database Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 01/21/10Cal-123Wellhead Information Management (WIMS) Well Data Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 01/26/10Cal-124Information on Legionella bacteria Cal-125Respiratory Protection Program Management InstructionCraig L. Lecce11/24/2009ES-REG-213
Cal-126 Missouri State Water Plan Series Volume II, Groundwater Resources of Missouri Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)1997WR46 Cal-127 Summary of Missouri Water Laws, Water Resources Report 51 (Missouri State Water Plan Series Volume VII)
Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 2000Cal-128Major Water Use in Missouri, Water Resources Report 72 Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 1996-2000Cal-129Callaway County Well Logs Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 02/26/07Cal-130Water User Fact Sheet Pub 2236 Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)
Jan. 2008Cal-131Callaway #2 Water District Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)11/11/09PWSS Report 3024085Cal-132Fulton Water System Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)11/11/09PWSS Report 3010296Cal-133Fulton and Callaway #2 Water Supply Well Distance CalculationsTetra Tech NUS01/26/10 Cal-134Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Query for Callaway County Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)01/20/10Cal-135Gail Gary Email - Timeline for Pipeline ReplacementAmerenUE01/29/10 Cal-136Gail Gary Email on Callaway Liquid Radioactive DischargeAmerenUE01/28/10 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 8
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-137 Report of Phase I Archaeological Survey, Slected Portions of an Access Road/Pipeline Corridor and Transmission Line Corridor, Callaway and Osage
Counties, Missouri.  (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original document)
J. Emmett Brown and Patrick H.
Garrow, MACTEC Engineering &
Consulting Inc.
05/12/09 Cal-138 Final Draft Report-Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment on Residual Lands at Union Electric Company's.  (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original
document)Jack H. Ray, Edward M. Morin, Michael J. McNerney, and Gail White Apr-84 Cal-139 Final Report-Phase II Cultural Resource Testing and Assessment of Sites 23CY-20, 23CY-352, and 23CY-359 at Union Electric Company's  (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client
has the original document)
Jerome D. Traver, American Resources Group, LTD Feb. 1984 Cal-140 Letter to Mr. Emmett Brown, MACTEC Engineering concerning Glowdown Discharge Pipeline.  (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original document)
Mark A. Miles, Missouri Department of Natural Resources 09/10/07 Cal-141 Management Summary, Phase I Archaeological Survey, Blowdown Discharg e Pipeline.  (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St.
Louis office-client has the original document)
LaDonna A. Rogers and J. Emmett Brown, MACTEC 08/30/07 Cal-142 Letter to Melissa Dubinsky, Ricco Associates Inc., concerning Letter Report o f Cultural Resources Monitoring, Installation of Test Wells.  (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the
original document)
LaDonna A. Rogers and J. Emmett Brown, MACTEC 09/04/07 Cal-143 A Cultural Resource Management Plan for Residual Lands at the Union Electric Company Callaway Plant. Revised by Brian F. Holderness, November 2006-certain copy pages. Also notes taken by Kathy Roxlau whil e at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original document.
Michael J. McNerney, Amercian Cultural Resources Group Mar-92Cal-144Excavation Construction and Safety Standards, Major Revision 011AmerenUEMDP-ZZ-SH001 Cal-145 National Historic Landmarks Survey, Listing of National Historic Landmarks by State Nation Park Service (NPS)Cal-146National Register of Historic PlacesNation Park Service (NPS)02/02/10
Cal-147 Letter to John K. Bryan from David Evans. Topographic map showing the areas examined during the archaeological survey.David R. Evans06/27/77 Cal-148 A cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Union Electric Company Electric 345KV Transmission Line Right-of-way, Callaway and Montgomery
Counties, MO.David R. Evans and David J. IvesMar-78 Cal-149 A cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Union Electric Company Electric 345KV Transmission Line Right-of-way, Gasconade and Osage
Counties, MO.David R. Evans and David J. IvesJun-79 Cal-150 A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Bland Substation Site, Gasconade County, MO.David R. EvansJun-79 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 9
Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-151 Department of Economic Development, Division 240-Public Service Commission, Chapter 18-Safety Standards Code of State Regulations (CSR)10/31/20084 CSR 240-18 Cal-152 Administrative Code - Title 83: Public Utilities, Chapter I: Illinois Commerce Commission, Part 305 Construction of Electric Power and Communication
Lines Joint Committee on Administrative Rules 6/15/2003Cal-153Electric Field Strength Profiles Cal-154 Code of State Regulations - Divisions 20 & 60 - Clean Water Commission, Safe Drinking Water Commission, Public Drinking Water Program Missouri Department  of Natural Resources (MDNR) 9/30/2009 Cal-155 Department of Economic Development, Division 240-Public Service Commission, Chapter 18-Safety Standards David S. Lee, el al, U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Services 1980Cal-156East Osage River Watershed: Hydrology Missouri Department of Conservation 1/26/2010Cal-157Missouri Fish Advisory.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) 3/4/2009Cal-1582009 Fish Advisory: A Guide to Eating Missouri Fish.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) 2009Cal-159Missouri Water Quality Report (Section 305(b) Report).
Missouri Department of Natural Resources Water Protection
Program 6/17/2009Cal-160Missouri's 303(d) Streams and Lakes.6/17/09 Missouri Department of Natural Resources 12/16/2009Cal-161Missouri River Environmental Assessment Program Missouri River Natural Resources Committee 1998Cal-162The Fishes of MissouriWilliam L. Pflieger1975 Cal-163Changes in Fish Fauna in the Lower Missouri River, 1940-1983.
William L. Pflieger and Timothy B.
Grace 1987Cal-164Fish Management Problems of Large Impoundments on the Missouri River.James T. Shields1958 Cal-165Fishes of the Central United States.
Joseph R. Tomelleri and Mark E.
Eberle 1990 Cal-166 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact State for the Missouri River Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)Mar-03Cal-167Missouri River Recovery Program Fact Sheet: Missouri River Sediment U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)Undated 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 10 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-168 Water-resources data for the United States, Water Year 2008 for Boonville, MOU.S. Geological Survey2009 Cal-169 Water-resources data for the United States, Water Year 2008 for Herrmann, MOU.S. Geological Survey2009Cal-170Transmission  Vegetation Management ProgramAmerenUE2007 Cal-171The Bald Eagle in Missouri Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC)
Oct. 2007Cal-172Management Agreetment for the Public Use of Lands Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) 1/15/2009Cal-173The Missouri Natural Heritage Program Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) 1/10/2010Cal-174Endangered Species Guidesheets Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) 2/22/2010Cal-175Missouri Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Missouri Natural Heritage Program Missouri Department of
Conservation (MDC)
Jan. 2010Cal-176Atlas of Missouri Ecoregions Timothy A. Nigh and Walter A.
Schroeder, MDC 2002Cal-177Endangered Species Fact Sheet - Pallid SturgeonU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service7/29/2009 Cal-178Blad Eagle Nesting in the Upper MidwestU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service4/6/2009 Cal-179Blad Eagle U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service10/27/2009
Cal-180 Missouri County Distribution of Federally-listed Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate SpeciesU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service1/20/2010Cal-181Missouri River Mitigation Project-Project History-Introduction U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004Cal-182Missouri River Mitigation Project-Project History U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004Cal-183Missouri River Mitigation Project-Supplemental EIS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004Cal-184Missouri River Mitigation Project-Project Implementation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 11 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-185 Simulation of Ground-Water Flow, Contributing Recharge Areas, and Ground-Water Travel Time in the Missouri River Alluvial Aquifer near Ft.
Leavenworth, KansasU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)2004 Cal-186 Summary and Analysis of Topics in Water Use-Regional Reports. Water Resource Report Number 64 Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)
Undated Cal-187 Department of of Natural Resources, Division 20-Clean Water Commission, Chapter 7-Water Quality Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 9/30/2009 Cal-188 Department of of Natural Resources, Division 60-Safe Drinking Water Commission, Chapter 4-Contaminant Levels and Monitoring Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 9/30/2009 Cal-189 Department of of Natural Resources, Division 60-Public Drinking Water Program, Chapter 15-Lead and Copper Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 3/31/2002Cal-190Callaway County Tax Statelment for Years 2004 to 2007Missouri Department of Revenue1/12/2010
Cal-191 Telecon between Nicole Hill, TtNUS and Les Hudson, City of Fulton on Land use planning and zoning in City of Fulton and Callaway County.Les Hudson, City of Fulton1/6/2010 Cal-192 Telecon between Nicole Hill, TtNUS and Ed Siegmund, Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission onLand use planning and zoning in Callaway
County.Ed Siegmund, Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission 1/26/2010Cal-193Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 89-Zoning and PlanningMissouri General Assembly8/28/2009Cal-194Mid-Missouri Regional Transportation Plan Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission 2009Cal-195Census of Missouri Public Water Systems 2008 Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 1/24/2008Cal-196District details for schools in South Callaway CO National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) 12/15/2009 Cal-197 Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Population of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas:  April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008.U.S. Census Bureau (USCB)3/19/2009 Cal-198 2008 Population estimates for Boone, Callaway and Cole Counties, Fulton City, St. Louis City and the State of Missouri.
U.S. Census Bureau (USCB)
American FactFinder Undated aCal-1992008 Population estimates for Jefferson City and Columbia City, Missouri.
U.S. Census Bureau (USCB)
American FactFinder Undated bCal-200Chapter 1 of the Callaway County Connector and maps of roadway conceptsBurns and McDonnell2009 Cal-201List of Water Systems in SDWIS for Boone, Callaway and Cole Counties.
Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) EPA 1/7/2010 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 12 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-202Population Projects for Missouri Missouri Census Data Center (MCDC)5/14/2008Cal-203South Callaway school finance assessed valuations during 2007-2008.
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE)
UndatedCal-204Land Use and Land Cover Information Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership 2005Cal-205Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission history and services.
Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission 2009Cal-206Callaway Landfill Groundwater Data for 2005 to 2009.AmerenUE3/4/2010 Cal-2072008 Traffic Volume Maps Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) 3/16/2010 Cal-208 Change Notice - Procedural Guidance for Preparing Environmental Assessments and Considering Enviromental IssuesNRC6/21/2001LIC-203 Cal-209 Application for a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Flexible Air Quality Permit - W.A. Parish Electric Generating Station Fort Bend County, TexasJD Consulting, LP6/2006PI2(74-7)
Cal-210 Monthly Nuclear Utility Generation by State and Reactor -January through December 2008STPNOC2009Cal-211Implications of Reduced Gas Use on Emission from Power Generation Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc2000F-2000-04Cal-212GE Energy: H System World's Most Advanced Combined Cycle TechnologyGE Energy2008
Cal-213 User Guidelines for Waste and By-Product Materials in Pavement Construction USDOT Federal Highway Administration4/1998FHWA-RD-97-148Cal-214Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emission from BoilersEastern Research Group, Inc.1/2001Volume 2 Cal-215Electricity Market Module EIA (Energy Information Administration)6/2008DOE/EIA-0554(2008)Cal-2162008 Coal Combustion Product Production & Use Survey Results ACAA (American Coal Ash Association) 10/5/09Cal-217EPA Emission Factor Report for CO and NOxEPA2008
