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#REDIRECT [[1CAN031503, ANP-3300Q2NP, Revision 0, Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1.]]
| number = ML15071A055
| issue date = 03/31/2015
| title = ANP-3300Q2NP, Revision 0, Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1.
| author name =
| author affiliation = AREVA, Inc
| addressee name =
| addressee affiliation = NRC/NRR
| docket = 05000313
| license number = DPR-051
| contact person =
| case reference number = 1CAN031503
| document report number = ANP-3300Q2NP, Rev. 0
| document type = Report, Technical
| page count = 42
{{#Wiki_filter:Attachment 2 to I CAN031503 AREVA document ANP-3300Q2NP, Revision 0"Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1" NON-PROPRIETARY AREVA Response to Request for Additional ANP-3300Q2NP Information on Reactor Coolant System Revision 0 Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 March 2015 AREVA Inc.(c) 2015 AREVA Inc.
© 2015 AREVA Inc.All Rights Reserved AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paae i Nature of Changes Item 1 Section(s) or Page(s)All Description and Justification Initial Issue AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page ii Contents Pa1.e
5 1.1 Issue Identification
6 2 .1 E V IB R A I 5 ..........................................................................................
..6 2.1.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-5
6 2.1.2 EVIB RAI 5 Response:
6 2.2 EV IB-RA I-6 .........................................................................................
18 2.2.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-6
18 2.2.2 EVIB-RAI-6 Response:
18 2.3 EV IB -R A I-7 .........................................................................................
30 2.3.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-7
30 2.3.2 EVIB-RAI-7 Response:
30 2.4 EV IB-R A I-8 .........................................................................................
31 2.4.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-8
31 2.4.2 EVIB-RAI-8 Response:
31 2.5 EV IB-R A I-9 .........................................................................................
32 2.5.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-9
32 2.5.2 EVIB-RAI-9 Response ...............................................................
32 3.0 R E FE R EN C ES ..............................................................................................
34 A P P E N D IX A .................................................................................................................
35 List of Tables Table EVIB-RAI-5-1:
Beltline -50 F/hr Heatup ...........................................................
7 Table EVIB-RAI-5-2:
Beltline -70 F/hr Heatup .........................................................
10 Table EVIB-RAI-5-3:
Beltline -90 F/hr Heatup .........................................................
12 Table EVIB-RAI-5-4:
Beltline -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP T ripped at 255F ..................................................................................
14 Table EVIB-RAI-5-5:
Beltline -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP T ripped at 255F ..................................................................................
16 Table EVIB-RAI-6-1:
Nozzle -50 F/hr Heatup .........................................................
19 Table EVIB-RAI-6-2:
Nozzle -70 F/hr Heatup .........................................................
22 Table EVIB-RAI-6-3:
Nozzle -90 F/hr Heatup .........................................................
24 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page iii Table EVIB-RAI-6-4:
Nozzle -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F ..................................................................................
26 Table EVIB-RAI-6-5:
Nozzle -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F ..................................................................................
28 Table 7-3: Tech. Spec. P-T Limits for Normal Cooldown ...........................................
35 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Pace iv Nomenclature (If applicable)
Acronym ADAMS ANO-1/ANO1
'F ft-lb ID Kit LAR LTOP P-T RAI RCS RPV/RV RVCH TS Definition Agencywide Documents Access and Management system Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Degree Fahrenheit foot-pound Inside Diameter Thermal Stress Intensity Factor License Amendment Request Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Pressure -Temperature Request for Additional Information Reactor Coolant System Reactor Pressure Vessel/ Reactor Vessel Reactor Vessel Closure Head Technical Specifications AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 5
By letter dated November 21, 2014 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management system (ADAMS) Accession Number ML14330A249), Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy the licensee), submitted a license amendment request (LAR), Reference (1), to revise the Technical Specifications (TS) for the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure and Temperature (P-T) Limits (TS 3.4.3), Pressurizer (TS 3.4.9), Pressurizer Safety Valves (TS 3.4.10), and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) System (TS 3.4.11)at Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1). The proposed revision would extend the applicability of the current limits from 31 EFPY to 54 EFPY. The NRC staff has determined that additional information is required regarding the LAR, Reference (3).Information considered proprietary to AREVA in the following discussions is enclosed in brackets [ ].1.1 Issue Identification During compilation of data to support the response to EVIB-RAI#5, it was noted that three data points given in Table 7-3 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Reference (4) (namely, allowable pressures at 160, 165, and 170 0 F) actually fall on one of the non-limiting pump trip curves (last RCP trip case at 200°F rather than the more conservative last RCP trip case at 255 0 F). The minor differences in these values are not discernable in the graphic presentation of the PT curves, as illustrated in Figure 7-2 of ANP-3300, Rev.1. The values from the limiting curve are provided in the update to Table 7-3 in Appendix A. This Table replaces that reported on Page 19, Table 7-3 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1.
AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 6 2.0 REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The NRC requests for additional information (RAIs) are reproduced from Reference (3)in Sections 2.1.1 through 2.5.1. Responses are in Sections 2.1.2 through EVIB RAI 5 2.1.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-5 For the analysis of the reactor pressure vessel beltline region P-T limits, provide tabulations of the metal temperatures at the one quarter of wall thickness (1/4t) and three-quarters of wall thickness (3/4t) locations, the thermal stress intensity factor (Kit)at the 1/4t and 3/4t locations and coolant temperature, all as a function of the transient time for the following transients:
