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#REDIRECT [[DCL-14-034, 993754-1-811 (-NP), Revision 1, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis]]
| number = ML14205A037
| issue date = 02/21/2014
| title = 993754-1-811 (-NP), Revision 1, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
| author name = Hoag D A
| author affiliation = Invensys/Triconex
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000275, 05000323
| license number = DPR-080, DPR-082
| contact person =
| case reference number = 3500897372, 993754, DCL-14-034
| document report number = 993754-1-811 (-NP), Rev 1
| package number = ML14205A031
| document type = Report, Technical
| page count = 89
{{#Wiki_filter:. n v e. n s* s* . . i n v* e. n s* s* Operations Management Triconex Project: PG&E PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Purchase Order No.: 3500897372 Project Sales Order: 993754 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY -RELATED PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Document No. 993754-1-811 Revision 1 February 21, 2014 Name Title Author: D. Hoa A lication En ineer Reviewer:
A rovals: 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  2 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Document Change History Revision Date Change Author 0 10/31/2013 Initial Release D. Hoag 1 0 2/21/2014 Revised to incorporate PG&E comments and reflect the IFS/FRS rev 9 changes. D. Hoag       
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  3 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ 6
: 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 7
===1.1 PURPOSE===
OF ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 7
===1.2 OBJECTIVE===
OF ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 7
===1.3 SCOPE===
OF ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 7
===1.4 METHOD===
OF ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 7
===1.5 ANALYSIS===
GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................... 8 2 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................... 12
................................................................................................................... 12
===2.2 ACRONYMS===
..................................................................................................................... 15 3 RELATED DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCES ........................................................... 16
===3.1 STANDARDS===
.................................................................................................................... 16
===3.2 INVENSYS===
PROJECT DOCUMENTS.................................................................................. 16
===3.3 INVENSYS===
DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................. 16
===3.4 PACIFIC===
GAS AND ELECTRIC DOCUMENTS .................................................................... 16 4 SYSTEM AND DIAGNOSTIC OVERVIEW .................................................................... 17
===4.1 PROCESS===
PROTECTION SYSTEM (PPS) OVERVIEW ..................................................... 17 4.2 PLC MODULE DIAGNOSTIC DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... 23
====4.2.1 Input====
Modules ................................................................................................................... 23
====4.2.2 Output====
Modules ................................................................................................................ 25 4.2.3 Main Processor Module ................................................................................................... 28
====4.2.4 Communications====
Module ................................................................................................. 30 4.2.5 RXM Modules.................................................................................................................... 31
====4.2.6 Tricon====
Chassis Assemblies ............................................................................................ 31
====4.2.7 Power====
Supply Modules .................................................................................................... 39
====4.2.8 Tricon====
Termination Panels .............................................................................................. 40 5 DETAILED ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 41
===5.1 TRICON===
HARDWARE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 41 5.2 KEY SWITCH ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 42
===5.3 BUYOUT===
ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................... 44 5.4 TSAP TIMING ANALYSIS ................................................................................................ 44
====5.4.1 Calculated====
TSAP Scan Time .......................................................................................... 44
====5.4.2 Failures====
Not Affecting Response Time ......................................................................... 45
===5.5 SIGNAL===
LOADING ............................................................................................................ 45
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  4 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 5.6 N ON-DETECTABLE FAULTS ............................................................................................. 45
====5.6.1 Drift====
..................................................................................................................................... 45 5.6.2 Stuck-At ............................................................................................................................. 47
====5.6.3 Digital====
Input Points - Normally Off .................................................................................. 47
====5.6.4 Digital====
Output Points - Same Commanded State ........................................................ 48 6
AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................. 49
===6.1 ANALYSIS===
...................................................................................................... 49 6.2 DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................... 49
...................................................................................................... 50
S ................................................................................................................ 50 APPENDIX A - FMEA; PPS TRICON (SAFETY RELATED COMPONENTS
-RELATED SOFTWARE ................................................ 84 APPENDIX D - FMEA; INPUT SIGNAL LOADING ............................................................ 85 APPENDIX E - FMEA; PPS BUYOUT COMPONENTS .................................................... 88
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  5 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 List of Figures Figure 1. Westinghouse PWR Reactor Protection Concept
................................................ 17Figure 2. Tricon Protection Set Architecture for the PPS Replacement System
  ............. 19Figure 3. Key Switch - TMR Gang Connections
  ................................................................... 32Figure 4. Key Switch - Logic Flow
  ........................................................................................... 34Figure 5. Key Switch - Disabling STOP from TriStation
  ...................................................... 35Figure 6. Key Switch - Positions to Allow Client Access
  ...................................................... 36Figure 7. Key Switch - Firmware in the Tricon MP
  ............................................................... 37
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  6 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 List of Tables Table 1. Failure State Categories
  .............................................................................................. 9Table 2. Failure State Categories - Further Clarification
..................................................... 10Table 3. V10 Tricon P P S Prote ction Set Channel Fun ctions  .............................................. 20Table 4. Required Key Switch Settings for Command Categories
  ..................................... 33Table 5. 30-Month Drift Uncertainty for Analog Modules
  ..................................................... 46Table 6. 30-Month Normally Off Proof Test Input Point List
  ................................................ 47Table 7. 30-Month Proof Test Output Point List
  .................................................................... 48
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  7 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014
: 1. Introduction Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic procedure for identifying the modes of failure and for evaluating their consequences.
The essential function of an FMEA is to consider each major part of the system, how it may fail (the mode of failure), and what the effect of the failure on the system would be (the failure effect).
===1.1 Purpose===
of Analysis EPRI TR-107330 [Reference 3.1.2] defines the requirements for qualifying commercially available programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for safety-related nuclear power plant applications. The guidelines
[Reference 3.1.2] require the performance of a FMEA to evaluate the effects of failures of components in the modules on PLC performance. This FMEA will:  Evaluate the effects and the sequences of events caused by each identified failure mode, from whatever cause, at various levels of the system's functional hierarchy;  Determine the significance or criticality of each failure mode as to the system's correct function or performance and the impact on the reliability and/or safety of the controlled process;  Classify identified failures according to whether the failures can be detect ed, diagnos ed , or test ed. Identify whether items may be replaced, compensated for, or whether operating provisions (repair, maintenance and logistics, etc.) provide other relevant characteristics. 1.2 Objective of Analysis Invensys Operations Management is implementing the Tricon on the Process Protection System (PPS) replacement for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant PPS Replacement Project. This report documents the methodology and results of the FMEA performed on the Tricon portion of the PPS.
===1.3 Scope===
of Analysis The scope of this FMEA is limited to the analysis of the components of the PPS (refer to Section 4.1 for the PPS overview). These components include:
: 1. Tricon 2. Inputs 3. Outputs 4. Associated equipment
: 5. Software 6. Input Module Signal Loading
: 7. Critical timing requirements  The FMEA of the Associated Equipment addresses the impact of Class I component failures on the PPS. 1.4 Method of Analysis Th is FMEA is performed in accordance with the applicable requirements of EPRI TR-107330 Section 6.4.1, "FMEA" [Reference 3.1.2]. In general, the techniques of Sections 4.1, 4.4, 4.5 and Appendix A of ANSI/IEEE Std. 352-1987 [Reference 3.1.1], have been used in this analysis.
These techniques include 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  8 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 definition of functional areas of PLC operation, as described in Section 4.1 of this document. The effect of both single failures and common mode failures on each functional area were then analyzed, as detailed in Section 5, appendices A through E, and summarized in Section 6 of this document. The FMEA data for the Tricon platform of the PPS Replacement is based on the Test Specimen configuration analyzed in Invensys document 9600164-531, "FMEA for Tricon V10.2 PLC" [Reference 3.3.4]. The Tricon V10.5.3 system continues to be represented by the V10.2 FMEA, as none of the subsequent software upgrades have impacted the baseline FMEA. The Tricon FMEA document [Reference 3.3.4] is referenced in 7286-545-1-A Rev 4, "NRC Approved Triconex Topical Report" [Reference 3.3.2]. The Test Specimen include d one Tricon Main Chassis, two RXM Chassis and one Expansion Chassis. The Test Specimen configuration was established to simulate a single channel/train of a typical nuclear power plant safety
-related protection system installation.
These references form a baseline reference set to which PPS Replacement specifics are applied to generate a project specific FMEA relevant to the PPS Replacement. Specific hardware configurations, application programs, supporting drawings and documents are identified in the System Architecture Description for PPS Replacement
[Reference 3.2.2]. 1.5 Analysis Guidelines In this analysis, a safety related function is defined as the ability of the safety system to perform a safety shutdown function. In addition, the Tricon self-diagnostic features, described in Section 4.2 and Appendix A, and summarized in Section 6.1 of this report, have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub-components within each module. Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate that the diagnostics detect all possible single failures within each module.
Because all single, internal failures are detected and alarmed, this FMEA focuses on credible failure modes of major components and modules in the PPS. The components considered include the following:
: 1. Power Supplies (including chassis power supplies and I/O loop power supplies)
: 2. Tricon Chassis (including internal power, communication buses, and key switch) 3. Main Processors and Communications Modules
: 4. Tricon I/O Modules
: 5. Termination Panels
: 6. Tricon Cables 7. Application Software
: 8. Input Module Signal Loading
: 9. Critical timing requirements Figure 2 (in Section 4 of this document) is a simplified block diagram of the PPS Tricon equipment showing the arrangement of the major components. The approach used in this FMEA is to postulate credible failures of these components, identify the mechanisms that could cause these failure modes, and evaluate the consequences of these failures on the operation of the Tricon system. Because of the internal architecture of the Tricon, failure mechanisms that affect a single leg of the triple redundant system generally have no effect on system operation.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  9 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 In order to identify the effect of failures on system operation (i.e., to prioritize types of failures), Section of Reference 3.1.2 recommends the following categories (C1 - C4) of failure states be identified as a part of the FMEA for PLCs with internal redundan cy: C1 - States that re sult fr om o ne or more fa il u res where t he PLC remai ns operable as we ll as states where it is not opera ble C2 - States where undetected failures have occurred C3 - States wh ere a fa ilure in a single eleme nt has caused t he PLC to fa il  C4 - States wh ere fa il u res reduce t he e ffec tivene ss of self-d ia gnos tics  Reference 3.1.2 also recommends identification of failures detected by the system diagnostics, and those that will only be detected by surveillance testing.
For this FMEA, the failure categories specified by Reference 3.1.2 are modified to be more applicable to the Tricon system. The categories used in this FMEA are defined in Table 1, as follows:
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  10 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The failure state categories of Table 1 are further clarified in Table 2, as follows:
Fo r this FMEA, multiple failures are considered to include scenarios such as failure of all three Main Processors due to software common mode failure, loss of all power, fire, floods, or missiles. These types of multiple failure scenarios are recognized as being very unlikely but are included to describe system behavior in the presence of catastrophic failures and to provide guidance for application design.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  11 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The FMEA tabulation in appendices A through E of this report includes a column that documents the appropriate failure category assignment for each postulated PLC failure mode.
The tabulation in appendices A through E provides the following data for each type of failure, as required by the guidance of Reference 3.1.2: a) Affected Components b) Failure Mode c) Failure Mechanism d) Failure Category e) Effect on PLC Inputs and Outputs f) Effect on PLC Operability Section 4.2 of this report provides a description of the PLC diagnostics that aid in detection of postulated failures.   
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  12 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 2 Definitions and Acronyms This section provides a list of abbreviations and definitions used in this document.
===2.1 Definitions===
Term Definition Commercial
-Grade Dedication Commercial
-grade dedication is a process by which a commercial
-grade item (CGI) is designated for use as a basic component. This acceptance process is undertaken to provide reasonable assurance that a CGI to be used as a basic component will perform its intended safety function and, in this respect, is deemed equivalent to an item designed and manufactured under a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, quality assurance program. This assurance is achieved by identifying the critical characteristics of the item and verifying their acceptability by inspections, tests, or analyses by the purchaser or third-party dedicating entity. Diablo PPS Diablo Canyon Power Plant Process Protection System. Error (1) The difference between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition, and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition. For example, a difference of 30 meters between a computed result and the correct result.
(2) An incorrect step, process, or data definition. For example, an incorrect instruction in a computer program. (3) An incorrect result. For example, a computed result of 12 when the correct result is 10. (4) A human action that produces an incorrect result. For example, an incorrect action on the part of a programmer or operator. Failure The inability of a system or component to perform its required functions within specified performance requirements.
NOTE - The fault tolerance discipline distinguishes between a human action (a mistake), its manifestation (a hardware or software fault), the result of the fault (a failure), and the amount by which the result is incorrect (the error).
Failure Cause and/or Mechanism Defects in requirements, design, process, quality control, handling or part application, which are the underlying cause or sequence of causes that initiate a process (mechanism) that leads to a failure mode over a certain time. A failure mode may have more causes. For example; fatigue or corrosion of a beam or contact is a failure mechanism and not a failure mode. The related failure mode (state) under analysis could be a "full fracture of structural beam" or for example "a open electrical contact". The initial Cause might have been "Improper application of corrosion protection layer (paint)" and /or "(abnormal) vibration input from another failed system". 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  13 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Term Definition Failure Effect Immediate consequences of a failure on operation, function or functionality, or status of some item.
Failure Mode The manner or way by which a failure is observed in terms of failure of the part function under investigation; it may generally describe the way the failure occurs. It shall at least clearly describe a (end) failure state of the item/function under consideration as result of the failure mechanism (cause of the failure mode). For example; a fractured axle or an open electrical contact can be a failure mode.
Fault (1) A defect in a hardware device or component; for example, a short circuit or broken wire. (2) An incorrect step, process, or data definition in a computer program. NOTE - This definition is used primarily by the fault tolerance discipline. In common usage, the terms "error" and "bug" are used to express this meaning. Fault Tolerance The ability to continue operating safely in the presence of a detected fault.
Integrity Level A denotation of a range of values of a property of an item necessary to maintain system risks within acceptable limits. For items that perform mitigating functions, the property is the reliability with which the item must perform the mitigating function. For items whose failure can lead to a threat, the property is the limit on the frequency of that failure.
Maximum Allowable Scan Time The allocated throughput time for the V10 Tricon portion not exceeding 200 milliseconds for any protective function.
Operability A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified safety function(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power, cooling and seal water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).
Output Voter Diagnostics Every Digital Output Module executes a specific type of Output Voter Diagnostics (OVD) for every point. This safety feature allows unrestricted operation under a variety of multiple-fault scenarios. In general, during OVD execution the commanded state of each point is momentarily reversed on one of the output drivers, one after another. Loopback on the module allows each microprocessor to read the output value for the point to determine whether a latent fault exists within the output circuit. (For devices that cannot tolerate a signal transition of any length, OVD on both AC and DC voltage Digital Output Modules can be disabled.)
PFDavg Probability of Failure on Demand, average 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  14 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Term Definition PPS Replacement See Diablo PPS. Response Time The time from a physical input change to a physical output change. Scan Time The requested number of milliseconds for a scan (execution of the application) on the controller. The number is requested before an application is built. After the application is built and downloaded, the controller determines an actual scan time range and uses the specified scan time if it falls within these limits.
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL is a measurement of performance required for a Safety Instrumented Function. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  15 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014
===2.2 Acronyms===
Acronym ANSI Definition American National Standards Institute CGD Commercial
-Grade Dedication CGI Commercial
-Grade Item EMI Electromagnetic Interference E PRI Electric Power Research Institute E SF Engineered Safety Feature FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis I/O Input/output IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IRE Independent Review Engineer MAS Main Annunciator System MWS Maintenance Work Station ND Nuclear Delivery NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OOS Out Of Service OVD Output Voter Diagnostics P FD Probability of Failure on Demand PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric PPM Project Procedures Manual  PPS Process Protection System P WR Pressurized Water reactor QA Quality Assurance RFI Radio-Frequency Interference R XM Remote Extender Module SER Safety Evaluation Report SIL Safety Integrity Level TSAP TriStation Application Project
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  16 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 3 Related Documents and References The following material was utilized in the development and support of this FMEA:
===3.1 Standards===
3.1.1 ANSI/IEEE Std. 352-1987, "IEEE Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety System."
3.1.2 EPRI Report TR-107330, "Generic Requirements Specification for Qualifying a Commercially Available PLC for Safety-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants," Final Report, dated February 1, 1998.
3.1.3 IEEE Std. 379-2000, "IEEE Standard Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Class IE Systems".
===3.2 Invensys===
Project Documents 3.2.1 993754-1-817, "Maximum TSAP Scan Time," Revision 1, dated April 9, 2012.
3.2.2 993754-1-914, "System Architecture Description," Revision 1, dated January 31, 2014.
===3.3 Invensys===
====3.3.1 Invensys====
Operations Management PPM, "Project Procedure Manual", Section PPM 2.03 - Project System Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Revision 001, dated May 25, 2012.
3.3.2 7286-545-1-A Rev 4, "Triconex Approved Topical Report - Nuclear Qualification of v10 Tricon Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) PLC System - NRC Approved Version (TAC No. ME2435)," Revision 4, Issue Date: May 15, 2012.
3.3.3 9600164-527, "EMI / RFI Test Report" Revision 3, dated February, 2012.
3.3.4 9600164-531, "Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for the Tricon Version 10.2 Programmable Logic Controller," Rev. 1.2, dated August 3, 2012.
3.3.5 9600164-532, "Reliability/Availability Study for the Tricon Version 10 Programmable Logic Controller," Rev. 0, dated May 23, 2007.
3.3.6 9600164-732, "Reliability/Availability Spreadsheet for Tricon Version 10.2 PLC Operating under Normal Conditions," dated March 2, 2007.
3.3.7 9700077-018, "Tricon v9-v10 Planning and Installation Guide," July 2013.
3.3.8 9791007-025, "Technical Product Guide Tricon v10 Systems," July 2013.
3.3.9 9600460-001, "Tricon I/O Accuracy Including Drift Over Time for V10 Nuclear-Qualified Products," December 19, 2011.
3.3.10 9100069-001, "Tricon V9 ETP Design Specification," Revision 1.2, January 2006. 3.3.11 993754-1-916, "V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis," Revision 0, March 19, 2012. 3.4 Pacific Gas and Electric Documents 3.4.1 993754-35R "PPS Document Transmittal" [DCPP operational data and initial tunable parameter settings; 4 attachments], dated December 13, 2012. 3.4.2 10115-J-NPG, "Process Protection System Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification," Revision 4, Issue Date: November 13 , 2013.   
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  17 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 4 System and Diagnostic Overview
===4.1 Process===
Protection System (PPS)
Overview The Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) PPS Replacement Project upgrades the existing Westinghouse Eagle 21 safety system. The scope of the equipment replacement is shown in the Process Racks box in Figure 1, below, which contains safety and non-safety Tricon and ALS. The PPS monitors plant parameters, compares them against set points and provides signals to the Solid State Protection System (SSPS) if set points are exceeded. The SSPS evaluates the signals and performs Reactor Trip System (RTS) and Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) functions to mitigate the event that is in progress.
The SSPS, RTS, and ESFAS functions are not within the scope of the PPS Replacement Project.
Figure 1. Westinghouse PWR Reactor Protection Concept The PPS is composed of four Protection Sets in sixteen racks. Separation of redundant process channels begins at the process sensors and is maintained in the field wiring, containment penetrations, and Protection Sets to the two redundant trains in the SSPS logic racks. Redundant process channels are separated by locating the electronics in different Protection Sets. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  18 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 As shown in Figure 2, the replacement Protection Sets (I thru IV) each comprise the V10 Tricon, the Westinghouse Advanced Logic System (ALS) platform, separate Maintenance Workstations (MWS) for each Tricon and ALS system, and various interface devices, such as the NetOptics Network Aggregator Tap and instrument loop isolators. The ALS is not within Invensys Operations Management scope of supply. However, the ALS converts sensor inputs to a signal type compatible with the V10 Tricon hardware. Specifically, the ALS processes resistance temperature detector (RTD) inputs and converts them to 4-20 milliamp signals. This conversion is necessary to satisfy Diablo Canyon Power Plant loop accuracy requirements.
The V10 Tricon portion of the PPS Replacement System is comprised of three V10 Tricon chassis per Protection Set: one safety-related Main Chassis, one safety-related Remote Expansion Chassis (RXM), and one non
-safety related RXM chassis, see Figure 2. The Network Aggregator Tap, which is intended as a communications isolation device between the Tricon and the non-safety plant network, is provided by PG&E to Invensys Operations Management for factory acceptance testing. The media converter between the Tricon Main Chassis and the Network Aggregator Tap, to be provided by PG&E, is necessary to convert the fiber optic medium at the output of the Tricon Communication Module (TCM) to copper medium at the input of the Network Aggregator Tap. The MWS is a non
-safety device developed separately from the PPS Replacement Project under a separate PG&E Purchase Order, budget, and staff. Development of the MWS is handled under a different project plan and by a separate project team. The MWS is used as a tool to perform testing. The functions required in each V10 Tricon Protection Set are listed in Table 3 below. As can be seen in Table 3, all PPS Protection Sets do not have the same channel safety functions. This difference among Protection Sets influences the PPS Replacement Project approach to hardware and software development, and independent verification and validation. The four Protection Sets have different hardware and software requirements. The Main Chassis in each Protection Set executes the TriStation 1131 application code (the PT2 file), therefore the PPS requires four application programs (four PT2 files). The application programs are developed as nuclear safety
-related Software Integrity Level 4 (SIL4) software. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  19 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Figure 2. Tricon Protection Set Architecture for the PPS Replacement System Gateway Switch (Typ of 2)
From Prot Set II Port Aggregator Tap (Typ of 2)
From Prot Set IV Port Aggregator Tap (Typ of 2)
From Prot Set III Port AggregatorTap (Typ of 2) 100BaseT (Copper)(Typ of 2)
Prot Set I ALS Legend: Multi-Mode Optical Fiber RS-422/RS-485 Serial or 100BaseT Copper
4-20 mA Analog Copper
Maintenance Workstation
Network Interface Controller To Control Room HMI (CC4)Prot Set I MWS HMI Peripherals Prot Set I ALS MWS Computer MWS NIC Analog/USB Copper Prot Set I Port Aggregator Tap (Typ of 2) 1 4-20 mA Analog RTD Signals TCM1 (7L)TCM2 (7R)NET1 (Not Used)
Prot Set I Tricon Class II Class I Prot Set 1 Primary RXM Triplicated RS-485 I/O Bus (Copper)Prot Set 1 Remote RXM Triplicated Optical Fiber Class I Class II A B Media Converter (Typ of 2) 100BaseT (Copper)(Typ of 2)
Class II Class I Optical Fiber TCM1 (7L)/TCM2 (7R)
NET2 (Typ of 2)(Typ for ALS "A" and ALS "B")
KVM Switch Prot Set I Tricon MWS Computer 1 2 Ethernet Switch (Typ of 2)
NIC 1 (Typ of 2)
To Gateway Server
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  20 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Table 3. V10 Tricon PP S Protection Set Channel Functions  Ch an nel(s)  Purpose Pr otection Set Fu nction I II I II IV Wide Range Reactor Coolant Temperature Channels Input to Lo w Temperature Overpressu re Protection System (LTOPS)  Provides protection against over
-pressurization at low plant temperature. X X  Wide Range Reactor Coolant Pressure Channels Input to LTOPS Provides protection against over-pressurization at low plant temperature. X X Input to Residual Heat Removal (RHR) valve interlock circuit Provides protection against improper operation of RHR isolation valves. X X Delta-T / Tavg (DTTA) Channels Over Temperature Delta-T (OTDT) Reactor Trip Provides DNB protection. X X X X Overpower Delta
-T (OPDT) Reactor Trip Provides protection against excessive power (fuel rod rating protection). X X X X Low-Low Tavg P
-12  Blocks steam dump to prevent undesired cool down. X X X X Low Tavg Feed Water Isolation  Prevents excessive cooling after trip to maintain shutdown margin. X X X X Pressurizer Level Channels Pressurizer High Water Level Reactor Trip Provides backup protection to the Pressurizer High Pressure Reactor Trip. Prevents the Pressurizer from becoming water solid during low
-worth and power rod withdrawal accidents. X X X  Pressurizer Vapor Temperature Channel Pressurizer Vapor Space Temperature Low RHR valve V
-8701 interlock circuit input. X Steam Generator Steam Flow Channel Steam Flow Indication Provide safety
-related outputs for post- accident monitoring (S/G 1 thru 4). X X  Steam line Break Protection Channels Steam line Pressure Low SI and Steam line Isolation  Initiate the automatic starting of boron injection and decay heat removal systems. Provide protection against steam line break accidents. X X X X Steam line Pressure High Negative Rate Steam line Isolation  Provide protection in the case of a steam line break when Pressurizer Pressure is less than the P-11 set point and Low Steam line Pressure SI is blocked. X X X X Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Channels Steam Generator (S/G) High
-High Level Turbine Trip and Feedwater Isolation (P
-14, S/G High Level Permissive)
Provides protection against S/G overfill and damage to the main steam lines or main turbine. X X X X S/G Low-Low Level Reactor Trip and Auxiliary Feed water (AFW) Pump Start Protects the reactor from loss of heat sink in the event of loss of feed water to one or more S/Gs or a major feed water line rupture. X X X X Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure Channels Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure High to P
-13 Interlock  Provide an input to P
-7 indicative of low turbine power when less than the set point. P-7 permissive disables selected Reactor Trip signals at low power levels. X X  Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure Low Interlock C-5  Blocks control rod withdrawal by preventing automatic outward rod motion when power is less than the design limit for the Rod Control System. X       
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  21 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The Tricon uses a fault-tolerant triple modular redundant (TMR) architecture.
The system design identifies and compensates for failed system elements, which facilitates its use in critical and safety-related process applications.
The Tricon self-diagnostics features, described in Reference 3.3.4, have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub
-components within each module.
Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate that the online diagnostics will detect a very high percentage of failures within each module. The diagnostic coverage for the Main Processors and the common processing circuitry on the I/O modules are in the 95 to 99% range. The diagnostic coverage for the I/O point circuitry on the I/O modules for the Tricon platform is 99% [Reference 3.3.5]. The Reliability Analysis Report (document number 993754-1-819) provides additional analysis of the diagnostic coverage specific to the PPS Replacement application. Invensys has qualified specific Tricon v10 products for use in 1E (safety-related) applications in nuclear power plants in accordance with EPRI Report TR-107330, "Generic Requirements Specification for Qualifying Commercially Available PLC for Safety
-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants." EMC testing was performed in accordance with USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.180, Revision 1, "Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio
-Frequency Interference in Safety
-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems." All of the information (specifications, simplified schematics, installation guidelines, and so on) for standard equipment also applies to nuclear equipment. The Tricon system design information presented in Reference
====3.3.4 includes====
recommendations for periodic off-line testing of field inputs and outputs. These recommendations establish general surveillance techniques and surveillance intervals intended to maintain the high reliability of the overall control system. The Invensys Operations Management (Invensys) scope of components includes the analog and digital input/output modules, the field termination assemblies as the signals enter and exit the Tricon, power supplies, Main Processors, chassis assemblies, cables, and communication modules.
In particular:
: 1. 3008N Main Processor Main Processor Modules
: 2. 8110N2 Tricon Main Chassis - High Density V10 Tricon Chassis
: 3. 8112N Tricon RXM Chassis - High Density
: 4. 8112 Tricon RXM Chassis - High Density
: 5. 4200N Primary RXM 3-1 Fiber Optic Set RXM I/O Expansion Modules
: 6. 4201 Secondary RXM 3-1 Fiber Optic Set
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  22 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Power Modules
: 7. 8310 N2 High Density Power Module, 120 VAC 8. 8310 High Density Power Module, 120 VAC Cable s 9. 9000NJ I/O-COMM Bus Cables Communication Module
: 10. 4352AN TCM - Tricon Communication Module, Fiber Optic A Digital Input Modules
: 11. 3501TN2 EDI - Enhanced Digital Input, 115 VAC/VDC, 32 pts , TMR Opto-isolated 12. 3503EN2 EDI - Enhanced Digital Input, 24 VAC/VDC, 32 pts, Commoned, Self-Test 13. 3501E EDI - Enhanced Digital Input, 115 VAC/VDC, 32 pts , TMR Opto-isolated (NS) Digital Output Modules
: 14. 3601TN  EDO - Enhanced Digital Output, 115 VAC, 16 pts, opto-isolated Relay Output Module
: 15. 3636 T  RO - Relay Output (non-triplicated), Normally Open, 32 pts (NS) Analog Input Modules
: 16. 3703EN EAI - Enhanced Analog Input, 0 -5VDC or 0 - 10VDC, isolated 16 pts
: 17. 3721N NGAI - Analog Input Module, ; 0-5 VDC or -5 to +5 VDC , 32 pts Analog Output Modules
: 18. 3805HN EAO - Enhanced Analog Output, 4-20 mA, 8 points
: 19. 3805E EAO - Enhanced Analog Output, 4-20 mA, 8 points (NS) Termination Panels
: 20. 9561-810NJ Termination Panel for 3501TN2 EDI Module, 115 VAC/V DC 21. 9563-810NJ Termination Panel for 3503EN2 EDI Module, 24VAC/VDC 22. 9663-610NJ Termination Panel for 3601TN EDO Module 115VAC 23. 9783-110NJ Termination Panel for 3703EN EAI Module 0-5VDC/0-10VDC 24. 9792-610NJ Termination Panel for 3721N NGAI Module 0-5VDC/-5 to +5VDC  25. 9860-610NJ Termination Panel for 3805HN EAO Module 4-20 mA  26. 9561-810F  Termination Panel for 3501E EDI Module, 115 VAC/V DC (NS)  27. 9853-610F  Termination Panel for 3805E EAO Module 4-20 mA (NS) 28. 9668-110F  Termination Panel for 3636T RO Module (NS)   
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  23 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 4.2 PLC Module Diagnostic Description This section provides a basic description of the Tricon processor, communications and input/output module operation and diagnostic functions. This description of the diagnostic operations is provided to augment the FMEA tabulation provided in appendices A through E. A more detailed description of this information is presented in References 3.3.4 and 3.3.5.
====4.2.1 Input====
Modules All triple modular redundant (TMR) input modules contain three separate, independent processing systems, referred to as legs, for signal processing (Input Legs A, B, and C). The legs receive signals from common field input termination points. The microprocessor in each leg continually polls the input points, and constantly updates a private input data table in each leg's local memory. Any signal conditioning, isolation, or processing required for each leg is also performed independently. The input modules possess sufficient leg
-to-leg isolation and independence so that a component failure in one leg will not affect the signal processing in the other two legs. Digital Input Modules This discussion is applicable to the following digital input (DI) modules:  Model 3501TN2 115 Vac/Vdc Opto-isolated, non-commoned (32 points)  Model 3501E  115 Vac/Vdc Opto-isolated, non-commoned (32 point s)  Model 3503EN2 24 Vac/Vdc Commoned in groups of 8, Self Test (32 points) Each DI module contains the circuitry for three identical legs. The three legs are completely isolated from each other and operate independently, so a fault on one leg cannot pass to another.
There is an 8
-bit microprocessor, called the I/O communication processor on each Main Processor Module to control communication with all I/O modules on a specific leg.
The three input legs independently measure each input signal, determine the respective state of each input signal, and place the values into input tables A, B, and C. Each input table is regularly interrogated over the leg-specific I/O busses by the I/O communication processor located on the corresponding Main Processor module. For TMR digital modules, all critical signal paths are triplicate
: d. Each leg conditions signals independently and provides optical isolation between the field and the Tricon. Each DI module sustains complete ongoing diagnostics for each leg. Failure of any diagnostic on any leg activates the module Fault Indicator, which in turn activates the chassis alarm signal. The module is designed to operate correctly in the presence of a single fault and may continue to operate properly with some multiple faults.
The diagnostic routine for the Model 3501TN2 DI Module compares the input table data for the three legs. Any data discrepancies are reported to the respective Main Processor Modules, which maintain diagnostic information in local memory.
The Main Processor Module fault analyzer routines determine whether a fault exists on a particular module at the end of each scan.
One-time or short term differences that result from sample timing variations are distinguished from a pattern of differing data.
Should a Main Processor Module diagnose a faulty leg, a fault indicator will be illuminated on that particular input module. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  24 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Failed optical isolation or signal processing/conditioning components could inhibit the ability of a module to communicate field input state transitions to the Main Processor Modules.
Therefore, when a DI module is used to monitor field inputs signals that remain in one state for long periods of time, the field points should be toggled from the normal operational state to the opposite state within twen ty-four months. Input signal toggling will test the module's ability to transition to the opposite state in order to diagnose problems such as "Stuck On" / "Stuck Off" signals due to failed or faulted leg components.
Since normal opto
-isolator failures are random and detectable due to the TMR sampling of inputs, only a single failure per input is likely. Even with stuck on faults on a single input leg, the other two input legs would vote out the failed opto-isolator. The Model 3503EN2 DI modules extend fault coverage by self
-diagnosing "Stuck On" leg signals. The DI modules are designed to monitor field signals that remain in the "On" state for long periods of time. The extended diagnostics verify the leg can process a transition to the "Off" commanded state.
The DI modules contain loopback circuitry in each leg that momentarily drives the input signal for the leg under test to the "logical zero" or "low" state. This test, which is continually rotated among the three legs, verifies proper operation of leg optical isolation and/or signal processing/conditioning circuitry. Should a leg fail the test, the module fault indicator will be illuminated.
However, if these modules monitor normally off points, the field point must be toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state.
The DI module diagnostics are specified to operate as follows:  Module Minimum I nput Togg le Ra te Max im um Input Toggle Rate Model 3501TN2 Every 24 months Every 100 msec Model 3501E Every 24 months Every 100 msec Model 3503EN2 On-state: N ot required Off-state: Every 24 months Every 100 msec Analog Input Modules This discussion is applicable to the following analog input (AI) modules:  Model 3703EN  0-5/0-10 Vdc Differential, Isolated (16 points)  Model 3721N  0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Differential, DC Coupled (32 points) Each of the three AI legs asynchronously measure the input signal and place the results into an input table of values, which is passed to its associated Main Processor module using the corresponding I/O bus. The input table in each Main Processor module is transferred to its neighbor across the TRIBUS. The median value is selected by each Main Processor (in a duplex mode, the average value is used), and the input table in each Main Processor is corrected accordingly. Signals outside an internally specified error band in this median signal selection process will be alarmed by the Main Processor on the input module. Each AI module leg is automatically calibrated using multiple reference voltages read through the multiplexer, which determine the gain and bias required to adjust the readings of the A/D converter.
Several drift over time components can affect the automatically calibrated level and cannot be calibrated out (Reference 3.3.9). 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  25 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Each AI module sustains complete ongoing diagnostics for each leg.
Failure of any diagnostic on any leg activates the module Fault Indicator, which in turn activates the chassis alarm signal. The module is designed to operate correctly in the presence of a single fault, and may continue to operate properly with some multiple faults.
The extent of the diagnostic routine for the Model 3721N AI modules includes automatic or self
-calibration of the A/D converters in each of the three legs. The microprocessors on each leg test for known or expected signal values within a certain tolerance.
If the signals reaching the leg microprocessors are within the allowed tolerance, the leg will self-calibrate its A/D converter to null out any undesirable offsets or gains. A leg in violation of the allowed tolerance will be flagged by illumination of a module Fault LED.
The Model 3703EN AI module performs cross comparison of input table data across the three legs, within the module. The microprocessors in each leg compare the respective input table data with the neighbor legs, with out-of-tolerance data reported to respective Main Processor Modules.
The Main Processor Module fault analyzer routines diagnose faulty input module legs at the end of each scan.
One-time and short-term differences that result from sample timing variations are distinguished from a pattern of differing data. Should a Main Processor Module diagnose a faulty leg on a particular module, it will signal the input module to illuminate its Fault LED. The AI module diagnostics are specified to operate as follows:  Module Min im um I nput Change I nput Change Sample P eriod Min im um P eriod of Mis-compares Model 3703EN 0.5% of full s cale 1 s ca n or 50 msec, whichever is grea ter 256 samples Model 3721N 0.25% of full s cale 20 ms 25 samples For a single input reading, a leg-to-leg deviation may result if the measured values of the three legs differ by the minimum input change specified. If the deviations continue for the specified minimum period, an input fault may be declared.
====4.2.2 Output====
Modules Digital Output Modules This discussion is applicable to the following digital output (DO) modules:  Model 3601TN  115 Vac Opto-isolated, Non-commoned (16 points) Every DO module contains three identical and isolated legs.
Each leg includes an I/O microprocessor that receives its output table from the Main Processor's I/O communication processor associated with that leg.
All of the DO modules use special quadruplicated output circuitry that votes on the individual output signals. This voter circuitry is based on parallel
-series paths that pass power if the driver for legs A and B, or legs B and C, or legs A and C command them to close (i.e., 2-out-of-3 vote). A single switch failure will not affect the logic, which is optimized for de-energize-to-trip applications.
The switches are opened and closed on command by the Output Switch Drive circuitry. Power will be 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  26 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 passed to the load if the commanded state of Channels A and B, or Channels A and C, or Channels B and C feeding the Switch Drive Circuitry are "On" or energized, completing the path between the voltage source and the load.
Any single leg failure, any single switch failure, or corrupted signal from a Main Processor Module will be compensated for or filtered out by the Voter Logic at the output module level.
All DO modules contain diagnostic routines called "Output Voter Diagnostics" (OVD) designed to detect failures in the four switches managing the field load terminal state. The routine consists of three basic steps. In Step One, the "Commanded State" of each leg is compared to the "Actual State" of the field load terminal, to identify problems such as blown fuses and/or bad loopback detectors. The next two steps will not occur unless the module passes the first test.
In Step Two, the "Commanded State" of one of the three legs feeding the Output Switch Drive Circuitry is momentarily reversed, resulting in an indication of a switch failure. For this test, no output change will occur unless a switch has failed.
If the leg was toggled from the "On" state to the "Off" state, a state change or "glitch" at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "Off" state. If the leg was toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state, a glitch at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "On" state. The test is continuously rotated among the three legs.
In Step Three, the "Commanded States" of two of the three legs feeding the Output Switch Drive Circuitry are simultaneously toggled. A glitch at the field load is an indication of healthy circuitry.
No glitch at the output is an indication of internal switch failure.
The glitch at the field load during diagnostic routine execution is guaranteed to be less than 2.0 milliseconds and is transparent to most electromechanical field devices. If the "Commanded States" of the two legs are toggled from the "On" state to the "Off" state, the absence of a glitch at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "On" state. If the "Commanded States" of the two legs are toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state, the absence of a glitch at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "Off" state. The test is continually rotated for the three possible leg combinations. Failure of any test within the three steps will result in the illumination of the fault LED on the output module. The modules additionally compare output table data across the three legs, with any discrepancies reported back to respective Main Processor Modules. The Main Processor Module fault analyzer routine diagnoses failed legs on output modules at the end of each scan, with a faulty output module annunciated by the system. The modules are specifically designed for applications that hold points in one state for long periods of time. The routine guarantees full fault coverage even if the commanded state at the field terminals never change.
The Model 3601TN DO modules execute Steps 1 and 2 of the OVD routine. The modules do not attempt Step 3 due to the use of triacs instead of transistors for the series
-parallel switch configuration driving the load. The triacs would cause a glitch duration of approximately 8.33 milliseconds for a 60 Hz load, which would not be transparent to most electromechanical field devices.
A faulty switch will cause the output to transition to the opposite state for a maximum of one half an AC cycle during Step Two of the OVD routine. However, the module cannot self-diagnose "Stuck On" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "On
," or "Stuck Off" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "Off".
Therefore, it is recommended that the field points should be toggled from the normal state to the opposite state and leg output tested accordingly once every 24 months to guarantee the health of the circuitry. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  27 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The DO module diagnostics are specified to operate as follows:
Module Minimum Out put Togg le Ra te Max imum Out put Toggle Rate Model 3601TN Every 24 months Every 100 msec plus one scan Relay Output Module This discussion is applicable to the following relay output (RO) module:  Model 3636T  Relay Output, Non-triplicated, Normally Open, 32 points This module may be used in both nuclear safety-related and non-safety related systems and is qualified as a Class 1E to non-1E isolation device; configured in the PPS Replacement as a non
-safety related module. The RO modules have three legs that receive signals from respective Main Processor Modules. The three leg signal sets are voted and the voted signals are used to drive the 32 individual output relays.
Each output contains loopback circuits that verify the operation of each relay independent of the load. Ongoing diagnostics test the operational status of the module.
Failure of any diagnostic activates a Fault indicator on the module, which in turn activates the chassis alarm. Analog Output Module This discussion is applicable to the following Analog Output (AO) module:  Model 3805HN  4-20ma Current Loop, DC Coupled (8 points)  Model 3805E  4-20ma Current Loop, DC Coupled (8 points) AO modules contain three separate and isolated legs, with each leg equipped with a D/A converter. One of the legs is selected to drive the analog output, and the output is continuously checked for correctness by loopback inputs on each point which are read by all three microprocessors. Each module in the system receives three tables of output values from the Main Processor Modules. All three legs drive current to leg-specific switches. Two of the switches are normally positioned to shunt the leg's output current to ground. Only one output leg switch will be set to drive current to the load.
Each analog output module sustains complete ongoing diagnostics for each leg. Failure of any diagnostic on any leg activates the module Fault Indicator, which in turn activates the chassis alarm signal. The module is designed to operate correctly in the presence of a single fault and may continue to operate properly with some multiple faults. The health of each leg is verified by monitoring output current via a voltage loopback circuit. Each leg monitors the health of neighboring legs, by comparing output current signal values, and ensuring the leg driving the load is supplying the correct signal value. Each AO voltage loopback is automatically calibrated using multiple reference voltages read through the multiplexer, which determine the gain and bias required to adjust the readings of the A/D converter.
Several drift over time components can affect the automatically calibrated level and cannot themselves be calibrated out (
3.3.9). Two out of three legs must vote a leg healthy before it is allowed to drive the load. The leg driving the load is rotated every 10 seconds between the healthy legs in a predetermined direction.