Cal-218 Air Emission Control Methods for Coal - Section 1.1 Bituminous and Subbituminous Coal CombustionEPA1998 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 13 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-219Section 3.1 Stationary Gas TurbinesEPA2000 Cal-220 Table 14A Receipts and Average Delivered Cost of Natural Gas by Type of Purchase, Census Division and State: Total (All Sectors), 2008, Table 15A-
Destination and Ori g in of Coal for Electricit y Generation B y State:  Total (All EIA (Energy Information Administration)2008Tables Cal-221 Final Environmental Impact Statement Plymouth Generating Facility Plymouth, Washington, Tritium Briefing Bonneville Power Administration, Benton County, Washington6/2003DOE/EIS 0345Cal-222Toquop Energy Project StatusToquop Energy Project8/24/2007(BLM 2007)Accessed on 8/24/2007 Cal-223Final Environmental Impact Statement for the COB Energy FacilityBonneville Power Administration6/2004DOE/EIS 0343Draft i s included in folder Cal-224 Commission Decision Pico Power Project Application fro Certification Santa Clara County California Energy Commission 9/2003P800-03-014Cal-225Chula Vista Energy Upgrade ProjectCH2MHill8/2007ES062007014SACVolume 1 and 2 Cal-226City of Vernon Power Plant Project Combined Cycle Licensing CaseCalifornia Energy Commission 4/20/200806-AFC-4Accessed o n 4/20/2008Cal-227Wanapa Energy Center Final Environmental Impact StatementDOI-Bonneville Power Administration12/2004DOE/EIS-0342
Cal-228 Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility Project Update-Draft Environmental Impact Statement availableWellton-Mohawk2005News LetterCal-229White Pine Energy (Nevada Coal Plant Proposals)Western Resource Advocates8/24/2007Accessed on 8/24/2007
Cal-230 Sempra Energy Resources ER in Support of CPCN Application Catoctin Power Project Frederick County, MarylandGolder Associates Inc.2/2004023-9502 Cal-231 Request for Waiver of Permit Application Basin Electric Power Cooperative Dry Fork StationEDAW/ CH2MHILL5/2006Cal-232Final Environmental Impact Statement-BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council8/2004DOE/EIS-0346 Cal-233 Site Certification Application Seminole Generating Station Unit 3 Palatka, Florida Volume I of IIIGolder Associates Inc.3/7/2006Cal-234Application for Certification for the South Bay Replacement ProjectLSPSB2006
Cal-235 Draft Environmental Assessment Santee Cooper Pee Dee Electrical Generating Station MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.
10/31/2006 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 14 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-236Draft Environmental Impact Statement-Roundup Power Project Mountain Department of Environmental Quality 11/2002Cal-237Draft EIS for Desert Rock Energy Project Sithe Global Power LLC & Desert Rock Energy LLC 5/2007 Cal-238 Final Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Baseload Power Plant Association Electric Cooperative, Inc.
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) 7/2007Cal-239Cliffside ProjectDuke Energy5/11/2005Docket No. E-7, Sub 790 Cal-240PV (FAQs) -How much Land will PV need to supply our electricity EERE (The National Renewable Energy Laboratory) US Department
of Ener gy Office of Ener gy Efficienc y 2/2004DOE/GO-102004-1835Cal-241Renewable Energy Data Book EERE (Energy Efficiency &
Renewable Energy) 9/2008Cal-242Site Certification Application Turkey Point Expansion ProjectGolder Associates Inc.11/2003Volume 1 of 3 Cal-243Site Certification Application West County Energy Center Golder Associates Inc.4/2005437649 Cal-244Draft Environmental Impact Statement Faribault Energy Park Project Minnesota Environmental Quality Board2/200402-48-PPS-FEP Cal-245 What Generation Mix Suits Your State?  Tools for comparing Fourteen Technologies across Nine Criteria NRRI (National Regulatory Research Institute) 2/14/2007 Cal-246 Application for an Energy Conversion Facility Siting Permit Big Stone II ProjectOtter Tail Power Company7/21/2005EL05-022Cal-247Final Environmental Impact Statement Elm Road Generating Station Public Service Commission of Wisconsin7/2003Docket 05-CE-130Volume 1Cal-248Geothermal Energy for Electric Power A REPP Issue BriefMasashi Shibaki 12/2003 Cal-249NREL 2008 Solar Power Resource MapsNRELJan-08 Cal-250Wind Energy and the Environment AWEA (America Wind Energy Association) 2009 Cal-251 Email from Gail Gary, AmernEn to Krista Kearing concerning the Diesel Fuel Release HistoryGail P. Gary, AmernEn3/26/10Cal-252Carbon footprint of the nuclear fuel cycle - Briefing note.AEA TechnologyMar-06 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 15 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-253 Table 2.3 Groundwater Sample Minima, Maxima, and Mean Values for all Sampling Rounds at Callaway Plant Site of the ER, Rev. 1.
AmerenUECal-254Candu Reactors and Greenhouse Gas Emissions S. Andseta, M.J. Thompson, Sherida College-Ontario; J.P. Jarrell, Cameco Corp; D.R. Pendergast
Atoomic Energy of Canada Limited 10/18/1998 Cal-255 Critical note on the estiation by Storm van Leeuwen J. W. and Smith P. of the energy uses and corresponding CO2 emissions from the complete nuclear
energy chain Roberto Dones, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) 4/10/2007 Cal-256 Comparison of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions and Abatement Cost of Nuclear and Alternative Energy Options from a Life-Cycle PerspectiveUwe R. Fritsche, ko-Institut1/1/2006 Cal-257 Greenhouse-gas emmissions from solar electric- and nuclear power: A life-cycle study Vasilis M. Fthenakis and Hyung Chul Kim 6/27/2006Cal-258Impact of U.S. Nuclear Generation on Greehouse Gas Emissions Ronald E. Hagen, John R. Moens, and Zdenek D. Nikodem, Energy
Information Administration (EIA) 11/6/2001Cal-259Nuclear Power for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation International Atoic Energy Agency (IAEA)Nov. 2000Cal-260Greenhouse Warming: Efficient Solution or Nuclear Nemesis?Bill Keepin, Rocky Mountain Institute6/29/1988 Cal-261The Future of Nuclear Power - An Interdisciplinary MIT Study Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2003 Cal-262 World Warms to Nuclear Power - NO2 Nuclear Power New and Information about the UK unclear industry.Dr. Nigel MortimerJan-90Cal-263Nuclear Energy and the Kyoto ProtocolNuclear Energy Agency (NEA)2002 Cal-264Nuclear Power:  So solution to climate change Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS)
Feb-05Cal-265Carbon Footprint of Electridcity Generation Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)
Oct-06Cal-266Climate Change and Nuclear PowerMycle Schneider, Wise-ParisApr-00
Cal-267 Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electricity Generation Chains Assessing the Difference Joseph V. Spadara, Lucille Langlois and Bruce Hamilton 2000Cal-268Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &
Scientists 4/23/2009 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 16 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-269Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &
Scientists 2/12/2010Cal-270Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &
Scientists 2/25/2009Cal-271Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &
Scientists 7/31/2009Cal-272Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &
Scientists 10/20/2009Cal-273National Primary Drinking Water RegulationsUS EPA5/1/2009
Cal-274 A guide to life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electric supply technologiesDaniel Weisser2007Cal-275Callaway license nrewal transmission interviewDavid Endorf3/16/2010 Cal-276Computer codesDavid Endorf3/16/2010 Cal-277AmerenUE 2007 Environmental ReportAmerenUE12/15/2007
Cal-278 Annual Report on US Wind Power Installation, Cost and Performance Trends:
2007EERE5/1/2008 Cal-279 COAL QUALITY AND GEOCHEMISTRY, POWDER RIVER BASIN, WYOMING AND MONTANAUSGS1999Cal-280Callaway Unit 1 Operating Data ReportNRC2009 Cal-281Siemens Gas Turbine SGT6-5000F Application OverviewSiemens2008 Cal-282Siemens Power Plant SCC6-5000F 2X1 Flex-Plant 30Siemens2010 Cal-283Water Resource Publication 2221 Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 7/1/2007 Cal-284 Missouri Major Water Users Well Information for Surface Water Users Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 2010Cal-285EIA Missouri Electricity Profile EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 17 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-286EIA Nuclear Generation US Reactors 2008 EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008 Cal-287 Electric Power Industry Capability by Primary Energy Source, 1990 Through 2008 (Megawatts)
EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008 Cal-288 Table 5. Electric Power Industry Generation by Primary Energy Source, 1990 Through 2008 (Megawatthours)
EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008Cal-289U.S. Hydropower Resource Assessment Final ReportINEEL1998 Cal-290Brighter than a Hundred Suns: Solar Power for the SouthwestLeitner and Owens2003
Cal-291 Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities; Supplement 1; Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear
Power Reactors.NRC11/1/2002NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 NRC ADAMS Accession No.
ML023470327Cal-292Facts about AmerenUEAmerenUE2010Cal-293AmerenUE Power PlantsAmerenUE2010 Cal-294AmerenUE Energy EfficiencyAmerenUE2010 Cal-295Ameren Renewable EnergyAmeren2010 Cal-296Schainker 2008 Utility Scale Energy StorageSchainker2008 Cal-297Basic Principles of Wind Resource Evaluation AWEA (America Wind Energy Association) 2009 Cal-298 A Guidebook to Expanding the role of Renewables in a Power Supply PortfolioAltera Energy, Inc (AE)9/2004Cal-299Restructuring the US Electric Power IndustryNEI (Nuclear Energy Institute)2000 Cal-300EPA Clean Air Interstate RuleEPA2010 Cal-301Fuel Cells - Powering AmericaSECA2009Brochure Cal-302The Online Fuel Cell Information ResourceFuel Cells1/28/2009 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 18 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-303 What Generation Mix Suits Your State?  Tools for comparing Fourteen Technologies across Nine Criteria NORRIS (National Regulatory Research Institute) 2/14/2007Cal-304Stationary Fuel Cell Technology NFCRC (National Fuel Cell Research Center) Scott Samuelsen, Directo r 7/9/2008Cal-3052008 Large Stationary Survey, Fuel Cell Today, August 2008Dr. Kerry-Ann Adamson8/2008 Cal-306NREL 2008 Geothermal Resource Map NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 10/2008 Cal-307 Microsoft Excel Table of Solar and Wind Project Applications submitted to the BLM California Desert DistricBureau of Land Management (BLM)2008Cal-308Fuel from the Sky Solar Power's Potential for Western Energy Supply NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)7/2002NREL/SR-550-32160Cal-309NREL Wind Resource Map NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 12/2008Cal-310EPA Clean Air Mecury RuleEPA2010 Cal-311NUREG-1427, Supplement 32 - Wolf Creek Generating StationNRC5/2008 Cal-312US Natural Gas Pipeline Cal-313Pipelines near CallawayTetra Tech NUS4/2010 Cal-314Callaway Plant Annual Air Emissions ReportedAmerenUE4/13/10 Cal-315Mo. Considers animal easte gas as renewable energySarah Wire3/30/2010 Cal-316NREL Wind Energy BasicsNREL9/29/2009 Cal-317Annual Energy Outlook 2009 EIA (Energy Information Administration)
Mar-09Cal-318Ameren Launches Major Solar Initiative in Illinois and MissouriSolar DailyDec-09 Cal-319Geothermal Power TechnologyREPP 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 19 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-320Future Fuel Cells R&DUSDOE4/23/2010Cal-321State of North Carolina vs. EPAUS Court of Appeals12/23/2008 Cal-322AmerenUE Integrated Resource Plan AmerenUEFeb-08
Cal-323 COMMENTS OF THE MISSOURI PUBLIC SERVICE MISSOURI COMMISSIONMissouri PSC2009Cal-324Areva EPR: The Path of Greatest CertaintyAreva2010
Cal-325 Fact Sheet - Proposed Rule Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring RuleUSEPASep-09Cal-326USEPA: Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases RuleUSEPA4/26/2010 Cal-3272008 Geothermal Technologies Market ReportEEREJul-09 Cal-328SWANA Waste to Energy SWANA (Soild Waste Association of North America) 2010Cal-3292008 Solar Technologies Market ReportEEREJan-10
Cal-330 Solar Energy Land Area Efficiency or How Many Acres per MW, kWp per AcreSolarByTheWatt.comMar-09 Cal-331 SB 848 Moldifies Various provisions pertaining to Utilities - Sections 393.1025 and 393.1030Missouri Senate4/28/2010Cal-332Missouri Restructuring EIA (Energy Information Administration)
Apr-07 Cal-333 Existing Generating Units in the United States by State, Company and Plant, 2008 Preliminary EIA (Energy Information Administration) 12/31/2008Cal-334FERC Operating License for Osage Hydroelectric PlantFERC3/30/2007 Cal-335Missouri Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Set-Aside ProgramMissouri DNR4/21/2010
Cal-336 Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemakings for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group RegionEPA12/28/2007 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 20 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-337 Calculation Package for Callaway Unit 1 Environmental Justifce (ER Section 2.6)Matthew Neet, TtNUS1/21/2010 Cal-338 Land Use Calculation Package for Callaway Unit 1 License Renewal ER (ER Section 2.4)Matthew Neet, TtNUS3/26/2010 Cal-339 Nuclear Power-The Energy Balance Storm van Leeuwen, J.W., and P.
Smith Aug-05 Cal-340 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 3, Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units Nos.
2 and 3. NUREG-1437, Vol.1, Supplement 38. NRCDec-08NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 21}}

