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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20245D98522 June 1989Forwards 21 Insp Rept Executive Summaries,Per NRC Contract NRC-03-87-029,Task Order 037.Individual Quality Evaluations of Insp Repts Also PreparedHigh Radiation Area
Fire Barrier
Nondestructive Examination
Continuous fire watch
Fire Protection Program
ML20235M27823 June 1987Forwards TMI Action - NUREG-0737 (II.D.1) Relief & Safety Valve Testing,Crystal River Unit 3, Informal Technical Evaluation Rept.Acceptable Submittals & Responses to Requests for Addl Info Not Provided by Util
ML20238C61023 June 1987Forwards Corrected Title Page to R Meeks 870616 Deposition Transcript
ML20235Z12718 June 1987FOIA Request for Documents Distributed or Displayed at Semiannual Program Partners Review 870504-08 Meetings on Severe Accident Research Program,DOE-supported TMI-2 Core Exam & Accident Mgt by Depressurization During PWR Accident
ML20235M60217 June 1987Forwards Final EGG-NTA-7662, Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.2 - Vendor Interface Programs for All Other Safety-Related Components:Three Mile Island-1, Informal Rept.Plant Conforms to Subj Generic Ltr
ML20235N51017 June 1987Rev 1 to Final Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,TMI-1, Informal Rept.Rept Revised to Include Addl Info Submitted by Licensee on 870507.One Addl Variable Re Heat Removal by Containment Fan Heat Removal Sys Deviates from Reg Guide
ML20234C5821 June 1987Forwards Discussion of Analyses of Errors & Uncertainties in Calculation of Pressurizer Level & Pressure Response to Load Rejections,Per 870320 Telcon
ML20214R45517 April 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7315, Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28, Item 2.2.1 -- Equipment Classification for All Other Safety- Related Components:Crystal River 3, Final Informal Rept. Plant Conforms to Generic Ltr Item
ML20215J09523 February 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7443, Technical Evaluation Rept of Crystal River Nuclear Generating Station Unit 3 Response to NRR Generic Ltr 83-37, Interim Rept
ML20215J12619 February 1987Forwards EGG-NTA-7079, Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,TMI Nuclear Station Unit 1, Informal Rept
ML20215J25317 February 1987Forwards Suppl 1 to EGG-NTA-7296, Supplemental Technical Evaluation Rept,Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program, TMI-1. Proposed Program in Accordance W/Established NRC Requirements W/Noted ExceptionsBoric Acid
Stroke time
ML20215N09831 October 1986Forwards Corrected Transcript,Replacing Maupin W/Mcbride as Speaker
ML20195F1645 June 1986Expresses Appreciation for Opportunity to Meet W/Nrc & Discuss Various Aspects of Nuclear Utils Training Programs. Author Looking Forward to Commencing Work on Facility Followup Audit in Near FutureChernobyl
ML20211D7722 June 1986Discusses Analogy Between TMI & Chernobyl Accidents & Suggests Trip to Chernobyl to Observe Unsafe Nuclear Power PlantChernobyl
ML20137D17718 October 1985FOIA Request for 810303, Evacuation Time Estimates & Amends,Updates,Apps or Addendums to Rept
ML20133H08710 October 1985Requests Ltr Stating That Listed Facilities Do Not Have Fuel Element Transfer Tubes.Documentation Needed for IE Bulletin 78-08 Closeout Rept
ML20135G6886 August 1985FOIA Request for Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator Exam Questions & Answer Key for Listed Facility Exam Repts Administered in 1984
ML20132G54826 July 1985Requests Addl Info on Progress of TMI-2 CleanupFuel cladding
ML20113C37017 January 1985Forwards Exhibit 3 for Insertion Into Transcript of 841206 Hearing Re Met Ed.Exhibit Provided After Transcript Completed
ML20107L1669 January 1985FOIA Request for SECY-84-378B, Addl Info Re 841106 Briefing on Director'S 2.206 Decision on TMI-1 Emergency Feedwater, as Referenced in Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 841130
ML20080U57126 January 1984FOIA Request for Chilk 821019 Memo to Dircks Re post- Accident Sampling Sys (NUREG-0737,Item II.B.3) to Be Placed in PDR
ML20076K2097 June 1983FOIA Request for SECY-83-98B & SECY-83-98D Re Salem 1 ATWS Events & Four Documents Concerning TMI-1 Restart
ML20058G36528 July 1982Forwards Update 1 to TMI-1 Updated Fsar,Consisting of Figures 12.1-1,12.1-2,7.1-5,7.1-6 & 7.1-7
ML20063F44921 July 1982Forwards Update-1 to TMI-1 Updated Fsar,Vols 1-9
ML20003E19110 March 1981Urges Restart of TMI-1
ML19350B0853 March 1981Supports Facility Restart
ML20003C25524 February 1981Forwards Interim Rept, Technical Evaluation of Electrical, Instrumentation & Control Design Aspects of Override Containment Purge Valve Isolation & Other Engineered Safety Feature Signals.