Each leg tracks which leg is 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  28 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 currently driving the load and which leg is next in the rotation, to allow each leg to vote on the health of the next leg up in the rotation. A leg must diagnose itself as healthy or it will be skipped in the rotation, and will also be unable to vote on the health of neighboring legs. If a faulted leg is not currently selected to drive the load when the process outputs are updated, then any single leg failure or corrupted signal from a Main Processor Module will be compensated for or filtered out by the Voter Logic at the output module level. If a faulted leg is currently driving the load, then the output modules receive updated process outputs as soon as the faulted signal reaches the field load. However, at the same time the AO module will go through the process of voting on the health of the faulted leg. The module will diagnose the faulty signal and select a healthy leg to drive the load. The AO module is guaranteed to correct the faulted output signal within 20 ms, which is transparent to most electromechanical devices due to the capacitance of the system. 4.2.3 Main Processor Module 3008N MP This discussion is applicable to the following Main Processor Module:  Model 3008N  Enhanced Tricon Main Processor A Tricon system utilizes three Main Processor Modules to control three separate legs of the system.
Each Main Processor Module operates independently with no shared clocks, power regulators, or circuitry. In Model 3008N, each module owns and controls one of the three signal processing legs in the system, and each contains two 32-bit processors. One of the 32
-bit processors is (1) a dedicated, leg
-specific I/O communication (IOC) microprocessor that processes all I/O with the system I/O modules, and (2) a dedicated, leg-specific processor manages interfaces with all Communication Modules in the system.
For Model 3008N, the 32-bit primary processor manages execution of the control program and all system diagnostics at the Main Processor Module level. Between both 32-bit processors is a dedicated dual port RAM allowing for direct memory access data exchanges.
The IOC processors constantly poll respective legs for all the input and output modules in the system.
They continually update an input data table in shared memory on the Main Processor module with data downloaded from the leg-specific input data tables from each input module. Communication of data between the Main Processor Modules and the input and output modules is accomplished over the triplicated I/O data bus using a master-slave communication protocol. The system uses cyclic redundancy code (CRC) to ensure the health of data transmitted between modules. Should a Main Processor Module lose communication with its respective leg on any of the input modules in the system or the CRC reveals that the data has been corrupted, the system will retry the data transmission up to three times.
If unsuccessful, input tables at the Main Processor Module level will be constructed with data in the de
-energized state.
Errors such as an open circuited data bus, short circuited data bus, or data corrupted while in transit will force the input table entries to the de
-energized state.
At the beginning of each scan, each primary processor takes a snapshot of the input data table in shared memory, and transmits the snap shots to the other Main Processor Modules over the TRIBUS.
Each Module independently forms a voted input table based on respective input data points across the three 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  29 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 snapshot data tables.
If a Main Processor Module receives corrupted data or loses communication with a neighbor, the local table representing that respective leg data will default to the de
-energized state.
For digital inputs, the voted input table is formed by a 2 out of 3 majority vote on respective inputs across the three data tables. The Voting scheme is designed for de- energize to trip applications, always defaulting to the de-energized state unless voted otherwise. Any single leg failure or corrupted signal feeding a Main Processor Module will be corrected or compensated for at the Main Processor Module level when the voted data table is formed.
A mid-value selection algorithm chooses an analog input signal representation in the voted input table. The algorithm selects the median of the three signal values representing a particular input point for representation in the voted input tables. Any single leg failure or corrupted signal feeding a Main Processor Module will be compensated for at the Main Processor Module level when the voted data table is formed. If an analog input value on one leg has a significant deviation from the other leg inputs, the point will be alarmed and the Main Processors will use the average value of the two analog inputs on the other two legs.
The primary processors on the Main Processor Modules execute the application program in parallel on the voted input table data and produce an output table of values in shared memory. The voting schemes explained above for analog and digital data ensure the process control programs are executed on the same or equal input data value representations. The IOC processors generate smaller output tables, each corresponding to an individual output module in the system. Each small table is transmitted to the appropriate leg to the corresponding output module over the I/O data bus. The transmission of data between the Main Processor Modules and the output modules is performed over the I/O data bus using a master
-slave communication protocol.
The system uses cyclic redundancy code (CRC) to ensure the health of data transmitted between modules. If the CRC reveals that the data has been corrupted, the system will retry the data transmission up to three times.
If unsuccessful, that respective leg data table at the output module level will default to the de
-energized state.
Watchdog timers on each output module leg ensure communication has been maintained with its respective Main Processor Module with a certain timeout period.
If communication has not been established or has been lost, the respective leg data table will default to the de
-energized state to protect against open or short
-circuited data bus connection between module
: s. Diagnostics at the Main Processor Module level validate the health of its circuitry as well as make decisions about the health of each I/O module and communication module in the system. The modules compare memory, basic processor instructions and operating modes, verify communication between shared memory and the IOC processor, verify communication between the IOC and the I/O modules, and verify the TriClock/TriTime and TRIBUS interfaces.
At the beginning of each scan, the Main Processor Modules transmit/receive copies of the previous scan Output Tables to/from neighbors over the TRIBUS. At the end of the scan, the modules vote on the previous scan output data to diagnose any faults. Extensive diagnostics validate the health of each Main Processor as well as each I/O module and communication channel. Transient faults are recorded and masked by the hardware majority-voting circuit. Persistent faults are diagnosed, and the faulted module can be replaced or operated in a fault
-tolerant manner until replacement. The Main Processor Modules also process diagnostic data recorded locally and data received from the input module level diagnostics in 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  30 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 order to make decisions about the health of the input modules in the system. All discrepancies are flagged and used by the built in fault analyzer routine to diagnose latent faults. The Main Processor diagnostics perform the following:  Verification of fixed
-program memory Verification of the static portion of RAM  Testing of all basic floating-point processor instructio ns  Verification of the shared memory interface with each I/O communication processor and communication channel  Verification of handshake signals and interrupt signals between the CPU, each I/O communication processor and communication channel  Checking of each I/O communication processor and communication channel microprocessor, ROM, shared memory access and loopback of RS
-485 transceivers Verification of the TriClock/TriTime interface Verification of the TRIBUS interface
====4.2.4 Communications====
Module T CM Module This discussion is applicable to the following Communications Module:  Model 4352AN  Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Fiber TCM Model 4352A is compatible with only Tricon V10.1 systems and later.
Each TCM contains two fiber-optic network ports (MTRJ connectors with 62.5/125 um fiber cables) - NET 1 and NET 2. It has a communication speed of 100 Mbps. Serial ports have speeds of up to 115.2 Kbps per port, aggregate data rate of 460.8 Kbps for all four ports. A single Tricon system supports a maximum of four TCMs, which must reside in two logical slots.
Each Tricon system supports a total of sixteen Modbus masters or slaves - this total includes network and serial ports. The hot-spare feature is not available for the TCM, though you can replace a faulty TCM while the controller is online. The TCM communicates with all three Main Processors over three separate communication busses, one to each Main Processor. The TCM module has a dedicated communication port for each communication buss. Hence the TCM will continue to communicate with the Main Processors upon the failure of a Main Processor or a communication port. Two TCMs are placed in one logical slot of the Tricon controller chassis, but they function independently, not as hot-spare modules. A faulty TCM module can be replaced while the controller is online.
In TMR mode, the presence of any fault on a MP will not affect the operation of the TCM, except the normal TMR to Dual mode transition (i.e. correctly receive and process the data from the remaining good MPs.
In Dual mode, the presence of any fault on a MP should not affect the operation on the TCM, except the normal Dual to Single mode transition. If data integrity cannot be assured, the TCM should enter the fail-safe state for all communication ports.
The fail-safe state is defined as follows:
Disable all process communications except debug information. In Single mode, the presence of any single critical fault on a MP will cause the system to enter a fail
-safe state. In Zero mode, the TCM terminates all except diagnostic / debug communications. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  31 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 4.2.5  RXM Modules This discussion is applicable to the following Remote Extender Modules:  Model 4200N  Primary RXM, Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules)  Model 4201  Remote RXM, Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) The RXM Multi
-mode Fiber Optics modules allow I/O modules to be located several kilometers away from the Main Chassis.
The RXM consists of three identical modules, serving as repeaters / extenders of the Tricon I/O bus, that also provide ground loop isolation. Each RXM module has single channel transmit and receive cabling ports.
A Primary RXM module set is connected to the Remote RXM module set housed in a remote chassis.
The RXM sets are available for fiber optic cables with a communication rate of 375 Kbits/s. These sets provide maximum immunity against electrostatic and electromagnetic interference, and support configurations with optical modems and fiber optic point-to-point cabling. The interfacing cabling is unidirectional for each channel. One cable carries data transmitted from the Primary RXM to the Remote RXM.
The second cable carries data received by the Primary RXM from the Remote RXM.
====4.2.6 Tricon====
Chassis Assemblies Diablo Canyon Power Plant's PPS system consists of one Main Chassis and two additional chassis per protection set. The Tricon Main Chassis can support the following modules:
Two Power Modules  Three Main Processors Communications Modules (TCM)
I/O Modules The Tricon RXM Chassis can support the following modules:  Two Power Modules  Three RXM modules  I/O Modules A Tricon controller contains three Main Processor modules.
Each Main Processor controls a separate channel of the system and operates in parallel with the other Main Processors. A dedicated I/O processor on each Main Processor manages the data exchanged between the Main Processor and the I/O modules.
A triplicated I/O bus, located on the chassis backplane, extends from chassis to chassis by means of I/O bus cables. This triplicated I/O bus system is etched on the chassis backplane.
It transfers data between the I/O modules and the Main Processors at 375 Kbits/s. The I/O bus is carried along the bottom of the backplane. Each channel of the I/O bus runs between one Main Processor and the corresponding channels on the I/O module. The I/O bus extends between chassis using a set of three I/O bus cables.
A master-slave protocol is used for communication on the I/O bus. The IOC microprocessor is the master and controls the I/O messages on the bus. I/O modules only transmit messages upon request from the IOC microprocessor.
All messages contain a 16-bit CRC to ensure the messages have not been corrupted.
All legs on the I/O modules periodically check their transmitter to make sure their transmitter is not in a "Stuck On" state.
If the transmitter is in the "Stuck On" state, the module fault LED is turned on and the fault condition is sent to the Main Processor. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  32 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Key Switch A key switch on the main chassis selects the Tricon mode. Each key "position" forces a "mode" within the Tricon that defines operational configurations, limitations, and overrides. The key switch is implemented by a three-gang, four-position switch. Each of the gangs is connected to one of the Main Processor s, as depicted in the following figure:  Figure 3. Key Switch - TMR Gang Connections Key Switch Op eration The values are read by each of the Main Processors as a two bit value:
Position Value Stop 0 Program 1 Run 2 Remote 3  The key switch position is voted between the three Main Processors and the voted value is used to perform key switch functions. The application has access to the voted key switch position and can perform a specified action depending on the key switch's position. The PPS Replacement application turn s on an annunciator when the key switch position is not in RUN. The key switch design mitigates any single hardware fault. If one of the gangs on the switch goes bad or the inputs on the Main Processor, it only affects the Main Processor that is attached to that gang.
The other two Main Processors will continue to receive good input values and out vote the Main Processor
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  33 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 with the bad input. This protects against any single fault in the physical key switch or on the Main Processor. The Main Processor is responsible for handling requests from external clients through the TCM. The handler inside the Main Processor validates that the key switch is in the correct position before executing a request from the client.
Table 4 shows the required key switch setting for the different categories of commands: Table 4. Required Key Switch Settings for Command Categories Co mm an d Category Requ ir e d Key S witc h Se tting Application Changes Program Writes of Point Values Remote or Program Reads of Point Values Any Disabling of Points Program Read of Maintenance Information Any Control OVD on a Module Program Clear Faults Any Set and Adjust Clock Calendar Any   
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  34 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The Main Processor checks whether the key switch is in the correct position before processing any request, as depicted in the following figure:
Figure 4. Key Switch - Logic Flow  The implementation in the Main Processor firmware prevents any request from being executed when the key switch is not in the correct position. Below is an example of the code for halting the execution of the application:
GLOBAL void haltProgram (int connNum)
{ /*
* Make sure the key switch is in a position that allows this command.
*/ if (!KEY_PROGRAM) {
reject (WRONG_KEY_SETTING, connNum);
return; }
my_diagbuf.rll_status.cpRunState = CP_HALTED; /* Note that we are halted. */
respond (PROGRAM_HALTED, connNum);  /* Respond to the TRISTATION */
return; } 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  35 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Every request has an appropriate check for the key switch position at the beginning of the function.
The TSAP reads the position of the key switch every scan. If the key switch is not in the RUN position, the TSAP annunciates an alarm. The STOP position of the key switch stops reading inputs, forces non-retentive digital and analog outputs to 0, and halts the control program. Retentive outputs remain at the value they had before the key switch was turned to STOP. TriStation may be used to prevent the application from halting when the key switch is turned to STOP. A property named "Disable Stop on Key switch" determines whether the STOP position is disabled, as shown by a portion of a TriStation screen shot in the following figure:  Figure 5. Key Switch - Disabling STOP from TriStation If the property is checked, setting the key switch to STOP does not halt the application. If cleared, then setting the key switch to STOP does halt the application. For the PPS Replacement application, the property is checked so that the key switch to STOP will not halt the application.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  36 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Softwa re A ffected by the Key Switch The key switch affects the firmware and application program running in the safety controller, commands from TriStation software, and access by client software on the networ k: Keyswitch Tricon MPs TCM Comm Bus TriStation PC ClientNetwork Download change Download all Halt, Pause, Run, Step
Disable point Set value PROGRAM position:
PROGRAM or REMOTE:Write points Figure 6. Key Switch - Positions to Allow Client Access The key switch must be in the PROGRAM position to accept commands from TriStation that can modify the application running in the controller. The key switch must be in PROGRAM position or REMOTE position to allow writing of points by a network client.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  37 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The software running on each Tricon Main Processor includes the system executive firmware and the application program, as shown in the following figure:
Tricon MPSystem Executive FirmwareVote Keyswitch Fault Analysis
Command Execution
Diagnostic Status Application Program Function Blocks TR_SCAN_STATUS GATENB GATDIS Figure 7. Key Switch - Firmware in the Tricon MP The firmware includes k ey switch voting, fault analysis, command execution, and a diagnostic status structure. The application can call function blocks affected by the key switch. Vote Key Sw it ch: Key s wi t ch vo ting s t arts when the key s wi t ch values ha ve stopped changin g f or th ree seconds. If all vo ting legs agree on one value, then the voted value i s t he agreed value. For a single fa ilure, if one leg disagrees, that le g is reset, fa il e d, and taken out of the vo ting. For mu lti pl e fa il u re s, if all vo ting legs mismatch, then an error me ss age is logged w ithout reset, a nd the voted value is 0 (STOP). When the voted value changes to STOP, if key stop is enabled, then ha lt, el se just log the change. F a ul t Analysis: Resets t he Main Processor for a single fa il u re, logs key s wi t ch e rrors, a nd logs changes in key s wi t ch pos ition. Comman d Execution: The firmware ex ecutes co mmands depending on the voted pos iti on of the key s wi tch, as explained in t he p revious clause "Key s wi t ch Opera tion."  Diagnostic Status
: Diagnostic status is a structure w ith a key s wi t ch me mber that holds the voted key s wi t ch pos ition. The key s wi t ch member is a system v ariable that can be read by a network c li e nt or by a TR_SC AN_STATUS func ti on block in the app lic a tion prog ram.   
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  38 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 An application can call any of the following three function blocks: TR_SCAN_STATUS, GATENB, and GATDIS, which provide the following functions:  T R_SCAN_STAT US: The KEYSWITCH output provides the key s wi t ch pos ition. GA TE NB: Can be used to temporarily a llow wr ites to sp ecified points even when the key s wi t ch is in the RUN pos iti on. GATDIS: Can be used to temporarily a llow wr ites to sp ecified points even when the key s wi t ch is in the RUN position. For the PPS Replacement application, the GATENB and GATDIS functions are utilized to allow setpoint and tunable parameter changes from the MWS. Key Switch Tests The PPS Replacement application will be able to test the enable and disable of commands by the key switch. The application includes the following tests:
Stopping and st ar ting the app li ca ti on - turning acti ve LEDs on a nd off  Ability to dis able points. Disable of the STOP pos ition of the key s wi t ch. RUN mode inhibits the ability to:  Disable v ariabl es  Change v ariable valu es  Download chan ge  Halt  Download All  Change clock
/calend ar  Other co mmands in t he co mmand menu  R EM O TE mode inhibits similar to RUN mode  Opera tion of the GA TENB and GATDI S func tion blocks. Te st t he KEYSWITCH output of t he TR_SC AN_STATUS func tion bloc k.   
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====4.2.7 Power====
Supply Modules This discussion is applicable to the following Power Supply Modules:  Model 8310N2  120 Vac/Vdc - 175-Watt Power Module Model 8310  120 Vac/Vdc - 175-Watt Power Module The Power Supply modules possess built in diagnostic circuitry to check for out-of-range voltages and/or over temperature conditions. Indicator LEDs on the front face of each power module provide module status as follows:
I ndicator  Color  Des cription  P A SS Green Input Po wer is O K FA U LT R ed P o we r Modu l e i s not O K A L A R M R ed C h assis A l ar m Condition TEMP Yellow O v er-t e m pera tu r e Condition BATT LOW Yellow Battery L ow Condition The chassis backplane provides terminal strip interfaces for power and alarm connections. The alarm feature operates independently for each power module. The alarm contacts on both main chassis power modules are actuated on the following states:  System configura tion does not match the control-prog ram configu ra tion  A dig ital output module exp erien ces a Load / Fuse error  A module is missing som ewhere in the sy stem  A Main Processor or I/O module in t he main chassis fa i ls  An I/O module in an expa nsion cha ssis fa ils  A Main Processor det ects a system fault  The int er-cha ssis I/O bus cables are inco rrectly insta lled (i.e. cr os s conn ected) The alarm contact on at least one Main Chassis power module is actuated when the following power conditions exist:  A power module fails  Primary po wer to a power module is lost  A powe r module has a low battery or o ver tem perature condition The alarm contacts on at least one power module of an expansion chassis actuates when the following conditions exist:  A power module fails  Primary po wer to a power module is lost  A power module has a over tem perature condition The alarm contacts on both power modules of an expansion chassis actuate when an I/O module fails. Each Tricon chassis houses two Power Modules containing independent power supplies arranged in a dual redundant configuration.
Dual independent power rails are etched on the back plane of each chassis in a Tricon system. Both power rails feed each of the three legs on each I/O module and each Main Processor Module residing within the 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  40 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 chassis through dual independent voltage regulators. Each power rail is fed from one of the two Power Supply Modules residing in the chassis. Under normal circumstances, each of the three legs on each I/O module and each Main Processor Module draw power from both power supplies through the dual power rails and the dual power regulators. If one of the power supplies or its supporting power line fails, the other power supply will increase its power output to support the requirements of all modules in the chassis. A short on a voltage rail disables the power regulators for that leg rather than affecting the power bus. Each Power Supply Module is capable of supporting all the power requirements for all the modules in the chassis within which it resides.
All models of power modules are protected against reverse connection of the DC inputs. The Tricon also has dual redundant batteries located on the Main Chassis backplane. If a total power failure occurs, these lithium batteries can maintain data and programs on the Main Processor modules for a cumulative period of six months. When less than 30 days of battery life remains the system will generate an alarm.
====4.2.8 Tricon====
Termination Panels The termination panels are printed circuit boards utilized to facilitate landing of field wiring. This panel contains terminal blocks, resistors, fuses and blown fuse indicators. The standard panels are configured for specific applications (e.g., digital input, analog input). Each termination panel is packaged with a matched interface cable that connects between the termination panel and the Tricon backplane.
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===5.1 Tricon===
Hardware Analysis The FMEA tabulation is provided in Appendix A through Appendix E. As shown, failure modes that can prevent the Tricon system from performing its function are detected by proper applicatio n-specific design, the built-in on-line system diagnostics , or by periodic off
-line testing.
The general effect of failures in C1a and C1b category are single failures detected by the Tricon on-line diagnostics that do not affect PLC operability and I/O capability, as detailed in the Appendices.
PPS Replacement application
-specific design features monitor the Tricon diagnostic alarms and annunciate these types of failures in a timely manner.
Category C2 includes single and multiple failures, not detected by PLC diagnostics, which do not affect PLC operability. It can be classified as follows:
a) Failures that would be detected by periodic off-line testing in accordance with the manufacturer's standard recommendations; b) Failures associated with PLC functions not used for safety-related functions; and c) Failures that can be detected by application-specific design considerations (e.g., monitoring for loss of external communications links, loss of loop power supplies, failures in termination cables and termination panels). The PPS Replacement employs application
-specific design features to detect the loss of external communications links, loss of loop power supplies, and indications of failures in termination cables and termination panels.
Category C3a includes single failure conditions where the PLC is unable to perform all of its safety functions. These failures are generally related to loss of a single I/O point or the I/O points on a single termination panel.
Loss of a non-redundant loop power supply, I/O point fuse failures, termination panel, or termination cable failures are also Category C3a failures. The majority of these failures would be detected by the PLC on-line diagnostics, as described in Section 4.0. Four items, identified with the combination of failure categories C2 and C3a, are not detected by the PLC. These types of failures can be detected by either by periodic channel checks and surveillance testing, or by application
-specific design features. In the PPS Replacement, these four failures (identified in Appendix A) a re summarized as follows: Failure Type Failure Mode Effect on PLC I/O Detection Methodology Chassis to Term Panel Cable For 3501TN2 , 3503EN2 (See Appendix A, PLC Cable
-Related Failures #6) Open circuit or short circuit to ground Affected digital inputs will fail LOW Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm. Chassis to
Term Panel Cable For 3501TN2 , 3503EN2 (See Appendix A, PLC Cable
Related Failures #7) Short circuit across DI point Affected digital input s will fail HIGH Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  42 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Failure Type Failure Mode Effect on PLC I/O Detection Methodology Chassis to Term Panel Cable Model 3601T N; 115 Vac (See Appendix A, PLC Cable
-Related Failures #9) Open circuit PLC digital inputs will not be affected, but field devices will fail LOW Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm. Term Panel For 3501TN2 , 3503EN2 (See Appendix A, PLC Termination Panel
-Related Failures #2)
Short circuit across DI point Affected digital inputs will fail HIGH Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm. The next failure category defined in Section 1.5 is Category C3b, which includes multiple failure conditions where the PLC is unable to perform all of its safety functions. These failures include the effects of fire, flooding and missiles, which are minimized by applying standard industry design practices in the PPS Replacement application and are considered low
-probability events. The remaining failures are either common cause hardware failures or common cause software errors.
These types of multiple failure scenarios are typically considered to be a small percentage of the total failures.
Common cause failures are minimized in the PPS Replacement through an architecture of 4 Protection Sets, where each Protection Set is electrically and physically separate from the others, unable to communicate with any other Protection Set, and provides overlapping safety coverage. Finally, failure categories defined in Section 1.5 are Category C4a and C4b, which include single or multiple failure conditions where the PLC self
-diagnostic capability is reduced, but the PLC remains operable. These failures all fall in the category of single or double failures of triple redundant components, such as Main Processor modules, I/O modules, I/O Bus links, TRIBUS links, or RXM modules. Most failures that reduce the on
-line diagnostic capabilities are detected and hence are repaired quickly using the on-line repair capability of the Tricon system. The items that cannot be repaired on
-line (i.e., chassis, I/O bus, TRIBUS links) have very low failure rates that can typically be ignored.
The Tricon system design information presented in References 3.3.7 and 3.3.8 includes recommendations for periodic off
-line testing of field inputs and outputs. These recommendations establish general surveillance techniques and surveillance intervals intended to maintain the high reliability of the overall control system. It is strongly recommended that nuclear plant safety-related applications incorporate the specified methods and frequencies of Reference 3.3.7, 3.3.8 and 3.3.9 to maximize system reliability and operability. To ensure that the high reliability of the overall control system is maintained , Invensys recommends that off-line periodic proof testing of field inputs and outputs be performed at least every 30 months of continuous operation (24 month refueling cycle plus a 25% extension as allowed in the technical specifications). 5.2 Key Switch Analysis As described in Section of this document, there are several layers of protection to prevent inadvertent application program changes. These include the Tricon key switch, as well as communication protocol end-to-end integrity checks in the application program.
Additional protection is provided by features in the TriStation 1131 programming interface, including password access. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  43 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The Tricon key switch is a physical interlock that controls the mode of the 3008N MPs.
It prevents the 3008N MPs from accepting "write" messages when placed in the RUN position.
The key switch is implemented by a three-gang, four-position switch. Each of the gangs is connected to one of the 3008N MPs. The key switch position is voted between the three 3008N MPs and the voted data is used to perform key switch functions. The application program has access to the voted key switch position through specialized function blocks. The application can be programmed to perform any required action on a change of the key switch position. For example, the application could generate an alarm if the key switch position is taken out of the RUN mode. The key switch design mitigates any single hardware fault. If one of the gangs on the switch goes bad or an input to a 3008N MP fails (e.g., a single bit flip), the error would affect only the 3008N MP that is attached to the failed gang. The other two 3008N MPs would continue to receive good data and out vote the 3008N MP with the bad input. This protects against any single fault in the physical key switch or on the 3008N MP from disabling the entire Tricon. The Tricon design supports on-line changes to the application program, but only within rigid restrictions. To modify the program, the programmer must have access to the current program version loaded on th e programming terminal, TriStation 1131 (TS1131).
To access the program, the programmer must enter the correct password. Once the program is modified and compiled, the TS1131 terminal must be physically connected to the Tricon and the key switch rotated to the PROGRAM position. Using the programming terminal, the programmer opens communications with the Tricon and downloads the program. Once downloaded the Tricon automatically changes the program version number.
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===5.3 Buyout===
Analysis Appendix E, the FMEA for PPS buyout components, shows that the failure modes of the buyout components have little or no effect on the Tricon operability. At worst, the Tricon might indicate the loss of one of two redundant power supplies, problems with unused points, or other cascading common cause faults like loss of a power strip, breaker, or fuse.
5.4 TSAP Timing Analysis
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====5.4.2 Failures====
Not Affecting Response Time
: 1. Out of Service (OOS) Switch Failure:
The OOS switches are a request toggle. OOS requires additional operator confirmation, so failure of any OOS switch initiates no additional TSAP logic.
: 2. Bypass Switch Failure:
The Bypass switch overrides the Tricon output and works with the Tricon de-energized.
Bypass requires additional operator confirmation, so failure of any Bypass switch initiates no additional TSAP logic.
: 3. Hardware Failures
: The evaluation of the PPS Replacement system has dete rmined that potential ly degraded hardware conditions affecting response time will not impact TSAP response time, or will be detect ed by internal Tricon platform performance calibrations and functional checks, as well as surveillance testing within the TSAP logic. 5.5 Signal Loading Appendix D contains the tabulate d safety critical inputs for each protection system. Analysis was performed to determine whether the inputs have been appropriately assigned to ensure that a single failure of an input module or Protection Set would not render a safety-related function of a particular parameter inoperable. Appendix D provides application specific analysis of the PPS Replacement, as opposed to the generic hardware/software analysis presented in the other attachments.
Analysis in Appendix D shows that the input signal loading assignment provides diversity and defense
-in-depth for the PPS safety function inputs. This is accomplished by ensuring that each process variable parameter is covered by at least two independent Protection Sets, and that each Protection Set has its own set of independent inputs. Two signals (TE-454 and PT-505) have coverage by only a single Protection Set. By design, these two signals do not have a redundancy requirement, but are included in the analysis for completeness.
5.6 Non-detectable Faults
====5.6.1 Drift====
The Tricon will maintain its rated reference accuracy specifications over extended periods. As stated in the Tricon FMEA (Reference 3.3.4), failure of components affecting the rated reference accuracy are detected, the system will generate an alarm, and the faulted module will be indicated. Response to the alarm would require replacement of the faulted module, because field adjustments or calibrations of the Tricon are not possible. The Tricon TMR architecture allows continuous cross comparisons between the triplicated values. The effects of calibrated accuracy including drift over time, hysteresis and non
-linearity, and repeatability are applicable to the Tricon system and I/O modules, and their error contributions are specified in the Tricon I/O Accuracy document (Reference 3.3.9). The effects of temperature sensitivity, power supply variations, arithmetic operations errors, vibration, radiation, and relative humidity are not applicable to the Tricon system and I/O modules, thus their error contribution is zero. 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  46 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Accuracy Drift in Analog Modules The Tricon analog I/O modules have an auto-calibration feature which maintains the module accuracy rating. Over time the accuracy of the reference used to perform the auto
-calibration can experience accuracy drift.
To ensure that specified accuracy is maintained Invensys recommends that the analog I/O modules be periodically proof tested at least every 30 months of continuous operation. Calculations, using vendor supplied data for the electronic components, demonstrate that time related "drift" of the subject analog modules will meet the Invensys specified accuracy, with a 95% confidence and 95% probability, over the first 30 month interval (24 month refueling cycle plus a 25% extension as allowed in the technical specifications). Additional assurance is provided by testing performed by Invensys, prior to shipment, to ensure that each module meets the specifications. Therefore it is concluded that drift over time does not present a failure to comply with the published specifications in the first 30 month interval. Over the long term, however , since the PPS Replacement modules cannot be adjusted , an unquantifiable possibility exists that a module, at the limits of its specified accuracy during surveillance testing, may subsequently, over the next 30 months drift slightly outside of the specified accuracy. In order to ensure a conservative margin, PG&E should publish a drift specification so that this possibility may be taken into account. Actions Recommended to Resolve Drift Issue
: 1. PG&E should include an allowance for drift in their analysis of the loop performance for the PPS Replacement safety system. Suggested allowances are presented in last column of Table 5. 2. PG&E should continue to perform periodic testing at intervals of no less than 30 months and replace modules which fail to meet the published accuracy. Accuracy Drift in System Timing System timing can also drift over time. However, based on the detailed analysis of parameters that might impact system timing, it is concluded that the drift over time is negligible and therefore no proof test is needed on the time base of the Main Processors (Reference 3.3.9). 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  47 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 5.6.2 Stuck-At The Analog Input modules (Model 3703EN and Model 3721 N) detect Stuck-High and Stuck-Low input legs. Stuck
-At legs, which are most likely to occur where input values remain within miscompare limits for extended periods of time, are detected by automatic leg calibration within the Analog Input modules. Each AI module leg is automatically calibrated using multiple reference voltages read through the multiplexer by the microprocessor, which determines the gain and bias required to adjust the readings of the A/D converter. The microprocessors in each leg compare the respective input table data with the neighbor legs, with out-of-tolerance data reported to respective Main Processo r modules. The Main Processor module fault analyzer routines diagnose faulty input module legs at the end of each scan.
One-time and short-term differences that result from sample timing variations are distinguished from a pattern of differing data. Should a Main Processor module diagnose a faulty leg on a particular module, it will signal the input module to illuminate its Fault LED. To ensure that specified tolerances are maintained over time, Invensys recommends that the analog I/O modules be periodically proof tested at least every 30 months of continuous operation.
====5.6.3 Digital====
Input Points - Normally Off The Tricon Digital Input modules contain loopback circuitry in each leg that momentarily drives the input signal for the leg under test to the "logical zero" or "low" state.
This test, which is continually rotated among the three legs, verifies proper operation of leg optical isolation and/or signal processing and conditioning circuitry. Should a leg fail the test, the module fault indicator will be illuminated.
However, if these modules monitor normally off points, the field point must be toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state at periodic intervals. To ensure the proper operation of leg optical isolation and/or signal processing/conditioning circuitry, Invensys recommends that any normally off field points connected to Tricon Digital Input modules should be periodically proof tested at least every 30 months of continuous operation. The following normally off input points in Table 6 should be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation. Table 6. 30-Month Normally Off Proof Test Input Point List Protection Set  Tagname - Switch Status: Bypass/Trip Switches - Instrument Tag and Channel Function Normal State 1 PC505A_BYP PC-505A_Byp Turbine Impulse Pressure High to P13 (Bypass Switch)
OFF 1 PS505C_TRIP PS/505C PC-505C Trip Status (Turb Impulse Press PT
-505) OFF 1 TS411D_TRIP TS/411D TC-411D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 1)
OFF 1 TS411H_TRIP TS/411H TC-411H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 1)
OFF 2 PC 506A_BYP PC-506A_Byp Turbine Impulse Pressure High to P13 Bypass Switch OFF 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  48 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Protection Set  Tagname - Switch Status: Bypass/Trip Switches - Instrument Tag and Channel Function Normal State 2 TS421D_TRIP TS/421D TC-421D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 2)
OFF 2 TS421H_TRIP TS/421H TC-421H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 2)
OFF 3 TS431D_TRIP TS/431D TC-431D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 3) OFF 3 TS431H_TRIP TS/431H TC-431H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 3) OFF 4 TS441D_TRIP TS/441D TC-441D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 4) OFF 4 TS441H_TRIP TS/441H TC-441H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 4) OFF  While the input points associated with the Bypass and Out of Service (OOS) switches are maintenance
-related, the Bypass and OOS input points are normally-off points and should also be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation.
====5.6.4 Digital====
Output Points - Same Commanded State The Model 3601TN DO modules execute self diagnostics of the switches i n such a way as to be transparent to most electromechanical field devices.
A faulty switch will cause the output to transition to the opposite state for a maximum of one half an AC cycle during the OVD routine. However, the module cannot self
-diagnose "Stuck On" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "On
," or "Stuck Off" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "Off". Therefore, it is recommended that the field points be toggled from the normal state to the opposite state and leg output tested accordingly once every 30 months to guarantee the health of the circuitry. All Digital Output field points should be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation. The following normally off output points in Table 7 should be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation. Table 7. 30-Month Proof Test Output Point List Protection Set  Point - Bi-stable Partial Trip Outputs - Function Description Normal State 1 TC-423A Loop 2 Cold Leg Temp Low LTOPS OFF 2 TC-43 3A Loop 3 Cold Leg Temp Low LTOPS OFF 3 PC-40 3A Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure Low to RHR V
-8702 Open Circuit OFF 3 PC-4 03D Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure High to LTOPS OFF 4 PC-4 05A Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure Low to RHR V
-8701 Open Circuit OFF 4 PC-4 05D Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure High to LTOPS OFF   
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===6.1 Analysis===
Summary As stated in Section 4.0 of this report, the Tricon utilizes a fault-tolerant triple modular redundant architecture.
This system design identifies and compensates for failed system elements.
The Tricon self
-diagnostic features have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub
-components within each module. Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate the diagnostic coverage of single failures within each module.
Per Reference 3.3.2, the NRC has reviewed the FMEA qualification documentation from Invensys as part of the Tricon V10 safety evaluation. The results of the FMEA showed that, in general, failure modes that could prevent a Tricon PLC system from performing its safety-related functions are detected by the built-in system diagnostics or by periodic testing.
Th e staff concluded that the FMEA shows that the Tricon PLC system is suitable for use in safety-related applications in nuclear power plants.
As stated in Section 4.0 of this report, the Tricon utilizes a fault-tolerant triple modular redundant architecture. This system design identifies and compensates for failed system elements, which facilitates its use in critical and safety
-related process applications.
The Tricon self-diagnostic features summarized in Section 4.0 of this report have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub
-components within each module. Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate that the on-line diagnostics will detect a very high percentage of the failures within each module. The diagnostic coverage for the Main Processors and the common processing circuitry on the I/O modules are in the 95 to 99% range. The diagnostic coverage of the I/O point circuitry on the I/O modules is 99%. Reference
====3.3.5 shows====
the diagnostic coverage of the Tricon Main Processors and I/O modules.
On the Tricon, all safety-related operating software (.pt2 file) exists permanently in electronically erasable programmable read only memory and is considered as firmware. This software performs built-in self-diagnostics, manages the TMR features , and executes the application software.
As summarized in Reference 3.3.5, the Tricon PLC exceeds EPRI requirements (Reference 3.1.2) for both Safety and Overall Availability. The Reliability Analysis Report (document number 993754-1-819) provides additional analysis of the diagnostic coverage specific to the PPS Replacement application.
===6.2 Discussion===
The NRC reviewed the historical data available on the use of the Tricon PLC system in commercial and foreign nuclear applications and concluded the following in the Triconex Approved Topical Report 7286-545-1A, "Qualification Summary Report" (TAC No. ME2435): "The Tricon, with its TMR architecture, is resilient against single failures and operating experience has shown it is highly reliable (more than 9,000 units in operation and over 500,000,000 hours without failure to perform on demand). Invensys understands there remains the very rare possibility of a software common cause failure (CCF). Since digital system CCFs are not classified as single failures, postulated digital CCFs are not assumed to be a single random failure in design basis evaluations. The two design attributes sufficient to eliminate consideration of common cause failure
- diversity and testability
- would not be satisfied by the proposed architecture. Therefore, a diverse actuation system (DAS) would be required." [7286-545-1A; Appendix B, page 21] 
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis  Revision: 1 Page:  50 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 "The NRC staff reviewed these CGD activities and based on the review of the associated development history, operating experience, life cycle design output documentation, and testing and review activities, the NRC staff finds the dedication evidence for the PDS of the Tricon V10 platform to be acceptable for demonstrating built
-in quality. In addition, the NRC staff determined that the Invensys QA processes for software maintenance provides reasonable assurance that the quality characteristics of the PDS can be preserved. Consequently, the NRC staff concludes that the Tricon V10 hardware and software is of sufficient quality to satisfy Clause 5.3 and is suitable for use in SR applications." [7286-545-1A; page 116] Analysis indicates that the Tricon analog IO modules have accuracy margin issues after 30 months of continuous operation. Proof testing of the analog modules is required after no more than 30 months of continuous operation to detect common cause drift. Analysis of the timing drift indicates that there is no proof test that needs to be done on the time base of the Main Processor. The computational analysis performed in Reference 3.2.1 calculates a worst
-case Scan Time for the PPS Replacement application code well within the Scan Time range to satisfy the 200 ms worst case response time requirement for the PPS Replacement. Because the TSAP follows TS1131 design and coding guidelines, executes within the allowable scan time, and is triply redundant within the Tricon, there are no internal (software) or external (hardware) failures that can impact the Tricon response time to any event.
===6.3 Recommendations===
Based on the FMEA results, there are no recommendations resulting from the analysis that would require design changes, new or modified diagnostics, or custom installation instructions.
===6.4 Conclusions===
The FMEA tabulation provided in Appendix A of this report has reviewed possible failures of the Tricon PLC system components, identified the mechanisms that could cause those failures and evaluated the consequences of those failures on the operation of the Tricon PLC system. Because of the TMR architecture of the Tricon PLC system, failure mechanisms that affect a single leg of the triple redundant system generally have no effect on the PPS operation and provide the capability of the operator to retrieve all Tricon indications in the Main Annunciator System (MAS). As shown, failure modes that can prevent the Tricon system from performing its safety-related functions are detected by proper design, the built-in system diagnostics, or by periodic testing.
There are no failu re-modes associated with safety
-related functions for the PPS that are undetectable after application of all of the above methodologies. Based on this analysis, there are no requirements for any hardware or software design changes, new or modified diagnostics, or maintenance issues with the existing Tricon PLC system for use in the PG&E PPS Replacement for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Since the PPS consists of four independent redundant Protection Sets, with a minimum of two independent Protection Sets monitoring all critical PPS Protection Set Channel functions, no single failure will defeat the overall function of the PPS. Furthermore, operational failure of one channel will leave the redundant PPS channel available to the operator. Therefore, this FMEA concludes that the Tricon PLC system is suitable for use in its intended application as PPS replacement.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page:  51 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The following appendices contain supporting information for this FMEA. Appendix A - FMEA for PPS Tricon (Safety Related Components)
Appendix B - FMEA for PPS Tricon (Non
-Safety Related Components)
Appendix C - FMEA for Safety Related Software Appendix D - FMEA for Input Module Signal Loading Appendix E - FMEA for PPS Buyout Components
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  52 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    Appendix A - FMEA; PPS Tricon (Safety Related Components)
NOTE: Failure Category Column The Failure Category column in the FMEA Table shows the primary failure categories. For example nearly all single failures on the Tricon modules are in the C1a and C1b category since the diagnostic coverage is in the 95 to 99% range.
T he C2a and C2b categories represent the small percentage of failures that are not detected by self-diagnostics and require additional levels of protection.
Power and Termination The FMEA assumes that all loop power supplies are redundant (two power supplies). The FMEA also includes the termination panels and termination cables. These panels and cables have many single points of failure and these failures are typically considered as a part of the connected I/O device. In many cases they are neglected since the panel and cable failure rates are very low compared to the failure rate of the connected I/O device (Reference 3.3.4). Tricon Platform FMEA Qualification As of the date of this document, the Tricon V10.5.3 is the most current nuclear qualified product, subsequent to two maintenance releases (V10.5.2 and V10.5.3) since V10.5.1 (the version upon which the NRC based its Tricon V10 SER for generic nuclear industry approval). The V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis, Revision 0 [Reference 3.3.11] identifies and characterizes the platform changes that have occurred since V10.5.1 and evaluates the significance of the changes as they relate to documents under review for the PPS Replacement System.
Qualification of Tricon V10.5.1 was by analysis based on the Tricon V10.2.1 tests. Tricon V10.5.1 essentially represents the further evolutionary upgrades and bug fixes made to platform software since V10.2.1 was released. Qualification evaluations have determined that the routine product upgrades have not altered the critical characteristics of the product, i.e., current modules have the same (or better) functional and environmental characteristics as the Tricon V10.2.1 Test Specimen FMEA provided in the Triconex Topical Report 7286-545-1-A, revision 4 [Reference 3.3.2].
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  53 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty CONTR OL AND C OMMUNICATI ONS M ODULE-RELATED FAILURES 1. Main Chassis Processor Module: Model 3008N; Enhanced Tricon Main Processor, 16 Mbytes DRAM L o s s o f all thr ee pro ce ss o r modules Fi r e; f lood; miss iles; softwar e co mmon mode f ailure C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. F a ils to op e rate 2. Main Chassis
Processor Module: Model 3008N; Enhanced Tricon Main Processor, 16 Mbytes DRAM L o s s o f o n e or two pro ce ss o r modules Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne Co n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact pro ce ss o r m od u le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag pro ce ss o r fau lt. 3. Main Chassis
Communications Module:
Model 4352AN , Tricon Communication Module (TCM) Fail u r e o f modu le to transm it o r r eceive data o n all thr ee legs Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1 b No s a f e t y related data is b eing transm itt ed. No impact on safety functions.
C o n t i n u es to op e rate. Co mmun ic a tions to ex tern al netw or k devices is in te rrup ted. Main p ro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and fla g c o mm unicati ons fau lt upon loss of communications with MWS.
A faulty TCM modu le can be replaced while the cont roller is onlin e.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  54 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 4. Main Chassis Communications Module:
Model 4352AN , Tricon Communication Module (TCM) Fail u r e o f modu le to co mm unicate with one or tw o of the Mai n P ro ce ss or s. Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne T h i r d leg will s till c o mm un ic a te w i t h t h e M P. 5. RXM Chassis
Primary RXM (Remote Extender Module
); Model 4200N; Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules)    L o s s o f all thr ee R XM modules Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; softwar e co mmon mode f ailure C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals i n a f fected downstream R XM cha ssis will not b e r ead. Downstream an alog and digital outpu ts fail low. No effect on safety system.
C o n t i n u es to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in all downstream cha ssis a ssembl ies. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag RXM c o mm unicati ons fau lt. 6. RXM Chassis Primary RXM (Remote Extender Module
); Model 4200N; Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) L o s s o f o n e or two R XM modules Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne C o n t i n ues to op e rate v ia i ntact RXM m o d u le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag R XM modu le fault. PLC I/O M ODULE-RELATED FAILURES
: 1. Digital input modules:
Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n one le g. Elect ro nic com ponen t or mu lti ple com ponent s on different points. C 1 a, C 1b; C2 a, C2b if point is normally OFF N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally OFF. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  55 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 2. Digital input modules:
Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n mu lti p le legs. M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o n same point or f u s e f a il u r e C1a, C1b, C3b,and C2a, C 2b if poi n t is normally OFF A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally OFF. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault. 3. Digital input modules:
Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r one leg Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure o r mu lti ple com ponen t f ailur es o n di fferen t points. C 1 a, C 1b for 3503EN2; C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501TN2 if point is normally ON. N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally ON. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.
: 4. Digital input modules:
Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r mu lti p le legs Multi p le elect ronic com ponent failu res o n same point or fuse failure C 1 a, C 1b, C 3b for 3503EN2; C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501TN2 if point is normally ON A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail high.
C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. U n a b le to correctly dete r m i n e t h e state of the affected point(s). Cond ition wil l be detected for all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally ON. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic ca p a b ili t y. Non-detectable fault.
: 5. Digital input modules:
Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le gs. Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  56 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 6. Digital input modules:
Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Elect ronic com ponent failu res on all legs or comm. Softwa r e failure C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will not be r ead. T reats all a f fected i n p u t po i n ts as OFF. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag board fau lt(s). Fa u lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala rm circu it. 7. Digital output modules:
Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O u t pu t po i n t fails high o r low on one leg Elect ronic com ponent failure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. DO m od ule OVD d ia g n o stics w i ll detect the fau lt on all m odules ex cept for the 3601TN if th e output point is not b eing t oggled peri odically. 8. Digital output modules:
Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O u t pu t po i n t fails high or low o n mu lti ple le gs M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es or fus e f ailure C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail to t h e corres ponding output state, or will go OFF i f fuse fau lt. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected outpu t point(s). Cond ition will be detected by DO m od u le field vo ltage d et ecti on circu it, which wi ll activa te th e LOAD/F U SE alarm sin ce th e c o mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta g e; or if fai ls to c u rren t state, w ill be detected during the OVD d ia gnost ics, ex cept on the 3601TN. 9. Digital output modules:
Model 3601T N; 115 Vac C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two legs Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ssor d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 10. Digital output modules:
Model 3601T N; 115 Vac C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all le gs Multi p le elect ronics failu res o r comm. S oftwa r e failure C 3 b A f fected o u t p u t po i n t s will g o O F F. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. Fau lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala r m circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  57 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 11. Analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc  I n p u t po i n t fails high or low o n sing le leg Elect ronic com ponent failure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w o r h i gh r a ng e d ia g n o s tic m on it oring alar m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Power Mod u le alarm circui t. 12. Analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc I n p u t po i n t fails high or low o n mu lti p le legs Multi p le elect ronic com ponent failu res o r f use failure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail to t h e corres ponding input state, or w ill g o downscale if f us e fault. U n a b le to correctly dete r m i n e t h e v al u e o f t h e a f fected point(s). Low o r high range d iagnos tic m on it oring ala r m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cessor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le alarm circui t. 13. Analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two legs Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 14. Analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all le gs Multi p le elect ronics failu res o r comm. s oftwa r e failure C 3 b A f fected i n pu t po i nts w i l l g o dow nscale. T reats all a f fected i n p u t po i n ts a s d o w n scale. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag board faul t. Fa ult alarm v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er M od ule alarm circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  58 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 15. Analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Module acc ur a c y out o f sp eci fication o n mu lti p le le gs. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 2 b A f fected i n pu ts c o uld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M i n i m u m proof te s t i n te r v al i s on ce every 30 months to detect co mmon ca use drif t. 16. Analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Module acc ur a c y out o f sp eci fication on a si ng le l eg. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 1 a, C 2 a A f fected i n pu ts c o uld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Si g n i ficant d e viati on s a r e detected and alarmed. 17. Analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Input signal fails on a single leg.
Detected Stuck
-At leg(s) voted out by Main Processor.
C 1 a None. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  59 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 18. Analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on one or two le gs. Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Fau lt Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal. 19. Analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on all three le gs. Multi p le elect ronic com ponent failu res o r fir m wa re failure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail to u nknow n v al u e. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. E ach an alog out put m od ule sus tains complete ongoing dia gnostics for each leg. Failure of any diag no s tic on any leg activates the module's Fa u lt Indicat or, which in turn activates the chass is alarm si gn a l. Failur e of all thr ee legs for a given output will acti vate the Lo ad Indicat or, and outpu t will not be driven. 20. Analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le g s. Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 21. Analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Multi p le module elect ronics failu r e o r c omm. softwa re failure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. Fau lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala r m circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  60 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 22. Analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on multiple legs. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 3 b A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M i n i m u m proof te s t i n te r v al i s on ce every 30 months to detect co mmon ca use drif t. 23. Analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on a s in gle leg. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 1 a, C 2 a A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Si g n i ficant d e viati on s a r e detected and alarmed.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  61 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty POWER SU PPLY-RELATED FAILURES
: 1. All chassis power supplies L o s s o f all i n p u t pow er Loss of inverter power C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. F a ils to op e rate 2. All chassis power supplies:
P o w er s u pp l y output fails high Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure N/A N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. T h e t h ree te r m i n al l i n ear re gulat ors are therma ll y protected, and the po w er su pplies are over vo ltage-limited. Failure m odes initiated by overvo ltage conditi ons are theref or e ina pplica ble. 3. Main Chassis power supply:
Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc L o s s o f o n e pow er su pp l y outp ut Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant m a i n c h a ss i s p o w er su pply. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt. Fa u lt alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 4. Main Chassis power supply:
Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc P o w er s u pp l y outpu ts fail (bo th po wer su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b Main pro ce ss or s fail a n d all an alog and digital outpu ts fail low F a ils to op e rate. 5. RXM Chassis power supply:
Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc L o s s o f o n e pow er su pp l y outp ut Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant R X M c h a ss i s p o w e r su pply. Main pro cessor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and flag board fau lt. Fa u lt al arm via Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le a la rm circu it. 6. RXM Chassis power supply:
Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc P o w er s u pp l y outpu ts fail (bo th po wer su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A ll o u t p u t s f a i l l o w on all m odules in affected chassi s. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  62 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 7. Loop power supply for digital inputs:  Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc Power supp l y output voltage fails low (both power supplies fail) Fi r e; f l ood; miss ile C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (c) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. DI point cou ld also be wir ed as a power f ailure alarm to provide detecti o n (a pplication- sp ecif ic). 8. Loop power supply for digital inputs:  Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24  Power supp l y output voltage fails low (both power supplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. DI poin t cou ld also be wi red as a power f ailure alarm to provide detecti o n (a pplication-sp ecif ic). 9. Loop power supply for digital inputs:  Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc Power supp l y output voltage fails h i gh Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure; fir e; flood; miss ile C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s may fail low: provided f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DI poin ts C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt for modules with SAO/S AZ faul t detection on the inputs.
Fa u lt alarm via Main Chass is Pow er M od u le a la rm circu it. A pplication sp ecif ic mon it orin g requir ed to detect and alarm the f ailur e for rem aining modu les. 10. Loop power supply for digital outputs:  Model 3601T N; 115 Vac Power supp l y output voltage fails low (both DC power supplies fail)
Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected b y t h e output vote r d ia gnostics on the affected D O m od ule, and by the DO m odule's field vo lta g e detection circu it, which w ill acti vate th e LOAD/F U SE alarm sin ce th e co mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta ge. 11. Loop power supply for digital outputs:  Model 3601T N; 115 Vac Power supp l y output voltage fails low (One power supp l y fails) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. DI poin t cou ld also be wir ed as a power f ailure alarm to provide detecti o n (a pplication-sp ecif ic).
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  63 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 12. Loop power supply for digital outputs:  Model 3601T N; 115 Vac P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s may fail low; assumin g f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DO poin ts C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 13. Loop power supply for analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (both pow er su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail lo w (do w nscale) C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic m o n it or i n g alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su ltin g in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cess o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it. 14. Loop power supply for analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc  P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (o n e pow er su pp l y fails) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic m o n it or i n g alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su ltin g in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cess o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it. 15. Loop power supply for analog input modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts may fail lo w (do w nsca le); assuming f ailure vo ltage is hig h e n ough to burn out a ffected AI points C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic m o n it or i n g alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su ltin g in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cess o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it. 16. Loop power supply for analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (both pow er su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail lo w (do w nscale) C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  64 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 17. Loop power supply for analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (o n e pow er su pp l y fails) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal. 18. Loop power supply for analog output module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s may fail lo w (do w nsca le); assuming f ailure vo ltage is hig h e n ough to burn out a ffected AO poin ts C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  65 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty PLC C HASSIS-RELATED FAILURES
: 1. Main Chassis System Control Key Switch Si n g le f ai l u r e a ffec ting one leg tha t disagrees wit h the oth er le gs S h or t, op en C 1 a No e ff ect o n i n pu ts or outputs, which are voted by the two g ood le gs. The fail LED is turned on for the failed leg. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate w i t h t w o g ood le gs. 2. Main Chassis
System Control Key Switch M u lti ple f ai l u r es that ca use all three legs to mism atch (wit h key st op disab le d) Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 1 b T h e v oted k e y s witch chang es to STOP, but the a pplication progra m do es not halt b eca us e key stop is disab le d. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate w i t h s o m e d e g r a d ed capab ility, but st ill ab le to perf orm its safety f un c tion. Degrad ed capability - if the key switch was in REMOTE po s ition, the change to S T OP wou ld i nhib it remo te access. If th e key s wi t ch w as in PROGRAM po s ition , the change to S T OP wou ld inhib it progra mming cha nges. 3. Main Chassis
System Control Key Switch M u lti ple f ai l u r es that ca use all three legs to mism atch (wit h key st op enab le d) Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b T h e v oted k e y s witch chang es to STOP. T h e a pplicati o n pro g r am h a l ts w i t h o u t p u ts t u r n ed o ff.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  66 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 4. Main Chassis System Control Key Switch M u lti ple f ai l u res that ca use mu lti ple legs to fa il th e same w ay L oo s e co nn ect or , Elect rical power tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 1 b T h e v oted k e y s witch chang es to:  REMOTE ,  R UN,  PROGRAM, o r STOP. P L C can c on ti n u e to op e rate w i t h d e g r a d ed ca p a b ilit y , depending on th e change to the voted key s wi t ch v al u e:  REMOTE to other: cou ld los e write access permission.
Other to REMOTE: cou ld perm it unwanted wr ite access to points. Other to STOP: depends on c onfiguration of key stop disab le - cou ld halt the a pplication. Oth er to PR OGRAM: cou ld p er m it unwanted progra mming chang es  PR OGRAM to other: cou ld inhib it progra mming cha nges. ST OP t o R UN: unexpected start of th e a pplication program. 5. Main Chassis Power Supply Rails B o th rails fail op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C f ails to op e rate. A ll a n a l o g , d i gital a n d r el a y out pu ts turn off. 6. Main Chassis
Power Supply Rails O n e rail f a ils op en or sh orts to g ro und Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant m a i n c h a ss i s pow er su pply. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g pow er rail fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod u le alarm circuit.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  67 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 7. Main Chassis TRIBUS Serial Links A ll t h r ee l i n k s op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C f ails to op e rate 8. Main Chassis
TRIBUS Serial Links O n e o r t wo li n k s op en or sh ort to grou n d. Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/o r motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact T R I BUS. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag TRIB US link fault. 9. Main Chassis
I/O Bus A ll t h r ee b us e s op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I/O s i g nals d o w n s t r e a m o f an op en bus wi ll not be r ead. I/O si gnals w ill not be r ead for a sh orted bus cond ition. An al o g and digital outpu ts fail low at and past an open b us. P L C m icropro ce ss or s c o n ti nu e to op e rate, w i t h I/O lim it a tions as no ted. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g I/O bus fau lt. 10. Main Chassis
I/O Bus O n e o r t w o b us es op en or sh ort to ground Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact I/O b us (e s). Main pro ce ssor d iagnos tics w ill detect and flag I
/O bus faul t.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  68 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 11. Main Chassis Communications Bus A ll b us e s open o r sh ort to g round Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 4 a, C 4 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate as a s ta n d al o n e d e vice. Co mmun ic a tions to ex ternal terminals is in terrup ted. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and fla g co mm unicati ons bus fau lt. Wou ld requir e log ic in the ex tern al system to detect an d alarm th is f ailure (a pplication-sp eci f ic). 12. Main Chassis
Communications Bus O n e o r t w o b us es op en or sh ort to ground Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o n e P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate. Co mmun ic a tions to ex tern al devices con tinu es v ia intact co mm unication s b us(es). Main pro ce ssor d iagnos tics w ill detect and flag co mmunications bus fault. 13. Main Chassis
Communications Bus C o mm u n ic a ti o n from one MP to the two other s di ffers at the two oth er MPs Fail u r e o f r ecei v er at on e r eceiving MP C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne V oted o u t a n d ala r m e d. 14. Main Chassis
Battery P ack O u t pu t v o lt a g e fails low Batte r y a g ing o r sh ort circu it C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate, un l e s s f a il u r e i s c o n c u rr e n t wi th loss of all input power. Battery f ailure concu rrent with all power f ailure will resu lt in loss of ma in progra m memory from SRAM. Main p ro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and flag lo w battery vo ltage prior to failur e.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  69 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 15. RXM Chassis Power Supply Rails B o th rails fail op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low fo r sh orted rails, and fai l low at and past th e f ailure poin ts for op en rails. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in the failed R XM chass is as no ted, and all downstrea m chass is assembl ies. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag pow er rail fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 16. RXM Chassis
Power Supply Rails O n e rail f a ils op en or sh orts to g ro und Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant R X M c h a ss i s power su pply. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and flag pow er rail fau lt. Fault alarm via Main Chass is Pow er M od u le a la rm circu it. 17. RXM Chassis I/O Bus A ll b us e s open o r sh ort to g round Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals d o w n s t r e a m of an open bus will not be r ea d. Input signals wi ll no t b e r ead for a sh orted bu s cond ition. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C m icropro ce ss or s c o n ti nu e to op e rate, w i t h I/O lim it a tions in the spe ci f ic RXM chass is as no ted, and all downstream chass is a ssemb lies. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g I/O bus fau lt. 18. RXM Chassis  I/O Bus O n e o r t w o b us es op en or sh ort to ground Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact I/O b us (e s). Main pro ce ssor d iagnos tics w ill detect and flag I
/O bus faul t.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  70 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty PLC CABLE-RELATED FAILURES
: 1. Main Chassis
-to-RXM Chassis  I/O Expansion Cables (set of 3 cables)
O p en ci r c uit, sh ort circu it o r hot sh ort in all thr ee ca bles Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; fire; flood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals d o w n s t r e a m of th e faulted ca bles w ill no t be r ead. An alog an d digital outpu ts fail low. P L C m icropro ce ss or s c o n ti nu e to op e rate, w i t h I/O lim it a tions downstream of th e I/O Expa nsion ca b le fau lt as no ted. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g I/O ca b le fault. 2. Main Chassis
-to-RXM Chassis I/O Expansion Cables (set of 3 cables)
O p en ci r c uit, sh ort circu it o r hot sh ort in one or two ca bles Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le c ut C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact I/O ca b le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnos tics will detect and flag I
/O ca b le faul t. 3. Main Chassis Communications Module:
Model 4352AN , Tricon Communication Module (TCM) - network cable O p en ci r c uit, sh ort circu it o r hot sh ort in ca b le Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le c ut C 1 a, C 1b , C 2a, C2b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate. Co mmun ic a tions to ex tern al netw or k devices is in te rrup ted. Main p ro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and fla g c o mm unicati ons fau lt. Requires a pplication-sp ecif ic alarming in th e e x tern al s ystem. 4. Primary RXM (4200 N) to Remote RXM (4201)
Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 6 fiber optic cables)
L o s s o f all t h r ee RXM transm it o r r eceive ca bles Fi r e; f l ood , miss iles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals i n a f fected R XM cha ssis w ill not b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in the failed R XM cha ss is a s no ted. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wil l detect and flag R XM co mmunication s fau lt.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  71 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 5. Primary RXM (4200 N) to Remote RXM (4201)
Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 6 fiber optic cables) L o s s o f o n e or two RXM transm it o r r eceive ca bles Fi r e o r ca ble c ut C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact RXM ca b le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnos tics will detect and flag R XM co mmunication s fau lt. 6. Chassis to Term Panel Cable
For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le cu t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 7. Chassis to Term Panel Cable
For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc S h or t ci r c u it ac ross DI point Fi r e o r ca ble c u t; term panel sh ort C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail high P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting; o r (c) a si ng le DI point h as b een us ed to indicate su pply of ex tern al pow er as a n a pplication sp eci f ic alarm. 8. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s may fail low; provided f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DI poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 9. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Digital Output Modules: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O p en ci r c u it Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le cu t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a P L C d i g it a l o u t p u t s w ill not be a ffected, bu t field devices will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DO poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  72 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 10. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Digital Output Modules: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; fire; flood; missiles C 3 a A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l b e detected b y DO m od u le fie ld vo lta g e detection circu it, which w ill acti vate th e LOAD/F U SE alarm sin ce th e c o mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta g e. 11. Chassis to Term Panel Cable
For Digital Output Modules: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s may fail low; assumin g f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 12. Chassis to Term Panel Cable
For Analog Input Modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca ble c u t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 3 a A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail lo w (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic mon it oring alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su lt ing in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circuit. 13. Chassis to Term Panel Cable
For Analog Input Modules:
Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc  H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected a n al o g i n puts may fail lo w (do w nsca le); assuming f ailure vo ltage is hig h e n ough to burn out a ffected AI points P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w o r h i gh r a ng e d ia g n o s tic m on it oring alar m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Power Mod u le alarm circui t.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  73 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 14. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Analog Output Module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O p en ci r c u it Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca ble c u t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 3 a A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t end devices will fail low (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es operati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Lo ad Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal. 15. Chassis to Term Panel Cable
For Analog Output Module:
Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und or ho t sh ort Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; fire; flood; missiles C 3 a A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale for a sh ort circu it, and ma y fail low for a hot sh ort; assuming fa ilure vo lta g e is high enough to bur n out affected AO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal. TERMINATI O N PANEL-RELATED FAILURES
: 1. Term Panel
For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 V/Vd O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 2 a, C 2b , C 3b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 2. Term Panel
For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc S h or t ci r c u it ac ross DI point Fi r e o r ca ble c u t; term panel sh ort C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail high P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  74 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 3. Term Panel For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s may fail low; provided f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DI poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 4. Term Panel
For Digital Output Module s: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O p en ci r c u it Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure C 2 a, C 2b , C 3b P L C d i g it a l o u t p u t s w ill not be a ffected, bu t field devices will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DO poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 5. Term Panel
For Digital Output Module s: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und Fi r e; f lood; miss iles o r ca b le fault; term panel sh ort C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l b e detected b y DO m od u le fie ld vo lta g e detection circu it, which w ill acti vate th e LOAD/F U SE alarm since th e c o mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta g e; or by the OVD d ia gnost ic if the failed state matc h es th e cu rrent demand ed state. 6. Term Panel For Digital Output Module s: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s may fail low; assumin g f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 7. Term Panel
For Analog Input Module s: Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc  O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail lo w (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic mon it oring alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  75 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 8. Term Panel For Analog Input Module s: Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected a n al o g i n puts may fail high or lo w (do w nsca le); assumi ng f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected AI points P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w o r h i gh r a ng e d ia g n o s tic m on it oring alar m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Power Mod u le alarm circui t. 9. Term Panel
For Analog Output Module s: Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O p en ci r c u it Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t end devices will fail low (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Lo ad Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal. 10. Term Panel
For Analog Output Module s: Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und or ho t sh ort Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale for a sh ort circu it, and ma y fail low for a hot sh ort; assuming fa ilure vo lta g e is high enough to bur n out affected AO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Fau lt Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  76 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    Appendix B - FMEA; PPS Tricon (Non
-Safety Related Components)
NOTE: Failure Category Column The Failure Category column in the FMEA Table shows the primary failure categories. For example nearly all single failures on the Tricon modules are in the C1a and C1b category since the diagnostic coverage is in the 95 to 99% range.
T he C2a and C2b categories represent the small percentage of failures that are not detected by self
-diagnostics and require additional levels of protection. Power and Termination The FMEA assumes that all loop power supplies are redundant (two power supplies). The FMEA also includes the termination panels and termination cables. These panels and cables have many single points of failure and these failures are typically considered as a part of the connected I/O device. In many cases they are neglected since the panel and cable failure rates are very low compared to the failure rate of the connected I/O device (Reference 3.3.4).
Tricon Platform FMEA Qualification As of the date of this document, the Tricon V10.5.3 is the most current nuclear qualified product, subsequent to two maintenance releases (V10.5.2 and V10.5.3) since V10.5.1 (the version upon which the NRC based its Tricon V10 SER for generic nuclear industry approval). The V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis, Revision 0 [Reference 3.3.11] identifies and characterizes the platform changes that have occurred since V10.5.1 and evaluates the significance of the changes as they relate to documents under review for the PPS Replacement System.
Qualification of Tricon V10.5.1 was by analysis based on the Tricon V10.2.1 tests. Tricon V10.5.1 essentially represents the further evolutionary upgrades and bug fixes made to platform software since V10.2.1 was released. Qualification evaluations have determined that the routine product upgrades have not altered the critical characteristics of the product, i.e., current modules have the same (or better) functional and environmental characteristics as the Tricon V10.2.1 Test Specimen FMEA provided in the Triconex Topical Report 7286-545-1-A, revision 4 [Reference 3.3.2].
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  77 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 1. Remote RXM Chassis Model 4201; Remote Extender Module (RXM), Multi- mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules)
L o s s o f all thr ee R XM modules Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; softwar e co mmon mode f ailure C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals i n a f fected R XM cha ssis will not b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. C o n t i n ues to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in t h e failed Remote R XM chassis, and all downstream cha ssis a ssembl ies (if any). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag RXM c o mm unicati ons fau lt. Non-safety trip outputs go to OFF:
    - OTTR/OPTR Trip
: 2. Remote RXM Chassis
Model 4201; Remote Extender Module (RXM), Multi- mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) L o s s o f o n e or two R XM modules Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne C o n t i n ues to op e rate v ia i ntact RXM m o d u le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag R XM modu le fault. 3. Digital input modules:  Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n one le g. Elect ro nic com ponen t or mu lti ple com ponent s on different points. C 1 a, C 1b; C2 a, C2b if point is normally OFF N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally OFF, which do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault. 4. Digital input modules:
Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n mu lti p le legs. M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o n same point or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b, C 3b,and C2 a, C2b if point is normally OFF A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally OFF, which do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  78 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 5. Digital input modules:
Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r one leg Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure o r mu lti ple com ponen t f ailur es o n di fferen t points. C 1 a, C 1b; C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501E if point is normally ON. N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally ON, which do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.
: 6. Digital input modules:  Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r mu lti p le legs M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o n same point or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b, , C 3b C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501E if point is normally ON. A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail high.
U n a b le to correctly dete r m i n e t h e state o f t h e a f fected point(s). Cond iti o n will be detected for all DI modules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally ON, which do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic capab ility. 7. Digital input modules:
Model 3501E; 115 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le gs. Elect ro n ic com ponent f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 8. Digital input modules:  Model 3501E; 115 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Elect ro n ic com ponen t f ailur es on all legs or comm. Softwar e f ailure C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will not be r ead. T reats all a f fected i n p u t po i n ts as OFF. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag board fau lt(s). Fa u lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala rm circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  79 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 9. Analog output module:
Model 3805E; 4
-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on one or two le gs. Elect ro n ic com ponen t f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Fau lt Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal. Failur e of all thr ee legs for a given output will acti vate the Lo ad Indicat or, and outpu t will not be driven. 10. Analog output module:
Model 3805E; 4
-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on all three le gs. M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o r firmwar e f ai l u r e C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail to u nknow n v al u e. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. E ach an alog out put m od ule sus tains complete ongoing dia gnostics for each leg. Failure of any diag no s tic on any leg activates the module's Fa u lt Indicat or, which in turn activates the chass is alarm si gn a l. 11. Analog output module:
Model 3805E; 4
-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le g s. Elect ro n ic com ponen t f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 12. Analog output module:
Model 3805E; 4
-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. M u lti p le module elect ro n ic s f ailure o r c omm. softwar e f ailure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. Fau lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala r m circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  80 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 13. Analog output module:
Model 3805E; 4
-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on multiple legs. C o m po n e n ts o f the self- cali brati o n vo ltage- referen ce circu its for all legs drift over tim e. C 3 b A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M i n i m u m proof te s t i n te r v al i s on ce every 30 months to detect co mmon ca use drif t. 14. Analog output module:
Model 3805E; 4
-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on a s in gle leg. C o m po n e n ts o f the self- cali brati o n vo ltage- referen ce circu its for all legs drift over i C 1 a, C 2 a A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Si g n i ficant d e viati on s a r e detected and alarmed. 15. Relay output module:
Model 3636T; Relay Output R el a y o u t p u t fails op en or clos ed Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b I f r el a y c o ntact o r f use, a ffected field loads fro m r elay outputs w ill fail to the corres pondi ng output state. If in ternal fau lt, n o eff ect o n outpu t. U n a b le to c o n t ro l a f f ect e d o u t p u t po i n t s , if c ontact o r fuse fau lt. R el a y contact or fuse faults will not be detecte d. A ll in tern al faults will be detected by R O d ia gnostics and alarmed. 16. Relay output module:
Model 3636T; Relay Output C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two legs Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1b, C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  81 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 17. Relay output module:
Model 3636T; Relay Output C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Mod ule elect ro nics f ailure o r comm. softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C 2b, C 3b A f fected r el a y o u t p uts w i l l be OPE N. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. R elay contact or f us e fau lts will not be detecte d. Fa u lt alarm v ia Main Ch a ssis Power Mod u le alarm circui t. 18. Loop power supply for relay output module:
Model 3636T; Relay Output P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 2 a, C 2 b A ffected field l o a d s fro m r elay ou tputs w ill fail to the de-ene rgized state C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) RO poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h cont rolled parameters; or (c) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 19. Loop power supply for relay output module:
Model 3636T; Relay Output P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a d s f r o m r elay outputs ma y fail to the de-energized state; assuming f ailur e voltage is high enough to burn out fie ld devices (a pplication-sp ecific f ailure). P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. R e l a y c o ntac t s m a y f l a s h ov er i f f ailure vo ltage ex cee ds maximum sp ecified vo ltag e. 20. Term Panel
For Relay Output Module s: Model 3636T; Relay Output O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a ds from r elay outputs will fail to the de- energized state P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) R O poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h cont rolled parameters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  82 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 21. Term Panel For Relay Output Module s: Model 3636T; Relay Output H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n adj acent po wer ca b le C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a d s f r o m r elay outputs ma y fail to the de-energized state; assuming f ailur e voltage is high enough to burn out fie ld devices (a pplication-sp ecific f ailure). P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. R e l a y c o ntac t s m a y f l a s h ov er i f f ailure vo ltage ex cee ds maximum sp ecified vo ltag e. 22. Chassis to Term Panel Cable
For Relay Output Module:
Model 3636T; Relay Output O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fa u lt i n adj acent po wer ca ble; ca ble c u t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a ds from r elay outputs will fail to the de-energized state P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) R O poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h cont rolled parameters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  83 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.
x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)
A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 23. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Relay Output Module:
Model 3636T; Relay Output H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n adj acent po wer ca b le C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a d s f r o m r elay outputs ma y fail to the de-energized state; assuming f ailur e voltage is high enough to burn out fie ld devices (a pplication-sp ecific f ailure). P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. R e l a y c o ntac t s m a y f l a s h ov er i f f ailure vo ltage ex cee ds maximum sp ecified vo ltag e.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  84 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    Appendix C - FMEA; Safety-Related Software APPENDIX C - FMEA FOR SAFETY
-RELATED SOFTWARE Affected Software Failure Mode/ Detectable or Undetectable Failure Mechanism Effect on Tricon System/Barriers to Overcome to Achieve Failure
: 1. Application software One or more functions fails to execute/ Detectable Intentional or unintentional change to software Effects could be from minimal to complete shutdown of system to safe state. For this event to occur, a person with knowledge of the Tricon and TriStation 1131 would need to:
b) build and compile new application program with all errors resolved, c) physically connect PC to Tricon; which should be administratively prohibited while system is operational,  d) perform download procedures, e) direct Tricon to run new application. Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.
: 2. Application software Random bit change/Detectable Cosmic radiation, inadvertent moisture addition, etc.
None. The nature of a failure of this type would only appear on one of the three MPs at a time.
Any change to program, input or output data would be voted as bad at any number of points based on triple redundancy architecture. Redundant PPS legs are unaffected.
: 3. Application software Erroneous data and I/O outputs/Detectable One or more functions not programmed correctly Effect could be from minimal to complete shutdown of system to a safe state depending on error.
For this event to occur, the error or omission would have to go undetected from design review, design verification, emulator testing, verification and validation.
Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.
: 4. Application software Erroneous data and I/O outputs/Undetectable Undetected program bug Tricon will operate erratically.
Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.
: 5. Connection to external networks or software.
Extraneous message or virus is introduced/Detectable Inadvertent connection to a network or outside software. Tricon will operate as normal.
Tricon will reject any message that does not pass error checking algorithms, handshake checks, or unexpected protocols.
Additionally, access through ports or drives should be controlled through one or more means of administrative controls, physical blocking, or software disabling.
Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  85 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    Appendix D - FMEA; Input Signal Loading APPENDIX D
- FMEA FOR INPUT SIGNAL LOADING Process Variable Parameter Protection Set I Protection Set II Protection Set III Protection Set IV Loading Analysis
: 1. DTTA Upper Neutron Flux NE-41A  Loop 1 NE-42A  Loop 2 NE-43A  Loop 3 NE-44A  Loop 4 Redundant upper flux in each Protection Set. 2. DTTA Lower Neutron Flux NE-41B  Loop 1 NE-42B  Loop 2 NE-43B  Loop 3 NE-44B  Loop 4 Redundant lower flux in each Protection Set. 3. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Te mperature Channels Hot/Cold Legs TE-413 A Loop 1 TE-413B Loop 1 TE-433A  Loop 3 TE-433B  Loop 3  All four loops are input into the Protection Sets - Loops 1 & 2 into PS1; Loops 3 & 4 into PS2. The Thot & Tcold for each loop enter on same AI module.
: 4. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Te mperature Channels Hot/Cold Legs TE-423A Loop 2 TE-443 B Loop 2 TE-443B  Loop 4 TE-443A  Loop 4  All four loops are input into the Protection Sets - Loops 1 & 2 into PS1; Loops 3
& 4 into PS 2. The Thot & Tcold for each loop enter on same AI module. 5. DTTA Pressurizer Pressure PT-455  Loop 1 PT-456  Loop 2 PT-457  Loop 3 PT-474  Loop 4 Redundant pressurizer pressure in each Protection Set.
: 6. DTTA Thot TE-410A Loop 1 Thot-1A TE-411A Loop 1 Thot- 2A TE-412A Loop 1 Thot -3A TE-410C Loop 1 Thot- 1B TE-411C Loop 1 Thot -2B TE-412C Loop 1 Thot- 3B TE-420A Loop 2 Thot-1A TE-421A Loop 2 Thot- 2A TE-422A Loop 2 Thot -3A TE-420C Loop 2 Thot- 1B TE-421C Loop 2 Thot -2B TE-422C Loop 2 Thot- 3B TE-430A Loop 3 Thot-1A TE-431A Loop 3 Thot- 2A TE-432A Loop 3 Thot -3A TE-430C Loop 3 Thot- 1B TE-431C Loop 3 Thot -2B TE-432C Loop 3 Thot- 3B TE-440A Loop 4 Thot-1A TE-441A Loop 4 Thot- 2A TE-442A Loop 4 Thot -3A TE-440C Loop 4 Thot- 1B TE-441C Loop 4 Thot -2B TE-442C Loop 4 Thot- 3B  Multiple Thot inputs from a single loop on two different AI modules in each Protection Set. Each Protection Set has inputs from the corresponding loop number.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  86 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX D
- FMEA FOR INPUT SIGNAL LOADING Process Variable Parameter Protection Set I Protection Set II Protection Set III Protection Set IV Loading Analysis
: 7. DTTA Tcold TE-410B Loop 1 Tcold-1 TE-411B Loop 1 Tcold-2 TE-420B Loop 2 Tcold-1 TE-421B Loop 2 Tcold-2 TE-430B Loop 3 Tcold-1 TE-431B Loop 3 Tcold-2 TE-440B Loop 4 Tcold-1 TE-441B Loop 4 Tcold-2 Multiple Tcold inputs from a single loop on two different AI modules in each Protection Set.
Each Protection Set has inputs from the corresponding loop number. 8. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Pres su re Ch annels    PT-403 Loop 4 PT-405 Loop 3 Reactor coolant pressure from two different loops input to two Protection Sets. 9. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Pres su re Ch annels Input to Res idual Heat Re moval (RHR) va lv e i nterlo c k cir c u i t  PT-403A Loop 4 PT-405A Loop 4 Redundant loops in two Protection sets.
: 10. Pres surizer High W at e r Level Reactor Trip LT-459 LT-460 LT-461  Pres s uriz e r High W at e r L e v e l is redundant in Protection Sets I, II & III.
: 11. Pres surizer Vapor Space Tempera ture Low    TE-454 This interlock augments the loop 4 wide range pressure parameter (PT
-405A) for Residual Heat Removal (RHR) cold leg isolation valve V
-8701. Redundancy is not required. 12. Steam Flow FT-512  Loop 1 FT-522  Loop 2 FT-532  Loop 3 FT-542  Loop 4 FT-513  Loop 1 FT-523  Loop 2 FT-533  Loop 3 FT-543  Loop 4  Each of the 4 loops is redundant in Protection Sets 1 & 2.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  87 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX D
- FMEA FOR INPUT SIGNAL LOADING Process Variable Parameter Protection Set I Protection Set II Protection Set III Protection Set IV Loading Analysis
: 13. Steam Line Pressure PT-514 Loop 1 PT-524 Loop 2 PT-534 Loop 3 PT-544 Loop 4 PT-515 Loop 1 PT-525 Loop 2 PT-535 Loop 3 PT-545 Loop 4 PT-526 Loop 2 PT-536 Loop 3  PT-516 Loop 1 PT-546 Loop 4 Each of the 4 loops is input to at least 3 Protection Sets.
: 14. Steam Gen erat o r Narrow Ra nge Level Channels S/G Low-Low Level Reactor Trip and Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) Pump Start LT-529 S/G 2 LT-539 S/G 3 LT-51 9 S/G 1 LT-549 S/G 4 LT-518 S/G 1 LT-528 S/G 2 LT-538 S/G 3 LT-5 48 S/G 4 LT-517 S/G 1 LT-527 S/G 2 LT-537 S/G 3 LT-5 47 S/G 4 Each of the 4 loops is input to 3 Protection Sets. 15. Turbine Im pu l se Power Low C-5 Interlock PT-505    Turbine I m pu l se Power Low C-5 Interlock is to prevent automatic outward rod motion when power is less than the design limit for the Rod Control System.
: 16. Turbine Im pu l se Chamber Pressu r e High P-13 Interlock PT-505 PT-506  Turbine I m pu l se C h a mber Pressu r e High P-13 Interlock is to p rovid e an inp ut to P-7 i ndicati ve of low turbine power wh en less t han t he setp o i n t.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  88 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    Appendix E - FMEA; PPS Buyout Components APPENDIX E - FMEA FOR PPS BUYOUT COMPONENTS Affected Components Failure Mode/ Detectable or Undetectable Failure Mechanism  Failure Category  Effect on Tricon Inputs and Outputs/Effect on PPS Effect on Tricon Operability
: 1. 24 VDC Loop Power Supply for Digital I/O field loops (3503EN2) Kepco; HSF-24-4.5PFC Loss of one power supply output/ Detectable Power or electronics failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.
: 2. 24 VDC Loop Power Supply for Digital I/O field loops (3503EN2)
Kepco; HSF-24-4.5PFC Power Supply output Fails High or low/ Detectable Electronic component or fuse failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.
: 3. 48 VDC Loop Power Supply for Analog I/O field loops (3721N)
Kepco; HSF-48-3.3PFC Loss of one power supply output/ Detectable Power or electronics failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.
: 4. 48 VDC Loop Power Supply for Analog I/O field loops (3721N) Kepco; HSF-48-3.3PFC Power Supply output Fails High or low/ Detectable Electronic component or fuse failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.
Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page:  89 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014    APPENDIX E - FMEA FOR PPS BUYOUT COMPONENTS Affected Components Failure Mode/ Detectable or Undetectable Failure Mechanism  Failure Category  Effect on Tricon Inputs and Outputs/Effect on PPS Effect on Tricon Operability
: 5. Analog Input Terminator
-- For 3721N AI Module
-- Triconex; 4000220-001N Errors on unused Analog Input points Manufacturing error, bent connector pin(s) N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate. Analog errors for unused points are reported, as applicable.
: 6. Media Converter Garrettcom; 14EH-ST-9VDC Complete loss of data throughput/
Detectable Media Converter power supply failure N/A None/None  Note: If loss occurs during Maintenance Mode, Points will remain in previously selected states (bypass, OOS).
Tricon continues to operate. Communication error reported.
: 7. Media Converter Garrettcom; 14EH-ST-9VDC Complete loss of data throughput/
Detectable Cable problem; broken or disconnected N/A None/None  Note: If loss occurs during Maintenance Mode, Points will remain in previously selected states (bypass, OOS).
Tricon continues to operate. Communication error reported. 8. Media Converter Garrettcom; 14EH-ST-9VDC Data loss, garbled data, data collisions/
Detectable Component or firmware errors, or configuration setup error N/A None/None  Note: If loss occurs during Maintenance Mode, Points will remain in previously selected states (bypass, OOS).
Tricon continues to operate. Communication error reported.}}