Latest revision as of 05:21, 18 March 2019

Enclosure 2 to ULNRC-05893 - New and Significant Information Report Without Appendix B
Person / Time
Site: Callaway Ameren icon.png
Issue date: 08/13/2012
Ameren Missouri
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12271A449 (38)


New and Significant Information Report Callaway Plant Unit 1 Note to user: AmerenUE has designed the first section in this volume, the Process Description, to be shown to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission during its site visit to Callaway Unit 1 prior to reviewing the Environmental Report and performing its own environmental analysis. The second section in this volume, Backup Documentation, is intended for internal use by AmerenUE staff as a basis for assuring management that the staff has thoroughly evaluated potential environmental issues.

New and Significant Information Report Callaway Plant Unit 1 ii Table of Contents Tab 1 Process Description 2 Backup Documentation A Document Database B Staff Interviews New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 Process Description New and Significant Information Identification Callaway Plant Unit 1

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 ii Table of Contents Section Page




.................................................................................................................. 13.0PROCESS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................. 33.1External Reviews/Audits .................................................................................................. 33.2Corporate Interface ..........................................................................................................

33.3Industry Interfaces ...........................................................................................................

33.4Qualified Investigative Team

............................................................................................ 43.4.1Documentation Review ............................................................................................. 43.4.2Staff Interviews .......................................................................................................... 53.5Regulatory Agency Communications ............................................................................... 63.6Application Reviews ......................................................................................................... 63.7Review of Callaway Unit 2 Combined License Application .............................................. 64.0RESULTS ............................................................................................................................


.................................................................................................................... 9 List of Tables Table Page 1 External Reviews ............................................................................................................

........ 7 2 Regulatory Agency Contacts

................................................................................................... 8

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 1 Process Description New and Significant Information Identification Callaway Plant Unit 1


This report summarizes the process that AmerenUE used to evaluate whether there is any new and significant information that it should identify in its environmental report for Callaway Plant Unit 1 license renewal. "New and significant information" is information that might result in CallawayPlant license-renewal-related impacts beyond the bounds of the U.S. Nuclear

Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) generic findings in its generic environmental impact statement (GEIS) for license renewal (NRC 1996a), codified by 10 CFR 51. Although not

specially required by NRC rules, AmerenUE prepared this report to provide an explanation of AmerenUE's basis for concluding that it is unaware of any new and significant information that

would negate any of the generic findings that NRC codified or that raise new and significant issues that NRC did not evaluate in the GEIS.


NRC "-The environmental report for the operating license renewal stage is not required to contain analyses of the environmental impacts of the license renewal issues identified as Category 1 issues in Appendix B to Subpart A

of this part." 10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(i)

"-Absent new and significant information, the analysis for certain impacts codified by this rulemaking need only be incorporated by reference in an applicant's environmental report for license renewal-." Discussion of Regulatory Requirements (NRC 1996b).

NRC licenses the operation of domestic nuclear power plants and provides for license renewal, requiring a license renewal application that includes an environmental report (10 CFR 54.23). NRC regulations at 10 CFR 51 prescribe the environmental report content and identify the specific analyses the applicant must perform. In an effort to streamline the environmental

review, the NRC resolved most of the environm ental issues generically and only requires an applicant's analysis of the remaining issues.

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 2 While NRC regulations do not require an applicant's environmental report to contain analyses of the impacts of those environmental issues that have been generically resolved [10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(i)], the regulations do require that an applicant identify any new and significant information of which the applicant is aware [10 CFR 51.53(c)(3)(iv)]. The purpose of this requirement is to alert the NRC staff to such information so that the staff can determine whether to seek the Commission's approval to waive or suspend application of the rule with respect to the affected generic analysis. The NRC has explicitly indicated, however, that an applicant is not required to perform a site-spe cific validation of GEIS conclusions (NRC 1996c, page C9-13, Concern Number NEP.015). AmerenUE assumes that new and significant information would be the following: Information that identifies a significant environmental issue not covered in the GEIS and codified in the regulation or Information that was not covered in the GEIS analyses and which leads to an impact finding different from that codified in the regulation NRC requires license renewal applicants to provide NRC with input, in the form of an environmental report, that NRC will use to meet National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements as they apply to license renewal (10 CFR 51.10). NEPA authorizes the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to establish implementing regulations for federal agency use. CEQ guidance provides that federal agencies should prepare environmental impact statements for actions that would significantly affect the environment (40 CFR 1502.3), focus on significant environmental issues (40 CFR 1502.1), and eliminate from detailed study issues that are not significant [40 CFR 1501.7(a)(3)]. The CEQ guidance includes a lengthy definition of "significantly" that requires consideration of the context of the action and the intensity or severity of the impact(s) (40 CFR 1508.27). Although NRC does not specifically define the term "significant", AmerenUE used the guidance available in CEQ regulations to establish significance. Based on this guidance and the definitions of small, moderate, and large impacts provided by NRC, AmerenUE expects that moder ate or large impacts would be significant.

