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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20059J28310 September 1990Forwards Updated Operator Licensing Exam Schedule for FY91, FY92,FY93 & FY94,per Generic Ltrs 90-07 & 89-12
ML20059J6687 September 1990Forwards Operator Licensing Natl Exam Schedule Through FY94, Per Generic Ltr 90-07
ML20059H1797 September 1990Forwards Addl Info Re Control Element Assembly Failure at Facility
ML20059G0417 September 1990Lists Util Organizational Changes.Ac Kadak Named President & CEO & Jk Thayer Named vice-president,effective 901001
ML20059G0356 September 1990Advises That Util Intends to Modify Tech Specs Re Emergency Diesel Generator Surveillance Testing.Util Will Continue to Follow Testing Prescribed by Plant Tech Specs Until Such Time as Approval Received
ML20059D98328 August 1990Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for 900103-0630,per 10CFR26.71.NRC Review of Data Will Provide Realization That Positive Testing Rate Extremely Low & Limited to pre-access Testing PopulationFitness for Duty
BVY-90-087, Forwards Addl Info on Use of RELAP5YA Program for LOCA Analyses.Proprietary Encl Withheld28 August 1990Forwards Addl Info on Use of RELAP5YA Program for LOCA Analyses.Proprietary Encl Withheld
ML20059E10828 August 1990Forwards Revised Diesel Generator Test Plan,Which Includes Addl Commitments Made During 900822 Discussions
BVY-90-086, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/90-06.Corrective Actions:Incident Rept Initiated & All Required Locking Devices in Place by 90070624 August 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-271/90-06.Corrective Actions:Incident Rept Initiated & All Required Locking Devices in Place by 900706
ML20059B81224 August 1990Provides fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Period Ending 900630
ML20059F28623 August 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-309/90-10 Re RCS Inventory.Corrective Actions:Root Cause Evaluation Initiated & RCS Stabilized by Increasing Water Inventory & Venting
ML20059F66822 August 1990Comments on Review of Amend 115 to License DPR-28,including Safety Evaluation.Requests Explanation of Statement in NRC Re How NRC Considers Comments & What Resolution Could Be for Each Util Comment in
ML20059E93422 August 1990Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-309/90-11. Corrective Actions:Work Planning Meeting Held Weekly & Radiological Controls Supervision Utilizing Plan of Wk to Assign Radiological Controls Technicians to Specific Jobs
ML20056B35620 August 1990Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Jan- June 1990
ML20059B39417 August 1990Advises That Util Performed Automated Ultrasonic Insp of Pressurizer Vessel Cladding Interface at Plant During 1990 Refueling Outage.Results of Insp Continue to Indicate No Evidence of Any Cladding Indication
BVY-90-085, Informs That Sys Testing & Operator Training Successfully Completed & SPDS Declared Operable on 900813.Util Intends to Operate SPDS in Parallel W/Original Honeywell Gepac Plant Computer Until mid-Nov 199015 August 1990Informs That Sys Testing & Operator Training Successfully Completed & SPDS Declared Operable on 900813.Util Intends to Operate SPDS in Parallel W/Original Honeywell Gepac Plant Computer Until mid-Nov 1990
ML20059A81110 August 1990Responds to Emergency Preparedness Exercise & Routine Insp Repts 50-309/88-09 & 90-14,respectively.Corrective Actions: Remedial Training Will Be Given to Available Emergency Coordinators in Use of Procedures for Developing PARs
ML20058P3749 August 1990Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for Jul 1990 for Maine Yankee Atomic Power Station & Revised Rept for June 1990
ML20058N0819 August 1990Request Relief from ASME Section XI Requirements for Low Pressure Surge Tank Cooling Pumps,Per Generic Ltr 89-04 as Result of Review of Facility Inservice Testing Program
ML20058L2243 August 1990Forwards Peer Review of 900705 Reactor Pressure Vessel Evaluation,Prepared by Le Steele.Review Indicates Agreement W/Methodology in Chapter 5 of Evaluation
ML20058L2212 August 1990Forwards Results of PTS Sensitivity Study for Mean Values of Ref Temps for Four Matls in Beltline Region
ML20055J20127 July 1990Provides Steam Generator Insp Results & Advises of Nine Defective Tubes Discovered During Jul 1990 Insp.Complete Results Will Follow within 12 Months,Per Tech Spec
ML20055H67025 July 1990Forwards Decommissioning Funding Assurance Rept & Certification, Per 10CFR50.75.Rept Includes Certification That Reasonable Assurance Will Be Provided That Funds Will Be Available for Decommissioning
BVY-90-082, Informs That Effective 900723 Facility Implemented Rev 4 of Procedure Generating Package & Corresponding Revs to Eops. Revs Developed Per Rev 4 of BWR Owners Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines24 July 1990Informs That Effective 900723 Facility Implemented Rev 4 of Procedure Generating Package & Corresponding Revs to Eops. Revs Developed Per Rev 4 of BWR Owners Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines
BVY-90-084, Notifies NRC of Intentions to Install Test Fuel Assemblies & Test Control Blades During Cycle 15 Refueling Outage in Sept 199024 July 1990Notifies NRC of Intentions to Install Test Fuel Assemblies & Test Control Blades During Cycle 15 Refueling Outage in Sept 1990Shutdown Margin
BVY-90-071, Forwards Rev 2 to Training & Qualification Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)20 July 1990Forwards Rev 2 to Training & Qualification Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
ML20055G69620 July 1990Forwards YAEC-1731, Yankee Nuclear Power Station Core 21 Performance Analysis. Results of Analysis Demonstrate That Plant Performance Well within Acceptable Limits
ML20055G66520 July 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. Model 1153 Series D Transmitters Not Currently in Use at Plant
ML20055G68819 July 1990Submits Results of Analysis of Component Cooling Heat Balance to Support Operation at 2,700 Mwt.Prior Administrative Controls Overly Conservative & No Longer Required
ML20055G70319 July 1990Forwards Rev 0 to Yankee Cycle 21 Core Operating Limits Rept. Cycle Scheduled for Startup on 900811
ML20055G67819 July 1990Forwards, Yankee Plant Small Break LOCA Analysis
BVY-90-078, Forwards List of Refs for Proposed Change 161 to Facility OL & Tech Specs17 July 1990Forwards List of Refs for Proposed Change 161 to Facility OL & Tech Specs
ML20055H82916 July 1990Forwards Response to Request for Addl Info Re YAEC-1710, Yankee Nuclear Power Station Pilot Evaluation Rept for Plant License Renewal, & YAEC-1727P, Methodology for Identifying Potential Fluid Component Age-Related..License Renewal
ML20055H00216 July 1990Forwards Rev 24 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld
ML20055E1535 July 1990Forwards Reactor Pressure Vessel Evaluation Rept, in Response to NRC 900501,07 & 15 Requests for Addl Info. Specific Chapters Re Requests Listed
ML20055E0643 July 1990Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount. Outstanding Procurement Actions for Rosemount Pressure & Differential Pressure Transmitters Modified to Specify Mfg After 890711
ML20055E0502 July 1990Responds to Info Notice 88-085 & NRC Bulletin 89-002 Re Two Anchor/Darling Swing Check Valves.Neither Valve Found to Have Any Svc Induced Cracking of Bolting.Existing Bolting Replaced W/Type 17-4PH Matl (Specification A564-630-1100)
ML20055D0372 July 1990Responds to 900319 Commitment to Provide Scope & Schedule for Confirmatory Analysis for Steam Generator Overfill Protection by 900702.Scope of Analysis Will Include Identification of Potential Overfill Scenarios
ML20058K36028 June 1990Forwards Addl Info to Support Proposed Change 234,modifying Tech Specs to Incorporate Wording Consistent w/NUREG-0452, STS for Westinghouse PWRs Re Min Discharge Pressure
BVY-90-072, Forwards Supplemental Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Third & Fourth Quarters 1989,Including Annual Radiological Impact on Man for 198927 June 1990Forwards Supplemental Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept for Third & Fourth Quarters 1989,Including Annual Radiological Impact on Man for 1989
ML20058K30227 June 1990Provides Addl Info for Proposed Change 227 to License DPR-3. One Addl LPSI Pump Must Be Capable of Being Placed in Operable Status When Utilizing Spec 3.10.6
ML20055D46125 June 1990Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-309/89-82.Corrective Actions:Testing Program Developed & Implemented for Testing of Molded Case Circuit Breakers & Procedure Modified to Address Revised Dedication Process
ML20043G43515 June 1990Requests Temporary Waiver of Compliance from Tech Spec Requirements for Limiting Conditions for Operation for Certain post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation Listed in Tech Spec Table 3.2.6.Parameters Listed
ML20043E4018 June 1990Responds to Second Request for Addl Info on Use of RELAP5YA. Explanation Re Why More Accurate View Factor Calculation Not Included in Huxy Code Addressed
ML20043C5991 June 1990Forwards Accepted Version of YAEC-1683-A, MICBURN-3/ CASMO-3/TABLES-3/SIMULATE-3 Benchmarking of Vermont Yankee Cycles 9 Through 13.
ML20043C6131 June 1990Forwards YAEC-1659-A, Simulate-3 Validation & Verification.
ML20043C48230 May 1990Informs of Three Organizational Changes That Will Become Effective on 900601.WP Murphy,Jp Pelletier & DA Reid Will Be Senior Vice President of Operations,Newly Created Vice President of Engineering & Plant Manager,Respectively
ML20043B75623 May 1990Informs That Util Intends to Utilize Relationship Between Frosstey & FROSSTEY-2 to Support Cycle 15 Calculations.Nrc Approval of FROSSTEY-2 Needed by Aug 1990 for LOCA Analysis Program