Latest revision as of 12:41, 17 March 2019

993754-1-811 (-NP), Revision 1, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
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Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/21/2014
From: Hoag D A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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3500897372, 993754, DCL-14-034 993754-1-811 (-NP), Rev 1
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. n v e. n s* s* . . i n v* e. n s* s* Operations Management Triconex Project: PG&E PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Purchase Order No.: 3500897372 Project Sales Order: 993754 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY NUCLEAR SAFETY -RELATED PROCESS PROTECTION SYSTEM REPLACEMENT DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Document No. 993754-1-811 Revision 1 February 21, 2014 Name Title Author: D. Hoa A lication En ineer Reviewer:

A rovals:

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 2 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Document Change History Revision Date Change Author 0 10/31/2013 Initial Release D. Hoag 1 0 2/21/2014 Revised to incorporate PG&E comments and reflect the IFS/FRS rev 9 changes. D. Hoag

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 3 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................ 6

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 7


OF ANALYSIS .................................................................................................... 7


OF ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 7


OF ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................ 7


OF ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 7


GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................... 8 2 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................... 12


................................................................................................................... 12


..................................................................................................................... 15 3 RELATED DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCES ........................................................... 16


.................................................................................................................... 16


PROJECT DOCUMENTS.................................................................................. 16


DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................. 16


GAS AND ELECTRIC DOCUMENTS .................................................................... 16 4 SYSTEM AND DIAGNOSTIC OVERVIEW .................................................................... 17


PROTECTION SYSTEM (PPS) OVERVIEW ..................................................... 17 4.2 PLC MODULE DIAGNOSTIC DESCRIPTION ..................................................................... 23

4.2.1 Input

Modules ................................................................................................................... 23

4.2.2 Output

Modules ................................................................................................................ 25 4.2.3 Main Processor Module ................................................................................................... 28

4.2.4 Communications

Module ................................................................................................. 30 4.2.5 RXM Modules.................................................................................................................... 31

4.2.6 Tricon

Chassis Assemblies ............................................................................................ 31

4.2.7 Power

Supply Modules .................................................................................................... 39

4.2.8 Tricon

Termination Panels .............................................................................................. 40 5 DETAILED ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................... 41


HARDWARE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 41 5.2 KEY SWITCH ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 42


ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................... 44 5.4 TSAP TIMING ANALYSIS ................................................................................................ 44

5.4.1 Calculated

TSAP Scan Time .......................................................................................... 44

5.4.2 Failures

Not Affecting Response Time ......................................................................... 45


LOADING ............................................................................................................ 45

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 4 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 5.6 N ON-DETECTABLE FAULTS ............................................................................................. 45

5.6.1 Drift

..................................................................................................................................... 45 5.6.2 Stuck-At ............................................................................................................................. 47

5.6.3 Digital

Input Points - Normally Off .................................................................................. 47

5.6.4 Digital

Output Points - Same Commanded State ........................................................ 48 6


AND CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................. 49



...................................................................................................... 49 6.2 DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................... 49


...................................................................................................... 50


S ................................................................................................................ 50 APPENDIX A - FMEA; PPS TRICON (SAFETY RELATED COMPONENTS


-RELATED SOFTWARE ................................................ 84 APPENDIX D - FMEA; INPUT SIGNAL LOADING ............................................................ 85 APPENDIX E - FMEA; PPS BUYOUT COMPONENTS .................................................... 88

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 5 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 List of Figures Figure 1. Westinghouse PWR Reactor Protection Concept

................................................ 17Figure 2. Tricon Protection Set Architecture for the PPS Replacement System

............. 19Figure 3. Key Switch - TMR Gang Connections

................................................................... 32Figure 4. Key Switch - Logic Flow

........................................................................................... 34Figure 5. Key Switch - Disabling STOP from TriStation

...................................................... 35Figure 6. Key Switch - Positions to Allow Client Access

...................................................... 36Figure 7. Key Switch - Firmware in the Tricon MP

............................................................... 37

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 6 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 List of Tables Table 1. Failure State Categories

.............................................................................................. 9Table 2. Failure State Categories - Further Clarification

..................................................... 10Table 3. V10 Tricon P P S Prote ction Set Channel Fun ctions .............................................. 20Table 4. Required Key Switch Settings for Command Categories

..................................... 33Table 5. 30-Month Drift Uncertainty for Analog Modules

..................................................... 46Table 6. 30-Month Normally Off Proof Test Input Point List

................................................ 47Table 7. 30-Month Proof Test Output Point List

.................................................................... 48

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 7 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014

1. Introduction Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic procedure for identifying the modes of failure and for evaluating their consequences.