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 3 3.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION AmerneUE implemented its process to become aware of new and significant information in conjunction with its preparation of the environmental report for Callaway license renewal. The process included several integrated elements that are described in the following paragraphs. 3.1 External Reviews/Audits AmerenUE prepares reports as part of license or permitting environmental protection requirements. Each external agency receiving a report monitors Callaway Plant performance and AmerenUE would be notified of significant issues raised by these agencies. Table 1 lists external entities that monitor Callaway operations and performance through routine surveys, audits, reports, or other methods of reported accountability. 3.2 Corporate Interface AmerenUE environmental protection staff draw upon their experience in the nuclear and renewable energy sectors to support Callaway in ensuring the plant operates according to permit requirements. These professionals, many of whom have advanced degrees in environmental science disciplines, belong to professional organizations, attend professional meetings, and monitor environmental laws. The group is responsible for ensuring that company-wide, all permits and authorizations are maintained. As part of this process, they

review permit requirements and ensure that each plant operates within requirements and limits. The AmerenUE environmental group provided support and input during the preparation of the license renewal environmental reports for other Strategic Training and Resource Sharing (STARS) plants and participated in the NRC site visits to those sites. 3.3 Industry Interfaces AmerenUE and Callaway Plant staff maintain interfaces with their counterparts within the nuclear industry through activities such as the following: Participation in professional organizations and their committees and working groups Attendance at conferences, seminars, and meetings sponsored by professional and federal, state, and local regulatory agencies New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 4 Attendance at professional training Subscriptions to trade journals and electronic-mail services Reviewing monitoring activities at other nuclear plants as reported on the NRC website and industry organizations These interfaces serve to alert AmerenUE to emerging regulatory and plant issues that may need to be evaluated for applicability to Callaway. Staying abreast of such issues is another way that Callaway routinely monitors for new and significant information. 3.4 Qualified Investigative Team Callaway selected as the Project Manager for license renewal an environmental professional with over 27 years of experience. The Environmental Lead is knowledgeable about plant systems, NRC license renewal environmental regulatory requirements [10 CFR 51.53(c)], and the GEIS. The license renewal environmental lead is being supported by the AmerenUE environmental group. In addition, Callaway contracted with an environmental consulting firm, Tetra Tech NUS Inc., which has expertise in the NRC license renewal environmental review process, NEPA, and the scientific disciplines necessary to prepare a license renewal environmental report. Tetra Tech NUS provided an independent review of plant-related information. This combination of onsite and offsite, and multi-disciplinary personnel resulted in a team well-qualified to implement the new and significant information identification process. 3.4.1 Documentation Review Callaway Plant and Tetra Tech NUS performed an extensive review of plant environmental documentation from Callaway, contractors, and local and state agencies and commissions related to all 92 issues, including the following types of documents: Environmental protection permits and applications Environmental documents and reports (including routine monitoring) prepared by Callaway Environmental documents and reports prepared by regulatory agencies and academic institutions.

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 5 3.4.2 Staff Interviews The Callaway investigative team identified knowledgeable staff to be interviewed regarding plant environmental issues in general, as well as applicable NRC Category 1 and Category 2 issues specifically. For each issue, team members familiar with the issue(s) interviewed one or more Callaway staff members or contractor employees. Interviewers provided interviewees with the GEIS discussion of the issue prior to the interview. Interviewees included persons responsible for maintaining contacts with regulatory agencies, staying abreast of arising regulatory and

technical issues, implementing the Callaway environmental protection program, and performing maintenance. During the interview, interviewers explained the purpose of the interview, the issue(s) of interest, the NRC definitions of significance (small, moderate, and large), and NRC findings described in the GEIS. Interviewers included issues associated with refurbishment, but explained that Callaway has no plans for refurbishment and that questions about refurbishment were intended as background, in case Callaway determined that some refurbishment was necessary. For Category 1 issues, interviewers then solicited information about whether the issue was currently, or had been, an issue of concern at Callaway ; whether or not the interviewee agreed with the NRC findings and, if not, why not; and whether the interviewee was aware of any similar offsite activities that could contribute to cumulative impacts. For Category 2 issues, the interviewee was asked if the issue was or had been a concern at Callaway, and whether the interviewee was aware of any similar offsite activities that could contribute to cumulative impacts. Finally, the interviewer recorded information about the interviewees relative to their knowledge of the issue(s) for which they were interviewed. During the interviews, interviewees agreed with NRC findings and expressed their belief that Callaway impacts are small. Interviewees agreed with NRC findings that environmental impacts from Category 1 issues applicable to Callaway are small and have not been of particular concern. With regard to Category 2 issues, the interviewees believed the impacts of Callaway to be small. Also, during interviews, the interviewees were asked if they were aware of any activities or planned activities in the plant area that could lead to cumulative impacts.

Interviewees did not identify any such activities. Interviewees were also asked if they were aware of any regulatory agencies or members of the public or public interest groups expressing concerns about current or renewed plant operations.

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 6 3.5 Regulatory Agency Communications AmerenUE corresponded with federal and state regulatory agencies to inform them of plans for Callaway license renewal. AmerenUE described for the agencies its license renewal efforts and asked agency representatives questions regarding issues of concern. Communication with these regulatory agencies is ongoing. Table 2 identifies the agencies contacted. 3.6 Application Reviews Environmental documentation associated with license renewal applications includes environmental reports, NRC requests for additional information and applicant responses, and supplements to the GEIS. Tetra Tech NUS has reviewed many of these documents and includes any insights gained into the new and significant information process. 3.7 Review of Callaway Unit 2 Combined License Application In July 2008, AmerenUE submitted an application for a combined license (COL) to construct and operate Unit 2 at the Callaway site. Preparation of the COL application required the most extensive environmental investigations and evaluations since the initial Unit 1 site characterization. The effort brought together scores of environmental professionals from AmerenUE and numerous consulting firms. Any new issues related to siting and operating a nuclear plant at the Callaway site woul d have likely been uncovered in this undertaking.


Based on the process described above, AmerenUE is aware of no new and significant information regarding the environmental impacts of Callaway. AmerenUE implemented a process designed to identify significant environmental issues that NRC did not cover in the GEIS and codify in 10 CFR 51, or to identify information that NRC did not cover in the GEIS and which would lead to a different impact finding than that which NRC codified. AmerenUE has identified no such information <to be verified after agency consultations are completed>.

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 7 Table 1. External Reviews Agency Report/Topic Frequency U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Radiological Environmental Operating Report Annual Radiological Effluent Report Annual Environmental Operating Report Annual U.S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Shipment Annual Missouri Department of Natural Resources Major Water Use Registration Form Annual Air Permit Compliance Report Annual NPDES Monitoring and Compliance Report Monthly New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 8 Table 2. Regulatory Agency Contacts Federal U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mr. Charlie Scott State Missouri Historic Preservation Officer Mr. Mark Miles Missouri Department of Conservation Ms. Shannon Cave

Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services Ms. Lisa Schutzenhofer Missouri Department of Natural Resources Mr. Kevin Mohammadi

New and Significant Information Identification Process Description Callaway Plant Unit 1 9


U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1996a. Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants. NUREG-1437.

Washington, D.C., May 1996. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1996b.

"Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses." Federal Register. Vol. 61, No.

109. June 5. pg. 28483. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 1996c.

Public Comments on the Proposed 10 CFR Part 51 Rule for Renewal of Nucl ear Power Plant Operating Licenses and Supporting Documents: Review of Concerns and NRC Staff Response. NUREG-1529. Washington, D.C., May.

Draft Backup Documentation New and Significant Information Process Callaway Plant This paper provides backup documentation for the Process Description - New and Significant Information Identification - Callaway Plant. To facilitate its use, it is formatted like the process description paper.

Introduction No backup information.

Background No backup information.

Process Description External Reviews/Audits No background information.

Corporate Interface

No background information.

Industry Interfaces

No background information.

Qualified Investigative Team

AmerenUE-Callaway Plant contracted with Tetra Tech NUS to assist with the investigation for new and significant information as part of its environmental report preparation responsibilities. Table 1 identifies team members, their organizational affiliation, and their areas of responsibility.

Documentation Review (Appendix A)

The documents that were reviewed came from sources at Callaway Plant and from local and state agencies and commissions. Appendix A is an index of documents that Callaway and Tetra Tech NUS gathered and reviewed for new and significant information. Callaway maintains a file of these documents.

Staff Interviews (Appendix B)

The interview process is explained in Section 3.5 of Process Description - New and Significant Information Identification - Callaway Plant. Appendix B-1 identifies the AmerenUE staff interviewed as part of the new and significant information investigation, and Appendix B-2 contains the results of the interviews.

Regulatory Agency Communications

Table 2 lists representatives contacted and identifies contact telephone numbers and addresses.

Application Reviews

No background information.

Peer Review

No background information.

Results No backup documentation.