a) Three heatup transients, as defined in Section 4.6.1 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1, of 50 deg/hr, 70 deg/hr, and 90 deg/hr.b) Two cooldown transients with last reactor coolant pump trip at 255 deg F, as defined in ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Section 4.6.2, for both ramp and step transients.
2.1.2 EVIB RAI 5 Response: The requested results are provided in the following attached tables: Table Number Description EVIB-RAI-5-1 Beltline -50 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-5-2 Beltline -70 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-5-3 Beltline -90 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-5-4 Beitline -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F EVIB-RAI-5-5 Beltline -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 7 Table EVIB-RAI-5-1:
Beltline -50 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksi'/in ksi'/in 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 89.58 110.0 95.67 117.3 101.76 124.7 107.92 132.0 114.01 139.3 120.10 146.7 126.26 154.0 132.35 161.3 138.44 168.7 144.61 176.0 150.69 183.3 156.78 190.7 162.95 198.0 169.03 205.3 175.12 212.7 181.29 220.0 187.37 227.3 193.46 234.7 199.63 242.0 205.71 249.3 211.80 256.6 217.88 264.0 224.05 271.3 230.14 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 8 278.6 236.23 286.0 242.39 293.3 248.48 300.6 254.57 308.0 260.74 315.3 266.82 322.6 272.91 330.0 279.08 337.3 285.16 344.6 291.25 352.0 297.42 359.3 303.50 366.6 309.59 374.0 315.76 381.3 321.84 388.6 327.93 396.0 334.10 403.3 340.18 410.6 346.27 418.0 352.44 425.3 358.52 432.6 364.61 440.0 370.78 447.3 376.87 454.6 382.95 462.0 389.12 469.3 395.21 476.6 401.29 484.0 407.46 491.3 413.55 498.6 419.63 506.0 425.80 513.3 431.89 520.6 437.97 528.0 444.14 535.3 450.22 542.6 456.31 550.0 462.47 557.3 468.56 564.6 474.64 572.0 480.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I____ __ Page 9 579.3 486.89 586.6 492.98 594.0 499.14 601.3 505.23 608.6 511.31 616.0 517.48 623.3 523.56 630.6 529.65 638.0 535.81 645.3 541.90 652.6 547.98 660.0 554.15 667.3 560.23 674.7 566.40 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paqe 10 Table EVIB-RAI-5-2:
Beltline -70 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksi~1in ksblin 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 91.83 110.0 100.35 117.3 108.88 124.7 117.53 132.0 126.06 139.3 134.59 146.7 143.23 154.0 151.76 161.3 160.29 168.7 168.93 176.0 177.46 183.3 185.99 190.7 194.64 198.0 203.17 205.3 211.70 212.7 220.34 220.0 228.87 227.3 237.40 234.7 246.04 242.0 254.57 249.3 263.10 256.6 271.63 264.0 280.28 271.3 288.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 11 278.6 297.34 286.0 305.98 293.3 314.51 300.6 323.04 308.0 331.68 315.3 340.21 322.6 348.74 330.0 357.39 337.3 365.92 344.6 374.45 352.0 383.09 359.3 391.62 366.6 400.15 374.0 408.79 381.3 417.32 388.6 425.85 396.0 434.50 403.3 443.03 410.6 451.56 418.0 460.20 425.3 468.73 432.6 477.26 440.0 485.91 447.3 494.43 454.6 502.96 462.0 511.61 469.3 520.14 476.6 528.67 484.0 537.31 491.3 545.84 498.6 554.37 506.0 563.02 512.0 570.03 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 12 Table EVIB-RAI-5-3:
Beltline -90 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F)  7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 94.05 110.0 105.00 117.3 115.95 124.7 127.05 132.0 138.00 139.3 148.95 146.7 160.05 154.0 171.00 161.3 181.95 168.7 193.05 176.0 204.00 183.3 214.95 190.7 226.05 198.0 237.00 205.3 247.95 212.7 259.06 220.0 270.01 227.3 280.96 234.7 292.06 242.0 303.01 249.3 313.96 256.6 324.91 264.0 336.01 271.3 346.96 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Page 13 278.6 357.91 286.0 369.01 293.3 379.96 300.6 390.91 308.0 402.01 315.3 412.97 322.6 423.92 330.0 435.02 337.3 445.97 344.6 456.92 352.0 468.02 359.3 478.97 366.6 489.92 374.0 501.02 381.3 511.97 388.6 522.92 396.0 534.02 403.3 544.97 410.6 555.92 418.0 567.02 420.0 570.02 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 14 Table EVIB-RAI-5-4:
Beltline -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksilin 7.3 557.83 14.7 545.50 22.0 533.33 29.3 521.17 36.7 508.83 44.0 496.67 51.3 484.50 58.7 472.17 66.0 460.00 73.3 447.83 80.7 435.50 88.0 423.33 95.3 411.17 102.7 398.83 110.0 386.67 117.3 374.50 124.7 362.17 132.0 350.00 139.3 337.83 146.7 325.50 154.0 313.33 161.3 301.17 168.7 288.83 176.0 278.33 183.3 272.25 190.7 260.75 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 224.08 242.0 218.00 249.3 211.91 256.6 205.83 264.0 199.66 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 15 271.3 193.58 278.6 187.49 286.0 181.33 293.3 175.24 300.6 169.16 308.0 162.99 315.3 156.91 322.6 150.82 330.0 147.33 337.3 144.29 344.6 141.25 352.0 138.16 359.3 135.12 366.6 132.08 374.0 128.99 381.3 125.95 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 98.45 454.6 95.41 462.0 92.33 469.3 89.28 476.6 86.24 484.0 83.16 491.3 80.12 498.6 77.07 506.0 73.99 513.3 70.95 520.6 67.91 528.0 64.83 535.3 61.78 539.6 59.99 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 16 Table EVIB-RAI-5-5:
Beltline -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksi/iq_7.3 530.00 14.7 530.00 22.0 530.00 29.3 480.00 36.7 480.00 44.0 480.00 51.3 480.00 58.7 430.00 66.0 430.00 73.3 430.00 80.7 430.00 88.0 380.00 95.3 380.00 102.7 380.00 110.0 380.00 117.3 330.00 124.7 330.00 132.0 330.00 139.3 330.00 146.7 280.00 154.0 280.00 161.3 280.00 168.7 280.00 176.0 270.00 183.3 270.00 190.7 255.00 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 205.00 242.0 205.00 249.3 205.00 256.6 205.00 264.0 180.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 17 271.3 180.00 278.6 180.00 286.0 180.00 293.3 155.00 300.6 155.00 308.0 155.00 315.3 155.00 322.6 150.00 330.0 125.00 337.3 125.00 344.6 125.00 352.0 125.00 359.3 125.00 366.6 125.00 374.0 125.00 381.3 125.00 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 75.00 454.6 75.00 462.0 75.00 469.3 75.00 476.6 75.00 484.0 75.00 491.3 75.00 498.6 75.00 506.0 60.00 513.3 60.00 520.6 60.00 528.0 60.00 535.3 60.00 539.6 60.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paae 18 2.2 EVIB-RAI-6
====2.2.1 Statement====
of EVIB-RAI-6 For the analysis of the outlet nozzle P-T limits, provide tabulations of the metal temperature at the 1/4T location, the thermal stress intensity factor (Kit), and coolant temperature, all as a function of the transient time, for the same transients listed in EVIB-RAI-5.
2.2.2 EVIB-RAI-6 Response: The requested results are provided in the following attached tables: Table Number Description EVIB-RAI-6-1 Nozzle -50 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-6-2 Nozzle -70 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-6-3 Nozzle -90 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-6-4 Nozzle -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F EVIB-RAI-6-5 Nozzle -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Pane 19 Table EVIB-RAI-6-1:
Nozzle -50 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 ,88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 89.58 110.0 95.67 117.3 101.76 124.7 107.92 132.0 114.01 139.3 120.10 146.7 126.26 154.0 132.35 161.3 138.44 168.7 144.61 176.0 150.69 183.3 156.78 190.7 162.95 198.0 169.03 205.3 175.12 212.7 181.29 220.0 187.37 227.3 193.46 234.7 199.63 242.0 205.71 249.3 211.80 256.6 217.88 264.0 224.05 271.3 230.14 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Page 20 278.6 236.23 286.0 242.39 293.3 248.48 300.6 254.57 308.0 260.74 315.3 266.82 322.6 272.91 330.0 279.08 337.3 285.16 344.6 291.25 352.0 297.42 359.3 303.50 366.6 309.59 374.0 315.76 381.3 321.84 388.6 327.93 396.0 334.10 403.3 340.18 410.6 346.27 418.0 352.44 425.3 358.52 432.6 364.61 440.0 370.78 447.3 376.87 454.6 382.95 462.0 389.12 469.3 395.21 476.6 401.29 484.0 407.46 491.3 413.55 498.6 419.63 506.0 425.80 513.3 431.89 520.6 437.97 528.0 444.14 535.3 450.22 542.6 456.31 550.0 462.47 557.3 468.56 564.6 474.64 572.0 480.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1_ _ _ __ __ Paqe 21 579.3 486.89 586.6 492.98 594.0 499.14 601.3 505.23 608.6 511.31 616.0 517.48 623.3 523.56 630.6 529.65 638.0 535.81 645.3 541.90 652.6 547.98 660.0 554.15 667.3 560.23 674.7 566.40 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 22 Table EVIB-RAI-6-2:
Nozzle -70 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) ksi'in 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 91.83 110.0 100.35 117.3 108.88 124.7 117.53 132.0 126.06 139.3 134.59 146.7 143.23 154.0 151.76 161.3 160.29 168.7 168.93 176.0 177.46 183.3 185.99 190.7 194.64 198.0 203.17 205.3 211.70 212.7 220.34 220.0 228.87 227.3 237.40 234.7 246.04 242.0 254.57 249.3 263.10 256.6 271.63 264.0 280.28 271.3 288.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 23 278.6 297.34 286.0 305.98 293.3 314.51 300.6 323.04 308.0 331.68 315.3 340.21 322.6 348.74 330.0 357.39 337.3 365.92 344.6 374.45 352.0 383.09 359.3 391.62 366.6 400.15 374.0 408.79 381.3 417.32 388.6 425.85 396.0 434.50 403.3 443.03 410.6 451.56 418.0 460.20 425.3 468.73 432.6 477.26 440.0 485.91 447.3 494.43 454.6 502.96 462.0 511.61 469.3 520.14 476.6 528.67 484.0 537.31 491.3 545.84 498.6 554.37 506.0 563.02 512.0 570.03 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Page 24 Table EVIB-RAI-6-3:
Nozzle -90 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) ksikin 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 94.05 110.0 105.00 117.3 115.95 124.7 127.05 132.0 138.00 139.3 148.95 146.7 160.05 154.0 171.00 161.3 181.95 168.7 193.05 176.0 204.00 183.3 214.95 190.7 226.05 198.0 237.00 205.3 247.95 212.7 259.06 220.0 270.01 227.3 280.96 234.7 292.06 242.0 303.01 249.3 313.96 256.6 324.91 264.0 336.01 271.3 346.96 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 25 278.6 357.91 286.0 369.01 293.3 379.96 300.6 390.91 308.0 402.01 315.3 412.97 322.6 423.92 330.0 435.02 337.3 445.97 344.6 456.92 352.0 468.02 359.3 478.97 366.6 489.92 374.0 501.02 381.3 511.97 388.6 522.92 396.0 534.02 403.3 544.97 410.6 555.92 418.0 567.02 420.0 570.02 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Pacqe 26 Table EVIB-RAI-6-4:
Nozzle -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. KIt (min.) (F) (F) ksi'in 7.3 557.83 14.7 545.50 22.0 533.33 29.3 521.17 36.7 508.83 44.0 496.67 51.3 484.50 58.7 472.17 66.0 460.00 73.3 447.83 80.7 435.50 88.0 423.33 95.3 411.17 102.7 398.83 110.0 386.67 117.3 374.50 124.7 362.17 132.0 350.00 139.3 337.83 146.7 325.50 154.0 313.33 161.3 301.17 168.7 288.83 176.0 278.33 183.3 272.25 190.7 260.75 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 224.08 242.0 218.00 249.3 211.91 256.6 205.83 264.0 199.66 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1--,__ __ Page 27 271.3 193.58 278.6 187.49 286.0 181.33 293.3 175.24 300.6 169.16 308.0 162.99 315.3 156.91 322.6 150.82 330.0 147.33 337.3 144.29 344.6 141.25 352.0 138.16 359.3 135.12 366.6 132.08 374.0 128.99 381.3 125.95 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 98.45 454.6 95.41 462.0 92.33 469.3 89.28 476.6 86.24 484.0 83.16 491.3 80.12 498.6 77.07 506.0 73.99 513.3 70.95 520.6 67.91 528.0 64.83 535.3 61.78 539.6 59.99 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paqe 28 Table EVIB-RAI-6-5:
Nozzle -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) ksi'/ir 7.3 530.00 14.7 530.00 22.0 530.00 29.3 480.00 36.7 480.00 44.0 480.00 51.3 480.00 58.7 430.00 66.0 430.00 73.3 430.00 80.7 430.00 88.0 380.00 95.3 380.00 102.7 380.00 110.0 380.00 117.3 330.00 124.7 330.00 132.0 330.00 139.3 330.00 146.7 280.00 154.0 280.00 161.3 280.00 168.7 280.00 176.0 270.00 183.3 270.00 190.7 255.00 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 205.00 242.0 205.00 249.3 205.00 256.6 205.00 264.0 180.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 29 271.3 180.00 278.6 180.00 286.0 180.00 293.3 155.00 300.6 155.00 308.0 155.00 315.3 155.00 322.6 150.00 330.0 125.00 337.3 125.00 344.6 125.00 352.0 125.00 359.3 125.00 366.6 125.00 374.0 125.00 381.3 125.00 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 75.00 454.6 75.00 462.0 75.00 469.3 75.00 476.6 75.00 484.0 75.00 491.3 75.00 498.6 75.00 506.0 60.00 513.3 60.00 520.6 60.00 528.0 60.00 535.3 60.00 539.6 60.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 30 2.3 EVIB-RAI-7
====2.3.1 Statement====
of EVIB-RAI-7 For the analysis of the outlet nozzle, provide the values of Ri, t, a, ri, rc, rn, and the resulting value of F(a/rn) as described in ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Section EVIB-RAI-7 Response: For the analysis of the outlet nozzle, the values for the parameters are as given below: Ri = nozzle belt shell inner radius = [ ] inches t = nozzle belt shell wall thickness
= [ inches a = flaw depth = [ ] inches ri= inner radius of nozzle = [ 1 inches rc = nozzle corner radius = [ ] inches rn = apparent radius of nozzle = [ ] inches a/rn= [ 1 F(a/rn) = 2.5 -6.108(a/rn)
+12(a/rn)2-9.1664(a/rn) 3= [ 1 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 31 2.4 EVIB-RAI-8
====2.4.1 Statement====
of EVIB-RAI-8 Describe how was it demonstrated that the outlet nozzles bound the inlet nozzles and core flood nozzles as described in ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Section 4.2.b.2.4.2 EVIB-RAI-8 Response: In the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), the centerlines of the inlet and outlet nozzles are located at the same elevation.
The significantly smaller core flood nozzles are located at an elevation slightly higher above the inlet and outlet nozzles. The inlet nozzle inside diameter (ID) tapers from approximately 37" at the inner reactor vessel wall surface to 28" at the weld to the clad carbon steel upper cold leg piping. The outlet nozzle inside diameter tapers from approximately 46 7/8" (bounding for B&W-designed plants and is 45" for ANO-1) at the inner reactor vessel wall surface to 36" at the weld to the clad carbon steel RCS hot leg piping (Reference 5). BAW-10046A, Rev. 2, Section 4.1, generically describes how the RPV outlet nozzle, the largest nozzle in the RC system, bounds the other nozzles. As stated in BAW-10046A, Rev. 2, "The inside corner of the nozzle is subjected to high local stresses produced by pressure.
The local stresses can be two to three times the membrane stress of the shell. As the radius of the nozzle increases, the magnitude of the stress intensity factor increases for a constant assumed flaw." In addition, from a 60-year fluence projection perspective, the nozzle geometry is such that the bottom of the outlet nozzle, as well as the postulated corner flaw, is closer to the top of the active core than the bottom of the inlet nozzle. Therefore, the projected fluence at the outlet nozzle is greater than at the inlet nozzle, and at the core flood nozzle.
AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Pa-qe 32 2.5 EVIB-RAI-9
====2.5.1 Statement====
of EVIB-RAI-9 Statement of EVIB-RAI-9
-Part A Confirm that the limiting location pressure correction factors for ANO-1 provided in Table 6-1 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1, are applied by subtracting them from the calculated allowable pressures, and that this correction was applied to the data listed in Tables 7-1,7-2, 7-3, and 7- Statement of EVIB-RAI-9
-Part B Confirm that the beltline is the limiting location at all temperatures and pressures for all the transients evaluated and that the limiting location pressure correction factor for the beltline (for the applicable temperature range) was subtracted for all calculated allowable pressures.
2.5.2 EVIB-RAI-9 Response EVIB-RAI-9 Response -Part A Agreed, with the following clarification.
Initially the uncorrected P-T limits (i.e. not location adjusted to the pressure sensor location) are developed for each of the controlling components such as the beltline, the outlet nozzle and the reactor vessel closure head (RVCH). For each component, the appropriate location correction factors, reported in Table 6-1, are subsequently applied by subtracting them from the uncorrected component specific P-T limits. The resulting minimum allowable pressures as a function of fluid temperature constitute the location adjusted P-T limits that are summarized in Tables 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4. In addition, the P-T limit curves, in some cases, had to be conservatively smoothed to avoid negative slope in the P-T curve.
AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paqe 33 EVIB-RAI-9 Response -Part B Agreed. For the ANO-1 P-T limits, it was determined that a single component, namely the beltline region is the limiting location at all temperatures and pressures for all the transients evaluated.
The location pressure correction factors for the beltline, which are the highest location pressure correction factors for all the applicable temperature ranges, were subtracted from the uncorrected P-T limits discussed in Part A above. As noted in the Part A response, the P-T limit curves, in some cases, had to be conservatively smoothed to avoid negative slope in the P-T curve.
AREVA Inc. Errorl Reference source not found. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 34
: 1. Entergy Letter 1CAN111401, "License Amendment Request- Update the Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1," November 21, 2014 (ADAMS Accession Number ML14330A249)
: 2. ANP-3300P, Revision 1 (77-3300P-001), "Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO)Unit 1 Pressure-Temperature Limits at 54 EFPY," November 2014, Attachment 4 to 1CAN 111401 (ADAMS Accession Number ML14330A250)
: 3. NRC "Requests for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Revise Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 Effective Full Power Years," March 4, 2015, TAC NO. MF5292 4. ANP-3300, Revision 1 "Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) Unit 1 Pressure-Temperature Limits at 54 EFPY," November 2014.5. B&W Document BAW-2251A-00, Demonstration of the Management of Aging Effects for the Reactor Vessel, August 1999 AREVA Inc. Error! Reference source not found. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 35 APPENDIX A Table 7-3: Tech. Spec. P-T Limits for Normal Cooldown Fluid Governing Fluid Adjusted Temp. Pressure (TF) (psig)60 508 65 508 70 508 75 508 80 508 85 508 90 508 95 508 100 508 105 517 110 526 115 535 120 546 123 553 125 557 130 568 135 578 140 591 145 604 150 628 155 659 160 694 165 733 170 776 175 798 185 919 190 960 193 993 198 1045 203 1103 208 1166 213 1236 218 1313 223 1399 Attachment 3 to ICAN031503 Affidavit AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WASHINGTON
).) ss.COUNTY OF BENTON )1. My name is Alan B. Meginnis.
I am Manager, Product Licensing, for AREVA Inc. and as such I am authorized to execute this Affidavit.
: 2. I am familiar with the criteria applied by AREVA to determine whether certain AREVA information is proprietary.
I am familiar with the policies established by AREVA to ensure the proper application of these criteria.3. I am familiar with the AREVA information contained in the report ANP-3300Q2P, Revision 0, "Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1," dated March 2015 and referred to herein as "Document." Information contained in this Document has been classified by AREVA as proprietary in accordance with the policies established by AREVA for the control and protection of proprietary and confidential information.
: 4. This Document contains information of a proprietary and confidential nature and is of the type customarily held in confidence by AREVA and not made available to the public. Based on my experience, I am aware that other companies regard information of the kind contained in this Document as proprietary and confidential.
: 5. This Document has been made available to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in confidence with the request that the information contained in this Document be withheld from public disclosure.
The request for withholding of proprietary information is made in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. The information for which withholding from disclosure is requested qualifies under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4) "Trade secrets and commercial or financial information." 6. The following criteria are customarily applied by AREVA to determine whether information should be classified as proprietary: (a) The information reveals details of AREVA's research and development plans and programs or their results.(b) Use of the information by a competitor would permit the competitor to significantly reduce its expenditures, in time or resources, to design, produce, or market a similar product or service.(c) The information includes test data or analytical techniques concerning a process, methodology, or component, the application of which results in a competitive advantage for AREVA.(d) The information reveals certain distinguishing aspects of a process, methodology, or component, the exclusive use of which provides a competitive advantage for AREVA in product optimization or marketability.(e) The information is vital to a competitive advantage held by AREVA, would be helpful to competitors to AREVA, and would likely cause substantial harm to the competitive position of AREVA.The information in the Document is considered proprietary for the reasons set forth in paragraphs 6(b), 6(d) and 6(e) above.7. In accordance with AREVA's policies governing the protection and control of information, proprietary information contained in this Document have been made available, on a limited basis, to others outside AREVA only as required and under suitable agreement providing for nondisclosure and limited use of the information.
: 8. AREVA policy requires that proprietary information be kept in a secured file or area and distributed on a need-to-know basis.9. The foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.SUBSCRIBED before me this -day of A 2015.0 SM 'I Mary Anne Heilman "., NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WASHINGTONI, 0° a : MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 6/6/2016 4i}}