The essential function of an FMEA is to consider each major part of the system, how it may fail (the mode of failure), and what the effect of the failure on the system would be (the failure effect).

1.1 Purpose

of Analysis EPRI TR-107330 [Reference 3.1.2] defines the requirements for qualifying commercially available programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for safety-related nuclear power plant applications. The guidelines

[Reference 3.1.2] require the performance of a FMEA to evaluate the effects of failures of components in the modules on PLC performance. This FMEA will: Evaluate the effects and the sequences of events caused by each identified failure mode, from whatever cause, at various levels of the system's functional hierarchy; Determine the significance or criticality of each failure mode as to the system's correct function or performance and the impact on the reliability and/or safety of the controlled process; Classify identified failures according to whether the failures can be detect ed, diagnos ed , or test ed. Identify whether items may be replaced, compensated for, or whether operating provisions (repair, maintenance and logistics, etc.) provide other relevant characteristics. 1.2 Objective of Analysis Invensys Operations Management is implementing the Tricon on the Process Protection System (PPS) replacement for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant PPS Replacement Project. This report documents the methodology and results of the FMEA performed on the Tricon portion of the PPS.

1.3 Scope

of Analysis The scope of this FMEA is limited to the analysis of the components of the PPS (refer to Section 4.1 for the PPS overview). These components include:

1. Tricon 2. Inputs 3. Outputs 4. Associated equipment
5. Software 6. Input Module Signal Loading
7. Critical timing requirements The FMEA of the Associated Equipment addresses the impact of Class I component failures on the PPS. 1.4 Method of Analysis Th is FMEA is performed in accordance with the applicable requirements of EPRI TR-107330 Section 6.4.1, "FMEA" [Reference 3.1.2]. In general, the techniques of Sections 4.1, 4.4, 4.5 and Appendix A of ANSI/IEEE Std. 352-1987 [Reference 3.1.1], have been used in this analysis.

These techniques include

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 8 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 definition of functional areas of PLC operation, as described in Section 4.1 of this document. The effect of both single failures and common mode failures on each functional area were then analyzed, as detailed in Section 5, appendices A through E, and summarized in Section 6 of this document. The FMEA data for the Tricon platform of the PPS Replacement is based on the Test Specimen configuration analyzed in Invensys document 9600164-531, "FMEA for Tricon V10.2 PLC" [Reference 3.3.4]. The Tricon V10.5.3 system continues to be represented by the V10.2 FMEA, as none of the subsequent software upgrades have impacted the baseline FMEA. The Tricon FMEA document [Reference 3.3.4] is referenced in 7286-545-1-A Rev 4, "NRC Approved Triconex Topical Report" [Reference 3.3.2]. The Test Specimen include d one Tricon Main Chassis, two RXM Chassis and one Expansion Chassis. The Test Specimen configuration was established to simulate a single channel/train of a typical nuclear power plant safety

-related protection system installation.

These references form a baseline reference set to which PPS Replacement specifics are applied to generate a project specific FMEA relevant to the PPS Replacement. Specific hardware configurations, application programs, supporting drawings and documents are identified in the System Architecture Description for PPS Replacement

[Reference 3.2.2]. 1.5 Analysis Guidelines In this analysis, a safety related function is defined as the ability of the safety system to perform a safety shutdown function. In addition, the Tricon self-diagnostic features, described in Section 4.2 and Appendix A, and summarized in Section 6.1 of this report, have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub-components within each module. Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate that the diagnostics detect all possible single failures within each module.

Because all single, internal failures are detected and alarmed, this FMEA focuses on credible failure modes of major components and modules in the PPS. The components considered include the following:

1. Power Supplies (including chassis power supplies and I/O loop power supplies)
2. Tricon Chassis (including internal power, communication buses, and key switch) 3. Main Processors and Communications Modules
4. Tricon I/O Modules
5. Termination Panels
6. Tricon Cables 7. Application Software
8. Input Module Signal Loading
9. Critical timing requirements Figure 2 (in Section 4 of this document) is a simplified block diagram of the PPS Tricon equipment showing the arrangement of the major components. The approach used in this FMEA is to postulate credible failures of these components, identify the mechanisms that could cause these failure modes, and evaluate the consequences of these failures on the operation of the Tricon system. Because of the internal architecture of the Tricon, failure mechanisms that affect a single leg of the triple redundant system generally have no effect on system operation.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 9 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 In order to identify the effect of failures on system operation (i.e., to prioritize types of failures), Section of Reference 3.1.2 recommends the following categories (C1 - C4) of failure states be identified as a part of the FMEA for PLCs with internal redundan cy: C1 - States that re sult fr om o ne or more fa il u res where t he PLC remai ns operable as we ll as states where it is not opera ble C2 - States where undetected failures have occurred C3 - States wh ere a fa ilure in a single eleme nt has caused t he PLC to fa il C4 - States wh ere fa il u res reduce t he e ffec tivene ss of self-d ia gnos tics Reference 3.1.2 also recommends identification of failures detected by the system diagnostics, and those that will only be detected by surveillance testing.

For this FMEA, the failure categories specified by Reference 3.1.2 are modified to be more applicable to the Tricon system. The categories used in this FMEA are defined in Table 1, as follows:

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 10 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The failure state categories of Table 1 are further clarified in Table 2, as follows:

Fo r this FMEA, multiple failures are considered to include scenarios such as failure of all three Main Processors due to software common mode failure, loss of all power, fire, floods, or missiles. These types of multiple failure scenarios are recognized as being very unlikely but are included to describe system behavior in the presence of catastrophic failures and to provide guidance for application design.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 11 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The FMEA tabulation in appendices A through E of this report includes a column that documents the appropriate failure category assignment for each postulated PLC failure mode.

The tabulation in appendices A through E provides the following data for each type of failure, as required by the guidance of Reference 3.1.2: a) Affected Components b) Failure Mode c) Failure Mechanism d) Failure Category e) Effect on PLC Inputs and Outputs f) Effect on PLC Operability Section 4.2 of this report provides a description of the PLC diagnostics that aid in detection of postulated failures.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 12 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 2 Definitions and Acronyms This section provides a list of abbreviations and definitions used in this document.

2.1 Definitions

Term Definition Commercial

-Grade Dedication Commercial

-grade dedication is a process by which a commercial

-grade item (CGI) is designated for use as a basic component. This acceptance process is undertaken to provide reasonable assurance that a CGI to be used as a basic component will perform its intended safety function and, in this respect, is deemed equivalent to an item designed and manufactured under a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, quality assurance program. This assurance is achieved by identifying the critical characteristics of the item and verifying their acceptability by inspections, tests, or analyses by the purchaser or third-party dedicating entity. Diablo PPS Diablo Canyon Power Plant Process Protection System. Error (1) The difference between a computed, observed, or measured value or condition, and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value or condition. For example, a difference of 30 meters between a computed result and the correct result.

(2) An incorrect step, process, or data definition. For example, an incorrect instruction in a computer program. (3) An incorrect result. For example, a computed result of 12 when the correct result is 10. (4) A human action that produces an incorrect result. For example, an incorrect action on the part of a programmer or operator. Failure The inability of a system or component to perform its required functions within specified performance requirements.

NOTE - The fault tolerance discipline distinguishes between a human action (a mistake), its manifestation (a hardware or software fault), the result of the fault (a failure), and the amount by which the result is incorrect (the error).

Failure Cause and/or Mechanism Defects in requirements, design, process, quality control, handling or part application, which are the underlying cause or sequence of causes that initiate a process (mechanism) that leads to a failure mode over a certain time. A failure mode may have more causes. For example; fatigue or corrosion of a beam or contact is a failure mechanism and not a failure mode. The related failure mode (state) under analysis could be a "full fracture of structural beam" or for example "a open electrical contact". The initial Cause might have been "Improper application of corrosion protection layer (paint)" and /or "(abnormal) vibration input from another failed system".

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 13 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Term Definition Failure Effect Immediate consequences of a failure on operation, function or functionality, or status of some item.

Failure Mode The manner or way by which a failure is observed in terms of failure of the part function under investigation; it may generally describe the way the failure occurs. It shall at least clearly describe a (end) failure state of the item/function under consideration as result of the failure mechanism (cause of the failure mode). For example; a fractured axle or an open electrical contact can be a failure mode.

Fault (1) A defect in a hardware device or component; for example, a short circuit or broken wire. (2) An incorrect step, process, or data definition in a computer program. NOTE - This definition is used primarily by the fault tolerance discipline. In common usage, the terms "error" and "bug" are used to express this meaning. Fault Tolerance The ability to continue operating safely in the presence of a detected fault.

Integrity Level A denotation of a range of values of a property of an item necessary to maintain system risks within acceptable limits. For items that perform mitigating functions, the property is the reliability with which the item must perform the mitigating function. For items whose failure can lead to a threat, the property is the limit on the frequency of that failure.

Maximum Allowable Scan Time The allocated throughput time for the V10 Tricon portion not exceeding 200 milliseconds for any protective function.

Operability A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is capable of performing its specified safety function(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power, cooling and seal water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s).

Output Voter Diagnostics Every Digital Output Module executes a specific type of Output Voter Diagnostics (OVD) for every point. This safety feature allows unrestricted operation under a variety of multiple-fault scenarios. In general, during OVD execution the commanded state of each point is momentarily reversed on one of the output drivers, one after another. Loopback on the module allows each microprocessor to read the output value for the point to determine whether a latent fault exists within the output circuit. (For devices that cannot tolerate a signal transition of any length, OVD on both AC and DC voltage Digital Output Modules can be disabled.)

PFDavg Probability of Failure on Demand, average

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 14 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Term Definition PPS Replacement See Diablo PPS. Response Time The time from a physical input change to a physical output change. Scan Time The requested number of milliseconds for a scan (execution of the application) on the controller. The number is requested before an application is built. After the application is built and downloaded, the controller determines an actual scan time range and uses the specified scan time if it falls within these limits.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) SIL is a measurement of performance required for a Safety Instrumented Function.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 15 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014

2.2 Acronyms

Acronym ANSI Definition American National Standards Institute CGD Commercial

-Grade Dedication CGI Commercial

-Grade Item EMI Electromagnetic Interference E PRI Electric Power Research Institute E SF Engineered Safety Feature FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis I/O Input/output IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IRE Independent Review Engineer MAS Main Annunciator System MWS Maintenance Work Station ND Nuclear Delivery NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OOS Out Of Service OVD Output Voter Diagnostics P FD Probability of Failure on Demand PG&E Pacific Gas and Electric PPM Project Procedures Manual PPS Process Protection System P WR Pressurized Water reactor QA Quality Assurance RFI Radio-Frequency Interference R XM Remote Extender Module SER Safety Evaluation Report SIL Safety Integrity Level TSAP TriStation Application Project

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 16 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 3 Related Documents and References The following material was utilized in the development and support of this FMEA:

3.1 Standards

3.1.1 ANSI/IEEE Std. 352-1987, "IEEE Guide for General Principles of Reliability Analysis of Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety System."

3.1.2 EPRI Report TR-107330, "Generic Requirements Specification for Qualifying a Commercially Available PLC for Safety-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants," Final Report, dated February 1, 1998.

3.1.3 IEEE Std. 379-2000, "IEEE Standard Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Generating Station Class IE Systems".

3.2 Invensys

Project Documents 3.2.1 993754-1-817, "Maximum TSAP Scan Time," Revision 1, dated April 9, 2012.

3.2.2 993754-1-914, "System Architecture Description," Revision 1, dated January 31, 2014.

3.3 Invensys


3.3.1 Invensys

Operations Management PPM, "Project Procedure Manual", Section PPM 2.03 - Project System Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, Revision 001, dated May 25, 2012.

3.3.2 7286-545-1-A Rev 4, "Triconex Approved Topical Report - Nuclear Qualification of v10 Tricon Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) PLC System - NRC Approved Version (TAC No. ME2435)," Revision 4, Issue Date: May 15, 2012.

3.3.3 9600164-527, "EMI / RFI Test Report" Revision 3, dated February, 2012.

3.3.4 9600164-531, "Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for the Tricon Version 10.2 Programmable Logic Controller," Rev. 1.2, dated August 3, 2012.

3.3.5 9600164-532, "Reliability/Availability Study for the Tricon Version 10 Programmable Logic Controller," Rev. 0, dated May 23, 2007.

3.3.6 9600164-732, "Reliability/Availability Spreadsheet for Tricon Version 10.2 PLC Operating under Normal Conditions," dated March 2, 2007.

3.3.7 9700077-018, "Tricon v9-v10 Planning and Installation Guide," July 2013.

3.3.8 9791007-025, "Technical Product Guide Tricon v10 Systems," July 2013.

3.3.9 9600460-001, "Tricon I/O Accuracy Including Drift Over Time for V10 Nuclear-Qualified Products," December 19, 2011.

3.3.10 9100069-001, "Tricon V9 ETP Design Specification," Revision 1.2, January 2006. 3.3.11 993754-1-916, "V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis," Revision 0, March 19, 2012. 3.4 Pacific Gas and Electric Documents 3.4.1 993754-35R "PPS Document Transmittal" [DCPP operational data and initial tunable parameter settings; 4 attachments], dated December 13, 2012. 3.4.2 10115-J-NPG, "Process Protection System Controller Transfer Functions Design Input Specification," Revision 4, Issue Date: November 13 , 2013.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 17 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 4 System and Diagnostic Overview

4.1 Process

Protection System (PPS)

Overview The Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) PPS Replacement Project upgrades the existing Westinghouse Eagle 21 safety system. The scope of the equipment replacement is shown in the Process Racks box in Figure 1, below, which contains safety and non-safety Tricon and ALS. The PPS monitors plant parameters, compares them against set points and provides signals to the Solid State Protection System (SSPS) if set points are exceeded. The SSPS evaluates the signals and performs Reactor Trip System (RTS) and Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) functions to mitigate the event that is in progress.

The SSPS, RTS, and ESFAS functions are not within the scope of the PPS Replacement Project.

Figure 1. Westinghouse PWR Reactor Protection Concept The PPS is composed of four Protection Sets in sixteen racks. Separation of redundant process channels begins at the process sensors and is maintained in the field wiring, containment penetrations, and Protection Sets to the two redundant trains in the SSPS logic racks. Redundant process channels are separated by locating the electronics in different Protection Sets.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 18 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 As shown in Figure 2, the replacement Protection Sets (I thru IV) each comprise the V10 Tricon, the Westinghouse Advanced Logic System (ALS) platform, separate Maintenance Workstations (MWS) for each Tricon and ALS system, and various interface devices, such as the NetOptics Network Aggregator Tap and instrument loop isolators. The ALS is not within Invensys Operations Management scope of supply. However, the ALS converts sensor inputs to a signal type compatible with the V10 Tricon hardware. Specifically, the ALS processes resistance temperature detector (RTD) inputs and converts them to 4-20 milliamp signals. This conversion is necessary to satisfy Diablo Canyon Power Plant loop accuracy requirements.

The V10 Tricon portion of the PPS Replacement System is comprised of three V10 Tricon chassis per Protection Set: one safety-related Main Chassis, one safety-related Remote Expansion Chassis (RXM), and one non

-safety related RXM chassis, see Figure 2. The Network Aggregator Tap, which is intended as a communications isolation device between the Tricon and the non-safety plant network, is provided by PG&E to Invensys Operations Management for factory acceptance testing. The media converter between the Tricon Main Chassis and the Network Aggregator Tap, to be provided by PG&E, is necessary to convert the fiber optic medium at the output of the Tricon Communication Module (TCM) to copper medium at the input of the Network Aggregator Tap. The MWS is a non

-safety device developed separately from the PPS Replacement Project under a separate PG&E Purchase Order, budget, and staff. Development of the MWS is handled under a different project plan and by a separate project team. The MWS is used as a tool to perform testing. The functions required in each V10 Tricon Protection Set are listed in Table 3 below. As can be seen in Table 3, all PPS Protection Sets do not have the same channel safety functions. This difference among Protection Sets influences the PPS Replacement Project approach to hardware and software development, and independent verification and validation. The four Protection Sets have different hardware and software requirements. The Main Chassis in each Protection Set executes the TriStation 1131 application code (the PT2 file), therefore the PPS requires four application programs (four PT2 files). The application programs are developed as nuclear safety

-related Software Integrity Level 4 (SIL4) software.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 19 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Figure 2. Tricon Protection Set Architecture for the PPS Replacement System Gateway Switch (Typ of 2)

From Prot Set II Port Aggregator Tap (Typ of 2)

From Prot Set IV Port Aggregator Tap (Typ of 2)

From Prot Set III Port AggregatorTap (Typ of 2) 100BaseT (Copper)(Typ of 2)

Prot Set I ALS Legend: Multi-Mode Optical Fiber RS-422/RS-485 Serial or 100BaseT Copper

4-20 mA Analog Copper

Maintenance Workstation

Network Interface Controller To Control Room HMI (CC4)Prot Set I MWS HMI Peripherals Prot Set I ALS MWS Computer MWS NIC Analog/USB Copper Prot Set I Port Aggregator Tap (Typ of 2) 1 4-20 mA Analog RTD Signals TCM1 (7L)TCM2 (7R)NET1 (Not Used)

Prot Set I Tricon Class II Class I Prot Set 1 Primary RXM Triplicated RS-485 I/O Bus (Copper)Prot Set 1 Remote RXM Triplicated Optical Fiber Class I Class II A B Media Converter (Typ of 2) 100BaseT (Copper)(Typ of 2)

Class II Class I Optical Fiber TCM1 (7L)/TCM2 (7R)

NET2 (Typ of 2)(Typ for ALS "A" and ALS "B")

KVM Switch Prot Set I Tricon MWS Computer 1 2 Ethernet Switch (Typ of 2)

NIC 1 (Typ of 2)

To Gateway Server

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 20 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Table 3. V10 Tricon PP S Protection Set Channel Functions Ch an nel(s) Purpose Pr otection Set Fu nction I II I II IV Wide Range Reactor Coolant Temperature Channels Input to Lo w Temperature Overpressu re Protection System (LTOPS) Provides protection against over

-pressurization at low plant temperature. X X Wide Range Reactor Coolant Pressure Channels Input to LTOPS Provides protection against over-pressurization at low plant temperature. X X Input to Residual Heat Removal (RHR) valve interlock circuit Provides protection against improper operation of RHR isolation valves. X X Delta-T / Tavg (DTTA) Channels Over Temperature Delta-T (OTDT) Reactor Trip Provides DNB protection. X X X X Overpower Delta

-T (OPDT) Reactor Trip Provides protection against excessive power (fuel rod rating protection). X X X X Low-Low Tavg P

-12 Blocks steam dump to prevent undesired cool down. X X X X Low Tavg Feed Water Isolation Prevents excessive cooling after trip to maintain shutdown margin. X X X X Pressurizer Level Channels Pressurizer High Water Level Reactor Trip Provides backup protection to the Pressurizer High Pressure Reactor Trip. Prevents the Pressurizer from becoming water solid during low

-worth and power rod withdrawal accidents. X X X Pressurizer Vapor Temperature Channel Pressurizer Vapor Space Temperature Low RHR valve V

-8701 interlock circuit input. X Steam Generator Steam Flow Channel Steam Flow Indication Provide safety

-related outputs for post- accident monitoring (S/G 1 thru 4). X X Steam line Break Protection Channels Steam line Pressure Low SI and Steam line Isolation Initiate the automatic starting of boron injection and decay heat removal systems. Provide protection against steam line break accidents. X X X X Steam line Pressure High Negative Rate Steam line Isolation Provide protection in the case of a steam line break when Pressurizer Pressure is less than the P-11 set point and Low Steam line Pressure SI is blocked. X X X X Steam Generator Narrow Range Level Channels Steam Generator (S/G) High

-High Level Turbine Trip and Feedwater Isolation (P

-14, S/G High Level Permissive)

Provides protection against S/G overfill and damage to the main steam lines or main turbine. X X X X S/G Low-Low Level Reactor Trip and Auxiliary Feed water (AFW) Pump Start Protects the reactor from loss of heat sink in the event of loss of feed water to one or more S/Gs or a major feed water line rupture. X X X X Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure Channels Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure High to P

-13 Interlock Provide an input to P

-7 indicative of low turbine power when less than the set point. P-7 permissive disables selected Reactor Trip signals at low power levels. X X Turbine Impulse Chamber Pressure Low Interlock C-5 Blocks control rod withdrawal by preventing automatic outward rod motion when power is less than the design limit for the Rod Control System. X

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 21 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The Tricon uses a fault-tolerant triple modular redundant (TMR) architecture.

The system design identifies and compensates for failed system elements, which facilitates its use in critical and safety-related process applications.

The Tricon self-diagnostics features, described in Reference 3.3.4, have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub

-components within each module.

Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate that the online diagnostics will detect a very high percentage of failures within each module. The diagnostic coverage for the Main Processors and the common processing circuitry on the I/O modules are in the 95 to 99% range. The diagnostic coverage for the I/O point circuitry on the I/O modules for the Tricon platform is 99% [Reference 3.3.5]. The Reliability Analysis Report (document number 993754-1-819) provides additional analysis of the diagnostic coverage specific to the PPS Replacement application. Invensys has qualified specific Tricon v10 products for use in 1E (safety-related) applications in nuclear power plants in accordance with EPRI Report TR-107330, "Generic Requirements Specification for Qualifying Commercially Available PLC for Safety

-Related Applications in Nuclear Power Plants." EMC testing was performed in accordance with USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.180, Revision 1, "Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio

-Frequency Interference in Safety

-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems." All of the information (specifications, simplified schematics, installation guidelines, and so on) for standard equipment also applies to nuclear equipment. The Tricon system design information presented in Reference

3.3.4 includes

recommendations for periodic off-line testing of field inputs and outputs. These recommendations establish general surveillance techniques and surveillance intervals intended to maintain the high reliability of the overall control system. The Invensys Operations Management (Invensys) scope of components includes the analog and digital input/output modules, the field termination assemblies as the signals enter and exit the Tricon, power supplies, Main Processors, chassis assemblies, cables, and communication modules.

In particular:

1. 3008N Main Processor Main Processor Modules
2. 8110N2 Tricon Main Chassis - High Density V10 Tricon Chassis
3. 8112N Tricon RXM Chassis - High Density
4. 8112 Tricon RXM Chassis - High Density
5. 4200N Primary RXM 3-1 Fiber Optic Set RXM I/O Expansion Modules
6. 4201 Secondary RXM 3-1 Fiber Optic Set

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 22 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Power Modules

7. 8310 N2 High Density Power Module, 120 VAC 8. 8310 High Density Power Module, 120 VAC Cable s 9. 9000NJ I/O-COMM Bus Cables Communication Module
10. 4352AN TCM - Tricon Communication Module, Fiber Optic A Digital Input Modules
11. 3501TN2 EDI - Enhanced Digital Input, 115 VAC/VDC, 32 pts , TMR Opto-isolated 12. 3503EN2 EDI - Enhanced Digital Input, 24 VAC/VDC, 32 pts, Commoned, Self-Test 13. 3501E EDI - Enhanced Digital Input, 115 VAC/VDC, 32 pts , TMR Opto-isolated (NS) Digital Output Modules
14. 3601TN EDO - Enhanced Digital Output, 115 VAC, 16 pts, opto-isolated Relay Output Module
15. 3636 T RO - Relay Output (non-triplicated), Normally Open, 32 pts (NS) Analog Input Modules
16. 3703EN EAI - Enhanced Analog Input, 0 -5VDC or 0 - 10VDC, isolated 16 pts
17. 3721N NGAI - Analog Input Module, ; 0-5 VDC or -5 to +5 VDC , 32 pts Analog Output Modules
18. 3805HN EAO - Enhanced Analog Output, 4-20 mA, 8 points
19. 3805E EAO - Enhanced Analog Output, 4-20 mA, 8 points (NS) Termination Panels
20. 9561-810NJ Termination Panel for 3501TN2 EDI Module, 115 VAC/V DC 21. 9563-810NJ Termination Panel for 3503EN2 EDI Module, 24VAC/VDC 22. 9663-610NJ Termination Panel for 3601TN EDO Module 115VAC 23. 9783-110NJ Termination Panel for 3703EN EAI Module 0-5VDC/0-10VDC 24. 9792-610NJ Termination Panel for 3721N NGAI Module 0-5VDC/-5 to +5VDC 25. 9860-610NJ Termination Panel for 3805HN EAO Module 4-20 mA 26. 9561-810F Termination Panel for 3501E EDI Module, 115 VAC/V DC (NS) 27. 9853-610F Termination Panel for 3805E EAO Module 4-20 mA (NS) 28. 9668-110F Termination Panel for 3636T RO Module (NS)

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 23 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 4.2 PLC Module Diagnostic Description This section provides a basic description of the Tricon processor, communications and input/output module operation and diagnostic functions. This description of the diagnostic operations is provided to augment the FMEA tabulation provided in appendices A through E. A more detailed description of this information is presented in References 3.3.4 and 3.3.5.

4.2.1 Input

Modules All triple modular redundant (TMR) input modules contain three separate, independent processing systems, referred to as legs, for signal processing (Input Legs A, B, and C). The legs receive signals from common field input termination points. The microprocessor in each leg continually polls the input points, and constantly updates a private input data table in each leg's local memory. Any signal conditioning, isolation, or processing required for each leg is also performed independently. The input modules possess sufficient leg

-to-leg isolation and independence so that a component failure in one leg will not affect the signal processing in the other two legs. Digital Input Modules This discussion is applicable to the following digital input (DI) modules: Model 3501TN2 115 Vac/Vdc Opto-isolated, non-commoned (32 points) Model 3501E 115 Vac/Vdc Opto-isolated, non-commoned (32 point s) Model 3503EN2 24 Vac/Vdc Commoned in groups of 8, Self Test (32 points) Each DI module contains the circuitry for three identical legs. The three legs are completely isolated from each other and operate independently, so a fault on one leg cannot pass to another.

There is an 8

-bit microprocessor, called the I/O communication processor on each Main Processor Module to control communication with all I/O modules on a specific leg.

The three input legs independently measure each input signal, determine the respective state of each input signal, and place the values into input tables A, B, and C. Each input table is regularly interrogated over the leg-specific I/O busses by the I/O communication processor located on the corresponding Main Processor module. For TMR digital modules, all critical signal paths are triplicate

d. Each leg conditions signals independently and provides optical isolation between the field and the Tricon. Each DI module sustains complete ongoing diagnostics for each leg. Failure of any diagnostic on any leg activates the module Fault Indicator, which in turn activates the chassis alarm signal. The module is designed to operate correctly in the presence of a single fault and may continue to operate properly with some multiple faults.

The diagnostic routine for the Model 3501TN2 DI Module compares the input table data for the three legs. Any data discrepancies are reported to the respective Main Processor Modules, which maintain diagnostic information in local memory.

The Main Processor Module fault analyzer routines determine whether a fault exists on a particular module at the end of each scan.

One-time or short term differences that result from sample timing variations are distinguished from a pattern of differing data.

Should a Main Processor Module diagnose a faulty leg, a fault indicator will be illuminated on that particular input module.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 24 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Failed optical isolation or signal processing/conditioning components could inhibit the ability of a module to communicate field input state transitions to the Main Processor Modules.

Therefore, when a DI module is used to monitor field inputs signals that remain in one state for long periods of time, the field points should be toggled from the normal operational state to the opposite state within twen ty-four months. Input signal toggling will test the module's ability to transition to the opposite state in order to diagnose problems such as "Stuck On" / "Stuck Off" signals due to failed or faulted leg components.

Since normal opto

-isolator failures are random and detectable due to the TMR sampling of inputs, only a single failure per input is likely. Even with stuck on faults on a single input leg, the other two input legs would vote out the failed opto-isolator. The Model 3503EN2 DI modules extend fault coverage by self

-diagnosing "Stuck On" leg signals. The DI modules are designed to monitor field signals that remain in the "On" state for long periods of time. The extended diagnostics verify the leg can process a transition to the "Off" commanded state.

The DI modules contain loopback circuitry in each leg that momentarily drives the input signal for the leg under test to the "logical zero" or "low" state. This test, which is continually rotated among the three legs, verifies proper operation of leg optical isolation and/or signal processing/conditioning circuitry. Should a leg fail the test, the module fault indicator will be illuminated.

However, if these modules monitor normally off points, the field point must be toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state.

The DI module diagnostics are specified to operate as follows: Module Minimum I nput Togg le Ra te Max im um Input Toggle Rate Model 3501TN2 Every 24 months Every 100 msec Model 3501E Every 24 months Every 100 msec Model 3503EN2 On-state: N ot required Off-state: Every 24 months Every 100 msec Analog Input Modules This discussion is applicable to the following analog input (AI) modules: Model 3703EN 0-5/0-10 Vdc Differential, Isolated (16 points) Model 3721N 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Differential, DC Coupled (32 points) Each of the three AI legs asynchronously measure the input signal and place the results into an input table of values, which is passed to its associated Main Processor module using the corresponding I/O bus. The input table in each Main Processor module is transferred to its neighbor across the TRIBUS. The median value is selected by each Main Processor (in a duplex mode, the average value is used), and the input table in each Main Processor is corrected accordingly. Signals outside an internally specified error band in this median signal selection process will be alarmed by the Main Processor on the input module. Each AI module leg is automatically calibrated using multiple reference voltages read through the multiplexer, which determine the gain and bias required to adjust the readings of the A/D converter.