Table 1. Investigative Team Membership Member Affiliation Responsibility Sarah Kovaleski AmerenUE License Renewal Project Supervisor Sharon Merciel AmerenUE License Renewal Project Manager Andrew Burgess AmerenUE License Renewal Environmental Lead Jerry Self STARS License Renewal Environmental Lead Krista

Dearing Tetra Tech NUS,

Inc. Environmental Report Project Manager Steve Connor Tetra Tech NUS, Inc. Environmental Report Deputy Project Manager Anne Lovell Tetra Tech NUS, Inc. Environmental Report Team Phil Moore Tetra Tech NUS, Inc. Environmental Report Team Table 2. Agency Contacts Agency Contact Telephone Address Federal U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Mr. Charlie Scott 573.234.2132 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Columbia Missouri Field Office, 101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite A, Columbia, MO 65203-0057 State Missouri Historic Preservation Officer Director, Archeology Division Mr. Mark Miles 573.751.7858 Missouri Historic Preservation Officer

P.O. Box 176 Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176 Missouri Department of Conservation Ms. Shannon Cave 573.751.4115 Missouri Department of Conservation Policy Coordination Unit P.O. Box 180 2901 West Truman Blvd Jefferson City, MO 65102-080 Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services Bureau of Communicable Disease Control &

Prevention Ms. Lisa Schutzenhofer 573.751.6400 Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services P.O. Box 570 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Missouri Department of Natural Resources Water Pollution Control Branch Mr. Kevin Mohammadi 573.751.6825 Missouri Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 176 Jefferson City, MO 65102

Appendix A Document Database Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-01AmerenUE Integrated Resource Plan ReportThomas R. Voss, AmerenUE2008 Cal-02 Appendix 2I, Initial Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Union Electric Company Nuclear Reactor Near Reform, Callaway County, MissouriDavid R. Evans and David J. Ives11/27/73 Cal-03 Appendix 2K, Archaeological Survey Callaway-Bland Transmission Line Callaway PlantDavid R. Evans6/28/77Cal-04Appendix 2J, 23CY 20, The Preservation Plan for an Archaeological SiteDavid R. Evans and David J. IvesJul-79

Cal-05 State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) correspondence (Cultural Resources)A.C. Passwater, Union Electric4/27/90Cal-062005 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportAmerenUE2005Docket no. 50-483 Cal-072008 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating ReportAmerenUE4/30/09Docket no. 50-483

Cal-08 Department of Economic Development, Division 240-Public Service Commission, Chapter 23-Electric Utility Operational Standards Code of State Regulations (CSR)Jun-084 CSR 240-23 Cal-09 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) Standard Plant, Rev. OL-17 and FSAR Site Addendum, Rev. OL-17 AmerenUE Dec-04 5/3/2009Cal-10Figure 1.2-44 Property Site Layout of the FSARAmerenUE5/27/08Cal-11Chapter 15 Accident Analysis of the FSAR, Rev. OL-17AmerenUE4/9/09

Cal-12 Final Environmental Statement Related the Operation of Callaway Plant, Unit 1 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Jan-82 NUREG-0813 Docket No. 50-483 Cal-13 Final Environmental Statement Related the Proposed Callaway Plant, Units 1 and 2 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Mar-75 NUREG-75/011 Docket Nos. 50-483 & 50-486Cal-14Callaway Topos (Mokane East Quad, Readsville Quad, and Reform Quad)

Missouri Department of Natural Resources Cal-15 Part 3: Environmental Report, Revision 1 of the Callaway Plant Unit 2 Combined License ApplicationUnion Electric CompanyFeb-09 Cal-16 Ameren Transmission Vegetation Management ProgramAmerenUEApr-07Cal-17Reported water use for 2008 Missouri Department of Natural Resources 2009 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 1

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-18Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports First Quarter 2008AmerenUE4/28/2008 Cal-19 REMP Sample Locations and Sample Analysis Schedule HTP-ZZ-07101-DTI Rev. 000AmerenUE4/20/2009Cal-20Agricultural Cash Rent Lease - 132 AcresAmerenUE12/16/2008 Cal-21Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Fouth Quarter 2007AmerenUE1/22/2008 Cal-22Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Fouth Quarter 2008AmerenUE1/23/2009 Cal-23Final Environmental Evaluation New Blowdown Discharge PipeAmerenUE7/13/2007 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-24Final Environmental Evaluation Reroute Portion of Plant Discharge LineAmerenUE7/1/2005 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-25Final Environmental Evaluation Partial Makeup Discharge Pipe ReplacementAmerenUE7/1/2005 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-26Final Environmental Evaluation New Technical Training FacilityAmerenUE7/1/2005 OL 0025 3.01 OL 0025 5.03Cal-27Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Second Quarter 2008AmerenUE7/18/2008Cal-28Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Second Quarter 2009AmerenUE7/23/2009 Cal-29Agricultural Cash Rent Lease - 328 AcresAmerenUE3/25/2009 Cal-30Property Tax District 50 Mile Radius of Callaway for 2008AmerenUEMar-09 Cal-31NPDES Permit Reportable EventAmerenUE11/25/2008 Cal-32Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Third Quarter 2007AmerenUE10/22/2007 Cal-33Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Third Quarter 2008AmerenUE10/23/2008 Cal-34Agricultural Cash Rent Lease - 175 AcresAmerenUE10/28/2008 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 2

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-35Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports Third Quarter 2009AmerenUE9/21/2009Cal-36Agricultural Cash Rent Lease Schmid 36 AcresAmerenUE9/30/2008 Cal-37Final Environmental Evaluation Old Steam Generator Storage, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-38Final Environmental Evaluation Security Fence, Rev. 29AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-39Groundwater Protection Program, Rev. 001 AmerenUEUndatedEDP-ZZ-01136 Cal-40Name Organization Information, App 1, Administrative Correction, Rev. 2AmerenUEUndatedEDP-ZZ-00520 Cal-41Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Minor Revision 017AmerenUEUndatedHTP-ZZ-07101 Cal-42Reporting Requirements and Responsibilities, Minor Revision 030AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00520

Cal-43 Hazardous Chemical/Oil Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan, Administrative Procedure, Revision 012AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00811 Cal-44 Final Environmental Evaluation Steam Generator Replacement Docking and Haul Road, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-45 Final Environmental Evaluation Steam Generator Replacement Support Facility, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140 Cal-46 Final Environmental Evaluation Modification for Old Steam Generator Storage Facility, Rev. 029AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00140Cal-47Hazardous Chemical Control Program, Rev. 5AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00831 Cal-48Hazardous Material Management, Rev. 4AmerenUEUndatedCDP-ZZ-01000 Cal-49Hazard Communication Program, Administrative Correction Revision 017AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00830

Cal-50 Hazardous Chemical Oil Spill Response Spill Cleanup Implementing Procedure, Rev. 13AmerenUEUndatedEIP-ZZ-03010Cal-51Reporting and Processing of Accidents, Injuries, and Illnesses, Rev. 21AmerenUEUndatedAPA-ZZ-00835 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 3

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-52 Final Draft Report - Phase 1 Cultural Resources Survey & Assessment on Residual Lands at Union Electric Company's Callaway Nuclear Power PlantAmerican Resources GroupApr-84 Cal-53 A Cultural Resources Management Plan for Residual Lands at the Union Electric Company Nuclear Power PlantAmerican Resources GroupOct. 1983 Cal-54 Management Agreement for the Reform Conservation Area Public Use of Lands Missouri Department of Conservation 9/8/2008Cal-55Callaway NPDES Permit 0098001 (Missouri State Operating Permit)

Missouri Department of Natural Resources, MO Clean Water

Commission 2/13/2009Cal-56Callaway DNR Part 70 Air Permit Missouri Department of Natural Resources, MO Clean Water

Commission9/18/2008Permit No. OP2008-045 Cal-57 Draft Regulatory Guide DG-4015, Revision 1 - Preparation of Environmental Reports for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal ApplicationsNRCJul-09 Cal-58 Threatened and Endangered Species Evaluation for Operating Commercial Nuclear Power Generating Plants Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryJan-04PNNL-14468 Cal-59 Email between Krista Dearing and Chad Warren (Vegetation Supervisor) requesting info.Chad Warren, AmerenUE11/30/2009 Cal-60 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Final Report, Volumes 1 and 2, Final ReportNRCMay-96NUREG-1437Cal-61Callaway Discharge Pipeline Manhole H3 Invest Phase IITerracon Consultsants, Inc.4/25/2008 Cal-62Callaway Discharge Pipeline Manhole H3 Invest Phase ITerracon Consultsants, Inc.8/28/2006 Cal-63Callaway Plant List of Outages to DateAmerenUE1/6/2009 Cal-64Callaway Plant Annual Land Use Census 2009, Rev. 0AmerenUE11/18/2009HPCI- 09-06

Cal-65 Callaway Water Quality and Bioloical PreOperational Monitoring Program, June 1980 to May 1981Camp Dresser & McKeeJul-81 Cal-66 Callaway Water Quality and Bioloical PreOperational Monitoring Program, June 1981 to May 1982Camp Dresser & McKeeSep-82Cal-67Callaway Plant 2007 Annual Land Use Census C. C. Graham, Callaway Radiation Protection 10/31/2007 Cal-68 Natural Resources Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) for Callaway Unit 2 Siting Study Mactec Engineering and Consulting, Inc.11/30/2007 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 4

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-69Final Groundwater Model Report Callaway Nuclear Plant, Rev. 1Paul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc.10/31/2008 Cal-70 Quality Assurance Project for Baseline Study: Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Report for Callaway Unit 2 ERPaul C. Rizzo Associates, Inc.7-Aug Cal-71 Callaway Plant 316b Study, Evaluation of Cooling Water Intake Impacts on the Missouri RiverUnion Electric CompanyJul-86 PL 92-500, NPDES Permit No.