Revision as of 07:42, 17 March 2019

ANP-3300Q2NP, Revision 0, Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1.
Person / Time
Site: Arkansas Nuclear Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/2015
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
1CAN031503 ANP-3300Q2NP, Rev. 0
Download: ML15071A055 (42)


Attachment 2 to I CAN031503 AREVA document ANP-3300Q2NP, Revision 0"Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1" NON-PROPRIETARY AREVA Response to Request for Additional ANP-3300Q2NP Information on Reactor Coolant System Revision 0 Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 March 2015 AREVA Inc.(c) 2015 AREVA Inc.


© 2015 AREVA Inc.All Rights Reserved AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paae i Nature of Changes Item 1 Section(s) or Page(s)All Description and Justification Initial Issue AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page ii Contents Pa1.e



5 1.1 Issue Identification




6 2 .1 E V IB R A I 5 ..........................................................................................

..6 2.1.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-5


6 2.1.2 EVIB RAI 5 Response:


6 2.2 EV IB-RA I-6 .........................................................................................

18 2.2.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-6


18 2.2.2 EVIB-RAI-6 Response:


18 2.3 EV IB -R A I-7 .........................................................................................

30 2.3.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-7


30 2.3.2 EVIB-RAI-7 Response:


30 2.4 EV IB-R A I-8 .........................................................................................

31 2.4.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-8


31 2.4.2 EVIB-RAI-8 Response:


31 2.5 EV IB-R A I-9 .........................................................................................

32 2.5.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-9


32 2.5.2 EVIB-RAI-9 Response ...............................................................

32 3.0 R E FE R EN C ES ..............................................................................................

34 A P P E N D IX A .................................................................................................................

35 List of Tables Table EVIB-RAI-5-1:

Beltline -50 F/hr Heatup ...........................................................

7 Table EVIB-RAI-5-2:

Beltline -70 F/hr Heatup .........................................................

10 Table EVIB-RAI-5-3:

Beltline -90 F/hr Heatup .........................................................

12 Table EVIB-RAI-5-4:

Beltline -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP T ripped at 255F ..................................................................................

14 Table EVIB-RAI-5-5:

Beltline -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP T ripped at 255F ..................................................................................

16 Table EVIB-RAI-6-1:

Nozzle -50 F/hr Heatup .........................................................

19 Table EVIB-RAI-6-2:

Nozzle -70 F/hr Heatup .........................................................

22 Table EVIB-RAI-6-3:

Nozzle -90 F/hr Heatup .........................................................

24 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page iii Table EVIB-RAI-6-4:

Nozzle -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F ..................................................................................

26 Table EVIB-RAI-6-5:

Nozzle -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F ..................................................................................

28 Table 7-3: Tech. Spec. P-T Limits for Normal Cooldown ...........................................

35 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Pace iv Nomenclature (If applicable)

Acronym ADAMS ANO-1/ANO1

'F ft-lb ID Kit LAR LTOP P-T RAI RCS RPV/RV RVCH TS Definition Agencywide Documents Access and Management system Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Degree Fahrenheit foot-pound Inside Diameter Thermal Stress Intensity Factor License Amendment Request Low Temperature Overpressure Protection Pressure -Temperature Request for Additional Information Reactor Coolant System Reactor Pressure Vessel/ Reactor Vessel Reactor Vessel Closure Head Technical Specifications AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 5


By letter dated November 21, 2014 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management system (ADAMS) Accession Number ML14330A249), Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy the licensee), submitted a license amendment request (LAR), Reference (1), to revise the Technical Specifications (TS) for the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure and Temperature (P-T) Limits (TS 3.4.3), Pressurizer (TS 3.4.9), Pressurizer Safety Valves (TS 3.4.10), and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection (LTOP) System (TS 3.4.11)at Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 (ANO-1). The proposed revision would extend the applicability of the current limits from 31 EFPY to 54 EFPY. The NRC staff has determined that additional information is required regarding the LAR, Reference (3).Information considered proprietary to AREVA in the following discussions is enclosed in brackets [ ].1.1 Issue Identification During compilation of data to support the response to EVIB-RAI#5, it was noted that three data points given in Table 7-3 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Reference (4) (namely, allowable pressures at 160, 165, and 170 0 F) actually fall on one of the non-limiting pump trip curves (last RCP trip case at 200°F rather than the more conservative last RCP trip case at 255 0 F). The minor differences in these values are not discernable in the graphic presentation of the PT curves, as illustrated in Figure 7-2 of ANP-3300, Rev.1. The values from the limiting curve are provided in the update to Table 7-3 in Appendix A. This Table replaces that reported on Page 19, Table 7-3 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1.

AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 6 2.0 REQUESTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The NRC requests for additional information (RAIs) are reproduced from Reference (3)in Sections 2.1.1 through 2.5.1. Responses are in Sections 2.1.2 through EVIB RAI 5 2.1.1 Statement of EVIB-RAI-5 For the analysis of the reactor pressure vessel beltline region P-T limits, provide tabulations of the metal temperatures at the one quarter of wall thickness (1/4t) and three-quarters of wall thickness (3/4t) locations, the thermal stress intensity factor (Kit)at the 1/4t and 3/4t locations and coolant temperature, all as a function of the transient time for the following transients:

a) Three heatup transients, as defined in Section 4.6.1 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1, of 50 deg/hr, 70 deg/hr, and 90 deg/hr.b) Two cooldown transients with last reactor coolant pump trip at 255 deg F, as defined in ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Section 4.6.2, for both ramp and step transients.

2.1.2 EVIB RAI 5 Response: The requested results are provided in the following attached tables: Table Number Description EVIB-RAI-5-1 Beltline -50 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-5-2 Beltline -70 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-5-3 Beltline -90 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-5-4 Beitline -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F EVIB-RAI-5-5 Beltline -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 7 Table EVIB-RAI-5-1:

Beltline -50 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksi'/in ksi'/in 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 89.58 110.0 95.67 117.3 101.76 124.7 107.92 132.0 114.01 139.3 120.10 146.7 126.26 154.0 132.35 161.3 138.44 168.7 144.61 176.0 150.69 183.3 156.78 190.7 162.95 198.0 169.03 205.3 175.12 212.7 181.29 220.0 187.37 227.3 193.46 234.7 199.63 242.0 205.71 249.3 211.80 256.6 217.88 264.0 224.05 271.3 230.14 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 8 278.6 236.23 286.0 242.39 293.3 248.48 300.6 254.57 308.0 260.74 315.3 266.82 322.6 272.91 330.0 279.08 337.3 285.16 344.6 291.25 352.0 297.42 359.3 303.50 366.6 309.59 374.0 315.76 381.3 321.84 388.6 327.93 396.0 334.10 403.3 340.18 410.6 346.27 418.0 352.44 425.3 358.52 432.6 364.61 440.0 370.78 447.3 376.87 454.6 382.95 462.0 389.12 469.3 395.21 476.6 401.29 484.0 407.46 491.3 413.55 498.6 419.63 506.0 425.80 513.3 431.89 520.6 437.97 528.0 444.14 535.3 450.22 542.6 456.31 550.0 462.47 557.3 468.56 564.6 474.64 572.0 480.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I____ __ Page 9 579.3 486.89 586.6 492.98 594.0 499.14 601.3 505.23 608.6 511.31 616.0 517.48 623.3 523.56 630.6 529.65 638.0 535.81 645.3 541.90 652.6 547.98 660.0 554.15 667.3 560.23 674.7 566.40 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paqe 10 Table EVIB-RAI-5-2:

Beltline -70 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksi~1in ksblin 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 91.83 110.0 100.35 117.3 108.88 124.7 117.53 132.0 126.06 139.3 134.59 146.7 143.23 154.0 151.76 161.3 160.29 168.7 168.93 176.0 177.46 183.3 185.99 190.7 194.64 198.0 203.17 205.3 211.70 212.7 220.34 220.0 228.87 227.3 237.40 234.7 246.04 242.0 254.57 249.3 263.10 256.6 271.63 264.0 280.28 271.3 288.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 11 278.6 297.34 286.0 305.98 293.3 314.51 300.6 323.04 308.0 331.68 315.3 340.21 322.6 348.74 330.0 357.39 337.3 365.92 344.6 374.45 352.0 383.09 359.3 391.62 366.6 400.15 374.0 408.79 381.3 417.32 388.6 425.85 396.0 434.50 403.3 443.03 410.6 451.56 418.0 460.20 425.3 468.73 432.6 477.26 440.0 485.91 447.3 494.43 454.6 502.96 462.0 511.61 469.3 520.14 476.6 528.67 484.0 537.31 491.3 545.84 498.6 554.37 506.0 563.02 512.0 570.03 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 12 Table EVIB-RAI-5-3:

Beltline -90 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 94.05 110.0 105.00 117.3 115.95 124.7 127.05 132.0 138.00 139.3 148.95 146.7 160.05 154.0 171.00 161.3 181.95 168.7 193.05 176.0 204.00 183.3 214.95 190.7 226.05 198.0 237.00 205.3 247.95 212.7 259.06 220.0 270.01 227.3 280.96 234.7 292.06 242.0 303.01 249.3 313.96 256.6 324.91 264.0 336.01 271.3 346.96 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Page 13 278.6 357.91 286.0 369.01 293.3 379.96 300.6 390.91 308.0 402.01 315.3 412.97 322.6 423.92 330.0 435.02 337.3 445.97 344.6 456.92 352.0 468.02 359.3 478.97 366.6 489.92 374.0 501.02 381.3 511.97 388.6 522.92 396.0 534.02 403.3 544.97 410.6 555.92 418.0 567.02 420.0 570.02 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 14 Table EVIB-RAI-5-4:

Beltline -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksilin 7.3 557.83 14.7 545.50 22.0 533.33 29.3 521.17 36.7 508.83 44.0 496.67 51.3 484.50 58.7 472.17 66.0 460.00 73.3 447.83 80.7 435.50 88.0 423.33 95.3 411.17 102.7 398.83 110.0 386.67 117.3 374.50 124.7 362.17 132.0 350.00 139.3 337.83 146.7 325.50 154.0 313.33 161.3 301.17 168.7 288.83 176.0 278.33 183.3 272.25 190.7 260.75 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 224.08 242.0 218.00 249.3 211.91 256.6 205.83 264.0 199.66 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 15 271.3 193.58 278.6 187.49 286.0 181.33 293.3 175.24 300.6 169.16 308.0 162.99 315.3 156.91 322.6 150.82 330.0 147.33 337.3 144.29 344.6 141.25 352.0 138.16 359.3 135.12 366.6 132.08 374.0 128.99 381.3 125.95 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 98.45 454.6 95.41 462.0 92.33 469.3 89.28 476.6 86.24 484.0 83.16 491.3 80.12 498.6 77.07 506.0 73.99 513.3 70.95 520.6 67.91 528.0 64.83 535.3 61.78 539.6 59.99 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 16 Table EVIB-RAI-5-5:

Beltline -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 3/4t 1/4t 3/4t Time Temp. Temp. Temp. Kit Kit (min.) (F) (F) (F) ksi/iq_7.3 530.00 14.7 530.00 22.0 530.00 29.3 480.00 36.7 480.00 44.0 480.00 51.3 480.00 58.7 430.00 66.0 430.00 73.3 430.00 80.7 430.00 88.0 380.00 95.3 380.00 102.7 380.00 110.0 380.00 117.3 330.00 124.7 330.00 132.0 330.00 139.3 330.00 146.7 280.00 154.0 280.00 161.3 280.00 168.7 280.00 176.0 270.00 183.3 270.00 190.7 255.00 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 205.00 242.0 205.00 249.3 205.00 256.6 205.00 264.0 180.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 17 271.3 180.00 278.6 180.00 286.0 180.00 293.3 155.00 300.6 155.00 308.0 155.00 315.3 155.00 322.6 150.00 330.0 125.00 337.3 125.00 344.6 125.00 352.0 125.00 359.3 125.00 366.6 125.00 374.0 125.00 381.3 125.00 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 75.00 454.6 75.00 462.0 75.00 469.3 75.00 476.6 75.00 484.0 75.00 491.3 75.00 498.6 75.00 506.0 60.00 513.3 60.00 520.6 60.00 528.0 60.00 535.3 60.00 539.6 60.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paae 18 2.2 EVIB-RAI-6

2.2.1 Statement

of EVIB-RAI-6 For the analysis of the outlet nozzle P-T limits, provide tabulations of the metal temperature at the 1/4T location, the thermal stress intensity factor (Kit), and coolant temperature, all as a function of the transient time, for the same transients listed in EVIB-RAI-5.

2.2.2 EVIB-RAI-6 Response: The requested results are provided in the following attached tables: Table Number Description EVIB-RAI-6-1 Nozzle -50 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-6-2 Nozzle -70 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-6-3 Nozzle -90 F/hr Heatup EVIB-RAI-6-4 Nozzle -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F EVIB-RAI-6-5 Nozzle -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Pane 19 Table EVIB-RAI-6-1:

Nozzle -50 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 ,88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 89.58 110.0 95.67 117.3 101.76 124.7 107.92 132.0 114.01 139.3 120.10 146.7 126.26 154.0 132.35 161.3 138.44 168.7 144.61 176.0 150.69 183.3 156.78 190.7 162.95 198.0 169.03 205.3 175.12 212.7 181.29 220.0 187.37 227.3 193.46 234.7 199.63 242.0 205.71 249.3 211.80 256.6 217.88 264.0 224.05 271.3 230.14 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Page 20 278.6 236.23 286.0 242.39 293.3 248.48 300.6 254.57 308.0 260.74 315.3 266.82 322.6 272.91 330.0 279.08 337.3 285.16 344.6 291.25 352.0 297.42 359.3 303.50 366.6 309.59 374.0 315.76 381.3 321.84 388.6 327.93 396.0 334.10 403.3 340.18 410.6 346.27 418.0 352.44 425.3 358.52 432.6 364.61 440.0 370.78 447.3 376.87 454.6 382.95 462.0 389.12 469.3 395.21 476.6 401.29 484.0 407.46 491.3 413.55 498.6 419.63 506.0 425.80 513.3 431.89 520.6 437.97 528.0 444.14 535.3 450.22 542.6 456.31 550.0 462.47 557.3 468.56 564.6 474.64 572.0 480.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1_ _ _ __ __ Paqe 21 579.3 486.89 586.6 492.98 594.0 499.14 601.3 505.23 608.6 511.31 616.0 517.48 623.3 523.56 630.6 529.65 638.0 535.81 645.3 541.90 652.6 547.98 660.0 554.15 667.3 560.23 674.7 566.40 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 22 Table EVIB-RAI-6-2:

Nozzle -70 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) ksi'in 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 91.83 110.0 100.35 117.3 108.88 124.7 117.53 132.0 126.06 139.3 134.59 146.7 143.23 154.0 151.76 161.3 160.29 168.7 168.93 176.0 177.46 183.3 185.99 190.7 194.64 198.0 203.17 205.3 211.70 212.7 220.34 220.0 228.87 227.3 237.40 234.7 246.04 242.0 254.57 249.3 263.10 256.6 271.63 264.0 280.28 271.3 288.81 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 23 278.6 297.34 286.0 305.98 293.3 314.51 300.6 323.04 308.0 331.68 315.3 340.21 322.6 348.74 330.0 357.39 337.3 365.92 344.6 374.45 352.0 383.09 359.3 391.62 366.6 400.15 374.0 408.79 381.3 417.32 388.6 425.85 396.0 434.50 403.3 443.03 410.6 451.56 418.0 460.20 425.3 468.73 432.6 477.26 440.0 485.91 447.3 494.43 454.6 502.96 462.0 511.61 469.3 520.14 476.6 528.67 484.0 537.31 491.3 545.84 498.6 554.37 506.0 563.02 512.0 570.03 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Page 24 Table EVIB-RAI-6-3:

Nozzle -90 F/hr Heatup Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) ksikin 7.3 61.82 14.7 63.68 22.0 65.50 29.3 67.33 36.7 69.18 44.0 71.00 51.3 72.82 58.7 74.67 66.0 76.50 73.3 78.32 80.7 80.17 88.0 82.00 95.3 83.82 102.7 94.05 110.0 105.00 117.3 115.95 124.7 127.05 132.0 138.00 139.3 148.95 146.7 160.05 154.0 171.00 161.3 181.95 168.7 193.05 176.0 204.00 183.3 214.95 190.7 226.05 198.0 237.00 205.3 247.95 212.7 259.06 220.0 270.01 227.3 280.96 234.7 292.06 242.0 303.01 249.3 313.96 256.6 324.91 264.0 336.01 271.3 346.96 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 25 278.6 357.91 286.0 369.01 293.3 379.96 300.6 390.91 308.0 402.01 315.3 412.97 322.6 423.92 330.0 435.02 337.3 445.97 344.6 456.92 352.0 468.02 359.3 478.97 366.6 489.92 374.0 501.02 381.3 511.97 388.6 522.92 396.0 534.02 403.3 544.97 410.6 555.92 418.0 567.02 420.0 570.02 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit I Pacqe 26 Table EVIB-RAI-6-4:

Nozzle -Ramped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. KIt (min.) (F) (F) ksi'in 7.3 557.83 14.7 545.50 22.0 533.33 29.3 521.17 36.7 508.83 44.0 496.67 51.3 484.50 58.7 472.17 66.0 460.00 73.3 447.83 80.7 435.50 88.0 423.33 95.3 411.17 102.7 398.83 110.0 386.67 117.3 374.50 124.7 362.17 132.0 350.00 139.3 337.83 146.7 325.50 154.0 313.33 161.3 301.17 168.7 288.83 176.0 278.33 183.3 272.25 190.7 260.75 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 224.08 242.0 218.00 249.3 211.91 256.6 205.83 264.0 199.66 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1--,__ __ Page 27 271.3 193.58 278.6 187.49 286.0 181.33 293.3 175.24 300.6 169.16 308.0 162.99 315.3 156.91 322.6 150.82 330.0 147.33 337.3 144.29 344.6 141.25 352.0 138.16 359.3 135.12 366.6 132.08 374.0 128.99 381.3 125.95 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 98.45 454.6 95.41 462.0 92.33 469.3 89.28 476.6 86.24 484.0 83.16 491.3 80.12 498.6 77.07 506.0 73.99 513.3 70.95 520.6 67.91 528.0 64.83 535.3 61.78 539.6 59.99 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paqe 28 Table EVIB-RAI-6-5:

Nozzle -Stepped Cooldown Transient with Last RCP Tripped at 255F Fluid 1/4t 1/4t Time Temp. Temp. Kit (min.) (F) (F) ksi'/ir 7.3 530.00 14.7 530.00 22.0 530.00 29.3 480.00 36.7 480.00 44.0 480.00 51.3 480.00 58.7 430.00 66.0 430.00 73.3 430.00 80.7 430.00 88.0 380.00 95.3 380.00 102.7 380.00 110.0 380.00 117.3 330.00 124.7 330.00 132.0 330.00 139.3 330.00 146.7 280.00 154.0 280.00 161.3 280.00 168.7 280.00 176.0 270.00 183.3 270.00 190.7 255.00 198.0 230.00 205.3 230.00 212.7 230.00 220.0 230.00 227.3 230.00 234.7 205.00 242.0 205.00 249.3 205.00 256.6 205.00 264.0 180.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 29 271.3 180.00 278.6 180.00 286.0 180.00 293.3 155.00 300.6 155.00 308.0 155.00 315.3 155.00 322.6 150.00 330.0 125.00 337.3 125.00 344.6 125.00 352.0 125.00 359.3 125.00 366.6 125.00 374.0 125.00 381.3 125.00 388.6 122.91 396.0 119.83 403.3 116.79 410.6 113.74 418.0 110.66 425.3 107.62 432.6 104.58 440.0 101.49 447.3 75.00 454.6 75.00 462.0 75.00 469.3 75.00 476.6 75.00 484.0 75.00 491.3 75.00 498.6 75.00 506.0 60.00 513.3 60.00 520.6 60.00 528.0 60.00 535.3 60.00 539.6 60.00 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 30 2.3 EVIB-RAI-7

2.3.1 Statement

of EVIB-RAI-7 For the analysis of the outlet nozzle, provide the values of Ri, t, a, ri, rc, rn, and the resulting value of F(a/rn) as described in ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Section EVIB-RAI-7 Response: For the analysis of the outlet nozzle, the values for the parameters are as given below: Ri = nozzle belt shell inner radius = [ ] inches t = nozzle belt shell wall thickness

= [ inches a = flaw depth = [ ] inches ri= inner radius of nozzle = [ 1 inches rc = nozzle corner radius = [ ] inches rn = apparent radius of nozzle = [ ] inches a/rn= [ 1 F(a/rn) = 2.5 -6.108(a/rn)

+12(a/rn)2-9.1664(a/rn) 3= [ 1 AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 31 2.4 EVIB-RAI-8

2.4.1 Statement

of EVIB-RAI-8 Describe how was it demonstrated that the outlet nozzles bound the inlet nozzles and core flood nozzles as described in ANP-3300, Rev. 1, Section 4.2.b.2.4.2 EVIB-RAI-8 Response: In the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), the centerlines of the inlet and outlet nozzles are located at the same elevation.