Several drift over time components can affect the automatically calibrated level and cannot be calibrated out (Reference 3.3.9).

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 25 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Each AI module sustains complete ongoing diagnostics for each leg.

Failure of any diagnostic on any leg activates the module Fault Indicator, which in turn activates the chassis alarm signal. The module is designed to operate correctly in the presence of a single fault, and may continue to operate properly with some multiple faults.

The extent of the diagnostic routine for the Model 3721N AI modules includes automatic or self

-calibration of the A/D converters in each of the three legs. The microprocessors on each leg test for known or expected signal values within a certain tolerance.

If the signals reaching the leg microprocessors are within the allowed tolerance, the leg will self-calibrate its A/D converter to null out any undesirable offsets or gains. A leg in violation of the allowed tolerance will be flagged by illumination of a module Fault LED.

The Model 3703EN AI module performs cross comparison of input table data across the three legs, within the module. The microprocessors in each leg compare the respective input table data with the neighbor legs, with out-of-tolerance data reported to respective Main Processor Modules.

The Main Processor Module fault analyzer routines diagnose faulty input module legs at the end of each scan.

One-time and short-term differences that result from sample timing variations are distinguished from a pattern of differing data. Should a Main Processor Module diagnose a faulty leg on a particular module, it will signal the input module to illuminate its Fault LED. The AI module diagnostics are specified to operate as follows: Module Min im um I nput Change I nput Change Sample P eriod Min im um P eriod of Mis-compares Model 3703EN 0.5% of full s cale 1 s ca n or 50 msec, whichever is grea ter 256 samples Model 3721N 0.25% of full s cale 20 ms 25 samples For a single input reading, a leg-to-leg deviation may result if the measured values of the three legs differ by the minimum input change specified. If the deviations continue for the specified minimum period, an input fault may be declared.

4.2.2 Output

Modules Digital Output Modules This discussion is applicable to the following digital output (DO) modules: Model 3601TN 115 Vac Opto-isolated, Non-commoned (16 points) Every DO module contains three identical and isolated legs.

Each leg includes an I/O microprocessor that receives its output table from the Main Processor's I/O communication processor associated with that leg.

All of the DO modules use special quadruplicated output circuitry that votes on the individual output signals. This voter circuitry is based on parallel

-series paths that pass power if the driver for legs A and B, or legs B and C, or legs A and C command them to close (i.e., 2-out-of-3 vote). A single switch failure will not affect the logic, which is optimized for de-energize-to-trip applications.

The switches are opened and closed on command by the Output Switch Drive circuitry. Power will be

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 26 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 passed to the load if the commanded state of Channels A and B, or Channels A and C, or Channels B and C feeding the Switch Drive Circuitry are "On" or energized, completing the path between the voltage source and the load.

Any single leg failure, any single switch failure, or corrupted signal from a Main Processor Module will be compensated for or filtered out by the Voter Logic at the output module level.

All DO modules contain diagnostic routines called "Output Voter Diagnostics" (OVD) designed to detect failures in the four switches managing the field load terminal state. The routine consists of three basic steps. In Step One, the "Commanded State" of each leg is compared to the "Actual State" of the field load terminal, to identify problems such as blown fuses and/or bad loopback detectors. The next two steps will not occur unless the module passes the first test.

In Step Two, the "Commanded State" of one of the three legs feeding the Output Switch Drive Circuitry is momentarily reversed, resulting in an indication of a switch failure. For this test, no output change will occur unless a switch has failed.

If the leg was toggled from the "On" state to the "Off" state, a state change or "glitch" at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "Off" state. If the leg was toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state, a glitch at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "On" state. The test is continuously rotated among the three legs.

In Step Three, the "Commanded States" of two of the three legs feeding the Output Switch Drive Circuitry are simultaneously toggled. A glitch at the field load is an indication of healthy circuitry.

No glitch at the output is an indication of internal switch failure.

The glitch at the field load during diagnostic routine execution is guaranteed to be less than 2.0 milliseconds and is transparent to most electromechanical field devices. If the "Commanded States" of the two legs are toggled from the "On" state to the "Off" state, the absence of a glitch at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "On" state. If the "Commanded States" of the two legs are toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state, the absence of a glitch at the load is an indication of a switch stuck in the "Off" state. The test is continually rotated for the three possible leg combinations. Failure of any test within the three steps will result in the illumination of the fault LED on the output module. The modules additionally compare output table data across the three legs, with any discrepancies reported back to respective Main Processor Modules. The Main Processor Module fault analyzer routine diagnoses failed legs on output modules at the end of each scan, with a faulty output module annunciated by the system. The modules are specifically designed for applications that hold points in one state for long periods of time. The routine guarantees full fault coverage even if the commanded state at the field terminals never change.

The Model 3601TN DO modules execute Steps 1 and 2 of the OVD routine. The modules do not attempt Step 3 due to the use of triacs instead of transistors for the series

-parallel switch configuration driving the load. The triacs would cause a glitch duration of approximately 8.33 milliseconds for a 60 Hz load, which would not be transparent to most electromechanical field devices.

A faulty switch will cause the output to transition to the opposite state for a maximum of one half an AC cycle during Step Two of the OVD routine. However, the module cannot self-diagnose "Stuck On" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "On

," or "Stuck Off" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "Off".

Therefore, it is recommended that the field points should be toggled from the normal state to the opposite state and leg output tested accordingly once every 24 months to guarantee the health of the circuitry.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 27 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The DO module diagnostics are specified to operate as follows:

Module Minimum Out put Togg le Ra te Max imum Out put Toggle Rate Model 3601TN Every 24 months Every 100 msec plus one scan Relay Output Module This discussion is applicable to the following relay output (RO) module: Model 3636T Relay Output, Non-triplicated, Normally Open, 32 points This module may be used in both nuclear safety-related and non-safety related systems and is qualified as a Class 1E to non-1E isolation device; configured in the PPS Replacement as a non

-safety related module. The RO modules have three legs that receive signals from respective Main Processor Modules. The three leg signal sets are voted and the voted signals are used to drive the 32 individual output relays.

Each output contains loopback circuits that verify the operation of each relay independent of the load. Ongoing diagnostics test the operational status of the module.

Failure of any diagnostic activates a Fault indicator on the module, which in turn activates the chassis alarm. Analog Output Module This discussion is applicable to the following Analog Output (AO) module: Model 3805HN 4-20ma Current Loop, DC Coupled (8 points) Model 3805E 4-20ma Current Loop, DC Coupled (8 points) AO modules contain three separate and isolated legs, with each leg equipped with a D/A converter. One of the legs is selected to drive the analog output, and the output is continuously checked for correctness by loopback inputs on each point which are read by all three microprocessors. Each module in the system receives three tables of output values from the Main Processor Modules. All three legs drive current to leg-specific switches. Two of the switches are normally positioned to shunt the leg's output current to ground. Only one output leg switch will be set to drive current to the load.

Each analog output module sustains complete ongoing diagnostics for each leg. Failure of any diagnostic on any leg activates the module Fault Indicator, which in turn activates the chassis alarm signal. The module is designed to operate correctly in the presence of a single fault and may continue to operate properly with some multiple faults. The health of each leg is verified by monitoring output current via a voltage loopback circuit. Each leg monitors the health of neighboring legs, by comparing output current signal values, and ensuring the leg driving the load is supplying the correct signal value. Each AO voltage loopback is automatically calibrated using multiple reference voltages read through the multiplexer, which determine the gain and bias required to adjust the readings of the A/D converter.

Several drift over time components can affect the automatically calibrated level and cannot themselves be calibrated out (


3.3.9). Two out of three legs must vote a leg healthy before it is allowed to drive the load. The leg driving the load is rotated every 10 seconds between the healthy legs in a predetermined direction.

Each leg tracks which leg is

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 28 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 currently driving the load and which leg is next in the rotation, to allow each leg to vote on the health of the next leg up in the rotation. A leg must diagnose itself as healthy or it will be skipped in the rotation, and will also be unable to vote on the health of neighboring legs. If a faulted leg is not currently selected to drive the load when the process outputs are updated, then any single leg failure or corrupted signal from a Main Processor Module will be compensated for or filtered out by the Voter Logic at the output module level. If a faulted leg is currently driving the load, then the output modules receive updated process outputs as soon as the faulted signal reaches the field load. However, at the same time the AO module will go through the process of voting on the health of the faulted leg. The module will diagnose the faulty signal and select a healthy leg to drive the load. The AO module is guaranteed to correct the faulted output signal within 20 ms, which is transparent to most electromechanical devices due to the capacitance of the system. 4.2.3 Main Processor Module 3008N MP This discussion is applicable to the following Main Processor Module: Model 3008N Enhanced Tricon Main Processor A Tricon system utilizes three Main Processor Modules to control three separate legs of the system.

Each Main Processor Module operates independently with no shared clocks, power regulators, or circuitry. In Model 3008N, each module owns and controls one of the three signal processing legs in the system, and each contains two 32-bit processors. One of the 32

-bit processors is (1) a dedicated, leg

-specific I/O communication (IOC) microprocessor that processes all I/O with the system I/O modules, and (2) a dedicated, leg-specific processor manages interfaces with all Communication Modules in the system.

For Model 3008N, the 32-bit primary processor manages execution of the control program and all system diagnostics at the Main Processor Module level. Between both 32-bit processors is a dedicated dual port RAM allowing for direct memory access data exchanges.

The IOC processors constantly poll respective legs for all the input and output modules in the system.

They continually update an input data table in shared memory on the Main Processor module with data downloaded from the leg-specific input data tables from each input module. Communication of data between the Main Processor Modules and the input and output modules is accomplished over the triplicated I/O data bus using a master-slave communication protocol. The system uses cyclic redundancy code (CRC) to ensure the health of data transmitted between modules. Should a Main Processor Module lose communication with its respective leg on any of the input modules in the system or the CRC reveals that the data has been corrupted, the system will retry the data transmission up to three times.

If unsuccessful, input tables at the Main Processor Module level will be constructed with data in the de

-energized state.

Errors such as an open circuited data bus, short circuited data bus, or data corrupted while in transit will force the input table entries to the de

-energized state.

At the beginning of each scan, each primary processor takes a snapshot of the input data table in shared memory, and transmits the snap shots to the other Main Processor Modules over the TRIBUS.

Each Module independently forms a voted input table based on respective input data points across the three

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 29 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 snapshot data tables.

If a Main Processor Module receives corrupted data or loses communication with a neighbor, the local table representing that respective leg data will default to the de

-energized state.

For digital inputs, the voted input table is formed by a 2 out of 3 majority vote on respective inputs across the three data tables. The Voting scheme is designed for de- energize to trip applications, always defaulting to the de-energized state unless voted otherwise. Any single leg failure or corrupted signal feeding a Main Processor Module will be corrected or compensated for at the Main Processor Module level when the voted data table is formed.

A mid-value selection algorithm chooses an analog input signal representation in the voted input table. The algorithm selects the median of the three signal values representing a particular input point for representation in the voted input tables. Any single leg failure or corrupted signal feeding a Main Processor Module will be compensated for at the Main Processor Module level when the voted data table is formed. If an analog input value on one leg has a significant deviation from the other leg inputs, the point will be alarmed and the Main Processors will use the average value of the two analog inputs on the other two legs.

The primary processors on the Main Processor Modules execute the application program in parallel on the voted input table data and produce an output table of values in shared memory. The voting schemes explained above for analog and digital data ensure the process control programs are executed on the same or equal input data value representations. The IOC processors generate smaller output tables, each corresponding to an individual output module in the system. Each small table is transmitted to the appropriate leg to the corresponding output module over the I/O data bus. The transmission of data between the Main Processor Modules and the output modules is performed over the I/O data bus using a master

-slave communication protocol.

The system uses cyclic redundancy code (CRC) to ensure the health of data transmitted between modules. If the CRC reveals that the data has been corrupted, the system will retry the data transmission up to three times.

If unsuccessful, that respective leg data table at the output module level will default to the de

-energized state.

Watchdog timers on each output module leg ensure communication has been maintained with its respective Main Processor Module with a certain timeout period.

If communication has not been established or has been lost, the respective leg data table will default to the de

-energized state to protect against open or short

-circuited data bus connection between module

s. Diagnostics at the Main Processor Module level validate the health of its circuitry as well as make decisions about the health of each I/O module and communication module in the system. The modules compare memory, basic processor instructions and operating modes, verify communication between shared memory and the IOC processor, verify communication between the IOC and the I/O modules, and verify the TriClock/TriTime and TRIBUS interfaces.

At the beginning of each scan, the Main Processor Modules transmit/receive copies of the previous scan Output Tables to/from neighbors over the TRIBUS. At the end of the scan, the modules vote on the previous scan output data to diagnose any faults. Extensive diagnostics validate the health of each Main Processor as well as each I/O module and communication channel. Transient faults are recorded and masked by the hardware majority-voting circuit. Persistent faults are diagnosed, and the faulted module can be replaced or operated in a fault

-tolerant manner until replacement. The Main Processor Modules also process diagnostic data recorded locally and data received from the input module level diagnostics in

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 30 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 order to make decisions about the health of the input modules in the system. All discrepancies are flagged and used by the built in fault analyzer routine to diagnose latent faults. The Main Processor diagnostics perform the following: Verification of fixed

-program memory Verification of the static portion of RAM Testing of all basic floating-point processor instructio ns Verification of the shared memory interface with each I/O communication processor and communication channel Verification of handshake signals and interrupt signals between the CPU, each I/O communication processor and communication channel Checking of each I/O communication processor and communication channel microprocessor, ROM, shared memory access and loopback of RS

-485 transceivers Verification of the TriClock/TriTime interface Verification of the TRIBUS interface

4.2.4 Communications

Module T CM Module This discussion is applicable to the following Communications Module: Model 4352AN Tricon Communication Module (TCM), Fiber TCM Model 4352A is compatible with only Tricon V10.1 systems and later.

Each TCM contains two fiber-optic network ports (MTRJ connectors with 62.5/125 um fiber cables) - NET 1 and NET 2. It has a communication speed of 100 Mbps. Serial ports have speeds of up to 115.2 Kbps per port, aggregate data rate of 460.8 Kbps for all four ports. A single Tricon system supports a maximum of four TCMs, which must reside in two logical slots.

Each Tricon system supports a total of sixteen Modbus masters or slaves - this total includes network and serial ports. The hot-spare feature is not available for the TCM, though you can replace a faulty TCM while the controller is online. The TCM communicates with all three Main Processors over three separate communication busses, one to each Main Processor. The TCM module has a dedicated communication port for each communication buss. Hence the TCM will continue to communicate with the Main Processors upon the failure of a Main Processor or a communication port. Two TCMs are placed in one logical slot of the Tricon controller chassis, but they function independently, not as hot-spare modules. A faulty TCM module can be replaced while the controller is online.

In TMR mode, the presence of any fault on a MP will not affect the operation of the TCM, except the normal TMR to Dual mode transition (i.e. correctly receive and process the data from the remaining good MPs.

In Dual mode, the presence of any fault on a MP should not affect the operation on the TCM, except the normal Dual to Single mode transition. If data integrity cannot be assured, the TCM should enter the fail-safe state for all communication ports.

The fail-safe state is defined as follows:

Disable all process communications except debug information. In Single mode, the presence of any single critical fault on a MP will cause the system to enter a fail

-safe state. In Zero mode, the TCM terminates all except diagnostic / debug communications.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 31 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 4.2.5 RXM Modules This discussion is applicable to the following Remote Extender Modules: Model 4200N Primary RXM, Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) Model 4201 Remote RXM, Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) The RXM Multi

-mode Fiber Optics modules allow I/O modules to be located several kilometers away from the Main Chassis.

The RXM consists of three identical modules, serving as repeaters / extenders of the Tricon I/O bus, that also provide ground loop isolation. Each RXM module has single channel transmit and receive cabling ports.

A Primary RXM module set is connected to the Remote RXM module set housed in a remote chassis.

The RXM sets are available for fiber optic cables with a communication rate of 375 Kbits/s. These sets provide maximum immunity against electrostatic and electromagnetic interference, and support configurations with optical modems and fiber optic point-to-point cabling. The interfacing cabling is unidirectional for each channel. One cable carries data transmitted from the Primary RXM to the Remote RXM.

The second cable carries data received by the Primary RXM from the Remote RXM.

4.2.6 Tricon

Chassis Assemblies Diablo Canyon Power Plant's PPS system consists of one Main Chassis and two additional chassis per protection set. The Tricon Main Chassis can support the following modules:

Two Power Modules Three Main Processors Communications Modules (TCM)

I/O Modules The Tricon RXM Chassis can support the following modules: Two Power Modules Three RXM modules I/O Modules A Tricon controller contains three Main Processor modules.

Each Main Processor controls a separate channel of the system and operates in parallel with the other Main Processors. A dedicated I/O processor on each Main Processor manages the data exchanged between the Main Processor and the I/O modules.

A triplicated I/O bus, located on the chassis backplane, extends from chassis to chassis by means of I/O bus cables. This triplicated I/O bus system is etched on the chassis backplane.

It transfers data between the I/O modules and the Main Processors at 375 Kbits/s. The I/O bus is carried along the bottom of the backplane. Each channel of the I/O bus runs between one Main Processor and the corresponding channels on the I/O module. The I/O bus extends between chassis using a set of three I/O bus cables.

A master-slave protocol is used for communication on the I/O bus. The IOC microprocessor is the master and controls the I/O messages on the bus. I/O modules only transmit messages upon request from the IOC microprocessor.

All messages contain a 16-bit CRC to ensure the messages have not been corrupted.

All legs on the I/O modules periodically check their transmitter to make sure their transmitter is not in a "Stuck On" state.

If the transmitter is in the "Stuck On" state, the module fault LED is turned on and the fault condition is sent to the Main Processor.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 32 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Key Switch A key switch on the main chassis selects the Tricon mode. Each key "position" forces a "mode" within the Tricon that defines operational configurations, limitations, and overrides. The key switch is implemented by a three-gang, four-position switch. Each of the gangs is connected to one of the Main Processor s, as depicted in the following figure: Figure 3. Key Switch - TMR Gang Connections Key Switch Op eration The values are read by each of the Main Processors as a two bit value:

Position Value Stop 0 Program 1 Run 2 Remote 3 The key switch position is voted between the three Main Processors and the voted value is used to perform key switch functions. The application has access to the voted key switch position and can perform a specified action depending on the key switch's position. The PPS Replacement application turn s on an annunciator when the key switch position is not in RUN. The key switch design mitigates any single hardware fault. If one of the gangs on the switch goes bad or the inputs on the Main Processor, it only affects the Main Processor that is attached to that gang.

The other two Main Processors will continue to receive good input values and out vote the Main Processor

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 33 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 with the bad input. This protects against any single fault in the physical key switch or on the Main Processor. The Main Processor is responsible for handling requests from external clients through the TCM. The handler inside the Main Processor validates that the key switch is in the correct position before executing a request from the client.

Table 4 shows the required key switch setting for the different categories of commands: Table 4. Required Key Switch Settings for Command Categories Co mm an d Category Requ ir e d Key S witc h Se tting Application Changes Program Writes of Point Values Remote or Program Reads of Point Values Any Disabling of Points Program Read of Maintenance Information Any Control OVD on a Module Program Clear Faults Any Set and Adjust Clock Calendar Any

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 34 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The Main Processor checks whether the key switch is in the correct position before processing any request, as depicted in the following figure:

Figure 4. Key Switch - Logic Flow The implementation in the Main Processor firmware prevents any request from being executed when the key switch is not in the correct position. Below is an example of the code for halting the execution of the application:

GLOBAL void haltProgram (int connNum)

{ /*

  • Make sure the key switch is in a position that allows this command.
  • / if (!KEY_PROGRAM) {

reject (WRONG_KEY_SETTING, connNum);

return; }

my_diagbuf.rll_status.cpRunState = CP_HALTED; /* Note that we are halted. */

respond (PROGRAM_HALTED, connNum); /* Respond to the TRISTATION */

return; }

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 35 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Every request has an appropriate check for the key switch position at the beginning of the function.

The TSAP reads the position of the key switch every scan. If the key switch is not in the RUN position, the TSAP annunciates an alarm. The STOP position of the key switch stops reading inputs, forces non-retentive digital and analog outputs to 0, and halts the control program. Retentive outputs remain at the value they had before the key switch was turned to STOP. TriStation may be used to prevent the application from halting when the key switch is turned to STOP. A property named "Disable Stop on Key switch" determines whether the STOP position is disabled, as shown by a portion of a TriStation screen shot in the following figure: Figure 5. Key Switch - Disabling STOP from TriStation If the property is checked, setting the key switch to STOP does not halt the application. If cleared, then setting the key switch to STOP does halt the application. For the PPS Replacement application, the property is checked so that the key switch to STOP will not halt the application.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 36 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Softwa re A ffected by the Key Switch The key switch affects the firmware and application program running in the safety controller, commands from TriStation software, and access by client software on the networ k: Keyswitch Tricon MPs TCM Comm Bus TriStation PC ClientNetwork Download change Download all Halt, Pause, Run, Step

Disable point Set value PROGRAM position:

PROGRAM or REMOTE:Write points Figure 6. Key Switch - Positions to Allow Client Access The key switch must be in the PROGRAM position to accept commands from TriStation that can modify the application running in the controller. The key switch must be in PROGRAM position or REMOTE position to allow writing of points by a network client.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 37 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The software running on each Tricon Main Processor includes the system executive firmware and the application program, as shown in the following figure:

Tricon MPSystem Executive FirmwareVote Keyswitch Fault Analysis

Command Execution

Diagnostic Status Application Program Function Blocks TR_SCAN_STATUS GATENB GATDIS Figure 7. Key Switch - Firmware in the Tricon MP The firmware includes k ey switch voting, fault analysis, command execution, and a diagnostic status structure. The application can call function blocks affected by the key switch. Vote Key Sw it ch: Key s wi t ch vo ting s t arts when the key s wi t ch values ha ve stopped changin g f or th ree seconds. If all vo ting legs agree on one value, then the voted value i s t he agreed value. For a single fa ilure, if one leg disagrees, that le g is reset, fa il e d, and taken out of the vo ting. For mu lti pl e fa il u re s, if all vo ting legs mismatch, then an error me ss age is logged w ithout reset, a nd the voted value is 0 (STOP). When the voted value changes to STOP, if key stop is enabled, then ha lt, el se just log the change. F a ul t Analysis: Resets t he Main Processor for a single fa il u re, logs key s wi t ch e rrors, a nd logs changes in key s wi t ch pos ition. Comman d Execution: The firmware ex ecutes co mmands depending on the voted pos iti on of the key s wi tch, as explained in t he p revious clause "Key s wi t ch Opera tion." Diagnostic Status

Diagnostic status is a structure w ith a key s wi t ch me mber that holds the voted key s wi t ch pos ition. The key s wi t ch member is a system v ariable that can be read by a network c li e nt or by a TR_SC AN_STATUS func ti on block in the app lic a tion prog ram.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 38 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 An application can call any of the following three function blocks: TR_SCAN_STATUS, GATENB, and GATDIS, which provide the following functions: T R_SCAN_STAT US: The KEYSWITCH output provides the key s wi t ch pos ition. GA TE NB: Can be used to temporarily a llow wr ites to sp ecified points even when the key s wi t ch is in the RUN pos iti on. GATDIS: Can be used to temporarily a llow wr ites to sp ecified points even when the key s wi t ch is in the RUN position. For the PPS Replacement application, the GATENB and GATDIS functions are utilized to allow setpoint and tunable parameter changes from the MWS. Key Switch Tests The PPS Replacement application will be able to test the enable and disable of commands by the key switch. The application includes the following tests:

Stopping and st ar ting the app li ca ti on - turning acti ve LEDs on a nd off Ability to dis able points. Disable of the STOP pos ition of the key s wi t ch. RUN mode inhibits the ability to: Disable v ariabl es Change v ariable valu es Download chan ge Halt Download All Change clock

/calend ar Other co mmands in t he co mmand menu R EM O TE mode inhibits similar to RUN mode Opera tion of the GA TENB and GATDI S func tion blocks. Te st t he KEYSWITCH output of t he TR_SC AN_STATUS func tion bloc k.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 39 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014

4.2.7 Power

Supply Modules This discussion is applicable to the following Power Supply Modules: Model 8310N2 120 Vac/Vdc - 175-Watt Power Module Model 8310 120 Vac/Vdc - 175-Watt Power Module The Power Supply modules possess built in diagnostic circuitry to check for out-of-range voltages and/or over temperature conditions. Indicator LEDs on the front face of each power module provide module status as follows:

I ndicator Color Des cription P A SS Green Input Po wer is O K FA U LT R ed P o we r Modu l e i s not O K A L A R M R ed C h assis A l ar m Condition TEMP Yellow O v er-t e m pera tu r e Condition BATT LOW Yellow Battery L ow Condition The chassis backplane provides terminal strip interfaces for power and alarm connections. The alarm feature operates independently for each power module. The alarm contacts on both main chassis power modules are actuated on the following states: System configura tion does not match the control-prog ram configu ra tion A dig ital output module exp erien ces a Load / Fuse error A module is missing som ewhere in the sy stem A Main Processor or I/O module in t he main chassis fa i ls An I/O module in an expa nsion cha ssis fa ils A Main Processor det ects a system fault The int er-cha ssis I/O bus cables are inco rrectly insta lled (i.e. cr os s conn ected) The alarm contact on at least one Main Chassis power module is actuated when the following power conditions exist: A power module fails Primary po wer to a power module is lost A powe r module has a low battery or o ver tem perature condition The alarm contacts on at least one power module of an expansion chassis actuates when the following conditions exist: A power module fails Primary po wer to a power module is lost A power module has a over tem perature condition The alarm contacts on both power modules of an expansion chassis actuate when an I/O module fails. Each Tricon chassis houses two Power Modules containing independent power supplies arranged in a dual redundant configuration.

Dual independent power rails are etched on the back plane of each chassis in a Tricon system. Both power rails feed each of the three legs on each I/O module and each Main Processor Module residing within the

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 40 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 chassis through dual independent voltage regulators. Each power rail is fed from one of the two Power Supply Modules residing in the chassis. Under normal circumstances, each of the three legs on each I/O module and each Main Processor Module draw power from both power supplies through the dual power rails and the dual power regulators. If one of the power supplies or its supporting power line fails, the other power supply will increase its power output to support the requirements of all modules in the chassis. A short on a voltage rail disables the power regulators for that leg rather than affecting the power bus. Each Power Supply Module is capable of supporting all the power requirements for all the modules in the chassis within which it resides.

All models of power modules are protected against reverse connection of the DC inputs. The Tricon also has dual redundant batteries located on the Main Chassis backplane. If a total power failure occurs, these lithium batteries can maintain data and programs on the Main Processor modules for a cumulative period of six months. When less than 30 days of battery life remains the system will generate an alarm.

4.2.8 Tricon

Termination Panels The termination panels are printed circuit boards utilized to facilitate landing of field wiring. This panel contains terminal blocks, resistors, fuses and blown fuse indicators. The standard panels are configured for specific applications (e.g., digital input, analog input). Each termination panel is packaged with a matched interface cable that connects between the termination panel and the Tricon backplane.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 41 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 5 Detailed Analysis

5.1 Tricon

Hardware Analysis The FMEA tabulation is provided in Appendix A through Appendix E. As shown, failure modes that can prevent the Tricon system from performing its function are detected by proper applicatio n-specific design, the built-in on-line system diagnostics , or by periodic off

-line testing.

The general effect of failures in C1a and C1b category are single failures detected by the Tricon on-line diagnostics that do not affect PLC operability and I/O capability, as detailed in the Appendices.

PPS Replacement application

-specific design features monitor the Tricon diagnostic alarms and annunciate these types of failures in a timely manner.

Category C2 includes single and multiple failures, not detected by PLC diagnostics, which do not affect PLC operability. It can be classified as follows:

a) Failures that would be detected by periodic off-line testing in accordance with the manufacturer's standard recommendations; b) Failures associated with PLC functions not used for safety-related functions; and c) Failures that can be detected by application-specific design considerations (e.g., monitoring for loss of external communications links, loss of loop power supplies, failures in termination cables and termination panels). The PPS Replacement employs application

-specific design features to detect the loss of external communications links, loss of loop power supplies, and indications of failures in termination cables and termination panels.

Category C3a includes single failure conditions where the PLC is unable to perform all of its safety functions. These failures are generally related to loss of a single I/O point or the I/O points on a single termination panel.

Loss of a non-redundant loop power supply, I/O point fuse failures, termination panel, or termination cable failures are also Category C3a failures. The majority of these failures would be detected by the PLC on-line diagnostics, as described in Section 4.0. Four items, identified with the combination of failure categories C2 and C3a, are not detected by the PLC. These types of failures can be detected by either by periodic channel checks and surveillance testing, or by application

-specific design features. In the PPS Replacement, these four failures (identified in Appendix A) a re summarized as follows: Failure Type Failure Mode Effect on PLC I/O Detection Methodology Chassis to Term Panel Cable For 3501TN2 , 3503EN2 (See Appendix A, PLC Cable

-Related Failures #6) Open circuit or short circuit to ground Affected digital inputs will fail LOW Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm. Chassis to

Term Panel Cable For 3501TN2 , 3503EN2 (See Appendix A, PLC Cable


Related Failures #7) Short circuit across DI point Affected digital input s will fail HIGH Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 42 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Failure Type Failure Mode Effect on PLC I/O Detection Methodology Chassis to Term Panel Cable Model 3601T N; 115 Vac (See Appendix A, PLC Cable

-Related Failures #9) Open circuit PLC digital inputs will not be affected, but field devices will fail LOW Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm. Term Panel For 3501TN2 , 3503EN2 (See Appendix A, PLC Termination Panel

-Related Failures #2)

Short circuit across DI point Affected digital inputs will fail HIGH Detected by Critical_IO function block in TSAP; generates an alarm. The next failure category defined in Section 1.5 is Category C3b, which includes multiple failure conditions where the PLC is unable to perform all of its safety functions. These failures include the effects of fire, flooding and missiles, which are minimized by applying standard industry design practices in the PPS Replacement application and are considered low

-probability events. The remaining failures are either common cause hardware failures or common cause software errors.

These types of multiple failure scenarios are typically considered to be a small percentage of the total failures.

Common cause failures are minimized in the PPS Replacement through an architecture of 4 Protection Sets, where each Protection Set is electrically and physically separate from the others, unable to communicate with any other Protection Set, and provides overlapping safety coverage. Finally, failure categories defined in Section 1.5 are Category C4a and C4b, which include single or multiple failure conditions where the PLC self

-diagnostic capability is reduced, but the PLC remains operable. These failures all fall in the category of single or double failures of triple redundant components, such as Main Processor modules, I/O modules, I/O Bus links, TRIBUS links, or RXM modules. Most failures that reduce the on

-line diagnostic capabilities are detected and hence are repaired quickly using the on-line repair capability of the Tricon system. The items that cannot be repaired on

-line (i.e., chassis, I/O bus, TRIBUS links) have very low failure rates that can typically be ignored.

