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 Issue dateTitleTopic
RS-24-055, 2023 Corporate Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report17 May 20242023 Corporate Regulatory Commitment Change Summary ReportMururoa
RS-24-002, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC - Annual Property Insurance Status Report1 April 2024Constellation Energy Generation, LLC - Annual Property Insurance Status Report
RS-24-023, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding.22 March 2024Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding.License Renewal
RS-23-049, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations23 March 2023Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsDecommissioning Funding Plan
Authorized possession limits
License Renewal
RS-23-003, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Summary of Changes to Quality Assurance Topical Report, NO-AA-10, and Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program, NO-DC-1031 January 2023Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Summary of Changes to Quality Assurance Topical Report, NO-AA-10, and Decommissioning Quality Assurance Program, NO-DC-10Safe Shutdown
Fitness for Duty
Shutdown Margin
Non-Destructive Examination
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Commercial Grade Dedication
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Nondestructive Examination
Temporary Modification
Cyber Security
Condition Adverse to Quality
Aging Management
Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report
Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Process Control Program
Stress corrosion cracking
Operability Determination
License Renewal
Commercial Grade
Maintenance Rule Program
Fire Protection Program
RS-22-062, Supplemental Information to Exemption to the Requirements of Certificate of Compliance No. 1031 for the NAC Magnastor Storage System26 April 2022Supplemental Information to Exemption to the Requirements of Certificate of Compliance No. 1031 for the NAC Magnastor Storage SystemExemption Request
RS-22-051, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC - Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists12 April 2022Constellation Energy Generation, LLC - Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists
RS-22-044, Unit 1 - Request for an Exemption to the Requirements of Certificate of Compliance No. 1031 for the NAC Magnastor Storage System31 March 2022Unit 1 - Request for an Exemption to the Requirements of Certificate of Compliance No. 1031 for the NAC Magnastor Storage SystemTornado Missile
Tornado-Generated Missile
Design basis earthquake
Exemption Request
Commercial Grade
RS-22-042, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Shutdown Reactors23 March 2022Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Shutdown Reactors
RS-22-023, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Executed Trust Fund Agreement Amendment and Subordinate Trust Agreement23 February 2022Constellation Energy Generation, LLC, Executed Trust Fund Agreement Amendment and Subordinate Trust AgreementExemption Request
RS-22-019, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC - Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists16 February 2022Constellation Energy Generation, LLC - Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists
RS-22-015, Notification of Completion of License Transfer and Request to Continue Processing Pending NRC Actions Previously Requested by Exelon Generation Company, LLC1 February 2022Notification of Completion of License Transfer and Request to Continue Processing Pending NRC Actions Previously Requested by Exelon Generation Company, LLCExemption Request
RS-21-121, Proposed Changes to Decommissioning Trust Agreements and Master Terms15 December 2021Proposed Changes to Decommissioning Trust Agreements and Master TermsExemption Request
RS-21-039, Supplemental Information Regarding Application for Order Approving Transfers and Proposed Conforming License Amendments25 March 2021Supplemental Information Regarding Application for Order Approving Transfers and Proposed Conforming License AmendmentsSafe Shutdown
Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio
Fire Barrier
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Operating Basis Earthquake
Cyber Security
Aging Management
Local Leak Rate Testing
Feedwater Heater
Eddy Current Testing
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Preemption Authority
License Renewal
Subsequent License Renewal
Fuel cladding
Liquid penetrant
Fire Protection Program
Coast down
Unidentified leakage
Power Uprate
RS-21-032, Amended Decommissioning Trust Agreements25 February 2021Amended Decommissioning Trust AgreementsExemption Request
RS-21-030, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations24 February 2021Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsDecommissioning Funding Plan
Authorized possession limits
License Renewal
RS-21-002, Company - Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists4 January 2021Company - Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists
RS-20-140, Proposed Changes to Decommissioning Trust Agreements30 October 2020Proposed Changes to Decommissioning Trust AgreementsExemption Request
RS-20-037, Annual Property Insurance Status Report1 April 2020Annual Property Insurance Status Report
RS-20-039, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Shutdown Reactors31 March 2020Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Shutdown Reactors
RS-19-102, Amended Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Agreements8 October 2019Amended Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Agreements
RS-19-073, Proposed Change to Decommissioning Trust Agreements15 August 2019Proposed Change to Decommissioning Trust Agreements
RS-19-039, Fleet License Amendment Request - Common Language for Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative Controls26 June 2019Fleet License Amendment Request - Common Language for Technical Specification High Radiation Area Administrative ControlsHigh Radiation Area
Locked High Radiation Area
Process Control Program
Deep Dose Equivalent