MO-0098001Cal-72Callaway Refueling Durations SummaryAmerenUE12/16/2009Cal-73Callaway Per County Tax Detail 2004 to 2008AmerenUE12/10/2009 Cal-74Missouri Pole Mile STC Distribution 2008AmerenUE12/10/2009 Cal-75Callaway Raw Water System ChemicalsAmerenUE12/16/2009 Cal-76Callaway Plant Environmental Report Operating License Stage, Rev. 1Union Electric CompanyFeb-81 Cal-77Callaway employees by countyAmerenUE12/16/2009 Cal-78Callaway employee Zip Code 1AmerenUE12/17/09 Cal-79Callaway employee Zip Code 2AmerenUE12/17/09 Cal-80Callaway employee Zip Code 3AmerenUE12/17/09 Cal-812008 MO proposed tax district 50 mile radius of CallawayAmerenUEMar-09 Cal-82Callaway employees by cityAmerenUE12/16/2009 Cal-83Callaway County Connector Environmental Assessment - Chapter 1Burns & McDonnell12/29/09 Cal-84Callaway County Connector Raodway Concept MapBurns & McDonnell06/01/09 Cal-85Fuel in pool 01/04/10 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 5

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-86 NPDES Compliance Correspondence to MO Department of Natural Resources - Total Residual Chlorene (TRC) ExceedanceAmerenUE01/18/05Cal-87Closed-Cycle Cooling and Makeup Water Options for Callaway Future UnitsBurns & McDonnellJun-07 Cal-88Phase II Hydrogeologic Investigation Report - Collector Well Siting StudyBurns & McDonnellJun-08 Cal-89Chamois Plant Water Discharge Data Department of Environmental Protection 12/15/09Cal-90National Electrical Safety Code Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)20072007 Edition Cal-91 Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses; CorrectionNRC7/30/1996Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 147 Cal-92 Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating LicensesNRC6/5/1996Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 109 Cal-93 1996 Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating LicensesNRC12/18/1996Federal Register Vol. 61, No. 244 Cal-94 Public Comments on the Proposed 10 CFR Part 51 Rule for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses and Supporting Documents: Review

of Concerns and NRC Staff Response, Volume INRCMay-96NUREG-1529 Cal-95 Regulatory Analysis for Amendments to Regulations for the Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating LicensesNRCMay-96NUREG-1440 Cal-96 Changes to Requirements for Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses; Final RulesNRC9/3/1999Federal Register Vol. 64, No. 171 Cal-97 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Main Report, Volumes 1 and 2, Draft Report for CommentNRCJul-09NUREG-1437, Rev. 1Cal-98Callaway Discharge Monitoring Reports First Quarter 2009AmerenUE04/20/09Permit No. MO-0098001 Cal-99Callaway NPDES Monthly Reports for 2005, 2006, and 2007AmerenUE Cal-100 List of reported cases of confirmed and probable legionellosis in Missouri from 2004 to 2008.

Eden Dietle, Bureau of Communicable Disease Control and

Prevention, Missouri Department of

Health & Senior Services 01/07/10 Cal-101 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants Final Report, Volume 1, Addendum 1, Main Report, Section 6.3

Trans p ortation , Table 9.1 Summar y of findin g s on NEPA issues for license NRCAug-99 Cal-102 American FactFinder. Census 2000 Demographic Profile Highlights:

Missouri PopulationAmerican FactFinder2000 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 6

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-103 Change Notice - Office Instruction No. License 203. Procedural Guidance for Preparing Environmental IssuesNRC05/24/04Cal-104NPDES Stormwater Outfall MapUnion Electric Company03/03/08 Cal-105Stormwater Outfalls 010-015 Topo Map and Drainage AreasUnion Electric Company03/03/08 Cal-106Summary File 1 for Maine: Census 2000 for MaineUS Census Bureau12/15/09 Cal-107Summary File 3 for Maine: Census 2000 for MaineUS Census Bureau12/15/09 Cal-108Callaway Aerial Photos 2007Cal-109Location of US Climate Divisions National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 01/24/10Cal-11040 CFR 81.116 - Northern Missouri Intrastate AQCRCode of Federal Regulations

Cal-111 40 CFR 81.416 - Identification of Mandatory Class I Federal Areas Where Visibility is an Important Value Code of Federal RegulationsCal-11240 CFR Parts 50 and 58 - NAAQS for Ozone - Proposed RuleFederal Register Cal-113US Climate Normals - Climate of Missouri National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Climatic

Data Cente r 06/24/05Cal-11440 CFR 81.326 - NAAQS Status for MissouriCode of Federal Regulations Cal-115Visibility in our Nation's Parks and Wilderness AreasUSEPA05/26/09 Cal-116Climatography of the US, No. 20, 1971-2000, Columbia Regional Airport, MO National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Climatic

Data Cente r 02/01/04Cal-117EPA Maps for Proposed NAAQS Ozone RuleUSEPA01/06/10 Cal-118Suspension of Efforts to Build Proposed Nucear Power Plant AmerenUE 04/28/09 ALNRC 00018 NRC Docket No.52-037 Cal-119 ALNRC 00018, dated April 28, 2009 "Suspension of Efforts to Build Proposed Nuclear Power Plant" AmerenUE06/23/09ALNRC 00041 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 7

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-120Gail Gary Email on the Reported Intake Well Water Use AmerenUE 12/08/09Cal-121Gail Gary Email on the Reported Deep Well Water Use AmerenUE 11/03/09Cal-122Well Database Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 01/21/10Cal-123Wellhead Information Management (WIMS) Well Data Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 01/26/10Cal-124Information on Legionella bacteria Cal-125Respiratory Protection Program Management InstructionCraig L. Lecce11/24/2009ES-REG-213

Cal-126 Missouri State Water Plan Series Volume II, Groundwater Resources of Missouri Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)1997WR46 Cal-127 Summary of Missouri Water Laws, Water Resources Report 51 (Missouri State Water Plan Series Volume VII)

Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 2000Cal-128Major Water Use in Missouri, Water Resources Report 72 Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 1996-2000Cal-129Callaway County Well Logs Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 02/26/07Cal-130Water User Fact Sheet Pub 2236 Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)

Jan. 2008Cal-131Callaway #2 Water District Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)11/11/09PWSS Report 3024085Cal-132Fulton Water System Missour Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)11/11/09PWSS Report 3010296Cal-133Fulton and Callaway #2 Water Supply Well Distance CalculationsTetra Tech NUS01/26/10 Cal-134Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Query for Callaway County Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)01/20/10Cal-135Gail Gary Email - Timeline for Pipeline ReplacementAmerenUE01/29/10 Cal-136Gail Gary Email on Callaway Liquid Radioactive DischargeAmerenUE01/28/10 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 8

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-137 Report of Phase I Archaeological Survey, Slected Portions of an Access Road/Pipeline Corridor and Transmission Line Corridor, Callaway and Osage

Counties, Missouri. (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original document)

J. Emmett Brown and Patrick H.

Garrow, MACTEC Engineering &

Consulting Inc.

05/12/09 Cal-138 Final Draft Report-Phase I Cultural Resources Survey and Assessment on Residual Lands at Union Electric Company's. (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original

document)Jack H. Ray, Edward M. Morin, Michael J. McNerney, and Gail White Apr-84 Cal-139 Final Report-Phase II Cultural Resource Testing and Assessment of Sites 23CY-20, 23CY-352, and 23CY-359 at Union Electric Company's (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client

has the original document)

Jerome D. Traver, American Resources Group, LTD Feb. 1984 Cal-140 Letter to Mr. Emmett Brown, MACTEC Engineering concerning Glowdown Discharge Pipeline. (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original document)

Mark A. Miles, Missouri Department of Natural Resources 09/10/07 Cal-141 Management Summary, Phase I Archaeological Survey, Blowdown Discharg e Pipeline. (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St.

Louis office-client has the original document)

LaDonna A. Rogers and J. Emmett Brown, MACTEC 08/30/07 Cal-142 Letter to Melissa Dubinsky, Ricco Associates Inc., concerning Letter Report o f Cultural Resources Monitoring, Installation of Test Wells. (Notes only-taken by Kathy Roxlau while at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the

original document)

LaDonna A. Rogers and J. Emmett Brown, MACTEC 09/04/07 Cal-143 A Cultural Resource Management Plan for Residual Lands at the Union Electric Company Callaway Plant. Revised by Brian F. Holderness, November 2006-certain copy pages. Also notes taken by Kathy Roxlau whil e at the clients in the St. Louis office-client has the original document.

Michael J. McNerney, Amercian Cultural Resources Group Mar-92Cal-144Excavation Construction and Safety Standards, Major Revision 011AmerenUEMDP-ZZ-SH001 Cal-145 National Historic Landmarks Survey, Listing of National Historic Landmarks by State Nation Park Service (NPS)Cal-146National Register of Historic PlacesNation Park Service (NPS)02/02/10

Cal-147 Letter to John K. Bryan from David Evans. Topographic map showing the areas examined during the archaeological survey.David R. Evans06/27/77 Cal-148 A cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Union Electric Company Electric 345KV Transmission Line Right-of-way, Callaway and Montgomery

Counties, MO.David R. Evans and David J. IvesMar-78 Cal-149 A cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Union Electric Company Electric 345KV Transmission Line Right-of-way, Gasconade and Osage

Counties, MO.David R. Evans and David J. IvesJun-79 Cal-150 A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Bland Substation Site, Gasconade County, MO.David R. EvansJun-79 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 9

Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-151 Department of Economic Development, Division 240-Public Service Commission, Chapter 18-Safety Standards Code of State Regulations (CSR)10/31/20084 CSR 240-18 Cal-152 Administrative Code - Title 83: Public Utilities, Chapter I: Illinois Commerce Commission, Part 305 Construction of Electric Power and Communication

Lines Joint Committee on Administrative Rules 6/15/2003Cal-153Electric Field Strength Profiles Cal-154 Code of State Regulations - Divisions 20 & 60 - Clean Water Commission, Safe Drinking Water Commission, Public Drinking Water Program Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 9/30/2009 Cal-155 Department of Economic Development, Division 240-Public Service Commission, Chapter 18-Safety Standards David S. Lee, el al, U.S. Fish &

Wildlife Services 1980Cal-156East Osage River Watershed: Hydrology Missouri Department of Conservation 1/26/2010Cal-157Missouri Fish Advisory.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) 3/4/2009Cal-1582009 Fish Advisory: A Guide to Eating Missouri Fish.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) 2009Cal-159Missouri Water Quality Report (Section 305(b) Report).

Missouri Department of Natural Resources Water Protection

Program 6/17/2009Cal-160Missouri's 303(d) Streams and Lakes.6/17/09 Missouri Department of Natural Resources 12/16/2009Cal-161Missouri River Environmental Assessment Program Missouri River Natural Resources Committee 1998Cal-162The Fishes of MissouriWilliam L. Pflieger1975 Cal-163Changes in Fish Fauna in the Lower Missouri River, 1940-1983.

William L. Pflieger and Timothy B.

Grace 1987Cal-164Fish Management Problems of Large Impoundments on the Missouri River.James T. Shields1958 Cal-165Fishes of the Central United States.