The Tricon system design information presented in References 3.3.7 and 3.3.8 includes recommendations for periodic off

-line testing of field inputs and outputs. These recommendations establish general surveillance techniques and surveillance intervals intended to maintain the high reliability of the overall control system. It is strongly recommended that nuclear plant safety-related applications incorporate the specified methods and frequencies of Reference 3.3.7, 3.3.8 and 3.3.9 to maximize system reliability and operability. To ensure that the high reliability of the overall control system is maintained , Invensys recommends that off-line periodic proof testing of field inputs and outputs be performed at least every 30 months of continuous operation (24 month refueling cycle plus a 25% extension as allowed in the technical specifications). 5.2 Key Switch Analysis As described in Section of this document, there are several layers of protection to prevent inadvertent application program changes. These include the Tricon key switch, as well as communication protocol end-to-end integrity checks in the application program.

Additional protection is provided by features in the TriStation 1131 programming interface, including password access.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 43 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The Tricon key switch is a physical interlock that controls the mode of the 3008N MPs.

It prevents the 3008N MPs from accepting "write" messages when placed in the RUN position.

The key switch is implemented by a three-gang, four-position switch. Each of the gangs is connected to one of the 3008N MPs. The key switch position is voted between the three 3008N MPs and the voted data is used to perform key switch functions. The application program has access to the voted key switch position through specialized function blocks. The application can be programmed to perform any required action on a change of the key switch position. For example, the application could generate an alarm if the key switch position is taken out of the RUN mode. The key switch design mitigates any single hardware fault. If one of the gangs on the switch goes bad or an input to a 3008N MP fails (e.g., a single bit flip), the error would affect only the 3008N MP that is attached to the failed gang. The other two 3008N MPs would continue to receive good data and out vote the 3008N MP with the bad input. This protects against any single fault in the physical key switch or on the 3008N MP from disabling the entire Tricon. The Tricon design supports on-line changes to the application program, but only within rigid restrictions. To modify the program, the programmer must have access to the current program version loaded on th e programming terminal, TriStation 1131 (TS1131).

To access the program, the programmer must enter the correct password. Once the program is modified and compiled, the TS1131 terminal must be physically connected to the Tricon and the key switch rotated to the PROGRAM position. Using the programming terminal, the programmer opens communications with the Tricon and downloads the program. Once downloaded the Tricon automatically changes the program version number.

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5.3 Buyout

Analysis Appendix E, the FMEA for PPS buyout components, shows that the failure modes of the buyout components have little or no effect on the Tricon operability. At worst, the Tricon might indicate the loss of one of two redundant power supplies, problems with unused points, or other cascading common cause faults like loss of a power strip, breaker, or fuse.

5.4 TSAP Timing Analysis

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5.4.2 Failures

Not Affecting Response Time

1. Out of Service (OOS) Switch Failure:

The OOS switches are a request toggle. OOS requires additional operator confirmation, so failure of any OOS switch initiates no additional TSAP logic.

2. Bypass Switch Failure:

The Bypass switch overrides the Tricon output and works with the Tricon de-energized.

Bypass requires additional operator confirmation, so failure of any Bypass switch initiates no additional TSAP logic.

3. Hardware Failures
The evaluation of the PPS Replacement system has dete rmined that potential ly degraded hardware conditions affecting response time will not impact TSAP response time, or will be detect ed by internal Tricon platform performance calibrations and functional checks, as well as surveillance testing within the TSAP logic. 5.5 Signal Loading Appendix D contains the tabulate d safety critical inputs for each protection system. Analysis was performed to determine whether the inputs have been appropriately assigned to ensure that a single failure of an input module or Protection Set would not render a safety-related function of a particular parameter inoperable. Appendix D provides application specific analysis of the PPS Replacement, as opposed to the generic hardware/software analysis presented in the other attachments.

Analysis in Appendix D shows that the input signal loading assignment provides diversity and defense

-in-depth for the PPS safety function inputs. This is accomplished by ensuring that each process variable parameter is covered by at least two independent Protection Sets, and that each Protection Set has its own set of independent inputs. Two signals (TE-454 and PT-505) have coverage by only a single Protection Set. By design, these two signals do not have a redundancy requirement, but are included in the analysis for completeness.

5.6 Non-detectable Faults

5.6.1 Drift

The Tricon will maintain its rated reference accuracy specifications over extended periods. As stated in the Tricon FMEA (Reference 3.3.4), failure of components affecting the rated reference accuracy are detected, the system will generate an alarm, and the faulted module will be indicated. Response to the alarm would require replacement of the faulted module, because field adjustments or calibrations of the Tricon are not possible. The Tricon TMR architecture allows continuous cross comparisons between the triplicated values. The effects of calibrated accuracy including drift over time, hysteresis and non

-linearity, and repeatability are applicable to the Tricon system and I/O modules, and their error contributions are specified in the Tricon I/O Accuracy document (Reference 3.3.9). The effects of temperature sensitivity, power supply variations, arithmetic operations errors, vibration, radiation, and relative humidity are not applicable to the Tricon system and I/O modules, thus their error contribution is zero.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 46 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Accuracy Drift in Analog Modules The Tricon analog I/O modules have an auto-calibration feature which maintains the module accuracy rating. Over time the accuracy of the reference used to perform the auto

-calibration can experience accuracy drift.

To ensure that specified accuracy is maintained Invensys recommends that the analog I/O modules be periodically proof tested at least every 30 months of continuous operation. Calculations, using vendor supplied data for the electronic components, demonstrate that time related "drift" of the subject analog modules will meet the Invensys specified accuracy, with a 95% confidence and 95% probability, over the first 30 month interval (24 month refueling cycle plus a 25% extension as allowed in the technical specifications). Additional assurance is provided by testing performed by Invensys, prior to shipment, to ensure that each module meets the specifications. Therefore it is concluded that drift over time does not present a failure to comply with the published specifications in the first 30 month interval. Over the long term, however , since the PPS Replacement modules cannot be adjusted , an unquantifiable possibility exists that a module, at the limits of its specified accuracy during surveillance testing, may subsequently, over the next 30 months drift slightly outside of the specified accuracy. In order to ensure a conservative margin, PG&E should publish a drift specification so that this possibility may be taken into account. Actions Recommended to Resolve Drift Issue

1. PG&E should include an allowance for drift in their analysis of the loop performance for the PPS Replacement safety system. Suggested allowances are presented in last column of Table 5. 2. PG&E should continue to perform periodic testing at intervals of no less than 30 months and replace modules which fail to meet the published accuracy. Accuracy Drift in System Timing System timing can also drift over time. However, based on the detailed analysis of parameters that might impact system timing, it is concluded that the drift over time is negligible and therefore no proof test is needed on the time base of the Main Processors (Reference 3.3.9).

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 47 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 5.6.2 Stuck-At The Analog Input modules (Model 3703EN and Model 3721 N) detect Stuck-High and Stuck-Low input legs. Stuck

-At legs, which are most likely to occur where input values remain within miscompare limits for extended periods of time, are detected by automatic leg calibration within the Analog Input modules. Each AI module leg is automatically calibrated using multiple reference voltages read through the multiplexer by the microprocessor, which determines the gain and bias required to adjust the readings of the A/D converter. The microprocessors in each leg compare the respective input table data with the neighbor legs, with out-of-tolerance data reported to respective Main Processo r modules. The Main Processor module fault analyzer routines diagnose faulty input module legs at the end of each scan.

One-time and short-term differences that result from sample timing variations are distinguished from a pattern of differing data. Should a Main Processor module diagnose a faulty leg on a particular module, it will signal the input module to illuminate its Fault LED. To ensure that specified tolerances are maintained over time, Invensys recommends that the analog I/O modules be periodically proof tested at least every 30 months of continuous operation.

5.6.3 Digital

Input Points - Normally Off The Tricon Digital Input modules contain loopback circuitry in each leg that momentarily drives the input signal for the leg under test to the "logical zero" or "low" state.

This test, which is continually rotated among the three legs, verifies proper operation of leg optical isolation and/or signal processing and conditioning circuitry. Should a leg fail the test, the module fault indicator will be illuminated.

However, if these modules monitor normally off points, the field point must be toggled from the "Off" state to the "On" state at periodic intervals. To ensure the proper operation of leg optical isolation and/or signal processing/conditioning circuitry, Invensys recommends that any normally off field points connected to Tricon Digital Input modules should be periodically proof tested at least every 30 months of continuous operation. The following normally off input points in Table 6 should be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation. Table 6. 30-Month Normally Off Proof Test Input Point List Protection Set Tagname - Switch Status: Bypass/Trip Switches - Instrument Tag and Channel Function Normal State 1 PC505A_BYP PC-505A_Byp Turbine Impulse Pressure High to P13 (Bypass Switch)

OFF 1 PS505C_TRIP PS/505C PC-505C Trip Status (Turb Impulse Press PT

-505) OFF 1 TS411D_TRIP TS/411D TC-411D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 1)

OFF 1 TS411H_TRIP TS/411H TC-411H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 1)

OFF 2 PC 506A_BYP PC-506A_Byp Turbine Impulse Pressure High to P13 Bypass Switch OFF

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 48 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Protection Set Tagname - Switch Status: Bypass/Trip Switches - Instrument Tag and Channel Function Normal State 2 TS421D_TRIP TS/421D TC-421D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 2)

OFF 2 TS421H_TRIP TS/421H TC-421H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 2)

OFF 3 TS431D_TRIP TS/431D TC-431D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 3) OFF 3 TS431H_TRIP TS/431H TC-431H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 3) OFF 4 TS441D_TRIP TS/441D TC-441D Trip Status (DTTA Loop 4) OFF 4 TS441H_TRIP TS/441H TC-441H Trip Status (DTTA Loop 4) OFF While the input points associated with the Bypass and Out of Service (OOS) switches are maintenance

-related, the Bypass and OOS input points are normally-off points and should also be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation.

5.6.4 Digital

Output Points - Same Commanded State The Model 3601TN DO modules execute self diagnostics of the switches i n such a way as to be transparent to most electromechanical field devices.

A faulty switch will cause the output to transition to the opposite state for a maximum of one half an AC cycle during the OVD routine. However, the module cannot self

-diagnose "Stuck On" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "On

," or "Stuck Off" switches if the "Commanded State" of a leg is "Off". Therefore, it is recommended that the field points be toggled from the normal state to the opposite state and leg output tested accordingly once every 30 months to guarantee the health of the circuitry. All Digital Output field points should be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation. The following normally off output points in Table 7 should be proof tested at a minimum of 30-month intervals of continuous operation. Table 7. 30-Month Proof Test Output Point List Protection Set Point - Bi-stable Partial Trip Outputs - Function Description Normal State 1 TC-423A Loop 2 Cold Leg Temp Low LTOPS OFF 2 TC-43 3A Loop 3 Cold Leg Temp Low LTOPS OFF 3 PC-40 3A Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure Low to RHR V

-8702 Open Circuit OFF 3 PC-4 03D Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure High to LTOPS OFF 4 PC-4 05A Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure Low to RHR V

-8701 Open Circuit OFF 4 PC-4 05D Loop 4 Wide Range Pressure High to LTOPS OFF

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 49 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 6 Summary and Conclusions

6.1 Analysis

Summary As stated in Section 4.0 of this report, the Tricon utilizes a fault-tolerant triple modular redundant architecture.

This system design identifies and compensates for failed system elements.

The Tricon self

-diagnostic features have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub

-components within each module. Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate the diagnostic coverage of single failures within each module.

Per Reference 3.3.2, the NRC has reviewed the FMEA qualification documentation from Invensys as part of the Tricon V10 safety evaluation. The results of the FMEA showed that, in general, failure modes that could prevent a Tricon PLC system from performing its safety-related functions are detected by the built-in system diagnostics or by periodic testing.

Th e staff concluded that the FMEA shows that the Tricon PLC system is suitable for use in safety-related applications in nuclear power plants.

As stated in Section 4.0 of this report, the Tricon utilizes a fault-tolerant triple modular redundant architecture. This system design identifies and compensates for failed system elements, which facilitates its use in critical and safety

-related process applications.

The Tricon self-diagnostic features summarized in Section 4.0 of this report have been specifically designed to detect and alarm failures of sub

-components within each module. Extensive testing has been performed on each module to validate that the on-line diagnostics will detect a very high percentage of the failures within each module. The diagnostic coverage for the Main Processors and the common processing circuitry on the I/O modules are in the 95 to 99% range. The diagnostic coverage of the I/O point circuitry on the I/O modules is 99%. Reference

3.3.5 shows

the diagnostic coverage of the Tricon Main Processors and I/O modules.

On the Tricon, all safety-related operating software (.pt2 file) exists permanently in electronically erasable programmable read only memory and is considered as firmware. This software performs built-in self-diagnostics, manages the TMR features , and executes the application software.

As summarized in Reference 3.3.5, the Tricon PLC exceeds EPRI requirements (Reference 3.1.2) for both Safety and Overall Availability. The Reliability Analysis Report (document number 993754-1-819) provides additional analysis of the diagnostic coverage specific to the PPS Replacement application.

6.2 Discussion

The NRC reviewed the historical data available on the use of the Tricon PLC system in commercial and foreign nuclear applications and concluded the following in the Triconex Approved Topical Report 7286-545-1A, "Qualification Summary Report" (TAC No. ME2435): "The Tricon, with its TMR architecture, is resilient against single failures and operating experience has shown it is highly reliable (more than 9,000 units in operation and over 500,000,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> without failure to perform on demand). Invensys understands there remains the very rare possibility of a software common cause failure (CCF). Since digital system CCFs are not classified as single failures, postulated digital CCFs are not assumed to be a single random failure in design basis evaluations. The two design attributes sufficient to eliminate consideration of common cause failure

- diversity and testability

- would not be satisfied by the proposed architecture. Therefore, a diverse actuation system (DAS) would be required." [7286-545-1A; Appendix B, page 21]

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 50 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 "The NRC staff reviewed these CGD activities and based on the review of the associated development history, operating experience, life cycle design output documentation, and testing and review activities, the NRC staff finds the dedication evidence for the PDS of the Tricon V10 platform to be acceptable for demonstrating built

-in quality. In addition, the NRC staff determined that the Invensys QA processes for software maintenance provides reasonable assurance that the quality characteristics of the PDS can be preserved. Consequently, the NRC staff concludes that the Tricon V10 hardware and software is of sufficient quality to satisfy Clause 5.3 and is suitable for use in SR applications." [7286-545-1A; page 116] Analysis indicates that the Tricon analog IO modules have accuracy margin issues after 30 months of continuous operation. Proof testing of the analog modules is required after no more than 30 months of continuous operation to detect common cause drift. Analysis of the timing drift indicates that there is no proof test that needs to be done on the time base of the Main Processor. The computational analysis performed in Reference 3.2.1 calculates a worst

-case Scan Time for the PPS Replacement application code well within the Scan Time range to satisfy the 200 ms worst case response time requirement for the PPS Replacement. Because the TSAP follows TS1131 design and coding guidelines, executes within the allowable scan time, and is triply redundant within the Tricon, there are no internal (software) or external (hardware) failures that can impact the Tricon response time to any event.

6.3 Recommendations

Based on the FMEA results, there are no recommendations resulting from the analysis that would require design changes, new or modified diagnostics, or custom installation instructions.

6.4 Conclusions

The FMEA tabulation provided in Appendix A of this report has reviewed possible failures of the Tricon PLC system components, identified the mechanisms that could cause those failures and evaluated the consequences of those failures on the operation of the Tricon PLC system. Because of the TMR architecture of the Tricon PLC system, failure mechanisms that affect a single leg of the triple redundant system generally have no effect on the PPS operation and provide the capability of the operator to retrieve all Tricon indications in the Main Annunciator System (MAS). As shown, failure modes that can prevent the Tricon system from performing its safety-related functions are detected by proper design, the built-in system diagnostics, or by periodic testing.

There are no failu re-modes associated with safety

-related functions for the PPS that are undetectable after application of all of the above methodologies. Based on this analysis, there are no requirements for any hardware or software design changes, new or modified diagnostics, or maintenance issues with the existing Tricon PLC system for use in the PG&E PPS Replacement for the Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Since the PPS consists of four independent redundant Protection Sets, with a minimum of two independent Protection Sets monitoring all critical PPS Protection Set Channel functions, no single failure will defeat the overall function of the PPS. Furthermore, operational failure of one channel will leave the redundant PPS channel available to the operator. Therefore, this FMEA concludes that the Tricon PLC system is suitable for use in its intended application as PPS replacement.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: Failure Modes A nd Effects Analysis Revision: 1 Page: 51 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 The following appendices contain supporting information for this FMEA. Appendix A - FMEA for PPS Tricon (Safety Related Components)

Appendix B - FMEA for PPS Tricon (Non

-Safety Related Components)

Appendix C - FMEA for Safety Related Software Appendix D - FMEA for Input Module Signal Loading Appendix E - FMEA for PPS Buyout Components

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 52 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Appendix A - FMEA; PPS Tricon (Safety Related Components)

NOTE: Failure Category Column The Failure Category column in the FMEA Table shows the primary failure categories. For example nearly all single failures on the Tricon modules are in the C1a and C1b category since the diagnostic coverage is in the 95 to 99% range.

T he C2a and C2b categories represent the small percentage of failures that are not detected by self-diagnostics and require additional levels of protection.

Power and Termination The FMEA assumes that all loop power supplies are redundant (two power supplies). The FMEA also includes the termination panels and termination cables. These panels and cables have many single points of failure and these failures are typically considered as a part of the connected I/O device. In many cases they are neglected since the panel and cable failure rates are very low compared to the failure rate of the connected I/O device (Reference 3.3.4). Tricon Platform FMEA Qualification As of the date of this document, the Tricon V10.5.3 is the most current nuclear qualified product, subsequent to two maintenance releases (V10.5.2 and V10.5.3) since V10.5.1 (the version upon which the NRC based its Tricon V10 SER for generic nuclear industry approval). The V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis, Revision 0 [Reference 3.3.11] identifies and characterizes the platform changes that have occurred since V10.5.1 and evaluates the significance of the changes as they relate to documents under review for the PPS Replacement System.

Qualification of Tricon V10.5.1 was by analysis based on the Tricon V10.2.1 tests. Tricon V10.5.1 essentially represents the further evolutionary upgrades and bug fixes made to platform software since V10.2.1 was released. Qualification evaluations have determined that the routine product upgrades have not altered the critical characteristics of the product, i.e., current modules have the same (or better) functional and environmental characteristics as the Tricon V10.2.1 Test Specimen FMEA provided in the Triconex Topical Report 7286-545-1-A, revision 4 [Reference 3.3.2].

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 53 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty CONTR OL AND C OMMUNICATI ONS M ODULE-RELATED FAILURES 1. Main Chassis Processor Module: Model 3008N; Enhanced Tricon Main Processor, 16 Mbytes DRAM L o s s o f all thr ee pro ce ss o r modules Fi r e; f lood; miss iles; softwar e co mmon mode f ailure C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. F a ils to op e rate 2. Main Chassis

Processor Module: Model 3008N; Enhanced Tricon Main Processor, 16 Mbytes DRAM L o s s o f o n e or two pro ce ss o r modules Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne Co n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact pro ce ss o r m od u le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag pro ce ss o r fau lt. 3. Main Chassis

Communications Module:

Model 4352AN , Tricon Communication Module (TCM) Fail u r e o f modu le to transm it o r r eceive data o n all thr ee legs Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1 b No s a f e t y related data is b eing transm itt ed. No impact on safety functions.

C o n t i n u es to op e rate. Co mmun ic a tions to ex tern al netw or k devices is in te rrup ted. Main p ro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and fla g c o mm unicati ons fau lt upon loss of communications with MWS.

A faulty TCM modu le can be replaced while the cont roller is onlin e.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 54 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 4. Main Chassis Communications Module:

Model 4352AN , Tricon Communication Module (TCM) Fail u r e o f modu le to co mm unicate with one or tw o of the Mai n P ro ce ss or s. Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne T h i r d leg will s till c o mm un ic a te w i t h t h e M P. 5. RXM Chassis

Primary RXM (Remote Extender Module

); Model 4200N; Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) L o s s o f all thr ee R XM modules Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; softwar e co mmon mode f ailure C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals i n a f fected downstream R XM cha ssis will not b e r ead. Downstream an alog and digital outpu ts fail low. No effect on safety system.

C o n t i n u es to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in all downstream cha ssis a ssembl ies. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag RXM c o mm unicati ons fau lt. 6. RXM Chassis Primary RXM (Remote Extender Module

); Model 4200N; Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) L o s s o f o n e or two R XM modules Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne C o n t i n ues to op e rate v ia i ntact RXM m o d u le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag R XM modu le fault. PLC I/O M ODULE-RELATED FAILURES

1. Digital input modules:

Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n one le g. Elect ro nic com ponen t or mu lti ple com ponent s on different points. C 1 a, C 1b; C2 a, C2b if point is normally OFF N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally OFF. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 55 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 2. Digital input modules:

Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n mu lti p le legs. M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o n same point or f u s e f a il u r e C1a, C1b, C3b,and C2a, C 2b if poi n t is normally OFF A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally OFF. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault. 3. Digital input modules:

Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r one leg Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure o r mu lti ple com ponen t f ailur es o n di fferen t points. C 1 a, C 1b for 3503EN2; C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501TN2 if point is normally ON. N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally ON. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.

4. Digital input modules:

Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r mu lti p le legs Multi p le elect ronic com ponent failu res o n same point or fuse failure C 1 a, C 1b, C 3b for 3503EN2; C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501TN2 if point is normally ON A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail high.

C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. U n a b le to correctly dete r m i n e t h e state of the affected point(s). Cond ition wil l be detected for all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501TN2 if the point is norm ally ON. Model 3501TN2 do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic ca p a b ili t y. Non-detectable fault.

5. Digital input modules:

Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le gs. Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 56 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 6. Digital input modules:

Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Elect ronic com ponent failu res on all legs or comm. Softwa r e failure C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will not be r ead. T reats all a f fected i n p u t po i n ts as OFF. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag board fau lt(s). Fa u lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala rm circu it. 7. Digital output modules:

Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O u t pu t po i n t fails high o r low on one leg Elect ronic com ponent failure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. DO m od ule OVD d ia g n o stics w i ll detect the fau lt on all m odules ex cept for the 3601TN if th e output point is not b eing t oggled peri odically. 8. Digital output modules:

Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O u t pu t po i n t fails high or low o n mu lti ple le gs M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es or fus e f ailure C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail to t h e corres ponding output state, or will go OFF i f fuse fau lt. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected outpu t point(s). Cond ition will be detected by DO m od u le field vo ltage d et ecti on circu it, which wi ll activa te th e LOAD/F U SE alarm sin ce th e c o mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta g e; or if fai ls to c u rren t state, w ill be detected during the OVD d ia gnost ics, ex cept on the 3601TN. 9. Digital output modules:

Model 3601T N; 115 Vac C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two legs Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ssor d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 10. Digital output modules:

Model 3601T N; 115 Vac C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all le gs Multi p le elect ronics failu res o r comm. S oftwa r e failure C 3 b A f fected o u t p u t po i n t s will g o O F F. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. Fau lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala r m circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 57 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 11. Analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc I n p u t po i n t fails high or low o n sing le leg Elect ronic com ponent failure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w o r h i gh r a ng e d ia g n o s tic m on it oring alar m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Power Mod u le alarm circui t. 12. Analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc I n p u t po i n t fails high or low o n mu lti p le legs Multi p le elect ronic com ponent failu res o r f use failure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail to t h e corres ponding input state, or w ill g o downscale if f us e fault. U n a b le to correctly dete r m i n e t h e v al u e o f t h e a f fected point(s). Low o r high range d iagnos tic m on it oring ala r m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cessor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le alarm circui t. 13. Analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two legs Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 14. Analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all le gs Multi p le elect ronics failu res o r comm. s oftwa r e failure C 3 b A f fected i n pu t po i nts w i l l g o dow nscale. T reats all a f fected i n p u t po i n ts a s d o w n scale. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag board faul t. Fa ult alarm v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er M od ule alarm circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 58 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 15. Analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Module acc ur a c y out o f sp eci fication o n mu lti p le le gs. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 2 b A f fected i n pu ts c o uld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M i n i m u m proof te s t i n te r v al i s on ce every 30 months to detect co mmon ca use drif t. 16. Analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Module acc ur a c y out o f sp eci fication on a si ng le l eg. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 1 a, C 2 a A f fected i n pu ts c o uld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Si g n i ficant d e viati on s a r e detected and alarmed. 17. Analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc Input signal fails on a single leg.

Detected Stuck

-At leg(s) voted out by Main Processor.

C 1 a None. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 59 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 18. Analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on one or two le gs. Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Fau lt Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal. 19. Analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on all three le gs. Multi p le elect ronic com ponent failu res o r fir m wa re failure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail to u nknow n v al u e. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. E ach an alog out put m od ule sus tains complete ongoing dia gnostics for each leg. Failure of any diag no s tic on any leg activates the module's Fa u lt Indicat or, which in turn activates the chass is alarm si gn a l. Failur e of all thr ee legs for a given output will acti vate the Lo ad Indicat or, and outpu t will not be driven. 20. Analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le g s. Elect ronic com ponent failure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 21. Analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Multi p le module elect ronics failu r e o r c omm. softwa re failure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. Fau lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala r m circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 60 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 22. Analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on multiple legs. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 3 b A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M i n i m u m proof te s t i n te r v al i s on ce every 30 months to detect co mmon ca use drif t. 23. Analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on a s in gle leg. Com ponents of the self- cali brati o n voltage- refe rence ci rcuits f or all legs drif t over time. C 1 a, C 2 a A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Si g n i ficant d e viati on s a r e detected and alarmed.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 61 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty POWER SU PPLY-RELATED FAILURES

1. All chassis power supplies L o s s o f all i n p u t pow er Loss of inverter power C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. F a ils to op e rate 2. All chassis power supplies:

P o w er s u pp l y output fails high Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure N/A N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. T h e t h ree te r m i n al l i n ear re gulat ors are therma ll y protected, and the po w er su pplies are over vo ltage-limited. Failure m odes initiated by overvo ltage conditi ons are theref or e ina pplica ble. 3. Main Chassis power supply:

Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc L o s s o f o n e pow er su pp l y outp ut Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant m a i n c h a ss i s p o w er su pply. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt. Fa u lt alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 4. Main Chassis power supply:

Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc P o w er s u pp l y outpu ts fail (bo th po wer su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b Main pro ce ss or s fail a n d all an alog and digital outpu ts fail low F a ils to op e rate. 5. RXM Chassis power supply:

Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc L o s s o f o n e pow er su pp l y outp ut Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant R X M c h a ss i s p o w e r su pply. Main pro cessor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and flag board fau lt. Fa u lt al arm via Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le a la rm circu it. 6. RXM Chassis power supply:

Model 8310 N; 120Vac/Vdc P o w er s u pp l y outpu ts fail (bo th po wer su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A ll o u t p u t s f a i l l o w on all m odules in affected chassi s. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 62 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 7. Loop power supply for digital inputs: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc Power supp l y output voltage fails low (both power supplies fail) Fi r e; f l ood; miss ile C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (c) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. DI point cou ld also be wir ed as a power f ailure alarm to provide detecti o n (a pplication- sp ecif ic). 8. Loop power supply for digital inputs: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Power supp l y output voltage fails low (both power supplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. DI poin t cou ld also be wi red as a power f ailure alarm to provide detecti o n (a pplication-sp ecif ic). 9. Loop power supply for digital inputs: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc Power supp l y output voltage fails h i gh Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure; fir e; flood; miss ile C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s may fail low: provided f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DI poin ts C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt for modules with SAO/S AZ faul t detection on the inputs.

Fa u lt alarm via Main Chass is Pow er M od u le a la rm circu it. A pplication sp ecif ic mon it orin g requir ed to detect and alarm the f ailur e for rem aining modu les. 10. Loop power supply for digital outputs: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac Power supp l y output voltage fails low (both DC power supplies fail)

Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected b y t h e output vote r d ia gnostics on the affected D O m od ule, and by the DO m odule's field vo lta g e detection circu it, which w ill acti vate th e LOAD/F U SE alarm sin ce th e co mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta ge. 11. Loop power supply for digital outputs: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac Power supp l y output voltage fails low (One power supp l y fails) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. DI poin t cou ld also be wir ed as a power f ailure alarm to provide detecti o n (a pplication-sp ecif ic).

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 63 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 12. Loop power supply for digital outputs: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s may fail low; assumin g f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DO poin ts C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 13. Loop power supply for analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (both pow er su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail lo w (do w nscale) C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic m o n it or i n g alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su ltin g in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cess o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it. 14. Loop power supply for analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (o n e pow er su pp l y fails) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic m o n it or i n g alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su ltin g in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cess o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it. 15. Loop power supply for analog input modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts may fail lo w (do w nsca le); assuming f ailure vo ltage is hig h e n ough to burn out a ffected AI points C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic m o n it or i n g alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su ltin g in board fau lt alarm. Main pro cess o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it. 16. Loop power supply for analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (both pow er su pplies fail) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail lo w (do w nscale) C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 64 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 17. Loop power supply for analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low (o n e pow er su pp l y fails) Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal. 18. Loop power supply for analog output module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s may fail lo w (do w nsca le); assuming f ailure vo ltage is hig h e n ough to burn out a ffected AO poin ts C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 65 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty PLC C HASSIS-RELATED FAILURES

1. Main Chassis System Control Key Switch Si n g le f ai l u r e a ffec ting one leg tha t disagrees wit h the oth er le gs S h or t, op en C 1 a No e ff ect o n i n pu ts or outputs, which are voted by the two g ood le gs. The fail LED is turned on for the failed leg. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate w i t h t w o g ood le gs. 2. Main Chassis

System Control Key Switch M u lti ple f ai l u r es that ca use all three legs to mism atch (wit h key st op disab le d) Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 1 b T h e v oted k e y s witch chang es to STOP, but the a pplication progra m do es not halt b eca us e key stop is disab le d. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate w i t h s o m e d e g r a d ed capab ility, but st ill ab le to perf orm its safety f un c tion. Degrad ed capability - if the key switch was in REMOTE po s ition, the change to S T OP wou ld i nhib it remo te access. If th e key s wi t ch w as in PROGRAM po s ition , the change to S T OP wou ld inhib it progra mming cha nges. 3. Main Chassis

System Control Key Switch M u lti ple f ai l u r es that ca use all three legs to mism atch (wit h key st op enab le d) Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b T h e v oted k e y s witch chang es to STOP. T h e a pplicati o n pro g r am h a l ts w i t h o u t p u ts t u r n ed o ff.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 66 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 4. Main Chassis System Control Key Switch M u lti ple f ai l u res that ca use mu lti ple legs to fa il th e same w ay L oo s e co nn ect or , Elect rical power tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 1 b T h e v oted k e y s witch chang es to: REMOTE , R UN, PROGRAM, o r STOP. P L C can c on ti n u e to op e rate w i t h d e g r a d ed ca p a b ilit y , depending on th e change to the voted key s wi t ch v al u e: REMOTE to other: cou ld los e write access permission.

