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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24089A24029 March 2024Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums
ML24088A10129 March 2024Summary of March 6, 2024, Public Meeting with NSPM Regarding Planned LAR to Modify Technical Specifications Definitions and Incorporate Plant-Specific Methods for Response Time Testing for Prairie Island Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2
ML24060A12327 March 2024to Request 1-RR-5-10 and 2-RR-5-10 Regarding Reactor Pressure Vessel Welds and Nozzle WeldsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
ML24059A4046 March 2024March 6, 2023, Presubmittal Meeting for License Amendment Request to Modify Technical Specifications Definitions & Approve Plant-Specific Methods for Response Time Testing (EPID L-2024-LRM-0034) - Slides
L-PI-24-004, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Annual Effluent Report, January Through December 202329 February 2024Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Annual Effluent Report, January Through December 2023
ML24187A11229 February 2024APP-2024-000001- Incoming Request - Redacted
ML24044A07328 February 2024Federal Register Notice - Issuance of Multiple Exemptions Regarding 10 CFR Part 73 - January 2024Preemption Authority
Exemption Request
IR 05000282/202300628 February 2024Annual Assessment Letter for Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Report 05000282/2023006 and 05000306/2023006)
ML24058A18127 February 2024and Monticello (50-263), Fitness for Duty Performance Report for 2023Fitness for Duty
ML24058A19027 February 2024Annual Report Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests for 2023
ML24058A19127 February 2024Annual Fatigue Report Form for 2023
ML24058A19227 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 10/02/2023
PMNS20240269, Notice of Meeting with Northern States Power Company - Minnesota, Doing Business as Xcel Energy26 February 2024Notice of Meeting with Northern States Power Company - Minnesota, Doing Business as Xcel Energy
ML24088A11425 February 2024Fairbanks Morse (Fm) Part 21 Report 23-02 Re Synchro-Start Mini-Gen Signal Generator
ML24057A33725 February 202456992-EN 56992 - Fairbanks Morse Defense
ML24057A33825 February 2024EN 56993 - Fairbanks Morse
ML24088A11025 February 2024Fairbanks Morse (Fm) Part 21 Notification Report Number 23-01 Re Asco Stainless Steel Solenoid Valves
ML24043A09521 February 2024Summary of January 31, 2024, Public Meeting with Xcel Energy to Discuss Amendment Application for Prairie Island Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationGrace period
ML24045A15015 February 2024Verbal Authorization for Alternative Relief Request-09Incorporated by reference
L-PI-24-009, Response to Request for Additional Information Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 2, Alternative RR-09 Safety Injection System and Volume Control System Category C Check Valve Quarterly Testing13 February 2024Response to Request for Additional Information Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 2, Alternative RR-09 Safety Injection System and Volume Control System Category C Check Valve Quarterly Testing
ML24045A08612 February 2024Final RAI for Alternative RR-09
ML24042A00111 February 2024L-PI-24-008 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Unit 2 Inservice Testing Proposed Alternative RR-09Local Leak Rate Testing
ML24040A1719 February 2024Interim Report of a Potential Deviation or Failure to Comply Associated with Bentley Systems Incorporated Autopipe Software
IR 05000282/20230041 February 2024Integrated Inspection Report 05000282/2023004 and 05000306/2023004Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
High Radiation Area
Enforcement Discretion
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Functionality Assessment
Operability Determination
Fire Protection Program
ML24029A03831 January 2024January 31, 2024, Pre-application Meeting Presentation - Prairie Island ISFSI License Amendment Request to Add Grace to License Conditions
ML23356A12329 January 2024Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)
ML24033A21729 January 2024FOIA-2024-000069 - Resp 1 - FinalNuclear Accident Reporting System
ML24024A07224 January 2024Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, Onticello, Supplement to Request for Exemption from Enhanced Weapons, Firearms Background Checks, and Security Event Notifications ImplementationTime of Discovery
Fitness for Duty
Condition Adverse to Quality
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Preemption Authority
Exemption Request
ML24017A01819 January 2024Confirmation of Initial License Examination
ML23356A00317 January 2024Issuance of Amendments Revise Technical Specification 5.6.6, Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (PTLR)Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
ML24008A0138 January 2024Notice of Public Meeting with Xcel Energy to Discuss the Prairie Island ISFSI Amendment
L-PI-23-034, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.7.8, Cooling Water (Cl) System,2 January 2024Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.7.8, Cooling Water (Cl) System,