RS-19-053, Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2019-02, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations16 May 2019Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2019-02, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations
RS-19-045, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations1 April 2019Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsDecommissioning Funding Plan
Authorized possession limits
License Renewal
RS-19-034, Fitness for Duty Performance Data Report-Annual 2018 (Cover Letter)25 February 2019Fitness for Duty Performance Data Report-Annual 2018 (Cover Letter)Fitness for Duty
RS-19-011, Notice of Disbursement from Decommissioning Trusts for Exelon Generation Company, LLC Units15 January 2019Notice of Disbursement from Decommissioning Trusts for Exelon Generation Company, LLC Units
RS-18-136, Advisement of Leadership Changes for Exelon Generation Company, LLC28 November 2018Advisement of Leadership Changes for Exelon Generation Company, LLC
RS-18-081, Advisement of Leadership Changes Update18 June 2018Advisement of Leadership Changes Update
RS-18-057, Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2018-02, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations25 April 2018Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2018-02, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations
RS-18-038, Annual Property Insurance Status Report30 March 2018Annual Property Insurance Status Report
RS-17-161, Fleet License Amendment Request to Relocate Technical Specification Unit/Facility/Plant Staff Qualification ANSI N18.1-1971 and ANSl/ANS-3.1-1978 Requirements to the Exelon Quality Assurance Topical Report (QATR)1 March 2018Fleet License Amendment Request to Relocate Technical Specification Unit/Facility/Plant Staff Qualification ANSI N18.1-1971 and ANSl/ANS-3.1-1978 Requirements to the Exelon Quality Assurance Topical Report (QATR)Coatings
Stress corrosion cracking
Commercial Grade
Fire Protection Program
RS-18-025, Submittal of Fitness for Duty Performance Data Reports for the Year 201728 February 2018Submittal of Fitness for Duty Performance Data Reports for the Year 2017Fitness for Duty
RS-17-167, Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report20 December 2017Regulatory Commitment Change Summary Report
RS-17-172, Commitments for Resolution of Anchor Darling Double Disc Gate Valve Part 21 Issues19 December 2017Commitments for Resolution of Anchor Darling Double Disc Gate Valve Part 21 IssuesAnchor Darling
RS-17-128, Transmittal of Radiological Emergency Plan Annex and Addendum Revisions21 September 2017Transmittal of Radiological Emergency Plan Annex and Addendum Revisions
RS-17-128, Byron, Units 1 and 2, Peach Bottom, Units 1, 2, and 3, Three Mile Island, Units 1 and 2 - Transmittal of Radiological Emergency Plan Annex and Addendum Revisions21 September 2017Byron, Units 1 and 2, Peach Bottom, Units 1, 2, and 3, Three Mile Island, Units 1 and 2 - Transmittal of Radiological Emergency Plan Annex and Addendum Revisions
RS-17-118, Advisement of Leadership Changes21 September 2017Advisement of Leadership Changes
RS-17-077, Advisement of Leadership Changes7 June 2017Advisement of Leadership Changes
RS-17-070, Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2017-03, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations3 May 2017Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2017-03, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExaminationsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
RS-17-057, Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists20 April 2017Update to Correspondence Addressees and Service Lists
RS-17-045, Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations30 March 2017Report on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationsDecommissioning Funding Plan
License Renewal
RS-16-046, Annual Property Insurance Status Report29 March 2017Annual Property Insurance Status Report
RS-17-049, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529 Clarify Use and Application Rules, Revision 4, Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process28 March 2017Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529 Clarify Use and Application Rules, Revision 4, Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement ProcessSafe Shutdown
Time of Discovery
Missed surveillance
RS-17-044, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Proposed Alternative for the Use of Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination Techniques in Lieu of Radiography13 March 2017Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Proposed Alternative for the Use of Encoded Phased Array Ultrasonic Examination Techniques in Lieu of RadiographyHydrostatic
Nondestructive Examination
Incorporated by reference
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Dissimilar Metal Weld
RS-17-009, Board Resolutions Associated with Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence1 March 2017Board Resolutions Associated with Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence
RS-17-023, Submittal of Annual 2016 Fitness for Duty Performance Data Reports27 February 2017Submittal of Annual 2016 Fitness for Duty Performance Data ReportsFitness for Duty
RS-16-258, Notice of Merger of Subsidiary Non-Qualified Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Entities Into Their Parent Company22 December 2016Notice of Merger of Subsidiary Non-Qualified Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Entities Into Their Parent Company
RS-16-216, Supplemental Information - Final Integrated Plan in Response to the Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond Design-Basis External Events1 December 2016Supplemental Information - Final Integrated Plan in Response to the Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond Design-Basis External EventsShutdown Margin
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Fukushima Dai-Ichi
RS-16-207, Co., LLC, Response to Generic Letter 2016-01, Monitoring of Neutron-Absorbing Materials in Spent Fuel Pools.3 November 2016Co., LLC, Response to Generic Letter 2016-01, Monitoring of Neutron-Absorbing Materials in Spent Fuel Pools.Boric Acid
Commercial Grade Dedication
Aging Management