Joseph R. Tomelleri and Mark E.

Eberle 1990 Cal-166 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact State for the Missouri River Fish and Wildlife Mitigation Project U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)Mar-03Cal-167Missouri River Recovery Program Fact Sheet: Missouri River Sediment U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)Undated 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 10 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-168 Water-resources data for the United States, Water Year 2008 for Boonville, MOU.S. Geological Survey2009 Cal-169 Water-resources data for the United States, Water Year 2008 for Herrmann, MOU.S. Geological Survey2009Cal-170Transmission Vegetation Management ProgramAmerenUE2007 Cal-171The Bald Eagle in Missouri Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC)

Oct. 2007Cal-172Management Agreetment for the Public Use of Lands Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) 1/15/2009Cal-173The Missouri Natural Heritage Program Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) 1/10/2010Cal-174Endangered Species Guidesheets Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) 2/22/2010Cal-175Missouri Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Missouri Natural Heritage Program Missouri Department of

Conservation (MDC)

Jan. 2010Cal-176Atlas of Missouri Ecoregions Timothy A. Nigh and Walter A.

Schroeder, MDC 2002Cal-177Endangered Species Fact Sheet - Pallid SturgeonU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service7/29/2009 Cal-178Blad Eagle Nesting in the Upper MidwestU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service4/6/2009 Cal-179Blad Eagle U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service10/27/2009

Cal-180 Missouri County Distribution of Federally-listed Threatened, Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate SpeciesU.S. Fish & Wildlife Service1/20/2010Cal-181Missouri River Mitigation Project-Project History-Introduction U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004Cal-182Missouri River Mitigation Project-Project History U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004Cal-183Missouri River Mitigation Project-Supplemental EIS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004Cal-184Missouri River Mitigation Project-Project Implementation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)7/21/2004 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 11 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-185 Simulation of Ground-Water Flow, Contributing Recharge Areas, and Ground-Water Travel Time in the Missouri River Alluvial Aquifer near Ft.

Leavenworth, KansasU.S. Geological Survey (USGS)2004 Cal-186 Summary and Analysis of Topics in Water Use-Regional Reports. Water Resource Report Number 64 Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR)

Undated Cal-187 Department of of Natural Resources, Division 20-Clean Water Commission, Chapter 7-Water Quality Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 9/30/2009 Cal-188 Department of of Natural Resources, Division 60-Safe Drinking Water Commission, Chapter 4-Contaminant Levels and Monitoring Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 9/30/2009 Cal-189 Department of of Natural Resources, Division 60-Public Drinking Water Program, Chapter 15-Lead and Copper Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 3/31/2002Cal-190Callaway County Tax Statelment for Years 2004 to 2007Missouri Department of Revenue1/12/2010

Cal-191 Telecon between Nicole Hill, TtNUS and Les Hudson, City of Fulton on Land use planning and zoning in City of Fulton and Callaway County.Les Hudson, City of Fulton1/6/2010 Cal-192 Telecon between Nicole Hill, TtNUS and Ed Siegmund, Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission onLand use planning and zoning in Callaway

County.Ed Siegmund, Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission 1/26/2010Cal-193Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 89-Zoning and PlanningMissouri General Assembly8/28/2009Cal-194Mid-Missouri Regional Transportation Plan Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission 2009Cal-195Census of Missouri Public Water Systems 2008 Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 1/24/2008Cal-196District details for schools in South Callaway CO National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) 12/15/2009 Cal-197 Table 1. Annual Estimates of the Population of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas: April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2008.U.S. Census Bureau (USCB)3/19/2009 Cal-198 2008 Population estimates for Boone, Callaway and Cole Counties, Fulton City, St. Louis City and the State of Missouri.

U.S. Census Bureau (USCB)

American FactFinder Undated aCal-1992008 Population estimates for Jefferson City and Columbia City, Missouri.

U.S. Census Bureau (USCB)

American FactFinder Undated bCal-200Chapter 1 of the Callaway County Connector and maps of roadway conceptsBurns and McDonnell2009 Cal-201List of Water Systems in SDWIS for Boone, Callaway and Cole Counties.

Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) EPA 1/7/2010 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 12 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-202Population Projects for Missouri Missouri Census Data Center (MCDC)5/14/2008Cal-203South Callaway school finance assessed valuations during 2007-2008.

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (MDESE)

UndatedCal-204Land Use and Land Cover Information Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership 2005Cal-205Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission history and services.

Mid-Missouri Regional Planning Commission 2009Cal-206Callaway Landfill Groundwater Data for 2005 to 2009.AmerenUE3/4/2010 Cal-2072008 Traffic Volume Maps Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) 3/16/2010 Cal-208 Change Notice - Procedural Guidance for Preparing Environmental Assessments and Considering Enviromental IssuesNRC6/21/2001LIC-203 Cal-209 Application for a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Flexible Air Quality Permit - W.A. Parish Electric Generating Station Fort Bend County, TexasJD Consulting, LP6/2006PI2(74-7)

Cal-210 Monthly Nuclear Utility Generation by State and Reactor -January through December 2008STPNOC2009Cal-211Implications of Reduced Gas Use on Emission from Power Generation Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc2000F-2000-04Cal-212GE Energy: H System World's Most Advanced Combined Cycle TechnologyGE Energy2008

Cal-213 User Guidelines for Waste and By-Product Materials in Pavement Construction USDOT Federal Highway Administration4/1998FHWA-RD-97-148Cal-214Preferred and Alternative Methods for Estimating Air Emission from BoilersEastern Research Group, Inc.1/2001Volume 2 Cal-215Electricity Market Module EIA (Energy Information Administration)6/2008DOE/EIA-0554(2008)Cal-2162008 Coal Combustion Product Production & Use Survey Results ACAA (American Coal Ash Association) 10/5/09Cal-217EPA Emission Factor Report for CO and NOxEPA2008

Cal-218 Air Emission Control Methods for Coal - Section 1.1 Bituminous and Subbituminous Coal CombustionEPA1998 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 13 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-219Section 3.1 Stationary Gas TurbinesEPA2000 Cal-220 Table 14A Receipts and Average Delivered Cost of Natural Gas by Type of Purchase, Census Division and State: Total (All Sectors), 2008, Table 15A-

Destination and Ori g in of Coal for Electricit y Generation B y State: Total (All EIA (Energy Information Administration)2008Tables Cal-221 Final Environmental Impact Statement Plymouth Generating Facility Plymouth, Washington, Tritium Briefing Bonneville Power Administration, Benton County, Washington6/2003DOE/EIS 0345Cal-222Toquop Energy Project StatusToquop Energy Project8/24/2007(BLM 2007)Accessed on 8/24/2007 Cal-223Final Environmental Impact Statement for the COB Energy FacilityBonneville Power Administration6/2004DOE/EIS 0343Draft i s included in folder Cal-224 Commission Decision Pico Power Project Application fro Certification Santa Clara County California Energy Commission 9/2003P800-03-014Cal-225Chula Vista Energy Upgrade ProjectCH2MHill8/2007ES062007014SACVolume 1 and 2 Cal-226City of Vernon Power Plant Project Combined Cycle Licensing CaseCalifornia Energy Commission 4/20/200806-AFC-4Accessed o n 4/20/2008Cal-227Wanapa Energy Center Final Environmental Impact StatementDOI-Bonneville Power Administration12/2004DOE/EIS-0342

Cal-228 Wellton-Mohawk Generating Facility Project Update-Draft Environmental Impact Statement availableWellton-Mohawk2005News LetterCal-229White Pine Energy (Nevada Coal Plant Proposals)Western Resource Advocates8/24/2007Accessed on 8/24/2007

Cal-230 Sempra Energy Resources ER in Support of CPCN Application Catoctin Power Project Frederick County, MarylandGolder Associates Inc.2/2004023-9502 Cal-231 Request for Waiver of Permit Application Basin Electric Power Cooperative Dry Fork StationEDAW/ CH2MHILL5/2006Cal-232Final Environmental Impact Statement-BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council8/2004DOE/EIS-0346 Cal-233 Site Certification Application Seminole Generating Station Unit 3 Palatka, Florida Volume I of IIIGolder Associates Inc.3/7/2006Cal-234Application for Certification for the South Bay Replacement ProjectLSPSB2006

Cal-235 Draft Environmental Assessment Santee Cooper Pee Dee Electrical Generating Station MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.

10/31/2006 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 14 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-236Draft Environmental Impact Statement-Roundup Power Project Mountain Department of Environmental Quality 11/2002Cal-237Draft EIS for Desert Rock Energy Project Sithe Global Power LLC & Desert Rock Energy LLC 5/2007 Cal-238 Final Environmental Impact Statement Proposed Baseload Power Plant Association Electric Cooperative, Inc.

USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) 7/2007Cal-239Cliffside ProjectDuke Energy5/11/2005Docket No. E-7, Sub 790 Cal-240PV (FAQs) -How much Land will PV need to supply our electricity EERE (The National Renewable Energy Laboratory) US Department

of Ener gy Office of Ener gy Efficienc y 2/2004DOE/GO-102004-1835Cal-241Renewable Energy Data Book EERE (Energy Efficiency &

Renewable Energy) 9/2008Cal-242Site Certification Application Turkey Point Expansion ProjectGolder Associates Inc.11/2003Volume 1 of 3 Cal-243Site Certification Application West County Energy Center Golder Associates Inc.4/2005437649 Cal-244Draft Environmental Impact Statement Faribault Energy Park Project Minnesota Environmental Quality Board2/200402-48-PPS-FEP Cal-245 What Generation Mix Suits Your State? Tools for comparing Fourteen Technologies across Nine Criteria NRRI (National Regulatory Research Institute) 2/14/2007 Cal-246 Application for an Energy Conversion Facility Siting Permit Big Stone II ProjectOtter Tail Power Company7/21/2005EL05-022Cal-247Final Environmental Impact Statement Elm Road Generating Station Public Service Commission of Wisconsin7/2003Docket 05-CE-130Volume 1Cal-248Geothermal Energy for Electric Power A REPP Issue BriefMasashi Shibaki 12/2003 Cal-249NREL 2008 Solar Power Resource MapsNRELJan-08 Cal-250Wind Energy and the Environment AWEA (America Wind Energy Association) 2009 Cal-251 Email from Gail Gary, AmernEn to Krista Kearing concerning the Diesel Fuel Release HistoryGail P. Gary, AmernEn3/26/10Cal-252Carbon footprint of the nuclear fuel cycle - Briefing note.AEA TechnologyMar-06 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 15 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-253 Table 2.3 Groundwater Sample Minima, Maxima, and Mean Values for all Sampling Rounds at Callaway Plant Site of the ER, Rev. 1.

