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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML24031A54026 March 2024Issuance of Amendment Nos. 330 and 309 Regarding Implementation of TSTF 505,Rev. 2, “Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times - RITSTF Initiative 4BSafe Shutdown
High winds
High Radiation Area
Anticipated operational occurrence
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fukushima Dai-Ichi
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Large early release frequency
Maintenance Rule Program
Offsite Circuit
ML24085A24021 March 2024Requalification Program Inspection - McGuire Nuclear Station
ML24067A03720 March 2024Federal Register Notice - Issuance of Multiple Exemptions Regarding 10 CFR Part 73 - February 2024Exemption Request
IR 05000369/202401013 March 2024Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection Report 05000369/2024010 and 05000370/2024010Safe Shutdown
Incorporated by reference
Aging Management
Significance Determination Process
Operability Determination
Weak link
RA-24-0067, Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)29 February 2024Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)
IR 05000369/202300628 February 2024Annual Assessment Letter for McGuire Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2 - NRC Inspection Report 05000369/2023006 and 05000370/2023006Cyber Security
ML24058A44127 February 2024Annual Report Form for Drug and Alcohol Tests for 2023
ML24058A44227 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 2/7/2023
ML24058A44327 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 2/8/2023
ML24058A44427 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 2/6/2023
ML24058A44527 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 2/9/2023
ML24058A44627 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 2/13/2023
ML24058A44727 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 2/14/2023
ML24058A44827 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 3/13/2023
ML24058A44927 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 03/26/2023
ML24058A45027 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 5/24/2023
ML24058A45127 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 8/22/2023
ML24058A45227 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 8/21/2023
ML24058A45327 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 8/30/2023
ML24058A45527 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 9/11/2023
ML24058A45627 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 9/18/2023
ML24058A45727 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 9/18/2023
ML24058A45827 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 10/4/2023
ML24058A45927 February 2024Annual Fatigue Report Form for 2023
ML24058A45427 February 2024Single Positive Test Form Collected on 9/13/2023
ML24047A20922 February 2024Calendar Year 2023 Baseline Inspection CompletionCommercial Grade Dedication
RA-24-0004, End of Cycle 29 (M1R29) Inservice Inspection Summary Report21 February 2024End of Cycle 29 (M1R29) Inservice Inspection Summary ReportBoric Acid
Moisture barrier
ML24024A2185 February 2024Exemption from Select Requirements of 10 CFR Part 73 (Security Notifications, Reports, and Recordkeeping and Suspicious Activity Reporting)Time of Discovery
Condition Adverse to Quality
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Exemption Request
ML24033A2372 February 2024Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action Two Proposed Alternatives (RA-23-0242) for the Inspection of Reactor Vessel Closure Head Penetrations (Epids L-2024-LLR-0002 and L-2024-LLR-0003)
IR 05000369/202300431 January 2024Integrated Inspection Report 05000369/2023004 and 05000370/2023004Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Stroke time
Internal Flooding
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Functionality Assessment
Condition Adverse to Quality
Large early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
Operability Determination
Maintenance Rule Program
Liquid penetrant
Fire Protection Program
ML24029A11429 January 2024Notification of Inspection and Request for InformationNon-Destructive Examination
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
ML24019A13925 January 2024TSTF 505 and 50.69 Audit Summary
ML24019A20024 January 2024Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for NRC Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection
ML24029A11316 January 2024Notification of Inspection and Request for Information (Email)
RA-23-0242, Proposed Alternative for the Inspection of Reactor Vessel Closure Head Penetrations in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2)10 January 2024Proposed Alternative for the Inspection of Reactor Vessel Closure Head Penetrations in Accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(2)
RA-23-0325, Submittal of Procedures CSD-EP-HNP-0101-01, 02, CSD-EP-ONS-0101-01, CSD-EP-RNP-0101-01, and EP-RNP-EPLAN-ANNEX8 January 2024Submittal of Procedures CSD-EP-HNP-0101-01, 02, CSD-EP-ONS-0101-01, CSD-EP-RNP-0101-01, and EP-RNP-EPLAN-ANNEXPacking leak
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Operating Basis Earthquake
Exemption Request
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Grace period
Unidentified leakage
Operational leakage
Potassium iodide
ANS Design Report
RA-23-0295, Delay of Planned End Date for Fourth 10-Year Inservice Testing (1ST) Program Interval4 January 2024Delay of Planned End Date for Fourth 10-Year Inservice Testing (1ST) Program Interval