Other to REMOTE: cou ld perm it unwanted wr ite access to points. Other to STOP: depends on c onfiguration of key stop disab le - cou ld halt the a pplication. Oth er to PR OGRAM: cou ld p er m it unwanted progra mming chang es PR OGRAM to other: cou ld inhib it progra mming cha nges. ST OP t o R UN: unexpected start of th e a pplication program. 5. Main Chassis Power Supply Rails B o th rails fail op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C f ails to op e rate. A ll a n a l o g , d i gital a n d r el a y out pu ts turn off. 6. Main Chassis

Power Supply Rails O n e rail f a ils op en or sh orts to g ro und Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant m a i n c h a ss i s pow er su pply. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g pow er rail fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod u le alarm circuit.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 67 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 7. Main Chassis TRIBUS Serial Links A ll t h r ee l i n k s op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C f ails to op e rate 8. Main Chassis

TRIBUS Serial Links O n e o r t wo li n k s op en or sh ort to grou n d. Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/o r motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact T R I BUS. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag TRIB US link fault. 9. Main Chassis

I/O Bus A ll t h r ee b us e s op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I/O s i g nals d o w n s t r e a m o f an op en bus wi ll not be r ead. I/O si gnals w ill not be r ead for a sh orted bus cond ition. An al o g and digital outpu ts fail low at and past an open b us. P L C m icropro ce ss or s c o n ti nu e to op e rate, w i t h I/O lim it a tions as no ted. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g I/O bus fau lt. 10. Main Chassis

I/O Bus O n e o r t w o b us es op en or sh ort to ground Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact I/O b us (e s). Main pro ce ssor d iagnos tics w ill detect and flag I

/O bus faul t.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 68 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 11. Main Chassis Communications Bus A ll b us e s open o r sh ort to g round Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 4 a, C 4 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate as a s ta n d al o n e d e vice. Co mmun ic a tions to ex ternal terminals is in terrup ted. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and fla g co mm unicati ons bus fau lt. Wou ld requir e log ic in the ex tern al system to detect an d alarm th is f ailure (a pplication-sp eci f ic). 12. Main Chassis

Communications Bus O n e o r t w o b us es op en or sh ort to ground Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o n e P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate. Co mmun ic a tions to ex tern al devices con tinu es v ia intact co mm unication s b us(es). Main pro ce ssor d iagnos tics w ill detect and flag co mmunications bus fault. 13. Main Chassis

Communications Bus C o mm u n ic a ti o n from one MP to the two other s di ffers at the two oth er MPs Fail u r e o f r ecei v er at on e r eceiving MP C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne V oted o u t a n d ala r m e d. 14. Main Chassis

Battery P ack O u t pu t v o lt a g e fails low Batte r y a g ing o r sh ort circu it C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate, un l e s s f a il u r e i s c o n c u rr e n t wi th loss of all input power. Battery f ailure concu rrent with all power f ailure will resu lt in loss of ma in progra m memory from SRAM. Main p ro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and flag lo w battery vo ltage prior to failur e.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 69 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 15. RXM Chassis Power Supply Rails B o th rails fail op en or sh ort to g ro und Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals w i ll n o t b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low fo r sh orted rails, and fai l low at and past th e f ailure poin ts for op en rails. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in the failed R XM chass is as no ted, and all downstrea m chass is assembl ies. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag pow er rail fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 16. RXM Chassis

Power Supply Rails O n e rail f a ils op en or sh orts to g ro und Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n v ia r e d un d ant R X M c h a ss i s power su pply. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and flag pow er rail fau lt. Fault alarm via Main Chass is Pow er M od u le a la rm circu it. 17. RXM Chassis I/O Bus A ll b us e s open o r sh ort to g round Elect rical p o wer tra nsien t; fire; fl ood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals d o w n s t r e a m of an open bus will not be r ea d. Input signals wi ll no t b e r ead for a sh orted bu s cond ition. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C m icropro ce ss or s c o n ti nu e to op e rate, w i t h I/O lim it a tions in the spe ci f ic RXM chass is as no ted, and all downstream chass is a ssemb lies. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g I/O bus fau lt. 18. RXM Chassis I/O Bus O n e o r t w o b us es op en or sh ort to ground Elect rical p o w er tra nsien t and/or motherboar d insulati o n f ailur e C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact I/O b us (e s). Main pro ce ssor d iagnos tics w ill detect and flag I

/O bus faul t.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 70 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty PLC CABLE-RELATED FAILURES

1. Main Chassis

-to-RXM Chassis I/O Expansion Cables (set of 3 cables)

O p en ci r c uit, sh ort circu it o r hot sh ort in all thr ee ca bles Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; fire; flood; missiles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals d o w n s t r e a m of th e faulted ca bles w ill no t be r ead. An alog an d digital outpu ts fail low. P L C m icropro ce ss or s c o n ti nu e to op e rate, w i t h I/O lim it a tions downstream of th e I/O Expa nsion ca b le fau lt as no ted. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g I/O ca b le fault. 2. Main Chassis

-to-RXM Chassis I/O Expansion Cables (set of 3 cables)

O p en ci r c uit, sh ort circu it o r hot sh ort in one or two ca bles Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le c ut C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact I/O ca b le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnos tics will detect and flag I

/O ca b le faul t. 3. Main Chassis Communications Module:

Model 4352AN , Tricon Communication Module (TCM) - network cable O p en ci r c uit, sh ort circu it o r hot sh ort in ca b le Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le c ut C 1 a, C 1b , C 2a, C2b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate. Co mmun ic a tions to ex tern al netw or k devices is in te rrup ted. Main p ro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and fla g c o mm unicati ons fau lt. Requires a pplication-sp ecif ic alarming in th e e x tern al s ystem. 4. Primary RXM (4200 N) to Remote RXM (4201)

Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 6 fiber optic cables)

L o s s o f all t h r ee RXM transm it o r r eceive ca bles Fi r e; f l ood , miss iles C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals i n a f fected R XM cha ssis w ill not b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in the failed R XM cha ss is a s no ted. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wil l detect and flag R XM co mmunication s fau lt.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 71 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 5. Primary RXM (4200 N) to Remote RXM (4201)

Multi-mode Fiber Optics (set of 6 fiber optic cables) L o s s o f o n e or two RXM transm it o r r eceive ca bles Fi r e o r ca ble c ut C 1 a, C 1b , C 4a, C4b N o ne P L C c o n t i n u es to op e rate v ia i ntact RXM ca b le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnos tics will detect and flag R XM co mmunication s fau lt. 6. Chassis to Term Panel Cable

For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le cu t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 7. Chassis to Term Panel Cable

For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc S h or t ci r c u it ac ross DI point Fi r e o r ca ble c u t; term panel sh ort C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail high P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting; o r (c) a si ng le DI point h as b een us ed to indicate su pply of ex tern al pow er as a n a pplication sp eci f ic alarm. 8. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s may fail low; provided f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DI poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 9. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Digital Output Modules: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O p en ci r c u it Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca b le cu t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a P L C d i g it a l o u t p u t s w ill not be a ffected, bu t field devices will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DO poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 72 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 10. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Digital Output Modules: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; fire; flood; missiles C 3 a A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l b e detected b y DO m od u le fie ld vo lta g e detection circu it, which w ill acti vate th e LOAD/F U SE alarm sin ce th e c o mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta g e. 11. Chassis to Term Panel Cable

For Digital Output Modules: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s may fail low; assumin g f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 12. Chassis to Term Panel Cable

For Analog Input Modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca ble c u t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 3 a A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail lo w (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic mon it oring alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su lt ing in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circuit. 13. Chassis to Term Panel Cable

For Analog Input Modules:

Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected a n al o g i n puts may fail lo w (do w nsca le); assuming f ailure vo ltage is hig h e n ough to burn out a ffected AI points P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w o r h i gh r a ng e d ia g n o s tic m on it oring alar m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Power Mod u le alarm circui t.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 73 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 14. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Analog Output Module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O p en ci r c u it Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; ca ble c u t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 3 a A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t end devices will fail low (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es operati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Lo ad Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal. 15. Chassis to Term Panel Cable

For Analog Output Module:

Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und or ho t sh ort Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca ble; fire; flood; missiles C 3 a A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale for a sh ort circu it, and ma y fail low for a hot sh ort; assuming fa ilure vo lta g e is high enough to bur n out affected AO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each cha nnel. Failure o f any dia gnos tic on any chann el acti vates the modu le's Fau lt Indicat or, which in turn activ ates the chass is alarm signal. TERMINATI O N PANEL-RELATED FAILURES

1. Term Panel

For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 V/Vd O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 2 a, C 2b , C 3b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 2. Term Panel

For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc S h or t ci r c u it ac ross DI point Fi r e o r ca ble c u t; term panel sh ort C 2 a, C 2b , C 3a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will fail high P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DI poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 74 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 3. Term Panel For Digital Input Modules: Model 3501TN2; 115 Vac/Vdc Model 3503EN2; 24 Vac/Vdc H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital i n p u t s may fail low; provided f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DI poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 4. Term Panel

For Digital Output Module s: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac O p en ci r c u it Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure C 2 a, C 2b , C 3b P L C d i g it a l o u t p u t s w ill not be a ffected, bu t field devices will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) DO poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h m easur ed parame ters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 5. Term Panel

For Digital Output Module s: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und Fi r e; f lood; miss iles o r ca b le fault; term panel sh ort C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s will fail low P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l b e detected b y DO m od u le fie ld vo lta g e detection circu it, which w ill acti vate th e LOAD/F U SE alarm since th e c o mmand ed DO state will no t m atch th e detected field vo lta g e; or by the OVD d ia gnost ic if the failed state matc h es th e cu rrent demand ed state. 6. Term Panel For Digital Output Module s: Model 3601T N; 115 Vac H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected d i gital ou t p u t s may fail low; assumin g f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected DO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M a i n pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fault. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 7. Term Panel

For Analog Input Module s: Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g i n puts will fail lo w (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w r a n g e d ia gn o s t ic mon it oring alarm (channel violation of allow ed to leran ce) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics w ill detect and flag boar d fau lt v ia Main Ch a ssis Pow er Mod ule alarm circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 75 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX A: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 8. Term Panel For Analog Input Module s: Model 3703E N; 0-5, 0-10 Vdc Model 3721 N; 0-5/-5 to +5 Vdc H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected a n al o g i n puts may fail high or lo w (do w nsca le); assumi ng f ailure vo ltage is hig h en ough to burn out a ffected AI points P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. L o w o r h i gh r a ng e d ia g n o s tic m on it oring alar m (chann el violation of allow ed to lerance) re su lting in board fau lt alarm. Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics wi ll detect and fla g board fau lt v ia Main Chass is Power Mod u le alarm circui t. 9. Term Panel

For Analog Output Module s: Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma O p en ci r c u it Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 3 a, C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t end devices will fail low (do w nscale) P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Lo ad Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal. 10. Term Panel

For Analog Output Module s: Model 3805 HN; 4-20ma S h or t ci r c u it to g ro und or ho t sh ort Fa u lt i n a d j ace n t po wer ca b le C 3 a A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale for a sh ort circu it, and ma y fail low for a hot sh ort; assuming fa ilure vo lta g e is high enough to bur n out affected AO poin ts P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Each a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Fau lt Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 76 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Appendix B - FMEA; PPS Tricon (Non

-Safety Related Components)

NOTE: Failure Category Column The Failure Category column in the FMEA Table shows the primary failure categories. For example nearly all single failures on the Tricon modules are in the C1a and C1b category since the diagnostic coverage is in the 95 to 99% range.

T he C2a and C2b categories represent the small percentage of failures that are not detected by self

-diagnostics and require additional levels of protection. Power and Termination The FMEA assumes that all loop power supplies are redundant (two power supplies). The FMEA also includes the termination panels and termination cables. These panels and cables have many single points of failure and these failures are typically considered as a part of the connected I/O device. In many cases they are neglected since the panel and cable failure rates are very low compared to the failure rate of the connected I/O device (Reference 3.3.4).

Tricon Platform FMEA Qualification As of the date of this document, the Tricon V10.5.3 is the most current nuclear qualified product, subsequent to two maintenance releases (V10.5.2 and V10.5.3) since V10.5.1 (the version upon which the NRC based its Tricon V10 SER for generic nuclear industry approval). The V10 Tricon Reference Design Change Analysis, Revision 0 [Reference 3.3.11] identifies and characterizes the platform changes that have occurred since V10.5.1 and evaluates the significance of the changes as they relate to documents under review for the PPS Replacement System.

Qualification of Tricon V10.5.1 was by analysis based on the Tricon V10.2.1 tests. Tricon V10.5.1 essentially represents the further evolutionary upgrades and bug fixes made to platform software since V10.2.1 was released. Qualification evaluations have determined that the routine product upgrades have not altered the critical characteristics of the product, i.e., current modules have the same (or better) functional and environmental characteristics as the Tricon V10.2.1 Test Specimen FMEA provided in the Triconex Topical Report 7286-545-1-A, revision 4 [Reference 3.3.2].

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 77 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 1. Remote RXM Chassis Model 4201; Remote Extender Module (RXM), Multi- mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules)

L o s s o f all thr ee R XM modules Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; softwar e co mmon mode f ailure C 3 b I n p u t s i g nals i n a f fected R XM cha ssis will not b e r ead. An alog and digital outpu ts fail low. C o n t i n ues to op e rate, w i t h l o s s o f I/O f u ncti o n in t h e failed Remote R XM chassis, and all downstream cha ssis a ssembl ies (if any). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag RXM c o mm unicati ons fau lt. Non-safety trip outputs go to OFF:


2. Remote RXM Chassis

Model 4201; Remote Extender Module (RXM), Multi- mode Fiber Optics (set of 3 modules) L o s s o f o n e or two R XM modules Elect ro nics o r softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 4 a, C4b N o ne C o n t i n ues to op e rate v ia i ntact RXM m o d u le (s). Main pro ce ssor d ia gnostics will detect and flag R XM modu le fault. 3. Digital input modules: Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n one le g. Elect ro nic com ponen t or mu lti ple com ponent s on different points. C 1 a, C 1b; C2 a, C2b if point is normally OFF N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally OFF, which do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault. 4. Digital input modules:

Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck OFF o n mu lti p le legs. M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o n same point or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b, C 3b,and C2 a, C2b if point is normally OFF A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail low C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally OFF, which do es not include Stu ck Off d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 78 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 5. Digital input modules:

Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r one leg Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure o r mu lti ple com ponen t f ailur es o n di fferen t points. C 1 a, C 1b; C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501E if point is normally ON. N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l b e detected f o r all DI m od ules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally ON, which do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic capab ility. Non-detectable fault.

6. Digital input modules: Model 3501 E; 115 Vac/Vdc I n p u t po i n t (s) stuck ON fo r mu lti p le legs M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o n same point or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b, , C 3b C2 a, C2b onl y for 3501E if point is normally ON. A f fected d i gital i n p u t (s) will fail high.

U n a b le to correctly dete r m i n e t h e state o f t h e a f fected point(s). Cond iti o n will be detected for all DI modules ex ce p t Model 3501E if the point is norm ally ON, which do es not include Stu ck On d ia gnost ic capab ility. 7. Digital input modules:

Model 3501E; 115 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le gs. Elect ro n ic com ponent f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 8. Digital input modules: Model 3501E; 115 Vac/Vdc C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Elect ro n ic com ponen t f ailur es on all legs or comm. Softwar e f ailure C 3 b A f fected d i gital i n p u t s will not be r ead. T reats all a f fected i n p u t po i n ts as OFF. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gnostics will detect and flag board fau lt(s). Fa u lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala rm circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 79 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 9. Analog output module:

Model 3805E; 4

-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on one or two le gs. Elect ro n ic com ponen t f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. E ach a n al o g o u t p u t m o d u le s us tains complete o ngoi ng d ia gnostics for each leg. Fai l ure of an y d ia gnost ic on any leg acti v ates the module's Fau lt Indicat or, whi ch in turn acti v ates the chass is alarm signal. Failur e of all thr ee legs for a given output will acti vate the Lo ad Indicat or, and outpu t will not be driven. 10. Analog output module:

Model 3805E; 4

-20ma O u t pu t s i gnal fails high o r low on all three le gs. M u lti p le elect ro nic com ponen t f ailur es o r firmwar e f ai l u r e C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail to u nknow n v al u e. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. E ach an alog out put m od ule sus tains complete ongoing dia gnostics for each leg. Failure of any diag no s tic on any leg activates the module's Fa u lt Indicat or, which in turn activates the chass is alarm si gn a l. 11. Analog output module:

Model 3805E; 4

-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two le g s. Elect ro n ic com ponen t f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1 b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it. 12. Analog output module:

Model 3805E; 4

-20ma C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. M u lti p le module elect ro n ic s f ailure o r c omm. softwar e f ailure C 3 b A f fected a n al o g o u t p u t s will fail dow nscale. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. Fau lt ala r m v ia Main Chass is Pow er Mod u le ala r m circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 80 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 13. Analog output module:

Model 3805E; 4

-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on multiple legs. C o m po n e n ts o f the self- cali brati o n vo ltage- referen ce circu its for all legs drift over tim e. C 3 b A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. M i n i m u m proof te s t i n te r v al i s on ce every 30 months to detect co mmon ca use drif t. 14. Analog output module:

Model 3805E; 4

-20ma Mod ule acc uracy out of specification on a s in gle leg. C o m po n e n ts o f the self- cali brati o n vo ltage- referen ce circu its for all legs drift over i C 1 a, C 2 a A f fected o u t p u t s c o u ld po te ntially be outside of the pub lish ed accuracy. C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Si g n i ficant d e viati on s a r e detected and alarmed. 15. Relay output module:

Model 3636T; Relay Output R el a y o u t p u t fails op en or clos ed Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C2b I f r el a y c o ntact o r f use, a ffected field loads fro m r elay outputs w ill fail to the corres pondi ng output state. If in ternal fau lt, n o eff ect o n outpu t. U n a b le to c o n t ro l a f f ect e d o u t p u t po i n t s , if c ontact o r fuse fau lt. R el a y contact or fuse faults will not be detecte d. A ll in tern al faults will be detected by R O d ia gnostics and alarmed. 16. Relay output module:

Model 3636T; Relay Output C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on one or two legs Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure(s) C 1 a, C 1b, C 2 a, C2b N o ne C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. Main pro ce ss o r d ia gn o s tics will detect and flag boar d fau lt. Fault alarm v ia Main Chassis Pow er Mod u le alarm circu it.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 81 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 17. Relay output module:

Model 3636T; Relay Output C o mm o n pro ce ss i ng f ailure on all thr ee legs. Mod ule elect ro nics f ailure o r comm. softwar e f ailure C 1 a, C 1b , C 2 a, C 2b, C 3b A f fected r el a y o u t p uts w i l l be OPE N. U n a b le to c o n t ro l t h e a ff ected o u t p u t po i n t s. Main pro ce ssor d ia g no stics w ill detect and flag board fau lt. R elay contact or f us e fau lts will not be detecte d. Fa u lt alarm v ia Main Ch a ssis Power Mod u le alarm circui t. 18. Loop power supply for relay output module:

Model 3636T; Relay Output P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails low Elect ro nic com ponent or fuse fa ilure C 2 a, C 2 b A ffected field l o a d s fro m r elay ou tputs w ill fail to the de-ene rgized state C o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n diti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) pow er su pp l y f ailure was alarmed, or (b) RO poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h cont rolled parameters; or (c) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting. 19. Loop power supply for relay output module:

Model 3636T; Relay Output P o w er s u pp l y output vo lt age fails hi gh Elect ro nic com ponen t f ailure C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a d s f r o m r elay outputs ma y fail to the de-energized state; assuming f ailur e voltage is high enough to burn out fie ld devices (a pplication-sp ecific f ailure). P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. R e l a y c o ntac t s m a y f l a s h ov er i f f ailure vo ltage ex cee ds maximum sp ecified vo ltag e. 20. Term Panel

For Relay Output Module s: Model 3636T; Relay Output O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fi r e; f l ood; miss iles; te r m pan el f us e f ailure or short C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a ds from r elay outputs will fail to the de- energized state P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) R O poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h cont rolled parameters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 82 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 21. Term Panel For Relay Output Module s: Model 3636T; Relay Output H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n adj acent po wer ca b le C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a d s f r o m r elay outputs ma y fail to the de-energized state; assuming f ailur e voltage is high enough to burn out fie ld devices (a pplication-sp ecific f ailure). P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. R e l a y c o ntac t s m a y f l a s h ov er i f f ailure vo ltage ex cee ds maximum sp ecified vo ltag e. 22. Chassis to Term Panel Cable

For Relay Output Module:

Model 3636T; Relay Output O p en ci r c u it o r sh ort circu it to g ro und Fa u lt i n adj acent po wer ca ble; ca ble c u t; fir e; fl ood; miss iles C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a ds from r elay outputs will fail to the de-energized state P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. C o n d iti o n w i l l n o t b e detected un less: (a) R O poin t f ailur es trigger ed alarms a ssociated wit h cont rolled parameters; or (b) by peri odic chann el ch ecks or survei lla n ce te s ting.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 83 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX B: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS FOR TRICON V10.

x TMR P LC (Non-Safety Related Components)

A ff ec t ed C o m p o n e n t s Failure M o de Failure M ech a ni s m Failure C at e go ry E ff ect o n P L C I n p u ts a nd O u t pu t s E ff ect o n P L C Oper abili ty 23. Chassis to Term Panel Cable For Relay Output Module:

Model 3636T; Relay Output H o t sh or t Fa u lt i n adj acent po wer ca b le C 2 a, C 2 b A f fected field l o a d s f r o m r elay outputs ma y fail to the de-energized state; assuming f ailur e voltage is high enough to burn out fie ld devices (a pplication-sp ecific f ailure). P L C c o n t i n u es op e rati o n. R e l a y c o ntac t s m a y f l a s h ov er i f f ailure vo ltage ex cee ds maximum sp ecified vo ltag e.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 84 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Appendix C - FMEA; Safety-Related Software APPENDIX C - FMEA FOR SAFETY

-RELATED SOFTWARE Affected Software Failure Mode/ Detectable or Undetectable Failure Mechanism Effect on Tricon System/Barriers to Overcome to Achieve Failure

1. Application software One or more functions fails to execute/ Detectable Intentional or unintentional change to software Effects could be from minimal to complete shutdown of system to safe state. For this event to occur, a person with knowledge of the Tricon and TriStation 1131 would need to:

b) build and compile new application program with all errors resolved, c) physically connect PC to Tricon; which should be administratively prohibited while system is operational, d) perform download procedures, e) direct Tricon to run new application. Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.

2. Application software Random bit change/Detectable Cosmic radiation, inadvertent moisture addition, etc.

None. The nature of a failure of this type would only appear on one of the three MPs at a time.

Any change to program, input or output data would be voted as bad at any number of points based on triple redundancy architecture. Redundant PPS legs are unaffected.

3. Application software Erroneous data and I/O outputs/Detectable One or more functions not programmed correctly Effect could be from minimal to complete shutdown of system to a safe state depending on error.

For this event to occur, the error or omission would have to go undetected from design review, design verification, emulator testing, verification and validation.

Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.

4. Application software Erroneous data and I/O outputs/Undetectable Undetected program bug Tricon will operate erratically.

Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.

5. Connection to external networks or software.

Extraneous message or virus is introduced/Detectable Inadvertent connection to a network or outside software. Tricon will operate as normal.

Tricon will reject any message that does not pass error checking algorithms, handshake checks, or unexpected protocols.

Additionally, access through ports or drives should be controlled through one or more means of administrative controls, physical blocking, or software disabling.

Redundant PPS channels are unaffected.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 85 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Appendix D - FMEA; Input Signal Loading APPENDIX D

- FMEA FOR INPUT SIGNAL LOADING Process Variable Parameter Protection Set I Protection Set II Protection Set III Protection Set IV Loading Analysis

1. DTTA Upper Neutron Flux NE-41A Loop 1 NE-42A Loop 2 NE-43A Loop 3 NE-44A Loop 4 Redundant upper flux in each Protection Set. 2. DTTA Lower Neutron Flux NE-41B Loop 1 NE-42B Loop 2 NE-43B Loop 3 NE-44B Loop 4 Redundant lower flux in each Protection Set. 3. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Te mperature Channels Hot/Cold Legs TE-413 A Loop 1 TE-413B Loop 1 TE-433A Loop 3 TE-433B Loop 3 All four loops are input into the Protection Sets - Loops 1 & 2 into PS1; Loops 3 & 4 into PS2. The Thot & Tcold for each loop enter on same AI module.
4. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Te mperature Channels Hot/Cold Legs TE-423A Loop 2 TE-443 B Loop 2 TE-443B Loop 4 TE-443A Loop 4 All four loops are input into the Protection Sets - Loops 1 & 2 into PS1; Loops 3

& 4 into PS 2. The Thot & Tcold for each loop enter on same AI module. 5. DTTA Pressurizer Pressure PT-455 Loop 1 PT-456 Loop 2 PT-457 Loop 3 PT-474 Loop 4 Redundant pressurizer pressure in each Protection Set.

6. DTTA Thot TE-410A Loop 1 Thot-1A TE-411A Loop 1 Thot- 2A TE-412A Loop 1 Thot -3A TE-410C Loop 1 Thot- 1B TE-411C Loop 1 Thot -2B TE-412C Loop 1 Thot- 3B TE-420A Loop 2 Thot-1A TE-421A Loop 2 Thot- 2A TE-422A Loop 2 Thot -3A TE-420C Loop 2 Thot- 1B TE-421C Loop 2 Thot -2B TE-422C Loop 2 Thot- 3B TE-430A Loop 3 Thot-1A TE-431A Loop 3 Thot- 2A TE-432A Loop 3 Thot -3A TE-430C Loop 3 Thot- 1B TE-431C Loop 3 Thot -2B TE-432C Loop 3 Thot- 3B TE-440A Loop 4 Thot-1A TE-441A Loop 4 Thot- 2A TE-442A Loop 4 Thot -3A TE-440C Loop 4 Thot- 1B TE-441C Loop 4 Thot -2B TE-442C Loop 4 Thot- 3B Multiple Thot inputs from a single loop on two different AI modules in each Protection Set. Each Protection Set has inputs from the corresponding loop number.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 86 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX D

- FMEA FOR INPUT SIGNAL LOADING Process Variable Parameter Protection Set I Protection Set II Protection Set III Protection Set IV Loading Analysis

7. DTTA Tcold TE-410B Loop 1 Tcold-1 TE-411B Loop 1 Tcold-2 TE-420B Loop 2 Tcold-1 TE-421B Loop 2 Tcold-2 TE-430B Loop 3 Tcold-1 TE-431B Loop 3 Tcold-2 TE-440B Loop 4 Tcold-1 TE-441B Loop 4 Tcold-2 Multiple Tcold inputs from a single loop on two different AI modules in each Protection Set.

Each Protection Set has inputs from the corresponding loop number. 8. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Pres su re Ch annels PT-403 Loop 4 PT-405 Loop 3 Reactor coolant pressure from two different loops input to two Protection Sets. 9. Wide R ange Reactor C ool ant Pres su re Ch annels Input to Res idual Heat Re moval (RHR) va lv e i nterlo c k cir c u i t PT-403A Loop 4 PT-405A Loop 4 Redundant loops in two Protection sets.

10. Pres surizer High W at e r Level Reactor Trip LT-459 LT-460 LT-461 Pres s uriz e r High W at e r L e v e l is redundant in Protection Sets I, II & III.
11. Pres surizer Vapor Space Tempera ture Low TE-454 This interlock augments the loop 4 wide range pressure parameter (PT

-405A) for Residual Heat Removal (RHR) cold leg isolation valve V

-8701. Redundancy is not required. 12. Steam Flow FT-512 Loop 1 FT-522 Loop 2 FT-532 Loop 3 FT-542 Loop 4 FT-513 Loop 1 FT-523 Loop 2 FT-533 Loop 3 FT-543 Loop 4 Each of the 4 loops is redundant in Protection Sets 1 & 2.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 87 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX D

- FMEA FOR INPUT SIGNAL LOADING Process Variable Parameter Protection Set I Protection Set II Protection Set III Protection Set IV Loading Analysis

13. Steam Line Pressure PT-514 Loop 1 PT-524 Loop 2 PT-534 Loop 3 PT-544 Loop 4 PT-515 Loop 1 PT-525 Loop 2 PT-535 Loop 3 PT-545 Loop 4 PT-526 Loop 2 PT-536 Loop 3 PT-516 Loop 1 PT-546 Loop 4 Each of the 4 loops is input to at least 3 Protection Sets.
14. Steam Gen erat o r Narrow Ra nge Level Channels S/G Low-Low Level Reactor Trip and Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) Pump Start LT-529 S/G 2 LT-539 S/G 3 LT-51 9 S/G 1 LT-549 S/G 4 LT-518 S/G 1 LT-528 S/G 2 LT-538 S/G 3 LT-5 48 S/G 4 LT-517 S/G 1 LT-527 S/G 2 LT-537 S/G 3 LT-5 47 S/G 4 Each of the 4 loops is input to 3 Protection Sets. 15. Turbine Im pu l se Power Low C-5 Interlock PT-505 Turbine I m pu l se Power Low C-5 Interlock is to prevent automatic outward rod motion when power is less than the design limit for the Rod Control System.
16. Turbine Im pu l se Chamber Pressu r e High P-13 Interlock PT-505 PT-506 Turbine I m pu l se C h a mber Pressu r e High P-13 Interlock is to p rovid e an inp ut to P-7 i ndicati ve of low turbine power wh en less t han t he setp o i n t.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 88 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 Appendix E - FMEA; PPS Buyout Components APPENDIX E - FMEA FOR PPS BUYOUT COMPONENTS Affected Components Failure Mode/ Detectable or Undetectable Failure Mechanism Failure Category Effect on Tricon Inputs and Outputs/Effect on PPS Effect on Tricon Operability

1. 24 VDC Loop Power Supply for Digital I/O field loops (3503EN2) Kepco; HSF-24-4.5PFC Loss of one power supply output/ Detectable Power or electronics failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.
2. 24 VDC Loop Power Supply for Digital I/O field loops (3503EN2)

Kepco; HSF-24-4.5PFC Power Supply output Fails High or low/ Detectable Electronic component or fuse failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.

3. 48 VDC Loop Power Supply for Analog I/O field loops (3721N)

Kepco; HSF-48-3.3PFC Loss of one power supply output/ Detectable Power or electronics failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.

4. 48 VDC Loop Power Supply for Analog I/O field loops (3721N) Kepco; HSF-48-3.3PFC Power Supply output Fails High or low/ Detectable Electronic component or fuse failure N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate through redundant Kepco power supply feed. "PS X Trouble" alarm is generated by loss of one instrument power supply.

Document: 993754-1-811 Title: FAILURE MODES AND EFFECTS ANALYSIS Revision: 1 Page: 89 of 89 Date: 02/21/2014 APPENDIX E - FMEA FOR PPS BUYOUT COMPONENTS Affected Components Failure Mode/ Detectable or Undetectable Failure Mechanism Failure Category Effect on Tricon Inputs and Outputs/Effect on PPS Effect on Tricon Operability

5. Analog Input Terminator

-- For 3721N AI Module

-- Triconex; 4000220-001N Errors on unused Analog Input points Manufacturing error, bent connector pin(s) N/A None/None Tricon continues to operate. Analog errors for unused points are reported, as applicable.

6. Media Converter Garrettcom; 14EH-ST-9VDC Complete loss of data throughput/

Detectable Media Converter power supply failure N/A None/None Note: If loss occurs during Maintenance Mode, Points will remain in previously selected states (bypass, OOS).

Tricon continues to operate. Communication error reported.

7. Media Converter Garrettcom; 14EH-ST-9VDC Complete loss of data throughput/

Detectable Cable problem; broken or disconnected N/A None/None Note: If loss occurs during Maintenance Mode, Points will remain in previously selected states (bypass, OOS).

Tricon continues to operate. Communication error reported. 8. Media Converter Garrettcom; 14EH-ST-9VDC Data loss, garbled data, data collisions/

Detectable Component or firmware errors, or configuration setup error N/A None/None Note: If loss occurs during Maintenance Mode, Points will remain in previously selected states (bypass, OOS).

Tricon continues to operate. Communication error reported.