AmerenUECal-254Candu Reactors and Greenhouse Gas Emissions S. Andseta, M.J. Thompson, Sherida College-Ontario; J.P. Jarrell, Cameco Corp; D.R. Pendergast

Atoomic Energy of Canada Limited 10/18/1998 Cal-255 Critical note on the estiation by Storm van Leeuwen J. W. and Smith P. of the energy uses and corresponding CO2 emissions from the complete nuclear

energy chain Roberto Dones, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) 4/10/2007 Cal-256 Comparison of Greenhouse-Gas Emissions and Abatement Cost of Nuclear and Alternative Energy Options from a Life-Cycle PerspectiveUwe R. Fritsche, ko-Institut1/1/2006 Cal-257 Greenhouse-gas emmissions from solar electric- and nuclear power: A life-cycle study Vasilis M. Fthenakis and Hyung Chul Kim 6/27/2006Cal-258Impact of U.S. Nuclear Generation on Greehouse Gas Emissions Ronald E. Hagen, John R. Moens, and Zdenek D. Nikodem, Energy

Information Administration (EIA) 11/6/2001Cal-259Nuclear Power for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation International Atoic Energy Agency (IAEA)Nov. 2000Cal-260Greenhouse Warming: Efficient Solution or Nuclear Nemesis?Bill Keepin, Rocky Mountain Institute6/29/1988 Cal-261The Future of Nuclear Power - An Interdisciplinary MIT Study Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2003 Cal-262 World Warms to Nuclear Power - NO2 Nuclear Power New and Information about the UK unclear industry.Dr. Nigel MortimerJan-90Cal-263Nuclear Energy and the Kyoto ProtocolNuclear Energy Agency (NEA)2002 Cal-264Nuclear Power: So solution to climate change Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS)

Feb-05Cal-265Carbon Footprint of Electridcity Generation Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)

Oct-06Cal-266Climate Change and Nuclear PowerMycle Schneider, Wise-ParisApr-00

Cal-267 Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Electricity Generation Chains Assessing the Difference Joseph V. Spadara, Lucille Langlois and Bruce Hamilton 2000Cal-268Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &

Scientists 4/23/2009 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 16 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-269Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &

Scientists 2/12/2010Cal-270Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &

Scientists 2/25/2009Cal-271Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &

Scientists 7/31/2009Cal-272Groundwater Monitoring Services, Fuel Groundwater Wells Report Terracon Consulting Engineers &

Scientists 10/20/2009Cal-273National Primary Drinking Water RegulationsUS EPA5/1/2009

Cal-274 A guide to life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electric supply technologiesDaniel Weisser2007Cal-275Callaway license nrewal transmission interviewDavid Endorf3/16/2010 Cal-276Computer codesDavid Endorf3/16/2010 Cal-277AmerenUE 2007 Environmental ReportAmerenUE12/15/2007

Cal-278 Annual Report on US Wind Power Installation, Cost and Performance Trends:

2007EERE5/1/2008 Cal-279 COAL QUALITY AND GEOCHEMISTRY, POWDER RIVER BASIN, WYOMING AND MONTANAUSGS1999Cal-280Callaway Unit 1 Operating Data ReportNRC2009 Cal-281Siemens Gas Turbine SGT6-5000F Application OverviewSiemens2008 Cal-282Siemens Power Plant SCC6-5000F 2X1 Flex-Plant 30Siemens2010 Cal-283Water Resource Publication 2221 Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 7/1/2007 Cal-284 Missouri Major Water Users Well Information for Surface Water Users Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) 2010Cal-285EIA Missouri Electricity Profile EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 17 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-286EIA Nuclear Generation US Reactors 2008 EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008 Cal-287 Electric Power Industry Capability by Primary Energy Source, 1990 Through 2008 (Megawatts)

EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008 Cal-288 Table 5. Electric Power Industry Generation by Primary Energy Source, 1990 Through 2008 (Megawatthours)

EIA (Energy Information Administration) 2008Cal-289U.S. Hydropower Resource Assessment Final ReportINEEL1998 Cal-290Brighter than a Hundred Suns: Solar Power for the SouthwestLeitner and Owens2003

Cal-291 Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities; Supplement 1; Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear

Power Reactors.NRC11/1/2002NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 NRC ADAMS Accession No.

ML023470327Cal-292Facts about AmerenUEAmerenUE2010Cal-293AmerenUE Power PlantsAmerenUE2010 Cal-294AmerenUE Energy EfficiencyAmerenUE2010 Cal-295Ameren Renewable EnergyAmeren2010 Cal-296Schainker 2008 Utility Scale Energy StorageSchainker2008 Cal-297Basic Principles of Wind Resource Evaluation AWEA (America Wind Energy Association) 2009 Cal-298 A Guidebook to Expanding the role of Renewables in a Power Supply PortfolioAltera Energy, Inc (AE)9/2004Cal-299Restructuring the US Electric Power IndustryNEI (Nuclear Energy Institute)2000 Cal-300EPA Clean Air Interstate RuleEPA2010 Cal-301Fuel Cells - Powering AmericaSECA2009Brochure Cal-302The Online Fuel Cell Information ResourceFuel Cells1/28/2009 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 18 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-303 What Generation Mix Suits Your State? Tools for comparing Fourteen Technologies across Nine Criteria NORRIS (National Regulatory Research Institute) 2/14/2007Cal-304Stationary Fuel Cell Technology NFCRC (National Fuel Cell Research Center) Scott Samuelsen, Directo r 7/9/2008Cal-3052008 Large Stationary Survey, Fuel Cell Today, August 2008Dr. Kerry-Ann Adamson8/2008 Cal-306NREL 2008 Geothermal Resource Map NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 10/2008 Cal-307 Microsoft Excel Table of Solar and Wind Project Applications submitted to the BLM California Desert DistricBureau of Land Management (BLM)2008Cal-308Fuel from the Sky Solar Power's Potential for Western Energy Supply NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)7/2002NREL/SR-550-32160Cal-309NREL Wind Resource Map NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) 12/2008Cal-310EPA Clean Air Mecury RuleEPA2010 Cal-311NUREG-1427, Supplement 32 - Wolf Creek Generating StationNRC5/2008 Cal-312US Natural Gas Pipeline Cal-313Pipelines near CallawayTetra Tech NUS4/2010 Cal-314Callaway Plant Annual Air Emissions ReportedAmerenUE4/13/10 Cal-315Mo. Considers animal easte gas as renewable energySarah Wire3/30/2010 Cal-316NREL Wind Energy BasicsNREL9/29/2009 Cal-317Annual Energy Outlook 2009 EIA (Energy Information Administration)

Mar-09Cal-318Ameren Launches Major Solar Initiative in Illinois and MissouriSolar DailyDec-09 Cal-319Geothermal Power TechnologyREPP 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 19 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notesCal-320Future Fuel Cells R&DUSDOE4/23/2010Cal-321State of North Carolina vs. EPAUS Court of Appeals12/23/2008 Cal-322AmerenUE Integrated Resource Plan AmerenUEFeb-08

Cal-323 COMMENTS OF THE MISSOURI PUBLIC SERVICE MISSOURI COMMISSIONMissouri PSC2009Cal-324Areva EPR: The Path of Greatest CertaintyAreva2010

Cal-325 Fact Sheet - Proposed Rule Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring RuleUSEPASep-09Cal-326USEPA: Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases RuleUSEPA4/26/2010 Cal-3272008 Geothermal Technologies Market ReportEEREJul-09 Cal-328SWANA Waste to Energy SWANA (Soild Waste Association of North America) 2010Cal-3292008 Solar Technologies Market ReportEEREJan-10

Cal-330 Solar Energy Land Area Efficiency or How Many Acres per MW, kWp per AcreSolarByTheWatt.comMar-09 Cal-331 SB 848 Moldifies Various provisions pertaining to Utilities - Sections 393.1025 and 393.1030Missouri Senate4/28/2010Cal-332Missouri Restructuring EIA (Energy Information Administration)

Apr-07 Cal-333 Existing Generating Units in the United States by State, Company and Plant, 2008 Preliminary EIA (Energy Information Administration) 12/31/2008Cal-334FERC Operating License for Osage Hydroelectric PlantFERC3/30/2007 Cal-335Missouri Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Set-Aside ProgramMissouri DNR4/21/2010

Cal-336 Finding of Significant Contribution and Rulemakings for Certain States in the Ozone Transport Assessment Group RegionEPA12/28/2007 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 20 Callaway Plant Database Database NumberTitleAuthor(s)DateA pertinent tracking Number Publication Information/other notes Cal-337 Calculation Package for Callaway Unit 1 Environmental Justifce (ER Section 2.6)Matthew Neet, TtNUS1/21/2010 Cal-338 Land Use Calculation Package for Callaway Unit 1 License Renewal ER (ER Section 2.4)Matthew Neet, TtNUS3/26/2010 Cal-339 Nuclear Power-The Energy Balance Storm van Leeuwen, J.W., and P.

Smith Aug-05 Cal-340 Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 3, Regarding Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units Nos.

2 and 3. NUREG-1437, Vol.1, Supplement 38. NRCDec-08NUREG-1437, Supplement 38 5/12/2010P:\Utility\Callaway\References\Callaway Database 21