The significantly smaller core flood nozzles are located at an elevation slightly higher above the inlet and outlet nozzles. The inlet nozzle inside diameter (ID) tapers from approximately 37" at the inner reactor vessel wall surface to 28" at the weld to the clad carbon steel upper cold leg piping. The outlet nozzle inside diameter tapers from approximately 46 7/8" (bounding for B&W-designed plants and is 45" for ANO-1) at the inner reactor vessel wall surface to 36" at the weld to the clad carbon steel RCS hot leg piping (Reference 5). BAW-10046A, Rev. 2, Section 4.1, generically describes how the RPV outlet nozzle, the largest nozzle in the RC system, bounds the other nozzles. As stated in BAW-10046A, Rev. 2, "The inside corner of the nozzle is subjected to high local stresses produced by pressure.

The local stresses can be two to three times the membrane stress of the shell. As the radius of the nozzle increases, the magnitude of the stress intensity factor increases for a constant assumed flaw." In addition, from a 60-year fluence projection perspective, the nozzle geometry is such that the bottom of the outlet nozzle, as well as the postulated corner flaw, is closer to the top of the active core than the bottom of the inlet nozzle. Therefore, the projected fluence at the outlet nozzle is greater than at the inlet nozzle, and at the core flood nozzle.

AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Pa-qe 32 2.5 EVIB-RAI-9

2.5.1 Statement

of EVIB-RAI-9 Statement of EVIB-RAI-9

-Part A Confirm that the limiting location pressure correction factors for ANO-1 provided in Table 6-1 of ANP-3300, Rev. 1, are applied by subtracting them from the calculated allowable pressures, and that this correction was applied to the data listed in Tables 7-1,7-2, 7-3, and 7- Statement of EVIB-RAI-9

-Part B Confirm that the beltline is the limiting location at all temperatures and pressures for all the transients evaluated and that the limiting location pressure correction factor for the beltline (for the applicable temperature range) was subtracted for all calculated allowable pressures.

2.5.2 EVIB-RAI-9 Response EVIB-RAI-9 Response -Part A Agreed, with the following clarification.

Initially the uncorrected P-T limits (i.e. not location adjusted to the pressure sensor location) are developed for each of the controlling components such as the beltline, the outlet nozzle and the reactor vessel closure head (RVCH). For each component, the appropriate location correction factors, reported in Table 6-1, are subsequently applied by subtracting them from the uncorrected component specific P-T limits. The resulting minimum allowable pressures as a function of fluid temperature constitute the location adjusted P-T limits that are summarized in Tables 7-1, 7-2, 7-3 and 7-4. In addition, the P-T limit curves, in some cases, had to be conservatively smoothed to avoid negative slope in the P-T curve.

AREVA Inc. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Paqe 33 EVIB-RAI-9 Response -Part B Agreed. For the ANO-1 P-T limits, it was determined that a single component, namely the beltline region is the limiting location at all temperatures and pressures for all the transients evaluated.

The location pressure correction factors for the beltline, which are the highest location pressure correction factors for all the applicable temperature ranges, were subtracted from the uncorrected P-T limits discussed in Part A above. As noted in the Part A response, the P-T limit curves, in some cases, had to be conservatively smoothed to avoid negative slope in the P-T curve.

AREVA Inc. Errorl Reference source not found. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 34


1. Entergy Letter 1CAN111401, "License Amendment Request- Update the Reactor Coolant System Pressure and Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1," November 21, 2014 (ADAMS Accession Number ML14330A249)
2. ANP-3300P, Revision 1 (77-3300P-001), "Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO)Unit 1 Pressure-Temperature Limits at 54 EFPY," November 2014, Attachment 4 to 1CAN 111401 (ADAMS Accession Number ML14330A250)
3. NRC "Requests for Additional Information Related to License Amendment Request to Revise Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 Effective Full Power Years," March 4, 2015, TAC NO. MF5292 4. ANP-3300, Revision 1 "Arkansas Nuclear One (ANO) Unit 1 Pressure-Temperature Limits at 54 EFPY," November 2014.5. B&W Document BAW-2251A-00, Demonstration of the Management of Aging Effects for the Reactor Vessel, August 1999 AREVA Inc. Error! Reference source not found. ANP-3300Q2NP Revision 0 Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Page 35 APPENDIX A Table 7-3: Tech. Spec. P-T Limits for Normal Cooldown Fluid Governing Fluid Adjusted Temp. Pressure (TF) (psig)60 508 65 508 70 508 75 508 80 508 85 508 90 508 95 508 100 508 105 517 110 526 115 535 120 546 123 553 125 557 130 568 135 578 140 591 145 604 150 628 155 659 160 694 165 733 170 776 175 798 185 919 190 960 193 993 198 1045 203 1103 208 1166 213 1236 218 1313 223 1399 Attachment 3 to ICAN031503 Affidavit AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WASHINGTON

).) ss.COUNTY OF BENTON )1. My name is Alan B. Meginnis.

I am Manager, Product Licensing, for AREVA Inc. and as such I am authorized to execute this Affidavit.

2. I am familiar with the criteria applied by AREVA to determine whether certain AREVA information is proprietary.

I am familiar with the policies established by AREVA to ensure the proper application of these criteria.3. I am familiar with the AREVA information contained in the report ANP-3300Q2P, Revision 0, "Response to Request for Additional Information on Reactor Coolant System Pressure/Temperature and Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System Limits to 54 EFPY for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1," dated March 2015 and referred to herein as "Document." Information contained in this Document has been classified by AREVA as proprietary in accordance with the policies established by AREVA for the control and protection of proprietary and confidential information.

4. This Document contains information of a proprietary and confidential nature and is of the type customarily held in confidence by AREVA and not made available to the public. Based on my experience, I am aware that other companies regard information of the kind contained in this Document as proprietary and confidential.
5. This Document has been made available to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in confidence with the request that the information contained in this Document be withheld from public disclosure.

The request for withholding of proprietary information is made in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390. The information for which withholding from disclosure is requested qualifies under 10 CFR 2.390(a)(4) "Trade secrets and commercial or financial information." 6. The following criteria are customarily applied by AREVA to determine whether information should be classified as proprietary: (a) The information reveals details of AREVA's research and development plans and programs or their results.(b) Use of the information by a competitor would permit the competitor to significantly reduce its expenditures, in time or resources, to design, produce, or market a similar product or service.(c) The information includes test data or analytical techniques concerning a process, methodology, or component, the application of which results in a competitive advantage for AREVA.(d) The information reveals certain distinguishing aspects of a process, methodology, or component, the exclusive use of which provides a competitive advantage for AREVA in product optimization or marketability.(e) The information is vital to a competitive advantage held by AREVA, would be helpful to competitors to AREVA, and would likely cause substantial harm to the competitive position of AREVA.The information in the Document is considered proprietary for the reasons set forth in paragraphs 6(b), 6(d) and 6(e) above.7. In accordance with AREVA's policies governing the protection and control of information, proprietary information contained in this Document have been made available, on a limited basis, to others outside AREVA only as required and under suitable agreement providing for nondisclosure and limited use of the information.

8. AREVA policy requires that proprietary information be kept in a secured file or area and distributed on a need-to-know basis.9. The foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.SUBSCRIBED before me this -day of A 2015.0 SM 'I Mary Anne Heilman "., NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF WASHINGTONI, 0° a : MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 6/6/2016 4i