ML19350B44323 February 1981Urges Restart of Facility
ML19329G12724 June 1980Urges Expeditious Restart of Facility Due to Continuous Increase of Power Cost Resulting from Indecisions & Delays
ML19322D94218 February 1980Summarizes Comments Made at 800215 Meeting in Baltimore,Md Re TMI EIS Outline.Outline Does Not Provide Sufficient Examination of Several Important Factors,Including Limits of Responsibility & Authority in Regular & Emergency Efforts
ML20136C89231 August 1979Discusses Causal Relationship Between TMI Accident & Physiological Discomfort & Ill Health Experienced by Surrounding Population
ML19253B31728 August 1979Forwards Transcripts of Public Hearings on Personal Health Effects of TMI Accident
ML19308D97324 February 1978Requests Withholding of Certain Engineering Drawings & Specs (Ref 10CFR2.790)
ML19326B25831 July 1973Forwards Dames & Moore Jul 1973 Hurricane Storm Surge Model Computer Listing,Computer Programs EP34 & EP45 & Compilation of Computer Runs for Rept Verification Study
ML19308D69213 December 1971Forwards Summary of Input Assumptions Used in NPSH Calculations,Positive Suction Head Calculation,Evaluation of AEC 701102 Safety Guide 1 & Possible Resolutions If AEC Enforces Safety Guide 1
ML19210A8994 August 1971Notifies of 710727 Forwarding of Hall & Newmark Final Rept on FSAR W/O Encl
ML19210A90427 July 1971Forwards Hall & Newmark Final Rept on PSAR & AmendsSafe Shutdown
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML19210A90630 June 1971Forwards Hall & Newmark Commentary on Fsar.Final Rept Draft Being Sent SeparatelySafe Shutdown
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML19210A90730 June 1971Forwards Hall & Newmark Final Rept Draft on Psar.Design AcceptableSafe Shutdown
Operating Basis Earthquake
Design basis earthquake
ML19210B5897 May 1971Forwards Hall & Newmark Revised,Draft Commentary on FSAR for TMI-1. Final Rept Draft Encl
ML19317G4566 April 1971Forwards Request for Addl Info Re Seismic Design to Complete Review of FSAREarthquake
ML19210B5793 March 1971Forwards Hall & Newmark 710303 Draft Commentary on FSAR for TMI-1.
ML19210A92114 October 1970Repts on 701007 Trip to Facility.Requests Addl Info Re Properties of Packing Matl Between Edges of Control Room Floor & Walls & Expected Behavior Seismic Response in Terms of Shielding Floor from high-intensity Seismic Motion
ML19210A9278 July 1970Presents Questions & Comments Re Hall & Newmark FSAR ReviewDesign basis earthquake
ML19317G47126 April 1968Confirms Signature of Apr 1968 Rept Per Contract AT(49-5)-2667
ML19317G47722 March 1968Confirms Signature of Rept Per AT(49-5)-2667
ML19329D53228 February 1968Forwards Rept to Aec,Adequacy of Structural Criteria for Crystal River 3 & 4. Notifies That Addl Thought to Be Given Re Attachment of Liner to Angles & Buckling Strength. Suggests Request for Addl Info
ML19210A9509 January 1968Forwards Final Rept, Adequacy of Structural Criteria for TMI-1 by Nm Newmark & Wj Hall
ML19329D51520 December 1967Discusses Crystal River PSAR & Requests That List of Questions Be Transmitted to Applicant
ML19268B96321 November 1967Discusses Potential for Flooding in TMI-1 Vicinity